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SPOTLIGHT: Meet the founder of
TRIET HOANG—or Mr. Good-All—is a communication development consultant on a mission to help overwhelmed, frustrated individuals and small creative teams make their ideas actionable. He dances in the crew Machinez Remainz and was previously a personal trainer and manager at a small business fitness facility.
Mr. Good-All Meet Founder of TRIET HOANG

Visit mrgood-all.com to learn more about Triet’s services, listen to his podcast episodes, and read his blogs!

Asian Avenue magazine (AAm): What inspired you to start Mr. Good-All? And what is the concept behind it?
I started Mr. Good-All in February 2019 in order to help others make their ideas a reality. The concept behind the name is that I can only get you to ‘good.’ You, yourself, will have to put in the work to reach greatness. The “All” is a combination of all the skills that I acquired over the years from vastly different professions and blended together to help others succeed in their creative pursuits.
I love listening to individuals’ ideas and their passion and assisting them in achieving their goals. I believe it requires a blend of business fundamentals and creative experiences to understand and help creative teams and individuals address their difficulties.
AAm: What is a story that stands out to you from your interviews?
Peter Pham and I co-host Hangout Talks, sharing entrepreneurship stories and self-development advice though a “hanging out” with friends vibe. There have been so many stories shared in our podcast interviews. The ones that stand out are the brutally honest stories of the difficult but joyful journey of entrepreneurship. Where there is no security, but passion and grit drive the work every day.
Lastly, from our life coach guests, they have said, when we think we are behind in life, ask ourselves, “Who are we behind?” “Behind in what?” “Who are we comparing ourselves too?”
AAm: Why is sharing inspirational stories important?
My mission is to inspire, motivate and promote action—positive action. To get to positive action, we need to change the focus on what we can’t control to things that we can control. We naturally draw our focus to negative situations, and those are the ones that typically replay in our heads the most. If we can have more exposure to positive, inspirational, and honest stories, our focus can shift, followed by action.
AAm: What was your childhood like growing up in a Vietnamese immigrant family in Denver?
I’m the youngest of four—one brother and two sister. Our family came to the U.S. from Vietnam in 1988 when I was one and we have lived in Denver ever since. As most of us have experienced, life in Vietnam during those times were difficult. Our family lived in huts with dirt floors and metal sheets and branches as roofs.
It was hard to make friends when I didn’t speak any English or Spanish living on Federal Blvd. I learned English from watching cartoons at my parents’ friend’s house as both of my parents worked multiple jobs, and siblings were in school. To be honest, I think I learned most of my English from watching Barney—no shame!

AAm: You recently received your Master’s degree. How will you apply your learnings to Mr. Good-All?
I received my Master’s degree in Communication Management, concentration in Organizational Development from the University of Denver. The degree forms a solid foundation and methods for Mr. Good-All. The bases of the degree are to understand and help organizations change to reach the results they desire. I can better discover and understand the underlying reasons “why” individuals or teams are not completing tasks that lead them to their ideal results.
QA &
AAm: How has dance inspired you or played a role in who you are today?
My crewmates (pictured below fromleft to right: Triet Hoang, Ricky Al, JeanLuc Burgess, Ben Thao, and Nathan Tran) and dance, in general, inspires me so much, and it still does until this day.
Dance helps me not think so much—I am a huge “thinker”—and it allows me to feel and be in the moment. It helps me tell stories non-verbally while expressing how I feel and what the music is saying during that moment and time. Most importantly, it helps me appreciate the “behind the scenes” work and the progress along the way and not just be fixated on reaching the final show, competition, etc.
AAm: What are your other interests?
I love being active and traveling. Hiking, playing sports (even ones I am not good at), eating different foods, and spending time with my fiancée, friends, and family. I also love watching paranormal TV shows because I will never visit a haunted place at night. But I will definitely watch it on screen!