PACC PERÚ Climate Change Adaptation Plan in Peru
Technical information bulletin year 1 N° 1 August 2009
Adapting to climate change in the Andes Special Edition
EDITORIAL Building in capacity to deal with Climate Change This is the first edition of the Newsletter of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan - PACC (by its initials in spanish), initiative of bilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Environment of Peru - MINAM, and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - SDC, which is developed in Apurimac and Cusco, under the leadership of the regional governments of these jurisdictions; and that is facilitated by the Consortium integrated by The Swiss Foundation Intercooperation, The Libelula Consultancy and The Center of Studies and Disaster Prevention PREDES. Through this Newsletter, which will be published quarterly, the PACC will disseminate all the actions that involve many different roles at national, regional and local level, in the framework of a model of participatory management to climate change and which the science section will have the assistance from Swiss authorities. The Newsletter also disseminate information on major activities related to the subject, are being developed in the country. Since this is the first edition of the Bulletin, is broad in its scope, since it has included information about the nature and characteristics of the program for those who are not sufficiently aware of this topic; and also information about last activities and developments, news of interest on the topic, and information on upcoming events. We invite you to review these pages and to contact us and give us your suggestions. PACC PROGRAM
Purpose and Results
Implementation Period
Specific Objective of PACC
The implementation phase of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan will take 3 years, started in February 2009 and will run until January 2012, in which it is proposed to strengthen the capacities of regional and local actors of Apurimac and Cusco, in a planned way to deal with the effects and impacts of climate change on these regions.
The specific objective for this phase is to promote in the Apurimac and Cusco regions, the implementation of strategies and adaptation to climate change, and people from public and private institutions, as well as the capitalization of learning to influence the public policies at different levels.
Results: The program works in 4 main areas of action and results: 1. Knowing. Through scientific studies and participatory assessment of vulnerability and current adaptation versus variability and climate change, and estimate future conditions in this regard, in the Apurimac and Cusco regions, as a basis for formulating strategies and design measures to facilitate adaptation processes.
2. Monitoring and reporting. Through the establishment of Regional Information Systems for climate change adaptation in Apurimac and Cusco.
3. Act. Through consultation, prioritization and support on the implementation of demonstration adaptation measures in the management of water resources, food security and disaster risk reduction, in a micro-basins prioritized in each regions of Apurimac and Cusco.
4. Learning and Influence. Through the capitalization of learning generated in the context of various experiences, which help in generating and strengthening of public policies that facilitate and support adaptation processes at different levels.
The PACC Strategy The PACC is working from a dual dynamic: LOCAL - REGIONAL. a) Developing scientific knowledge and reassess the traditional knowledge, b) promoting the implementation of pilot projects on adaptation measures at local level, c) promoting the development of adaptation strategies and mainstreaming processes and tools in development planning and investment public. GLOBAL - NATIONAL a) Making use and application of information on global climate scenarios, b) supporting the country's efforts to address the process of international negotiations, c) supporting the creation of a national strategy for adaptation. The meeting of these two dynamics will seek, through the articulation and coherence that have processes and local
Global / National International Advise Scientific And use of global climatic models
Input into the process of international business
mainstreaming of adaptation into development processes and tools and public investment
Adaptation Policies consistent on regional and national
Support on formulation and implementation of the National Strategy of Adaptation to Climate Change
National Strategy of Climate Change. Information Systems
Pilot experiences of adaptation in micro-basins Generation of knowledge about local and regional vulnerability
and regional policies that promote, with the policy framework on adaptation is established at the national, the same is expected also incorporate and assimilate the learnings generated from local and regional experiences.
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Working Levels of the PACC The PACC works 3 levels: N AT I O N A L . W i t h t h e M I N A M , participating and supporting processes and activities promoted by the General Direction for Climate Change, which monitors the development of the Program. REGIONAL. With regional governments Apurimac and Cusco leading regional implementation, under a model of shared management with the National Coordination Unit of the PACC. LOCAL. With local governments of the prioritized micro-basins, will lead the management of pilot projects for adaptation.
The Organization of the PACC
Within these 3 levels, the PACC is proposed to contribute in the facilitation and coordination of processes, learning and sharing.
The PACC is organized around a National Coordination Unit based in Cusco, and regional operational units in Apurimac and Cusco, formed within each regional government, and are responsible for implementing the program. The Regional Operating Units are coordinated by the Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of each regional government, and involved, representatives of the Planning Management, Social Development and Economic Development. The PACC has a Technical-Scientific Committee composed of national and regional entities; and Swiss scientists entities (1), whose role is to advise the development of the research being conducted under the Program. (1) The Swiss scientists (ECS) to advise the PACC are: In Climatology: Meteodat (Consultant) and MeteoSwiss (Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology). In Water Resources: WSL (Swiss Federal Institute of Forestry Research, Snow and Landscape) - SLF (Institute for Snow and Avalanche). In Food Safety: Agroscope Reckenholz Tänikon (ART). In Water Management: University of Geneva. In Climate, Disasters and Human Perspectives: University of Zürich.
(1) The Swiss scientists (ECS) to advise the PACC are: In Climatology: Meteodat (Consultant) and MeteoSwiss (Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology). In Water Resources: WSL (Swiss Federal Institute of Forestry Research, Snow and Landscape) - SLF (Institute for Snow and Avalanche). In Food Safety: Agroscope Reckenholz Tänikon (ART). In Water Management: University of Geneva. In Climate, Disasters and Human Perspectives: University of Zürich.
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Research in the PACC The research being conducted in a double PACC scope, regional (Apurimac and Cusco) and local (prioritized micro-basins). Are undertaken by national and regional scientific and technical institutions, and have the advice of Swiss scientists entities. Covers a broad overview of topics related to issues about climate change and bring their findings in the understanding of the impacts that climate change is causing in rural populations of Apurimac and Cusco, and in their livelihoods and living conditions; and the impacts that will result in the future considering climate change scenarios and regional socioeconomic scenarios. These studies constitute the action research, cover these topics: CLIMATE: Climatic Characterization and Climate Change Scenarios to 2030 and 2050 in Apurimac and Cusco, in charge of the Bureau of Meteorology's Direction of the National Service of Meteorology and Hidrology of Peru - SENAMHI. WATER: Characterization of the Surface Water Supply, current and future, level of large river basins, by the Bureau of Hydrology's Direction of SENAMHI. Analysis of the current and future Demand, level of large river basins, from the Institute for Water Management and Environment Cusco-IMA. Analysis of Water Conflicts, by the Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas - CBC.
AGRO: Agroclimatic Characterization of prioritized crops and assessing impacts of climate change on phenological development and productivity, by the Department of Agrometeorology of SENAMHI. RISKS: Historical Analysis of extreme weather events and their impacts, by the Center for Studies and Disaster PreventionPREDES. Physical-territorial Sensitivity analysis, current and future, and exposure of settlements and economic and social infrastructure against dangers arising from climatic extremes; by the Geological Mining and Metallurgical Institute INGEMMET and PREDES CULTURE: Interpretation of the perceptions of the rural high Andean population, about local manifestations of climate change and impacts on their livelihoods, and recognition of adaptation practices in the context of their production systems and cultural systems, from the Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas and PREDES Traditional knowledge to Predessict weather. Indicators and Participatory Validation. ECONOMY: Socioeconomic Scenarios and Economic Recovery of Impacts of Climate Change, by Libelula.
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The Pilot Adjustment Experiences The program will promote from the second year and after the completion of local diagnostics; pilot Adjustment Experiences in prioritized micro-basins. In Apurimac in the Mollebamba microbasin, located in the district of Juan Espinoza Medrano in the province of Antabamba. In Cusco, in the Huacrahuacho micro-basin, located in the districts of Kunturkanki and Checca in the province of Canas. These pilot experiencies will be agreed with the municipalities and social organizations of the micro-basins and prioritize adaptation measures on water management, food security and risk reduction, based on knowledge and experiences related to these 3 axes.
Interrelation of the Results and Processes The PACC is proposed that a combination of results that promotes, is of the technical regional processes and of political and social consultation, around the issue of climate change and adaptation, which have the support to the Regional Technical Groups of Change Climate that have been forming in Apurimac and Cusco, as the interinstitutional spaces for reflection and collective construction of the regional strategies of adaptation to climate change. Also at the local, this should be given in the context of similar processes that have to support opportunities for local existing premises.
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ABOUT ITS ACTIVITIES AND PROGRESS Outcome 1: Know the Vulnerabilities
DATA BRIEF Climate change mitigation will not influence much on the prospects for human development of vulnerable populations during the first half of the twenty-first century, but rather influence in the second half. By contrast, adaptation policies will have obvious effects in the next 50 years and remain important in future (2007-2008 Human Development Report, PNUD). Among the current population, one that is located in the 0 to 33 years, representing 64.3% of the total population, will be most affected by climate change. Resource, Climate Change-CAN has no boundaries. According to the projections of the Andean Community, in 2025, the economic damage that climate change would cause in Peru, may represent a loss of approximately 10 billion dollars annually, which amount to 4.4% of the country's production . Every $ 1 is invested in risk management prior to a disaster in countries like Peru, it could prevent loss of up to U.S. $ 7 (World Bank Report, 2008). In the last 12 agricultural seasons lost 80 thousand hectares of potatoes that had fed 11 million Peruvians and were lost 60 thousand hectares of white corn, due to climate change and land degradation. (MINAM). In Peru is 70% of tropical glaciers in the world. These are an important reservoir of fresh water for consumption. In the last 30 - 35 years have lost about 25% of the surface on average. 20% of those glaciers are in the Cordillera Vilcanota in Cusco. The melting of glaciers in Peru has led,
It Has developed a preliminary methodology for the integration of regional thematic studies to enable the completion of these studies, to produce an integrated analysis and synthesis on vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in the Apurimac and Cusco, with an emphasis on rural population and food security. This work was supported by Libelula technicians, member of the Consortium facilitator of the PACC. The process so far has involved the completion of the following activities: Technical Interchange Meetings with institutions members of the PACC Technical Scientific Committee, held on April 23, and May 8 and 11, to establish the scope and articulation of the studies. Biregional Workshop of Validation of the scope of the studies, conducted in Cusco, June 17 and 18, with the participation of regional governments of Apurimac and Cusco, and technical institutions in both regions. Technical Meetings during July, with the institutions involved in the development of research, to conclude the technical terms of reference of the studies, to reconcile and make consistent the results of each of them and ensure their coordination and final integration. Have been developed terms of reference for each thematic study and established mechanisms for the exchange and coordination. Deadlines have been reached, allowing the program to produce the integration and final synthesis, dissemination, and support the use of the results of this research in politic decisions. The research will be conducted between August 2009March 2010. During the second half of 2010 will produce the first results on climate change scenarios to 2030 and 2050, based on statistical models and
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dynamic models that will allow scenarios of future impacts. Similarly, it has begun the process of construction of the methodology for the integration of local thematic studies, from a workshop held on August 6 an 7 in Cusco with the institutions involved in its implementation and which has been advising of Practical Solutions - ITDG. The Swiss scientists entities who provide advice to the PACC, held recently in Peru, two missions. Between June 28 and July 2 was in Lima, Mario Rohrer Meteodat working with SENAMHI about the visit to Switzerland in late August, the Scientific Director of SENAMHI and about the training that will follow in Meteodat of Switzerland, responsible for the SENAMHI, for the Climatic Study of the PACC. Holding technical exchanges with the Directorates of Hydrology and Climatology, in respect to quality control and processing of data for further investigation. Between July 12 and 19 was in Lima and Cusco, Christian Huggel, from University of Zurich, and coordinator of the Swiss-ECS scientists with whom he held meetings to coordinate the technical input of the ECS in the context of demand of the institutions responsible for Peruvian Studies. Were concluded in this regard to be carried out in various activities this year and in 2010. Further held 2 meetings with professionals who have been awarded scholarships for a master water and glaciology and 3 of the thesis, Universidad San Antonio Abad of Cusco and Pontificial Catholic University of Lima, which will be supported by the ECS in conducting thesis related the themes addressed by the program. Outcome 2: Monitor and Report
In coordination with the Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Regional Government of Cusco and Apurimac, have taken the first steps for the Regional Information System for Adaptation to Climate Change, which will be structured as a Sub-System to the Regional Environmental Information Systems – SIARs; these regional governments are driving, based on the National System of Environmental-SINIA. In this framework, the PACC has established coordination with the Management of Environmental Research and Information, Ministry of Environment, responsible for SINIA, to establish a joint action in this field in two regions through: PACC's collaboration in implementing the work plan that the Department has planned for 2009 in relation to the implementation of the SIAR in Apurimac and Cusco, and that involves installation of software, training in its use and implementation of a workshop for the construction of environmental indicators, which will be monitored through these systems. Generate technical exchanges for the construction of the Information Subsystem for Adaptation to Climate Change that the PACC boost from SIAR of Apurimac and Cusco, to strengthen the information on this subject and to facilitate planning processes and decision-making on adaptation in these regions. Monitoring and support of PACC in the process of implementation and consolidation of the SIAR of Cusco and Apurimac, in coordination with regional governments and MINAM. At the PACC is supporting the development of the technical dossier Project Regional Environmental Information System - Apurimac SIAR, which ends in August 2009, which approval will provide resources for the implementation of the system and a network for monitoring the weather in the Apurimac region. Have been made to the terms of reference for the hiring of a Consultancy for the preparation of diagnostics of Supply and Demand for Climate and Environmental Information in Apurimac and Cusco, as the basis for the design of information subsystems for Adaptation to Climate Change which articulate the Regional Environmental Information Systems of Apurimac and Cusco.
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to weather conditions ; projects to coordinate with the pilot experiences of adaptation that will be developed from 2010 onwards.
Outcome 3: Act Home Diagnostics Local.
Outcome 4: Learning and Influence Regional Technical Groups of Climate Change - GTRCC.
Have begun in August, local studies that will produce diagnostics of vulnerability and adaptation to Climate Change in the micro-basins of Huacrahuacho and Mollebamba, which will form the basis for the conclusion of the pilot projects for adaptation to be developed from 2010 onwards. These studies involved in the process of local actors (municipalities, institutions and social organizations) will be extended until November 2009. Are executed by SENAMHI, IMA, PREDES, CBC, that comprise an inter-agency team to coordinate and integrate activities and field office. Between November and December, 2009 were validated and socialize the findings with the local actors from both micro-basins. Training on micro-basins to local governments and community leaders. There have been aimed at training community leaders, participants in the participatory budget officers and conciliation in the districts of Checca and Kunturkanki from the micro-basin Huacrahuacho, on issues related to climate change and its impacts, with the aim of incorporating development agenda in this issue and its impact on the livelihoods of the most vulnerable populations and the possible responses of local adaptation. Technical support in the identification of projects related to adaptation measures to CC in pilot microbasins in Participatory Budgeting 2010. The program has participated actively in the process of Participatory Budget 2010 in the districts of Checca, Kunturkanki and Juan Espinoza Medrano, support the prioritization of projects related to efficient water management, food security and reducing risks related
In Apurimac supported the formation of the Regional Technical Working Group on Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change, approved by Regional Ordinance No. 009-2009-CR-APURIMAC in Abancay on June 15 2009. Which was a joint initiative of the Ministry of Environment-MINAM, the Regional Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the Regional Government of Apurimac and Climate Change Adaptation Plan - PACC. This Task Force integrates the regional government of Apurimac, and public and private institutions in the region, its mission is to develop participatory and concerted manner, the Regional Strategy for Climate Change and make proposals for related policies. In Cusco, in coordination with the Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the regional government, has been promoted similarly, the formation of the Regional Technical Working Group on Climate Change, which will GTRCC has as a main goal, to make the Regional Strategy for Change climate. To do this in conjunction with the Management of Natural Resources has developed the preamble, the proposal of Creating Ordinance of the GTRCC and Terms of Reference for its construction. Documents are reviewed by the regional government. It has
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been suggested conducting an awareness workshop and Conformation of the GTRCC (Cusco to date schedule). These Regional Technical Groups have been forming within the powers of regional governments in environmental matters, to coordinate, drive and monitor implementation of the regional strategy on climate change, under the respective national strategy. Guide for preparation of Regional Strategies Climate Change, made recently by the Ministry of Environment under the Second National Communication on Climate Change, recommended the establishment of the Regional Technical Working Group as part of the initial stage for building the Regional Strategy.
DATA BRIEF Mainstreaming climate change issues into development plans agreed. In Cusco and Apurimac, by decision of the regional governments have been developing the process of updating its Regional Development Plans. In Cusco, the process of updating of the Concerted Plan of Development of the Region, Cusco to 2021 will be completed. The PACC participated in scheduled workshops and taking part of the reviewer group to analyze in greater detail the programs and proposed projects. In Focus Environmental Adaptation to Climate Change has become a strategic objective of the Development Plan with specific objectives, programs and projects. The process has given the opportunity to incorporate adaptive management and mitigation against climate change as an integrated action to the development management. In Apurimac the updated Regional Development Plan continues. The program is part of the Interagency Task Force to promote the process, and which affect the incorporation of a planned action against climate change as part of the planning of development actions. The process will end between August-September.
Proposal for Regulation of the Law on Water Resources. The PACC has been participating in various forums for analysis and discussion of legislation proposed by the Water Resources Law No. 29338 as it relates specifically to "Article 89" on water issues in the context of climate change. It has been proposed in coordination with the Management of Natural Resources of the Regional Government of Cusco, that the regulation that incorporates the National Authority in coordination with the Authority of Environment, regional governments, municipal governments, peasant and indigenous communities, to develop policies, strategies, plans, programs and projects for adaptation to local variations, regional and national availability of water resource quality, impact of climate change. In the regional case, it is proposed that these aspects are seen through the Cuenca Councils. Also the analysis of vulnerability not only to consider the impacts of climate change on water resources (glaciers, lakes and water flow) but also its implications on society, environment and economy, and that policies, plans and strategies of Integrated Management of Water mainstream incorporate climate change adaptation.
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12% decreases in the availability of freshwater in the coastal zone, which is where the 60% of the population (Magrin, G, 2008). Quelccaya Glacier, located in the Cordillera Vilcanota, had the largest ice cap among all tropical glaciers. Between 1978-1993 the Qori Kalis glacier tongue, it dropped about 6 meters per year. Over the past 15 years, has fallen 60 meters per year. At that rate, it will disappear in 15 years (climate change scenarios for the River Urubamba-PRAA). Ausangate glacier between 1985-2006, lost 59% of their glacier cover. The remaining 41%, will disappear in the next 20 years (Estimate of Sensitivity to Climate Change in the Ausangate Glacier System). Between 1965-2005, in the high Andes of Cuzco, there has been a steady increase in extreme temperatures (maximum and minimum) per year, in the order of 0.01 to 0.04 째 C year. On the contrary, in places like Quillabamba, there is a trend of decrease of the maximum temperature of about 0.02 째 C year. In Kayran Farm in the city of Cusco, in the same period, the index recorded an increase in the number of cold days. 51 of the 108 districts in the Cusco region are in high human vulnerability to climate change. 57 vulnerabilities found in half (Preliminary Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change in Human-Cusco PACC). 44 of the 80 districts of the Apurimac region are at high human vulnerability to climate change. 36 vulnerabilities found in half (Preliminary Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change in Human-Apurimac PACC).
The regulation proposal incorporates items vs. extreme events such as floods, but is not explicit in the face of drought. Neither the explicit linkage between the measures of adaptation and management of floods and extreme events in general.
Preparing the Regional Operating Units PACC - UOR-PACC. In Apurimac, the Regional Operating Unit - UOR PACC was formed by the Regional Executive Resolution No. 311-2009GR-APURIMAC/PR, issued on May 11, 2009. This unit will be responsible for implementing activities for the Adaptation to Climate Change in the Apurimac Region, according to the Master Plan Program and its annual operating plans. Also will has the role of advising the Regional Technical Working Group on Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Regional Strategy on Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change of Apurimac. It also has an Internal and an Operational Plan, documents that are being socialized by the members of the UOR for approval and implementation. In Cusco, the regional management has approved in consensus the proposal of resolution of the Executive Establishment of Regional Operating Unit PACC attached to the Regional Management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management; its Rules and Work Plan 2009. To date, it has initiated the process for the issuance of the Resolution. PACC's support to the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) in the preparation of the Peruvian delegation and defining the national position at COP 10 Copenhagen Under the Operational Plan 2009 of the PACC, the program is to support the General Managment for Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment, in the preparation work of the Peruvian delegation and defining positions for the negotiations on climate change due to Copenhagen (COP 15). This work is done through Libelula, a member of the fconsortium facilitator of the PACC.
PUBLICATIONS Educational Leaflet: Learning What is Climate Change? with Ritticha comes to school As a way of reaching out to school children in Cusco and Apurimac, the PACC published educational books for children i: Learning What is Climate Change? with Ritticha. In simple language with illustrations of local context, the book explains various simple concepts on this topic, being well received by children and teachers in the regional fairs.
The support involves 3 stages of working with the MINAM. In the first stage: The results of the meeting of the COP 14 in Poznan, Poland and its implications for the country. In the second stage: developing a work schedule for building the national position to Copenhagen, and a first training session for effective participation in negotiations on the future climate regime. In the third stage: The second session of training and development for papers (submissions).
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NEWS Public launch of the PACC Program in Apurimac and Cusco May 27 and 28, 2009, was the date when the public launch of the Program on Adaptation to Climate Change, in the cities of Cusco and Abancay, respectively. These events brought together authorities, officials and representatives of peasant organizations. In Cusco and Abancay, these acts were performed in the Auditorium of the Regional Governments and with the participation of authorities and officials of these governments, agent of the Swiss Agency for Development and CooperationCOSUDE, representatives from public and private regional, mayors and peasant leaders of rural prioritized micro-basins under the PACC. In Cusco the event was chaired by Vice Minister of Strategic Development of the Natural Resources Ministry of Environment, Ing Vanessa Vereau Ladd, and the Regional Counsel, Edgar Mateos Zecenarro. In Abancay, was headed by Regional President, David Salazar Morote, who called the union of public and private institutions for the purpose of implementing adaptation measures to address climate change impacts.
The expectation of both ceremonies was the presentation of an allegory of Andean greetings to Pachamama (Mother Earth), performed by priests who invoked the Andean APUS (tutelary gods) to illuminate their authorities to undertake decisive action to protect the environment and adapt to climate change.
Shrinkage of glaciers threatens water availability in the world, said Dr. Wilfried Haeberli, Director of the World Glacier Inventory in Magistral Lecture. “The rapid retreat of glaciers in the tropics, has become a serious threat to the availability of water stocks in the Southern Hemisphere in the near future, not to implement mitigation measures to curb the excessive CO2 emissions, these stocks risk of suffering the consequences of an acute shortage of water", were the findings of Master Conference "Decreased glaciers globally", lectured in Cusco by Dr. Wilfried Haeberli, director of the World Glacier Inventory Program and Director of Morphodynamic Group, University of Zürich - Switzerland. Event organized by the regional government of Cusco and the PACC, and carried out the 16 June, 2009 and which brought about the participation of hundreds of professionals linked to the topic.
S c i e nt i f i c E x p e d i t i o n to G l a c i e r Quelccaya. An expedition led by the prestigious scientist Lonnie Thompson moved to Nevado Quelccaya from June 28 to July 03, 2009, with the purpose of monitoring the Qori Kalis glacier tongue. The PACC was involved with the aim of monitoring glacier field, to develop in coordination with the regional government of Cusco, and with the advice of scientists in Sw i t ze r l a n d , a p ro p o s a l fo r t h e establishment of a Monitoring System Ausangate Glacier
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Experts participated in glacier-Conference Workshop "Adapting a world without glaciers: Realities, Challenges and Actions” From June 7 to 15, it was held in Lima, Peru, the Conference International Workshop "Adapting to a world without glaciers: Realities, Challenges and Action" organized by the Mountain Institute, the United States Agency for International Development in Peru (USAID), the Ministry of Environment, and other academic and research institutions, domestic and foreign. The event brought together experts from the glaciers, and people responsible on environmental policy in Europe, South America, Asia and United States, who discussed the retreat of glaciers and their impact on global water resources. The findings served to design strategies to address the loss of glaciers in the world. The PACC participated on different conferences as part of the event, with a presentation on "Climate Change in the Cusco region.”
Update of the Scientific Research Agenda on Climate Change organized by National council for Science, Technology and Innovation - CONCYTEC and MINAM. Officials of the regional governments of Apurimac and Cusco, with the support of the PACC, participated in the workshops for the Update of the Scientific Research Agenda on Climate Change organized by CONCYTEC and the Ministry of Environment (MINAM) in Arequipa on May 14 and in Lima on June 16., discussing many priority issues for research on climate change in regions of Peru. This activity was part of the Second National Communication on Climate Change, developed by Peru under the auspices of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
Participation in Regional Fairs Huancaro-Cusco, Apurimac and San Antonio. The Climate Change Adaptation Plan - PACC, participated in the IX International Exhibition and Fair Forty Agricultural and Agroindustrial HUANCARO Artesanal 2009, held from June 19 to 30 in Cuzco, in the framework of the campaign to create awareness the problem of climate change and the need to act against it. The PACC was also present at the Fair XXIV
Agricultural and Agroindustrial Artesanal 2009 SAN ANTONIO, of Abancay, 25 to July 29. Both fairs offered information and videos about climate change to students, teachers and the general public and distributed Educativas Cards: Learn What is climate change? with Riticcha, which was greatly accepted by the public.
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Installation and First Session of the Management Committee of the PACC. On June 13, 2009, in the COSUDE local in Lima, was the installation and first meeting of the Management Committee of the PACC, the highest organ of decisionmaking and policy-oriented and strategic program.
Second Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction: Invest Today for a Secure Tomorrow, organized by the ISDR. Between June 16 and 19, 2009 in Geneva, the Second Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction took place. It was organized by the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. The event was attended by 1500 delegates from over 150 governments and more than 120 national and multinational organizations. This session assessed the progress in disaster risk reduction from the first session held June 2007. An agenda was established for reducing disaster risks for the next two years, with targets to be implemented by governments who were in the process of implementing the Hyogo Action Framework for 2005-2015: ¨Increase of Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters ¨. The session will identify strategies for linking disaster risk reduction to climate change adaptation, with a view to an upcoming event at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009. PREDES as part of the Interinstutional Consortium, which advises the Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PACC) participated in a Side Event called Incorporating community-based practices in disaster risk reduction to climate change adaptation, with the presentation of "Experiences in disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change in Peru."
The session was chaired by Eduardo Durand, General Director for Climate Change, Desertification and Drought of the Ministry of Environment and participated Philippe Zahner, Head of Swiss Cooperation in Peru, Jocelyn Ostolaza, National Office Program COSUDE, Jose del Risco Eggart, Manager of Natural Resources and Environment of the Regional Government of Apurimac; Occohuarancca Lino, Managing Director of Natural Resources and Environment of the Regional Government of Cusco, Paola Bustamante, Director of Management and International Negotiation APCI, Maria del Rosario Zamora, head of Switzerland Source of Management and International Negotiation APCI; Christian Huggel, representative of Swiss scientist entities, Elizabeth Wild, Scientific Director of SENAMHI Constantino Alarcon, Director of Agrometeorology of SENAMHI on behalf of the Scientific Committee of the PACC, Patricia Camacho, Delegate of Intercooperation; and Lenkiza Angulo, National Coordinator of the PACC. The meeting reviewed and approved the Regulations of the Steering Committee and the Annual Operating Plan 2009 of the PACC. Other topics discussed were: the status of the bilateral agreement between the Peruvian and Swiss governments for the implementation of the PACC, the agreements with regional governments for the same purpose, progress in implementing regional business units and work Scientific Technical Committee of the PACC. This Committee will conduct a special meeting in September in Cusco, to discuss the implementation of the counterparts of the central entities and regional governments in the implementation of the PACC.
Approaching the Andes to the Himalayas On July 15, 2009, The PACC was visited by Mats Eriksson, Water and Disaster Specialist, who is representative of ICIMOD (International Center for Integrated Mountain Development in Kathmandu, Nepal) in order to generate a mutual understanding of the work of both institutions and build relationships in the future. We identified interesting prospects for cooperation and exchange between regions of the Himalayas and the Andes on the issue of climate change.
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UPCOMING EVENTS National Water Forum convened by other institutions and the Promotion Institute for Water Management - IPROGA
Permanent Seminar on Agricultural Research SEPIAXIII, in Cusco, develop Thematic: Impacts of Climate Change on Water and Natural Resource Management
On September 7 and 8 at the premises of the Pontificial Catholic University of Lima, the National Forum called “Culture and Water Policy” will take place, it was convened by IPROGA with the collaboration of academic institutions and development. The PACC has been working actively in this event which will have 6 tables of analysis and discussion. The first of which will address water and climate change, and will have a keynote lecture on Ecology of Climate Change Policy, by Axel Dourojeanni and leading a panel of experts on the topic of transformations caused by climate change on ecosystems.
In Cusco, August 10 to 13 will be the XIII edition of the Permanent Seminar on Agricultural Research - SEPIA, a biennial event that takes place as a space for discussion and presentation of investigative reports on issues related to agricultural issues, and gathers researchers, academics and professionals. In this edition, one of the thematic tables, will address the issue of climate change impacts on water and natural resource management.
WCC World Climate Conference - 3 and Side Event on PACC From August 31 to September 04 will be held in Geneva, the World Climate Conference (WCC-3 and CMC-3 by its initials in Spanish). 3 The WCC's goal is "Creating a global framework for climate services to help adapt to change and improve risk management." This conference is being coordinated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), with the participation of scientists, policy makers, weather service providers, business leaders and decision makers around the world. The PACC will participate in the WCC-3, with a Side Event (event), called Linking global and local perspectives to the climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, in mountain regions, which is organized jointly with the Agency Swiss Development and Cooperation - SDC, Switzerland-Intercooperation (member of consortium facilitator of the PACC) and the University of Zurich. Participate as panelists: Margaret Wahlströhm, Undersecretary General of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, Walter Vergara of the World Bank, Prof. Dr. Wilfried Häberli, University of Zurich. Representing the PACC will, Dr. Elizabeth Silvestre of SENAMHI of Peru and Dr. Carmenza Robledo, Climate Change specialist of Intercooperation / Switzerland, institution of the consortium facilitator of the PACC.
SEPIA XIII the seminar was held in the city of Cusco. The co-organizers are the Centro Bartolomé de las Casas (CBC) and the San Antonio Abad National University of Cusco (UNSAAC). The SEPIA in collaboration with the PACC, will hold a prompt of the Thematic about Climate Change, in the town of Abancay. The PACC also support the publication of Book XIII SEPIA.
COPENHAGEN (COP 15) A determinant conference to face climate change From 7 to December 18 this year, the city of Copenhagen in Denmark, will host the XV Conference of the Parties (countries) subscribers in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. COP will be negotiated in such a new global agreement about global climate regime for post 2012, to replace the Kyoto Protocol. Road to Copenhagen In view of this conference, world have been holding preparatory meetings that seek to facilitate the agreement of Copenhagen and gather scientific sectors, political and business of the countries, such as meetings in Bonn in August, Bangkok in late September and early October, and Barcelona in November. Wanted with this new agreement a greater commitment to reducing GEI emissions, which may even reach a binding agreement that includes countries that have no obligations with the current protocol, which could include Peru.
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What the world expects of Copenhagen An agreement where the Kyoto Protocol to be strengthened, considering the principles and elements set forth in the roadmap to COP 13 in Bali, that is a political agreement, based on science and to establish priorities for investment in mitigation, adaptation for technology transfer and a new and more consistent funding model for development, all framed by a shared vision on how to achieve a transition to a pattern of low carbon development and respects the environment.
measures to climate change, according to a preliminary study commissioned by the Ministry of EnvironmentMINAM. Therefore, the MINAM is devising a proposal to create a fund derived from the tax on fossil fuel to bring it to the XV World Summit on Climate Change (COP 15) and thus be able to have resources to implement adaptation measures and conservation forests.
Funding for Adaptation Developing countries require international assistance and resources to support the adaptation process. The costs will require adaptation in developing countries are high, estimated at tens of billions of dollars. However, the funds raised or pledged so far cover only 1% of projected costs.
PACC portal near launch in September 2009, aims to provide a tool to promote knowledge management on the adaptation measures addressing climate change in Peru and to inform and sensitize local actors, regional and national. Also presents updated information on program activities, the website which may be accessed from next September is:
In the case of Peru is estimated to be between $ 200 and $ 300 million required annually to implement adaptation
Soon be launched on the PACC Website
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