COMMON RUNNING INJURIES AND HOW TO HEAL Although there are ways to prevent running injuries, it’s common for runners at every level of participation to experience pain that is above and beyond the usual aches of training. That’s why it’s important to recognize running injury symptoms early on to receive the right care and prevent further derailment from your training program. Most injuries from running fall into two categories: repetitive or traumatic.
Traumatic running injuries can include:
sprained ankles
strained hamstrings, calves and quads Repetitive or Overuse injuries may include:
Achilles tendonitis
Plantar fasciitis (pain in the arch of the foot)
Runner's’ knee (anterior knee pain)
Iliotibial band (lateral knee pain)
Hip pain
SYMPTOMS OF A TRAINING INJURY Repetitive symptoms tend to occur when the body either cannot adapt fast enough or is not properly aligned to cope with the ongoing repetition involved in increasing training levels. A body part then ‘gives’ or forces another area to ‘give’ causing pain and injury. Runners that pick up any traumatic injury or have persistent pain in one area should seek professional help and under no circumstances ignore them. Depending on the nature of the injury, runners may want to seek the services of either a physical therapist or a podiatrist.
Physical therapy usually involves physical manipulation of the body to treat traumatic or repetitive injuries wherever they may occur. Most running related injuries are to lower limbs and related to overuse. An example is Achilles Tendinitis which can often be related to an increase in running with poorfootwear. A physical therapist can identify any areas of ‘damage’ and work to provide appropriate exercises to reduce the injury and suggest training strategies. A physical therapist can also correct knee alignment and help strengthen the muscles of the body’s trunk to help reduce the risk of back pain. PODIATRY FOR RUNNERS Podiatry is the treatment of disorders and injuries of the foot, ankle and leg. A podiatrist can also assess your ‘mechanics’, which is the way you run, and offer advice to prevent future injuries, provide stretches or exercises to aid performance, discuss how to choose the right running shoes and prescribe orthotic inserts. Also to help avoid injuries, make sure you have the right type of running gear and shop our full collection:
For Men
For Women
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