International Conference on Tropical Sciences: Contributions to Sustainability

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Next Steps Where do we go from here? This report is not just about looking back,

but also looking forward. One conference will not be enough to spur the sustainable advancement of the Tropics, but it is a starting point for more conversation and concerted action.

01. Micro-meetings Leading up to the next conference, we will be

organising, together with our strategic partners, discussions on the topics covered at the

Conference and how to move the Conference recommendations forward.

02. Next Conference TropSc 2024 will build on the recommendations

obtained from this Conference, provide updates on the actions taken since, and explore further cooperation by gathering the world's greatest minds on Tropical Sciences.

03. An Alliance Together we are stronger. An alliance between different institutions worldwide focusing on

Tropical Sciences will align efforts to collectively advance the agenda of the Tropics and enable meaningful exchanges.


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International Conference on Tropical Sciences: Contributions to Sustainability by Academy of Sciences Malaysia - Issuu