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Planning Process
Recognizing the need to respond and adapt to a constantly changing service organization landscape, ACAS undertook a formal environmental scan in the summer of 2022. The purpose of the environmental scan was to gather input and generate insights that could be used to inform ACAS strategic planning and more specifically, guide decision making about organizational priorities and program development as ACAS looks to our future.
Consultation with a range of key stakeholders allowed us to hear, document and organize the views and opinions of individuals, groups and community partners associated with ACAS. The consultations were conducted using a strengths-based approach that began with identifying the core value of ACAS and areas of success, as well as exploring areas for growth required to reach high levels of success across all areas. A separate report summarizes the input we received from these stakeholders (Appendix A).
This environmental scan was guided by the ACAS Strategic Planning Committee which was comprised of ACAS staff, board members and community members. The Strategic Planning Committee developed the consultation approach and questions. The research consultant –San Patten and Associates, Inc. – led interviews and focus groups with a total of 34 key informants composed of ACAS members, volunteers and community partners. These informants were selected by ACAS for their variety of expertise, participation and perspectives pertaining to the organization’s mandate and programs. Consultation interviews and focus groups were conducted by Zoom and were approximately 45-90 minutes in duration. Interview and focus group transcripts were cleaned before being thematically coded.
We also conducted an online survey to gather input from a broader range of stakeholders. The online survey was open for about eight weeks and gathered 39 survey responses. The chart below summarizes the stakeholder perspectives represented among survey respondents:
Survey respondents: Please tell us how you are connected to ACAS (check all that apply) client (have used ACAS services/programs) former or current sta member former or current volunteer supporter / donor / funder board member partner organization migrant farm worker
The third source of input into the development of this Strategic Plan was a one-day retreat, facilitated by Dionne A. Falconer of the Ontario Organizational Development Program (OODP) with 16 current staff, board members and community members. The retreat’s goals were to explore opportunities, issues and challenges that ACAS may face over the next three years, generate three to four strategic directions to guide ACAS to 2026, and identify potential activities for the strategic directions.
• Establish and implement data tracking systems
• Develop and implement a Resource Mobilization Plan for ACAS
Strategic Directions
• Take a proactive role in identifying and approaching partners
• Create digital content
Strength in Numbers Open Relationship
• Prioritize strong human resources
• Strategically seek collaborative programming partnerships
• Make better use of environmental scan and needs assessment research
• Expand outreach and seek allyship with community members and organizations
Meeting at the Intersection Putting Our Best Face Forward
• Create and nurture intergenerational programs, spaces and relationships
• Create and expand a blend of education and engagement methods –virtual and in-person
• Create and implement a Communications and Marketing Strategy