Asiamerica digest march 2017 progress edition order

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AsiAm e rAimerica c a D i gDest A si igest

Desi Resource Guide of New York, NewYork, Jersey Houston, TX TX Desi Resource Guide of New New&Jersey & Houston, 2017 EDITION FALL WINTER 2016 PROGRESS EDITIONEDITION NUMBER ONE ONE FALL 2016PROGRESS PROGRESS NUMBER IT’SIT’S A SOUVENIR, IT’S A MAGAZINE, IT’S A DIRECTORY, IT’S FREE A MAGAZINE, IT’S A DIRECTORY, IT’S FREE Compiled & Published By: R.K. Nagar Photojournalist; Compiled & Published By: R.K. Nagar Photojournalist; of University of Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A. Graduate of UniversityGraduate of Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A. P.O. Box 20312, New York City, NY 10021 • Tel: (917) 515 - 3990 • Email: P.O. Box 20312, New York City, NY 10021 • Tel: (917) 515 - 3990 • Email:

Your Advertisement could be HERE! Contact RKNagar

Your Advertisement Forgive your enemies, The goal is not to be successful. Never forget 3 types of people in goal is to be invaluable. difficult times: in The goal is not to beThe successful. Never forget 3your types of people Forgive your enemies, could be HERE! but never Once you’re valuable,your instead of Theforget goal istheir to be invaluable. difficult times: 1. Who helped you in difficult times chasing success, but never forget their names. Once you’re valuable, instead of it will attract Whoinleft you in difficult Contact RKNagar 1. Who difficult times times itself to you. success, it will attract ~ Albert Einstein 3. Who put you in difficult times ~ Johnchasing F. Kennedy names. 2. Who left you in difficult times

~ John F. Kennedy

itself to you.

~ Albert Einstein

3. Who put you in difficult times

TEN GOLDEN STRESS RELIEVERS CHILDREN LEARN... WHAT THEY LIVE TEN GOLDEN STRESS RELIEVERS 1. Eat your elephant one bite at a time. Break your problem CHILDREN LEARN...If aWHAT LIVE Child livesTHEY with criticism,

Celebrating Life! He learns to Condemn.

into pieces to make them easier to tackle.

1. Eat your elephant bite in atyour a time. Break your 2. Beone realistic expectations. don'tproblem except to be able to If a Child lives with criticism,If a Child lives with hostility... into pieces to make them easier to tackle. do everything in one day. He learns to Condemn. He learns fight. surrounded by my family. I am grateful to all who I celebrated my 71st birthday on January 31, to2017, 3. Attack problems, notdon't people.except Don't blame try to 2. Be realistic in your expectations. to beorable tochange If a Child lives with ridicule... If asupported Child livesme with hostility... with love, kindness, and generosity over the years, especially during some truly difficult times others. Try to change yourself and your situation. He learns to be everything in one day. He learns to fight. 4. Avoid the perfection trap. the 3. Attack problems, not who people. blame orenemy try toofchange in this country. My family and friends are jewels, rare and precious jewels addDon't luster toIt's my otherwise If a Child lives with shame, If a Child lives with ridicule... accomplishment and impossible to achieve. others. Try side, to change yourself and your He learns to feelstood guilty. humble life. My wonderful always by my and exemplary sonsituation. Himanshu, He learnswife to beIndu shy. who has 5. Stopour Rushing, start planning. Modern life ishave fought with If a Child lives with tolerance, 4. Avoid the perfection trap. It's the enemy of If brought a Child lives with shame, choices so learn to patronize. me untold joy. I am so lucky for He thelearns added blessings of Priya, my daughter in law, and Prana and to be patient. accomplishment and impossible to worth achieve. 6. Don't waste $10.00 of energy on a $2.00 problem. He learns toChild feellives guilty. If a with encouragement, mywith twotolerance, granddaughters who embellish my days. I have so much more tobattle lookModern forward I and thank 5. Stop Rushing, start planning. lifetoisand fought with Choose your wisely to conserve time energy. IfAbhinaya, a Child lives He learns confiedence. choices so learn to patronize. 7. Take regular relaxation breaks over the course of the day. god forHeHis grace. Please do praise, bless me as I celebrated yet another milestone in my life. learns be patient. If atoChild lives with 6. Don't waste $10.00 worth of energy on a $2.00 problem. Go go for a walk around the office or perform two minutes If a Child lives with encouragement, He learns to appreciate. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. - deep Ramakant breathing. Choose your battle wisely to conserve time and energy. If aconfiedence. Child lives with fairness, He learns 8. Learn tobreaks limit "YES" answers. You don't haveday. to be over the course of the He learns justice. 7. Take regular relaxation If a Child lives with praise, everything to everyone. Go go for a walk around the office or perform 2017He learnsIf atoChild 2018 2019 two minutes lives with security, appreciate. 9. Build pleasure into everyday. We all need personal time deep breathing. He learns to have faith. If a Child lives with fairness, to do things we enjoy. Get up half an hour early- before the If a Child lives with approval, 8. Learn to limit "YES" answers. You don't have to be He learns justice. kids - exercise, read, or take a bath. Start the day off with a He learns to like himself. everything to everyone. positive frame of mind. If a Child lives with security, If a Child lives wiht acceptance and friendship, 9. Build pleasure into everyday. We all need personal time as you 10. Give yourself as much praise and encouragement He learns to have faith. He learns to find live in the World. to do things we enjoy. up friend. half anStop hour earlybefore the would Get a valued being so hard on yourself. If a Child lives with approval, Courtesy - Dorothy Law Nolte kids exercise, read, or take a bath. Start the day off with a He learns to like himself. - Courtesy Psychologist Ethel Roskies positive frame of mind. If a Child lives wiht acceptance and friendship, 10. Give yourself as much praise and encouragement as you He learns to find live in the World. would a valued friend. Stop being so hard on yourself. “The Courtesy - Dorothy Lawgoal Nolteis not be successful. The goal is to be valuable. Once you're Valuable, - Courtesy Psychologist Ethel Roskies

instead of Chasing Success, It will attract itself to you.” ~ Albert Einstein

“The goal is not be successful. The goal is to be valuable. Once you're Valuable, instead of Chasing Success, It will attract itself to you.” ~ Albert Einstein

Sai Mandir USA 1889 Grand Avenue Baldwin, NY 11510 Tel: 516-867-8008,

Baba Arathi Schedule Monday – Sunday Kakad Aarti 9 AM Mandhyan Aarti: 12.00 PM Dhoop Aarti: 6.00 PM Shej Aarti: 8.00 PM Mandir Timings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 9- 1 PM & 5-9PM Thursday, Sunday – 9AM – 9PM Saturday 7.30 AM to 9 PM WEEKLYABHISHEKAM SCHEDULE Every Monday - Siva Rudrabhishekam 7PM Every Thursday: Baba Rudrabhishekam 10AM Every Saturday: Venkateshwara Suprabhatam

followed by vishu Sahasranamam 7.30AM Monthly Abhishekam 1st Thursday – Dattreya Abhishekam 10AM 2nd Saturday – Lord Venkateshwara 10 AM 3rd Friday – Lakshmi Abhishekam 7 PM 4th Saturday – Navagraha Abhishekam 10AM Every Sankatahara Cheturthi (as per calendar) Ganesh Abhishekam 7 PM Every Poorvabhadra Nakshatram: (as per calendar) Lord Hanuman Abhishekam 7 PM Every Poornima : (as per calendar) Satyanaryana Pooja 7PM Every Sudha Shasti: (as per calendar) Subramanya Swami Abhishekam 7PM

Bal Vikas program

Sai Mandir has a successful Bal Vikas program with an enrollment of 50 Plus students. This program has been running for the last 13 years. Children are taught and trained in principles that foster their ethical, social and cultural development based on our Hindu Tradition. While nurturing children’s capacity to think skillfully and critically, we also strive to deepen children’s commitment to human values such as kindness, helpfulness, personal responsibility and respect for other’s qualities we believe are essential to leading humane and productive lives. We do this through Talks, Teaching our scriptures like Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Meditation etc. We accomplish this also through the medium of stories, drama, arts and crafts and discussion. We encourage children to speak in public and thereby develop their self-confidence. Classes are held every Sunday from 10.30 to 12.00. Along with Bal Vikas classes, we also run Telugu, Hindi and SAT classes. For more information, please call Geetaji at 516-565-9846. Or contact her via email at

From the Editor’s Desk:

aller birds the eagle. commune rrows and

From the Editor’s Desk: n an eagle out to get 1. Eagles fly alone at a high altitude and do not mix with sparrows or other smaller birds e grabs it. like geese. Birds of a feather flock together. No other bird goes to the height of the eagle. eed. Eagles fly alone. Never in a flock. Even when Moses (Old Testament) went to commune als but not Editor &hePublisher, with God on the mountain, left the crowdAsiAmerica at the foothills.Digest Stay away from sparrows and ys. ravens. Eagles fly alone. et excited. R.K. NAGAR 2. Eagles have strong vision, which focuses up to 5 kilometers from the air. When an eagle EaglesThe flyDesi alone at aeven highaaltitude andthis do not mix with spar- his higher pursued by the male, until she perceives it high Digest s the wing 1.Editor, sites preyrodent from distance, he narrows focus onaltitude it and sets out to get rows or other smaller birds like geese. Birds of a feather flock enough, and then drops soar the clouds and glide. This it. Nogives matterthe the obstacle, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs the it. twig for the male to chase. This together. No other bird goes to the height of the eagle. Eagles goes on for hours, with the height increasing until the female the leaves and branches ofHave the trees. Weand remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed. a vision fly alone. Never in a flock. Even when Moses (Old Testament) eagle is assured that the male 3. Eagles not eat dead things. He feeds on fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals but not eagle has mastered the art of ghts. Achievers relish challenges anddouse went to commune with God of onoutdated the mountain, he left the Do your picking which shows commitment, then and only eagles. Steer clear and old information. research the well,twig always. 4. The Eagle is the only bird that loves the storm. When clouds gather, the eagles get him excited. crowd at the foothills. Stay away from sparrows and ravens. then, will she allow to mate with Whether in private R.K.her! NAGAR male eagle meets a male and they want Editor, The Desi Digest The eagle uses the wings of the storm to rise and is pushed up higher. Once it finds the wing Eagles fly alone. life or in business, one should test commitment of people he male purusing her and she picks a of the storm, the eagle stops flapping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to soar the clouds and glide. This gives the 2. Eagles have strong vision, which focuses up to 5 kilometers intended for partnership. the male pursuing her. Once she has eagle an opportunity to rest its even wings.a In the meantime all the6.other birds hide in for the training. leaves andWhen branches of the trees. We the from the air. When an eagle sites preyrodent from Eagles prepare about to lay eggs, her, she lets the twig fall to the ground can the storms of our lives (obstacles, trouble, etc) to risefemale to greater heights. Achievers relishachallenges useon a thisthe distance, heuse narrows and male eagle identify place veryand high chases after twig. The faster it his focus on it and sets out to get them profitably. Nohas matter the obstacle, the eagle will not move cliff where no predators can reach; the male flies reaches itit.and to catch beforetests 5. Theit Eagle before it trusts. When a female eagle meets a male and they want his focus from the prey until he grabs it. Have a to earth and picks thorns and lays them on the back to the female eagle. to mate, she flies down to earth with the male purusing her and she picks a vision and remain focused no matter what the crevice of the cliff, then flies toshe earth and flies to a much higher altitude twig. She flies back into the air with the male pursuing her. Once has again to obstacle and you will succeed. collect twigs which he lays in the intended perceives it high reached enough, a and height high enough for her, she lets the twig fall to the ground 3. Eagles do not eat dead things. He feeds nest. He flies back to earth picks to chase. This goes and on for hours, watches it as it falls. The male chases after the twig. The faster itthorns on fresh prey. Vultures eat dead animals and lays itthem on top of the twigs. He reaches and has to catch it before female eagle is assuredfalls, that the the faster male he chases until he but not eagles. Steer clear of outdated and flies back to earth and picks soft grass to falls to the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle. the twig which shows itcommitment, The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude old information. Do your research well, cover the thorns, and then flies back to him to mate with her! Whether in pursued by the male, until she perceives it high enough, and always. pick rugs to put on the grass. est commitment of people intended for drops twig the male to chase. goes on for hours, 4. The Eaglethen is the onlythe bird thatforloves When this This first layering is complete, the with the heightgather, increasing until the female eagle is assured that the male the storm. When clouds the eagles male eagle runs back to earth and picks s, the female and male eagle identify a eagleeagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which getthorns excited. more thorns, laysshows themcommitment, on the nest; runs earth and picks andThe lays themuses on the wings of the then and only then, will she allow him to mate with her! Whether in storm to rise and is pushed up higher. Once it back to get grass and rugs and lays them on the intended nest. He fliesprivate back tolife earth or in business, one should test commitment of people intended for finds the wing of the storm, the eagle stops flaptop of the thorns, then plucks his feathers to soft grass to cover the thorns, and then partnership. ping and uses the pressure of the raging storm to complete the nest. The thorns on the outside of the 6. Eagles prepare for training. When about to lay eggs, the female and male eagle identify a soar the clouds and glide. This gives the eagle an opportunest protect it from possible intruders. Both male more thorns, lays them onplace the nest; veryruns high on a cliff where no predators can reach; the male flies to earth and picks thorns and lays them on and nity to rest its wings. In the meantime all the other birds hide female eagles participate in raising the eagle family. She lays eathers to complete the nest. thorns the The crevice of the cliff, then flies to earth again to collect twigs which he lays in the intended nest. He flies back to earth in the leaves and branches of the trees. We can use the storms the eggs and protects them; he builds the nest and hunts. The picksthe thorns and lays them on top of the twigs. He flies back to earth and picks soft grass to cover the thorns, and then le eagles participate in raising eagle of our lives (obstacles, trouble, etc) to rise to greater heights. people who love us do not let us languish in sloth but push us flies to pick rugs to put on the grass. eople who love us do not let usback languish Achievers relish challenges and use them profitably. hard to grow and prosper. Even in their seemingly bad actions When this first layering is complete, the male eagle runs back to earth and picks more thorns, lays them on the nest; runs ns they have good intentions for us. tobefore get grass and rugs and lays them eagle on topmeets of the thorns, then plucks hisintentions feathers to for complete 5. TheWhen Eagleback tests it trusts. When a female they have good us. the nest. The thorns s fast as he should. he feels weak on the outside of the nest protect it from possible intruders. Both male and female eagles participate in raising the eagle a male and they want to mate, she flies down to earth with the 7. When the Eagle grows old, his feathers become weak and ks out every feather on his body until he family. She lays the eggs and protects them; he into builds the nest and hunts. The people who love us do not let us languish male purusing her and she picks a twig. She flies back the cannot take him as fast as he should. When he feels weak and , then he can come out. We occasionally slothpursuing but push her. us hard to grow and reached prosper. Even in their seemingly bad he actions theytohave goodfar intentions air with the in male Once she has a height about to die, retires a place away infor While 7. When the Eagle grows old, his feathers become weak and cannot take him as fast as he should. When he feels weak high enough forunknown her, she lets the twig fall to the ground and there, he plucks out every feather on his body until he is com-- Author and about to die, he retires to a place far away in the rocks. While there, he plucks out every feather on his body until he watches it as it falls. The male chases after the twig. The faster pletely bare. He stays in this hiding place until he has grown is completely bare. He stays in this hiding place until he has grown new feathers, then he can come out. We occasionally Page 1 until he reaches it and has to catch it falls, the faster he chases new feathers, then he can come out. We occasionally need to need to shed off old habits & items that burden us add no value to our lives. it before it falls to the ground, then bring it back to the female shed off old habits & items that burden us add no value to our -- Author unknown eagle. The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much lives.


The Desi Digest: June 2012

Page 1

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition



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In preparation of this valuable directory, every effort has been made to offer, current, correct, and clearly expressed information. Nonetheless, inadvertant errors can occur and information can change. The information in the text is intended to afford general guidelines on matters of interest. Accordingly, the information in this directory is not intended to serve as legal, accounting, tax, or medical advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with profesional advisors concerning specific matters before making any decision and the staff, management, editors, and publisher disclaim any repsonsibility for positions taken by readers in individual cases or for any misunderstaning on the part of the readers.


Every effort has been made to produce an errorless directory. However, mistakes undoubtedly have been included. If your listing is incorrect, or has been omited, please mail your business card to AsiAmerica Publications Inc., P.O. Box 20312, New York City, NY 10021-0065. Email:


You are not just a business or professional listing out there, you are our FRIEND and a valuable asset to or community. If you have any hints or ideas on how to improve our next directory, please mail your valuable suggestions to: AsiAmerica Publications Inc. AsiAmerica Publications Inc., P.O. Box 20312, New York City, NY 10021-0065.


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AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Table of Contents Page 1

From the Editor’s Desk

Page 2

Copy Right Information

Page 3

Table of Contents

Page 4-7

Airlines - IATA & Airport Codes - Hotels - Auto Rental website and Toll Free Numbers

Page 8

U. S. Passport Offices

Page 9

U.S.Bank and Federal Holidays

Page 10-14

U. S. Citizenship Questions and Answers

Page 15

US Area Codes In An Alphabetical Order

Page 16-17

US Telephone Area Codes

Page 18

State Abbreviations And State Postal

Page 19-23

Desi Festivals and Holidays

Page 24-25

Desi Visitor Resource Guide of New York & New Jersey

Page 26-29

New York - New Jersey Desi Businesses and Professionals

Page 30

New York - New Jersey Area Cultural, Religious, Social Associations and Organizations

Page 31

New York - New Jersey Gurudwaras

Page 32-33

New York - New Jersey Temples and More

Page 34

Indian Passport & Visa Services New York

Page 36-41

Current and Past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area

Page 42-45

Greater Houston Region Desi Resource Guide

Page 46-55

Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals

Page 56-58

Greater Houston Region - Places of Worship

Page 59

Churches Serving The Indo-American Community in The Greater Houston Area

Page 60-61

Foreign Trade and Consulates General offices in Houston

Page 63

Indian Passport & Visa Services - Houston

Page 64-66

Indo American Newspapers, Magazine And Radio Programs in Houston area

Page 67

Consulate General of India, Houston, TX, USA

Page 68-69

Ongoing ‘DESI’ events in the Greater Houston Area......

Pages 70-75

Texas and Beyond

Page 76

Sites We like

Pages 77-81

Knowledge is Power

Pages 82-83

News You Can Use AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


AIR LINES - IATA & AIRPORT CODES - HOTELS AUTO RENTAL WEBSITES AND TOLL FREE NUMBERS Click on www/ to find airlines’ arrival timings at the Houston Intercontinental Airport. AIRLINES, IATA CODES, TOLL FREE NUMBERS AND WEBSITES Air Lingus – EL 800-474-7424 Airomexico Airlines – AM 800-237-6639 Air Canada – AC 888-247-2262 800-776-3000 Air China – CA 800-986-1985 Air France – AF 800-237-2747 Air India – AI 800-223-7776; 800-255-3191 Air Jamaica – JM 800-523-5585 Air New Zealand – NZ 800-262-1234 Alaska Airlines – AS 800-246-0333 Alitalia Airlines – AZ 800-223-5370 Am Star Air America West Airlines – HP 800-2359292 American Airlines – AA 800-433-7300 American Trans Air – 800-225-2995 Asiana Airlines – OZ 800-227-4262 Austiran Airlines – OS 800-843-0002 British Airways – BA 800-247-9297 www. British Midland – BD 800-788-0555 Cathay Pacific Airways – CX 800-233-2742 800-848-5008 Cayman Airways Limits – CX 800-441-3003 China Airlines – CA 800-227-5118 Continental Airlines – CO 800-523-0280 Delta Airlines Inc – DL 800-221-1212 Emirates Airlines – EK 800-777-3999


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Ethiopian Airlines – ET 800-445-2733 EVA Airways – BR 800-695-1188 Finair – 800-950-5000 Frontier Airlines – F9 800-432-1359 Gulf Air – GF 888-359-4853 Hawaiian Airlines – HA 800-367-5320 Japan Airlines – JL 800-525-3663 Jet Airways – QJ JetBlue Airways – B6 800-538-2583 www. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines–KL 800-374-7747 Korean Airlines – KE 800-438-5000 Kuwait Airlines – KU 800-458-9248 Lufthansa German Airlines – LH 800-645-3880 Malaysian Airlines – MH 800-648-3273 Mexicana – MX 800-531-7921 Northwest Airlines – NW 800-225-2525 Pakistan International Airline – PK 800-221-2552 Qantas – QF 800-227-4500 Royal Jordanian Airlines – RJ 800-223-0470 Scandinavian Airlines SAS– SK 800-221-2350 Singapore Airlines – SQ 800-742-3333 Southwest Airlines – WN 800-435-9792 Spirit Airline – NK 800-772-7117 Sri Lankan Airlines – UL 877-915-2652; 732-205-0017; Swissair – LX 877-359-7947 Thai Air – TG 800-426-5204 United – UA 800-241-6522

US Airways – US 800-428-4322 HOTELS Baymont Inn & Suites Best Western International 800-780-7234 Budget Host Inns 800-428-3438 Budget Inns 800-428-3438 Choice Hotels International 800-4-CHOICE; Clarion 800-252-7466 Comfort Inn 800-228-5150/800-221-2222 Country Inns 800-456-4000 Courtyard 800-321-2211 Crown Plaza 800-2-CROWNE Crown Sterling Suites 800-433-4600 Days Inns of America 800-329-7466 Del Lago Resort & Conference Center, Houston, TX 281-350-5023 Doubletree Hotels 800-222-TREE (8733) Drury Inns 800-325-8300 Econo Lodge 800-55-ECONO Embassy Suites 800-EMBASSY ; 800-3622779 Four Seasons 800-332-3442/800-268-6282 Guest Quarters 800-424-2900 Hampton Inns, Inc 800-HAMPTON Hawthorne Suites 800-527-1133 Hemsley Hotels New York, NY 800-221-4982 Hilton Hotels 800-HILTONS; 800-445-8667 Hilton Hotels & Resorts 800-HILTONS/800-445-8667 Holiday Inn/Holiday Inn Express / Holiday Inn Select 800-HOLIDAY 800-465-4329 Homewood Suites 800 CALL HOME / 800-225-5466 Hospitality International: Downtowner Inns / Howard Johnson 800-446-4656 Hotel Galvez 281-480-2640; 2024 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77550; 409-765-7721 / 800-392-4285 Hotel Sofitel 425 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Houston, TX 77060; 281-445-9000/ 800-231-4612 Houstonian Hotel, Club & Spa, The 111 N Post Oak Ln, Houston, TX 77024

AIR LINES - IATA & AIRPORT CODES - HOTELS AUTO RENTAL WEBSITES AND TOLL FREE NUMBERS 713-680-2626/ 800-231-2759 Howard Johnson Lodges 800-GO-HOJO/ 800-446-4656/ 800-654-2000 Hyatt Hotels & Resorts 800-233-1234 Inter-Continental Hotels & Forum Hotels 800-327-0200 Langham Hotels International La Quinta Inn 800-531-5900 Lexington Suites 800-537-8483 Mariott Hotels / Resorts & Suites 800-228-9290 Meridian Hotels, Inc New York, NY 800-543-4300 Motel 6 800-4-MOTEL-6 / 800-466-8356 Omni Hotels 800-843-6664 Quality Inn 800-228-1515 Radisson Hotels Worldwide 800-3333333 Ramda Plaza Hotels 800-272-6232 Red Carpet Inn 800-251-1962 Red Lion Hotels & Inns 800-547-8010 Red Roof Inns 800-THE-ROOF / 800-843-7663 Renaissance Hotels & Resorts 800-HOTELS-1 / 800-468-3571 Residence Inn by Marriott 800-331-3131 Relais & Chateaus 212-856-0115 Rennaissance Residence Inn 800-331-3131 Ritz-Carlton 800-241-3333 Rodeway Inns International 800-228-2000 Scottish Inns 800-251-1962 Sheraton Hotels & Resorts 800-325-3535 Shiloh Inns 800-222-2244 Shoney’s Inn / Sholadge 800-222-2222 Signature Inns 800-822-5252 Sleep Inn 800-62-SLEEP/ 800-627-5337 Small Luxury Hotels 800-525-4800 Sonesta International Hotels Corp 800-SONESTA Stouffers-Rennaissance 800-468-3571 Stouffer Hotels & Resorts 800-HOTELS / 800-468-3571 Super 8 Motels 800-800-8000 Travellodge 800-255-3050 / 800-578-7878 Westin Hotels & Resorts 800-228-3000 Westin Galleria 713-960-8100 5060 W Alabama, Houston, TX 77056 Westin Oaks Hotels 5011 Westheimer, Houston, TX 77056 713-960-8100 Westin Hotels & Resorts 800-228-3000

Wingate Inn 800-228-1000 Wyndham Hotels & Resorts 877-996-3246 Wyndham Greenspoint Hotel 12400 Greenspoint Dr, Houston, TX 77005 281-875-2222 / 800-996-3426 CAR RENTAL Advantage 800-777-5500 Alamo Rent-A-Car 800-327-9633 Auto Europe 800-223-5555 Avis Rent-A-Car 713-443-5832 / 800-331-1212 Budget Rent-A-Car 800-527-0700 Dollar Rent-A-Car; 800-800-4000 Enterprise Rent-A-Car 800-261-7331 Europcar 800-227-3876 General Rent-A-Car 800-327-7607 Hertz Rent-A-Car 800-654-3131 National 800-227-7368/ 800-328-4556 Payless 800-237-2804 / 800-729-5377 Thrifty Car Rental 800-367-2277 Worldwide Rent-A-Car 800-345-9071 AIRPORT CODES FOR AFRICAN CITIES ABJ Abi Djan - Ivory Coast ACC Accra - Ghana ADD Addos Ababa - Ethopia ALG Algeier - Algeria ASM Asmara - Eritrea BJL Banjul - Gambia OXB Bissau - Cuinea Bissru CPT Cape Town - S Africa CAS Casablanca - Morocco DAR Dare Es Salam Tanzinia DKR Darkar - Sengal DLA Doura - Cameroon DUR Durban - S Africa FNA Freetown - Sierra Leone GBE Gaborne - Botswana HRE Harare - Zimbabwe JNB Johannesburg - S Africa KAN Kano - Nigeria KRT Khartoum - Sudan

FIH Kinshaha - Congo LOS Lagos - Nigeria LBV Libreville - Gabon LAD Luanda - Angola LUN Lusaka Zambia MSU Maseru - Lesotho ROB Manrovia - Liberia NBO Nairobi - Kenya NIM Niamey - Nigeria PHC Port Harcourt - Nigeria TUN Tunis - Tunisia YAO Yaounde Cameroon AIRPORT CODES FOR INDIAN CITIES IXA Agartala AMD Ahmedabad IXD Allahabad ATQ Amritsar IXU Aurangabad IXB Bagdogra BLR Banglore BHU Bhavnagar BHO Bhopal BBI Bhubaneshwar BHJ Bhuj IXC Chandigarh CCJ Calicut MAA Chennai CJB Coimbatore CMB Colombo DEL Delhi DIB Dibrugarh DIU Diu GOI Goa GOP Gorakhpur GAU Guwahati HYD Hyderabad IMF Imphal IDR Indore JAI Jaipur IXJ Jammu JDH Jodhpur JRH Jorhat HJR Khatmandu HJR Khajuraho COL Kochi CCU Kolkata IXL Leh LKO Lucknow IXM Madurai IXE Mangalore BOM Mumbhai NAG Nagpur PAT Patna PBD Porbandar PNQ Pune RAJ Rajkot RPR Raipur AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


AIR LINES - IATA & AIRPORT CODES - HOTELS AUTO RENTAL WEBSITES AND TOLL FREE NUMBERS IXR Ranchi SXR Srinagar TRV Trivandrum UDR Udaipur BDQ Vadodara VNJ Varanasi VIZ Vishakhapatnam AIRPORT CODES FOR PAKISTANI CITIES HDD Hyderabad ISB Islamabad KHI Karachi UET Koeta LHE Lahore MUX Multan PEW Peshawar AIRPORT CODES FOR US CITIES ABQ Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque International Airport ANC Anchorage, AK Anchorage International Airport ATL Atlanta AUS Austin BDL Hartford BNA Nashville, TN Nashbille Metropolitan Airport BWI Baltimore, MD Baltimore Washington Int’l Airport BOS Boston CHS Charleston, SC Charleston Int’l Airport CVG Cincinnati, OH Greater Cincinnati Int’l Airport CLE Cleveland, OH Hopkins Int’l Airport DAL Dallas Love Field DCA D.C. Regan DEN Denver DFW Dallas/Ft Worth DTW Detroit - Wayne EWR Newark FLL Ft Lauderdale, Hollywood Int’l Aiport HOU Houston Hobby IAH Houston Int’l Airport JAX Jacksonville JFK New York City HNL Honolulu IAD D.C. Dulles LAX Los Angeles, CA LGB Long Beach, CA LIH Lihue, Kaui KOA Kona, Hawaii LAS Las Vegas LGA NYC La Gaurdia MCI Kansas City MCO Orlando, FL


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

MDW Chicago Midway MEM Memphis MIA Miami MKE Milwaukee MSP Minn/St. Paul MSY New Orleans OAK Oakland, CA OGG Kanulaui, Maui ORD Chicago O’Hare PDX Portland, Oregon PHL Philadelphia PHX Phoenix PIT Pittsburgh RDU Raleigh/NC RNO Reno, Nevada RSW Fort Myers, FL SAN San Diego SAT San Antonio SFO San Francisco SJC San Jose, CA SJU San Juan, PR SLC Salt Lake City SMF Sacramento STL St Louis, MO SAV Savannah SEA Seattle TPA Tampa PBI West Palm Beach AIR FREIGHT & PACKAGE EXPRESS SERVICE America West Airline Cargo 281-821-9434 / 800-228-7320 American Airline Freight 800-227-4622 / 800-334-7400 Amtrak Package Express 713-224-1577 / 800-368-8725 Bax Global - Burlington Air Express 281-987-2623 / 800-225-5229 Delta Air Express 880-352-2746 / 800-638-7333 DHL Worldwide Express 800-225-5345 Emery Worldwide 800-443-6379 Federal Express Customer Service 800463-3339 / 800-238-5355 Red Arrow Corp 800-325-1188 TWA Air Cargo 800-892-2746 United Airline Cargo 800-631-1500 UPS - United Parcel Service 800-742-5877 RAIL AND BUS Eurail Guide - Kathryn Saltzman Turpin & Marvin L. Saltzman Eurail Guide Annual 27540 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu CA 90265 Train Guide Europe - George Pandit Fitzenhenry & Whiteside Limited 195 Allstate Pkwy, Markham, Ontario, Canada L3R 4T8 Europe by Eurail - George Wright Fer-

guson Burt Franklin & Co. 235 E 44th St, New York, NY 10017 Britain by BritRail - George Wright Ferguson Burt Franklin & Co. 235 E 44th St, New York, NY 10017 Furdor’s Railways of the World - Fudor’s Travel Guides. David McKay & Co. Publishers 201 E 50th New York, NY 10022 Airport Express (Houston) 713-523-8888 Amtrak 800-872-7245 / 800-523-8720 BritRail 800-667-8585 Eurobus 800-517-7778 Greyhound Bus Lines Kerville Bus Company 713-752-2223 Rail Europe 800-438-7245 www.raileurope. com Rocky Mountaineer Rail Tours (Canada) 800-665-7245 South Orient Express (Copper Canyon) 713-872-0190 OR 800-659-7602 VIA Rail (Canada) 800-561-9181 FREQUENT FLYER PROGRAMS Here are contact numbers for various airline frequent flyer programs: Aeromexico Club Premier 800-247-3737 Air Canada Aeroplan 800-361-8253 Alaska Mileage Plan 800-654-5669 America West FlightFund 800-247-5691 American AAdvantage 800-882-8880 British Airways Executive Club 800-955-2748 Continental OnePass 713-952-1630 Delta SkyMiles 800-323-2323 Lufthansa Miles and More 800-581-6400 Midwest Express 800-452-2022 Northwest World Perks 800-447-3757 Southwest Airline Rapid Rewards 800-445-5764 TWA Frequent Flight Bonus 800-325-4815 United Mileage Plus 605-399-2400 US Airways Frequent Traveler 800-872-4738 AIR FREIGHT Airborne Express 800-247-2676 Burlington Express Emery Worldwide 800-443-6397 Fed Ex 800-463-3330/ 800-

AIR LINES - IATA & AIRPORT CODES - HOTELS AUTO RENTAL WEBSITES AND TOLL FREE NUMBERS GO-FEDEX Lone Star Delivery Lyden Air Freight 281-987-1104 Pony Express 713-691-3526 Roadway Global Air Southwest Airlines Talon Air Service Trans-Trade Trans World Airlines Inc Air Cargo 713-641-6185 / 800-892-2746 UPS/United Postal Service 800-742-5877 CREDIT CARDS - GENERAL American Express 800-221-7282 CitiCorp 800-645-6556 Interpayment 800-221-2426 Mastercard International 800-223-9920 Thomas Cook Mastercard 800-223-7373 Visa 800-227-6811 VISIT INTERNET BEFORE YOU TRAVEL U.S. State Dept Warnings & Advisories (provides dicident reports, travel warnings and visa requirements) US Customs National Fraud Information National Park Service Tourise information for over 4,000 information Internaional Health & Vaccination Requirements Worldewide weather information Language Translator Currency converter: Converts Currency Worldwide Brochures Worldwide Toursim Directory Office of Airline Information Microsoft Expedia Travelocity Embassies ciabookqry.html CIA World Factbook AT&T Worldnet Services American Society of Travel Agents Last minute discount on airline tickets Ticket Auctions and Last Minute Deals Federal Aviation Administration Fielding’s Danger Finder: Tips on avoiding or reducing risks in dangerous places around the world. Frequent flyer information Web Fyer: Frequent flyer program information Information for the adventure traveler Runzheimer International: Information for the business traveler Cruise Line International Association Inns and Outs for over 15,000 bed & breakfasts’ for information on themed resorts worldwide metro.jussieu. fr:10001/bin/cities/english Subway navigator featuring subway maps from around the world. - Internet Travel Network American Express interactive MAJOR U.S. AIRPORTS Albuquerque Int’l Airport Albuquerque, NM Hartsfield Atlanta Int’l - Atlanta, GA Robert Nueller Minicipal Airport Austin, TX Baltimore-Washington, Int’l Baltimore, MD Birmingham Int’l Airport Birmingham, AL Logan Int’l Airport - Boston, MS Greater Buffalo Int’l Airport - Buffalo, NY Douglas Municipal Airport Charlotte, NC O’hare International Airport - Chicgo, IL Greater Cincinnati Int’l Airport Cincinnati, OH

Cleveland Hopkins Int’l Airport Cleveland, OH Port Columbus Int’l Airport Columbus, OH Dallas Ft-Worth Airport - Dallas, TX Denver Int’l Aiport - Denver, CO Detroit Metropolitan Airport Detroit, MI El Paso Int’l Airport - El Paso, TX Honolulu Int’l Aiport - Honolulu, HI Bush International Airport - Houston, TX William P Hobby Aiport - Houston, TX Indianapolis Int’l Airport Indianapolis, Indianapolis Jacksonville Int’l Airport Jacksonville, FL Kansas City Int’l Airport Kansas City, MO McCarran Int’l Airport - Las Vegas, NV Long Beach Aiport (Daugherty Field) Long Beach, CA Los Angeles Int’l Airport Los Angeles, CA Sadifrod Airport - Louisville, KY Memphis Int’l Airport - Memphis, TN Miami Int’l Airport - Miami, FL General Mitchell Field - Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis St Paul Int’l Minneapolis, MN Metropolitan Nashville Airport Nashville, TN Newark Int’l Airport - Newark, NJ New Orleans Int’l Airport New Orleans, LA John F. Kennedy Int’l Airport New York, NY LaGaurdia Airport - New York, NY Norfolk Int’l Airport - Norfolk, VA Oakland Int’l Airport - Oakland, CA Will Rogers World Airport Oklahoma Ciy, OK Eppley Air Field - Omaha, NB Philadelphia Int’l Aiport Philadelphia, PA Sky Harbor Int’l - Phoenix, AZ Greater Pittsburgh Int’l Airport Pittsburgh, PA Portland Int’l Airport - Portland, OR St. Louis Int’l Airport - St. Louis, MO San Antonio Int’l Airport San Antonio, TX Dan Deigo Int’l Airport - San Diego, CA San Francisco Int’l Airport San Francisco, CA San Jose Municipal Airport - San Jose, CA Tacoma Int’l Airport - Seattle, WA Tampa Int’l Airport - Tampa, FL Toledo Express Airport - Toledo, OH Tucson Int’l Airport - Tucson, AZ Tulsa Int’l Airport - Tulsa, OK Dulles Int’l Airport - Washington, DC AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


U.S. PASSPORT OFFICES NOTE: The easiest way to get your passport is to apply at one of over 9,000 public places that accept passport applications. If you need your passport urgently, generally in less than 2 weeks, you may contact one of our Passport Agencies listed below. All agencies take applications only by appointment. Please call in advance. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR AN APPOINTMENT AT A PASSPORT AGENCY. CUSTOMERS SHOULD NOT PAY ANYONE OR ANY BUSINESS MAKING SUCH A CHARGE. To maximize customer comfort and comply with fire and safety regulations, Passport Agency public waiting areas are limited to applicants, required witnesses, and those accompanying minors, disabled applicants, or serving as interpreters. BOSTON Passport Agency Thomas P. O’Neill Federal Building 10 Causeway Street, Suite 247, Boston, MA 02222-1094. Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-4872778 NOTE: Boston Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. CHARLESTON Passport Center 1269 Holland Street, Charleston, SC 29405, Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays CHICAGO Passport Agency Kluczynski Federal Building 230 S. Dearborn Street, 18th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604-1564. Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: Chicago Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. COLORADO Passport Agency Cherry Creek III 3151 South Vaughn Way, Suite 600, Aurora, CO 80014. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: Colorado Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. CONNECTICUT Passport Agency 50 Washington Street, Norwalk, CT 06854. Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1 (877) 487-2778


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

NOTE: Connecticut Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. HONOLULU Passport Agency Prince Kuhio Federal Building 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 1-330, Honolulu, HI 96850. Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1 (877) 487-2778 NOTE: Honolulu Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. HOUSTON Passport Agency Mickey Leland Federal Building 1919 Smith Street, 4th Floor, Houston, TX 77002-8049. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: Houston Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. LOS ANGELES Passport Agency Federal Building 11000 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CA 90024-3615 Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: Los Angeles Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. MIAMI Passport Agency Claude Pepper Federal Office Building 51 SW First Avenue 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130-1680. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-4872778 NOTE: Miami Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. NATIONAL Passport Center 31 Rochester Avenue, Portsmouth, NH 03801-2900, Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays . NEW ORLEANS Passport Agency One Canal Place (corner of Canal and North Peters Streets), 365 Canal Street, Suite 1300, New Orleans, LA 70130-6508 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 12 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: New Orleans Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required.

NEW YORK Passport Agency 376 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: New York Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. PHILADELPHIA Passport Agency U.S. Custom House, 200 Chestnut Street Room 103, Philadelphia, PA 19106-2970 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: Philadelphia Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. SAN FRANCISCO Passport Agency 95 Hawthorne Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105-3901. Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: San Francisco Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. SEATTLE Passport Agency Henry Jackson Federal Building, 915 Second Avenue, Suite 992, Seattle, WA 98174-1091. Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1-877-487-2778 NOTE: Seattle Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required. SPECIAL ISSUANCE Agency 1111 19th Street, N.W. Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036. Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays . NOTE: Applications for Diplomatic, Official, and No-Fee passports. To serve you better, we have 2 Passport Processing Centers designed to help us meet our increasing demand for passports. Please note that these Centers are NOT open to the public. WASHINGTON Passport Agency 1111 19th Street, N.W. First Floor, Sidewalk Level, Washington, D.C. 20036 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., local time, M-F, excluding Federal holidays. Automated Appointment Number: 1 (877) 487-2778 NOTE: Washington Passport Agency serves customers who are traveling within 2 weeks (14 days), or who need foreign visas for travel. An appointment is required.

U.S.Bank and Federal Holidays U. S. Bank Holidays

Below is the holiday schedule observed by the Federal Reserve System. Holiday 2015 2016 2017 2018 New Year’s Day

January 1

January 1

January 2**

January 1

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday

January 19

January 18

January 16

January 15

Washington’s Birthday

February 16 February 15 February 20 February 19

Memorial Day May 25 May 30 May 29 May 28 Independence Day July 4* July 4 July 4 July 4 Labor Day

September 7 September 5 September 4 September 3

Columbus Day

October 12

Veterans Day

November 11 November 11 November 11* November 12**

Thanksgiving Day

November 26 November 24 November 23 November 22

Christmas Day

December 25 December 26**December 25 December 25

October 10

October 9

October 8

*Falls on a Saturday, not observed **Falls on a Sunday, observed on Monday

USPS Holidays

List of United States Post Office (USPS) holidays for the year 2016. No Date Week Day Holiday 1 January – 1 Friday New Year’s Day 2

January – 18


Martin Luther King Jr. birthday

3 February – 15 Monday Washington’s birthday 4 May – 30 Monday Memorial Day 5 July – 4 Monday Independence Day 6 September – 5 Monday Labor Day 7 October – 10 Monday Columbus Day 8 November – 11 Friday Veterans’ Day 9 November – 24 Thursday Thanksgiving Day 10

December – 26


Christmas Day *

December 25, 2016 (the legal public holiday for Christmas Day), falls on a Sunday. For most Federal employees, Monday, December 26, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Civics (History and Government) Items For The Redesigned Naturalization Test Civics (History and Government) Items for the Redesigned Naturalization Test Beginning October 1, 2008, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will begin implementation of a redesigned naturalization test. All applicants who file for naturalization on or after October 1, 2008 will be required to take the redesigned test. For those applicants who file prior to October 1,2008 but are not interviewed until after October 1, 2008 (but before October October 1, 2009) there will be an option of taking the redesigned test or the current one. Civics (history and government) items from the redesigned naturalization test are found below. Some of the items have more than AMERICAN GOVERNMENT A: Principles of American Democracy 1. What is the supreme law of the land? • the Constitution 2. What does the Constitution do? • sets the government • defines the government • protects basic rights of Americans 3. The idea of self-government is in the first words of the Constitution. What are these words? • We the People 4. What is an amendment? • a change (to the Constitution) • an addition (to the Constitution) 5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution? • the Bill of Right 6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?* • speech • religion • press • petition rhe government 7. How many amendments does the Constitution have? • twenty seven (27) 8. What did the declaration of Independence do? • announced our independence (from Great Britain) • declared our independence (from Great Britain) • said that the United States is free (from Great Britain) 9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? • life • liberty • pursuit of happiness 10. What is freedom of religion? • you can practice any relisgion, or not practice a religion

one possible answer listed. we hope that applicants will learn all the content, applicants will only be required to give one answer from the list unless the question asks for more than one. An example of a question that requires more than one of the listed answers is item 36. It asks, “What are two Cabinet-level positions?” In this example, applicants would be required to tell the adjudicator any two of the listed possible responses. Applicants for naturalization taking the redesigned test should note that USCIS is aware that the 100 items sometimes have answers that are not listed here.

11. What is the economic system in the United States?* • capitalist economy • market economy 12. What is the “rule of law”? • Everyone must follow the law • Leaders must obey the law • Government must obey the law • No one is above he law. B. System of Government 13. Name one branch or part of the government. • Congress • legislative • President • executive • the courts • judicial 14. What stops one branch of governement from becoming to powerful? • checks and balances • separation of powers 15. Who is in charge of the executive branch? • the President 16. Who makes federal laws? • Congress • Senate and House (of Representatives) • (U.S. or national) legislative 17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?* • the Senate and House (of Representatives) 18. How many U.S. Senators are there? • one hundred (100) 19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years? • six (6) 20. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators?* • Answers will vary. [For District of Columbia residents of U.S. territories, the answer is that D.C. (or the territory where the

* If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk.


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Civics (History and Government) Items For The Redesigned Naturalization Test applicant lies) has no U.S. Senators.] 21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members? • four hundred thirty-five (435) 22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years? • two (2) 23. Name your U.S. Represntative. • Answers will vary. [Residents of territories with nonvoting Delegates or resident Commissioners may provide the name of that Delegate of Comissioner. Also acceptable is any statement that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Congress.] 24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent? • all people of the state 25. Why do some state have more Representatives that other states? • (because of) the state’s population • (because) they have more people • (because) some states have more people 26. We elect a President for how many years? • four (4) 27. In what month do we vote for President? • November 28. hat is the name of the President of the United States now?* • Barack Obama • Obama 29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now? • Joseph R. Biden, Jr. • Joe Biden • Biden 30. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President? • the Vice President 31. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? • the Speaker of the House 32. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military? • the President 33. Who signs the vills to become laws? • the President 34. Who vetoes bills? • the President 35. What does the President’s Cabinet do? • advises the President 36. What are two Cabinet-level positions? • Secretary of Agriculture • Secretary of Commerce • Secretary of Defense • Secretary of Education • Secretary of Energy

• Secretary of Health and Human Services • Secretary of Homeland Security • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development • Secretary of Interior • Secretary of State • Secretary of Transportation • Secretary of Treasury • Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs • Secretary of Labor • Attorney General 37. What does the judicial branch do? • reviews laws • explains laws • resolves disputes (disagreements) • decides if a law goes against the Constitution 38.What is the highest court in the United States? • the Supreme Court 39. How many justices are on the Supreme Court? • nine (9) 40. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States? • John Roberts (John G. Roberts., Jr.) 41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government? • to print money • to declare war • to create an army • to make treaties 42. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the state? • provide schooling and education • provide protection (police) • provide safety (fire department) • give a driver’s license • aprove zoning and land use 43. Who is the Governor of your state? • Answers will vary. [Residents of the District of Columbia and U.S. territories without a Goernor should say “we don’t have a Governor.”] 44. What is the capital of your state?* • Answers will vary. [District of Columbia residents should answer that D.C. is not a state and does not have a capital. Residents of U.S. territories should name the capital of the territory.] 45. What are the two major political poarties in the United State? • Democratic and Republican 46. What is the political party of the President now? • Democratic (Party)

* If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Civics (History and Government) Items For The Redesigned Naturalization Test 48. There are four amendments to the Consitution about who can vote. Describe one of them. • Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote). • You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote. • Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote) • A male citizen of any race (can vote). 49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?* • serve on a jury • vote 50. What are two rights only for United States citizens? • apply for a federal job • vote • run for office • carry a U.S. passport 51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States? • freedom of expression • freedom of speech • freedom of assembly • freedom to petition the government • freedom of worship • the right to bear arms 52. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance? • the United States • the flag 53. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen? • give up loyalty to other countries • defend the Constitution and laws of the United States • obey the laws of the United States • serve in the U.S. military (if needed) • serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed) • be loyal to the United States 54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for the President? • eighteen (18) 55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? • vote • join a political party • help with a campaign • join a civic group • join a community group • give an elected official your opinion on an issue • call Senators and Representatives • publicly support or oppose an issue or policy • run for office • write to a newspaper

57. When must all men register for the Selective Service? • at age eighteen (18) • between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26) AMERICAN HISTORY A: Colonial Period and Independence 58. What is one reason colonists came to America? • freedom • political liberty • religious freedom • economic opportunity • practice their religion • escape persecution 59. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? • Native Americans • American Indians 60. What group of people was taken to America an sold as slaves? • Africans • people from Africa 61. Why did the colonists fight the British? • because of high taxes (taxation without representation) • because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering) • because they didn’t have self-government 62. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? • (Thomas Jefferson) 63. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? • July 4, 1776 64. There were 13 original states. Name three. • New Hampshire • Massachusettes • Rhode Island • Connecticut • New York • New Jersey • Pennsylvania • Delaware • Maryland • Virginia • North Carolina • South Carolina • Georgia 65. What happened at the Constitutional Convention? • the Constitution was written. • the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. 66. When was the Constitution written? • 1787

* If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk.


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Civics (History and Government) Items For The Redesigned Naturalization Test 67. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers. • (James) Madison • (Alexander) Hamilton • (John) Jay • Publius 68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for? • U.S. diplomas • oldest member of the Constitutional Convention • first Postmaster General of the United States • writer of “Poor Rishard’s Almanac” • started the first three libraries 69. Who is the “Father of our County”? • (George) Washington 70. Who was the first President? • (George) Washington B: 1800s 71. What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803? • the Louisiana Territory • Louisiana 72. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s • War of 1812 • Mexican-American War • Civil War • Spanish-American War 73. Name the U.S. war between the North and the South. • the Civil War • the War between the States 74. Name one problem that led to the Civil War. • slavery • economic reasons • states’ rights 75. Name one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?* • freed the slaves (Emancipation Prolomation) • saved (or preserved) the Union • led the United States during the Civil War 76. What did the Emancipation Proclomation do? • freed the slaves • freed slaves in the Confederacy • freed slaves in the Confederate states • freed slaves in most Southern states 77. What did Susan B. Anthony do? • fought for women’s rights • fought for civil rights C: Recent American History and Other Important Historical Information 78. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1990’s* • World War I

• World War II • Korean War • Vietnam War • (Persian) Gulf War 79. Who was President during World War I? • (Woodrow) Wilson 80. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II? • (Franklin) Roosevelt 81. Who did the United States fight in World War II? • Japan, Germany and Italy 82. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in? • World War II 83. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States? • Communism 84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination? • civil rights (movement) 85. What did Martin Luther King, Jr do?* • fought for civil rights • worked for equality for all Americans 86. What major event happened on September 11, 2001 in the United States? • Terrorists attacked the United States 87. Name one American Indian trive in the United States. [Adjudicators will be supplied with a complete list.] • Cherokee • Navajo • Sioux • Chippewa • Choctow • Pueblo • Apache •Iroquois • Creek • Blackfeet • Seminole • Cheyenne • Awawak • Shawnee • Mohegan • Huron • Oneida • Lakota • Crow • Teton • Hopi • Inuit

* If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Civics (History and Government) Items For The Redesigned Naturalization Test INTEGRATED CIVICS A: Geography 88. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States. • Missouri (River) • Mississippi (River) 89. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States? • Pacific (Ocean) 90. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States? • Atlantic (Ocean) 91. Name one U.S. territory. • Puerto Rico • U.S. Virgin Islands • American Samoa • Northern Mariana Islands • Guam 92. Name one state that borders Canada. • Maine • New Hampshire • Vermont • New York • Pennsylvania • Ohio • Michigan • Minnesota • North Dakota • Montana • Idaho • Washington • Alaska 93. Name one state that borders Mexico. • California • Arizona • New Mexico • Texas 94. What is the capital of the United States?*

• Washington D.C. 95. Where is the Statue of Liberty?* • New York (Harbor) • Liberty Island [Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson (River).] B: Symbols 96. Why does the flag have 13 stripes? • because there were 13 original colonies • beacuse the stripes represent the original colonies 97. Why does the flag have over 50 stars?* • becuase there is one star for each state • beacuse each star represents a state • because there are 50 states 98. What is the name of the national anthem? • The Star-Spangled Banner C: Holidays 99. When do we celebrate Independence Day?* • July 4 100. Name two national U.S. holidays. • New Year’s Day • Martin Luther King, Jr Day • Presidents’ Day • Memorial Day • Independence Day • Labor Day • Columbus Day • Veteran’s Day • Thanksgiving • Christmas

* If you are 65 years old or older and have been a legal permanent resident of the United States for 20 or more years, you may study just the questions that have been marked with an asterisk.

The wrenched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb the steps of MY Samadhi. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body. My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of My devotees I shall be active and vigorous ever from my tomb. My mortal remains would speak from the tomb. I am ever living to help and guide all who come to Me and who seek refuge in Me. If you look to Me, I look to you. If you cast your burden on Me, I shall surely bear it. If you see my advise and help, it shall be given to you at once. There shall be no want in the house of My devotees.


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


States Area Codes

Alaska 907 Mississippi 228, 601, 662 Alabama 205, 251, 256, 334 Montana 406 Arkansas 479, 501, 870 North Carolina 252, 336, 704, 828, 910, 919 Arizona 480, 520, 602, 623, 928 North Dakota 701 California 209, 213, 310, 323, 408, 415, 510 Nebraska 308, 402 530,559, 562, 619, 626, 650, 661 New Hampshire 603 707, 714, 760, 805, 818, 831, 858 New Jersey 201, 609, 732, 856, 908, 973 909, 916, 925, 949, 951 New Mexico 505, 575 Colorado 303, 719, 970 Nevada 702, 775 Connecticut 203, 860 New York 212, 315, 516, 518, 585, 607, District of Columbia 202 631, 716, 718, 845, 914 Delaware 302 Ohio 216, 330, 419, 440, 513, Florida 239, 305, 321, 352, 386, 407, 561 614, 740, 937 727, 772, 813, 850, 863, Oklahoma 405, 580, 918 904, 941, 954 Oregon 503, 541 Georgia 229, 404, 478, 706, 770, 912 Pennsylvania 215, 412, 570, 610, 717, 724, 814 Hawaii 808 Rhode Island 401 Iowa 319, 515, 563, 641, 712 South Carolina 803, 843, 864 Idaho 208 South Dakota 605 Illinois 217, 309, 312, 618, 630, 708, Tennessee 423, 615, 731, 865, 901, 931 773, 815, 847 Texas 210, 214, 254, 281, 325, 361, Indiana 219, 260, 317, 574, 765, 812 409, 432, 512, 713, 806, Kansas 316, 620, 785, 913 817, 830, 903, 915, 936, Kentucky 270, 502, 606, 859 940, 956, 972, 979 Louisiana 225, 318, 337, 504, 985 Utah 435, 801 Massachusetts 413, 508, 617, 781, 978 Virginia 276, 434, 540, 703, 757, 804 Maryland 301, 410 Vermont 802 Maine 207 Washington 206, 253, 360, 425, 509 Michigan 231, 248, 269, 313, 517, 586, 616 Wisconsin 262, 414, 608, 715, 920 734, 810, 906, 989 West Virginia 304 Minnesota 218, 320, 507, 612, 651, 763, 952 Wyoming 307 Missouri 314, 417, 573, 636, 660, 816

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


U.S. AREACODES CODES U.S. TELEPHONE TELEPHONE AREA 201 New Jersey 202 District of Columbia 203 Connecticut 204 Manitoba 205 Alabama 206 Washington 207 Maine 208 Idaho 209 California 210 Texas 212 New York 213 California 214 Texas 215 Pennsylvania 216 Ohio 217 Illinois 218 Minnesota 219 Indiana 224 Illinois 225 Louisiana 226 Ontario 227 Maryland 228 Mississippi 229 Georgia 231 Michigan 234 Ohio 236 British Columbia 239 Florida 240 Maryland 242 Bahamas 246 Barbados 248 Michigan 249 Ontario 250 British Columbia 251 Alabama 252 North Carolina 253 Washington 254 Texas 256 Alabama 260 Indiana 262 Wisconsin 264 Anguilla 267 Pennsylvania 268 Antigua 269 Michigan 270 Kentucky 276 Virginia 281 Texas 283 Ohio 284 British Virgin Islands 289 Ontario


301 Maryland 302 Delaware 303 Colorado 304 West Virginia 305 Florida 306 Saskatchewan 307 Wyoming 308 Nebraska 309 Illinois 310 California 312 Illinois 313 Michigan 314 Missouri 315 New York 316 Kansas 317 Indiana 318 Louisiana 319 Iowa 320 Minnesota 321 Florida 323 California 325 Texas 330 Ohio 331 Illinois 334 Alabama 336 Norh Carolina 337 Louisiana 339 Massachusetts 340 U.S. Virgin Islands 343 Ontario 345 Cayman Islands 347 New York 351 Massachusetts 352 Florida 360 Washington 361 Texas 365 Ontario 369 California 380 Ohio 385 Utah 386 Florida 401 Rhode Island 402 Nebraska 403 Alberta 404 Georgia 405 Oklahoma 406 Montana 407 Florida 408 California 409 Texas 410 Maryland

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

412 Pennsylvania 413 Massachusetts 414 Wisconsin 415 California 416 Ontario 417 Missouri 418 Quebec 419 Ohio 423 Tennessee 424 California 425 Washington 430 Texas 431 Manitoba 432 Texas 434 Virginia 435 Utah 437 Toronto 438 Quebec 440 Ohio 441 Bermuda 442 California 443 Maryland 450 Quebec 458 Oregon 464 Illinois 469 Texas 470 Georgia 473 Grenada 475 Connecticut 478 Georgia 479 Arkansas 480 Arizona 484 Pennsylvania 501 Arkansas 502 Kentucky 503 Oregon 504 Louisiana 505 New Mexico 506 New Brunswick 507 Minnesota 508 Massachusetts 509 Washington 510 California 512 Texas 513 Ohio 514 Quebec 515 Iowa 516 New York 517 Michigan 518 New York 519 Ontario

ŠAsiAmerica Digest 2013

520 Arizona 530 California 534 Wisconsin 539 Oklahoma 540 Virginia 541 Oregon 551 New Jersey 557 Missouri 559 California 561 Florida 562 California 563 Iowa 564 Washington 567 Ohio 570 Pennsylvania 571 Virginia 573 Missouri 574 Indiana 579 Quebec 580 Oklahoma 585 New York 586 Michigan 600 Canada 601 Mississippi 602 Arizona 603 New Hampshire 604 British Columbia 605 South Dakota 606 Kentucky 607 New York 608 Wisconsin 609 New Jersey 610 Pennsylvania 612 Minnesota 613 Ontario 614 Ohio 615 Tennessee 616 Michigan 617 Massachusetts 618 Illinois 619 California 620 Kansas 623 Arizona 626 California 627 California 628 California 630 Illinois 631 New York 636 Missouri 639 Saskatchewan 641 Iowa

U.S. AREACODES CODES U.S. TELEPHONE TELEPHONE AREA 646 New York 647 Ontario 649 Turks & Caicos 650 California 651 Minnesota 657 California 659 Alabama 660 Missouri 661 California 662 Mississippi 664 Montserrat 667 Maryland 669 California 670 Northern Mariana Islands 671 Guam 678 Georgia 679 Michigan 681 West Virginia 682 Texas 684 American Samoa 689 Florida 700 Interexchange Carrier Services 701 North Dakota 702 Nevada 703 Virginia 704 North Carolina 705 Ontario 706 Georgia 707 California 708 Illinois 709 Newfoundland 710 U.S. Government 711 Hearing Impaired Services 712 Iowa 713 Texas 714 California 715 Wisconsin 716 New York 717 Pennsylvania 718 New York 719 Colorado 720 Colorado 721 St. Marten 724 Pennsylvania 727 Florida 731 Tennessee 732 New Jersey 734 Michigan

737 Texas 740 Ohio 747 California 754 Florida 757 Virginia 758 St. Lucia 760 California 763 Minnesota 764 California 765 Indiana 767 Dominica 769 Mississippi 770 Georgia 772 Florida 773 Illinois 774 Massachusetts 775 Nevada 778 British Columbia 779 Illinois 780 Alberta 781 Massachusetts 784 St. Vincent/Grenadines 785 Kansas 786 Florida 787 Puerto Rico 800 Toll Free Service 801 Utah 802 Vermont 803 South Carolina 804 Virginia 805 California 806 Texas 807 Ontario 808 Hawaii 809 Dominican Republic 810 Michigan 812 Indiana 813 Florida 814 Pennsylvania 815 Illinois 816 Missouri 817 Texas 818 California 819 Quebec 828 North Carolina 829 Dominican Republic 830 Texas 831 California 832 Texas 843 South Carolina 845 New York

847 Illinois 848 New Jersey 849 Dominican Republic 850 Florida 855 Toll Free Service 856 New Jersey 857 Massachusetts 858 California 859 Kentucky 860 Connecticut 862 New Jersey 863 Florida 864 South Carolina 865 Tennessee 866 Toll Free Service 867 Yukon & Southwest Territories 868 Trinidad & Tobago 869 St. Kitts & Nevis 870 Arkansas 872 Illinois 873 Quebec 876 Jamaica 877 Toll Free Service 879 Pennsylvania 880 Paid 800 Service 881 Paid 888 Service 882 Paid 877 Service 888 Toll Free Service 900 900 Service 901 Tennessee 902 Nova Scotia 903 Texas 904 Florida 905 Ontario 906 Michigan 907 Alaska 908 New Jersey 909 California 910 North Carolina 912 Georgia 913 Kansas 914 New York 915 Texas 916 California 917 New York 918 Oklahoma 919 North Carolina 920 Wisconsin 925 California 928 Arizona

ŠAsiAmerica Digest 2013

929 New York 931 Tennessee 935 California 936 Texas 937 Ohio 938 Alabama 939 Puerto Rico 940 Texas 941 Florida 947 Michigan 949 California 951 California 952 Minnesota 954 Florida 956 Texas 959 Connecticut 970 Colorado 971 Oregon 972 Texas 973 New Jersey 975 Missouri 978 Massachusetts 979 Texas 980 North Carolina 984 North Carolina 985 Louisiana 989 Michigan Toll Free Area Codes: The following codes have been set aside for use as toll free numbers: 800 Toll Free Service 855 Toll Free Service 866 Toll Free Service 877 Toll Free Service 888 Toll Free Service The following codes allow callers outside the toll-free dialing area to dial in for a fee: 880 Paid 800 Service 881 Paid 888 Service 882 Paid 877 Service If you need an area code for a city or area that is not listed here, please call Directory Assistance.

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition



Abbreviation Postal Code

Alabama Ala. AL Alaska Alaska AK American Samoa AS Arizona Ariz. AZ Arkansas Ark. AR California Calif. CA Colorado Colo. CO Connecticut Conn. CT Delaware Del. DE Dist. of Columbia D.C. DC Florida Fla. FL Georgia Ga. GA Guam Guam GU Hawaii Hawaii HI Idaho Idaho ID Illinois Ill. IL Indiana Ind. IN Iowa Iowa IA Kansas Kans. KS Kentucky Ky. KY Louisiana La. LA Maine Maine ME Maryland Md. MD Marshall Islands MH Massachusetts Mass. MA Michigan Mich. MI Micronesia FM Minnesota Minn. MN Mississippi Miss. MS Missouri Mo. MO


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Abbreviation Postal Code

Montana Mont. MT Nebraska Nebr. NE Nevada Nev. NV New Hampshire N.H. NH New Jersey N.J. NJ New Mexico N.M. NM New York N.Y. NY North Carolina N.C. NC North Dakota N.D. ND Northern Marianas MP Ohio Ohio OH Oklahoma Okla. OK Oregon Ore. OR Palau PW Pennsylvania Pa. PA Puerto Rico P.R. PR Rhode Island R.I. RI South Carolina S.C. SC South Dakota S.D. SD Tennessee Tenn. TN Texas Tex. TX Utah Utah UT Vermont Vt. VT Virginia Va. VA Virgin Islands V.I. VI Washington Wash. WA West Virginia W.Va. WV Wisconsin Wis. WI Wyoming Wyo. WY

Desi Visitor Resource Guide of

NEW YORK & NEW JERSEY AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Desi Festivals and Holidays January 20167

Cervical Cancer Screening Month & Cervical Health Awareness Month - See promotional items for Cervical Health Awareness Month For more information: National Birth Defects Prevention Month For more information: National Birth Defects Prevention Network National Blood Donor Month For more information: American Red Cross National Glaucoma Awareness Month For more information: Prevent Blindness National Radon Action Month For more information: EPA National Stalking Awareness Month For more information: National Winter Sports Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month For more information: The Johnny O Alzheimer’s, Dementia ad TBI Awareness Foundation Thyroid Awareness Month - See promotional items for Thyroid Awareness Month For more information: AACE Thyroid Awareness January 25 - 31: National Drug Facts Week For more information: NIDA for Teens January 25 - IV Nurse Day For more information: INS 01 Friday, New Year’s Day January 2017 05 Tuesday Saphala Ekadashi - Guru Gobind Singh’s Jayanti 08 Pausha Putrada Ekadashi 13Sunday Wednesday Lohri 09 Putrada Ekadashi 15Monday Friday Pongal,Gauna Makar Pausha Sankranti 18Thursday Monday, Martin Luther King Day 12 Paush Purnima 20Saturday Wednesday Pausha Putrada Ekadashi 14 Pongal, Makar Sankranti 23 Saturday Paush Purnima 15 Sunday Sakat Chauth 26Monday Tuesday, India’s Republic Day* 23 Shattila Ekadashi 27 Wednesday Sakat Chauth 27 Friday Mauni Amavas 31 Sunday - Swami Vivekanand Jayanti Sanskrit (Devanagari) उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निबोधत, क्षरु ासन्न धारा निशिता दुरत्यद्दरु ग ् म पथ: तत् कवयो वदन्ति | Transliteration Uttisthata Jagrata Prapya Barannibodhata Kshurasanna Dhara Nishita Dustayadurgama Pathah tat kabaya badanti Arise, awake, and stop not till the goal is reached.

February 20167

AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month For more information: Prevent Blindness American Heart Month - See promotional items for American Heart Month For more information: American Heart Association National Children’s Dental Health Month - See promotional items for Children’s Dental Health For more information: American Dental Association (ADA) February 5: National Wear Red Day For more information: American Heart Association February 7: Give Kids a Smile Day - See promotional items for Children’s Dental Health For more information: American Dental Association (ADA) February 14: National Donor Day


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

For more information: U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services February 14: Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day For more information: CHD February 23 - March 1: National Eating Disorders Awareness Week For more information: NEDA February February 2017 02 Tuesday, Groundhog Day 01 Vasant Panchami 04Wednesday Thursday Shattila Ekadashi 08Friday Monday, Chinese New Year of Monkey) - Mauni Ama03 Ratha( Year Saptami vasSaturday 04 Bhishma Ashtami 09Tuesday Tuesday, Mardi Gras Jaya Ekadashi 07 10 Wednesday, Lent BeginsMagha - Ash Wednesday 10 Friday Purnima, Chandra Grahan 12 Friday Vasant Panchami - Abraham Lincoln B’Day. 12 Sunday Kumbha Sankranti 13 Saturday Kumbha Sankranti 22 Vijaya Ekadashi 14Wednesday Sunday Vasant Panchami - Ratha Saptami - Valentine’s Day 24 Friday Maha Shivaratri 15 Monday President’s Day - Bhishma Ashtami 26 18Sunday Thursday Jaya EkadashiSurya Grahan 19 Friday, Shivaji Jayant 22 Monday Magha Purnima

March 20167

American Red Cross Month For more information: American Red Cross Brain Injury Awareness Month For more information: Brain Injury Association of America National Colorectal Awareness Month For more information: Colon Cancer Alliance Hemophilia Awareness Month For more information: Hemophilia Federation of America National MS Education and Awareness Month For more information: Multiple Sclerosis Foundation National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month For more information: Special Needs Alliance National Nutrition Month For more information: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Save Your Vision Month For more information: American Optometric Association March 1 - 6: National Aplastic Anemia and MDS Awareness Week For more information: Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation March 2 - 9: National Sleep Awareness Week For more information: National Sleep Foundation March 8 - 14: National Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week For more information: American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation March 15 - 21: National Poison Prevention Week - See promotional products for National Poison Prevention Week For more information: March 19: Kick Butts Day For more information: Kick Butts Day March 24: American Diabetes Alert Day - See promotional products for Diabetes Awareness For more information: American Diabetes Association March 24: World TB Day For more information: Stop TB Partnership March 05 Saturday Vijaya Ekadashi 07 Monday Maha Shivaratri* 08 Tuesday International Women’s Day AsiAmerica Digest Fall 2016 Edition


Desi Festivals and Holidays March 2017 Surya Grahan 09 Wednesday 08 SavingAmalaki Ekadashi 13 Wednesday Sunday, Daylight Time begins 12 ChhotiSankranti Holi, Holika Dahan, Phalguna Purnima 14 Sunday Monday Meena 17 Monday Thursday St. Patrick’s Day 13 Holi 19 Saturday Amalaki Ekadashi 14 Tuesday Meena Sankranti 20 Sunday - Spring begins -Basoda, Palm Sunday 20 Monday Sheetala Ashtami 23 Wednesday Chhoti Holi, Holika Dahan, Chandra Grahan, 24 Friday Papmochani Ekadashi Phalguna Purnima 28 Tuesday Chaitra Navratri, Gudi Padwa, Ugadi 24 Thursday Holi - Lent Ends* 30 Thursday 25 Friday, Good Friday* Gauri Puja, Gangaur 27 Sunday Easter Sunday

7 April 2016

National Autism Awareness Month - See promotional products for Autism Awareness For more information: Autism Society Stress Awareness Month For more information: Federal Occupational Health April 4 - 10: National Public Health Week For more information: National Public Health Week April 7: World Health Day For more information: World Health Organization WHO April 9: National Alcohol Screening Day For more information: Screening for Mental Health April 17: World Hemophilia Day For more information: World Federation of Hemophilia April 26 - May 3: National Infant Immunization Week For more information: Centers for Disease Control April April 2017Basoda, Sheetala Ashtami, April Fool’s Day 01 Friday 03 Sunday Papmochani Ekadashi 02 Yamuna Chhath 04 Sunday Monday Gauna Papmochani Ekadashi 08 Wednesday Friday Chaitra Gudi Padwa, 05 Navratri, Rama NavamiUgadi 09 Saturday Gauri Puja, Gangaur 07 12 Friday Tuesday Yamuna ChhathKamada Ekadashi 13 Wednesday Solar New Year, Mesha Sankranti, Baisakhi ( Sikh 11 Tuesday Hanuman ChaitraJefferson’s Purnima Birthday New Year) Tamil New Year’sJayanti, Day - Thomas 14 Thursday Ambedkar 14 Friday Solar Jayant New Year, Mesha Sankranti 15 Friday Rama Navami - Tax Day* 22 Ekadashi Varuthini Ekadashi 17 Saturday Sunday Kamada 18 Monday Guru Gobind Singh’s Birthday 28 - Mahavir Parashurama 19 Friday Tuesday Jayanti Jayanti, Akshaya Tritiya 20 Wednesday - Mahavir Jayanti Holiday at the Indian Embassy* 22 Friday Hanuman Jayanti - Earth Day - Passover Begins - Arbor Day 30 Saturday- Passover Ends

May 20167

ALS Awareness Month For more information: ALS Association American Stroke Month - See promotional products for American Stroke Month For more information: American Stroke Association Arthritis Awareness Month For more information: Arthritis Foundation Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month - See promotional products for Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month For more information: Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Better Hearing and Speech Month


AsiAmerica Digest Fall 2016 Edition

For more information: ASHA Clean Air Month For more information: American Lung Association Correct Posture Month For more information: American Chiropractic Association Cystic Fibrosis Month For more information: Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Huntington’s Disease Awareness Month For more information: Huntington’s Disease Society Of America Employee Health & Fitness Month For more information: National Association for Health and Fitness Healthy Vision Month For more information: National Eye Institute Hepatitis Awareness Month For more information: Centers for Disease Control CDC Lyme Disease Awareness Month For more information: National Celiac Disease Awareness Month For more information: American Celiac Disease Alliance National High Blood Pressure Education Month - See promotional products for National High Blood Pressure Education Month For more information: Centers for Disease Control National Lupus Awareness Month For more information: Lupus Foundation of America National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Awareness Month For more information: American Academy of Dermatology National Mental Health Month For more information: National Alliance on Mental Illness National Neurofibromatosis Month For more information: Children’s Tumor Foundation National Osteoporosis Awareness Prevention Month For more information: National Osteoporosis Foundation National Stroke Awareness Month - See promotional products for National Stroke Awareness Month For more information: National Stroke Association May 1 - 7: Brain Tumor Action Week For more information: National Brain Tumor Society May 2: Melanoma Monday For more information: American Academy of Dermatology May 3: World Asthma Day For more information: Global Initiative Asthma May 5: World Hand Hygiene Day For more information: World Health Organization May 6 - 12: National Nurses Week For more information: American Nurses Association DATE TBD: National Hurricane Preparedness Week - See promotional items for National Hurricane Preparedness Week For more information: National Hurricane Center May 25: National Senior Health & Fitness Day For more information: May 31: World No Tobacco Day For more information: World Health Organization May 01 Sunday - May Day - Maharashtra Day 03 Tuesday Varuthini Ekadashi - Teacher’s Day 05 Thursday - Cinco De Mayo 06 Friday - National Nurses Day 08 Sunday - Mother’s Day - Parashurama Jayanti AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Desi Festivals and Holidays May 2017 09 Tuesday Monday Akshaya TritiyaGanga Saptami 02 12 Thursday Ganga 04 Thursday SaptamiSita Navami 14 Saturday Vrishabha Sankranti 06 Saturday Mohini Ekadashi 15 Sunday Sita Navami 09 Tuesday Narasimha Jayanti 17 Tuesday Mohini Ekadashi 10 Wednesday Vaishakha 20 Friday Narasimha Jayanti Purnima, Buddha Purnima 11 Narada JayantiPurnima - Armed Forces 21 Thursday Saturday Vaishakha Purnima, Buddha 14 Sunday Vrishabha Sankranti Day* Sunday Narada 22 Monday Jayanti Apara Ekadashi 30 Thursday Monday Memorial Day*Shani Jayanti, Vat Savitri Vrat 25

June 20167

Men’s Health Month For more information: National Safety Month For more information: National Safety Council June 1 - 7: National CPR and AED (Automated External Defibrillator) Awareness Week For more information: American Red Cross June 6: National Cancer Survivors Day For more information: National Cancer Survivors Day June 14: World Blood Donor Day For more information: World Health Organization June 13 - 19: National Men’s Health Week For more information: June 2017 June 01 Wednesday Apara Ekadashi 03 Saturday Ganga Dussehra 04 Saturday Vat Savitri VratNirjala Ekadashi 05 Monday 05 Sunday Shani Jayanti - World Environment 08 Thursday Vat Purnima Vrat Day 07 Tuesday - Ramadan Begins 09 Friday Jyeshtha Purnima 14 Tuesday Ganga Dussehra, Mithuna Sankranti - Flag Day 15 Thursday Mithuna Sankranti 16 Thursday Nirjala Ekadashi 20 Tuesday Ekadashi 19 Sunday Vat Purnima VratYogini - Father’s Day 25 Jagannath Rathyatra 20 Sunday Monday Jyeshtha Purnima 21 Tuesday - Summer Begins 30 Thursday Yogini Ekadashi

July 20167

Eye Injury Prevention Month For more information: US Dept HHS International Group B Strep Awareness Month For more information: Group B Strep International Hemochromatosis Screening And Awareness Month For more information: American Hemochromatosis Society Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month For more information: Arthritis Foundation July 28: World Hepatitis Day For more information: World Hepatitis Day July July 2017 01 Friday Gauna Yogini Ekadashi 04 Devshayani 04 Tuesday Monday Somvati Amavas - Ekadashi U.S. Independence Day* 09 Sunday Ashadha Purnima, Guru Purnima 06 Wednesday Jagannath Rathyatra - Ramadan Ends 16 07 Sunday Thursday - Eid Karka ul-Fitr*Sankranti 19 Kamika Ekadashi 15 Wednesday Friday Devshayani Ekadashi 16 Thursday Saturday KarkaGauna Sankranti 20 Kamika Ekadashi 19 Tuesday Ashadha Purnima, 26 Wednesday Hariyali TeejGuru Purnima 24 Sunday Parent’s Day 27 Thursday Mancchavrat Lava ni Thithi , Nag Panchami 30 Saturday Kamika Ekadashi


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

August 20167

Cataract Awareness Month For more information: Prevent Blindness Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month For more information: Prevent Blindness National Immunization Awareness Month For more information: Centers for Disease Control Psoriasis Awareness Month For more information: National Psoriasis Foundation August 1 - 6: World Breastfeeding Week For more information: World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action August 7 - 13: National Health Center Week For more information: National Health Center Week August 2017 August 03 Thursday Shravana Putrada Ekadashi 05Friday Friday Hariyali Teej 04 Varalakshmi Vrat 06Monday Saturday Manchavrat choth (Manchavrat ka din) 07 Shravana Purnima, Rakhi, lane Raksha Bandhan, 07 Sunday Nag Panchami Gayatri Jayanti, Chandra Grahan 12 Friday Varalakshmi Vrat 10 Kajari Teej - Pakistan Independence 14Thursday Sunday Shravana Putrada Ekadashi 14 Monday Janmashtami *Smarta Day 15 Tuesday Janmashtami 15 Monday - India’s Independence Day* *ISKCON 17 Simha Sankranti 16Thursday Tuesday Simha Sankranti 17Friday Wednesday - Parsi New Aja YearEkadashi 18 18Monday Thursday Shravana Purnima, Rakhi, Raksha Bandhan, Gayatri 21 Somvati Amavas, Surya Grahan Jayanti 24 Thursday Hartalika Teej 21Friday Sunday Kajari Teej - Senior Citizen Day 25 Ganesh Chaturthi 25 Thursday Krishna Janmashtami* 26 Saturday Rishi Panchami 28 Sunday Aja Ekadashi 29 Tuesday Radha Ashtami

7 September 2016

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month For more information: CureSearch for Children’s Cancer National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month For more information: COAM National Food Safety Education Month For more information: Partnership for Food Safety Education National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month For more information: National Preparedness Month - See promotional items for National Preparedness Month For more information: National Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month For more information: The Johnny O Newborn Screening Awareness Month For more information: Save Babies Through Screening Foundation Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month For more information: National Ovarian Cancer Coalition Prostate Cancer Awareness Month For more information: Zero The End of Prostrate Cancer September 1 - 7: National Childhood Injury Prevention Week For more information: September 10: World Suicide Prevention Day For more information: International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) September 30: National Women’s Health & Fitness Day™ For more information: September 26: Family Health & Fitness Day USA® For more information: AsiAmerica Digest Fall 2016 Edition


Desi Festivals and Holidays September September 01 Thursday2017 Surya Grahan 04 Sunday 02 SaturdayHartalika Teej Parsva Ekadashi 05 Monday Monday Ganesh Chaturthi - Labor Day* 04 Onam Teacher’s Day: In India, the birth date of the second President 05 Anant Chaturdashi, Visarjan of Tuesday India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, ( 5Ganesh September 1888), is celebrated, where teachers and students to school as usual 06 Wednesday Bhadrapada Purnima,report Pratipada Shraddha butSaturday the usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of 16 Indira Ekadashi celebration, thanks and remembrance. In some schools, on this 17 Kanya Vishwakarma daySunday senior students take theSankranti, responsibility of teachingPuja in order to 19 Tuesday Sarva Pitru Amavasya show their appreciation for the teachers. 06 Thursday Tuesday Rishi PanchamiNavratri Begins 21 09 Friday Radha Ashtami 27 Wednesday Saraswati Avahan 11 Sunday - Patriot Day - Id-ul-Juha - Grandparent’s Day 28 Saraswati Puja, Durga Ashtami 12 Thursday Monday Eid-al-Adha (Bakrid)* 13 Friday Tuesday Parsva Ekadashi, Onam 29 Maha Navami 15 Thursday Anant Chaturdashi, Ganesh Visarjan 30 Saturday Dussehra, Vijayadashami 16 Friday Bhadrapada Purnima, Chandra Grahan, Kanya Sankranti, Vishwakarma Puja 17 Saturday Pratipada Shraddha 22 Thursday Autumn Begins 26 Monday Indira Ekadashi 30 Friday Sarva Pitru Amavasya

October 20167

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month - See promotional items for Breast Cancer Awareness For more information: National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. Domestic Violence Awareness Month For more information: Domestic Volence Awareness Project Eye Injury Prevention Month For more information: American Adademy of Ophthamology Health Literacy Month For more information: Health Literacy Month National Bullying Prevention Month For more information: National Dental Hygiene Month For more information: American Dental Association National Down Syndrome Awareness Month For more information: National Down Syndrome Society National Medical Librarians Month For more information: Medical Library Association National Physical Therapy Month For more information: American Physical Therapy Association Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month For more information: NIH October October 2017 Awareness Month Breast Cancer 01 Sunday Saturday Navratri BeginsPapankusha Ekadashi 01 02 Thursday Sunday - Mahatma Gandhi B’day* 05 Ashwin Purnima, Kojagara Puja, Sharad Purnima 05 Wednesday Rosh Hashanah ( Begins at Sunset) 08 Sunday Karwa Chauth 07 Friday Saraswati Avahan 09 Thursday Sunday Navratri Ends - Saraswati Puja, Durga Ashtami 12 Ahoi Ashtami 10 Sunday Monday Maha Navami -Rama Eid al-Adha - Columbus Day 15 Ekadashi 11 Tuesday Dussehra, Vijayadashami - Yom Kippur Begins at 16 Monday Govatsa Dwadashi Sunset* 17 Tuesday Teras, Tula Sankranti 12 Wednesday Papankusha Dhan Ekadashi - Muharram 15 Saturday Kojagara Puja, Sharad Purnima - Sweetest Day 18 Wednesday Narak Chaturdashi, Kali Chaudas 16 Sunday Ashwin Purnima 19 Thursday Diwali, Lakshmi Puja 17 Monday Tula Sankranti - Boss Day 20 19 Wednesday Karwa Chauth - Moon rise in New York EDT 9:20


AsiAmerica Digest Fall 2016 Edition

20 Friday p.m. / Houston, Texas 10:12Gowardhan p.m. CDT Puja 21 Saturday Saturday 22 Ahoi Ashtami Bhaiya Dooj 23 Wednesday Monday Manccha Vrat (Udyapan) 26 Rama Ekadashi, Govatsa Dwadashi 28 Dhan Teras, Kali Chaudas 26 Friday Thursday Chhath Puja 29 Narak Chaturdashi 30 Saturday Monday Kansa Vadh 30 Sunday Diwali, Puja* 31 Tuesday LakshmiDevutthana Ekadashi 31 Monday Gowardhan Puja - Halloween

November 2016 7

American Diabetes Month - See promotional items for Diabetes Awareness For more information: American Diabetes Association COPD Awareness Month For more information: American Lung Association Lung Cancer Awareness Month For more information: Red Ribbon Campaign National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month For more information: National Family Caregivers Month For more information: Caregiver Action Network National Healthy Skin Month For more information: AAD American Academy of Dermatology National Hospice Palliative Care Month For more information: National Hospice Palliative Care Organization November November 01 Tuesday 2017 Bhaiya Dooj 03 Mancha ChothTulasi (Manchavrat 01 Thursday Wednesday Vivah Udayapan,Samapan) 06 Sunday Chhath Puja - Daylight Saving Time Ends 04 Tuesday Saturday Kartik Purnima 08 - U.S Election Day 10 Thursday Kansa Vadh, Devutthana Ekadashi 10 Friday Friday JayantiVivah - Veteran’s 11 Gauna DevutthanaKalabhairav Ekadashi, Tulasi Day 14 Tuesday Utpanna Ekadashi 14 Monday Kartik Purnima - Guru Nanak B’day* 16 Wednesday Vrischika Sankranti Thursday Vrischika Sankranti 21 Monday Kalabhairav Jayanti 23 Thursday Thursday Vivah Panchami 24 - Thanksgiving* 25 Friday Utpanna Ekadashi - Black Friday 30 Sunday Thursday 27 - First Sunday ofMokshada Advent Ekadashi, Gita Jayanti 28 Monday - Cyber Monday

December 20167

December 1: World AIDS Day For more information: World AIDS Campaign National Influenza Vaccination Week For more information: Centers for Disease Control National Handwashing Awareness Week For more information: Henry the Hand Foundation December

01 Thursday World December 2017Aids Day 04 Sunday Vivah Panchami 03 Sunday Margashirsha Purnima, Dattatreya Jayanti 08 Thursday Bodhi Day 13 Wednesday Saphala 10 Saturday Mokshada Ekadashi, GitaEkadashi Jayanti 12 Monday - Prophet Mohammed - Milad-un-Nabi* 16 Saturday DhanuB’day Sankranti 13 Tuesday Margashirsha Purnima, Dattatreya Jayanti 18 Monday Somvati Amavas 15 Thursday Dhanu Sankranti 24 Saturday Ekadashi - Christmas Eve - Hanukah ( 29 Friday Saphala Pausha Putrada Ekadashi Begins at Sunset ) 25 Sunday - Christmas* 31 Saturday - New Year’s Eve

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


New York & New Jersey Region Desi Resource Guide‫‏‬ DISCLAIMER All Information on the following pages, till the last page, has been compiled and printed just as a public service and is not to replace any common sense. Please consult your physician, attorney, accountant or any certified financial consultant for the final answers to all your questions and a definite diagnosis for your and your family in all areas. The publisher disclaims all liability and cannot be responsible for any problems or claims that may arise from use of the following information. In preparation of this valuable guide, every effort has been made to offer current, correct and clearly expressed information. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and information can change. All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. Valuable information in this publication is intended to afford general guidelines on matters of interest. Accordingly, the information published here is not intended to serve as a legal, accounting, tax or medical advice. Readers of AsiAmerica Digest and are encouraged to consult with professional advisors concerning specific matters before making any decision and the staff, management, editors, and the publisher disclaims any responsibility for positions taken by readers in individual cases or for any misunderstanding on the part of readers.These materials are provided for general information and educational purposes based upon publicly available information from sources believed to be reliable—we cannot assure the accuracy or completeness of these materials. The information in these materials may change at any time and without notice. Desi Visitor Resource Guide of New York & New Jersey Alphabetical Listings - Businesses & Professionals Amusement Park to Zoo Auditorium - Banquet Hall Venues Banks Coming Events in Tri State Area Consulate General of India New York Cultural, Religious and Social Associations & Organizations in Tri State


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Area Media - Newspapers - Magazines - Radio Programs & TV Programs Must See in New York New Comers Resource Guide Places of Worship - Gurudwaras - Temples

AirTrain @ JFK New York Airport. AIRPORT - AMUSEMENT PARKS TO ZOO: AIRPORT John F. Kennedy International Airport is an airport in Queens, New York, 12 miles southeast of Lower Manhattan. Code: JFK (718) 244-4444 The cheaper, faster, eco-friendly airport connection AirTrain JFK is the easiest way to travel to, from and around Kennedy International Airport. AirTrain connects with MTA New York City Transit subways and buses and the Long Island Rail Road, providing a low-cost way to travel by mass transit to major destinations in New York and New Jersey. Best of all, you never have to worry about traffic and can lower your carbon footprint. Travel around the airport: Take AirTrain free AirTrain makes frequent stops everywhere around the airport: airline terminals, parking lots, hotel shuttle areas and rental car facilities. What’s more, every AirTrain ride around the airport is free. The service operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The cheaper way to Manhattan: AirTrain JFK and MTA Subways Destination Midtown Manhattan New York Penn Station W. 34 St. Connection

MTA NYC Transit E Subway at Jamaica Station Estimated Cost* and Time $7.75 - 50 minutes Destination Lower Manhattan below W. 14 St. Connection MTA NYC Transit A Subway at Howard Beach Station Estimated Cost* and Time $7.75 - 60 minutes Destination Upper Manhattan W. 125 St. Connection MTA NYC Transit E Subway at Jamaica Station. In Manhattan transfer to a subway or bus for final destination. Estimated Cost* and Time $7.75 - 75 minutes Destination Southern Queens, Northern Brooklyn Connection MTA NYC Transit J or Z Subway at Jamaica Station Estimated Cost* and Time $7.75 - 50 minutes *Includes the $5 AirTrain entry/exit fee and the $2.75 MTA subway fare (all fees are per person). A $1 new card fee will apply to new MetroCard purchases from the vending machines. New card fee does not apply to MetroCard refills and MetroCards bought from authorized merchants. MetroCard merchants are located near the entrance/exit to the Jamaica and Howard Beach stations. The faster way to Manhattan: AirTrain JFK and LIRR Destination Manhattan West side (Penn Station) & Queens Connection Long Island Rail Road at Jamaica Station Estimated Cost* and Time 35 minutes - $15.00 **Includes the $5 AirTrain fee and LIRR peak period fare (all fees are per person). LaGuardia Airport (IATA: LGA, ICAO: KLGA, FAA LID: LGA) /ləˈɡwɑrdiə/ is

New York & New Jersey Region Desi Resource Guide‫‏‬ an airport in the northern part of the New York City borough of Queens. The airport is on the waterfront of Flushing Bay and Bowery Bay, in East Elmhurst and borders the neighborhoods of East Elmhurst, Astoria, and Jackson Heights. (718) 533-3400 Newark Liberty International Airport, originally named Newark Metropolitan Airport and later Newark International Airport, is an international airport which straddles the municipal boundary between Newark and Elizabeth, New Jersey. Address: 3 Brewster Rd, Newark, NJ 07114 Code: EWR Phone: (973) 961-6000 Getting to the Airports from Manhattan To JFK By Private Shuttle: Travelers can also call ahead for a doorto-door shuttle. Go Airlink NYC: Share ride Shuttle or Sedan and SUV (877-5998200). Remember it is courteous to tip your driver for their service. By Public Transit: There are three rail routes to JFK from Manhattan. Travelers can catch the LIRR train from Penn Station to LIRR’s Jamaica hub, which takes 20 minutes. From there, take the JFK Airport AirTrain on the upper level. Travelers can also take the E train from Penn Station or the many other E train stations in Manhat- tan to the Sutphin Station, where a con- nection to the JFK AirTrain is available. Travelers can also take the A train from Penn Station or the many other A train stations in Manhattan to the Howard Beach station, where connection to the JFK AirTrain is available. By Taxi: Taxis are available around town 24/7. It is a metered fare plus tolls to the airport. There is no flat rate available going to JFK. To LaGuardia By Private Shuttle: Travelers can call ahead for a door-to- door shuttle. Go Airlink NYC: Share ride Shuttle or Sedan and SUV (877-599- 8200). Keep in mind that the shuttle could be picking up other parties, too. Remember it is courteous to tip your driver for their service. By Public Transit: The M60 SBS (Select Bus Service) takes travelers directly into LaGuardia termi-

nals and has 4 bus stations in uptown Manhattan. Travelers can catch the M60 SBS bus at the 125th Street 4, 5, and 6 train stop as well as the 125th Street 2 and 3 train stop and the 125th A, B, C, and D train stop as well as 116th Street 1 train stop. With the M60 SBS, use one of the machines located at each stop to pay before boarding the bus, or you could be subject to a hefty fine. The Q70 runs non-stop between the Roosevelt Ave/74th St. subway station and LGA, and can be reached by taking the 7 train to the 74th Street train stop in Queens. By Taxi: Taxis are available around town 24/7. It is a metered fare plus tolls to the airport. To Newark By Private Shuttle: Travelers can call ahead to book a shuttle to take them from their door to Newark. Go Airlink NYC: Share ride Shuttle or Se- dan and SUV (877-599-8200). Be advised that other parties may also be picked up along the way. Remember it is courteous to tip your driver for their service. By Public Transit: Travelers can take the PATH train, which is accessed at Penn Station, to the Newark Penn Station stop which connects to the #62 Bus or the AirTrain. By Taxi: Taxis are available around town 24/7. It is a metered fare plus return tolls and a $15 surcharge for a NYC Taxi to Newark Airport EXPRESS BUS TO ALL AIRPORTS: NYC Airporter provides a scheduled express bus service from Grand Central Terminal, the Port Authority Bus Terminal, and Penn Station to all New York Airports. Affordable fares starting at $12.50 oneway, $22 round-trip. Connections to Newark Airport available from the New York Airports for $24 per person. There is also an inter-airport shuttle operating between LGA and JFK Airports. Buses depart every 30 minutes to and from the Airports, 5 AM to 11:30 PM. Buy your tickets online and save at For more info, call 718-777-5111. Travelers can call ahead for a shared door-to-door shuttle. Getting to Manhattan From JFK By Private Shuttle: Travelers can catch a private shuttle out-

side of the terminals that will take them into Manhattan. Go Airlink NYC: Share ride Shuttle or Sedan and SUV (877-5998200). Remember it is courteous to tip your driver for their service. By Public Transit: The JFK AirTrain transports passengers from the airport to a connecting train which then takes travelers into Manhat- tan. The AirTrain has two stops. The Howard Beach station has a connection to the A train. If taking the A train, be sure to only take the A train marked “Far Rockaway” not “Lefferts Boulevard”. Riders can connect to the E, J, and Z trains as well as the LIRR at the Sutphin Boulevard station in Jamaica. The LIRR takes riders to Penn Station from Jamai- ca in just under 40 minutes. Travelers can get from the airport to Manhattan for as low as $7.25. By Taxi: Flat Fare from John F. Kennedy (JFK) Airport: For trips between (to and from) Manhattan and JFK International Air- port, the flat fare is $52.00 plus any tolls using Rate Code 2 on the meter. A NY State Tax Surcharge of $.50 will be added to each trip. If passengers request multiple stops, the flat rate of $52.00 will be collected at the first stop in either Manhattan or JFK International Airport, and the meter will be activated at Rate Code 1 (standard city rate) for the remainder of the trip. The metered fare should be collected at the last stop, from the last passenger. All trips between JFK International Airport and New York City destinations other than Manhattan will use that standard metered rate. From LaGuardia By Private Shuttle: Travelers can catch a private shuttle outside of the terminals that will take them into Manhattan. Go Airlink NYC: Share ride Shuttle or Sedan and SUV (877-5998200). It is courteous to tip your driver. Remember it is courteous to tip your driver for their service. By Public Transit: Travelers can hop on the M60 SBS (Select Bus Service) which has transfers available along its route to the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, A, C, AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


New York - New Jersey Desi Businesses and Professionals We’re sorry if we missed your listing. Please send all new additions or changes and corrections to Thanks. Agra Authentic Indian Cuisine: 807 Lexington Ave. (Between 62-63 St.) New York, NY 10021 (212) 308-8281 (212) 754-7092 Open Mon.-Sun. 12:00 noon - 11:00 p.m. Ajanta Indian Restaurant: 1237 Amsterdam Ave., Manhattan, NY (212) 316-6776 Akbar Indian Restaurant: 2, South St., Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 357-8300 Akbar Indian Restaurant: 21, Cortland Street, Edison NJ (732) 632-8822 Alachi Masala: 488, Amsterdam Ave., New York,NY 10024 (212) 874-0737 Amarvathi Indian Restaurant: 1008 State


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Route 34, Maawan, NJ 04474. (732) 566-0600 (732) 887-8383 Amma: 246 E. 51st St. New York, NY 10022 (212)644-8330 Andaz Indian Cuisine: 1378 First Ave., New York, NY 10021 (212) 288-0288 FAX ( 212) 288-0289 Anjappar Chettinad South Indain Cuisine: 116, Lexington Ave. ( 28th St. & Lexington Ave.) New York, NY 10016 (212) 265-3663 Email: Anjappar Authentic Chettinand Restaurant: 2186, US-130, North Brunswick Township, NJ 08902. (732) 297-3663 Email: Apna Bazar: 101c Portland Ave., Bergenfields, New Jersey, 07621 (201) 439-0077 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 217, Befthpage Road,

Hicksville, NY 11801 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 72-20, 37th Ave., Jackson Heights, NY 11372 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 260-04 Hillside Ave., Florarl Park, NY 11004 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 113-18 Liberty Ave., Richmond Hill, New York, 11419 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 1700 Sugar Tree Plaza, Oaktree Road, NJ 08820 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 2975 JF Kennedy Blvd., New Jersey, NJ 08820 Apna Bazar Cash & Carry: 485 Georges Road, Dayton, NJ 08810 (732) 274-9701 FAX (732) 274-9714 Apna Bazar Farmers Market: 217, Bethplace Road, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 931-2035 Asia Bazar: 71-14 37th Ave., Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (72nd & 37th Ave. Corner) (718) 806-1366 Awadh Restaurant: 2588, Broadway, New York, NY 10025 (646) 861-3241 - Email: Babcp Foods International LLC: 201, Circle Drive North, Piscataway NJ 08854 (908) 271-9496 - (908) 271-9462 (732) 667-7577 - FAX (732) 667-7578 Baluchi’s Indian Restaurant: Financial District - 275 Greenwich St. @ Warren St. (212) 571-5343 Baluchi’s Indian Restaurant: Upper East Side 1724 2nd Ave. (212) 996-2600 Baluchi’s Indian Restaurant: Grammercy - 111 East 29th St. (212) 679-3434 Baluchi’s Indian Restaurant: Park Slope - Brooklyn 310 5th Ave. ( Between 2nd & 3rd Asts. ) (718) 832-5555 Baluchi’s Indian Restaurant: Brooklyn Heights 46 Henry St. (718) 858-6700 Baluchi’s Indian Restaurant: Queens 113-30 Queens Blvd. @ 76th Road (718) 520-8600 Bank of Baroda: One Park Ave., New York, NY 10016 (212) 578-4550 FAX (212) 578-4565 / 4578 Email: Bank of India: 277 Park Ave., New York, NY 10172 (646) 720-0398 / 0407 San Francisco Agency: 555, California St., Ste. # 4646, San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 956-6326 Email:

New York - New Jersey Desi Businesses and Professionals Benares - Midtown: 240, West 56th St., (Between 8th & Broadway) New York, NY 10019 - (212) 397-0707 Benaras - Tribeca: 45 Murray Street, New York, NY 10017 (212) 766-4900 www.Benaresnyc.con Benaras Indian Restaurant: Midtown 240 West 56th St. ( Between 8th & Broadway) New York NY 10019 - (212) 397-0707 Best Pizzeria: 150 Hicksville Rd., Bethpage NY 11714 (516) 644-2374 Bhatti Restaurant: 100, Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016 (212) 683-4228 Email: Big Bazar: 831-833, Newark Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 798-5800 Bombay Express Vaishnav Caterers: 2849, Woodbridge Ave., Victorian Plaza (across from Middlese Collage ) Edison, NJ 08837 (732) 986-6241 (732) 548-2020 ( 732) 986-3032 Email: Bombay Garden: 234 Seventh Ave. (23rd & 24th) (212) 627-2206 Bombay Palace: 30 W 52nd Street, New York NY 10019 (212) 541-7777 FAX (212) 262-9664 Bombay Talkie: 189 Ninth Ave., ( Between 21st and 22nd Sts.) (212) 242-1900 Brick Lane Curry House: 306-308 East 6th Street, New York, NY 10003 (212) 979-8787 Bukhara Grill: 217 East 49th Street (Between 2nd and 3rd Avenues) (212) 888-2839 Butala Emporium: 37-46 74th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 899-5590 FAX (718) 899-7889 Email: Butala Emporium: 132 East 28 Street, New York, NY 10016 (212) 684-4447 Butala Emporium: 257-19, Hillside Ave., Floral Park, NY 11004 (718) 470-0012 Butala Emporium: 1412, Oak Tree Rd., Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 283-7655 Butala Emporium: 779 Newark Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 420-5990

Cafe on Broadway: 2350, Broadway @ W 86 St., New York (212) 496-4004 Cedar Gardens Banquet & Conferene Center: 611 Highway 33, Hamilton ( Near Princeton ) NJ 08619 Chennai Indian Bistro: 1663 First Ave., ( Between 86th & 87th St.) New York, NY 10028 (212) 831-1114 Email: Chola Eclectic Indian Cuisine: 232 E. 58th St., New York, NY 10022 (212) 688-4619 Chote Nawab - Fine Indian Cuisine: 115 Lexington Ave., New York, 10016 ( 212) 679-4603 Curry & Curry - Authentic Indian Cuisine: 153 East 33rd. St. (Between Lexington and 3rd Ave.) New York, NY 10016 (212) 779-4989 FAX (212) 779-8115 Dakshin Indian Bistro: 1713, First Ave., NY ( Between 88th and 89th Ave.) 10128 (212) 987-9839 Darbar: 152 E. 46 St. (Lexington & 3rd Ave.) (212) 681-4500 - Darbar Grill: 57 E 55 St. (3rd. & Lexington Ave.) 212-751-4600 Dawat Indian Restaurant: 210 East 58th St. ( Between 2nd and 3rd Aves.) (212) 355-7555 Deccan Spice: 771, Newark Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 604-1772 - Delhi Spice: Indian Fast Food: 2105 New Brunswick Ave., South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Delight Big Bazar: 2058 RT. 130 North, South Brunswick, NJ 08852 (732) 940-0041 (732) 940-0053 Desi Caterers: 124, Case Dr., Unit B, South Plainfield, NJ 07080 (908) 222-3374 Desi Galli: 101 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016 (212) 683-2292 Desi Shack: Indian - Pakistani Restaurant: 331 Lexington Ave., ( 39th St.) (212) 867-3374 Dhaba Indian Restaurant: 108 Lexington Ave. ( Between 27th & 28th Sts.) New York, NY 10016. (212) 679-1284 Diamonds R Must: 454 S Broadway,

Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 605-0380 Dosa Diner Indian Restaurant: 128 S. Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 681-5151 Dosa Express: South Indian Fast Food & Catering: 241, Rt. 46 East, Parsippany, NJ (973) 244-2440 Dosa Express: 1170 Green St., Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 404-0047 Earthen Oven: 53 West, 72st., Manahattan, NY (212) 579-8888 Eastern Air Couriers: 144 W 37th St. 4th Floor, New York City, NY 10018 (212) 575-8300 FAX (212) 575-8598 1-877-88-EACNY 5ive Chefs Professional Kitchen: 1041 South Ave., Plainfield NJ 07062 (908) 668-5066 FAX (908) 668-5033 Five Star Indian Cuisine - South India Kitchen: 247, Jericho Turnpike, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 488-1230 (516) 488-1230 Email: Gandhi Indian Restaurant: 345, East 6th Street, @ 2nd Ave East Village, New York NY (212) 614-9718 Haldi Indian Cuisine: 102, Lexington Ave., New York, 10016 (212) 213-9615 Hampton Chutney Co.- Indian Restaurant: 68 Prince St., (Between Crosby & Lafayette Sts.) (212) 226-9996 - (212) 362-5050 Haveli Indian Restaurant, Bar and Banquet: 116-33 Queens Blvd. Forest Hills, 11375 (718) 261-8880 (718) 261-8884 FAX (718) 261-8885 Haveli Indian Restaurant: 100 Second Ave., ( Between 5th and 6th Sts. ) (212) 982-0533 Harry’s Pharmacy & Surgical: 333 South Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 933-3322 FAX (516) 333-3325 Heart of India: 79, 2nd Ave., ( Between 4th and 5th Streets ) New York, NY 10003 (212) 598-0746 Heritage - Restaurant, Bar & Catering: 2024, Hillside Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 352-9305 AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


New York - New Jersey Desi Businesses and Professionals Hindu Temple Auditorium: 143-09 Holly Ave. Flushing, NY 11355 House of Dosas: South Indian Cuisine: 416 South Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 938-7517 Incredible India - India Tourism: New York NY 1-800-953-9399 Email: India Tourism: Los Angeles, California: 1-800-422-4634 Email: Indian Taj: 181, Bleecker St., New York, NY 10012 (212) 982-0810 FAX ( 212) 28-0755 Indian Taj: 37-25 74th. St., Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 651-4187 Indus Express: Indian Fast Food 48 W 48 St. New York City, NY (212) 221-7952 Indus Valley Indian Restaurant: 2636 Broadway ( 100th St.) New York, NY 10025 (212) 222-9222 Jackson Diner - Indian Cuisine: 72 University Place. (Between 10th & 11th Sts.) NY 10003 (212) 466-0820 Jackson Dinder - Indian Restaurant: 3747th St., New York NY 10003 ( between Roosevelt & 37th Aves.) (718) 672-1232 Joy Foods: 10403 18th St., Jamaica, NY 11433 (718) 558-6050 Junoon Indian Restaurant: 27 West 24th St. ( Between 5th & 6th Aves.) (212) 490-2100 Kailash Parbat Restaurant: #99, Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10016 (212) 679-4238 (212) 679-4232 Karan Jewelers: 37-05 74th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 478-8200 FAX (718) 478-8201 Email: Kati Roll Co. Indian Restaurant: 229 East 53rd. St. ( Between 2nd & 3rd Aves.) (212) 888-1700 Kati Roll Co. Indian Restaurant: 49 West 39th St. ( Between 5th & 6th Aves.) (212) 730-4280 Kati Roll Co. Indian Restaurant: 99 MacDougal St. ( Between Bleecker & West 3rd. Sts.) (212) 420-6517 Khushboo Pure Indian Vegetrian Resautant: 1734 Oak Tree Road, Ediosn NJ 08820 (732) 548-0013 FAX (732) 548-3607 Khyber Grill: Frontier Indian Cuisine: 648,


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Oak Tree Ave., South Plaifield, NJ 07080 (908) 226-5544 FAX (908) 226-5456 Kiran Palace: 67-75 E. Old County Rd., Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 932-5191 Kokum South India Cuisine: ( Vegetarian) Open 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 104, Lexington Ave., New York, 10014 Kunal Jewelers: 37-08 74th Street, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 478-7200 FAX (718) 478-7977 Madras Mahal: 104,Lexington Ave., New York, (212) 684-4010 Madras Woodlands: 1627, Hillside Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 326-8900 Maharaja Sweets & Snacks: 73-10 37th Ave. Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 505-2680 Malai Marke - Fine Indian Cuisine: 318, E 6th Street, New York, NY 10003 (212) 555-5555 Masalawala, The: 179 Essex St., New York, NY 10002 Email: Mehfil Banquets: 124, Case Dr. S. Plainfield (Off Oaktree Rd. near Park Ave.) NJ 07080 (908) 222-0069 Email: Minar Indian Restaurant: 160 E. 44th St., New York, NY 10016 (212) 949-0245 Minar Indian Restaurant: 5 West 31 St. New York, NY 10001(212) 967-2727 Minar Indian Restaurant: 138 W. 46th St. New York, NY 10036 (212) 398-4600 Mithas Indian Restaurant: 1655 - 170 Oak Tree Rd., Edison, NJ 08820 (732) 947-3014 Mithas Indian Restaurant: 1357, Stelton Rd., Piscataway, Townshipway, NJ 08854 (732) 640-1166 Mithas Indian Restaurant: 795, Newark Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 659-8700 Mithas Indian Restaurant: 1463, Finnergans Ln., North Brunswick, NJ 08902 (732) 658-3880 Moghul Restaurant: 1655-298 Oak Tree Rd., Edison, NJ 08820 (732) 549-7976 www.; Email: info@moghulcaterings. com Moti Mahal Delux: 1149 1st Avenue ( 63rd Street ) New York, NY 10065 (212) 371-3535 Mughlai Indian Restaurant: 320 Columbus Ave. (75th St. ) ( 212) 724-6363

Mysore Woodlands - Purely Vegetarian South Indian Cuisine: 296, Route 46 West, Russo Plaza, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973) 227-8191 FAX (973) 227-8195 Namaste Indian Restaurant: 31-15 30th St. (Between 31st & 32nd Ave.) Astoria, NY 11102 (718) 626-2783 Nanking: 4941 Shelton Road, South Plainfield, NJ (908) 561-6085 Nanking: 1538 Parkway Plaza, Oak Tree Road, Iselin, NJ (732) 549-7788 Nanking: 101 Hudson St., Jersery City, (201) 333-6500 Nanking: 2056 Hillside Ave. New Hyde Park, New York 11040 (516) 352-0009 Nanking: 72-23, 37th Ave, Jackson Heights, NY (718)-NANKING Nanking: Broadway and 50th, New York City, (212) 586-3100 Nanking: 1900 Pacific Ave., 6th Floor, Atlantic City, NJ (609) 340-1100 Neha Palace: 27, Meyer Ave., (off Vredenburgh Ave. - Behind CrossCounty Mall) Yonkers, NY 10704 (914) 476-5900 (914) 476-4800 FAX (914) 476-8878 New Apna Bazar: 875, Route 17 South, Ransey NJ 07446 (201) 236-3838 New York Gold Co.: P. O. Box 40 - 37-19 74 St., Jackson Heights, NY 11372-0040 (718) 507-8787 Nirvana Indian Restaurant: 346 Lexington Ave. (Between 39th & 40th Sts. ) (212) 983-0000 PNC Bank: 1-877-CALL-PNC Om Restaurant: 1593, 2nd Ave., New York, NY 10021 (212) 628-4500 Panna ll Indian Restaurant: 93 First Ave, 2nd Floor - Right hand side. New York, N 10003 (212) 598-4610 Papadam Indian Restaurant: 1448 1st Ave., New York, NY 10021 (212) 879-6000 Paradise Biryani Pointe: 1667 Oak Tree Road, Edison, NJ 08820 (732) 494-6789 Paradise Biryani Pointe: 7605, 37th Ave., Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 2477256 (718) 598-8020

New York - New Jersey Desi Businesses and Professionals Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: S. K. Sweets Inc.: 130-18, Rockway Blvd., Patel Brothers: 37-27 74th Street, Jackson 1400 Berlin Road, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718) 848-9800 Heights NY 11372 (718) 898-3445 (856) 354-5061 Sant Emporium Fabric Inc.: 116-13, 101 FAX (718) 898-9243 Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: Ave. Richmond Hill, NY 11419 251 Littleton Road, Parsippany NJ 07054 (718) 805-2580 Patel Brothers: 415 South Broadway, (973) 334-5600 Sarashiva - Exclusive Indian Clothing & Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 681-0091 Sukh Sagar Pure Vegetarian Indian Costume Jewelery: 144, Broadway, HicksFAX (516) 681-0072 Cuisine: 1347 Stelton Rd. Piscataway, NJ ville, NY 11801 (516) 513-0980 08854 (732) 777-9595 Savrana Bhavan: (Vegetarian) 81 LexingPatel Brothers: 42-92 Main Street, FlushFAX (732) 777-1595 ton Ave. at the corner of 28th Street. New ing, NY 11355 (718) 661-1112 York, NY (212) 679-0204 FAX (718) 661-2076 Saravana Bhavan - South Indian Vegetar- Swagat Indian Cuisine: 1154 1st Ave. ian Restaurant: 413, Amsterdam Ave., NY (Between 63rd & 64th St.) New York, NY Patel Brothers: 251-08 Hillside Ave., Bel10065 (212) 355-4600 10024 (212) 721-7755 lerose, NY 11426 (718) 470-1356 FAX (212) 355-4614 FAX (718) 470-0209 Shahi Darbar - Indian Restaurant & Ban- Tamarind Indian Restaurant: 41-43 East 22nd Street, New York NY 10010 quet Hall: 83-47 258 St. Floral Park, NY Patel Brothers: 1084-1088, Rt. 46 West, (212) 674-7400 10004 (718) 831-9000 - (718) 831-9020 Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973) 299-9913 Tamarind Indian Restaurant: 99 Hudson FAX ( 973) 299-9915 St., New York NY 10013 (212) 775-9000 Email: Patel Brothers: 8 Old Rd., South Amboy, Shri Krishna Jewelers: 37-18 74th Street , NJ 08879 Tandoor Restaurant: 95-25 Queens Blvd., Jackson Heights, NY 11372 (718) 651(732) 525-1890 Rego Park NY 11374 (718) 997-6800 8825 FAX (718) 651-8897 Patel Cash & Carry: 1551 Oaktree Road, Taste of India: Fine Indian Cuisine: 81, Spice Zone: 2050, Rt. 27, Nixon Plaza, Iselin, NJ 08830 New Bridge Rd., Bergenfield, NJ 07621 Edison NJ 08820 (732) 287-9901 (732) 205-0178 / 88 FAX (732) 205-0397 (201) 384-5880 - FAX (201) 384-5881 Patel Cash & Carry: 785, Newark Ave., Tulsi Indian Restaurant: 211 E. 46th St. State Bank of India: 460, Park Ave., New Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 222-1019 (Between 2nd and 3rd. Ave.) New York, York, NY 10022 Patel Cash & Carry: 1357 Oaktree Rd., NY 10017 (212) 888-0820 Iselin, NJ 08830 Urban Spice Restaurant: 42, Marcroni Subzi Bazaar: 194 Route 17 N, Rochelle (732) 283-7283 FAX (732) 283-4950 Ave., Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 283-1043 Park NJ 07622 Patel Cash & Carry: 2800- RT # 27, Ryan; (201) 880-7773 Plaza: North Brynswick, NJ 08902 Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: 72-30 37th Email: (732) 821-0667 - FAX (732) 821-7232 Utsav Indian Restaurant: 1185 Ave. of the Ave., Jackson Heights NY 11372 Preet Jewelers: 37-11, 74th St., Jackson Americas (enter 46th St. between Sixth & (718) 457-1848 - FAX (718) 457-5051 Heights, NY 11372 Seventh Aves.) Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: 249-12 A (718) 507-7155 212-575-2525 Punjabi Junction: 301, 10th Ave., Manhat- Hillside Ave., Bellerose, NY 11426 Vatan - Murray Hill: 409, Third Ave., (718) 343-1950 - FAX (718) 343-3620 tan, NY (212) 564-0748 (29th St.) Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: 116-19 Rajbhog Sweets & Foods: 812, Newark (212) 689-5666 Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 234-7777 101 Avenue, Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Vatan Pure Vegetarian Indian Cuisine: (718) 846-4580 FAX (718) 846-4586 Email: Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: 1347 Stel- 839, Newark Ave., Raj Bhog: 812 Newark Ave., Jersey City, Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 839-5426 ton Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854 NJ 07306 (201) 656-6660 Village Indian Cuisine: 765, Newark Ave., (732) 819-9606 NJ, 07306 ( 201) 222-0122 Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: 3800 Email: Virani Jewelers: 24 Marconi Ave., Iselin Quaker Bridge Road, Rajdhani Indian Restaurant: 206-12 HillNJ 08830 (732) 283-2365 (732) 283-4999 Hamilton NJ 08619 (609) 587-5720 side Ave., Queens Village, NY 11427 Subzi Mandi - Cash and Carry: 815 New(718) 464-9100 (718) 464-9002 ark Avenue, Jersey City, NJ 07306 Fax (718) 464-9110 Compiled & Published By: R.K. Nagar Photojournalist;Virani Jewelrs: 1394 Oaktree Road, (Monat Plaza ) Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 283-0100 (201) 222-9442 University Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Missouri, Virani Jewelers:U.S.A. 74-15 37th Ave., Jackson Mandi - Cash and Carry: 1518 B, Ras Raj: 247,of S. Broadway, Hicksville, NY Subzi Heights, NY 11372 (718) 396-6695 Oak Tree Road, Iselin, NJ (732) 603-0588 11801 (516) 433-7495


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AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition 29 TEN GOLDEN STRESS RELIEVERS


Asian American Political Organization NAAPAC www.NAAPACinitiativenet

All American Political Party, USA

Association of Indians in America, The - NY Email: Tickets also available at &

American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin ( AAPI ) 31st Annual AAPI convention May 23-27, 2013. Venue: Sheraton Hotel & Towers, 301, East North Water St. Chicago IL. 60611 Email: American Telugu Association Email: Asian American Hotel Owners Association Asian American Retailers Association - AARA 239 US 22 East, Suite 3A, Green Brook, NJ 08812 (973) 315-3118 FAX (973) 788-1588 (973) 315-3118 FAX: (973) 788-1588 Email:

Federation of Indian Associations - NY NJ & CT Email: Gujarati Samaj of New York India Association of Long Island, New York Indian Business Associations Inc.: 1141 Green St.,Iselin NJ 08830 (732) 283-1991 FAX (732) 283-2070 Indian National Overseas Congress Indo-American Chamber of Commerce

If you do not want to part with what you have, do not lie and claim that you have nothing, but decline politely saying that circumstances or your own desires prevent you. ~ Sai Baba 30

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Indo-American Cultural Association Edison, New Jersey Email: Long Island Gujarati Cultural Society Indo-American Seniors Organizations of Middlesex County 164, Fiat Ave., Iselin, NJ 08830 Email: National Federation of Indian American Associations Oak Tree Indian Business Association RANA - Rajasthan Association of North America 181-25 Midland Pkwy., Jamaica NY 11432 USA (718) 969-2745 (917) 842-3201 FAX (516) 869-5515 Society of Indo-American Engineers & Architects - SIAEA 350, Broadway, Ste. # 309, New York, NY 10013 (732) 620-0533 Tricity India Associaiton P.O.Box 5476, Albany NY 12205 Email:

Other people’s acts will affect just them. It is only your own deeds that will affect you. ~ Sai Baba

GURUDWARAS Bhakti Ghar Gurudwara: 107 Ave., 131 St., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 207-5526 Garden State Sikh Association Gurdwara: 977, Washington Valley rd., Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 Glen Cove Gurudwara: 100, Lattingtown Rd., Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 674-6793 Gobind Sadan New York: P. O. Box 383, 105 Graves Road, Central Square, NY 13036 (315) 668-9155 (315) 676-2308 Guru Gobind Singh Sikh Center Plainview Gurudwara: 1065 Old Country Rd., Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 931-9304 Guru Nanak Darbar of Long Island: 11 North Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 933 4878 Gurudwara Broadway New York: 107, Broadway, Hicksville, NY 11801 Gurudwara Makhan Shah Lobana Sikh Center: 113-10, 101st. Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 805-6941 Gurudwara Mata Sahib Kaur: 100 Lat-

tingtown Rd., Glen Cove, NY 11542 (516) 674-6793 Gurudwara of Rochester: 2041, Dublin Rd., Penfield, NY 14526 (716) 377-2771 Gurudwara Sant Sagar: 242-25 Braddock Ave., Bellrose, NY 11426, (718) 343-1030 Gurudwara Sikh Temple: 9530, 118th St., South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 441-2106 Gurudwara Singh Sabha Carteret: 941, Port Reading Ave., Port Reading, NJ -07064 (732) 541-4411 Metropolitan Sikh Club of New York: 27-14, Dimars Blvd., Astoria, NY 11105 (718) 278-2818 Mid Hudson Sikh Cultural Society: P.O. Box 123, Fishkill, NY 12524 (914) 896-8994 Nanak Naam Jahaj Gurudwara: 1080 West Side Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306 Niagara Frontier Sikh Society: 68, Old Spring Ln., Williamsville, NY 14221 (716) 689-6172 Sant Sagar Gurudwara Inc.: 242-25, Braddock Ave., Bellrose, Queens Village,

NY 11426 (718) 343-11426 Shri Guru Ravi Das Sabha of New York: 6101, Broadway, Woodside, NY 11377 (718) 898-8150 Sikh Center of New York: 38-17 Parson Blvd., Flushing, New York 11355 (718) 359-9520 Sikh Cultural and Educational Society: 6569, Main St., Astoria, NY (718) 278-2818 Sikh Cultural Society: 95-30, 118th St. Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 846-9144 Sikh Temple Gurudwara - Baking Ridge: 977 Washington Valley Road, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920 (908) 658-9805 Singh Sabha of New York: 43-69, Bowne St. Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 461-2612 Sri Guru Singh Sabha Inc.: 541, Prospect St., Glen Rock, New Jersey, 07452 Sri Hemkunt Foundation Inc.: 1380, N. Jerusalem Rd., North Merrick, NY 11566 Staten Island Gurudwara: 20, Oregon Rd., Staten Island, NY 10305, (718) 979-6866

There is but One God. His name is Truth; He is the Creator. He fears none; he is without hate. He never dies; He is beyond the cycle of births and death. He is self-illuminated. He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru. He was True in the beginning; He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True. He is also True now. ~ Guru Nanak AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


TEMPLES AND MORE..... American Sevashram Sangh: 153-14, 90 Ave., Hollis, NY 11432 (718) 523-7515 Anand Mandir: 269, Cedar Grove Lane, Somerset, NJ 08873 (732) 873-9821 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 2500 Woodridge Ave., Edison, NJ 08817 (732) 572-1234 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 2000, Tonnelle Ave., North Bergen, NJ 07047 (201) 865-6555 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 3, Entin Rd., Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973) 515-7300 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 713, South Second Ave., Galloway, NJ 08205 (609) 748-6368 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 1, Carnegie Plaza, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 (856) 751-7600 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 854, Bloomfield Ave, Clifton, NJ 07012 (973) 779-0700 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 43-38, Bowne St., Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 539-5373 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 16, Computer Dr. East, Albany, NY 12205 (518) 489-1870 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 1900, Meadowbrook Dr., Syracuse, NY 13224 (315) 445-3034 BAPS - Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 556, Yonkers Ave., Yonkers, NY 10704 (914) 375-4334 Bharatiya Mandir: 355, Bloomingburg Rd., Middletown, NY 10940 (845) 692-0467 Bhavanee Maa Mandir: 239, Sheridan & McKinley Aves., Brooklyn, NY 11208 Bhavani Mandir: 2312 Bruckner Blvd., Bronx, NY 10473 Bhuvaneshwar Mandir: 307, Stanhope St., Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 628-9322 Bronx Hindu Temple: 1606, Townsend Ave., Bronx, NY 11237 Bronx Sevashram Sangha: 2081 Grand Concourse, New York, NY 10453 (718) 295-5922 Brooklyn Hindu Temple: 3105 Ave. D, Brooklyn, NY 11226 (718) 469-2165 Capital District Hindu Temple Society: 450, Albany-Shaker Rd., Loudonville, NY 1211 (518) 459-7272 Cypress Hill Jyoti Mandir: 275 Etna St., Brooklyn, NY 11208 (718) 235-5385 Durga Mandir: 4240, RT. 27 North, South


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Brunswick, NJ 08824 (609) 683-3760 Durga Shiv Hindu Temple: 1120, Beach Ave., Bronx, NY 10472 (718) 430-9577 Ganesha Temple: 45-57 Bowne St., Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 460-8484 Gayatri Chetna Center: 240, Centennial Ave., Piscataway NJ 08854 (732) 357-8200 Geeta Temple Mandir: 9209, Corona Ave., Flushing, NY 11373 (718) 592-2925 Govinda Temple: 783, Newark Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07306 (201) 659-7600 Hanuman Mandir: 111, Jerusalem Ave., Hempstead, NY 11550 (516) 483-9500 Hindu Campus Ministry at the University of Buffalo: 34, Embassy Square, Tonasand, NY 14150 (716) 833-2507 Hindu Center Inc.: 45-52, Kissena Blvd., Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 358-6726 (718) 784-0287 FAX (718) 661-1512 Email: Hindu Cultural Society of Western New York: 1595, N. North French, Getzville, NY 14068 (716) 439-3148 Hindu Mandir: 1, Gaston Ave., Garfield, NJ 07026 (973) 546-7331 Hindu Samaj Temple Inc.: 247, West Ramapo Ave., Mahwah, NJ 07430 Hindu Samaj Temple: 3 Brown Rd, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 297-9061 Hindu Sanatan Mandir: 23-75 89th St., East Elmhurst, NY 11369 (718) 835-5226 Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh: 121, Hawthorne Ct., Rockaway, NJ 07866 Hindu Temple: 25, E. Taunton Ave., Berlin, NJ 08009 (856) 768-3134 Hindu Temple and Cultural Society of USA Inc.: Sri Venkateswara Temple (Balaji Mandir) and Community Center. 780, Old Farm Rd., Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908) 725-4477 Hindu Temple of Rochester: 120, Pinnacle Rd., Pittsford, NY 14534 (716) 427-8091 Hindu Temple Society: 14307 Holly Ave., Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 460-2500 India Cultural Hindu Temple: 714, Preakness Ave., Wayne, NJ 07470 (973) 595-7117 ISKCON - New York @ Long Island Temple: 197, S. Ocean Ave., Freeport, NY 11520 (516) 223-4909 FAX(516) 869-4825 Email:

ISKCON of New Jersey: 100, Jacksonville Rd., Towaco, NJ (973) 299-0970 Krishna Mandir: 87-24, 126 St., Richmond Hill, NY 11418 (718) 297-8647 Jagat Satya Sabha: 88-20, 170 St., Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 523-0443 Jain Association of Elmira: 108, Lincoln Road, Horseheads, NY 14845 (607) 796-9065 Jain Center of America: 43-11, Ithaca St., Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718) 478-9141 www.nyjaincenterorg Jain Center of New Jersey: Caldwell Jinalya : 233 Runnymede road, Essex Fells, NJ 07021 (973) 226-2539 Franklin Township Jinalya: Jain Center of New Jersey, 111 Cedar Grove Lane,, Somerset, NJ 08873 E-Mail :- Jain Center of Syracuse: 4013 Pawnee Dr., Liverpool, NY 13090 (305) 622-3287 Jain Meditation Center: 401, East 86th St., # 20!, New York, NY 10028 (212) 362-6483 Jain Sangh of Hudson Valley: 3, Brown Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590 (845) 297-9061 Jain Sangh of Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware: 3401, Cooper Ave., Pennsauken, NJ 08109 (856) 662-2627 Jain Society of Buffalo: 1560, North French Road, Getzville, NY 14068 (716) 634-7469 Jain Society of Long Island: 614, Woodbury Road, Plainview, NY 11803 (516) 942-0258 Jain Society of Rochester: 14, Ambergate Rise, Pittsford, NY 14534 (716) 264-9834 Jain Vishva Bharati: 151, Middlesex Ave., Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 404-1430 Maa Vaiseno Mandir: 39, East John St, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 605-1925 Mahal Lakshmi Mandir: 121-15, 101 Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 846-7048 Maha Shiv Durga Mandir: 644, East 5 St., Brooklyn, NY 11218 (718) 633-8287 Maha Shiv Mandir: 610, Laurelton Blvd., Long Beach, NY 11561 (516) 431-6596 Mahakali Temple: 94-06, 214 St., Queens Village, NY 11418 (718) 468-2213 Mandir Kali Inc.: 8818, Burdette Pl., NY 11432 (718) 297-3370 Natraja Mandir: 93-04, 210 Pl., Queens Village, NY 11428 (718) 465-3953

TEMPLES AND MORE..... Neelkanth Dham Temple: 204-11 Jamica Ave., Hollis, NY 11423 (718) 479-3513 New Jersey Arya Samaj Inc.: Humanitarian Mission 191-193 Woodlawn Ave., Jersey City, NJ 07305 (201) 938-0220 New York Hindu Milan Mandir: 104-18, 106 St., Ozone Park, NY 11417 (718) 641-2330 New York Kali Mandir: 614, Seamen Ave., North Baldwin, NY 11510 Nirvaan Satsangh: 102-95, 102 St., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 739-2370 Om Temple: 124-126, Joralemon St., Belleville, NJ 07109 (973) 759-5480 Parvati Mandir: 134-01, 97 Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 641-4470 Pavan Sut Mandir: 87-20, 125 St., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 849-5611 Prem Bhakti Mandir: 87-56, 168 Pl., Jamaica, NY 11432 ( 718) 657-3098 Radha Krishna Temple: 357, Lawrence Station Rd., Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (609) 737-1986 Rameshwar Mandir: 390, Crescent St., Brooklyn, NY 11208 (718) 827-6249 Sanatan Mandir: 16 Jean Terrace, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973) 334-1819 Sanatana Dharma Mandir: 125, Irving Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11208 (718) 739-4847 Satya Narayan Mandir: 7515, Woodside Ave., Elmhurst, NY 11373 (718) 899-8863 Satya Sanatan Dharma Mandir: 88-17, Hollis Court Blvd., Queens Village, NY 11427 (516) 489-1201 Science of Spirituality: Meditation Center - New York: 79, Country Line Road, Amityville, New York 11701 (631) 822-7979 EXT. 3 Shanti Mandir: 51, Muktananda Marg, Walden,NY 12586 (845) 778-1008 Shree Dwarkadhish Temple: 717, Washington Rd., Praline, New Jersey 08859 (732) 254-0061 Shree Ram Temple: 61, Burke Ave., Jericho, NY 11753 (516) 932-7677 Shree Swaminarayan Satsang Mandal: 1667 Amwell Rd., Somerset, NJ, 08873 (732) 873-8000 Shree Swaminarayan Temple Secaucus, New Jersey: 200 Penhorm Ave., Secaucus, NJ 07094 (201) 325-0510 FAX ( 201) 325-0511 Email: Shree Trimurthi Bhavan: 101-18, 97th Ave., Ozone Park, 11416 (718) 641-9880 Shree Vaishnav Temple: 196-43, Foothill

Ave., Holliswood, NY 11423 (516) 354-7583 Shri Devi Mandir: 92-30, 173 St., Jamaica, NY 11432 ( 718) 526-0091 Shri Krishna Chaitanya Mandir: 114-37, Lefferts Blvd., South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718) 848-9010 Shri Lakshmi Narayan Mandir: 128-04, Liberty Ave., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 945-4963 Shri Maha Kali Devi Mandir: 170, Van Sicklen Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11207 (718) 277-6264 Shri Radha Krishna Mandir: 126-04, 133 St., South Ozone Park, NY 11420 (718) 641-7205 Shri Rama Krishna Mandir: 561, 39th St., Brooklyn, NY 11232 ( 718) 871-4391 Shri Satyam Mandir: 324, Lincoln Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11208 (718) 738-5873 Shri Sitarama Hanuman Mandir: 1082, Dickens St., Far Rockaway, NY 11691 (718) 523-5420 Shri Surya Narayan Mandir: 204-11, Jamaica Ave., Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 740-7052 Shri Swaminarayan Mandir: 2500 Woodridge Ave., NJ 08817 (732) 572-1234 Shirdi Sai Center: 465, Lincoln Highway, Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 283-1800 Shirdi Sai Center, Baldwin: 1889 Grand Ave., Baldwin, NY 11510 (516) 867-8008 Shirdi Sai Center: 46-16 Robinson St., Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 321-9243 Shiv Shakti Peeth: 43-45 Main St, Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 445-0918 Shiva Mandir: 32-56, 110 St., East Elmhurst, NY 11369 Siddhachalam: 65 Mud Pond Rd., Blaristown, NJ 07825 (908) 362-9793 Sri Chinmoy Meditation Center: 8624, Parsons Blvd., Hollis, NY 11432 (718) 297-6456 Sri Durga Mandir: 1114 Arlington Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11207 (718) 348-0107 Sri Krishna Brundavana: 18 S. Main St., Edison, NJ 08837 (732) 283-8982 Sri Maha Vallabha Ganpati Devasthanam: 45-47 Bowne St., Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 460-8484 FAX(718) 461-8055 Sri Nitai Gauranga Mandir: 48, Ave. B, New York, NY 10009 (212) 674-0698 Sri Rajarajeswari Peetam: 6970, East

River Rd., Rush, NY 14543 (716) 533-1216 Sri Ranganatha Temple: 125, Old Route 202, Pomona, NY 10970 (845) 364-9790 Sri Ranganatha Temple, The: 8, Ladentown Rd., Pomona, NY 10970 (845) 364-9790 (845) 290-0883 Sri Ram Mandir: 265, Crescent St., Brooklyn, NY 11208 (718) 277-6601 Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir - Hare Krishna Temple: 305, Schemerhorn St., Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718) 855-6714 - Reception; (718) 875-6127 Office. Email: Sri Venkateswara Temple: 780 Old Farm Rd., Bridgewater, NJ 08807 (908) 725-4477 Sudama Mandir: 8141, Liberty Ave., Hollis, NY 11417 (718) 641-2459 Sudama Mandir: 101-51, 115 St., Richmond Hill, NY 11419 (718) 441-9425 Swaminarayan Mandir: 1, Carnegie Plaza, Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 (856) 751-7600 Swaminarayan Mandir: 2000, Tunnel Ave., N. Bergen, NJ 07047 (201) 865-6555 Swaminarayan Mandir: 2500, Woodbridge Ave., Woodbridge, NJ 08820 (732) 572-1234 Swaminarayan Temple: 4, Louisa Pl, Weehawken, NJ 07087 (201) 865-3987 USA Pandits Parishad Mandir: 147-07, 88 Ave., Jamaica, NY 11435 (718) 479-1795 United Hindu Temple: 208, Powder Mill Rd., Morris Plains, NJ 07950 (201) 285-0311 Vaikunth Hindu Jain Temple: 571 South,Pomona Road, P.O.Box 810, Pomona, NJ 08215. (609) 965-1348 / (609) 965-0627, Vaishnav Temple of New York: 100, Lakeville Rd., New Hyde Park, NY 11040 (516) 354-7583 Email: Ved Mandir: 1, Ved Mandir Dr., Milltown, NJ 08850 (732) 821-0404 Vedanta Society: 34, West 71st St., New York, NY 10023 (212) 877-9197 Vishnu Mandir: 1216, Noble Ave., Bronx NY 10472 (718) 893-1435 Vighaneshwar Mandir: 190. Shridan Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11208 (718) 235-0780 AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Passport & Visa Services - New York Indian Passport Application Center USA BLS International Services US BLS International Services US is the legal identity of BLS International Services Ltd. in USA. The parent Company “BLS International Services Ltd.� is headquartered in New Delhi, India and is a specialist service provider of Outsourcing for Visa, Passport, Consular, Attestation and Apostille Services to the Diplomatic Missions across the world. BLS International is a trusted partner with the Diplomatic Missions for administrative and non-judgmental tasks of outsourcing of Visas, Passports and Attestation Applications in India as well as abroad. It serves the Diplomatic Missions in 15 countries through its 46 offices, along with a few more on the anvil, and has proven abilities of offering outsourcing of Visa, Passport, Consular Services and Value Added Services for the benefit of its clients. BLS International processes in excess of 1.7 million applications annually. Its operations are presently located in Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Spain, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Singapore, India, South Africa employing a staff of over 500 personnel with impeccable integrity and a few more operations are in the pipeline. CKGS is the only authorized Service Provider for the Embassy of India and its Consulates across the USA for Visa, OCI, Renunciation of Indian Citizenship services as follows with effect from May 21, 2014. Visa Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card Surrender and Renunciation of Indian citizenship It should be noted that the Embassy of India and its Consulates in the USA do not recognize any other agency who may provide Indian visas or who deal with Indian visa applications or any other aforementioned service.


Diplomatic and Official Passport Holders may submit applications directly to the Embassy provided an Original Note from the Ministry of External Affairs is provided. CKGS Application Center New York Hours of Operations Visa Application Center operates from Monday to Friday (except Holidays) Submission by appointments 09:00 AM - 02.00 PM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Submission by third party 09:00 AM - 11.00 AM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Document collection 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Document collection by third party 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Submission of additional documents and OCI Match-ups by walk-in 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Applicants should note that the New York center shall only open at 9 AM EST. Applicants will not be allowed inside the building or in the building lobby prior to 9 AM EST. Applicants are requested not to arrive at our application center prior to 9 AM EST as this is causing a lot of inconvenience to other tenants in the building. New York Visa Application Centre Address: CKGS Application Center 2nd floor, 235 West, 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011

Applicants based on their jurisdiction can submit their applications to our 6 centres. Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco & Atlanta.

Important note: Please check the status of your application online before visiting the visa application centre to collect your documents during the document collection hours. Please note that any one family member can come to pick up passports for the entire family from our Center.

This site provides - information, how to apply, fees, document checklist, forms, online payment, appointments, Track My Application, FAQs applicable to all USA residents and foreign nationals.

Jurisdiction Include States: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Vermont.

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Greater Houston Region Desi Resource Guide Area Codes 281-346-713- & 832

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Current and past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area

AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INDIAN ENGINEERS & ARCHITECTS (ASIE) Email asiehouston@ 2016 Executive Committee Naresh Kolli, P.E.,President; Dinesh Shah, P.E., MBA -Vice President; Sai Gowthami Asam - Treasurer; Gaju Patel, P.E. - Secretary. Board of Directors: Chetan Vyas, P.E.; Madhu Kilambi, P.E.; Poolkeshi Patel, E.I.T.; Avinash Patel, MS; ; Bharat Tailor, P.E. Advisory Council: Showri Nandagiri, P.E. (Chair); Ravi Arora, P.E.; Raj Basavaraju, P.E., PTOE; Bhavana “BJ” Patel, AIA,; Vishal Merchant, P.E. LEEDAP


Membership Committee Chair: Poolkeshi Patel Co-Chair: Dinesh Shah Members: Naresh Kolli, Sai Gowthami, Raj Basavaraju IT Committee Chair: Dinesh Shah Co-Chair: Showri Nandagiri Members: Rajesh Tolikonda, Sai Gowthami, Sekhar Ambadapudi Fundraising Committee Chair: Rajesh Tolikonda Co-Chair: Madhu Kilambi Members: Chetan Vyas, Sudhakar Kalaga, Ravi Yanamandala, Showri Nandagiri, Vishal Merchant Program Committee Chair: Naresh Kolli Co-Chair: Chetan Vyas Members: Dinesh Shah, Showri Nandagiri, Sai Gowthami, Raj Basavaraju PR Committee Chair: Dinesh Shah Co-Chair: Sai Gowthami Members: Raj Basavaraju, Chetan Vyas


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Scholarship Committee Chair: Srinivas Chintalapati Co-Chair: Bhavana Patel Members: Vishal Merchant, Ashish Bagga, Ganesh Ghurye, Sirish Madichetti Student Member Committee Chair: TBD Co-Chair: TBD; Members: TBD Younger Member Committee Chair: TBD Co-Chair: TBD; Members: TBD


Parthasarathy Krishnaswamy - President 2016


Executive Committee: Rajiv Bhavsar - President Falguni Gandhi - Vice president Ajit Patel - Treasurer Sanjay Sohoni - Secretary Charlie Patel - Past President Board of Directors: Pramod Bensal Col. Raj Bhalla Dilip Dadhich Sangita Dua Manisha Gandhi Veena Kaul Keka Kar Nisha Mirani Harshad Patel Nirmala Patel Sapna Shah Trustee: Lachman Das Swapan Dhairyawan Parul Fernandes Meera Kapur Vijay Pallod Sangeeta Pasrija Hasu Patel


Nanda K Vura, president Vanitha Pothuri, MD president - elect Alpa shah, secretary Sreeni Nakirekanti, treasurer Board Members: Prem Cholia Zeninth Ellankil Sushovan Guha MD Ajay Jain MD Mahendra Jain MD Ratna Kumar, Dr. Shobana Muratee Ponnada Narayana Bela Thacker Mahesh Wadhwa

PAST PRESIDENTS INDO AMERICAN CULTURAL, RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE GREATER HOUSTON AREA American Society of Indian Engineers and Architects; 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ADVISORS Executive Committee: Raj Basavaraju (President), Naresh Kolli (Vice President), Rajesh Tolikonda (Treasurer), Sai Gowthami Asam (Secretary) Directors: Dinesh Shah, Madhu Kilambi, Chetan Vyas, Poolkeshi Patel, Avinash Patel. Advisory Council: Ravi Arora (Chair), Showri Nandagiri, Ram Gupta, Abraham Joseph, Sekhar Ambadapudi. 2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ADVISORS Executive Committee: Sekhar Ambadapudi (President), Showri Nandagiri (Vice President), Raj Basavaraju (Treasurer), Rajesh Tolikonda (Secretary)

Current and past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area Directors: Naresh Kolli, Sai Gowthami Asam, Mahendra Korivi, Harshad Patel, Raghu Dass Advisors: Dinesh Shah (Chair), Abraham Joseph, Mahesh Wadhwa, Ram Gupta, Vishal Merchant


2013 Executive Committee: Vishal Merchant (President), Showri Nandagiri (Vice President), Karthik Balasubramanian (Treasurer), Sekhar Ambadapudi (Secretary) Directors: Raj Basavaraju, Chetan Vyas, Madhu Kilambi, Rajesh Tolikonda Amal Dutta Advisors: Hasmukh Doshi (Chair), Ben Bansal, Dinesh Shah, Mahesh Wadhwa, Srinivas Chintalapati 2012 Executive Committee: Srinivas Chintalapati (President), Vishal Merchant (Vice-President), Naresh Kolli (Treasurer), Bhavana Patel (Secretary) Directors: Madhu Kilambi, Sekhar Ambadapudi, Showri Nandagiri, Chetan Vyas, Karthik Balasubramanian Advisors: Ashish Bagga, Dinesh Shah, Hasmukh Doshi, Ravi Arora 2011 Executive Committee: Ashish Bagga (President), Chad Patel (Vice President), Srinivas Chintalapati (Treasurer), Ravi Yanamandala (Secretary) Directors: Bhavana Patel, Mohan Atluri, Naresh Kolli, Sudhakar Kalaga, Vishal Merchant Advisors: Raj Tanwani, Ravi Arora, Ravi Kaleyatodi Corporate Advisor: Abraham Joseph (One Point, Inc)

2010 Executive Committee: Raj Tanwani (President), Ashish Bagga (Vice-President), Raghavender Nednur (Treasurer), Srinivas Chintalapati (Secretary) Directors: Chad Patel, Lagnesh Varshney, Ravi Yanamandala, Sudhakar Kalaga, Vaishali Advisors: Ravi Arora, Tanu Hiremath, Ravi Kaleyatodi Corporate Advisor: Abraham Joseph (One Point, Inc), 2009 Executive Committee: Tanu Hiremath (President), Raj Tanwani (Vice-President), Ashish Bagga (Treasurer), Raghavender Nednur (Secretary) Directors: Chad Patel, Lachhman Das, Lagnesh Varshney, Omesh Malik, Sudhakar Kalaga, Srinivas Chintalapati Advisors: Manjula Krishnamurthy, Ravi Arora, Sanjay Ramabhadran Corporate Advisor: Abraham Joseph (One Point, Inc) 2008 Executive Committee: Manjula Krishnamurthy (President), Charu Jain (Vice President), Tanu Hiremath (Treasurer), Rajesh Tanwani (Secretary) Directors: Ashish Bagga, Chad Patel, Raghavender Nednur, Sudhakar Kalaga, Swapnil Patil Advisors: Ram Gupta, Ravi Arora, Ben Bansal Corporate Advisors: Ramesh Gunda (Gunda Corporation) and Ramesh Kalluri (Kalluri Group) 2007 Executive Committee: Ram Gupta (President), Charu Jain (President Elect), Tanu Hiremath (Treasurer), Rajesh Tanwani (Secretary) Directors: Ashish Bagga, Chad Patel, Raghavender Nednur, Sudhakar Kalaga,

Vishal Merchant Advisors: Ravi Arora, Ben Bansal, Albert Joseph Corporate Advisors: Ramesh Gunda (Gunda Corporation) and Ramesh Kalluri (Kalluri Group) 2006 Executive Committee: Al Joseph (President), Ram Gupta (Vice President), Gaju Patel (Treasurer), Manjula Krishnamurthy (Secretary) Directors: Girish Thallapragada, Sudhakar Kalaga, Shantanu Patil, Charu Jain, Abraham Joseph 2005 Executive Committee: Abraham Joseph (President), Sandeep Patil, (Vice President), Manjula Krishnamurthy (Secretary), Gaju Patel (Treasurer) Directors: Ramesh C. Garg, Al Joseph, Girish Thallapragada, Sudhakar Kallaga, Shantanu Patil 2004 Executive Committee: Sanjay Ramabhadran (President), Gaju Patel (Vice President), Vivek Menon (Secretary), Ben Bansal (Treasurer) Directors: Ram Gupta, Girish Tallapragada, Hari Bhatt, Raghu Rao, Manjula Krishnamurthy 2003 Executive Committee: Sandeep Patil (President), Abraham Joseph (Vice-President), Vivek Menon (Secretary), Gaju Patel (Treasurer), Directors: Ben Bansal, Chetan Vyas, Chandra Sekhar Sripadam, Mahendra Korivi, Raghupati Rao 2002 Executive Committee: Sanjay Ramabhadran (President), Sandeep Patil (Vice President), Chad Patel (Secretary), Sriram Natarajan (Treasurer) AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Current and past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area Directors: Ben Bansal, Vivek Menon, Gautham Chande, Abraham Joseph Advisor: Ravi Arora 2001 Executive Committee: Vivek Menon (President), Sanjay Ramabhadran (Vice President), Sriram Natarajan (Treasurer), Chad Patel (Secretary) Directors: Raju Adwaney, Hersh Kumar, Bhupal Choudhry Advisor: Ravi Arora 2000 Executive Committee: Chad Patel (President), Abraham Joseph (Vice President), Virinder Bansal (Secretary), Sandeep Patil (Treasurer) Directors: Vivek Menon, Sanjay Ramabhadran, Vishnu Gupta, Ajay Mallik, Udayan Patel Advisor: Ravi Arora 1999 Executive Committee: Ben Bansal (President), Rita Amin (Vice President), Abraham Joseph (Secretary), Vishnu Gupta (Treasurer) Directors: Sandeep Patil (Membership), Devender Srivastava, Gaju Patel (Assistant Treasurer) Advisor: Ravi Arora 1998 Executive Committee: Ravi Arora (President), Bhupal Choudhry (Vice President), Vishnu Gupta (Treasurer), Reddivari Reddy (Secretary) Directors: Abraham Joseph, Rita Bhojwani, Kris Chander, Jawaharlal Prasad. 1997 Executive Committee: Krishna Vavilala (President), Ravi Arora (Vice President), Hasmukh Doshi (Secretary), Champak Lad (Treasurer) Directors: M.K. Arya, Bhupal Chowdhry,


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Ujwal Kirane, Bharat Patel, Chandrakant Patel 1996 Executive Committee: Kirti Sanghani (President), Navin Sheth (Vice President), Ravi Arora(Treasurer), Bharat Patel (Secretary) Directors: Dilip Kapasi, Champak Lad, Dilip Shah, Vijay Raman, Krishna Vavilala 1995 Executive Committee: Kirti Sanghani (President), B.K. Rath (Vic -President), Navin Sheth (Treasurer), Bharat Patel (Secretary) Directors: Hasmukh Doshi, Devendra Desai, G.S. Brar, Prakash Chowdhry and Chinrnay Vyas 1994 Executive Committee: Hasmukh Doshi (President), Kirti Sanghani (Vice President), Navin Sheth (Treasurer), Uday Shah (Secretary) Directors: Bharat Patel, Prakash Desai, B.K. Rath, Rajesh Patel, Atul Patel


V Alagarsamy Sockkalingam Sam Kannappan PAST PRESIDENTS 1974-75 A V Viswanathan 1975-76 Ganesan Iyer 1976-77 K R Thiagarajan 1977-78 Giri Venkataram 1978-79 Alagu Guruswamy 1979-80 S A Kothanda Raman 1980-81 K P Abraham 1981-82 G Anantha 1982-83 A Sivaraman 1983-84 K Saranathan 1984-85 A Alagarswamy 1985-86 A Alagraswamy

1986-87 Lella Krishnamurthy 1987-88 M Balakirshnan 1988-89 Padmini Chary 1989-90 K R Thiagarajan 1990-91 Padma Anantha 1991-92 Padma Anantha 1993-94 K V Venkatachalam Thara Narasimahan 1994-95 M K Sriram 1995-96 M K Sriram 1996-97 Ganesh Ramanurthy 1998-99 K Saranathan 99-2000 Kumar Ganesan 2001-01 Ramesh Vaidhyanthan 2001-02 N Sivakumar 2002-03 Soma Srikanth 2003-04 Vale Subramanyam 2004-05 Kumar Ganesan 2005-06 P T Satish Kumar 2006-07 Ganesh Raghu 2007-08 Padmini Ranganathan 2008-09 Rajan Radhakrishnan


PAST PRESIDENTS 1979 Ramesh Shah 1980 Pravin Parikh 1981 Devendra Patel 1982 Mukund Gandhi 1983 Girish Pandya 1984 Harshad Patel 1985 Yogi Patel 1986 Ajay Patel 1987 Devikaben Patel, Mrs. 1988 Prakash Patel 1989 Jayanti Patel 1990 Ramesh Shah 1991 Mukund Gandhi 1992 Suresh Patel 1993 Hari Patel 1994 Manaji Thakor 1995 Prakash Desai 1996 Ramesh Patel 1997 Ramesh C Patel 1998 Jayesh Patel

Current and past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area 1999 Jyotiben Patel, Mrs. 2002 Vrajesh Patel 2001 Devendra Patel 2002 Vinod Patel 2003 Prakash Patel 2004 Prakash Patel 2005 Mahendra Patel 2006 Gopalkrishna Patel 2007 Mahendra Patel 2008 Prakash Desai Gujarati Samaj of Houston Executive Committee Prakash Desai, President (281) 240-1083 Nisha Mirani, Vice President ( 832) 7559365 Yogina Patel, Secretary( 832) 279-2006 Himanshu Patel, Joint Secretary (713) 4982633 Ajit Patel, Treasurer ( 713) 557-2536 Bharat Patel, Joint Treasurer ( 281) 7016000 Committee Members: Mayuri Surati (281) 960-0222 Devendra Patel ( 832) 385-9867 Sanjay Shah ( 281) 495-8313 Raju Patel (832) 250-6069 Malav Desai ( 281) 222-4476 Sapna Shah (832) 659-5386 Varsha Patel ( 281) 980-5432 Board of Trustees Vrajesh Patel, Chief Trustee (281) 797-7695 Suresh V. Patel (832) 628-7706 Shailesh Patel (281) 313-3266 Mukesh Patel (281) 218-9019 Niranjan S. Patel ( 281) 630-3875 Ramesh Patel ( 281) 565-0429 Prakash Patel ( 281) 596-9956 Darpan Committee Prakash Desai ( 281) 240-1083 Vishwadeep Barad ( 281) 463-2354 Ramesh Modi (832) 418-6556


Anshuman Desai Sharad Amin

Girish Naik


S G & Rajam Appan - Director, ICC Houston M & Sharmista Arora Brij & Usha Bansal Raj & Kamla Chhikara Girish & Mrudula Desai N Y IU Soundarya Giri Narayan & Sushella Hospeti Radhakrishan & Harhsi Jaggi N R & Nirmala Rao Janardhan & Bharthi Reddy V & Carmen Shivsakumar Birendra & Asha Singh Randhir & Meena Sinha G & Mangalam Subramaniam Raj & Krishna Syal PAST PRESIDENTS 1977-78 N R Rao 1978-79 G Elluru 1979-80 S Kamat 1980-81 K B Uppal 1981-82 S Mathur 1982-83 B Kadakia 1983-84 S Bandyopadhyay 1984-85 S Tiwari 1985-86 G R Baloor 1986 Avinash Jain 1987 Kumar Krishan 1988 Raj chhikara 1989 Lachhman Das 1990 Surinder Ahluwalia 1991 Syamal Poddar 1992 Dilip Patel 1993 Surinder Goel 1994 Saurabh Shah 1995 Sudhir Agarwal 1996 Avi Gadkari 1997 Neerja Bhardwaj 1998 Bablu Singh

1999 Mahendra Shah 2000 Bhaskar Patel 2001 Harshi Jaggi, Mrs. 2002 Mukesh Patel 2003 No Executive Committee 2004 Susheela Hospeti 2005 Govinder Boloor 2006 Kiran Sharma 2007 Dimple Ahluwalia 2008 Shishir Dasmohapatra

INDIA CULTURE OF HOUSTON PAST PRESIDENTS 1975 (Late) Harbans H Hayre Dr 1976 Satish Jhingran MD 1977 K S Padda 1978 Rashmi Desai 1979 (Late) K L Sindhwani, Dr 1980 )Late) K L Sindhwani, Dr 1981 Dalal Dutta 1982 Girish Pandya 1093 Bhamy Shenoy 1984 (Late) Ninan Mathew MD 1985 Vilas Majumdar 1986 Sewa S Legha MD 1987 Anu Mahendra 1989 Kul Bhushan Uppal 1990 Manoj Vakil MD 1991 Sam Abraham 1992 Shailendra Endley, Dr 1993 Rai Mehdiratta 1995 Kirshna Rao, Dr 1996 Susan Jacob MD 1997 Joseph Sreshta MD 1998 Bharaat Sanghavi 1999 Lalita Dasgupta 2000 Meera Kapur 2001 Koshy Thomas 2001 Harshad Patel 2002 Lachhman Das 2003 Lachhman Das 2004 Ramesh Ceherivirala 2005 Val Subramaniyam 2006 Harinath Rao Medi 2007 Shobana Muratee 2008 Bangar Reddy 2009 Keshu Patel 2010 Swapan Dhairyawan 2011 Col Raj Bhalla

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Current and past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area


Swapan Dhairyawan President 281 3820348 Keshu Patel Past President 713 542 2779 Atul Vir Vice President 832 5674310 Nimmi Vale Secretary 832 5639696 Hemant Patel Treasurer 281 5648573 Raj Bhalla Director 281 2654650 Ramesh Cherivirala Director 713 8754336 Rafi Ansar Director 832 605 8992 Rajiv Bhavsar Director 281 2177330 Jasmeeta Singh Director 713 8588229 Veena Ponnaganti Director 281 3239515 Manisha Mehta Director 832 8762142 Surender Talwar Director 713 6682948 Yamuna Srinidhi Director 281 2771055 Charlie Patel Director 832 4237979 Sheela Kore Director 832 2745329



PAST PRESIDENTS 1981-82 Jagdish Sharma MD 1982-83 Jagdish Sharma MD 1983-84 (Late) Ninan Mathew MD 1984-85 Satish Jhingaran MD 1975-86 Arun Mukhopadhyaya MD 1986-87 Vinod Bhuchar MD 1987-88 K T Shah MD 1988-89 P G Parmeswaran MD 1989-90 Suresh Moonat MD 1990-91 Ramesh Parikh MD 1991-92 Bala Aiyer MD 1992-93 Vaseem Ali MD 1993-94 Manoj Vakil Md 1994-95 Gurunath Reddy MD 1995-96 Subodh Bhuchar MD 1996-97 Tareq Khan MD 1997-98 Snehal Mehta MD 1998-99 Sunita Moonat Md 99-2000 Vahihta Patel MD 2000-01 Mahesh Ramchandani MD 2001-02 Yogesh Shah MD 2002-03 Nikhil Inamdar MD 2003-04 Pankaj Shah Md 2004-05 Mahesh Shetty MD 2005-06 Rakesh Mangal MD 2006-07 Freemu Varghese MD 2007-08 Kiran Sharma MD 2008-09 Nik Nikam MD 2008-09 Governing Body President Nik Nikam MD President-Elect Srinivas Rumulla MD Secretary Ashok Tripathy MD Treasurere Veena Chandrakar MD Past President Kiran Sharma MD IDC Charity Clinic Liaison Rakesh Mangal MD Directors: Kulvinder Bajwa MD Rakesh Mangal MD Dilip Patel MD Arun Sharma MD Ashok Tripathy MD

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Vinita Bhagia MD Subodh Chuvan MD MSRF Liaison: Parthit Kulkarni Young Physicians Julie Patel MD


1991 Rasika Dehekne MD 1992 Jagat Kamdar 1993 Kamna Shrama, Mrs. 1994 Sushma Mahajan MD 1995 Manoj Vakil MD 1996 Rashmi Desai 1997 Subodh Bhuchar MD 1998 Prabha Bala, Mrs. 1999 Dinkar Chheda 2000 Vijay Bhuchar 2001 Paul Likhari 2002 Leela Krishnamurthy 2003 Sonal Bhuchar, Mrs. 2004 Mameet Lakhari, Mrs. 2005 Sheela Rao, Mrs. 2006 Radha Thiagarajan, M.D. 2007 Sushma Bhan, Mrs. 2008 Mani K Subrmanian 2009 Rachel Varghese 2010 Bobby Singh 2011 Anu Bala 2012 David Raj 2013 Murthy Divakaruni 2015 Dr. Kamla Raghavan


P.O Box: 441564, Houston, Texas 772441564 (713) 370-0478 www.iacfhouston. com President Bobby Singh,President, 832-766-0680 Anu Bala, President Elect 2011 832-865-6222 David Raj, Treasurer 713-775-7434 Tarush Anand, Secretary 832-212-9902 Rachel Varghese, Past President (281) 980-2549 P. Mohan Rao, Historian (281) 277-2416

Current and past Presidents - Associations & Organizations in Greater Houston Area


Ramesh Anand, Vish Bhaskaran, Ramesh Cherivirala, Gitesh Desai, Preanka Desai, Sujeeth Draksharam, Jagat Kamdar, Pranav Kothari, G. V. Krishnan, Sam Merchant, Manisha Mehta, Rick Pal, Hasu Patel, Sanjay Ram, Ashok Rao, Sanjay Rao, Rao Ratnala, Randhir Sahni, Dinesh Shah, Karun Sreerama and Mini Timmaraju.


Executive Committee 2010-11: President: Ashish Bhandari 281 208 4415 Vice President: Rajan Vora 281 277 2206 Secretary: Nirdesh Oswal 281 494 8652 Treasurer: Bipin Kapadia 832 327 9398 Asstt Treasurer: Nitesh mehta 281 277 5299 Directors: Hemal Solanki 281 277 2311 Meena Shah 281 370 1710 Kamlesh Jain 281 481 5784 You can send an email to ECJSH@ to send mail to everyone together. Board of Trustee 2010-11: Chief Truestee: Chetan Jhaveri 281 265 6617 Dr.Bhadresh Shah 281 491-3341 Dr.Viren Shah 281 313 2244 Vinod Shah

281 498 7320 Rajni R Shah 281 870 8472 Navin R Shah 281 565 9780 You can send an email to BTJSH@ to send mail to everyone together.


1983-1984 R N S Rao, Dr. 1984-1985 R. N.S.Rao, Dr. 1985-1986 Nalini Nadig, Mrs. 1986-1987 Nalini Nadig, Mrs. 1987-1988 G.S.Gopalkrishna MD 1988-1989 G. S. Gopalkrishna MD 1989-1990 Geetha Rau, Mrs. 1990-1991 K. S. Shankar, Dr


2005-07 Deepak Kamnani 2008-Present Jay Raman


2001-2003 Vijay Goradia 2003-2005 Yogi Patel 2005-2007 Anil Shah 2007 - 2009 Vijay Bhuchar, Mrs. 2009-2011 Sonu Anand 2011-13 Swatantra Jain 2013-2015 Marie Goradia 2015 - present Ash Shah


PAST PRESIDENTS 1976-1977 Tataiah Koneru 1977-78 Subba Rao Kodali 1978-79 Ravi Tamerisa 1979-80 Renuka Reddy 1980-81 Janardan Reddy Adavelli 1981-82 Surya Rao Thota 1982-83 Mastamvali Sheik 1983-84 Krishna S Vaviala 1984-85 Syamasundaram Bellari 1985-86 Subbarayudu Godineni 1986-87 Janardan Reddy Vinta 1987-88 Janardan Reddy Advaelli

1988-89 Kesavaro Vermulapalli 1989-90 Jithender Reddy 1991-92 Subba Rao Yalamanchili 1992-93 Prabhkar Chowdary Kakarala 1993-94 Padmsri Mutyala 1994-95 Murali Nannegari 1995-96 Kanakam Babu Inampudi 1996-97 Venkat Neerisetty 1997-98 Ravi Tamerisa 1998-99 Krishna Giri 99-2000 Rathna Kumar 2002-03 Chitten Raju Vanguri 2003-04 Kishore Dannapaneni 2007-08 Desabhotla Ramesh TCA (Telugu Cultural Association) website 2010 Executive Committee Raghavender Nednur President (713) 927-8126 Rama Pakala Past President 281 725 8740 Karunakar Chowdavarapu Kalaga General Secretary (832) 567-2557 Santha Susarla Treasurer (832) 236-7382 Sridhar Dadi Nednur Cultural Secretary (281) 217-9736 Sarada Akunuri Cultural Secretary (281) 235-4334 Sai Rachakonda Literary Secretary (281) 240-3336 Raghava Solipuram Special Projects Coordinator (781) 367-9367 Thanks for your GREAT Community Service AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston Region Desi Resource Guide - Asian Chamber of Commerce - Who is the Asian Chamber of Commerce? The Chamber was incorporated on June 20, 1990 as a Texas non-profit corporation and has been qualified as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c) (6) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Houston is blessed with a diverse culture and the power of diversity can associate you with the city’s most influential people, groups and companies. The Chamber has the dual purpose of promoting trade between Houston and Asia and to foster economic development in the Houston area Asian-American communities. - Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Greater Houston Partnership - The City of Houston eGovernment Center is dedicated to making more services available online through the tools and information offered here, we can provide you with the options to interact with the City. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. - America’s fourth-largest city is a cosmopolitan destination, filled with world-class dining, arts,hotels, shopping and nightlife. Take a stroll through the historic Heights, spend the day exploring the Museum District or head down to Space Center Houston. Later on, grab a bite in one of dozens of award-winning restaurants, or hang out with the cool kids on Washington Avenue. There’s always something to do in this Southern hospitality meets urban chic city. Come explore YOUR Houston! Airports George Bush Intercontinental Airport ( IAH ) 2800 North Terminal Road, Houston, TX 77032 Airport Manager 281-230-3100 Lost and Found 281-230-3299 William P. Hobby Airport ( HOU ) 7800 Airport Blvd. Houston Airport Manager 713-640-3000 Current Parking Information 713-641-7770 Area Attractions: Battleship Texas 3523 Battleground, La Porte 281-479-2431 Downtown Aquarium 410 Bagby St. Houston, TX 713-223-3474 Gulf Greyhound Park, I - 45 South Exit 15, La Marque 409-986-9500 Moody Gardens Two Hope Blvd., Galveston, 800-582-4673 Sam Houston Park 1100 Bagby Houston, TX 713-655-1912 Sam Houston Race Park 7575 N Sam Houston Pkwy West. 281-807-8700 San Jacinto Monument One Monument Circle, La Porte, TX 281-479-2421 NASA - Space Center 1601 NASA Pkwy. I - 45; 281-244-2100 Texas Medical Center The 675 - area Complex is


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

home to over 40 member institutions, including two medical Schools, four Schools of nursing, 13 renowned hospital and two specialty institutions. Tours are available through special arrangements with the specific institutions. Arenas - Stadium and Theaters Alley Theaters 615 Texas Ave. Houston, TX 77002 Adminsitrative Office 713-228-9341 Box Office 713-220-5700 Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion 2005 Lake Robbiins Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380 Administrative Office 281-363-3300 Email: George R. Brown Convention Center,1001 Avenida de las Americas, Houston, Texas 77010, Main Line 800-427-4697; 713-853-8000 FAX 713-853-8090 Jones Hall 615 Louisiana St. Houston, TX 77208 Admisistrative Office 713-227-3974 Society for the Perfoming Arts Tickets 713-227-4772 Houston Symphony Tickets 713-224-7575 Hobby Center for the Performing Arts 800 Bagby St. Houston, TX 77002 Adminsitrative Office 713-315-2400 Bos Office 713-315-2525 Minute Maid Park 501 Crawford St. Ste. 400 Houston, TX 713-259-8000 NRG Stadium (formerly Reliant Stadium) is a multi-purpose stadium, in Houston, Texas, USA. NRG Stadium has a seating capacity of 71,795. The stadium is the home of the National Football League’s Houston Texans, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, the Texas Bowl, host to many international soccer matches for the USA National Soccer Team, and other events. The stadium served as the host facility for Super Bowl XXXVIII on February 1, 2004 and WrestleMania XXV on April 5, 2009. NRG Stadium will host Super Bowl LI in 2017. NRG Stadium is part of a collection of venues (including the Astrodome), which are collectively called NRG Park. The entire complex is named for NRG Energy under a 32-year, $300 million naming rights deal in 2000. Address: Reliant Park, Houston, TX Driving Directions NRG Park is located within the Inner Loop of the southern portion of Interstate Loop 610 between Kirby Street and Fannin Street. For specific driving directions and to print out a driving map, please click on the Google Maps icon. From the North Take I-45 (south) or Hwy. 59 (south) to Hwy. 288 (south) Take Hwy. 288 (south) to 610 Loop (west) Take 610 (west) to Fannin or South Main exit Exit and turn right on Fannin or South Main From Fannin turn left on Naomi or Holly Hall From South Main turn right on McNee

Greater Houston Region Desi Resource Guide Enter main gate at NRG Park From the South Take I-45 (north) or Hwy. 288 (north) to 610 (west) to Fannin or South Main exit Exit and turn right on Fannin or South Main From Fannin turn left on Naomi or Holly Hall From South Main turn right on McNee Enter main gate at NRG Park From the East ‘Take I-10 (west) to 610 (south) Take 610 (south) to Fannin or South Main exit Exit and turn right on Fannin or South Main From Fannin turn left on Naomi or Holly Hall From South Main turn right on McNee Enter main gate at NRG Park From the West Take I-10 (east) to 610 (south) Take 610 (south) to South Main or Fannin exit Exit and turn left on South Main or Fannin ‘ From Fannin turn left on Naomi or Holly Hall From South Main turn right on McNee Enter main gate at NRG Park From Hobby Airport Take Broadway to I-45 (north) Take I-45 (north) to 610 (west) Take 610 (west) to Fannin or South Main exit Exit and turn right on Fannin or South Main From Fannin turn left on Naomi or Holly Hall From South Main turn right on McNee Enter main gate at NRG Park From Bush IAH Airport Take Hwy. 59 (south) to Hwy. 288 (south) Take Hwy. 288 (south) to 610 (west) Take 610 (west) to Fannin or South Main exit Exit and turn right on Fannin or South Main From Fannin turn left on Naomi or Holly Hall From South Main turn right on McNee Enter main gate at NRG Park Stafford Center 10505 Cash Rd. Stafford, TX 77477 Stafford Civic Center, 1415 Constitution Ave, Stafford, TX 77477, Phone: (281) 499-5763 Toyota Center, 1510 Polk St. Houston, TX 713-758-7200 / 713627-3865 Bos Office 8660446-8849 www.houstontoyotacenter. com Verizon Wireless Theater 520 Texas Ave. Houston, TX 77002 Recorded Event Information 713-230-1666 Box office 713-230-1600 Wortham Theater Center 510 Texas Houston, TX 77002 Administrative Office 713-237-1439 Houston Ballet Tickets 713-227-2787 Houston Grand Opera Tickets 713-228-6737 Colleges and Universities Baylor College of Medicine: Houston Baptist University: Houston Community College System: Lone Star College:

Prairie View A & M University: Rice University 6100 Main St. Houston, 713-348-0000 Sam Houston State University: San Jacinto College: South Texas College of Law Texas Southern University of Houston - Main Campus 4800 Calhoun Rd. Houston, TX 713-743-2255 University of Houston - Clear Lake: University of Houston - Downtown: University of St. Thomas: University of Texas Health Science Center: Parks Houston Parks & Recreation Department 2999 S. Wayside Dr. Houston, TX 713-845-4500 Missouri City Parks & Recreation Department Missouri City, 281-403-8500 Stafford Parks & Recreation Department 2610 S. Main St. Stafford, TX 281-499-7576 Sugar Land Parks & Recreation Department 200 Maltage Way, Sugar Land, TX 281-375-2885 Information Data Bank for Happening in Houston: Alley Theater Asia Society Texas Chapter - Asian Chamber of Commerce - Who is the Asian Chamber of Commerce? The Chamber was incorporated on June 20, 1990 as a Texas non-profit corporation and has been qualified as a tax exempt organization under Section 501(c) (6) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Houston is blessed with a diverse culture and the power of diversity can associate you with the city’s most influential people, groups and companies. The Chamber has the dual purpose of promoting trade between Houston and Asia and to foster economic development in the Houston area Asian-American communities. Discovery Green George R. Brown Convention Center and Root Square Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau Greater Houston Partnership Houston: The City of Houston eGovernment Center is dedicated to making more services available online through the tools and information offered here, we can provide you with the options to interact with the City. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Harris County Parks Houston Ballet Houston Chamber of Commerce” Houston Downtown Alliance 713-658-8938 Houston Downtown Management District AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston Region Desi Resource Guide Houston Grand Opera 713-228-OPERA (6737) Houston Heights Houston Symphony Houston Theater District Houston Zoo Minute Maid Park jsp Moody Gardens Museum of Fine Arts Pearland Town Center Reliant Center and Park Rice University Society for the Performing Arts: 713-227-4SPA Theatre District Venues (Jones Plaza, Fish Plaza, Sesquicentennial Park, The Bush 41 Monument, Sabine-to-Bagby Promenade) Toyota Center: Uptown Houston America’s fourth-largest city is a cosmopolitan destination, filled with world-class dining, arts,hotels, shopping and nightlife. Take a stroll through the historic Heights, spend the day exploring the Museum District or head down to Space Center Houston. Later on, grab a bite in one of dozens of award-winning restaurants, or hang out with the cool kids on Washington Avenue. There’s always something to do in this Southern hospitality meets urban chic city. Come explore YOUR Houston! YMCA NetWorking opportunites around the Greater Houston Area: After Hours Network: (713) 255-5341 American Institute of Certified Public Accountant American Society of Professional Estimators American Women’s Society of Certified Public Accountants: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Association of Information Technology Professionals Association of Operation Management Association for Records Managers Administration Bauer College of Business Administration - University of Houston Bio-Medical TEchnology Club of Houston Business Network International Center Point GPC - Government Procurement Connections - Year after year, GPC has provided small, minority, women-owned and disadvantaged businesses an opportunity to grow their businesses by networking, prospecting, mingling and learning.


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition Houston Advertising Federation Houston Area League of PC Users Houston Association of Legal Professionals - Houston Business Cabinet Houston Business Crossroads Houston CPA Society Houston Crossroads Business Building Houston Direct Marketing Associatin Houston Forum Houston Entrepreneur’s Forum Houston INventors Association Houston Networking News Houston Society of Financial Analysts Houston Uptown Professional Singles Toastmasters Houston World Affairs Council Houston Technology Center Information Systems Audit and Control Association Institute of Management Consultants International Association of Business Communicators Midtown Business Network National Association of Women in Construction National Space & Technology Association Professionally Speaking Singles Toastmaster Club Public Relations Society of America SCORE Spirit System Transportation Club of Houston Chamber of Commerce serving Greater Houston Area African American Chamber of Commerce: 2800, Wheeler St. Houston, TX 77004 (713) 522-0746 Alvin - Manvel Chamber: 105, West Willis, Alvin, TX 77512 (281) 585-8662 Baytown Chamber of Commerce #2 W. Texas Ave., Baytown, TX 77520 (281) 422-8359 Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce: 1201, East Nasa Pkwy. Houston, TX 77058-3391 (281) 488-7676 FAX (281) 488-8981 Conroe Chamber of Commerce: 506, West Davis St., Conroe, TX 77301 P. O. Box 2347, Conroe, TX 77305 (936) 756-6644 Conroe Chamber of Commerce: 1400 Woodloch Forest Dr. Ste. # 300, The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 367-5777 Crosby / Huffman Chamber of Commerce: 5611, S Main, Crosby, Mailing Address P. O. Box 452, Crosby TX 77532 (281) 328-6984

Greater Houston Region Desi Resource Guide Cy-Fair Houston Chamber of Commerce: 11734, Barker Cypress Ste.# 105, Cypress, TX 77433 (281) 373-1390 FAX (281) 373-1384 Deer Park Chamber of Commerce: 110, Center St., Deer Park, TX 77536 (281) 479-1559 FAX ( 281) 476-4041 Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce: 445, Commerce Green Blvd., Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 491-0800 FAX (281) 491-0112 French American Chamber of Commerce: 4242, Southwest Frwy. Houston, TX 77027 ( 713) 622-8552 Friendswood Chamber of Commerce: 1100, S. Friendswood Dr., TX 77546 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 11, Friendswood, TX 77546 (281) 482-3329 FAX (281) 482-3911 Galena Park Chamber of Commerce: 106, Keene St., Galena Park, TX 77547 ( 713) 672-6443 Galleria Chamber of Commerce: 5005, Woodway Ste. # 215, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 629-5555 FAX (713) 629-6403 Galveston Chamber of Commerce: 519, 25th St., Galveston, TX 77550-1703 (409) 763-5326 Greater Heights Area Chamber: 545, West 19t St., Houston, TX 77008 (713) 861-6735 FAX (713) 861-9310 Greater Houston Partnership: 1200, Smith St., Ste. # 700, Houston, TX 77002-4400 (713) 844-3600 FAX (713) 844-0200 Greater Southwest Houston Chamber of Commerce: 6900 Rice Blvd., Bellaire, TX 77401-0788 (713) 666-1521 Houston Citizens Chamber of Commerce Inc: 2808 Wheeler St., Houston, TX 77004 ( 713) 522-9745 Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: 1801 Main St. Ste. # 1075 Houston, TX 77002 (713) 644-7070 FAX (713) 644-7377 Houston International Chambers: Houston Northwest Chamber of Commerce: 14511, Falling Creek, Ste. # 205, Houston, TX 77014 (281) 440-4160 Houston West Chamber of Commerce: 10370, Richmond Ave. Ste. # 125, Houston, TX 77042 (713) 785-4922 FAX (713) 785-4944 Humble Area Chamber of Commerce: 110, Main St., Humble, TX 77338 (281) 446-2128 FAX (281) 446-7438 Katy Area Chamber of Commerce: 23501, Cinco Ranch Blvd., Ste. # B206, Katy, TX 77494 (281) 391-5289 FAX (281) 391-7423 LaPorte - Baytown Chamber: 712, W Fairmont Pkwy. LaPorte, TX 77572-0996 (281) 471-1123 FAX (281) 446-7483 Magnolia Parkway Chamber of Commerce: 9750, FM 1488 Rd., Magnolia,TX 77534 (832) 934-2300 Needville Area Chamber of Commerce 8903 Line St. Needville 979-793-5700

North Channel Chamber of Commerce: 13301, I-10 East Frwy. Ste. # 100, Houston, TX 77015 (713) 450-3600 FAX (713) 450-0700 North Galveston County Chamber: 218, FM 517 West Dickinson, TX 77539 (281) 534-4380 FAX (281) 534-4389 North Houston Grenspoint Chamber of Commerce: 250, North Sam Houston Pkwy. East Ste. # 200, Houston, TX 77060 (281) 260-3163 FAX (281) 260-3161 Norwegian American Chamber of Commerce: 2777, Allen Pkwy. Houston, TX 77019 ( 713) 526-6222 Pasadena Chamber of Commerce: 4334, Fairmont Pkwy., Pasadena, TX 77504-3306 ( 281) 487-7871 FAX (281) 487-5530 Pearland Area Chamber of Commerce: 3501, Liberty Dr. Pearland, TX 77581 ( 281) 485-3634 Rosenberg - Richmond Area Chamber 4120 Ave. H Rosenberg 281-342-5464 South Belt - Ellington Chamber of Commerce: 10500, Scarsdale Blvd., Houston, TX 77089 (281) 481-5516 FAX (281) 922-7045 South Houston Chamber of Commerce: 58, Spencer Hwy. South Houston, TX 77587 (713) 943-0244 FAX (713) 943-3978 South Montgomery County - Woodlands: 1400, Woodloch Forest Dr. Ste.# 500 The Woodlands, TX 77380 (281) 367-5777 FAX (281) 292-16155 Swedish American Chamber of Commerce: P. O. Box 591366 Houston, TX 77259 ( 713) 914-0015 Conventions and Visitor Bureaus Around Greater Houston Area: Bay Area Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau: 20710 Gulf Frwy. Ste. # 40, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 338-033 (800) 844-LAKE Galveston Island Convention and Visitor Bureau: 2504, Church St., Ste # 200 Galveston, TX 77550 (409) 763-6584 (888)GAL-ISLE Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau: 901 Bagby, Houston, TX 77002 (713) 437-5200 (800) 4-HOUSTON www/ Greenspoint / North Houston Visitor Center: I - 45 North at Beltway 8 Houston, TX ( 281) 875-6255 Huntsville - Walker County Visitors: 7600 Hwy. 75 South Huntsville, TX 77349 ( 409) 281-9726 (800) 289-0389 Katy MIlls/West Houston Visitor Center: ( 877) KATY SHOP Kemah: (281) 33-1611 INFO Lin: (281) 334-9880 Lake Conroe Area Convention and Visitors Bureau: 505, Davis St. conroe, TX 77301 (877) 4-CONROE League City: 260 Park, League City, TX 77573 (281) 338-7339 Rosenberg: Seabrook: (281) 291-5600 Webster: City of Webster 311, Pennsylvania, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 332-1826 (281) 316-4121 (877) 927-8789 AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals We’re sorry if we missed your listing. Please send all new additions or changes and corrections to Thanks.

59 Minute Photo Saeed Agha: 6451 Hill (713) 550-2862 croft Ave. Houston TX 77057 Abraham & Company - George AbraEmail: (713) 784-5455 (713)301-1993 CELL ham, Realtor: Agrawal, Rekha - Realtor: 99 Ranch Market: 3430 Hwy 6 South 1747 Texas Pkwy. Missouri City, TX 77489 (281) 398-3575 (713) 894-4637 CELL Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 980-6699 (281) 499-6767 Email: (281) 235-8600 CELL Ahmed, Farha, Attorney at Law: 2150 A - One International: 10148 Highway 6 Town Square Place, South, Sugar Land, TX 77478 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5000 Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 313-3839 (281) 493-1888 Westheimer Rd., Ste. # 200 Houston, TX 77056 (713) 963-0980 Air An U Cool - Ajit Patel: A + Affordable Insurance, Rajesh Malik Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5120 Wood(713) 467-9288 (713) 557-2536 ( Raj ): way Dr., Ste. # 180, Ajani, Dilawar MD: 3915 B Town Center, 7111, Harwin Dr., Ste. # 274, Houston, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 622-4444 Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 903-4709 TX 77036 (713) 266-1700 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 7026 Old Katy Al Basha - Meditettanean Gill: 300 W A & A Video: 10101 Southwest Frwy. Ste. Rd. Ste. # 166 Bay Area Blvd., # 574, Houston, Houston, TX 77024 (713) 622-3226 (Between Hwy. 3 & I - 45 ) Ste. # 700, TX 77074 (713) 772-6899 Accounting & Tax Services T A Patil: Webster, TX 77598 AAA Excellent Appliances & Refrigera7171 Harwin Dr Ste # 218 D Houston (281) 554-2222 tion – Harris Malik: (713) 469-9192 TX 77036 (713) 894-5471 (832) 242-3228 Alarm Alert of Texas, LLC: Alarm and ABC Travel - Vinod Shah: 6200 Savoy Adam’s Halal Meat: 12280, Westheimer Security Services 6807 Dunvegan Ln., Dr., Ste. # 550 Houston, TX 77036 Rd., Ste # 5, Houston, TX 77077 Sugar Land, TX 77479 TX Lic # 17487 (713) 977-9802 FAX (713) 977-6553 (281) 249-0024 FAX (281) 249-0025 Call Saji - (832) 867-9064 ABE Jacob Insurance Agency - Jacob Adimathra, Jacob – Broker Services: Al-Iman Halal Meat & Groceries: 6289 Abraham: 2207 S Main, Stafford, 11045 Landswalk Dr. Unit 112, Houston, Hwy, 6 South Houston, TX 77083 TX 77477 (281) 261-8200 TX 77099 (832) 605-6849 (281) 530-3833 Email: Afghan Cuisine: 11920 Hwy 6 South Ste. Al-Huda Grocery: 12090 Veterans A Sweet Intent - A Confectionery: # 1200 Sugar Land, Memorial Dr., Houston, (832) 731-4896 http://www.asweetintent. TX 77498 (281) 879-0945 TX 77067 (281) 444-8120 com Aga Ron, Realtor, Champions Real Alimohammed, Rehan, Attorney at Law: A - 1 Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr. Ste. Estate Group: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 300, # 214, Houston, 6117 Richmond Ave. Houston TX 77057 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 340-2074 TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 832 423-6973 (281) 340-2074 A K Realty Inc.; 11806, Wilcrest Dr. Ste. Aga’s Restaurant - Shoukat Maredia: 230, Houston, TX 77031 (281) 776-9863 11842 Wilcrest, Ste. # 2 Houston, Email: FAX (281) 575-1209 TX 77031 All American Classic Travel: 2907 Rifle ; Agha Juice & Café Hillcroft: 5711 HillGap Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77478 Email: croft St., Houston, TX 77036 (281) 313-4967 AMYA Tax & Accounting Services: 7457 (713) 695-8534 All Bengal Grocery: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Harwin Dr. Ste. 150, Houston, TX 77036 Email: Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 (713) 395-0930 FAX (713) 395-0934 Agha Juice & Café: 11920, Hwy 6 South, All Bengal Sweets & Restaurant: 13438 ; Sugar Land, TX 77498 ( 832) 328-4652 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 Able Mortgage & National Realty: James Agnihotri, Indereswhar - Realtor: Realm (281) 983-5455 Compiled &# 307384 Published Nagar Photojournalist;Allied American Agency: 5663 Hillcroft, Oolut, NMLS ID - TX 13401By: R.K. Real Estate Southwest Frwy. # 201 Sugar School Land, Professionals: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. Missouri, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 782-0777 of University of Ste. Missouri of Journalism, Columbia, U.S.A. TX 77478 (281) 242-8500 (281) 242-4005 # 102, Sugar Land, Email: ( 281) 733-4242 TX 77498 (281) 690-5900 X 5858 American Halal Meat: 12450 Bissonnet York City, NY 10021 • Tel: (917) 515 - 3990 • Email:


rce Guide of New York, New Jersey & Houston, TX



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Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals St., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-8141 Ann’s International Grocers: 2215 South Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-7577 Annam Indian Cuisine: 1029 N Highway 6 Ste. # 200, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 492-1688 Apex Group of Companies. The: 9100 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201, Houston, TX 77074 Apna Bazaar: 17926 Hwy. 3, Ste. # 105, Webster, TX 77598 (832) 932-5500 Apna Bazaar: 2437 FM 1092, Missouri City, TX 77459 (281) 208-2500 Aqra Travel: 3033 Chimney Rock Road, Ste # 202, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 780-1900 ; Email: Ariff, Altaf “ Eric”: 11909 Bissonnet St., Ste B, Houston, TX 77099 www.twfg,com/EricAltaf Email: Ashiana Restaurant: 12610 Briar Forest @ Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77077 ( 281) 679-5555 FAX (281) 493-0981 Ashneel Travel & Tours: 6121 Hillcroft Ste, # K 1, Houston, TX 77081 (713) 981-6166 FAX (713) 981-0063 Email: Asia Bazar & Restaurant: 12508 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 (281) 988-6397 Asia Market: 11920, Hwy. 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (832) 351-2742 Asian Food Market: 11920 Hwy. 6 South Ste. # 300 Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 832) 351-2742 FAX (832) 351-2743 Astro Printing: 10802 Roark Rd., Houston, TX 77099 (281) 568-1010 Awami Markaz: 12365 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 498-1694 BBQ Tonite: 14617, Beechnut St., Houston, TX 77083 832-328-0786 FAX 832-486-9783 Baichan Mahinder: Sewer Rooter Repair (281) 392-5416 Baithak Restaurant: 6750 Hwy 6 South, Houston, TX 77083 (281) 988-0055 Banerjee A Attorney at Law: 131 Brooks

St Sugar Land TX 77478 ( 281) 242-9139 Bansi Tailoring - Rakesh Sodagar: 6634 - B, Southwest Frwy. Houston, TX 77074 (713) 278-2674 ( 832) 545-0575 CELL Battu, Damodar CPA: 7211 Regency Square Blvd. Ste. # 220 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 785-4667 FAX (713) 785-0011 Bawa Jewelers: 5710 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 952-5858 Bawarchi Biryani Pot: 6509, Westheimer Rd., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 FAX (713) 278-8086 Email: ; Bawarchi Biryni Point: 6439 Westheimer Rd. Houston TX 77057 (713) 714-8197 Best Photography and Videography Shiraz Maherali: 6666 Harwin Dr Ste. # 290 Houston TX 77036 Bhata, Vimal – American General Life and Insurance Company: (281) 685-6737 Bhavsar, Rajiv B., SVP Commercial Lending Officer, Wallis State Bank (281) 217-7330 Bhojan Vegetarian Restaurant: 5901 Hillcroft St. Ste. B 1, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 777-6900 Bigben Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 FAX (713) 541-5700 Bijaj Persian Grill: 5922 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (832) 242-1500 FAX (832) 242-9981 ; Bijan Persian Grill: 1531 Highway 6 Ste.# 100, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 240-0775 Bismillah Grocers: 17718 W Little York Rd., Houston, TX 77084 (281) 345-6328 Bismillah Grocers & Halal Meat: 15106 Hwy. 3, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 286-2929 Bismillah Restaurant: 5702, Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 781-5000 Biyani, Rashmi Dr., Star Plus Dental – Family Dentist: 11102 Hwy. 6 South Ste # 104, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 988- 8955 (281) 988- 9000 Biryani Pot Indian Cuisine: 6509 Westheimer Rd. Ste ‘B’ Houston TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 Bombay Bazaar: 949 S Mason Rd.

Katy TX 77450 (281) 578-5812 Bombay Brasseire: 2414 University Blvd., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77005 (713) 355-2000 (713) 355-2063 FAX (713) 622-2005 Bombay Brasserie: 3005 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 622-2005 Bombay Palace, The – Indian Grill & Bar: 15295, Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 325-0071 FAX (281) 325-0072 Email: Bombay Pizza Co. Viral Amin: 914 Main St Ste. # 105 Houston TX 77002 (713) 654-4444 Bombay Sweets & Pure Vegetarian Restaurant: 5827 Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 780-4453 Bombay Tadka: 17926 Hwy. 3 Ste. # 101, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 316-8883 Bombay to Bejing: 14025 Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-4242 ; Bridals N More: The Bridal Specialist: 5711 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. D-48, Houston, TX 77036 (281) 728-0669 Email: Brown, Link – The Link Brown Team: 8817 Hwy 6 South Ste # 700 Missouri City, TX 77459 (713) 909-0599 FAX (281) 778-0797 www.LinkBrowncom Email: Brownstone Dental – Dr. Saif Shere: 9824 Fondren, Houston, TX 77096 (713) 271-3000 ; Bundu Khan: 11887 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-5787 Bundu Khan: 10941 FM 1960 West @ Jones Rd. Houston, TX 77070 (281) 477-7897 Cafe India: 2319 William Terrace, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 469-8100 Cantoni: 9889 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX (713) 787-9494 ; Capricorn Travel: 3939 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. # 110, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 339-2222 Carvan Travel Inc.: 259 New Brunswick Ave. Ste. # 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 Hafiz Mohammad (713) 534-2376 Khawar Ali (832) 359-7789 Ghulam Ahmad Khan (713) 772-7000 Email: AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals 59 Minute Photo Saeed Agha: 6451 Hillcroft Ave. Houston TX 77057 (713) 784-5455 (713)301-1993 CELL 99 Ranch Market: 3430 Hwy 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 980-6699 A - One International: 10148 Highway 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 493-1888 A + Affordable Insurance, Rajesh Malik ( Raj ): 7111, Harwin Dr., Ste. # 274, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 266-1700 A & A Video: 10101 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 574, Houston, TX 77074 (713) 772-6899 AAA Excellent Appliances & Refrigeration – Harris Malik: (713) 469-9192 ABC Travel - Vinod Shah: 6200 Savoy Dr., Ste. # 550 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 977-9802 FAX (713) 977-6553 ABE Jacob Insurance Agency - Jacob Abraham: 2207 S Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-8200 Email: A Sweet Intent - A Confectionery: (832) 731-4896 http://www.asweetintent. com A - 1 Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr. Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 A K Realty Inc.; 11806, Wilcrest Dr. Ste. 230, Houston, TX 77031 (281) 776-9863 FAX (281) 575-1209 ; Email: AMYA Tax & Accounting Services: 7457 Harwin Dr. Ste. 150, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 395-0930 FAX (713) 395-0934 ; Able Mortgage & National Realty: James Oolut, NMLS ID # 307384 - TX 13401 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-8500 (281) 242-4005 ( 281) 733-4242 Abraham & Company - George Abraham, Realtor: 1747 Texas Pkwy. Missouri City, TX 77489 (281) 499-6767 (281) 235-8600 CELL Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5000 Westheimer Rd., Ste. # 200 Houston, TX 77056 (713) 963-0980 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5120 Woodway Dr., Ste. # 180, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 622-4444


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 7026 Old Katy Rd. Ste. # 166 Houston, TX 77024 (713) 622-3226 Accounting & Tax Services T A Patil: 7171 Harwin Dr Ste # 218 D Houston TX 77036 (713) 894-5471 (832) 242-3228 Adam’s Halal Meat: 12280, Westheimer Rd., Ste # 5, Houston, TX 77077 (281) 249-0024 FAX (281) 249-0025 Adimathra, Jacob – Broker Services: 11045 Landswalk Dr. Unit 112, Houston, TX 77099 (832) 605-6849 Afghan Cuisine: 11920 Hwy 6 South Ste. # 1200 Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 879-0945 Aga Ron, Realtor, Champions Real Estate Group: 6117 Richmond Ave. Houston TX 77057 832 423-6973 Aga’s Restaurant - Shoukat Maredia: 11842 Wilcrest, Ste. # 2 Houston, TX 77031 Agha Juice & Café Hillcroft: 5711 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 695-8534 Email: Agha Juice & Café: 11920, Hwy 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77498 ( 832) 328-4652 Agnihotri, Indereswhar - Realtor: Realm Real Estate Professionals: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 102, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 690-5900 X 5858 (713) 550-2862 Email: Agrawal, Rekha - Realtor: (281) 398-3575 (713) 894-4637 CELL Email: Ahmed, Farha, Attorney at Law: 2150 Town Square Place, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 313-3839 Air An U Cool - Ajit Patel: (713) 467-9288 (713) 557-2536 Ajani, Dilawar MD: 3915 B Town Center, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 903-4709 Al Basha - Meditettanean Gill: 300 W Bay Area Blvd., (Between Hwy. 3 & I - 45 ) Ste. # 700, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 554-2222 Alarm Alert of Texas, LLC: Alarm and Security Services 6807 Dunvegan Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77479 TX Lic # 17487 Call Saji - (832) 867-9064 Al-Iman Halal Meat & Groceries: 6289 Hwy, 6 South Houston, TX 77083 (281) 530-3833 Al-Huda Grocery: 12090 Veterans

Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77067 (281) 444-8120 Alimohammed, Rehan, Attorney at Law: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 300, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 340-2074 (281) 340-2074 Email: All American Classic Travel: 2907 Rifle Gap Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 313-4967 All Bengal Grocery: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 All Bengal Sweets & Restaurant: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 Allied American Agency: 5663 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 782-0777 Email: American Halal Meat: 12450 Bissonnet St., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-8141 Ann’s International Grocers: 2215 South Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-7577 Annam Indian Cuisine: 1029 N Highway 6 Ste. # 200, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 492-1688 Apex Group of Companies. The: 9100 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201, Houston, TX 77074 Apna Bazaar: 17926 Hwy. 3, Ste. # 105, Webster, TX 77598 (832) 932-5500 Apna Bazaar: 2437 FM 1092, Missouri City, TX 77459 (281) 208-2500 Aqra Travel: 3033 Chimney Rock Road, Ste # 202, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 780-1900 ; Email: Ariff, Altaf “ Eric”: 11909 Bissonnet St., Ste B, Houston, TX 77099 www.twfg,com/EricAltaf Email: Ashiana Restaurant: 12610 Briar Forest @ Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77077 ( 281) 679-5555 FAX (281) 493-0981 Ashneel Travel & Tours: 6121 Hillcroft Ste, # K 1, Houston, TX 77081 (713) 981-6166 FAX (713) 981-0063 Email: Asia Bazar & Restaurant: 12508 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 (281) 988-6397 Asia Market: 11920, Hwy. 6 South, Sugar

Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals Land, TX 77498 (832) 351-2742 Asian Food Market: 11920 Hwy. 6 South Ste. # 300 Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 832) 351-2742 FAX (832) 351-2743 Astro Printing: 10802 Roark Rd., Houston, TX 77099 (281) 568-1010 Awami Markaz: 12365 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 498-1694 BBQ Tonite: 14617, Beechnut St., Houston, TX 77083 832-328-0786 FAX 832-486-9783 Baichan Mahinder: Sewer Rooter Repair (281) 392-5416 Baithak Restaurant: 6750 Hwy 6 South, Houston, TX 77083 (281) 988-0055 Banerjee A Attorney at Law: 131 Brooks St Sugar Land TX 77478 ( 281) 242-9139 Bansi Tailoring - Rakesh Sodagar: 6634 - B, Southwest Frwy. Houston, TX 77074 (713) 278-2674 ( 832) 545-0575 CELL Battu, Damodar CPA: 7211 Regency Square Blvd. Ste. # 220 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 785-4667 FAX (713) 785-0011 Bawa Jewelers: 5710 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 952-5858 Bawarchi Biryani Pot: 6509, Westheimer Rd., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 FAX (713) 278-8086 Email: ; Bawarchi Biryni Point: 6439 Westheimer Rd. Houston TX 77057 (713) 714-8197 Best Photography and Videography Shiraz Maherali: 6666 Harwin Dr Ste. # 290 Houston TX 77036 Bhata, Vimal – American General Life and Insurance Company: (281) 685-6737 Bhavsar, Rajiv B., SVP Commercial Lending Officer, Wallis State Bank (281) 217-7330 Bhojan Vegetarian Restaurant: 5901 Hillcroft St. Ste. B 1, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 777-6900 Bigben Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 FAX (713) 541-5700 Bijaj Persian Grill: 5922 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (832) 242-1500 FAX (832) 242-9981 ; Bijan Persian Grill: 1531 Highway 6 Ste.# 100, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 240-0775 Bismillah Grocers: 17718 W Little York Rd., Houston, TX 77084 (281) 345-6328 Bismillah Grocers & Halal Meat: 15106 Hwy. 3, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 286-2929 Bismillah Restaurant: 5702, Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 781-5000 Biyani, Rashmi Dr., Star Plus Dental – Family Dentist: 11102 Hwy. 6 South Ste # 104, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 988- 8955 (281) 988- 9000 Biryani Pot Indian Cuisine: 6509 Westheimer Rd. Ste ‘B’ Houston TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 Bombay Bazaar: 949 S Mason Rd. Katy TX 77450 (281) 578-5812 Bombay Brasseire: 2414 University Blvd., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77005 (713) 355-2000 (713) 355-2063 FAX (713) 622-2005 Bombay Brasserie: 3005 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 622-2005 Bombay Palace, The – Indian Grill & Bar: 15295, Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 325-0071 FAX (281) 325-0072 Email: Bombay Pizza Co. Viral Amin: 914 Main St Ste. # 105 Houston TX 77002 (713) 654-4444 Bombay Sweets & Pure Vegetarian Restaurant: 5827 Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 780-4453 Bombay Tadka: 17926 Hwy. 3 Ste. # 101, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 316-8883 Bombay to Bejing: 14025 Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-4242 ; Bridals N More: The Bridal Specialist: 5711 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. D-48, Houston, TX 77036 (281) 728-0669 Email: Brown, Link – The Link Brown Team: 8817 Hwy 6 South Ste # 700 Missouri City, TX 77459 (713) 909-0599 FAX (281) 778-0797 www.LinkBrowncom Email: Brownstone Dental – Dr. Saif Shere: 9824 Fondren, Houston, TX 77096 (713) 271-3000 ; Bundu Khan: 11887 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-5787 Bundu Khan: 10941 FM 1960 West @ Jones Rd. Houston, TX 77070 (281) 477-7897 Cafe India: 2319 William Terrace, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 469-8100 Cantoni: 9889 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX (713) 787-9494 ; Capricorn Travel: 3939 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. # 110, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 339-2222 Carvan Travel Inc.: 259 New Brunswick Ave. Ste. # 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 Hafiz Mohammad (713) 534-2376 Khawar Ali (832) 359-7789 Ghulam Ahmad Khan (713) 772-7000 Email: Chhaya Photo Studio: 10902 West Bellfort Houston TX 77099 ((832) 659-5185 (713) 498-7145 Chittaluru, Sudha MD First Colony Primary Care: 1111 Hwy 6 South Ste. # 130, (Imperial Medical Center) Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 494-3460 www.facebookcom/Dr.Chittluru Choudhary, Ajay: Attorney At Law – 8702 Westpark Dr Houston, TX 77063 (281) 888-7074 Email: Chat & Pan: 6121 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. # M.2, Houston, TX 77081 (713) 774-0274 Chatkhara Grill, Syed Aamir: 6202 Hwy. 6 South Houston, TX 77083 (713) 240-1115 (281) 988-7141 Chaudhuri, Tarik K. CCIM, AIA - Keller Williams: (281) 870-8581 (713) 927-6666 CELL; Email: Chaudhry Misbah, Attorney & Counselor at Law: Law office of Misbah Chaudhry – 11511 Katy Frwy., Ste.# 500, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 870-1300 FAX (281) 840-6886 Email: Chawla. Pawan - AGLA American General Life and Accident Insurance: 6300 West Loop South Ste. # 600, Bellaire, TX 77401 (713) 666-1084 FAX (713) 666-1143 (281) 236-4524 Chef’s Indian Cuisine: 10928 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77042 (713) 780-3096 Email: Cherivirala, Ramesh - N. Y. Life Ins. Co. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals

59 Minute Photo Saeed Agha: 6451 Hillcroft Ave. Houston TX 77057 (713) 784-5455 (713)301-1993 CELL 99 Ranch Market: 3430 Hwy 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 980-6699 A - One International: 10148 Highway 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 493-1888 A + Affordable Insurance, Rajesh Malik ( Raj ): 7111, Harwin Dr., Ste. # 274, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 266-1700 A & A Video: 10101 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 574, Houston, TX 77074 (713) 772-6899 AAA Excellent Appliances & Refrigeration – Harris Malik: (713) 469-9192 ABC Travel - Vinod Shah: 6200 Savoy Dr., Ste. # 550 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 977-9802 FAX (713) 977-6553 ABE Jacob Insurance Agency - Jacob Abraham: 2207 S Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-8200 Email: A Sweet Intent - A Confectionery: (832) 731-4896 http://www.asweetintent. com A - 1 Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr. Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 A K Realty Inc.; 11806, Wilcrest Dr. Ste. 230, Houston, TX 77031 (281) 776-9863 FAX (281) 575-1209 ; Email: AMYA Tax & Accounting Services: 7457 Harwin Dr. Ste. 150, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 395-0930 FAX (713) 395-0934 ; Able Mortgage & National Realty: James Oolut, NMLS ID # 307384 - TX 13401 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-8500 (281) 242-4005 ( 281) 733-4242 Abraham & Company - George Abraham, Realtor: 1747 Texas Pkwy. Missouri City, TX 77489 (281) 499-6767 (281) 235-8600 CELL Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5000 Westheimer Rd., Ste. # 200 Houston, TX 77056 (713) 963-0980 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5120 Woodway Dr., Ste. # 180, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 622-4444


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 7026 Old Katy Rd. Ste. # 166 Houston, TX 77024 (713) 622-3226 Accounting & Tax Services T A Patil: 7171 Harwin Dr Ste # 218 D Houston TX 77036 (713) 894-5471 (832) 242-3228 Adam’s Halal Meat: 12280, Westheimer Rd., Ste # 5, Houston, TX 77077 (281) 249-0024 FAX (281) 249-0025 Adimathra, Jacob – Broker Services: 11045 Landswalk Dr. Unit 112, Houston, TX 77099 (832) 605-6849 Afghan Cuisine: 11920 Hwy 6 South Ste. # 1200 Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 879-0945 Aga Ron, Realtor, Champions Real Estate Group: 6117 Richmond Ave. Houston TX 77057 832 423-6973 Aga’s Restaurant - Shoukat Maredia: 11842 Wilcrest, Ste. # 2 Houston, TX 77031 Agha Juice & Café Hillcroft: 5711 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 695-8534 Email: Agha Juice & Café: 11920, Hwy 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77498 ( 832) 328-4652 Agnihotri, Indereswhar - Realtor: Realm Real Estate Professionals: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 102, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 690-5900 X 5858 (713) 550-2862 Email: Agrawal, Rekha - Realtor: (281) 398-3575 (713) 894-4637 CELL Email: Ahmed, Farha, Attorney at Law: 2150 Town Square Place, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 313-3839 Air An U Cool - Ajit Patel: (713) 467-9288 (713) 557-2536 Ajani, Dilawar MD: 3915 B Town Center, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 903-4709 Al Basha - Meditettanean Gill: 300 W Bay Area Blvd., (Between Hwy. 3 & I - 45 ) Ste. # 700, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 554-2222 Alarm Alert of Texas, LLC: Alarm and Security Services 6807 Dunvegan Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77479 TX Lic # 17487 Call Saji - (832) 867-9064 Al-Iman Halal Meat & Groceries: 6289 Hwy, 6 South Houston, TX 77083 (281) 530-3833 Al-Huda Grocery: 12090 Veterans

Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77067 (281) 444-8120 Alimohammed, Rehan, Attorney at Law: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 300, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 340-2074 (281) 340-2074 Email: All American Classic Travel: 2907 Rifle Gap Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 313-4967 All Bengal Grocery: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 All Bengal Sweets & Restaurant: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 Allied American Agency: 5663 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 782-0777 Email: American Halal Meat: 12450 Bissonnet St., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-8141 Ann’s International Grocers: 2215 South Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-7577 Annam Indian Cuisine: 1029 N Highway 6 Ste. # 200, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 492-1688 Apex Group of Companies. The: 9100 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201, Houston, TX 77074 Apna Bazaar: 17926 Hwy. 3, Ste. # 105, Webster, TX 77598 (832) 932-5500 Apna Bazaar: 2437 FM 1092, Missouri City, TX 77459 (281) 208-2500 Aqra Travel: 3033 Chimney Rock Road, Ste # 202, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 780-1900 ; Email: Ariff, Altaf “ Eric”: 11909 Bissonnet St., Ste B, Houston, TX 77099 www.twfg,com/EricAltaf Email: Ashiana Restaurant: 12610 Briar Forest @ Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77077 ( 281) 679-5555 FAX (281) 493-0981 Ashneel Travel & Tours: 6121 Hillcroft Ste, # K 1, Houston, TX 77081 (713) 981-6166 FAX (713) 981-0063 Email: Asia Bazar & Restaurant: 12508 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 (281) 988-6397 Asia Market: 11920, Hwy. 6 South, Sugar

Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals Land, TX 77498 (832) 351-2742 Asian Food Market: 11920 Hwy. 6 South Ste. # 300 Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 832) 351-2742 FAX (832) 351-2743 Astro Printing: 10802 Roark Rd., Houston, TX 77099 (281) 568-1010 Awami Markaz: 12365 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 498-1694 BBQ Tonite: 14617, Beechnut St., Houston, TX 77083 832-328-0786 FAX 832-486-9783 Baichan Mahinder: Sewer Rooter Repair (281) 392-5416 Baithak Restaurant: 6750 Hwy 6 South, Houston, TX 77083 (281) 988-0055 Banerjee A Attorney at Law: 131 Brooks St Sugar Land TX 77478 ( 281) 242-9139 Bansi Tailoring - Rakesh Sodagar: 6634 - B, Southwest Frwy. Houston, TX 77074 (713) 278-2674 ( 832) 545-0575 CELL Battu, Damodar CPA: 7211 Regency Square Blvd. Ste. # 220 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 785-4667 FAX (713) 785-0011 Bawa Jewelers: 5710 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 952-5858 Bawarchi Biryani Pot: 6509, Westheimer Rd., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 FAX (713) 278-8086 Email: ; Bawarchi Biryni Point: 6439 Westheimer Rd. Houston TX 77057 (713) 714-8197 Best Photography and Videography Shiraz Maherali: 6666 Harwin Dr Ste. # 290 Houston TX 77036 Bhata, Vimal – American General Life and Insurance Company: (281) 685-6737 Bhavsar, Rajiv B., SVP Commercial Lending Officer, Wallis State Bank (281) 217-7330 Bhojan Vegetarian Restaurant: 5901 Hillcroft St. Ste. B 1, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 777-6900 Bigben Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 FAX (713) 541-5700 Bijaj Persian Grill: 5922 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (832) 242-1500 FAX (832) 242-9981 ; Bijan Persian Grill: 1531 Highway 6 Ste.# 100, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 240-0775 Bismillah Grocers: 17718 W Little York Rd., Houston, TX 77084 (281) 345-6328 Bismillah Grocers & Halal Meat: 15106 Hwy. 3, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 286-2929 Bismillah Restaurant: 5702, Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 781-5000 Biyani, Rashmi Dr., Star Plus Dental – Family Dentist: 11102 Hwy. 6 South Ste # 104, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 988- 8955 (281) 988- 9000 Biryani Pot Indian Cuisine: 6509 Westheimer Rd. Ste ‘B’ Houston TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 Bombay Bazaar: 949 S Mason Rd. Katy TX 77450 (281) 578-5812 Bombay Brasseire: 2414 University Blvd., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77005

(713) 355-2000 (713) 355-2063 FAX (713) 622-2005 Bombay Brasserie: 3005 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 622-2005 Bombay Palace, The – Indian Grill & Bar: 15295, Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 325-0071 FAX (281) 325-0072 Email: Bombay Pizza Co. Viral Amin: 914 Main St Ste. # 105 Houston TX 77002 (713) 654-4444 Bombay Sweets & Pure Vegetarian Restaurant: 5827 Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 780-4453 Bombay Tadka: 17926 Hwy. 3 Ste. # 101, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 316-8883 Bombay to Bejing: 14025 Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-4242 ;

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals

59 Minute Photo Saeed Agha: 6451 Hillcroft Ave. Houston TX 77057 (713) 784-5455 (713)301-1993 CELL 99 Ranch Market: 3430 Hwy 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 980-6699 A - One International: 10148 Highway 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 493-1888 A + Affordable Insurance, Rajesh Malik ( Raj ): 7111, Harwin Dr., Ste. # 274, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 266-1700 A & A Video: 10101 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 574, Houston, TX 77074 (713) 772-6899 AAA Excellent Appliances & Refrigeration – Harris Malik: (713) 469-9192 ABC Travel - Vinod Shah: 6200 Savoy Dr., Ste. # 550 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 977-9802 FAX (713) 977-6553 ABE Jacob Insurance Agency - Jacob Abraham: 2207 S Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-8200 Email: A Sweet Intent - A Confectionery: (832) 731-4896 http://www.asweetintent. com A - 1 Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr. Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 A K Realty Inc.; 11806, Wilcrest Dr. Ste. 230, Houston, TX 77031 (281) 776-9863 FAX (281) 575-1209 ; Email: AMYA Tax & Accounting Services: 7457 Harwin Dr. Ste. 150, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 395-0930 FAX (713) 395-0934 ; Able Mortgage & National Realty: James Oolut, NMLS ID # 307384 - TX 13401 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-8500 (281) 242-4005 ( 281) 733-4242 Abraham & Company - George Abraham, Realtor: 1747 Texas Pkwy. Missouri City, TX 77489 (281) 499-6767 (281) 235-8600 CELL Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5000 Westheimer Rd., Ste. # 200 Houston, TX 77056 (713) 963-0980 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5120 Woodway Dr., Ste. # 180, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 622-4444


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 7026 Old Katy Rd. Ste. # 166 Houston, TX 77024 (713) 622-3226 Accounting & Tax Services T A Patil: 7171 Harwin Dr Ste # 218 D Houston TX 77036 (713) 894-5471 (832) 242-3228 Adam’s Halal Meat: 12280, Westheimer Rd., Ste # 5, Houston, TX 77077 (281) 249-0024 FAX (281) 249-0025 Adimathra, Jacob – Broker Services: 11045 Landswalk Dr. Unit 112, Houston, TX 77099 (832) 605-6849 Afghan Cuisine: 11920 Hwy 6 South Ste. # 1200 Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 879-0945 Aga Ron, Realtor, Champions Real Estate Group: 6117 Richmond Ave. Houston TX 77057 832 423-6973 Aga’s Restaurant - Shoukat Maredia: 11842 Wilcrest, Ste. # 2 Houston, TX 77031 Agha Juice & Café Hillcroft: 5711 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 695-8534 Email: Agha Juice & Café: 11920, Hwy 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77498 ( 832) 328-4652 Agnihotri, Indereswhar - Realtor: Realm Real Estate Professionals: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 102, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 690-5900 X 5858 (713) 550-2862 Email: Agrawal, Rekha - Realtor: (281) 398-3575 (713) 894-4637 CELL Email: Ahmed, Farha, Attorney at Law: 2150 Town Square Place, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 313-3839 Air An U Cool - Ajit Patel: (713) 467-9288 (713) 557-2536 Ajani, Dilawar MD: 3915 B Town Center, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 903-4709 Al Basha - Meditettanean Gill: 300 W Bay Area Blvd., (Between Hwy. 3 & I - 45 ) Ste. # 700, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 554-2222 Alarm Alert of Texas, LLC: Alarm and Security Services 6807 Dunvegan Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77479 TX Lic # 17487 Call Saji - (832) 867-9064 Al-Iman Halal Meat & Groceries: 6289 Hwy, 6 South Houston, TX 77083 (281) 530-3833 Al-Huda Grocery: 12090 Veterans

Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77067 (281) 444-8120 Alimohammed, Rehan, Attorney at Law: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 300, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 340-2074 (281) 340-2074 Email: All American Classic Travel: 2907 Rifle Gap Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 313-4967 All Bengal Grocery: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 All Bengal Sweets & Restaurant: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 Allied American Agency: 5663 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 782-0777 Email: American Halal Meat: 12450 Bissonnet St., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-8141 Ann’s International Grocers: 2215 South Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-7577 Annam Indian Cuisine: 1029 N Highway 6 Ste. # 200, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 492-1688 Apex Group of Companies. The: 9100 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201, Houston, TX 77074 Apna Bazaar: 17926 Hwy. 3, Ste. # 105, Webster, TX 77598 (832) 932-5500 Apna Bazaar: 2437 FM 1092, Missouri City, TX 77459 (281) 208-2500 Aqra Travel: 3033 Chimney Rock Road, Ste # 202, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 780-1900 ; Email: Ariff, Altaf “ Eric”: 11909 Bissonnet St., Ste B, Houston, TX 77099 www.twfg,com/EricAltaf Email: Ashiana Restaurant: 12610 Briar Forest @ Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77077 ( 281) 679-5555 FAX (281) 493-0981 Ashneel Travel & Tours: 6121 Hillcroft Ste, # K 1, Houston, TX 77081 (713) 981-6166 FAX (713) 981-0063 Email: Asia Bazar & Restaurant: 12508 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 (281) 988-6397 Asia Market: 11920, Hwy. 6 South, Sugar

Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals Land, TX 77498 (832) 351-2742 Asian Food Market: 11920 Hwy. 6 South Ste. # 300 Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 832) 351-2742 FAX (832) 351-2743 Astro Printing: 10802 Roark Rd., Houston, TX 77099 (281) 568-1010 Awami Markaz: 12365 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 498-1694 BBQ Tonite: 14617, Beechnut St., Houston, TX 77083 832-328-0786 FAX 832-486-9783 Baichan Mahinder: Sewer Rooter Repair (281) 392-5416 Baithak Restaurant: 6750 Hwy 6 South, Houston, TX 77083 (281) 988-0055 Banerjee A Attorney at Law: 131 Brooks St Sugar Land TX 77478 ( 281) 242-9139 Bansi Tailoring - Rakesh Sodagar: 6634 - B, Southwest Frwy. Houston, TX 77074 (713) 278-2674 ( 832) 545-0575 CELL Battu, Damodar CPA: 7211 Regency Square Blvd. Ste. # 220 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 785-4667 FAX (713) 785-0011 Bawa Jewelers: 5710 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 952-5858 Bawarchi Biryani Pot: 6509, Westheimer Rd., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 FAX (713) 278-8086 Email: ; Bawarchi Biryni Point: 6439 Westheimer Rd. Houston TX 77057 (713) 714-8197 Best Photography and Videography Shiraz Maherali: 6666 Harwin Dr Ste. # 290 Houston TX 77036 Bhata, Vimal – American General Life and Insurance Company: (281) 685-6737 Bhavsar, Rajiv B., SVP Commercial Lending Officer, Wallis State Bank (281) 217-7330 Bhojan Vegetarian Restaurant: 5901 Hillcroft St. Ste. B 1, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 777-6900 Bigben Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 FAX (713) 541-5700 Bijaj Persian Grill: 5922 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (832) 242-1500 FAX (832) 242-9981 ; Bijan Persian Grill: 1531 Highway 6 Ste.# 100, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 240-0775 Bismillah Grocers: 17718 W Little York Rd., Houston, TX 77084 (281) 345-6328 Bismillah Grocers & Halal Meat: 15106 Hwy. 3, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 286-2929 Bismillah Restaurant: 5702, Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 781-5000 Biyani, Rashmi Dr., Star Plus Dental – Family Dentist: 11102 Hwy. 6 South Ste # 104, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 988- 8955 (281) 988- 9000 Biryani Pot Indian Cuisine: 6509 Westheimer Rd. Ste ‘B’ Houston TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 Bombay Bazaar: 949 S Mason Rd. Katy TX 77450 (281) 578-5812 Bombay Brasseire: 2414 University Blvd., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77005 (713) 355-2000 (713) 355-2063 FAX (713) 622-2005 Bombay Brasserie: 3005 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 622-2005 Bombay Palace, The – Indian Grill & Bar: 15295, Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 325-0071 FAX (281) 325-0072 Email: Bombay Pizza Co. Viral Amin: 914 Main St Ste. # 105 Houston TX 77002 (713) 654-4444 Bombay Sweets & Pure Vegetarian Restaurant: 5827 Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 780-4453 Bombay Tadka: 17926 Hwy. 3 Ste. # 101, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 316-8883 Bombay to Bejing: 14025 Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-4242 ; Bridals N More: The Bridal Specialist: 5711 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. D-48, Houston, TX 77036 (281) 728-0669 Email: Brown, Link – The Link Brown Team: 8817 Hwy 6 South Ste # 700 Missouri City, TX 77459 (713) 909-0599 FAX (281) 778-0797 www.LinkBrowncom Email: Brownstone Dental – Dr. Saif Shere: 9824 Fondren, Houston, TX 77096 (713) 271-3000 ; Bundu Khan: 11887 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-5787 Bundu Khan: 10941 FM 1960 West @ Jones Rd. Houston, TX 77070 (281) 477-7897 Cafe India: 2319 William Terrace, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 469-8100 Cantoni: 9889 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX (713) 787-9494 ; Capricorn Travel: 3939 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. # 110, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 339-2222 Carvan Travel Inc.: 259 New Brunswick Ave. Ste. # 202, Fords, New Jersey 08863 Hafiz Mohammad (713) 534-2376 Khawar Ali (832) 359-7789 Ghulam Ahmad Khan (713) 772-7000 Email: Chhaya Photo Studio: 10902 West Bellfort Houston TX 77099 ((832) 659-5185 (713) 498-7145 Chittaluru, Sudha MD First Colony Primary Care: 1111 Hwy 6 South Ste. # 130, (Imperial Medical Center) Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 494-3460 www.facebookcom/Dr.Chittluru Choudhary, Ajay: Attorney At Law – 8702 Westpark Dr Houston, TX 77063 (281) 888-7074 Email: Chat & Pan: 6121 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. # M.2, Houston, TX 77081 (713) 774-0274 Chatkhara Grill, Syed Aamir: 6202 Hwy. 6 South Houston, TX 77083 (713) 240-1115 (281) 988-7141 Chaudhuri, Tarik K. CCIM, AIA - Keller Williams: (281) 870-8581 (713) 927-6666 CELL; Email: Chaudhry Misbah, Attorney & Counselor at Law: Law office of Misbah Chaudhry – 11511 Katy Frwy., Ste.# 500, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 870-1300 FAX (281) 840-6886 Email: Chawla. Pawan - AGLA American General Life and Accident Insurance: 6300 West Loop South Ste. # 600, Bellaire, TX 77401 (713) 666-1084 FAX (713) 666-1143 (281) 236-4524 Chef’s Indian Cuisine: 10928 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77042 (713) 780-3096 Email: Cherivirala, Ramesh - N. Y. Life Ins. Co. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals 59 Minute Photo Saeed Agha: 6451 Hillcroft Ave. Houston TX 77057 (713) 784-5455 (713)301-1993 CELL 99 Ranch Market: 3430 Hwy 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 980-6699 A - One International: 10148 Highway 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 493-1888 A + Affordable Insurance, Rajesh Malik ( Raj ): 7111, Harwin Dr., Ste. # 274, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 266-1700 A & A Video: 10101 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 574, Houston, TX 77074 (713) 772-6899 AAA Excellent Appliances & Refrigeration – Harris Malik: (713) 469-9192 ABC Travel - Vinod Shah: 6200 Savoy Dr., Ste. # 550 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 977-9802 FAX (713) 977-6553 ABE Jacob Insurance Agency - Jacob Abraham: 2207 S Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-8200 Email:

A Sweet Intent - A Confectionery: (832) 731-4896 http://www.asweetintent. com A - 1 Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr. Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 A K Realty Inc.; 11806, Wilcrest Dr. Ste. 230, Houston, TX 77031 (281) 776-9863 FAX (281) 575-1209 ; Email: AMYA Tax & Accounting Services: 7457 Harwin Dr. Ste. 150, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 395-0930 FAX (713) 395-0934 ; Able Mortgage & National Realty: James Oolut, NMLS ID # 307384 - TX 13401 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201 Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-8500 (281) 242-4005 ( 281) 733-4242 Abraham & Company - George Abraham, Realtor: 1747 Texas Pkwy. Missouri City, TX 77489 (281) 499-6767 (281) 235-8600 CELL

There Are Two Types of Advertising Media

Traditional Media Creates an awareness and the desire to buy Tells the Customer What to Buy

Directional Media Is used when people are ready to buy Tells the Customer Where to Buy


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5000 Westheimer Rd., Ste. # 200 Houston, TX 77056 (713) 963-0980 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 5120 Woodway Dr., Ste. # 180, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 622-4444 Abrahams Oriental Rugs: 7026 Old Katy Rd. Ste. # 166 Houston, TX 77024 (713) 622-3226 Accounting & Tax Services T A Patil: 7171 Harwin Dr Ste # 218 D Houston TX 77036 (713) 894-5471 (832) 242-3228 Adam’s Halal Meat: 12280, Westheimer Rd., Ste # 5, Houston, TX 77077 (281) 249-0024 FAX (281) 249-0025 Adimathra, Jacob – Broker Services: 11045 Landswalk Dr. Unit 112, Houston, TX 77099 (832) 605-6849 Afghan Cuisine: 11920 Hwy 6 South Ste. # 1200 Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 879-0945 Aga Ron, Realtor, Champions Real Estate Group: 6117 Richmond Ave. Houston TX 77057 832 423-6973 Aga’s Restaurant - Shoukat Maredia: 11842 Wilcrest, Ste. # 2 Houston, TX 77031 Agha Juice & Café Hillcroft: 5711 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 695-8534 Email: Agha Juice & Café: 11920, Hwy 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77498 ( 832) 328-4652 Agnihotri, Indereswhar - Realtor: Realm Real Estate Professionals: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 102, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 690-5900 X 5858 (713) 550-2862 Email: Agrawal, Rekha - Realtor: (281) 398-3575 (713) 894-4637 CELL Email: Ahmed, Farha, Attorney at Law: 2150 Town Square Place, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 313-3839 Air An U Cool - Ajit Patel: (713) 467-9288 (713) 557-2536 Ajani, Dilawar MD: 3915 B Town Center, Sugar Land, TX 77479 (281) 903-4709 Al Basha - Meditettanean Gill: 300 W Bay Area Blvd., (Between Hwy. 3 & I - 45 ) Ste. # 700, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 554-2222 Alarm Alert of Texas, LLC: Alarm and Se-

Greater Houston area Alphabetical Listing -Businesses and Professionals curity Services 6807 Dunvegan Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77479 TX Lic # 17487 Call Saji - (832) 867-9064 Al-Iman Halal Meat & Groceries: 6289 Hwy, 6 South Houston, TX 77083 (281) 530-3833 Al-Huda Grocery: 12090 Veterans Memorial Dr., Houston, TX 77067 (281) 444-8120 Alimohammed, Rehan, Attorney at Law: 14090 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 300, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 340-2074 (281) 340-2074 Email: All American Classic Travel: 2907 Rifle Gap Ln., Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 313-4967 All Bengal Grocery: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 All Bengal Sweets & Restaurant: 13438 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77083 (281) 983-5455 Allied American Agency: 5663 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 782-0777 Email: American Halal Meat: 12450 Bissonnet St., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 879-8141 Ann’s International Grocers: 2215 South Main, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 261-7577 Annam Indian Cuisine: 1029 N Highway 6 Ste. # 200, Houston, TX 77079 (281) 492-1688 Apex Group of Companies. The: 9100 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 201, Houston, TX 77074 Apna Bazaar: 17926 Hwy. 3, Ste. # 105, Webster, TX 77598 (832) 932-5500 Apna Bazaar: 2437 FM 1092, Missouri City, TX 77459 (281) 208-2500 Aqra Travel: 3033 Chimney Rock Road, Ste # 202, Houston, TX 77056 (713) 780-1900 ; Email: Ariff, Altaf “ Eric”: 11909 Bissonnet St., Ste B, Houston, TX 77099 www.twfg,com/EricAltaf Email: Ashiana Restaurant: 12610 Briar Forest @ Dairy Ashford, Houston, TX 77077 ( 281) 679-5555 FAX (281) 493-0981 Ashneel Travel & Tours: 6121 Hillcroft Ste, # K 1, Houston,

TX 77081 (713) 981-6166 FAX (713) 981-0063 Email: Asia Bazar & Restaurant: 12508 Bellaire Blvd., Houston, TX 77072 (281) 988-6397 Asia Market: 11920, Hwy. 6 South, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (832) 351-2742 Asian Food Market: 11920 Hwy. 6 South Ste. # 300 Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 832) 351-2742 FAX (832) 351-2743 Astro Printing: 10802 Roark Rd., Houston, TX 77099 (281) 568-1010 Awami Markaz: 12365 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77099 (281) 498-1694 BBQ Tonite: 14617, Beechnut St., Houston, TX 77083 832-328-0786 FAX 832-486-9783 Baichan Mahinder: Sewer Rooter Repair (281) 392-5416 Baithak Restaurant: 6750 Hwy 6 South, Houston, TX 77083 (281) 988-0055 Banerjee A Attorney at Law: 131 Brooks St Sugar Land TX 77478 ( 281) 242-9139 Bansi Tailoring - Rakesh Sodagar: 6634 - B, Southwest Frwy. Houston, TX 77074 (713) 278-2674 ( 832) 545-0575 CELL Battu, Damodar CPA: 7211 Regency Square Blvd. Ste. # 220 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 785-4667 FAX (713) 785-0011 Bawa Jewelers: 5710 Hillcroft St., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 952-5858 Bawarchi Biryani Pot: 6509, Westheimer Rd., Ste. B, Houston, TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 FAX (713) 278-8086 Email: ; Bawarchi Biryni Point: 6439 Westheimer Rd. Houston TX 77057 (713) 714-8197 Best Photography and Videography Shiraz Maherali: 6666 Harwin Dr Ste. # 290 Houston TX 77036 Bhata, Vimal – American General Life and Insurance Company: (281) 685-6737 Bhavsar, Rajiv B., SVP Commercial Lending Officer, Wallis State Bank (281) 217-7330 Bhojan Vegetarian Restaurant: 5901 Hillcroft St. Ste. B 1,

Houston, TX 77036 (713) 777-6900 Bigben Travel: 8700 Commerce Park Dr., Ste. # 214, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 541-1800 FAX (713) 541-5700 Bijaj Persian Grill: 5922 Hillcroft, Houston, TX 77036 (832) 242-1500 FAX (832) 242-9981 ; Bijan Persian Grill: 1531 Highway 6 Ste.# 100, Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 240-0775 Bismillah Grocers: 17718 W Little York Rd., Houston, TX 77084 (281) 345-6328 Bismillah Grocers & Halal Meat: 15106 Hwy. 3, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 286-2929 Bismillah Restaurant: 5702, Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 781-5000 Biyani, Rashmi Dr., Star Plus Dental – Family Dentist: 11102 Hwy. 6 South Ste # 104, Sugar Land, TX 77498 (281) 988- 8955 (281) 988- 9000 Biryani Pot Indian Cuisine: 6509 Westheimer Rd. Ste ‘B’ Houston TX 77057 (713) 278-8085 Bombay Bazaar: 949 S Mason Rd. Katy TX 77450 (281) 578-5812 Bombay Brasseire: 2414 University Blvd., Ste. # 210, Houston, TX 77005 (713) 355-2000 (713) 355-2063 FAX (713) 622-2005 Bombay Brasserie: 3005 West Loop South, Houston, TX 77027 (713) 622-2005 Bombay Palace, The – Indian Grill & Bar: 15295, Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 325-0071 FAX (281) 325-0072 Email: Bombay Pizza Co. Viral Amin: 914 Main St Ste. # 105 Houston TX 77002 (713) 654-4444 Bombay Sweets & Pure Vegetarian Restaurant: 5827 Hillcroft Ave., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 780-4453 Bombay Tadka: 17926 Hwy. 3 Ste. # 101, Webster, TX 77598 (281) 316-8883 Bombay to Bejing: 14025 Southwest Frwy. Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 242-4242 ; Bridals N More: The Bridal Specialist: 5711 Hillcroft Ave. Ste. D-48, Houston, TX 77036 (281) 728-0669 Email: Brown, Link – The Link Brown Team: 8817 Hwy 6 South Ste # 700 Missouri City, AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston region - Places of worship Darshan & Aarti timings @ some places Arya Samaj of Greater Houston: 24375, Schiller Rd. Houston, TX 77082 Just east of Texas Hwy. 6 South between Westpark and Bellaire Blvd. 281-750-0100 Ashtalakshmi Temple - please see Sri Ashtalakshmi Temple BAPS - Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha: Shree Swaminarayan Mandir, 1150 Brand Ln., Stafford, TX 77477 Email 281-765-2277 FAX 281-765-2278 Daily Darshan Timings: 7:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon 4:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. 8:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Daily Aarti Timing: Mangal Aarti 6:00 a.m. Shangar Aarti 7:30 a.m. Rajbhog Aarti 11:30 a.m. Sandhya Aarti 7:00 p.m. Shayan Aarti 8:30 p.m. Barsana Dham - Shree Rajeshwari Radha Rani Temple: 400 Barasand Rd., Austin, TX 78737 512-288-7180 ; Darshan Timing: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Daily 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon Mon. - Fri 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Daily 8:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Daily Sunday Temple Services 11:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Chanting, Meditation, Discourses Chinmaya Mission of Houston 10353 Synott Rd. Sugar Land, TX 77478 281-933-0233 281-5689520 281-568-7819 ; Gauri Siddhivinayak Temple of Houston, The : 5645, Hillcroft Ave., Ste. # 701 Houston, TX 77036 Pandit Pradip Pandya (832) 446-9868 Gayatri Pariwar - Temple of Ma Gayatri: Address: 20914, Park Row Dr., Katy, TX 77494 (281) 717-4895 Timings: Monday – Friday: 7:30 am- 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm- 8:00 pm


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Saturday & Sunday: 7:30 am- 8:00 pm Monday –Saturday Aarti: 8:00 am & 7:00 pm Sunday Aarti: 8:00 am & 6:30 pm New Satsang time on Sunday: 4:30 pm- 6:30 pm followed by Aarti & Prasad Sunderkand every Saturday from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM Gayatri Havan every Sunday at 9:30 AM at temple. Guru Ravidas Temple: 7902 Boone Rd., Houston, TX 77072 Gurbani, Satsang and Kirtan followed by “ Guru Ka Langar” Every Sunday. Time: 8:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m. Hare Krishna Dham: 1320, West 34th Ste., Houston, TX 77018 713-686-GITA Arati Schedule and Darshan Timings: 4:30 a.m. Mangal Aarti 5:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. Chanting 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Sringara Darshan & Guru - Puja 7:45 a.m. Srimad Bhagavatam Class 8:30 a.m. - 8:35 Dhoop Arati 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Breakfast Prasadam 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Raj Bhoga Arari (Deities are put to rest after Aarti ) 12:30 p.m. Lunch - Prasadam 12:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m Curtain Closed 4:30 p.m. - 4:35 p.m. Dhoop Arati 7:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Sundara Arati 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Dinner Prasadam 9:00 p.m. - 9:10 p.m. Shayan Arati (Deities are put to rest after Arati ) 9:10 Curtain Closed Sunday Special Schedule: 4:45 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Offering 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Kirtan ( Mantra Meditation ) 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday Arati Kirtan 6:30 p.m. - 6:55 p.m. Bhagvad Gita Classes 6:55 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Announcement 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Arati - Kirtan 7:30 p.m. Full Course Vegetarian Feast Hindu Temple of the Woodlands: Address: 7601, S. Forestgate Dr., Spring, TX 773882 (832) 585-0001 Email: Hindu Worship Society: 2223 Wirtcrest Ln., Houston, TX 713-957-4608 Email:

Greater Houston region - Places of worship Darshan & Aarti timings @ some places Temple Hours: Mon. - Tues. wed. Fri. & Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursdays by appointment only Sun. 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Regular Puja, Discourses, and Prasad. Houston Durga Bari Society 13944 Schiller Rd., Houston, TX 77082 ( 281) 589-7700 Mailing Address: P. O. Box 300512 Houston, TX Temple Timings: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Seven Days a week. Daily Sandhya Aarti @ 6:00 p.m.

12:00 p.m. Noon Arati & Raj Bhog Directions: Take 59 South toward Galveston - take Crabb River Exit - make left at the light, pass railroad crossing, pass George Ranch, pass Brazos Lake subdfivision on LHS, arrive at the temple on LHS next to football field. Laxmi Narayan Mandir Texas Sanatan Dharma: 12530 Anne Louise Rd., Houston, TX 77086 ( 832) 309-7181 Satsang every Fri. from 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Bhajan, Devi Puja and Discourses Sanatan Shiv Shakti Mandir: Venue: 6640 Harwin Dr., Houston, TX 77036 (713) 278-9099

ISSO - Shree Swaminarayan Temple: 10080 Synott Rd. Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 281) 530-2565 ;

Sathya Sari Baba Center: South Center: 246, Flour Daneil Dr., Sugar Land, TX 77479 (713) 444-1701

Daily Darshan & Aarti Timings: 6:30 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. Mangala Darshan 7:15 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Curtain Closed 8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Shangar Darshan 10:30 a.m. -11:00 a.m. Rajbhog Thal ( Curtain Closed ) 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Darshan 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Curtain Closed 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Utaphan Darshan 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thaal ( Curtain Closed ) 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Darshan 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Paath, Kaha- Varta & Satsang “Satsang Sabha� Every Sunday 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. followed by Mahaprasad

North Center: 12127 Malcomson Rd., Houston, TX 77070 (281) 8905315 Email:

Jain Society of Houston, Inc.: 3905 Arc St., Houston, TX ( Between Fondren & Gessner off westpark ) ; 713-789-2338 Temple Timings: Mon. - Fri. 2:30 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Aarti @ 6:30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Sun. 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Jain Vishwa Bharati Preksha Meditation Center - JVB: Houston: Venue: 14102, Schiller Road, Houston, TX 77082 (281) 596-9642 ; Krishna Pranami Mandir: 14303 FM 762, Richmond, TX 77469 (281) 545-9038 Email: Temple Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. noon 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday Satsang 11:00 a.m. Bhajan & Kirtan

Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir: 5645 Hillcroft Ave., Ste. # 104 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 789-7486 ; Email: Open daily 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Daily noon Aarti and Sandhya Aarti at 7:00 p.m. Special Puja, Bhahan - Kirtan and Discourse every Thursday starting at 6:30 p.m. Prasdas after Aarti. Shri Radha Krishna Temple: 11625 Beechnut St. Houston, TX 77072 (281) 933-8100 www.srkt. org Email: Temple Aarti & Darshan Timings: 6:30 a.m. Mangla Aarti 6:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Mangla Darshan 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Shringar Darsha 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Raj Bhog Darshan 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Evening Darshan 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sandhya Darshan 9:00 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Shayan Darsha and Aarti Sikh Center: The Sikh Center of Gulf Coast: 8819 Prarie Dr., Houston, TX 77064 (713) 466-6538 (713) 856-7370 ; Sri Satyanarayna Temple of Greater Houston, 24807 Botkins Road,Hockley, TX-77447 (281) 560-3065 ; Shri Shirdisai Durga Shiva Venkateswara Temple: Address: 26100, Tina Lane, Katy, TX 77494 (832) 278-8666 (713) AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Greater Houston region - Places of worship Darshan & Aarti timings @ some places Sri Asthallakshmi Temple: 10098, Synott Rd., Sugar Land, TX 77478 ( 281) 498-2344 Temple Hours: Daily 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Evening 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Vishnu Sahasranaama Parayanam weekdays @ 6:30 p.m. Vedic Classes for Children & Geeta Jyothi Classes : Sundays 10:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. Sri Mahalakshmi Abhishekam every Friday 7:00 p.m. Sudarsana Homam every Saturday 10:00 a.m. ; Email:

Temple Timings: Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 8:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Daily Arati 12:00 Noon and 7:30 p.m. Rudrabhisekam 7:00 p.m. on Mondays and Prados Days Sri Satyanarayan Puja 6:30 p.m. on Purnima ( Full Moon ) days Sri Sahasranama Puja 9:00 a.m. on Saturdays Ganesa Puja 6:30 p.m. on Chturthi Days Evening: All Seven Days 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Sri Krishna Vrundavana: Addess: 10223 Synott Rd #A, Sugar Land TX 77498 (713) 589-9183 (732) 983-2390;;

Texas Nathdwara: Vallabh Priti Samaj of Houston: 11715, Bellfort Village St. Houston, TX 77031 ( 281) 564-VPSS ( 8777 )

Sri Meenakshi Temple Society: 17130, McLean Rd., Pearland, TX 77548-4630 (281) 489-0358 FAX ( 281) 489-3540 Email: Temple Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Noon Mon. - Thurs. 5:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon & 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fridays 8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. All Day Sat. & Sun. & National Holidays Temple Library Hours: Fri. 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 10:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Kitchen Hours: Fri. 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 9:00 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Cossed Mon. - through Thur. Sri Saumyaksi Sivalaya: 10253 Synott Rd., Sugar Land, TX 77478 281-568-1690 www. Email:

Daily Darshan Timings: Mangla - 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. Shringar 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Rajbhog 12:00 p.m. noon - 12:30 p.m. Utthapan 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Bhog- Sandhya 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Syayan 7:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Directions: Take West Bellfort Exit off Southwest Frwy ( 59 South ) Either Way . Go East on West Bellfort. Pass Roark Rd. Traffic Light. Turn Right on next street - Bellfort Village St. Drive one block. Temple is on the left side. Zorastrian Association of Houston: The Zarathushti Heritage and Culture Center: 8787 West Airport Blvd., Houston, TX 77071 (713) 270-9339 Society of Indo-American Engineers & Architects - SIAEA: 350, Broadway, Ste. # 309, New York, NY 10013 (732) 620-0533

God Is One, All Beings Are His Creation & Equal. May God Bless All & Every One. Never let anger enter your heart. Regard it as your enemy number. In anger, man loses the power to judge what is right and what is wrong. In anger, he commits worst sins and foulest crimes. The angry man’s life becomes like hell. Avoid being angry. Be ever kind, merciful and calm. On the other hand, Forgiveness is a great and noble virtue. Never miss an opportunity to exercies fogiveness. Think not for taking revenge. Leave it all to God. Worship Him. Pray to Him. He will Bless you..... ~Guru Nanak Ji 58

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Churches Serving The Indo-American Community in The Greater Houston Area Christian Assembly of houston Dr. V. M. Abraham: Worship Time: Friday Prayer - 10:00 a.m.; Saturday Prayer 6:30 p.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Worship 9:45 a.m.; 11120, South Post Oak, Houston, TX 77035 (281) 499-7106 Church of God 13418 Granada Uvalde. Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. ( 281) 451-4723 Church of South Asia Rev. Jacob George, Emmanuel Church of South India meets every Sunday at 8915 Timberside, Houston, 77025. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion, holy matins and Bible reading 11:00 a.m. (713) 660-8441 Emmanuel Brethren Assembly 856, Normandy, Houston, TX 77015 (281) 458-9036 Holy Emmanuel CSI Church at Bethany United Methodist Church Chapel Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Sunday Worship 3511 Linkwood, Houston, TX Houston Knanaya Catholic Society Rev. Tom Neycheril, 2210 Staffordshire Rd., Missouri City, TX 77489 (281) 208-4527 Houston Tamil Church Meets Every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. at 1323 Phyllis St.,Rosharon, TX 77583. Just Minutes from FM 5221 on Hwy. 6 and Hwy. 288. Services are in Tamil and English. Call (281) 804-5930 Immanuel Marthoma Church Parsonage Rev. Varghese Mathew 12803 Sugar Ridge Blvd., Stafford, TX 77477 (281)561-9147 India Brethren Assembly Pasadena, TX 77505 (281) 487-0620 Indian Catholics of Houston Holy mass 5:00 p.m. on first Sun. of month. Rev. Fr. Joseph Kalladan (713) 995-6811 or (713) 995-9270 Indian Christian Council of North America Rev. M. T. Philip, President (281) 530-3417 IPC Heborn Indian Pentecostal Church - IPC The Rev. Dr. V. A. Varghese, 710 College Ave., 77587 (713) 910-4438 (281) 998-9094 International Believers’ Fellowship Pastor - Sam George 11630, Dorrance,

Stafford, TX 77477 International Bible Church Pastor Rev. Dr. T. C. Thomas 12955 Stafford, TX 77477 Lighthouse Indian Baptists Church Pastor Thomas George 111, Ave. B, Stafford, TX 77477 Marthoma Church of India 5810 Alameda Genoa Rd. Houston, TX 77048 (713) 991-1557 Northward Unitarian Church 1370, Mill Bend Dr., The Woodlands, TX 77380 Rekindle The Fire Ministries Houston Revival Meetings every Second Saturday of the month. The service is held at New Song Christian Community. Sagemont Christian Church Prahlad James (281) 481-8770 St. Gregarious Malankara Orthodox Church Rev. P. M. Cherian. Sun. School & Worship 9:00 a.m. to noon. 13218 Player St., Houston, TX 77045 (713) 729-7117 St. Johns Kanaaya Jacobite 802 Brand Ln., Stafford, TX 77477 St. Joseph Syro Malabar Catholic Chruch 211 Present St., Missouri City, TX 77489 St. Lukes Presbyterian Church St. Mary’s Orthodox Churhc Rev.Thomas Itty. Sun. Schoool 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Sun. worship service from 10:00 a.m. to noon (713) 434-1007 4637 West Orem, Houston, TX 77045 St. Peter’s Malankara Catholic Church 1323 Phyllis St., Rosharon, TX 77583 (281) 431-4905 St. Peter’s Syriac Orthodox Church Vicar Shinoj. 8001 S. Kirkwood, Houston, TX 77072 St. Stephen’s Orthodox Church Rev. C.O.Vargis, President. 13133, Old Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77099 St. Thomas CSI Church of Greater Houston 13630 Almeda School Rd., Houston, TX 77047 (713)434-1973 Sunday School / Women’s Fellowship / Youth Group at 9:30 a.m. Church service at 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas Evangelical Church of India 10502 Altonbury, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 879-5092 (281) 568-5932

St. Thomas Kerala Catholic Community St. Thomas Catholic Community Center, 1622 Staffordshire, Stafford, TX 77477 (281) 499-7494 Sharon Fellowship Orthodox Church of India Sun. School for children nd worship from 9:30 a.m. 2411 fifth St., Stafford, TX 77477 ( 281) 499-1847 Southwest Church of God Pastor John Thomas. 235 Ave. E. Stafford, TX 77477 (713) 478-2000 Telugu Christian Fellowship Vijay K Gurrala (281) 997-0757 Telugu Church (281) 556-9886 Telugu Fellowship Fellowship meets every third Saturday of the month at 7:30 p.m. @ All Saints Lutheran Church, 12111 West Bellfort, Stafford, TX 77477. Worhisp in English. Samuel P. Panthangani (281) 493-4058 Rev . Vijay Gurrala (281) 997-0757. For information call Chris Gantela (281) 556-9886 Trinity Matrhoma Church 5810 Almeda Genova Rd.,Houston, TX 77035 Service every Sunday at Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Malayalam service at 9:45 a.m. Service in English every alternate at 10:30 a.m. United Christian Church of India Rev. Abraham, 605 Dulles Ave., Stafford, TX 77477 ( 281) 403-3645

“The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people half way.” Henry Boyle AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


FOREIGN TRADE & CONSULATE GENERAL OFFICES IN HOUSTON Consulate of General Republic of Albania (281)354-0789 20682 Sweetglen Dr, Porter, TX 77365-6385 Fax (281)354-7255 Consulate General of Angola (713)212-3840 3040 Post Oak Blvd, Ste 780, Houston, TX 77056 Fax (713)212-3841 Consulate General of Argentina Repulic (713)871-0639 3050 Post Oak Blvd, Ste 1625, Houston, TX 77056 Fax (713)871-0639 Consulate General of Australia (713)782-6009 5757 Woodway Dr, Ste 175, Houston, TX 77057 Fax (713)782-7509 Consulate General of Austria (713)723-9979 PO Box 35841 Houston, TX 77235-5814 Fax (713)863-7037 Consulate General of Bangladesh (713)621-8799 35 N Wynden Dr Houston TX 77056 Fax (713)622-3964 Consulate General of Barbados (281)392-9794 PO Box 576, Katy, TX 77492; Fax (281)395-8526 Consulate General of Belgium (713)529-0077 2929 Allen Pkwy, Ste 2222, Houston, TX 77019 Fax (713)224-1120 Consulate General of Belize (281) 999-4484 7101 Breen, Houston, TX 77086; FAX (281) 999-0855 Consulate General of Bolivia (713) 977-2344 800 Wilcrest Dr, Ste. 103 Houston, TX 77042 FAX (713) 977-8055 Consulate General of the Republic of Botswana (713) 680-1155 10000 Memorial Dr., Ste. 400, Houston, TX 77024 FAX (713) 680-8055 Consulate General of Brazil (713 ) 961-3063 1233 West Loop South, Ste. 1450, Houston, TX 77027 FAX ( 71 3) 961 -3070 Consulate of the Republic of Cameroon (713) 774-7693 2711 Wesleyan, Houston, TX 77027 British -Consulate General (713) 659-6270 1000 Louisiana, Houston, TX 77002 Canada, Consulate General (214) 922-5853 750. N St. Paul St, Dallas, TX China-People’s Republic of Consulate General


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

(713) 524-0778 3417, Montrose, Houston, TX 77006 FAX (713) 524-7656 Consulate General of Chile (713) 621-5853 1360 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 1330, Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 621-8672 Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China (713) 524-0780 3400 Montrose Blvd., Houston, TX 77006 FAX (71 3) 524-7656 Consulate General of Colombia (713) 527-8919 5851 San Felipe. Houston. TX 77057 FAX (713) 529-3395 Consulate General Du Canada (214) 922-9806 750 N St. Paul St, Dallas, TX Consulate General of Costa (713) 266-0484 3000 Wilcrest Dr. Ste. 112 Houston, TX 77042 FAX (713) 266-1527 Consulate General of the Republic of Cyprus (713) 928-2264 PO Box 1128 River Glyn Dr, Houston, TX 77063 FAX (713) 468-5695 Consulate General of Czech Republic (713) 629-6963 4544 Post Oak Dr, Ste. 378, Houston, TX 77027 FAX (713) 629-9606 Royal Danish Consulate (713) 622-9018 Five Post Oak Park, Ste. 2370, Houston, TX 77027 Consulate of Denmark (713) 622-7512 4545 Post Oak Park, Ste. 347, Houston, TX 77027 FAX (713) 622-9018 Consulate of the Dominican Republic (713) 266-0165 3300 S Gessner, Ste. 1 13, Houston, TX 77063 FAX (713) 780-1543 Consulate General of Ecuador (713) 622-1787 4200 Westheimer, Ste. 218, Houston, TX 77027 FAX (713) 572-8732 Consulate General of the Arab Republic of Egypt (713) 961-4915 1900 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 2180, Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 961-3868 Consulate General of El Salvador (713) 270-6239 6420 Hillcroft, Ste. 100, Houston, TX 77081 FAX (713) 270-9683 Consulate General of Ethiopia (713) 271-7628 9301 Southwest Fwy, Ste. 250 Houston,

TX 77074 FAX (713) 977-3858 Consulate General of Finland (713) 552-1722 31 Pinewood Circle, Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 552-1676 Finland Trade Center (71 3) 627-9700 1300 Post Oak Blvd, Ste. 1990, Houston, TX 77056 Consulate General of France (713) 572-2799 777 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 600, Houston, TX 77056 FAX (71 3) 572-2911 French Trade Commission (713) 266-7595 5847 San Felipe, Ste. 1600, Houston, TX 77057 German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern United States, Inc. (713) 877-1144 5599 San Felipe, Ste. 510, Houston, TX 77056 Consulate General of Georgia (713) 585-3533 3040 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 700, Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 585-3532 Consulate General of Germany Federal Republic (713) 627-7770 1330 Post Oak Blvd., Ste. 1850, Houston, TX 77056-3017 FAX (71 3) 627-0506 www. Consulate of the Republic of Ghana (713) 960-8806 3434 Locke Ln., Houston, TX 77027-4139 FAX (713) 960-8833 Consulate General of Greece (713) 840-7522 520 Post Oak Blvd, Houston TX 77027 FAX (713) 840-0614 Consulate General of Guatemala (713) 953-9531 3013 Fountainview, Ste. 210, Houston, TX 77057 FAX (713) 953-9383 Consulate General of Guyana (281) 497-4466 1810 Woodland Park Dr Houston, TX 77077 FAX (281) 497-4476 Consulate General of Haiti (713) 661-8275 6310 Auden, Houston, TX 77005 FAX (713) 661-8275 Consulate General of the Republic of Honduras (713) 622-4572 4151 Southwest Frwy, Ste. 700, Houston TX 77027 FAX (713) 622-3540 Consulate General of the Republic of Hungary (713) 529-5554

FOREIGN TRADE & CONSULATE GENERAL OFFICES IN HOUSTON PO Box 27253, Houston, TX 77257-7253 FAX (713) 529-2870 Consulate General of Iceland (281) 367-2440 2348 West Settlers Way, The Woodlands, 77380 FAX (281) 362-4385 Consulate General of India (713) 626-2148 / 2149 / 2355 4300 Scotland St, Houston, TX 77007 General Information (713)626-2149; Public Visa Inquiry (713)626-2355 & (713) 626-2356 FAX (713)626-2450 Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (713)785-1691 10900 Richmond Ave., Houston, TX 77042 FAX (713)780-9644 Consulate of Ireland (713) 297-8841 2711 Weslayan, Houston, TX 77027 FAX (713) 961-3850 Consulate General of Israel (713) 627-3780 24 Greenway Plaza, Ste. 1500, Houston, TX 77046 FAX (713) 622-2128 Consulate General of Italy (713) 850-7520 1300 Post Oak Blvd. Ste. 660 Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 850-9113; Consulate General of Jamaica (713) 541-3333 7737 Southwest Fwy, Ste. 580, Houston, TX 77074 FAX (713) 774-4277 Consummate General of Japan (713) 652-2977 1000 Louisiana, Allied Bank Plaza Ste. 5300, Houston, TX 77002 FAX (713) 65-7822; JETRO Houston (713) 652-2977 1221 Mckinney Ste. 2360 Houston, TX 77010 Consulate of the Hashemile Kingdom of Jordan (713) 224-2911 PO Box 3727 Houston, TX 77253-3727 FAX (713) 224-2301 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (713) 961-0186 1990 Post Oak Blvd, Ste. 1250 Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 961-3340 Consulate General of Korea (713) 961-0186 1990 Post Oak Blvd, Ste 1250, Houston, TX 77056 FAX (713) 961-3340 Korean Trade Center (713) 935-0554 1240 Ballock Rd, Ste. 136, Houston. TX 77055 Consulate General of Kyrgyzstan (281) 341-5309

2302 Green Ct, Richmond, TX 77469 FAX (281) 341-6702 Consulate General of Liberia (713) 952-5959 9791 Westheimer Rd., Ste. 133, Houston, TX 77042 Consulate General of Lebanon (713) 268-1641 2400 Augusta, Ste 308 Houston, TX 77057 FAX (713) 268-1640 Latvia -Honorary Consul of Latvia (713) 785-0807 5847 San Felipe, Ste. 3400, Houston, TX 77057 FAX (713) 785-4874 Consulate General of Madagascar (281) 222-3599 1400 El Camino village, Ste. 1401, Houston, TX 77058 FAX (281) 218-6316 Consulate General of Malta (713) 428-7800 1221 Lamar St, Ste. 620, Houston, TX 77010 FAX (713) 428-3044 Consulate General of Mexico (713) 271-6800 10103 Fondren, 5th Floor, Houston, TX 77096 FAX (713) 271-3201 Consulate General of Mongolia (713) 759-1922 1221 Lamar, Ste. 1201, Houston, TX 77010 FAX (713) 951-9145 Consulate General of Morocco (713) 521-7607 2121 Kirby Dr, Ste. 144 Houston, TX 77019 FAX (713) 521-7551 Consulate General of The Netherlands 2200 Post Oak Blvd, Ste. 610, Houston TX 77056-4783 Consulate General of New Zealand (713)973-8680 246, Warrenton, Houston, TX 77024 Fax (713)627-7770 2825 Wilcrest Dr. Ste. 157 Houston. TX 77042 Consulate General of Norway (713)521-2900 2777 Allen Parkway Ste. 1185 Houston TX 77019-2136 Fax (713)521-9473 Consulate General of Pakistan (281)890-2223 11850 Jones Rd. Houston.TX 77070 Fax (281)890-143 Email: Consulate General of Panama (713)622-4451 24 East Greenway Plaza, Ste. 1307, Houston 77046 Fax (713)622-4468 Consulate General of Peru (713)355-9517 5177 Richmond Ave Ste 695 Houston, TX 77056 Fax (713)355-9377 Consulate General of Philippines (713)978-6778

8 Greenway Plaza Ste.930, Houston, TX 77046 Fax (713)877-7192 Consulate General of Poland (281)565-8900 2718 St Anne Dr,. Sugarland TX 77479-2464 Fax (713)565-6278 Consulate General of Portugal (713)759-1188 600 Travis Ste.6700 Houston, TX 77002 Fax (713)230-0016 Consulate General of Qatar (713)355-8221 1990, Post Oak Nlvd, Ste. 810 Houston TX 77056 Fax (713)355-8114 Consulate General of Romania (713)629-1551 4265San Felipe Ste. 220 Houston,TX 77027 (713)629-1553 Consulate General of Saudi Arabia (713)785-5577 5718 Westheimer Ste.1500 Houston, TX 77057 Fax (713)785-1163 Consulate General of Senegal (713)747-4711 3602 S Macgregor Way, Houston, TX 77021 Fax (713)748-8108 Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia (713)430-7350 2925 Briar Park Dr. 7th Floor, Houston, TX 77042 Fax (713) 430-7077 Consulate General of Spain (713)783-6200 1800 Bering Dr. Ste. 660 Houston TX 77057 Fax (713)783-6166 Consulate General of Sweden (713) 953-1417 2909 Hillcroft Houston, 77057 Fax (713) 953-7776 Consulate General of Switzerland (713)650-0000 2 Allen Centre, 1200 Smith,Ste.1040 Houston, TX 77002 Fax (713) 650-1321 Consulate General of the Syrian Arab Republic (713)622-8860 5433 Westheimer, Ste. 1020 Houston TX 77056 Fax (713)965-9632 Taipei Economic & Cultural Office 1360 Post Oak Blvd, Ste 2150 Houston TX 77056 Fax (713)961-9785 Consulate General of Thailand (713)229-8241 600 Travis St. Ste. 2800 Houston TX 77002 Fax (713)228-1303 Honorary Consul of Trinidad and Tobago (713)465-4660 6420 Richmond Ave.219 Houston, TX 77056 Consulate General of Republic of Turki (713)622-5849 1990 Post Oak Blvd Ste. 1300 Houston TX 77056 Fax (713)623-6639 AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


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Indian Passport & Visa Services - Houston Indian Passport Application Center USA BLS International Services US BLS International Services US is the legal identity of BLS International Services Ltd. in USA. The parent Company “BLS International Services Ltd.� is headquartered in New Delhi, India and is a specialist service provider of Outsourcing for Visa, Passport, Consular, Attestation and Apostille Services to the Diplomatic Missions across the world. BLS International is a trusted partner with the Diplomatic Missions for administrative and non-judgmental tasks of outsourcing of Visas, Passports and Attestation Applications in India as well as abroad. It serves the Diplomatic Missions in 15 countries through its 46 offices, along with a few more on the anvil, and has proven abilities of offering outsourcing of Visa, Passport, Consular Services and Value Added Services for the benefit of its clients. BLS International processes in excess of 1.7 million applications annually. Its operations are presently located in Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Spain, UAE, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Republic of Korea, Philippines, Singapore, India, South Africa employing a staff of over 500 personnel with impeccable integrity and a few more operations are in the pipeline. CKGS is the only authorized Service Provider for the Embassy of India and its Consulates across the USA for Visa, OCI, Renunciation of Indian Citizenship services as follows with effect from May 21, 2014. Visa Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card Surrender and Renunciation of Indian citizenship It should be noted that the Embassy of India and its Consulates in the USA do not recognize any other agency who may provide Indian visas or who deal with Indian visa applications or any other aforementioned service. Applicants based on their jurisdiction can submit their applications to our 6 centres. Washington DC, New York, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco & Atlanta. This site provides - information, how to apply, fees, document checklist, forms, online payment, appointments, Track My Application, FAQs applicable to all USA residents and foreign nationals.

Diplomatic and Official Passport Holders may submit applications directly to the Embassy provided an Original Note from the Ministry of External Affairs is provided. CKGS Application Center Houston Hours of Operations Visa Application Center operates from Monday to Friday (except Holidays) Submission by appointments 09:00 AM - 02.00 PM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Submission by third party 09:00 AM - 11.00 AM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Document collection 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Document collection by third party 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Submission of additional documents and OCI Match-ups by walk-in 09:00 AM - 11.00 AM (Monday to Friday except holidays) Applicants should note that the Houston center shall only open at 9 AM CST. Applicants will not be allowed inside the building or in the building lobby prior to 9 AM CST. Applicants are requested not to arrive at our application center prior to 9 AM CST as this is causing a lot of inconvenience to other tenants in the building. Houston Visa Application Centre Address: CKGS Application Center 1001 Texas Avenue, Binz Building, Suite 550. Houston, TX 77002. Important note: Please check the status of your application online before visiting the visa application centre to collect your documents during the document collection hours. Please note that any one family member can come to pick up passports for the entire family from our Center. Jurisdiction Include States: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Nebraska

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Indo American Newspapers, Magazine And Radio Programs Serving The Greater Houston Area Community AsiAmerica Digest: P. O. Box 20312, New York, NY 10021 Email: Azchavattom Malayalam News Weekly; P. O Box 823, Sugar Land, TX 774870823 (281) 723-8520 FAX (888) 567-0548 Email:; ; Desi USA English and Gujarati Monthly Newspaper: Abdul Bhegani - Publisher (832) 322-6282 Hum Magazine: Krishna Giri, Editor & Publisher,7457 Harwin Dr. Ste. # 250, Houston, TX 77036 (281) 888-4552 Email: India Herald: P. O. Box 623, Sugar Land, TX 77487 281-980-6746 Email: Indian Panorama, The: (646) 247-9458. Email: Indo American News: 7457 Harwin Dr. Ste. # 262 Houston, TX 77036 (713) 789-6397 FAX ( 713) 789-6399 Email: Little India: 50 Washington St., Ste. # 314 Norwalk, CT 06854 (212) 560-0708 FAX (212) 560-0709 Email: Malayaee News, The: P. O. Box 869, Stafford, TX 774970869 (713) 729-7800 FAX (832) 947-9256 Email: Pakistan Chronicle: 6666 Harwin Dr. Ste. # 365, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 914-0786 FAX (713) 914-0906 Email: ;


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition;

CELL (832) 878-4338 Email:

Pakistan Journal: 6666 Harwin Dr., Ste. # 365, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 933-0786 FAX (713) 914-0906 1-888-914-0786 Email:

Ghngroo Radio Program: Host Meena Datt 1320 AM Sun. 7:00 AM 2:00 PM Heartbeat Malayalam: Host Ray Anthony 1460 AM KBRZ Sat. 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Sun. 6:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Email:

Pakistan News: 16142 Crooked Arrow Dr., Sugar Land, TX 77478 (281) 748-6123 FAX (281) 325-0234 Email: Pakistan Post: 11011 Brooklet Ave., Ste.# 370 Houston, TX 77099 (832) 277-6699 FAX (832) 327-1806 Email: Pakistan Times USA: Sheikh Najam Ali, Publisher; 9494 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 230, Houston, TX 77074 (281) 568-9595 FAX (281) 568-9596 South Asian Chronicle: 6666 Harwin Dr. Ste. # 365, Houston, TX 77036 (713) 914-9777 Email Urdu Times: 2326, Robinsons Ferry, Sugar Land, TX 77479 P. O. Box 720988, Houston, TX 77272 (281) 660-0786 Email:; ; Voice of Asia: 8303 Southwest Frwy. Ste. # 325, Houston, TX 77074 (713) 774-5140 FAX (713) 774-5143 Email:


Basreet Radio: 1460 AM KBRZ Sat. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Geetanjali Radio Program: Host Shobha Joshi 1320 AM Sat. & Sun. 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. (281) 909-0825 (713) 545-4749 (713) 5454749 FAX (281) 265-3498 (713) 932-8037

Hum Tum City Radio Program: Host Rehan Siddiqi KQUE 1230 AM 24 Hours - 7 Days a week (713) 545-4115 Email: MTS Radio KBRZ 1460 AM MTS Radio Every Sunday between 10:30 AM and 11:00 AM Music Masala Radio on Weekdays on 1090 AM from 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM and on Weekends from 7:00 AM to 8:00 PM on 1480 AM. (281) 277-MUSIC 866-3-MASALA Music in the Box Radio Program: Host Nayyar Alam. KQUE 1230 AM Mon. thru Fri. 7 AM - 9 AM Studio LIne (281) 822-1180 (832) 606-3444 Music in the Box: Houston’s Desi Morning Radio show. Host Nayyar Alam. KXYZ 1320 AM 7.00 AM TO 12.00 NOON Streaming 24/7 via or TuneIn - MITB-Fuzion-s257535/ Simple Radio - MITB_Fuzion Studio: 281-201-8288 Face Book - Twitter - LinkedIn - Email: Music of India: Host Meena Datt 1320 AM Sat. 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM Naya Andaz Radio: Nabeel Ishaq & Re-

Indo American Newspapers, Magazine And Radio Programs Serving The Greater Houston Area Community han Ahmed 1460 AM Sun. 4p.m. --10 p. m. Online 24-7. 832-607-2007 832-868-01013 Email: Open Forum Radio Program: Hosts Dr. Subodh Bhuchar, Dinkar Chedda and Jagat Kamdar KQUE 1230 AM Saturdays. 4 - 6 PM (281) 822-1180 Dr. Subodh Bhuchar (713) 412-3763, Jagat Kamdar (281) 4606771 Dinkar Chedda (281) 684-6520 Radio Hangama: Host Sridhar Dadi KCHN AM 1050 Sun. 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. CST (281) 217-9736 Email: Radio South Asia: Host Dr. Syed Azeem 1460 AM KBRZ Sun. 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. Email:

Voice of Sanatan Hinduism - Sun. 9:00 am to 12 noon, KULF 1090 AM Studio phone 281-983-9550. Young Trang Radio: Host: Saleem Syed & Zara Syed. KCHN 1050 AM - Every Sun. 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (281) 890-1997 (713) 461-8313 ( Call In ) Email: www. ; Zeeshan on Air: Host Zeehan Ishaq 95.1 FM & 1460 AM Sat. & Sun. 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. (713) 835-5552 ;


Sangeet Fever: Host: Hassan Saeed & AJ 1460 AM Sat. 8 p. m. - 6.00 a.m. (713) 614-1243

Punjabi Radio USA www.GurbaniRadio. org (605) 475-6868 EXT 4 (832) 551-5029 EXT 4 Studio Telephone (408) 272-5200 3750 McKee Rd. Ste. # B. San Jose CA 95127 (408) 722-7698 (605) 475-6868 (832) 551-5029 Email:

Sangam Radio: Host: Ravi Kant Choudhary 1050 AM Sun. 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. (713) 461-8313

Radio Zindagi - 1550 AM San Francisco Bay Area (510) 453-1521 (510) 565-9518

Sangeet Radio: Host Saeed Gaddi 1460 AM 24 Hours - 7 Days a week (832) 327-1000 CELL (832) 277-6699 ; Shalimar Radio: 1460 AM Sat. 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sub Rang Radio: Host Rafia Siddiquir 1480 AM Every Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (832) 894-1613 (713) 784-140 Email: Tamil Radio Program: “ Kalakkal Kadambam” 1050AM Sat. 6:00 p.m. onwards Telugu Radio Hangama: Host: Sridhar Dadi KCHN 1050 AM Sunday 10:00 AM1:00 PM (281) 217-9736 Email:


Amritsar Times: Published in Punjabi (510) 240-5950 ( 510) 240-5949 FAX (888) 323-6950 ; Email: Apna Punjabi: (631) 835-8000 FAX (516) 726-8282 Email: Asian Era, The: The Delight Media P.O. Box 139 Massapequa, N.Y. 11758 (516) 776-7061 FAX (516) 882-7257 Email: Asli Punjabi: Jasbeer ‘Jay’ Singh CEO/Chief Editor Direct 516-857-JAYS(5297) Phone 516-515-9575 Fax 516-307-3389

550 W. Old Country Road, Suite 115, Hicksville, NY 11801 e Mail: Desi Talk? 37, West 20th Street, Suite# 1009 New York City, NY 10011 (212) 675-7515 FAX: (212) 675-7624 Email: Divya Bhaskar - North American Edition 505 Thormail St., Ste. # 203, Edison, NJ 08837 (732) 452-0777 FAX (732) 452-0779 Email: Gujarat Darpan: 1188, Green Street, Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 983-9286 FAX (732) 404-0696 ; Email: Gujarat Times -In Gujarati 37 West 20th Street, Suite 1009 New York, NY 10011 Tel: (212) 206-7361 Fax: (212) 367-8596 Emails: Website: Hum Hindustani News Weekly Media Resources Inc, d/b/a Hum Hindustani News Weekly Jasbeer ‘Jay’ Singh CEO/Chief Editor Direct 516-857-JAYS(5297) Phone 516-515-9575 Fax 516-307-3389 550 W. Old Country Road, Suite 307, Hicksville, NY 11801 e Mail: WWW.HumHindustani.US Hum Hindustani - In Hindi 550, W Old Country Rd., Ste. # 115 Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 515-9575 FAX (877) 246-9494 Email: AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Indo American Newspapers, Magazine And Radio Programs Serving The Greater Houston Area Community India Abroad: 42 Broadway, 18th Floor, New York City, NY 10004 (646) 432-6000 FAX: (212) 627-9503 India West 93 Macarthur Blvd., San Antorio, California 94577 Tel: (510) 383-1140 Fax: (510) 383-1155 Email: Website: Indian Express, The CineMaya, Inc. 40 West, 39th Street, 5th Floor New York City, NY 10018 (212) 594-6000 FAX: (212) 594-8848 Email: Website: Indian Panorama, The P. O. Box No. 190067, South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Tel: (646) 247-9458 Email: Website: Little India Post Office Box 1848 Torrington, CT 06790 (212) 560-0608 FAX (212) 5600609 Email:

News India Times 37 West 20th Street, Ste. # 1009 New York City, NY 10011 (212) 675-7515 FAX: ( 212) 675-7624 Email: Website:


NRI Today 43-70 Kissena Blvd., Ste. # 9E, Flushing, NY 11355 (718) 321-2635 FAX (347) 3686032 Email: advertising@nritoday. net

Sher-E-Panjab - Published in Punjabi 2477, Poppy St., East Meadow, NY 11554 (516) 783-1001 FAX (516) 783-1004 Email:

Panjab Express: Chief Editor - Satnam Singh Ratainda Managing Editor - Harjit Singh Ratainda (732) 541-6422 (732) 570-7234 FAX (732) 802-0449 Email: Punjab Times Established in 2000 20451, N Plum Grove Rd. Palatine, IL 60074-2018 (847) 359-0746 FAX (847) 705-9388 Email: Punjabi Writer Weekly 95-08, 112St., South Richmond Hill, NY 11419 Mailing Address: 9-Summutka, Ct. Carteret, NJ 07008 (347) 260-9090 FAX (908) 603-059

Shane Punjabi USA (516) 924-5228 FAX (347) 230-5900 Email:

South Asian Insider, The 67 N. Broadway, Ste. # 2004 Hicksville, NY 11801 P. O. Box 7005, Hicksiville, NY 11801 (516) 495-4411 FAX (516) 610-0854 South Asian Times, The 76 N Broadway, Suite 2004, Hicksville, NY 11801 (516) 390-7847 Website: Email: Tiranga in New Jersey 286 Dow Ave. Iselin, NJ 08830 (732) 404-9471 FAX (732) 404-9470 ; Email:

“What God gives is never exhausted, what man gives never lasts.” ~ Shirdi Sai Baba 66

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Address: 4300 Scotland St, Houston, TX 77007 (713) 626-2148

Consular jurisdiction of Consulate General of India, Houston over the following states would cover the full range of Passport, Visa, OCI, PIO, Surrender Certificates, Miscellaneous services and Consular outreach activities: Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. All consular services except Miscellaneous Services have been outsourced. All Miscellaneous Services are handled by the Consulate. Please note that all consular services except Miscellaneous Services have been outsourced. In order to get information on outsourced services or to know status of your application, please contact the outsourced agencies.

For Passport services Cox & Kings Global Services (CKGS) Binz Building, 1001 Texas Avenue, Suite 220, Houston, TX 77002 Phone No: 213-213-5019 Contact/Feedback : For Visa, OCI and Surrender of Indian Passport Cox & Kings Global Services (CKGS) Binz Building, 1001 Texas Avenue, Suite 550, Houston, TX 77002 Phone No: 516-206-1483 / 646-589-0088 Contact/Feedback :

For Miscellaneous Services: Consulate General of India, Houston The preferred mode of communication is through email as it enables accurate responses after checking relevant consular databases. Email for assistance in passport/consular services should include the kind of service requested for, applicant’s legal status in the US and also his/ her normal place of residence to enable quick response. Consulate General of India 4300 Scotland st Houston, TX-77007 Phone No: 713-626-2148/2149 Email: More details about Miscellaneous services click here:

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Ongoing ‘DESI’ events in the Greater Houston Area...... Arya Samaj Satsang Address: 14375 Schiller Rd. (bet Westpark & Bellaire off Hwy 6), Houston, TX 77082.Weekly Havan Satsang every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. DAV Sanskriti School Sundays 10 a.m. to 12 noon. - Havan, Hindi and Naitik Shiksha classes. DAV Montessori School for ages 2 to 7 years. Call Arti Khanna 281-759-3286. Free Yoga classes on Sat. Sanskrit & Upanishad classes Tue. 6-8 p.m. 281-752-0100.

Mandal at 713-797-9057 / 832-4238541.

Brahma Kumaris Address: 14333 Pavilion Point, Houston, TX 77083)(near Beechnut and Hwy 6) Daily Raja Yoga Meditation classes are offered to the community free of charge. Visit the center for a tour every Saturday or Sunday anytime between 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. The center is open 7 days a week. Contact us at (832) 379-8888,, or to sign-up for classes and tours. All Raja Yoga Meditation teachers at the Houston center each have 15+ years of teaching experience.

Gauri Siddhivinayak Temple of Houston www.siddhivinayakhouston. com Address: 5645 Hillcroft Ste 701, Houston, TX 77036.Darshan from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. All major festivals as well as birthdays, naam karan, engagement and other ceremonies. Call Pandit Pradip Pandya 832-466-9868 for puja and other ceremonies.

Chinmaya Mission Address: 10353 Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX 77498 Sunday satsangs for adults, youth, and children. New members may visit the welcome desk between 8 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. or 10:15 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Visit or call Bharati Sutaria 281.933.0233. Durga Bari Temple www.durgabari. org Address: 13944 Schiller Rd (off Hwy 6 bet. Bellaire & Westpark), Houston, TX 77082. Open from 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. Sandhya aarti at 6:30 p.m. Temple closes at 7 p.m. Sunday special from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Puja services - Priest Bishnupada Goswami 281-597-8100. Call Ganesh


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Gandhi Library www.gandhilibrary. org/ Mahatma Gandhi Library Book Club: Meets 2nd Sunday of each month; 12:30 PM at Arya Samaj Greater Houston, 13475 Schiller Rd., Houston, TX. Join the discussion of the great man’s autobiography – The Story of My Experiments with Truth. Call Manish Wani 713-829-6979.

Hare Krishna Dham Address: 1320 W 34th St., Houston, TX, 77018. Houston’s original Vedic temple, ISKCON of Houston.Daily Darshan & Arati Times: 4.30 a.m, 7 a.m, 8.30 a.m, 12 noon, 4.30 p.m, 7 p.m, 9 p.m. Sunday Festival: 5.30 pm to 7.30 p.m. Weekly Gita classes for adults; call 281-433-1635 or harekrishnadham Heartfulness Meditation Heartfulness Meditation is a practical technique of tuning inwards to experience our higher selves. Meditation with someone who has the capacity of yogic transmission can help you explore the Heartfulness practice more deeply. There are no charges for this, and we invite you to experience the unique benefits of this transmission. Workshops on Heartfulness relaxation and meditation are held weekly throughout Houston, including Sat-

urdays at 11 am at India House. Web:; Email: houston. Cell: 713929-0040 (Ragini Prakash Miryala MD) Heritage Classes Ashirwad’s Heritage Classes in Katy, Cypress and Sugar Land for kids 4 to 18 yrs - meditation, Yoga, slokas, stories from scriptures, Vishnu Sahasranam, bhajans, competitions and fun activities. Adult meditation classes. Register at www.ashirwada-blessing. org or Sri Ravula 281-995-0930. Houston Namadwaar A prayer house where the Hare Rama Hare Krishna Maha-mantra is continuously chanted. Weekends: 8-11 AM & 4-7 PM, Weekdays: 7-8 AM & 6-7 PM. Weekly “Gopa Kuteeram” children’s heritage classes and Srimad Bhagavatam classes. Call 281-4026585; visit (Global Organization for Divinity). JVB Preksha Meditation Center: Address: 14102 Schiller Road (off Hwy 6 bet Bellaire and Westpark) Houston, TX 77082. Classes for Yoga and Meditation under guidance by Samani jis and discourses. 281-5969642. Patanjali Yogpeeth Free Yoga Classes every Sat/Sun at Arya Samaj from 8 am to 9:30 a.m. Call Anil 281-579-9433. For other free classes, call Indra 281-537-0018. For Yoga/Herbal products, call Shekhar 281-242-5000. Web: and Sadhu Vaswani Center of Houston holds regular Satsang on 3rd Thursday of the month and daily Arti at 7.30

Ongoing ‘DESI’ events in the Greater Houston Area...... p.m. Call 281-463-0379 or e.mail Sanatan Dharm Maha Sabha www. Address: 26100 Tina Lane, Katy, TX 77494. Sanatan Dharm Maha Sabha Branch # 377. Durga Mata Pooja is held every Friday from 7:30 pm to 9.30 pm. Observe Durga Devi puj & Satsang - chalesa - hawan & aarti. Email: Sanatan Shiv Shakti Mandir: www. Adddress: 6640 Harwin. Houston, TX 77036 Open daily 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All major festivals, as well as birthdays, naam karan, engagement and other ceremonies. Call Pandit Virat Mehta 713-278-9099 or Hardik Raval 361243-6539 for puja or other ceremonies. Sant Nirankari Mission holds its weekly spiritual congregation on every Sunday at India House 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. followed by community meals. All are welcome. For further information, call Raj Bhala at (281) 980-2825 Sathya Sai centers - Sunday program held at two locations (North Houston: 12127 Louetta Rd, Houston; South Houston: 246 Fluor Daniel Dr, Suga Land, from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm. Sai Spiritual Education classes for children; study circle for adults. Service programs - food distribution & food drives; nursing home visits, tutoring at schools etc. Contact Sanjay Gupta (North) 832-687-6766 or Sondip Mathur (South) 832-2158675 Sadhu Vaswani Center. Saumyakasi Sivalaya Address: 10353 Synott Road, Sugar Land, TX 77478. Temple timings:

Monday to Friday: 9 a.m.- 12 Noon and 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. and 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Call Bharti Sutaria 281-568-1690 or Jay Deshmukh 832-541-0059 Sri Govindaji Gaudiya Matha www. Address: 16628 Kieth Harrow Blvd., Houston 77084. Satsang Sundays 5 to 7 pm. Mantra meditation, kirtan, Sanatan Dharma classes. Vedic Education and Hindi classes for kids. Gita classes noon - 1:30 pm Wed. Hanuman Chalisa and Ramcharit Manas on Tue. 7:30–8:30 p.m. or 281-499-3347. Sri Guruvayurappan Temple www. Address: 11620 Ormandy St., Houston, TX 77035 Hours: Mon to Fri 6 a.m. -8 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Weekends & Holidays: 6 a.m. to noon and 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Bhajans Saturdays 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; Sundays 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Special poojas (weekends and holidays) Choroon (Annaprasam) for kids, Thulabharam, Vahana Pooja, Nirapara.713-729-8994 Sri Meenakshi Temple Society www. Address: 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, TX 77584-4630 (281) 4890358 EXT. 100/110 Email: temple@ Sri Ganpathi Homan - every day 7:00 a.m.; Sri Shiva abhishekam - every Monday 7:00 a.m.; Sri Durga abhishekam - every Tuesday 7:00 p.m.; Sri Padmavathi abhishekam - every Friday 6:30 p.m.; Sri Meenakshi abhishekam & Lalitha sahasranamam - every Friday 7:00 p.m.; Every Sunday 10:00 a.m. Ayyappa and 11:00 a.m. Navragraha abhishekam; Every 1st Sunday - Sri Venkateswara abhishekam - 10:30 a.m.; Every 2nd Sunday - Sri Meenakshi abhishekam - 11:00 a.m.; Every

last Friday - Sodashopachara puja for Sri Meenakshi - 7:00 p.m.; Every last Sunday Sri Kanyaka parameswari abhishekam - 10:30 a.m.; Every Poornima - Sri Jyoti abhishekam- 6:30 p.m.; Every Poornima - Group Sri Sathyanarayana puja - 6:30 p.m. Telugu Fellowship Address: Telugu Christian Fellowship meets every third Saturday of the month at Triumph Church, at 6:30 p.m. Join us for a time of praise, worship and fellowship. Worship is in English. Call Chris Gantela 281344-0707, or Rev. V. Gurrala 281-9970757. Trinity Mar Thoma Church www. Address: 5810 Almeda Genoa Rd., Houston, TX.77048 Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Malayalam service at 9:30 a.m. on 1st & 3rd Sunday. Adult Bible class at 9:30 a.m. English service at 10:30 a.m. on 2nd & 4th Sunday. Call 713-991-1557 or 281-261-4603. Vedanta Society of Greater Houston Address: 14809 Lindita Drive, Houston, TX. 77083. Classes every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, 1st & 3rd Sunday; Bhagavad Gita, 2nd Sunday; on works of Swami Vivekananda, 4th Sunday; Holy Mother Sarada’s Gospel, 5th Sunday. Swamis of Ramakrishna Order visit to conduct retreats and lectures. Contact 281-5840488. Veerashaiva Samaja of North America - Houston ChapterVSNA Houston is a group of families who believe in Veerashaiva dharma (Basava dharma). Monthly Mahamane program for prayer and discussion on Vachana Sahitya followed by Prasada. Contact: or Jagadeesh Halyal 832-744-4166. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


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FALL 2016 PROGRESS EDITION NUMBER ONE IT’S A MAGAZINE, IT’S A DIRECTORY, IT’S FREE Compiled & Published By: R.K. Nagar Photojournalist; Graduate of University of Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.

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Your Advertisement could be HERE! Contact RKNagar

Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. ~ John F. Kennedy

CHILDREN LEARN... WHAT THEY LIVE If a Child lives with criticism, He learns to Condemn. If a Child lives with hostility... He learns to fight. If a Child lives with ridicule... He learns to be shy. If a Child lives with shame, He learns to feel guilty. If a Child lives with tolerance, He learns to be patient. If a Child lives with encouragement, He learns confiedence. If a Child lives with praise, He learns to appreciate. If a Child lives with fairness, He learns justice. If a Child lives with security, He learns to have faith. If a Child lives with approval, He learns to like himself. If a Child lives wiht acceptance and friendship, He learns to find live in the World. Courtesy - Dorothy Law Nolte

The goal is not to be successful. The goal is to be invaluable. Once you’re valuable, instead of chasing success, it will attract itself to you. ~ Albert Einstein

Never forget 3 types of people in your difficult times: 1. Who helped you in difficult times 2. Who left you in difficult times 3. Who put you in difficult times

TEN GOLDEN STRESS RELIEVERS 1. Eat your elephant one bite at a time. Break your problem into pieces to make them easier to tackle. 2. Be realistic in your expectations. don't except to be able to do everything in one day. 3. Attack problems, not people. Don't blame or try to change others. Try to change yourself and your situation. 4. Avoid the perfection trap. It's the enemy of accomplishment and impossible to achieve. 5. Stop Rushing, start planning. Modern life is fought with choices so learn to patronize. 6. Don't waste $10.00 worth of energy on a $2.00 problem. Choose your battle wisely to conserve time and energy. 7. Take regular relaxation breaks over the course of the day. Go go for a walk around the office or perform two minutes deep breathing. 8. Learn to limit "YES" answers. You don't have to be everything to everyone. 9. Build pleasure into everyday. We all need personal time to do things we enjoy. Get up half an hour early- before the kids - exercise, read, or take a bath. Start the day off with a positive frame of mind. 10. Give yourself as much praise and encouragement as you would a valued friend. Stop being so hard on yourself. - Courtesy Psychologist Ethel Roskies

“The goal is not be successful. The goal is to be valuable. Once you're Valuable, instead of Chasing Success, It will attract itself to you.” ~ Albert Einstein 70

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Texas and Beyond State of Texas: Agency Calendar of Seminars and Workshops The Comptroller’s office conducts numerous training and informational sessions every year to assist local government officials, business owners, financial institutions, colleges and universities as well as all Texans. The schedule already has plenty to offer with seminars and events across the state:

in adopting the tax rates for 2008. Find out about upcoming economGo to the Truth-in-Taxation sem- ic development and local governinar schedule for details on dates ment events. and locations. 300 itineraries waiting for you STAR Training Classes Open to Give TripItineraries a try, and the Public you’ll wonder how you ever manThe State Tax Automated Research aged without this indispensable (STAR) system is a valuable re- service! Sign up today for your free search tool offering the public ac- itinerary in PDF or Word format, cess to thousands of policy related which contains all of the essendocuments including letters, hear- tial travel details to enhance your ing decisions, statutes and rules. As client’s next vacation. Show that user friendly as the system is, there you’re the expert on the world’s are many tips and tricks that can greatest destinations. Get a free trihelp you enhance your STAR user al of TripItineraries, and you’ll dispower! cover why no travel agent should be without it! STAR training sessions are held in Austin, are 2.5 hours long, are eli- The FirstGov portal for local govgible for CPE and CLE credit and ernment covers a wide-range of they are free. information, everything from city For more information about STAR and county statistics to the U.S. or how to sign up for a training Conference of Mayors. class, please visit the STAR page. The information below covers three aspects of local governance Texas Procurement and Support in the Greater Houston area. Services Training and Events Access upcoming statewide pur- l City chasing and contract management l County training opportunities. l School District

Taxpayer Seminar Schedule Taxpayer seminars are geared toward new taxpayers, but offer helpful information for all taxpayers. They include an overview of tax responsibilities and information on voluntary compliance with sales tax laws and regulations. Each seminar is also driven by discussion and attendees are encouraged to bring their questions and comments. The seminars are conducted by the Comptroller’s Enforcement Division, which has provided services to more than 350,000 Texans through its 32 locations across Texas. The Enforcement Division also conducts specialized seminars for organizations on request. Find a taxpayer seminar near you by checking the current schedule. HUB Calendar of Events View a schedule of various EcoTruth-in-Taxation Seminars nomic Opportunity Forums The Truth-in-Taxation seminars (EOFs) held throughout the state. from the Comptroller’s Property These EOFs are sponsored by state Tax Division (PTD) explain the and local government agencies, as laws that local government taxing well as minority/women developunits must follow when adopting ment centers and trade organiza2008 property tax rates. Topics in- tions, to increase networking opclude how to calculate the effective portunities with Texas-based small, and rollback tax rates, what to pub- minority, and women-owned busilish and when to hold a tax-rate- nesses. rollback election. The staff will also discuss any legal changes required Texas Ahead Events Calendar

City Click on the links below to access the home page of your city in the Greater Houston area. City eGovernment centers usually provide information on the following, and more: l City services (such as waste removal and fire/police departments) l Local elected officials (like the Mayor and City Council Members) l Boards and Commissions (such as open positions and budgets) AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Texas and Beyond State of Texas: Agency Calendar of Seminars and Workshops The Comptroller’s office conducts numerous training and informational sessions every year to assist local government officials, business owners, financial institutions, colleges and universities as well as all Texans. The schedule already has plenty to offer with seminars and events across the state:


in adopting the tax rates for 2008. Go to the Truth-in-Taxation seminar schedule for details on dates and locations.

Texas Ahead Events Calendar Find out about upcoming economic development and local government events.

STAR Training Classes Open to the Public The State Tax Automated Research (STAR) system is a valuable research tool offering the public access to thousands of policy related documents including letters, hearTaxpayer Seminar Schedule ing decisions, statutes and rules. As Taxpayer seminars are geared to- user friendly as the system is, there ward new taxpayers, but offer help- are many tips and tricks that can ful information for all taxpayers. help you enhance your STAR user They include an overview of tax power! responsibilities and information on voluntary compliance with STAR training sessions are held in sales tax laws and regulations. Each Austin, are 2.5 hours long, are eliseminar is also driven by discus- gible for CPE and CLE credit and sion and attendees are encouraged they are free. to bring their questions and com- For more information about STAR ments. The seminars are conducted or how to sign up for a training by the Comptroller’s Enforcement class, please visit the STAR page. Division, which has provided services to more than 350,000 Tex- Texas Procurement and Support ans through its 32 locations across Services Training and Events Texas. The Enforcement Division Access upcoming statewide puralso conducts specialized seminars chasing and contract management for organizations on request. Find training opportunities. a taxpayer seminar near you by checking the current schedule. HUB Calendar of Events View a schedule of various EcoTruth-in-Taxation Seminars nomic Opportunity Forums The Truth-in-Taxation seminars (EOFs) held throughout the state. from the Comptroller’s Property These EOFs are sponsored by state Tax Division (PTD) explain the and local government agencies, as laws that local government taxing well as minority/women developunits must follow when adopting ment centers and trade organiza2008 property tax rates. Topics in- tions, to increase networking opclude how to calculate the effective portunities with Texas-based small, and rollback tax rates, what to pub- minority, and women-owned busilish and when to hold a tax-rate- nesses. rollback election. The staff will also discuss any legal changes required

300 itineraries waiting for you Give TripItineraries a try, and you’ll wonder how you ever managed without this indispensable service! Sign up today for your free itinerary in PDF or Word format, which contains all of the essential travel details to enhance your client’s next vacation. Show that you’re the expert on the world’s greatest destinations. Get a free trial of TripItineraries, and you’ll discover why no travel agent should be without it!

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

The FirstGov portal for local government covers a wide-range of information, everything from city and county statistics to the U.S. Conference of Mayors. The information below covers three aspects of local governance in the Greater Houston area. l City l County l School District City Click on the links below to access the home page of your city in the Greater Houston area. City eGovernment centers usually provide information on the following, and more: l City services (such as waste removal and fire/police departments) l Local elected officials (like the Mayor and City Council Members) l Boards and Commissions (such as open positions and budgets) l Permits and licenses (for con-

Texas and Beyond struction) » City of Alvin » City of Baytown » City of Bellaire » City of Deer Park » City of Dickinson » City of Friendswood » City of Houston » City of Katy » League City » Missouri City » City of Pasadena » City of Pearland » City of Sugar Land » Texas City » City of Tomball »The Woodlands (no official website)

» Liberty County » Montgomery County » Waller County School District The Texas Education Agency oversees state curriculum and accountability programs, such as the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills or TAKST test. The State Board of Education is comprised of 15 elected members who work with the TEA Commissioner of Education to monitor and distribute federal and state funds. To learn about national developments, such as the No Child Left Behind Act, consult the U.S. Department of Education. School districts are organized by county (click to see map). For detailed information on any county or district, including school boundary maps, TEA provides the School District Locator on its website. The Greater Houston area includes around 40 schools in the four major districts, in addition to more than 300 private schools and around 70 charter schools. Contact information, student performance reports and financial records are available for unlisted districts at School District Locator.

County County governments traditionally perform state mandated activities such as property appraisal, road maintenance, election and judicial functions, poverty relieve and record keeping. In Texas, county functions have expanded to include community development, public health, and family services. Many county officials are elected. The Greater Houston area is mostly in four counties: Harris, Montgomery, Fort Bend, and Brazoria. The outlying counties include Waller to the west, Liberty and Chambers to the east, and Galveston to the south. For more information on » Brazoria County School Districts county government, consult the » Harris County Department of Education National » Aldine I.S.D. » Alief I.S.D. Association of Counties. » Brazoria County » Clear Creek I.S.D. » Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. » Chambers County » Goose Creek I.S.D. » Fort Bend County » Houston I.S.D. » Galveston County » Harris County » Humble I.S.D.

» Katy I.S.D. » Fort Bend County School Districts » Fort Bend I.S.D. » Montgomery County School Districts Click here for a list of current elected officials in our area. State Government The great state of Texas provides a great variety of services through a sizable government bureaucracy, proving the axiom “Everything is Bigger in Texas”. Luckily, this large amount of information is well-organized online. Peruse the excellent links below for everything you ever wanted to know about our state resources after a brief description of the differences between state and national government. l State vs. National Government l Texas State Government l Texas Delegation to US Congress State vs. National Government In the US federalist system, individual states share power with the national government. States have their own constitutions and legislators, and their powers include conducting elections, regulating local business, and protecting public health and safety. The national government’s powers include printing money, establishing an army and navy, and conducting foreign trade and policy. Some powers are shared, such as the ability to collect taxes, build roads, and administer courts. The FirstGov portal for state gov AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Texas and Beyond State of Texas: Agency Calendar of Seminars and Workshops The Comptroller’s office conducts numerous training and informational sessions every year to assist local government officials, business owners, financial institutions, colleges and universities as well as all Texans. The schedule already has plenty to offer with seminars and events across the state: Taxpayer Seminar Schedule Taxpayer seminars are geared toward new taxpayers, but offer helpful information for all taxpayers. They include an overview of tax responsibilities and information on voluntary compliance with sales tax laws and regulations. Each seminar is also driven by discussion and attendees are encouraged to bring their questions and comments. The seminars are conducted by the Comptroller’s Enforcement Division, which has provided services to more than 350,000 Texans through its 32 locations across Texas. The Enforcement Division also conducts specialized seminars for organizations on request. Find a taxpayer seminar near you by checking the current schedule.

in adopting the tax rates for 2008. ic development and local governGo to the Truth-in-Taxation sem- ment events. inar schedule for details on dates 300 itineraries waiting for you and locations. Give TripItineraries a try, and you’ll STAR Training Classes Open to wonder how you ever managed the Public without this indispensable service! The State Tax Automated Research Sign up today for your free itiner(STAR) system is a valuable re- ary in PDF or Word format, which search tool offering the public ac- contains all of the essential travel cess to thousands of policy related details to enhance your client’s next documents including letters, hear- vacation. Show that you’re the exing decisions, statutes and rules. As pert on the world’s greatest destiuser friendly as the system is, there nations. Get a free trial of TripItinare many tips and tricks that can eraries, and you’ll discover why no help you enhance your STAR user travel agent should be without it! power! The FirstGov portal for local govSTAR training sessions are held in ernment covers a wide-range of Austin, are 2.5 hours long, are eli- information, everything from city gible for CPE and CLE credit and and county statistics to the U.S. they are free. Conference of Mayors. For more information about STAR The information below covers three or how to sign up for a training aspects of local governance in the class, please visit the STAR page. Greater Houston area. Texas Procurement and Support Services Training and Events Access upcoming statewide purchasing and contract management training opportunities. HUB Calendar of Events View a schedule of various Economic Opportunity Forums (EOFs) held throughout the state. These EOFs are sponsored by state and local government agencies, as well as minority/women development centers and trade organizations, to increase networking opportunities with Texas-based small, minority, and women-owned businesses.

Truth-in-Taxation Seminars The Truth-in-Taxation seminars from the Comptroller’s Property Tax Division (PTD) explain the laws that local government taxing units must follow when adopting 2008 property tax rates. Topics include how to calculate the effective and rollback tax rates, what to publish and when to hold a tax-raterollback election. The staff will also Texas Ahead Events Calendar discuss any legal changes required Find out about upcoming econom74

AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

l City l County l School District City Click on the links below to access the home page of your city in the Greater Houston area. City eGovernment centers usually provide information on the following, and more: l City services (such as waste removal and fire/police departments) l Local elected officials (like the Mayor and City Council Members) l Boards and Commissions (such as open positions and budgets) l Permits and licenses (for construction) » City of Alvin

Texas and Beyond » City of Baytown » City of Bellaire » City of Deer Park » City of Dickinson » City of Friendswood » City of Houston » City of Katy » League City » Missouri City » City of Pasadena » City of Pearland » City of Sugar Land » Texas City » City of Tomball »The Woodlands (no official website) County County governments traditionally perform state mandated activities such as property appraisal, road maintenance, election and judicial functions, poverty relieve and record keeping. In Texas, county functions have expanded to include community development, public health, and family services. Many county officials are elected. The Greater Houston area is mostly in four counties: Harris, Montgomery, Fort Bend, and Brazoria. The outlying counties include Waller to the west, Liberty and Chambers to the east, and Galveston to the south. For more information on county government, consult the National Association of Counties. » Brazoria County » Chambers County » Fort Bend County » Galveston County » Harris County » Liberty County » Montgomery County

» Waller County School District The Texas Education Agency oversees state curriculum and accountability programs, such as the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills or TAKST test. The State Board of Education is comprised of 15 elected members who work with the TEA Commissioner of Education to monitor and distribute federal and state funds. To learn about national developments, such as the No Child Left Behind Act, consult the U.S. Department of Education. School districts are organized by county (click to see map). For detailed information on any county or district, including school boundary maps, TEA provides the School District Locator on its website. The Greater Houston area includes around 40 schools in the four major districts, in addition to more than 300 private schools and around 70 charter schools. Contact information, student performance reports and financial records are available for unlisted districts at School District Locator.

» Fort Bend I.S.D. » Montgomery County School Districts Click here for a list of current elected officials in our area. State Government The great state of Texas provides a great variety of services through a sizable government bureaucracy, proving the axiom “Everything is Bigger in Texas”. Luckily, this large amount of information is well-organized online. Peruse the excellent links below for everything you ever wanted to know about our state resources after a brief description of the differences between state and national government. l State vs. National Government l Texas State Government l Texas Delegation to US Congress

State vs. National Government In the US federalist system, individual states share power with the national government. States have their own constitutions and legislators, and their powers include conducting elections, regulating local business, and protecting public » Brazoria County School Districts health and safety. The national gov» Harris County Department of ernment’s powers include printEducation ing money, establishing an army » Aldine I.S.D. and navy, and conducting foreign » Alief I.S.D. trade and policy. Some powers are » Clear Creek I.S.D. shared, such as the ability to collect » Cypress-Fairbanks I.S.D. taxes, build roads, and administer » Goose Creek I.S.D. courts. » Houston I.S.D. The FirstGov portal for state gov» Humble I.S.D. ernment provides links to all state » Katy I.S.D. government home pages, in addi» Fort Bend County School Dis- tion to state agencies, state govertricts nors, and state legislators. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


Sites we like Search and Reference

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Reading and Writing

Project Gutenberg: A huge database of free downloadable books - I get a lot of my books from this collection. ManyBooks: Tons of free books for your iPod; anything from classics to sci+ence fiction. Writeboard: Sharable, web-based text documents that allow you to write solo or get together with other people to collaborate. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): A fantastic array of over 200 free resources for improving your writing. Includes an updated MLA style guide. LibraryThing: Share what you’re reading with other people and connect with others that read similar books.

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Web Applications and Tools

Mint: Free and automatic money management - a great way to be on top of your finances. Popurls: One of my favorite sites; a compilation of the most popular social bookmarking sites with constant updates. Jottit: Make a website just by entering in your text; you can customize it as much as you want. Tripit: Organize your travel plans into one master online itinerary with everything you need - a fantastically useful service. AmCharts: Free customizable Flash charts and graphics - really nice looking images here to use for your presentations or projects.

Health and Lifestyle

The Daily Plate: Track what you’re eating and how much you’re exercising; you can also get free recipes and weight loss tips here. Fitday: You can start your own free diet journal here, and track


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

your daily food, exercise, weight loss, and fitness goals. SparkPeople: A completely free personalized diet and healthy lifestyle program, including free menu plans, calorie counters, and much more. SugarStats: An easy way for diabetics to track and manage their sugar intake.

Shopping and Travel

Woot: One of the best places to find deals on the web; mostly gadgets and technology-related deals here. RetailMeNot: Find coupons from for online and “real” stores. ThisNext: Save what you find around the web at ThisNext, a social shopping community. VirtualTourist: This is a fantastic place to pick up real “been there, done that” tips from seasoned travellers around the world. FlightAware: A free live flight tracker; you can view and track the activity of any private or commercial flight here, as well as get printable airport information.

Music and Multimedia Free streaming radio stations of any music or artist you might be looking for. HypeMachine: Listen to the music that people are talking about on the Web. Gnoosic: Discover new music that you didn’t even know you liked. Miro: Free open source internet TV and video player. Magnatune: All the music you want to listen to for free.

News and Information

Topix: One of the best search engines out there for news and information. (You can learn more about Topix in my article titled Find Breaking News with Topix). Popurls: One of my favorite sites for getting quick information from a large variety of sources online. BoingBoing: An exceedingly eclectic array of information gathered from all over the Web. Techmeme: One of the best places on the Web to get breaking technology news. Drudge Report: The Drudge Report is a great site to find news that is off the beaten track; he also tends to be the first one to break really big news items.

Productivity and New Media

Treedolist: A hierarchical organizer for your to-do list and tasks. YouConvertIt: Convert any file format to any other file format without downloading any kind of software, completely for free. Scriblink: an online whiteboard that you can use to collaborate in realtime with other people. Twitter: A mini-blogging application that you can use to journal your thoughts and ideas. Netvibes: A starting page for the Web; you can personalize your Netvibes to your unique preferences.

Fun and Games

Qbesq: Draw beautiful shapes and symbols in any colors that you want. Orisinal: A beautifully designed gaming site; parents love this one. PaperToys: Hundreds of free custom-designed paper models that you can print out and fold yourself. Web Sudoku: Play Sudoku for free with literally thousands of different combinations. Miniclip: Tons of cute animated games for kids and adults.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER DISCLAIMER: Compiled from Govt. website resources, worldwide newspapers and magazines. The following information has been compiled and printed just as a public service and is not to replace any common sense. Please consult your physician, attorney, accountant or any certified financial consultant for the final answers to all your questions and a definite diagnosis for your and your family in all areas. The publisher disclaims all liability and cannot be responsible for any problems or claims that may arise from use of the following information. In preparation of this valuable guide, every effort has been made to offer current, correct and clearly expressed information. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and information can change. All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. Valuable information in this publication is intended to afford general guidelines on matters of interest. Accordingly, the information published here is not intended to serve as a legal, accounting, tax or medical advice. Readers of this Desi Digest are encouraged to consult with professional advisors concerning specific matters before making any decision and the staff, management, editors, and the publisher disclaims andy responsibility for positions taken by readers in individual cases or for any misunderstanding on the part of readers.

closest family or friends. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn’t know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) Campaign The concept of “ICE” is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name “ICE” ( In Case Of Emergency). The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn’t know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as “ICE.” For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great idea that will make a difference! Let’s spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phones today!

SA Government Released New Postage stamp on Hindu Deities www.Usa-postage. com has created 7 spiritual designs targeted to the Indian community in the United States .. For the first time, real U.S. postage depicting Sri krishna, Shiva–Parvati, Sai Baba, Murugan, Lord Venkateshwara, Vinayaka and Lakshmi is available on beautiful 20-stamp commemorative sheets. These are exclusive designs not available anywhere else. here’s the website with details, http://www.

Google 411....... ( Check this out! ) Just leave it up to Google to come up with something like this! Here’s a number worth putting in your cell phone, or your home phone speed dial: 1-800-goog411 or 1-800-466-4411. This is an awesome service from Google, and it’s free -- great when you are on the road. Don’t waste your money on information calls and don’t waste your time manually dialing the number. How great is that? It is nationwide, Canada & US, and it is absolutely free! Works on cell and landline phones, all you have to remember is 1-800466-4411. Give it a try. Click on the link below and watch the short clip for a quick demonstration. Request your Travel Planner today:

“ICE” (In Case of Emergency) Campaign We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows which of these numbers belong to our

Visit Using sophisticated flip book software you can literally flip through the pages of online brochures. You can search keywords, zoom in, or print pages. Call 1-888-469-2950, FAX 1-800-665-4432 or Email: Travel Reminder: Before your next trip, please check when your passport will expire. Many countries require one to have a valid passport of upto 6 months prior to expiration and some countries require you to have blank pages. Also, Discuss your trip with your doctor. Note too, that some vaccinations might not work in some countries. ( e.g. Locations with High altitudes ) “Hand Book for Overseas Indians” has been compiled by MOIA.This is an excellent Ref. Manual (112 Pages - 1.4 MB) Inder Singh, Chairman Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, GOPIO Int’l-Serving NRIs/PIOs, local to global Tel:818-708-3885, Email:GOPIO-Intl@ sbcglobal. net Fax 303-253-8399 Website: www. SAVE MONEY ON GROCERY BILLS A better way to save time and money: Let grocery-comparison websites do the work for you. One of the most useful is, a free site that does more than just post supermarket fliers. After registering, you can compare local prices—by product, category or store—in most, if not all, supermarkets in your area. Each week, the site covers more than 750 weekly fliers from 250 grocery retailers in more than 55,000 ZIP codes. You’ll also find coupons that can be printed and clipped, as well as nutritional information on many products. Another free site is A subscription service, TheGroceryGame offers a four-week free trial. Many radio stations offer half-off gift certificates and other wallet-sparing bargains for local events, restaurants and retailers through their websites. Just look for aptly worded tabs, such as Chicago’s B96 “Chicago 1/2 Off,” Boston’s Mix 104.1 “50/50 Deals” or Philadelphia’s 98.1 “Half-Off Deals.” Offers change frequently and are sometimes available on a first-come, firstserved basis. AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER DISCLAIMER: Compiled from Govt. website resources, worldwide newspapers and magazines. The following information has been compiled and printed just as a public service and is not to replace any common sense. Please consult your physician, attorney, accountant or any certified financial consultant for the final answers to all your questions and a definite diagnosis for your and your family in all areas. The publisher disclaims all liability and cannot be responsible for any problems or claims that may arise from use of the following information. In preparation of this valuable guide, every effort has been made to offer current, correct and clearly expressed information. Nonetheless, inadvertent errors can occur and information can change. All information is general in nature and is not intended to be used as a substitute for appropriate professional advice. Valuable information in this publication is intended to afford general guidelines on matters of interest. Accordingly, the information published here is not intended to serve as a legal, accounting, tax or medical advice. Readers of this Desi Digest are encouraged to consult with professional advisors concerning specific matters before making any decision and the staff, management, editors, and the publisher disclaims andy responsibility for positions taken by readers in individual cases or for any misunderstanding on the part of readers. SA Government Released New Postage stamp on Hindu Deities www.Usa-postage. com has created 7 spiritual designs targeted to the Indian community in the United States .. For the first time, real U.S. postage depicting Sri krishna, Shiva–Parvati, Sai Baba, Murugan, Lord Venkateshwara, Vinayaka and Lakshmi is available on beautiful 20-stamp commemorative sheets. These are exclusive designs not available anywhere else. here’s the website with details, http://www. “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) Campaign We all carry our mobile phones with names & numbers stored in its memory but nobody, other than ourselves, knows


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

which of these numbers belong to our closest family or friends. If we were to be involved in an accident or were taken ill, the people attending us would have our mobile phone but wouldn’t know who to call. Yes, there are hundreds of numbers stored but which one is the contact person in case of an emergency? Hence this “ICE” (In Case of Emergency) Campaign The concept of “ICE” is catching on quickly. It is a method of contact during emergency situations. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the population, all you need to do is store the number of a contact person or persons who should be contacted during emergency under the name “ICE” ( In Case Of Emergency). The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when he went to the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they didn’t know which number to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good idea if there was a nationally recognized name for this purpose. In an emergency situation, Emergency Service personnel and hospital Staff would be able to quickly contact the right person by simply dialing the number you have stored as “ICE.” For more than one contact name simply enter ICE1, ICE2 and ICE3 etc. A great idea that will make a difference! Let’s spread the concept of ICE by storing an ICE number in our Mobile phones today! Google 411....... ( Check this out! ) Just leave it up to Google to come up with something like this! Here’s a number worth putting in your cell phone, or your home phone speed dial: 1-800-goog411 or 1-800-466-4411. This is an awesome service from Google, and it’s free -- great when you are on the road. Don’t waste your money on information calls and don’t waste your time manually dialing the number. How great is that? It is nationwide, Canada & US, and it is absolutely free! Works on cell and landline phones, all you have to remember is 1-800466-4411. Give it a try. Click on the link below and watch the short clip for a quick demonstration. Request your Travel Planner today: Visit Using sophisticated flip book software you can literally flip through the pages of online brochures. You can search keywords, zoom in, or print pages. Call 1-888-469-2950, FAX 1-800-665-4432 or Email: Travel Reminder: Before your next trip, please check when your passport will expire. Many countries require one to have a valid passport of upto 6 months prior to expiration and some countries require you to have blank pages. Also, Discuss your trip with your doctor. Note too, that some vaccinations might not work in some countries. ( e.g. Locations with High altitudes ) “Hand Book for Overseas Indians” has been compiled by MOIA.This is an excellent Ref. Manual (112 Pages - 1.4 MB) Inder Singh, Chairman Global Organization of People of Indian Origin, GOPIO Int’l-Serving NRIs/PIOs, local to global Tel:818-708-3885, Email:GOPIO-Intl@ sbcglobal. net Fax 303-253-8399 Website: www. SAVE MONEY ON GROCERY BILLS A better way to save time and money: Let grocery-comparison websites do the work for you. One of the most useful is, a free site that does more than just post supermarket fliers. After registering, you can compare local prices—by product, category or store—in most, if not all, supermarkets in your area. Each week, the site covers more than 750 weekly fliers from 250 grocery retailers in more than 55,000 ZIP codes. You’ll also find coupons that can be printed and clipped, as well as nutritional information on many products. Another free site is A subscription service, TheGroceryGame offers a four-week free trial. Many radio stations offer half-off gift certificates and other wallet-sparing bargains for local events, restaurants and retailers through their websites. Just look for aptly worded tabs, such as Chicago’s B96 “Chicago 1/2 Off,” Boston’s Mix 104.1 “50/50 Deals” or Philadelphia’s 98.1 “Half-Off

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission regarding the Lemon Law call (515)5055100 or write to P.O. Box 2293, Austin, TX 78768-2293. More information concerning the Lemon Law, the Deceptive Trade Practices - Consumer Protection Act, the Home Solicitation Transactions Act, and other consumer protection issues is available from the Texas Attorney General’s regional Consumer Protection Division Offices: Austin: P.O. Box 12548, Austin, TX 78711 (512)463-2070 Dallas: 714 Jackson Street #800, Dallas, TX 75202, (214)742-8944 El Paso: 6090 Surety Drive #113, El Paso, TX 79905, (915)772-9476 Houston: 1019 Congress #1550, Houston, TX 77002, (713)223-5886 Lubbock: 916 Main Street #806, Lubbock, TX 79401, (806)747-5238 McAllen: 3201 North McColl Road Suite B, McAllen, TX 78501, (210)682-4547 San Antonio: 115 East Travis Street #925, San Antonio, TX 78205, (210)225-4191. If your complaint is about a government agency rather than a business, check to see if the agency has an ombudsman program. Texas state agencies are required to post a Compact with Texans on their websites, and these documents must include information about how to file a complaint with that agency.If you are unable to get satisfaction in a complaint against a government agency, contact the elected officials with authority over that agency. If it is a federal agency, contact your U.S. Representative or Senator. For a state agency, contact your state representative and senator. For a local agency, contact the city or county officials ****************** USA Visitor Visa • Visitor Visa: Introduction • Visa Application Process • List of Documents Sponsors Need to Provide • List of Requirements for Visa Applicant • Visa fees • Scheduling an Appointment? How and where? • Interview Preparation • After Visa Information • Useful Tips

• Visa FAQ’s • Latest Alerts and News about Visitor Visa (News Alerts!) • Visa Refusal and Reapplication Process • At the Port of Entry • Medical Insurance for Visitors • Read Other’s Experiences on Visitors Visa - The Dos and Don’ts • Samples: What does the visa look like? Indian Embarkation Form, I-94, US Customs for reference to the first time visitor. • Ask Questions Related to Visitor Visa in our Discussion Forum. • Visitor Visa Tracker: See the Visitor Visa Grant and Refusal Statistics • US Visa for Medical Treatment in USA. Qualifying For Visitor B1/B2 Visa? This is how the consulate defines the qualification for the visitor visa grant: “Applicants for visitor visas must show that they qualify under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The presumption in the law is that every visitor visa applicant is an intending immigrant. Therefore, applicants for visitor visas must overcome this presumption by demonstrating that: • The purpose of their trip is to enter the U.S. for business, pleasure, or medical treatment. • That they plan to remain for a specific, limited period. • That they have a residence outside the U.S. as well as other binding ties which • That they will insure their return abroad at the end of the visit. All visitor visa applicants require to be interviewed at a US Consulate, before being granted a visa. Applicants need to appear in person for the Interview at a US consulate. A prior appointment is must for this purpose. How to go about Applying for a Visitor Visa for USA? 1. Sponsored Trip: If applicant’s has child or relatives and lives in USA, they can sponsor the visa for the applicant. Sponsor: Any US based person can sponsor visa for his/her parents, relatives, friends. Liabilities of sponsor: Sponsor needs to provide affidavit of support form stating and assuring to take the liabilities of expenses required for applicant’s trip. Other then this they also need to provide some other documents required to support

their claim as sponsor. Sponsoring does not guarantee the visa grant. Individual applying for visa must meet the criteria, set for US visitor visa. 2. Self Sponsored: You can be a self sponsor for your trip. You must have sufficient funds and proof of financial capability that can justify your trip expenses. Celebrate and Enjoy Nature! Even with all the technology we have today, there is no smartphone app that can substitute for mother nature. USA. gov has the tips and ideas you need to get out and enjoy the fresh air this season: • Make an environmentally friendly difference in your own backyard by greenscaping. Did you know that yard waste is second only to paper in landfills?Learn how to “grasscycle,” and get tips on mulching, and composting properly to leave your yard looking great, and help the environment. • Keep your trees strong and healthy with proper pruning techniques. Learn which branches to trim or remove to prevent injury or property damage, stop the spread of diseased or insect-infested wood, and make your foliage look its best. • Whether you live in the city or country, house or apartment building, you can enjoy the birds in your neighborhood. Learn how to get their attention with food and water, so you can enjoy their beauty and song wherever you reside. • If you’re looking to get away for a bit, consider the many National Trails throughout the country. If it’s a rainy day, or you just can’t make it out, you can still enjoy the beauty of this country’s different landscapes with the National Park System’s many webcams. Getting outside is a great way to relieve stress and have a great time with the entire family. Whether it’s maintaining the yard or taking a walk, the place to be is outdoors! ****************** Exchange Programs & Scholarships for High School Students The U.S. Department of State offers a number of exchange programs and scholarships for American high school students to study abroad. Visit the USA. gov Blog to learn more about these programs. ****************** Safety Rules for Riding a Bicycle AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition


KNOWLEDGE IS POWER the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission regarding the Lemon Law call (515)5055100 or write to P.O. Box 2293, Austin, TX 78768-2293. More information concerning the Lemon Law, the Deceptive Trade Practices - Consumer Protection Act, the Home Solicitation Transactions Act, and other consumer protection issues is available from the Texas Attorney General’s regional Consumer Protection Division Offices: Austin: P.O. Box 12548, Austin, TX 78711 (512)463-2070 Dallas: 714 Jackson Street #800, Dallas, TX 75202, (214)742-8944 El Paso: 6090 Surety Drive #113, El Paso, TX 79905, (915)772-9476 Houston: 1019 Congress #1550, Houston, TX 77002, (713)223-5886 Lubbock: 916 Main Street #806, Lubbock, TX 79401, (806)747-5238 McAllen: 3201 North McColl Road Suite B, McAllen, TX 78501, (210)682-4547 San Antonio: 115 East Travis Street #925, San Antonio, TX 78205, (210)225-4191. If your complaint is about a government agency rather than a business, check to see if the agency has an ombudsman program. Texas state agencies are required to post a Compact with Texans on their websites, and these documents must include information about how to file a complaint with that agency.If you are unable to get satisfaction in a complaint against a government agency, contact the elected officials with authority over that agency. If it is a federal agency, contact your U.S. Representative or Senator. For a state agency, contact your state representative and senator. For a local agency, contact the city or county officials ****************** USA Visitor Visa • Visitor Visa: Introduction • Visa Application Process • List of Documents Sponsors Need to Provide • List of Requirements for Visa Applicant • Visa fees • Scheduling an Appointment? How and where? • Interview Preparation • After Visa Information • Useful Tips


AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

• Visa FAQ’s • Latest Alerts and News about Visitor Visa (News Alerts!) • Visa Refusal and Reapplication Process • At the Port of Entry • Medical Insurance for Visitors • Read Other’s Experiences on Visitors Visa - The Dos and Don’ts • Samples: What does the visa look like? Indian Embarkation Form, I-94, US Customs for reference to the first time visitor. • Ask Questions Related to Visitor Visa in our Discussion Forum. • Visitor Visa Tracker: See the Visitor Visa Grant and Refusal Statistics • US Visa for Medical Treatment in USA. Qualifying For Visitor B1/B2 Visa? This is how the consulate defines the qualification for the visitor visa grant: “Applicants for visitor visas must show that they qualify under provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act. The presumption in the law is that every visitor visa applicant is an intending immigrant. Therefore, applicants for visitor visas must overcome this presumption by demonstrating that: • The purpose of their trip is to enter the U.S. for business, pleasure, or medical treatment. • That they plan to remain for a specific, limited period. • That they have a residence outside the U.S. as well as other binding ties which • That they will insure their return abroad at the end of the visit. All visitor visa applicants require to be interviewed at a US Consulate, before being granted a visa. Applicants need to appear in person for the Interview at a US consulate. A prior appointment is must for this purpose. How to go about Applying for a Visitor Visa for USA? 1. Sponsored Trip: If applicant’s has child or relatives and lives in USA, they can sponsor the visa for the applicant. Sponsor: Any US based person can sponsor visa for his/her parents, relatives, friends. Liabilities of sponsor: Sponsor needs to provide affidavit of support form stating and assuring to take the liabilities of expenses required for applicant’s trip. Other then this they also need to provide some other documents required to support

their claim as sponsor. Sponsoring does not guarantee the visa grant. Individual applying for visa must meet the criteria, set for US visitor visa. 2. Self Sponsored: You can be a self sponsor for your trip. You must have sufficient funds and proof of financial capability that can justify your trip expenses. Celebrate and Enjoy Nature! Even with all the technology we have today, there is no smartphone app that can substitute for mother nature. USA. gov has the tips and ideas you need to get out and enjoy the fresh air this season: • Make an environmentally friendly difference in your own backyard by greenscaping. Did you know that yard waste is second only to paper in landfills?Learn how to “grasscycle,” and get tips on mulching, and composting properly to leave your yard looking great, and help the environment. • Keep your trees strong and healthy with proper pruning techniques. Learn which branches to trim or remove to prevent injury or property damage, stop the spread of diseased or insect-infested wood, and make your foliage look its best. • Whether you live in the city or country, house or apartment building, you can enjoy the birds in your neighborhood. Learn how to get their attention with food and water, so you can enjoy their beauty and song wherever you reside. • If you’re looking to get away for a bit, consider the many National Trails throughout the country. If it’s a rainy day, or you just can’t make it out, you can still enjoy the beauty of this country’s different landscapes with the National Park System’s many webcams. Getting outside is a great way to relieve stress and have a great time with the entire family. Whether it’s maintaining the yard or taking a walk, the place to be is outdoors! ****************** Exchange Programs & Scholarships for High School Students The U.S. Department of State offers a number of exchange programs and scholarships for American high school students to study abroad. Visit the USA. gov Blog to learn more about these programs. ****************** Safety Rules for Riding a Bicycle

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER ****************** DON’T MISS RECALLS Earlier this year, a survey found that less than half of Americans fill out product registration cards, and less than 25 percent research product recalls online. Stay up to date on recalls from all major government agencies by signing up for alerts ( you can specify which products to be alerted about at - Courtesy Parade Magazine. ****************** PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IDENTITY THEFT According to a study, some 8.1 million adults in the U.S. were victims of identity fraud last year. Make sure you don’t become one of them. Register your credit and debit cards at The free service scans your accounts every day for fraudulent or unwarranted activity and alerts you by email to anything that appears suspicious. - Courtesy Parade Magazine ****************** Medicare can help you locate and compare doctors and other healthcare professionals by specialty, location, and more. You can even look for providers who accept the Medicare-approved amount as payment in full. Find and compare doctors. ****************** Find Government Forms online You can quickly find the federal form you need by searching or browsing by name, type, or agency. Find tax forms, postal service forms, and more. ****************** Please visit very informative and important website. If you feel it is good, then forward to others. ****************** Education, Jobs and Volunteerism for seniors Most people will spend up to 1/3 of their life in retirement, depending on the age at which they choose to stop working full-time. Research has shown that staying engaged in retirement can result in better health and a prolonged life. Some of the ways satisfied retirees stay engaged after retirement are through education, parttime work, and volunteering.

Find more information about education, jobs, and volunteerism for seniors. ****************** Antibiotic Resistance - Antibiotic drugs can save lives. But the more often you use an antibiotic, the more likely it is that germs will become drug resistant. Learn what you can do to minimize this problem. ****************** Generic Drugs - A generic drug is a copy of a brand name drug, but it works the same and can save you money. Learn more about the effectiveness, appearance, and safety of generic drugs. ****************** If you’re struggling to pay your student loans, the student debt repayment assistant may be able to help. Answer a few questions about your loans and ability to pay, and the assistant will help you find the best repayment option. Find the best student loan repayment option for you. ****************** More than seven million Americans currently abuse prescription drugs and studies show that most of the drugs are obtained from family and friends, including the home medicine cabinet. Find a drug collection site near you. New collection sites are being added daily. If you can’t participate in Prescription Drug Take Back Day, lean how to safely and properly dispose of unused medicines. ****************** Saving money and saving energy are often the same thing. In the fall, it can be helpful to do the following around the house to reduce your energy bills: • Look for assistance from your utility or state. • Conduct an energy assessment. • Have your heating system serviced. • Find and seal air leaks. • Check your insulation and add more as needed. Get more tips for saving money and energy this fall. ****************** MyMoneyCheckup, a new online financial resource tool for consumers from the National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC), has been added to the Personal Finance page on under Money

Management. This free tool is designed to provide an assessment of a consumer’s overall financial health and behavior in four designated areas of personal finance: budgeting and credit management, saving and investing, planning for retirement, and managing home equity. ****************** If you are the victim of a crime, the government has information and services to help at There are specific resources for victims in need of assistance, people looking for volunteer opportunities to help, and service providers. There’s also an online directory of non-emergency services for victims. You can search by location or type of victimization to find help filing claims, counseling, criminal justice support, and more. Learn more about services for crime victims. ****************** You can learn more about renewable energy options for your home with these publications: • Guide to Renewable Energy -Homeowners may want to consider renewable energy options such as solar panels, geothermal heat pumps, and small wind systems. • Small Wind Electric Systems: A U.S. Consumer’s Guide - The handbook provides consumers with information to help them determine whether a small wind electric system can provide all or a portion of the energy they need for their home or business. • More Publications on Going Green ****************** What’s New on I-9 Central, the online one-stop source of information and instructions on the use of Form I-9? Among the latest updates captured on the What’s New page: • Guidance about the automatic extension of expiring EADs for Liberian and Sudanese TPS beneficiaries • News about the Redesigned Employment Authorization Document and Certificate of Citizenship • Instructions on how to get your printed copy of the Handbook for Employers: Instructions for Completing Form I-9 (M-274) AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition



Texas: State Government - Online access to State Agencies can be accessed through

hear music and experience the Kid’ s Zone. Please come to the Houston Fire Department’ s Val Jahnke Training Facility at 8030 Braniff just south of Hobby Airport. All proceeds go toward U. S. ( Federal ) Government - United the education and outreach programs of States - Visit or the Houston Fire Museum. Admission call is FREE as is the parking/shuttle service 1-800-FED-INFO 1-800-333-4636 at the corner of Monroe and Meldrum. For more information on Firefest 2009 TRAVEL SITES SITES TRAVEL - Strictly for booking plane trips entirely outside of the U.S., HOUSTON HOUSTON POLICE POLICE such as a flight between Paris and DEPARTMENT (HPD) DEPARTMENT (HPD) Rome. ANNOUNCES FIRST FIRST PHASE PHASE ANNOUNCES - The all-time best OF CRIME MONITORING OF CRIME MONITORING site for finding the cheapest plane WEBSITE WEBSITE tickets in the U.S. In an effort to increase public safety and - The granddaddy crimeprevention awarenessin Houston, discounter helps hotels, car-rental the Houston Police Department (HPD) agencies, and airlines unload all sorts has launched the first phase of a new of inventory at well below published interactive crime tool for citizens prices. . - Harnessing The goal of this new crime statistics the power of the masses, the user-hotel- website is to keep citizens informed of review site TripAdvisor is the top way crime occurring in areas where they live to hunt for hotels. and work and to help HPD in solving Spotlights crimes. Users can track and map crime independently owned properties trends in neighborhoods throughout overseas, many of which never show the city. Search for crime incidents, up on American travel sites. occurring as far back as 30 days or as recent as within the last 24 hours, by OCTOBER IS OCTOBER ISFIRE FIRE address, city council district, police PREVENTION MONTH PREVENTION MONTH beat, super neighborhood or zip code. Firefest Saturday, October 10, 2009 Additionally, monthly Uniform Crime Have you done all you can around Report (UCR) Part 1 crimes by police your home or apartment to make sure beat and police district are available in your family is protected from fire? Are tabular data form dating back to January your smoke detectors working? Do you 2006. To view the new website, go to have an escape plan? Of course, fire prevention is the best safety plan of all. For additional information about the Please visit for site, please contact HPD Public Affairs fire and safety tips to help you prepare at or and protect your loved ones from a call 713-308-3200. possible fatal fire. FIREFEST 2009, Saturday, October 10, from 10a.m. RESOURCES RESOURCES 5p.m. is a great opportunity to receive TheAttorney General’ sOfficepublishes valuablefireand lifesafety information, a number of free consumer protection meet your local firefighters, witness pamphlets, which may be ordered from live fire and rescue demonstrations, see any of the regional offices. Topics antique cars and fire trucks, shop, eat, include: Duties & Responsibilities of the Office of the Attorney General; Page 40


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AsiAmerica Digest Winter 2017 Progress Edition

Business Opportunities; Car Repair; Charitable Raffles; Credit Cards & ATM Cards; Debt Collection; Door to Door Sales; Get Satisfaction; Home Improvement; Mail Order Sales; Telemarketing Fraud; Timeshares; and Your Tenant Rights. A consumer with a product or service complaint first should contact the person or company who sold the item or performed the service. Complaints usually can be resolved at this level. If not, call or write the consumer complaint department at the company’ s headquarters. Whenever filingacomplaint, remember tomaintain records of any correspondence, persons spoken to, dates and times, and do not send any original documents. Another consumer resource is the local Better Business Bureau (BBB). BBBs are non-profit organizations, sponsored by local businesses, meant to promote good relations between consumers and businesses. Though BBBs have no legal authority, they may contact a business involved in a dispute and offer some form of arbitration to settle the matter. Look in the phone book for the nearest BBB. The Texas Secretary of State handles complaints in a number of areas. Office of the Secretary of State, P.O. Box 13697, Austin, TX 78711, (512) 463-5701. The federal government maintains the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which provides public information on consumer products. The toll-free number is (800) 638-2772. Information concerning company and brand name information can be obtained from the Consumer Resource Handbook. To receive the handbook, write to the Consumer Information Center, Pueblo, CO 81009. The Commission’ s Web Site address is staff/pa/cic/cic.htm. The National Foundation for Consumer Credit has a toll-free reference line to locate an area member office of Consumer Credit Counseling Services, non-profit groups offering advice and debt management programs for little or AsiAmerica Digest October 2009


no charge. To locate the nearest office, call (800) 388-2227. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) deals with fraud and deceptive business practices, and has the legal authority to file lawsuits and freeze company assets. The FTC has a number of consumer protection publications available by writing to the FTC, Public Reference Branch, Sixth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20580 or by calling (202) 326-2222. For general information, referral services, or assistance in filing a telemarketing complaint, call the National Fraud Information Center at (800) 876-7060. Consumers may have their phone number removed from many national telephone sales lists by writing to: Telephone Preference Services, c/o Direct Marketing Association, P.O. Box 9008, Farmingdale, NY 117359008 Consulting an attorney If you cannot resolve your complaint, or it involves a large amount of money, you may want to hire a lawyer. There are several options. * Private Attorneys. The State Bar Association and many county bar associations operate lawyer referral programs. Often there is only a small fee for the initial consultation.* Legal Aid or Legal Services. If you can’ t afford a lawyer, you may be eligible for federally-funded legal assistance. Look in the phone book under “ Legal Aid” or “ Legal Services.” * Law School Legal Clinics. Many law schools operate legal clinics at which law students assist people under the supervision of a law professor or other lawyer. Contact the law school nearest you for more information. The University of Houston Center for Consumer Law , Texas Consumer Complaint Center (713)743-2168; SMU Dedman School of Law , Legal Clinics, Clinic Main Number (214)7682562 Other Sources of Help There are even more public and private sources that may be able to help with your complaint: AsiAmerica Digest October 2009

* Local Consumer Offices. Many cities and counties have consumer affairs offices or have programs to assist consumers. Check the blue pages of your phone book. * Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner (OCCC) offers a tollfree helpline for consumers who have complaints and questions about misrepresentation, fraud, and deceptive practices on the part of pawnshops, regulated lenders, or creditors. The helpline is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at (800) 538-1579. * Justice of the Peace or Small Claims Court. All counties have special courts to handle small claims. The filing fees are usually much less than those charged in the county or district courts and the proceedings are less formal, with citizens often representing themselves. In these courts you can present your side to the judge. Present your case with the same information you would include in a complaint, bringing any documents or witnesses that are relevant. * Consumer Reporters. Some television and radio stations.and newspapers have consumer reporters that help people with complaints. * Trade Associations. Many industries have trade associations that perform a variety of functions, often including resolution of complaints against their members. * Federal Trade Commission. The FTC enforces fair trade laws and may help consumers resolve complaints. The commission has a regional office in Dallas. * Other State Attorneys General. If your complaint is against a company in another state, you may be able to get help from that state’ s attorney general. * Elected Representatives. Members of Congress, state legislators, city council members, county commissioners and other elected officials may help constituents with consumer complaints, These are also the people to contact if you believe there should be a law to protect consumers from a particular problem. We personally hand deliver your advertisment one at a time.

* Bexar County Dispute Resolution Center - - offers mediation, free of charge, in civil conflict involving people who live in Bexar County and organizations and businesses that function in Bexar County. Issues that can be mediated include consumer-merchant. To contact the Texas Motor Vehicle Commission regarding the Lemon Law call (515)505-5100 or write to P.O. Box 2293, Austin, TX 787682293. More information concerning the Lemon Law, the Deceptive Trade Practices - Consumer Protection Act, the Home Solicitation Transactions Act, and other consumer protection issues is available from the Texas Attorney General’ s regional Consumer Protection Division Offices: Austin: P.O. Box 12548, Austin, TX 78711, (512)463-2070; Dallas: 714 Jackson Street #800, Dallas, TX 75202, (214)742-8944; El Paso: 6090 Surety Drive #113, El Paso, TX 79905, (915)772-9476; Houston: 1019 Congress #1550, Houston, TX 77002, (713)223-5886; Lubbock: 916 Main Street #806, Lubbock, TX 79401, (806)747-5238; McAllen: 3201 North McColl Road Suite B, McAllen, TX 78501, (210)682-4547; San Antonio: 115 East Travis Street #925, San Antonio, TX 78205, (210)225-4191. If your complaint is about a government agency rather than a business, check to see if the agency has an ombudsman program. Texas state agencies are required to post a Compact with Texans on their websites, and these documents must include information about how to file a complaint with that agency. If you are unable to get satisfaction in a complaint against a government agency, contact the elected officials with authority over that agency. If it is a federal agency, contact your U.S. Representative or Senator. For a state agency, contact your staterepresentative and senator. For a local agency, contact the city or county officials Page 41

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