Asian Avenue magazine - September 2020

Page 16




National Rice Month! By Lina Zhu

The history of National Rice Month

County officials in Mississippi cele-

dates back to 1991 when President

brate the occasion with an annual rice

George H.W. Bush signed the official

tasting luncheon held in September.

proclamation designating September

According to the US Department of

as National Rice Month. The president

Agriculture, nearly 500 million met-

and the USA Rice Federation recog-

ric tons of rice are harvested globally

nized this special holiday to encour-

each year.

age the use of the small but mighty

Rice has a special place for many

grain in our daily dining. In the U.S.,

Asian countries and people as it’s

cities celebrate National Rice Month

one of the most common foods in


Asian cuisine.




Different types of Asian Rice KOREAN RICE




Korean hyunmi refers to Korean

Indian basmati is also long-grain

Sushi rice is steamed Japanese rice

short grain brown rice. Unlike white

rice, meaning that the grains are long

that is flavored with vinegar-based sea-

rice, brown rice has the bran and germ

and skinny. When cooked, basmati rice is

sonings and it’s only used for making

still attached. Brown rice tends to have

less sticky than jasmine, with grains that

sushi. In Japan, it is known as sumeshi

a higher nutritional value than white

tend to remain on the firm side. Basma-

(vinegared rice). Sushi rice is usual-

rice, with many vitamins and fiber. It

ti rice also doesn’t stick together as Jas-

ly short grain rice, which has plump

takes longer to cook and longer to

mine rice does, which makes it a great

grains and a high proportion of amy-

digest. Many Koreans combine white

choice for rice pilaf, salads, and Indian

lopectin, a type of sticky starch that’s

rice and brown rice together to bring

rice side dishes that often include safron,

responsible for the trademark creamy

better texture and taste.

lemon or turmeric.

texture of risotto.

September 2020 | Culture

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