Portuguese Teachers Workshop at Luso Conference

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Sponsored by CEP.CA in collaboration with the Go Luso-American Education Foundation XXXIII Annual Conference

March 28, 2009


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1st Workshop for Portuguese Teachers

Travel grants, free lunch tickets and materials available to participating teachers

The March 28, 2009 Portuguese Teachers' Workshop is the inaugural event in a series of workshops that CEP.CA will sponsor annually in different regions of California. These events are designed for teachers, by teachers. Their main goal is to share, develop, and create professional knowledge and expertise in Portuguese Education at all levels.

Go to tinyurl.com/portworkshop-1 to enroll today!



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Luso-American Education Foundation XXXIII Annual Conference • March 28, 2009

Portuguese Teachers’ workshop Book Fair and Exhib ition 8:45 - 16:30 Por tuguese and bil ingual books The Coordination of Portugue se Programs (CEP.CA) offers book cer tificates and raf fle tickets to all teachers

Magda Bettencourt, Portugu

ese Books (exhibitor)

California State University, Stanislaus Turlock | Central California





Welcome and announcements


15 minutes

. Ana Cristina Sousa (Coordinator), Coordination of Portuguese Programs (CEP.CA) . Diniz Borges (President), Associação dos Professores de Português dos Estados Unidos e Canadá (APPEUC). . José Luís da Silva (Chairman of the Board), Luso-American Education Foundation (LAEF)

60 minutes

Session 1 Tales from the Azor es, Genealogy and other reading and writing activities


9:55-10:40 45 minutes

José Luís da Silva, San Jose High Academy Presentation and demonstration of texts and materials.


Coffee Break and Raffle

20 minutes

Refreshments are available in the hall

11:00-11:45 45 minutes

. Ana Cristina Sousa, CEP.CA | CSU Stanislaus . Diniz Borges, Tulare High School | APPEUC . José Luís da Silva, San Jose High Academy | LAEF

45 minutes

45 minutes

Diniz Borges, Tulare Union High School | College of the Sequoias Presentation and demonstration of texts and materials.



90 minutes

Lunch will be served in the Main Cafeteria at CSU Stanislaus. Teachers receive a lunch ticket from CEP.CA.

Session 4 Teacher s as innovator s: Cur r ent projects in public and community schools . Ana Cristina Sousa, CEP.CA | CSU Stanislaus . Adriana Gomes (1st and 2nd grades), Escola Jorge de Sena, Turlock . Lúcia Saldivar (K), Elim Elementary School, Hilmar . Mary Anacleto (5th grade), Elim Elementary School, Hilmar . Phyllis Borba (5th grade), Elim Elementary School, Hilmar . António Freitas (9th to 12th grades), Turlock High School

Session 2 A world of resources: How to use free online materials and tools in the Portuguese class

Session 3 Learning Por tuguese through poetry

Discussion Panel Challenges, oppor tunities and action strategies for Por tuguese education in California Discussion facilitators:

At a distance:

Ana Cristina Sousa, CEP.CA | CSU Stanislaus Presentation and demonstration of free online resources and materials for all levels. Free tools for teachers. Borrowing and adapting from other languages. 11:45-12:30

Demergasso-Bava Hall | Room 107

. Ana Sofia Guerra (7th grade), Escola Secundária Manuel Cargaleiro, Seixal, Portugal (ESMC) . Maria Cristina Chabert (10th grade), ESMC, Portugal . Maria Júlia Freire (12th grade), ESMC, Portugal 15:55-16:05

Coffee Break

10 minutes

Refreshments are available in the hall


Closing Session Workshop evaluation

25 minutes

To facilitate the workshop evaluation, all participants receive a “Workshop Journal” at the start of the work sessions where they can jot down their impressions as the day progresses.

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