Physical Environment Checklist for Weekday Education

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Physical Environment Checklist for Weekday Education Program Directions: Use this checklist to assess the items listed below. Total your score using the values listed for each category. See the scale to evaluate your program.

Needs Improvement (0 points) STANDARDS Staff-Child ratios reflect NAEYC standards Staff are qualified by appropriate experience and/or training in early childhood development and education Staff is given regular and ongoing training Daily schedule provides a balance of structure and flexibility with a variety of play activities a substantial portion of the day. Free play occurs daily indoors and outdoors, weather permitting, with supervision that protects children’s health and safety. Provisions for children with disabilities include: minor modifications made to meet the needs of children with disabilities. Staff continuity is maintained with groups of children in care. (Children rarely change to new groups or staff members.) A stable group of substitutes familiar with the children and program are always available. SPACE PLANNING Sufficient indoor space for children and teachers. Space is clean and well-maintained. Individual space is made available for storage of children’s individual belongings. Most furniture is child-sized, sturdy, and in good repair. Toys are clean and in good repair. Arrangement of room makes it possible for staff to see all children at a glance. Age appropriate materials are provided. Sufficient outdoor space that is safe and in good repair. Outdoor space and equipment is age-appropriate for children in group. Ample materials and equipment for physical activity are available so children have access without long periods of waiting. No major safety hazards indoors or outdoors. Frequent inspections of grounds, facilities and equipment for potential hazards and safety hazards are eliminated. Separate adult bathrooms are provided for staff. Staff storage for personal belongings is provided. SANITATION PROCDURES Basic sanitary procedures of space and toys are maintained. Diapering/toileting sanitary conditions maintained. Hand washing practices with soap and running water are observed by staff and children as appropriate. Procedures used to minimize spread of contagious disease. WELLNESS AND SAFETY Health information kept for each individual child and staff. Staff is trained to detect signs of illness, child abuse and neglect, and report when necessary. Medications given only with written permission from parents and exact instructions on original pharmacy container are followed.

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Adequate (1 point)

Exceeds Expectations (2 points)

Snacks and meals are provided as appropriate. Nap/rest is scheduled appropriate to age group in classroom. Diapering/toileting schedules meets individual needs of each child. Parent permission obtained for all trips out of center and rules of conduct and safety are explained to children prior to trip. Only parents or other persons authorized by parents may call and pick up child(ren) in care. Parent resources are provided and parents are referred to other professionals when needed. INCIDENT AND EMERGENCY PROCEDURES All staff trained in safety and emergency procedures (Ex. CPR, first-aid, etc.) First-aid supplies are well stocked and accessible to all age groups. Staff has child emergency contact information readily available. Staff has an emergency plan on file with the director of the program. There is a system in place to notify parents about incidents and injuries. DISCIPLINE Staff/child interactions are pleasant and helpful. Staff uses non-punitive discipline methods effectively and program is set up to avoid conflict and promote appropriate interaction. Staff responds to children in a warm, supportive manner through the use of appropriate verbal and physical contact. Staff facilitates positive peer interactions among all children. TOTALS

GRAND TOTAL: ____________


53 or below: The program is in need of extensive remediation. 54 to 71:

Meeting expectations. Program could benefit from improvements in sub-categories with lowest scores.

72 and above: The program exceeding expectations.

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