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ASJ Publishing LLC
PO Box 559 McFarland, WI 53558
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A new year finds us with a new name. After a one-issue production break, we’re back with Madison Locally Sourced (spiritual successor of Madison Essentials ), and we continue our work to bring you the stories of the local people, places, and things that contribute to our communities and make them great.
You may notice the number of pages in this issue is a little smaller, but the articles themselves are as big and impactful as ever. We’re happy to highlight in our Eats & Drinks issue restaurants Ancora Cafe + Bakery and Cambridge Market Cafe, the wonderful Josey Chu and her Madame Chu sauces, and Mentoring Positives’ Off the Block program and products. We also continue to include Wisconsin artists starting with John Pahlas, and Madison Audubon has contributed a wonderful article about spring migration and the protection of birds.
My colleagues and I wish to offer our thanks to our readers, writers, photographers, and advertising sponsors (they’re great and you should visit them), many of whom have been with us and supported us since 2004. We are grateful, and we couldn’t have done this for 18 years without all of you. We look forward to bringing you more great stories for many more years to come.