2 minute read

with Dr Faye Goodyear

Mixing it up! Mix your Orthodontics treatment (Aligners and Brackets) to meet your patients’ needs

Course description

Combo Aligners and Brackets:

One plan, one portal to match your patients’ needs.

Join Dr Faye Goodyear and hear how she achieves patient satisfaction and successful treatment outcomes with mixing Aligners and Digital Bonding, to best match her patient expectation. Learn how easy and streamlined planning a combination case can be when submitted all from one treatment portal. Dr Goodyear will share with you the treatment progress and treatment outcomes of her combination cases.

Learning objectives

•Identifymalo cc lusionswherecombinationtreatmentcanbe expectedtoreducetreatmenttime..

•Planning combination cases.

•Managing patient expectations.

•Step by step; the simplicity of treatment planning from one portal.

Speaker bio

Dr Faye Goodyear B.D.A. (Lond.), B.Sc. (hons) M. Sc. (Lond.), M.F.D.S. R.C.P.S. (Glas.) M. Orth. R.C.S. (Edin.)

Dr Goodyear gained her Dental Degree from Guy’s Hospital London, her Membership to the Faculty of Dental Surgeons in Glasgow and completed her Masters in Orthodontics and a BSc (Hons) degree in psychology at the University of London.

After a decade of both private general practice and public health experience, Faye bought Suite 16 of Toowong Terraces in 2016 and redesig ned the new contemporary fit out herself with the help of her father, a retired architect.

With a taste for adventure (having been a bungy jump instructor in her twenties), Faye enjoys getting out on her bike and is a keen competitive road cyclist and she can be found riding early most weekday mornings.

When: 12th June 2024


Duration: 1 hour



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