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Hotel Map
For your safety, please review the emergency evacuation from your room located on the back of your room door. For priority response to any emergency just dial 0.
Room Locks
All room doors are locked automatically upon closing. For your security we have also installed a deadbolt and/or a bar or chain lock. Please use the additional security devices for “do not disturb” purposes.
In Case Of Fire
Personal safety should be considered before enacting any fire procedures. · Familiarize yourself with the hotel floor layout as posted on the back of the door. · Test door before opening. If it is hot, DO NOT open it. If not, open slowly. Leave your room as quickly and safely as you can and evacuate the building. Take your room key · Use the stairway, not the elevator. Heat rises for stay close to the floor. · Use a wet towel over your face in case of dense smoke or heat. · Go to the north end of the property (by the tennis courts). · If you are unable to leave your room, put wet towels along the bottom of the door and open the window.· Call the Front Desk and let them know where you are. · Wait for help by the window and make yourself visible to rescue personnel. · Remain calm and away from all buildings until the “all clear” is sounded.
In Case Of Tornado
Personal safety should be considered before enacting any tornado procedures. · Be alert to the weather. Turn on the radio or TV. If you hear severe weather announcements, we are in Green Lake County.· If a tornado WARNING has been issued, exit your guest room and go to the lower level of the Lac Verde building or the Main building· Use the stairway, not the elevator. · If the weather does not allow you to evacuate from outer buildings, go into your bathroom or the lowest hallway of the building.· Remain calm. Stay in designated safe areas until the “all clear” is sounded.
For additional information dial 0 for the front desk.