Washington Blade - June 4, 2010

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Gov’t funding of D.C.’s LGBT community center is paltry compared to other U.S. cities. PAGE 31

Judge deals blow to defense as trial of three gay men continues in Wone case. PAGE 4

Meet two out candidates for office in Maryland: Luke Clippinger and Mary Washington. PAGE 12

washingtonblade.com • vol. 41, issue 23 • june 4, 2010 • Still sharp after 40 years

Disbelief, tears of joy after ‘Don’t Ask’ votes Despite compromise, gay veterans cheer last week’s steps toward repeal By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com Gay veterans are celebrating congressional action last week to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” 17 years after Congress passed a law banning gays from serving openly in the U.S. military. The House and Senate took separate actions that would lead to an end of the statute. Both chambers approved amendments repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” as part of major defense budget legislation known as the fiscal year 2011 defense authorization bill.

On May 27, the House voted 234-194 on the floor in favor of an amendment sponsored by Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.). The next day, the chamber voted 229-186 in favor of passing the entire defense bill. Five Republicans voted in the affirmative on the amendment: Reps. Judy Biggert (Ill.), Joseph Cao (La.), Charles Djou (Hawaii), Ron Paul (Texas) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Fla.). Joining other Republicans to vote against the measure were 26 Democrats. The Senate Armed Services Committee voted 16-12 in favor of an identical repeal measure sponsored by Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.). In that chamber, Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) was the only Republican to vote in favor of repeal.

Photo by Joe Tresh

The House voted 234-194 on May 27 to support Rep. Patrick Murphy’s efforts to overturn ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ But a number of obstacles could prevent the bill from reaching the president’s desk or being signed into law.

Continues on page 10

Soccer fans, meet the drag queens socialagenda Last weekend’s Black Pride included parties, a fashion show and an expo. Photos, pages 38-39.

World Cup festival in Dupont Circle set for same day as Pride parade By LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com Leaders of the annual Capital Pride parade and a first-of-its-kind U.S. festival for the 2010 World Cup international soccer tournament say they are confident the two events won’t interfere with one another, despite some geographic overlap. The World Cup event, called Soccer in the Circle, will take place

Schedule of next week’s Pride events, Page 36 inside Dupont Circle on June 12, the same day that the Capital Pride parade will travel along the circle’s perimeter as 10,000 people walk in the LGBT parade or watch from the sidewalks. Michael Lipin, a Soccer in the Circle co-organizer, said he expects several thousand soccer fans, including many from nearby foreign embassies, to flock to Dupont Circle to watch one or more of the World Cup games on two giant video Continues on page 14

Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

Unlike last year’s Capital Pride parade, this year’s event will march through Dupont Circle the same day that soccer fans separately hold a Soccer in the Circle festival to celebrate the World Cup. The two events aren’t expected to clash.

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Va. high court rejects gay man’s appeal Court says it can’t help in discrimination case By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com The Virginia Supreme Court has denied a gay man’s effort to obtain restitution after he allegedly was forced to resign from his job at a state museum because of his sexual orientation. In a two-paragraph notice issued May 17, the state’s high court said it wouldn’t hear the case of Michael Moore v. Virginia Museum of Natural History because there’s nothing in the situation the justice system could rectify. “Upon review of the record in this case and consideration of the argument submitted in support of and in opposition to the granting of an appeal, the Court is of opinion there is no reversible error in the judgment complained of,” the notice states. “Accordingly, the court refuses the petition for appeal.” The notice says that Justice Williams Mims took no part in considering the case. Last month’s petition denial is the result of a process that began when Moore allegedly was forced to resign his position as public relations associate at the Virginia Museum of Natural History in Martinsville, Va., in November 2006 because of his sexual orientation. Moore, who has since moved to Lakeland, Fla., and is now preparing for law school, said the court decision was disappointing but not unexpected. “We’ve been dealt blows all along, so I was kind of pessimistic going into it,” he said. “Them having to decide either for me or against me would have just required sweeping change. It should have been the reason they made a decision and they didn’t, so I’m disappointed actually.” Moore said he plans to appeal the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court based on violation of rights in the U.S. Constitution. He noted that he has 90 days from when Virginia’s high court issued its notice to appeal the case. In his case, Moore has said his supervisor discovered he was gay and asked him shortly thereafter to resign, even though he was rewarded with satisfactory marks after completing a performance review.

Washington Blade file photo

Michael Moore was allegedly forced to resign from his job at a state museum in Virginia. Following his firing, Moore filed a complaint first within the state government and later with the courts based on an executive order from former Gov. Tim Kaine (D) prohibiting job bias against gay employees in the state and public workforce. But the administration wasn’t able to find restitution for Moore, and the courts have said the executive order didn’t provide a legal basis by which the courts could take action. Claire Guthrie Gastanaga, general counsel for Equality Virginia, said the failure of the Virginia Supreme Court to take up the case shows the need for the passage of state legislation that would help protect LGBT Virginians against workplace discrimination. “The bottom line is this decision just demonstrates what we’ve held for years — that LGBT employees don’t have any meaningful law to seek redress for discrimination, and frankly, they don’t have any cause of action under the old executive order, either,” she said. When he took office this year, Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell didn’t renew the executive order for workplace protection against gays and instead replaced it with

a less forceful executive directive. Gastanaga said if there weren’t any meaningful protections under Kaine’s order, “there really, really isn’t any protection now” under McDonnell’s directive. Greg Nevins, supervising senior staff attorney for Lambda Legal, called the Virginia Supreme Court case decision “a disappointing result” and said the reasoning for the court’s rejection “isn’t completely clear.” Still, he said LGBT people have some workplace protections because the U.S. Constitution grants them some rights. “It doesn’t mean that public employees in Virginia don’t have recourse for discrimination,” he said. “The Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution does protect state workers from arbitrary discrimination that’s based on sexual orientation.” Nevins said many courts have found that the Equal Protection Clause protects LGBT people against discrimination in the public workplace, although a U.S. district court in Virginia hasn’t made such a ruling. “A whole bunch of different courts around the country have said it,” he said. “I don’t really think it’s controversial.”

Whitman-Walker faces trans bias allegation The D.C. Office of Human Rights has found probable cause that the Whitman-Walker Clinic engaged in employment discrimination based on gender identity when it chose not to hire transgender activist Earlene Budd for a job she sought in 2008. Gustavo Velasquez, OHR’s director, confirmed May 28 that his office had made the probable cause finding. He said the finding is a preliminary action equivalent to a formal charge and is not a final determination that the Clinic Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key engaged in discrimination. He said Whitman-Walker Earlene Budd has appealed the probable cause finding. Under procedures for processing discrimination complaints, the OHR must rule on the appeal. If the office upholds its finding, the case goes to a mandatory conciliation process, where Clinic officials and Budd negotiate a possible settlement, Velasquez said. If a settlement cannot be reached, the case goes to the independent D.C. Commission on Human Rights, which makes a final decision on whether the Clinic violated the city’s Human Rights Act, which bans discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and other categories. Budd declined to comment, saying she was advised by her attorney not to discuss the case. Chip Lewis, a Whitman-Walker spokesperson, said the Clinic “remains committed to being the highest quality, affirming, and culturally competent health center for the metro D.C. LGBT community.” “This principle extends to our employee recruitment and retention practices,” he said. “We look forward to favorably resolving this matter with the OHR.” Velasquez said his office could not provide further details about Budd’s discrimination complaint against the Clinic. LOU CHIBBARO JR.

Judge deals blow to defense in Wone trial D.C. Superior Court Judge Lynn Leibovitz is allowing prosecutors to submit for her review in the Robert Wone conspiracy trial all videotaped statements the defendants made to police. The ruling, which was seen by observers as a strong blow to the defense, came during the third week of a trial in which gay defendants Joseph Price, Victor Zaborsky and Dylan Ward are charged with obstruction of justice, conspiracy to obstruct justice and evidence tampering in connection with Wone’s murder. Wone, who was friends with the defendants, was found stabbed to death in 2006 in the guest bedroom of their house. His wife, Katherine Wone, testified that Wone had worked late and decided against driving to the couple’s home in Oakton, Va. The defense attorneys argued that allowing the admission of the taped police interrogation of the three men on the night of the murder would be highly prejudicial to their case. They cited rules of evidence in trials preventing testimony by one defendant detrimental to another during a joint trial. Lead prosecutor Glenn Kirschner argued that Leibovitz was highly qualified to distinguish between statements by the defendants that should or should not be admissible. He noted that at the request of the defendants, Leibovitz, rather than a jury, would render a verdict in the case and she would not be susceptible to prejudice. The taped interrogations are considered important evidence for the government. Prosecutors said the men’s statements can be used in conjunction with physical evidence found at the crime scene to show their alleged propensity to conceal the truth about the Robert Wone murder. No one has been charged with the killing. The trial is expected to continue for at least another two weeks. LOU CHIBBARO JR.

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Growing number of gays on ballot in Maryland Clippinger, Washington hope to join 4 out lawmakers in Annapolis Editor’s note: This is the first in an occasional series profiling openly LGBT candidates running for office in D.C., Maryland and Virginia in 2010. By STEVE CHARING Baltimore OUTLoud Several candidates for the Maryland House of Delegates are hoping to become the state’s newest openly LGBT elected officials. Luke Clippinger, an assistant state’s attorney in Anne Arundel County, and Mary Washington, a real estate agent and elder at First & Franklin Street Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, are among the state’s growing number of LGBT politicians seeking election or re-election to office this fall. In addition, Dana Beyer is running for delegate from District 18 in Montgomery County. Four out gays and lesbians currently serve in the state legislature: Dels. Anne Kaiser (D-Montgomery County), Maggie McIntosh (DBaltimore) and Heather Mizeur (D-Montgomery County) and Sen. Richard Madaleno (DMontgomery County).

Photo courtesy of Friends of Luke Clippinger

Luke Clippinger, an assistant state’s attorney in Anne Arundel County, is one of several openly gay people seeking election or re-election this year in Maryland. “The prospect of having an unprecedented number of openly LGBT folks in the legislature demonstrates just how far we have come,” said Morgan Meneses-Sheets, executive director of Equality Maryland. “To be a truly representative body, our state legislature needs to be as fantastically diverse as our state. That means that our community should be there helping to shape the future of Maryland not because we are LGBT but because we are qualified, because we have something to give.” And Clippinger, who’s knocked on 7,200 doors in District 46 since November for his campaign, is playing up his qualifications to join the General

Assembly in Annapolis. “I’m a native Baltimorean who wants to bring my experience as a prosecutor to Annapolis and help build safer neighborhoods in south and southeast Baltimore,” Clippinger said. At least two state delegates are supporting Clippinger’s campaign. Del. Peter Hammen (D-Baltimore) described Clippinger as someone who is “smart, works hard, energetic, and he cares.” Del. Brian McHale (D-Baltimore) agreed. He said Clippinger “brings volunteers, knowledge and experience to our team and will do so in Annapolis.” Clippinger, who aims to succeed retiring Del. Carolyn Krysiak (DBaltimore), is campaigning to reform

the juvenile justice system and pursue polluters. He received his law degree from the University of Louisville. Although he doesn’t mention LGBT matters on his web site or campaign literature, Clippinger said he’d be “a strong, forceful advocate for issues that impact LGBT Marylanders, including marriage equality and transgender protections, in Annapolis.” The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund has endorsed Clippinger, who said he’s benefitting from gay supporters. “I have identified LGBT supporters across the district who are helping my campaign every day by holding meet and greets, going door to door, and raising money for my candidacy,” Clippinger said. Also securing a Victory Fund endorsement is Washington, who is campaigning in District 43. If elected, she would become the second openly lesbian black state lawmaker in the country. “I am running for the Maryland House of Delegates because I believe the district needs more vigorous, more progressive leadership,” she said, “and the community needs elected officials who can inspire public trust, serve as a catalyst for positive change and work effectively to expand social and economic justice.” A native of Philadelphia who

earned a doctorate in sociology from Johns Hopkins University, Washington said she’s troubled that divisions along lines of race, class and sexual orientation continue to plague the district. “I’m afraid the city just hasn’t had the kind of representation we need, the kind of leadership we need to bring our communities together.” Washington said throughout her career, she’s “worked with all kinds of people — rich and poor, black and white, gay and straight — to create social change,” and wants to continue that work in the state House. Washington said her record on LGBT issues — including her advocacy for same-sex marriage and support of pro-gay judges — have demonstrated her insistence “to advocate for those issues in a strong and public way and seek to persuade others to see that what we ask for in marriage equality is a simple matter of justice.” “As an African-American woman who is actively engaged in a range of issues of concern to people in Baltimore and throughout the state,” she said, “I am well-positioned to build bridges between the LGBT community and supporters of other progressive causes as well as with the broader community.”

Gay man stabbed to death in Anacostia apartment Police tell neighbors no evidence of forced entry found By LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com A 38-year-old gay man was found stabbed to death in his Anacostia apartment May 27, and D.C. police are seeking help from the LGBT community to help their investigation into the slaying. Michael McKoy, who was found dead in his third-floor apartment at 1635 V St., S.E., became the fourth gay man to be killed in the D.C. area since December and the third to be murdered in neighborhoods east of the Anacostia River. Lt. Paul Wingate of the D.C. police’s Homicide Branch said officials have no suspects or motive in the McKoy case. He noted that police are hoping residents from the neighborhood or others who knew McKoy will come forward with information to further the investigation. Wingate said he could neither confirm nor deny information

Photo courtesy of D.C. police

Michael McKoy, who was found stabbed to death in his apartment May 27, is the fourth gay man to be killed in the D.C. area since December. obtained by the Blade that police told neighbors that no signs of a forced entry into the building or into McKoy’s apartment were found. Police have said in other cases that a lack of forced entry evidence usually means the victim knew his or her attacker and invited them into their home.

A resident of the building, who spoke to the Blade on condition of anonymity, said police investigators approached all residents seeking information for the case. The resident noted that investigators assured the residents they did not believe the incident was a random killing by someone who broke into the building. Wingate said investigators have circulated a photo of McKoy to building residents and in the surrounding neighborhood. In an announcement released May 28, police said they are offering a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or people responsible for McKoy’s murder. Anyone with information is asked to call police at 202-727-9099. McKoy’s stabbing death follows two other slayings of gay men in Southeast D.C. neighborhoods over the past six months. In December, District resident Anthony Perkins was found shot to death inside his car, which was parked on the 2900 block of Fourth Street, S.E. Antwan Holcomb, 20, a nearby resident, has been charged with first-

degree murder while armed in connection with the killing. A police affidavit says a witness told investigators Holcomb met Perkins through a gay phone chat line and Holcomb pretended he was gay as a means of luring Perkins to a location where Holcomb could rob Perkins. On Jan. 10, Maryland resident Gordon Rivers, also gay, was found shot to death on the street next to his car along the 2600 block of Naylor Road, S.E. Police have said witnesses told them a suspect shot Rivers in a botched holdup attempt inside Rivers’ car. Anthony Hager, 22, of Temple Hills, Md., and William Wren, 17, of Southeast D.C., have since been charged with first-degree murder in connection with Rivers’ death. Police said Rivers drove to the area where he was shot after Wren reportedly called Rivers, inviting him to meet with Wren. Police have declined to say how Rivers and Wren first met and whether their meeting was through the Internet or a phone chat line. Gay D.C. middle school principal Brian Betts, who was found April 15 shot to death in his

house in Silver Spring, Md., met through a sexually oriented Internet and phone chat line catering to gay men at least one of three 18-year-old men charged with his murder, according to police sources. The growing number of cases where gay men appear to have been thusly targeted prompted Gays & Lesbians Opposing Violence to issue an alert warning locals of the dangers associated with meeting people through such venues. Gay activist Phil Pannell said listings by gay men in Southeast D.C. neighborhoods, including Anacostia, have appeared recently on Internet dating sites for gay men. Wingate said investigators are unsure whether McKoy lived alone or had a roommate. He noted that police received conflicting reports from neighbors, with some believing McKoy lived with another man at various times. The lieutenant confirmed a report from a neighbor that McKoy’s body was discovered a few days after authorities believe he was stabbed to death. Wingate said relatives found McKoy’s body and contacted police.

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U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin announced she’s separated from her longtime domestic partner, Lauren Azar.

Obama issues Pride proclamation WASHINGTON — President Obama has issued a proclamation recognizing June as Pride month and commending LGBT people for their “immeasurable contributions” to the country. “This month, as we recognize the immeasurable contributions of LGBT Americans, we renew our commitment to the struggle for equal rights for LGBT Americans and to ending prejudice and injustice wherever it exists,” Obama says in the proclamation. Obama notes that LGBT people “have enriched and strengthened the fabric of our national life” and “have achieved success and prominence in every discipline.” “They are our mothers and fathers, our sons and daughters, and our friends and neighbors,” Obama says. “Across my administration, openly LGBT employees are serving at every level.” Obama also cites his administration’s accomplishments in advancing LGBT rights, including last year’s passage of hate crimes legislation and a recent presidential moratorium mandating hospital visitation rights for same-sex couples. The president also notes that same-sex couples should have “the same rights and responsibilities afforded to any married couple” and reiterates his call to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. The proclamation is the second that Obama has issued during his administration commemorating June as Pride month. He issued a similar proclamation in 2009 during the first year of his presidency.

School denies staging ‘sham’ prom

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Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

WASHINGTON — The only out lesbian in Congress has separated from her domestic partner of 15 years. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) and her former partner, Lauren Azar, ended their relationship and are terminating their registered domestic partnership in Wisconsin, according to a statement issued last week from Baldwin’s office. According to the Associated Press, Baldwin and Azar were among the first same-sex couples in Wisconsin to sign up for the state’s domestic partnership registry when it was established last year. Azar is a member of the Wisconsin Public Service Commission, which regulates the state’s utilities. She was appointed to the position by Gov. Jim Doyle (D) in 2007. The statement from Baldwin’s office says neither Baldwin nor Azar would comment further on the separation.

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JACKSON, Miss. — A rural Mississippi school district that was sued by a lesbian student who wanted to bring a same-sex date to the high school prom is denying accusations it routed her to a “sham prom” at a country club while most of her schoolmates partied elsewhere. The Associated Press reported that Itawamba County School District addressed the claims made by the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of Constance McMillen in papers filed May 21 with the U.S. District Court in Aberdeen. It’s been two months since McMillen attended a prom at the Fulton Country Club that drew fewer than 10 other students from Itawamba Agricultural High School. Most of her classmates attended a separate event at the nearby Evergreen Community Center, to which McMillen was not invited, and later posted pictures from the dance on the Internet. At the time, McMillen had already sued the district over its policy banning same-sex prom dates and for canceling an April 2 school-sponsored prom after the teenager pressed to bring her girlfriend to the event and wear a tuxedo. U.S. District Judge Glen Davidson ruled in March that the district had violated McMillen’s rights, but he didn’t force the district to reinstate the prom. District officials had told the judge that McMillen was free to attend a parent-sponsored prom. School District Superintendent Teresa McNeece and Attorney Michele Floyd have said little publicly about the issue despite numerous calls seeking comment. McMillen transferred to a school in Jackson, and was scheduled to graduate June 2. The ACLU alleged that McNeece and Floyd attended a meeting March 29 with parent organizers, where the decision was made to hold separate proms. In court documents, the school district said McNeece and Floyd did attend a meeting, but officials “deny that the parents decided instead to hold two proms, one for the plaintiff and one for her classmates.”

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10 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


McCain pledges to derail ‘Don’t Ask’ momentum Continued from page 1 The sole Democrat who voted against the amendment was Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.). He had earlier told media outlets that he sees no need to preempt the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” study by voting in favor of repeal at this time. The legislative compromise adopted by both chambers of Congress would repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” only after the Defense Department completes its study on the issue, due Dec. 1. Additionally, President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Michael Mullen would have to certify that repeal won’t undermine military readiness — and 60 days would have to pass after this certification before repeal would take effect. The measure also notably lacks the non-discrimination language for gay, lesbian and bisexual service members that standalone repeal bills contained. Even with the compromise, though, many gay former service members were delighted with Congress for taking action. Mike Almy, a gay former Air Force communications officer who was discharged under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” in 2006 and recently testified before the Senate on the issue, witnessed the vote in the House chamber. “The whole floor and the gallery erupted with a cheer,” he said. “There were quite a few tears of joy and disbelief, including myself. I still get choked up when I think about it.” Following the vote in the Senate Armed Services Committee, Almy said repeal supporters visited the office of Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) to thank him for his vote in favor of ending “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Nelson told the Blade last month that he wouldn’t vote in favor of a measure repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” But after Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) unveiled his compromise legislation, Nelson signaled he would vote in favor of the measure. Almy said Nelson’s staffers told repeal supporters that they received 40,000 phone calls in Nebraska for repeal and 1,100 against. “I was speechless,” Almy said. “I was completely dumbfounded there was that much support in Nebraska for repeal. It was just an incredible week overall.” Retired Navy Capt. Joan Darrah, a lesbian who retired from service in 2002 because of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” also said she was pleased with Congress, calling the votes “a tremendous

Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

U.S. Sen. John McCain has pledged to do everything he can to stop ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ from being overturned. effort and a great result.” But Darrah, who lives in Alexandria, Va., said she’s “distressed” about Webb’s vote against repeal. “I’ve met and corresponded with Sen. Webb many times and I’m disappointed,” she said. Darrah said she’s willing to live with the compromise, though, and didn’t think Mullen would delay certification of repeal once the Pentagon study is complete. “This approach that they’ve come up with allows the study to conclude — and the study is supposed to be how to implement it, not if we should,” she said. “I think that this is an excellent compromise. We need the Senate to vote on it and then get on with getting rid of this, frankly, un-American and discriminatory law.” Also expressing excitement about the congressional votes was a gay man from Chesapeake, Va. The active duty Navy sailor, who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, spoke to the Blade on the condition of anonymity to avoid to being outed under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” He called the action from Congress “long overdue” and said “it’s been a rough hell” serving in the military for seven of the 17 years since “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was enacted. He said he’s willing to accept the compromise advanced by Congress because “we’re standing on the right side of history” and didn’t think Obama, Gates or Mullen would delay certification of repeal. “Adm. Mullen said it best — men and women are serving in

an institution where integrity is key, but we’re asking them — asking us — to hide who we are,” said the man. “I don’t think we’ll have any problem at all.” Following the vote, Obama issued a statement on the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” action. The White House previously said it would support the compromise legislation because it allows the Pentagon to complete its study on the issue. Obama said he was “pleased” with the outcome while stressing the importance of the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” study due at year’s end. “I have long advocated that we repeal ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,’ and I am pleased that both the House of Representatives and the Senate Armed Services Committee took important bipartisan steps toward repeal tonight,” Obama said. The president said the Pentagon’s review was “key to successful repeal” and that he was grateful the amendments approved by Congress “will ensure that the Department of Defense can complete that comprehensive review that will allow our military and their families the opportunity to inform and shape the implementation process.”

Hurdles remain in repeal process Even with Congress taking action to end “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the legislation approved by the House and the Senate committee still has to make its way to the president’s desk and win his

signature before it’s enacted. And a number of obstacles could prevent the bill from reaching the White House or being signed into law. However, supporters of repeal are saying these roadblocks are less numerous than obstacles before the congressional votes on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Alex Nicholson, executive director of Servicemembers United, said the legislation didn’t “have a lot” of possible roadblocks preventing it from being signed by the president. Still, one problem that supporters of repeal could face is a filibuster of the defense authorization bill when it reaches the Senate floor. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee and chief opponent of repeal in the Senate, had pledged to find the 60 votes in the Senate necessary to block the bill from moving forward. Roll Call newspaper reported May 27 that McCain said he’ll “without a doubt” support a filibuster if the bill goes to the floor with repeal language. “I’ll do everything in my power,” McCain was quoted as saying. “I’m going to do everything I can to support the men and women of the military and to fight what is clearly a political agenda.” But mustering 60 votes to filibuster the defense bill could prove a challenge for McCain. Two senators who voted against the inclusion of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal language in the defense bill — Jim Webb

(D-Va.) and Scott Brown (RMass.) — later voted in favor of reporting out of committee the defense bill as a whole. Their votes could be seen as signs they wouldn’t support filibustering the legislation on the floor. Nicholson said he believes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has the votes to shut down McCain’s filibuster threat on the bill, but added it’s “never a guaranteed thing.” “I personally think Jim Webb and Scott Brown’s votes are still a little volatile,” Nicholson said. “While they voted to report the bill out of committee, I don’t know that they’re solid allies on this. If McCain figures out a way to try to block this with a filibuster, I wouldn’t count Brown and Webb in our camp 100 percent.” During a press conference last week, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.), hailed as a champion of repeal in the Senate, dismissed the chances of a successful filibuster on the defense authorization bill. “I think it’s hard to filibuster a defense bill,” Levin said. “There’s so much in here for our troops. The fact that there’s one provision in here that some people don’t like — it seems to me [that] would not be [a] sufficient deal for 41 senators to filibuster a defense bill.” Levin said he wants to bring the legislation before the full Senate sometime before the August recess. Continues on page 16

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12 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


Mormon leader’s lesbian descendant running for Congress Claudia Wright forces runoff against five-term incumbent By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com The lesbian great, great granddaughter of an early leader of the Mormon Church is attracting LGBT support in her bid to represent Utah in Congress. In what could be an uphill battle, Claudia Wright, a retired high school teacher, is seeking to steal the Democratic nomination from five-term incumbent Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) in a primary election set for June 22. Wright said she pursued a run against Matheson because she was displeased with his opposition to health care reform legislation, and doesn’t think he is accurately representing voters in the congressional district. “As this became a gerrymandered district, his attitude was he’d have to move further to the right, but he’s now further to the right — especially on things like health care — he’s now further to the right than [Republican Sen. Bob] Bennett was,” Wright said. “I think he’s too far to the right to represent most of Utah.” Wright forced a runoff in the race after Matheson failed to secure 60 percent of the vote from delegates at the Utah State Democratic Convention on May 8. Matheson

Photo courtesy of Claudia Wright for Utah

Claudia Wright, the lesbian descendant of an early Mormon Church leader, is making headway in her congressional bid. received 55 percent of the vote; Wright received 45 percent. This marks the first time Matheson hasn’t received enough support from delegates and has faced a primary runoff, according to the Utah-based Deseret News. Wright said she believes she can beat Matheson in the primary because she’s focusing on issues of concern to Democrats and Republicans. She cited as two priorities public financing of campaigns and reform eliminating “too big to fail” safeguards for banks. “I think that does appeal to moderates, and I think it does appeal to independents,” she said.

“So I think I have a really good shot at perhaps getting the nomination and also winning in the fall.” An out lesbian, Wright has been in a relationship for 13 years with Stephanie Pace, a retired college professor. Wright said she has a limited portfolio in LGBT activism, but she contributed to the Utah Pride Center when it first opened in Salt Lake City and is a member of the Human Rights Campaign. She’s received support from a number of LGBT groups and associations within Utah, including an endorsement from the Stonewall Democrats of Utah Caucus. Bruce Bastian, a gay billionaire philanthropist known for supporting many LGBT organizations, also has thrown his support behind Wright. Wright has the distinction of being the great, great granddaughter of Brigham Young, an early leader of the Church of Latter-day Saints. He became church president in 1847. Wright said while that lineage may be impressive to people who live outside of Utah, “it’s not unusual” among people within the state because Young was known to have 55 wives and many descendants. “So about every fourth person in the state is Brigham Young’s descendant,” she said. “Outside of the state, that sounds like a really big deal; inside of the state, it doesn’t get you very far.” Wright, who said she was a Mormon but now doesn’t belong to any organized religion, is criti-

cal of the Mormon Church’s tenet that “sexuality is entirely choice.” The church is recognized as having played a significant role in backing anti-gay initiatives, most notably Proposition 8, which ended same-sex marriage in California in 2008. “I felt very out of place, first, as a single women, and then, as a lesbian, later on in the church,” she said. “I haven’t been an active member of the LDS Church in over 20 years.” Still, Wright said she doesn’t “have any animosity” and that members of both sides of her family subscribe to the Mormon faith. “I think eventually they’ll have to come around — just like the Catholic Church will, the Baptist Church will, and the Methodist Church will over time,” she said. “And they will. They’ll come to understand the issue better.” Matheson is known for having a mixed voting record on LGBT issues during his tenure in Congress. He voted in favor of the Federal Marriage Amendment in 2004 and 2006. The lawmaker voted in favor of hate crimes legislation and a version of the Employment NonDiscrimination Act in 2007, but he also voted in favor of a motion of recommit to kill ENDA. Still, Matheson was vocal in his support last week for legislation to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Before voting in favor of the measure, he spoke on the House floor in support of it. “Anyone who’s willing to put on this country’s uniform and put his

or her life on the line to protect our freedoms deserves our respect and should not be subject to discrimination,” he said. “Repealing this flawed policy is an important way for us to show that respect.” But Wright said she considers Matheson’s vote on the matter — as well as his co-sponsorship of an environmental bill — a way to appease more liberal voices in his district. “He is trying to win back some of the environmentalists that endorsed me and he’s trying to do the same thing with the LGBT community,” she said. “I think he’s having limited success with both of those.” Overtaking Matheson in the primary could be a challenge for Wright as his financial resources dwarf the amount she’s raised. According to the most recent Federal Election Commission reports, Matheson had more than $1.4 million in cash on hand, while Wright had about $9,000. Wright dismissed the funding disparity, saying she’s “running a very different campaign” from Matheson. She said “a lot of people” are working for her campaign across the state on a volunteer basis and would support her plans to go “town by town, county by county through the state” to compete with Matheson on the grassroots level. “I can’t compete with him in money,” she said. “He’s always going to be able to afford more ads on TV and more ads on the radio, and I hope to do this person to person.”

House members say AIDS drug program in crisis Frank, Baldwin sign petition to Obama warning of AIDS deaths By LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com U.S. Reps. Barney Frank (DMass.) and Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) have joined 76 of their House colleagues to sign a petition to President Obama calling for $126 million in emergency funds for the federal AIDS Drug Assistance Program. The petition, dated May 19, says the emergency supplemental funds are needed to reverse a growing trend among states to put in place waiting lists for the mostly uninsured patients that rely on ADAP to provide their life-saving AIDS drugs. “It’s abundantly clear that without emergency action, the ability for ADAP programs to provide a safety net for low income and underinsured Americans

Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

Carl Schmid, deputy executive director of the AIDS Institute, said problems with the federal AIDS Drug Assistance Program are ‘getting worse and worse.’ with HIV/AIDS will be seriously damaged,” says the petition. Carl Schmid, deputy executive director of the AIDS Institute, a national AIDS advocacy group,

said a coalition of AIDS groups has urged the White House and Congress to boost the federal funding allocation for ADAP for more than a year.

“The ADAP problem is getting worse and worse,” he said. “We’re very concerned that the administration and Democratic leaders in Congress are not responding.” Schmid and officials with other AIDS groups have said the health care reform legislation that Congress approved earlier this year is expected to lessen the need for ADAP. The reform measure will provide health insurance coverage for millions of Americans, including people with HIV and AIDS, who currently can’t afford it. The new insurance system will include prescription drug plans that cover the expensive anti-retroviral drugs that have been credited with preventing people with HIV from progressing to full blown AIDS. But AIDS group officials note that the new program won’t go into full effect until 2014, and more than 1,000 people with HIV who can’t afford the drugs are on ADAP waiting lists in at least 11 states.

That number is expected to increase significantly if Congress doesn’t approve an emergency supplemental funding of $126 million for ADAP this year and another increase of $370 million for fiscal year 2011, according to officials with state AIDS offices. Congress created ADAP in 1987 as part of the sweeping Ryan White AIDS Care Act. It was intended to provide free or lowcost drugs to people with HIV who have limited financial resources and lack health insurance. The program is structured so that each state and U.S. territory operates an independent ADAP, with the option of supplementing the program with state funds. Most states have added differing amounts of their own funds to the program. According to the National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors, Congress approContinues on page 19

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 13






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14 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


Soccer festival to end two hours before parade begins Continued from page 1 screens positioned there. But he said the soccer event is scheduled to end about 4:30 p.m. — two hours before the Capital Pride parade is scheduled to begin. “We don’t see any problem because our final broadcast ends about 4:20,” he said. “Some of our people may stay for the Pride parade.” Dyana Mason, executive director of the group that organizes the Capital Pride parade, said she agreed with Lipin’s assessment that the two events would coincide with each other smoothly and amicably. “They said this was planned with our parade in mind,” said Mason, who has spoken with Soccer in the Circle organizers. “I think everything is fine. I’m looking forward to the soccer fans staying to see the parade.” Similar to past years, the Capital Pride parade is scheduled to kick off at 23rd and P streets,

Photo by Joe Tresh

Organizers say this year’s Soccer in the Circle event won’t clash with the Capital Pride parade set for next Saturday. N.W., where it will travel along P Street to Dupont Circle. The parade route travels nearly halfway around the circle to New Hampshire Avenue, where it proceeds to R and 17th streets. From

17th Street, it heads to P Street again, where it turns south on 14th Street and ends at 14th and N streets near Thomas Circle. The largest crowds viewing the parade traditionally stand next to

and inside Dupont Circle. Parade and Soccer in the Circle organizers acknowledged that if the two events took place concurrently, one could interfere with the other. But Lipin said he was certain that most of the people gathered in the circle to watch the soccer games live on the video screens will have dispersed by the time the parade approaches Dupont Circle. The USAEngland game, which is expected to draw the largest crowds, is scheduled to begin at around 10 a.m. With South Africa hosting this year’s World Cup games, the South African Embassy in Washington has endorsed the Soccer in the Circle event. An embassy spokesperson said the embassy would have a presence at the festival. Eddie Pope, a highly acclaimed soccer player and member of the U.S. team in three World Cup tournaments, is scheduled to speak at the Soccer in the Circle event and is expected to attract a sizable crowd of followers. D.C. gay activist Barrett Brick,

a longtime soccer fan and supporter of the D.C. United professional soccer team, said that although a “handful” of soccer fans at the Dupont Circle festival might be uncomfortable with an LGBT parade, “many more would be happy to watch and perhaps even join in.” He noted that the Screaming Eagles, D.C. United’s oldest fan club, of which he’s a member and which is “quite gay-friendly,” also is backing the Soccer in the Circle festival. The Dupont Circle Advisory Neighborhood Commission voted to support the Soccer in the Circle festival, according to gay ANC Commissioner Mike Silverstein. “There was never any question that these events would conflict,” he said. The Capital Pride parade takes place one day before the annual Capital Pride festival, which is to be held along Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., near the U.S. Capitol. More information about the parade and festival is online at capitalpride.org.

Rapper Wale appears at Black Pride, apologizes Booking agent fired for ‘miscommunication’ By LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com In an unexpected turn of events, rapper Wale appeared for a brief performance at Sunday’s D.C. Black Pride festival and apologized for an earlier decision to cancel his scheduled booking as the event’s lead entertainer. The nationally recognized rapper and D.C. native told Black Pride organizers through a spokesperson May 28 that his decision to cancel his appearance for Sunday’s festival at the Washington Convention Center was due to a “miscommunication” on the part of one of his agents. “The one thing I stand for is hip-hop music, and hip-hop music knows no race, no color, no age, no gender, no sexual orientation — none of that,” he told a cheering crowd after arriving on the festival stage. “So the most important thing about it is the music, and it makes the people happy. That’s why we’re here. “But I will say sometimes in this business you’re aligned with people who don’t understand that and don’t necessarily have the same beliefs as you do. And I apologize for not having my best foot forward … and I’m going to

do better, as we all do. “Every day we’ve got to do better. So I apologize on behalf of my team for not being the way they are supposed to be. Now with that said, can we have some fun right now?” In response, people in the audience shouted, “Yea!” Wale’s appearance was followed by J. Holiday, an R&B singer who was booked after Wale’s announcement that he had cancelled his appearance at Black Pride. Holiday said he was pleased to be performing at the event and welcomed his fans from the LGBT community. Earlier in the day, other local entertainers performed at the festival as several dozen local and national LGBT organizations and various commercial vendors interacted with attendees in booths set up in the convention center’s large exhibit hall, where the festival was held. Among those attending the event was D.C. City Council Chairman Vincent Gray (D-At Large), who is challenging Mayor Adrian Fenty in the September Democratic primary. Fenty did not attend the event, but his Office of LGBT Affairs set up a festival booth. Other officials to attend were Council members Kwame Brown (D-At Large), who is running for Gray’s Council chairman seat, and Harry Thomas (D-Ward 5). Council members Phil Mendelson (D-At Large), David Catania (I-At Large),

and Jim Graham (D-Ward 1) attended a separate reception May 28 kicking off Black Pride weekend. Longtime participants in the event noted that attendance was down this year compared to previous Black Pride festivals. Earl Fowlkes, a board member and spokesperson for Black Pride, said the drop in attendance might have been due to the economic downturn, which likely made it harder for people to attend from throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Out-of-town participants have long made up a large percentage of D.C. Black Pride’s crowds. Fowlkes, who is president of the International Association of Black Prides, said the recent trend of holding Black Pride festivals in other cities, including Atlanta, also was a factor in the lower attendance at D.C.’s event. D.C. was the first U.S. city to hold a Black Pride celebration. Wale had initially been billed as the lead entertainer at the 20th annual D.C. Black Pride Legacy Festival & Wellness Expo. But Fowlkes said event organizers were startled last month when they received two e-mails from Wale’s agent, one saying the rapper had to cancel due to “family obligations,” and another saying he didn’t know Black Pride was a gay-related event when he agreed to appear. According to Fowlkes, Black Pride organizers made it clear from

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

The rapper Wale, a D.C. native, told a crowd at Black Pride that ‘hip-hop music knows no race, no color, no age, no gender, no sexual orientation — none of that.’ the start that Black Pride is an LGBT event and most of the attendees would be LGBT people. “Black Pride now believes that as a result of failed communications between the booking agent and the artist, Wale was booked for an event after notifying management that he would be taking a few weeks off to focus on family issues,” says a statement Black Pride organizers released May 28. “D.C. Black Pride regrets that these communications (or lack thereof) resulted in the commu-

nity perception that the artist did not appreciate nor want to perform for his gay and lesbian fans,” says the statement. “The principal agent responsible for the miscommunication has been terminated.” Upon learning that Wale had cancelled his appearance at Black Pride, organizers arranged for Holiday to replace Wale as the headliner performer. Holiday took to Black Pride’s stage after Wale delivered his remarks to the crowd and performed two songs. As planned after the mix-up surrounding Wale’s appearance, Holiday gave a full performance as the day’s lead entertainer, including some of his songs that rose to the top of the Billboard Top 100 Chart. Wale became a nationally recognized rapper in 2006, when his song “Dig Dug (Shake It)” led to his record company contracts and appearances on MTV. “It was very apparent that Wale was sincere about wanting to clear up any misconceptions that he was homophobic,” said Jimma Elliott-Stevens, a D.C. Black Pride board member and attorney who represented Black Pride in its negotiations with Wale’s representatives. “This experience was very important for the LGBT community as it showed that we will not be invisible within and outside the black community,” said Fowlkes.

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 15

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16 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010



‘Don’t Ask’ repeal could advance before August recess Continued from page 10

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Nicholson said another threat on the Senate floor could be a strike-andreplace amendment modifying the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” language, such as one that changes the scope of the Pentagon study on the issue. Conservatives have called for legislation that reconfigures the study so that it would focus on whether repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” would have a significant impact on improving military readiness. “Something like that could be very appealing, especially if it’s rather moderate in nature,” Nicholson said. Making the language different in both bills would mean the differences would have to be hashed out by conference committee, which could jeopardize any repeal provision being in the final bill. An unrelated issue that could preclude Obama from signing the defense bill is funding for an alternate engine program for a next generation military aircraft known as the Joint Strike Fighter. The House version of the legislation authorizes $485 million in funds for the second engine for the aircraft. Last week, an amendment failed in the House that would have stripped the funding from the legislation. The Senate committee’s version of the legislation authorizes no funding for the program. In a statement, Obama spoke out against the funds for the alternate engine program in a Statement of Administration Policy on the defense bill as a whole. He subsequently warned Congress he would veto the legislation if

it reaches his desk with such funding. “As the Statement of Administration Policy made clear, our military does not want or need these programs being pushed by the Congress, and should Congress ignore this fact, I will veto any such legislation so that it can be returned to me without those provisions,” Obama said. The issue of funding for the alternate engine program has perennially been a point of contention between Congress and the White House. According to Reuters, 2010 marks the fourth consecutive year in which the Pentagon has voiced concern about the program. Nicholson said he didn’t know if the veto threat was “too serious of a problem,” but noted it’s something supporters of repeal should monitor. He said repeal supporters could either push Congress to take out funding for the alternate engine program or lobby Obama not to veto the bill over the funding. “In the end, I don’t think that’s going to be a big problem,” Nicholson said. “Even if he did veto it and it went back, I feel certain with the majorities by which we won the House and the way it’s aligned in the Senate, I don’t really fear that the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ language will be threatened or in play.” Levin, a supporter of funding for the alternate engine program, also said during the press conference last week that Congress and the administration would find a way to work through the disagreement on the issue. “There’s all kinds of items in this bill,” he said. “It’s difficult for me to believe the president would veto an entire bill over just one provision.”

Kagan gets boost from potential GOP allies WASHINGTON — Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan got a boost from potential GOP supporters last week when two Republican senators who will vote on her confirmation both said her lack of experience as a judge is no obstacle to elevating her. The Associated Press reported that Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and George LeMieux of Florida made their comments May 27, one day after one of the court’s conservative icons, Justice Antonin Scalia, undercut Republican criticism of Kagan’s lack of a judicial background. Scalia’s remark, made during a lecture Wednesday at the federal courthouse in Washington, “helps her. Definitely, it helps her,” said Graham, a member of the Judiciary Committee that will hold confirmation hearings on Kagan set to begin June 28. “I think that argument is not going to go very far.” LeMieux, who had a lengthy meeting with Kagan in the Capitol Thursday, also said judicial inexperience was not a concern. “I don’t find that in any way a prohibition to her service,” the Associated Press

quoted LeMieux as saying. The first-term Floridian called Kagan intelligent, articulate and “refreshingly forthcoming” on a variety of questions he posed, on subjects including free speech, guns, gay and lesbian rights and abortion. Both Graham and LeMieux said it was too early to tell whether they would vote to confirm Kagan, who drew seven Republican votes last year when she was confirmed as solicitor general. Kagan, President Barack Obama’s choice to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens, has now met with half the Senate as she crisscrosses Capitol Hill introducing herself in advance of the hearings. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., said Kagan would bring “a greater degree of dialogue to a divided court.” “While it was clear that she would not prejudge any case, we did touch on privacy issues that are most important to me and other major issues that the Supreme Court may wrestle with in the coming years,” Gillibrand said after meeting with Kagan, according to the Associated Press.

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 17

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18 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

june 4, 2010 • dcagenda.com 19


Frank, Baldwin seek emergency federal ADAP funding Continued from page 12 priated 72 percent of the total ADAP expenditures in 2000. But by 2009, the federal share of ADAP funding dropped to 51 percent, with state budgets and discounts offered by drug companies picking up the balance. NASTAD said the decline in the federal share of the funding did not occur due to a reduction in federal funds; federal funds for the program continued to rise at a modest pace. The percentage of federal funds declined because the number of new people enrolling in state ADAP programs increased dramatically over the past decade, in part because the effectiveness of the drugs has kept more people with HIV alive. Additionally, in recent years, the economic recession has resulted in the loss of jobs along with the loss of health insurance coverage for large numbers of Americans with HIV, AIDS group officials have said. At the same time, the recession has resulted in a dramatic drop in tax revenue for states, forcing most states to put in place large budget cuts. The cuts have hit state health departments, including state funding for ADAP. The federal government’s failure to increase its share of ADAP funding to cover the large increase in people with HIV enrolling in the program at the same time that states have slashed their ADAP budgets has been the catalyst for a spike in ADAP waiting lists in a growing number of states. In one case, AIDS activists have said South Carolina sharply cut its ADAP budget, threatening to prevent hundreds of people with HIV in need of AIDS drugs from receiving them. The cuts could lead to the death of people with HIV who might otherwise remain healthy if they had access to the medication. Earlier this year, a heated dispute surfaced between NASTAD and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, a national AIDS advocacy group based in Los Angeles, over whether calls for Congress to appropriate more money for ADAP should be linked to demands that pharmaceutical companies provide greater discounts to ADAP for the purchase of expensive AIDS drugs. Both groups favor an increase in federal funds for ADAP, and both have said they support efforts to negotiate greater price discounts from drug companies for state programs. But unlike the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, NASTAD and its allies favor lobbying Congress for increased ADAP funds on a separate track from efforts to secure greater price reductions from the drug companies. Julie Scofield, NASTAD’s executive director, has argued that a coalition of state programs and various AIDS advocacy groups have succeeded in securing significant drug discounts from major pharmaceutical companies. In a statement sent by e-mail in March to more than 1,000 groups and activists, AIDS Healthcare Foundation officials said federal intervention alone is not sufficient to curtail the ever-accelerating cost of ADAP spending on drugs. “The undeniable driver of costs in ADAPs is the costs of the medications that are purchased,” says the statement.

It noted California’s ADAP, in which spending for AIDS drugs increased by 165 percent since 2000, while the number of patients served increased by 49 percent. “This is equivalent to a 77 percent increase in per patient cost of AIDS drugs,” says the statement. “Even with ‘price freezes’ and rebates, the costs of the pharmaceuticals will continue to rise to a level that will bankrupt states, and force major programmatic concessions in eligibility and formulary.” Among other things, AIDS Healthcare

Foundation proposed that for every dollar of federal funds allocated for ADAP, pharmaceutical firms should be required to “contribute two dollars in additional rebate or price cuts.” As of earlier this week, neither Congress nor the White House had moved forward any of the proposals for supplementing the ADAP budget through a special, emergency funding allocation for fiscal year 2010. Sens. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.), however, introduced a bill last month calling for extracting the

$126 million advocacy groups say is needed for ADAP this year from federal stimulus money approved under President Obama’s economic stimulus legislation. The White House and Democratic leaders in Congress have yet to officially take a position on the Coburn-Burr bill, but Capitol Hill observers say they don’t expect the president or most Democrats in the House or Senate to support the measure. The AIDS Healthcare Foundation has endorsed the bill.

20 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

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White House, HRC applaud Malawi pardon WASHINGTON — The White House and Human Rights Campaign welcomed the recent pardon of two gay Malawi men who were sentenced to 14 years in prison because of their sexual orientation. In separate statements released May 29, both camps noted that Steven Monjeza and Tiwonge Chumbalanga are not criminals. Malawi President Bingu wa Mutharika issued the pardons. “It is reprehensible to imprison anyone for who they are or who they love,� said Joe Solmonese, HRC’s president. “This is welcomed news that we hope will reverberate around the world in places — including our own country — where LGBT people are targeted for harassment and discrimination.� Photo by Pete Souza; courtesy of White House White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that “we must all President Barack Obama’s administration applauded recommit ourselves to ending the per- the pardoning of two Malawi men who were sentenced secution and criminalization of sexual to 14 years in prison because of their sexual orientation. orientation and gender identity.� “We hope that President Mutharika’s pardon marks the beginning of a new dialogue which reflects the country’s history of tolerance and a new day for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights in Malawi and around the globe.� Malawi has faced international condemnation for the conviction and harsh sentencing. The Associated Press reported that Mutharika granted the pardon based on “humanitarian grounds only,� and that homosexuality remains illegal in the southeastern African nation.

Strict policing, no arrests at Moscow gay parades MOSCOW — Two Gay Pride parades were held without arrests in Moscow on May 29, the first time Russian authorities have not intervened since the inaugural attempt to hold the event in the capital in 2006. The Associated Press reported that an activists’ spokesman said that the absence of harassment, beatings and detentions was due to their “military planning� rather than any kind of warming toward non-traditional orientation among officials. Moscow riot police typically disperse such gatherings with force, emboldened by declarations from city Mayor Yury Luzhkov that have equated LGBT people with the devil. Activists also blame Russia’s resurgent Orthodox Church, which publicly and sternly denounces gay culture, for fomenting homophobia. About 25 activists held a short demonstration on The Arbat, a pedestrian street lined with shops and cafes that is one of Moscow’s main tourist draws. They marched for about 10 minutes, holding banners and shouting slogans such as “No discrimination on the grounds of orientation.� Some observers waved and laughed, and there were no signs of hostility. Police did not try to disperse the march, but when the demonstrators saw a line of uniformed officers blocking the street ahead of them, they scattered. A few hours later in northwestern Moscow a smaller, international group including British activist Peter Tatchell unveiled a long rainbow flag and chanted “Russia without homophobes!� and “Equal rights, no compromise!�


HARARE, Zimbabwe — A Zimbabwe court last week freed two employees of a gay organization after six days in jail on allegations of possessing indecent material and displaying a placard seen as insulting to President Robert Mugabe, an outspoken critic of homosexuality. The Associated Press reported that Gays & Lesbians of Zimbabwe said May 27 that the two employees were assaulted by police while in custody. Defense attorney David Hofisi said the two were also made to bend their knees into a sitting position with their arms outstretched for long periods and were struck with bottles when they weakened and fell. According to the Associated Press, Magistrate Munamate Mutevedzi released the two on bail of $200 each until a trial set for June 10, where they will face penalties of imprisonment or a fine. Homosexuality is illegal in Zimbabwe and most African countries.

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 21

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22 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


washingtonblade Vol. 41, Issue 23

Is ENDA the best use of our energy? Rethinking the next priorities for the movement By JESSICA LEE Last week the House passed important legislation toward the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” a discriminatory law that does not allow gays to serve openly in the military. The question we now face is what our legislative priorities will be going forward. I would like to see an agenda that is as broad, practical (meaning that it has a good chance of being enacted) and strategic as it can be, advancing equality for as much of the LGBT community as possible in the most meaningful ways. We have limited resources in terms of volunteers, money, political capital and lobbying, so this choice is important. Most national LGBT organizations have targeted the Employment NonDiscrimination Act as their primary focus. ENDA, which would outlaw discrimination in the workplace, is no stranger to our cause, as it has been in the legislative hopper for many years with no progress. Ending discrimination in the workplace is a worthy goal, but since ENDA does not apply to government-sanctioned discrimina-

tion, which is the most serious against us, ENDA is no panacea and our money, lobbying and votes should support an agenda that is broader than solely ENDA. Further, the private sector has made tremendous progress toward equality in the past decade and might not be the best place to focus change efforts. Transgender activist and blogger Corinna Cohn, proposes that there might be other ways to accomplish ENDA’s goals: “Proponents of the Employment Non-discrimination Act (ENDA) say the bill is necessary to protect vulnerable people from being judged on personal traits. However, the biggest gains in workplace protections have come from businesses, not government. The 2010 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), published by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), reported that 72 percent of businesses surveyed have gender identity protections, and the number grows each year. “When groups like HRC let businesses know that they are going to be measured and scored based on their corporate policies, the businesses evaluate themselves for changes based on community expectations and on the practices of their competitors. “This is the most logical way to advance workplace protections, because discrimination is a phe-

nomenon of human attitudes, and attitudes are changed through experience and personal growth, not through the imposition of federal law. Discrimination based on personal characteristics is an affront to human dignity, but creating federal penalties for discrimination will only spray perfume on one of the symptoms of discrimination without addressing the underlying cause.” I am not suggesting that our LGBT organizations abandon pursuit of ENDA; what I am suggesting is that ENDA might not deserve the tremendous expense of political capital that it is getting to the exclusion of other avenues of change. What other strategic priorities that improve the lives of the most LGBT people should we pursue? Healthcare equality is one idea. This year we missed a historic opportunity, with the recent passage of massive health care reform, to address the inequality of the tax treatment of domestic partner health benefits. Democrats delivered for unions by exempting the first $26,000 of a straight family’s health plan from the “Cadillac tax” and delayed any taxation on those benefits until 2018. Gay individuals, parents and their children who receive their health insurance through their domestic partners pay income tax on dollar one of their benefits. This is

a huge disparity in the treatment of gays and straights. It is also a hardship for middle and low-income gay families and an injustice for all gays. Lobbying to include domestic partners in the “Cadillac tax” exemption would have been smart, non-controversial and helped many in our community. Instead of making progress, by ignoring this opportunity we were left with the expansion of a discriminatory system. One also has to ask where gay Democrats Barney Frank, Tammy Baldwin and Jared Polis were when this legislation was being debated for almost a year. Other Democrats stood up for their constituents to the point of ridicule but our advocates were silent. Perhaps that is because we did not ask them to speak up for us. There are many other areas in which a practical approach could improve the day-to-day lives of the majority of gay Americans, especially those who are middle and lower-income. The tax code is full of inequities and would be a good place to start looking for opportunities to change. Jessica Lee is a new board member of GOProud and regular contributor to the Blade. Reach her at jlee@goproud.org.

Re: “Holding wealthy gay donors accountable” (editorial by Kevin Naff, May 28) I am writing in response to the editorial on Gov. Martin O’Malley’s remarks at the OutGiving conference held in Chicago. I know many LGBT Marylanders were disheartened to hear the governor declare his belief that our state is not ready for full marriage equality. I beg to differ. In addition to the recent Washington Post poll, which found that a majority of registered voters support extending the freedom to marry to same-sex couples, Equality Maryland also commissioned a poll in the fall with a plurality of Marylanders standing behind equal protections for LGBT couples. While his recent comments are disappointing, it is important to point out that Gov. O’Malley has a long history of supporting our community. As mayor of Baltimore, he signed into law anti-discrimination protections on the basis of

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gender identity or expression in the areas of employment, housing and public accommodations. As governor, he has signed several relationship recognition bills into law, as well as a bill specifically protecting LGBT students. Recently, O’Malley directed state agencies to comply with Attorney General Doug Gansler’s opinion recognizing out-of-state same-sex marriages and has made multiple public statements in support of the opinion. The governor has also publicly committed to signing a marriage equality bill when it passes. We certainly can and should expect that our governor is in stride with the current times and the growing momentum behind equal protections in both his words and his actions. The funny thing is that if O’Malley openly and unequivocally claimed all that he has done on behalf of the LGBT community, this would be a very different conversation. Without access to civil marriage equality here at home and comprehensive statewide antidiscrimination laws, a large number of Marylanders are not being treated fairly under the law.

The election is less than six months away and we must continue to thank those who have stood by our side in the past, including Gov. O’Malley, while also pushing them to continue to work with us to realize true and lasting equality for all of Maryland’s families. — Morgan Meneses-Sheets, executive director, Equality Maryland Outing people who are themselves not elected officials is reprehensible. Shame on you, Kevin Naff. You have no right. The governor had nothing to do with the gay marriage case and did not “betray” the plaintiffs. Gov. O’Malley supports the attorney general’s opinion that the state must recognize out-of-state gay marriages. He has stated that he would sign a gay marriage bill when it is passed by the legislature. He implemented domestic partner benefits for state employees. He is a good and decent person who does not deserve your ill-informed vitriol. Save it for the man who vetoed every gay rights bill that crossed his desk. Save it for the man who is against gay partner hospital visitation. — Shannon Avery

Would GLBTQ Marylanders rather have Bob Ehrlich? Would backward Bob even speak to gay donors? Gov. O’Malley is open to hearing from us. He’s not perfect, but there are very few elected officials anywhere who are. At least Gov. O’Malley’s administration has shown support for LGBTQ constituents. There is a race in Maryland, and commentary like this has no chance of helping the GLBTQ community. Has-been Bob should be defeatedbyGov.O’Malley.—Brian Re: “House passes ‘Don’t Ask’ repeal” (news, May 28) Robert Gates, what are you doing? This has got to be one of the strangest requests from military/civilian leadership to our troops. In today’s Washington Post, he is quoted as saying (insinuating) that DADT and its repeal is no longer owned by the president, Congress or Pentagon! What? If I was in the military, told everyday to not think, just follow orders and do as I’m told, minute by minute, day after day, then I would be asking myself why my leaders are dumbfounded here. — Peter the Saint

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june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 23


‘ ’

We should celebrate single people From Kagan to Carrie, tough questions for the unmarried By KATHI WOLFE “If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you,” the fictional character Carrie Bradshaw, a writer, said in the HBO series “Sex and the City.” Some years later, with the movie “Sex and the City 2” playing nationwide and Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, an unmarried woman, slated to start June 28, I think to myself, Carrie really nailed what life’s often like if you’re single. Whether you’re straight or queer, your friends and family won’t throw a party or drink a toast to send you off on a long and happy single life. Forget the un-bridal gift registry. If you want presents, you’ll have to follow in Carrie’s footsteps, and, as she did in an episode of SATC, start a registry for yourself.

If you are single, after graduation there isn’t one occasion where people celebrate you.

As in the case of Kagan, if you’re unmarried, (particularly, if you’re over 40), people will question your sexual orientation. Though unmarried (or uncoupled) women may face these questions more often, rumors still swirl around single men (take the speculation about retired Supreme Court Justice David Souter’s sexual orientation). As a single lesbian, I feel for not only Kagan, Carrie and Souter, but for all, whether famous or unknown, straight or LGBTQ, who are unmarried or uncoupled. Why do I feel this bond? Because often, both the culture at large and the queer community, devalue single people. I don’t mean to paint the dividing line between the single and the unmarried with too wide a brush or to dismiss the joys of marriage. I have straight and LGBTQ friends who are both coupled and uncoupled. My late

partner Anne and I would have gotten married if we could have. We, who are queer, won’t have achieved equality until same-sex marriage is a legal right. Having enjoyed relationships, if the right woman came along, I’d think seriously about re-partnering. No question about it. When things are going well, love and marriage can, as the Frank Sinatra song says, “go together like a horse and carriage.” But not everyone wants to be a partner or to marry. Some folks, whether straight or LGBTQ, choose for part or all of their lives to be single. Others are single due to circumstances such as the death of a spouse. Either way, we’re still part of the community – a member of the same species as the coupled and married. You’d think people, queer and straight, would get this. Yet, too often, we

who are single are regarded, and sometimes treated, as if we’re aliens from another planet. Who knows if Kagan is lesbian? We won’t know if Kagan’s queer, unless she herself says what her sexual orientation is. But it’s a safe bet that her sexuality is up for discussion because she’s single. Whatever her orientation, I hope that if Kagan is confirmed, she’ll rule in favor of LGBTQ people when cases involving same-sex marriage come before the Supreme Court. This having been said though, I can’t help but wonder: has the sexual orientation of any married Supreme Court nominee been questioned during his or her confirmation hearings? (I’m not speaking here of Justice Clarence Thoma, as the issue of sexual harassment was involved during his confirmation process.) The speculation around Kagan mirrors the stereotypical assumptions that many, hetero and queer, have about single people. These misperceptions run the gamut from thinking we’re hyper-sexed narcissists to believing that we’re a-sexual workaholics. Granted,

there’s often a nugget of truth in stereotypes. Undoubtedly, some uncoupled folk are over-sexed, over-worked or self-absorbed. But most of us are no more horny, narcissistic or career-oriented than our coupled peers. Historically, the queer community has been a place where you could feel at home if you weren’t part of a couple. Single people, often treated as outsiders in the straight world, were respected in gay life. But, in the push for same-sex marriage equality, too frequently, we’re being metaphorically seated at the “children’s table.” Unlike Carrie, I don’t want to set up a registry for myself. (I couldn’t walk in Manolo Blahniks.) I’ve no desire to impede the fight for same-sex marriage. I only hope that single people will be given a place at the adult table. Kathi Wolfe is a local writer and poet. Reach her at kathiwolfe@aol.com.

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realestate washingtonblade

washingtonblade.com • vol. 41, issue 23 • june 4, 2010 • Page 24

Snagging a steal on a foreclosure deal David Bediz Sales Associate at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage June 1, 2010 There are some properties in the D.C. market that just sit, collecting dust and garnering little interest even after a year or more on the market. Sellers and their real estate agents dejectedly reduce the price until the property finally sells, often at a loss for the seller. While this is the sad story for many properties in our area, and while major media outlets continue to tout a nationwide buyer’s market, many local buyers are finding quite the contrary: a cut-throat, competitive contest for the wellpriced properties around the D.C. region, particularly in developing neighborhoods like Shaw, Petworth, the H-Street Corridor near Capitol Hill and Columbia Heights. Fed initially by the $8,000 federal tax credit, and fueled now by optimistic projections for the nationwide housing market in general, buyers are coming out of the woodwork to compete for foreclosure fire sales. The properties that seem to attract the most attention, almost regardless of their condition, are foreclosed houses in the $200,000350,000 price range. Most buyers recognize that those houses, if situated in an area they foresee to be continuously improving, are worth the risk, time and money involved in their rehabilitation. Developers are feeding the intensity of these competitive bid situations with their own aspirations of a quick-flip profit, and it

is not uncommon for a property to garner more than a dozen offers within a few days of being listed. Buyers David Morris and Justin Burkhardt bid on two properties, both near 8th and S Streets in Shaw, before successfully locking in their own home in LeDroit Park in April. The first home they bid on received eighteen offers in a week, and the second got nine offers without even having a kitchen. The couple also toured one house in Columbia Heights that was literally falling over, listed at $279,000. There were four other groups touring it at the same time they saw it. When they considered putting in an offer later that day, the couple learned that seven other offers had already been received and, unbelievably, all seven offers were from all-cash buyers. The 3-bedroom rowhome they ultimately won was not a foreclosure, but it was priced very attractively at $385,000. They beat six other offers to snag the deal, but they had to pay $70,000 over the asking price and cut appraisal and home inspection contingencies to make it happen. They also had to submit their offer the day after the house was listed in order to be considered. “I was utterly frustrated…it seemed we could never move fast enough, offer enough money or cut more contingencies to compete. We were elated when we found out the offer for our house was accepted,” Morris said. Another couple recently under contract for a short sale property said they learned quickly that D.C. is anything but a buyer’s market when it

comes to well-priced houses. Christopher Bulka and Andrew Hebbeler had to bid $126,000 over asking price for a two-bedroom home in Mt. Vernon Square, beating out 12 other offers. “Any time a property is listed below market value, it seems like it’s just a strategy to get multiple offers. It becomes a feeding frenzy, and you have to bid so much more over asking just to stay in the game.” Skilled buyers’ agents have a few strategies that are commonly recommended to succeed in a competitive bidding situation: The first is to move quickly. All buyers should subscribe to emailupdate providers either through their agents (using the Matrix MLS system) or through other reputable MLS access providers that are reporting current and accurate MLS information so they can find out about listings the day they come on the market… and go see them that day if possible. Trulia and Zillow, while excellent sources of information for research and neighborhood information, often display properties that are already under contract as “active” and usually don’t show properties that are listed the same day they go on the market. Getting an email alert immediately about new properties that meet buyer’s search criteria help them to stay on top of new listings and also aids in keeping their agents informed as well. The second tip most buyers should observe is to expect competition. Any foreclosure property is likely to be listed well below its true market value, and putting in an offer

less than asking price during the first week of its listing is usually not worth your time. If it has been listed a few weeks or longer without any offers, or if there are inherent irredeemable defects (e.g. no back yard, no view, a gas station next door, etc.), or problems with future financing of the property, this may not be the case. Relying on the advice of experienced agents to determine the best strategy in this matter is usually a good idea. Most buyers of foreclosure properties should, however, count on having to offer more than asking price to snag the deal. The property could be a good value, even $50,000100,000 over asking price. While there are many other intricacies to the bargain-buying process, the last, most important one is to clean up your offer. Often, the “cleanest” offer is accepted, even if it is not the highest one in dollars. Offering a contract free of financing, appraisal and home inspection contingencies, and with a short settlement period puts your best foot forward in a competitive situation, if you can swing it. And don’t even think about any other snags like a sale-ofhome contingency—banks won’t even entertain that idea, even if you’re the only one bidding. Finally, unless you are one of only a few bidders, don’t get up your hopes if you’re depending on FHA or FHA Rehab 203(k) financing, since banks invariably prefer offers financed with conventional loans, or deals with no financing at all. To this end, it’s important that buy-

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ers understand that they may want to offer to buy the home with their own cash, if possible, even if they eventually do want a mortgage. In fact, it may still be possible to finance the purchase between contract agreement and settlement, even if you put the offer in without mention of a loan. The important thing at the beginning is to lock in the house, and the guarantee of enough cash to cover the purchase if financing falls through is very attractive to any seller, bank or not. However, keep tip #2 in mind. Cash buyers look great, but don’t get greedy. Once financing is acquired by a competing buyer, your dollars are no better than theirs. You may be able to secure the property for slightly less than a financed buyer, but not significantly so. In general, the foreclosure market is proving that D.C. is actually a healthy real estate landscape. It can be frustrating for many buyers who feel they must attack any new listing without a second to spare, or who feel they can’t compete without a trust fund or lottery winnings to offer all-cash. But it is also helping to turn around neighborhoods that could use a little TLC, and some lucky few buyers have been able to acquire entire homes at unbelievably low prices. With a little strategy and a slight change in perspective, the next lucky buyer might be you. David Bediz and his business partner Dwight Mortensen can be reached at 202 352 8456 or 202 361 4400, or through their website at www.dwightanddavid.com.


june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 25

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june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 27

28 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


washington blade’s featured realestate listing of the week



june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 29

30 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


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Larry’s Lounge 2009 Most Pet Friendly Establishment in DC Corner of 18th & T St, NW Every Wednesday 4-8pm

Latino GLBT History Project’s Jose Gutierrez answers 20 questions. Page 32

arts & entertainment

washingtonblade.com • vol. 41, issue 23 • june 4, 2010 • Page 31

Los Angeles photo by Travis Dubreuil; courtesy of the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center; D.C. photo by Michael Key

The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center’s 44,000 square foot McDonald/Wright building (left), one of four buildings that houses the Center. With an annual operating budget of $50 million — expected to increase nearly $2 million for its upcoming fiscal year, which begins in July — the L.A. Center is by far the largest LGBT community center in the country. On the right is the current home of the D.C. Center just across from the Black Cat on 14th Street, N.W. in Washington. The Center has to be out of its present location by June 19 and has nowhere to go.

Still searching for a home D.C.'s gay community center loses lease, suffers from lack of city funding By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO Homelessness is a problem in every large city but in Washington it’s threatening an unlikely candidate: The D.C. Center, the District’s only LGBT community center, is getting dangerously close to a June 19 eviction notice and has nowhere to go. “I don’t know where we’re going,” said David Mariner, the Center’s executive director, who’s gay. “And realistically it’s quite possible that the next place we move to is not our final destination.” Progress is being made. Gay D.C. Councilmember Jim Graham, who helped the Center find its cur-

rent facility across from the Black Cat on 14th Street, which the Center knew was a temporary arrangement when it moved there in January, has been in touch with Mariner and Center board member Pat Hawkins this week about potential new sites and says he’s committed to helping them find a place. The Center operates many LGBT-specific programs such as tobacco prevention, an HIV working group, an anti-violence group, career development and more. Other LGBT groups, including the Washington Blade, use the space for meetings and events. “As recently as today I’ve got them referred to see a property in Columbia Heights,” Graham said Tuesday. “I haven’t heard back from them yet so it makes me think maybe they have another option. But anyway, I’m definitely involved. I don’t have earmarks anymore. If I had an earmark, they

would definitely get it.” Graham’s referring to no-bid contracts in the non-profit sector that were eliminated in 2009. “I go way back with these guys,” Graham said. “We definitely hope to get them settled.” Hawkins said the Center is facing two issues — the emergency, immediate need for space, but also a longer-term home. Center leaders hoped to be at their current location, owned by JBG Properties, longer than six months but a massive rebuilding of the site — retail and condos that will stretch to Swann Street — is getting started sooner than the Center had hoped. “Obviously we don’t want to move someplace and then be in the same position again in six months,” Hawkins, a lesbian, said. “We need to go someplace where the space won’t be developed fast and we’re getting good coopera-

tion. I think they all see this as very important and the will is there.” But the Center’s current dilemma is indicative, Mariner said, of deeper issues. He points to data from CenterLink, an umbrella organization of U.S. LGBT community centers, that show the D.C. Center — currently with a 6,000square-foot space that’s significantly larger than the office suite it occupied at 1111 14th St. just off Thomas Circle for five years — is much smaller than that of the average U.S. LGBT center, which has 9,706 square feet. He also points to government financial aid most centers receive. On average, according to CenterLink numbers, centers across the country receive 32 percent of their annual operating budgets from state and local government. D.C. provides none. The D.C. Center, which was incorporated in 2002 (the aver-

age U.S. center is 20 years old), has an annual operating budget of $130,000. It gets about $25,000 from federal grant money and makes up the rest through individual donors, fundraisers, corporate giving and selling ads in its newsletter. The Center received $200,000 in D.C. grant money for its crystal meth program in 2008 and 2009 ($100,000 each year) but hasn’t received anything from the District since August 2009. “We’re on track for federal and on track for individual donors,” Mariner said. “We’re not all that different in all those other categories. It’s just the local government support. That’s where we’re getting zero.” Early versions of the 2010 D.C. budget had the Center slated to receive $150,000 for the Continues on page 40

32 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

QUEERY: 20 Questions for Jose Gutierrez By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO Jose Gutierrez, a Reynosa, Mexico, native, moved to the U.S. (Austin, Texas) in the early ‘80s with his first boyfriend. He got involved with HIV and AIDS work early on in the epidemic after losing several friends. It eventually became his life’s work. After several years in Atlanta, he moved to Washington in 1993. He spent five years at Whitman-Walker before programming cuts led him to La Clinica Del Pueblo, a local Latino HIV organization where he’s a medical case manager. Gutierrez founded the Latino GLBT History Project in 2000. “I believe sometimes our names are erased from history by the gay community in general,” he says. “We are a passionate community and a community with lots of needs, barriers and limitations.” An outgrowth of the Project is Latino Pride, now in its fourth year and slated for June 11 at 6 p.m. at the Charles Sumner School (1201 17th Street, N.W.). Everyone is invited and there’s no admission charge. Gutierrez, who’s also active in the local leather scene and will be on a Leather Pride panel this year, admits all the sub-Pride groups can get a bit overwhelming. “Sometimes I do think maybe we should just all work together to provide one strong voice,” he says. “I think it would be very productive to celebrate all together, but some of us need to cele-

How long have you been out and who was the hardest person to tell? I have been out since I was 20 and the hardest person to tell was my mother.

What do you believe in beyond the physical world? I believe in God and I believe that God made us with love. Forgiveness is the pure thing.

Who’s your gay hero? Sylvia Rivera. She made important contributions in the struggle of Stonewall and in our LGBT movement. I met Sylvia Rivera in 1994 and she explained to me about her participation in Stonewall.

What’s your advice for LGBT movement leaders? History is very important for our community. We need to collect and preserve our history and teach our new generations about the multiple contributions of our sisters and brothers. Let’s work together for a better world.

What’s Washington’s best nightspot, past or present? The bar Escandalo, a Latino LGBT bar in the early ‘90s that was located on P Street. Escandalo supported our community in many ways. What’s your dream gay wedding? A Mexican wedding with mariachis, Mexican food and, of course, margaritas. What non-gay issue are you most passionate about? Women’s issues.

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

brate our identities, the culture and the language and everything.” Gutierrez, 47, is single and lives in Dupont Circle. He enjoys history, leather, activism, movies and poetry in his free time.

What historical outcome would you change? The AIDS epidemic. What’s been the most memorable pop culture moment of your lifetime? When I won the title of International Leatherboy 2002.

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On what do you insist? Honesty, forgiveness, peace and love.

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What was your last Facebook post or Tweet? Fourth D.C. Latino Pride, Friday June 11 at 6 p.m. in the Charles Sumner school. www.LatinoGLBTHistory.org If your life were a book, what would the title be? “Love Yourself and Love Others” If science discovered a way to change sexual orientation, what would you do? Nothing. I’m happy the way that I am.

What you walk across hot coals for? LGBT rights. What gay stereotype annoys you most? The negative stereotypes that mass media or people who work in the media sometimes use to describe our community. What’s your favorite gay movie? “Tongues Untied” What’s the most overrated social custom? Having people on Facebook as friends, but in reality we don’t know them and have never met. What trophy or prize do you most covet? A ticket for a concert of my favorite singer Chavela Vargas. She’s an icon in the LGBTQ movement in Mexico and Latin America. She is a representation of Mexican lesbians for generations. What do you wish you’d known at 18? About Latino LGBTQ history. Why Washington? I moved to Washington from Atlanta 17 years ago and I have been very active with the AIDS epidemic, organizing the Latino LGBTQ community and advocating at the local and national level. In 2000 I founded the Latino GLBT History Project to preserve the history of the DC Latino LGBTQ community for futures generations. Washington, D.C. is an international and diverse city with important opportunities for all.

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june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 33

34 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

SOCIALAGENDA Friday, June 4 RAW returns to the Green Lantern, 1335 Green Court N.W., from 10 p.m.-3 a.m. RAW is inspired by gay parties of the early 80s, filled with fog, strobe lights and throbbing music and features go-go boys and naughty performances. The hosts for the evening are Karl Marks and resident DJs, Shea and Bil. DJ Sirlinda will be the special guest DJ. Entry is free before 11 p.m., and $3 after that. 21 and over. REEL AFFIRMATIONS 20TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION. One in Ten invites you to help celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Reel Affirmations. The celebration takes place at 7 p.m. at the home of Alison and Dan Masey, 1700 Kalorama Road, N.W. The suggested donation for this event is $100. RSVP to lloudc@comcast.net. For more information visit oneinten.org. BALLS, a queer punk dance party, will be held at the Velvet Lounge, 915 U St., N.W. Visit velvetloungedc.com for more information.

Saturday, June 5 Special Friday night/Saturday Morning After Hours XXX CODE EVENT at The Crucible, 1816 Half Street S.W., from 2:30 a.m.-7 a.m. Strict CODE dress code enforced as always. $10 admission, music by DJs Bryan Yamasaki & C-Dubz. Join the DC Center for a discussion of INTIMATE PARTNER VIOLENCE WITH A FOCUS ON THE LGBTQ YOUTH AND TRANS COMMUNITIES. Panelists for these partner organizations will provide insight on the signs and fallout of partner violence among the people they serve, as well as the services they provide to combat violence. The forum takes place at 7 p.m. at the DC Center for the LGBT Community, 1810 14th Street, N.W. TOM GOSS and JEREMIAH CLARK are wrapping their 50-city tour with a performance at Freddie’s Beach Bar, 555 23rd St. South, Arlington, Va., from 8 p.m.-11 p.m. Tickets are $10 but only $5 if you are a Freddie’s VIP (you can fill out the form day of) and free if you wear pajamas. That’s right — it’s pajama night at Freddie’s! CODE, returns to EFN Lounge, 1318 9th St. N.W., for its monthly installment. Gear, rubber, skin, uniform or leather dress code will be strictly enforced. Music pro-

vided by DJ Frank Wild. Admission is $10. Code is an 18+ event. There will be an open bar from 9-10. QUEERING SOUND 10, an annual staging of alternative sound, digital arts, and spoken word from LGBT, post-genderidentified, supportive, and queer artisans. Queering Sound, presented by Triangle Artists Group and DC Sonic Circuits, takes place at 7 p.m. at Pyramid Atlantic, 8230 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. Performers include Arthur Loves Plastic, Michelle Webb, Nicholas Szczepanik, A.B. Miner, Insect Factory, Isnaj Dui, Dan Vera, Danielle Evennou, Blk w/Bear, VJ Poppins, Richard Chartier, Vlt, Blk, Soft Pieces, and Human Crochet Project. THE ANTHOLOGY OF BOOTY spins global booty beats for BackDoor at the 9:30 club backbar, 815 V St., N.W. Visit 930.com for more information.

Sunday, June 6 From 7 a.m.-4 p.m., DC STROKES ROWING CLUB hosts the 17th annual Stonewall Regatta. This year, the regatta will take place at Thompson Boat Center on the Potomac River. The Stonewall Regatta is a USRowing certified regatta. Athletes come from as far away as Toronto, Chicago, Boston and Denver to join our mid-Atlantic neighbors from Virginia, Maryland, and D.C. Go to dcstrokes.org for more details. If you and your partner are planning to wed in the DC Metropolitan area, then circle today on your calendar for a very special event. Pink Dot Concepts will premiere “SAY I DO!” — THE ULTIMATE LGBT WEDDING EXPO — at the Hotel Palomar, 2121 P St., N.W., from 1-6 p.m. For more information or to purchase tickets in advance, visit sayidoexpo.com.

Monday, June 7 VOLUNTEER NIGHT at 6:30 p.m., at the DC Center, 1810 14th St., N.W. Come for a chance to get involved with your local community center, and to check out the facility. Bring your friends and meet new ones. Activities may include updating the lending library, making safer sex kits, data entry, or anything else that needs to be done. Pizza and soda will be served. The DCJCC will be hosting the D.C. premiere of SETH RUDETSKY’S “DECONSTRUCTING

Photo courtesy of Goss

TOM GOSS and JEREMIAH CLARK are wrapping their 50-city tour with a performance at Freddie’s Beach Bar on Saturday. BROADWAY” at 8 p.m. Sirius/XM Radio star and Broadway pianist Seth Rudetsky explores his own private audio/video collection in his one-man show, “Deconstructing Broadway.” With perfect comic timing, Rudetsky deconstructs what’s vocally amazing and what’s a vocal travesty. He has played piano for more than a dozen Broadway shows including “Ragtime” and “Les Miserables.” Rudetsky wrote for “The Rosie O’Donnell Show,” was the vocal coach on MTV’s “Legally Blonde: Search for Elle Woods” and writes a weekly column at Playbill.com. The cost of the event is $15, $12 Washington DCJCC Members/Seniors/Students/Limited Income. Buy tickets at the JCC, or visit washingtondcjcc.org.

Tuesday, June 8 AltDCPride is proud to present COCOROSIE starting at 9:30 p.m. The queer band will be gracing the BLACK

CAT main stage, 1811 14th St., N.W., with their unique brand of ethereal, performance-infused rock.

Wednesday, June 9 POZ WEDNESDAYS from 8 p.m.-12 a.m., upstairs at the Green Lantern, 1331 Green Ct., N.W. Music by DJ C-Dubz. $3 Grey Goose from 9-11 p.m.

Thursday, June 10 DCBIWOMEN, the area’s social group for bisexual and bicurious women, will meet at Cafe Luna, 1633 P St., N.W., at 7 p.m. The group’s goal is to create an accepting, encouraging environment for bisexual women regardless of the gender of their partner or what they are looking for, meet other bi women and affirm the existence of the biidentity. Bi-curious women are welcome. For more information visit dcbiwomen.org.

BET MISHPACHAH ' Erev Shabbat Services, Fridays, 8:30 PM Followed by Oneg Shabbat Social

Shabbat Morning Services, 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 AM Followed by Kiddush Luncheon

DC JCC, 16th & Q Streets NW

Rabbi Toby Manewith


june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 35

Asbury United Methodist Church This week’s sermon:

“A Different Gospel” 926 11th Street, NW • Washington, DC 20001 Rev. Dr. Louis Shockley, Senior Pastor Regular Sunday Morning Services 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM www.asburyumcdc.org


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36 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

PRIDEAGENDA Friday, June 4 TASTE OF PRIDE at Annie’s Paramount Steakhouse, 1609 17th St., N.W., from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from 5-8 go to benefit Capital Pride. Mr. & Miss Capital Pride at Town Dance Boutique, 2009 8th St., N.W. from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. $10 cover. B.O.I. & The Ladies of LURe present Fuse – CAPITAL PRIDE’S OFFICIAL WOMEN’S KICK-OFF PARTY at Apex, 1415 22nd St., from 9 p.m. – 3 a.m. $12 cover. 18+ to enter. MEN’S PARTY at Mova, 1435 P St., N.W., from 9 p.m. with music by DJ Keith Hoffman. $10 suggested donation to Pride (includes free drink). DC LEATHER PRIDE – DUNGEON 101 at The Crucible, 1812 Half St., S.W., from 8 p.m. – 9 p.m., hosted by the Black Rose. 19+ to enter. Directly following will be an “Exploratorium” event from 9 p.m. – 11 p.m. Entry to the “Dungeon 101” hour is $10 if you’ve attended the previous Gateway (you will be given a card). Visit DCLeatherPride.com for more information. MR. & MS. CAPITAL PRIDE LEATHER STEP-DOWN PARTY at Motley Bar of the EFN Lounge, 1318 9th St., N.W., from 9 p.m. – 11 p.m. Matt Bamford and Jackie Thompson step down.

Saturday, June 5 TASTE OF PRIDE at Comet Ping Pong, 5037 Connecticut Ave., N.W., from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from 11 - 5 go to benefit Capital Pride. Divas at GWU’s Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st St., N.W., at 8 p.m. produced by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington. Tickets go from $20-50, go to gmcw.org. Pride Forum on Intimate Partner Violence focusing on LGBTQ Youth and Transgender Communities at DC Center, 1810 14th St., N.W., from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. produced by the Rainbow Response Coalition and the DC Center. DC LEATHER PRIDE 2010 EDUCATION COLLOQUY, a hands-on concurrent classes for beginners and experts to ensure safe, sane, and consensual encounters, at DC Center, 1810 14th St., N.W., from 10:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. produced by MTTA, Black Rose, and DC Leather Pride Committee. 18+ to enter. Visit DCLeatherPride.com for more information. DC LEATHER PRIDE CODE PARTY, a hands-on fetish and gear party with a strict dress code, guest appearances, and live entertainment, at Motley Bar of the EFN Lounge, 1318 9th St., N.W., from 9 p.m. – 2 a.m. 18+ to enter. Visit DCLeatherPride.com for more information. CAB presents DC LEATHER PRIDE ALL COLORS NIGHT, a celebratory gathering of all Metro DC leather clubs, at DC Eagle, 639 New York Ave., N.W., from 9 p.m. – 2 a.m. Visit DCLeatherPride.com for more information.

Sunday, June 6 PRIDE IN THE PARK at Six Flags America with special guest DC Cowboys! Tickets $26 at sixflags.com\america and use the promo code “CAPPRIDE” for discount.

DIVAS at GWU’s Lisner Auditorium, 730 21st St., N.W., at 3:00 PM present with ASL, produced by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington. Tickets $20-50, go to gmcw.org. KICK-OFF WITH FREDDIE’S at Freddie’s Beach Bar, 555 23rd St. St., Crystal City, at 9 p.m. TASTE OF PRIDE – NELLIE’S “TEA DANCE” and/or BBQ (Post Six Flags) at Nellie’s Sports Bar, 900 U St., N.W., from 5pm - 9pm. I DO! GLBT WEDDING EXPO at Hotel Palomar, 2121 P St., N.W., from 1 p.m. – 6 p.m. $10 at sayidoexpo.com. STONEWALL REGATTA XVII at Potomac River at Thompson’s Boat Center in Georgetown from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. Only rowers pay to participate. Visit dcstrokes.org for more information. TASTE OF PRIDE at Comet Ping Pong, 5037 Connecticut Ave., N.W., from 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from 11 - 5 go to benefit Capital Pride. TASTE OF PRIDE at Bucks Fishing & Camping, 5031 Connecticut Ave., N.W. from 5 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from 5 - 9:30 to benefit Capital Pride. DC Leather Pride 2010 Committee presents DC LEATHER PRIDE STREET FESTIVAL AND FAIR at DC Eagle Parking Lot, 639 New York Ave., N.W., from 1 p.m. – 8 p.m. Visit DCLeatherPride.com for more information. Defenders LLC presents DIGNITY CATHOLIC MASS at St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church, 1820 Connecticut Ave., N.W. at 6 p.m.

Monday, June 7 TOWN HALL – AGING PROUDLY at DC Center, 1810 14th St., N.W. at 7:00 p.m. Growing older has its own challenges, especially for the LGBT community. Bills? Wills? Night chills? All of that, and more, will be discussed in this town hall meeting on the issues we face as we grow older. \Featuring panelists Joseph Kapp from SAGE DC, Imani Woody from AARP, Courtney Williams from the DC Office on Aging, and Dr. Ray Martins from the Whitman-Walker Clinic. Moderated by Washington Blade editor Kevin Naff. ROUGE at Omega, 2122 P St., N.W. (REAR). Show at 10:30 p.m. $5 cover. Taste of Pride at Floriana, 1602 17th St., N.W., from 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds between 5 - 7:30 p.m. go to benefit Capital Pride. Seth Rudetsky’s DECONSTRUCTING BROADWAY [DC PREMIERE] at Jewish Community Center, 16th St. and Q St., N.W. at 8:00 p.m. $15; $12 for Members/Seniors/ Under 25; purchase tickets at washingtondcjcc.org/gloe.

Tuesday, June 8 CAPITAL TRANS PRIDE HAPPY HOUR at Mova, 1435 P St., N.W., from 6 – 8 p.m. Suggested donation to Capital Trans Pride. CAPITAL PRIDE INTERFAITH SERVICE at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 400 I St., S.W., at 7:30 p.m. CAPITAL PRIDE UNDERWEAR FASHION SHOW AND AUCTION at JR.’s, 1519 17th St., N.W., at 10 p.m. Brought to you by JR’s and Universal Gear.

Washington Blade file photo by Michael Key

Join the DC COWBOYS at Pride in the Park at Six Flags America this Sunday. TWILIGHT TUESDAY at Donovan House, 1155 14th St., N.W., from 8 p.m. – 2 a.m. TASTE OF PRIDE at Floriana, 1602 17th St., N.W., from 5 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. A portion of the proceeds between 5 - 7:30 p.m. go to benefit Capital Pride. QUEERS IN THE ARTS: A Panel Discussion Across Artistic Disciplines at The Fridge, Rear Alley, 516 8th St., S.E., from 7 – 9 p.m. Produced by Alt.DC.Pride

Wednesday, June 9 35TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY at Donovan House, 1155 14th St., N.W., from 6:30 p.m. – 12 a.m. $10-20 Suggested Donation. Brought to you by Donovan House, Zentan Restaurant, Amtrak and Booz | Allen | Hamilton WOMEN’S JELLO WRESTLING at Phase I, 525 8th St., S.E., from 9 p.m. – 2 a.m. $10 Cover, 21+ TASTE OF PRIDE at Cabana’s Restaurant, 3050 K St., N.W., from 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. go to benefit Capital Pride. CAPITAL PRIDE CHAMPIONS OF EQUALITY RECEPTION at 6:30 p.m. RSVP online at steindemocrats.org/events/2010capitalpride. $25 requested donation to The Gertrude Stein Club. Produced by the Gertrude Stein Democratic Club. Wednesday (and Thursday), don't miss the HOT MEN OF SECRETS. Dancing all night. Doors open at 9 p.m. Visit secretsdc.com for a full list of specials.

Thursday, June 10 WOMEN’S SPOKEN WORD at HRC Equality Forum, 1640 Rhode Island Ave., N.W., from 7 -9 p.m. Visit the calendar of activities at capitalpride.org to send in a submission. VIVA EQUALITY Featuring Pop Icon Fangoria! at Town Dance Boutique, 2009 8th St., N.W., at 9:00 p.m. Produced by HRC. $10 at the door.

TASTE OF PRIDE – BURGERS AT NELLIE’S at Nellie’s Sports Bar, 900 U St., N.W., from 5 – 9 p.m. HOMO HOTEL HAPPY HOUR from 6 – 9 p.m. Location to be determined. WOMEN’S HAPPY HOUR at Black Squirrel, 2427 18th St., N.W., from 7:00 11:00 p.m. TASTE OF PRIDE at Level One, 1639 R St., N.W., from 5 – 11 p.m. A portion of the proceeds from 5 – 11 p.m. go to benefit Capital Pride. PANEL DISCUSSION WITH OBAMA’S LGBT APPOINTEES at the National Press Club, 14th and F St., N.W., from 6:30 – 8 p.m. Hosted by the DC Chapter of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association; sponsored by the Washington Blade. JUNE NETWORKING THURSDAY at I. Gorman Jewelers Showroom, 1133 20th St., N.W., at 6:30 p.m. Produced by CAGLCC. LATIN@S EN ACCION OPEN HOUSE at DC Center, 1810 14th St., N.W., from 4 – 9 p.m. NORTHERN VIRGINIA LGBT PRIDE INTERFAITH SERVICE at MCC of Northern VA, 10383 Democracy Lane, Fairfax, VA, at 7:00 p.m. BASICS OF BUDDHISM at SGI-USA Culture Center, 3417 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., 7 - 8:30 p.m. Produced by Rainbow Buddhas QUEERS IN THE MEDIA: A Panel Discussion at DC Center, 1810 14th St., N.W., from 7 – 9 p.m. Produced by Alt.DC.Pride Out at Arena - R. Buckminster Fuller: THE HISTORY (and Mystery) OF THE UNIVERSE! at Arena Stage in Crystal City, 1800 S Bell St. Show Starts at 8 p.m. $31 Front Orchestra Seats! 50% off tickets! Visit arenastage.org to buy tickets. Use discount code BUCKYBALLS! After Party immediately following at Freddie’s Beach Bar, 555 S. 23rd St. Meet Sahara Davenport at Macy’s Metro Center, Men’s Department on 2nd Floor, 1201 G St., N.W. from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

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38 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

SOCIALAGENDA: Black Pride - opening reception @ Hamilton Crowne Plaza

Washington Blade photos by Erin Weber

SOCIALAGENDA: Black Pride - fashion show @ Sphinx

Washington Blade photos by Michael Key

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 39

SOCIALAGENDA: Black Pride Health & Wellness Festival

Washington Blade photos by Michael Key

Washington Blade photos by Erin Weber

40 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


DC Center searching for (another) new home Want to help? DC Center moving day Saturday, June 19 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1810 14th Street, N.W. Volunteers are asked to help in two-hour shifts To help, e-mail movingday@thedccenter.org

Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

DAVID MARINER (right), executive director of the DC Center, said he doesn't know where the organization will go after its rental agreement expires in two weeks. Continued from page 31 crystal meth program and $1 million for a permanent home, but neither made it into the final budget. The 2011 budget, which Council gave preliminary approval to last week, similarly has no Center allocations. Mike Sessa, president of the Center board and a co-founder, says grant funding has been an ongoing struggle. “Any center wants to be funded by the government in which it’s housed,” Sessa, who’s gay, said. “So it’s a challenge because this city government is so fucked up. You wouldn’t believe the back and forth we went through with the Department of Health for a half-amillion grant. Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth. We went back and forth for months and months and then it got pulled. The fact that this city can’t get its act together affects everyone, so we’re moving on.” Mariner said it’s remarkable that the Center managed to make up the rest of its budget after losing the crystal meth D.C. grant money this year. A development committee worked on innovative ways of diversifying revenue streams and was largely successful.

“It really was quite remarkable,” Mariner said. “That’s the good news.” But he said compared to how other large U.S. cities fund their LGBT community centers — eye-poppingly large and splashy centers in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York are often pointed to as models to emulate — D.C. is woefully behind.

THIRD TIME’S A CHARM? The D.C. Center is the District’s third attempt at an LGBT community center. The Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance (GLAA; then known as GAA) started one in 1972 but it ran out of funds and was closed by mid-1973. The Washington Area Gay Community Council had another called simply the Gay Community Center that ran from 1978 to 1989 but it too eventually closed, plagued by financial difficulties. “We got some small little grants but we mostly paid the rent by renting space, by a small membership and doing a lot of fundraising,” said James Crutchfield, who’s gay and was president from 1982-88. “We also had great swimming parities that made a lot of money for us. Swimsuits were optional.”

An issue that has always plagued the concept of a D.C. LGBT center, whomever might be running it, is whether there was or is a need for such a thing. For years Whitman-Walker Clinic fulfilled many of the health-related needs provided by many gay community centers in other cities. “After we lost so much leadership when the [AIDS] epidemic first hit, the Clinic began taking on a lot of those functions,” said Hawkins, a former WhitmanWalker psychologist. “The gay and lesbian hotline, gay men’s peer counseling groups, a lot of functions evolved because [former Whitman-Walker director] Jim Graham had the vision for those things. But now that the Clinic has moved back into more of a medical focus, those secondary services are not as primary as they once were, so now some of those things are moving to the Center. Like the yoga for bears. You’d never see something like that at a federally qualified health center. The community has evolved. Everybody’s not dying like they were for so long, so there’s room for broader, long-range development.” Sessa said he couldn’t believe

there wasn’t a gay community center when he moved here in 1999. “There was just a community feel that was missing,” he said. “Yes, there are a million groups to join. If you want to play rugby, you go play gay rugby or if you want to sing or bowl or dance or whatever. But you just go and do that one thing. I didn’t want any of those things or to have a sense of community that was that specific. I just found it very difficult to engage with the gay community. Whitman-Walker had kind of served as a de facto center, but that was when we were building our communities around HIV. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing. It happened out of necessity, but our community does not equal HIV.” Mariner points to the $43 that California spends per lesbian, gay and bisexual person based on Census and Williams Institute estimations and the more than $17 New York spends and says D.C. is egregiously behind. “Imagine what I could do with $43 per person,” he said. “We are marginally better than Ohio, three times better than South Carolina, but for the cities that are really international hubs and pride themselves on diversity of all their residents, of those cities, we’re in the

lower echelon. Even Minnesota has roughly twice what we have.” But is it fair to compare D.C. to cities like Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, which have significantly larger populations and LGBT community centers that are decades older than D.C.’s? Mariner said when you consider the size of the D.C. metro area, which, of course, includes parts of Maryland and Virginia, D.C. is right up there in terms of the size of its LGB population. He’s right — according to Williams Institute figures, D.C. is number six with an estimated 191,959 LGB residents in its metro area, just behind New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Boston (transgender residents haven’t been counted). But taking into consideration other factors, an informal Blade study found that those aren’t the most comparable cities overall. The Blade looked at a number of factors and came up with a list of cities that have more in common with D.C. and compared their centers. In terms of numbers of LGB residents for the city alone, Washington comes in only at number 19, just between San Antonio and Sacramento, according to Williams Institute and Census estimates. The percentage of LGB residents of its total population places it much higher — at number nine for the country, just between Denver and Orlando. In terms of the general population, D.C. is only the 27th largest U.S. city, between Nashville and Las Vegas. General populations for metro areas place it much higher — there it’s number eight, between Houston and Atlanta. So how does D.C.’s Center compare to the cities with which it has the most in common? Terry Stone, executive director of CenterLink, said D.C. is doing quite well. “It’s really unfair to compare to L.A., Chicago and New York,” Stone, who’s gay, said. “L.A., for instance, has been around almost 40 years. Chicago’s (Center on Halsted) is almost 30 years and even though it’s certainly one of the grandest, it took Continues on page 48

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 41


Collaborating on — and off — the stage Gay couple brings Chilean tale to life By PATRICK FOLLIARD As two mainstays of Washington Shakespeare Company (WSC), Jay Hardee and Christopher Henley have collaborated on numerous productions, either directing one another or acting together. Last season closed with Hardee’s staging of Tennessee Williams’ “Small Craft Warnings” in which Henley played Quentin, the washed-up gay screenwriter; and currently Hardee is again directing Henley as “He,” the embodiment of state-inflicted evil in the world English language premiere of Chilean playwright Marco Antonio de la Parra’s “Every Young Woman’s Desire,” an intense allegory of Pinochet’s brutal dictatorship. “Jay and I have a very easy working relationship,” attests Henley, WSC’s artistic director. “The creative part is never strained. It’s the administrative side that can get stressful, mainly because there are so few of us doing so much. (Hardee does double duty as the company’s

unpaid publicist; and in July, Henley plans to leave his longtime position at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to become WSC’s sole full-time employee.) Incidentally, Hardee and Henley are also engaged. The pair’s relationship sprouted as a backstage romance. They met during production of Scena Theatre’s “Ivona, Princess of Burgundia” in 2004. Hardee was understudying for Henley. “We spent time together going over blocking, and pretty soon I developed a crush,” remembers Hardee with a sly smile. “When the show’s D.C. run ended, I asked Christopher [Henley] to dinner. He agreed to come, but didn’t realize it was actually a date until about halfway through. Although Christopher looks very young for his age, he didn’t assume that someone 20 years his junior wanted to date him. I’m happy to report he was pleasantly surprised. We’ve been together ever since.” While the soon-to-be newlyweds have cemented travel plans for a mid-November honeymoon (two weeks in Tobago and Surinam), Hardee and Henley have

‘Every Young Woman’s Desire’ Through June 20 Washington Shakespeare Theatre 601 S. Clark St. Arlington, VA $26.50-$36.50 www.washingtonshakespeare.org

Photo courtesy of the couple

JAY HARDEE and CHRISTOPHER HENLEY, mainstays at Washington Shakespeare Company, are engaged. yet to set a date to marry. They’ve agreed, however, that it will be before the November elections. “We’ve been assured by friends that D.C. marriage equality can’t be overturned like in California,” reports Hardee. “But we’re not willing to risk any sort of political backlash, so we’re aiming for a civil ceremo-

ny sometime between now and November.” Before same-sex marriage was legalizex in D.C., Hardee and Henley had already considered tying the knot. To them, it is simply the next logical step in the progression of their relationship. “We want to be as important to each other as we can be,” shares

Henley. “And it’s nice to have our love for one another acknowledged in a public way.” Back to the couple’s current joint endeavor: “Every Young Woman’s Desire.” Hardee learned of de la Parra as a student at Tufts when he was cast as a woman (the first of many cross gender performances to come) in one of his other plays. More recently, Hardee’s desire to bring some diversity to WSC’s mission of boldly and provocatively tackling the classics reacquainted him with the playwright. “It’s a very magical realist piece with wild tone shifts,” explains Hardee. “Christopher plays a mysterious man who sneaks into a young woman's [Kari Ginsburg] apartment, and ruthlessly takes control of her body and mind.”

42 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


A window on the soul of American men Mamet’s ‘Buffalo’ explores bonds of friendship at Studio By DAVID J. HOFFMAN You will recognize it immediately as “Mamet-speak.” It’s David Mamet’s signature clipped, spare dialogue, strafing the audience with F-bombs, in a vernacular for a low-rent world crackling with dog-eat-dog hypermasculinity. This is Mamet’s “American Buffalo,” now at D.C.’s Studio Theatre in Logan Circle, extended again until June 20. It is a play awash with deep undercurrents of violence and cross-cutting tensions of male friendship, love and loneliness, and imminent threat of harm and the intense need not to be alone. It is a play that will change your view of several things – male relationships, corporateworld betrayals and get-richquick schemes now laid painfully bare in the ugly aftermath of the fiscal crisis of 2007-2009 and the continuing Great Recession that

stalks Main Street and our street. For Mamet’s 1975 play “American Buffalo” is his masterwork with an authentic claim to rank high in the canon of contemporary American theater. It is arguably his greatest work, even now in the wake of so many other remarkable works, such as “Glengarry Glen Ross” (1984 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award) and screenplays for films such as “The Verdict” and “The Untouchables.” In “American Buffalo,” Mamet’s command of the stage grips the audience by the throat from the start through high-tension scenes veiled with hints of violence ready to erupt as three men plot a smalltime heist, to its poignant conclusion of sadly sweet reconciliation. It is the directorial swan song for the Studio Theatre’s founding artistic director Joy Zinoman and as such she departs the role not with any easy whimper but the roar of a major bang. Even though the revolver one of the men brandishes may or may not be fired, putting in suspense Chekhov’s famous dictum that a gun introduced in Act 1 must be fired before final curtain.

‘American Buffalo’ Studio Theatre 1501 14th St., N.W. Through June 20 $35-$63 202-332-3300 studiotheatre.org

Photo courtesy of Studio Theatre

JOY ZINOMAN makes her directorial swan song for Studio Theatre with a memorable production of David Mamet’s ‘American Buffalo.’ Throughout the play the three men circle each other like scorpions trapped in a bottle — Danny, owner of a second-hand junk shop, where

all of the action takes place; Bobby, his fragile young protege, strung-out either on drugs or despair or both; and Teach, menacing and know-it-

all, channeling his own inner demons with every breath and nano seconds away from explosive fury. Their goal is how best to carry out the heist of a valuable coin collection — what Alfred Hitchcock would call the “Maguffin” of the story, since the play really isn’t about the coin collection, but it is the source of the title, “American Buffalo,” for a buffalohead nickle. The play is really about who and how the crime will be committed, and if it unravels, what then will become of these tortured lost souls? In the process, bonds of friendship including feelings born from an ersatz father-son relationship will be tested and possibly found wanting. See this play if you care about male bonding, for it offers a window into the soul of American men, sometimes at their worst, possibly even at their best.

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 43


Gaga over divas From Garland to Madonna, GMCW brings fierce women to life By DAVID J. HOFFMAN They’ve been waiting in the wings for three years now, until the right time for the curtain to rise. That’s how long the show has been a twinkle in the eye of Jeff Burhman, artistic director of the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington (GMCW), together with his artistic team, waiting for the right time to stage their production of ‘DIVAS.’ And that time has finally arrived — beginning tomorrow night and then again on Sunday and then “poof!” DIVAS will be gone — so move quickly if you wish to see these legends together at last on one stage. At GWU’s Lisner Auditorium these two days only. This “broads with their balls-to-thewall” musicale is simply spectacular, a cycle of song and dance in tribute to the Glorious Gals about whom we are so “gaga,” plus a few guys who have risen to “diva” status. From

Garland to Gaga, they are legends in our own minds as well as their own. Because it’s all about them. As usual. In the words of the show’s creator Jeff Buhrman — now in his 10th season as GMCW’s artistic director — “it’s so high energy and so off-the-top-of-the-charts” that DIVAS is almost destined to become a legend of its own as a show, a “diva” perhaps itself, and so, of course, attention must be paid. “Our chorus, our dancers, our soloists, and our special guest star, Christopher Peterson, have the broads with balls attitude” that every diva should demand from those providing her with needed homage, said Buhrman. How many divas? Lots, as it’s the night of shooting stars. And how do we love them? Let us count the ways. There’s Garland, of course, with happiness always hovering just over the rainbow, the actress betrayed by her roles. A star is born, and the star then flies too close to the sun and perishes slowly, inch by booze-soaked inch. And there’s Karen Carpenter, too, a B-list echo of Garland’s

‘DIVAS’ Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington GWU’s Lisner Auditorium 202-293-1548 gmcw.org

Photo courtesy of Peterson

Christopher Peterson channels an array of fabulous women, including Bette Midler, in ‘DIVAS.’ study in addictive self-abuse. More cheerfully, there’s Julie Andrews, Bette Midler and Cher. And standing so tall among her fellow divas that her shadow casts a thousand points of light for miles in every direction — Barbra Streisand. And Madonna. And Beyonce. And the diva du jour, Lady Gaga herself. But wait, there’s more.

According to Buhrman, several male divas will also be honored with impersonations - “the oldest and dearest being Liberace,” but Buhrman would not be cajoled into divulging the other names, except to say that they will be “very recognizable, but their names will not even appear in the programs,” he added with sly amusement. “We

enjoy surprising the audience.” The headliner of course is Christopher Peterson, described by Buhrman as “the foremost female impersonator” with regular shows in Key West, Provincetown and Rehoboth Beach. Peterson is unique, says Buhrman, in that he not only morphs into each persona with costumes — and there are nearly 15 such major costume changes in all, done rapid-fire — ”but he also sings, not lip-synchs the stars in their actual voices.” In addition to Peterson and the chorus and soloists, the GMCW dance troupe, ever light on their feet, will perform several homages, according to Buhrman, including one to Madonna’s “Vogue” persona and “this will be a real treat,” he promises. The 175 singers will also be joined by a small pit band and in some cases by musical tracks as accompaniment.

44 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010



saturday, june 5

friday, june 4

DC JAZZ FESTIVAL: NEA JAZZ MASTERS LIVE CONCERT Thursday, June 10 DC Jazz Festival Lincoln Theatre dcjazzfest.org The NEA Jazz Masters Live Concert features an All-Star Tribute to NEA Jazz Master James Moody, featuring the Dizzy Gillespie All-Stars and special guests Regina Carter, Roy Hargrove, Roberta Gambarini & NEA Jazz Masters Kenny Barron and Paquito D'Rivera.

UNDECIDED: A DIALOG BETWEEN ARTIST AND VIEWER. Del Ray Artisans. 703-838-4827. thedelrayartisans.org.

thursday, june 10

AMERICAN MASTERS - RODGERS, KERN, HAMMERSTEIN AND HART. Congressional Chorus at Ellington Theater. 202-399-7993 x182. congressionalchorus.org. NOI CHAMBER ORCHESTRA. Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. 301-405-ARTS. claricesmithcenter.umd.edu. VIVALDI’S EXTRAORDINARY FOUR SEASONS. National Chamber Ensemble at Rosslyn Spectrum. 703-573-7328. nationalchamberensemble.org.

ELLEN DELANEY’S COLOR FIELDS. The Art League. 703-683-1780. theartleague.org.

sunday, june 6

RANDALL GRAHM ON WHY TERROIR MATTERS WITH GUIDED WINE TASTING Thursday, June 10 Smithsonian Resident Associate Program Smithsonian National Museum of American Indian 202-633-3030 residentassociates.org Learn about the importance of terroir in winemaking through a talk and guided tasting of six Bonny Doon wines led by Randall Grahm, the vineyard's founder and proprietor. AMERICAN BUFFALO Through June 13 The Studio Theatre 202-332-3300 studiotheatre.org In a Chicago South Side junk shop, three smalltime thieves, Don, Teach and Bobby, conspire to steal a valuable coin collection from a wealthy man. As these self-defined entrepreneurs plot a crime that never happens, they prove to be dark soul mates to those making headlines today. THURGOOD Through June 20 The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 202-467-4600 kennedy-center.org Laurence Fishburne stars in Thurgood, the dramatic retelling of the life of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Rising from the streets of Baltimore to the highest court in the land, Marshall bravely challenged and proudly served his country. The Guide to Arts & Culture is supplied by CulturalCapital.com, a program of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington. NEA JAZZ MASTERS: Photo by Ronald H. Green; RANDALL GRAHM: Photo by Alex Krause; AMERICAN BUFFALO: Peter Allas, Jimmy Davis and Edward Gero (L to R). Directed by Joy Zinoman. Photo by Scott Suchman. Copyright 2010 The Studio Theatre. All rights reserved; THURGOOD: Photo supplied by the Kennedy Center.

wednesday, june 9 A COLLECTIONS CONVERSATION. Dumbarton House. 202-337-2288. dumbartonhouse.org.

LAST CHANCE through june 5 McLEAN PROJECT FOR THE ARTS EXHIBITION. McLean Project for the Arts. 703-790-1953. mpaart.org. MIKVEH. Theater J at Washington DC Jewish Community Center. 800-494-8497. washingtondcjcc.org. MINDGAME. Spot-LYTE at Workhouse Arts Center. workhousearts.org.

through june 6 DUKE ELLINGTON’S SOPHISTICATED LADIES. Arena Stage at Lincoln Theatre. 202-488-3300. arenastage.org. RIVERDANCE. The Filene Center at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. 703-255-1868. wolftrap.org.

through june 7 CLASSICAL REALISM: NEW WORKS BY TERESA OAXACA. The Art League. 703-683-1780. theartleague.org. MIDDLE EAST FESTIVAL: VOICE OF THE WOMAN. Theater J. 800-494-8497. washingtondcjcc.org.

LIMITED ENGAGEMENT through june 5 IVAN FISCHER, CONDUCTOR / STRAVINSKY & RIMSKY-KORSAKOV. National Symphony Orchestra at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org.

SYMPHONY SPECTACULAR. American Youth Philharmonic Orchestras at George Mason University Center for the Arts. 703-642-8051. nationalphilharmonic.org. SOHEIL NASSERI, PIANO. Strathmore. 301-581-5100. strathmore.org. THE KENNEDY CENTER CHAMBER PLAYERS PLAY GIESEKING, SZYMANOWSKI & SCHUBERT. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. GRETCHEN PETERS IN CONCERT. Workhouse Arts Center. 703.584.2900. workhousearts.org.

monday, june 7 JEFF BECK. The Filene Center at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. 877-WOLFTRAP. wolftrap.org.

tuesday, june 8 A JOURNEY INTO JAZZ: LEARNING TO LISTEN AND EXPLORE. Smithsonian Resident Associate Program at Smithsonian S. Dillon Ripley Center. 202-633-3030. residentassociates.org. JETHRO TULL. The Filene Center at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. 877-WOLFTRAP. wolftrap.org. MATT SAVAGE TRIO. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org.

wednesday, june 9 BACKSTREET BOYS. The Filene Center at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. 877-WOLFTRAP. wolftrap.org.

june 5 - june 6

thursday, june 10

DANCEAFRICA DC 2010. Dance Place. 202-269-1600. danceplace.org.

DAVID KITCHEN IN CONCERT. Athenaeum. nvfaa.org. JIMMY CLIFF. The Filene Center at Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts. 877-WOLFTRAP. wolftrap.org. STORIES OF EXPLORATION. National Geographic. 202-857-7700. events.nationalgeographic.com.

through june 11 JUNE CHAMBER FESTIVAL. The Kreeger Museum. 202-338-3552. kreegermuseum.org.

june 10 - june 12 KRISTJAN JRVI, CONDUCTOR / EVELYN GLENNIE, PERCUSSION, PLAYS TUUR. National Symphony Orchestra at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org.

ONE NIGHT ONLY friday, june 4 BARBARA COOK’S SPOTLIGHT: JOHN PIZZARELLI & JESSICA MOLASKEY. The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. FOLK & BLUES SERIES: HOWARD LEVY. Montpelier Arts Center. 301-377-7800. pgparks.com.

ONGOING SWINGTIME! THE FABULOUS FORTIES. The In Series at Atlas Performing Arts Center. 202-204-7763. inseries.org. GRUESOME PLAYGROUND INJURIES. Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company. 202-393-3939. woollymammoth.net. R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER: THE HISTORY (AND MYSTERY) OF THE UNIVERSE. Arena Stage at Crystal City Theatre. 202-488-3300. arenastage.org. HENDRICK AVERCAMP: THE LITTLE ICE AGE. National Gallery of Art. nga.gov. COMMON BOND EXHIBITION. Strathmore. strathmore.org.

june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 45

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46 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


Feeling fresh with a ‘menema’ New natural product from Fleet targets gay men By DAVID J. HOFFMAN Your buns. Your caboose. Your ass (AKA donkey). “Keep them clean. Naturally.” That’s the new advertising tag line for Fleet Naturals “cleansing enemas,” an ad campaign now running in this paper and other LGBT publications and in the blogosphere beginning last month in a major new initiative targeting gay men. So, a picture of buns, of a train’s caboose, or of a donkey leads the display ads, which stress that nondrug Fleet Naturals, used for “elective rectal cleansing” — unlike stronger laxative enemas — can be safely used daily. “Now you can feel clean and fresh,” whispers the ads seductively, in a purring style reminiscent of earlier ad campaigns targeting women seeking douches. Almost inevitably, Fleet’s campaign for elective rectal cleansing has ushered a new word into

our vocabulary, the product being dubbed “menemas.” And let the sniggering begin. After all, the subject is an awkward one, in effect “the dirty truth,” that anal sex can be messy sex, and for a long time gay men — “bottoms,” to be blunt, in anal sex — have sought means to douche before sex, sometimes using a shower-head device, sometimes using a standard over-the-counter laxative enema, like those sold for years by the friendly folks at Fleet, a family-owned company based in Lynchburg, Va., marketing the regular saline laxatives as Fleet Enemas, and also Pedialax for kids and “Summer’s Eve” vaginal douche for women. “Fleet did market research,” said company PR consultant Wes Combs, “and discovered that nearly 4 percent of the general population uses enemas for elective cleansing,” often in the form of so-called “colonics” or bowel-purging for health and wellness reasons, not as a laxative to soften stool mass in the colon to ease a bowel movement. Especially striking were the figures that in the last year,

one in five gay men have elected to use an enema product. Despite society’s obsession with butts — from low-rise jeans to J.Lo’s cantilevered booty to the ever-popular “best butt in D.C.” contests at the Apex nightclub — we remain unable to face the topic without engaging in euphemisms, hence the Fleet campaign talking about buns, cabooses and asses. And market research shows convincingly that humor is the best way to soften resistance on the part of consumers to facing facts about sensitive areas such as this one. Combs says that the purpose of the ads is “to have us chuckle a little” and then realize, well yes, this makes sense for me and my lifestyle. No need to back away from this topic after all. Flushing out the messiness is what it’s all about. And no need to use harsher chemicals, such as sodium phosphates found in regular laxative enema kits. And no need to use reusable enema products, which may be less sanitary since shower-based utensils, inserted into the rectum can later be found to harbor fecal bacteria.

Photo by iStockphoto.com/brainsil

Fleet’s new ad campaign uses humor to address an awkward topic. Fleet Naturals have no active ingredients unlike the sodium phosphates of standard laxatives and are also drug-free, according to a company statement stressing also that the product is doctor-

approved and clinically tested. Unlike the standard laxatives, the Naturals brand can be used daily without adverse effect. For more information, visit fleetnaturals.com.

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48 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010


D.C. trails other cities in gov't support of gay centers Continued from page 40 them several years of working in small spaces to make that a reality. And they’ve only been in that space two or three years.” The cities most comparable to Washington — San Antonio, Sacramento, Denver, Orlando, Boston, Dallas, Nashville, Las Vegas, Houston and Atlanta — vary wildly in terms of their LGBT Centers (Boston and Dallas are above and below D.C. on the ranking of GLB residents in terms of their respective metro areas, according to Census estimates). San Antonio, Boston and Atlanta don’t have centers. They previously did but they’ve all been closed for years. Some of the gay needs in those cities are met by other organizations, such as Boston’s Fenway Health and the Boston Alliance of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Youth (BAGLY). Has Boston suffered by not having a Center? BAGLY’s executive director Grace Sterling Stowell said no. “I tend to think the community

responds to its needs and if there’s a need it’s created,” Stowell, who’s transgender, said. “If there’s not, it goes away. There are different models for different cities, towns and states.” Stone said Sacramento’s Lambda Gay & Lesbian Community Center is “very active” and has an operating budget in the $250,000 range. Nashville’s OutCentral is “very small” and volunteer run. The Houston GLBT Community Center leases its building, has some paid staff and operates with a budget less than $500,000. Orlando’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Center of Central Florida is “very active with paid staff,” Stone said. It owns its own building and has a budget under $500,000. Dallas’s Resource Center Dallas is huge with a $4.6 million budget, but it serves a dual role as both an LGBT center and HIV clinic. Rafael McDonnell, the center’s communications director, said it gets 65 percent of its budget from government funding but only a small portion of that goes to the LGBT side of the operation.

“We had a small amount from the city of Dallas for a Latino outreach program but it was cut,” McDonnell, who’s gay, said. He said Dallas’s mayor and city council members have traditionally been highly supportive of the center’s efforts. D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty’s office did not respond to a request seeking comment for this story. “We’ve had really great relationships with our last three mayors, going back into the ‘90s,” McDonnell said. “I think different cities build community in different ways. What works in Dallas might not work in Atlanta, might not work in Phoenix.” Las Vegas’s 17-year-old Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Southern Nevada has a $419,000 annual budget, leases its 6,000 square foot building and gets no city help, though it does get 30 percent in local grants and contracts. Denver’s 34-year-old Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Center of Colorado gets 13 percent of its $2.5 million budget from grants. It owns its 15,000 square

foot building and got a $250,000 grant from the city of Denver toward its building.

LOOKING AHEAD Supporters of the D.C. Center who hope local activists will make the Center a priority now that same-sex marriage is legal in D.C. might be in for a rude awakening. While activists such as GLAA’s Rick Rosendall express support for the Center amid a host of legislative goals, BAGLY’s Grace Sterling Stowell said things didn’t play out that way in Boston after Massachusetts became the first state to legalize same-sex marriage in 2004. She hoped activists there would turn their attention to BAGLY but they didn’t. “The community has kind of turned its attention to other issues,” she said. “Helping marriage expand to other parts of New England and focusing on supporting legislators who supported it in their reelection campaigns. A freestanding community center is a hard thing to sustain unless the whole community

sees it as a priority and that’s a challenge. Our community has not seen it as a priority.” Could Chicago’s Center on Halsted, which leases space to a Whole Foods, be a business model for D.C. or other cities? Not likely, Stone said. “That a very unique situation and just one of those things that worked out,” Stone said. “It’s a business model that everyone should at least look at but I think it would take a very unusual set of circumstances to make that a reality. It’s the only one that exists that I know of in the country but it takes a lot of work on both the corporate and the non-profit side.” GLAA’s Rosendall said the D.C. Center has come into its own and is worthy of support. “There was a period about 10 years ago where it kind of felt like the Center was a solution in search of a problem,” he said. “But now I think they’re filling needs that aren’t otherwise being filled and it’s working very well. Aside from the thorny question of government funding, they certainly deserve our support.”

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june 4, 2010 • washingtonblade.com 49

LGBTNIGHTLIFEGUIDE washington, dc 30 DEGREES 1639 R St., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-462-6569 cobaltdc.com In Dupont Circle area; popular with men but check schedule for other events.

1409 PLAYBILL CAFÉ 1409 14th St., NW Washington, DC 20005 202-265-3055 Logan Circle area restaurant and bar (Dupont Circle Metro) popular with the theater crowd and featuring open-mike nights, karaoke and other special events.

ACADEMY OF WASHINGTON thewashingtonacademy.com Longtime organizers of drag events in the city; most events held at Ziegfeld’s. See web site for full list of upcoming events.

ANNIE’S PARAMOUNT STEAK HOUSE 1609 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-232-0395 In Dupont Circle area; popular longtime restaurant and steakhouse with recently renovated Upstairs Lounge.

APEX 1415 22nd St., NW Washington, DC 20037 202-296-0505 apex-dc.com In Dupont Circle area; popular with men, but check schedule regularly for other events.



639 New York Ave., NW Washington, DC 20001 202-347-6025 dceagle.com The popular Levi/leather bar’s origins date to the 1960s. Features billiards, regular tournaments and other special events. Located near the convention center, two blocks north of Gallery Place Metro.

1836 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-483-1483 Dupont Circle area bar and restaurant popular with both men and women.

DELTA ELITE 3734 10th St. NE Washington, DC 20017 202-546-5979 thedeltaelite.com Longtime bar popular with AfricanAmerican men in Brookland neighborhood; hosts regular ladies night. Check web site for special events.

DIK BAR 1637 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-328-0100 dupontitaliankitchen.com In Dupont Circle area, above Dupont Italian Kitchen.

DUPLEX DINER 2004 18th St., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-265-9599 duplexdiner.com Popular restaurant and bar in the Adams Morgan area; happy hour specials and many other special events. See web site for updated schedule.



1318 9th St., NW Washington, DC 20001 202-341-8281 • 202-642-4537 efnlounge.com • motleybar.com twitter.com/EFN_Lounge Funky, edgy neighborhood lounge in Logan Circle with special events galore. Popular with men and women; features dancing, videos. Check web site for event schedule.

500 8th St., SE Washington, DC 20003 202-543-5906 bananacafedc.com Popular Capitol Hill area restaurant and bar (Eastern Market Metro) for both men and women. Features Cuban, Mexican and Puerto Rican cuisine.

1805 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-797-1122 thefablounge.com In Dupont Circle area; popular with men but hosts regular women’s events.

BACHELOR’S MILL 1104 8th St., SE Washington, DC 20003 202-544-1931 Longtime bar popular with AfricanAmerican men in Capitol Hill area.




815 V St., NW Washington, DC 20001 blowoff.us Created by musicians Bob Mould and Richard Morel, Blowoff is an occasional dance event popular with men. Events are held in clubs around the country; D.C.’s Blowoff parties are held at the 9:30 club in the popular U Street corridor.

2161 P St., NW Washington, DC 20037 202-293-1293 In Dupont Circle area; neighborhood bar popular with men.

B.O.I. PRODUCTIONS boimarketing.com//community.html Organizes regular women’s events around town. Check web site for updated information.

GREEN LANTERN 1335 Green Court, NW Washington, DC 20005 greenlanterndc.com twitter.com/greenlanterndc Friendly bar for men hosts regular happy hours and special events, including karaoke and shirtless drink special nights. Check web site for details. McPherson Square Metro.



1639 R St., NW Washington, DC 20009 202-462-6569 cobaltdc.com In Dupont Circle area; part of complex of LGBT businesses at this address, including Level One restaurant on street level and 30 Degrees bar.

1519 17th St., NW Washington, DC 20036 202-328-0090 jrswdc.com Longtime friendly Dupont Circle area bar popular with men; videos, regular special events.

CREW CLUB 1321 14th St., NW Washington, DC 20005 202-319-1333 crewclub.net Men’s 24-hour gym in Logan Circle area, featuring steam rooms, lounges, private dressing rooms and more.

LACE 2214 Rhode Island Ave., NE Washington, DC 20018 202-832-3888 lacedc.com Every night is ladies night at Lace; features regular special events for women in Brookland neighborhood. Check web site for details on happy hour specials.

MIXTAPE Different locations mixtapedc.com twitter.com/MIXTAPEdc Alternative dance party for queer men and women featuring electro, alt-pop, indie rock, house, disco and New Wave. Check web site for 2010 schedule of events.

MOVA 1435 P St., NW Washington, DC 20005 202-797-9730 halodc.com Trendy Logan Circle bar and lounge popular with men features regular happy hour and other specials. Formerly known as Halo, MOVA re-launched in early 2010 as a environmentally friendly bar with an emphasis on community service.

LEVEL ONE @ COBALT Washington Blade photo by Michael Key

NELLIE’S SPORTS BAR 900 U St., NW Washington, DC 20001 202-332-6355 nelliessportsbar.com Sports bar featuring poker events, drag bingo, trivia contests and other specials. Popular bar with massive outdoor deck and plenty of TVs for watching sports.




870 Park Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-539-4993 leonsbaltimore.tripod.com In business for more than 50 years, Leon’s is the oldest gay bar in Baltimore and among the oldest in the country. Friendly bar with jukebox gets especially busy on Sunday nights. Tyson Place is a restaurant bar located behind Leon’s with a separate entrance.

1722 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 Multi-level after-hours dance club attracts a mixed crowd but remains gay-friendly.



2122 P St., NW Washington, DC 20036 202-223-4917 omegadc.com Dupont Circle area bar and club popular with men featuring dancing, drag and other special events.

2002 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218 410-82-EAGLE Longtime Levi/leather bar not far from Mount Vernon offers friendly bar, billiards, outdoor patio, videos and a full store for your leather needs. Mostly men, but welcoming to women.

PHASE 1 525 8th St., SE Washington, DC 20003 phase1dc.com twitter.com/phase1dc The Phase opened in 1970 and remains a popular lesbian bar and club. Features regular special events, including Jell-O wrestling, ’80s theme nights and more. Check web site for details.

REMINGTONS 639 Pennsylvania Ave., SE Washington, DC 20003 202-543-3113 remingtonswdc.com twitter.com/remingtonsWDC Popular country/Western nightclub in Capitol Hill neighborhood with more than 6,000 square feet of space for dancing and billiards. One half block west of Eastern Market Metro.

TOWN DANCEBOUTIQUE 2009 8th St., NW Washington, DC 20001 202-234-TOWN towndc.com Dance club and bar popular with men and women, features regular drag performances. U Street Metro.

ULTRABAR 911 F St., NW Washington, DC 20004 ultrabardc.com twitter.com/UltraBar Large dance club with gay-friendly events and vibe located downtown near Metro Center.

ZIEGFELD’S/SECRETS 1824 Half St., SW Washington, DC 20024 202-863-0670 secretsdc.com Featuring all-nude male dancers WednesdaysSundays, drag performances, large dance floor and many regular special events, contests and more. Large parking lot available; located in Buzzard’s Point warehouse district.

CLUB PHOENIX 1 W. Biddle St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-837-3906 Mount Vernon-area downstairs bar attracts men and women; friendly service.

DRINKERY 205 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-225-3100 Another of Baltimore’s friendly neighborhood bars in Mount Vernon featuring billiards, jukebox and welcoming service.

GALLERY 1735 Maryland Ave. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-539-6965 Longtime bar and restaurant popular with African-American clientele.

GRAND CENTRAL 1001 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-752-7133 centralstationpub.com Large entertainment complex featuring friendly pub, lesbian bar Sappho’s upstairs and a dance club on the first floor.

HIPPO 1 W. Eager St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-547-0069 clubhippo.com Large club popular with men and women featuring billiards, top DJs/dancing, karaoke, videos and more. Opened in 1972, Hippo’s motto is “where everyone is welcome.”

JAY’S ON READ 225 W. Read St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-225-0188 Piano bar attracts a mostly male crowd, though welcoming to women and straight patrons.

PORT IN A STORM 4330 E. Lombard St. Baltimore, MD 21224 410-534-0014 Friendly neighborhood lesbian bar gets especially popular when the Ravens play. Features billiards, music and more.

QUEST 3607 Fleet St. Baltimore, MD 21224 410-563-2617 Neighborhood bar in Highlandtown area is popular with men and women and offers billiards.

SAPPHOS 1001 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21201 410-752-7133 centralstationpub.com Part of the Grand Central complex, Sappho’s attracts a lesbian crowd and offers comfy couches, outdoor patio and more in its second floor location.

northern va FREDDIE’S BEACH BAR 555 23rd St. South Arlington, VA 22202 703-685-0555 Freddie Lutz’s Virginia establishment includes a restaurant and friendly bar, regular specials and is popular with men and women. Crystal City Metro.

laurel, md PW’S 9855 N. Washington Blvd. Laurel, MD 20723 301-498-8202 pwssportsbar.com Restaurant and bar is popular with gay and lesbian sports fans and is known for its superb burgers.

50 washingtonblade.com • june 4, 2010

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MASSAGE PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE THERAPIST offering best deep tissue massage available. Stretching, Swedish & Sports massage. Dupont, Special 1st time rates. Marcio (202) 271-9440. www.MarcioMassage.com ONLY $55 PER HOUR SPRING INTO WELLNESS with body work to heal your winter aches & pains. Relaxing & rejuvinating, Swedish, deep tissue & pressure point techinques. Adams Morgan / Dupont RON 202-641-1078 INDULGE YOURSELF WITH RELAXING, deep tissue massage. Feel the stress leave your body. CMT with 15 years experience. Located in Logan/Dupont Circle. www.DCMassageTherapist.com. Visa, MC. David (202) 213-9646 Lic#MT410 N.ARLINGTON CMT - Enjoy your massage in a private, in-home studio. Great location. Clean, quiet, discreet. mymassagebygary.com - 301-704-1158 GREAT TOUCH! Full sensual body massage by Latin Male. Swedish, deep tissue. Relieve stress! Parking available. In/out. 703-401-9093. ITALIAN JOCK Give full body massage. Masculine, muscular, VGL masseur, offers, full-body, Swedish, sports, deep tissue massage on a table, including stretching, shower available. See my photos on www.massagem4m.com/jockguy. Located downtown, parking available. Brian 312-961-7724.

PAMPER YOURSELF with a 60 or 90 min. massage. With 11 years experience let me tailor a session right for you. Ben 202.277.7097 www.benmassagedc.com RELAXING, SOOTHING MASSAGE by experienced massage therapist. Convenient Arlington location. Evenings and weekends. $60/hr, $85/90 min. Visa/MC Errol (703) 525-4616. www.goodhands2.biz

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EXPERIENCED, ATHLETIC, FRIENDLY, CERTIFIED MASSEUR offering excellent therapeutic massage. Trained in Deep Tissue, Swedish & Sports, near 15th St. NW in Logan www.massagem4m.com/Dale or call 202 669 1643.

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ASIAN MALE MASSAGE Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Shiatsu, Stretching Techniques. Intuitive, Therapeutic. Glebe Rd/395. $70/hr; $90/1.5 hrs. Dant65@hotmail.com. (202) 425-5105. RELAX, REGENERATE, REJUVENATE The 3 Rs to Health. Experienced Certified Massage Therapist helps you with the 3Rs: Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reiki, Energetics. Call Bruce (202) 491-8306. MT0697.

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LIMOUSINES / DRIVERS KASPERS LIVERY SERVICE Since 1987 Gay Owned Luxury Sedan or Stretch Limousine 24 HR Reservations (202) 554-2471 or (800) 455-2471. www.KasperLivery.com

TIME TO RELAX, TAME YOUR TENSION & improve your health with a professional massage! Swedish, Deep Tissue, Athletic and Pain Management massages really can improve your outlook. J. David Starn, Nationally Certified, LMT. www.expertlycraftedmassage.com or call 202-257-9726. Ask about weekday specials! PROFESSIONAL MALE MASSAGE THERAPIST Reduce stress, increase flexibility and prevent injuries. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports, Stretching. Call Trace 202-246-0724. VISA/MC LIC#MT375

STEVE O’TOOLE PHOTOGRAPHY Fine Art Photographer for portraits, weddings & dating photos for the internet. Call (703) 532-3031. www.steveotoolephotography.com

BODY AND SOUL FULL BODY WAXING for Men & Women at Qi Spa3106 M St, NW www.qispadc.com. Please call (202) 333-6345 for waxing, massage, skincare... Deep Tissue Massage and stretching by CMT, 17th/Kalorama next to HT, 7days/wk till 11pm, 4 hand option avail, Tim 202.957.1559.

VACATION RENTALS BEAUTIFUL VACATION RENTAL HOME in the mountains of Western North Carolina. 3 BR, 3 bath home on a waterfall. Seclusion & privacy, clothing optional. www.wncfallingwater.com.

COUNSELING LGBTQ AFFIRMING THERAPY at Dupont Metro. Individuals, couples, families, adolescents. Over 15 years serving the community. Mike Giordano, LICSW. 202/460-6384, mike.giordano.msw@gmail.com, www.WhatIHearYouSaying.com COUNSELING FOR GAY MEN. Individual/couple counseling with volunteer peer counselor. Gay Men's Counseling Community. 202-265-6495. gaymenscounseling.org. No fees, donation requested.

BEN 202.277.7097


INDIVIDUAL THERAPY FOR the gay & lesbian community. Relationships, grief, anxiety, transitions, careers. Jonathan Kirkendal (202) 550-3589. www.dclpc.com.

LEGAL SERVICES FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Representing the GLBT community for over 25 years. Family adoptions, estate planning, real estate, immigration, employment. (301) 891-2200. Silber, Perlman, Sigman & Tilev, P.A. & Kirstin Gulling, Of Counsel. www.SP-Law.com EMPLOYMENT LAW ATTORNEY - Wrongful Discharge, Sexual Harrassment, Contract Review, Whitleblowers. The Law Office of Carl Roller (202) 531-2777, www.carlroller.com

AUTOS WEDDINGS & SERVICES RC priest, American Catholic affiliation, licensed DC marriage officiant. Many years experience working with gay & straight couples in secular & religious services. No venue too small. Let me help you make your special day simple, elegant, memorable. Call Ed (202) 445-0366, ed.ingebretsen@gmail.com.

FAST CASH!!! Wanted Cars & Trucks. Don’t throw your money away, call me! I will buy your vehicle. Call Marty Salins, at Auto Plaza, in Rockville, (301) 340-1390.

BUY/USED BOOKS ALL GAY THEMES. G BOOKS. 1520 U St, NW. 202986-9697 Brandonchan99@msn.com. 4pm-10pm. P.S. our lubes, DVDs & gear cheaper than online.

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TIRED OF THAT DAMN DOOR? Specializing in older doors, repairing, modifying, weatherstrip, thresholds, deadbolts and doorknobs. Call Matt 571-238-8366.

REAL ESTATE RENT / DC CHARMING SUNNY 1 BR. 1 BA w eat-in kit. w/d in unit d/w hwf fireplace 3 blocks from Metro (Stadium Armory) Off-street parking avail. Available August 1. $1190 + gas and elect. gregcaphill@gmail.com

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POWER CLEANERS, LLC. Experienced, dependable service seven days a week. Gay owned and operated. Call Matt for free estimates at 202-352-0739 or visit www.powercleaningdc.com A CLEANING SERVICE invites you to relax while our team of experienced, dependable & friendly professionals provides top-quality cleaning service to your home or office. Excellent refs, satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed, bonded & insured. Reasonable rates. Call today for a free estimate. (703) 892-8648. www.acleaningserviceinc.com FERNANDO’S CLEANING: Residential & Commercial Cleaning, Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates, Routine, 1-Time, Move-In/Move-Out. (202) 234-7050, 202-486-6183. MAID TO CLEAN. Rated #1 in Metro DC. Gay owned. Serving DC/VA/MD. DC (202) 297-2967, VA (703) 299-0101. MD (301) 672-4331. Visit www.maidtoclean.com


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Phil Rockstroh at DEADLINES: All Ads MUST be received by Monday at 5:00 p.m. to be included in that week’s issue. Online ad submissions through our website are accepted until Monday at 5:00 p.m. for the same week’s edition.

HISTORIC MOUNT RAINIER Handy-Dandy House Needs Work - $169,995 Great Opportunity,but be ready to work hard! Several other wonderful Mount Rainier houses in great condition from $199,995 - $329,000

The deadline for Encounters, Escorts and Bodywork ads is Monday at 5:00 p.m. for the same week’s edition.

LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R) 301.983.0601 LJPerrin@aol.com

BRANCHES TREE EXPERTS has certified arborists with experience in Spraying, Fertilizing, Tree Pruning, Root Pruning, Construction Damage, Storm Damage, Stump Grinding, Tree Protection Plans, Planting and Consulting. 301589-6181, Expert Tree Care Service Since 1988, www.BranchesTreeExperts.com

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FREE NO OBLIGATION HOME SHOPPING for custom blinds, shades, shutters, draperies, and more! Serving the GLBT community since 1986. Environmental Concepts Design (202) 397-7909.

Sheet Metal Roofing Slate Tile Gutters Skylights Cedar Shake Shingles Chimney Restoration

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SHARE / MD BOWIE 1-2 rooms in shared house. $600 + util. Big yard, gourmet kitchen, parking, private, hot tub, garden. dave@themassageguys.com or 301-535-1705.

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delivered to you? Contact Lynne Brown at lbrown@washblade.com

PERSONAL ADS ARE FREE but limited to 25 words or less and must be submitted online. All ads will appear on this site. However, only the first twenty will appear in the print edition. All Personal ads must include an e-mail address. Th e H O L I DAY D E A D L I N E fo r Classifieds, Home and Personals ads for Washington Blade is Monday at 5:00 p.m. ENHANCE your ad with with any of the following features:

$19.50 for 1st 25 words Photo/Logo ($35) Hyperlink to any e-mail/ website ($2) Headline style MD ($10)

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