Asian Standard Kirklees Issue 22 - 28 FEB

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Our resident chef Shaeem shows us how to cook Gobi Musallam CHECK HIS RECIPE ON PAGE 28





Read more on pages 6 & 7



NEWS IN BRIEF Whatsapp privacy policy update - Take 2




Last month, WhatsApp tried to explain to its users around the world that it was changing the way it handled personal information. This hugely backfired and resulted in many leaving the app for rival apps. WhatsApp owned by tech giant Facebook has now tried to explain the new update, again in a blog post in which it said users will be shown a banner alert in the coming weeks which will encourage them to learn more about the update and what is and is not changing. It will also display messages in the Status section of the app which will declare the firm’s continued commitment to privacy and that conversations will remain end-to-end encrypted.

First look of the Maserati Grecale SUV prototype

A prototype of the new Grecale SUV has been photographed outside the historic Maserati plant on Viale Ciro Menotti in Modena. The employees were the first to diffuse these images on the social networks. Innovative by nature, Maserati decided to share the photos of the new model exclusively with the Maserati Family. The prototype cars are currently undergoing a period of intensive road, circuit and off-road tests, in various conditions of use, to acquire vital data for the preparation of the new SUV's final setup. The Grecale will be built at Cassino (Italy), where an investment of about 800 million Euros is planned. The Maserati Grecale will receive its World Premiere before the end of 2021.

Taxi drivers in Kirklees who operate using Covidsecure working practices could be eligible for a £1,000 support grant. And self-employed or home-based businesses in the borough – such as childcare providers – could get up to £9,000 if they have been required to close during the coronavirus pandemic. Kirklees Council has been handed an additional £3.9m to distribute to businesses and the selfemployed that meet the relevant criteria. The cash follows the expansion by the government of the Covid-19 Discretionary Support Grant Scheme. The money is administered by local authorities such as Kirklees. The Discretionary Support Grant provides financial help to self-employed residents such as taxi drivers

and home-based businesses as well as businesses that have been legally required to close from November 5 2020, but are not registered for business rates, such as daily licence market traders selling non-essential goods. Those businesses that have remained open but have been severely impacted by Covid restrictions, like childcare providers, can also claim help under the scheme. The changes will see top-up payments of up to £9,000 for eligible businesses to match the Closed Business Lockdown Payments announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak as a result of the latest national lockdown, which began on January 5. Self-employed applicants will no longer have to demonstrate that they have not received other

government financial support, and payments will be increased. Taxi drivers could also receive up to £1,000 for using Covid-secure working practices. Council Leader Cllr Shabir Pandor encouraged people to go online to check whether they are eligible. He said: “Businesses should look on the council’s website to see if they qualify for support and make a claim as soon as possible if they do.” The council has so far paid out almost £130m to more than 11,000 shops, pubs, restaurants and other businesses across the local economy. Staff have been redeployed from their normal duties to assist in making payments. Cllr Pandor added: “I’ve been incredibly impressed by the resilience of businesses in the face of challenges

ALL UK ADULTS TO GET COVID VAX JAB BY JULY 31: JOHNSON All adults in the UK will be offered their first dose of a coronavirus vaccine by the end of July, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pledged. More than 17 million people have been given a jab since the UK's Covid-19 vaccine rollout began in December 2020. But Johnson said he now wants the programme to "go further and faster". He said the July target would allow vulnerable people to be protected "sooner" and would help to further ease lockdown rules across the country. A speedy rollout of the vaccine to all vulnerable people is seen as critical to reducing the pandemic's death toll and relieving pressure on the NHS. The government's previous target was to offer all adults the first dose by September. The new plans mean that by April 15, all adults aged 50 and over, as well as younger people with

underlying health conditions that put them at higher risk, should have been offered a jab. However, the order of priority in which the under-50s will be offered jabs has yet to be outlined by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI). Labour welcomed the vaccine targets being moved forward but called on the government to prioritise people based on their job. Shadow Health Secretary Jonathan Ashworth said "It's perfectly reasonable for teachers, police officers and other key workers who haven't been able to stay at home in the lockdown to ask when their turn will be. "If government aren't going to prioritise by occupation in the next phase, they need to set out why." At least 17.2 million people in the UK have received their first dose of a vaccine

at one of the 1,500 vaccination sites across the country, and almost 600,000 have received their first dose of a vaccine at one of the 1,500 vaccination sites across the country, and almost 600,000 have received their second

Bizarre incident of escaped cow charging into hospital and attacking patients A hospital CCTV showed bizarre scenes of an escaped cow run inside a hospital and attacked patients. The cow caused chaos and panic as it knocked over chairs and started running around, like a bull in a china shop on February 13. A group of people inside ran to a corner for safety but were followed by the cow that then slammed into them. In the video, the cow falls several times allowing some patients to escape, but leaves an injured woman trapped on the floor as two men manage to grab the

dose. The government has said it met its pledge of offering a vaccine to everyone in the top four priority groups - including those aged 70 and over, care home residents, healthcare workers and people required to shield.

San Rafael in the municipality of San Luis in the department of Antioquia.

animal’s lead and pull it away. However, it charges at the woman again as a man follows and tries to

coax it back before the cow is finally seen exiting the hospital and the woman looks for help. The incident occurred in Colombia’s Hospital

Local newspaper Vanguardia said nobody was seriously injured in the incident as the trampled woman was treated for minor contusions and pain while the rest of the patients did not seek treatment. The rogue cow also damaged two motorcycles at the hospital’s entrance and some chairs in the waiting room. Vanguardia said the cow’s owner went to the hospital to apologise for the incident and asked about the woman’s health as well as the material damage, but it is unclear if he plans to pay for anything. There have been no reports of the police opening an investigation.





Cllr Shabir Pandor, Leader of Kirklees Council created by Covid-19 and it’s vital we do all we can to help them stay afloat. “We’re giving ourselves a better chance for a speedy economic recovery once we’re able to return to some sort of normality.” Other government grants are still available to claim, including Christmas support for pubs

that predominately sell alcohol. The application closing date for the “wet-led pub” payment has recently been extended to midnight on February 28. For the latest information about business grants, and to apply, go to uk/coronavirusbusiness

STRAIN OF H5N8 BIRD FLU DETECTED IN HUMANS FOR THE FIRST TIME AND REPORTED TO WHO A strain of bird flu has been detected in humans for the first time, according to scientists in Russia. Tests found traces of the H5N8 strain of avian flu were present in samples collected from seven workers at a poultry farm in southern Russia, where an outbreak was recorded among the birds in December. The head of Russia’s health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, said the findings have already been reported to the World Health Organisation. The workers did not suffer any serious health consequences and Ms Popova stressed there was no sign of transmission between humans so far. Previously another strain of bird flu – H5N1 – has been known to spread to humans.

Outbreaks of the H5N8 strain have been reported in Russia, Europe, China, the Middle East and North Africa in recent months but only in poultry. It is highly contagious and lethal for birds it has never before been reported to have spread to humans. Hundreds of thousands of birds have had to be killed to stop the infection spreading after outbreaks in farms across the world. Speaking on Rossiya 24 state TV, Ms Popova praised ‘the important scientific discovery,’ saying ‘time will tell’ if the virus can further mutate. ‘The discovery of these mutations when the virus has not still acquired an ability to transmit from human to human gives us all, the entire world, time to prepare for possible mutations

and react in an adequate and timely fashion,’ Ms Popova said. The majority of human bird flu infections have been associated with direct contact with infected live or dead poultry, though properly cooked food is considered to be safe. Siberia’s Vector Institute said on Saturday it would start developing human tests and a vaccine against H5N8, RIA news agency reported.

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Smokers will soon have to cough up £100 if they are found smoking outside school gates and in public playgrounds. The tough new fines are being introduced in Wales in a bid to ‘denormalise smoking’ for children. Parents and carers – including childminders – will be banned from lighting up while waiting for their kids in outdoor areas, including hospital entrances. The measure, to be introduced from the beginning of March, will also mean Welsh homeowners are no longer allowed to smoke when workers are in their property.

And the move will also be extended to include selfcontained holiday cottages, caravans and Airbnbs by March next year. Welsh Government minister, Baroness Eluned Morgan, believes the measure will reduce the number of young people taking up smoking and save lives. ‘We know the harms

smoking can do to health and so we’re introducing these new requirements for the benefit of future generations,’ she said. ‘Banning smoking outside hospitals and places where children and young people spend their time, such as public playgrounds and school grounds, will denormalise smoking and reduce the chances of children and young people starting smoking in the first place. ‘We are proud to be the first part of the UK to outlaw

smoking in these areas and once again leading the way.’ Baroness Morgan, minister for mental health, wellbeing and Welsh language, added: ‘Many smokers have already been motivated by Covid-19 to quit and we know quitting with support provides the best chance to stop smoking for good.’ However, the ban will not apply to vaping or e-cigarettes. Do you think this fine should be introduced in England too?




POLICE RELEASE IMAGES FOLLOWING ATTEMPT BURGLARY. DO YOU RECOGNISE THEM? Police investigating an attempt burglary in Heckmondwike have issued images of some males they would like to identify in connection with the incident. It happened in Hollinbank Lane at about 6pm on Friday, 12 February. The suspects made off in a black VW Golf. An image of which has also been issued. Anyone with information about the incident, these males or the vehicle is asked to contact Kirklees District Crime Team on 101, or use the contact options on the West Yorkshire Police website. The crime reference is 13210074576. Information can also be given anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers.

“ILLEGAL FIREARMS ARE A SIGNIFICANT THREAT TO THE COMMUNITIES WE SERVE.” West Yorkshire Police Supports National Campaign to Raise Awareness on Firearms West Yorkshire Police is supporting a national campaign to “know the gun, know the law, know the consequences.” Through the campaign The National Crime Agency (NCA) is warning young people: “You only get one shot in life – don’t blow it.” And the Force is giving it’s backing to the national campaign to raise awareness amongst people interested in firearms or on the fringes of criminal gangs. West Yorkshire Police continues to work with local partners and the public to tackle serious and organised crime in the county, through the Programme Precision strategy. One of the principle aims of the strategy is reduce the threat of SOC within communities through targeted enforcement with partners and also targeted intervention and diversion. The criminal use of firearms continues to be a Force priority and the seizing of illegally held Firearms is key element to mitigating the risk to the public from Firearms crime.

Detective Superintendent Carl Galvin leads Programme Precision said: “Illegal firearms are a significant threat to the communities we serve and as a Force we are doing everything possible to remove them from the streets and bring offenders to justice. “Programme Precision is helping to make a significant difference but we cannot do this work alone. I want to urge people to consider the consequences of their actions in getting involved in gun crime in the first place. “This is the main message of this national campaign – the importation, possession and supply of unlawful firearms within the UK is a substantial risk both to an individual who chooses to get involved and the wider community who become victims to offences associated with this type of crime. “I would urge everyone, especially young people to ‘know the gun, know the law and know the consequence’ of illegal possession of firearms in West Yorkshire and the wider UK.”




BATLEY’S INDIAN MUSLIM CHARITY RECEIVES HIGH PRAISE FOR THEIR WORK DURING COVID-19 The Indian Muslim Welfare Society has been playing an integral role in supporting the Indian Muslim community for decades. The charity, which is based at the Al-Hikmah centre in Batley, while being a supportive arm and a place of information for the local Muslim community, has never been shy of extending its support to the wider

community. The pandemic has demonstrated how the respected community organisation has stepped up and shown its capacity to lead from the front, whether it is communicating vital Covid-19 information, dispelling Covid-19 myths, becoming a vaccine centre or providing food parcels for

those in need. The work of the centre has been lauded by the Prime Minister and local MP for Batley and Spen Tracy Brabin. Ms Brabin is full of praises for IMWS and has said: “They do an amazing job, and I am sure the people here in Batley are ever so grateful for all they have done.” Boris Johnson has lauded the work of IMWS not just during his visit a few weeks ago, but also during a social media video. He said: “It was wonderful to be up at the Al-Hikmah Community Centre, in Batley, In Yorkshire, where I saw people working really well and really hard to make sure that the vaccines reach all communities and that is going well across the country.” But it isn’t praise from the MP or Prime Minister which has touched

the hearts of the volunteers here at the Al-Hikmah centre. A volunteer from the centre told Asian Standard he will never forget the kindness of a white gentleman towards him for delivering him a food parcel.

“This was my second time delivering a food parcel to this white gentleman and when I went to deliver the box to him, he said to me ‘that is wonderful’ and drew a cross in the air and said: ‘may the Lord raise you.’ I thought that was just extraordinary because I have never experienced anything like that before.” Nadeem Raja, General Manager at IMWS added: “That shows that we are doing something right, when the community, particularly those who are not from the same community we come from, appreciate what you are doing.” Mr Raja went on to say that around 70 per cent of requests for food parcels come from the white indigenous community, which are referred by their partners from



“For us it is not just food we are delivering, it is so important we deliver good quality nutritious food.” Mr Raja went on to explain how through a study they had discovered how important good nutritious food is for older people who are on medication, but also for those for whom affordability of nutritious food is an issue. “Those medicines don’t work unless they have decent food in their system.” Mr Raja went on to say. “So, we mostly provide wholesome good branded and wherever possible organic food in our parcels.” Food parcel for a single person is valued at around £15 and will contain, either shreddies or weetabix, 6 x apples, 6 x bananas, 6 x tomatoes, 1 cucumber, vacuum packed chicken, organic pasta, tuna among other items. All meat products are vacuum packed and come with their own unique batch number and is halal certified. As well as helping those in need, the items for the food parcels are all sourced locally, which means the work is also helping local businesses and the local economy. The support doesn’t just end here for IMWS there is so much more that is happening. The charity also has an IMWS women arm, who have been busy putting together hygiene packs due to a rise in demand from women who are struggling to get by. This is being managed by Shaheen Usmani. She and her army of volunteers have received money for 500 packs, which contain sanitary towels, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, pack of tissues and cleansing wipes. However, the savvy team thanks to careful buying have managed to take the 500 packs to 800.

schools, to housing associations, to local charities. “We are here to help and this is our third round of food parcels, which shows that there is a need in the community” Continued Mr Raja “We initially started during the month of Ramadan where we delivered around 200 food parcels, which was initiated by the community themselves. As demand grew, we then received funding of just under £40,000 from HM Government, which IMWS are pleased to be delivering and is monitored by the Community Fund.

These packs are being distributed to schools and various local partners for young women who are finding it difficult to access such items due to affordability. With the immense contribution of organisations such as IMWS there is a sense of community spirit and hope, but above all the belief that we will all get through this together.





BRITAIN’S SKIPPING SIKH WHO IS A POTATO FARMER SAYS IT IS BREAKING HIS HEART SEEING WHAT IS HAPPENING TO FARMERS IN HIS HOMELAND BY MINREET KAUR In 1985 my grandfather was killed in India and now to see what is happening to the farmers in my dad’s homeland is breaking our hearts.

working population is part of the agriculture sector – and 15 per cent of India’s GDP according to comes from agriculture.

Minreet Kaur daughter of Britain’s Skipping Sikh wants justice for the millions of farmers protesting in India against the new agricultural laws.

My dad, Rajinder Singh, is 74 and lives in Harlington, London. He’s also a potato farmer and activist – he’s become famous as the UK’s first, and only, “skipping Sikh” – and is doing all he can to raise awareness of the gravity of the farmers’ plight. So why isn’t the British government doing the same?

In Delhi, since last November, millions of farmers have been peacefully protesting for justice. They fear that the three new agricultural laws that the government want to put in place will favour the giant corporations and destroy their livelihoods. More than 60 per cent of India’s

It’s too late to argue that nobody knows about what’s going on, though that may have been the case, at first. Since the protests began, Narendra Modi’s far-

right government has violently tried to suppress them, by censoring social media pages of anyone who speaks out or shares information on the real truth, of what is going on. The borders of Delhi have been surrounded by barricades and barbed wire. The internet has been shut down, water and food supplies cut off, and many farmers have gone missing. There are claims that at least one woman, activist was arrested and sexually assaulted. Yet now the eyes of the world are on India, following a number of tweets by high-profile celebrities such as Rihanna, Greta Thunberg, Amir Khan and Meena Harris. And now it’s time for the British government to step up and fight for justice – just like my father. He was born in Punjabi in 1947, a farmer and a landowner. His family are currently at the protests, fighting for justice. My dad is completely devastated and shocked to see videos of protestors being dragged across the floor, beaten, tear gas being fired – and people dying.

Skipping Sikh

This is cruelty, not how a government should behave. When the Black Lives Matter protests took place, the world was rightly outraged. So why isn’t the UK condemning these

Family camp in a tent in their garden to show solidarity for the farmers protesting in India against the Indian government atrocious acts of violence? Dad has found himself in a most unwarranted – and, frankly, unwelcome – spotlight. He never envisioned that he would be speaking out in public about the fiery protests in his homeland, and how they affect more than 80 per cent of BritishAsians like him. This isn’t the first-time he has seen injustice, either. In 1985, his father was strangled and killed. He never found out who killed him, and to this day my family has never seen justice. My great-grandparents went

through the 1947 partition and were left homeless. Dad saw thousands of lives taken in the Sikh genocide of 1984, at Sri Harminder Sahib – the Golden Temple – in Amritsar, his hometown. He never expected to see what he is seeing today: another attack on his homeland, which will lead to more deaths – and, potentially, suicide – if there is no resolution between the farmers and the Indian government. On the ground in Britain, the Indian diasporas are doing what

they can – they’ve held rallies, and one family even decided to camp in a tent in their garden, to show their support. status/1353078761776967686 s=20 Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi MP for Slough has written a letter to Dominic Raab which has been signed by over 100 MPs asking the UK government to intervene. But there has been little movement, since. This isn’t the case online: a few weeks ago a tweet went viral from Rihanna, who asked, “Why aren’t we talking about this?” off the back


of a news report about the issue. Other celebrities, such as Greta Thunberg, Amir Khan, Meena Harris, film star Salman Khan – and many more – have shown solidarity to the farmers.

these new laws pass.

We’ve since seen footage of counter-protesters in Delhi burning effigies of Thunberg after she tweeted her support.

In PMQ’s last year, Dhesi asked Boris Johnson to intervene and protect the safety of farmers. The PM’s reply was that this was an issue “between India and Pakistan” – which left many stunned. If the PM doesn’t know what’s going on, how can we expect anyone else to know?

Farmer suicide has risen from 16,000 in 2015 to over 20,000, according to researchers at Saving Punjab – this is only going to increase if we see

Yet one thing is clear: if these protests continue, it’s going to be devastating. There will be ramifications for many – even those beyond India’s border.


Thanks to growing social media activism in favour of the Indian farmer strike, the British government have now themselves been served with a petition signed by more than 100,000 people, which means it will now be debated. Grassroots UK organisations like Khalsa Aid, Sikh Assembly, Midland Langar Sewa hit the ground running, months ago, to support those families in India who have lost loved ones, with an outpouring of donations totalling just under £400,000 from vocal Asian celebrities Jazzy B, Diljit Dosanjh,

Harbhajan Mann and many more. American footballer Juju Smith has donated more than £100,000 for medical assistance for protestors. But it stings for British Asians, like me and my dad, to see that while farmers in India have the support of celebrities – our own government is staying silent. He feels, as do I, and many others like us, that Johnson has a fundamental duty to stand up against what clearly is – a human rights violation.




Picture: Andy Catchpool



The site of the former Stile Common School in Newsome, Huddersfield, which has been sold off to provide land for affordable housing.

BY TONY EARNSHAW The plan is recommended for approval.

Image: Trinity One LLP

A crunch planning meeting next week is expected to approve a controversial housing plan, which could see homes built on a notorious floodplain at Mirfield. The contentious development, at Granny Lane, is just one of the items on a packed agenda before Kirklees Council’s Strategic Planning Committee (Feb 24). Others include the demolition of most of the former Kirklees College site in Huddersfield and more industrial units on 15 acres of land at Lindley. Campaign groups Save Mirfield and Granny Lane Area Action Group (GLAAG) have put up a concerted fight to prevent homes being built on an ancient watermeadow at Granny Lane in Mirfield. The proposal has been twice deferred, once when objectors provided video footage of flooding by Storm Ciara and secondly when many of the houses planned have been found to be too small. In the latest report the Lead Local Flood Authority – which is actually Kirklees Council – has raised no objections to the homes scheme. However, it says building work will not be allowed to get underway until a water

The latest design for the proposed revamp of the former Kirklees College campus in Huddersfield. and land drainage scheme has been approved. Additionally, West Yorkshire Archaeology Advisory Service wants to investigate “past human activity” within the development site, which will also mean a delay to the start of building work. Also, in Mirfield, officers are recommending that a plan to build 63 homes on a filled-in former quarry off Old Bank Lane be refused due to the proximity of a landfill gas hazard. A massive project for Huddersfield is that of the former Kirklees College site bordering the ring road, which is to be largely demolished. It will be replaced by a large

apartment block along with a Lidl supermarket and offices. The 19th century Grade 2* listed Huddersfield infirmary, built in 1831, will be retained along with its wings.

The site was sold by Kirklees Council in 2020 to Accent Housing, which intends to

build nine two-bedroom and 21 three-bedroom homes for affordable rent.

The committee will be asked to note a pre-application to build industrial units and hot food takeaways on 15 acres of land off the A643 Lindley Moor Road in Lindley close to the M62. The plan outlines a fast food drive-thru, supermarket, restaurant, two café/ takeaways and a number of industrial and storage/ distribution warehouses. The site is part of a wider 79-acre Enterprise Zone that has already been largely developed.

Officers have recommended the plan, by Trinity One LLP, be approved in principle. The site has been empty, since 2013. It will create 32 flats within the old infirmary plus another 197 apartments in four- and five-storey blocks on the sixacre site. Land at Plane Street in Newsome, the site of the former Stile Common Infants and Nursery School, has been allocated for social housing. The school was closed in 2009 and demolished in 2011.

Floodwater on Granny Lane, Mirfield. Residents fear the building of a housing estate on nearby fields will exacerbate the problem.




COVID ROADMAP OUT OF LOCKDOWN: ‘THERE IS LIGHT AHEAD’ BORIS JOHNSON Boris Johnson has announced that ‘thanks to the vaccinations, that there is light ahead,’ and looking to spring and summer as seasons of hope. The Prime Minister addressed the nation on Monday 22 February announcing that England is on a "one way road to freedom". He revealed his four-step route out of lockdown, which could see all aspects of society reopened by June 21. Mr Johnson hopes to fully reopen the country and remove all limits on social contact within months, so long as the battle against coronavirus continues to go to plan. Mr Johnson however, warned the Covid-19 threat "remains substantial", but said he was able to plan for a lifting

of restrictions due to the "extraordinary success" of the vaccine rollout. However, even with every adult set to have been offered a jab by July, Mr Johnson said: "No vaccine can ever be 100 per cent effective, nor will everyone take them up." He added: "We cannot escape the fact that lifting lockdown will result in more cases, more hospitalisations and sadly more deaths. "This would happen whenever lockdown is lifted, whether now or in six or nine months, because there will always be some vulnerable people who are not protected by the vaccine. "There is therefore no credible route to a Zero Covid Britain or indeed a Zero Covid World."

Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty echoed the PM, saying the virus is "likely to be a problem, in particular, in the winter for the next few winters".

Boris Johnson's four stage roadmap out of lockdown: • Step 1 (part one) - March 8

He added: "I'm afraid, for the foreseeable future, coronavirus is going to be added to that list of things that those who are vulnerable - even despite vaccination - can be at risk of." The PM, however, was unable to guarantee, that there will not be a return to restrictions. "We can’t, I’m afraid, rule out re-imposing restrictions at local or regional level if evidence suggests they are necessary to contain or suppress a new variant which escapes the vaccines."

- All schools and colleges will reopen, as well as after school clubs- One plus one recreation will be allowed; for example, people will be permitted to meet one other person from outside their household to socialiseCare home residents will be allowed one named visitor to attend regularly- Stay at home order will remain • Step 1 (part two) - March 27, at the earliest - Rule of six to return for outdoor meetings, including private gardens as will two household rule.- Outdoor sports facilities to reopen- Stay at home order to end • Step 2 - No earlier than April 12

- Non-essential retail and personal care such as hairdressers to reopen- Public buildings such as museums and libraries will return- Indoor leisure facilities such as gyms will reopen- Outdoor hospitality will reopen but customers must be seated- No requirement for a substantial meal to purchase alcohol and no curfews on opening times- Self-contained holidays within the UK to be allowed- Funerals allowed up to 30 guests, while wakes, weddings and receptions will be allowed 15- Outdoor attractions such as zoos, theme parks and drive in cinemas • Step 3 - May 17 at the earliest - Most restrictions on outdoor socialising to be removed; no more rule of six- Gatherings of more than 30 will still be illegal- Indoor mixing to be allowed with rule of six or two households- Indoor hospitality can reopen with same restrictions- Weddings will be

allowed with up to 30 peopleLarge events can resume with spectators, though there will be restrictions;- Indoor events will be allowed up to 1,000 spectators or 50% of capacity, whichever is lowest- Outdoor events will be allowed up to 4,000 or 50% of capacity, whichever is lowest- Outdoor seated events, such as football matches, will be allowed 10,000 fans or 25% of capacity, whichever is lowest • Step 4 - No sooner than June 21 - All limits on social contact, such as rule of six, to be removed for both indoor and outdoor settings- Rest of society to reopen, such as nightclubs and other businesses which did not reopen following first lockdownSocial distancing will remain in place until Step 4, with a review taking place ahead of that date looking at how the advice can be removed








DILJIT DOSANJH WILL STAR IN AND PRODUCE UPCOMING FILM HONSLA RAKH in to play the Actress Pranati Rai Prakash has been roped series Blackwoods. web ing upcom r's Kapoo Ekta in onist antag time. She's "I'll be playing a negative shade for the first I can define my how That's . spoilt and tic, spicy, fiery, drama er journey," anoth on take to d excite very I'm cter. chara next show TV the in said Pranati, who is known for her roles rganj. Thaku Of y Famil film the and Mannphodganj Ki Binny , Kapur ka According to the sources, Nakul Sahdev, Kanik sh Praka Rai ti Prana side Vidushi Mehra will be also seen along in Blackwoods.

March. The shoot of the show is expected to start in produced by and Das t Abhiji Blackwoods will be directed by Ekta Kapoor.

Punjabi actor-singer Diljit Dosanjh is turning his hand to producing with upcoming project Honsla Rakh. The film co-stars Sonam Bajwa and Bigg Boss 13 sensation Shehnaaz Gill and is set to hit the screens on October 15. Diljit posted the first look of the film on Instagram on Thursday. The poster features a sketched version of Diljit with a baby carrier and a smiling baby.

VIVEK OBEROI ANNOUNCES NEW SCHOLARSHIP CAMPAIGN FOR RURAL STUDENTS Actor Vivek Anand Oberoi has launched a campaign that aims to allocate educational scholarships worth Rs 160 million to deserving students. The biggest beneficiaries of this programme will be children of farmers in rural India. "Every child from a village, who makes it big, carries not only his family but his entire village forward with

him. There are so many meritorious and talented young students around us but they are unable to afford higher education and coaching even at a subsidised rate or go to a college of their choice due to financial difficulties,” Vivek said. “I didn't want such bright students to be neglected because of the geography

they come from. My team and I have put together this initiative to help them achieve their dreams so that they can go out there and make a career," Vivek said. The scholarship programme has been launched under the i30 training programme, a digitisation of mathematician Anand Kumar's Super 30 programme.

" This Dusshera #HonslaRakh, 15th Oct 2021!!" he wrote alongside the poster. Diljit and Sonam Bajwa have been popular as a pair in the dance track titled Tommy, which featured in the 2019 hit, Shadaa. Honsla Rakh also features Gippy Grewal's son Shinda Grewal. Other details about the film are still under wraps.

Bollywood actress Prachi Desai is all set to make her debut in the web space with the murder mys tery film, Silence Can You Hear It, starring Manoj Bajpayee. "This is all too exciting for me and I feel blessed to be making my digital debut with such an incre dible film. My experience of filming with the extraordinary cast and crew of the film has really been a phenomenal one and I can' t wait for the audience to witness the movie on their screens," Prachi said. The film also features Arjun Math ur, and Sahil Vaid, and is slated to release in March 2021 on Zee5. The film tells the story of the mysterious disappearanc e of a woman.



Producers Sarla A. Saraogi and Rahul Sharma are all set to make the upcoming film 'Nyay: The Justice' based on the life of late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, who died by alleged suicide, under the banner of Vikas Productions. Sarla Saraogi has teamed up with Rahul Sharma jointly for producing the film as a tribute to the late actor. The upcoming film will recapture the memories of the 'Dil Bechara' hero and include the events related to his death case. The director of 'Nyay The Justice', Dilip Gulati said, "Justice will prevail. Satya Mev Jayate."

The flick will feature Zuber K. Khan and Shreya Shukla in the lead roles. It will also star veteran actor Shakti Kapoor portraying the role of NCB Chief, Sudha Chandran as the CBI Chief, and Aman Verma as the ED Chief. Theatre actor Kiran Kumar will play the role of the Advocate for the hero and Asrani will be seen as Sushant's father. Sushant Singh Rajput began his acting career in 2008 with the TV show 'Kis Desh Mein Hai Meraa Dil'. However, he became a household name when he grabbed the lead role in Zee TV's 'Pavitra Rishta'. Sushant quit television at the

The event took place at the 9th convocation ceremony of DY Patil Education Society, Kolhapur where the chancellor, the vice-chancellor, members of the academic council, and the board of management came together to honour him. After receiving the accolade, Madhavan said, "I am truly humbled by this honour. This will only motivate me to keep pushing the envelope and

challenging myself with newer projects." The 50-year-old actor marked his acting debut in 1997 with the English film, 'Inferno'. He has worked in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi films, and delivered memorable performances in much-loved films like 'Alaipayuthey', 'Rehnaa Hai Tere Dil Mein', 'Rang De Basanti', '3 Idiots', 'Tanu Weds Manu', 'Irudhi Suttru', and many others. He also appeared in the 2017 action-thriller movie 'Vikram Vedha', which became a commercial and critical success.


peak of his career to enter the Hindi film industry. In 2013, he made his Bollywood debut with 'Kai Po Che'. The talented actor died under mysterious circumstances in his apartment on 14 June 2020. An investigation by Mumbai Police had considered it an instance of suicide. The family of Sushant, including his father and sisters, had challenged the same and had documented an FIR in a Patna court against his former girlfriend and actor Rhea Chakraborty, and her brother Showik Chakraborty, for abetment to suicide and siphoning his assets.

RANGANATHAN MADHAVAN HAS BEEN AWARDED THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LETTER FOR HIS OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO CINEMA Indian actor, writer, producer, and director Ranganathan Madhavan, on Wednesday was conferred the degree of Doctor of Letters (D. Litt.) for his outstanding contribution to arts and cinema.


Madhavan was recently seen in the Tamil-language emotional drama 'Maara', where he played a mystical and gypsy soul. He received raving reviews for his performance and the film went on to become a major hit. Madhavan is currently awaiting the release of his directorial debut, 'Rocketry The Nambi Effect' which is based on the life of Nambi Narayanan, a former scientist and aerospace engineer of the Indian Space Research Organisation who was accused of espionage. The actor will also star in the production.

Following the excitement of the Roohi trailer release this week, it has been announced that Rajkummar Rao will now be starring in a Mahaveer Jain family comedy with Kriti Sanon.

Whilst not much has been revealed about the project yet, we do know that the film will be directed by Ashishek Jain, who is most popular for his Gujarati titles, and is set to see Rao and Sanon in very different roles.

The so far untitled project will star Rao and Sanon in leading roles and will be the first collaboration between Mahaveer Jain and production company Maddock Films.

The film will be the second collaboration between Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Sanon following from their 2017 film 'Bareilly Ki Barfi'.





AYUSHMANN KHURRANA FILM ‘ANEK’ ROPES IN INTERNATIONAL DIRECTOR STEFAN RICHTER Filmmaker Anubhav Sinha has roped in international action director Stefan Richter for the forthcoming Ayushmann Khurrana film Anek.

actor Sandeep Goregaon police has filed an FIR against late abetment to Nahar's wife Kanchan and mother-in-law, for suicide. "An FIR has Confirming the news, DCP Vishal Thakur said, and filed the day next the came ts paren His hed. been launc law." the per as FIR. We will take the next step ts filed an It has now come to light that Sandeep's paren r for mothe her and an Kanch st again FIR with the police instigating the suicide. on Sandeep Nahar was found hanging in his room February 15. i: The The actor has worked in films such as ‘MS Dhon .’ khana Shafa daani ‘Khan and ri’ ‘Kesa Untold Story ’, ing his follow ed tweet had r Kuma y Kesari lead star Aksha . lence condo ss expre to , death

Richter is known for his larger-than-life action choreography, such as in the Ryan Reynolds and Samuel L. Jackson in the 2017 Hollywood thriller The Hitman's Bodyguard, and for Shah Rukh Khan in the 2011 Bollywood release Don 2. "Anek is the biggest film of my career in terms of scale, and Anubhav Sinha is leaving no stone unturned to give the audience a huge big-screen experience with his vision. It is true that Stefan Richter has been roped in for our

film. He comes in with a wealth of knowledge and has been an architect for big scale action movies around the world," said Ayushmann, disclosing the news of the collaboration along with an on-set image of Richter that he posted.

Vaani will be seen with Ranbir Kapoor in Shamshera, in the Akshay Kumar-starrer Bell-Bottom, and in Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui with Ayushmann Khurrana. She says she doesn't want to be bracketed as an actress who can do just a particular thing or look a certain way on screen. "As an actor, I want to try my hands at everything. I'm lucky that I have mass entertainers as well as high-concept content films this year that will enable me to present myself distinctly to audiences and the industry," Vaani said. She added "I'm someone who wants to explore every genre possible in my career and want to undertake as many risks as possible too. I don't want to be bracketed as an actress who can do just a particular thing or look a certain way on screen." Vaani dubs 2021 a huge moment in her cinematic career. "I'm really excited about how 2021 is looking like. It's a watershed moment for me and I want to continue on this path of choosing interesting roles that enable me to express," she said.

"I feel very happy to be back on set after four months. This is my first work after that incident I've been through last year, so it is refreshin g. I just love to be on a set. I just love to work . It's like food to my soul," she says. The series is directed by Raaj Verm a, also stars Aman Verma and Tarun Khanna.

"With his craft, the action sequences of Anek will match global standards and give audiences a thrilling visual experience. Anubhav sir and Stefan are making me do something that is extremely new for me. As an artiste, I relish doing different things and constantly explore myself. Anek is taking me on a new journey that I'm really enjoying," the actor added.

VAANI KAPOOR SAYS SHE WANTS ‘TO TRY MY HANDS AT EVERYTHING’ Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor has three big films coming up, and is keen to constantly explore and present herself in new roles each time her film hits the theatres.

Actress Malvi Malhotra says bein g of a spiritual mindset has helped her tide over the dark memories of her recent past. Malvi had been hospitalised last October after a producer stabbed her thrice for rejecting his proposal. "I tell myself it is a new beginnin g ever y day and that the only way to go about living is being strong. I am a spiritual person and that help s me keep that dark memory away from me. I am emerging stronger ever y day. I have also started talki ng to other girls and women and have started encouraging them to learn self-defence or call out anyone who is troubling them. Beco ming strong is a slow but steady process," Malvi stated. It took Malvi four months to retur n in front of the camera, and right now she is focused on work . Know n for her role of Pooja in the TV series "Udaan", Malvi recently mad e digital debut with the OTT show "Geisha".

MAHESH MANJREKAR SAYS COLLABORATING WITH DON LEE FOR ‘1962: THE WAR IN THE HILLS’ HAS TAKEN THE SHOW TO THE NEXT LEVEL Veteran director Mahesh Manjrekar, who has directed the upcoming war drama series, ‘1962: The War In The Hills’, says collaborating with international action director Don Lee has taken the show to the next level. Lee has directed stunts in the ‘Pirates Of The Caribbean’ franchise and ‘Star Trek Beyond’, among other global hits. Manjrekar's series is inspired by the 1962 Indo-China war, and showcases how 125 Indian soldiers valiantly fought over 3000 Chinese soldiers at Rezang La and Galwan Valley. "Don used to write a story of what we were going to shoot, and choreographed it well in advance, which worked

fantastically for me. It became easier, and the climax that he shot was brilliant. Don was absolutely prepared but at the same time open to suggestions because he was working on a terrain which was alien to him," said Manjrekar. The series has been shot in the higher terrains of Ladakh and remote villages across India, and it features Abhay Deol, Akash Thosar, Sumeet Vyas, Rohan Gandotra, Annup Sonii, Meiyang Chang, Mahie Gill, Rochelle Rao, and Hemal Ingle among others. 1962 The War In The Hills, a 10-episode series, streams on Disney+ Hotstar VIP and Disney+ Hotstar Premium from February 26.


Actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas says she is a little more creative and a little more fearless, and she wants to hold onto the feeling while navigating her career in India and abroad. Over the years, the actress says, she has found a certain confidence where she wants to take chances, and not stick to what is perceived safe. "I think I am a little bit more

fearless. I don't know if that has to do with being exposed to global entertainment, but there is confidence over the years that I have found in myself where I like to take chances," Priyanka stated. "Now, I am not sticking to safe. I'm not sticking to 'if this will work in this specific way'. I'm not a hamster on a wheel right now. I'm feeling creative. I'm feeling free. And feeling like I

want to do so many things," she added.

The actress continued, "And for the first time, I have the ability to tell the story and I can. So I'm actually taking advantage of that. I don't know if that has to do with where I am globally or it's just me as a person after working for as many years as I have. But I'm in a creatively amazing place."

Amazon Prime Video today announced to have commenced production on an upcoming yet-tobe-titled Amazon Original Series featuring Shahid Kapoor in the lead. The quirky drama thriller is created by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK and will mark the digital debut of actor Shahid Kapoor. Filled with Raj and DK’s trademark dark and wry humour, the series will mark the director duo’s new collaboration with Amazon Prime Video following spectacular success of The Family Man. The show is

'MINI AND I HAVE GROWN TOGETHER': ANUJA JOSHI ON THE UPCOMING SECOND SERIES OF HELLO MINI Hello Mini 2 is due for release very soon and the series looks just as intense as ever. In the trailer, we see that Mini continues to be stalked by an unknown entity and, this time, Mini has to survive in order to win her mysterious caller's challenges. Commenting on the new series, actress Anuja Joshi said that her protagonist in the show and she have grown together. "The psychological thriller is a

genre that revolves around complex relationships between obsessive and pathological characters. The stranger continues to petrify Mini in season two as well. 'Hello Mini' season one received a lot of love from viewers. I've constantly been asked when the second edition would release and I am excited now that it is here," said Anuja. "For me, Mini and I have grown together and it is her bravery and undaunted attitude that keeps me wanting more of her. This

edition will see her entrapped in a dangerous game, stuck in a maze of questions and unimaginable dares that will determine whether she can stay alive." The 10-episode second season of Hello Mini also featuring Gaurav Chopra, Anshul Pandey, Nikhita Chopra, Darshana Banik, Vinit Sharma, Abhinav Sharma, Ambika Nayak, and Joy Sengupta. It streams on MX Player from February 26.

co-written by Sita R Menon, Suman Kumar and Hussain Dalal. “At Amazon Prime Video, we take pride in being home to some of the best talent and storytellers from India and across the world,” said Vijay Subramaniam, Director and Head, Content, Amazon Prime Video, India. “Shahid Kapoor is an incredibly gifted actor and we are excited to have him join the Prime Video family with a brand new exciting collaboration with Raj and DK. This is a fresh and unique combination that

we’re confident will be a hit with our customers!” Talking about his digital debut, Shahid Kapoor said, “I have been keen to collaborate with Raj and DK for a while. My favourite Indian show on Amazon Prime Video is The Family Man. I couldn’t think of anyone better for my digital debut than them. Amazon Prime Video is a fabulous service and it’s a privilege to work with them. I loved the story idea when I first heard it and since then it has been an exciting ride so far! Can’t wait to share this series with the audience.”





Here are some excerpts from a candid interview with our Editor, where Bally Sagoo talks about his brand new song ‘Kinna Chauna’ and goes on a trip down memory lane discussing his career as a popular artist of nearly (in his words) ‘four decades’ ago. Fatima Patel: So, from Kinna Sona to Kinna Chauna – tell us about the journey? Bally Sagoo: Kinna chauna is definitely a Bally Sagoo 90’s

flavour. I did the track last year before lockdown and it’s off my new album. It’s a new song. I found a guy who comes from Jammu – Vikram Marley. He played me the composition over the phone, and I loved it. I thought wow I like this tune. He said will you work with me and I said yes. So, I recorded the track, and I knew immediately I was going to make it a 90’s vibe, because my whole album has got that kind of a touch. Then the girl in the video, Devshi Khanduri, she is also an actress, she wrote the tune, she wrote the lyrics and not only

He performed across India with Michael Jackson on the History Tour He produced the album Aby Baby with Amitabh Bachchan The first Asian to perform an Indian song on Top of The Pops He made Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan a household name across the globe. He's a pioneer of East-West fusion, he's a legend, an icon. ...He is Bally Sagoo! starred in the video she directed it too. So, it was all a team effort and now you have it Kinna Chauna.

When I got the press release, similar to your Kinna Chauna video, I had a bit of a flashback moment too. Like you we used to listen to both Bollywood music and western music. Top of The Pops was a staple and to see you appear on the show was an exciting moment for every South Asian. It was a big moment for the whole Asian industry globally. I got invited to the Palace in India for my achievement by the late president of India. Growing up as a kid I always said that one day I am going to come on that Top of the Pops and my mum and dad were like – chup kar, study kar. So, I was like no one day I am going to be on there and obviously 1996 Dil Cheez - No.12 in the mainstream charts, was the first time ever in history a full Indian language song was in the charts and on Top of the Pops of all things. It was on national radio and it was playing all over. The whole idea was to go to a

chart returns shop and buy a tape or CD. Which is what I was asking all my fans to do, hence it worked, because if you didn’t go to a chart returned shop, they couldn’t register the sale and obviously that’s how we got the position in the charts. It was amazing – 1996.

You achieved that milestone moment in 1996, but here we are in 2021 and we are still not there with any other music. Why do you think that is? Well, I’ve done everything I can. You’re asking me – you should ask other people. (He laughs). I mean it’s not easy to get our music into mainstream unless it’s got something that the western market will like. My song was more of a meaningful song. It was a very mellow song. It was typical of an epic Bally Sagoo ballad type of track and I’ve done loads of those type of songs. I thought, will people understand it? Will they relate to it? Will they get into it? Because lyrically it was a very strong song and obviously the music the mood captured a lot of people.

So, if a song is going to go into mainstream today as well, you got to remember when people are listening to it, what are they going for? No one knows what is the secret. People go into certain reasons for whatever, sound or vibe or whether it’s got some kind of rap in there to cross it over. But it’s like you say, why don’t we have some big tunes in the mainstream? The mainstream also won’t accept a lot of things. I don’t think a lot of songs will chart, regardless of how big they are in Bollywood or some of our bhangra songs, they might be too hard core for some audiences and that has always been a problem really.

You’ve worked with many legends, from Amitabh Bachchan to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, to touring with Michael Jackson. Who would you say has been your most memorable? They all are. They all stand up for me, great moments in my time, in my life and I am so grateful that I got that opportunity. I was mainstream, so Michael Jackson needed a mainstream artist on stage in India and obviously I got the call, and I was more than excited. We got to perform for a good 45 minutes and it was like he [Michael Jackson] is going to be on stage next after me, so it was an amazing thing. And by far the biggest and best collaboration for me that stands out is Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s Magic Touch.



me 12 weeks to do that track. In India they make a song over-night. I don’t know how people can work so fast. People can work very quick and it takes me a long time to do a song. But at the end of the day I put my heart and soul into something and while I try to keep the essence of the song, I have to change it, because there is no point me keeping it the same. It’s a cover version. So, Rising from the East which featured Dil Cheez went on to appear what we are doing is a for on Top of the Pops example taking a Beetles, get a whole different version. Because you don’t or an Elvis Presley track and we are going to do need to have a singer that sounds exactly the it in a different style and that’s the whole idea of same if you’re going to do a new version. You can doing a cover. You take what you think will work have a whole different type of voice. There are no and put something together that you think other rules really. It’s what sounds nice and works with people will enjoy and officially get it released. I get your style of music. That’s what’s important really musicians on board, - live musicians are always because not every singer can sing on every style the best thing. Then hopefully some good singers, of music no matter how good he is. Like some because you can’t get the original singers because singers don’t sing nice love songs and some don’t half of them are not around anymore. But you try sound great on a dance song. So, it’s always about to get good singers. On churaliya it was a brother getting the perfect match. and sister who recorded my song. The guy sounds like Rafi and his voice was so much similar to a Rafi sound and I was like whoa. Then the girl had a totally different sound to Asha Bhonsle sound. So, I thought OK, again it’s a good thing, because we

You literally defined the word remixing when it came to music. When you remixed a song, it was far more popular than any other remixes. For example, the song ‘Churaliya’ has been remixed many times, but yours was always the most popular and even now remixes are happening in Bollywood, but they still have the missing flavour that you brought to remixes. Well first of all I do take a long time on my productions. Churaliya took three months. It took Still from video Kinna Chuana

To watch the full interview, visit Asian Sunday TV on YouTube.

Credit Photo © David Corio Redferns

Kinna Chuana is out now and is taken from Bally Sagoo’s forthcoming and long-awaited album and features the Punjabi vocals of Vicky Marley with lyrics by Devshi Khanduri. You can watch the video to the song on YouTube.




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PUZZLES Crosswords CROSSWORD Across 1 Plot (10) 7 Organised group of devotees (3, 4) 8 Pound (4) 10 Frozen sweets (4) 11 Final (8) 13 Reply (6) 15 Consume (6) 17 Instances (8) 18 Fair (4) 21 Uninteresting (4) 22 Spare Time (7) 23 Heavy projectile (10)

TAX EFFICIENT PENSIONS What is it? If you are a UK taxpayer you can get tax relief on pension contributions of up to 100% of your earnings, or £40,000 whichever is lower. This means that some money that would otherwise to the tax man will instead go to your pension pot. This is because contributions made to UK-registered pension funds may not be subject to tax, and there is also relief on the growth within the scheme.

Spot the


Down 1 Small boat (5) 2 Invalid, nit binding (4) 3 Small smooth rounded rock (6) 4 Needed (8) 5 Large city in Illinois (7) 6 Boer (9) 9 Rued (9) 12 Airship (8) 14 Bread-bladed kitchen implement (7) 16 German capital (6) 19 Customary (5) 20 Former Italian currency (4)


The tax relief you receive might be different depending on if you are making the contribution personally, or if it is through your employer. I pay my own pension. Then what? If you pay the contributions personally, then you can make the contributions up to the level of your relevant earnings in the tax year, up to the limit of £40,000. If you have no relevant earning in the tax year, then you can pay up to £3,600 into the scheme per year. Contributions made in excess of the annual limit result in a tax liability on the extra amount. What if my employer pays? Your employer can make contributions into your pension scheme up to the unused contribution limits. These contributions are made before you pay tax, and so the tax bill you face is lower. Under pension auto-enrolment, employees who earn above the minimum threshold are enrolled into their employer’s pension scheme. Under auto-enrolment the employee and employer contribute fixed rates into the scheme with each payroll run. This doesn’t count as a benefit, and therefore there is no taxable benefit charge. If your employer makes the contributions, then they can claim relief from Corporation Tax for the amount.

Contributions into unregistered or non-UK-registered funds are subject to different rules. If you withdraw funds early, or in excess of the limits, you will be subject to extra tax charges. There is also a lifetime limit for your pension fund of £1,073,100. Any pension funds above this amount will be subject to tax.

ANSWERS SPOT THE 5 DIFFERENCES 1. The earring. 2. The botton on his jacket. 3. The black lace on his neck. 4. The red light above his head. 5. The street light in the background.

Sounds great, what can go wrong?






THREE TIPS FROM A NEUROSCIENTIST ON HOW TO GET RID OF THEM BY AMANDA ELLISON Professor of Neuroscience, Durham University Everyone experiences headaches. From dull throbbing dehydration headaches to incapacitating migraines, a sore head is an extremely common complaint. This is perhaps especially true at the moment. COVID-19 can cause them, as can sitting at desks for too long and not getting out of the house enough. When headaches strike, many people’s reaction is to reach for a painkiller. And these can do the job. But a better solution is often to probe the reasons behind the pain – especially if you get similar types of headaches a lot. Even though they all entail pain, where the pain is can clue us

into what type of headache we are experiencing. Pain in the face and forehead are markers of sinus-related headache whilst the sensation of a pneumatic drill somewhere in our cranium is often migraine. But ultimately, all headaches are caused by vasodilation in the head – the widening of blood vessels near the brain. This stretches sensory receptors in the vessel wall and we feel that sensation as pain. To understand why we need to think about the constraints the contents of our head are working under. Blood is toxic to brain tissue and so is kept separate through

the blood-brain barrier. If a blood vessel leaks or breaks, this results in a haemorrhage and the death of the brain tissue the blood seeps into. So, if our blood vessels dilate beyond comfortable limits, the sensory receptors will fire off signals to the brain, which we interpret as pain. Headaches are an early warning system. The best way to counteract them is to work out what they are warning us about.

1. Think beyond your head This means thinking beyond your head. Yes, headache pain is

generated somewhere in our head and we feel it in our head and that is why it is called headache. But headache is so much more than that – which is why I’m fascinated by them, have studied them for the past 20 years and recently published a book on the subject. It’s a two-way street. The cause of our headache can sometimes come from our body or our behaviour. And of course headaches affect both our body and our behaviour. If we see headache as something isolated to our cranium then we will never truly understand its cause, our experience of it, or how we can best mitigate it. Frequent migraine sufferers

intimately understand this and often religiously track their food intake and their activities as well as the weather in order to work out what triggers them. But the normal headache sufferer is often less in tune with the causes of their pain. Tension headache is a really good example of how this works. It feels like a tight band squeezing around your head with a tonne weight sitting on top for good measure. We are all aware of their occurrence at times of great emotional stress (lockdown homeschooling anyone?) but they can equally be caused by the stress we put on our body, with bad posture for example, or recovery from injury.




and the actions we take when the pain begins.

2. Listen to the pain If you have a pain in your leg, it might stop you from playing in that tennis match or turning up for five-a-side football. You know that

there is something wrong. Taking paracetamol or ibuprofen will act to avert the danger, reducing the inflammation, the dilation and the perception of pain, but the headache will reoccur unless we can address the cause. Sometimes it’s obvious – if you have a sinus headache you’re

We may decide a bottle of wine and a takeaway is just the kind of treat we need to relax and de-stress.

3. Use the brain’s natural painkillers

But both lead to dehydration, another ubiquitous cause of headache. With your brain made of more than 70% water, if your kidneys need borrow some to dilute alcohol or salts and spices, it

So what else can we do? One way is to lean into the brain’s natural painkiller system and to boost neurochemicals associated with happiness (such as serotonin and oxytocin) and reward (dopamine). Having a laugh at a comedy, enjoying a good friend’s company or indulging in some intimacy with a partner will all boost these hormones to various degrees. Each block pain signals coming from the body, not only helping you get a handle on your headache but also redressing the balance of neurochemicals that were the mechanism of your upset emotional state.

if you play on it, you might do more damage and your recovery will take longer. But we don’t tend to do that with headache. We take a painkiller or an anti-inflammatory and carry on as normal even though our pain receptors are screaming at us that

just going to have to wait for your sinuses to clear, so taking a painkiller or a decongestant may be a good approach – but sometimes our coping strategy can make things worse.

usually comes from this oasis. The brain loses water such that it literally shrinks in volume, tugging on the membranes covering the brain and triggering pain.

Both entail over-activity of the musculature around the head and neck, which sets up an inflammatory response involving prostaglandins and nitric oxide, both of which are chemicals that act to widen blood vessels. Inflammatory chemicals also directly activate the trigeminal nerve – the most complex of the cranial nerves and the one responsible for sensation and movement in the face. Taking too many things on, rushing around trying to get things done in negative time, and trying to be all things to all people are common behavioural markers that will predict a tension headache. That

Where you experience the pain can be some clue as to what type of headache you have.

The knowledge that we can leverage our behaviour and our body to keep our brain’s neurochemicals in balance gives us a way to break the headache cycle. So next time you have a headache for which the causes aren’t glaringly obvious – you’re not otherwise sick and you’ve been keeping hydrated – take a look at your life and see what you can change there. The pain, after all, is trying to tell you something.

This article originally appeared in The Conversation.




MORE CASH EARMARKED TO COUNTER DOMESTIC ABUSE BY TONY EARNSHAW Victims of domestic abuse living in safe accommodation in Kirklees will soon be able to benefit from therapy and counselling. Almost £1m has been earmarked for the support, a key part of the government’s Domestic Abuse Bill, which will come into effect later this year, subject to the bill becoming law. Councils across England will be handed £125m with Kirklees set to receive £918,922.

The cash is part of a wider package of support for victims of rape and domestic abuse, with a £40m funding boost for victim support services announced last week. The support package for the borough has been described as “life-saving”. Senior councillor Carole Pattison, the council’s Cabinet Member for Learning, Aspiration and Communities welcomed the funding to tackle the “abhorrent” crime of domestic abuse.

She added: “In Kirklees we are already providing support to victims in a variety of ways but this funding will be crucial in boosting our response to victims and their children. “Those who unfortunately suffer from domestic abuse, and their families, more often than not require specialist support and this money will used to help us enhance our current offer.” She encouraged anyone experiencing domestic abuse to reach out for support via Pennine

Clr Carole Pattison of Kirklees Council. Domestic Abuse Partnership (formerly Pennine Domestic Violence Group) which has a 24hour helpline: 0800 052 7222. It can be found online here: Last November the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said police recorded crime data showed an increase in offences flagged as

domestic abuse-related during the coronavirus pandemic. However it pointed out that since there has been a gradual increase in police recorded domestic abuse-related offences over recent years as police have improved their recording of these offences, it cannot be determined whether the increase can be “directly attributed” to the Covid-19 pandemic.

HEALTH MERGER TO GO AHEAD – BUT ONLY FOR ONE YEAR BY TONY EARNSHAW Health chiefs have been urged to reassure the public that a shake-up of primary health care will not lead to the NHS being fragmented. The call came as it was revealed that a formal merger of health chiefs and GPs in charge of community care in Kirklees is still set to go ahead – even though it will only last for 12 months. The Governing Bodies of Greater Huddersfield and North Kirklees Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) agreed in November to apply to NHS England to dissolve the two organisations and create a single CCG for Kirklees. The two bodies were formed in 2013 after Kirklees Primary Care Trust (PCT) was scrapped. However it has now emerged that the merger on April 1 will run for just a year as NHS England is recommending that CCGs are to be disestablished on March 31, 2022 subject to legislation being passed. Their statutory functions would transfer to Integrated Care Systems (ICS). Health chiefs are ploughing ahead with their plans nonetheless. Speaking at Kirklees Council’s

Clr Lesley Warner

CCG Chief Officer Carol McKenna Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Panel (Feb 18) Clr Lesley Warner (Ind, Colne Valley) said the public had “a real need for reassurance that we are not slowly but surely fragmenting the NHS even more.” Her comments followed an earlier question over future tendering processes with transparency on how money was spent, particularly around the provision of clinical services. CCG Chief Officer Carol McKenna

accepted the concern and said: “Equally this is one where you can’t do right for doing wrong. “The competitive environment in the public sector generates a lot of concern because they believe it paves the way for private companies to come in and deliver NHS services. “Arguably a move away from regular competition [and] competitive procurements might mean that there are less opportunities for that to happen.

“It’s difficult, I think, and no matter which way you do it people have concerns. What’s important to us as a CCG is to make sure we’re transparent.” Clr Warner said: “Getting rid of the competitive process rings alarm bells for me. Clearly a lot of stuff has gone on where there’s been no tenders gone [out], and [it’s] questionable where a lot of money went. “It kind of worries me if we’re losing the ability to be completely

transparent – how and where everything is being delivered and who’s bidding for what.” Ms McKenna said the intention was not to go from having “extreme competition to having nothing” but that there was a drive to remove the bureaucracy around competitive procurements. “Sometimes we find in the NHS that we’re having to do competitive tendering for relatively small value contracts, which takes up a lot of time and effort to not necessarily get the best result in the end.” A report to the panel said: “If confirmed, the ICS proposal would mean that Kirklees CCG may only exist for 12 months. “The rationale for merger has been revisited in this context to confirm that it remains in the best interests of the Kirklees population; the consistent conclusion is that it does.” If the merger goes ahead Greater Huddersfield CCG and North Kirklees CCG will cease to exist. Instead a new Kirklees CCG will be established. All employed staff will transfer to the new CCG along with all assets and liabilities.

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In recent years, Indian cinema has had a renaissance on international screens. Over the next couple of weeks, especially, Indian film and television is taking over streaming platforms with some pretty huge releases due to come out. So, if you are looking for some new Indian entertainment to keep yourself amused, shocked and emotional in the coming weeks, check out our selection of top-notch content that will be coming to screens soon…





‘The Girl on the Train’ is an Indian remake of the 2016 Emily Blunt film of the same name. Based on the international smash-hit novel by Paula Hawkins, ‘The Girl on the Train’ will see Parineeti Chopra take on the role of Mira Kapoor, a divorced woman who is slowly losing control of herself, who becomes fixated on a woman with a seemingly perfect lifestyle. After witnessing something shocking from the window of her train seat, Mira becomes embroiled in a missing persons case as she sets out to discover the truth of what she saw. This psychological thriller is set to be an incredibly different turn for Chopra, who is mainly known for her comedy work, and from the looks of the trailer, this Indian remake could be even more disturbing than the initial 2016 American version. ‘The Girl on the Train’ comes to Netflix on February 26.

The upcoming Disney+ Hotstar production, ‘1962: The War in the Hills’, is a high budget production based on the Sino-Indian War. Based upon the story of the Indian army battalion ‘C Company’, this tv series will show how only 125 Indian soldiers were sent to defend the border after 3000 Chinese soldiers invaded disputed territories. ‘1962: The War in the Hills’ promises to take an unflinching look into the soldiers’ lives, both prior to and during the war. The series is helmed by prolific actor and director Mahesh Manjrekar and will star Abhay Deol in the lead role as Major Suraj Singh. ‘1962: The War in the Hills’ comes to Disney+ Hotstar on February 26.





Bombay Rose is finally making its debut on Netflix this March. This festival favourite is an animated portrayal of love based on a true story. Bombay Rose follows a flower seller who, after escaping child marriage, ends up in Mumbai having to choose between supporting her family or falling in love. The film is directed by short animation guru Gitanjali Rao in her first feature length production as director, and each frame is individually hand-painted by a team of 60 artists. The effect of the animation style is breath-takingly beautiful and the film, understandably, has snatched up awards around the world, from Toronto International Film Festival to Venice Film Festival. Bombay Rose comes to Netflix on March 8.

‘Bombay Begums’ marks the return of iconic actress Pooja Bhatt to the screen. This eight-part series is set to debut on International Women’s Day and will follow the stories of five cross-generational women negotiating the highs and lows, the dreams and desires, of modern Mumbai life. The series is directed by Alankrita Shrivastava and will see Pooja Bhatt’s debut after a decade long hiatus. From the looks of the trailer which dropped recently, the series is set to be full of intrigue and high stakes and many fans want to know why this project convinced Bhatt to return to acting once again. Bombay Begums drops on Netflix on March 8.

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GOBI MUSALLAM Gobi Musallam is a very presentable Awadhi (Lucknowi) dish . Musallam meaning whole and this dish means a whole Gobhi (cauliflower). In this dish whole cauliflower is first marinated and then cooked with rich smoothy gravy and served quite exotic way

INGREDIENTS 1 Head of cauliflower (Gobi) 2 Large onion 1 Teaspoon garlic paste 1 Teaspoon ginger paste 2 Medium tomato 50 gm. plain yogurt 2 Teaspoon coriander powder ½ Teaspoon red chili powder ½ Teaspoon turmeric powder ½ Teaspoon garam masala powder 50 gm. broken raw cashew nuts 10 gm. Chironji 1 drop Metha ittar 2 tablespoon kewra water 150 gm. Cooking oil 5 no. green cardamom 5 no . cloves 2 stick cinamom Ingredients for garnishing: 1 brown onion 2 coriander leaves & mint leaves 3 fried cashewnut 4 chandi ka waraq

METHOD Bring a large pot of water to boil. use enough water so all of the cauliflower can be immersed in it. Add salt, turmeric and chili and blanch/cook the whole cauliflower. Cover and cook for 4 minutes on each side(top and bottom. Flip after 4 minutes) Remove from water, wipe dry and keep it aside. (Don’t over boil the cauliflower, it should remain a bit solid and in shape) and fry. Gravy: Grind ginger and garlic into a fine paste. Make slice onion and fry until golden brown. roast cashews and chironji in a little oil until golden brown. Blanch tomoto into hot water. Make the paste ( fried onion , fried cashew , chironji and blanched tomoto and yoghurt.) In a heavy bottom pan heat oil, add whole garam masala (cloves, green cardamom, cinnamon), and until they crackle. Add coriander powder, red chili powder and ginger-garlic paste Stir well.Add the paste and garam masala and let it cook for 10 min. when liquid to get rid of excess floating fat. add one cup of water and cook for again 10 min. add mitha ittar and kewra water. Put the fried cauliflower in pan rapped the gravy and keep a side for 5 min. place the chandi ka warq on cauliflower garnish it brown onion , cashewnut and coriander or mint leaves .

Have a tantalising recipe? Want to share? We would love to feature your recipes. If you would like to have your recipe featured on this page then email us at:




AS LONG AS THEY GO, I'LL GO: DJOKOVIC ON FEDERER, NADAL World No.1 Novak Djokovic has set his eyes on eclipsing the 20 Grand Slam titles tally held by Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer and also the overall singles records held by Serena Williams and Margaret Court. While Nadal and Federer hold the record for most Grand Slam titles in men's singles, Margaret holds the record for most titles in women's singles with 24 and Serena trails the Australia legend by one Slam win. "Roger and Rafa inspire me. That's something that I've said before. I'll say it again. I mean, I think as long as they go, I'll go," Djokovic said after beating Russia's Daniil Medvedev to win a record-extending ninth Australian Open title on Sunday. "In a way, it's like a race (of) who plays tennis more, I guess, and who wins more. It's a competition between us in all areas. But I think that's the very

reason why we are who we are, because we do drive each other, we motivate each other, we push each other to the limit," he said. When asked about his goals for the year, Djokovic said "Getting closer to maybe Roger's, Rafa's record, Serena, Margaret." The Australian Open win will ensure that Djokovic will surpass Federer's record of most weeks spent at No.1 -- 310. Federer, Nadal and Djokovic have dominated men's singles tennis, particularly the Grand Slams, for nearly two decades. From the 2003 Wimbledon to the 2021 Australian Open, the three players have won 58 out of 70 Grand Slams. They won 18 consecutive slams from the 2005 French Open to Wimbledon in 2009, and 13 consecutive slams from the 2017 Australian Open to the 2020 Australian Open.

WILL DEMAND SHIFTING OF T20 WORLD CUP IF INDIA DON'T GIVE WRITTEN ASSURANCES ON VISAS: PCB CHAIRMAN. Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) chairman Ehsan Mani has said that he will demand the shifting of the T20 World Cup to UAE if India do not give written assurances on visas for every stakeholder. Last year, the International Cricket Council (ICC) had announced that the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2020, which was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be held in Australia in 2022 while India will host the ICC Men's T20 World Cup 2021 as planned. "Our government has never told us that we can't play (in India). We have agreed with the ICC that we are going to participate, and we can't contravene that. At the ICC level, I have clearly said we need a written assurance from the Indian government

that not only our team and squad's visas, we also need visas for fans, journalists, and the board officials, but that's also all written in the ICC host agreement and according to that we have put our demand," ESPNcricinfo quoted Mani as saying. "ICC has also been a bit loose on it as they told us that it will be done by Dec 31, 2020, but it didn't happen. I again raised it in January and in February directly with the ICC chairman, then I talked to ICC management and I told them that I need a clear decision by March. They are saying that by end of March. If it doesn't come, I will demand the shifting of the event from India to UAE," he added. Mani said that ICC has backup plans and if India fails to host the tournament, it will

take place at an alternative venue. "It's already been decided that if India can't hold the event it will be shifted to UAE. Legally and constitutionally it's our right to participate in the tournament and nobody can remove us from the tournament and the ICC chairman does realise this," he said. "Unfortunately, it's unhealthy that especially cricket in India is being linked with politics. On a personal level, I have no problems with Sourav Ganguly and he is quite open about it, he wants to organise the tournament in India and I have no problems with it too if he can convince every stakeholder. But ICC has backup plans and if they (India) can't do it, it will be held at an alternative venue," Mani added.

PREMIER LEAGUE: MAN CITY MAINTAIN WINNING STREAK WITH VICTORY OVER ARSENAL Manchester City maintained their winning run in the Premier League after securing a 1-0 win over Arsenal on Sunday. With this victory, Manchester City made it 18 straight wins in all competitions and equalled the club record 11 consecutive away victories. Also, it was their 13th consecutive Premier League victory. In the 2nd minute, Raheem Sterling leapt high to nod in Riyad Mahrez's right-wing cross and it proved to be decisive as


Manchester City consolidated their top position on the Premier League table. Sterling could have scored twice more in the first five minutes while Ilkay Gundogan was denied by Bernd Leno, who tipped away his 56th-minute shot. At the other end, Mohamed Elneny drove wide after some hesitancy in the City defence with 17 minutes left. Manchester City now have 59 points from 25 games while the second-placed Manchester United have 49 points from as many games.

PREMIER LEAGUE: MANCHESTER UNITED REGISTER 3-1 WIN OVER NEWCASTLE UNITED Manchester United were held to a draw by Everton and West Brom in their previous two games in the league. However, the team put on a dominating display against Newcastle United to ensure they secure three points from the game. Marcus Rashford put Manchester United ahead in the 30th minute when he nutmegged Emil Krafth, beat him again inside the penalty area, and drilled the ball beyond goalkeeper Karl Darlow at his near post. The lead, however, did not last long as Newcastle United managed to equalise six minutes later through Allan Saint-Maximin. Daniel James restored the hosts' lead in the 57th minute before Bruno Fernandes sealed the victory from the penalty spot with 15 minutes left, following Willock's foul on Rashford. Also, during the match, Shola Shoretire made his senior Manchester United debut. The youngster, who celebrated his seventeeth birthday earlier this month, came on in the final few minutes of the Premier League encounter when he replaced Rashford. At 17 years and 19 days, Shoretire became the second-youngest player to represent the Reds in the Premier League, with only Angel Gomes doing so at a younger age. Manchester United now have 49 points, ahead of third-placed Leicester City on goal difference and 10 points behind leaders Manchester City.

22 - 28 FEBRUARY 2021




IPL 2021 AUCTION: THE LIST OF SOLD AND UNSOLD PLAYERS The Indian Premiere League has become an incredibly important sports event in the annual sporting calendar for cricket fans. However, the game also attracts leading business men and women thanks to the huge revenue earning potential it brings from royalties, endorsements among other things. Now in its 14th edition investors and sports enthusiasts battled it out at the IPL 2021 auction, for their favourite players from a list of 292 shortlisted players. The 292 players who were up for grabs were from 11 different countries, 164 of which were Indian players. After the IPL retentions last month, teams released quite a few players, clearing up room for new players to be picked in the auction. There were a few players traded in and out during the trading window. The auction list was shortlisted after the franchises submitted their list of players. The event was described as a mini auction, but it the headlines were certainly

not mini, as teams furiously outbid each other to claim their player of choice. The spotlight was certainly on South Africa’s Chris Morris who broke the box office, registering a bumper sum of

INR 16.25 crore, the most any team has spent on a player in the history of the IPL auction. For those of you who are interested here is the full list of sold players.

IPL 2021: FULL LIST OF SOLD PLAYERS Steve Smith, Delhi Capitals, INR 2.2 crore Glenn Maxwell, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 14.25 crore Shakib Al Hasan, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 3.20 crore Moeen Ali, Chennai Super Kings, INR 7 crore Shivam Dube, Rajasthan Royals, INR 4.4 crore Chris Morris, Rajasthan Royals, INR 16.25 crore Dawid Malan, Punjab Kings (Kings XI Punjab), INR 1.5 crore Adam Mine, Mumbai Indians, INR 3.2 crore Mustafizur Rahman, Rajasthan Royals, INR 1 crore Jhye Richardson, Punjab Kings (Kings XI Punjab), INR 14 crore Nathan Coulter-Nile, Mumbai Indians, INR 5 crore Umesh Yadav, Delhi Capitals, INR 1 crore Piyush Chawla, Mumbai Indians, INR 2.40 crore Sachin Baby, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 20 lakh Rajat Patidar, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 20 lakh Ripal Patel, Delhi Capitals, INR 20 lakh Shahrukh Khan, Punjab Kings (Kings XI Punjab), INR 5.25 crore Krishanppa Gowtham, Chennai Super Kings, INR 9.25 crore Mohammad Azharuddeen, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 20 lakh Sheldon Jackson, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 20 lakh Vishnu Vinod, Delhi Capitals, INR 20 lakh Chetan Sakariya, Rajasthan Royals, INR 1.2 crore Riley Meredith, Punjab Kings (Kings XI Punjab), INR 8 crore M Siddharth, Delhi Capitals, INR 20 lakh J Suchith, Sunrisers Hyderabad, INR 30 lakh Lukman Meriwala, Delhi Capitals, INR 20 lakh Cheteshwar Pujara, Chennai Super Kings, INR 50 lakh Kyle Jamieson, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 15 crore Tom Curran, Delhi Capitals, INR 5.25 crore Moises Henriques, Punjab Kings (KXIP), INR 4.20 crore Jalaj Saxena, Punjab Kings (KXIP), INR 30 lakh

Utkarsh Singh, Punjab Kings (KXIP), INR 20 lakh Vaibhav Arora, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 20 lakh Fabian Allen, Punjab Kings (KXIP), INR 75 lakh Dan Christian, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 4.80 crore Liam Livingstone, Rajasthan Royals, INR 75 lakh Suyash Prabhudessai, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 20 lakh KS Bharat, Royal Challengers Bangalore, INR 20 lakh Harishankar Reddy, Chennai Super Kings, INR 20 lakh C Hari Nishaanth, Chennai Super Kings, INR 20 lakh Pawan Negi, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 50 lakh James Neesham, Mumbai Indians, INR 50 lakh Kuldip Yadav, Rajasthan Royals, INR 20 lakh Yudhvir Charak, Mumbai Indians, INR 20 lakh KC Cariappa, Rajasthan Royals, INR 20 lakh Bhagath Verma, Chennai Super Kings, INR 20 lakh Marco Jansen, Mumbai Indians, INR 20 lakh Saurabh Kumar, Punjab Kings (Kings XI Punjab), INR 20 lakh Karun Nair, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 50 lakh Kedar Jadhav, Sunrisers Hyderabad, INR 2 crore Sam Billings, Delhi Capitals, INR 2 crore Ben Cutting, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 75 lakh Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Sunrisers Hyderabad, INR 1.5 crore Harbhajan Singh, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 2 crore Venkatesh Iyer, Kolkata Knight Riders, INR 20 lakh Akash Singh, Rajasthan Royals, INR 20 lakh Arjun Tendulkar, Mumbai Indians, INR 20 lakh That is some big money. IPL 2021 has been scheduled between 11 April 2021 and 6 June 2021. IPL season 14 opening match likely to be played on 11 April 2021 between Mumbai Indians and Delhi Capital. IPL 2021 Final could be played on 6 June 2021. (Note based on currency rates as of 22 February 1 lakh Indian rupees = £981.57 and 1 crore Indian rupees = £98,160

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