Ηλίας Λιατσόπουλος

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Η φωτογραφική εικόνα σ τ η σ ύ γ χ ρ ο ν η τ έ χ ν η


Ηλίας Θ.Λιατσόπουλος 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 1 1

A Preview to the L.O.I: citizen erased

This series of photographs is inspired from the Greek financial crisis. The main viewpoint represented here is the idea that a crisis which affects the economy in a global way can never be limited solely to financial consequences. A financial crisis also means a social crisis, a crisis of values and institutions, a cultural crisis, an interpersonal relationships crisis and a deep crisis in the entire way of living for the members that comprise this society. It is something that we could name interaction crisis, a crisis of special interest when examined on an everyday basis of human habits and relations, taking into consideration the people and neighbourhoods of an overpopulated and variform city like Athens. To this concept we can add the conflict of the opposite, in an attempt to widen the matters that concern science and philosophy, in the field of artistic creation. The images presented here are deeply characterized by an effort to research and express an objectively existent reality. A reality opposed to the nature of the medium itself - of the faithful production and reproduction - that defines the complete opposition of the existent and non-existent information, of the existence and non-existence of the human being on the final frame (thus, to the environment and the world), of action or non-action, of occurrence or non-occurrence. Therefore, a perception that consolidates the 20th century science (the base of the functional procedure of computers - the opposition of current passing through or not, the 0 and 1 digits etc.) becomes here a composition rule among images that enclose the creative harmony and effects of a disaster, financial or not. Finally, the binary numeral system finds its position in the creative field. Here, where the fact exists and is designated by its nature, the photographer’s eye as well as the nature of the medium (camera) that is used in order to record a part of reality and isolate others both have an especially creative role. Therefore the attempt for this interactive crisis to be recorded is interesting only when approached through a personal outlook. The photographs of the series show all this with the prevailing objective of a world which is on one hand a representation of the reality and of the elements that compose it, on the other hand of the reality that the photographer himself wants to create. The black & white monochrome film was consciously selected in order to represent the desperation of a people that was raised to live with hope, light and solidarity.

The City Limits - Τα όρια της Πόλης

What Color Is?

ΑΣΠ Καλύμνου

ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΑΣ Α.Σ.Κ.Τ. Μονογραφίες σπουδαστών εργαστηρίου φωτογραφίας

Το εργαστήριο φωτογραφίας της Α.Σ.Κ.Τ. ιδρύθηκε το 1999 ως μαθήμα επιλογής. Είναι χώρος εκπαίδευσης και έρευνας γύρω από την φωτογραφική εικόνα στη σύγχρονη τέχνη. Διδασκονται : Η εικαστική προσέγγιση με τα μέσα της φωτογραφίας. Οι διαδρομές της Φωτογραφίας στην ιστορίατης σύγχρονης τεχνης. Οι τεχνικές των μέσων της Φωτογραφίας. Καθηγητής l Μανώλης Μπαμπούσης Ε.Ε.Δ.Ι.Π. l Αλέξανδρος Βούτσας Ε.Τ.Ε.Π. l Γιώτα Καραπλή-Χατζαντουριάν Εξ. Συν. l Γιάννης Χιωτόπουλος Συμ. Εργου l Μαρίλια Φωτοπούλου Επιμέλεια Σχεδιασμού l Έλλη Ντούτση

www.photography.asfa.gr ergastphoto.askt@gmail.com ©εργαστήριο φωτογραφίας Α.Σ.Κ.Τ. 2013-2014

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