1 minute read
Diaries & Lectionaries
Bible references for the liturgical year. Including principal, second and third service readings for Sundays and festivals, plus morning and evening readings.
Pb | 80 pgs | CHURCH HOUSE
The Canterbury Church Book & Desk Diary 2022
Provides one page per weekday alongside a double page spread for Sundays.
512 pgs | CANTERBURY PRESS Hardback REF 4424 A5 Personal Organiser Edition REF 4425
RRP £19.99 Aslan £17.99 each CW & BCP Lectionary 2022
A streamlined, clear presentation of the Common Worship calendar and lectionary, with BCP readings on the same page. Sundays and major festivals are covered, as well as weekday services.
Pb | 96 pgs | SPCK
Reflections for Daily Prayer: Advent 2021 - Advent 2022
Bible reading notes based on the CW lectionary. Each day, Monday to Saturday, popular Anglican writers offer insightful, inspiring reflections on one of the day's readings for Morning Prayer.
Pb | 352 pgs | CHURCH HOUSE
REF 4426 RRP £16.99 Aslan £14.99
Church Pocket Book & Diary 2022
Week-to-view (Sunday is a double-size space), with titles of Sundays and festivals corresponding to the CW & BCP calendar and lectionary.
Flexibound | 1324 pgs | SPCK Black REF 4427 Yellow REF 4430 Red REF 4428 Blue REF 4431 Purple REF 4429 Pink Flowers REF 4432
RRP £9.99 each Aslan £8.49 each
Fresh From the Word 2022:
The Bible for a Change David Painting Bringing together top theologians and biblical scholars, creative writers from around the world, church leaders, activists for peace and justice and a range of others, Fresh From the Word offers 365 sets of notes, prayers and suggestions for action on biblical themes.
Pb | 384 pgs | MONARCH REF 4703 RRP £10.99 Aslan £8.99 The Canterbury Preacher's Companion 2022
Catherine Williams 150 sermons with hymn suggestions. Each Sunday has two sermons based on Principal and Second Service lectionaries, plus sermons for special occasions, services, festivals and saints' days.