1 minute read
Foreword by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI
In today’s world, innovation is the key ingredient in developing a robust economy. Malaysia, aspiring to be a developed nation by 2050, is recalibrating its science and technology model so that we can be a global player in innovation and help the nation be a lighthouse in the region.
At the heart of a good innovative ecosystem is research that is steeped in integrity. Our innovative contributors, be it from the academia or community, need to ensure that their innovations can be held to the light and not have flaws exposed.
Malaysia is not devoid of capable and proven scientists and researchers; she is also neither devoid of the resources for research and research materials - our rich biodiversity, geographical location and multi-ethnic diversity are ample sources for research projects.
Our research can possibly contribute not just to the country but to the world, as has been achieved in the past. The recently established Research Management Agency, as originally proposed by the then National Science and Research Council’s commissioned Public Research Asset Study in 2013, could be the platform to further enhance research in this country.
But research needs more than just capabilities and resources; intertwined are ethics and accountability.
The Malaysian Code of Responsible Conduct in Research (MCRCR) guide is a necessary tool for the academic community to remain as experts in the eyes of the global community while also carving a name for themselves in the area of science and technology. Instilling the MCRCR in our researchers, research entities and research ecosystem is a demanding task but one which is necessary and important. With this framework, I hope that our researchers feel empowered to take on new heights in their respective research area.
I would like to commend the Academy of Sciences Malaysia and MIGHT for spearheading this task over the past three years. I would also like to congratulate the National Committee on Research Integrity for improving the MCRCR with this Second Edition. With all these in place, I look forward to seeing Malaysia being established as a hub for research innovation, particularly in science and technology.
Thank you.
YB Khairy Jamaluddin
Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) Secretary, National Science Council