Asian Outlook | Spring 2020 Issue #1

Page 22


ByRina RinaWeng Weng By

Animitation imitationpoem poem after afterreading reading“Cajun” “Cajun”by bySheryl SherylSt. St.Germain. Germain. An

wantto totake takethe theword wordback backinto intomy mybody, body,back back IIwant fromthe thefamily familymovies moviesfeaturing featuringparent parentsacrifices sacrifices from announcingititso soproud. proud.IIwant wantititto tobe bethe thereverse, reverse, announcing wantto tosee seemy mymother motherminding mindingher herown ownjoy joy IIwant likeher herchildren childrencan cannever neverbe beher herburden, burden,not notbothering bothering like herself with with housework, housework, lunch lunch box, box, or or toilet toilet paper. paper. IIwant want to to see see my my herself mother mother alldolled dolledup upagain, again,hands handsall allpale paleand andsmooth, smooth, all shinynail nailpolish polishthat thatbrightens brightensmy myday, day,best bestperfume perfume shiny stainingher hershirt, shirt,comforting comfortingmy myheart, heart,IIwant wantto toremember rememberthe thepride pride staining shetook took she workingand andbeing beingself-assured; self-assured;ititwas wasnothing nothing working likeher hernow nowwith withscarred scarredhands, hands,wrinkles wrinkles like betweenher herbrows, brows,jailed jailedin inthe thecramped crampedspace space between thatshe shecalled calledhome. home. that Andwhat whatmy mymother motherused usedto toknow: know: And howto tomake makeher herown self happy, howhow to keep how self happy, to keep not money, but a smile, or perhaps a laughter, not money, be a smile, or perhaps a laugher, maintainitittill tillshe shewas wasoverjoyed, overjoyed,needing needingsome somefresh freshair. air.And And when when maintain seethe thefrowning frowningface face IIsee onmy mymother, mother,stamping stampingwith withanger angerand andtiredness, tiredness, on it’slike likeswallowing swallowingstrong strongacid aciddown downmy mysoul, soul,and andwhen whenIIhear hear it’s hersighs sighsin inthe thedark darknights, nights,IIfeel feelitit her again,her herfreedom’s freedom’sbeen beenstolen, stolen,like likeme, me, again, corroded. corroded.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash


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