e youth exchange entitled SEASIDE – Save the Earth, Act and Stop Individuals from Damaging Environment! took place in Eforie Sud between the 15th and the 22nd of September 2014. (including travel days) and involved 30 youngsters coming from 5 different East and West-European countries: Romania, Greece, Spain, Italy and Hungary. e main theme of the project was the environment protection of tourist areas. Unfortunately Romania is a bad example how a sea beach looks aer summer season: tones of waste cover the sand. e attitude and behavior of tourists is characterized by indifference. e other participating countries have also popular tourists zones but they can manage them more efficiently. at is why the information exchange between the countries was very efficient.
e mobility also facilitated the intercultural understanding between the youths coming from different West and East European countries through the intercultural and the national cultural nights carried out by each group.
e project was funded by the European Union .
î ˘e Youth Association from Transylvania has been founded at the end of 2011. According to our Statute, we aim to help develop, promote and represent the general interests of the communities in Transylvania by having social, cultural, sporting, educational, recreational and professional training activities, and thus promoting the active involvement of youth in the perpetuation of ethnic, national and European values. Solidarity Tracks is a non-pro t and non governmental organization from Greece, promoting youth exchanges, mobility and intercultural learning on European and worldwide scale. Solidarity Tracks disseminates the value of the human rights and pursue the initiative of responsible and sustainable development. î ˘e actions of the association support individuals’ personal development in relation to local sustainable development.
GreenRope was born in the heart of Puglia (Italy) from passion and from the energy of ideas of a group of young people. Our local and European projects are based, overall, in the protection and conservation of the environment and biodiversity and in the topic of sustainable development. e key-words of GreenRope mission: preservation of environment and biodiversity, education, research, scienti c information, slowfood, fairtrade, ecotourism, sustainable development, give values to local territories. Dotis Informal Group is a group of young people from Hungary. Every member of this group have been in a project under the Youth In Action program. During the exchanges in Slovakia, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Italy, Romania, Turkey etc., they have made a lot of partnerships with different organisations from all over the partner and program countries. As an open minded group they are free to explore different cultures and issues and ready to make new partnerships and participate in different projects. GDR Valle del Guadallorce is a non pro t association in Málaga, South of Spain. We are implementing of LEADER + Programme in our area. Youth, Gender equality, Rural tourism and agro-industries are our main target. Related to youth we have a group of different ages been interested in the environment, the social integration of the foreign population and the sustainable development in our territory. 4.
At the beginning of the mobility, the participants got acquainted with the objectives of the project, shared their hopes, fears and contributions and played games in order to get familiar with the names of the other participating youngsters. ey also got familiar with the particularities of the Erasmus plus Program and with the My diary daily evaluation instrument. e My diary process consists of determining 3-5 individual development goals and choosing a partner who will help the participant to evaluate on a daily basis the degree of development of the determined goals and on the last day to summarize their development according to the Erasmus Plus key competences. In the aernoon, the participants discovered Eforie Sud intereactively, by taking photos and talking with the members of the local community. e day ended with the intercultural night, during which the youngsters placed their national foods and drinks on table and presented them, the others tasted these national products.
e activities started with presenting and analyzing the measures implemented by the participating countries in order to protect the environment. Aer a coffee break arrived the representatives of the NGO Mare Nostrum from Constanta, an organization which aims through its actions to protect the seaside, the sanity of the maritime ora and fauna. ey hold a presentation about their activity and projects. en the youngsters visited the seaside, observed what is the situation of the protection of the environment “on the scene”. Aer the daily evaluation and the My diary, the participants took part at the Romanian and Greek cultural night, during which they saw presentations, conversed about the culture of these countries, played a “quiz game” which was won by the Italian group. eir prize was traditional Romanian biscuits. 6.
Aer breakfast, the participants presented what their countries do in order to protect the touristic areas, Hungary referred to the Balaton and the other countries to their seaside. en the participants were divided into 4 groups and made a SWOT analysis regarding the tourism of the seaside in general (including the strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). Aer that, the participants made a yer aiming to invite the members of the local community to the waste collecting action. ey also made 4 posters which had the same content, but was more colourful and visual. en the youngsters were divided into 3 groups and collected the waste around the accommodation (around the buildings, outside the fence). Aer a little relaxation, the participants took the 500 yers and the 4 posters and went in Eforie Sud to spread the yers among the locals and to stick the yers in 4 key points of the locality. e day ended with the evaluations and the Hungarian cultural night, during which the participants watched 3 lms about the country and its capital and played 3 games.
In the morning, the participants started making 2 huge banners for the waste collecting action. One of the banners illustrated the Earth with two faces (one clean and one dirty), the other illustrated the globe surrounded by hands and possible dangers which lurk the Earth. en Marieta Iorga, the representative of the ABA Dobrogea Litoral, the authority which manages the seaside, held a presentation about the erosion of the seaside, about the measures taken to stop this phenomenon, about the projects the institution is carrying out, and about the process of renting a part of the seaside in the summer season by private entities for tourists and about a protected bird living in the area, the red-breasted groose. In the aernoon, the youngsters nalized the banners. en the facilitator run a eatre forum activity in the theme of tourists’ behaviour. e participants were divided in 4 groups, they proposed themes, selected one with the help of the facilitator, worked out and presented a scene tackling the problem (with voice and pantomime) and the other participants had to nd answers for the issue and to include them in the scenario. In the evening took place the Italian and Spanish cultural night, during which the youngsters watched lms about the countries, played diverse games and completed a quiz. 8.
Before starting the waste collecting action, the participants gave interviews to the Digi24 TV channel. e group leaders talked about the local situation and the situation of environment protection on the seaside or touristic areas in their countries. e youngsters also made a group photo with the huge banners created by them. en the participants started to collect the waste remained on the beach aer the tourists le. We collected about 200 bags with garbage. In the aernoon, the participants talked about the role of EU in the reglementation of the environment protection on the seaside. e day ended with movie night. e participants viewed a documentary lm related to environment protection.
In the morning, the participants planned the follow-up of the project. Every youngster wrote on a post-it future project ideas aiming to continue the cooperation between the participating associations. e facilitator drew a table on a ipchart, and every post it was adhered in a frame. e participants detailed their ideas and discussed them. en each youngster wrote his name beside the project idea he liked the most. en, the participants answered the questions related to the key competences they developed during the project and we lled their detailed Youthpass. e day continued with the nal evaluation of the mobility and with the Youthpass award, during which each participant received his Certi cate. 10.
VISIT THE BLOG OF THE PROJECT: www.seasidemobility.wordpress.com