Asian Sunday Bradford July 2019

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By GRAHAME ANDERSON New life is set to regenerate the centre of Batley as work nears completion on a modern 29,000 square foot retail and food development on Alfred’s Way. From July, the former Batley Shopping Centre will become ‘The Batley Plaza’, offering 24 modern units and a positive future to what for the past five years has been a run down and unoccupied space. In fact, the 40-year-old site has been completely redesigned in the hope of attracting both locals and tourists back to both Alfred’s Way and Commercial Street. A 21st Century Look


The entrance has been totally reconstructed. Shoppers will also be able to enjoy a unique ‘Street Food’, area offering a vast range of tasty delicacies. There will be a revamped

entrance and signage on Commercial Street, and a striking new stairway and lift has been created on Alfred’s Way to provide easy access to the retail units from the area around the Tesco and Iceland stores. The new Plaza will also house an impressive café and three different sizes of unit – aimed at those just starting out in business, those looking for their first premises and established businesses ready for expansion. There’s a full package of support available – all businesses need do is pay the rent. In fact, there’s a real confidence all of the units will be taken up by businesses based up and down the country. Caring Investor The project has become a labour of love for top businessman Zahid Iqbal and his company Z & F Properties Ltd, responsible for the purpose-built ‘Bradford Plaza’ shopping complex in Thornbury six years ago. He’s passionate about recreating this recent success in Batley as he





Bradford Polling Arrangements Review By RAHEEMA KHAN Residents are being asked for their views on polling stations as part of a statutory review by Bradford Council. The suitability of buildings, including disabled access, and possible alternative sites are being looked at as part of the district-wide assessment. Under electoral law, local authorities are required to carry out a polling review every four years. Bradford Council also carries out its own internal review of polling stations every year and the information from that will help to form part of this statutory review. Susan Saunders, Bradford Council’s Electoral Services Manager, said: “This is a very worthwhile exercise as local residents know their neighbourhoods best. “Over time new developments are built and areas change so we need to check the suitability of the existing arrangements.” “For example, there may be a community facility built recently that would be a better choice than an existing polling station.” Any representations should be made in writing no later than Monday, 5th August 2019, to Electoral Services, City Hall, Bradford BD1 1HY or by e-mail to electoralservices@bradford. Further information is available at https://www.bradford.


Any responses will be made available at the Electoral Services office for

anyone who wishes to view them. The results of the review will be

published at the end of November.

Funding Boost For Local Projects Local schools, parks, community and environmental projects are set to receive a £335,000 funding boost thanks to the Bradford Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy, a fund set up to relieve property development pressures across the district. A significant proportion of the fund will be assigned to the district’s parks and green spaces (£67,000) and primary and secondary schools (£90,000) with environmental infrastructure projects including green infrastructure, habitats and air quality programmes receiving £67,000. An additional £53,000 will be passed to areas where development has taken place, directly benefiting the surrounding communities. The remaining balance will be set aside for investing in future strategic infrastructure priorities. The Bradford Community Infrastructure Levy is collected from new property developments and was adopted in July 2017. The levy is paid upon the developments’ completion. The approved funds represent a single year of receipts. Bradford Council’s Executive is expected to approve the allocation of the Bradford Community Infrastructure Levy monies when it meets on 9 July.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “We are pleased to be allocating the

funding from the Bradford Community Infrastructure Levy. “These grants go some way to addressing the impacts of new housing

development but fall well short of the funding needed to meet the infrastructure needs of the district.

“We will be lobbying government for funding to close these gaps.


Local Authority Finance Report For 2018-2019 Shows An Underspend of £1.7m

Bradford Council has published its end of year financial position for the period 2018-19. The report shows an end of year underspend of £1.7m. The report is published against a backdrop of ten years of austerity which has required the Council to make £278.2m of savings. The financial position for the first quarter of 2019-20 has also been published. The report shows a projected overspend of £1.9m, however this compares to £6m at the same stage last year due to corrective action taken when setting the 2019/20 budget. While these latest reports demonstrate that the Council is proactively managing its finances, the Council still faces a huge challenge, particularly with regards to continuing pressures on Children’s Services and Adult Social Care. Currently these two services account for 57% of the Council’s total budget, with 26% (£95m) of the total budget spend going to Children’s Services and 31% (£111m) to Adult Social Care. Children’s Services are forecast to overspend the £94.7m net expenditure

budget by £7.9m. This is due to an £8.0m forecast overspend on Children’s Social Care linked mainly to increasing numbers of Looked After Children and Children requiring support.

Growing demands and increasing costs in these services are a national issue and this is a situation which is unlikely to change in the near future. More of the Council’s budget will continue to be allocated to these services. The Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy indicates for future planning purposes, that savings need to be identified of £23.9m in 2020-21 in addition to the £17.4m savings agreed in February 2019, giving a total of c£40m to be delivered in 2020/21. Aside from the on-going cuts to local authority budgets, the ability to plan effectively for the future is being hampered by continuing uncertainty at national government level. An expected review of local government finances due to have taken place this year has still not happened, Councils are still waiting for the long awaited green paper on Adult Social Care and

the unclear situation surrounding Brexit and its possible impact on the national economy is causing even further uncertainty for Councils.

Leader of Bradford Council, Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe, said: “In common with most other local authorities the continuing national government austerity is putting a strangle-hold on our budgets at a time when demand for our services is increasing all the time; nevertheless we have demonstrated that we are managing council taxpayers’ money prudently and balancing the books. “We have met significant challenges in terms of the scale of the funding reductions over the last ten years and will continue to face huge pressure, particularly in the areas of Children’s Services and Adult Social Care. “These problems are not unique to Bradford and local authorities up and down the country face similar issues so we are working through the Local Government Association nationally to highlight these serious issues to Government. Future uncertainties outside of our control also make planning effec-

Improved Use of Buildings to Allow Greater Investment in Services For Families Bradford Council’s Executive will look at how it can make the best use of buildings in the community so it can provide more resources for Prevention and Early Help services for families. A report to the 9 July Executive will outline options on how the buildings that are currently in use for Prevention and Early Help, including children’s centres, can be used more effectively. It will also look at how services can be delivered through alternative community buildings.

development will be subject to further discussions and consultation “Government cuts mean that with the local community. the Council’s budgets are under huge pressure and we need to The centre also has a community make every penny count. We library and a number of voluntary know that some buildings aren’t and community sector groups well used and are very expensive already provide services mainly to run. The consultation that has for young people. Developing taken place means the options an All-Age hub would mean the we are looking at have had centre could provide additional input from the community and community services for local families. These could be delivered by the Council and by a range of partners.

The consultation has also led to changes to proposed plans at both Trinity 5 Rise in Bingley and The options have been drawn up at Daisy Chain, also known as The following a public consultation that took place between 13 Febru- Hive, in Silsden. Following community feedback, Prevention and ary and 7 May 2019. Early Help along with health and midwifery services will continue to Executive agreed in June to be provided from these sites. changes to Canterbury, Crossley Hall and Princeville children’s Prevention and Early Help is the centres to help create capacity name given to the way the Council for additional special educational needs and disability (SEND) school and partners support families and communities in Bradford. Prevenplaces. tion is about stopping problems emerging in the first place. Early The preferred option Executive is Help is about preventing problems considering in July looks at how the remaining 38 children’s centre that are happening from getting buildings could be used in a more worse. efficient way. This could achieve annual savings of £500,000 which The way Prevention and Early Help is delivered across the district would then be reinvested in prochanged in September 2018. viding Prevention and Early Help Services are now delivered across services for families with children four areas: Bradford East, Bradford and young people aged 0 to 19. West, Bradford South and Keighley and Shipley. Each area has a A key development to emerge from the consultation is a proposal Family Hub site with additional delivery sites and community to create an All-Age Community settings. The preferred option Hub based at the TFD centre Executive is considering would in Holmewood. Located in the mean that different community heart of the Holmewood estate, settings can be used to better the centre is already used to target services at families who deliver youth services in the area. need them. Additional building works would be required to develop the TFD Cllr Imran Khan, Portfolio Holder so that the building has a better for Education, Employment and reception area and layout and to Skills, said: improve facilities. The proposed

from people who use these services. The majority of those who gave feedback in the consultation agree with these proposals. We’re taking a common sense approach which would see buildings used more effectively allowing us to free up resources to support services for families.”

tively for the future very difficult.

“We will continue to strive to deliver effective public services to Bradford residents in spite of the inaction at national government level.” “It narrowly missed an oncoming vehicle before the front passenger was advised to pull on the handbrake, causing the vehicle to stop. “It was dangerous because the vehicle was left out of control and the officers say it was travelling at 30mph.” On February 4, 2017, Kadia lost control in wet conditions and hit 54-year-old Mrs Sidat at the junction of Bradford Road and Dewsbury Ring Road near Lidl. Leeds Crown Court heard how the rental BMW 420D he was illegally driving had three tyres worn so smooth they were like Formula 1 racing car tyres. The vehicle mounted the pavement, knocking down a road sign before colliding with a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter

van and going across a side road, dragging Mrs Sidat under it. The practising and much loved mother was pronounced dead at the scene. Kadia, of Benny Parr Close in Batley, pleaded guilty to causing death by careless driving, causing death by driving while unlicensed, causing death by driving while uninsured and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. The crown court heard that despite being placed on an iterim ban and the loss of a life Kadia continued to drive When police caught him committing the new offences he was out on licence and still subject to his disqualification until April 16, 2020. Kadia pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving whilst disqualified and using a vehicle without insurance. His friends Ammaar Gora, who was in the passenger seat, and Hamza Fulat, who had hired the BMW for the trio, were also prosecuted for their roles in the fatal accident.






four charities are brilliant and very important in the process.


“I love the hashtag given to the tournament, #If we can – you can, because any limitations we actually have are put in place by ourselves. I didn’t know I could bowl until I tried – the same thing applies to everyday life. Now that we have the IWCC it’s vital we turn the tournament into an annual event, because the feedback we’ve already received has been great.”

Women's inaugural cricket tournament comes to Bradford History will be made when The Inspirational Women’s Charity Cricket Tournament hits the crease on 18th August at Park Avenue Cricket Stadium in Bradford. Marking arguably the first time women who haven’t previously played competitive cricket, have come together for a big female tournament, it’s attracting positive attention. Four teams of 11 ladies will come together to play cricket for charity.

South Asian Initiatives

Innovative Editor It all started when both founder of Inspirational Women Foundation and Editor of the Asian Sunday Newspaper, Fatima Patel, objected to a picture shared on social media. “In this day and age why is it assumed only men should be shown around such spaces for potential sponsorships, when women can equally be considered for such opportunities,” she said. Fatima sparked a positive debate on social media, leading to a meeting with a representative of the Yorkshire cricket Foundation and the English and Wales Cricket Board. Engagement Problem Recognised Both YCC and ECB boards admitted they struggled to engage with women, particularly from the BAME community. Fatima was then challenged to show there was an interest from women for cricket by setting up two teams of 11 women to play. Fatima went a step further, managing to set up four teams of 11 ladies to play competitively for their chosen charity. The teams consist of women in profile careers and professions such as doctors, dentists, solicitors, politicians, caterers, and entrepreneurs. They’ve been been attending practice sessions funded by YCC and ECB for the past nine months to learn how to play cricket after balancing a busy work and home life. The tournament has been named Inspirational Women’s Charity Cricket Tournament or IWCC, and the teams have decided to call themselves, Team Bradford, Team England, Team India and Team Pakistan. Inspiring Women Effervescent England team Captain and wicket keeper Vanda Greenwood, Labour Councillor for Wrose in Bradford explained: “It’s absolutely amazing to bring a load of women together like this, and it’s all down to Fatima whose done a brilliant job. We are already starting to step up our training sessions though in fairness some our players have very busy jobs.

“We are looking forward to what we hope will be a yearly event, and at the age of 60 I’m looking forward to the challenge. Three of our team are involved with Bradford Women’s Aid, so raising money for the charity will be well worth the effort. Bring it on.” Vanda told me quite a few local clubs have attempted to attract women players, but there are very few all women’s teams playing at the moment. As for the fact YCC and the ECB have struggled to connect, she said: “Well that may be the case but how hard have they tried? I know lots of women who would love to play the game. In fact, some have gone on to get coaching certificates.” Pakistan captain Ayesha Malik hopes to bat well in the tournament, though

she’s recently also learned how to bowl, and is enjoying the whole cricketing experience. She told me: “I was very impressed when I saw what Fatima was doing and to be honest it’s been quite inspirational for me. I only began playing last November and have been going to the training sessions ever since. “Being Captain brings into play a whole new set of skills even though I manage 12 people in my job as a Housing Officer. It’s been great to meet so many new people all with different personalities. “In terms of our chosen charity I hadn’t even heard of The Yorkshire Children’s Trust previously, so to both discover how they help youngsters and help to raise money for them through the event, is a joy. In fact all

Last year The English Cricket Board launched a wide-ranging Action Plan to transform the way it engages with South Asian communities and draw more players, fans and volunteers into every level of the game. The scheme saw a series of events in three ‘core cities’ including a Chance to Shine Street Tapeball competition at Sparkhill Park in Birmingham, a schools’ cricket competition at Bradford Park Avenue Cricket Ground, and a women’s and girls’ cricketing session at Leyton County Ground Sport Centre in East London. Tom Harrison, ECB Chief Executive Officer said: “Whilst we’ve long acknowledged the passion for the game in South Asian communities in the UK and had the best intentions,

we have never fully understood how to engage with South Asian communities. This report gives us a road map to change that. Heather Knight, captain of the England’s World Cup-winning women’s team, said: “It’s so important that we speak to new audiences and engage new fans especially women and girls and South Asian communities.” Getting Involved The innovative IWCC Tournament will certainly help with businesses invited to sponsor the team kits, with 100 percent of money raised going to the cause. Half of the money will go to Park Avenue, enabling young children to continue accessing both the sport and cricket pitches for free. The remaining 50 percent will go to the winning team who will donate to their chosen charity. The public are invited to come and watch the match on Sunday 18th Aug to encourage the women and hopefully inspire others into playing. There will be food stalls and activities for children and taster sessions, along with watching to see who wins the IWCC tournament.

To get your FREE ticket go to: www.

A further go fund me page has been set up: manage/iwcc-tournament-2019 so that chosen charities can still benefit from a share that will be split between all four of them if their team doesn’t win on the day. The teams charities are: Bradford England

Womens’ Aid


Cancer Support Yorkshire – Team India Yorkshire Children’s Trust – Team Pakistan Mind in Bradford – Bradford More information is available on the facebook page: IWCCtournament/?modal=admin_ todo_tour



Tasting 17 Years of My Lahore Success BRADFORD | JULY 2019


L-R Leader of Kirklees Council Shabir Pandor & Developer Zaid Iqbal By FATIMA PATEL Britons have had a taste for curry since the 1800’s with tikka masala being Britain’s top dish for more than a decade. Brits love for curry has been the reason of success for many of Britain’s curry houses, but success for Bradford’s very own My Lahore, who celebrate 17 glorious years in business this year, has been more than just curry. Asian Sunday explores the sweet success of My Lahore’s seventeen years in business. My Lahore started as Lahore Café in 2002, but CEO Asghar Ali and his partner and cousin Shakoor Ahmed, started their love affair with food decades earlier. As children growing up in Yorkshire, Asghar and Shakoor were brought up on a plethora of dishes from traditional curries to chicken burgers to lasagnes, to pastas and stir-fry’s. This also included a unique love affair for school puddings, which was made trendy when My Lahore launched ‘back to school puddings’ on their menu in early 2000. Influenced by the pioneering spirit, and humble nature of their parents and grandparents Asghar and Shakoor wanted to nurture their own family favourites in their business and so took a huge risk when they decided they would move

away from being a traditional curry house and (along with curries and the now famous back to school puddings), chose to add lasagne, pasta, burgers, steaks and stir-fry’s to their menu. Thus, the British Asian Kitchen was born and was hugely popular among students and families alike. Innovation has always been at the heart of this dynamic food brand and this was further proved when in 2009 My Lahore became one of the first British Asian restaurants in Bradford to launch an online ordering and delivery service for businesses around the city. The initial aim was to target firms and organisations who needed catering services for important meetings, but rather than cold snacks and sandwiches, offering them unique freshly prepared hot food. The network today not only offers ordering services to businesses but is vastly busy delivering food to the many homes across Bradford and in Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham where My Lahore branches are thriving. Speaking to Asian Sunday Asghar said becoming a successful businessperson takes a lot of hard work and dedication. He acknowledges that the key factors in becoming a successful businessperson and running a successful business are “Passion, drive, hard work, a clear vision and motivation.” He also advises that if one wants to

run a successful business, they need to always remain passionate and enthusiastic about it, just as he has been about My Lahore. He says: “We are still as passionate today about the business as we were when we first started.” The past 17-years have come with challenges, with more and more food places opening in Bradford, the competition is tougher, and the customer expectation becomes far greater. So how does My Lahore sustain their success? Asghar agrees that there is “extremely tough competition” in Bradford but if people have a dream and desire to achieve something then they should go ahead and do it. “Businesses are starting to evolve into better and more sophisticated businesses as the younger generations are applying academic learning to traditional businesses.” Asghar said. An example of how My Lahore are evolving as a forward-thinking business is their recent partnership, with a recycling firm to eliminate sending waste to landfill sites. It is believed that the Bradford and Leeds My Lahore restaurants are the first British Asian restaurants in the area to have implemented the zero waste to landfill system and introduce recycling of all waste. Under the new system, staff take responsibility for separating glass, food, mixed recycling (plastics, cardboard,


some metal, paper) and general waste. Cooking oil is also harvested, cleaned and recycled with assistance from the recycling firm. A range of measures and training procedures have been implemented to ensure continuity and sustainability while the recycling firm collects, processes, reuses and recycles the waste. Before the initiative, My Lahore’s flagship Bradford premises had been creating around 39 tonnes of waste each year with nearly 33 tonnes being sent to landfill. Now, almost 25 tonnes is recycled while more than six tonnes of food waste is sent to generate electricity. The remainder goes through a process to remove any recyclable material with the leftover material again being used to produce electricity, with zero waste going to landfill. This is truly a remarkable achievement and most certainly puts My Lahore ahead of most of their contemporaries. This family business which began with just 4 members of staff now employs more than 300 staff and has been winning awards across the country, for its innovative and delicious offering of British Asian cuisine. The Bradford born brand has certainly had an amazing seventeen years so far and we hope they have many more sweet years of success to come.

My Lahore team, serving for more than 17 years




Six Men Charged With Murder After Naked Body of Man Found in Allerton By RAHEEMA KHAN

The local community has been in shock since the body of Mohammed Feazan Ayaz was found in Saffron Drive, Bradford, on 1 July.

Shaoib Shafiq, aged 19, of Gladstone Street, Bradford, and a 16-year-old male from Bradford, have both been charged with assisting an offender and they were in custody at time of printing. Haamed Ejaz, aged 28, of Tower Road, Shipley has been charged with murder and remanded due to appear in court.

Detectives investigating the death of Mohammed Feazan Ayaz have so far charged six men with murder.

Junaid Hussain, aged 27, of Silverhill Road, Bradford and Raheel Khan, also 27, of no fixed address, have been remanded in custody.

Mr Ayaz, who was described as a ‘father figure’ in a tribute from his family, was found in Saffron Drive in the Allerton area at 4.25am on Monday, July 1.

Farekh Ejaz, aged 30, of Tower Road, Shipley, and Robert Wainwright, aged 26, of no fixed address, have been remanded in custody.

He was found naked and with a number of injuries on his body, prompting police to launch a murder inquiry.

A 26-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in custody

Armed police raids took place across Bradford on Friday in relation to the death and as the investigation has progressed arrests were made, with six of them being charged.

Anyone who may have information is asked to contact the Homicide and Major Enquiry team on 101, quoting crime reference 13190331451, or report online at www.westyorkshire.police. uk/101livechat

Suleman Khan, aged 20, of Sandford Road, Bradford has been charged with murder and remanded in custody.

Fighting The Fly-Tippers Enforcement officers at Bradford Council have a new weapon to use in the war against environment criminals.

power to seize and destroy vehicles used for fly-tipping and have done so in the past.

liable for prosecution if the waste is dumped instead of legally disposed of at an authorised site.

A large proportion of fly-tipped rubbish is the result of rogue traders collecting people’s rubbish with the promise of disposing of it properly, then dumping it on the street or in the countryside.

Using information from the public, officers have on-going investigations into illegal traders and are carrying out weekly stop-and-search operations with the police to catch people carrying waste without a licence.

Instead of taking householders to court, which is expensive and very time consuming, enforcement officers have been given the powers to issue the Fixed Penalty Notices to householders of £250, with a £50 discount for early payment.

This allows unlicensed criminals to undercut genuine waste disposal businesses and blight our surroundings with fly-tipped rubbish. In the age of social media, some of these rogue operators use Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and other platforms to identify clients who might be persuaded to use their services, as well as driving around on the lookout. Many people are not aware that if fly-tipped rubbish can be traced back them they can end up leaving court with a fine, hefty prosecution costs and a criminal record, whether or not they dumped it themselves, or suspected it was going to be dumped. Bradford Council believes that one of the most efficient ways to tackle fly-tipping is to identify and prosecute rogue traders and close their illegal business down. Enforcement officers have the

In April this year Bradford Council’s Executive Members voted to allow officers to take advantage of new laws which give them the power to impose a Fixed Penalty Notice on householders who don’t check that their waste carrier is legitimate and licensed properly.

This allows officers to enforce the regulations without having to take people to court, and also allows them to use their discretion when people have tried their best to take precautions but have been genuinely duped.

The legal framework has now been put into place and the officers can start using their new powers.

Enforcement officers still have powers to issue formal cautions and prosecute people in court for more serious cases.

All householders have a duty of care by law which requires them to take all reasonable measures to ensure that anyone carrying and disposing of their waste is authorised to do so.

Coun Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Healthy People and Places, said: “Issuing Fixed Penalty Notices is not what we want to do.

If you employ a waste carrier you must have details of the carrier’s business and vehicle, a receipt for the transaction and a copy of the carrier’s waste licence. If you don’t have these, you can be

“Our primary intention is to reduce the amount of rubbish fly-tipped on our streets and in the countryside. “The money raised by the Fixed Penalty Notices will be used to cover the costs

of removing and disposing of the waste that is fly-tipped by criminals, so the Council Tax payer is not left to foot the bill.

employ is legitimate and follows the rules. Otherwise you will risk being seriously out of pocket.”

“If we can raise awareness and educate people to do the right thing in the first place, then we will have achieved the outcome we want.

Information about how to report fly-tipping and Bradford Council’s own bulky waste collection service can be obtained by calling the Council 01274 431000 or online at uk.

“Please make sure that the carrier you

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Property Tycoon’s Daughter Marries in Pakistan to Dispel Myth That Not All Marriages with British Asians in Pakistan are Forced By RAHEEMA KHAN

Bradford’s property tycoon Zulfiqar Ali (fondly known as Sonny by his friends and family), was in for a surprise when his daughter Sania decided she wanted to get married to a cousin in Pakistan. The picture in mainstream news has often been marred with girls from the UK being taken to Pakistan to be forced into a marriage with their cousins, while this is an ugly reality there are also a large number for whom this is far from the truth. Bradford raised Sania Ali, decided to join her parents for a holiday in Pakistan

last year. There she was introduced to one of her cousins, whom she took a liking to. However, she didn’t progress the relationship until she returned to the UK. Like most British born and raised Asian girls, Sania was all too familiar with the description of young men from Pakistan being referred to as ‘mangoes’ and often there is a negative portrayal that marrying from ‘back home’ for an educated girl is not cool. However, Sania felt where matters of the heart are concerned those issues should be of no relevance, so after taking time out a year later she told her father she would like to marry, Kashif the man she met in Pakistan. Sania said: “Pakistan has advanced more than we Pakistani’s have here

in the UK and not every British Asian marrying from Pakistan is being forced. The vast majority of marriages between British Asians and their Pakistani partners are happy ones. At the end of the day it is down to two people “New Pakistan is very different to the one I went to a few years ago. There are more drivers on the road, no bothers you or stares at you, and going back with my parents has been a great experience and I love it”

Sania’s father Sunny is delighted with his daughter’s choice and feels proud that Sania has made a responsible choice for herself. He told Asian Sunday: “She (Sania) showed us that by marrying from Pakistan, it built bridges with her mother land. Her husband Kashif can teach Pakistani culture and Sania can teach

British way of life, and they are really enjoying that together”

“Her happiness is my happiness and if she chose him, then we will support her every step of the way and to show that I ensured I gave her the most lavish wedding in Pakistan, where leading political and sporting figures and local business people were all invited to celebrate our happy occasion. Sania and Kashif married in according to Islamic traditions in a nikkah at Baharia town Islamabad on 4 April 2019 Here are the highlights from their wedding.



Flavours of Ertuğrul Comes to Yorkshire


Millions across the globe have been fascinated and hooked with the Turkish historical fiction drama Diriliş: Ertuğrul. Many of us have binge watched it and have become bewildered and charmed by the Ottoman empire. So, when it was announced that a brand-new Turkish restaurant themed around this hit TV series offering authentic Turkish goodness was opening, we simply had to try it out and see if it matched up to its TV namesake. Ottoman Tea Bar & Grill is llocated on Leeds Road, in Bradford which was previously occupied by Zoya. You can tell much work has gone into transforming the former Indian restaurant to a luxuriously decorated and themed Turkish eatery. On arrival you are greeted with the fragrance and an array of delicious desserts such as baklava and a selection of Turkish sweets displayed in a large and extensive desserts counter. Also, in the reception area you will see a cabinet dedicated to Drillis Ertugrul merchandise, which instantly attracts if you’re a fan of the show. This theme runs throughout the restaurant and what’s particularly attractive is the use of the big image screen on the feature wall within the restaurant. Those who remember Zoya, will perhaps agree that this new screen really opens up the space and lends great support to the rest of the seating, which is nicely supported with the kebab grill booth, accompanied by a counter full of fresh ingredients ready for you to order. As I was specifically invited by the owners of the restaurant to try out the menu, in this review I won’t be reviewing the service, but distinctively the food. The fact that I have visited on a number

of occasions since, tells you something. The menu, has been meticulously prepared by specialist Turkish chefs and promises to “immerse” diners in “the very best Turkish cuisine and Ottoman experience”. So, does it live up to its expectations? Well, for starters I sampled the Turkish soup. My initial expectation was that the soup would be bland and just a good appetizer to prep my palette before I tucked into my mains, how wrong was I. The soup comes with a basket of freshly baked bread, which is delicious. Its texture is thick and creamy, which has been seasoned beautifully and I completely relished my bowl of nutritious goodness. It was filling and I felt as though I wouldn’t have space for more food. Ottoman’s Head Chef, Tekin Akdulum, who has been in the food industry for more than a decade tells me that Turks often eat soup in the morning, or before main course, for its nutritional values. It’s filling and gets you prepared for the day. Well it certainly did that. I was fortunate to have Tekin to guide me through the rest of the menu, which consisted of an assortment of hot and cold mezzes for starters, including traditional favourites such as hummus, tabbouleh, falafel, baba ghanoush, tzatziki, and fattoush among others. Then there are the classic Turkish dishes for mains, such as kubideh, donner kebab and adana kebab. Tekin makes it a point to tell me, that the doner is not what you get in the ‘Turkish’ takeaway shops. The doner at Ottoman is their own recipe and is of better quality. I didn’t get an opportunity to sample the doner during this visit, but maybe I will come back and try it. I decided to go for the adana kebab option, which arrived within 20 minutes of my ordering. The dish is well presented, accompanied with a delicious side salad, humus and more fresh hot Turkish bread.

As a fan of olives, I was keen to find out about the olives in my salad, as they were better than most olives I had eaten locally. Tekin revealed that they had been specifically sourced from a famous town in Turkey on the West Coast, which is very popular for olives and olive oil. He informs me it is award winning and perhaps the first in the UK. The restaurant offers olives, olive oil and pomegranate juice for sale in nicely packaged containers and this I can see gaining popularity as the quality is nothing I have found elsewhere. So coming back to my dish - the adana kebab. My kebab was beautifully cooked and seasoned to perfection. It’s not the usual over spiced greasy kebab, which I have experienced at

some places, but a nice tender well marinated and perfectly grilled kebab. Kebab lovers will enjoy this as it’s been hand squashed onto a skewer and grilled to a nice tenderness. I particularly enjoyed it as the portion was right, but the salad, breads and the sauce that accompanies the dish add to the overall enjoyment of the dish. I was happy with my choice and the price was reasonable too. I finished my meal with a nice plate of baklava and traditional Turkish Tea, which also met my requirements. Overall the ambience in the restaurant was amazing, it was busy, bustling and seemed to have happy customers. Will I be back? Yes, as I have been and

will continue to try the rest of the dishes on the menu. One dish I am keen tro try is the Lahmacun, a thin crust Turkish pizza, which I saw another table order and couldn’t stop admiring the shape and the presentation of the pizza. So far, my experiences of the Ottoman Tea Bar & Grill have been good one, not simply for the décor, ambience of the place, but more so because there are new things to try on the menu and the keen team of Turkish chefs, are eager to please and are passionate about showcasing the best of their heritage. The menu speaks for itself and gets a 4/5 rating from me. The key now for this place is consistency and good service. Do give it a try.




West Yorkshire Drugs War Warning By GRAHAME ANDERSON Bradford’s Pakistani Community thought to be at risk A controversial BBC 3 television documentary has claimed a new West Yorkshire drugs war could be ignited. It’s fuel is thought to be the imprisonment of “notorious gangster” Meggy Khan in May, along with the death of his Huddersfield rival Yassar Yaqub in 2017. Following the shooting of Yaqub by police on an M62 slip-road, groups of young Pakistani men filled the streets of nearby Bradford to protest at what some believed was an “assassination” ‘Hometown, A Killing’ is a six part series looking at both Yaqub’s death and the problems of drug and gang related violent crime in the town, through the work of investigative journalist Mobeen Azhar. He uncovered the British Pakistani community is over-represented when it comes to convictions for dealing Class A drugs in the Yorkshire and Humber area. He added: “I even heard anecdotes about wholesale heroin prices going up around the Muslim holy month of Ramadan as dealers put their business on ice. “I was disgusted by the disregard and disengagement for the human cost of the drugs trade.” DrivingThe Message Home The controversial series has certainly brought to the fore the role British Pakistani’s are playing in the drugs trade. In fact, It’s a sobering thought British-Pakistani dealers still carry a huge influence in Huddersfield, Leeds and Bradford. These three areas accounted for a fifth (211) of the 1,058 people convicted for class A drug dealing in Yorkshire. In 2014, Mohammed Azam Yaqoob – a millionaire owner of a car wash business from Dewsbury known as “Mr Sparkles” – was jailed for nine years for his involvement in a drug smuggling ring. Last year Amjid Khan from Greaves Street in Bradford was given a seven and a half year sentence at the city’s Crown Court, for intent to supply Class A drugs and possession of criminal property. He was caught with heroin and cocaine carrying a street value of more than £500,000. Following the court case Detective Sergeant Karen Milner, of the Bradford District Proceeds of Crime Team said: “This result sends out a message to all those who believe they can benefit financially from a criminal lifestyle.” Sad Statistics Looking at Bradford alone, In the period covering May 2018 to April 2019, drugs crime stood at 1.8K – an increase of 18.2% from the previous year, according to information offered by the postcode area crime rate figures. There are four times more British-Pakistani dealers than white-British dealers in Yorkshire. However, former Head of Drugs Threat and Intelligence at the National Crime Agency, Tony Saggers said whilst Pakistani criminals were significant to UK heroin trafficking, they were not the sole traders.

A Telling Project In 2010 criminologist Mo Ali Qasim, began a four-year project in which he hung around with a group of young Pakistani Muslim drug dealers in the Manningham area of the city. Having grown up with some of the boys, they were happy for him to go into their inner circle. Qasim was told their employment prospects had worsened due to the negative portrayal of Muslims as Britain’s “enemy within”, in the media. According to his findings it seems selling drugs is acceptable as the only way they know of providing three essentials for life: money, solidarity and status. The majority of the gang moved onto selling crack and heroin at a young age, tutored by older dealers. When the boys went to pray at the their local mosque the imam would try to deter them in speeches. One Imam said: “I see brothers using drugs, selling drugs like they are doing nothing wrong. They forget they are haram, and I swear to you the money they are making will not benefit them on the day when they will stand in front of their lord. Trust me, on that day they will plead and ask Allah to forgive them, but no, it will be too late.” Qasim said the boys, although sometimes violent, were essentially good people who would thrive if given the

chance in mainstream society. His findings are published in a book, ‘Young, Muslim and Criminal’, by Policy Press. Police Reaction In relation to the BBC documentary Asian Sunday has learned: West Yorkshire Police were not invited to participate in the programme, or asked to respond to any of the issues raised. In fact, they had not seen any of the content prior to broadcast. In relation to wider crime issues in Kirklees, these have been the focus of significant policing activity in recent months. Almost 130 people have been arrested, Class A and B drugs recovered and more than 35 knives seized, as part of an ongoing operation to tackle violent crime. This has also included high visibility patrols in higher crime areas across the District. The operation was launched at the start of April after Temporary Chief Constable John Robins, in consultation with the Police and Crime Commissioner, and other Chief Constables met with the Home Secretary in March. At this time, police forces were given greater stop and search powers to tackle the threat of knife crime. West Yorkshire Police also received a

£4.02 million share of additional Government funding to support activity. Kirklees District Commander, Chief Superintendent Julie Sykes told us: “The programme of increased activity in recent months has effectively targeted those involved in criminality and will remain ongoing. Those involved in serious crime across the District are being arrested and put before the courts and this will continue. “We are sending a clear message that criminal behaviour will not be tolerated and we will continue to work closely with our partners and the community to help make Kirklees a safer place. “We are really grateful for that continued community support. The

information provided by people who live and work in Kirklees is vital and Neighbourhood Officers will maintain a high visibility presence to reassure and support people locally. Anyone with information can speak to local officers, or call us on 101, or the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111”. We are not in a position to respond to any matters relating to Yassar Yaqub, due to an ongoing investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct. The full BBC Three documentary series of Hometown: A Killing is available now on iPlayer.

I see brothers using drugs, selling drugs like they are doing nothing wrong. They forget they are haram, and I swear to you the money they are making will not benefit them on the day when they will stand in front of their lord.

Local Imam




How To Help Protect Your Identity Online.

SABA HAROON Saba has a wealth of knowledge in the technology sector. and has built up an enviable portfolio of work with various IT projects. She is a bright, creative and client focused professional who possesses, extensive experience of working within B2B, B2C and E-commerce sector. Saba has been working in the corporate IT world for many years and as a result has gained a vast amount of practical knowledge which in turn she will be passing onto readers of Asian Sunday every month. If you have a burning IT question, need some assistance or simply want to write in about Saba’s column then get in touch by emailing: Saba@asiansunday.

Gone are the days when all you may worry about, to protect yourself, is to make sure your wallet and keys are kept safe and checking your doors are locked at night. With the rise of identity theft and online fraud, it is becoming normal to step up personal digital security. Cybercrimes are a real threat, and increasingly people are more worried about their online identities being stolen than being mugged or other crimes being committed. Statistically, you are more likely to suffer an online crime then otherwise - Office for National Statistics 2018 Crime Survey. Measures to consider and implement are shared below. Whilst straightforward regularly following these will help stay ahead of potential threats. o Don’t use the same passwords over and over. It’s an easy one but it makes it that much more difficult to get your life back. Applications that don’t have rigorous checks in place have a higher risk of being hacked giving access to your email details and passwords. These are then used to create new accounts and give access to all the information for other crimes to be committed. o Shred Shred Shred!! The number of crimes being committed by people simply looking through your rubbish to get access to date of birth, names, surnames and shopping habits is scary! Make sure you safely store or go paperless for your bank and credit card statements, plus other paperwork where financial details together with names are shown. o Say no to public Wi-Fi. An easy way for thieves to get into your device and start hacking your data. If it’s unavoidable, don’t access online banking or password-protected sites. o Look closely at your statements. A good way to know if someone else has access to your money is knowing exactly where your spending. Report any unusual activity and consider

getting limits for credit cards.

information on.

o Be careful of pop-ups that want you to update emails and browsers -phishing attacks. These could be targeted attacks on your machine to install malware or clone your existing accounts and essentially become you! One way to avoid installing anything that pops-up is by installing good anti-virus software and even more simply going directly to the provider’s official website and seeing if there is an update available and installing it from there.

o Lastly, scan and check links and attachments in emails. Malware, ransomware and phishing attacks are most commonly sent as emails. If you know the sender but it seems suspicious check the actual email address of the sender by expanding it. A common scam is to have a similar looking name to a trusted company and even the contents of the email will look official but if you look closely to the full email address is will have a few words missing or end in alphanumerical characters. This kind of attack will usually ask you to

o Use two-factor authentications where possible. Many online platforms such as online banking, email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and so on have this option now and for most, it is free to set-up and use. If for example, you attempt to log into your email from another machine, your email provider will request you to scan your finger on a pre-installed app on your phone and the code that displays is what is used to log in for that session. It gives your account an added level of security and means you must have two devices, apps or software’s working together in a short period of time to gain access to an account. o Make sure your devices and their systems are regularly updated and backed-up. Whenever your computer prompts you to update don’t delay it too much. It’s usually to fix known threats that hackers have figured out to get access to that version of Windows/ Mac OS. This also applies to third party applications like Office, Adobe, Java and pdf software. By regularly updating and backing-up you make it much harder for hackers to break into your system. o Check your privacy settings on social media and be mindful of how much information is shared online. If you are going on holiday or regularly check-in to locations, your friends and family may not be the only ones to know! Attackers can identify trends of when and where you like to spend time and can use or increasingly sell this

update personal information or follow a link. Reporting such emails helps providers find not only solutions but also keeps then updated on new tactics being used to exploit users. It may seem that keeping yourself safe online is getting more and more challenging. Whilst breakthroughs in security software, protocols, and updates will strive and continue to keep our machines and devices safe, users must also be vigilant and responsible. If this topic has affected you or you want to reach out regarding this artilce then drop me an email. Until next month bye for now.



Should You Self-invest in Funds?


SHABAB GULFRAZ Shabab Gulfraz is our resident Finance expert. Shabab is an experienced financial adviser and a business development consultant with a passion for working with businesses who are both ambitious, and responsive to changing market trends whilst specifically focusing on the needs of both new and existing clients. Although he provides holistic financial planning advice to clients he also specialises in investment planning, pension planning, and inheritance tax planning strategies. He has significant experience with all aspects of ethical, and Shariah compliant investments for thae private and corporate client. In addition to this he has sound understanding of commercial and business legal issues after completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, and later completing a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). The MBA led to a greater interest in change management and financial management within the workplace.


The world of finance and self-investment is ever increasing in the digital age, and there are many people out there that will manage some if not all of their investments. However, how do you go about it, and avoid the pitfalls in the first instance? I guess without sounding like a know it all, my opinion is that you need to do plenty of research, and not just be aware of funds, but also the platform within which you are investing. Now platforms can also be a very useful tool in terms of research and can aid you in your decision making. There are many different self-investing platforms out there. I guess it is up to you to find a platform that suits you. My view is that different platforms have different features, advantages and benefits that will work for different people. It’s a matter of jus researching, google reviews, and finding a platform that has an architecture that works for you. In terms of the platforms they have valuable information on funds, and also funds that they recommend. Many platforms provide you with recommended funds that they offer to clients; however, my view is to undertake independent research on these funds. This is because their maybe a subjective reason why these funds are being offered to you. So, you like a fund what do you do next. I would go to the fund manager’s website and fund out more about the fund you are looking to invest in. This is because the fund manager site would perhaps provide detailed information

about the fund, what its objectives and mandates are as well as performance information. I would also look at sites such as Morningstar and Trustnet. This is because these sites provide valuable information to you as an investor. You can usually find independent comment, as well useful analysis tools that may be able to help you make a decision. If you prefer making independent decisions, as well as saving some money by not using a financial adviser then although it’s not easy independent self-investing might be for you. FCA figures detailed last year that circa £185 billion of funds were self-managed with customers directly working with platforms. The issue I see with self-management is knowing your risk profile, risk tolerance and capacity to take risk. These are important concepts and unless taken into consideration you might end up making wrong decisions and investing in funds that are not appropriate for you. If you feel it is too much work, and you would rather not have the headache, then an independent financial adviser might be an appropriate option for you. This is because they can take the hassle away from investing and most report back to you annually via an annual review. Whatever choice you make my view would be to research your options and make a decision that works for you.

JULY 2019


film | fashion | beauty





Laal Singh Chaddha sees Aamir Khan and Kareena Kapoor Back Together Again Viacom18 Studios and Aamir Khan Productions Laal Singh Chaddha has been in the news for being the Indian version of Paramount Pictures’ Oscar winning movie, FORREST GUMP with Aamir Khan essaying the titular role in the film. Things have got more interesting as Kareena Kapoor Khan will now also be seen paired opposite Aamir for the third time. The superhit duo has shared screen space in the past in 3 Idiots and Talaash. Laal Singh Chaddha is directed by Advait Chandan of Secret Superstar fame and is being written by Atul Kulkarni. The film will release in Christmas 2020. Delving






association with Aamir Khan Productions and Paramount Pictures, Ajit Andhare, COO, Viacom18 Studios says, “It gives me immense pleasure to announce our upcoming venture with Aamir Khan titled Laal Singh Chaddha. For every cinephile out there, the must watch list of films would be incomplete without the mention of FORREST GUMP. To be able to adapt the classic for Indian audiences is a long-cherished dream for many of us. Knowing Aamir’s burning passion for this subject for many years, he is the perfect partner to bring to life this dream. I also want to thank Jim, Andrew and the wonderful team at Paramount Pictures for believing in our vision and continuously supporting all endeavors to bring some of their best content to the Indian markets.”

timeless story to a whole new generation of audiences,” said Andrew Gumpert, Chief Operating Officer of Paramount Pictures.

FORREST GUMP, starring the Academy Award� winner Tom Hanks, is a 1994 American comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. The story depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump (Hanks), a slowwitted but kind-hearted man from Alabama who witnesses and unwittingly influences several defining historical events in the 20th century in the United States. The film was directed by Robert Zemeckis.

“We’re thrilled to be in business with Aamir Khan Productions and Viacom18 Studios, and to see them bringing this

Janhvi Kapoor, Kartik Aryan to star in Dostana sequel recently wrapped up shooting for ‘Pati Patni Aur Woh’ alongside Ananya Panday and Bhumi Pednekar.

‘Dostana2’ has finally entered the pipeline with Karan Johar announcing the lead cast of the film. The second installment of the 2008 comedy-drama will star Kartik Aryan, Janhvi Kapoor and a suitable boy, whose name was yet to be revealed at time of publishing. Priyanka Chopra, John Abraham, and Abhishek Bachchan starrer Dostana caused quite a stir among the audience with its unique and humorous plotline and the fact that it dealt with the less talked about subject of homosexuality. While some criticised the storyline, many appreciated and welcomed the film with open arms. After teasing the project on social

media, Karan finally posted an explainer video announcing the cast.

If Karan’s caption is anything to go by, the franchise is all set to return with “unlimited madness!” “The return of the franchise with unlimited madness! Kartik Aaryan, Janhvi Kapoor and a soon to be launched fresh face making it the trio for Dostana2, directed by Collind Cunha,” the filmmaker’s caption read.

He is currently busy shooting for Imtiaz Ali’s ‘Love Aaj Kal 2’ which stars Sara Ali Khan in a pivotal role alongside Kartik. Meanwhile, Janhvi is currently working on a biopic based on Gunjan Saxena, India’s first ever woman IAF officer and will also be seen in Karan Johar’s multi-starrer ‘Takht’ alongside Kareena Kapoor Khan, Ranveer Singh, Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Bhumi Bednekar and Anil Kapoor.

The script is penned by Navjot Gulati, Sumit Aroraa, Rishabh Sharma and Collin D’Cunha. Apart from this, Kartik has his hands full of some exciting projects lined up. The actor

First Look: Rishi Kapoor will return to the silver screen with Jhootha Kahin Ka The first poster of Rishi Kapoor’s comeback, titled Jhootha Kahin Ka, is out along with the release date of the film Superstar Rishi Kapoor has been in New York since last year, undergoing treatment for cancer. While in the big apple, the actor was visited by stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan among others and the entire nation has been praying for his health. Well, there is finally good news for his fans! According to the buzz, Rishi Kapoor will be returning to the big

screen with the film Jhootha Kahin Ka. Directed by Smeep Kang, Jhootha Kahin Ka also stars Jimmy Shergill and Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 actors Sunny Singh and Omkar Kapoor. According to reports, the film revolves around two boys, Sunny and Omkar, who travel to Mauritius for higher education and end up loving the country so much that they don’t want to come back home. Rishi Kapoor, who will be playing the role

of Omkar’s father, decides to pay the boys a surprise visit but is baffled when he sees their lifestyle. The shooting of Jhootha Kahin Ka was wrapped up in August last year before Rishi Kapoor left for the US. The superstar recently shared that he is cancer-free and will be coming back home to Mumbai by next month.



Baaghi 3: Tiger Shroff to turn into an action choreographer for his upcoming film Tiger Shroff will be choreographing the action scenes in his upcoming film, the third instalment of Baaghi series. Actor Tiger Shroff is one of the most energetic and fit celebs of Bollywood. In fact, according to reports, the actor does all of his action scenes and stunts himself and doesn’t need a body double for the same. Tiger is currently busy prepping up for the third instalment of the Baaghi series. Actress Shraddha Kapoor will be returning to the franchise while Riteish Deshmukh has been announced as the new entrant.


According to a report in Mumbai Mirror, Tiger will be turning into an action choreographer for Baaghi 3. A source close to the development informed, “Tiger has always been an MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) expert. Now, he is learning new forms in it while also practising Kalaripayattu, Kung Fu, Krav Maga, Kick Boxing and Muay Thai. He wants Baaghi 3 to be filled with big and unique action sequences and is already developing new stunts with Ahmed.” Confirming the news, Tiger Shroff shared, “Fortunately, my director is open to suggestions, so we do a lot of back and forth on that. For instance, if my kicks or my hand-work is good, my inputs are considered by the stunt team and the director. Then, my action directors show me their ideas and if they are well-executed after some practice, it’s the best of both worlds.” The shoot of Baaghi 3 is said to begin next month. The film is slated to release on March 6 next year and is reportedly going to be high on action.

Tiger Shroff Clarifies Name of Film with Hrithik Roshan Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff’s film has been the talk of the town. However, the title of the film remained unclear. Now, in a recent interview, Tiger clarified certain speculations around the title of the film. Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff are among the most popular actors in Bollywood. Both are well known for their rocking dance moves and fabulous action films. Since the time a film starring both Hrithik and Tiger went on floors, fans have been trying to control their excitement. To see Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff on the big screen together is a huge deal for their fans. However, the name of the film hadn’t been finalised. Amidst all the buzz, reports were coming that the film is titled ‘Fighters.’ n a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, the star of the film clarified the speculations revolving around the title of

the film and mentioned that the Hrithik and his film is not titled Fighters. Tiger also went about explaining that the makers of the film are trying to finalise a title of the movie. The Student Of The Year 2 actor stated that as soon as the makers finalise a title of the film, they will reveal it to everyone.

Tiger said, “Our film is not called Fighter, or anything else at the moment. I know time is ticking away and we can’t go around talking about our film without giving it a name. It would look very odd to keep referring to the film without giving it a name. We are trying to figure out a name and we should, no we must, have one soon.” Meanwhile, details about Hrithik and Tiger’s films have been kept under wraps to create excitement among the fans. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, Hrithik and Tiger’s film is being produced by Aditya Chopra’s production house, Yash Raj Films

and also stars Vaani Kapoor. The director also shared a shoot video on Instagram to add to the excitement of the film. Tiger has time and again stated that he is a huge fan of Hrithik and also has several times shared videos of dancing on songs from his previous films like Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. In an interview with HT, Tiger also had stated that he is intimidated by Hrithik Roshan. The film is slated to release on October 2, 2019.





Playing Sunil Gavaskar is ‘huge responsibility’ for Tahir Raj Bhasin

Tahir Raj Bhasin, who will be seen essaying the role of the ‘Little Master’ Sunil Gavaskar in the film ‘83’ feels it is a huge responsibility to play the cricketing legend. “It is indeed a huge responsibility to play Sunil Gavaskar on screen and I definitely want to pass this test by convincing everyone that they are seeing the legend on screen and not me,” Bhasin said. He has not limited his cricket practice to merely the field but is going beyond and focusing on the icon’s special shots. “To achieve this, my on-field practice is designed beyond playing good cricket and is targeted towards playing specific shots in Gavaskar’s style. My time in the nets is being treated like physical choreography for the character,” the actor explained.

Talking about director Kabir Khan’s vision while filming, he said, “Kabir’svision requires all of us to bring on field nuances to life to show the underdog Indian cricket team’s

miraculous World Cup win in England in 1983 and I intend to give this my 200%.”

The 32-year old made his debut in ‘Mardaani’, alongside Rani Mukerji and proved that he goes into the skin of his character and brings the best out of him. A source close to the actor revealed that since the day Kabir informed Tahir about his tole, he has been making sure that he devotes extra time to better his game. The person added that Tahir understands the responsibility he has at his hands and said, “Sunil had his own flair, own swag and he dominated the cricket field with elan. Tahir realised the responsibility at hand and has been hitting the nets ever since.” Tahir cleared out his calendar to incorporate 2 hours of net practice 5 days a week and did it for about 3 months straight, the source elaborated. ‘83’ stars Ranveer Singh as ace cricketer Kapil

Dev who captained the team India during the 1983 World Cup.

R Badree, Dinker Sharma, Dhairya Karwa and Nishnat Dahhiya.

Other names in the team include Saqib Saleem, Addinath M Kothare, Chirag Patil, Harrdy Sandhu, Ammy Virk, Jatin Sarna, Sahil Khattar,

Music composer Pritam Chakraborty will give his tunes to the film.

Akshay Kumar is having fun on sets of ‘Sooryavanshi’, proof is this picture ‘Akshay Kumar surprised his fans by sharing a striking snap from the sets of his upcoming cop drama ‘Sooryavanshi.’ The picture posted on Instagram features Bollywood’s ‘Khiladi’ alongside director Rohit Shetty and other junior actors pointing guns at man referred to as “Fight Master” in the caption.

‘Sooryavanshi’ shared a monochrome picture with Akshay Kumar from the sets of the film which took social media by storm.

“When your Action is over and the only thing left to do is Shoot the Fight Master #Sooryavanshi giving Love to The Big Man with the Golden Head who kept us all alive during this Epic Crazy month,” he wrote alongside the snap.

This is the first time that Akshay has collaborated with Rohit for a project.

‘Sooryavanshi’ was set to lock horns with Salman Khan starrer ‘Inshallah’ during Eid, but later to avoid any clash, the makers of action thriller changed the release date to March 27, 2020.

After the success of ‘Simmba’ and ‘Singham’, Rohit has expanded his cop universe with ‘Sooryavanshi’.

A few days ago, Katrina Kaif who is playing the female lead in

Jacqueline Makes Digital Debut

Jacqueline Fernandez, who has been away from the big screen for a long time now, is all set to make her digital debut with Farhan Khan’s Khan’s web film Mrs Serial Killer. Her fans are excited and eager to know what her character would be like in the thriller. While the makers have still kept that a suspense, we do know how the actress is prepping for her role. Jacqueline has been seeing Priyanka Chopra Jonas–starrer Saath Khoon

Maaf and other films like You, Darr, Ahilya, Raman Raghav 2.0 to get into the skin of her character. Talking about her prep, Jacqueline said, “I chose to watch the movies that would send chills down my spine and also, some that were thoughtprovoking. Particularly, movies and series like You, Darr, Saath Khoon Maaf, Ahilya, Raman Raghav 2.0, Mindhunter (TV series), The Hunt for the BTK Killer made me understand

the minutest detail that would go into portraying a character of so many layers.”

She added, “I feel, to be equipped with every emotion of every gravity, it is necessary to understand the depth it takes. My character can be in a grey zone to the most obvious emotion and I have to be prepared to be able to do it in the genre that the movie is set in.”



Vinod Khanna’s brother Pramod roped in to play Salman’s father in ‘Dabangg 3’ Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha starrer ‘Dabangg 3’ recently introduced the new cast member of the film. Veteran actor Vinod Khanna’s brother Pramod Khanna has been roped in to play the character of Prajapati Pandey, which was earlier played by Vinod, in the film.

With a messy, loose plait, a red ‘bindi’ on her forehead and ‘sindoor’ in her hair, Sonakshi is sure to steal hearts in the third installment of ‘Dabangg’ series. The actor kicked off the shoot for the film on April 1 when he jetted off to Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh to shoot with Arbaaz Khan and Prabhu Deva.

Salman uploaded a video on Instagram where he presented the character of Pramod.

‘Dabangg 3’ is being helmed by Prabhu Deva. The film marks the second collaboration of Salman and the director. The two have previously worked together in ‘Wanted’.

The video opens up with the portrait of Salman and Vinod together and later the actor along with Sonakshi and director Prabhu Deva introduces Pramod, who is see dressed identically like Vinod in the portrait.

As per media reports, Arbaaz will once again be seen playing Makhanchand Pandey alias Makkhi in the film.

A bubbly Sonakshi can be seen in the get up of Rajjo while Salman in the costume of Chulbul Pandey.

The movie is being produced under the banner of Salman Khan Films and Arbaaz Khan Production. It is scheduled to release on December 20 this year.

“Introducing Pramod Khanna,” ‘Bharat’ actor captioned the video. Some time back Sonakshi managed to keep the audience on their toes by sharing stills and behind-the-scenes pictures from the sets. The actor shared a mirror selfie on Instagram from the sets of the upcoming movie. In the still, the actor can be seen dressed up in a black outfit. But it’s her hair and makeup that is sure to leave fans excited.

Shahid Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter to come together in Ram Madhvani’s next? Shahid Kapoor and Ishaan Khatter may be seen together on screen for the first time in Ram Madhvani’s new film After the massive success and entering the 100 crore club within a week with Kabir Singh, Shahid Kapoor is on a box office high. Now, all eyes are already on his next project and fans are excited to see which film will it be? Well, buzz is that Shahid is in talks for an untitled film with Neerja director Ram Madhvani. According to reports, Shahid has decided

to work with the director on the film said to be an adventure-based action-drama, in which he plays a biker. The movie is expected to roll sometime around January next year. But that’s not all. What’s also interesting is that along with Shahid, the makers are thinking of casting Ishaan Khatter, Shahid’s half-brother, as the story revolves around two brothers and who would be better to play an on-screen brother than his real sibling? Reports say that Ishaan Khatter has been offered the

other part and when Shahid was told about this, he was extremely happy about the development. As per sources, Ishaan too has liked the script and okayed it. Ishaan Khatter has always praised his brother and admitted to wanting to follow in the footsteps of his elder brother. We can only imagine how excited he would be to act along with his brother. We are sure the fans can’t wait to watch the brothers come together.

Angrezi Medium: Dimple Kapadia roped in for the Irrfan Khan film Angrezi Medium stars Irrfan Khan, Radhika Madan and Kareena Kapoor Khan and is directed by Homi Adajania. Angrezi Medium is currently one of Irrfan Khan’s most-anticipated films. The makers of

the film are making sure this film would be bigger and better than their earlier film Hindi Medium. Apart from Irrfan, the film directed by Homi Adajania also stars Radhika Madan and Kareena Kapoor Khan and Irrfan Khan.

It is being reported that Dimple Kapadia, who is already making headlines with her Christopher Nolan’s film Tenet has also been roped in for an important role. While not much

has been revealed about it, all we know is that the makers were keen to have her on board the film.

The makers are yet to make the official announcement. Angrezi Medium is currently being shot in London and is set to be released on April 24, 2020

BEAUTY Introducing New Halal Approved Dracell Beauty Range......Is it better than BOTOX? 06



Ladies (and gents) who want to look good, and reverse the sign of ageing will go to lengths to ensure they maintain a good work life balance, eat healthy meals, drink plenty water, get a decent amount of sleep and perhaps add to that a regular visit to the gym or local swimming pool. Some of us though, are not as disciplined and the constant stream of late nights, binge drinking (for those who drink) or falling asleep with a full face of makeup on, are all starting to take their toll and so we rely on those advertised ‘miracle’ products and treatments to help us look and feel good. Perhaps this is why Botox has become such an in demand treatment. Well, new UK brand Dracell cosmetics say you will forget everything once you’ve tried their brand new revolutionary skin care range. DraCell Cosmetics was founded by SOOAM Biotech, a not for profit organisation, whose world-renowned professor Dr Hwang in stem cell research and his team, have developed a unique patented formula that repairs, rejuvenates and regenerates natural skin cells beauty from within. Their scientific research produces results that continue to attract the world’s attention and interest, also supporting the United nations with prevention of extinction and endangered species and research into genetic disease cures such as Alzheimers, Cancer and Diabetes. Impressed? Wait there’s more.. As part of their research SOAAM Biotech have Biotech have developed a ground-breaking patented anti-age-ing ‘Defined Culture Cell Media’ over a 20-year period. The Formula is made of two composites containing 43 different protiens and amino acids and uses NT-1 technology to target skin cells and reverse signs of ageing. The Patent is internationally recognised, with recognition from certifiers such as ICID, FDA as well as obtaining Halal appro-val. The formulated technology is clinically proven to feed, repair, rejuvenate and regenerate skin cells and is considered vital food to keep the stem cell alive and more importantly without deterioration,

If you’re in your 40s to 50s you might want to try their JuneCell range which promises women who are experiencing rapid aging process more beautiful and healthier skin from the inside out with regenerative vitality and firmness.

Beaute De Cell is for the skin of women aged between 20s to late 30s who start seeing aging symptoms. If this is you, Dracell advise you start using Beaute De Cell immediately.

Beaute De Cell means beauty in cell and fills the exhausted and stressed skin with moisture promoting a healthy and youthful freshness, The skin cell science provides firmness and increases elasticity dramatically improving skin which like JuneCell is also in addition to their advanced NT1 patented and industry apcell growth and beautiful skin that becomes proved technologies, used to transport and visible in just four weeks of application. Dracell tell us the key root cause of aging that encourage growth to stem skin cells with Nano liposomes helping to penetrate the bodies skin happens to everyone as times passes is skin cells to deliver to existing deteriorated cells, cell deterioration. therefore regenerating and rejuvenating. The firm inside of the skin starts to get weakBoys, you’ve not been forgotten as Dracell ened as time passes. This is where JuneCell have a fabulous range for homme. Beaute De steps in as it begins cell-care on the basis of Cell Homme Cell-care works well for the rough, their advanced NT1 patented and industry approved technologies, used to transport and exhausted man’s skin. Beaute De Cell Homme performs thorough refreshing skincare based encourage growth to stem skin cells. Nano liposomes help penetrate the bodies skin cells upon the differentiated cell science technology to deliver to existing deteriorated cells, there- designed for comforting and relaxing the skin from the inside. Also contains advanced NT1 fore regenerating over time. patented and industry approved technologies, There’s also a range for you younger ladies, therefore regenerating and rejuvenating

For more information visit or contact: for enquiries or samples.





The Come Back Tour by Junoon returns to the UK after 14 years. The most popular rock band of South East Asia is all set to perform at the FIrst Direct arena on the 26 August 2019.

Salman Ahmad is the alchemist behind Junoon’s sweeping melodies,bhangra rock rhythms and driving guitars. The band known to many as the “U2 of South Asia” blends a powerful, arena rock sound with the epic tranquility of Sufi Muslim love poetry. Junoon has sold over 30 million albums worldwide, including the multi-platinum albums Azadi and Parvaaz produced by bass player John Alec Tickets are priced from £35.00 upwards and is available from Ticketmaster or the First Direct Arena box office. Former Pakistani cricketer Shahid Afridi is also set to make a special appearance at the show. The event looks promising and not one to be missed For more details visit:

INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN’S CHARITY CRICKET For the very first time, four teams of 11 women will come together to play cricket competitively for charity to an audience of 500 at Park Avenue. The teams competing are Team Bradford, Team England, Team Pakistan and Team India. The ladies playing have very busy lives, working in high profile careers or profession and they are now juggling work and home life to make time for cricket, for their chosen charities. The charities are Cancer Support Yorkshire, Yorkshire Childrens Trust, Mind in Bradford and Bradford Women’s Aid. The winning team on the day will win a prize of money, which their chosen charity will receive The event is taking place on Sunday 18th August at the famous Park Avenue, Cricket Stadium, Canterbury Avenue, Bradford, BD5 0NU For more information and updates visit the facebook page at:

Learn The Secrets of Indian cookery Learn the secrets of great Indian cookery, and how to prepare a feast fit for an Indian wedding

You will be in good hands for your demonstration day. Minal, Head Chef and former mentee of Gordan Ramsay will be hosting the day alongside husband, Bobby, who is responsible for Front of House. Your demonstration day will start with a quick introduction by Bobby and then you will meet Minal and be briefed on the dishes you will see made during the day. Then, it’s into the kitchen, where you can watch the dishes being prepared, find out the real chef’s tricks of the trade, a number of how spices work together... all set in a real restaurant kitchen. This is a great chance to see a top chef in action and ask plenty of questions. During the demonstration Bobby and Minal will guide you through their experience of growing up with food and their life within Prashad, the heritage behind the recipes and the role of food in Indian culture. A feast will be prepared in front of your eyes to delve into at lunchtime including starters, curries, rice, pickle and dessert. Throughout the day, there will be plenty of opportunities to retire to the restaurant, sample the dishes and make notes about the dishes you want to make at home. Then, after a busy day, every attendee is given a copy of Prashad’ second recipe book titled ‘Prashad at Home’ and a take away meal for one. For more information visit: learn-the-secrets-of-superb-indian-cookery-demonstration-days-tickets-17391674968?aff=ebdssbdestsearch



Fraud Trumps Finality


LUKE PATEL Luke Patel is a Partner at Leeds law firm Blacks Solicitors LLP specialising in commercial dispute resolution and heads up that team. Luke was the winner of the Best Professional in Business award at the Asian English Business Awards 2013. Described in the Legal 500 as “exceptional” he primarily acts for individuals, owner managed businesses and SME’s in a wide range of sectors At Blacks, they can prepare partnership agreements for all types of businesses or in the event of a dispute they can assist you with the resolution of that dispute. Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or at

Readers may recall the case of Takhar v Gracefield Developments Limited when the Court of Appeal refused to set aside a judgment for fraud on the basis that there should be finality in litigation from a previous issue In that case, Mrs Takhar brought a claim against Gracefield Developments in 2008 seeking the return of monies which she alleged had wrongly been held by Gracefield Developments. During the trial there was a dispute regarding a document which Gracefield Developments claimed Mrs Takhar had signed but which she claimed she had not. Mrs Takhar’s claim failed because she did not provide the Court with any evidence to show that her signature had been forged. Following the case, Mrs Takhar obtained evidence of forgery from a handwriting expert and in 2013 she subsequently issued a fresh claim against Gracefield Developments seeking to set aside the earlier decision on the basis that it had been obtained by fraud. However, the Court of Appeal refused to set the judgment aside on the grounds that Mrs Takhar had to demonstrate that not only was there conscious and deliberate dishonesty involved but also it had not been possible for her to obtain evidence showing that dishonesty at the time of the original trial and in that regard Mrs Takhar had failed i.e. she did not obtain the necessary handwriting evidence to support her allegations at the appropriate time.

Mrs Takhar appealed to the Supreme Court and it has now overturned the Court of Appeal’s ruling. The Supreme Court held that Mrs Takhar could bring an action to set aside an earlier judgment which was obtained by fraud. Their Lordships stated that the appeal turned on the outcome of a “bare-knuckle” fight between two principles of public policy, namely, “fraud unravels all” and “the finality of litigation”. In the view of the Supreme Court, the fraud principle should prevail. Their Lordships found that it was contrary to justice that a fraudulent individual should profit because their opponent failed to act with reasonable diligence. A person who obtained judgment through fraud had perpetuated a deception not only on their opponent but also on the Court and the rule of law. With this case, the Supreme Court has resolved the uncertainty as to the test that must be met when seeking to set aside a judgment on the grounds that it was obtained by fraud. Where fraud was not alleged in the original proceedings, it would not be an abuse of process to bring fresh proceedings, even if the fraud could have been discovered earlier. If you are involved with any dispute, contractual or otherwise, or if there are any issues concerning fraud or forgery then Blacks Solicitors can assist.





Halima’s Chatpatty Chops

Ingredients • Lamb front chops x 500g • Greek yoghurt x 3 heaped tbsp • Garlic x 5 cloves (finely grated) • Ginger x 2” piece (finely grated) • Tomato ketchup x 1 tbsp • Juice of half lemon • Oil x 2 tbsp

This editions recipes kindly contributed by Curry on Halims

SPICES NEEDED • Chilli powder x 1 tsp • Chilli flakes x 1 tsp • Salt to taste • Amchoor (dried mango powder) x 1 heaped tsp • Chaat masala x 1 tsp • Kasuri methi (dried fenugreek leaves) x 1 tbsp

Me od

Place the yoghurt in a wide cooking pot and add in the ginger, garlic, lemon juice, chilli powder, chilli flakes, amchoor, chaat masala and kasuri methi. Mix well so that everything is well incorporated.

on medium. Cover with a lid for 30 secs and then turn the chops over. Place the lid on once again and, cook for a further 30 secs.

Have a taste of the marinade and add salt according to your taste. Mix again.

The chops will have charred lightly by now, they will need no more than a further 10-20 secs per side. Place the cooked chops in a dish and cover with aluminium foil, allow them to rest for 5-8 mins before serving.

Add in the chops and coat them well with the marinade. For maximum taste, leave the chops to marinate for at least a couple of hours, but, if you’re short of time, they can be cooked straight away. Place the pot of chops on the hob and cover with a lid. Cook over high heat for a few mins, until the marinade starts releasing water and steam is created. Turn the heat down to low and let the chops cook until they’re tender. Now, turn the heat up to medium and allow the marinade to dry up and stick to the chops. When you can see the chops are getting dry, add in the tomato ketchup and stir through. By now, the marinade will have dried up and coated the chops. Turn off the heat and add in the oil. Mix well. Heat up a tawa (chapatti pan) or frying pan really well, over medium heat. Give the chops a mix and one by one, lay them down on the tawa/frying pan, keeping the flame

Tips • I feel lamb chops are best for this type of dish. However, if you choose to use mutton, you’ll need to add in some water at the start and, cooking time will be much longer. • The spices listed all play a vital role. Omitting or substituting any, will obviously change the overall taste of the dish. If you can’t get hold of amchoor, then buy a packet of dried mango pieces (available in all supermarkets) and finely chop them. • Greek yoghurt is added both for texture and taste. The watery yoghurts won’t achieve the same result. • Please take care to not overcook the chops after steaming. Adhering to the cooking times specified in the recipe, will result in juicy, succulent chops. Cooking for longer will dry them out. • Resting the chops is very important. It gives the meat juices a chance to seep back in to the meat, keeping them juicy in the middle. • If you want the chops to be mild in spice, halve the amount of chilli powder and chilli flakes.

Spicy and Tangy These super yummy chops are first marinated, then steamed and, finally flash fried. It’s best to do the marination in a cooking pot, as the chops can be cooked in that same pot too. This recipe of 500g will give you appx 12-15 chops, depending on the size they’re cut. It’s then your choice how many you’d like to serve per person.



Halima’s Yummy Masala Chicken Wings Me od 1. Place the chicken wings in a cooking pot, along with all the ingredients, bar the eggs. 2. Mix really well, cover loosely with a tea towel and leave to marinate for an hour. 3. Place the pot on the stove to heat up and bring to boil. Cover, reduce heat to low and let chicken wings cook in their own steam for upto 10 minutes. 4. After 10 minutes, increase heat to high and cook the wings until all excess liquid has dried up and the marinade is clinging to the wings. 5. Leave to cool for 5 minutes. 6. Beat the eggs in a deep bowl and add a pinch of salt and pepper, mix well. 7. Heat oil in a pan for shallow frying, keep on medium heat. 8. Take a chicken wing, dip in the beaten egg, coat well on all sides and place carefully in the oil. Do not move for at least one minute and do no overcrowd the pan. 9. Let the wings cook for on medium heat for a few minutes before turning over. Once the wings are nicely browned and crisp, remove and drain on kitchen paper.

Recipes sponsored by

Ingredients • Chicken Wings (no skin) 1kg • Ginger (grated) 1 heaped tbsp • Eggs 2 • Juice of 1 lemon • Oil for frying • Chilli powder 1 tsp • Chilli flakes 1 tsp • Ground Cumin 2 tsp • Coarsley ground black pepper 1 tsp • Parpika 1tsp • Salt to taste




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Your work ethic needs to be flexible and you should be able to Are you a self starter, ambitious, self motivator, have the hunger to achieve and increase earning potential? Then our Managers at Asian work over your contracted hours in order to achieve sales targets. Training will be given. Sunday want to hear from you. Two positions have become available for Business development Manager to help sell our services to Business clients. You must have a minimum of one year’s experience To apply or for more information email a covering letter with selling to B2B customers. You must possess excellent communication your CV to with BDM in the subject field skills and be educated to a minimum of 5 GCSE’s at grade C or above or post to Asian Sunday Newspaper 5 Green Street, Bradford BD1 5HG and have a can do attitude. You will be required to travel across


Asian Sunday is expanding and therefore is looking for a reporters/journalists We are launching 4 more regional titles by 2022 and are We are an equal opportunities employer and therefore accept applicatherefore looking for journalists, reporters and contributors tions from individuals of all backgrounds. to join our team. Flexible working hours. Pay scale according to NUJ guidelines and based We want enthusiastic reporters who will get out and about on experience. bringing in exclusive stories and getting into the heart of To apply send your our communities. CV with a sample article on any subject Journalists will have all your preliminary qualifications, in no more than 600 including 100 wpm shorthand and preferably with NCTJ words to editor@ qualifications. Reporters must possess excellent command of the English or post to Asian Sunday Newspaper language and be felixable. 5 Green Street, Little The ideal candidates will have knowledge of Asian Commu- Germany, Bradford BD1 5HG nities living in the UK along with business and lifestyle.




Son of Late Property Tycoon Joins Hands with His Son to Fulfil Father’s Lifelong Dream of Developing Historic Fairmount Site A father and son duo have come together to fulfil the dream of property tycoon Choudhary Liaqat Ali, to develop ambitious Grade-II listed derelict terraced houses into luxury Dubai style properties and studio flats. Zulfiqar Ali (fondly known as Sonny by his friends and family) and his son Fahad have recently been granted planning permission from Bradford Council to develop the Fairmount row of buildings, which is situated off North Park Road and faces the award winning, picturesque, Lister Park in Manningham. The property is located in a conservation area and consists of seven buildings, which date back to the 1850’s, surrounded by 1.2 acres of land. The ambitious project will see the dilapidated property convert into four large self-contained flats and thirty-two studio apartments, with parking space for 19 cars. Sonny told Asian Sunday: “My late father

acquired this site many years ago and always wanted to redevelop it into something really special. “Sadly, he passed away before he could see this project transpire and it has been my ambition to fulfil his dream for Fairmount. Along with adding value to the area and seeing this derelict place come alive, this project holds significant value to me and my family and that’s why we will do whatever it takes to regenerate the area.

the highest of standards but at the same time we ensure we preserve as much of the original features and character of the property we can. It’s a challenge I will take great satisfaction in taking on.”

is sustainably located and easily accessible by public transport in the form of regular bus routes along Keighley Road, and is also close to local shops and services on Oak Lane”

Although planning for the development was submitted to Bradford Council last July, the application was only approved by officers last month.

“The site layout remains as existing which provides off street parking for 19 vehicles. With on street parking also available within the vicinity the proposed development is considered unlikely to have any significant adverse impact on highway safety.

“Due to the fact that the buildings have not been in use for several years, there has been significant damage, rot, arson and vandalism, which means the properties are in a very bad way. However, I am up for the challenge, especially as my son is joining me to help make the dream a reality.

Bradford Council Heritage Office said: “Fairmount has been disused for several years and in that time has been allowed to fall into serious disrepair, the buildings being affected by several fires, vandalism and outbreaks of rot resulting from damage to the roof and rainwater goods. Some renovation work has taken place, but an appropriate new use is needed.”

“There is going to be a real sense of personal pride and joy in doing this project and so we won’t be compromising on quality and will be ensuring we finish the work to

He also said the works must retain tress on the site that make a “very significant contribution to conservation area character” Planning officers also said: “Fairmount

“Fairmount is identified as a key unlisted building in North park Road conservation area, with the open space fronting the properties being key open space significant to both the setting of the buildings and the wider conservation area. The proposal can only be considered a positive for the building and wider conservation area and will ensure the effective management of the facility and on-going maintenance.”


Young Boxer Aspires to Fulfill Father’s Unfulfilled Dream of



Becoming a World Champion Boxer

By FATIMA PATEL While most fourteen year old boys, are out enjoying pizza’s, burgers. movies and computer games, one Bradford boy has decided to give it all up, to fulfill his father’s lifelong ambition of becoming a world champion boxer. Beckfoot Upper Heaton student Mohammed Amar Farooq started boxing three years ago, when he walked into a local boxing gym and started practising. The local gym were impressed by Amar (as he is fondly called) and seeing his potential decided to call Amar’s father in and watch the young talent spar. Father Amjad Farooq, was delighted to see that without any encouragement his son had taken up

the sport of boxing with a passion, and displayed huge potential.

Mr Farooq recalls growing up and wanting to be a boxer, but times were difficult and it was more important to earm money for the family than to pursue boxing, which at the time was seen as an expensive hobby. Since discovering Amar’s new found passion and talent, Mr Farooq has begun supporting Amar with training, diets and motivation. “I am really excited to see my son take up a sport that I enjoyed but had to give up in my early years.” Said Mr Farooq “It’s great to see Amar’s commitment, to boxing, but more importantly his love for the sport. “Amar has had five fights, of which he has won three. He lost his first two, but after he joined the new club, the

new trainers were in amazement as to how Amar lost two fights, and surely every single fight thereafter Amar has won so I couldn’t be more happier for him” While father is overjoyed, mum, who is a successful businesswoman and owns Prity salon, is fully supportive, but prefers not to watch Amar fight, due to the nature of physical contact, but is happy to see her son find something he is really passionate about.

Amar has welcomed the support from his parents and is going from strength to strength. His latest opponent was a tri-nation boxer, in Hull, who has been selected to be part of Team GB Boxing. Amar successfully won the round with the GB hopeful and is super charged to get in the ring again.

“I want to be a world champion and also represent Team GB for boxing in the Olympics.” Amar told Asian Sunday

“My dad is my role model. I am lucky I have been given opportunities that my dad didn’t have when he was younger and so I want to be able to fulfill his dream of being a world champion boxer” Amar was bullied at school as a child and this troubled him. He wanted to do something about it and walked into a boxing gym and try out the sport. Now he enjoys the sport so much, he trains rigorously with his father, with 6am starts for training, followed by a strict diet and ending his day with more workouts. Studies also gets prioritised and Amar fully intends to continue his education by going on to do a Business Studies


Amar seems to be a role model student as his recent achievements have encouraged his headteacher Sarah Clayton to write about Amar on her blog. She describes her delight in meeting him and “discover that in his fight on 23rd June, he became the Hull Box Cup Champion” The young boxer has also impressed the CEO of My Lahore, Asghar Ali, who wants to fully support Amar, by offering him sponsorship. Although Amar has achieved much success and praise at such an early age, he remains grounded and totally focused on his goals and aspirations. His advice to boys his age is: “Stay away from bad friends, bad people, bad food and find something that’s good for you, find something that helps you with life and whatever gives you that positivity and happiness.



Women’s World Cup Round-up; England Display The Heart of Lionesses By AYYAZ MALIK Notoriously in the shadow of their male counterparts, the Women’s football world cup has been a tournament to remember for records being broken and England coming so close to glory. Just like with the men, England’s women came into the tournament with the hopes of winning the whole thing. It started so well for Phill Neville (who was taking charge of his first major tournament) and his side. Wins over Scotland, Argentina and former winners Japan meant that the former Manchester United defender was able to guide England into the round of 16 without too much fuss. There in the round of 16, Cameroon awaited the Lionesses in what was a very difficult fixture in a different context to the usual way such a phrase would be used. Petulance, whether that be through on pitch protests after disagreeing with decisions or deliberately hurting opposition players in frustration of decisions, was just one way to describe the Cameroonian’s behaviour. Despite all the sideshow that this game was demonstrating, Neville’s England side professionally booked their place into the last eight with a 3-0 win. That meant a meeting with minnows Norway awaited in the quarter-final . Due to nature of such a game, where England were overwhelming favourites to come out on top, such a game again could have been difficult, but again to their credit, England professionally swept

their Norwegian counterparts aside 3-0. Coming into the tournament, England manager Phil Neville said he wanted nothing less than to win the tournament, seemed to be justified with the expectation of his Lionesses bring the world cup home. In the way of such a dream was defending champions USA, who were man-

aged by Englishwoman Jill Ellis. From the England perspective, sadly the step of trying to beat the Americans was too big of one, as they overcame England 2-1, who arguably could feel hard done by after VAR ruled in America’s favour over some “tight” decisions. That meant a third-place playoff, and the battle for the bronze medal against fellow beaten semi-finalists Sweden awaited. Further disappointment fol-

lowed as England were again defeated 2-1 in the third place playoff game. One scant consolation for England, if you can call it a consolation is that England lost to a team in the USA, who would eventually go on to win the tournament, by defeating European champions Holland in the final 2-0. In other news from the tournament, Brazilian striker Martha became the highest

scorer in world cup history for both men and women. The 33-year old has now scored more goals (17) than Geman men’s forward Miroslav Klose and more than compatriot Ronaldo who scored 16 and 15 respectively. This might not be big news to some, but just maybe this fact in itself is a suggestion that the girls can be good as the boys in a sport that’s bit synonymous with men.

Cricket World Cup; Pakistan’s cubs turn into Lions In England, the country is well known for its love of football, but in the subcontinent, arguably the people are well known for their love of cricket. Whether that be India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh or Pakistan. Every youngster around those parts no doubt dreams of being the next Wasim Akram, Waqar Younis, Mohammed Yousuf for example. Only some are of the elite and select few who achieve the sporting pinnacle and can play for the country and do so for a sustained period. Pakistan, who won the World Cup in 1992 with players like Inzamam Ul-Haq and Wasim Akram amongst others, now are in another exciting era. Step forward Messers Afridi (Shaheen Shah Afridi to give him his full name), Ul-Haq (nephew of the aforementioned Inzamam) and Azam, who goes by the first name of Babar. These are just three players who are making their mark on the Pakistan national side, let’s not forget to mention Harris Sohail who was brilliant after replacing veteran Shoaib Malik in the side, and also Shadab Khan who is rapidly forging a reputation as a fine spinner and more than capable batsmen. To think that the very talented Faheem Ashraf who has starred in domestic T20

cricket didn’t make the final and Hassan Ali a veteran of this group of players at 25 years old (star of the Champions Trophy team lost his place in the side) , then it further strengthens the belief of just how exciting the future Pakistan’s team is. Both Babar and Imam came to within a whisker of breaking Sir Viv Richards’ long-standing record of the fewest matches to score their first 1,000 runs for their country, but it’s in the bowling department where a statement of intent has been made. At the tender age of just 19, Shaheen Shah Afridi has recorded the best ever World Cup boxing figures by a Pakistani with 6-35, and also the best figures of this years tournament so far. Afridi who starred in the Under 19 edition, just had too much height, pace and bounce (due to his height) for the Bangladeshi batsmen to deal with. Throw in the well disguised slower balls and well-directed yorkers too, really made the man from Landi Kotal a nightmare for Bangladesh’s batting line up. Sadly for both bowler and Pakistan, the 1992 world champions’ participation has been ended prematurely for what they would have wanted, but it’s abundantly clear in both batting and bowling Pakistan will have a very talented side come the next world cup.








Cricket World Cup 2019: Zero to Hero Stokes Helps England Win Home World Cup

By AYYAZ MALIK After 48 games of high quality and high drama, fittingly the men’s cricket world cup would end in a tense, exciting and high-quality finale. The two teams contesting that final (England and New Zealand), one would finally reach the cricketing world summit after both sides have come so close yet so far since the tournament began way back in 1975. Coming into this final, both hosts England and runners up of the 2015 World Cup New Zealand defeated arguably the two best sides in the tournament in defending champions Australia and join favourites before the tournament started India. How they won their semi-finals were in very contrasting fashion. The Kiwis New Zealand who were looking to go one better this time after losing to arch-rivals Australia in 2015, edged out Virat Kohli’s India in what was one of the modern classics in world cup history. After initially playing on Tuesday, rain would crucially intervene, which meant the two sides would have to use the allocated reserve day. Chasing what seemed just 240 to reach the final like they did in 2011, but this is sport and sport doesn’t really play by the rules, none of this, India should win because they’re world number two, rather the laws of sports rule as they please. That’s how it turned out here as, Kohli, Rohit Sharma and co failed to chase down their target and were unceremoniously dumped out at the semi-final stage. For New Zealand a chance for redemption awaited in the final, but who would it be facing them? Would it be Australia for a round two world cup final revenge match or would it be one of the two sides never to have tasted world supremacy England. It turned out to be the latter matchup instead of the former after England defeated their old enemy Australia at a canter with an eight-wicket win. So to Lords, this World cup final would go to. World number one England after embarrassingly being dumped out in the group stages in 2015 were looking to complete the full circle and

win the world cup as hosts. In their way were New Zealand, who it could be argued are a resemblance in terms of courage and character of the Pakistan world cup winning team of 1992. Both teams have this “fight like tigers’ mentality and both are marshalled by an excellent leader in Kane Williamson and Imran Khan. England though have an exceptional leader of their own, Middlesex batsmen, Eoin Morgan, Morgan was newly appointed to the role when the 2015 world cup happened, so naturally was learning about his team and himself as a leader it most definitely can be argued. As admirable as The Three Lions’ work was in building a team capable of competing in the latter stages of the world cup, that work bottled down to 100 overs of cricket. Winning the toss in this final was going to be crucial and it would the visiting side New Zealand who would win what many believed to be a crucial toss to win due to the state of the pitch.

New Zealand after finding scoring hard to come by were able to post 241-8 in their 50 overs with Tom Latham and Henry Nicholls both impressing with the bat on an increasingly difficult surface with scores of 47 and 55 respectively. England to their credit bowled admirably, with Liam Plunkett and Chris Woakes taking three wickets apiece. After posting 241-8, New Zealand was looking to the inspiration of star bowler Trent Boult to help the 2015 runners-up make early inroads into the England batting line-up. The Kiwi’s would get an early breakthrough thanks to Matt Henry, who removed semi-final hero Jason Roy early. At that point, that appeared to be a “minor’ set back, but when wickets fell at regular intervals it was left to Jos Buttler and Ben Stokes to win the game for hosts England. Both men went about their task admirably to help their team get over the line, but when vice-captain

Buttler fell for a near run a ball 59, New Zealand could sense blood and the world cup trophy. Ben Stokes, on the other hand, decided that he single-handedly was going to help his country to world cup glory, arguably eager to exercise the demons of that fateful night of 2016 . The Durham all-rounder went about his task admirably and despite riding his look twice (benefitting from overthrows, due to the ball hitting his helmet and being caught after the fielder hit the boundary cushion), Stokes helped his side secure a tie. Even that looking highly unlikely after the home side England needing 27 from 15 balls on a tricky pitch. With the game tied, England and New Zealand were going to need to contest a super over, a one-over bowling shoot out between the two sides to determine who can score more runs in one over. England would bat first and they opted to send out Stokes and Buttler. Such a move seemed to be the right


choice, but New Zealand had a trick up their sleeve too as they chose star man Boult to bowl the super over. 15 runs would come off the over with England able to hit two fours, which would prove to be crucial. New Zealand who were looking to chase 16 runs in an over, decided to send out Martin Guptill and Jimmy Neesham to face the super over, to be bowled by Joffra Archer, England’s leading wicket-taker in this world cup. Such a move could have backfired, but England captain Morgan to his credit was justified in his choice as Archer conceded 15 runs off his over, which wasn’t enough, thus meaning England have become the cricket world cup 2019 world champions. This final was one of the best finals ever to be contested in the history of world cups. What a final and what a fitting way to end international cricket’s most prestigious tournament.

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