21st century astronomy the solar system fifth edition test bank chapter 11

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TEST BANK 21ST CENTURY ASTRONOMY THE SOLAR SYSTEM 5TH EDITION BY KAY IF You Want To Purchase A+ Work Then Click The Link Below , Instant Download


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Chapter 11: Planetary Moons and Rings LEARNING OBJECTIVES 11.1 Many Solar System Planets Have Moons Predict why most moons in the solar system are found around the giant planets. Multiple Choice: 1, 2, 4, 10 Short Answer: 1 Compare and contrast the origin of moons with regular and irregular orbits. Multiple Choice: 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Short Answer: 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 11.2 Some Moons Have Geological Activity and Water Compare and contrast volcanism and cryovolcanism. Multiple Choice: 20, 24 Short Answer: 11, 13 Relate the presence or absence of surface features to deduce the history of a moon’s geological activity.

Multiple Choice: 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 23, 29, 30, 31 Short Answer: 15, 16 Summarize the observations or characteristics that differentiate between moons with current geological activity, possible activity, past activity, and no activity. Multiple Choice: 16, 17, 22, 25, 28, 32, 33 Short Answer: 8, 9 Explain how moons can be geologically active today whereas comparably sized planets are geologically dead. Multiple Choice: 11, 21 Short Answer: 10 Summarize the evidence for liquid oceans on giant planet moons. Multiple Choice: 18, 26, 27 Short Answer: 12 11.3 Rings Surround the Giant Planets Explain how rings are observed around planets. Multiple Choice: 37, 38, 39, 43, 44, 47, 48, 51 Short Answer: 17 Discuss the two proposed origins for rings around giant planets. Multiple Choice: 34, 35, 36, 41, 52, 56 Short Answer: 18, 22 Illustrate how moons provide orbital stability to ring material. Multiple Choice: 42, 57 Short Answer: 19, 21 Describe the typical composition of rings. Multiple Choice: 40, 45, 46, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55 Short Answer: 20 11.4 Ring Systems Have a Complex Structure Relate a ring’s appearance to its composition and density. Multiple Choice: 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68 Short Answer: 23, 24 Summarize the substructure of planetary rings.

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Multiple Choice: 67 Short Answer: 25, 27, 28 Predict why some giant planets have bright rings and others only have diffuse rings. Multiple Choice: 58 Short Answer: 26 Estimate the likelihood of life on moons of the giant planets. Multiple Choice: 69, 70 Short Answer: 29, 30 Working It Out 11.1 Use a moon’s orbit to calculate the mass of its parent planet. Short Answer: 6 Working It Out 11.2 Compare the tidal forces experienced by two different moons. Short Answer: 14

MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Who first discovered moons around a planet in our Solar System other than Earth? a. Newton b. Kepler c. Galileo d. Huygens e. Einstein 2. How many moons are known in the Solar System? a. Less than 50 b. At least 150 c. Around 10 d. Many thousands 3. How do regular moons rotate in comparison to their planets? a. in the same direction b. in the opposite direction c. sometimes in the same direction and sometimes in the opposite direction d. Unlike their planets, moons don’t rotate at all. 4. The only planet(s) without a moon is (are) a. Mercury. b. Venus. c. Mars.

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d. Mercury and Venus. e. Mercury, Venus, and Mars. 5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of regular moons? a. They revolve around their planets in the same direction as the planets rotate. b. They have orbits that lie nearly in the planets’ equatorial plane. c. They are usually tidally locked to their parent planets. d. They are much smaller than all of the known planets. e. They formed in an accretion disk around their parent planet. 6. Most large regular moons probably formed a. when passing asteroids were captured by the gravitational field of their planet. b. at the same time as their planets and grew by accretion. c. after a collision between a planet and a large asteroid fractured off a piece of the planet. d. after the period of heavy bombardment in the early Solar System. e. after a planet got kicked out of its orbit and was gravitationally captured by another planet.

7. Which property of a moon might lead you to believe it was a captured asteroid? a. It is tidally locked. b. Its orbital axis is tilted by 5 degrees compared to the planet’s rotational axis. c. It rotates in the opposite direction than its planet rotates. d. Its surface is very smooth and lacks craters. e. It is roughly the size of Earth’s moon. 8. Assume that we discover a new moon of Jupiter. It orbits Jupiter at a large distance and in the opposite direction that Jupiter rotates. It is much smaller than most of Jupiter’s other moons and has a density close to that of Earth rocks. Therefore, this moon is most likely a. a regular moon that formed with Jupiter in the early Solar System. b. an irregular moon that is most likely a captured asteroid. c. an irregular moon that is most likely a captured comet. d. an irregular moon that is most likely a protoplanet that collided with Jupiter in the early Solar System and then was caught in orbit by Jupiter’s gravity. e. More information is needed before any conclusion can be made. 9. If a moon has a retrograde orbit, then it a. orbits in the opposite direction than its planet rotates. b. orbits in the opposite direction than its planet revolves around the Sun. c. orbits in a clockwise direction as viewed from the planet’s north pole. d. both a and c e. all of the above 10. Why do the giant planets have the largest share of moons in the solar system? a. There was more rocky material present at their orbital positions, so they collected more moons b. Being the most massive planets in the solar system, they were able to gather more material to form moons than the terrestrial planets c. The temperature of the solar nebula at other locations in the solar system was too high for moons to form around the terrestrial planets d. Since they rotate faster than the terrestrial planets, the giant planets were able to ‘spin off’ clumps of material which formed moons 11. Why are some moons such as Io and Enceladus geologically active even though they are small in size compared to the planets? a. Unlike some planets, these moons have additional supplies of radioactive elements providing the necessary heating to drive geological activity

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b. The interiors of these moons contain a larger supply of heavy elements such as iron than found in terrestrial planets, which contributes to greater heating and high geological activity c. Tidal forces from the Sun are especially large for these moons, leading to greater interior heating and more geological activity d. The interiors of these moons are heated by the rapidly changing direction and strength of tidal forces from Jupiter, resulting in geological activity 12. Which of the following can be used as an indicator of the age of a moon’s surface? a. color of the surface b. crater density c. volcanic activity d. radioactive dating e. all of the above 13. Based on the image below, this moon a. is geologically active. b. is possibly geologically active. c. was geologically active in the past but is no longer active. d. is geologically dead. 14. Based on the image below, this moon a. is geologically active. b. is possibly geologically active. c. was geologically active in the past but is not longer active. d. is geologically dead. e. More information is needed before any conclusion can be made. 15. Based on the image below, this moon a. is geologically active. b. is possibly geologically active. c. was geologically active in the past but is no longer active. d. is geologically dead. e. More information is needed before any conclusion can be made. 16. Which object has been turned inside out numerous times, leading to a situation where lighter elements have escaped, sulfur compounds compose the crust, and primarily heavier elements make up its core? a. Mercury b. Titan c. Callisto d. Pluto e. Io 17. How does the geological activity on Io compare to the activity on other moons? a. It is almost completely inactive. b. It occurs at widely spaced intervals but is highly active when it does occur. c. It is very active on a regular basis. d. It used to be inactive but has slowly increased activity over the past few million years. 18. What sort of liquids do astronomers believe exist on Saturn’s moon, Titan? a. Lakes of liquid nitrogen, N2 b. Lakes of normal water, H2O c. Lakes of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide d. Lakes of methane, ethane, and other hydrocarbons 19. What does a darkened surface indicate on a rocky moon compared to one with a lighter surface? a. It indicates the presence of cooling lava from volcanic eruptions. b. It indicates that the surface of the darkened moon is younger than the lighter moon. c. It indicates that the surface of the darkened moon is younger than the lighter moon.

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d. It indicates an elevated level of organic compounds on the surface. 20. What makes extremophile organisms different from other life forms? a. They can live in extreme conditions, such as very low or high temperature environments, oxygen-poor environments, or environments with extremely low light levels. b. They live only in environments with extremely high temperatures, such as near volcanic vents. c. They live in environments lacking in organic compounds. d. They live in environments where little to no water is found, such as deserts. 21. Io has the most volcanic activity in the Solar System because a. it is continually being bombarded with material in Saturn’s E ring. b. it is one of the largest moons and its interior is heated by radioactive decays. c. of gravitational friction caused by the moon Enceladus. d. its interior is tidally heated as it orbits around Jupiter. e. the ice on the surface creates a large pressure on the water below.

22. Which of the following moons is not geologically active? a. Callisto b. Triton c. Europa d. Enceladus e. Io 23. The varied colors found on Io’s surface are due to the presence of various molecules containing a. sulfur. b. silicon. c. iron. d. mercury. e. magnesium. 24. Cryovolcanism occurs when a. molten lava freezes when it reaches the surface because of extremely low temperatures. b. volcanoes erupt underwater. c. an icy moon has volcanoes emitting molten lava from deep underground. d. low-temperature liquids explode through the surface because of increasing pressure underground. e. a comet hits an object and causes volcanic eruptions. . 25. Based on the image below, this moon a. is geologically active. b. is possibly geologically active. c. was geologically active in the past but is no longer active. d. is geologically dead. 26. Which of the following moons is thought to have a vast ocean of water beneath its frozen surface? a. Triton b. Europa c. Ganymede d. Io e. Callisto 27. What leads astronomers to believe that some large moons associated with the giant planets have compositions that are roughly half water?

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a. Spectroscopic analysis indicates the presence of large bodies of water. b. They have average densities midway between water and rock. c. Space probes have drilled into the surfaces of many of the moons and detected water. d. Rocks and other features that form only in the presence of water have been observed. e. Astronomers have observed the gravitational effects of tides on those moons. 28. Titan is a high-priority candidate for the search for life outside Earth primarily because it has a. liquid water. b. a dense atmosphere like Earth’s. c. warm temperatures. d. active volcanoes. e. organic material.

29. Titan’s thick atmosphere is believed to have been created when ultraviolet photons broke apart methane molecules, ultimately creating the observed smoglike conditions. However, this process would likely remove all of the atmospheric methane in roughly 10 million years, yet we still see its presence today. What is the most likely cause? a. Cometary impacts periodically bring new methane to Titan. b. Ethane rains down out of the atmosphere, combines with surface rocks, and creates new methane. c. Infrared photons give atmospheric molecules enough energy to recombine into methane. d. Volcanoes on Titan periodically release new methane into the atmosphere. e. Bacteria on Titan constantly replenish the methane in the atmosphere. 30. From where does Titan’s thick, nitrogen-rich atmosphere likely arise? a. photodissociation of methane and ammonia in its atmosphere b. emitted by frequent volcanic eruptions c. deposited by ongoing cometary impacts over the age of the Solar System d. photosynthesis of algae in oceans that lie beneath its icy surface e. released from underground reservoirs from early impacts. 31. On which of Saturn’s moons did the Cassini-Huygens Probe land in 2004? a. Callisto b. Io c. Europa d. Enceladus e. Titan 32. Which of the following moons do scientists believe most closely represents the primordial Earth, although at a much lower temperature? a. Titan b. Europa c. Callisto d. Io e. Ganymede 33. Which of the following moons is geologically dead? a. Callisto b. Io c. Europa d. Enceladus e. Titan

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34. How do particles from the moon Enceladus wind up in Saturn’s E ring? a. Volcanoes erupt and expel silicates into space. b. Water geysers erupt from the surface and expel them into space. c. Cosmic rays bombard the surface rock on Enceladus and expel them into space. d. A collision with a co-orbiting moon knocked rocky debris into orbit around Saturn. e. Strong winds from Saturn blow material off of Enceladus’s surface. 35. Which moon gives rise to the particles that make up Saturn’s E ring? a. Titan b. Triton c. Callisto d. Enceladus e. Thethys 36. What is the escape velocity from Europa, whose radius is 1,600 km and mass is 5 × 1022 kg? a. 27 km/s b. 7.0 km/s c. 2.0 km/s d. 15 km/s

37. Two years after first being observed, astronomers reported that Saturn’s rings vanished. What happened to them? a. The old ring system dissipated, and since then a new one has formed. b. The orbital plane of the rings was seen edge-on, and the rings were too thin to be visible. c. Most telescopes used hundreds of years ago couldn’t adequately resolve the ring system. d. Astronomers were looking at the wrong planet, leading to the chance discovery of Uranus. e. They were hidden behind some of Saturn’s many moons. 38. The density of particles in a planet’s rings can be measured using a. infrared light. b. the Doppler shift. c. shadows cast by nearby moons. d. light from background stars. e. their proper motions. 39. How do astronomers take such detailed, close-up pictures of ring systems? a. They send satellites to the outer planets to take pictures for us. b. They take them using backyard telescopes, just like Galileo did. c. They take them using the largest optical telescopes on Earth. d. They have astronauts in space take pictures of them. e. They wait until the planet is closest to Earth and use the Hubble Space Telescope. 40. What did Galileo deduce from his observations of Saturn’s rings? a. The rings are very thin. b. The rings are made of reflective water ice. c. The rings vary in size and shape. d. There are objects orbiting very close to Saturn. 41. Which giant planets have rings? a. All of them b. Only Jupiter and Saturn c. Only Saturn d. None of them 42. What influence do pairs of shepherd moons have on the giant planets’ rings? a. They keep the rings systems completely stable forever. b. They only allow the rocky ring systems to remain stable while destabilizing the icy ring systems. c. They cause the rings to eventually fall into Saturn by gravitational tugs on the ring

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particles. d. They keep rings between the pair narrow by gravitational tugs on the ring particles. 43. Which of the giant planets does not have rings? a. Jupiter b. Saturn c. Uranus d. Neptune e. None: all of the giant planets have rings. 44. Which of the following planets has the most complex and conspicuous ring system? a. Mars b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Uranus e. Neptune

45. Astronomers originally planned to have the Pioneer 11 space probe pass through the Cassini Gap in Saturn’s rings. Would this mission have been successful? a. Yes, but they decided that it was more important to observe Saturn’s moons. b. Yes, but they decided to land on the rings instead. c. No, because the Cassini Gap turns out to be too narrow. d. No, because the Cassini Gap is not completely empty. e. No, because the same gravitational influences that create the Cassini Gap would have destroyed the probe. 46. Of what are Saturn’s brightest rings primarily made? a. a thin, solid surface of rock and ice b. an orbiting cloud of high-density gas c. hundreds to thousands of smaller ringlets d. a very diffuse collection of dust e. house-sized rocks 47. Saturn’s rings disappear from sight every a. 40 years. b. 25 years. c. 15 years. d. 8 years. e. 6 months. 48. How does the thickness of Saturn’s bright ring system compare to its diameter? a. It’s about 10 times thinner. b. It’s about 1,000 times thinner. c. It’s about 10,000 times thinner. d. It’s about 100,000 times thinner. e. It’s about 10 million times thinner. 49. Saturn’s G ring, as shown in the image below, is known as a. a ringlet. b. an arclet. c. a diffuse ring. d. a spoke. e. a crepe ring. 50. If a planetary ring had an inner diameter of 100,000 km, an outer diameter of 120,000 km, a thickness of 10 m, and a density of 100 kg/m3, what would be the total mass of material in this ring?

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a. 6 × 1020 kg b. 5 × 1023 kg c. 4 × 1015 kg d. 2 × 1021 kg e. 3 × 1018 kg. 51. If you wanted to search for faint rings around a giant planet by sending a spacecraft on a flyby, it would be best to make your observations a. as the spacecraft approached the planet. b. after the spacecraft passed the planet. c. while orbiting the planet. d. during the closest flyby. e. while orbiting one of its moons.

52. Which of the following is not a way to renew particles in a ring system? a. shredding an object that came within a planet’s Roche limit b. a collision between moons or other objects near the ring system c. eruptions on a nearby moon, sending particles into space d. a planet’s gravity drawing particles from the nearby interstellar medium e. impacts on a nearby moon, sending particles into space 53. Of what are Saturn’s rings primarily made? a. water ice b. methane c. nitrogen d. dark organic material e. dark silicate material 54. The mass of all of Saturn’s bright rings is comparable to the mass of a. a small comet. b. a small icy moon. c. Earth’s Moon. d. Mars. e. Venus. 55. Ring particles range in size from tiny grains to a. house-sized boulders. b. basketball-sized boulders. c. city-sized chunks. d. tennis ball-sized rocks. e. fingernail-sized pebbles. 56. Ring material a. is made primarily of fine dust. b. has always orbited the giant planets. c. reflects more than 75 percent of the light that falls on it. d. must constantly be renewed. e. is made primarily of kilometer-sized rocks. 57. All of the following ring structures are known to be created by shepherd moons except a. braided rings. b. spokes. c. scalloped edges. d. ring gaps.

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e. knots and kinks. 58. Why are some of Saturn’s rings diffuse? a. Unlike other things, the particles in diffuse rings collide infrequently, allowing them to maintain highly elliptical and/or inclined orbits and spread out b. The particles in diffuse rings are especially small compared to other rings, causing them to look less well defined c. The diffuse rings are made of tiny particles of methane, while the particles in other rings are made primarily of water ice d. The diffuse rings are comprised of charged particles, which spread out due to the magnetic forces from Saturn’s magnetic field 59. Jupiter’s rings are made of material from a. its innermost moons. b. its upper atmosphere. c. its outermost moons. d. only Io. e. only its retrograde moons.

60. How do Uranus’s rings differ from the ring systems of the other giant planets? a. Uranus has only one ring made up of fine dust. b. Uranus has the most spectacular ring system with many bright, wide rings. c. Uranus has 13 rings that are narrow and widely spaced. d. Uranus has rings that are clumped into several arclike segments. e. Uranus has rings that are solid enough to land on. 61. If the Moon had active volcanoes, a. the Moon would have a thick hydrogen atmosphere. b. Earth might have a ring. c. the Moon’s surface would have more craters than it currently does. d. life could not exist on Earth. e. the Moon would have different phases than we see today. 62. What observational setup is required to observe backlit rings? a. The light source doing the backlighting has to have wavelengths much longer than the size of the ring particles. b. The light source doing the backlighting has to have wavelengths comparable to the size of the ring particles. c. The light source doing the backlighting has to have wavelengths much shorter than the size of the ring particles. d. The light source doing the backlighting must be a blackbody source peaking in the visible part of the spectrum. 63. Which of the following is false? a. The sizes of planetary ring material ranges from tiny grains to house-sized boulders. b. Some rings around giant planets are made from particles that are ejected by its moons. c. Planetary rings can be made when a moon is torn apart by tidal forces. d. The material in planetary rings orbit the planet while obeying Kepler’s third law. e. Planetary rings around the giant planets usually remain for tens of billions of years. 64. What is the most likely reason that a planet’s rings would reflect more than 50 percent of the sunlight they receive? a. They are made of ice. b. They are made of silicate rock. c. They are made of liquid. d. They are made of iron. e. They are very old. 65. Saturn’s rings are much brighter than the rings of the other giant planets because a. Saturn is closer to the Sun and receives a higher flux of sunlight.

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b. the material in Saturn’s rings is made mostly of ice rather than rock. c. Saturn’s rings have over 100 times more material in them. d. Saturn’s rings are tilted by a larger angle relative to our line of sight. e. the material in Saturn’s rings is much hotter than material in other ring systems. 66. Particles that make up the rings of Uranus and Neptune are composed of a. rocky material from tidally disrupted moons. b. organic material that has darkened because of bombardment by high-energy, charged particles. c. icy material from tidally disrupted comets. d. magma from volcanic eruptions on the surfaces of their moons. e. all of the above 67. Rings that look like they are intertwined (but are not) are caused by a. new laws of physics. b. ring material on highly elliptical orbits. c. the gravitational influence of small moons. d. electromagnetic interaction of the rings with Saturn’s magnetic field. e. meteoroid impacts. 68. Rings of giant planets are very thin compared to their diameters mainly because a. of collisions between ring particles. b. moons that tidally disrupt have small diameters. c. energy is conserved when a moon tidally disrupts. d. the planets have large tidal forces. e. shepherd moons force them to be extremely thin. 69. Extremophiles on Earth have been found a. in the scalding waters of Yellowstone’s hot springs. b. in the bone-dry oxidizing environment of Chile’s Atacama Desert. c. in the Dead Sea. d. in the deep subsurface ice of the Antarctic ice sheet. e. all of the above 70. Through what process do some living organisms find energy to survive deep under the ocean? a. electrolysis b. photosynthesis c. plasmosynthesis d. chemosynthesis e. magnetosynthesis 71.

SHORT ANSWER 1. What are the two basic materials of which the moons in the solar system are composed? For each type of material, name an example of a moon whose surface is composed primarily of that material. ANS: Rocky material and ices. Some examples of moons with rocky surfaces are Io, Ganymede, and Callisto. Some examples of icy moons are Europa and Enceladus. DIF: Medium REF: Section 11.1 MSC: Remembering OBJ: Predict why most moons in the solar system are found around the giant planets. 2. Explain how a planet obtains a regular moon orbiting it.

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ANS: Regular moons are usually formed from an accretion disk surrounding the parent planet as the parent planet itself is forming. DIF: Easy  REF: Section 11.1  MSC: Remembering OBJ: Compare and contrast the origin of moons with regular and irregular orbits. 3. What are the orbital characteristics of a regular moon? ANS: Regular moons orbit in the same direction as their parent planet rotates. Regular moons also orbit in the equatorial plane of their parent planet. Many orbital moons are tidally. DIF: Easy  REF: Section 11.1  MSC: Remembering OBJ: Compare and contrast the origin of moons with regular and irregular orbits. 4. What are three characteristics of the orbits of irregular moons, and how are irregular moons formed? ANS: Irregular moons are probably captured asteroids. Three characteristics of irregular moons are (1) retrograde orbits, (2) large distances from their planet, and (3) chaotic orbits or orbital axes that are misaligned with the planet’s rotational axis. DIF: Medium REF: Section 11.1 MSC: Remembering OBJ: Compare and contrast the origin of moons with regular and irregular orbits. 5. Name two properties of moons that are in tidally locked orbits. ANS: (1) They always keep the same side facing the planet, and (2) the side facing the planet is subject to collision with any nearby debris surrounding the planet, so it is much more heavily cratered than the far side. DIF: Medium REF: Section 11.1 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Compare and contrast the origin of moons with regular and irregular orbits. 6. The semimajor axis of Iapetus’ orbit around Saturn is approximately 3.56 × 106 km, and its orbital period is approximately 79 days. Use these data and Newton’s version of Kepler’s third law to calculate the mass of Saturn. ANS: The Newtonian version of Kepler’s third law is Msaturn = 4π2/G × (A3/P2), where A is the semimajor axis in kilometers, P is the orbital period in seconds, and G = 6.67 × 10-20 km3/kg s2. Plugging in these numbers, Msaturn = (4π2/6.67 × 10-20) × [(3.56 × 106)3/ (79*24*3600)2] = 5.7 × 1026 kg.

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DIF: Difficult  REF: Working it Out 11.1 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Use a moon’s orbit to calculate the mass of its parent planet. 7. What’s the most likely way a dwarf planet such as Pluto was able to acquire four moons comparable in size to itself? ANS: Pluto and its small moons formed in a similar way to how Earth’s Moon formed, that is, from a giant collision between early Pluto and a planetesimal, which fragmented into the objects we see today. DIF: Easy  REF: Section 11.1 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Compare and contrast the origin of moons with regular and irregular orbits. 8. The color of a moon’s surface contains clues as to its age. What is the typical relationship between surface color and surface age, and why does this relationship exist? ANS: Darker surfaces are typically older, and brighter surfaces are typically younger. This is because water ice is a common surface material among the moons of the outer solar system. Water ice reflects the majority of light that hits its surface making it very bright. Over time, meteorite dust darkens a moon’s surface. So, a bright surface means that some activity has recently refreshed the surface with new water ice. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.2  MSC: Applying OBJ: Summarize the observations or characteristics that differentiate between moons with current geological activity, possible activity, past activity, and no activity. 9. Name three characteristics of a geologically active moon. ANS: A geologically active moon would have a (1) relatively bright surface that is (2) free of many impact craters and is likely to have (3) volcanic activity. DIF: Easy  REF: Section 11.2  MSC: Applying OBJ: Summarize the observations or characteristics that differentiate between moons with current geological activity, possible activity, past activity, and no activity. 10. Why is Io, a moon that is smaller and farther from the Sun than our own Moon, still geologically active? ANS: Tidal stresses from Jupiter continually cause Io’s interior to flex, keeping it heated and preventing it from cooling completely. DIF: Easy REF: Section 11.2 MSC: Understanding

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OBJ: Explain how moons can be geologically active today while comparably-sized planets are geologically dead. 11. What material has been seen erupting from the surface of the icy moon Enceladus, and why? ANS: Geysers of water erupt from the surface of Enceladus because tidal stresses from Saturn heat up the interior and melt water below its icy surface. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.2 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Compare and contrast volcanism and cryovolcanism. 12. Europa is a very interesting moon that scientists are considering visiting with a spacecraft in order to search for signs of life. What is it about this moon that makes it so interesting, and what surface features give us clues about its interior? ANS: Europa has an icy surface riddled with cracks. It appears that liquid or slush rises up from the cracks and solidifies. Jupiter’s tidal force may keep Europa’s interior liquid, and deep oceans filled with water may exist under its icy surface, which might contain extreme forms of life. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.2 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Summarize the evidence for liquid oceans on giant planet moons. 13. If ultraviolet photons destroy methane, why do scientists think Titan has so much of it in its atmosphere? ANS: Internal heating drives cryovolcanism on Titan, constantly releasing methane into Titan’s atmosphere. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.2  MSC: Applying OBJ: Compare and contrast volcanism and cryovolcanism. 14. Compare the tidal force exerted by Saturn on Titan to the tidal force exerted by Saturn on Rhea. ANS: The tidal force exerted by Saturn on a moon of mass Mmoon, radius Rmoon, and distance from Saturn dmoon is Ftidal = 2GMsaturnMmoonRmoon/d3moon. The ratio of tidal forces on Titan compared to that on Rhea can be obtained noting that 2GMsaturn drops out of the ratio of tidal forces so that Ftidal(Titan)/Ftidal(Rhea) = (RTitan/d3Titan)/ (RRhea/d3Rhea) = [2576/(1.22 × 106)3]/

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[763/(527,108)3] = 0.27. So the tidal force on Rhea is stronger than that on Titan. DIF: Difficult  REF: Working it Out 11.2 MSC: Applying OBJ: Compare the tidal forces experienced by two different moons. 15. Ganymede is one of the largest moons in the Solar System. It shows some terrain that is ancient and heavily cratered, younger terrain with fewer craters, but no terrain that is free of craters. Why would Ganymede’s geological activity stop? ANS: Ganymede’s geological activity probably stopped because its interior solidified after differentiation stopped releasing energy. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.2  MSC: Applying OBJ: Relate the presence or absence of surface features to deduce the history of a moon’s geological activity. 16. What can we conclude from a random distribution of volcanoes on a moon, and why? ANS: We can conclude there is little or no plate tectonic activity on the moon. The movement of plates causes friction and resistance at plate tectonic boundaries, which in turn causes heating and volcanic activity at the edges of the plates. This leads to spatially correlated groups of volcanoes. DIF: Difficult  REF: Section 11.2  MSC: Applying OBJ: Relate the presence or absence of surface features to deduce the history of a moon’s geological activity. 17. Explain how Uranus’s rings were first discovered. ANS: Uranus’s rings were first discovered through stellar occultation, which consists of observing how starlight is dimmed as a ring passes in front of a background star. DIF: Easy  REF: Section 11.3  MSC: Applying OBJ: Explain how rings are observed around planets. 18. What are the two known sources of ring material around the giant planets? ANS: (1) Tidal stresses on objects such as moons, asteroids, and comets when they come close to the Roche lobe of a giant planet, and (2) volcanic eruptions on moons, which fling material at speeds exceeding the escape velocity of the moons and into ringlike orbits surrounding a giant planet. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.3  MSC: Applying

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OBJ: Discuss the two proposed origins for rings around giant planets. 19. Describe some of the effects that moons can have on nearby ring systems. ANS: Shepherd moons can create gaps, sharp edges, knots, twists, and ropelike features in the rings. Moons are also responsible for changing the density of rings, creating arclets and ring arcs, and creating gaps, via orbital resonances. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.3  MSC: Applying OBJ: Illustrate how moons provide orbital stability to ring material. 20. Explain why it was difficult for the Voyager space probe to detect Jupiter’s ring system as it was approaching the planet but easy to detect the rings once the probe passed behind Jupiter. ANS: Jupiter’s ring system is composed mostly of tiny dust grains. Particles this small tend to scatter light in the direction in which the light was originally traveling. As the space probe approached Jupiter, the Sun and the probe were on the same side of the ring system, so all of the light scattered off the ring was directed away from the probe. As the probe passed behind Jupiter, the Sun was now on the opposite side of the ring system from the probe, and all of the light scattered off the ring was directed toward the probe. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.3 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Describe the typical composition of rings. 21. Why do we suspect that the inner planets do not have rings? ANS: They lack small moons to act as shepherds of the ring material, which lends stability to a ring system and allows them to last over long periods of time. DIF: Difficult  REF: Section 11.3  MSC: Applying OBJ: Illustrate how moons provide orbital stability to ring material. 22. Do a planet’s rings last forever? Why or why not? ANS: Because ring particles collide over time, they lose energy and angular momentum and eventually will fall into the planet. They do not last forever, and must be replenished via some mechanism such as the crushing of new icy or rocky material. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.3  MSC: Applying OBJ: Discuss the two proposed origins for rings around giant planets. 23. Explain how pictures such as the one below are taken. Where must the camera be in relation

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to the planet and the Sun? Why do the rings appear so bright from this direction? ANS: This picture was taken using the technique of backlighting. The camera must be on the opposite side of the planet from the Sun. Backlighting occurs when light falls on very small objects, such as the particles in Saturn’s rings. Because very little of the light is scattered backward or to the sides of the particles, they appear much brighter from this angle, making it easier to see the small particles in the diffuse rings. DIF: Difficult  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Relate a ring’s appearance to its composition and density. 24. Rank the four giant planets’ ring systems from brightest to darkest. ANS: Saturn’s rings are the brightest, followed by Jupiter’s ring. Uranus’s and Neptune’s ring systems are the darkest (consider them tied). DIF: Easy  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Remembering OBJ: Relate a ring’s appearance to its composition and density. 25. What do astronomers believe causes the spokelike features associated with Saturn’s B ring? ANS: Meteoroid impacts with larger ring particles send dust above the ring plane. These particles become ionized, and Saturn’s magnetic field causes them to drift outward. DIF: Difficult  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Remembering OBJ: Summarize the substructure of planetary rings. 26. Describe the main difference(s) between a thin ring and a diffuse ring. ANS: Particles in thin rings (such as Saturn’s A, B, or C rings) are close together and collide frequently, forcing the particles into distributions that are vertically very thin and orbits that are very regular. Particles in diffuse rings (such as Saturn’s G ring) are far apart and collide infrequently, allowing them to preserve a range of orbital shapes and inclinations. This makes the diffuse rings fuzzier and thicker than thin rings. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Predict why some giant planets have bright rings and others only have diffuse rings. 27. Describe the origin of the Encke Gap. ANS: The Encke Gap in Saturn’s A ring is caused by Pan, the Saturnian moon orbiting

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within the gap. Gravitational tugs by Pan dislodge ring particles from its vicinity, preventing rings from forming stable orbits there. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Summarize the substructure of planetary rings. 28. Why does the Adams Ring around Neptune clump into arcs rather than uniform rings? ANS: It is believed that gravitational forces caused by orbital resonances between ring particles and the Neptunian moon Galatea (just inside the Adams Ring) result in particles that preferentially congregate into arcs. DIF: Medium  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Summarize the substructure of planetary rings. 29. Looking at the life forms found to exist in extreme environments on Earth suggests that there are probably three things needed for life. What are they? ANS: The three things needed for life appear to be liquid water, an energy source (sunlight, geothermal energy, or chemical energy) and organic, compounds. DIF: Difficult  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Estimate the likelihood of life on moons of the giant planets. 30. Describe how astronomers believe conditions on the surface of Titan may reflect those on Earth early in its history, when life first arose. ANS: The presence of large quantities of nitrogen and hydrocarbons such as methane in the atmosphere of Titan should allow for the formation of molecules needed to form DNA and RNA, as well as amino acids. The destruction of these compounds by solar radiation and recombination of their components into gases produces complex organic molecules, which can rain out of the atmosphere and form a “sludge” comparable to the organic molecules needed for life to arise on Earth. The plausibility of this scenario was demonstrated in the laboratory in the 1950s in the Urey-Miller experiment (see Chapter 24). DIF: Difficult  REF: Section 11.4 MSC: Understanding OBJ: Estimate the likelihood of life on moons of the giant planets.

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