User Manual Tablet With Android 4.0
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I 4.1 lntemet Browsing. 5.'1 lnstall Apps..........
6.3 Ga11ery................ 6.4 Camera.............. 6.5 E-book reader... VIl. Settjn9s...................... W . Exp/ov.................... X. Battery............. ........ Troubleshooting...............
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Thank you for purchasing this tablet It brings you much convenience for your business (supports Word, Excel, send & receive e-mails...) and entertainment (supports 3D game, chatting, movie playback, eBooks.....)
Running on Android 4.0, with a 1.2 GHz processor and highly responsive capacitive touch screen, it brings you wonderful user experience. Before beginning, please refer to this user manual carefully.
a, The new battery will be in its best condiuon after 2-3 times ful charge and discharqe.
While using the earphone, if the voLume is excessively high it may cause damage. So please adlust the volume of the player to a moderate level and balance ihe time of using.
Do not disconnect the tablet suddenly when formatting or uploading and downloading, which can lead lo program errors.
O Do not dismantle the tablet by yoursef, and do not use alcohol, thinner oi benzene to clean its sudace-
Do not use ihe tablet while driving or walking.
UĂŹ The tablet is not moisture and water resistant. Please do not use it in a damp environment.
O Do not drop or hit it to hard suÉace, or the screen may get damaged.
Do not upgrade the firmware by yourself. Thls wou d cause damage to your
8" TFT capacitive touch screen 0.3M fronl camera To increase or reduce the volume I
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Tap lo return to the prev ous screen,T page
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(olnect your earphole
Connecttoa5Voutputadaplorasincludedrntheaccessories -Press ro reser the rèb eL if il f.eezes or oenaves abnorral. /Use a oaoe-c tp o. otner shdrp oojecl to s-ab thts resel hote.
12. Powerand lock
bufton lo turn il on ) Hod and press to turn on or turn off this unit I Biefly press to turn on or turn off the screen
1.1.1 Turn
To start your tablet, press and hold the power key at the right side of your tablet for a while. Tab and drag the lock out of the circle to un ock.
Tab and drag the lock
= :
out of the circle to unlock.
Drag the lock to right: you will go to the home screen. Drag the lock to left: you will go to camera directly.
l.'1.2 Turn off To power off your tablet, press and hold the power button until the "Would you like to shut down?" dialog appears and tap "OK' to power it oif. 1.2
Lock/unlock the scren (sleep modè)
To save battery, you should put your tablet in sleep mode by turning olf the LCD display. To do this, shorlly press the power key. Press it again to wake up the screen. 1,3 Connect
to computer
You can connect your tablet to your computer with the supplied USB cable so you can transfer media files. lfyour computer is XP system, please install a Windows Medla Player ll for your computer bèfore tnnsfer media liels as android 4.0 system needs Windows llredia Playèr 11 suppoÉ,
b. c.
Voice search
AĂŒl apps
C I,r!!1 f. Recent operat ons
Connect to PC
to ooen voice search
Tap to show all the app|cations installed Tap to return to the previous screen/ to return to Vour home
Tap to show your recent operations When connect to PC, tf,is icoÀ wlt snow fe,e. StiA" to choose connected as a media device or camera if connected with Wi-Fi
Show batteru status
2.1 Change wallpaper for home screen: Tab and hold your flnger in any blank space of the home screen, you wlll see a pop-up options; you can choose wa lpaper from Gallery, live Wallpapers or Wallpapers.
2.2 Add/delete applications on home screen: There are several apps in the home screen, you can also add more frequently-used app icons in this home paqe and delete some Jess frequently-used ones. Tab the app launcher in the iop right corner to go to all apps panel, tap and move the app you want to the home screen. fo deletej,ljglfrom home screen, tap and hotd it, and them movie it to the remove ::s,j!H tcon.
2.3 Add widgets to home screen: Tab all Apps launcher-Tab WIDGETS. There are Analog clock, bookmarks. calendar, Email, and lots of other widgets. Drag the widgel you want to the home screen. Tips: Besides your home screen, you can access to other four panels by sliding left or right in your home screen. you can also customize these panels
Wi-Fi can only be used when it connects with home Wi-Fi Access Point (AP) or a free unsecured Wi-Fi hotpot. Under "Wireless & networks", tap "Wi-Fi" to turn rt on. After a moment, your Wi-Fi networks list should populate. lf you need lo rescan for available networks, tap "scan"
3.'l.l Turn on Wi.Fi Within the App Panel, tap "Settings" to turn on wifi.
then "Wireless & networks"
Your tablet lists the networks it finds within range. lap a network to connect. lf necessary, enier Network SSID, Security, and Wireless password, and tap "Connect". When your tablet is connected to the netlvork, the wireless indicator
appears in the status bar. Waves indicate connection strength.
Turn offwi-FI
Please turn off Wi-Fi if you're not using it to save the battery. To turn off Wi-Fi, Tab it again.
3.1.3 Add a Wi-Fi network Users may also add a Wi-Fi network under "Wi-Fi settings". ln "Wi-Fi settings" tap "Add network". Enter the SSID (name) of the network. li necessary, enter security or other network configurat on details. Touch Save. Note: Nehryork status icons turn green E if you have a Google Account added to your tablet and the tablet ls connected to Google seruices, for syncing your Gmail, Calendar events, contacts, for backing up your settings, and so on.
4.1 lnternet Browsing Before using your browser, make sure Wi-Fi or internet is connected. ln yoĂšr app pa.el. Tab ihe orowse,
ffi H
icon to opel your b.owser.
Tap the address bar, the Android keyboard will appear for your entry of keylvords or URL. New
bookmark this-page Open bookmarks
â‚Źhr }-rtrr Iork eirrres
faU tfre
ffiffi re
in the top corner of the brower page to open
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5.1 lnstall Apps
Co lo lhe Ap(lnsrallei
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inslal alo ranage yo-r apps To insLall an
application, fo ow below steps: 1. Tap to open the 'APKInstaller - 'lnstall' - then iap "lnternal Memory' or "TF Card'. Available .apk files w ll appear at the r ght side. Touch the required one to install it-
Note: Make sure the .apk file is workable on android 4.0, and the suffix s .apk.
e.g "angrybirds.apk". ln some cases. there may be no icon on n the App Panel after a .apk file s installed. Possib e reasons may be that this app is not compatible with your OS or the downloaded .apk fl e is a broken one so you may need to download a full version.
5.2 Manage Apps you can Tap to open the'APKInstallel -'Manage'. Tab the app and then launch, export, uninstall t.
You can also go io "AppS" under "Sett ngs" to manage apps-
6.1 Music
Afler loading your music lnto your lablet, tap the music con iffi to open the music player. You can select songs by Artist, Albums, songs or Playlists. Tap to select. The media player ailows you to shuffle, skip, or pause your current se ection and even displays the album artwork when available.
;n tne uottum tine to open a submenu n music playing page.
6.2 Video
You can play videos saved in your tablet or TF card. To play, tap Video
icon to launch the video player:
Tab the vjdeo you would like to play. Tab the screen to show the video too bar You can piay back, fast foMard, pause your video here. you can also add bookmark for your video, adlust brightness, or set screen ratio here. Here is the toolbar
With the Wl-Fi on, you are also able to view an on-line vldeo. 6.3 Gallery
You can vlew, show off, and even edit your dioital pictures on the tabĂŒet,s full color. high-reso Lrion oisplay. Alter oad.q voLr redia. tap Ga tery display your pictures:
ffi ffi
Tab the picture you want to disp ay it, and slide right or left to show other pictures.
the menu icon, you can edlt, rotate, crop, or set it as wallpaer.
6.4 Camera
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Eat ta{e c phoi3, .. a v:aie3. Note: After you power on your tablet you can go to camera d recfly by drag the lock io left.
6.5 E-book rèader
The tablet supports many eBook formats like PDF, Text. E,pub, F82....
Tap rl'e e-oool. H the book and read.
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'con to open e-boo. shelves.
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u:r.i iii iiir: fr:!.
I ao an e-oook
.o open
You can page up or page down by stiding your finger riqht or left.
Tab E or the mequ button to check the sub-menus. you can set the font size, Go To Page jump, check your bookmarks, set the auto ftip tjme, etc.
Tap the "Settings" icon
to go to settinqs
Wi-Fl: tap "Settings" * "Wireless & networks" to tum on wifi and scan. lt will show a list ofWi-Fi networks scanned in range. Choose a strong Wi_Fi network to connect. (You may need to input the password). Display: To set Brightness. Wallpaper, Sleep time-out, Font size here. Stonge: Check internal storage here. lf you insert an Micro SD card. or LISB disk. you can check tne loral and availaole space for your Micro SD card or USB disk. Please unmount it to safely remove it. Battery: Check the Battery status here. Display: Tab "Settings" * "Display" to set brightness, screen time-out. etc. Language E input: to set tanguage and keyboard input.
Backup & reset: choose to go to submenu "back up my data" and,,Factory data reset"- lf you choose factory data reset, all data from your tablĂŠt,s nternal storage will be erased. Choose this option carefully. About Tablst: To check information about your tablet, such as Model number, android version, etc.
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ln Explorer Ld, you can manage all yourfiles. You can copy, delete. paste, or rename your files in your l\,4icro SD card, Internal Memory and USB disk
For example, to copy files from "lnternal l\lemory" to micro "SD card' 1,Open "explorer" you will see ihe above interiace 2, tab "lnternal Memory" to see files . your tabiet 3, Tab "Multi"
4, Tab "Editor"
icon and then select the fl es you want to ed t
icon, you will see a pop-up menu, sellect "copy,,
5, tab
icon ln the top left to reurn io rhe main inferface. select,'SD
# icon, you wl I see a pop-up menu. select,'paste,. Fiies are copied from your tablet to your Micro SD â‚Ź.d now. card", Tab "Editor"
HEI Very Low Battery
Full Battery
= Charging Battery
'Ef indicates that the power of Battery is fuil. When the battery level becomes too low, a prompt comes up to note you to charge your tablet. While charging, you can check the charging status in the lock screenj
takes around 5 hours to charge your tab et to full battery. Please only use a l2A adaplot ncluded in the gift box to charge t.
Ttizubleshooting 1. Can notturn on the tablet Check the tablet's power level, please charge it before starting it. ln case your tablet stil cannot be turned on, you may try to reset it
No sound from earphone
Check if volume is set to '0'. Or earphone may be broken, please change for another one.
Big nolse
Check if there ls dust in the earphone or speaker. Check if the file is broken.
Frozen to any operation
Please use a pin to reset and then restari your tablet. 5. Screen
drft or unresponsive screen
To correct it, you may a) Go to Settings - Accessibility - Touch panel calibration to calibrate it; b) ln case calibration cannot be carried out, you may press and hold the power button for about '15 seconds to force the tab et to shut down. Calibration wi I be automatically done after you start up your tablet. c) Use a IJSB mouse to carry out calibration operations on your tablet. 6. Applicalion not workable
Possible reasons may be that thĂŹs app is not compatib e with your OS or the downloaded .apk file is broken so you may need to download a ful vers on. B. How delete a Google account? lf an account is added, the account is shown ĂŹn 'Accounts & sync' of "Settings", where you may also add anothea account. To de ete an undesired account, go to "Settings" - "Privacy settings" - "Factory data reset". Your tab et's internal storage, downloaded apps, etc. will a so be deLeted, except ihe info in your flash memory. Be careful before you carry out this operation.