2021 China Wealth Awards Winners Booklet

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网站: https://asianprivatebanker.com/ 热线: +852 2529 1004 电邮: info@asianprivatebanker.com 中国财富奖 CHINA WEALTH AWARDS 2021


尊敬的读者: “2021中国财富奖”是《亚洲私人银行家》迄今为止最具雄心的奖项,旨在表彰中国境内财富管理行业的领 头企业取得的成就,本年度设有 23 个类别,共有 13 间企业获奖。 这也进一步佐证了中国作为全球第二大经济体,其私人银行和财富管理公司的广度、深度和成熟度正不断 提升。 中国境内财富行业的机遇巨大,根据贝恩和招商银行发布的《2021 中国私人财富报告》,截止2021 年底, 中国高净值人群持有的可投资资产规模达到 96 万亿人民币。可投资资产超过 1,000万人民币的高净值人 群数量于去年底达到 296 万人,过去几年间年均复合增长率约为 20%。 此外,中国高净值人群的海外可投资资产占比料将在未来两年内升至30%,这些资产“逐渐从传统的房地 产资产转向更为广泛的资产类型,如另类投资”。 而这只是起步阶段,未来的增长十分壮观。摩根士丹利在 2021 年 10 月发布的一份报告中强调了中国的 家庭财富规模非常庞大。该行,财富管理公司的潜在市场规模有望在 2030 年达到 170 万亿元人民币(合 26.7 万亿美元),行业的收入有望增长两倍。 相比于市场波动、监管和经济放缓等短期挑战,财富管理的行业发展潜力不容小觑。我们也将继续关注该 行业在未来几年的发展。 《亚洲私人银行家》谨祝2021中国财富奖所有获奖者一切顺利!感谢业界一如既往的支持!

Daniel Shane 主编




Dear subscribers, With thirteen individual winners across 23 categories, the 2021 China Wealth Awards marked Asian Private Banker’s most ambitious programme yet honouring the development and achievements of the country’s onshore wealth industry. That is a reflection of the growing breadth, depth and sophistication of private banks and wealth managers in the world’s second-biggest economy. The scale of the onshore opportunity in China cannot be denied. By the end of 2021, the size of investable assets held by HNWIs in China reached RMB 96 trillion, according to the China Wealth Report 2021, published by Bain and China Merchants Bank. The number of HNWIs with investable assets of over RMB 10 million was 2.96 million at the end of last year, representing an annual compounded growth rate of about 20% over the last few years. In addition, the proportion of Chinese HNWIs’ overseas investable assets is set to rise to 30% over the next two years, with these assets “gradually shifting from traditional real estate assets to broader asset types and comprehensive services needs such as alternatives”. There is unlikely to be a shortage of growth in the industry, either. In a report released by Morgan Stanley in October 2021, the US bank highlighted the sheer scale of household wealth creation in the world’s second biggest economy. It forecast that up to RMB 170 trillion (US$26.7 trillion) could be addressable by wealth managers by 2030, potentially tripling the industry’s revenue. All of that augurs a bright future for the industry in China, likely outweighing short-term issues related to market volatility, regulation and the slowing economy. All of us will certainly be watching the sector’s development with interest over the coming years. Asian Private Banker would like to wish all of the winners at the 2021 China Wealth Awards for their success and thanks the industry for its continued support.

Daniel Shane editor Asian Private Banker



C O N T E NTS 中国财富奖 China Wealth Awards 2021


编者的话 Editor’s note


招商银行私人銀行 China Merchants Bank Private Banking 中国最佳私人银行—股份制银行组 年度最佳在岸私人银行家—王晏蓉 Best Joint-stock Private Bank in China Onshore Private Banker of the Year — Wang Yanrong


上海银行股份有限公司 Bank of Shanghai 中国最佳私人银行—城市商业银行组 Best City Commercial Private Bank in China


中国银行私人银行 Bank of China Private Banking 中国最佳私人银行—国有银行组 中国最佳私人银行—资产配置服务与研究 中国最佳私人银行—企业家客户服务 Best National Private Bank in China Best Private Bank in China — Asset Allocation Services and Research Best Private Bank in China — Services for Business Entrepreneurs


诺亚控股 Noah Holdings 中国最佳财富管理机构 中国最佳财富管理机构—超高净值/高净值客户 Best Wealth Manager in China Best Wealth Manager in China — U/HNW


瑞承国际 Heritvest Global 中国最佳财富管理机构—国际服务与投资 Best Wealth Manager in China — International Services and Investments


钧山资管 Peakvest 中国最佳财富管理机构—可持续投资 Best Wealth Manager in China — Sustainable Investments


五矿国际信托有限公司 Minmetals International Trust Co., Ltd. 中国最佳财富管理机构—财富规划和安排 Best Wealth Manager in China — Wealth Planning and Structuring


瑞承家族办公室 Heritvest Family Office 中国最佳财富管理机构—家族办公室客户服务 Best Wealth Manager in China — Family Offices Services

Published by Key Positioning Limited 13/F Greatmany Centre, 111 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2529 1004 | Fax: +852 3013 9984 | Email: info@asianprivatebanker.com ISSN NO. 2076-5320

C O N T E NTS 中国财富奖 China Wealth Awards 2021


上海浦东发展银行股份有限公司 Shanghai Pudong Development Bank 中国最佳私人银行—高净值客户 Best Private Bank in China — HNW


瑞承家族办公室 Heritvest Family Office 中国最佳财富管理机构—商业企业家客户服务 Best Wealth Manager in China — Services for Business Entrepreneurs


瑞承家族办公室 Heritvest Family Office 中国最佳财富管理机构—下一代客户服务 Best Wealth Manager in China — Services for Next Gens


华夏财富 China Wealth Management 中国最佳财富管理机构—投资顾问 Best Wealth Manager in China — Investment Advisory


中信银行私人银行 Private Banking of China CITIC Bank 中国最佳私人银行—数字化创新 中国最佳私人银行—超高净值客户 中国最佳私人银行—全权委托投资管理 中国最佳私人银行—家族办公室客户服务 中国最佳私人银行—下一代客户服务 Best Private Bank in China — Digital Innovation Best Private Bank in China — UHNW Best Private Bank in China — Discretionary Portfolio Management Best Private Bank in China — Family Office Services Best Private Bank in China — Services for Next Gens


陆金所控股 Lufax Holding Ltd 中国最佳财富管理机构—数字化创新 Best Wealth Manager in China — Digital Innovation


中国中金财富证券有限公司 China CICC Wealth Management Securities Company Limited. 中国最佳财富管理机构—资产配置服务与研究 Best Wealth Manager in China — Asset Allocation Services and Research

招商银行私人银行荣获“中国最佳私人银行—股份制银行组” ,而王晏蓉获得“年度 最佳在岸私人银行家”。此奖项表彰他们致力于为客户提供卓越服务、拓宽财富思 维、迎合前沿趋势和扩大市场占有率。《亚洲私人银行家》对招商银行私人银行和 王女士的成就表示最深切的祝贺。 The awards for Best Joint-Stock Private Bank in China for China Merchants Bank Private Banking and Best Onshore Private Banker of the Year for Wang Yanrong recognise their dedication to providing excellent service to clients, broadening their wealth proposition, embracing cutting edge trends and expanding their market share. Asian Private Banker offers its deepest congratulations to CMB Private Banking and Madam Wang for their success.



上海银行已经连续四年被《亚洲私人银行家》评为“最 佳私人银行” ,这对上银财富而言是重要的荣誉与认可。 近年来,上海银行紧抓居民财富增长的战略机遇期,于 财富管理与私人银行业务方面全面发力。而“上银财 富”是上海银行为客户量身定制的财富管理服务品牌, 通过综合资产配置,为客户提供整体财富管理解决方 案,达成财务可持续增长目标,全方位保障客户的财富 健康。上银财富打造了阶梯式的财富管理客群经营体 系,以高端借记卡为载体,为客户配套提供分层的金融 与非金融服务。 金融服务方面,上银财富为客户提供财富管理整体解決 方案,提供包括财富增值、财富保障、财富传承、财富 精神等四大类专业化方案。通过优秀选聘能力的专家 团队,对产品采取高标准严选,打造了以资产配置为核 心、覆盖不同品类开放式的“精选产品平台”。专业的 客户经理团队,将根据客户的需求进行整体方案推荐与 资产配置组合。 非金融服务方面,上银财富以“我想给你更好的”为价 值观,致力于提升财富的高度、增加财富的深度、拓宽 财富的广度、燃起财富的温度,提供了囊括健康、出 行、人文、家庭、升学等一系列客户服务方案。 2021年,虽然外部市场剧烈波动,但上海银行财富管 理的业绩表现仍然抢眼,财富管理中介业务、公募基金 销量等都实现了高速增长。在私人银行业务领域,上海 银行是最早布局私行业务的区域银行,在多年的深耕 探索下,目前已在上海区域市场建立了独特的品牌特色 并辐射全国,赢得了客户和市场的认可。 未来,上银财富将继续致力于为客户提供优质的财富管 理与私人银行服务,让更多的客户能够获得上银财富专 业、有温度的财富管理服务,分享国家发展的红利,实 现共同富裕。

The bank’s bespoke WM services are branded as “BOSC Wealth Management”. Through comprehensive asset allocations, customers are offered WM solutions that deliver on their target of sustained wealth growth, thus safeguarding their financial health. BOSC Wealth Management has created a tiered WM system and offers customers a complete set of financial and non-financial services, using a high-end debit card as medium. BOSC Wealth Management offers overall WM solutions covering four major categories of professional services: wealth appreciation, wealth preservation, succession, and wealth consciousness. An expert team has created an open platform for asset allocation, allowing the relationship managers to recommend portfolios that match customer needs. Despite a volatile 2021, BOSC Wealth Management posted strong growth in both WM intermediate income and mutual fund sales. Bank of Shanghai has been the first regional bank to roll out PB services. Over the years, it has developed unique brand features in the Shanghai regional market with a nationwide reach — gaining customer and market recognition. BOSC Wealth Management remains committed to offering high-quality WM and PB services, to extending its services to even more customers and to sharing the benefits of economic growth to achieve common prosperity. In recognition of its WM capabilities, Bank of Shanghai is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s award for Best Private Bank in China – City Commercial Bank, for a fourth consecutive year.

In recent years, Bank of Shanghai has spared no effort in building its WM and PB business, seizing the strategic opportunity offered by the wealth accumulation in China.







林宣 Sheena Lam 瑞承国际负责人 leader Heritvest Global

瑞承国际一直以“Global+Local”的人才战略汇聚国际 化背景专业人士,并且与全球优越的金融机构合作,优 选、集合全球特色、优质的产品,为(超)高净值客户实 施全球资产配置定制策略。瑞承国际获得《亚洲私人 银行家》评选为2021年中国最佳财富管理机构国际服 务与投资。

自创立以来,瑞承国际致力于满足高净值人群不同人 生阶段的财富目标需求,积极构建从资产端到财富端的 全价值链整合能力。 同时,为满足高净值人土不同风险收益偏好、不同阶段 资产配置目标、跨市场的投资组合选择,瑞承国际优化 海外融资渠道和离岸信托优化等定制化服务,并利用 金融科技的智能金融管家服务,让其充分建立起了难 以复制的核心优势。

瑞承国际一方面通过全面的专家团队建设来不断提升 对全球私募股权、资本市场、地产基金等大类资产的优 质投资机会和产品洞察挖掘,一方面利用科技手段,通 过大数据完善投资研究、以智能科技提升客户服务体 验,以数据量化构建全球资产配置模型,持续在全球范 围内为用户挖掘、捕捉更优的投资机会。

在资产配置模型方面,瑞承国际通过挑选全球经济因 子、大类资产归因、构建投资组合的三步法,对全球经 济因子进行筛选分析、模拟未来走势概率,并通过模 型验证因子对目标资产的有效性及走势模拟,从而综合 确定配置标的及权重,全程定期检视与修正,做到动态 配置管理。 All along, Heritvest has had a human resources strategy to combine local talent and professionals with international backgrounds. It has sought collaborations with outstanding financial institutions worldwide in its selection of unique and high-quality global products to implement bespoke global asset allocation strategies for U/HNW clients. Since its establishment, Heritvest has been committed to meeting the WM targets and needs of HNWIs in different stages of their development and to building on its capability to integrate the entire value chain connecting assets and WM. A specialist team has developed asset allocation plans, and has been providing HNWIs with solutions covering global fund online trading/subscriptions, centralised management of multi-bank accounts worldwide and


作为一个专业的国际资产配置的平台,瑞承国 际获此殊荣,我们倍感荣幸。“Global+Local” 的发展战略让我们始终专注于成为一个既懂中 国、又懂国际市场的专业纽带,我们希望通过我 们独特的优势,为客户持续提供更多元化的、数 字化的一站式全球资产配置服务。 As a professional platform for international asset allocation, Heritvest Global is honoured to win this prestigious award. Our “global + local” HR development strategy has kept us focused on serving as a professional platform that understands both the Chinese and international markets. On the back of our unique advantages, we hope to keep providing customers with more diversified, digital onestop global asset allocation services. 林宣 Sheena Lam 瑞承国际负责人 leader Heritvest Global

structural optimisations of asset allocations. On the one hand, Heritvest has assembled a highly versatile team of specialists to find high-quality investment opportunities and product insights of global private equity, capital markets, real estate funds and other primary assets. On the other hand, it uses technological means such as big data to improve investment research, applies smart technology to enhance customer experience. Heritvest brings one-stop global asset allocation services to various customer demographics, and serves as a bridge between Chinese and foreign markets. In recognition of its profound professional insights and exceptional WM capabilities, Heritvest International is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s 2021 award for Best Wealth Manager in China – International Services and Investments.


尚筱 Shang Xiao 钧山资管执行总裁 CEO Peakvest

作为现今经济的大趋势、近年可持续投资已是中国国 内经济发展的一大聚焦。而钧山资管作为为数不多的 国内企业,在10年前便开始关注经济、环境、社会协调 (ESG) 和可持续投资、 坚持以长期、耐心、温度的资本 注入支持「新经济」发展。

对于ESG统一的发展,钧山资管深刻明白这种发展既 能满足当代人的需求,又不对后代人满足需求的能力构 成威胁「这就是可持续投资」。作于可持续投资的使命, 钧山资管对秉持持续完善投资生态圈的态度,同时推 动行业发展与社会进步。在产品推动方面, 钧山资管积 极帮助把传统经济积累的财富,转化成支持“新经济” 发展的重要力量,并最终实现产业结构调整进程中的 良性循环。

钧山资管已将ESG纳入投资评价体系,在一级市场和二 级市场联动布局(或者改为,深入其组合投资策略和动 态选股策略当红当中)。此外,其还在2019 年初设立了 私募股权母基金社会影响力评价体系,为投资者配置 有社会影响力的产品和服务,让钧山资管的可持续投 资体系更加全面。 除了为客户提供从不同的可持续投资机会,钧山资管亦 专注在慈善捐赠到影响力投资的不同路径,不仅助力 财富增长,同时帮助社会资本更高效地链接社会、帮助 他人、解决问题,创造更具广度和长期性的社会价值。

In recent years, sustainable investment has become a primary focus of domestic economic development in China. Peakvest is one of the few homegrown companies that a decade ago became fully aware of the importance of ESG and sustainable investment, and persevered in supporting the growth of the “new economy” with long-term, sustained and generous capital injections. In the 10 years since, Peakvest has only deepened its understanding of and commitment to ESG. Peakvest actively facilitates the transformation of wealth accumulated through the traditional economy into an important driving force for the development of the “new economy”. Peakvest has incorporated ESG into its investment evaluation system, and has established a social impact assessment system for private equity funds of funds.


感谢对钧山资管在可持续投资上不懈投入的认 可,10年来,我们坚持富有社会责任感的前瞻洞 察,通过多元化的投资策略在一二级市场积极 布局,积极践行对“科技+”和“循环+”领域企 业的支持和投入。我们希望通过我们的力量联 结更多有志的伙伴成长共赢,推动社会进步。 We are grateful for your recognition of Peakvest’s unwavering commitment to sustainable investment. Over the past 10 years, we have maintained a forwardlooking strategy with a strong sense of social responsibility. Through diversified investment strategies, we have actively developed the primary and secondary markets. We have vigorously supported and invested in enterprises in the areas of “technology +” and “circulation +”. On the back of our strength, we hope to connect with more aspiring partners in win-win opportunities, promoting social progress all the while. 尚筱 Shang Xiao 钧山资管执行总裁 CEO Peakvest

In addition to providing customers with various sustainable investment opportunities, Peakvest is committed to exploring different investment paths — from charitable donations to impact investing — which help social capital to be more effective in connecting with society, in helping others, in solving problems and in creating broader and longer-term social values. In recognition of its contributions to sustainable investment development in China, and its unremitting devotion to sustainable investment, Peakvest is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s 2021 award for Best Wealth Manager in China – Sustainable Investments.


何飞 He Fei 五矿信托财富管理中心总经理 general manager Wealth Management Center Mintrust

五矿信托财富管理累计服务超过数万名高净值客户和 企业类客户,根据客户的风险偏好和资金配置需求,实 现了“一站式”全市场的资产配置功能,形成跨经济周 期、适配客户全财富场景与个性化需求的资产配置组 合与财富规划服务体系。 为了提升资产配置服务的精准度,五矿信托已经创造 了三项业内第一:是第一家完成了信托行业线上化的 公司,第一家引入科技公司共同研发资产配置系统的 公司,也是第一家引进算法工程师去做智能资产配置 的公司。 2022年,五矿信托财富管理已启动4K计划,五矿信 托App也将全面切换为一个充分实现资产配置功能 的App,从KYC开始,逐步推进KYP(KNOW YOUR PRODUCT)、KYM(KNOW YOUR MARKET、 KYA(KNOW YOUR ALLOCATION)等4K计划内容。

因此,五矿信托财富管理荣获《亚洲私人银行家》2021 年度“中国财富奖”之“最佳财富规划和安排”奖项。 Through its Wealth Management Center, Mintrust has served tens of thousands of HNWIs and corporate clients, and developed a “one-stop” asset allocation capability across all markets, in line with customers’ risk appetite and allocation needs. Minmetals Trust has achieved three firsts in the industry: it has been the first to complete the online migration of the trust business, the first to develop the asset allocation system jointly with technology companies, and the first to introduce algorithm engineers to perform intelligent asset allocation. Mintrust WM started its “4K” campaign in 2022. It began with the rolling out of KYC (Know Your Customer), and will include KYP (Know Your Product), KYM (Know Your Market) and KYA (Know Your Asset). It is for these reasons that Mintrust Wealth Management Center is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s 2021 award for Best Wealth Manager in China - Wealth Planning and Structuring.


五矿信托财富管理首次被授予“中国最佳财富 管理机构—财富规划和安排”独家大奖,我们 深感荣幸。

由衷的欣赏评委会的专业精神,也十分认可《亚 洲私人银行家》对全球金融市场高屋建瓴的理 解,以及对大中华财富管理行业的深刻洞见。 过去三年,五矿信托财富管理业绩逐年翻番。综 合业绩年复合增长率达到76%。零售业绩2021 年突破1200亿,年复合增速高达130%。出色的 业绩源于我们专业科学的财富管理服务,更离 不开投资者的信赖。诸多国际权威荣誉的授予 进一步验证了五矿信托资产配置战略的显著成 效与行业领跑优势。 五矿信托财富管理的品牌仍在不断精进。我们 的战略清晰,执行果敢;我们的团队都是精挑细 选的顶尖人才,富于创新有活力。相信在不远的 未来,我们会在资产配置的服务框架下更有所 为,以不变的初心和信心,陪伴客户穿越周期稳 健前行。 We are deeply honoured to win the “Best Wealth Manager in China – Wealth Planning and Structuring” award for the first time. The award attests to the effectiveness of Mintrust’s asset allocation strategies as well as its leading position in the marketplace. We appreciate the professionalism of the judging panel, and endorse Asian Private Banker’s strategic understanding of the global financial market and its profound insights in the wealth management industry in Greater China. As a brand, Mintrust Wealth Management is still evolving. But with a clear strategy, robust execution and a team of top-tier professionals full of innovation and vitality, we are confident that we will help our clients ride out market cycles to move forward steadily. 何飞 He Fei 五矿信托财富管理中心总经理 general manager Wealth Management Center Mintrust



更多高净值人群选择 五矿信托 11年累计兑付规模:

3.63万亿元 Payment to investors over 11 years:

RMB3.63 trillion



郭升玺 Antoine Kuo 瑞承家族办公室管理合伙人 managing partner Heritvest Family Office

成立于2020年,瑞承家族办公室在投资研究能力、综合 服务能力、国际化、科技能力上拥有独特优势。面向客 户未来财富管理和继承的需求,公司为超高净值人士 和家庭客户提供一站式的专属定制化传承服务与综合 解决方案。 在机遇和挑战之下,郭升玺,瑞承家族办公室管理合夥 人表示:“瑞承家办十分荣幸获此殊荣,嘉奖是对公司 的认可亦是对未来业务发展和创新的鞭策,我们将继 续助力超高净值客户家庭的物质财富与精神财富的进 阶与传续。”他认为, 聚焦“企、传、投”是公司不变的 使命和追求。

多重驱动力 引领行业 自成立以来,瑞承家办对超高净值人士和家庭的需求 有着深刻且敏锐的捕捉和洞察,更将业务拓展的重点, 从初期单一的财富增长需求,扩展到了家族层面的财富 传承、企业财富的传承、文化传承,逐步建立起三位一 体的多维度服务。

与此同时,内部团队的专业性亦随着家族客户的需求而 不断拓展,通过在全国各主要城市设立的家族办公室 和服务中心,为客户提供长期、周到的咨询与服务。 紮实根基“瑞承”文化 倚靠财富管理机构、企业、专家和政府等生态资源优 势,瑞承家族办公室是为超高净值人士和家庭单独设 立的高端品牌,也是为中国超高净值家庭提供家族财 富传承、企业传承、文化传承的专业领先机构。

瑞承家族办公室不仅仅致力于助力超高净值家庭的物 质财富与精神财富的进阶与传续,也帮助家族精神和家 族基因穿越岁月的洪流、历久弥新、熠熠生辉。 Founded in 2020, Heritvest Family Office has unique competitive advantages in terms of investment research, comprehensive service, internationalisation and technological capabilities. In response to clients’ future-oriented needs for WM and inheritance, it provides one-stop exclusive bespoke inheritance services and integrated solutions for UHNW individual and family clients. Heritvest Family Office has gained a profound understanding of the needs of UHNW individuals and families, and has broadened the focus of business development from the original wealth growth model


十分荣幸获此殊荣,嘉奖是认可亦是鞭策,我 们将继续助力超高净值客户家庭的物质财富与 精神财富的进阶与传续,聚焦“企、传、投”,让 家族精神与基因穿越岁月洪流,历久弥新,熠熠 生辉。 Heritvest Family Office is honoured to receive this award as a mark of recognition. It will encourage us to keep pursuing business development and innovation. We will continue to contribute to the advancement and succession of financial and spiritual wealth of UHNW families. And we will be unwavering in our focus on “entrepreneurship, inheritance and investment” as our mission and aspiration, to allow UHNWs to pass on the spirit and the genes of their families, for generations to come. 郭升玺 Antoine Kuo 瑞承家族办公室管理合伙人 managing partner Heritvest Family Office

towards a “3 in 1” multi-dimensional service strategy covering family-level wealth inheritance, corporate wealth inheritance and cultural inheritance. The Chinese for “Heritvest” in the name of the company indicates that the company is entrusted by customers to create sustainable value on their wealth. Heritvest Family Office is committed to developing and improving highly competitive “one-stop, customised” and integrated solutions, and providing long-term and accommodative consulting and services to customers through family offices and service centres in major cities across China. Heritvest Family Office is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s 2021 award for Best Wealth Manager in China – Family Offices Services.


浦发银行私人银行秉承“传承的不止是财富”的品牌使 命,围绕高净值客户个人、家族和家族企业需求,打造 以 财富传承、家族传承、企业传承与精神传承为核心的 私人银行特色服务体系。严把财富产品入池关,提升全 生命周期管理能力,为客户财富增值创造价值。整合投 行资管、自贸、离岸、公司和金融市场的业务优势,依 托集团内基金、信托、境外子公司等综合金融能力,为 高净值客户提供投融资一体化、公私一体化、金融和非 金融服务一体化的服务 模式,形成专业化、特色化、差 异化的私行核心竞争力。

财富之上,浦发银行私人银行为高净值客户打造专属增 值服务与活动平台,推出“艺文”为特色的生活美学服 务,专注公益慈善与艺术文化项目,携手客户践行社会 责任,倡导财富向善的理念,首创公益理财模式, 引导 客户将理财收益所得的部分捐赠给指定的慈善项 目, 同时承诺根据客户端捐赠资金同比例配捐,带动更 多 高净值客户开始关注和参与公益项目。 2021年,浦发银行私人银行站在十周年发展的新起 点,参加亚洲私人银行家评选并荣膺“中国最佳私人 银行—高净值客户”。

SPD Bank Private Banking’s belief, reflected in its mission statement, is that “Inheritance is about more than wealth”. Focused on the needs of high net worth (HNW) individuals, families and family businesses, we have built a system of unique PB services, with at its core the inheritance of wealth, of family, of business and of consciousness. SPD Bank Private Banking creates value for the customer’s wealth appreciation by selecting products shelf and improving full life cycle management capabilities. Our competitive strengths in investment banking, asset management, free trade, offshore financing, corporate banking and financial market businesses are consolidated. On the back of the versatile financial capabilities of the group’s funds, trusts and overseas subsidiaries, SPD


非常感谢《亚洲私人银行家》的认可。我们将继 续努力,为高净值客户打造全面呵护其家族财 富管理和企业持续经营的“管家式”私人银行 服务体系,通过专业化服务助力高净值客户实 现财富传承、家族传承、企业传承与精神传承。 Thank you very much Asian Private Banker for this recognition. We remain steadfast in our commitment to offer HNW clients a “butler-style” private banking service system that fully covers family wealth management and business ongoing concern, to help them achieve the inheritance of their wealth, their family, their business and their consciousness. 杨志敏 Yang Zhimin 浦发银行私人银行部总经理 general manager Private Banking Department Shanghai Pudong Development Bank

Bank provides HNW customers with a service model that integrates investment banking and funding, corporate and private finance, as well as financial and non- financial services. This gives our private bank its professional, unique and distinctive competitive edge. In addition to wealth management, SPD Bank Private Banking has built a platform of value-added services and public events designed exclusively for HNW customers. It offers “life aesthetic” services oriented to charity, arts and entertainment activities, working together with customers to put social responsibility into practice and advocate the “Kind Wealth” philosophy. On its tenth anniversary in 2021, SPD Bank Private Banking took part in Asian Private Banker Awards and won the award for Best Private Bank in China – HNW.


郭升玺 Antoine Kuo 瑞承家族办公室管理合伙人 managing partner Heritvest Family Office

瑞承家族办公室(下称“瑞承家办”)荣获《亚洲私人 银行家》 “2021年中国最佳财富管理机构”之“商业企 业家客户服务”奖项。

该奖项是对瑞承家办在企业家群体服务的认可,公司 从企业家们的品牌需求、经营需求、成本需求等多角度 出发,致力复盖全生命周期的产品和服务,成为客户企 业成长和发展道路上的“合作伙伴”。 郭升玺,瑞承家族办公室管理合夥人表示,“公司十分 荣幸获此殊荣,瑞承家族办公室将继续以强大的跨境 综合服务能力,将助力中国企业发展作为我们不懈的 使命。”

从1.0升级到3.0 近年来,随着全球新冠疫情和经济形式不确定性因素 的出现,瑞承家族办公室叠加买方服务,对该计划进行 了与时俱进的更新,推出升级优化后的2.0版本,满足 企业资金纾困、突破经营困境、风险防范和代际传承四 大新需求。 如今,该计划已升级至3.0版本,全面复盖企业的成立、 发展、扩展、成熟的不同生命阶段,公司更充分运用国 内生态资源优势和政策红利,不断扩宽服务种类。 多资源整合 助力企业家 值得一提的是,瑞承家办不仅关注企业家的财富传承, 更在整合多渠道资源方面拥有非常成功的经验,帮助 企业家提升企业品牌以及个人影响力。

瑞承家办的“PLUS企业家共生平台”, 更携手“拉姆 查兰管理实践奖”推荐了100多家企业参选、最终更有 21家成功入选。此外,更利用海南自贸港优势为数百名 企业家客户提供深度咨询、帮助数十家企业成功落户当 地,开拓业务。 Through its focus on entrepreneurs’ needs in areas such as branding, business operation and cost, and its commitment to developing products and services covering the entire lifecycle, Heritvest Family Office has become the “collaborative partner” of clients, driving business growth and development. Heritvest Family Office launched “Entrepreneur Escort” at the beginning of 2020. It is a programme focusing on corporate development, family protection and family business inheritance.


十分荣幸获此殊荣,“企业家”是瑞承家族办公 室客户的重要标签,以强大的跨境综合服务落地 能力,助力中国企业发展是我们不懈的使命。 The company is deeply honoured to receive this award. “Entrepreneur” is an important symbol of Heritvest Family Office’s customers. We remain committed to helping Chinese entrepreneurs to grow, on the back of our strong cross-border integrated service and execution capabilities. 郭升玺 Antoine Kuo 瑞承家族办公室管理合伙人 managing partner Heritvest Family Office In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainties emerging globally in recent years, Heritvest Family Office rolled out an improved version 2.0 to cater to four emerging needs of businesses: bailouts, overcoming business difficulties, risk prevention and inter-generational succession. The latest version released to date, version 3.0, covers all the different phases of the enterprise lifecycle, including inception, development, expansion and maturity. The company has launched such new services as overseas financing, lawful cross-border capital movements, capital settlement, equity incentives, influence magnification, cost planning for equity transfer, cost planning for restricted stock sales, asset security and family business services. It is worth noting that Heritvest Family Office not only values wealth inheritance for entrepreneurs, but also has a solid track record of successful resource integration across various channels, helping entrepreneurs enhance their business brand and personal influence. In recognition of its entrepreneur services, Heritvest Family Office is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s 2021 award for Best Wealth Manager in China – Services for Business Entrepreneurs. 中国财富奖 CHINA WEALTH AWARDS 2021

郭升玺 Antoine Kuo 瑞承家族办公室管理合伙人 managing partner Heritvest Family Office

瑞承家族办公室(下称“瑞承家办”)荣获《亚洲私人 银行家》 “2021年中国最佳财富管理机构”之“下一代 服务客户服务”奖项。

作为行业的创新者,该奖项认可及表彰了公司的独特服 务模式。郭升玺,瑞承家族办公室管理合夥人认为: “未来十年是中国家族传承的高峰期,我们非常重视行 业的发展,同时不断深入到年轻一代客户群体当中,希 望提供更有趣且全面的服务。”他认为,瑞承家办的使 命,是帮助下一代客户“交朋友、学真知、开眼界”。 搭建新生代club 家族传承服务中最为核心的是对下一代的文化传承, 瑞承家办将下一代客户分为不同年龄段,科学测评、规 划成长阶段、教育、事业等不同维度,此外更搭建下一 代的交流平台,让他们可以投身到各类活动中,为其提 供全面的服务。

比如,瑞承家办的 “无界YOUNG”新生代Club,会邀 请90后、95后、00后、05后代表以短片的方式分享自己 的故事来为不同年龄段群体代言,让他们拥有一场属于 自己的新生代峰会。 此外,在教育方面,瑞承家办联合各地名校如哈佛、斯 坦福、剑桥、清华等,与长江学者刘嘉教授研发推出 “青少年科学评测”平台,为下一代客户提供100多个知 名企业的实习机会,通过该平台,下一代更可以参与到 G20、胡润、MIT、Milken Institute等高端峰会的志愿 活动和实践机会。 公益慈善更是瑞承家办的一大核心使命,通过乡村的 校舍共建、儿童保险募集、爱心读书室等活动,连结下 一代和上一代,共同谱写慈善事业,坚持以信仰传承, 凭信心兴激励一代。 Heritvest Family Office divides new-gen customers into different age brackets, growth stages, educational achievements and career success.

未来十年是中国家族传承的高峰期,我们非常 重视、同时不断深入到年轻一代客户群体当中, 希望用有趣且全面的服务,来帮助他们“交朋 友、学真知、开眼界”,成为“最懂Next Gens” 的家办领域领先者。 The next ten years will see a peak in family inheritance in China and Heritvest Family Office is tremendously focused on this next generation. We continuously engage this demographic, hoping to help them “make friends, gain insights and broaden their horizons” with interesting and comprehensive services. That way, we can become the family office company best able to understand the needs of next-gen customers. 郭升玺 Antoine Kuo 瑞承家族办公室管理合伙人 managing partner Heritvest Family Office

Furthermore, on the education front, Heritvest Family Office partnered with prestigious universities such as Harvard, Stanford, Cambridge and Tsinghua, to develop and launch the “Teenager Science Assessment” platform jointly with Professor Liu Jia, a Changjiang Scholar. This platform provides new-gen customers with internship opportunities involving over 100 well-established employers as well as the opportunities to get involved in volunteer activities and attend high-profile events such as G20, Hurun, MIT and Milken Institute.

It also offers a next-gen communication platform, where they can take part in various activities with a complete range of services provided.

Charity is a central mission at Heritvest Family Office. It organised activities such as school co-construction in rural areas, fundraising for children’s insurance and “love libraries” to connect the young generations with their older counterparts for making joint contribution to charitable causes.

For example, Heritvest Family Office launched the new-gen club “Boundless Young”, and invited members of Millennials and Gen Z to share their stories in the form of short videos, offering them a “next-gen forum” of their own.

In recognition of its unique service model as an innovator in the industry, Heritvest Family Office is the winner of Asian Private Banker’s 2021 award for Best Wealth Manager in China – Services for Next Gens.











获奖名单 WINNERS 恭喜以下获奖者 Congratulations to the winners of the Asian Private Banker China Wealth Awards 2021!






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