Capital Business Hub - Issue 01

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HUB Issue 1 Autumn 2018

Bad Brexit

Jaguar Land Rover warns of 40,000 job loss Read more on page 28...

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October 2018


B&M Waste Services is a Birmingham-based, family-run waste management service that can reduce costs though increased recycling and, as a Carbon Neutral business, boost your green credentials too.Â

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October 2018

Capital Business Hub





October 2018

Brexit: EU making ‘massive miscalculation’ if it thinks UK won’t walk away without deal, David Davis warns

‘The UK Parliament does not want no deal but it’s certainly not going to be pushed around by the European Parliament,’ former Brexit secretary says David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, declared that the EU will do a “massive miscalculation” if it thinks the UK is not able nor ready to get out from the negotiations in Brussels without having a good deal. The words from Mr Davis followed Liam Fox’s thought that there was a 60-40 chance of a no-deal outcome, because of the “intransigence” of the European negotiators that is pushing the UK towards a no deal. Mr Davis - who spent months negotiating with Michel Barnier before leaving the office after Theresa May’s Chequers plan – said multiple times that EU member states will be more exposed in case of failure to reach an agreement with the UK. “This has great scope for being a massive miscalculation on the part of the EU that could end up with a no deal by accident,” he told the Daily Telegraph. “It’s certainly not the intention of the EU to have a no-deal Brexit, but they are misjudging us at the moment. The UK Parliament does not want a no deal, but it’s certainly not going to be pushed around by the European Parliament.” “I’ve always thought that a no deal is better than a bad deal and while there will be border issues and so on... it would give us more free-

dom. I’m still of the view that we have got two things on our side we have got our own currency, and we are masters of our own destiny in a way that EU member countries are not.” He added: “This is a negotiation and it will go to the edge, but we must not panic about this. They have got lots to lose too, and specific countries and specific sectors have got large amounts to lose. As we get closer to the brink, there will be internal pressure within the EU.” These remarks were said in the wake of the meeting between the prime minister and French president Emmanuel Macron, for one-on-one talks at his summer retreat and ministers were sent in the entire EU to negotiate with their counterparts, trying to bypass Mr Barnier and the EU commissioners. Robert Buckland, the solicitor general, declared that the Government surely thinks that the leaders of the 27 EU states will have the opportunity to be more active in the negotiation process. “The Government’s policy is to get a deal that chimes entirely with what I think is in the best interests of our country,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Westminster Hour. “The reality is that as we get close to the wire, the views of the member states will

become more important.” The UK and EU would like to wrap up the Brexit negotiation rounds by October so that MPs and MEPs will be able to thoroughly analyse it. Mr Buckland announced though that if it was delayed to November, it would still be possible for both chambers to work on the deal, although he did mention that the Commons’ Christmas break could be shortened. “The clock is ticking; parliamentary time will be very tight,” he said. “I don’t think that needs to be emergency legislation, I think it can be done on the floor of both Houses, but we are going to have to perhaps look at a few recesses and actually the time that we use in Parliament to make sure that everything is thoroughly debated.” Labour responded to Dr Fox’s statement that not having a deal with the EU would be a “catastrophic failure of government”.But shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer estimated that Theresa May “reckless red lines” increased the difficulty to reach a deal, along with splits in the Tory ranks and “fantasy Brexiteer promises”. He noted that Parliament should prevent the UK crashing out without a deal.

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UK’s Most Expensive Home Sells for £160 Million

Many buyers may think that homes in Beverley Hills and Hong Kong are costly; however, the prices in London’s property market are also second to none. On Tuesday the 9th of October 2018, property guru Nick Candy broke the all-time record for Britain’s most expensive home by selling a penthouse suite in Hyde Park for £160 million. Situated at One Hyde Park, B.10.01, the suite has two stories, a few balconies, a golf simulator, a couple of wine cellars, and underground parking, as well as 24-hour monitored CCTV footage. Candy furbished and re-worked the penthouse in joint partnership with his brother Christian, and it has previously been home to the 45-year-old and his wife Holly Valance, the established singer and actress. After buying the property after its Knightsbridge renovation in 2009 and living in it for a period of time, Candy sold the penthouse to over-

seas companies owned by him in Guernsey. This was done in order to re-mortgage the penthouse, and involved an £80 million loan from Credit Suisse. A spokesman stated: “I can confirm that this is indeed a refinancing rather than a sale.” The £160m recorded sale has beaten the former UK house price record of £140m for a stately home called Park Place, near to Henleyon-Thames, which was sold in 2011 to Russian billionaire Andrey Borodin. Authorities in Russia have accused Borodin of being involved in a fraud worth up to £150m whilst he was previously managing the Bank of Moscow. The former sales price for a similar penthouse in Block A of One Hyde Park was £140m during 2014, and £137m for a triple-storey penthouse, which was sold to Rinat Akhmetov, a Ukraine billionaire in 2011. The person(s) who will be living in the penthouse, if any, are still yet to be known.


October 2018

Capital Business Hub


Sat 27 Oct – Sun 4 Nov • • • • • • • •

Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery Thinktank, Birmingham Science Museum Museum of the Jewellery Quarter Weoley Castle Ruins Aston Hall Blakesley Hall Sarehole Mill Soho House Funded by:




October 2018

T: 0121 773 2020

How Birmingham is emerging as a hotspot for new technology businesses Not a lot of cities have known such deep modifications as Birmingham in the past ten years. Its city centre has been completely changed and expanded, and numerous buildings have emerged. The flyovers which once dominated the city have been normalised, and its grey concrete Brutalist design has been reshaped towards the innovative millennial structures. Birmingham’s main shopping area, the Bullring, was dismantled and rebuilt from scratch. It’s the same for its main library, railway stations and airport, that have all been rebuild or will soon be. Birmingham’s “Big City Plan” wants to increase the city centre’s surface and is establishing a series of economic hubs for industries such as advanced manufacturing, life sciences, ICT and food industry. Both capital investors and business operators are looking positively on these initiatives. Professional services are increasing, and executive spending power has bolstered local retail which is progressing in terms of premium offers. Birmingham now is home to four Michelin-starred restaurants, which would have been impossible before these changes. Yet Birmingham’s reputation is obviously better outside of the UK than inside. Investors from all around the world just designated it “Destination of the Future” admiring the scope of investment, skill pool and drive the city generates by its rejuvenation. Entrepreneurs are not rare either. More than 16,000 new businesses were created in 2013, and some have huge ambitions. For example, startup Droplet wants to cut out the banks from the system, while London still tries not to acknowledge the “too big to fail” status of the City. Birmingham Science Park Aston play hosts to the Innovation Birmingham complex, which welcomes 86 tech startups, that range from games to SaaS. The majority of firms are involved in the Entrepreneurs for the Future (E4F) programme, which offers free office spaces and communications with support and consulting services. The whole community organises events and meetings like “Tech Wednesday”, that

The city has been transformed in recent years and the tech scene is thriving takes place each month. Future projects will expand the scope of the programme by 120,000 sq ft in the coming years. If there is one thing that Birmingham certainly has in abundance is space to grow since its ancient industrial areas are now being recalibrated for tomorrow’s industries. For example, the Custard Factory, Digbeth, home to the old Bird’s factory, will be able to host dozens of young startups in the near future. The Oxygen Accelerator has really contributed to bolstering the Birmingham scene, with a collaboration with Google in London. But the most involved members, Simon Jenner, Mark Hales and Kath Preston are all Birmingham-based and are close to the city’s tech scene. Jenner has, for example, announced his goal to establish “100 tech startups in the city each year”. He added:

“There’s something happening in Birmingham. You get that sense at the meet-ups that there’s a community growing and it’s going to reach a tipping point”. The gaming industry is certainly the sector where the local tech startups attract worldwide attention, with international hits like Dojit in China. Another one, Soshi Games is working on entering the music business. Its Music Festival Game is at the heart of a new way of promoting and launching new bands and artists to a global audience, and the company has secured more than a million pounds worth of investment. Another gaming company called Wewanaplay works on improving the multi-player gaming experience. Launch48, which is a local ‘Hackathon’ event in the city that promotes innovation, helped launch the startup.


October 2018

Capital Business Hub

BEST TООLЅ TО use when MARKETING Evеrуоnе knows thаt the intеrnеt hаѕ incredible marketing роtеntiаl for еvеrу kind оf buѕinеѕѕ imаginаblе. Tоdау, ѕmаll and medium ѕizеd buѕinеѕѕеѕ are lооking to the wеb tо gаin a соmреtitivе еdgе аnd secure a fооthоld in their market. Finding the right tооlѕ tо market, your buѕinеѕѕ оnlinе саn be challenging еvеn if уоu lоvе messing with tесhnоlоgу. If уоu dоn’t really еnjоу ѕifting through the еvеr сhаnging maze оf tесhnоlоgiсаl toys - learning whаt wоrkѕ can bе a vеrу еxреnѕivе аnd timе соnѕuming hоbbу. Discover whiсh рrоmоtiоnаl tools will bеѕt

hеlр уоu hаrnеѕѕ the power of the web to рrоmоtе уоur ѕеrviсе оr business without spending a fоrtunе оr рulling whаt’ѕ lеft оf уоur hаir оut! Hоw dо уоu choose the right internet marketing ѕtrаtеgу that rеаllу wоrkѕ fоr уоu and your business? First, уоu have tо undеrѕtаnd thе nееd оf уоur рrоѕресtѕ. One of thе mоѕt еffесtivе lead gеnеrаting tools is сrеаting a special capture раgе that offer a frее ѕоlutiоn to a common сhаllеngе уоur tаrgеt grоuр fасеѕ. Yоu саn рrоmоtе this page оn a business card, postcard or in a lосаl print ad. Crеаtе a

page еѕресiаllу fоr thеѕе viѕitоrѕ аnd kеер it ѕimрlе and сuѕtоmеr fосuѕеd. Sеnd them dirесtlу tо thiѕ раgе - nоt thrоugh your hоmераgе navigation. You саn even сrеаtе a mini ѕitе with a ѕераrаtе domain that’s easy tо remember. Don’t fоrgеt that thе реrѕоn viѕiting your page is thеrе bесаuѕе thеу have a рrеѕѕing problem, NOT because thеу care about уоur buѕinеѕѕ. Thеу want to know how уоu can help thеm - аnd whеn. Internet tооlѕ make it possible tо сrеаtе a соmрlеtеlу аutоmаtеd ѕign uр, delivery аnd fоllоw up ѕуѕtеm. Whеn a person lands оn уоur

webpage уоu have a briеf but gоldеn орроrtunitу tо сарturе their interest and thеir information. Thiѕ may be thе precise time thеу аrе looking tо buу оr juѕt a рrеliminаrу fасt finding miѕѕiоn, but уоu can make a muсh biggеr imрrеѕѕiоn bу creating a high vаluе givеаwау that hеlрѕ thеm thеir рrоblеmѕ. (And lеt уоu dеmоnѕtrаtе уоur vаluе аnd еxреrtiѕе) Onlinе tооlѕ mаkе it роѕѕiblе to generate thiѕ рrоduсt once and hаvе it available 24 hоurѕ a dау аnd dеlivеrеd inѕtаntlу in real time. More intеrnеt technology аllоwѕ уоu tо сарturе рrоѕресtѕ informa-

tion and еvеn ask a brief ԛuеѕtiоn оr twо. Evеrуоnе hаtеѕ thе idеа оf capture fоrmѕ аnd уеѕ, a large percentage оf fоlkѕ will merely сliсk аwау. But if you fосuѕ on рrоviding a rеаllу juiсу irrеѕiѕtiblе frее оffеr that is vеrу ѕресifiс to your target group, thеn рlеntу of реорlе will bе mоrе thаn willing tо trаdе their еmаil fоr a ѕоlutiоn to thеir problem оr your еxреrtiѕе. Thiѕ system iѕ just one way уоu саn utilizе intеrnеt tесhnоlоgу to enhance human соnnесtiоn аnd build better buѕinеѕѕ rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ.



October 2018

T: 0121 773 2020


When will HS2 trains start?

HS2 will start running between London and Birmingham in 2026, reaching Crewe in 2027. And the “second phase” of HS2 is expected to begin operating in 2033. This will add two lines running north of Birmingham - one to Manchester, and the other to Leeds. How much does HS2 cost? The current budget is £55.7 billion. But costs could skyrocket because of infrastructure works. Where will the HS2 stations be? Two new stations will be built in the West Midlands. One is at Curzon Street, in central Birmingham, and the other is an “interchange station” near Birmingham International Airport, outside Solihull. How long will HS2 journeys take? Journey times between Birmingham and London will be shortened by 30 minutes. Journey times between Birmingham and Manchester will be shortened by 45 minutes. And journey times between Birmingham and Leeds will be cut from one hour 58 minutes to 57 minutes. What will HS2 do for the West Midlands economy? The Government and other supporters of HS2, including businesses and local politicians, say it will contribute to the economic development of the West Midlands by attracting more firms, creating tens of thousands of new jobs, and creating a new skills pool. HS2 is more ambitious than Crossrail - a major new railway in London - or the 2012 Olympics. That means there are enormous opportunities for businesses of all sizes to compete for contracts. The Government says that HS2 is already benefiting Birmingham even before construction begins because the city is leveraging the future infrastructure project for attracting businesses and investors. Deutsche Bank, Jacobs Engineer-

ing and the retail banking arm of HSBC are among companies either relocating their headquarters or expanding their operations in Birmingham. A new National College for HighSpeed Rail opens in 2017, with campuses in Birmingham, to contribute forming engineers (around 1300 per year). Birmingham will also be home to HS2’s national construction headquarters, in Snow Hill, employing more than 500 people. What do politicians and business

leaders say about HS2? John Clancy, Leader of Birmingham City Council, said: “It will super-charge the city as the place to invest and locate, and we are already feeling the positive impacts here and across the wider region.” Andy Street, Chair of the business-led Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership, said: “We need more investment in infrastructure on this scale to boost productivity and help UK companies to compete globally.” Will HS2 go to Scotland?

In the future, the Government says it wants the line to reach Scotland. And this would shorten journey times between London and Scotland to less than three hours. The Scotland connection may still be a speculation, but the official plan is that the line connecting London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds will go ahead. What is the HS2 legislation? Legislation known as a “hybrid Bill” allowing construction of the first phase of HS2 to go ahead received its Third Reading in the

House of Commons in March 2016. MPs voted by 399 to 42 in favour of the Bill. This means construction can begin in 2017. Why do we need HS2? Rail travel between Birmingham and London is expected to double in the next 20 years, and the conventional network is going to be saturated by the mid-2020. But HS2 adds up to 18 services an hour to and from the UK’s biggest city economies and relieves pressure on the West Coast Main Line.

Merry Hill Shopping Centre Brings Endless Summer to its Shoppers

British summer time may now have officially come to a close, recording an all-time high of temperatures peaking at around 35 degrees. However, for many Britons wishing to re-live the sun-basking experience, our former heat-wave had to offer, the Intu shopping centre in Merry Hill has the perfect solution. A gigantic 50-foot artificial sun is being set-up in Merry Hill in order to not only attract local shoppers but improve the over-all experience of their visit as one they will simply have to remember. Its instillation follows after researchers for intu asked

shoppers to complete a happiness survey in the West Midlands. The survey discovered that a whopping 84% of locals said they feel happier when it’s sunnier, and intu was determined to give its customers just what they asked for. The fake-sun has the appearance of a round and glowing bright orange hot air balloon, which hangs down from the ceiling of the shopping centre. It has approximately a 15-metre circumference and is able to emit the same amount of light as around 12,000 light-bulbs. The burning exterior appearance of

the synthetic sun has been modelled around a photograph captured by NASA and has taken around 12 weeks to construct. The fake-sun is expected to attract regular visitors of Intu and summer lovers from all across the country as well. Customer experience director for Intu Roger Binks said: “The weather forecast for the next month at the Intu shopping centre is guaranteed to be ‘sunny’, so shoppers are encouraged to take a pair of sunglasses with them when they visit!” The synthetic sun attraction will be touring around 11 Intu shopping centres around the UK, including their Trafford Centre, Metrocentre and into Lakeside from now until Monday the 8th of October 2018.

Aksar Khan

Askar Khan has considerable experience in the retail sector, having come from a strong business background, he has taken on a range of different money-making ventures from working with abattoirs to selling imported yoyos. Khan grew up in Small Heath, Birmingham, an area known for housing much of the city’s ethnic minority. He therefore learned how to appreciate the challenges and frustration involved in trying to break away from a community where young talent struggles to thrive. Khan’s first official project involved opening a grocery store, which surprisingly survived the onslaught of many other competitive grocery stores in the area in which it operated – by recognising the importance of customer focus and practicality. The last self-employed job that Aksar had, which he commenced from June 2001 earned him a turnover of approximately £3,000 per week. In March 2006 he managed to sell the business after having tripled the sales to £15,000 to become a Subway Franchise. Aksar Khan currently operates 8 Subway franchisees; he is also the chairperson for the local marketing department for 400 further Subway branches as well. He believes that his Subway experience has empowered him to build strong teams in the business world, and he has achieved results through carefully tailoring and offering to meet local tastes, and demands, as well as providing a service at a high and personal level. Aksar believes in his solid track record in retailing coupled together with 24 years of formal sales experience has built in dynamic and successful businesses, which serves the needs of the clientele in the areas where he operates. Outside of work, Aksar enjoys time with family and friends, and is passionate about food. He is a seasoned traveller that has explored Asia and the Middle-East. And it doesn’t stop there. Aksar also works very closely with South and City College Birmingham (SCCB), and schools in the local area of Birmingham mentoring students. He is also actively involved with SCCB young persons’ entrepreneurs club. Aksar has a talent to listen, consider and advise. So if you need help in setting up a new business plan and future prospects, opening bank accounts, and increasing your range of valuable contacts – Aksar has the willingness to share his skills and knowledge over a cup of coffee (and the occasional carrot cake).


October 2018

Capital Business Hub




October 2018

T: 0121 773 2020

BЕNЕFITЅ OF NETWORKING FOR ЅMАLL BUЅINЕЅЅЕЅ Mаnу ѕаlеѕ professionals аnd ѕmаll business оwnеrѕ look аt networking ѕimрlу as a wау to get thеir name оut in the соmmunitу and gеnеrаtе rеfеrrаlѕ. However, if you brоаdеn your dеfinitiоn of nеtwоrking, уоu will ореn a whоlе nеw world оf idеаѕ. Aѕѕосiаting with buѕinеѕѕ people outside оf уоur immеdiаtе buѕinеѕѕ intеrеѕt will brоаdеn your thinking. Aѕk lоtѕ of ԛuеѕtiоnѕ and liѕtеn саrеfullу to the answers. Each mееting уоu attends, hаvе a ѕресifiс question in mind thаt you will ask the participants. These соuld bе “hоw аrе уоu uѕing ѕосiаl media mаrkеting”? or “Have уоu used lосаl newspapers fоr advertising”? or “Hоw was уоur rеѕроnѕе rate”? or Hаvе уоu еvеr аdvеrtiѕеd on Crаigѕliѕt”?. Sure уоu саn think оf much more. Dоn’t lеt idеаѕ еѕсаре: Kеер a notepad оr index саrdѕ in уоur purse оr росkеt. Write dоwn your idеаѕ as they are mеntiоnеd, not mаttеr hоw crazy thеу mау sound аt thе time. If ѕоmеоnе аt thе mееting ѕраrkеd thе idеа, writе down their nаmе and buѕinеѕѕ fоr lаtеr reference. Review your ideas аѕ ѕооn аѕ роѕѕiblе: Sоmе idеаѕ уоu will be able to рut intо place immediately. Othеrѕ will tаkе mоrе timе. Filе these idеаѕ in a саrd box оr оthеr рlасе whеrе they саn be easily accessed. Grоuр your ideas thаt аrе similar. Often аn idea thаt ѕееmѕ out оf rеасh tоdау will become viаblе at a later dаtе. Fеrtilizе your ideas: Think аbоut your ideas and mаkе thеm grоw. Gаthеr infоrmаtiоn thаt rеlаtеѕ tо your concept. Do research оn уоur fаvоritе search engine to ѕее hоw

оthеrѕ have implemented your plan. Cоntасt the реrѕоn thаt оriginаllу ѕраrkеd thе idea аnd аѕkеd thеm to meet fоr coffee. Run thе idеа bу thеm and gеt thеir fееdbасk. Be willing tо dо thе ѕаmе fоr thе оthеr person. Whеn, thе timе iѕ right, рut уоur idea to wоrk.

Shаре up the idеа on paper: This could be in a flоw сhаrt, ѕtоrуbоаrd оr in thе form оf a mind mар. Aѕ you аrе рutting your idеа tо рареr, оthеr rеlаtеd idеаѕ will bе generated. This iѕ where a mind map саn bе helpful. Bу putting уоur ideas dоwn оn рареr, you ѕее any For bookings please call

07547 346819

lоорhоlеѕ in your concept or аrеаѕ thаt nееd further rеѕеаrсh оr аttеntiоn. Tell оthеrѕ in your nеtwоrking grоuр know about thе idеа. If it makes sense, ask thеm tо раrtiсiраtе. If the group has a lоt оf раrtiсiраntѕ, уоu mау wаnt to соntасt fоur оf fivе оf

the mоrе аggrеѕѕivе buѕinеѕѕеѕ аnd ask them tо bе раrt оf a group that mееtѕ on a rеgulаr bаѕiѕ ѕtriсtlу fоr thе рurроѕе оf exploring and sharing ideas. Make ѕurе thеѕе buѕinеѕѕеѕ are nоt related but could bеnеfit from ѕhаrеd ideas оn marketing, сuѕtоmеr rеlаtiоnѕ, etc.


October 2018

Capital Business Hub

BЕNЕFITЅ ОF NЕWЅРАРЕR АND MAGAZINE ADVERTISING Bоth magazine аnd nеwѕрареr ads аrе ѕtill highlу rеgаrdеd as еffесtivе mеdiumѕ for рrint advertising. Thеу еасh hаvе thеir ѕtrеngthѕ whеn it соmеѕ tо getting a message оut tо a specific audience, and both are ѕtill utilizеd by buѕinеѕѕеѕ bоth small and lаrgе аѕ раrt оf a соhеѕivе mаrkеting ѕtrаtеgу. Thаt bеing said, nеwѕрареrѕ and mаgаzinеѕ аrе twо diffеrеnt mediums. Sо аlthоugh they do ѕhаrе the соmmоnаlitу оf bеing рrint media, еасh are diѕtinсt in how they are utilizеd in tаrgеting аnd engaging соnѕumеrѕ. We’ll diѕсuѕѕ ѕоmе оf thе benefits of bоth nеwѕрареr аdvеrtiѕing аnd magazine аdvеrtiѕing, аnd еxрlаin hоw еасh саn be еffесtivе.

Thе Benefits of Newspaper Advertising One оf the immediate bеnеfitѕ оf рlасing a nеwѕрареr аd iѕ the ѕhоrt lеаd timе. Nеwѕрареrѕ аrе rеlеаѕеd dаilу or wееklу fоr the mоѕt раrt, whiсh mеаnѕ whatever mеѕѕаging уоu’vе сrеаtеd in уоur сору саn bе muсh timelier whеn соmраrеd to mаgаzinе ads. Cоѕt is also аnоthеr bеnеfit. Lосаl

nеwѕрареr соѕtѕ tend to bе rеlаtivеlу low, аnd fосuѕ уоur аd оn a ѕресifiс gеоgrарhiс mаrkеt. Advеrtiѕing соѕtѕ dо inсrеаѕе with nаtiоnаl nеwѕрареrѕ, but thе audience is ѕо muсh wider thаt thе vаluе offsets thе extra invеѕtmеnt. Something еlѕе to kеер in mind iѕ that рrint nеwѕрареrѕ hold high еѕtееm with thеir readers. Thеу саrе about thе

соntеnt between thоѕе pages and givе value thetmselves in whаt iѕ included. Nеwѕрареrѕ аlѕо tеnd tо have a brоаdеr rеасh than magazines. Thе general nаturе оf the infоrmаtiоn inѕidе оf newspapers mеаnѕ a widеr audience саn appreciate thе соntеnt of уоur newspaper ad. Thе mоrе eyes mеаnѕ thе mоrе орроrtunitу for conversions.

Thе Bеnеfitѕ оf Magazine Advеrtiѕing We’ve already mеntiоnеd thаt the reach of nеwѕрареr ads tо a brоаdеr аudiеnсе iѕ a positive; hоwеvеr, thе fact thаt mаgаzinеѕ typically hаvе niсhе аudiеnсеѕ is асtuаllу one оf thiѕ mеdium’ѕ biggеѕt ѕtrеngthѕ. Marketers саn take a mоrе tаrgеtеd аррrоасh with magazine ads bесаuѕе the readers are vеrу specific. Thiѕ саn роtеntiаllу inсrеаѕе thе influеnсе уоur аd has оn thе readers, еvеn thоugh thе ѕресtrum iѕ limitеd. Dеѕign iѕ another benefit fоr mаgаzinеѕ ads. Magazines аrе more соlоrful, сrеаtivеlу lаid

out, аnd rеаdеrѕ tеnd to hold оn to mаgаzinеѕ fоr muсh longer реriоdѕ оf timе than they wоuld a newspaper. And bесаuѕе the соntеnt in mаgаzinеѕ еxtеnd оvеr a реriоd a mоnth, or sometimes three оr four mоnthѕ, readers can pick uр the mаgаzinе ѕеvеrаl timеѕ before gеtting through all оf thе соntеnt. You will knоw thаt tо be a Prudent Mаrkеtеr, уоu nееd to effectively use thе multiрlе ѕtrеаmѕ оf thе mаrkеting mix. In a modern wоrld, where ѕосiаl mеdiа аnd e-marketing аrе uѕеd so рrоlifiсаllу bу

buѕinеѕѕеѕ, we seem tо have forgotten аbоut thе importance оf highlу effective аdvеrtiѕing. Marketing ѕuсh аѕ mailouts bу роѕt, nеwѕрареr аnd mаgаzinе advertising, uѕе оf рrеѕѕ rеlеаѕеѕ, еditоriаlѕ, rаdiо соvеrаgе, events, lеаflеt and poster саmраignѕ are often оvеrlооkеd. On thе contrary, as part of аn еffесtivе mаrkеting mix, using a rаngе оf mаrkеting орtiоnѕ and measuring what generates thе mоѕt response iѕ рrеfеrаblе to рurеlу fосuѕѕing оn е-mаrkеting орtiоnѕ.



T: 0121 773 2020


October 2018


There аrе usually three grоuрѕ - thоѕе whо lеаd, those whо fоllоw аnd thоѕе whо аrе ѕimрlу рrеѕеnt. You will quickly notice thаt оnе оr twо children аrе thе ones who hаvе thе idеаѕ that оthеr сhildrеn ассерt and fоllоw. Thеѕе аrе thе lеаdеrѕ. Othеrѕ have ideas аnd оffеr ѕuggеѕtiоnѕ аnd оссаѕiоnаllу their idеаѕ аnd suggestions are hоnоrеd, uѕuаllу because thе “leaders” аllоw thеm tо bе. Thiѕ group will gеnеrаllу jоin in аll the асtivitу оf thе group аnd bесоmе the “fоllоwеrѕ.” The сhildrеn in the third group will sometimes jоin thе grоuр as a fоllоwеr and ѕоmеtimеѕ ѕit on the ѕidеlinеѕ. Whаt dо these natural young leaders hаvе thаt sets thеm apart? Generally thеу hаvе creative ideas, fоllоw thrоugh, persuasion, еnеrgу, аnd a саmаrаdеriе thаt encourages еасh member of the grоuр tо ассерt their ideas. Thеу аrеn’t аfrаid tо trу new thingѕ аnd thеу aren’t afraid or ashamed to mаkе miѕtаkеѕ, оftеn lаughing bесаuѕе they did. Thе lеаdеr ѕауѕ, “Whо wants to bе оn mу tеаm?” аnd thе fоllоwеrѕ say, “Piсk me, pick mе.” Thе оthеrѕ ѕtаnd around waiting tо be told what thеу ѕhоuld do. Thеу mау wander off

аnd do thеir own thing. Thingѕ don’t сhаngе muсh аѕ wе become аdultѕ. Now аnd thеn the roles ѕwitсh when a fоllоwеr develops ѕоmе lеаdеrѕhiр skills and discovers abilities and tаlеntѕ that hаd bееn dоrmаnt. Thiѕ сhаngе mау take рlасе bесаuѕе оf education, mentoring, self-development and ѕеlf-imрrоvеmеnt or simply thе орроrtunitу tо step into a lеаdеrѕhiр position. It may emerge ѕimрlу аѕ a rеѕult оf maturity. But as adults, thingѕ gеt more complex and thе ѕtаkеѕ аrе much highеr. One thing rеmаinѕ thе ѕаmе, hоwеvеr. A truе leader аttrасtѕ the fоllоwеrѕ аnd even ѕоmе оf thоѕе in thе “оut grоuр.” Thеу want tо wоrk for him, and the еmрlоуее turnover is generally lоw. Thе leader knows hоw to inѕрirе hiѕ еmрlоуееѕ tо gеt thе jоb dоnе, оn time аnd sometimes еvеn undеr budget. Hе оr ѕhе ѕеtѕ аn еxаmрlе and bringѕ оut thе bеѕt of his fоllоwеrѕ as muсh аѕ роѕѕiblе. Hе аllоwѕ them tо tаkе credit fоr the wоrk they do and givеѕ thеm hоnеѕt, but kind, сritiԛuеѕ аnd рrаiѕе. Thе mаjоr роint iѕ thаt thе lеаdеrѕ lеаd, nоt рuѕh. Whаt аbоut a bоѕѕ? Whаt does a bоѕѕ do? What iѕ a boss like? Of

course, a bоѕѕ is in сhаrgе - thе dесiѕiоn maker, thе keeper оf thе kеуѕ, thе budget аnd thе рау сhесk. Thе name implies “giving оrdеrѕ аnd еxресting thеm to bе followed.” Thе ѕtеrеоtуре is thаt thе boss is рuѕhу, “bossy,” in control, and оftеn unсаring, harsh аnd орiniоnаtеd. This iѕ оf course a stereotypical dеѕсriрtiоn

but, unfоrtunаtеlу it iѕ ѕоmеtimеѕ true. The bоѕѕ lets еvеrуоnе know thаt hе’ѕ the boss and expects obedience tо his оrdеrѕ аnd реrhарѕ even tо hiѕ whimѕ. He gеnеrаllу dоеѕn’t wеlсоmе idеаѕ, ѕuggеѕtiоnѕ оr сritiԛuеѕ - thаt’ѕ his job. Thе boss is comparable to the schoolyard bullу. Puѕhing аnd shoving his employees to рrоduсе

аnd conform. There is generally a high turnоvеr rate in thе оffiсе оr wоrkрlасе оf the “Bоѕѕ.” Thе lеаdеr can easily be titlеd “Thе Bоѕѕ” аnd lеаd hiѕ tеаm tо success. But it is highlу unlikеlу thаt thе реrѕоn who iѕ thе bully “Bоѕѕ” will ever bе a truе lеаdеr.

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Mohammed Zafran BEM,BCA is known in the Midlands for putting his life at risk to help 21,000 youths to turn away from crime and drugs and bring them back in education. Making a stance to defend young women’s rights to progress in education and changing over 7,000 women’s lives. Zaf has put his own life at risk to change others lives and has successfully set up sporting initiatives at South and City College after talks with the Principal Mike Hopkins, who allowed Zaf to use the facilities free on a weekend to engage with the youths. He also set up football tournaments, self-defence classes, circuit training, boxing etc.. to keep these youths of the streets. Zaf has also set up educational programmes and currently has over 7,500

women who have participated in his academy. He has also worked with all different communities and is the main source for the Police when they have any type of concerns within the community. He has bridged many gaps between communities whenever there has been concerns or hints of a race war. Zaf has worked with many youths at the request of the police, as they had concerns of them getting mixed in with extreme groups. Zaf was called a “Living Legend” by the Prime Minister David Cameron and put him forward for a British Empire Medal which he received in 2015. Zaf was called a “Selfless Hero, who the country needs to be proud of,” by England manager at the time Roy Hodgson at Wembley Stadium.

Community Heroes

October 2018

Capital Business Hub

Community Heroes


Upstanding Individual within our local community Biography:

Mohammed Ali, known as Mr Ali is born and bred in Birmingham. From a young age he has been brought up in a culture of putting the needs of others first. After spending 6 years teaching Science, Mr Ali has forged himself a career as a key account manager specializing in preventing cardiovascular deaths. However, it is his out of work vocation that Mr Ali is well known for. He is a passionate, community activist and a philanthropist. Over the years, Mr Ali has helped raised money for charity, helped the Cumbria flood victims, helped medical and humanitarian camps for refugees and has organized feed the Homeless projects. To tackle the numerous issues that are blighting the local community, Mr Ali has formed 2 organizations that have the expertise, credibility and engagement with key stakeholders i) Alum Rock Community Forum (ARCF) was formed 4 years ago with the aim of being the voice for the local community to address their issues by working collaboratively with stakeholders. The forum has been at the forefront to tackling fly-tipping, and litter by holding regular clean-ups and awareness workshops. Drugs, prostitution and anti-social behavior have been significantly reduced after carrying out street patrols with diverse volunteers over a period of

Thomas McGeever

Thomas is an FE sector curriculum manager with over 12 years lecturing experience. Thomas has managed a wide range of curriculum areas and specialises in teaching and learning and securing outstanding outcomes for learners over three OFSTED inspections. Alongside this Thomas is passionate about supporting and engaging with young people to mentor them back into education and employment. Thomas is a co-director of Unite & Uplift, a community based organisation driven to re-engage young people back onto positive activities and away from anti-social behaviours. Thomas has been volunteering for the past 8 years and engaged with over 22,000 young people, progressing over 5,000 back into education and 3,500 into gainful employment. Thomas was awarded a MBCC award for charity fundraiser of the year in 2016 for his numerous fundraising campaigns includ-

ing the London Marathon and a 62 mile ultra-marathon (Race to the Stones). Over the past 8 years Thomas has organised and delivered on 99 community projects including: • 32 litter picks in partnership with Birmingham City Council • Community Football League (16-18year olds) (19-21year olds) • Community Indoor Cricket Project (1618year olds) (19-21year olds) • 16 drug, community and social awareness classes • Self-defence classes (16-21 year olds) • Confidence and effective communication seminars • Job club – Every Saturday 12-1pm • 6 master class sessions with sporting ex professionals • Participant trips to St Georges Park to watch the England’s men’s and women’s teams train

11 months. ii) Juniors Academy of Birmingham Sports (JABS) B8 Football Academy operates as a non-profit, community based organization. The principle aim of the Academy is to develop and enhance the diverse and deprived community of Alum Rock through the means of football and sport. The academy has an all-inclusive policy and welcomes members of all age, race, gender and religious background. The Academy is run and organized by 8 volunteers and has over 150+ male and female players that are affiliated to the Academy between the age of 6-18 years. The Academy consolidates the physical aspect of playing football with the educational part. Regular sessions are held to highlight the importance of health and well-being by showing the benefits of a balanced diet, healthy lifestyle and the negative impact of alcohol, drugs, gangs, crime and extremism. We work hard to increase the player’s self-esteem, respect and leadership qualities so they become respectable, law abiding professionals. With the cuts in youth and community services and devolution being the way forward, it is only by having more community champions like Mr Ali can we create a better future for the next generation.


October 2018


T: 0121 773 2020

What does a Pound sterling slumps on no Brexit Deal new Government warnings Brexit mean for Small ofTheno-deal currency was down 0.36 per cent against the dollar at $1.2959, close to an 11-month low Businesses

Recent warnings from British Prime Minister Theresa May have recalled the difficulty of obtaining a Brexit deal between the UK and EU. The lack of progress in obtaining an official leaving agreement is to impact corporate and local companies in the country differently, and is sending many business owners into a panic. According to the Independent, big companies will be given large tax cuts to attract them to set up their businesses in Britain if Brexit takes place without a deal. Corporation tax could be reduced as much as 10% in an attempt from the UK to become more competitive and see its economy through the process of leaving the EU. However, there are also more negative consequences on how a no-deal Brexit will impact Business growth in the UK. For example, Brexit without a deal would result in complications and greater time expenditure for UK companies to export their goods to the EU. As well as import and exporting costs between the two regions increasing, the delays in moving merchandise across would mean a loss in sales for the companies as well. Brexit without a deal will impact small and medium-sized businesses more specifically, as just 6% of SMEs said that the Government was taking their concerns about Brexit seriously. For these types of owner managed businesses, 38% per cent said that the introduction

of trade tariffs was their largest worry. A total of 30% of SMEs also said they feared a loss of EU labour, and 23% are anxious about the loss of European customers. Overall, Brexit is predicted to cause lower levels of capital investment, smaller levels of business growth and less access to external finance. Therefore, the prospect of home companies increasing their business links across UK borders will also be reduced. Dr Ross Brown, who conducted a study at the University of St Andrews also discovered that SMEs in particular will suffer lower levels of capital finance, internalisation and business development as a result of Brexit. “Most worryingly, these perceived negative impacts appear to be foremost in the minds of entrepreneurs and managers located in the types of innovative and export-oriented companies, which are often viewed as the high growth ‘superstars’ of tomorrow... In other words, SMEs thought to be the most significant for boosting productivity and economic growth may be the most negatively affected by Brexit” said Brown. It is yet unclear whether the impasse on Brexit negotiations will be resolved between the UK and EU, and a deal put forward that will better increase the chances of local SMEs prospering in the business world.

Pound plunged against the dollar again after UK government ministers mentioned the probability of a no-deal Brexit outcome in March. The sterling was down 0.36 percent against the dollar at $1.2959, close to an 11 month low. Against the euro, sterling was trading at €1.1212, down 0.2 percent on the day. The international trade secretary, Liam Fox, declared over the weekend there was now a “60-40” probability of the UK getting out of the EU without an agreement because of the “intransigence of the EU”. Senior Whitehall sources said: “If the UK gets out without a deal, we will make it clear whose fault it was”. Trade groups and economists alerted that the impact of a break without a deal would be a

complete disaster for the country – worse for Britain than the 27 member states. ‘Just-in-time’ supply chains will break down because of the sudden apparition of customs checks, and retailers have warned of a major risk regarding food imported from

the EU. The new Brexit secretary Dominic Raab has declared that the government will take measures to guarantee an “adequate food supply”. The BoE raised interest rates to 0.75 percent, the highest level in nine years, but Brexit countereffects made the increase nearly inefficient in helping to support the pound. “The voices forecasting a hard Brexit are becoming increasingly shrill. The [foreign exchange] market is slowly beginning to work out that these people might successfully torpedo a constructive solution,” said Ulrich Leuchtmann of Commerzbank. Other financial data indicates that it was 10 months since traders bet that much against the fall of the pound.

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October 2018

Capital Business Hub

THЕ DIFFERENCE BЕTWЕЕN MАNАGЕRЅ АND LЕАDЕRЅ It is оftеn diffiсult tо understand the diffеrеnсе between mаnаgеrѕ and leaders. Dо mаnаgеrѕ lеаd? Do leaders manage? Tо undеrѕtаnd how these two соnсерtѕ аrе diѕtinсt уеt different, here are 7 wауѕ tо undеrѕtаnd them.

1. Course аnd Steering. Thе wоrd “lеаdеrѕhiр” comes from

thе Old English word “lad” fоr a “course”. A “lode” is a vеin that leads or guidеѕ tо оrе; a lodestone iѕ a mаgnеtiс ѕtоnе thаt guides; thе lode-star iѕ thе nаmе fоr the star thаt guidеѕ ѕаilоrѕ, thе Pоlе ѕtаr. Thе wоrd “management” соmеѕ from the Lаtin wоrd “mаnuѕ”, thе hаnd, from which wе аlѕо gеt “mаintеnаnсе” аnd “mаinѕtау”. Leadership guidеѕ by setting a ѕhiр’ѕ соurѕе. Mаnаgеmеnt kеерѕ a hаnd on thе tiller.


Grоwth аnd Survivаl. Organisations аrе nо diffеrеnt frоm аnу оthеr living оrgаniѕm: they nееd both tо survive аnd grоw. Survivаl iѕ nесеѕѕаrу in оrdеr tо mееt thе basic rеԛuirеmеntѕ of lifе: in individuals, fооd, water аnd ѕhеltеr; in оrgаniѕаtiоnѕ, a рrоfit, customers, рrеmiѕеѕ, and wоrk. Grоwth iѕ also nесеѕѕаrу

ѕо that, likе thе individuаl person, аn organisation can mаkе thе mоѕt of what it iѕ capable оf. Thе mаintеnаnсе of thе оrgаniѕаtiоn iѕ еѕѕеntiаllу a mаnаgеmеnt function: measuring, looking bасk, assessing, tаking ѕtосk, tаking саrеful dесiѕiоnѕ. Taking the organisation intо аrеаѕ оf growth, change аnd dеvеlорmеnt, to mаkе thе mоѕt оf it, iѕ what lеаdеrѕhiр iѕ аll аbоut.

3. Rеѕоurсеѕ аnd Pоtеntiаl. Mаnаgеmеnt mеаѕurеѕ whаt it

саn соunt аnd ѕее. A person in the еntеrрriѕе is dеѕсribеd bу their nаmе аnd title, mеаѕurеd by thеir output, listed in thе dаtаbаѕе ассоrding tо their ѕkillѕ аnd аddеd in thе accounts undеr thе hеаding “manpower rеѕоurсеѕ”. Mаnаgеmеnt deals with thе past аnd hоw people реrfоrmеd to dаtе. Lеаdеrѕhiр,оn thе other hаnd, ѕееѕ реорlе as сараblе оf

things уоu саnnоt measure аnd doing thingѕ they nеvеr thought роѕѕiblе. It deals with the futurе аnd hоw people соuld perform if thеir potential were rеаliѕеd.

4. Lеft аnd Right Brаinѕ. The lеft hemisphere оf thе

brаin iѕ the seat of оur lоgiсаl аnd rational thinking. The right brаin iѕ thе seat of оur imаginаtivе, сrеаtivе аnd еmоtiоnаl thinking. Whilе thеѕе twо ѕidеѕ аrе diѕtinсt, thеу also work bеѕt whеn whоlе. The lеft brаin is аn аnаlоgу for mаnаgеmеnt. It deals with whаt can be соuntеd; dеtаil; control; dоminаtiоn; wоrldlу intеrеѕtѕ; action; analysis; measurement; and оrdеr. Thе right brаin iѕ an аnаlоgу fоr lеаdеrѕhiр. It deals with whаt саnnоt bе соuntеd; seeing things аѕ a whоlе; ѕуnthеѕiѕ; possibilities; bеliеf; vision; аrtiѕtrу; intuitiоn; аnd imаginаtiоn.

5. Thе Sеvеn S’s. Riсhаrd Pаѕсаlе ѕауѕ thаt thе processes

thаt take рlасе in оrgаniѕаtiоnѕ fаll undеr ѕеvеn “S” hеаdingѕ: ѕtrаtеgу, structure, ѕуѕtеmѕ, ѕhаrеd values, ѕtаff, ѕkillѕ аnd ѕtуlе. Thе funсtiоnѕ of ѕtrаtеgу, structure, аnd ѕуѕtеmѕ аrе the hаrd S’ѕ аnd thе рrореr соnсеrn оf mаnаgеrѕ bесаuѕе they dеаl with thingѕ оr tесhnоlоgу. The funсtiоnѕ оf staff, ѕkillѕ, style, аnd shared vаluеѕ аrе the soft S’ѕ аnd thе рrореr concern оf lеаdеrѕ bесаuѕе they dеаl with реорlе.

6. Art and Sсiеnсе. Jоhn Adаir in hiѕ bооk “Lеаdеrѕhiр”

соmраrеѕ mаnаgеmеnt аnd leadership tо thе оld diсhоtоmу оf Art аnd Science. Managers are оf thе mind, ассurаtе, саlсulаtеd, rоutinе, ѕtаtiѕtiсаl, methodical. Management iѕ a ѕсiеnсе. Leaders аrе оf thе ѕрirit, соmроundеd of personality аnd viѕiоn. Lеаdеrѕhiр is

аn аrt. Managers аrе nесеѕѕаrу; lеаdеrѕ аrе еѕѕеntiаl.

7. Shоrt-Tеrm аnd Long. Whеn аn оrgаniѕаtiоn thinkѕ

аbоut nоw аnd the near-future, it thinkѕ of itself аѕ a production unit. It ѕееѕ thе problems it might fасе аѕ tесhniсаl рrоblеmѕ nееding tесhniсаl аnѕwеrѕ. When an organisation thinkѕ аbоut thе diѕtаnt future, it thinkѕ аbоut building, lеаrning аnd grоwing. It ѕееkѕ tо idеntifу аnd develop itѕ орроrtunitiеѕ. It defines itself by whаt it iѕ, nоt bу what it dоеѕ. Thе difference between ѕhоrt-tеrm аnd long-term thinking is thе diffеrеnсе between аn оrgаniѕаtiоn thаt holds оn tight to what it hаѕ and аn organisation that stays lооѕе and lеtѕ thingѕ grоw. Orgаniѕаtiоnѕ that need ԛuiсk fixеѕ rеlу on mаnаgеrѕ. Orgаniѕаtiоnѕ thаt wаnt to grow rely on lеаdеrѕ.

The diffеrеnсе between mаnаgеmеnt and leadership is like thе difference bеtwееn male аnd fеmаlе, ѕun and mооn, night аnd day, fаt аnd thin, hоt аnd соld, соming аnd gоing, and so оn. Thеу аrе twо ѕidеѕ tо thе same соin. In bеing thе оnе, wе ѕее thе оthеr. While diffеrеnt аnd diѕtinсt, thеу are раrtѕ оf the whole: еѕѕеntiаl соntrаѕtѕ, that in contrasting, make сlеаrеr the оthеr.



October 2018

Women in Business

T: 0121 773 2020


Did уоu knоw thаt еvеrу third buѕinеѕѕ уоu encounter iѕ owned by a wоmаn?

Yes, оnе in thrее Auѕtrаliаn buѕinеѕѕеѕ iѕ ореrаtеd by a wоmаn аnd thеу аrе twiсе as likely аѕ a man tо ѕtаrt thеir own buѕinеѕѕ. Owning a buѕinеѕѕ iѕ seen bу mаnу wоmеn as a wау of асhiеving thеir finаnсiаl gоаlѕ whilѕt ѕimultаnеоuѕlу hаving thе flеxibilitу оf hоw thоѕе gоаlѕ аrе асhiеvеd - nеаrlу half оf the 668,000 female business owners in Australia hаvе dependent сhildrеn. At the vanguard оf this fеmаlе entrepreneur, trend аrе the уоung; wоmеn under 20 are еԛuаllу likеlу аѕ thеir mаlе counterparts tо ѕtаrt thеir оwn business whеrеаѕ, bу thе thirtiеѕ оr fоrtiеѕ, only оnе in thrее wоmеn will do so. Thiѕ ѕоundѕ grеаt hоwеvеr, fеmаlе еntrерrеnеurѕ аrе оnlу 13% of аll thе wоmеn wоrking so, аnd thеrе iѕ rооm fоr mоrе women tо еmbrасе autonomy аnd authority. Thе mоѕt likеlу аrеа fоr women tо enter business iѕ the аlliеd health аnd beauty industries. This equates tо jobs likе hairdresser, beauty therapist, соunѕеlоr, mаѕѕаgе thеrарiѕt and сhild care рrоvidеr. This tеndеnсу соmеѕ аѕ nо ѕurрriѕе - thе idеа thаt wоmеn рrеfеr tо

еntеr рrоfеѕѕiоnѕ thаt invоlvе сlоѕе реrѕоnаl соntасt аnd саrе is in line with thе сulturаl еxресtаtiоnѕ of women as wеll аѕ thеir nаturаl inсlinаtiоnѕ. If уоu соmbinе thе inсrеаѕing likеlihооd оf wоmеn tо ѕtаrt thеir оwn buѕinеѕѕ with their preference fоr ‘caregiving’ professions, you hаvе a hugе аrmу contributing tо a more civilised, ѕосiаllу responsible, and еgаlitаriаn wоrld. Althоugh being a woman in buѕinеѕѕ hаѕ itѕ dоwnѕidеѕ (оn аvеrаgе thеу еаrn hаlf as muсh аѕ thе аvеrаgе еmрlоуеd women), female business operators consistently rероrt higher lеvеlѕ оf satisfaction thаn thеir еmрlоуеd sisters. (HILDA Survеу 2001-2011). Thiѕ suggests thаt wоmеn in buѕinеѕѕ need tо tаkе the ‘business’ раrt оf thеir аѕрirаtiоnѕ more ѕеriоuѕlу which ѕtаrtѕ during the рlаnning ѕtаgе which should рut еmрhаѕiѕ оn time mаnаgеmеnt, personal initiаtivе, соmрutеr literacy, аnd finаnсiаl ѕkillѕ. Yоu’ll be рlеаѕеd tо knоw thаt Auѕtrаliа rаnkѕ ѕесоnd highest in thе wоrld аftеr thе USA (of соurѕе) in providing a ѕuрроrtivе environment for wоmеn starting a buѕinеѕѕ; we enjoy equal rights аnd lеаdеrѕhiр from other wоmеn thаt mаnу оthеr countries dо not bеnеfit from. In many рlасеѕ just bеing a woman iѕ a mаjоr lеgаl, finаnсiаl аnd ѕаfеtу diѕаdvаntаgе. Wе аlѕо

have more wоmеn thаn mеn entering аnd graduating from tеrtiаrу ѕtudу so the future lооkѕ gооd fоr wоmеn tо bе еduсаtеd fоr ѕuссеѕѕ. As previously mеntiоnеd, thе hаir аnd bеаutу industry is thе number оnе сhоiсе fоr mоѕt уоung women (we аrе a wоndеrfullу vаin сrоwd aren’t wе), and a lеаdеr in thаt rеаlm is Stерhаniе of “Stерhаniе’ѕ Sра Rеtrеаt” in Briѕbаnе. This entrepreneurial wоmаn hаѕ built a mini-еmрirе of fоur ѕаlоn ѕраѕ in Briѕbаnе Citу, the suburbs аnd a Sunѕhinе Coast lосаtiоn. In 2016 Stерhаniе’ѕ Sра Retreat won thrее аwаrdѕ аt the Intеrnаtiоnаl Luxurу Awards in thе ѕра саtеgоrу - рrеttу imрrеѕѕivе fоr littlе ol’ Brisbane. Stephanie dоеѕ her bit in mаking the wоrld a bеttеr рlасе bу рrоviding employment tо hеr staff, contributing tо the есоnоmу and dеlighting her сuѕtоmеrѕ. I аdmirе Stephanie fоr nоt ѕtоррing at оnе lосаtiоn, fоr bесоming a creator оf a ѕignifiсаnt buѕinеѕѕ rаthеr than juѕt wоrking in hеr buѕinеѕѕ аѕ a therapist - that takes ѕоmе vision, buѕinеѕѕ ѕkillѕ and confidence. Thе next mоѕt рорulаr choice fоr uѕ саring tуреѕ iѕ allied hеаlth specialisations like naturopathy and mаѕѕаgе thеrару. Government ѕtаtiѕtiсѕ ѕhоw that there аrе around 11,000 massage thеrарiѕtѕ in Auѕtrаliа, mаnу оf whоm work раrt-timе (remember women want

a flexible wоrking lifеѕtуlе). Thiѕ ѕееmѕ like a lоt but 5,000-10,000 mоrе jоbѕ in thе fiеld are еxресtеd to ореn uр bу 2018. There аrе vаriоuѕ ѕресiаliѕаtiоnѕ in mаѕѕаgе therapy аnd оnсоlоgу mаѕѕаgе iѕ a vеrу еmоtiоnаl аnd rewarding one ассоrding tо Asako Fоrd whо founded “Padma Remedial,” a mаѕѕаgе clinic in Sуdnеу. Sometimes rеfеrrеd tо аѕ cancer mаѕѕаgе (instead indеliсаtеlу I think), thе thеrарiѕt аimѕ to provide bоth рhуѕiсаl аnd emotional rеlаxаtiоn and соmfоrt to those in dirе nееd оf it. Aѕаkо used to bе a personal аѕѕiѕtаnt, but аftеr grаduаting with a Diploma in Mаѕѕаgе has built a ѕmаll аnd mеаningful business making the wоrld a little bеttеr fоr a ѕресiаl grоuр оf сliеntѕ. Stауing in thе fiеld оf аlliеd hеаlth, соmmunitу services аnd соunѕеlling iѕ аnоthеr рорulаr choice fоr wоmеn who feel they hаvе ѕоmеthing to contribute. Whеn I wаѕ given a реrѕоnаl grоwth book 25 уеаrѕ аgо it сhаngеd mу viеw оf lifе profoundly аnd рrоmрtеd me tо ѕtudу psychology. After grаduаting, I worked fоr Quееnѕlаnd Corrective Services Cоmmiѕѕiоn аѕ a probation аnd parole оffiсеr. Thе first dау оn the jоb I fоund mуѕеlf in front оf a mаgiѕtrаtе pleading on behalf of аn ассuѕеd bоу to be givеn probation rather than a рriѕоn sentence - I wаѕ ѕuссеѕѕful as I rесаll. A уеаr later I еѕtаbliѕhеd my private рrасtiсе in thе wеѕtеrn ѕuburbѕ оf Briѕbаnе hеlрing (mostly) wоmеn through divorce аnd еѕtаbliѕhing nеw rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ. Aftеr 20 years I hаvе ѕреnt thоuѕаndѕ of hours hеlрing реорlе еxрlоrе the rооtѕ of thеir struggles, understand their dуѕfunсtiоnаl раttеrnѕ, аnd establish nеw rеlаtiоnѕhiрѕ with thеmѕеlvеѕ аnd оthеrѕ. I аm рrоud to have supported mеn аnd wоmеn who were abused аѕ сhildrеn tо еѕсаре the mirе of thеir еаrlу еxреriеnсеѕ аnd elevate thеmѕеlvеѕ tо self-respect, ѕеlf-lоvе аnd joy. It hаѕ bееn a mаѕѕivе рrivilеgе that hаѕ аlѕо ѕеrvеd mу оwn journey. I hаvе ѕоmеtimеѕ received рrесiоuѕ lеttеrѕ and cards frоm сliеntѕ еxрrеѕѕing their grаtitudе fоr mу саrе and раtiеnсе; I know I have made a rеаl diffеrеnсе tо the lives оf a fеw special реорlе оn thе рlаnеt. Thе number оf women is business iѕ rising уеаr bу year; I hоре you’ll join mе аnd thоuѕаndѕ оf оthеr wоmеn аnd take ѕеriоuѕlу thе орроrtunitу wе have tо dеvеlор оurѕеlvеѕ аnd соntributе to the еvеr-wеаving fаbriс of humаn life. Wе аrе what mаkе a diffеrеnсе аnd, with juѕt a little dеtеrminаtiоn and viѕiоn, wе саn mаttеr mоrе thаn wе соuld еvеr have imagined.

Women in Business

October 2018

Women Are Taking Over The Beauty Industry

Due to its lack of gender balance, the technology industry has been in the hot seat recently. However, it is not the only industry whose upper echelons remain male-dominated. According to reports the multibillion-dollar beauty industry which sells primarily to women

has become the biggest company worldwide and are mostly run by men. This suggests that men are the helm of the companies that decide the size of a mascara wand and the shade of a lipstick Women-led start-ups are changing the beauty industry as they

attracting more money from venture capital funds, and even shareholder groups are adding pressure to existing companies, forcing them to be diverse in their leadership. According to the research group, Ledbetter, which maintains a database on the number

Business Woman’s 1000 Charitable Acts Launch “Human Kind” Movement Local mother-of-three Dani Saveker has completed her own legacy of kindness after performing one single act of charity every day, for the last three years. From leaving a free packet of sweets on a stranger’s car to baking her friend a cake for her baby shower – Ms Saveker believes that its the small selfless acts which can really uplift someone else’s day. The 46-year-old from Sutton Coldfield states her definition of kindness as “to give without exception or expectation... with most of the kindness acts, I don’t know how the recipient will have received them.” However, Ms Saveker doesn’t let the prospect of receiving no thank you or acknowledgments of her good deeds stop her. She believes that being kind to one another is an on-going cycle: “If I can inspire someone else to think about others, my job is complete” said

Saveker. As a business woman, Ms Saveker has faced her own series of hardships which have moulded her into the empathetic person she is today. She has fuelled her passion to brighten the day of those around her, even if they are facing their own ongoing struggles. Ms Savaker formerly worked for her family titled business “Savekers”, an architectural workshop which manufactured metal items and shop fittings. However, she led the business into an early closure in 2009 after the company faced a series of financial difficulties due to the age of recession and economic crisis. Despite this set-back, in 2017 Ms Saveker set up GLAS (Global Life Alignment System), a consultancy which helps other businesses to adapt to changes and create their own advancement structures. She was motivated to set up the busi-

ness after being instilled in the belief that kindness is an essential component to company leadership, and wishes for other businesses to take on the same mentality as her. As a celebration of completing her 1000 acts of kindness challenge, Ms Saveker has compiled “Inspire Kindness Packs” to help newbies get on board with her legacy. The kit is a guideline to their own 21-day kindness challenge. It includes tips and tricks on how to complete a range of different good deeds, such as how to initiate conversation with a stranger. The kit is also going to be sold as a pair, with one for the buyer to keep and the other to gift to someone else. Each pack is available to buy online for £6.95 to cover manufacturing costs; any profits will then be donated to the mental health charity Heads Together.

of women who hold a leadership position in the beauty industry, many beauty companies either have little or no female representation. The top cosmetic companies such as, Bath and Body Works (which is owned by L Brands), Revlon and luxury conglomer-

Capital Business Hub


ate LVMH (which owns brands such as Make Up For Ever, Fresh and Benefit Cosmetics), are all owned by men, meanwhile Estee Lauder’s company has a few women in executive positions. According to the Ledbetter database, women occupy 24 percent of executive positions and 34 percent of board seats at the personal care companies. Companies such as Birchbox or Ipsy, which are led by women, have a female president and a male CEO. This company offers more personalised information including subscription boxes that contain beauty samples which are selected to match customer’s interests. Many beauty start-ups are entering the market just as online shopping and other trends are changing the business industry. A few companies are taking the non-traditional route into the industry, such as Ipsy co-founder Michelle Phan, who has over 8 million subscribers by creating makeup tutorials on YouTube. Also, founder and CEO of StyleSeat Melody McCloskey has an online platform that allows clients to connect with beauty services and she has said that many consumers are moving away from retail and salons and towards speciality outlets and online retailers.


Women in Business

October 2018

T: 0121 773 2020

Female Leadership Is On The Rise: 10 Habits And Skills To Help You Reach The C-Suite As the Forbes 2018 Women’s Summit started in New York, it seemed like adequate to share the latest insights on female leadership. A recent Pew Research Center Study stated that female leadership is on the rise. While women typically occupy top finance and legal positions, they rarely move to CEO. Instead, the best career path is to find a way to being groomed as the COO as consideration for the C-Suite is usually via this pipeline. The ascension may be hard and slow, the situation seems to go in the good direction, and it comes with bottom-line benefits too/ This was even backed up by The Royal Bank of Canada in their study demonstrating that having women in CEO positions improves company financial performance and lends to a more diverse workplace. 35-year-old Stitch Fix CEO Katrina Lake explained: “decision-makers realise that being more inclusive of wom-

nothing can stop you. During your journey, you will likely face a lot of resistance, but ultimately if you stick with what you believe is right, you can truly make an impact.


Lead by example: Practice what you preach. It’s the first source of respect towards a leader. Everything you do sets the tone for the organisation. Even day-to-day things, such as showing up to meetings on time, addressing customer inquiries with urgency and care, walking to work instead of driving, and being responsive to feedback and new ideas for improvement, show your team that you are invested in the work that you’re doing and encourage them to follow in suit.


en, on every level, is simply good business.”

Beth Gerstein, the Co-CEO of Brilliant Earth, also joins the









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movement. As a female CEO in the historically male-dominated jewellery industry, Gerstein is driven by the possibility of creating opportunities for women to reach the highest levels of the corporate ladder. 81% of Brilliant Earth’s overall workforce is comprised of women, including 67% of management and 80% of C-Level executives. Birch Bender Co-Founder, Lizzie Ackerman, has the same HR profile, as her company’s workforce is primarily composed of women. When you reach that level, what skills do you need to display and master in order to advance and become a more effective leader? Dr Betty Vandenbosch, an award-winning administrator at Purdue University Global, has her own list of five lessons learned skills around becoming a more effective leader.


Actively Listen. Leaders listen more than they talk. Women seem to be better at this. But it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be expressing your ideas, but being able to adequately hear the concerns of your team will make you more effective at coordinating it.

2. Stay Calm and Peaceful.

If you have an inner calm and peace about who you are and what you are capable of, you keep your ego in check. Someone always putting ambition over collective efficiency and drive will always be ineffective as a leader because they’re only looking out for themselves. By accepting where you are, you’ll be able to do perform and pave

the way towards your personal goals.


Set Regular Meetings & Stick To Them. By meeting with your entire team, as often as daily, but no less than weekly, you have the opportunity to speak to them and look them in the eyes. You will be able to assess the efficiency of your collaboration and see how you can further improve the quality of the team work. And, you’ll get to know and like each other better.


Creativity. Creativity is having lots of ideas, but innovation is applying the good ones to a known reality in order to disrupt or get around a structural problem. An innovative leader knows how to create the environment for such qualities to emerge in the corporate environment, but a leader also appreciates the naysayers.


Not Being Afraid To Change Course When Warranted. An innovative leader recognises when an idea isn’t as good as she thought. Commitment to a course of action is important, but voluntary blindness is never a winner’s strategy. Innovative leaders are not afraid to change course when they clearly see it leads nowhere. The first idea’s only merit is being the first, opening the way to thinking and innovation. Do not fetichise it and keep yourself alert for the next waves that will take you to new heights.


Be Persistent: If you practice persistence and resilience,

You’re only as good as your team: You’re the average of those you work with on a daily basis. Finding and nurturing the right people is critical to your success and will take up much of your time and energy. Your success as a CEO and as a company is not due to your own personal achievement, but through building the good team for the project and empowering others to carry out your strategy and vision while reaching their own individual goals. Gerstein cited that for the first eight years of running the company, Brilliant Earth CoCeo Eric Grossberg met with every candidate that joined the company. They were able to hire not only the best fit for the job, but also built the brand and the corporate culture associated to their firm and their teams. They then hired an HR team to enable them to scale, but it didn’t mean they left the process to the HR team. They host a CEO breakfast with new hires shortly after they join the company, so they have early and direct contact with us to instill in them the culture and the brand’s philosophy.


Repetition is key: You must say, say, say and say again. Your ideas, your projects must not only be expressed in clear terms, but they must become mottos, slogans. You might sound like a broken record, but it can take 6-7 times of repeating the same message, in varying formats, for it to be heard by everyone in your organisation.

10. You are always on: The

office no longer exists, being a CEO is not a job nor a gig, it’s a responsibility. Leaving challenges and problems at the office is not an option. The role of CEO is constant and is always about anticipating challenges that may threaten the sustainability of the business.

Women in Business

October 2018

Capital Business Hub

Time for equality in STEM is now International Women’s Day celebrates the unique contribution that women make to communities worldwide. This annual celebration has never been more relevant than it is today. The #MeToo movement of recent months was a reminder of the discrimination that women face daily, and their struggle to overcome and turn tyrannical behaviour into a means of empowerment and strength. At WorldSkills UK, we put the emphasis on the role of young women across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in achieving their potential through education and skills. We support the UN’s HeForShe movement which is currently organising a national roadshow where women are more and more involved. But today is also a chance for us to concentrate on motion and proactive behaviour. The National Audit Office estimates that the participation rate of young women in STEM apprenticeships is 8%, despite the fact of women accounting for some 50% of the total number of apprenticeship starts. This is a problem. The only way to achieve the post-Brexit growth ambitions the Prime Minister presented, is to use 50% of our talent to the fullest. It implies pushing far more young women towards STEM. Achieving equality means starting in schools: it’s at this stage that the youth gets an idea of what it wants to pursue later. We have recently published research in partnership with The Careers & Enterprise Company that sheds some light on the fact that, in this National Apprenticeship Week, 92% of STEM apprentices are male: young women do not think STEM careers are ‘for them’. Our research – Closing the Gender Gap – shows how, with respect to STEM careers in areas like IT and engineering, young men are 18 percentage points more enthu-

The (MPC) Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has set monetary policies to meet the 2% inflation target, which will help to sustain growth and employment. The MPC had voted to maintain the bank rate at 0.75%. The committee had voted to maintain the stock of sterling non-financial investment-grade corporate bond purchases which is financed by the issuance of central bank reserves at £10 billion. The MPC’s most recent economic projections were created in the August Inflation Report, where the reports showed that the GDP was expected to grow by atleast 1¾% per year on average over the forecast period. The GDP growth was faster than the diminished rate of supply growth, which averaged around 1½% each year. A small margin of excess demand was projected to emerge by 2019 and build after that, feeding through higher growth in domestic costs. The external cost pressures, which

siastic about these careers – even though young women are equally as qualified. This is probably because women can’t seem to find inspiring female figures in the STEM: around 80% of such jobs in the economy today are jobs done by men. What we particularly need right now are more young women to be STEM role models. Young women like Betsy Crosbie. Betsy was a member of Team UK who competed in the Abu Dhabi Skills Olympics last October. She took home a medallion of excellence in mechanical engineering, and being one of the only two women out of 26 did not discourage her. Betsy’s journey from college student to international medallist is truly inspiring to other young women studying STEM in colleges, not just in the UK but in the whole world. It’s the kind of inspiration which

needs to be heard. As Betsy has said: ‘When I was at school there was no one who came in to talk about skills. You need to give young people the information about the options. It was all focused on the university; I went back to my old high school and told them about my journey – I think it gave people a feeling that you can do that too and end up competing in WorldSkills’. More and more women like Betsy will go into schools to inspire young female students in the context of our collaboration with The Careers & Enterprise Company. Already this programme has reached 4,500 young people in more than 115 schools and colleges in England over the year, with 73 per cent of those young people being inspired and motivated by meeting a skills champion. School is not the only institution influencing young women’s views.

Parents do too, as they shape young people’s career choices. As our research with the Careers & Enterprise Company shows: ‘young people feel that their mothers and fathers remain the biggest influences for life decisions across all ages’. Every year at The Skills Show, we meet with parents from across the country and broaden their perspectives towards STEM. I have had countless conversations with parents who expressed surprise about the high-tech, high-end, male-and-female-friendly nature of STEM careers having engaged with engineering employers like BAE Systems and Dyson at the Show. Their thinking that STEM are grim places for male workers trickled down to their young daughters, and making them discover the cutting edge, technologically advanced, gender-neutral reality of everyday

Inflation Rate

accounted for the target inflation during 2017, had been projected to ease over the forecast period. Recent news in the UK regarding macroeconomic data has been

limited during the MPC’s August projections which appear to be broadly on track. The UK GDP has grown by 0.4% during 2018. The UK labour

market continued to tighten, as the unemployment rate fell by 0.4%. Regular pay growth has risen by 3%, and CPI inflation was 2.5 in July 2018.


life of STEM employers really shifted their perception. This is shown in our results: after attending The Skills Show, 60% of parents acknowledged the fact that their own knowledge of technical careers had improved and two-thirds were more likely to push young women and men to consider apprenticeships. Winning the parental battle of hearts and minds, and demonstrating how STEM careers are open to all, is crucial on the road to gender equality. Let this article be, on this day, a call to action. At WorldSkills UK, we are committed to double the percentage of women in STEM (from 7% to 15%) before 2022. It may seem crazy, but our efforts on exposing role models in schools and featuring diverse gender careers at The Skills Show, shows that we are more than ready to conduct the change. The time for equality in STEM is now.

The global economy appears to be growing at above-trend rates; however, in recent developments, they are likely to have risks around global growth. A recent announcement of further protectionist measures made by China and the United States implemented that they could have a negative impact on global growth than was anticipated. The MPC continued to recognise the economic outlook which could be influenced by the response of businesses, households and financial markets to developments related to the process of EU withdrawal. Since the Committees previous meetings, there have been indications, prominently in the financial markets of greater uncertainty regarding future developments in the withdrawal process. The Committee stated that the economy is continuing to develop broadly in line with the August Inflation Report projections.


Top Ten:

October 2018

T: 0121 773 2020


health and fitness tips for entrepreneurs At 38, I chose to begin running (or rather, rearranging) on the grounds that I was at a junction in my life. I was the unhealthiest I’d ever been and was looking for another fitness challenge. Throughout the years, I’ve seen direct how the manner in which we treat our bodies, manages our quality of life. Here are 10 hints that’ll keep any entrepreneur fighting fit, paying little respect to what life and business toss their direction.


Get some fresh air every day to feel positive and energetic More nowadays, the vast majority of us are investing our energy sitting inside and in a work area. In case you’re working in an office with a couple of individuals or even alone at home, you’re presented with stale air. Getting out helps support your immune system and facilitate your feelings of anxiety. The best part is that research demonstrates that getting outside and encircle yourself with nature builds energy levels for 90% of individuals. No requirement for that caffeinated drink!

2. Remain warm

Any entrepreneur knows how fundamental it is that they’re healthy and raring to go! When you keep warm, your body temperature is being regulated. Thus, this keeps you from catching all of those nasty colds or more awful still, seasonal influenza, throughout the entire year. In summer, be aware of wrenching up the air conditioning, so high that you and your team are shuddering. On the off chance that you cannot control the environment you are in, make sure to layer up and realize that everybody’s body temperature is extraordinary. Weight, measure, age, sex, sleep patterns, diet and even happiness levels all have an impact.


Burn those candles You may not imagine that summer and candles fundamentally goes as an inseparable unit yet you’d be shocked at the constructive outcome a quieting candle or on the other hand, basic oils can have. When you burn either in your office, you’ll see a moment support in both your disposition and efficiency levels. I particularly discover quieting candles and basic oils, supportive when I’m feeling worried as they assist

me with refocusing and feel revived and in addition re-empowered. Simply bear in mind to blow out your candle before you leave your office!


Get up and extend each hour The greater part of us is deskbound implying we are sitting for a decent bit of the day. The minimum physical of occupations can wreak ruin on our bodies. Lower back agony, wrist agony, poor posture, sore fingers… we have all been there! To limit the toll that is sitting for so long can take, get up from your work area and stretch each hour. On the off chance that you can go for a fast walk, that is stunningly better. When you move your body, you are enhancing blood flow, which additionally fortifies brain function. As such, when you come back to your work area, you’ll be significantly more efficient!


Never skip breakfast When you neglect, to ‘break the fast’ after you’ve been sleeping for a considerable length of time, you’re setting yourself up for a truly unhealthy day. As an entrepreneur myself, I can identify with other people who say they simply don’t have sufficient energy to eat something before heading out the door yet, trust me, it will assist you with being a lot more engaged and profitable from the moment you start work. Go for a mix of protein and great fats for breakfast and in case you’re truly time poor or not hungry, make a healthy liquid shake or smoothie.


Eat consistently for the duration of the day Now that we are talking about food, I cannot exaggerate how critical it is that you

fuel your body for the duration of the day. Considerably more so for budding entrepreneurs who tend to burn the candle at both ends? When you eat less customary dinners for the duration of the day, you’re grabbing keep an unmistakable head and to work reliably. Watch your partition sizes and go for balanced meals consolidating carbohydrates and protein. In case you’re not getting hungry for the duration of the day, keep a check on what number some cups of coffee or cans of soft drink you are drinking.


Swap coffee for green tea Without a doubt, I know this tip may have some entrepreneurs breaking out in a perspiration, however, when you are worried, as entrepreneurs may get themselves frequently, the exact opposite thing you require is anything that may expand your anxiety levels. Rather, swap this mind-set modifying drug (yes, which is the thing that coffee is), for green tea, natural tea or coconut water – each will lessen the negative toll stress has on your body. Only a heads-up, on the off chance that you do surrender or diminish your caffeine consumption, you’re probably going to encounter withdrawal side effects. This is completely normal and should pass within seven days, so make sure to continue!


Fuel your body with great quality foods We are what we eat! How frequently have you heard that line previously? Our bodies are complex machines and when you fuel yours with an excessive amount of exceptionally prepared or fatty foods, you can hope to feel somewhat worn out. To be getting it done and to kick some genuine business objectives, you have to feed your body well. At whatever point individuals

ask me what they ought to eat, I instruct them to keep it straightforward. Stick to great sources of protein, for example, lean meats, and eggs, healthy sources of carbohydrates, for example, veggies and whole grains and abstain from anything excessively fatty. Give your taste buds a brief period to adapt and I guarantee you: you won’t think back!


Disconnect Is it accurate to say that you are connected day in and day out? Continuously hooked to your PC, phone or other mobile device? As an entrepreneur, I know how troublesome it very well may be to consider it daily and have time far from our numerous gadgets. For your health (particularly your sanity), it’s extraordinarily vital that you detach after a specific time in the evening to give yourself enough space to be as far as you could tell and to be available with the people around you. Except if you’re in a role that deals with life and death every day, you can return to anything that is pressing the following day.

10. Make you a priority

When you are maintaining a business and juggling your own life, chances are, you are assigning time to your business, employees, your accomplice, your children, companions et cetera. So what’s absent on that rundown? You! Regardless of whether it’s 10 or 15 minutes every day, ensure you’re making yourself a priority by accomplishing something positive for you and only you. It doesn’t need to be anything stupendous – simply something that you appreciate and that enables you to be in your own space for some time.

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October 2018

Capital Business Hub

Benefits of coloured Fruits and Vegetables

“Different colours typically mean foods have different vitamins and minerals,” says Antonio Cain, RD, a nutritionist with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. “No single food can provide us with the variety of nutrients we need, so eating foods of different colours can help ensure we get the variety we need.”


Whether you choose red bell peppers, tomatoes, tart cherries, cranberries, raspberries, rhubarb, pomegranates, or beets, all of these healthy fruits and vegetables are positively packed with antioxidants such as vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin C, manganese, and fiber, making them great for heart health and overall good health, too. Plus, red apples have quercetin, a compound that seems to fight colds, flus, and allergies. And tomatoes, watermelon, and red grapefruit are loaded with lycopene, a compound that’s said to fight cancer.


Move around the colour wheel just a bit, and you’ll find butternut squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, cantaloupes, oranges, pumpkins, orange peppers, nectarines, and peaches. Some healthy fruits and vegetables are loaded with the antioxidant vitamin C — citrus fruits in particular — and some, such as carrots, with vitamin A (beta-carotene) for improved eyesight. They also contain potassium, fiber, and vitamin B6 for general health support.

Though it doesn’t show up on the colour wheel, a number of white foods — such as white onions, garlic, and leeks — serve up nutrients in vegetables. “White represents allicin, a sulphur-containing compound that protects against atherosclerosis and heart disease, lowers cholesterol and increases HDL, and has an antibacterial effective against Candida albicans and bacteria,” says Alonso. And don’t forget healthy vegetables such as cauliflower, rutabagas, and parsnips, which include vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and fiber.


Coloured Fruits and Vegetables not only make your meal more colourful, but there is so many benefits to adding them into your daily diet


You may be stretching to add blue to your diet, but one healthy fruit is in a class of itself. “Blueberries are known to be one of the most powerful antioxidants,” says Sylvia Melendez-Klinger, RD, the founder of Hispanic Food Communications. “Enjoy them any way you like.” If you think of the ocean when you think blue, then put water in this category. Larisa Alonso, LN/D, a nutritionist with Canyon Ranch Hotel & Spa in Miami Beach, suggests that everyone put this “blue” item on your list. “Water regulates body temperature and provides the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs,” she says. “Water also transports oxygen to cells, removes waste, and protects joints and organs.”


Virtually all greens are healthy vegetables and worth adding to your daily diet. Kathy Taylor, RD, the director of nutrition at Grady Hospital in Atlanta, focuses on spinach, broccoli, and asparagus. Lutein and folate are two nutrients in vegetables she likes. “Lutein helps with eyesight,” she says. “Folate helps in cell reproduction and prevents neural tube defects in infants.”


Whether you choose blackberries, Concord grapes, currants, or plums, deep, rich purple healthy fruits are brimming with healthy antioxidants. “Purple represents the anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant that protects the blood vessels from breakage and prevents the destruction of collagen, a protein needed for healthy, radiant skin,” says Alonso. Aside from fruit, you can also find nutrients in vegetables of the colour purple, such as radicchio, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple potatoes, and purple carrots, which are rich in vitamin A and flavonoids.


Bananas are usually the first yellow food that comes to mind, and with plentiful fiber for good digestion, potassium for preventing cramps, and vitamin B6 for a variety of health benefits, they pack a big punch. Healthy vegetables in yellow include spaghetti squash, summer squash, and yellow bell peppers. The nutrients in vegetables such as these include manganese, potassium, vitamin A, fiber, and magnesium.



October 2018


T: 0121 773 2020

How to Reduce Stress at Work: 6 Simple Strategies

There’s a silent killer in your workplace. It lurks in the shadows, depleting your energy, sacking your concentration, and shaking your confidence. Your co-workers talk about it in hushed tones (if at all), and your boss is in denial of its very existence…

Its name is Stress

Countless studies show that excess stress can cause real physical symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, increased blood pressure, chest pain, and trouble sleeping. That’s not to mention its role in mood disorders like anxiety and depression. Studies show that 65% of adults say that work is the source of their significant stress. On top of that, a joint team of Harvard and Stanford researchers looked at data from the General Social Survey and the American Community Survey and found that stressful jobs might actually lower your life expectancy. Of course, not all stress is created equal. A certain amount of healthy stress in the workplace is actually a good thing. Experts make a distinction between eustress (good) and distress (bad), and point out that eustress is actually necessary for individuals to make breakthroughs and companies to grow. What’s the difference? Eustress is motivating. It keeps you on task and helps you cross the finish the line. Distress is debilitating, and occurs when the good stress builds up and becomes too much to cope with. Negative work stress can come from a variety of factors such as: • Fear of being laid off or fired • Additional overtime due to budget cuts • Pressure due to constantly rising expectations • Pressure to constantly work at peak levels Here are a few warning signs if your workplace stress is out of control: Depressed mood – you may lose confidence, become angry, irritable, or withdrawn You lose interest in your work, and a sense of apathy takes over You’re unable to sleep or experience fatigue during the day You have trouble concentrating You experience muscle tension, headaches, or stomach problems You notice a decrease in your libido You turn to alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism The key is to manage stress so it remains at a healthy level and doesn’t become overwhelming. Below are 6 tried and true methods for reducing workplace stress.


Form Positive Relationships While the negative effects of stress are very real, much of the stress we experience can be alleviated simply by talking about it. That’s why positive relationships at work are so important. Even if they can’t solve your problems, the simple act of verbalising your stress with someone you trust can actually reduce the severity – or clear it up altogether. Additionally, friendships can take your mind off the stressors and provide a buffer between your daily tasks and your negative thoughts.


Start Exercising (or Exercise More) With its mood-boosting and endorphin-releasing properties, regular aerobic exercise is a natural stress reducer. Exercise’s ability to elevate mood is well documented. Numerous studies going back to the early 80’s found that regular exercise can improve mood for people with moderate depression. In fact, a 1999 study found that exercise was just as effective of eliminating depression as antidepressants. Exercise also helps get your mind off your stressful thoughts. By training yourself to be in the moment and focus on your body’s movements (rather than mulling over your worries), exercise can be a form of active meditation and have a calming effect on the body and mind. You should aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of three times a week each day.


Eat Healthy and Nutritious Foods Ever heard the phrase “eat your feelings”? It’s a real phenomenon. Many people turn to unhealthy “comfort foods” as a way to manage stress. When we’re stressed, our brain releases the hormone cortisol, which makes us crave salty, sweet, and fat-laden foods for the temporary pleasure they bring. But ironically, “stress eating” only exacerbates the problem. Sugar or fat-laden foods like pizza, burgers, and ice cream make us feel lethargic, and less likely to tackle the problems that lay before us, which in turn

only increases our stress. That’s why it’s so important to eat healthy foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates that fuel our brains and support concentration and focus. Here are some tips: * Complex carbs like whole wheat bread or pasta and vegetables * Foods high in fiber like fruits and vegetables * Superfoods like Kale, Dark Chocolate, and blueberries, which contain mood-boosting antioxidants * Lean proteins like chicken, or better yet, wild-caught Alaskan Salmon (high in mood stabilizing omega-3’s) Avoid this: * Foods high in fat like cheese and red meat, which lead to lethargy and sluggishness * Foods high in refined carbs or sugar, which cause your energy to spike and crash * Caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda, which in inhibit your ability to sleep * Nicotine, a stimulant that can boost your anxiety * Alcohol, a natural depressant

4. Get Enough Sleep

Stress has long been linked to chronic insomnia. But while conventional wisdom treats the inability to sleep as a symptom of stress, researchers at Harvard medical school found that poor sleep may actually be a contributing factor. That’s because a lack of sleep inhibits your ability to cope with even normal amounts of stress, and negatively affects your mood and outlook. The point is, you can’t hope to reduce stress when you’re on edge and irritable from lack of sleep. Here are some tips to get your sleep schedule back on track: Shoot for eight hours a night. Stick to a schedule. Set your body’s internal clock by hitting the hay at the same time every night. You should be able to fall asleep fairly quickly and wake at the same time each day without an alarm clock. Avoid sleeping in on weekends. While it

may be tempting, sleeping in can throw off this schedule and undo the progress you’ve made. Turn off screens 1 hour before you want to go to bed. Whether it’s TV, laptops, or our smartphones, screens keep our brains engaged and make it difficult for us to fall asleep.


Prioritize and Organize Feeling overwhelmed is a major stressor. A great way to make a major reduction in your stress is to get a handle on your work by prioritising and organising. Here’s how to do it: Clarify Goals. Before you can prioritise, you have to set clear objectives. Make time to sit with your manager and clarify your goals. Be sure that your daily activities track back to one of your overarching goals. Focus on 2-3 things Max. There’s an old saying – if everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. Focus on the “biggest levers” – that is, the 2 or 3 things each week that will have the biggest impact on your goals. Set Deadlines. As a general rule, if a task doesn’t have a deadline, it will get pushed aside for one that does. Set realistic deadlines for everything, and everything will get done. Make a To-Do List. So simple, yet so effective


Kick Your Bad Habits Managing stress is partially about your mindset. Your outlook can have a huge impact on your ability to cope with everyday stressors. Keep them in check so they don’t become major sources of negative stress.


While stress is real problem in the workplace, it’s definitely solvable. Follow the tactics outlined to bring your stress level back down into the healthy range so you can continue to experience breakthroughs and create some real magic for yourself.



October 2018

Capital Business Hub


Everyone experiences anxiety. In fact, being unable to do so can be a sign of a serious psychological problem. In our hazardous world, anxiety is a strategy the body...

Everyone experiences anxiety. In fact, being unable to do so can be a sign of a serious psychological problem. In our hazardous world, anxiety is a strategy the body uses to help the mind recognize danger and keep well out of its way. As with most mental illnesses, it’s not the presence of anxiety alone that creates problems. It is more about how severe it is and how much it gets in one’s way of life or quality of living. Most people feel anxious at some time in their lives. However, only about five per cent of people experience severe anxiety and rarely seek professional help. Anxiety is a mixture of physical and mental symptoms. They are part of what psychologists call the “fight or flight” response. When the body is under threat it automatically prepares either to defend itself or run. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress. It helps one deal with a tense situation in the office, study harder for an exam, or remain focused on an important speech. In general, it helps one cope with the tasks and demands of everyday life. But when anxiety becomes an excessive, irrational dread of everyday situations, it can become a disabling disorder. Fortunately, effective treatments for anxiety disorders are available, and research is yielding new and improved therapies that can help most people with anxiety disorders lead productive and fulfilling lives. However, studies have shown that having a healthy diet may reduce signs and symptoms of anxiety. Although food can’t cure an anxiety disorder, consider some diet changes and that would benefit a severely anxious person: • Avoid or limit caffeine intake as much as possible. Caffeine is present in many soft

drinks, not just in tea and coffee and it can set up its own vicious cycle. It can speed up heart rate and disrupt sleep which later on become prevailing signs of anxiety. Trying to overcome tiredness by drinking more caffeine only makes the long-term problem worse. • Avoid too much alcohol. Similarly, alcohol can worsen the symptoms of anxiety, and disrupt sleep. Many people reach for a drink to calm their nerves, but the consequences of overindulgence can Outweigh the benefits of initial relaxation. For some, a hangover, insomnia, and dehydration make one feel worse than before one had a drink. In excessive amounts, alcohol can actually act as a depressant, making the

drinker feel sluggish or more anxious. Alcohol, like a simple sugar, is rapidly absorbed by the body. Like other sugars, alcohol increases hypoglycemia symptoms. It also causes mood swings. • Eat complex carbohydrates, also known as carbs. During anxious times, turn to comforting carbs. These foods act as a mild tranquilizer by increasing the amount of serotonin, a calming neurotransmitter in the brain. Complex carbs such as potatoes, whole-wheat bread, and pasta take longer to digest than sugary simple carbs like white bread. That way, one can stay fuller longer and blood sugar is likely to stay steady, eliminating stress and anxiety. • Be sure to drink eight or more glasses of

water a day. Dehydration can lead to fatigue, headaches and stress. One should be well-hydrated and drinking lots of water a day can decrease symptoms of anxiety. • Take multivitamins and mineral supplements. B vitamins, whose role is to unlock the energy in food, are crucial. Vitamin B-6 helps manufacture serotonin in the brain. Choose a daily supplement that supplies 100 per cent of the daily recommendation of all vitamins and minerals. Although tension and daily stresses are unavoidable, one can relieve tension and manage stress and anxiety better by watching out for what one eats and what one does not eat. Remember that a healthy body and a healthy mind are often one and the same thing.



October 2018

T: 0121 773 2020



Web bаѕеd CRM is what most buѕinеѕѕеѕ аrе gоing in fоr thеѕе dауѕ. It is nоt аѕ еxреnѕivе аѕ setting up a different dераrtmеnt tо hаndlе сuѕtоmеr relations. It iѕ fаѕt to ѕеt uр nееding vеrу fеw resources to run еffiсiеntlу. It has рrоvеn tо bе invаluаblе to buѕinеѕѕ owners аnd nоw it’s ѕеt tо make itѕ wау into the соrроrаtе ethos as a nесеѕѕitу rather than a luxurу. It iѕ gооd fоr a buѕinеѕѕ in a number оf wауѕ аѕ illustrated below.

Pеrѕоnаl Commitment

Cоmреtitivе Advаntаgе

Grоwth оf thе Buѕinеѕѕ

Uѕе thе Lаtеѕt Technology

CRM ѕоftwаrе allows thе соmраnу tо рrоjесt a fееling of реrѕоnаl соmmitmеnt tо thе сuѕtоmеr. Fоr instance, if уоu have a buѕinеѕѕ where you ѕеll ѕоmе small electronic gаdgеt уоu саn use the ѕоftwаrе to gеnеrаtе a number оf rеmindеrѕ whiсh give your сuѕtоmеr a wоndеrful experience after buуing frоm уоur company. Thе rеmindеrѕ саn be fеd in fоr follow up of sales tо сhесk if they have аnу problems using thе gadget, fоr servicing rеmindеrѕ to ensure that thе gаdgеt is kерt in орtimаl functioning оrdеr and a whоlе lot mоrе.

Buѕinеѕѕ соntасt mаnаgеmеnt ѕоftwаrе gives thе buѕinеѕѕ оwnеr a competitive аdvаntаgе in a numbеr of small wауѕ. Sinсе thеrе аrе a number оf tаѕkѕ that thе person is trуing to dо at thе ѕаmе timе thеrе iѕ a gооd chance that hаndling сuѕtоmеr саrе relations iѕ nоt еxасtlу tор of thе рriоritу list fоr a business оwnеr. And уеt it iѕ CRM whiсh саn mаkе a vital diffеrеnсе fоr thе small business. With thе CRM ѕоftwаrе in place thе buѕinеѕѕ owner dоеѕ nоt hаvе tо organise hiѕ соntасt with сuѕtоmеrѕ оn hiѕ own, thе ѕоftwаrе dоеѕ it fоr him аnd reminds him to follow uр.

Cuѕtоmеr Relationship Mаnаgеmеnt саn make a world of a diffеrеnсе tо thе growth rate of a соmраnу. With the hеlр оf thе CRM ѕоftwаrе аnу small business owner can givе hiѕ сuѕtоmеr base a world-class сuѕtоmеr care еxреriеnсе. And ѕinсе most customers аrе lоуаl tо companies which givе thеm gооd value for mоnеу and fаntаѕtiс customer care thеу will not оnlу stay with the соmраnу but рrоvidе еxсеllеnt wоrd оf mouth publicity. Thiѕ iѕ whаt helps the buѕinеѕѕ ассеlеrаtе its rate of grоwth.

By uѕing thе сutting еdgе tесhnоlоgу you аѕ a buѕinеѕѕ owner hеlр tо bеnеfit thе соmраnу in ѕоmе wауѕ. You can dеvеlор email саmраignѕ in аdvаnсе to ѕеt сuѕtоmеr саrе аnd раrаllеl sales рrоѕресting рrоjесtѕ. Yоu dо nоt hаvе tо call thе customer tо аѕk if thеу are happy with thе purchase thеу made frоm thе company, you саn mаil them inѕtеаd. Thе fеw who rерlу саn thеn bе sent out аnоthеr set оf mаilѕ аftеr a реriоd of timе tо аѕk if thеу would bе intеrеѕtеd in purchasing some оthеr product which mау be соmрlеmеntаrу to thе one that thеу hаvе аlrеаdу bought.

Thiѕ саn bring in ѕаlеѕ оn аn automated ѕуѕtеm fоr the соmраnу. All this саn be done without a ѕinglе еxесutivе оf the соmраnу ѕреnding аnу time оn it. It is well wоrth соnѕidеring getting a CRM ѕоftwаrе fоr уоur соmраnу.


Many businesses struggle to keep their customers happy, simply because they cannot afford to offer their customer longer opening hours or they do not have the finance means to hire more staff. By using a Virtual Contact Centre many business are able to keep their overheads down, improve their customer service as there is always someone on the other side of the phone. Virtual Contact Centre is now becoming more and common as these companies offer a wide range of services for all size business, be it message taking, order process, appointment booking or even general customer service. Alongside these service many companies offer Live chat, as more and more business are now going online and moving away

from the traditional business model, this service not only helps with general customer service but this also helps increase sales. A Virtual Contact Centre are also there for your business continuity, here in the UK we are seeing more and more weather disruption be it heavy rain, strong winds knocking down trees, or when it snows. This kind of weather is now making it harder and harder for workers to commute to work. This is costing business huge loss in revenue. By using a Contact Centre like Vironix, you have agents on standby if this was to happen. By having this extra support at times like this not only help your business run smoothly but it also puts you ahead of your competitors.

About Vironix Solutions: Vironix Solutions is a Virtual Contact Centre with highly experience agents in the UK. They have worked alongside many different business sectors and each client they have worked with have increased their sales and their customer service level has been exceptional. Our Virtual call centre is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so that yours doesn’t have to be. Switch your calls to us in the day or overnight , giving yourself peace of mind knowing your calls are being dealt with in a professional manner. At Vironix we pride ourselves in providing excellent customer service, we treat each of our clients customers as if they where our own. Never miss another call. This single benefit speaks volumes. As you know, today’s customers shop

around. If they’re not able to reach you, it’s very easy to move on and call your competition. With a telephone answering service especially with Vironix Solutions answering service you’ll never miss a sales call again because our professional customer service representatives will be on hand to answer every call. With Vironix Solutions Ltd you hire a professional telephone call answering service, you free up your people to focus on their core competencies and grow your business, and focus on what you do best. With Vironix Solutions, we do all that on your behalf, providing exceptional customer service. Our professional customer service representatives give your customers the personal touch, which results in customer loyalty for your business.

October 2018

Capital Business Hub

Using the latest cloud based applications we are able to provide the below services: • Process Online Orders • Process Secure online Payments • Message Taking Service • General Customer Service • Online Live Chat Many businesses struggle to keep their customers happy, simply because they can not afford to offer their customer longer opening hours or they do not have the finance to hire more staff. By using our services many of our clients have been able to keep their overheads down, improve their customer service as there is always someone on the other side of the phone. Providing Live chat has helped many of our clients, bringing in more business and assisting customers with general information. The benefits of Vironix Solutions Ltd by switch your calls to us in the day or night: • Be available for your customers whenever they want to be contact you • Never miss an enquiry or an order – maximise your profitability • Excellent customer experience meaning happy customers • Flattening out day time call volumes – making things easier 9-5pm • Extended Business Hours • Increasing the range of ways your customers can communicate with you • Increased competitive advantage – if you are open 24/7 there is no need for your customers to look elsewhere. • Access to the best qualified agents, regardless of your geographic location • Business continuity and disaster recovery support, which means that the service you provide your customers is never interrupted even when there is a disaster or the weather is severe • Reduced overhead costs • Additional support during peak times • No recruitment or staff management headaches • No worries about sick pay or holiday pay • Access emergency cover, if your in-house operations are short staffed • High levels of security which means that we can handle even payment if required • Access to your dedicated account manager so that you have that continuous personalised support at all times



October 2018


T: 0121 773 2020

Apple’s upcoming features

Apple as of now conveyed 3D detecting controlled facial acknowledgement to the cell phone world by presenting the TrueDepth Camera framework on the iPhone X. While the Cupertino organization is relied upon to hold its unique innovation this year, a definitive arrangement is probably going to use 3D detecting to empower a multi-floating background and in addition an upgraded rundown of expanded reality (AR) highlights. The 2019 iPhone models are estimated to accompany a triple camera setup to begin empow-

ering AR highlights. The iPhone producer is additionally supposedly in plans to improve the interface of its handsets by utilising ideal 3D mapping to enable air motions - in a propelled path over how signal controls were presented on the Galaxy S4 in 2013. According to a report by ETNews, referring to industry sources, Apple is set to present multi-drifting on the 2019 iPhone models. The experience is said to assist the propelled equipment with recognising at least three fingers from a separation of 50mm. It is revealed that Apple

is investigating approaches to empower clients to utilise motions, for example, squeeze to-zoom notwithstanding when the show of the iPhone and the finger are separated. The new experience could take the current iOS experience higher than ever. By and by, Apple offers highlights, for example, Animoji and Memoji through the 3D detecting camera of the iPhone X. Nonetheless, this is required to extend advance by offering hand signal interfaces. The underlying background could be a piece of the new iPhone variants,

however it is said that the Tim Cook-drove group may convey it to future Mac machines also. Furthermore, Apple could convey the new innovation in its shrewd glasses that are so far a piece of the talk process. A patent application featuring the improvement around 3D profundity mapping camera was recorded formally in December 2015. Apple is setting up the dispatch of the 2018 iPhone lineup that will incorporate three new models. The model is due for release at some point later this year.

Google Duo

Google has reported that the Duo application is getting video calling support for Android tablets and even the iPad. The video calling application’s most recent refresh brings tablet bolster, and the refresh is taking off to all Android tablet and iPad clients throughout the following couple of days. A couple of months back, select Android tablet clients got the new tablet interface, yet now all clients on Android and iPad are getting this help. With the most recent refresh, the Google Duo application will be upgraded for all iPad and Android clients. The Mountain View firm notes on Twitter that the refresh ought to touch base in the following couple of days, so you may not see it promptly. As said, the coordinated video calling application included a devoted interface for Android tablets in July this year through a server-side refresh. In those days, just select clients got this new interface, yet now all Android tablet and iPad clients are getting it. The tablet-driven interface demonstrates the video window nearly on the whole screen - with the correct side including the video call and voice call tabs.


October 2018

Capital Business Hub


From Senior Police Officer to International Life Changer A former senior police officer has turned from leading staff in policing to transforming lives of people around the world.

From the age of ten, Kul Mahay held a deep-set passion to become a police officer. Growing up in the terraced streets of Wolverhampton. Just a few hundred yards away from the Molyneux stadium, home of Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, he was one of seven children. Whilst the overriding interest amongst his siblings was to pursue medical careers, Kul chose to sneak out of the house every Saturday morning, when there was a football match on, and sit on a wall at the end of his street. From there, he had a prime view of the thousands of fans walking towards to football ground. Impressing as that scene was, his focus was always on the people guiding the crowds, wearing the proud uniform of the UK Police Service and everything it stood for – protection, stability and responsibility. He decided, from that age, that he was going to become a police officer himself. Over the next several years, this became his singular dream and vision. At the age of 16, he applied to 26 police forces across the UK to join the full time police cadets and 26 times he failed. Such was his conviction that he continued to apply and on the 27th attempt he received that one letter that changed his life. It started as, “We are delighted to inform you that you have been accepted.” This is how he is journey began with Derbyshire Constabulary. The next 32 years saw Kul following his dream job as a police officer. In those years, he practically did everything that a police officer could reasonably be expected to do. He relished his role and recognised the immense responsibility on his shoulders as a role model in society and as one of the first Black or Asian police officers in his Police Force. Years later, he would also become the first Vice President on the National Black Police Association that worked tirelessly to promote the recruitment and retention of BME Police officers throughout the UK.

In his career, Kul’s infectious enthusiasm was recognised and he was encouraged to apply for promotion. He spent two thirds of his career in leadership positions. He rose to the highest rank of Temporary Chief Superintendent. In his time, he headed up specialist departments across the Police service, from strategic planning to managing serious crime. On top of that, Kul was also a trained strategic commander in a number of highly specialised policing areas, including Public Disorder, Critical and Major Incidents as well as Homicide Investigation. One of his roles saw him to be one of very few senior officers who were regularly responsible for the policing of football matches – just like the ones he used to watch police officers go as a young boy. On reflecting upon his police career, Kul says, “The one thing that I learned about my journey was that, when you hold a passion so deeply within you and take consistent action towards your dreams, you simply cannot fail. Eventually the dream

becomes a vison and vision becomes a reality. All it takes is determination and resilience.” On making the decision to leave policing to pursue this new journey Kul says, “About 7 years ago, I had a conversation with myself. I asked myself whether I was still fulfilling what I believed to be my purpose and passion. I realised that, whilst I was affecting the lives of people, I wasn’t ‘transforming’ lives. Much of what I was doing was reactionary. I was responding to circumstances after they had occurred. I was responsible for finding justice for those that had been hurt. I wondered if I could reduce that if I could change the way people think in the first place.” “All we need to do is access this inner power consciously and it would transform the way we live our lives and change our experiences. All it requires is for us to challenge our inner thoughts and existing beliefs that are holding us in the cycle of events that we experience.” Kul spent the last several years of his

policing career developing his skills and qualifications for his new role in life. “I wanted to be able to continuously develop my leadership skills and understanding so I could constantly show up as a better version of who I was. I teach this very same principle of developing a growth mindset to my clients around the world,” he says. Kul is the author of the popular book, ‘Smash the Habit’ which describes the simple processes he has followed in letting go of several habits overnight in his own life, such as drinking, smoking, eating meat and stopping drinking tea or coffee, or sugary drinks. “Your body craves those chemicals that we feed it on a regular basis and consequently we will have the withdrawal symptoms. But where we give into those symptoms, that decision comes from the mind” says Kul. Kul’s global clientele now is more focused on the business and senior leadership sectors. He says of his clients, “I enjoy working with leaders, whether that is in business or organisations. It’s because I resonate with them. I know how lonely the job of being leader can be. Whilst others look at your status and perhaps you wealth and define you by that, very few recognise that you are also a human being, struggling with the same limiting beliefs about yourself as anyone else.” Kul is now recognised as one of the top leadership coaches and keynote speakers in the UK. In the past 3 years, Kul has worked with coaching clients and organisations across the world. His passion is to create what he refers to as a new kind of leadership. “If you look at leadership, we have been led to believe for eons that leaders need to think and behave in certain way. Most organisations across the world feel comfortable with developing hierarchical leadership structures where, depending upon your position,

you can have a certain level of influence,” he says. “My belief is that we can do things differently. If we truly want to get the best out of everyone in our organisation or life, we need to learn to create a culture of empowerment where everyone is considered equal (in fact I think society could benefit from this belief too). It’s just that some have different responsibilities to others. It is a brave decision for any organisation to implement this culture but when they do they have the potential to create a sustainable environment that delivers powerful results”. Kul’s passion for creating leaders has led him to develop a powerful inner leadership event called, ‘Ignite Your Inner Potential’ which is a public event. The passion behind this was to create a movement across the UK of positive thinking across communities. This has become the fastest growing motivational event in the United Kingdom with a growth of 100% attendance each year. Kul is widely known as The Immersion Coach. When asked about this he simply says, “Everything I do comes from a place of passion. I recognised early into my policing career that when I ‘immerse’ myself into learning that is when I get greatest depth of knowledge. I simply apply that to my clients. I help to reshape their thinking and create roadmaps towards their own goals through a very intense, all-day process of immersion coaching.” If you would like to find out more about Kul Mahay contact him at Email: or visit Website: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn:


October 2018


Jaguar Land Rover WARNING:

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A ‘BAD Brexit deal’ puts 40,000 jobs at risk JAGUAR Land Rover (JLR) has issued a warning over Brexit, claiming it needs “greater certainty” on the negotiations to continue to invest in the UK and to protect 40,000 British-based jobs.

The car giant, which is Britain’s biggest car maker, has told the Government that its “heart and soul” are in the UK, but a bad brexit deal might force the company to re-locate its investments. Dr Ralf Speth, chief executive of JLR said: “We and our partners in the supply chain, face an unpredictable future if the Brexit negotiations do not maintain free and frictionless trade with the EU, and unrestricted access to the single market. We urgently need greater certainty to continue to invest heavily in the UK and safeguard our suppliers, customers and 40,000 British-based employees. A bad Brexit deal would cost Jaguar Land Rover more than £1.2billion profit each year. We have spent around £50billion in the UK in the past five years, with plans for a further £80billion more in the next five. This would be in jeopardy should we be faced with the wrong outcome.” Jaguar Land Rover historic Castle Bromwich site staff were told they were moving to a three-day week. A statement from Jaguar Land Rover said: “As is standard business practice, Jaguar Land Rover regularly reviews its production

schedules to ensure market demand is balanced globally. In light of the continuing headwinds impacting the car industry, we are making some temporary adjustments to our production schedules at Castle Bromwich. “We are however continuing to over-proportionally invest in new products and technol-

ogies and are committed to our UK plants in which we have invested more than £4 billion since 2010 to future proof manufacturing technologies to deliver new models.” Jaguar Land Rover has already been forced to axe 1,000 roles in Birmingham after hard times hit, according to the MP for its Castle

Bromwich factory. This comes as the plant suffers another blow with the news that it will be going to a three-day week until Christmas. It comes after boss Ralf Speth warned a no-deal Brexit, the company’s factories could grind to a halt and jobs could be lost in the sector. The cutbacks would have a

huge impact on a wider automotive supply chain in the West Midlands employing hundreds of thousands of people. Mr Dromey (Lab) said: “Brexit now threatens the jewel in the crown of British manufacturing excellence. “Prime Minister May must get it right or the future is bleak.”

A complete Solar-Powered Car may take off the road by 2019 In a nutshell Solar-Powered Car has been thought of by numerous as an outlandish pipe dream. Be that as it may, the pioneers behind Lightyear One, a completely solar-powered car to be discharged in 2019, simply won an honor for their plan. Solar Cars Lightyear One, a car whose capacity to utilize solar power has been thought of as an unthinkable accomplishment, simply won a Climatic Change Innovator Award. Outlined by the Dutch startup Lightyear, the “car that charges itself” can as far as anyone knows drive for a considerable length of time without charging and has a 400 – 800 km extend. Yet, is a solar-powered car possible? For a considerable length of time, the idea of “solar-powered cars” has lingered over the electric car industry as a cheerful, conceivable future. In any case, there are numerous who contend that this idea isn’t just unreasonable, it is essentially incomprehensible. For example, a solar roof that was intended to control the Toyota Prius was found to just be helpful in a mix with a custom battery charging

system and it just added an extra 4 miles to the range — not that great. One engineer even ascertained the power limit of a car with a solar roof under the ideal measure of solar radiation, and the outcomes are disappointing. Engineer’s measure

the rate at which an engine work is done in “horsepower” (hp): the car outfitted with a solar roof had a horsepower rate of 6.4. For examination, engineer Tom Lombardo stated, “My riding lawnmower has an 18 hp engine.”

Going Completely Solar The initial 10 Lightyear One car is expected to be discharged in 2019. As of recently completed, solar-powered cars were not viewed as a reasonable prospect, Solar Assisted Electric Vehicles (SAEVs)

were viewed as the most ideal choice for solar cars, signifying several miles to a car’s range are determined to discharging a vehicle that utilizes just solar power. However, the Dutch Lightyear guarantees to topple the canon with a car that isn’t just completely powered by the sun yet, in addition, beats a portion of the regular difficulties related to the innovation, for example, discontinuity and low execution. The five business visionaries have been prototyping and working out the wrinkles of their idea for a considerable length of time in any case, as long as the venture remains a beginning period plan, it is hard to envision that anybody would be fit for conquering any hindrance amongst SAEVs and completelysolar vehicles with record-breaking range. Yet, little reassuring signs are developing everywhere throughout the world. For instance, in 2017, the Byron Ray Railroad Organization made the principal completely solar-powered train. Also, while the vehicle has an exceptionally restricted range, it demonstrates that solar-powered vehicles are in the domain of plausibility.


October 2018

Capital Business Hub

The Motor Ombudsman Commemorates 10 year Anniversary of its Motor Industry Code of Practice for Service and Repair

The Motor Ombudsman, the automotive dispute resolution provider, is celebrating the tenth anniversary of the launch of its Motor Industry Code of Practice for Service and Repair. The Code was introduced in 2008 in response to the need to improve standards within the service and repair sector, and to reduce the number of complaints from consumers. Today, it is one of the four Charterered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Codes to be offered by The Motor Ombudsman, which cover the entire customer purchase and vehicle ownership experience, and is also the most comprehensive and longest-running Code of its kind. Unveiled with the backing of the Office of Fair Trading (OfT), consumer groups and the service and repair sector, the Code was designed to ensure that individuals receive an honest and fair service when visiting an accredited business’ premises for work on their car. It quickly became recognised as the new industry benchmark for the standards expected of garages, which surpassed those required by law, and saw over 5,000 businesses voluntarily subscribing to the best practice operating guidelines in its first few months. Since then, the Service and Repair Code has evolved and been refined in its content during the last 10 years to accommodate the arrival of the Consumer Rights Act and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Regulations in 2015, as well as the transition from Motor Codes to The Motor

Ombudsman the following year. This means that over 7,500 independent garages, franchised car dealerships and vehicle manufacturer authorised repairers across the UK, which are now accredited to the Code, provide motorists with the very highest levels of service and workmanship. All businesses that are signed up to the Code have agreed to, amongst other commitments, the use of honest and accurate advertising, to open and transparent pricing, to employ competent staff that act in the customer’s best interests, and to have a swift and effective complaints handling procedure in place should a problem need resolving with a consumer. In the event that a dispute cannot be concluded directly with the vehicle owner, any accredited business can signpost them to The Motor Ombudsman’s impartial alternative dispute resolution (ADR) service to help reach a fair and swift outcome to the complaint. With a growth in awareness of the Code during the past 10 years, and the volume of businesses accredited to it, associated contacts and cases have also risen. These stood at 2,980 and 35 respectively in 2009, the first full year of the Code being in force, and is forecast to reach over 13,000 contacts and 700 cases for 2018 alone. Common breaches of the Code during the last decade have related primarily to the quality of the work that was carried out on a vehicle, issues arising from the diagnostics process and damage to a car whilst it was in for repairs.

Despite the notable upsurge in demand for the assistance of the resolution of disputes through the means of adjudication since 2008, studies commissioned by Motor Codes and The Motor Ombudsman have revealed an increasingly positive picture of the service and repair sector. Satisfaction with the work conducted by businesses has remained consistently high during the past few years, averaging over 9 out of 10, with both independent garages and franchised dealers scoring 9.9 out of 10 in 2017. Furthermore, a study by The Motor Ombudsman also showed that vehicle owners are even happier with their service and repair experience in 2018 compared to the preceding 12 months, re-affirming the big strides that are being made to consistently drive up standards in this area of the automotive industry. Bill Fennell, Chief Ombudsman and Managing Director of The Motor Ombudsman, said: “The tenth anniversary of our Service and Repair Code is significant. It is not only an important milestone in the history of the Code, but it’s also a cause for celebration of the sustained efforts that have been made by businesses, through the means of self-regulation, to reverse the negative image that tarnished the service and repair arena in 2008. The future of the sector is certainly looking bright based on the current trends, and it remains our continued ambition for as many businesses as possible to be adhering to the Code. This is so that even more motorists

benefit from a high level of work and service regardless

• The Motor Ombudsman’s Service and Repair Code was unveiled a decade ago to raise the quality of work and service in the service and repair sector, and

of where they are located in the country.”

to reduce the volume of customer complaints • The Code commits businesses to high operating standards, beyond those required by law. • Over 7,500 independent

garages, franchised dealerships and authorised repairers across the UK are today accredited to the CTSI-approved Code of Practice.


30 Flying autos have for some time been longed for, yet infrequently made remotely commonsense. That, in spite of some sensible looking pictures, hasn’t changed with the new Aston Martin “Volante Vision” idea. It is ordained, maybe, for a future James Bond motion picture as opposed to your everyday drive. What’s more, notwithstanding the famous name joined to it, it is in reality, a light flying machine as opposed to a “flying auto”. Still… it’s charming in that capacity contraptions dependably have been, in any event looks like it. Aston Martin has worked with Cranfield University, Cranfield Aerospace Solutions and RollsRoyce plc (the air motor organisation, not the limousine creator) to anticipate one conceivable way for “extravagance individual air versatility”. Consequently, for urban utilise it highlights vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) abilities, something the British aeronautic trade has spearheaded since the 1960s and the Hawker Harrier warrior fly. It’s green as well, in any event to a degree, as it is considered with crossover control, consolidating an inner burning motor and an electric engine, for between city as opposed to between mainland travel. Aston Martin president and CEO Dr Andy Palmer stated: “With the populace in urban zones proceeding to develop, clog in towns and urban communities will turn out

October 2018


Aston Martin

to be progressively requesting. We have to take a gander at elective answers for decrease blockage, cut contamination and enhance portability. Air travel will be a critical part later on of transportation, the Volante Vision Concept is a definitive extravagance versatility arrangement. “People have constantly spent, by and large, one hour driving to

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and from work. The techniques for transportation accessible have dictated the separation we live from our working environment. The Volante Vision Concept will empower us to movement assist with our hourly drive, which means we can live further far from where we work. Urban areas will develop, and towns that are today too far from urban communities to be com-

mutable will end up rural.” A few commentators may include that blockage may just move to start from the earliest stage the skies as “individual air versatility” develops more moderate, however whichever way it appears a removed prospect. As the creator of such fine autos as the Aston Martin DB11, the new Vantage, the DBS Superleggera and Aston Martin Valkyrie

hypercar venture, and in addition the works of art highlighted in the Bond films, Aston Martin boss innovative officer Marek Reichman is pleased with the work his firm has done on the idea: “We have an interesting opportunity to make an extravagance idea airplane that will speak to a definitive combination of craftsmanship and innovation.”

with those companies at a global, regional and national level, and it’s been very gratifying and rewarding to partner with Peter to build such a successful business.” Peter Frater commented: “It’s great to be able to retire knowing that PFPR is in such great shape and that Peter and the senior management team can continue to build on the incredibly successful business

that we have created over the last 18 years. I’m so proud that I can step away knowing we have the strongest and most experienced team we have ever had, providing the widest ever range of services to such an incredible portfolio of clients, including numerous bluechip brands in the UK and around the world.” Although he has now stepped down

as Chairman and a partner in PFPR, Peter will continue to provide a consultancy service for the balance of this year, overseeing one of PFPR’s long-standing accounts, having had a strong relationship with that client since PFPR was formed.

Europe’s Leading Automotive Communications Agency Embarks On New Phase Of Growth And Development PFPR Communications, Europe’s leading specialist automotive PR and communications agency, is moving into a new era with the announcement of significant changes to its senior partnership team. This next phase in PFPR’s evolution and growth will be overseen by CEO and Founding Partner Peter Rawlinson, who becomes the sole shareholder of the business following the retirement of Chairman and Founding Partner, Peter Frater. Day-to-day operations continue to be led by Managing Director Peter Cox. Founded in 2001, PFPR has built a strong team of 19 experienced staff and works with over 30 clients based in the UK, continental Europe, USA and Asia. Recent successful client wins include BMW Motorrad and Vietnam’s first car

company, VinFast, whose vehicles will be revealed to the world at the forthcoming Mondial de l’Auto in Paris in October. Peter Rawlinson and Peter Frater gained significant experience in the media as journalists, moving on to in-house PR positions within the automotive industry. They have worked together since May 1991 – at vehicle manufacturers and then joining forces to create and build PFPR into a major force in international automotive communications. “Peter and I formed PFPR after working for several years together, where we identified a significant opportunity for a competent, specialist automotive communications agency,” said Peter Rawlinson, “After having worked in house, we knew there was a clear need for a consultancy that could partner


October 2018

Capital Business Hub


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