11 minute read


Loving disagreement is the problem –Christians have become too relaxed about the way disagreements destroy unity and undermine mission.


Loving disagreement is also the solution –because if Christians can learn to love even their neighbour in Christ with whom they disagree, situations of conflict are transformed.

Reflecting on his experiences first as a BBC religion correspondent and then as an ordained Anglican, Christopher Landau offers practical solutions to the facing of inevitable disagreements among Christians, rooted in a dual call to love our neighbour and seek the fruit of the Spirit.

Also included is a five-session small group resource, The Unity Course, that unpacks the New Testament principles, and equips followers of Jesus to disagree in authentically Christian ways.

Loving disagreement

Christopher Landau

RRP: £12.99 | 9781803760124

Aslan £10.99

REF 5710

Your friendly, independent online bookshop

Dear Friends

Welcome to your January magazine and Happy New Year!

We start of 2023 by presenting an exciting biography by one of the most popular writers of today, Timothy Keller. You'll also find a selection of some of his best books to date.

Loving Disagreement by Christopher Landau has been very popular recently, which is why we're giving him pride of place on our front cover! Check out www.theunitycourse.co.uk, which is based on this book.

And lastly, thank you for bearing with us these past few months as we have undergone changes and come under new ownership. Please bear in mind that we will still despatch each book in your order as and when they come into stock, so if any are missing from your parcel then they will soon follow in a future delivery.

Andrew Birch, Editor

Failure: What Jesus Said About Sin, Mistakes and Messing Stuff Up



In 2019, Emma Ineson wrote about ambition and what it means for Christians to be successful. And then there was a global pandemic . . . Suddenly failure began to feel very much more familiar than success. But what is failure? What did Jesus think of it? What did he say about sin, mistakes and generally mucking things up? At the start of this wonderfully humorous and encouraging book - which will end at the cross - it's suggested that our tendency to lump all kinds of failure together could be a bit unhelpful. As the book draws to an end, we are reminded of our calling to live life to the full, to take risks despite our fears. We are bound sometimes to fail! Yet gazing at Jesus we may discern in the heartache, vulnerability and humility of failure, the glory of the cross.

Pb | 224 pgs | SPCK

REF 5752 RRP £10.99 Aslan £9.49

Remember to look out for these images in this

Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation Collin Hansen

Millions have read Keller, but never before has anyone talked to his family and closest friends about what makes him tick. This authorised biography captures the people who made the man. Collin Hansen takes readers behind the scenes to meet the people and understand the events that formed Keller's spiritual life and ministry priorities. With unfettered access to Keller's personal notes and sermons - as well as exclusive interviews with family members and longtime friends - Collin Hansen gives you unprecedented understanding of one of the 21st century's most influential church leaders. The story of Timothy Keller is the story of his spiritual and intellectual influences, from the woman who taught him how to read the Bible to the professor who taught him to preach Jesus from every text to the philosopher who taught him to see beneath society's surface. Hansen introduces readers to Keller's early years: the home where he learned to tell stories from the trees, the church where he learned to care for souls and the city that lifted him to the international fame he never wanted. This is the story of the people, books, lectures and ultimately the God who formed and shaped the life of Timothy Keller.

New for 2023!

Pb | 320 pgs | ZONDERVAN

REF 5768 RRP £14.99 Aslan £12.74

Books by Timothy Keller:

Forgive: Why Should I and How Can I?

PRE-ORDER: Publishes 16th February

Renowned pastor and author Timothy Keller grapples with this thorny question: why we should forgive those who hurt us. It is the heart of the gospel, but it’s not solely important on a religious level; the matter of forgiveness has a huge impact on social and cultural levels, in terms of how we deal with the people, and problems, in our lives. What is it like to carry around resentment and judgement, and what does it cost us to do so – as against the very real personal cost of extending forgiveness to others?

Hb | 336 pgs | HODDER & STOUGHTON REF 5728 RRP £18.99 Aslan £14.49

Still want a book from one of our previous issues? Give us a call, we may still have stock or be able to order it in for you!

Godforsaken: The Cross - the Greatest Hope of All



In the Gospel of Mark's account of the Passion narrative, Jesus calls out from the cross 'Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?' which is the Aramaic for 'My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?' - the first line of Psalm 22. It's an anguished expression - traditionally ascribed to King David - of defeat, failure, abandonment and despair. This series of reflections, written for Lent and Holy Week 2023 by the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell, ponders the significance of these words. What does it mean for Jesus to have quoted them, at the very end of his life? What do those words mean for us? This is a beautiful and compelling exploration of the dark, suffering side of the Passion - and how Jesus' words lead us to the greatest hope of all.

Hb | 144 pgs | HODDER & STOUGHTON

REF 5755 RRP £14.99 Aslan £12.99

An Easter Book of Days: Meeting the Characters of the Cross and Resurrection


K. Cameron

Following the bestselling Advent Book of Days, Gregory Cameron turns his artistic, literary and pastoral skills to the Easter story, introducing us to the characters who populate the crucifixion and resurrection. He explores 25 characters from the stories of Lent, Holy Week and Easter from the perspectives of scripture, history and legend and asks how they can enrich our practice of faith today.


REF 5751 RRP £10.99 Aslan £9.49

Images of Grace: A Journey From Darkness to Light at Easter

Amy Scott Robinson

Lent is traditionally a time of repentance, fasting and prayer as we prepare to celebrate our salvation at Easter. Through daily readings and reflections from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day, Amy Scott Robinson explores different biblical images of repentance, sin, forgiveness and grace, bringing them together in Holy Week as a lens through which to view Christ’s work of reconciliation on the cross.

Pb | 144 pgs | BRF

REF 5753 RRP £9.99 Aslan £7.99

Jesus Calling for Easter

Sarah Young

Celebrate the hope we have through Jesus' resurrection. With 50 seasonally themed selections, you’ll find devotions that include:

• Resurrection truths

• Hope for the new season

• Joyous reasons to celebrate

• Stunning imagery

• Written-out Bible verses Whether a self-purchase to enhance your observation of Easter and the death and resurrection of Christ or a gift for friends and loved ones, Jesus Calling for Easter will be a central part of your Easter experience for years to come.

Hb | 160 pgs | THOMAS NELSON

REF 5774 RRP £10.99 Aslan £7.99

New for 2023!

The Message of Easter

Eugene H. Peterson

The Good News begins here! Experience the biblical story of Easter in the contemporary and engaging language of The Message Bible in this accessible booklet. What appeared to be a defeat was actually the greatest victory of all. In his death, Jesus defeated sin. On Easter morning, death, too, was defeated. You are invited into this story, to read about Jesus and find the life you were created to live. Easter is an opportunity to encounter the story of Jesus for the first time. The Bible in contemporary language is a welcoming, refreshing introduction to the gospel. This booklet includes the Gospel accounts of Holy Week along with prophetic texts related to the Crucifixion and New Testament passages reflecting on the meaning of the Crucifixion and Resurrection.

Pb | 80 pgs | NAVPRESS

REF 5769 RRP £4.50 Aslan £3.99


for Lent: 22 February - 8 April 2023

Reflections for Lent is designed to enhance your spiritual journey through the forty days from Ash Wednesday to Holy Saturday. Covering Monday to Saturday each week, it offers reflections on readings from the Common Worship Lectionary, written by some of today's leading spiritual and theological writers.

Pb | 64 pgs | CHURCH HOUSE

REF 5754 RRP £4.99 Aslan £4.49

New for 2023!

Is Easter Unbelievable?: Four Questions Everyone Should Ask About the Resurrection Story

Rebecca McLaughlin

Did Jesus rise from the dead? This book explores the miracle at the heart of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is an extraordinary thing to believe. Such a supernatural event is the stuff of make-believe, many think. Yet millions of Christians around the world believe that Jesus' resurrection was a real, historical event. Indeed, 'if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith' and Christians are 'of all people most to be pitied.' (1 Corinthians 15) In this concise book, respected apologist Rebecca McLaughlin outlines the evidence that Jesus really did rise from the dead and why it's the best news ever.


REF 5770 RRP £2.99 Aslan £2.49

The Way of Thomas Merton: A Prayer Journey Through Lent

Robert Inchausti

The Way of Thomas Merton guides you through the major themes of Merton's work and shows how his advice can help you to overcome the obstacles that modern life presents for spiritual development. For Merton, the spiritual life is a journey from the false to the true self - a journey that all followers of Jesus must take - and this book will help you to love and nurture your true self as you journey through Lent and beyond.

Pb | 128 pgs | SPCK

REF 5756 RRP £9.99 Aslan £7.99

To Seek and to Save: Daily Reflections on the Road to the Cross

Sinclair B. Ferguson

Journey with Jesus on the road to Jerusalem with these reflections by Sinclair Ferguson. As you walk through the second half of Luke's Gospel, you'll meet people Jesus encountered on the way to the cross, and prepare your heart to appreciate his death and resurrection afresh. Each day you're invited to: Read a passage of Luke and a short meditation by Sinclair Ferguson, reflect on a thought-provoking question and respond in prayer and praise. Pithy yet profound, these devotions will hold up a mirror to your heart and more importantly, give you a window into the heart of the Lord Jesus: the one who came to seek and to save the lost at Easter.

Pb | 160 pgs | GOOD BOOK COMPANY

REF 3011 RRP £9.99 Aslan £5.99

Living His Story: Revealing the Extraordinary Love of God in Ordinary Ways

Hannah Steele

How can we convey the love of God to our neighbours in a post-Christian world that has largely forgotten the gospel of Jesus Christ? In Living His Story, Hannah Steele uncovers liberating and practical ways of sharing the gospel story afresh. With warmth and encouragement, she shows us how we can live Jesus' story in our own lives simply by being the people God made us and allowing people to be drawn to him through our natural gifts. Living His Story is a Lent devotional that will change the way you think about evangelism, show how ideally suited it is for the world we live in and fill you with confidence in sharing God's love with the people around you. Set out in six sessions to take you through Lent, each chapter can be used as a single study for individuals or small groups to prepare for Easter. It will help you find space to see evangelism from a new practical perspective.

Pb | 192 pgs | SPCK

REF 3889 RRP £10.99 Aslan £7.99

Saying Yes To Life: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2020

Ruth Valerio

Lift your focus from natural, everyday concerns, to issues that are having an impact on millions of lives around the world. We're made in the image of God, entrusted to look after what He has created: to share in God’s joy and ingenuity in making a difference for good. Ruth imaginatively draws on Creation (Genesis 1) and relates themes of light, water, land, the seasons, creatures, humankind, Sabbath rest and resurrection hope, to matters of environmental, ethical and social concern. Voices from around the world are heard throughout and each chapter ends with discussion questions and a prayer to encourage us to respond.

Pb | 192 pgs | SPCK

REF 3006 RRP £10.99 Aslan £8.99

Journeying Through Lent

with New Daylight Lent material by contributors from New Daylight's archive, alongside specially written questions to reflect on the Lent journey.

Pb | 160pgs | BRF

REF 3005 RRP £2.99

Aslan £2.75

Lent with New Daylight

An affordable Lent resource using material by well-loved contributors from the January 2019 issue of New Daylight, plus specially written questions for discussion.

Pb | 80 pgs | BRF

REF 2616 RRP £2.99

Aslan £2.75

Reconciliation: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2019

Muthuraj Swamy

40 Bible-based meditations on reconciliation and division, with reflective questions.

Pb | 192 pgs | SPCK

REF 2560 RRP £10.99

Aslan £8.99

Forty Women: Unseen Women of the Bible From Eden to Easter

Ros Clarke

Join Ros Clarke as she uncovers the women of the Bible who are essential to the Easter weekend. From Eve to the Shummamite, and from Deborah to Ruth, Forty Women will open your eyes to the power of the gospel.

Pb | 144 pgs | IVP

REF 5771 RRP £10.99

Aslan £7.99

Tim Chester

The Beauty of the Cross: Reflections for Lent From Isaiah 52 & 53

Preparing for Easter: Fifty Devotional Readings

C. S. Lewis

Selections from the best of C. S. Lewis’ classic works for readers contemplating the ‘grand miracle’ of Jesus’ resurrection.

Pb | 224 pgs | WILLIAM COLLINS

REF 4111 RRP £8.99

Aslan £6.99

The Way of the Franciscans:

A Prayer Journey Through Lent

Daniel P. Horan OFM

A practical introduction to Franciscan spirituality and the many distinctive and dynamic approaches to prayer, contemplation and action found within it.

Pb | 128 pgs | SPCK

REF 5380 RRP £10.99

Aslan £8.99

Some of the richest prophecies about the cross of Christ can be found in Isaiah 52-53 (the last of the 'Servant Songs'). Walk through these familiar yet extraordinary chapters in the run up to Easter and be thrilled and challenged as you see how Jesus matched every part of every prophecy and brought glory to his name through his beautiful sacrifice on the cross.

Pb | 160 pgs | GOOD BOOK COMPANY

REF 2700 RRP £6.99 Aslan £5.99

The Glory of the Cross: Reflections for Lent From the Gospel of John

Easter is the high point of the year where we remember 3 days that changed history. For many it comes and goes without us feeling different, yet for centuries Christians have marked the season of Lent as a way of reflecting on their need for forgiveness and the cross. These daily readings present Lenten theology in a concise way allowing you to soak up the meaning of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Pb | 160 pgs | GOOD BOOK COMPANY

REF 2011 RRP £6.99 Aslan £5.99

REF 2613 RRP £7.99

Aslan £5.99

The Cross: A Fresh Look at the Meaning of the Death of Christ

James Philip

This fresh re-telling of the Easter story from the Last Supper to Calvary brings many new insights. The intrigue and betrayal in the air as the disciples ate; the fierce, costly love shown by Christ in Gethsemane, as his disciples slept; the illegal and unjust kangaroo court in the middle of the night; the drama of the earth becoming dark and quaking as the Son of God died. Read the story anew, as told and interpreted by this pastor-theologian. Questions included for personal reflection or for group discussion.

Pb | 64 pgs | DICTUM PRESS

REF 5772 RRP £5.99 Aslan £5.49

Towards Jerusalem: A Pilgrim's Regress and Progress to God's Holy City

Steve Brady

Cities are places of anonymity, violence and feelings of God forsakenness. But God has an agenda; the Bible is full of significant cities, culminating in God's 'holy city', birthed through His people. This Lent book is a vision of 'Zion' and transformation today.

Pb | 192 pgs | BRF

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