Asian Sunday Kirklees June 2019

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By GRAHAME ANDERSON New life is set to regenerate the centre of Batley as work nears completion on a modern 29,000 square foot retail and food development on Alfred’s Way. From July, the former Batley Shopping Centre will become ‘The Batley Plaza’, offering 24 modern units and a positive future to what for the past five years has been a run down and unoccupied space. In fact, the 40-year-old site has been completely redesigned in the hope of attracting both locals and tourists back to both Alfred’s Way and Commercial Street. A 21st Century Look


The entrance has been totally reconstructed. Shoppers will also be able to enjoy a unique ‘Street Food’, area offering a vast range of tasty delicacies. There will be a revamped

entrance and signage on Commercial Street, and a striking new stairway and lift has been created on Alfred’s Way to provide easy access to the retail units from the area around the Tesco and Iceland stores. The new Plaza will also house an impressive café and three different sizes of unit – aimed at those just starting out in business, those looking for their first premises and established businesses ready for expansion. There’s a full package of support available – all businesses need do is pay the rent. In fact, there’s a real confidence all of the units will be taken up by businesses based up and down the country. Caring Investor The project has become a labour of love for top businessman Zahid Iqbal and his company Z & F Properties Ltd, responsible for the purpose-built ‘Bradford Plaza’ shopping complex in Thornbury six years ago. He’s passionate about recreating this recent success in Batley as he




Meet the new Kirklees Council Cabinet Members By RAHEEMA KHAN Kirklees Council has had a reshuffle of it’s top council members. Leader Cllr Shabir Pandor described the re-shuffle as a reshaping to deliver the ambitions of the Council for the people of Kirklees. Cllr Pandor said: “Within my Cabinet I have really good people who are shaping our ambitious plans for the future, plans which will lead to greater investment for the area as well as ensuring each town and village is invested in so we can provide for the best future for our residents.

Cllr Masood Ahmed steps down from Kirklees cabinet

“In addition to my highly experienced, current Cabinet members, I have brought in new members and widened the portfolio responsibilities so that we can focus on our key priorities. I’m delighted to welcome Cllrs Carole Pattison and Rob Walker to Cabinet. New member Cllr Carole Pattison takes over from Cllr Masood, who was the portfolio holder for Learning and Aspiration and Communities. Council leader was ‘sad to announce that Cllr Masood Ahmed has decided to step down from Cabinet for personal reasons.’

Right Kirklees Council Leader Shabir Pandor with his new Cabinet. L-R: Clr Mather, Clr Turner, Clr Pattison, Clr Scott, Clr Walker, Clr Kendrick, Deputy Leader Clr McBride.

decision several weeks ago but he wanted to ensure continuity and deliver the ‘options report’ on Almondbury Community High School before he finished, because he felt he owed this to the children, parents and everyone involved in the proposals he has worked alongside.

He said: “Cllr Ahmed made this

“I want to thank Cllr Ahmed for his outstanding contribution to the Cabinet and I know that he will continue to support the Council, his constituents and the new holder of his portfolio going forward.” The new cabinet comprises of The new Cabinet line-up comprises:

Viv Kendrick (Children); Mus Khan (Health and Social Care); Naheed Mather (Greener Kirklees, a change from Communities and Environment); Peter McBride (Regeneration, and Deputy Leader of the Council); Carole Pattison (Learning, Aspiration and Communities); Cathy Scott (Housing and Democracy); Graham

Turner (Corporate); Rob Walker (Culture and Environment) and Clr Pandor (Council Leader). Clr Pandor’s responsibilities include strategy for the council, regional relationships, budget development, strategic partnerships and inclusive growth as well as diversity.

People Will Be Able To Access More Services At New And Improved Almondbury Library

Almondbury Library will be leaving the library on Stocks Walk and moving into their brand new location on Farfield Road.

Moving to the new Community Hub will mean people can access a wider range of services under one roof, including support for children and families, help and advice, activities for older people, community events – as well as the traditional library service valued by residents. The move and refurbishment of Almondbury Library has allowed Kirklees Council to create Kirklees’ first dementia-friendly library. As part of the refurbishment, the council has used a number of subtle design features to ensure that it is a more inclusive environment for people living with dementia. Having the library within the new Community Hub will help to better link with partners and other services to tackle social isolation and support vulnerable people. Cllr Graham Turner, Cabinet member for Corporate Services, said: “This is an exciting development for the residents of Almondbury, who will benefit from having a modern, up-to-date library with additional public computers, parking and easy access for all members of the community. “Modern-day libraries operate in a much different way to how they used to. Libraries now offer a much more

comprehensive service to our residents and as such we need to ensure that the buildings are fit for today. This will mean a very short gap in service while we get the new facility ready. “I’m proud that in creating a dementia-friendly environment, this library will be an inclusive, accessible and welcoming space for everyone. It will lead the way for future developments throughout our library service. “It’s a great example of how a purpose-built library in a flexible and shared building can facilitate other activities taking place, offering more support to the community under one roof. It will also provide stronger community partnerships and joint-working with other council services, which can only be beneficial to the Almondbury community.”

Carol Stump, Chief Librarian, Libraries Kirklees said: “It’s an exciting time for the Library Service and the Almondbury community as this move will mean the library service is available more often and will be more centrally located for visitors.” We will be automatically extending the loan period of books during the short time the library is closed, but you can return books to any library, the nearest being Kirkburton library or Huddersfield library. Plan of the new Almondbury library


Kirklees Council Planners Approve Gurdwara, at New House Farm, But Residents at Neighbouring New House Hall Disapprove Huddersfield’s ikh community ha e been gi en permission to create a new place of worship and community centre.

Councillors who appro ed the gurdwara did so in defiance of planning officers who recommended that it be refused.

ew House Farm, situated in sheepridge, which has been acant for sometime will be reno ate and refurbished into a gurdwara.

Those supporting the pro ect ha e argued that there wasn’t a gurdwara in the area and that urdwara’s must not be confused with temples.

The two-storey building will include a -space car park and a . m timber acoustic fence to reduce noise. lans include to host a range of acti ities including weddings, funerals and birthday parties with a capacity of up to people.

upporters say A gurdwara is a place of assembly and worship for sikhs. eople of all faiths, and those who do not profess any faith, are welcomed.

t will be open from am on weekdays, and from am on weekends. Howe er residents ob ectors to the plan expressed concern at the potentially high numbers of isitors, and that a narrow lane accessing the area could pro e problematic to emergency ser ices in the e ent of a fire. esidents of ew House Hall, a neighbouring property dating back to the s, said the gurdwara would be too intrusi e and the acoustic fence was too high.

car park m away from or urghley Hall

ostell riory

The residents argued that they ha e the right to their history and the preser ation of their buildings and their setting,

which form part of that history, in ust the same way that the aristocracy ha e a right to theirs ther ob ectors said the ikh community had neither engaged with nor con-

sulted with local people and that their facility would not benefit the local area, which already boasted fi e existing community buildings.

n addition to ha ing a kitchen, gurdwaras can also include a medical facility room, library, nursery, classroom, meeting rooms, and a garden. The e ents being proposed are soothing, spiritually-inspired religious programmes, not party functions . wners of the neighbouring historic th century ew House Hall howe er disagree. Their plea at the Huddersfield lanning ub-Committee argued that they wouldn’t e en be contemplating building a . m-high solid fence and

UK To Be Hit By Swarm of Mosquitoes if CO2 Stays at Record Levels cientists ha e detected the highest le els of carbon dioxide in the arth’s atmosphere since records began. The auna oa bser atory in Hawaii detected . parts per million ppm on aturday. The last time arth’s atmosphere contained this much C was more than three million years ago. The aris Agreement calls on humanity to stop the rise in arth’s temperature at well below’ C compared to pre-industrial le els. xtreme weather, like cyclones and typhoons, will increase, as will flooding and heatwa es risking wildfires and se ere droughts. Although one million species are at risk of extinction, mos uitoes will thri e, meaning a further per cent of the planet will be at risk of malaria and other mos uito-borne diseases.


ast year the epartment of Health announced a multi-million pound research fund to tackle the health effects of global warming as it warned climate change risks malaria, ika, dengue and yellow fe er being brought to the K by mos uitos. The ritish est Control Association CA said a rise in fluctuating weather from extreme flooding to heatwa es pro ides a fertile en ironment for mos uitoes to flourish. CA is particularly concerned about one type of in asi e species taking hold in the country, the Asian Tiger mos uito. The eggs and la a of this mos uito ariety ha e already been disco ered in two sites in the south-east of ngland in and .

So what does it all mean for us?

arlier this year research by xford ni ersity found that o er the next years, insect-borne diseases could pose a risk to half the world’s population.

n the K in the past two years alone we’ e seen e erything from record breaking heatwa es, wildfires and drought to snow storms, widespread flooding, and fatally cold temperatures.

ee ard-Thompson, CA Technical anager said n terms of the Asian Tiger mos uito, it is particularly important that this pest does not get a toe-hold in the K as it is a species of concern.’

New House Hall



NEWS IN BRIEF Man Charged Over Victoria Road Attack, Huddersfield Detectives investigating an assault on Victoria Road on 6 June have charged a man with causing grievous bodily harm. Gulbadin Noozai, aged 33, of Victoria Road, has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm and has been remanded to appear at Leeds Magistrates Court on 8 June. fficers would like to thank residents in the Victoria Road area for their patience whilst enquiries were carried out at the scene.

Appeal: Robbery, Earlsheaton Park, Dewsbury Police are appealing for witnesses following a robbery which occurred in Earlsheaton Park in Dewsbury on Friday 31st May 2019. Between 1:45pm and 2:45pm, a 14 year old male was approached by a group of teenage males, who assaulted him, before taking an amount of cash. PC Tom Howell of the Batley and Spen Neighbourhood Policing Team is investigating the incident and said: “This was an upsetting ordeal for the teenager who was subject to kicking and punching from the group. “They also tried to take his mobile phone during the incident, but made away with £13 cash. “We know that a dog walker shouted at the group as the incident unfolded and we are calling for any witnesses or anyone with information about those responsible to come forward.


JO COX: Three Years On of Jo.


Sunday 16 June marks the third anniversary of Batley & Spen MP Jo Cox’s murder and the week after that is the third anniversary of the Brexit vote. The UK lost not only one of our most promising female MPs, but a genuinely forward-thinking compassionate change maker. Jo, was first elected as Batley & Spen Labour MP in May 2015 with a 43 per cent majority, making Batley & Spen a safe seat for Labour. Jo made an impactful and passionate maiden speech in parliament following her election, a speech which is still spoken about four years on, reminding us all that we “have far more in common than which divides us” Jo’s death sparked a series of unity events, with special prayers being held in Jo’s memory at religious places of worship such as mosques and churches. The Labour MP’s death also led to the creation of the nationwide movement the ‘Great Get Together’, which brings communities together in a display of unity as well as in memory

Last year it was believed that around 122,000 social gatherings took place across the country, which otherwise would never have happened. These visible displays of unity matter, more so now than ever, as the division in opinions over Brexit continues, along with the rise of hate, be it Islamophobia, anti-semitism or any other.

democracy in a country where I am so proud, we can do those things.

“But actually, we also need to treat each other with respect and civility, and I think we’ve lost sight of that a little bit in recent times.” As we approach the Great Get Together

Celebrations on 22 June, let’s hope that Jo’s legacy continues and we don’t forget our common values and keep the hope that despite the tragedy and all the wrong that’s happening in our multi-cultural and diverse country we can still fix things and hope for a more united future.

However, despite all the visibility and success of the Great Get Together sister of Jo Cox, Kim Leadbeater, who has been championing unity projects in Jo’s name, believes that things have ‘got progressively worse and that the political debate is even less tolerant than when her sister was killed by a right-wing extremist three years ago. Speaking on the third anniversary of her sibling and Labour MP Jo’s death, Kim Leadbeater said: “I think unfortunately things were pretty bad in 2016 when Jo was killed but I think it’s probably fair to say that they have got progressively worse.” There was “a short period of time when politicians and other people said we have to do things differently in the aftermath of Jo’s murder”, before things went downhill again, she told Sky News. Kim said: “There is absolutely nothing wrong with robust debate and passionate discussion; we live in a

Sister of Jo Cox Kim Leadbeater

“This is unacceptable behaviour and if you can help in our enquiries, please call the non- emergency number 101 or Crimestoppers in confidence on 555 111. “Alternatively, you can use the Online Live Chat system accessible via the Force website.”

Charges After Firearm And Ammunition Found At Crash Scene, Huddersfield Seven males have been arrested and two have now been charged aged 18 and 14, with conspiracy to possess a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence after police recovered a gun and ammunition at the scene of a road traffic collision in Huddersfield. The collision, which happened in Norwood Road in the Birkby area at about 12.55pm on 24 May, involved a white Audi and a motorbike. Armed officers were deployed to the scene following a report of gunshots being heard, although no evidence has been found to support this. Enquiries into the incident have so far led to the arrest of seven males aged between 14 and 21. All of them remain in custody at this time as detectives continue to establish the full circumstances of this incident.

Murdered Labour MP Jo Cox




Batley Plaza Set to Turbo Charge Areas Regeneration

L-R Leader of Kirklees Council Shabir Pandor & Developer Zaid Iqbal By GRAHAME ANDERSON

New life is set to regenerate the centre of Batley as work nears completion on a modern 29,000 square foot retail and food development on Alfred’s Way. From July, the former Batley Shopping Centre will become ‘The Batley Plaza’, offering 24 modern units and a positive future to what for the past fi e years has been a run down and unoccupied space. In fact, the 40-year-old site has been completely redesigned in the hope of attracting both locals and tourists back to both Alfred’s Way and Commercial Street. A 21st Century Look The entrance has been totally reconstructed. Shoppers will also be able to enjoy a unique ‘Street Food’, area offering a vast range of tasty delicacies. There will be a revamped entrance and signage on Commercial Street, and a striking new stairway and lift has been created on Alfred’s Way to provide easy access to the retail units from the area around the Tesco and Iceland stores. The new Plaza will also house an impressive café and three different sizes of unit – aimed at those just starting out in business, those looking for their first premises and established businesses ready for expansion.

There’s a full package of support available – all businesses need do is pay the rent. n fact, there’s a real confidence all of the units will be taken up by businesses based up and down the country. Caring Investor The project has become a labour of love for top businessman Zahid Iqbal and his company Z & F Properties Ltd, responsible for the purpose-built ‘Bradford Plaza’ shopping complex in Thornbury six years ago. He’s passionate about recreating this recent success in Batley as he explained: to go in here. Batley and Spen MP Tracy Brabin enthused: “I’m a huge advocate for shopping locally so it’s encouraging to see that a space that has sat empty for so long is being brought back to life.” Struggling High Streets The growth of out of town retail parks combined with the internet shopping trend has had a marked effect on high streets up and down the country. Batley has suffered more than most however The first shop to open on Alfred’s ay was also the last to close earlier this year. Candyman Newsagents was run

for 33 years by the popular Dennis Fisher, who at one time owned six shops across the area including two in Dewsbury. The 82-year-old decided to retire after serving the community for more than 40 years. His daughter Karen Lawson said: “It has been sad to see all the shops close one by one over the years. Batley Shopping Centre had become a white elephant in the town. It is really sad to be announcing we are closing but it is an inevitable part of life.” Council Support Leader of Kirklees Council Shabir Pandor told Asian Sunday: “ I am passionate about Batley and Its People and always look at finding ways to put Batley First.Batley has proven time and time again it’s a great place to invest and I was really please to meet Zaid and talk through his plans for Alfreds Way. “The investment from businessman Zaid Iqbal is welcoming, exciting and his plans link into my vision on how Batley is at cutting edge of how it can regenerate and become a magnet for economic and social regeneration. This is a prime example of how private enterprise can work with the public sector. I am delighted we were able to help facilitate

The investment from businessman Zaid Iqbal is welcoming, exciting and his plans link into my vision on how Batley is at cutting edge of how it can regenerate and become a magnet for economic and social regeneration. This is a prime example of how private enterprise can work with the public sector. Leader of Kirklees Councill Cllr Shabir Pandor


his plans to open a shopping plaza which will not only create jobs, but also see a huge boost in tourism which can only benefit our local economy and the fabric of our town. “I’ve been to visit the site recently and I am really impressed with how things are shaping up and the brands already signed up to take up occupancy in the plaza. I am particularly looking forward to seeing development of the Street Food offering the Plaza will bring. It’s going to be a wonderful addition to the Batley community and surrounding areas.” On the Way Up A recent survey has shown Batley is one of the leading towns in England in terms of economic growth. Given other councils such as Doncaster are investing millions into establishing a trendy street food scene, Kirklees council are fortunate to have found an investor willing to put his own money into the area, creating jobs and a vibrant community. Business Boost Batley Business Association chairman Andrew Marsden, who works for Brearley Solicitors told me: “In truth when I first came to the area 27 years ago there were a few unused units in the shopping centre even then. So, the truth is this has been a long-term problem. Austerity, changing shopping habits and a changing word have all contributed. I got my first mortgage at The Halifax, based at the time within the shopping centre. “Batley Vintage day helps bring people into the town from far afield. We need

to capture visitors at any time of course, but as far as I’m aware there’s no sustained tourism drive going on. Mind you, we have excellent evening entertainment and eateries here now which will help bring others in from outside of the town. “We have a huge Tesco in the area which certainly took people away from the shopping complex when it arrived. As you need to give people what they want, it’ll be good to see compact and viable units providing something away from the mainstream. If we can get people who regularly shop at Tesco to come and get other things at Batley Plaza, the future will certainly look promising. “The development will succeed because of ‘the stubborn determination of the Batley community’, We don’t give up”. Community Winning the Day It seems both the locals and local businesses are buying into the project together showing a strong sense of community. This will help its success, as Mr Iqbal is also investing a substantial amount of money to regenerate the former Tesco and surrounding shops on Commercial Street. “I am really excited about coming to Batley, it’s a town which has great potential and is extremely welcoming. I am confident that the Batley Plaza will be one of my best developments for me so far, offering a quality shopping experience for the local community and hopefully encouraging others from outside of the city to come and visit too”

NEWS Report Finds Social workers Took No Action on Huddersfield roo n an Desp te E dence hat ct s ere At R sk o Ser ous Har 08




An Independent report commissioned by Kirklees Council, found that social workers failed to take action on one of Britain’s largest grooming rings when information about two vulnerable girls being sexually exploited was not followed up. A report into the cases of more than 20 girls in Huddersfield found that social workers had evidence to conclude that two teenage victims were at risk of serious harm, yet took no action. Dr Mark Peel, the author of the review, said children’s ser ices officers knew that the two 16-year-olds, one of whom had learning difficulties, were most likely to have been engaged in inappropriate, exploitative and illegal sexual activity” with older men. He added n both instances, howe er, it would appear that, other than recording this information, no subsequent preventative safeguarding action was taken, and that thus an opportunity to break the [child sexual exploitation] ring operating in Kirklees, and to protect these girls directly and others more generally, was lost.” The report, which was published earlier this month examined the files of girls involved in the prosecution of 20 men who were given lengthy jail sentences last year after being convicted of abuse spanning from 2004 to 2011. Three trials heard how 15 vulnerable girls, aged as young as 11, fell victim to a grooming ring and were plied with drugs and alcohol before being sub ected to abuse that was at the top of the scale” of severity. Peel, a social work academic, said that nothing relating to child sexual exploitation C was flagged up in the majority of cases, but that this may have been because social work professionals were not looking for CSE at that time. However, he found that in the cases of two girls, referred to as Girl 4 and Girl 8, there was intelligence that they were at risk of serious harm. A reference to irl in one of the files said irl has a moderate learning difficulty. he is being exploited into prostitution, she hangs around with a number of men who take her money. She is a very promiscuous girl.” Concluding that no action of any kind was taken in both these instances”, Peel said this seeming lack of concern for ulnerable children now seems almost alien”. What social workers now understand as CSE was in 2006-07 perhaps seen as nothing out of the ordinary” for young women typically on social work caseloads, he said, adding that a different and lower safeguarding standard was implicitly applied to some young women in need of help and support”.

Mel Meggs, Kirklees council’s director of children’s ser ices, said r eel has been clear that the vast majority of cases were handled in line with the policy and practice of the time. Howe er, the studies of irl and Girl 8 show that, historically, professionals did not always spot the signs of exploitation and did not always respond appropriately to concerns. We are truly sorry that these two girls were not protected in the right way.” Leader of Kirklees Council Cllr Shabir andor said Kirklees Council does not shy away from dealing with difficult issues and those highlighted within the Dr Peel report shows it is only right that we apologise as an organisation for the failings identified in relation to the two victims. The findings of the report show that, at the time, our systems, whilst robust in the majority of cases, still had failings. Howe er, the report from the shows how far we have come in addressing these concerns and how we are sharing intelligence and information across partnerships to help protect the most vulnerable in our society.” He added This does not mean we think we have solved the issue, far from it. There will always be those who prey on the vulnerable and we, and our

partners, must learn to adapt and evolve in making our systems as robust as possible to identify and help those most at risk. want to personally thank the ictims for their bravery in being part of these reports, in showing the courage needed to talk about and identify those responsible. As r eel says they are the heroes of this situation.

that we learn from the past. e now ha e a much greater understanding of the risks and issues involved in C and we can be confident that the progress of recent years would lead to very different actions today. Sadly, there will always be young people who are vulnerable and there will always be adults who aim to exploit them. This is true of any town or city, but we have never been in a stronger position to take evil perpetrators off the streets.

ow we must look at the recommendations in the reports and ensure they are acted upon. t is also ital that we and our communities remain vigilant in bringing to our, or our partners’, attention any signs of similar issues so they can be dealt with swiftly.” Jacqui Gedman, Kirklees Council Chief Executive, said: e commissioned r eel’s report because we were determined to gain a fully independent view of our practice at the time of these cases. We have been completely open in our desire to examine our own actions and make every improvement we possibly can. e absolutely agree with r eel that a small number of the cases could, and should, have been handled differently at the time and on behalf of the council I want to apologise to the girls that we let down. This is a common theme in reviews of historic cases around the country and we must all ensure

wicked’ – we could not agree more with those sentiments. We are actively encouraging people to come forward if they have any reason to think they have been abused. We know how difficult this can be, but our message is: We will listen to you, we will take action and we will learn from your experiences.” All local authority areas have a Local Safeguarding Children Board which consists of several organisations, including council, police and health

One of the judges in the trials, which prompted Dr Peel’s review, described the offenders as ‘vile and wicked’ – we could not agree more with those sentiments. We are actively encouraging people to come forward if they have any reason to think they have been abused. We know how difficult this can be, but our message is: We will listen to you, we will take action and we will learn from your experiences.” Jacqui Gedman, Kirklees Council Chief Executive ne of the udges in the trials, which prompted Dr Peel’s review, described the offenders as ‘vile and

agencies. It has the role of overseeing, coordinating and improving safeguarding work.

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Are Sport England and UK Sport Failing The BAME Community? KIRKLEES | JUNE 2019



Despite the launch of two inclusivity schemes in sport the UK’s Black Asian and Minority Ethnic Community’s remain poorly represented at management levels. The Sporting Equal’s Charter following on from the governments Sporting Futures Strategy, aims to amongst other things break down BAME barriers and make sport more inclusive. Damning Statistics Asian Sunday has learned however BAME board representation stands at a paltry four per cent, just one per cent higher than in 2016. What’s more there are currently no BAME Chief Executive fficers and only one Chair right across sport in the UK. A total of 30 individual sports have no senior BAME representation at any level, and the sporting workforce remains largely white. We also discovered gender only targets had been set by those same groups under pressure from the government, with female representation successfully leading the way. In fact, All Boards of Sports Governing Bodies or SGB’S, were told there must be 30 per cent presentation by the 2020 Tokyo Olympics or risk funding cuts or total withdrawal of funding. According to 2016 figures: *Female representation in boardrooms of public ally funded sports had reached an a erage of per cent for the first time. That’s an increase from the first audit figure of per cent. *Of the 63 organisations surveyed 26 had at least 30 per cent female representation in boardrooms with more than one third already hitting targets. *On Boardroom executive teams, women made up an average of 40 per cent – an increase of 19 per cent since 2009. This made clear what had been achieved in terms of gender was something to be celebrated with many lessons learned in the process. It also demonstrated targets do actually work, e idenced by the increasing profile and opportunities at both executive level and on boards since the imposition of the targets. Sporting Strategy The Government’s “Sporting Futures” strategy sets out a bold and ambitious direction for sport and policy, with Sport England’s “Towards an Active Nation” calling for the need to embrace diversity and change to get the nation active. Sports organisations have been challenged by Sport England to tackle under representation at all levels to reflect the society we li e in. Scott Lloyd, CEO of the LTA, said: “We

are really proud to be the first organisation to commit to this important Charter. The LTA’s new vision is to open up tennis to as many people and communities as possible, and I want tennis to lead the way in promoting ethnic diversity in sport.” Catalyst For Change Arun Kang CEO Sporting Equals commenting on the programme explained: “The charter will be a real catalyst for change. It allows sport organisations to work at their own pace but gather baseline data to analyse areas for improvement and measure their successes, in the interventions they make. I’m pleased with the support we have had for the Charter and I’m certain governing bodies of sport will welcome this opportunity to sign the Charter and work towards race equality and more ethnic diversity across sport”.

where he raised the issue of targets in response to being asked about any positive initiatives that have worked. The employment law solicitor who hales from Kirklees and works in Leeds, challenged Sport England, UK Sport and the Governing Bodies over how they could commit themselves to gender only targets in 2016 in light of the available data on those from a BAME background. He told me: “It transpired nobody in the room had any awareness of the statistics I had shared. Sport England and UK Sport attempted to explain it away by saying ‘they had relied upon advice to exclude race targets for fear of being seen as tokenism.’

But all the bodies involved admit whilst there have been positive developments in numerous sports the work is not complete.

“My response to that was as to whether it had occurred to anybody setting gender only targets would similarly be viewed as tokenism. And yet they still proceeded with gender only targets at a time when women were actually hitting targets in over 1/3 of NGBs, and the remainder were on course to achieve targets. Race was not even on the starting blocks.

Former FA Race Equality Board Chair Yunus Lunat. was on the Panel Q & A

“The Sport England CEO admitted targets do work and result in effective

Work Still To Do

change, yet after a wasted three years on the race agenda, neither he nor any of the SGB’s could commit themselves to talk about, let alone set race targets. No Response Asian Sunday contacted Sport England

but were unable to get a response. Yunus added:“How can we have confidence in our leaders when they themselves have discriminatory attitudes. It all raises serious issues about leadership, or lack of, particularly in light of the continuing issues surrounding racism in football.”

How can we have confidence in our leaders when they themselves have discriminatory attitudes. It all raises serious issues about leadership, or lack of, particularly in light of the continuing issues surrounding racism in football. Yunus Lunat Solicitor & Former FA Race Equality Board Chair



la ours o Ertu rul o es to orksh re


Millions across the globe have been fascinated and hooked with the Turkish historical fiction drama irili rtu rul. Many of us have binge watched it and ha e become bewildered and charmed by the ttoman empire. o, when it was announced that a brand-new Turkish restaurant themed around this hit TV series offering authentic Turkish goodness was opening, we simply had to try it out and see if it matched up to its T namesake. ttoman Tea ar rill is llocated on eeds oad, in radford which was pre iously occupied by oya. ou can tell much work has gone into transforming the former ndian restaurant to a luxuriously decorated and themed Turkish eatery. On arrival you are greeted with the fragrance and an array of delicious desserts such as baklava and a selection of Turkish sweets displayed in a large and extensi e desserts counter. Also, in the reception area you will see a cabinet dedicated to rtugrul merchandise, which instantly attracts if you’re a fan of the show. This theme runs throughout the restaurant and what’s particularly attracti e is the use of the big image screen on the feature wall within the restaurant. Those who remember oya, will perhaps agree that this new screen really opens up the space and lends great support to the rest of the seating, which is nicely supported with the kebab grill booth, accompanied by a counter full of fresh ingredients ready for you to order and ha e grilled cooked to perfection for you. As was specifically in ited by the owners of the restaurant to try out the menu, in this re iew won’t be re iewing the ser ice, but distincti ely the food.

The menu, has been meticulously prepared by specialist Turkish chefs and promises to immerse diners in the ery best Turkish cuisine and ttoman experience . o, does it li e up to its expectations ell, for starters sampled the Turkish soup. y initial expectation was that the soup would be bland and ust a good appeti er to prep my palette before tucked into my mains, how wrong was . The soup comes with a basket of freshly baked bread, which is delicious. ts texture is thick and creamy, which has been seasoned beautifully and completely relished my bowl of nutritious goodness. t was filling and felt as though wouldn’t ha e space for more food. ttoman’s Head Chef, Tekin Akdulum, who has been in the food industry for more than a decade tells me that Turks often eat soup in the morning, or before main course, for its nutritional alues. t’s filling and gets you prepared for the day. ell it certainly did that. was fortunate to ha e Tekin to guide me through the rest of the menu, which consisted of an assortment of hot and cold me es for starters, including traditional fa ourites such as hummus, tabbouleh, falafel, baba ghanoush, t at iki, and fattoush among others. Then there are the classic Turkish dishes for mains, such as kubideh, donner kebab and adana kebab. Tekin makes it a point to tell me, that the doner is not what you get in the ‘Turkish’ takeaway shops. The doner at ttoman is their own recipe and is of better uality. didn’t get an opportunity to sample the doner during this isit, but maybe will come back and try it. decided to go for the adana kebab option, which arri ed within minutes of my ordering. The dish is well presented, accompanied with a delicious side salad, humus and more fresh hot Turkish bread. As a fan of oli es, was keen to find out about the oli es in my salad, as

they were better than most oli es had eaten locally. Tekin re ealed that they had been specifically sourced from a famous town in Turkey on the est Coast, which is ery popular for oli es and oli e oil. He informs me it is award winning and perhaps the first in the K.

Kebab lo ers will en oy this as it’s been hand s uashed onto a skewer and grilled to a nice tenderness. particularly en oyed it as the portion was right, but the salad, breads and the sauce that accompanies the dish add to the o erall en oyment of the dish.

The restaurant offers oli es, oli e oil and pomegranate uice for sale in nicely packaged containers and this can see gaining popularity as the uality is nothing ha e found elsewhere.

was happy with my choice and the price was reasonable too.

o coming back to my dish - the adana kebab. y kebab was beautifully cooked and seasoned to perfection. t’s not the usual o er spiced greasy kebab, which ha e experienced at some places, but a nice tender well marinated and perfectly grilled kebab.

finished my meal with a nice plate of bakla a and traditional Turkish Tea, which also met my re uirements. erall the ambience in the restaurant was ama ing, it was busy, bustling and seemed to ha e happy customers. ill be back es, as am keen to try the rest of the dishes on the menu, such

as the ahmacun, a thin crust Turkish pi a, which saw another table order and couldn’t stop admiring the shape and the presentation of the pi a. o far, my first experience of the ttoman Tea ar rill has been a good one, not simply for the d cor, ambience of the place, but more so because there are new things to try on the menu and the keen team of Turkish chefs, are eager to please and are passionate about showcasing the best of their heritage. The menu speaks for itself and gets a rating from me. The key now for this place is consistency and good ser ice. o gi e it a try.



Cricket Which Side Am I On?


FATIMA PATEL Fatima Patel, is Editor and founder of Asian Sunday Newspaper. Fatima Patel is Managing Director of publishing group, RF Publishing Ltd, who publish the country’s leading Asian news titles: Asian Sunday Newspaper, Asian Standard Newspaper and Asian Style Magazine. Asian Sunday Newspaper, is a pioneering media title which has made history as the UK’s first, free Sunday newspaper and also the first ever Asian Sunday newspaper. The newspaper launched in 2011 and went on to become one of the most read Asian newspaper’s in Bradford. Following on from the success, Fatima later launched a national weekly title Asian Standard and re-launched the glossy monthly lifestyle magazine – Asian Style Magazine Among other professional credits, the media entrepreneur is also patron of Cancer Support Yorkshire and is founder and Chief Executive of the Inspirational Women’s Foundation and on the Board of Directors for the UNESCO City of Film Bradford

Cricket fans are elated as World Cup Cricket fever is well and truly on and it’s a double whammy for us Brits as we are the host nation for the international game. For most South Asians cricket is religion, however, despite being of Indian origin I have been a cricket widow all my life, so why suddenly after four decades of my entire life have, I started taking an interest? During my early years, I never really played cricket or watched the match on the telly, despite my late uncle being a huge fan of the sport, where he played in clubs, won many trophies and even had famous Indian cricketer (he wasn’t as famous at the time) Sachin Tendulkar visit my grandparents, home in the early nineties. I was the complete opposite to my dear uncle, most of my early years were geeky, studious and I was the complete opposite of an athletic social being. So, let alone cricket, playing any kind of sport never fascinated me…. until recently. I never quite understood cricket and admit that only in the past year have I learnt what an over is. My fascination for sport, particularly cricket began last summer, when I challenged the Yorkshire Cricket Foundation that if women were given the opportunity and that if platforms and resources were offered women would play cricket. I was lucky the YCF along with the ECB agreed with me and helped me set up the IWCC – Inspirational Women’s Charity Cricket Tournament, where perhaps for the first time ever non-professional female cricketers will play a tournament raising funds at the same time for their charity. Being a cricket widow all my life, I saw this as a project to encourage

women into playing cricket, and I was my very first target. I thought if I can get a non-sporty, cricket widow like myself to play, then getting other women to join can’t be difficult and I was right, but what I didn’t know was, that I would enjoy playing the sport so much, that from being a project it’s now become a passion. Therefore, when I was invited by Yorkshire County Cricket to watch the ODI between England and Pakistan last month, I jumped at the chance to watch the game. It was my first ever experience of watching a cricket game and that too in the prestigious Emerald box at Headingly – Live! The experience didn’t disappoint, and I thoroughly had a great time. Most of the guests who were sat in the emerald stand with me watching the game were extremely friendly and all of us exchanged pleasantries. There was a good exchange of banter going on within our stand. I watched the match intently and learnt more about the game and even picking up tips, as the match progressed. Throughout this process I felt amazing, as sport was really uniting people, while most of us were strangers we were all enjoying one another’s company and watching two countries come together on one platform, that was until the game ended. As I was leaving the cricket stadium most of the guests who weren’t of South Asian, or brown were offering me commiserations as Pakistan had lost against England. I didn’t know how to feel or react at first. I was bewildered why such an assumption was made, that I was supporting team Pakistan, in fact my actual heritage is Indian. However,

regardless that made no difference Or was it simply ignorance? to me, I am born and bred in EnMy experience immediately remindgland and so my natural support ed me of the Danny Baker tweet, goes to my home. where he tweeted picture of a monkey when referring to royal baby. He Naturally, I corrected everyone thought it was a ‘gag’ gone wrong, offering the commiserations and but many were offended. told them I was Team England to which some joked, is that because So in my scenario, those who they won? assumed I was supporting Pakistan Again, I didn’t know how to react. didn’t even realise that they may have offended me. What I do know is that cricket is a sport that I have begun to play and enjoy, as a result watching the In the case of Danny Baker, Joe Street, associate professor in history live match was also a fun experiat Northumbria University, had said ence. But the lingering thought in the Danny Baker incident that Mr of being told that your team lost, Baker “cited an age-old racist linkwhen it wasn’t ‘my’ team has age between peoples with dark skin stayed with me…. and apes, which suggests that such people have not evolved”. The irony of it all was that Team England in fact have two players who are of Pakistani heritage, Adil “I don’t think he considered the racial element of the photograph, Rashid and Moeen Ali which demonstrates how easily white people can fall into expressing I am not sure that the thought racist sentiments even if they don’t could have even crossed that my mean to.” brown face could have been supporting the other two brown faces on the England side. But should a If we consider Professor Street’s analysis of Mr Baker, then how brown face only support another would you intepret my experience brown face? at cricket? To explore the answer to that will Should I be upset and should I have need another column told them I was offended? For now though, what would hapWas there racism in what was said to pen if I made the assumption that me, or am I just being sensitive. my white friends were supporting England, but they were actually The race card is used often in supporting Pakistan (I know it’s today’s world. While some use it unlikely - or is it?) to justify they are upset with what’s happened or being said to them Was the assumption that I was and may be overly sensitive, but supporting Pakistan because of then some are genuinely victims of my appearance an unconcious racism. Which one was I? prejudice or am I reading too much into it?



5G and what it means for the future.


SABA HAROON Saba has a wealth of knowledge in the technology sector. and has built up an enviable portfolio of work with various IT projects. She is a bright, creative and client focused professional who possesses, extensive experience of working within B2B, B2C and E-commerce sector. She has a wealth of knowledge in the organisation, negotiation and completion of projects across each sector. Liasing with clients from across the globe, she is adept at scoping the specifications of projects and relaying relevant information in order to achieve the best results. Her strengths include building and wokring in high energy teams, driving business, knowledge of design aesthetics, excellent interpersonal skills and a desire to succeed. Contact Saba at saba@asiansunday.

You may have heard of 5G and thought it sounds familiar, like 4G but faster right? Whilst correct, it’s a bit more ambitious and revolutionary in what it proposes. 5G is the 5th generation of mobile wireless communication and is designed to allow speeds much faster than we currently have and the ability to download much more data. In real terms, you can download a whole Netflix series in a matter of seconds which usually takes minutes. Some experts say that 5G will bring speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second to your device and that’s 600x faster than the typical 4G speeds today. This huge increases in speed, productivity and performance are paving the way for ultra-super-fast broadband, driverless cars, smart healthcare and much more. The main difference in how 5G can achieve such speeds are down to the radio frequencies used. Radio frequencies are divided up into bands and as you move up the bands the higher the frequency. Typically, 4G operates below 6GHz, but 5G uses extremely high frequencies in the range of 28 GHz to 300GHz. The reason why higher frequencies are better is that they are not overflowing with existing mobile data so they can support huge volumes of data. This means 5G can support thousands of more devices per meter, from one base station than what 4G can. Even though higher frequencies mean shorter wavelengths and more data, they are not able to travel through windows, walls, rooftops and get weaker over long distances. This means that 5G providers will need to strategically place mini masts on lamp posts and on side of buildings to boost the radio waves as far as possible. Initially, 5G will accompany 4G services than entirely replace them. The reason why 5G is being rolled out is to get rapid speeds, faster connec

tions and near-instant access to the cloud. As newer technologies from driverless cars, remote wireless drones and personal health monitoring gadgets get more connected and become part of the internet of things (IoT) we’re looking for the ease of use that having more

information at our fingertips gives us. Home 5G means mobile devices, cars, virtual reality headset, gaming consoles, security systems, refrigerators, smart meters, smart doors, and wearables are all connected to one router all the time with super-fast connectivity.

EE have announced their 5G launch 5G last month in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Edinburgh, and Belfast. Vodafone has also shared plans for the networks 5G rollout later this summer in July. Drop us a line and share your 5G experience



Conservative Leadership Contest Hots Up


Theresa May has resigned as Conservative Party leader triggering what will be a fascinating election process involving at least 11 candidates. Once her successor is announced in the week beginning 22nd of July, her reign as Prime Minister will come to an end, at the start of the summer recess. It could also pave the way for an early General Election if Labour can succeed in winning a likely ote of no confidence motion in the government. Vying for the Top Job

hat into the ring, including Andrea Leadsom who was head to head with Mrs May of course until dropping out of the 2017 leadership contest. Asian Sunday has learned Esther Mcvey, Rory Stewart and Sam Giymah are all struggling to win votes at this stage. We can also reveal, because of the high number of candidates, the 1922 committee has changed the rules, so any MP who wants to stand has to be backed by eight other colleagues. Thresholds have also been introduced regarding the number of votes required from MP’s to reach the next round of the leadership contest.

running to be the next Prime Minister. He added: “It is all a shambles, and is in danger of becoming a rather tragic farce unless some order is brought into it. There is nothing I can do about that; the 1922 Committee perhaps should have tightened up the rules before we started.” Early Casualties Both Kit Malthouse and James Cleverly earlier dropped out of the contest being realistic about their chances. So, who does that leave? A Brief Look at The Candidates Boris Johnson

Is it possible current Home Secretary a id a id could become the first British Prime Minister from a Muslim background? Perhaps many people will see former foreign Secretary Boris Johnson strike a blow for the younger vote? Or will Andrea Leadsom win more Tory hearts and minds with her measured calmness and call for a managed Brexit in place of Theresa May’s deal?

The Process

Labour Reaction

Road to Nowhere

Ian Lavery MP, Labour Party Chair, commenting on Andrea Leadsom’s recent resignation from the Cabinet, said: “The Prime Minister’s authority is shot, and her time is up.

Having lost their overall majority in the House of Commons, infighting emerged over the Brexit negotiations before members of the Eurosceptic European Research Group began pushing for a ote of no confidence in ay. This was defeated in December 2018, and of course early this year Parliament repeatedly voted against the PM’s proposed deal, leading to her announcement of her pending resignation.

Esther Mcvey

This particular leadership election will provide an opportunity for those with long term Prime Ministerial ambitions, and those looking to simply secure a place in any future cabinet.

Michael Gove

“While the Tories are ripping themselves apart, our country is in crisis. The government has made a catastrophic mess of the Brexit negotiations, our steel industry is under threat and universal credit is pushing people into poverty. For the sake of the country, Theresa May needs to go, and we need an immediate general election.” It seems more than likely Labour will table a motion of no confidence in the government at the earliest opportunity. Despite this there was no shortage of Conservative MP’s ready to throw their

MPs will vote in a series of rounds to whittle down the candidates. In each round, the person with the fewest votes is removed. Nominations close on the th of une with the first ballot scheduled for the next day. Members can cast their final ote between two remaining candidates - week beginning 22nd July.

Father of The House Ken Clarke told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme he thinks there are too many candidates

The former Foreign Secretary and MP for Oxbridge and South Ruislip announced his leadership push in a video posted on twitter. The often contro ersial, figure has said he would both cut taxes and increase spending on schools. Favourite with the bookies, popular with the membership, and also recently supported by a certain Donald Trump, would he make a favourable Prime Minister?

Former secretary of State and MP for Tatton, Esther Mcvey, hopes to continue the now Conservative trend for female leaders and Prime Ministers. McVey is a diehard Brexiteer and favourite with much of the Tory membership, decreeing she’d be quite willing to take us out of the E.U. In october without a deal if necessary.

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and MP for Surrey Heath, is well known to the membership, but sadly not popular with many of them. Regarded by some at Westminster as a trusted pair of hands when implementing policy – even

praised by the opposition, his treatment of Boris Johnson in the previous contest could come back to haunt him this time. Dominic Raab He had little luck as Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union claiming he was constantly undermined. Now, the MP for Esher and Walton is looking to be the fresh face of the Conservative Party. He already has the backing of 40 other Conservative MP’s, and could be the dark horse of the contest. Rory Stewart Recently appointed International Development Secretary, Rory Stewart has clearly confirmed he wants to be the next Prime Minister. Deeply Intelligent and visionary, he previously served in the army, tutoring both Prince William and Harry. A hard working MP for Penrith and the Border. Ken Clarke is a big fan. Mark Harper Mark Harper has sat on the Commons Administration Committee and briefly on the Work and Pensions Committee. MP for the Forest of Dean, former Chief Whip and and Minister for Disabled People under former Prime Minister David Cameron, he has consistently voted in support of British military intervention. It’d be a big surprise to see him win the leadership contest. Andrea Leadsom The MP for South Northamptonshire and former Leader of The House has great experience in a leadership contest. She’s very popular with members, calm and methodical in outlook. She’s called for Britain to abandon Theresa May’s Brexit deal and prepare for a “managed exit” from the EU at the end of October. Could go close to winning. Jeremy Hunt

No gaffes as Foreign Secretary - six years in the Health Secretary hotseat combined with more cabinet experience than his rivals must make him a leading contender. An easy, calm style in getting things done he said recently, as prime minister he would seek a new deal with the European Union. Mr Hunt is MP for South West Surrey. Sajid Javid This son of a Pakistani bus driver born in Rochdale and MP for Bromsgrove isn’t afraid to make tough decisions. He claims he can unite the Tory party utilising free market Toryism, and by enhancing diversity with a modernising approach. The fact he’s an EU remainer however, may go against him – but a live contender. Matt Hancock The MP for West Suffolk and Health Secretary entered the contest by pledging a £3 billion spending spree on state primary and secondary schools in England across the next fi e years. Could hold a strong hand, Whatever the outcome, it seems highly likely a general election could follow in the autumn if not spring of 2020, whoever is elected leader.



Should You Self-invest in Funds?


SHABAB GULFRAZ Shabab Gulfraz is our resident Finance expert. Shabab is an experienced financial ad iser and a usiness de elop ment consultant with a passion for working with businesses who are both ambitious, and responsi e to changing ar et trends hilst specifically focusing on the needs of both new and existing clients. Although he pro ides holistic financial plan ning ad ice to clients he also specialises in in est ent planning pension planning, and inheritance tax planning strategies. He has significant e perience ith all aspects of ethical, and Shariah compliant in est ents or thae pri ate and corporate client. In addition to this he has sound understanding of commercial and business legal issues after completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, and later completing a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). The MBA led to a greater interest in change management and financial anage ment within the workplace.

sha a


The world of finance and self-in estment is e er increasing in the digital age, and there are many people out there that will manage some if not all of their in estments. Howe er, how do you go about it, and a oid the pitfalls in the first instance guess without sounding like a know it all, my opinion is that you need to do plenty of research, and not ust be aware of funds, but also the platform within which you are in esting. ow platforms can also be a ery useful tool in terms of research and can aid you in your decision making. There are many different self-in esting platforms out there. guess it is up to you to find a platform that suits you. y iew is that different platforms ha e different features, ad antages and benefits that will work for different people. t’s a matter of us researching, google re iews, and finding a platform that has an architecture that works for you. n terms of the platforms they ha e aluable information on funds, and also funds that they recommend. any platforms pro ide you with recommended funds that they offer to clients howe er, my iew is to undertake independent research on these funds. This is because their maybe a sub ecti e reason why these funds are being offered to you. o, you like a fund what do you do next. would go to the fund manager’s website and fund out more about the fund you are looking to in est in. This is because the fund manager site would perhaps pro ide detailed information

about the fund, what its ob ecti es and mandates are as well as performance information. would also look at sites such as orningstar and Trustnet. This is because these sites pro ide aluable information to you as an in estor. ou can usually find independent comment, as well useful analysis tools that may be able to help you make a decision. f you prefer making independent decisions, as well as sa ing some money by not using a financial ad iser then although it’s not easy independent self-in esting might be for you. FCA figures detailed last year that circa billion of funds were self-managed with customers directly working with platforms. The issue see with self-management is knowing your risk profile, risk tolerance and capacity to take risk. These are important concepts and unless taken into consideration you might end up making wrong decisions and in esting in funds that are not appropriate for you. f you feel it is too much work, and you would rather not ha e the headache, then an independent financial ad iser might be an appropriate option for you. This is because they can take the hassle away from in esting and most report back to you annually ia an annual re iew. hate er choice you make my iew would be to research your options and make a decision that works for you.

JUNE 2019








Akshay Kumar’s Sooryavanshi Avoids Clash with Salman Khan’s Inshallah As anticipated, Salman Khan’s ‘Inshallah’ and Akshay Kumar’s ‘Sooryavanshi’ will not release on Eid 2020. Rohit Shetty has preponed the release of his film with Akshay to March 27, 2020.

Salman Khan and Akshay Kumar’s respecti e films nshallah and Sooryavanshi will not release on Eid 2020 as speculated earlier. Salman tweeted an image with director Rohit Shetty saying that the latter has preponed his cop drama’s debut date with Akshay to March 27, 2020, averting a clash with Sajay Leela Bhansali’s Inshallah, which also stars Alia Bhatt in the lead opposite Salman. Salman had announced earlier last week that Inshallah will release on Eid 2020.

he proves it... #RohitShetty Sooryavanshi releasing on 27th March, 2020 Inshallah will mark Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Salman’s reunion after 11 years. The epic romance drama is a co-production between Salman Khan Films and Bhansali Productions Private imited. Alia is also on board the film and expressed her happiness when the project was announced in March. She had written in a tweet, “Bhatt announced her association with the film earlier this year on arch . he tweeted, “Dream with your eyes wide open they say & I did. Sanjay Sir and Salman Khan are magical together & I can’t wait to join them on this beautiful journey called Inshallah.”

Meanwhile Katrina Kaif will be seen starring with Akshay in Sooryavanshi. The duo will be jetting off to hydrabad Expressing his gratitude towards soon for a month long schedule, which Rohit and team, Salman wrote in his tweet, “I always thought of him will involve a song and dance seas my younger brother and today quence and some high octane action scenes.

Rajkummar Rao to play Dharmendra’s character in Remake of Chupke Chupke Luv Ranjan and Bhushan Kumar have reportedly roped in Rajkummar Rao for the remake of Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s cult comedy, Chupke Chupke.

A remake of Hrishikesh Mukherjee’s cult classic Chupke Chupke is reportedly set to star Rajkummar Rao in the role originally played by harmendra. The original film also starred Amitabh Bachchan, Asrani, Sharmila Tagore, Jaya Bachchan and Om Prakash.

be fooled.

never materialised.

This is not the first time reports of a Last seen alongside Sonam Kapoor Chupke Chupke remake have sur- in Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, faced - in , filmmaker mesh Rajkummar Rao is currently working Shukla reportedly planned to re- on a few films including ade in make the film and had e en roped China, Rooh Afza and Turram Khan. in Paresh Rawal for Om Prakash’s He will soon be seen opposite Kanrole. However, the plans gana Ranaut in Mental Hai Kya.

A Mumbai Mirror report quoted a source as saying, “Chupke Chupke is an iconic film and a fa ourite of many, including Rajkummar. He loved the idea of a remake and has agreed to come on board. It will have Raj in the dual avatars. The script is still being finalised, while the director and the rest of the cast are yet to be locked but the team is really excited about this one,” informs a source close to the development.

Rajkumar Rao to star in Chupke Chupke remake

T Series’ Bhushan Kumar and Luv Ranjan of Pyaar Ka Punchnama fame have collaborated for the remake, the tabloid further reported. The original film told the story of Professor Parimal (Dharmendra), who wants to fool his wife’s brother-in-law because she is too impressed with him and claims he knows everything. Parimal wants to break the aura around the brotherin-law and prove that even he can

Dharmendra in original 1970’s film Chupke Chupke

SHOWBIZ Ranbir Kapoor is a Fiery Superhero in Ayan Mukerji’s ‘Brahmastra’ ew reports suggest that rahmastra’ actor anbir Kapoor will be seen essaying the role of a DJ with superpowers who can shoot fire from his hands. Touted as modern-day fairy tale , not much has been revealed about Ayan uker i’s upcoming film Brahmastra. However, new reports suggest that lead actor anbir Kapoor will be seen essaying the role of a DJ with superpowers, who can shoot fire from his hands. “Ranbir plays a DJ who walks out of his house against his father’s wishes. The story then traces his journey as he tries to fulfil his dreams and discovers his superpowers in the process, id ay uoted a source as saying. arlier, anbir had confirmed that the film is a romantic-fairytale in a supernatural format , and that the film is not something which “doesn’t have truth to it, or which is unbelie able . The actor underwent training to master different forms of martial arts like Kalaripayattu and arma Kalai. The film has some high octane action se uences. anbir trained in traditional Indian martial arts, including Kalaripayattu and arma Kalai, before the film went on floors in , the source added. Not many details have been re ealed about the film, howe er, the official logo confirmed that its trilogy and rahmastra is the first part of the fantasy films. rahmastra, the first part of the three part film is slated to release on Christmas 2019.


Alia can’t wait to start working on Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s next Alia is probably one of the most popular female actresses going at the moment, as she seems to be bagging all the big movies. It’s every actresses dream to be in a an ay eela hansali film and Alia is no exception. She has bagged a Sanjay Leela hansali film opposite alman Khan and says she very excited for the same. Sharing her excitement of working with filmmaker an ay eela hansali for the first time, she reportedly said that she is very excited. She also reminisced her childhood incident when she had walked into his office and told him that she will work with him. However, she admits that she never thought it would be a combination of and alman Khan. he also reportedly added although she cannot reveal much about the character, she just cannot wait to start with the project. The film also marks the reunion of Salman and Bhansali after 19 years since Hum ‘Dil De Chuke Sanam’. alman also shared the announcement of working together on his social media handle. He expressed how it’s been twenty years since the Director duo worked together and is looking forward to working with Alia in the film. The film is expected to release in Eid 2020

Security is tightened on sets of Chapaak as footage is leaked on social media Fans are super excited to see their fav Deepika return to the big screen after her blockbuster performance in Padmaavat especially when the film is a eghna ul ar movie, depicted the life of an acid attack survivor.

Chhapaak will hit the screens on January 10, 2020. As filming has only ust begun, social media is a bu with leaks of eepika in arious outfits, which also include a kissing scene between her and Vikrant Massey.

Chhapaak will see eepika adukone and Vikrant Massey sharing screen space opposite each other for the first time. n Chhapaak, Deepika Padukone is essaying the role of Laxmi Agarwal, an acid attack survivor.

“Meghna is very particular about her films she doesn’t like to gi e out much until it releases. With Chhapaak especially, considering it’s a sensiti e sub ect and a different look for Deepika, she is keen on keeping things under wraps. he has re uested to increase the security for her next schedule so that no more stuff gets leaked, a source told a publication.

Vikrant Massey, on the other hand, is playing her love interest. The film will show A eath n The un actor as a social activist and Laxmi’s partner Alok Dixit.



From Real to Reel: Deepika to play Ranveer’s Wife in ‘83’ Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone will now play the reel life wife of an eer ingh in the film ’ which is based on the life of Kapil Dev.

Commenting on that, the -year-old actress said, hen you are in the business of mo ies, you are playing a character. f course, all of this is yet to play out, but at the end of the day, you are essaying a role, and at that Talking about in an inter iew point, you are not thinking whether with times, the -year-old acyour co-actor is your husband, brother tress said, am so glad that Kabir or someone you know closely. All you Khan came to me with it. try to do is, be honest in that moment. This happened a couple of months ago when he was still casting the The personal e uation doesn’t spill boys for the film. t’s ust that was o er into the workspace. can’t think busy with Chhappak and we were of anyone else who could do ustice to waiting for the right moment to the role of Kapil e , but if there was make the announcement. someone else playing him in the film, and not an eer, would still do my t’s for the first time that eepika part. This isn’t coming from a personal will be working with husband Ran- e uation, but from my passion and veer post their wedding. enthusiasm for the film, she added.

L-R Director Kabir Khan, Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh

Arjun Kapoor Beef’s Up For Panipat paring no efforts for his upcoming role in anipat,’ Ar un Kapoor’s new transformation is all to yearn for. As he gears up for the film, Ar un treated fans with his progress as he switches the warrior mode on.’ He shared the pictures on Twitter on Wednesday. ne of the images in monochrome features the sha aade’ actor flaunting his chiseled body, highlighting his biceps at the same time. His diligence is reflected in his hard-earned mesomorph body type. The actor has been giving sneak peeks into his workout sessions lately. anipat’ is based on the third attle of Panipat fought between the aratha mpire led by adashi Rao Bhau and the invading forces of Ahmad hah Abdali, the King of Afghanistan. The battle took place on January , , at anipat, and is considered to be one of the most e entful battles fought in the th century. The Ashutosh owariker directorial also stars Kriti anon and an ay utt. t is slated to release on ecember , . Ar un was last seen in a Kumar upta’s ndia’s ost anted,’ which was released on ay .



Hat’s off for Hrithik’s Super 30 Ever since the trailer of Hrithik Roshan’s upcoming Super 30 has released, it’s been charting milestones.

The much awaited Hrithik Roshan starrer uper film’s trailer has been widely appreciated and is being praised all across for Hrithik’s promising portrayal and the hard-hitting story line. Hailed as the ‘best trailer of the season’, the records are proof that fans and film buffs are going gaga o er uper ’s recent outing and it definitely charting landmark success notes. The trailer of the film not only started trending on YouTube at #1 within six hours of its release but also garnered a record 20 million+ views within 24 hours of the launch. More so, the trailer which gives the best hints of the hard-hitting storyline was loved so much that it received the fastest 100k likes within one hour of its release and a total of 1 million likes just within a span of one and a half days of its posting on the internet. Directed by Vikas Bahl Super 30 trailer featuring Hrithik as the teacher to his students in Bihar has been trending on #1 on IMDb since the time of launch. The trend #Super30Trailer also trended at number one on Twitter for more than six hours and sustained the trend at spot 3, post that. These trend figures only go on to pro e that the trailer, which continues to trend at #5 e en today definitely was not ust the most awaited trailer but also, the best of all times where it was ruling across social media, charting new records. Not just the audience, critics and the whole of industry is pouring in their love for the trailer, but it is also the alumni of Anand Kumar’s coaching centre in Bihar who have taken to their social media to express their appreciation for Hrithik, stunned at the portrayal of their real-life teacher by Hrithik. The appreciation from the students is a testimony that Hrithik has captured the soul of Anand’s character like no other.

Riteish Deshmukh joins cast of ‘Baaghi 3’ Shraddha Kapoor is all set to reunite with her ‘Ek Villain’ co-star Riteish Deshmukh, who is the latest entrant to the cast of ‘Baaghi 3’ This will be the sixth film of the ‘Banjo’ actor with Sajid Nadiadwala, who is producing the third instalment of the Tiger Shroff-starrer. The duo earlier collaborated on three instalments of ‘Housefull’, as well as ‘Heyy Babby’. “Woohoooo! So excited to be a rebel with @Riteishd you again after Ek Villain! Let’s do this! Baaghi3,” Shraddha tweeted on Wednesday. For the tree’ actor, this film will mark the third project with Sajid after ‘Baaghi’ and ‘Chhichhore’ (shooting for which recently

wrapped up).

Further details of the character to be portrayed by Riteish has been kept under the wraps. The film is scheduled to hit the screens on March 6, 2020. hile the first instalment of “Baaghi” featured Shraddha as the female lead, the 2018 sequel had Disha Patani opposite Tiger Shroff. Tiger was last seen in the film ‘Student of The Year 2’ with debutants Tara Sutaria and Ananya Pandey. Shraddha, on the other hand, is busy shooting for her upcoming film aaho’ opposite South Indian superstar Prabhas.

BEAUTY Introducing New Halal Approved Dracell Beauty Range......Is it better than BOTOX? 06



Ladies (and gents) who want to look good, and reverse the sign of ageing will go to lengths to ensure they maintain a good work life balance, eat healthy meals, drink plenty water, get a decent amount of sleep and perhaps add to that a regular visit to the gym or local swimming pool. Some of us though, are not as disciplined and the constant stream of late nights, binge drinking (for those who drink) or falling asleep with a full face of makeup on, are all starting to take their toll and so we rely on those advertised ‘miracle’ products and treatments to help us look and feel good. Perhaps this is why Botox has become such an in demand treatment. Well, new UK brand Dracell cosmetics say you will forget everything once you’ve tried their brand new revolutionary skin care range. DraCell Cosmetics was founded by A iotech, a not for profit organisation, whose world-renowned professor Dr Hwang in stem cell research and his team, have developed a unique patented formula that repairs, rejuvenates and regenerates natural skin cells beauty from within. Their scientific research produces results that continue to attract the world’s attention and interest, also supporting the United nations with prevention of extinction and endangered species and research into genetic disease cures such as Alzheimers, Cancer and Diabetes. Impressed? Wait there’s more.. As part of their research SOAAM Biotech have Biotech have developed a ground-breaking patented anti-age-ing efined Culture Cell edia’ o er a 20-year period. The Formula is made of two composites containing 43 different protiens and amino acids and uses NT-1 technology to target skin cells and reverse signs of ageing. The Patent is internationally recognised, with recognition from certifiers such as C , F A as well as obtaining Halal appro-val. The formulated technology is clinically proven to feed, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate skin cells and is considered vital food to keep the stem cell alive and more importantly without deterioration,

If you’re in your 40s to 50s you might want to try their JuneCell range which promises women who are experiencing rapid aging process more beautiful and healthier skin from the inside out with regenerative vitality and firmness.

Beaute De Cell is for the skin of women aged between 20s to late 30s who start seeing aging symptoms. If this is you, Dracell advise you start using Beaute De Cell immediately.

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For the ery first time the phenomenal ollywood playback singer Neha Kakkar will be performing live at two UK concerts.

The Rock Star singer will be performing on 19 July at Eventcity in Manchester and on 21 July 2019 at London’s Eventim Apollo. From being a contestant on Indian Idol to being a judge on the same show, she is the most followed Indian artist on Instagram and No. 1 singer on YouTube globally, having the biggest hits in her kitty. She has made everyone dance to her tunes, with massive hits like: Mile Ho Tum Humko, Kala Chashma, Ladki Beautiful Kar Gayi Chull, Dilbar Dilbar, Aankh Marey and many more! Neha will also be supported by Indian Idol eason finalists, ibhor arashar, Kunal Pandit and Nitin Kumar. It’s a show you don’t want to miss. For more information visit: (For London)

(For Manchester)

BRADFORD LITERATURE FESTIVAL 2019 Hailed as one of the biggest literature festivals in the UK, the Bradford Literature Festival is back this year, with another interesting and exciting programme.


Gurdas Maan is a Punjabi singer-songwriter, musician, choreographer and actor from Sri Muktsar Sahib. He is one of the most respected and celebrated Punjabi artists, both in music and film. Starting his music career in 1980, he rose to fame with the single, Dil Da Mamla Hai, and has released over 30 albums across his career. He has starred in many films including ‘Waris Shah: Ishq Daa Waaris’. Gurdas Maan will return to the UK in summer 2019 with a four city tour which starts on 13 July at SSE Wembley Arena, which will then go on to Leicester on 14 July and then Bradford on 17 July, ending in Birmingham on 20 July. Gurdas Maan concerts have always been hugely popular and have been massive sell outs. For more information on venue and tickets visit: gurdas-maan-tickets?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlLSmlZjn4gIVwrDtCh1_ EQlKEAAYAiAAEgIJUfD_BwE

Literature and arts fan can revel in enjoying over 500 events packed into iconic venues across 10 days, the festival aims to celebrate the written and spoken word in all its wonderful forms. Bradford will truly come alive with world-renowned authors, poets, musicians and artists who will descend on the curry capital to share their expertise and passions with literature. Get the dates in your diary, as the festival will run from 28th June- 7th July 2019! Some of the exciting features to look forward to this year are, Journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and indian politician Shashi Tharoor’s A Question of ‘Free Speech’? Then there’s the exciting biography and memoir film of Luke Goss, who was part of the popular 80’s boy band Bros. Fans will get a chance to take a look back stage at the brothers’ tense and fractured relationship, along with their ambitious London reunion and comeback trail, followed by a Q&A with Luke Goss himself. There’s plenty of mushairi’s qawaali’s and urdu poetry too, and a special Madam Noorjehan tribute too. Children can also get excited as there will be plenty of activities for them, including the super heroes events and lots more. While many of the events are free, there are concessions for those on low incomes or recei ing benefits. For more information visit the website: https://www. and get booking your tickets




lamb shanks, total weight about 2 kg (4 lb 8 oz) •salt, to taste 1 0 ml o oli e or sun o er oil 1 m in h pie e root ginger peeled and oarsel hopped 1 hole nutmeg rushed into smaller pie es 1 t sp ma e lades t sp ennel seeds assia lea es or a lea es shredded m 1 in h assia ark or innamon sti k roken into small pie es 1 tsp ground ginger 1 tsp la k pepper orns 1 tsp nigella seeds 1 tsp lo es tsp umin seeds •45 g (scant 1¾ oz) unsalted utter 1 medium onion sli ed into rings 1 t sp paprika 1 tsp hot hilli po der t sp holemeal our or hapati our arnish t sp fine julienne o peeled root ginger hot green hillies finel sli ed 1 hand ul o oriander lea es lemon edges


First there is a little preparation to do. Place the lamb shanks on a plate and rub with ½ tsp of salt and a little of the oil. Set aside No put the ginger in a lender ith tsp o ater and process to a fine paste Set aside separately lace the nut eg ace ennel seeds cassia lea es cassia ar ground ginger peppercorns nigella clo es and cu in seeds in a clean co ee grinder or spice grinder and grind to a fine po der Set this aside too reheat the o en to 160 C 2 F gas


ut a large a eproo casserole dish ith a tight fitting lid a out 0 c in dia eter o er a ediu heat and add the utter hen it has elted sprin le in the onion and ry or a out inutes until ro n Re o e ith a slotted spoon No pour the re aining oil into the pan hen it s hot put in the shan s t o at a ti e and turning ith a pair o tongs ro n each side or 2 inutes Re o e Repeat ith the other shan s or ing uic ly reduce the heat to lo and add the ginger paste Stir continuously or or inutes until light ro n hen add the papri a and chilli po der and stir or 1 inute ollo ed y the ground spice i ture and 1 tsp o salt i ell thorough ly to in use the oil Add the ro ned onions stir then pour in 1 2 litres o ar ater i ell then arrange the shan s in the pan Co er and place the casserole in the centre o the o en ea e to coo or hours asting and turning the shan s e ery 0 minutes. Re o e the pan ro the o en and unco er Care ully li t out the shan s into a large ar ed ser ing o l Spoon o as uch e cess oil ro the coo ing li uid as possi le Chec the sauce or seasoning and ad ust as necessary Set the casserole o er a lo heat. i the our slo ly ith t sp o ater to achie e a thin paste Stir the paste into the sauce coo ing or 6 inutes to thic en then pour it o er the eat in the ser ing o l Ser e all our garnishes in little o ls on the ta le or diners to add to the nihari as they li e




Easements Are More Than Just A Right Of Way


LUKE PATEL Luke Patel is a Partner at eeds la fir Blacks Solicitors LLP specialising in co ercial dispute resolution and heads up that tea Luke was the winner o the est ro es sional in Business award at the Asian English Business Awards 2013. Described in the Legal 500 as “exceptional” he pri arily acts or individuals, owner anaged usinesses and SME’s in a wide range of sectors At lac s they can prepare partnership agree ents or all types o usinesses or in the event of a dispute they can assist you ith the resolution o that dis pute. Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or at atel a lac s co

An easement is a specific legal right held o er someone else’s land. ost commonly easements are encountered in the form of rights of way, rights to use utilities leading o er neighbouring land, rights to light, or perhaps rights to use a communal space such as a garden. n the case of egency iamond the upreme Court was asked to rule whether an easement could also constitute the right to use the facilities of a neighbouring leisure centre. n a large country estate was split, with part the egency illas being sold off from the main retained part of the land the ark . The ark was de eloped as a leisure complex and in the s the egency illas land was de eloped into timeshare apartments and transferred to an associated company to run. That transfer included a grant of rights to the occupants of the egency illas to use the recreational facilities of the ark. er the time the ark declined due to lack of maintenance. For a time a oluntary contribution was made by the egency illas’ occupants towards its upkeep but when a dispute arose o er this the ark attempted to pre ent the egency illas occupants’ free use of the facilities leading to this case.

including ser ices normally re uiring the acti e participation of the ark i.e. pro iding and running the leisure facilities which caused the Court concern. Howe er, there existed past cases confirming that the recreational or sporting rights o er land can be the sub ect of an easement where the usual conditions are satisfied. These are there must be a dominant and ser ient tenement two tracts of land, one of which is obligated to pro ide some con enience to the other the easement must accommodate the dominant tenement the two tracts must be owned by different entities and the right claimed must be capable of being the sub ect matter of the grant. espite reser ations, the upreme Court found that the egency illas occupants’ right was an enforceable easement. The wording of the original grant in is also worth considering, as an example of what probably appeared at the time to be entirely innocent, yet which o er time has had serious and negati e conse uences to the granting land, a problem that might ha e been a oided if the original grant had been set out in more detail and with more foresight at the outset.

The decision the udges were asked to f you are in ol ed in any type of property rule on was whether the rights granted dispute, the roperty itigation Team at to egency illas could constitute an lacks olicitors can assist. lease contact easement that could be enforced in the uke atel on or by email at courts. The right in this case was broader atel aw in its ambit than easements usually are,

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Asian Sunday is expanding and therefore is looking for a reporters/journalists We are launching 4 more regional titles by 2022 and are We are an equal opportunities employer and therefore accept applicatherefore looking for journalists, reporters and contributors tions from individuals of all backgrounds. to join our team. Flexible working hours. Pay scale according to NUJ guidelines and based We want enthusiastic reporters who will get out and about on experience. bringing in exclusive stories and getting into the heart of To apply send your our communities. CV with a sample article on any subject Journalists will have all your preliminary qualifications, in no more than 600 including 100 wpm shorthand and preferably with NCTJ words to editor@ qualifications. Reporters must possess excellent command of the English or post to Asian Sunday Newspaper language and be felixable. 5 Green Street, Little The ideal candidates will have knowledge of Asian Commu- Germany, Bradford BD1 5HG nities living in the UK along with business and lifestyle.





Crossword Wordsearch

Spot the 5 differences Answers


The Object of the puzzle is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition : each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exaclyty once


1. Letter ‘s’ missing on Vani’s shirt. 2.Hairband missing from Vaani’s right hand. 3.barrier in the background. 4 Colour of Ranveer’s hat. 5 Left side of the bench is longer.




Liverpool Champions of Europe & Salah champion of the people



After enduring the heartache of last year, where they were comprehensively beaten in the final by Real Madrid, Liverpool exerted revenge of sorts on English Premier League rivals Tottenham Hotspur by beating Spurs 2-0 in the final of Uefa Champions League Going into the game, manager Jurgen Klopp seemed to be centre of attention due to his records in finals, which disappointingly read for his stands as a beaten finalist in the last six finals in Europe and domestically. Former Dortmund manager Klopp, after joining The Reds in 2015 was looking to cap off a fine season this year, with some much-needed silverware for Liverpool’s ever expecting fans and for Jurgen himself who hadn’t won a trophy until their Champions League triumph. IMAGE: AFP

Tottenham to their credit did try to

play their part in the final after a slow start which saw them fall a goal behind in the 2nd minute to a Salah penalty. After a rollercoaster passage to the final, their first, the North Londoners seemed never likely to change the outcome of this final, as arguably fatigue set in and just their season caught up with me . Divock Origi confirmed the win and was able to secure a place in Liverpool folklore with two goals in the semi-final second leg at Anfield in the remarkable comeback win over five-time Champions League winners Barcelona. As for Tottenham, they are in the same position as Liverpool, unfortunately for them, there’s no reward for finishing second. As admirable of achievement as that was and still is (to win the Champions League), off the pitch there’s another reason for the city of Liverpool to cheer about. Egyptian striker

Mohammed Salah, a signing from Italian giants AS Roma, according to a study from Stanford University has, since he signed for the Anfield club seen hate crime against Muslims in Liverpool decrease by 19% and anti-Muslim hate crimes decrease by whopping 50%. Former Chelsea striker Salah even had football chants dedicated to him and even his “celebration gesture” of prostration, something a Muslim would do when he/she prays. When Liverpool signed last season’s golden boot winner Salah, little did they know they brought a peacemaker to the city too. A testament to the man himself. A fast becoming legend on the pitch and a just as quickly, Mo Salah is becoming a legend of it. The football community will no doubt look on and be very proud too.



Cricket World Cup 2019; The Game So Far By AYYAZ MALIK

Cricket’s biggest showpiece, the World Cup is well underway and the tournament hasn’t disappointed so far. This year’s tournament sees 10 teams face off, with only the top four able to progress to the semi finals. When this format was announced, and that there would be no knockout phase, rather a straight passage to semi’s, many were sceptical of the format. On top of that, organisers for this tournament have chosen to reduce the number of teams participating in the tournament to 10. Despite the criticism of the amount of teams in the World Cup and format, the quality of matches have been superb. There’s been low scoring thrillers (such as Sri Lanka beating Afghanistan), high scoring thrillers (such as Pakistan overcoming England) and closely fought games (such as Australia edging out West Indies). One can’t forget to mention that there’s the “small matter” of Pakistan taking on arch-rivals India, and regardless of the result, there would be the hope that cricket overall wins the day. Before the tournament had started we felt that hosts England were the favourites for the tournament. That feeling, amongst the sports desk team, hasn’t changed, but England’s defeat against 1992 world champions Pakistan, all be it narrowly, shows that it’s far from a foregone conclusion. Defending champions Australia, who before this tournament, were in bad form before stunning series wins over Pakistan and India coming into the tour-

nament, should never be written off. The same can be said about former two-time world champions West Indies who have caught the attention of cricketing observers with their very fiery pace bowling attack. With the world cup, three games in (at time of print)

predictions and opinions of the world cup have changed.

ready proving a world cup to remember.

tion in the first round.

Not so much the outcome at the moment, but certain results. Whatever sport it is, what’s best loved by fans, is the competitiveness and the unpredictable nature. This cricket world cup is al-

One example of unpredictability is that of Bangladesh, once seen as a ‘weaker’ team have shown they are no pushovers any more with an impressive win over South Africa, who already at this stage seem certain to be exiting the competi-

Stay tuned with Asian Sunday, where our sports desk team will keep you up to date all things world cup. The world cup itself having started on 30 May will end on 14 July

will not be at the event, less than a month after she scored a hat-trick in the Champions League final.

their opening match of the 2017 European Championships, which saw the Lionesses win 6-0 and go on to reach the last four.

Everything you need to know about the Eighth Women’s World Cup in France The women’s World cup football tournament has begun and has sold almost 1 million tickets for the month-long international event.

tournament as the slight favourites, ahead of two-time champions Germany and England, who are ranked third in the world.

Nikita Parris, can shine, while young Chelsea midfielder Erin Cuthbert has been tipped to enjoy a breakthrough tournament for Scotland.

Six groups of four teams will compete for the 16 places in the knockout phase, on the road to the final on Sunday, 7 July in Lyon.

European champions the Netherlands, 2011 winners Japan and 2016’s Olympic silver-medal winners Sweden are among the other strong contenders, as well as Canada and Australia, who are ranked fifth and sixth in the world respectively.

Brazil’s six-time World Player of the Year Marta will be looking to add to her all-time record of 15 goals at Women’s World Cups, while towering centre-back Wendie Renard is one of three France players who have won the Women’s Champions League six times since 2011.

VAR, the video assistant referee system, will be used in the tournament for the first time, while the £24m awarded to participating teams in 2019 is double the amount of 2015, albeit a long way short of the £315m prize pot at the 2018’s men’s World Cup. So, here’s what else you need to know. Who are the favourites? The United States and France start the

Who are the star players to watch? USA forward Alex Morgan and Australia’s Sam Kerr - the record goalscorer in America’s professional league - are among the stars expected to shine on the global stage. England will hope that their captain Steph Houghton, right-back Lucy Bronze and the Football Writers’ Association’s Player of the Year, winger

Spain’s Jennifer Hermoso arrives at the tournament after helping Atletico Madrid pip Barcelona to win their domestic league title, while the Netherlands and Arsenal striker Vivianne Miedema won the Golden Boot in England’s top division last season. However, the inaugural Women’s Ballon d’Or winner, Norway’s Ada Hegerberg,

The Lyon striker, who was voted by fans as the BBC’s Women’s Footballer of the Year for 2019, is taking a stand against what she feels to be a lack of respect for female players in her country. What are home nations’ chances? England finished third at the 2015 tournament in Canada and are aiming to win their first major tournament, under the management of their head coach, the former England, Manchester United and Everton full-back Phil Neville. Shelley Kerr’s Scotland, ranked 20th in the world, have qualified for the finals for the first time. The two neighbours similarly met in

But since then Scotland’s players have begun training on a full-time, professional basis and they have welcomed back a number of stars who missed Euro 2017 through injury, including playmaker Kim Little and her Arsenal team-mate, centre-back Jen Beattie. The other teams in Group D are Argentina and 2015’s runners-up, Japan, with two teams from each group guaranteed to qualify for the last 16, as well as the best four of the six third-placed sides. Excitement for the tournament is sky high, as tickets for the opening match, along with the semi-finals and final, were sold out within 48 hours of going on general sale. May the best team win









The equation is simple, win and you will arguably go down as one of the all-time greats, but lose then arguably it’s your career and reputation that will go all before it. This is the predicament of British boxer Amir Khan. The 32-year old Khan who had been out of the ring for two years, returned to action winning two fights but rather tamely was beaten by Terrence Crawford at Madison Square Gardens, where later the American claimed that the British fighter quite simply “gave up”, a claim which Khan strongly denies. Whatever happened that night in Madison Square Gardens, Amir Khan has a chance to put that right when he faces Indian Neeraj Goyat in Jeddah on 12th July. Goyat’s record after 16 fights shows 11 wins, three draws and two defeats. With all respect to Goyat, with a record like that, one would naturally thing why is Khan taking such a fight, but with reports suggesting 32-year old Khan, will earn a reported £7 million from the fight. Bearing that in mind, there wouldn’t be many people if any who would turn that kind of money down. For this fight, Khan will work with new trainers Alex Ariza and former WBA world super-bantamweight champion Clarence ‘Bones’ Adams for the bout, a move which brings to an end his working relationship with Virgil Hunter. Outside the ring there have been many critics of the venue of the fight with human rights protesters, in particular, have raised concerns about women rights. Arguably with Prince Mohammed Bin Salman proactively shaping Saudi Arabia, into a more modern country. It’s not the first time that there have been boxing in Saudi Arabia Jeddah hosted September’s final of the World Boxing Super Series super-middleweight tournament, as Britain’s Callum Smith beat George Groves.

IMAGE: Steven Paston/PA

As for Amir Khan and his fight, he looked to allay those fears; “When I was there last it had all changed,” said Khan. “I started seeing women not wearing headscarves. Women were out driving,” added the former world champion. “They had a huge concert where everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves. I’d never seen that side of Saudi Arabia before. Maybe now they are changing to make it that new place where people can enjoy themselves and it’s fair for women. I think they’re trying to change now”. For Goyat, win and his reputation will grow, lose arguably no damage done as no one expected him to win in the first place. As for Amir Khan, winning is the only option, despite the reported hefty payday on offer.




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