ICX hand Out

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Index: -

Introduction. Host LC Role Trainee Role Trainee Buddy Host LC Responsibilities. Trainee Responsibilities. Monthly Payroll. Housing. Transportation. Migration Process. Communication between parties. Handling Conflicts. Trainee Dismissal. Trainee Resignation.

Dear LCs and Trainees:

Welcome to AIESEC in Guatemala. This Hand Out Guide is designed by the Member Committee keeping in mind that relationship between AIESEC, Trainee and TN Taker must be clear and easy to understand to each of the parties.

Please read carefully what your role and responsibilities as Host LC or Trainee are. It is really important that you follow the recommendations stated in this guide as it represents the best way for you both to build a successful relationship which ensure that the LC and Trainee are going to have a High Quality Life Changing Experience.

Best Regards,

MC Gladiators

Host LC Role As Host LC your entity is the one in charge of ensuring the management & delivery of the internship with the TN Taker and the trainee. The role of the Host LC is to be available to deliver the internship in the best way possible in order to make sure that the trainee meet the real culture of the Host Country, live in a safety place, has de basic living conditions covered and fee satisfy with his/her experience in Guatemala.

Trainee Role As Trainee you are the Exchange Participant who has been selected by the Partner Organization (TN Taker) of the Host LC, to have an international experience through the AIESEC Exchange Program in the Host Country. Your role as Trainee is to support the TN Taker achieves the project’s goals in order to improve the impact this Organization is delivering to the community. As part of your role you must keep direct communication with your Host LC in order to deliver the corresponding follow up to while you are doing your exchange.

Trainee Buddy The Trainee Buddy is the person from the Host LC in charge of the trainee in the Host Country during his/her internship. The Buddy as commonly known is the one in charge of get in contact with the EP once the TN Taker select him/her, organizing the reception to the airport, finding a safety place to live with basic living conditions covered: Electricity, Bed, Furniture, Water, Internet and Telephone. The Buddy is also in charge of making sure the Trainee gets a bank account and cell phone number as well as ensuring the Trainee gets to meet the Host Culture, traditions, and cultural activities. It’s his/her responsibility to present trainee on first working day with TN

Taker. It must be clear that this is also the responsibility of the Host LC in general.

Host LC Responsibilities As Host LC these are the main responsibilities the Entity must deliver in order to ensure the quality of the Internship: -

Ensure there is an ER/ICX in charge in the structure who manages the exchange process.


Communicate the Trainee which documents (Passport, Invitation Letter from AIESEC in Guatemala, any other document, etc.) and consular procedures he/she needs to get in order to get proper visa.


Communicate the Trainee which documents (Criminal Records with the stamp and signature of Foreign Affairs Office of Trainee’s Original Country and stamp and signature of Guatemalan Embassy in that country) he/she needs to bring to Guatemala in order to start migration process for residential status.


Designate a Trainee Buddy to prepare the logistics for the internship delivery.


Ensure the Trainee Buddy finds a safety place for trainee to live in, complying with the basic living conditions: water access, electricity, internet access, a proper bed and refrigerator.


Ensure Trainee Buddy prepare the logistics for reception: Pick up from airport, welcome package and housing ready so trainee gets from reception directly to home.


Ensure Trainee Buddy or designated person take the trainee to first day of work in order to present Trainee and TN Taker.


Ensure Trainee Buddy support Trainee in buying cell phone and gets a bank account.


Schedule Cultural Activities with whole LC team in order to ensure trainee gets to meet the Host Country, Culture, traditions, and interesting places.


Ensure Member Committee send to Trainee Buddy or designated person the Legal Documents from AIESEC to order to trainee’s residential Status in Guatemala.


Ensure Trainee Buddy or designated person support trainee in visiting his/her country embassy in Guatemala to authenticate his/her passport, as well as support trainee in going to Guatemala Foreign Affairs Office to authenticate the Criminal Records and also that Trainee be aware of getting 4 pictures black and white, Mate paper style for migration process.


Ensure that Trainee Buddy or designated person take trainee for first time to Migration Office so trainee could order the Migration Control certificate for residential status.


To cover Trainee’s financial penalty or illegal days in Guatemala in case of LC delay in deposit Trainee’s documents for residential status in Migration Department.


To give all documents requested by Migration Department to the Guarantor for check in, which is AIESEC in Guatemala.


To make sure AIESEC in Guatemala Legal Representative accompany the Trainee to his/her appointment for residential status.


Formally invite Trainee to AIESEC conferences and activities in order to keep direct contact between trainee and LC members.


To launch a 3 months, 6 months and ending survey according to the time trainee is staying in the Host Country through the

internship program in order to assess the quality of the internship. -

Coordinate meetings with Trainee in order to solve conflicts.


To generally supervise that Trainee is living a high quality AIESEC experience in the host country.


To send this Hand Out to Trainee once the TN Taker select him/her as a proof of rule understanding.

Trainee Responsibilities As Trainee these are the main responsibilities that must be delivered from your side in order to ensure the quality of the Internship (if you are staying for more than 6 months, if not, then just order visa and then extension of visa): -

Get proper visa to enter Guatemala.


Get Criminal Records authenticated by Foreign Affairs Office of home country and Guatemalan Embassy in that country.


Communicate data for arrival in Guatemala.


Bring USD$500 for 1st month of living in Guatemala.


Once in Guatemala Comply with the rules of the TN Taker for working conditions.


Communicate directly with your Host LC through Trainee Buddy or LCVP ER/ICX. Take your passport to your Embassy in Guatemala in order to get certificate validity.


Get 4 pictures passport size, black and white, Mate paper style with your ears and forehead exposed.


Go to the Foreign Affairs Office of Guatemala to authenticate your Criminal Records.


If you come from a non-Spanish speaking country, you must get a sworn translation of it.


Go to Migration and order the Migration Control Certificate, which is issued 24 hours after ordered and it cost Q40.00


Deposit your documents in Migration Office of Guatemala to get your residential status.


In case of delay from your side, you will be responsible for paying the financial penalty or illegal days in Guatemala to Migration.


In case of visa expiration and delay in your documents from your side, you must order a visa extension and pay for it.


The migration process is totally personal. Your Trainee Buddy may take you 1st time to Migration Office but you are the one who will do the process and the one who will give follow up until you get the residential appointment, so you will be accompanied by the AIESEC in Guatemala Legal Representative to the Migration Interview in order to get your residential status.


Pay for the residential status cost which is USD$300 once you get it.


Participate and support in the AIESEC activities if you wish in order to show your own culture and meet the local AIESECers.


To fill the Internship surveys launched by the LC in order to assess the quality of the Exchange.


Attend meetings arranged by Host LC in order to solve conflicts.


Comply with the housing rules and contract.


Reply to the LC when reciving the email stating this Hand Out.

Monthly Payroll As Trainee for AIESEC in Guatemala, the Member Committee Vice-President will be the one coordinating the payroll. The payroll is made monthly, between the 1st and 5th of each month. The payment method is by check on 1st month and by debit card after 2nd month. If the TN Taker additionally provides housing allowance through AIESEC, this amount will be paid same way as monthly salary.

Housing The Host LC is in charge of ensuring Trainee get a safety place for living while staying in Guatemala. This place must comply with Basic Living Conditions: Water access, electricity, Internet Access, Proper Bed, and refrigerator. It is the responsibility of the Host LC to ensure the house is ready at trainee’s arrival. The house must be contracted. Host LC through the Trainee Buddy or designated person has the responsibility to show the Trainee 2 housing options and trainee must decide for one of both before arriving to Guatemala. In case of Trainee disagreement, Trainee decide under own risk to move to another place without Host LC/AIESEC Responsibility. For this, Trainee must communicate this through formal letter. The housing rent must be paid by trainee. In case of TN Taker providing housing or paying housing allowance to Trainee, there will be an agreement to state such additional benefit. The Member Committee strongly recommend to Trainee Buddy or person designated to rent pension rooms due to facilities included and slow prices.

Transportation Transportation is covered by trainee with his/her salary. If TN Taker provides it, then Trainee will be exempt from paying transportation. AIESEC in Guatemala counts with the Transportation Service of a private taxi drive who charges USD$88.00 monthly. For security reasons, AIESEC in Guatemala does not recommend using public transportation except TRANSMETRO or TRANSURBANO which are the Official way of transportation and provide security.

Migration Process For the migration process the Trainee must give these documents to the Host LC before ending first month once he/she arrives to Guatemala: -

2 Pictures passport size, black and white, Mate paper


Passport Certificate Validity. For this, the Trainee must go to his/her embassy in Guatemala in order to get this document.


Criminal Records: For this, the Trainee must do the following before leaving his/her home country to the Host Country: Get Criminal Records, get an authentication of it from the Foreign Affairs Office of his/her country and an authentication from the Guatemalan Embassy in his/her country. Once in Guatemala, the Trainee must take the criminal records to the Foreign Affairs Office of Guatemala in order to authenticate it.


The Trainee must get an authenticated photocopy of the whole passport book. For this, the Trainee must pay for the authentication to the Host LC.


The Trainee must pay for the affidavit, while AIESEC in Guatemala issue it.


The Trainee must go to Migration and order a Migration Control


Certificate which is issued 24 hours after ordered and it cost Q40.00 Fill in the Temporary Residential Status Application. For question No. 20 please fill in you are doing a volunteering. Attached you will find a sample of the application form.

AIESEC in Guatemala must issue the following documents to the Trainee: -

Guarantor Affidavit. Financial Statement. Letter of Employment. Legalized Copy of AIESEC Constitution. A bank statement from the last 3 months signed and with stamp of the Bank Agency Manager. Legalized Copy of Legal Representative ID. Appointment of Legal Representative (Legalized).

Communication between parties There might be a direct communication between Host LC and Trainee. Therefore, it must be clear to both parties that in any situation the first channel of communication must be with the Host LC. If not complying with this, the Member Committee will moderate according to conditions presented.

Handling Conflicts When conflicts arise, AIESEC in Guatemala strongly recommend Host LC and Trainee to have a meeting between both parties and that way manage the situation. If no agreement or positive change after Host LC and Trainee meet, then Member Committee will moderate according to conditions presented.

Trainee Dismissal If TN Taker does not receive satisfaction to its expectations regarding the Trainee performance and participation, it can suggest a formal dismissal of trainee. In that way AIESEC in Guatemala will moderate in order to promote an evaluation period for Trainee to change, if not achieved or if ended up the temporary period and Trainee did not change, TN Taker can order formal dismissal. For this, AIESEC in Guatemala order a Dismissal Letter stating the reasons for it and after that there will be a meeting with TN Taker and Trainee to inform about the dismissal.

Trainee Resignation Trainee can submit resignation from the internship according to International Exchange Policies if there is not satisfaction to internship expectations, job description misunderstanding, family emergency and others (please refer to IXQPs). In such way the dismissal it´s accepted by AIESEC and Company must pay penalization in case that the reason for dismissal is related to job description matters. If the reason is related to AIESEC then, then AIESEC has the responsibility to answer to TN Taker. If Trainee decide to quit without a valid standardize reason according to IXQPs, then Trainee might pay 50% of the TN Fee to AIESEC for TN Taker according to IXQPs.

We hope you enjoy your exchange experience in AIESEC Guatemala

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