ELECTRICAL PROJECTS USING MATLAB/SIMULINK Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
Solar Power Based Two Level Inverter Fed DTFCSVM of a Sensorless IM Drive ABSTRACT: This paper presents a solar power based two level inverter fed sensorless induction motor drive (SIMD) with space vector modulation based direct torque and flux control (DTFCSVM) for the water pumping applications. Due to the robustness and the flexible operating characteristics, induction motor is most suitable for water pump system. The back emf based model reference adaptive system (MRAS) is used to estimate the speed of the motor. This sensorless MRAS based speed estimation technique is independent to the changes in the temperature and it makes the system simple, robust and economic. Moreover, it reduces the complexity while implementing the hardware setup. DC/DC boost converter along with perturb and observe method of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control technique is employed to draw sophisticated power from the solar photovoltaic (PV) array. The DTFC-SVM of an IMD using basic two level inverter is proposed for water pumping application. The proposed method is simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment and simulated results are presented under various operating conditions.
KEYWORDS: 1. Direct torque and flux control 2. Sensorless induction motor drive 3. Space vector modulation 4. Photovoltaic array
For Simulation Results of the project Contact Us
Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
ELECTRICAL PROJECTS USING MATLAB/SIMULINK Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
0-9347143789/9949240245 BLOCK DIAGRAM:
Fig. 1. Schematic model of DTFC-SVM of sensorless IMD
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ELECTRICAL PROJECTS USING MATLAB/SIMULINK Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
Fig.2. Results under no-load torque operating condition using basic two level inverter: Plot (from top to bottom): (i) Torque, (ii) stator current, (iii) speed, (iv)stator flux qd-components in stationary reference frame.
For Simulation Results of the project Contact Us
Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
ELECTRICAL PROJECTS USING MATLAB/SIMULINK Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
Fig.3. Loading performance at 1400rpm using basic two level inverter: (i) Torque, (ii) speed, (iii) stator current and (iv) error speed,(v) error speed between actual and estimated speed of motor,(vi) stator fluxes.
For Simulation Results of the project Contact Us
Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
ELECTRICAL PROJECTS USING MATLAB/SIMULINK Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
Fig.4. Reversal speed Performance using basic two level inverter: (i) Torque, (ii) speed, (iii) stator current and (iv) stator flux qd-components.
CONCLUSION: It has been concluded that the solar power based basic two level inverter fed sensorless induction motor
simple,robust,reduces the complexity while desgningthe hard ware setup hence it is quite suitable for the water pumping applications. The solar panel has been operated at the peak values of voltage, current and power by using a simple perturb and observe method of MPPT algorithm, For Simulation Results of the project Contact Us
Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
ELECTRICAL PROJECTS USING MATLAB/SIMULINK Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in
0-9347143789/9949240245 and the required DC output voltage achieved by using DC/DC boost converter. From the simulation results we can conclude that the basic two level-SVM based sensorless IM drives can provide good performance and less ripple content in torque , fluxes.
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For Simulation Results of the project Contact Us
Gmail: asokatechnologies@gmail.com, Website: http://www.asokatechnologies.in