Asian Sunday Kirklees Jan 2020

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Investing in improving services for local adults with learning disabilities Building works are due to start in March and the facility is expected to re-open later in the year.


Kirklees Council has approved plans to improve the support offered to local adults with learning disabilities, helping them to live independently. £735,000 has been allocated to extend and improve the Cherry Trees respite facility in Shepley which offers short stays to adults with learning disabilities and associated support needs in order to give their family carers a break. This investment decision was made to ensure that the Council is able to support the next generation of individuals and enable them to stay well and continue living with their families. The facility will include a Sensory Bathroom that features a multi-sensory bath (incorporating warm air spa, LED light system and integrated speakers with Bluetooth connectivity as well as a changing table); and a Sensory Room, with multi-sensory facilities to suit various sensory needs. The new service will be accessible for all existing and new service users.

Cllr Musarrat Khan

The redevelopment of Cherry Trees is one of a suite of projects under a five-year capital delivery programme for adult social care at Kirklees Council. Cllr Musarrat Khan, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care said: “I am pleased about the plans to refurbish and extend the facilities at Cherry Trees. “The facility currently supports over 60 service users and their families and it’s vital that we respond to the changing needs of adults with learning disabilities. The improved facilities will represent our commitment to investing in the more vulnerable people of Kirklees. “They will also contribute to our overall objective of promoting the health and wellbeing of our residents and to provide the support people need to live happy and fulfilling lives.” Further information about developments at Cherry Trees can be found on our website:

Peer Review Report Unveiled By NEWSDESK An independent review of Kirklees Council by a team of local government experts reported an “outmoded paternalistic approach” within parts of the authority. The seven-member team, which carried out a four-day visit last summer, also highlighted confusion over the roles occupied by senior council officers and councillors on the decision-making Cabinet. Its report stated: “Members should develop policy and officers should implement and deliver it.” The team, representing the Local Government Association, set out eight key recommendations to assist the council on its “improvement journey”. They included better communications, listening to residents, collaborating with the community, streamlining decision-making, reviewing the “destabilising” electoral cycle, reclaiming management of its housing stock and establishing a single clinical commissioning group. The team also identified “a lack of risk appetite” in the authority around financial management “which could constrain the council’s pace and ambition” and suggested “a bolder approach” was r equired.

The authority has already reacted to some suggestions and is looking to take back control of its housing stock from arms-length management organisation Kirklees Neighbourhood Housing (KNH). It may also reverse a decision, taken in 2013, to split the borough’s healthcare in two by creating Greater Huddersfield and North Kirklees clinical commissioning groups (CCGs). Following observations by the peer team that the health and care system in Kirklees was “more fragmented” than in other places in West Yorkshire, with a “disjointed, transactional approach” to commissioning, the two CCGs are now considering a formal merger.

Reacting to leadership within the council the peer team referred to a mindset of “working with people not doing to them” as “powerful”. But it added: “It does not align with the outmoded paternalistic approach which the peer team heard still exists in some parts of the organisation. “If Kirklees is to truly work ‘with, not to’ there needs to be a highly visible, consistent set of message from members and officers as a twoway dialogue with residents.” The report also called for “sharper delineation of roles” between Cabinet members and senior officers as well as a re-prioritising of the council’s Democracy Commission, set up in 2017 to reform how decisions are made. In addressing the council’s risk averse stance

the peer team said: “Taking calculated risks will help the council to move forward with the delivery of its long-term ambitions for the place and people.” It quoted an interviewee who said: “[We] haven’t dipped our toes in yet where other councils just get on with it.” In drawing up its feedback report the peer team spent four days in Kirklees and spoke to more then 300 staff, councillors, partners and stakeholders. They praised the council for its ambition, for its “refreshed” plan that focused on people, partners and place, and for its ten-year £250m vision – known as the Huddersfield Blueprint – which will be the biggest town centre redevelopment for 50 years. Huddersfield Town Hall

Reacting to the report prior to its publication Clr Shabir Pandor, Leader of Kirklees Council, said: “We are delighted with the outcome. “It shows that we are giving strong leadership to the area and being bold in transforming the way we work. “We are ambitious for our residents and, whilst there is still a lot of work ahead, there is a powerful desire to continue transforming the district.” The Peer Review will be discussed next week at the first Full Council meeting of 2020. Clr Shabir Pandor, leader of Kirklees Council



£6m cycling route “could be white elephant” By NEWSDESK

A £6.6m “cycle super-highway” planned for a major road in Huddersfield could emerge as a white elephant. That’s the fear of one cycling advocate who says a two-mile segregated route planned for the A629 Wakefield Road between Aspley and Waterloo will not link up with other cycle paths. Clr Martyn Bolt (Con, Mirfield), himself a keen cyclist, said cycling sections across Kirklees were “disconnected” and challenged Kirklees Council to create a network before agreeing to spend millions. He said not doing so ran the risk of “building a white elephant” that “could put Kirklees off doing any cycling routes for a long time.” The Aspley-Waterloo route, budgeted to cost £6.6m, is part of the proposed West

Yorkshire Cycling Network envisaged by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), a group of leading councillors and officers from West Yorkshire councils, plus York, that works on major infrastructure projects. It will formally begin at Huddersfield Station and will involve the reconfiguration of Shorehead roundabout – the junction of Wakefield Road, Southgate and Queensgate – at a cost of £1.6m. However the majority will be on the 2.3-mile section of busy Wakefield Road. It is one of 16 key potential routes identified by Kirklees Council as it seeks to boost safe cycling in the borough, and would be paid for by WYCA funding. A spokesperson for Kirklees Council said the “much-needed” route would encourage more people mto travel into Huddersfield by bike. Whilst Clr Bolt said he hoped people would be encouraged to cycle more he described WYCA’s engagement exercise – which resulted in just over a hundred

responses – as “woeful”. “When you consider the population of West Yorkshire, that’s miniscule. “Even Ravensthorpe Cycling Club has 580 members yet nobody has said they’re aware. “WYCA seems to be producing schemes that will not have any public support. “Neither local councillors nor the public were consulted. You have to take the public along with you otherwise all you’re doing is alienating people. “These expensive schemes are being imposed on people rather than being proposed by people.” Clr Bolt said the proposed AspleyWaterloo scheme failed to join up with other routes, proving that it and others were being “developed in isolation and without strategic overview”. And he urged planners to take note of a similar segregated route – a 4ft-wide cycle track between the kerb and the road – in Leeds that had attracted criticism. He added: “The scheme as planned doesn’t link to anything. At

Waterloo it finishes before a major junction leaving cyclists to navigate that junction. It doesn’t link to any existing infrastructure. “Shouldn’t somebody be pulling all these various routes together? Nobody has taken the opportunity to link them up. “The other downside to these super highways is who maintains them. It would be down to the local authority – but Kirklees Council says that is not a priority. “They need to get this sorted out before they spend £6.6m otherwise they are building a white elephant.” A Kirklees Council spokesperson said the proposed new cycle route is part of a Local Cycle Walking and Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) developed by the Department of Transport “to identifying cycling and walking improvements required at the local level”.

Bread Firm Warburtons in Social Media Storm over Halal Labelling By NEWSDESK Warburtons have labelled their breads as being suitable for both Kosher and Halal diets, however it’s the halal label that seemed to cause one Twitter user to go into meltdown. The Twitter user wrote: “Warburtons bread is now halal certified – why do 96 per cent of population have to have Islamic halal put onto them in their lives and effectively overriding their own religions just because 4 per cent want it?” His tweet prompted both negative and positive responses, that got Halal trending Some of the responses on Twitter included: “Paul you will not become a Muslim by eating something halal. It does not work like that. How is your faith overridden by a label on a loaf of bread?” Another said: “I stun my bread with a bolt gun so that it doesn’t suffer during toasting, like it says in the bible.” “#HALAL If you love animals, if you think all religions should be free to practice what they

wish and refrain from things that are not their way, if you are an atheist who does not want to be ruled by religious ways forced on you. Write to EVERY COMPANY USING HALAL AND BOYCOTT.” Following the confusion and twitter meltdown Warburtons put out a statement, saying that nothing has changed in the bread making process, and it has always been suitable for halal diets. A spokesman for Warburtons said: “At Warburtons, we care about providing our consumers with a choice of quality products that suit varying lifestyle needs. “Over two years ago, a range of our products were officially certified as vegan, vegetarian, halal and kosher. “This doesn’t mean doing anything differently to what we have always done, it just means making it easier for consumers to buy our products with confidence.” There is nothing in the bread that is meat derived. A flour treatment agent called E920 is used in some baked goods, which is synthetically

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produced through natural fermentation using raw materials of vegetable origin or pure organic, non animal, compounds. The halal certificate means that the ingredients have been checked and pass as halal. In Islam, halal simply means a food product is permissible, which also applies to fruit, vegetables, non-alcohol based products and more.





Murder Investigation Continues of Man Found Dead in Bank By NEWSDESK Police have launched a murder investigation after a body was found inside a former bank on Commercial Street, Batley. The identity of the body has been confirmed by police to be the body of Asghar Badshah, who was 39 and from Bradford. He was found when police forced entry into the Commercial Street building on Sunday 28 December. His family have been informed. Detective Chief Inspector Heather Whoriskey, of the Homicide and Major Enquiry Team, said: “Enquiries are continuing into the death of Mr Badshah, who was reported missing on 4 December. “We believe he was last seen in the early hours of 30 November and I would appeal to anyone who has witnessed any suspicious activity in Commercial Street around that time

or since to contact my team, so we can establish if this is linked to our investigation.” Mr Badshah’s family have also released a statement: “We as a family are deeply shocked and devastated by the loss of our dear brother Asghar Badshah. His beautiful smile and charisma, as well as his generosity will never be forgotten.

“We as a family please ask for privacy during our time of grief as our elderly mother is deeply upset at this time. We pray for justice for Asghar and appeal to the public for any assistance they can provide to the police in this investigation.” Two men aged 27 and 30, as well as a 41-yearold woman have been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder. Both men have been released under investigation and the woman is on bail pending further enquiries.

Police Watchdog complete investigation on Yassar Yaqub police shooting By NEWSDESK

A police watchdog has completed its investigation into the fatal shooting of a man by armed officers. Yassar Yaqub, 28, was killed in a car near the M62 in West Yorkshire on almost three years ago. It was reported he died from gunshot wounds to his chest following a “preplanned police operation” A gun and accessories were found in a white Audi A4 which had been stopped by armed police on the junction 24 Ainley Top exit on January 2, 2017, along with a white VW Scirocco. Shots were fired at the car when the men were stopped, resulting in the death of Mr Yaqub.

offences after a loaded pistol was found in the vehicle.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said it had finalised its report which would be shared with West Yorkshire Police and the coroner. In a statement, the IOPC said: “Our priority has always been to ensure that no stone has been left unturned during this investigation, and this is reflected in the comprehensive report we have produced. “The criminal investigation and subsequent trial in late 2018 restricted our access to a number of key witnesses which inevitably had an impact on when we could finalise our findings “We have endeavoured to keep all interested parties, especially the family, regularly updated on our progress and as always, our thoughts remain all those affected by Mr Yaqub’s death.”

He was in the passenger seat of the rented Audi.

Mr Yaqub was a passenger in one of two cars travelling in convoy when four unmarked police vehicles stopped them at junction 24 of the motorway in Huddersfield.

In 2018, a man was jailed for firearms

During the trial of the car’s driver Mohsin

Amin at Leeds Crown Court in December 2018 jurors heard that Mr Yaqub ignored the instructions of the armed officers. The court was told he had crouched down and as he brought his hands back up the officer was “under no doubt he was holding a handgun”.

Mr Yaqub was shot through the car’s


Amin was jailed for 18 years after being convicted of conspiracy to possess a firearm and ammunition with intent to endanger life.




As part of our annual compilation of key influencers and movers and shakers of Kirklees, we bring to you our most influential South Asian for 2019.

Earning money and achieving success is surely hard work, however being able to have influence is something that only a special few can command. So, we set out to find out, just who are the most influential within Kirklees’s South Asian community. Following an extensive survey with our readers and members of the Kirklees community the difficult task of whittling down the list to the final 20 (10 men and 10 women) has finally been achieved. It wasn’t easy trust us as there are so many who are inspiring and deserving of recognition, that it was a real challenge to get to our final 20 influencers. The list is in no particular order and focuses on men and women from all sectors of business, politics, achievement and contribution to society and here they are:

COUNCILLOR SHABIR PANDOR Elected member of Batley West Ward representing the Labour party. Throughout his time at council he has tried to tackle inequality and help save local NHS services. First councillor to be of Indian Muslim heritage to be a council leader.

RAZIA JOGI Razia qualified as a solicitor in August 2001, joining Switalskis Family Law team in May 2003, and is a Resolution Accredited Specialist in domestic abuse and private law children matters. She works closely with vulnerable women and assists them with problems relating to all aspects of family law including divorce and separation. She speaks fluent Gujarati and Urdu. Razia has excellent links with a number of domestic violence support agencies in West Yorkshire and is committed to empowering women who are victims of domestic abuse. She was a finalist in the Solicitor of the Year category of the Law Society Excellence Awards in 2009. She is also a member of the West Yorkshire Family Justice Council Diversity Committee. Razia is co-author of Forced Marriage: A Special Bulletin (Jordan Publishing, 2009), a text which provides an essential guide to the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 for legal professionals and those working with victims and survivors

COUNCILLOR NAHEED MATHER Labour councillor for Dalton and a cabinet member for communities and environment. Mrs Mather has tackled issues such as anti social behaviour, housing and carried out extensive positive work for road repairs and resurfacing.

ASIF AYUB Asif Ayub took over his father’s business Highgates Beds in 2017. The bed-making company is one of the most successful businesses in Dewsbury. Since taking over Asif has developed a new range of design-led contemporary upholstered beds and mattresses, which has propelled the business to another level. Asif and his siblings are pioneers in the latest bed developments and Zero Gravity technology to suit advance development. Employing over 300 people in his factories, he brought business and employment opportunities for Kirklees.

of forced marriage. She was one of the driving forces behind the setting up of a national conference on forced marriages which was held in November 2009 in Bradford. She became a Partner of the firm in April 2012 and has continued to win several awards as a high-profile family law solicitor.

IRFAAN PATEL Irfaan Patel is the brain child behind the popular Frankies and Franksters chain of restaurants, which launched in 2016. Within less than five years, Irfaan has catapulted the brand making it the busiest and most popular eatery among young people. Irfaan has branches in Morley, Batley, Bradford, Blackburn and even in the White Rose centre in Leeds. His company plan to launch a further seven branches, in places such as Newcastle and London.

RASHIDA SALLOO RUNS Ready Steady Active and has been hugely influential in inspiring women to rediscover benefits of sport. She has helped establish sports clubs such as the Batley Ninja’s and hosts a range of sporting activities for women across Kirklees to get involved in. Rashida was shortlisted for the community award at the 2017 Sunday Times Sportswomen of the Year Awards and won a special recognition award for her tennis initiative at the 2016 British Ethnic Diversity Sports Awards.


Molana Irfan Soni Irfan has a fulltime job at Warwick Junior, Infant and Nursery School and after school he teaches at a Madrassa. Irfan through volunteering has played a leading role in bringing communities together. He is an active board member of More in Common and has helped in planning and speaking at many events such as Step Into the Future Schools Event, Batley Iftar with around 2,000 folk attending in the two years it's been held; Irfan also speaks at churches across Batley and alongside Rev Mark Umpleby visits schools together to lead assemblies for interfaith work. Together they visit lessons at six different schools in Birstall and Batley. Irfan has also been appointed as chaplain support to the Mayor of Kirklees including helping lead on a Faith Covenant being explored between Kirklees Council and Faith Communities in Kirklees. Supporting and volunteering and helping the homeless is also a key aspect of Irfan’s work to influence interfaith and community cohesion.





AURANGZEB KHAN Mr Khan has been part of the catering business for over 30 years and is the proud Owner of the long established Asian Food and Restaurant in Huddersfield, Kabanas. Shortlisted for the 2017 Pakistan Achievement award last year, Kabana was one f the first restaurants to introduce the “tawa concept” serving food all together on a traditional large metal dish.



He also spends alot of his wealth on charitable causes and sponsoring local events.


Now the award winning business man will be venturing into hospitality via his latest aquisition Kabana Banqueting


Noushin graduated at Leeds Beckett University and currently works as a part time lecturer. She has has won a wealth of accolades for her charity work and has been a game changer for her support of refugees. Most recently Noushin has been nominated for the northern power women award. Moonlight Trust continues to advance its mission to brighten lives through eradicating poverty and promoting peace, love, justice and equality.


Mr Khan has catered for a wealth of celebrities and high profile people over the years, which has helped him sustain his success.


Is the founder of the Moonlight Trust, which is a charity aiming to provide food, shelter, sanitation, medical supplies and basic education to the world’s neediest people.




Sharon worked as one of the Directors of TechATP, a Microsoft ATP, A Microsoft Education Partner and prior to this she was with Santander establishing the fast growth SME accelerator programme called Breakthrough. She is also one of the founder members of Global Diversity Positive Action and now is a chairman of the charity based in Huddersfield committed to empowering, rehabilitating and supporting the community. Director of business development and partnerships at YABA (Yorkshire Asian Business Awards), she has developed a strategy for Asian businesses to bloom and honours a wide range of entrepreneurs, who are leading players in sectors ranging from retailing to the law.


SOLLY ADAM HARPREET UPPAL Harpreet Uppal became the first female Sikh councillor in Kirklees and Yorkshire. The 35-year-old, who is from Fartown, was elected to the Labour stronghold of Ashbrow during the local elections in May.

Hailing from Dewsbury, Solly Adam is a pioneer of the cricket world. After assisting Yorkshire County Cricket Club in signing Indian superstar Sachin Tendulkar in 1991, Mr Adam now manages his own firm, Solly Sports. He supplies many of the junior and senior leagues in Yorkshire. Solly is determined to do more to grass roots cricket and has the backing of the cricket elite. The father of four has had tea with the Queen.

iqbal Bhana has dedicated years in improving community relations. Mr Bhana headed Wakefield Councils equality division for 18 years after working as a community relations officer for Kirklees Council in Dewsbury. In 2003 he became a member of the body which oversees how proposals from the Stephen Lawrence inquiry are implemented. He was later appointed by then Home Secretary Charles Clarke as chairman of the Racist Incident Group to look at how such incidents are recorded. Mr Bhana also worked as deputy chairman of Race for Justice, an advisory group on criminal justice reform, and he went on a factfinding mission to Canada in 2007. He is a Deputy Lord Lieutenant for West Yorkshire and received an OBE for services to community in 2009. Mr Bhana also has his own show on popular TV Channel Iqra TV.





SHAZIA AZHAR Shazia is the headteacher of Spring Grove School in Huddersfield which led the Water Street school to an Outstanding rating in 2015. The mother of three became the first woman of Pakistani origin to lead a Kirklees school. The 48-year-old nominated “Teacher of the Year” by the Huddersfield Examiner in 2013 and awarded an MBE by the Queen for her services to education last year.

NEELAM HEERA Founder of the charity Cysters, the full-time lawyer spends her time campaigning for the discussion of South Asian women’s sexual health. After being diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 18. Neelam started an online discussion group which soon exploded with women in the community talking about their health and other issues. The community champion from Huddersfield, was also awarded a Points of Lights award from the Prime Minister Theresa May for her efforts in raising awareness.

MUSHARAF ASGHAR Musharaf Asghar is a former pupil of the Thornhill Academy, Dewsbury that featured on the Channel 4 series Educating Yorkshire. He left viewers in tears with his stammering, which thanks to his teacher Matthew Burton he has now overcome and works as a motivational speaker. Mushy has been speaking at various schools up and down the country and has won many wards for his work. A theatre production was even produced inspired by his story recently, which went to packed houses.

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Who will be Labour’s Next Leader? The race to be Labour’s next leader is in full swing. After the worst electoral defeat since 1935, Jeremy Corbyn said he would not lead


the party into the next election but is staying in place until his successor is named on 4 April.

Who is running for Labour's leadership?

Emily Thornberry

Clive Lewis

Labour has never had a female leader, but so far there are more women than men in the running for the top job. The first to throw her hat into the ring was 59-year-old shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry. She deputised for Mr Corbyn at Prime Minister’s Questions, but was replaced after publicly calling for Labour to back another EU referendum. She worked as a barrister before becoming MP for Islington South and Finsbury.

The 48-year-old shadow Treasury minister resigned from the party’s frontbench last year in order to oppose the bill triggering the Brexit process. An early supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, the MP for Norwich South and former journalist has since criticised what he called the party’s failure to effectively tackle anti-Semitism. He says his position as “a mixed-heritage black man” sees him well-placed to combat racism.

Jess Phillips

Lisa Nandy

The 38-year-old Birmingham Yardley MP, who worked for charity Women’s Aid before entering politics, was the third Labour figure to declare she would stand for the leadership. She has been one of the most outspoken critics of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and the party’s record on tackling antiSemitism, bullying and harassment.

The 40-year-old MP for Wigan became the fourth Labour figure to declare her bid in a letter to the Wigan Post. She worked in the charitable sector before entering politics in 2010. One of a clutch of shadow ministers who resigned from Jeremy Corbyn’s frontbench after the Brexit referendum, Ms Nandy has become known for her support of smaller towns. She believes the party needs to appeal to voters outside big cities if it is to win at the next election. Ms Nandy has secured her support to run in the contest to succeed Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Sir Keir Starmer

Rebecca Long Bailey

The 57-year-old shadow Brexit secretary used an article in the Sunday Mirror to announce his candidacy. A centrist candidate and likely front-runner in the race, has said Labour needs to “rebuild fast” to restore trust. A passionate Remainer, he was director of public prosecutions before becoming MP for Holborn and St Pancras in 2015.

The 40-year-old shadow business secretary became the sixth candidate to join the race, announcing her leadership bid in an article for Tribune magazine. One of a new generation of MPs on the left of the party, she formed part of Mr Corbyn’s inner circle, representing Labour in a TV debate during the election. She is widely regarded as the preferred candidate of Mr Corbyn and his shadow chancellor, John McDonnell, but critics of the current leadership have accused her of representing “continuity Corbyn”.

Who has ruled themselves out? Some had expected a run by prominent backbencher Yvette Cooper, who lost a leadership race to Mr Corbyn in 2015. However, she has now said she will not stand.

There was also speculation that former trade unionist and party chairman Ian Lavery could run, but he has thrown his support behind Ms Long-Bailey. Tottenham MP David Lammy has

also ruled himself out.

Shadow justice secretary Richard Burgon declared his candidacy early. He is a loyal supporter of Mr Corbyn and has pledged to continue the current leader’s policy agenda. Shadow education secretary Angela Rayner has also joined the race and is likely to be a

front-runner. She was a care worker and Unison official before becoming an MP, and has described herself as being on the “soft left” of the party. She has received the endorsement of her flat-mate and friend Ms Long Bailey.

Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis, who had previously indicated he might stand, has also

confirmed he will not be putting himself forward. Brent North MP Barry Gardiner has also ruled himself out.

What about the deputy leader? The post has also been vacant since the election, when former Labour MP Tom Watson said he was stepping down, both from the role and as a member of Parliament. This means it is now up for grabs, with the winner chosen in a separate contest entirely.

Four other candidates have also entered the race to be deputy: shadow equalities minister Dawn Butler, shadow Europe minister Khalid Mahmood, Scotland’s only remaining Labour MP Ian Murray and Tooting MP Rosena AllinKhan.





Nominations Open for Third Annual Curry Awards Introducing New Category for Best Home Cook

By NEWSDESK There’s little doubt Bradford is the undisputed King of curry having won Britain’s Curry Capital award six years in a row and are still the current title holders. But it’s always a tough task selecting the best from the best and that’s what the public has to do as we approach the third annual Bradford Curry Awards. The Bradford Curry Awards had its inaugural awards in 2018 and it has been grown year on year as people from across the district and across the country come together to celebrate Bradford’s finest food offering. Last year saw My Lahore pick up the Best Restaurant People’s Choice award, with East Z East taking the Best restaurant Judges Choice. A surprise Industry Pioneer of the Year award went to CEO of Akbars, Shabir Hussain, who has three restaurants on one road in Bradford and has been running his chain of Akbars restaurant for more than two decades now. The awards process is simple. Nominations are live from 15 January 2020 to 29 February 2020 for the public to send in their nominations. Auditors will then verify nominations and shortlist those with the most verified votes down to five per category. These shortlists will then be judged by a panel of independent judges who will individually give marks out of 5 for each shortlist. The marks will then be tallied by our adjudicator, who will seal the winners to be announced at the awards night. The only category that will remain with the public to choose as the final winners is the Best Restaurant People’s Choice category. Now that the awards are in their third year, BCA organisers have been taking a lot of feedback. Every year BCA receive entries claiming that their Mum’s are the best cooks. So, this year BCA have launched a brand new, category to find the BEST HOME COOK. This category is open for women only, with a view to encouraging more women to join the industry and increase the number of professional chefs in the UK. According to

statistics only 17 per cent of chef positions are currently held by women. BCA hope to champion this and make it an annual award category to bring more women to the forefront in the food industry. The public are therefore, invited to send in their nominations. The nomination process for this category is slightly different. Nominees are invited to send in their recipes and why they feel they are the best cook, in no more than 400 words. These will then be short listed by a panel of judges. The shortlist will then be invited to cook their recipe for our judges, who will then choose the last five, who will then be invited to the gala awards ceremony and cook and present their dish to our celebrity chef, who will then choose the final winner. The winner will be given a coveted BCA award, along with a hamper of goodies, a fully paid professional chef course and a cash prize of £500. Fatima Patel, Event Director for Bradford Curry Awards said, “Curry has been at the heart of Bradford’s heritage and culture and the past two years have been an excellent get together and celebration of the whole industry. So, launching the Best Home Cook category just makes me even more excited as the BCA can now offer platforms and opportunities for those who want to come into the market, but just need that little encouragement.” The awards ceremony will take place at the Bradford Hotel this year and will consist of networking with street food, a host of inspirational speakers, comedy and a 3-course meal. There’ll be a buzzing ambiance of business leaders, politicians, members of the community, and above all the crème de la crème of Bradford’s curry industry. No other City can boast winning the Curry Capital Award so many times – in this sense they really are the nation’s best. It’s a perfect excuse to share both the love and the glory in one of Britain’s most treasured curry destinations. Nominations are now open. To nominate your favourite visit: nominate/


Celebrating 15 years of



Also inside we look at the









Salman Khan announces his next project, Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali Salman Khan has been announcing projects back-to-back ever since the release of Dabangg 3 and the fans just can’t get enough of it. He recently took to his Twitter to announce his next release for Eid 2021. He had recently announced that he will also be starring in Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai, which will be directed by Prabhu Dheva. Now, he is all set to come back with his Kick producer, Sajid Nadiadwala, for his next titled

Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali. The project will be directed by Farhad Samji who last directed Housefull 4 and will also be directing Bachchan Pandey. Salman Khan tweeted, “Announcing my next film… KABHI EID KABHI DIWALI …. STORY & PRODUCED BY SAJID NADIADWALA … DIRECTED by FARHAD SAMJI… EID 2021 … #SajidNadiadwala @NGEMovies @farhad_samji @WardaNadiadwala @SKFilmsOfficial”

Laxmmi Bomb: Akshay Kumar opens up about the creative differences between director Raghava Lawrence and the makers Akshay Kumar’s first look as a man possessed by the spirit of a transgender in Laxmmi Bomb stirred up a lot of buzz ever since it came out. The film is the remake of the Tamil hit, Muni 2: Kanchana. Laxmmi Bomb is being directed by Raghava Lawrence, who walked out of the project because of the creative differences with the makers. Even though he came back to it, nobody really spoke about the issue out in the open. Akshay Kumar recently opened up about

Here’s what Kareena said on how much Taimur’s nanny makes A section of the media is always eternally obsessed chasing the private lives of stars, and when it comes to Bollywood one of the major fetishes on part of the gossip press has been the salary of the nanny of Taimur Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan’s toddler son. And while we don’t know if the nanny in question is really loving all the limelight that has been thrust upon her over the recent past, there have been rumours floating around that she makes as much as Rs 150,000 per month for taking care of Taimur. While the amount they pay to their kids’ nanny should really be Kareena and Saif’s headache, the media isn’t giving up. According to a video report on YouTube channel of Bollywood Now, the popular Bollywood website asked Kareena if reports of the

nanny’s whopping salary are true. To this Kareena’s reply was non-committal “Really? But like I said, I don’t talk shop,” Make what you will of Kareena’s words, but we think she is really quietly relishing the media frenzy over Taimur’s nanny!

the issue in a recent interview with a leading tabloid. The actor said that he has no clue as to what happened between the makers but he says that Raghava and their producer, Shabina Khan, spoke about it and sorted everything out. He said that once the two got the issues sorted, nobody spoke about it and the shooting went on as scheduled. Akshay also revealed that he has enjoyed working with Raghava Lawrence so far and that he is a great director who knows his way around the horror-thriller genre.



Rohit Shetty: Stint as stunt double helped me as a filmmaker Filmmaker Rohit Shetty says his experience as a stunt double in his early days helped him a lot in his journey as a filmmaker. “I’m a stunt double, I was a stunt double. I have done car stunts like whatever people see now like say ‘yeh scorpio udatha hai’ and all that, there is a lot of hard work gone behind it. I have been a stunt double, I have been a stunt artist and I think that’s what helped me, that madness helped me,” Rohit said. “Like today I do action myself for my films, I don’t need to call a technician from aboard or you know like that. and I have my own team working with me now,” he added. In fact, he was a stunt double for Akshay Kumar for a movie. He directed Akshay in his upcoming action film “Sooryavanshi”. “I did one film, ‘Suhaag’, I was an assistant director on that film. That was a time when actors used to do 14-14 films, 20-20 films, 40-40 films sometimes so you know, sometime it used to happen he is not there, Ajay is available, or some action part is there so I used to do double for him. But it’s like when he is not available. I showed it to my ADs also, the clips, this is me, they all were shocked,” he said in a podcast of JioSaavn’s “#NoFilterNeha Season 4”. Asked how forgets his or her lines most while shooting, Rohit said “Akshay Kumar.” “Akshay Kumar forgets his name. Ya, now when we are doing the last schedule in Hyderabad, he will be ‘naam kya hai mera?

Sooryavanshi’. He forgets everything.” The director also expressed his views about an actor’s entourage. “I don’t want to name but few actors’ entourage’s payment is equal to writers’ payment. It is very sad. There should be something because we make big films, we have big budget films we can handle all that. But, for a small budget films, entourage becomes a lot of a problem nowadays. They are not trained, and they don’t have that kind of emotion for a producer. They look after the actors, nothing wrong in it but for them it’s only the actors hold. You know it is not what the producer is going through. It has never happened with us but let me tell you I have heard a lot of stories. With me, they are scared to come on my sets. I tell them that you are not supposed to come. If you enter and try to act smart, I will throw your actor out,” he said. Rohit believes actors have a key role in deciding their entourage. “It is. There has to be a system... Most of the times, the actor also does not know that this is what is happening outside. That whole ecosystem needs to change, they need to get trained. With me or my set it does not happen because they know that he is a mad guy he will throw the actor only out. But, with others they try to pressurise. Because they think it is a part of their job. It’s not actually. You will not believe they charge Rs 1-1.5 lakh for a make-up artist for promotion and the producer is paying. That’s not done,” he said

Kristen Stewart calls idea of her playing as Catwoman ‘silly’ Kristen Stewart has responded to “silly” calls from fans for her to star as Catwoman opposite former beau Robert Pattinson in “The Batman”. American actress Zoe Kravitz has landed the role in the movie, set for a 2021 release, but fans championed Stewart for the role once it was announced that her ex-boyfriend and former “Twilight” co-star was fronting the movie, reports “That would be silly. I mean, obviously that would (have been cool). I’ve been watching Batman since I was a little kid, every iteration of that series,” Stewart told Entertainment Tonight when the idea was suggested to her.

“That would’ve been a blast, but also I am, like, really good friends with Zoe. And obviously, I am so proud of Rob doing this whole (project). I can’t wait to see this movie. So, like, sure, that is a funny idea, but the real version is going to be sick,” she said. Stewart and Pattinson dated for four years before Stewart cheated on him with her “Snow White and the Huntsman” director Rupert Sanders in 2012. She now identifies herself as lesbian, and has since dated the likes of Stella Maxwell, St. Vincent, Alicia Cargile, and Dylan Meyer.





Vikram Bhatt on having signing Hina Khan as lead actor of ‘Hacked’ Filmmaker Vikram Bhatt’s “Hacked” is set to release next month. He says when he saw actress Hina Khan after her “Bigg Boss” stint, he knew she was the perfect choice for the role.

Meanwhile, “Hacked”, a stalker thriller directed by Bhatt, will now release on February 7 instead of January 31.

“Hina Khan has the ability to be in one role for eight years while she was on TV. It can be tough and something that can be respected,” Bhatt told IANS referring to her show “Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai”.

“I have put aside the horrors of the spirit world to talk about the horrors of the real world and our vulnerable lives on the Internet is one such horror. It just takes one hacker with enough motivation to ruin your life,” said Bhatt, known for making horror films like “Raaz” and “1920”.

“She has a unique sense of style and from a ‘saans bahu’ girl has made herself into a fashion icon. Hina plays a fashion editor in ‘Hacked’ and when I saw her after ‘Bigg Boss’, I knew she was it for the role.

“’Hacked’is a film about a single woman and an obsessed hacker. Since there is a lot of VFX work in the film, we wanted to be absolutely ready, also, the new date works better as per our release strategy,” he added.

A good looking good actor and a good human. What else are we looking for?” he added about the former “Bigg Boss 11” contestant.

Zee Studios will release the film that also stars Rohan Shah, Mohit Malhotra and Sid Makkar. It is produced by Amar Thakkar and Krishna Bhatt.

Pop singer Justin Bieber diagnosed with Lyme disease Pop singer Justin Bieber on Thursday revealed that he has been recently diagnosed with Lyme disease which is a bacterial infection carried by ticks. The 25-year-old singer took to Instagram to share his health update with his fans. “While a lot of people kept saying Justin Bieber looks like s***, on meth etc. they failed to realise I’ve been recently diagnosed with Lyme disease, not only that but had a serious case of chronic mono which affected my, skin, brain function, energy, and overall health,” Bieber wrote on his Instagram post.

‘Iconic duo’ Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood go for skiing Before the New Year, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Clint Eastwood went for skiing. According to People magazine, Schwarzenegger shared a picture of himself with Clint on Instagram on the slopes. Arnold captioned the picture, “Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait.” The Hollywood legends were decked up in ski gear, including goggles and ski hats as they enjoyed the slopes during their skiing trip. The duo has been longtime friends. Schwarzenegger told The Hollywood Reporter in 2011 he admires Eastwood’s career, reported People magazine. Schwarzenegger said “In the future, I have to

adapt my roles to my age. Clint Eastwood also has done it in the same way. Extreme fighting or shooting is not possible anymore. I want to be more encouraged as an actor and I believe that I can manage this challenge.” He further mentioned that he is like a sponge that absorbs all the knowledge and is always willing to learn new things. As for Eastwood, the Hollywood actor and director had a long career and doesn’t seem to consider stopping it. He recently opened up about his age while on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’ and said, “I don’t think about it.” The actor turns ninety on May 31, 2020.

“It’s been a rough couple years but getting the right treatment that will help treat this so far incurable disease and I will be back and better than ever NO CAP,” the singer concluded the post. This comes almost a week after Bieber dropped his new single ‘Yummy’ ahead of his upcoming music album. Lyme disease, also known as borreliosis, is caused due to infection by bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. If left untreated, the infection can further spread to the heart, joints and the nervous system which can further lead to pain and swelling.



After Shershaah, Sidharth Malhotra’s Next To Be Hindi Remake Of A Telugu Hit? Bollywood heartthrob Sidharth Malhotra who was last seen on the big screen in Milap Zaveri’s action venture Marjaavan, has a big film for release this year in the form of Shershaah. The latest news related to the actor is that Sidharth has been signed in for a Hindi remake of a Telugu hit. As per a report from, the Student Of The Year actor’s next will be bankrolled by leading Tollywood producer Dil Raju under his production house Sri Venkateswara Creations banner. The project in the talks is said to be a remake of a Telugu hit. The scripting process of the film is in its initial stages and it is being written by Milap Zaveri. However, an official confirmation regarding the same is yet to be made by the actor and the makers.

Shershaah is based on the life of Captain Vikram Batra, an officer of the Indian Army. The film has Kabir Singh actress Kiara Advani in lead opposite Sidharth. Shershaah is been directed by Vishnuvardhan and it is been produced by Karan Johar and it will hit the big screen later this year. Talking about Dil Raju, the producer has bankrolled some big projects under his production house in the form of Mahesh Babu’s Sarileru Neekevvaru, Samantha Akkineni’s Jaanu, and also his debut Hindi productional venture starring Shahid Kapoor which is a remake of 2019 released Telugu super-hit, Jersey. The original had Tollywood star Nani in lead.

Talking about Sidharth, his upcoming release

Ek Villain 2: John Abraham & Aditya Roy Kapur Roped in As Leads Mohit Suri’s Ek Villain featuring Sidharth Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor and Riteish Deshmukh was a roaring hit. And now, Mohit has officially confirmed to a sequel of the film is underway! Yes, you read that. As Suri gears up for the release of his next outing, Malang, the man has confirmed to an Ek Villain 2 happening with John Abraham and Aditya Roy Kapur in lead roles. Mohit has said that he has narrated the story to both the actors have they have both, loved their respective parts of the film. Suri spoke to PTI saying, “We have narrated it to John, Adi and they both have liked their parts. Both are playing

DiCaprio help save life of man who was stranded at sea Leonardo DiCaprio emerged as a saviour for a man who found himself stranded at sea after an accident. According to Fox News, the ‘Titanic’ star reportedly joined a rescue operation while vacationing in the Caribbean to save a man who fell from a boat near St. Barts. DiCaprio came to know about the incident while he was accompanied by his girlfriend and some other friends on a rented boat on December 30. The actor got straight to work, taking time out

of his holiday, to spot the person who had tripped off from a Club Med yacht. A source informed the PEOPLE that “Leo and his friends and their boat captain decided to join the search and their efforts resulted in helping save a man’s life.” By sheer luck, DiCaprio’s boat turned out to be in relatively close proximity to where the man had drifted after struggling for 11 hours in the water. The rescue effort came to a successful end just an hour before nightfall and a rainstorm.

the ‘villains.’ Now we have to cast the girls. I can’t just take anyone. They play important roles. There will be two girls.” Further detailing that he has been working on the script for quite a while now, Suri said that at one point he was juggling between the scripts of Malang, Aashiqui 3 and Ek Villain 2. “At one point I was dabbling with a script of Aashiqui 3. I then worked on Malang, then wrote Ek Villain 2, then went back to Malang. So, I keep writing a lot. After a string of back to back films till Half Girlfriend, I realized I had stopped writing. So, I took this break and just wrote the kind of films I want to make. Malang was one of them.”



Katrina Kaif on 15 years in Bollywood: For me, the most wonderful place to be in is on a film set Katrina Turquotte or rather Katrina Kaif as we know her celebrates 15 glorious years in Bollywood. She started her journey with the disastrous Boom, but today is one of India’s highest-paid actresses. The thirty-six-year-olds game changer was Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya with Salman Khan back in 2005 and since then she has been starring in blockbuster hits such as Namastey London, Partner, Race, Singh is King, Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara and most recently Bharat. With her constant hardwork and performances, Katrina has truly emerged as a star. As Katrina completes 15 years in Bollywood, she opened up about her journey so far and her plans for 2020. In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Katrina was asked about how she feels when she gets audiences’ love. The Bharat star shared that it gives her a sense of satisfaction. Katrina even shared that she has tried to be instinctive and not become rigid with her choices. Also, the Sooryavanshi star revealed that by doing roles like Zero and Bharat, she got a lot of fulfillment. Katrina also opened up on being named as the most popular star of the decade and expressed her gratitude to her fans who constantly shower her with praises. On 15 years, Katrina said, “Acting in movies has given me an incredible amount of satisfaction. For me, the most wonderful place to be in is a film set and that’s primarily because I just love the process of exploring a character and being part of films which are going to be forever. It’s something which is indescribable and an intrinsic part of me as well. I think one thing that I have continuously tried to do is not to have any set, rigid formula, and to respond instinctively to what I do.” On her mantra for success, Katrina shared that she tries to enjoy every moment and not take herself too seriously. On the new year 2020, Katrina shared that she is looking forward to it due to a mix of projects and mentioned that her focus is to bring a new side of her to audiences and also grow as an artist. Katrina said, “The idea is to maintain a mix and balance of different kinds of stories as well as genres that excite me.” Meanwhile, Katrina’s next film is Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavanshi. In Sooryavanshi, Katrina will be seen playing the lead opposite Akshay Kumar. As per reports, Katrina will be seen playing a doctor in the film. The shooting of the promotional song was recently done in Mumbai and photos of the same were all over social media. Another film as per reports that Katrina might be taking up is with Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ishaan Khatter which is an action flick. However, no official announcement about it has been made. Sooryavanshi is slated to release on March 27, 2020. Here are snippets from her previous interviews with Asian Style Mag

You have had a series of successful films at the box office, but some have criticised you for your acting ability, saying that you often do repetitive roles and are featured in mainly male dominated films, what's your response to such comments? Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I don’t think it is my right or place to judge someone for their comments. When selecting a film, a number of factors become the deciding factor for me to choose a project, and nine out of ten times, this is focused on the role. Having looked at the characters I have portrayed I have to say in the last five years, I do feel they have been quite distinct, irrespective of the genre / theme of the film. Also, one of our industry greats taught me a mantra which I strongly believe in. ‘Do not do something different just for the sake of doing something different. There is a reason the audiences love you so please don’t ever shock them with something because of what a dozen people may say.’



You have often said, you have to work twice as hard compared to other actors due to not being fluent in Hindi, do you think your performance therefore, if Fitoor, was made as an English adaptation of Great Expectations would be even better, as perhaps the emotional connect might be better? I’d like to think that my Hindi is pretty good now! Great Expectations has already been made in English (several times over, in fact) and I doubt they would approach me even if

there is another one in the making! Having said all of that and jokes apart, I do work very hard to get my accent right (it’s not the fluency really) and will continue to do so.

What matters to you more box office success or critical acclaim? I think that is impossible to answer. Critical acclaim does not always translate to box office success and vice versa. I think there has to be a balance between the two. I mean,

what is the point of awards and accolades if the project has not been commercially viable for the producers?

What are the key factors you look at before agreeing to be part of a film? I really need to connect with the role as, if I do, then I will connect with the audience. I also look for that one thing that sets it apart from everything I have done until then. For instance, on Dhoom 3, I knew that it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with acrobats from all over the world, to push my body to achieve something unique. In Fitoor, I mean

who would pass up on playing one of classic literature’s most romantic heroines? But seldom is a film ‘all about me’. The script has to be cohesive, the project has to be commercially viable, on paper at least. Selfish films rarely work. The audiences are our Gods and I try to put myself in their shows when I listen to the script.

Salman Khan was praising you on the sets of Big Boss recently. The superstar said that you were the most hardworking actress there can ever be, and also talented. He also said: “When one keeps working hard, the talent keeps increasing. The whole country is crazy about you, including me! So, obviously you are talented,” How do you feel when senior and popular actors compliment you in this way? Deeply honoured and humbled!! I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity of working with some of our Indian film

Industry’s greatest. I will strive to work even harder so that I can continue to validate all the positivity.

We wish Katrina Kaif more success and look forward to her upcoming Suryavanshi



BOLLYWOOD: Class of 2019 Bollywood has a number of movers and shakers (we’re not talking song and dance) and every year the list moves. 2019 was an interesting year in Bollywood, where we witnessed that content was king, and saw many stars become actors and actors become stars. The year certainly belonged to Akshay Kumar, who gave out some of the biggest hits with the biggest openers of 2019, making him the most bankable Bollywood star of date. Ayushman Khurana has also slowly been creeping up with back to back hits, from Article 15 to the super successful Dream Girl. Hrithik Roshan had a super year War which earned around 318 crores at the box office and is the only Bollywood movie that has entered the 300-crore-club. Shahid Kapoor’s Kabir Singh did around 278 crores, Uri: The Surgical Strike did 244 crores, Bharat 209 crore, Housefull 4 206 crores and Mission Mangal 200 crores putting them all in the 200-crore members club. Here are the top 20 earning films of 2019 War – 318 Crores Kabir Singh – 278.24 crores Uri: The Surgical Strike – 244.06 crores Bharat – 209.36 crores Housefull 4 – 206.00 crores Mission Mangal – 200.16 crores Total Dhamaal – 154.30 crores Kesari – 153 crores Chhichhore – 150.36 crores Gully Boy – 149.31 crores Saaho – 149 crores Super 30 – 146.10 crores Dream Girl – 139.70 crores Dabangg 3 – 138.55 crores Bala – 116.38 crores De De Pyaar De – 102.40 crores Batla House – 97.18 crores Luka Chuppi – 95.15 crores Manikarnika: The Queen Of Jhansi – 94.92 crores Badla – 88.02 crores



SABA HAROON Saba has a wealth of knowledge in the technology sector and has built up an enviable portfolio of work with various IT projects. She is a bright, creative and client focused professional who possesses, extensive experience of working within B2B, B2C and E-commerce sector. Saba has been working in the corporate IT world for many years and as a result has gained a vast amount of practical

knowledge which in turn she will be passing onto readers of Asian Sunday every month. She will review the latest gadgets, provide you with the most up to date technology news and of course is at hand to answer any technology queries you may have. So if you have a burning IT question, need some assistance or simply want to write in about Saba's column then get in touch.

Please contact Saba Haroon by emailing her at

Stepping Into 2020 As another year begins social media is filled with inspirational messages and hopes for the future. Health, fitness, reducing stress and creating memorable experiences are at the top of many of our lists. With this in mind, I have challenged myself to a minimum of 15k steps a day. This can be as part of an activity or by reducing car journeys and walking more. To help motivate and track my progress I’m looking at which fitness trackers or smartwatches are anticipated this year. Fitbit was the first notable brand which introduced a product that purely focused on tracking daily activity. Many companies are now in the market and have a device to suit every budget with a host of different features and performance. A fitness tracker gives useful information about resting heart rate, mins of activity, step count per day, calories burned and more recently monitoring sleep patterns. Using it alongside a phone app can connect you to friends, family or an online community to further enhance the experience. The top 3 wearables that have me excited for 2020 have just been showcased at CES 2020 in Las Vegas. 1.

Suunto 7

Suunto has a solid reputation in the health and fitness field. This latest model has impressive features such as 2-3 day battery life, built-in altimeter, heart rate sensor, GPS, 70 different sports modes and heat maps that show where the most popular routes are depending on your location. Releasing at the end of January and running on the Wear OS this is one of the most anticipated wearables of 2020. Prices start from £365. 2. Amazfit T-Rex Amazfit is well known for low-cost fitness trackers that are impressive and durable. The T-Rex has a reported 20-day battery life with all the features enabled but use it purely as a watch, you can extend this to a whopping 65 days on a single charge! The rugged looks of the tracker all fit into the militarylevel MIL-STD810G standards for toughness. Additional features such as GPS, a built-in compass, tracking for 14 different sports modes as well as a heart rate monitor are very tempting especially at £105

Amazfit T-Rex

Amazfit Bip S

3. Amazfit Bip S Having another device in the list shows how well-liked Amazfit is in the wearable market. Lighter and smaller in size than the T-Rex model it is not as durable but still has GPS and a heart rate monitor. The smaller size also means the battery life is longer than the T-Rex. The on-board Amazfit OS is like having a miniature computer and fitness tracker on your wrist. Control your phone’s music and see notifications. With four fun colours to choose from this is the best value smartwatch available with a retail price of £55. If like me, you are planning on making your fitness goals a lifestyle choice then it’s worth investing in a device that will give you longevity with durability. My preference is to have a mid-range tracker with a long battery life that is waterproof and has a heart rate sensor preferably with GPS. Also, a device that is pairable with my phone as I like keeping a record of my route, calories and steps. The features and design of the Suunto 7 are appealing however the Amazfit Bip S has also piqued my interest. It has more colour options and the price plus smaller size looks like it will be a more comfortable fit. Whichever tracker is selected the aim to move more and improve overall physical and mental health whilst getting fit is key. If you would like to join a walking group or know more about clubs or activities around you, please get in touch via email to

Suunto 7





Batley & Spen MP Appointed Shadow Culture Secretary By NEWSDESK Tracy Brabin, MP for Batley and Spen, has been announced as the new Shadow Secretary of State for the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Ms Brabin takes over the frontbench role which was held by former Deputy Leader Tom Watson, who stepped down from politics at the General Election. The move will see Ms Brabin leave her role as Shadow Minister for Early Years, a post she had held for almost two-and-a-half years. Having been a successful actor on stage and screen and a writer prior to entering politics, Ms Brabin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience of the arts to the role. She also has a track record of improving access to the arts and culture in Batley and

Spen since taking over the seat in 2016. This includes supporting the fantastic Batley and Spen Youth Theatre, organising for arts professionals to visit the area, and supporting brilliant cultural events such as Batley Festival and the Great Get Together. Ms Brabin has also passionately supported grassroots sports clubs in Batley and Spen, and will push to ensure these clubs get the funding and support they need. The current Secretary of State for DCMS is Nicky Morgan, who was handed a life peerage after she stepped down at December’s General Election and sits in the House of Lords.

Tracy Brabin, MP for Batley and Spen and new Shadow Secretary of State for the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, said: I am delighted to have been appointed to this new role in the Shadow Cabinet. “Taking on this role is a huge honour and I want to thank Jeremy Corbyn for putting his trust in me, and Tom Watson for the great work

he did in this role previously.

“With more than 30 years’ experience in the creative industries, I feel perfectly placed to hold the Government to account. “Culture and the arts are my life’s passion, but sport, the media and digital industry are all massively important to British life. “I’m looking forward to meeting stakeholders and throwing myself into this role. “A Government that doesn’t invest in culture is a Government disinterested in the wellbeing of its citizens. “Manifesto pledges made by the Tories include investing in the arts in schools, supporting local libraries and museums and I’ll be holding the government’s feet to the fire to improve the Jobs, opportunities, happiness and wellbeing of the community and its citizens.”

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Shabab Gulfraz is our resident financial expert who has been writing for Asian Sunday for more than six years now. He is an experienced Chartered Financial Planner, and a Chartered MCSI (Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment) accredited Financial Adviser. Shabab's passion within financial services is working with individuals and businesses with a view to meeting their needs and objectives. The successful professional mainly works with individuals and company directors where they need help to protect their families, managing and growing their wealth privately and within the business, specialist pension advice, maximising tax planning to ensure tax

efficiency, inheritance tax planning, as well as structuring financial planning alongside accountants and solicitors. In addition to his work in financial services he has a sound understanding of commercial and business legal and financial management issues after qualifying as a post-graduate in law, and later attaining a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) If you have a query relating to your individual/business financial planning situation linked to the areas detailed above, then contact Shabab and he will be happy to have a complimentary discussion with you.

Please contact Shabab by emailing him at Shabab@, or via his mobile: 07494 545 007

A New Year, And A New Decade Dear readers,

Happy New Year, I hope you are all well, and have had a pleasant break from work over the festive period. Many of us will have New Year resolutions and what we want to achieve in the current year, however, my opinion is this year we should set ourselves resolutions for the next ten years. So I have asked a few people this year what they want to achieve in the next ten years, and had many random answers. There is a few I like though, and will go through them with you now. A friend of mine said his new year resolution is to stop smoking, and cut out Starbucks. Now I have nothing against Starbucks, but his daily spend is £6 a day on coffee, and roughly £5 a day on cigarettes; therefore £11 a day saved, which is £77 per week, which is just over £4,000 per annum. I asked what he intends to do with

the money saved, and he said pay £4,000 into his pension, which equals £5,000 once the government have added tax relief.

Another friend is thinking pay his mortgage off by putting a bit aside with his wife every week. I like this as both of them are thinking save £100 a month between them, and pay £1,200 extra a year. This will saved them about £50 a year in interest and wipe off a few years off the end of their mortgage, meaning mortgage free sooner rather than later. I’ve been thinking about what I want to do differently in the next decade, and for me it’s having a greater focus on planning for the future. What I mean by this is planning where I want my career to be, as well as perhaps thinking of a strategy to work part time 2030 onwards. I guess I’ve set myself a hard target, but my

view is planning is what makes us able to achieve set goals.

If you are a businessman and thinking about your business, then I recommend you review your business plan, and if you don’t have one then make one. I would review what you want to achieve in the short term, the medium term and the long term, and focus on where you want to be in the future. For all of us, we have an opportunity with the new year and most importantly a new decade to set our plans in motion. We need to be focusing on what ours and our families needs and objectives are and how we are going to go about achieving them. Let’s all put a plan and start this year strong!!!!



LUKE PATEl Luke Patel is a Partner at Leeds law firm Blacks Solicitors LLP specialising in commercial dispute resolution and heads up that team. Luke was the winner of the Best Professional in Business award at the Asian English Business Awards 2013. Described in the Legal 500 as

“exceptional” he primarily acts for individuals, owner managed businesses and SME's in a wide range of sectors. At Blacks, they can prepare agreements for all types of businesses or in the event of a dispute they can assist you with the resolution of that dispute.

Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or at

Are You Being Served? In the case of Tseitline v Mikhelson, the High Court had to consider whether proceedings had been personally served on a Defendant who did not speak English. The Claimant, Mr Tseitline, was a Russian and Israeli national who lived in Israel. The Defendant, Mr Mikhelson, was a Russian national who resided in Russia and a poor speaker of English. The claim concerned alleged breaches of agreement made between the two in 2007. Mr Mikhelson was at the Whitechapel Gallery in London with his English speaking artist daughter and his interpreter. Upon his arrival at the Gallery he was approached by two Process Servers acting for Mr Tseitline. The first handed to him an envelope containing a Claim Form which Mr Mikhelson initially accepted but then released his grip on, leaving it in the Process Server’s hand (probably because he realised what was happening). The Process Server said several times that he was serving proceedings on Mr Mikelson. Mr Mikhelson spoke to his daughter and his interpreter and then left the Process Servers and headed to the Gallery. However, before they got there, the second Process Server jammed the envelope between Mr Mikhelson’s arm and his chest, stating that he was being served. Mr Mikhelson dropped the envelope so the Process Server stuck it between the daughter’s back and the strap of her handbag. Again, he stated that he was serving. She dropped the envelope and walked away into the Gallery. The Process Servers picked up the envelope and left the scene. Had the Claim Form been properly served on Mr Mikhelson? This was the question which the Court had to consider. The Judge found that there had been good

service on Mr Mikhelson because:-

1. Mr Mikhelson knew that the documents being served on him were legal documents that required his attention. 2. The fact that Mr Mikhelson had refused to accept service of the documents, had left them behind or that they were taken away by the Process Server did not mean that they had not been served. 3. Despite the fact that Mr Mikhelson did not speak English he was made aware of what was occurring by his English speaking companions at the time of the attempted service and of the service itself. This decision shows what is required for there to be effective service on an individual. When attempting to effect personal service on a foreign individual, it would be advisable to ensure that the nature of the documents and their purpose is clearly identified in the recipient’s native language either by informing them in their language that they are being served with court proceedings or by having the appropriate written words on the envelope enclosing the documentation.

If you are involved in litigation or in any civil proceedings and require assistance then please contact Luke Patel at Blacks Solicitors on 0113 227 9316 or by email at





Masala Ch se French Toast

Ingredients • 3 Tbsp chilli tomato ketchup • 1 tsp mustard • 2 Tbsp mayonnaise • 3 slices white or brown bread • 4 slices cheese • 4 egg whites • 1 spring onion • 2 green chillies • A few coriander leaves • 2-3 leaves basil • Chives, a small bunch • Salt, to taste • Olive oil, to cook

Me od 1. Herb paste: In a blender make a paste of spring onions, basil, green chillies, coriander and chives. 2. Sauce paste: In a bowl mix chilli tomato ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise. 3. Egg mixture: In another bowl whisk egg whites with a little salt. Add the herb paste. 4. Take a bread slice. Apply the sauce paste and place 2 cheese slices. Place another sauce smothered bread. Repeat. Chill for 2-3 minutes.

5. Dip the bread-cheese-sauce sandwich in the egg mixture. 6. In a pan add some olive oil and cook the french toast till golden brown on both sides. 7. Cut into fingers and serve.




Gried Pan r Parcels Me od 1. To make the grilling paste, tip your herbs into a food processor or blender along with the garlic, ginger, chilli, lemon juice, oil, garam masala and 1 tsp salt. Process until fine and smooth, then stir in the yogurt, carom and double cream. Adjust any of the seasonings to taste as needed. 2. Cut each block of paneer into 3-4 pieces, then piece with a fine skewer. Coat the cheese in the grilling paste then leave to marinate in the fridge for as long as possible, preferably around 1 hour. 3. Heat the grill or griddle pan and prepare two sheets of foil. Place four pieces of paneer on each, then top with the chopped red onion and a knob of butter. Bring the foil together to create a parcel. 4. Place the parcels straight onto your grill or griddle pan and cook for 8-10 minutes, until the paneer is hot and slightly charred on the bottom. Serve immediately in the hot parcels, with the chaat masala sprinkled on top.

Recipes sponsored by

Ingredients • 1/2 red onion, chopped finely • 25g butter • 1 tsp chaat masala • 2 x 225g blocks of paneer For the grilling paste: • 25g mint leaves • 85g coriander leaves, with stalks left on • 1 clove of garlic • 3cm piece of ginger, peeled • 1 small green chilli • 1 tbsp lemon juice • 1 tbsp vegetable oil • 1 tbsp garam masala • 2 tbsp double cream • 3 tbsp greek yogurt • 1/2 tbsp carom


20 20 20





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REPORTER /JOURNALISTS REPORTER /JOURNALISTS Asian Sunday is expanding and Asian Sunday is expanding and therefore therefore is is looking looking for for a a reporters/journalists reporters/journalists

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Exhibition On Screen: Leonardo – The Works Leonardo da Vinci’s peerless art will be the focus of Leonardo: The Works, exploring every single attributed painting in Ultra HD quality, never seen before on the big screen. This film looks afresh at Leonardo’s life - his inventiveness, his military foresight and his

ability to navigate the treacherous politics of the day - through the prism of his art. Released on the 500th anniversary of his death, this is a definitive film about Leonardo: the first to truly tell the whole story. Gelderd Road, Birstall, Batley, West Yorkshire, WF17 9TB


High Jinx Magic, Illusion & Circus Show Michael Jordan’s High Jinx show once again returns to his home town with another jampacked family show. Witness amazing tricks, grand illusions and crazy circus thrills in this fast-paced production. A great show for both young

and old, guaranteed to knock your socks off and leave you wanting more. Voted Tripadvisor’s number one family show in Blackpool for 2018, this is a show not to be missed.

Tickets: £8 - £12.50 Tel: 01484 430 528 The Lawrence Batley Theatre, Queens Square, Huddersfield, HD1 2SP


Pakistani pop superstar Atif Aslam returns to the UK Atif Aslam is a household name in Pakistan and is well-known throughout the South Asian subcontinent. Atif Aslam is one of the most famous singers and songwriters of Pakistan. Coke Studio’s Season 12 opened its latest season on a perfect note with a stunning version of a Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan hamd, “Wohi Khuda Hai,” performed by Atif Aslam. The song that made Twitter go crazy paid heaps

of respect to the original version and showcased collaborative magic. The song was trending on both Pakistan and India Twitter with many showering Atif Aslam, with praise. Atif will be performing at the following venues: 23rd February Birmingham Arena 29th February London Eventim Apollo 1st March Manchester Apollo

Tickets available at:




Joshua’s 2020 Vision


By AYYAZ MALIK Brexit, Jeremy Corbyn or politics in general, in 2019 has been an issue that has divided opinion. Love Corbyn, or loathe him, everyone has an opinion on the man. In the world of sport, and in particular boxing, the year 2019 has been some year for Great Britain’s Anthony Joshua. The 30-year old Watford native is arguably loved and loathed too. Joshua started the year as champion, but in June of last year, fell from grace quite spectacularly from grace with a crushing seventh-round defeat. He’s finished, they said, he’s a phoney- a fake they insinuated, even if the boxing world didn’t use these words, word for word. However one interprets the tone and language, used when talking about the 2012 Olympic gold medalist, one thing is for certain, it hasn’t always been positive. Rivals, Tyson Fury and Deontay Wilder took part in a December 2018 classic, which controversially was a draw. The rematch between the two men has been talked up for


the match of this year.

February 2020, is the date set for these two heavy-weights to dual, but Anthony Joshua is appearing to look like the proverbial third wheel. It’s he who is the champion, holder of three of the four versions of the boxing world heavyweight title. He’s surely the king of the jungle, after putting in a masterful display to defeat Andy Ruiz Jr in their rematch in Saudi Arabia in December to get his titles back after loaning them to the 30year old Mexican. As much as the blockbuster fight between Wilder and Fury will be, the team at Asian Sunday takes a look at just some of the opponents Joshua can face in the meantime in 2020 and beyond that. Dylian Whyte Even before a rematch was talked about against Ruiz Jr, a rematch against old adversary Dylian Whyte has been mooted and can gain some tractions, especially after the Brit was cleared of any potential substance abuse.

Whyte was the only boxer to have defeated Anthony Joshua at amateur level, but the 2012 Olympic champion exacted his revenge and remains the only man to have defeated the 31-year old Dylian Whyte.

Since that sole loss to his British rival, Port Antonio born Whyte has beat the likes of Derek Chisora and former world champion, New Zealand’s Joseph Parker. Kubarat Pulev So it’s fair to say that, that Whyte is a viable option. There is also Kubarat Pulev, the 38-year old Bulgarian who was due to face Joshua, only to pull up with an injury before the fight. The former European champion has lost only once his career, and that was to boxing legend Wladimir Klitschko, but even then he was valiant in defeat. This a genuine option for world champion Anthony Joshua. Boxers talk about cementing their legacy, a fight between Joshua and Pulev could be a blockbuster. If the 2012 Olympic champion comes out on top, this would help cement his place in history as one of the all-time greats.

Oleksandr Usyk

Out of our list of potential 2020 opponents and beyond for Anthony Joshua, the name Oleksandr Usyk might be the most surprising, but is it really? The Ukrainian fighter is the only man to have held all four versions of the world title at cruiserweight. The only reason, we can say “has held”, is due to the 32-year old Simferopol native opting to move up to the heavyweight division. Usyk is unbeaten in 17 fights, won a gold medal at the 2011 world championships and stopped Tony Bellew in eight rounds, one of Britain’s best boxers of recent years with a crushing defeat of the Liverpudlian. The Ukrainian, might not be as big of a draw as the other two names, but his record proves he can look after himself in the ring. Whoever Joshua does face in the ring, one thing is for sure, Anthony Joshua will just be grateful he can start this year, the same way he ended this year, as world champion!

Image Credit: Twitter

Oleksandr Usyk Dylian Whyte



Pak In The Big Time


By AYYAZ MALIK The historic test series between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, in the latter stages of 2019, will be a series that will be remembered for the right reasons. The series between the sides, after 10 years, saw Sri Lanka become the first side to tour the country for the first time in 10 years. It was Sri Lanka themselves, who were the last team to tour Pakistan in 2009, but sadly that series was marred by tragic off-field incidents, which resulted in the loss of innocent life. Cricket and the world mourned, for Pakistan a cricket-loving and obsessed nation, cricket matches were moved to a “neutral venue” (UAE) as part of the aftermath. Although Azhar Ali’s Pakistan side equipped themselves well in their new home, by losing just two home series there, one can’t ignore the reality- there’s no place like home. Time is a good healer, and for 1992 world champions Pakistan this has proved to be the case as there signs that first-class matches were starting to get played in Pakistan. What must have made the whole ordeal harder (of not playing in Pakistan), is seeing neighbours and arch-rivals India establish their T20 domestic tournament (IPL) into one of the best tournaments in world cricket whilst cricket was away from the region.

Pakistan do now have their own T20 tournament (PSL), with last year more matches being played in Pakistan rather than Qatar, the adopted home of Pakistan Super League.

In a true sense of fate and destiny, Sri Lanka would become the first team to have a test series in Pakistan for 10 years, with them being the last time to tour the country. After the second and final Test, Sri Lanka’s captain Dimuth Karunaratne declared that security is 200% good. For teams such as England and Australia - Pakistan will be hoping those assurances (given by the Sri Lankan captain) are adequate assurances for the return of test cricket to return to the Asian country.

come to the region too. After a successful series with their Asian neighbours, Pakistan will be hoping, a dominoes effect will ensue and other countries follow Sri Lanka’s lead and tour the country for test series. Zimbabwe, have been another side that have toured Pakistan, albeit in limited-overs series, but that in itself is surely a big step.

Image Credit: Youtube

The seeds have been planted, maybe even a certain neighbour (India) might come to visit and play a test series as well? Sri Lanka coming to tour is a big step, but surely one step at a time though.

There had been talk of world champions England touring Pakistan sometime this year. Financially and for cricket in Pakistan on the whole, if the PCB (Pakistan cricket board), would be able to pull off such a coupe by agreeing with the ECB (English cricket board, it would be massive. The nation of Pakistan has been starved of cricket matches in their country, the only way to fill the supporters’ appetite and give the sporting cuisine they require is by surely feeding them with cricket matches of the highest order. With the belief that Pakistan will be able to play England this year, it will be hoped no doubt that this will help persuade teams like, Australia, New Zealand and West Indies to

VAR: The Death Of Football?


any other team.

Nothing quite divides opinion quite like the self-called beautiful game. Whether it be a football club to support or whether such and such a player is good or isn’t, the everyday fan has an opinion.

It was brought in to eradicate the controversy, the incorrect decisions, but has VAR added to a problem that is was supposed to fix? In its early stages of the VAR being rolled out, it’s hard to find one manager in England’s top-flight who has a favourable word to say about it.

This year, after answering the growing calls from frustrated fans and experts alike, Video Assistant Referee’s (VAR) have been introduced to the English football. The technology is not too dissimilar to Rugby’s video referee or cricket’s third umpire.

It may be easier to bring this issue to the public domain as every round of matches in England has a contentious VAR issue in it, but even stages last season when it was piloted there some visible floors in the technology.

After last season, where the Football association added goal-line technology equipment (vibrating watch), crucial decisions were getting missed and the powers that be in English football decided to fully integrate VAR into the Premier League. So problem solved then? Not even close.

Goals were getting scored when a video referee would have disallowed a goal, but with VAR goals are getting scored, but are being ruled out due to VAR.

Matches between Manchester United and Everton, Liverpool and Wolves are to name just some matches where matters off the pitch has overshadowed matters on it. If we’re going to talk about VAR, then Sheffield United also need to be included in this discussion, The Blades have been on the wrong end of this technology five times this year (at time of writing), which is more than

should remember that the previous Rugby world cup in England, didn’t use the video assistant in the best way. With this in mind, is it fair to expect the technology football is using to be flawless when rugby and cricket’s technology is far from perfect? Love it or loathe it, VAR is here to stay. It’s abundantly clear, though the technology needs serious improvement to it, major decisions VAR has got wrong, but it represents change and the positive modernisation that sport and in particular football needs to keep in line with rival sports.

Offside by a foot; an arm-pit were some of the reasons as to why goals are getting ruled out but is this sensical? Football logic would tell you not. Although it may not be obvious just yet, there are some benefits to having video technology in football. In Cricket and rugby, video assistance is a key component in those sports, football being the multi-billion pound conglomerate it is, surely needs to catch up. VAR is football’s way of doing this. Is it perfect? Far from it! But it’s a start, one

Image Credit: Twitter

This issue, although in the past few weeks has come more to prominence, VAR needs to be addressed and fine-tuned, it’s going to be a long-standing issue, it’s not just something that needs to be looked at for the now. It’s clear to see, the Premier League have the right idea here with VAR, but it needs developing. it’s a clearly flawed system. On the other hand, as much as the Premier League will try to tweak and fine-tune VAR, no one will ever be 100% happy with it, a case damned if you, damned if you don’t, but they can but try







Champions League, Our Guide Of The Round Of 16: Liverpool Hoping To Be Top Of The Klopps By AYYAZ MALIK With all the off-field success that English football clubs were achieving financially, on the pitch after 2012 when Chelsea reigned supreme in the Champions League final on that famous night against Bayern Munich, English teams have been somewhat in the wilderness as far as success was concerned for seven long years since.

possess the X-Factor. This tie promises to be a classic, and although close to call, we feel that Liverpool will win here, purely because they just find a way and that’s what they have been doing all season. Our prediction: Liverpool win 4-3 on aggregate. Image Credit: Twitter

Manchester City vs Real Madrid

With both Liverpool and Tottenham flying the flag for England last term in the Champions, it’s they as well as fellow English clubs Manchester City and Chelsea looking to fly the flag high this year as well. Tottenham Hotspur vs RB Leipzig

Liverpool vs Atletico Madrid Atletico, who are managed by Argentine Diego Simeone of course, represent a tough challenge for Jurgen Klopp’s men. Of course, their past history in this tournament is something to be admired, but with talented players such as Lemar, Felix Jao and Saul Niguez, just to name some, Simeone’s do possess a challenge at the other side of the pitch and not just in defence, where the Spanish side are renowned for being rock solid. Liverpool though, do have talented players of their own of course. Salah, Mane and new signing Minamino are just some of the players that Liverpool do have in their ranks that

We tell a more cautionary tale. The Red Bull side, do possess German striker Timo Werner in their ranks and the young German (at time of writing) boasts a quite superb record this season of 23 goals in 22 games. Those numbers will give Spurs defenders, some sleepless nights. Messers Sanchez, Vertongen and Alderwireld - you have been warned. It’s hard to argue against Tottenham coming through this one, we feel the same. Although they will give Jose’s side a good game over the two legs, our prediction: Tottenham win 3-2 on aggregate.

After last season, however, the successes of yesteryears English sides looks to be returning, especially after Liverpool won the UEFA Champions League last season with a 1-0 win over Premier League rivals Tottenham Hotspur in the final.

The round of 16 draw has been announced of course, but we here at the Asian Sunday sports desk we will be previewing all the round of 16 ties concerning English clubs. Liverpool, who of course won their sixth European title last year after their triumph in Kyiv, face perennial finalists of the previous decade, Atletico Madrid.

history. Advantage Tottenham then, many may think?

After getting to the dizzy heights of the Champions League final, Tottenham (especially their start to the season) didn’t look like getting past the group stages this season, but here they are .. again at the knockout stages of the Champions League . Spurs fans, will be hoping for a fairytale run again this year if not one better. Some may argue such talk is a bit fanciful, but in new manager Jose Mourinho they have a man who was won this tournament twice before. It’s fair to say Jose has the know-how to achieve Champions League glory. Whether he will or not is a different issue. In recent memory, the former Inter and Real manager has fallen short at the semi-final stage on several occasions. Before Tottenham fans can even think about a quarter-final or a semi-final, in their way are German side Red Bull Leipzig. Managed by German manager Julian Nagelsmann, Leipzig are a club, at just 10 years old, top of the Bundesliga and are into the round of 16 for the first time in their

For many, this match could be fitting for a final, but in reality, both sides have disappointed this season. This may appear to be unduly harsh on both sides, but such as has been the standards that both have set in recent years gone by. Image Credit: Twitter

spectator alike. With both teams, not the best at defence and rely on attack being their best form of defence, we see goals in this tie. It’s hard to say who will be the winner, but for their experience alone .. sorry City fans we think Real edge this tie here, but only just. Our prediction: Real Madrid win 5-5 through away goals. Chelsea vs Bayern Munich For Chelsea fans, I don’t think any fan will be able to not think of a match with Bayern and not remember 2012. That night some seven coming on eight years ago now, was, of course, the night that Chelsea helped owner Roman Abramovich realises his dream of winning Europe’s most coveted club trophy. Fast forward to now and the Chelsea team of today, and it’s a team with potential but not as much as experience of the team of 2012. Bayern, are arguably the other way. They have a team full of experience but don’t have a team that has the youthful exuberance of Chelsea. That having been said, just in the case of Manchester City we just feel Lewandowski and co will be just too much for Chelsea’s bright and emerging stars. There’s no shame in that, none what so ever: Our prediction Bayern win 3-1 on aggregate. Image Credit: Twitter

If this match-up isn’t tie of the round, then Dortmund against PSG most certainly will be. This tie between City and Real Madrid is a blockbuster tie, there’s no other way to describe it really. De Bruyne vs Kroos and Aguero vs Varane are just some of the mouth-watering duels that will be fought on the pitch. For manager Pep Guardiola on a personal level, he gets to pit his wits against three-time Champions Leaguewinning coach Zinedine Zidane, which again is another delicious proposition for the


So there you have it, ladies and gentleman, our round-up of the round of 16 Champions League draw. Asian Sunday will keep you informed with the progress of the Champions League as to happens. Round of 16 Champions League ties will be played Tuesday 18th February Wednesday 18th March.

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