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ASPET 2023 Annual Meeting News
ASPET 2023 Annual Meeting
The ASPET Annual Meeting is the place to discover and to present the highest quality, innovative science in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. Now a stand-alone meeting, it has been re-designed by ASPET members for the pharmacology and experimental therapeutics community. It is designed to deliver a valuable experience, so everyone feels the warm welcome of ASPET, your home for pharmacology.
What You Can Expect
Concurrent Sessions
More interactive, hands-on, and innovative formats for the delivery of ASPET scientific content
Sessions that take a broad approach to pharmacology
A diversity of voices representing scientific excellence and professional development
ASPET’s divisions that host well-loved award showcase/platform sessions
A mix of shorter, faster-paced sessions as well as deep-dive sessions
Poster Presentations
To present your work to a robust and engaged crowd and receive valuable feedback
To discover young talent doing fascinating work in your field and adjacent to your field
Mixers during the poster sessions with opportunities to discuss the latest science with others from your division about the posters in your research area
Award-winning presentations from young scientists competing in the popular student/postdoc poster competition throughout the meeting
Keynote/General Sessions
Inspirational new insights from leading experts
Opportunities to interact with keynotes and award winners
Community Building
A home for your professional connections
To connect with old friends, and former trainees and mentors
To meet new collaborators, prospective mentors, trainees, and employers in a wide range of pharmacologic research areas
Opportunities to connect in fun and inspiring locations outside the hotel ballrooms
Conference-hosted meals included in your registration fee as well as free time to explore St. Louis’ award-winning restaurants, neighborhood establishments and bars
St. Louis Union Station Hotel
An engaging, exciting, inspiring and welcoming space
A hotel room rate 30% less expensive than EB 2022
An awe-inspiring, historic lobby with a modern, award-winning light show every evening on the hour where you can get a drink and socialize with other attendees
A unique, AAA Four-Diamond rated, historic property
A Ferris wheel, carousel, mini golf, rope course, mirror maze, and a fire & light show that are all a part of St. Louis Union Station Hotel
A carefully restored historic train shed
Add to your calendar!
Tuesday, November 1
Visit www.aspet.org for announcements about: • Abstract submissions opening • Registration opening • Scientific session details
Friday, November 18
Thursday, December 8
Last day to submit an abstract to be considered for a speaking opportunity, travel award, or poster award
Monday, December 12
Last day to apply for the ASPET Mentoring Network
Wednesday, February 8
Registration discounts end
Thursday, February 23
April / May (dates TBA)
Award Lecture Series presented online
May 18-21
ASPET Annual Meeting in St. Louis!
Preliminary Program
Early Online Programming Prior to the Meeting
The new ASPET Award Lecture Series will be held exclusively for meeting registrants online from April 19 to May 10 in advance of meeting in St. Louis. Recordings will be made available within a week for registrants in case they missed the live webinars. In St. Louis, registrants can meet the award lecturers and join the celebration of their accomplishments.
ASPET Divisions will host interactive Town Halls and scientific sessions online in March/April in advance of meeting in St. Louis. Get to know division colleagues and receive a sneak peek at some of the latest science that will be presented in St. Louis.
For those who cannot travel to St. Louis, a virtualonly registration package will be available that also includes select recordings from sessions held in St. Louis. The full virtual program schedule will be provided prior to registration.
May 18-21, 2023 in St. Louis
8:00 am
9:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm THURSDAY, MAY 18
Early arrivals Optional Activities: Community service project Extra ticket tourist activities Extra ticket workshops ASPET committee meetings
Opening General Session
Networking break
Poster Presentations and Mixer
Welcome Social Event Poster Presentations and Mixer Poster Presentations and Mixer
Breakfast Business Meeting
Keynote / General Session
Networking break
Concurrent sessions
Lunch break
Concurrent sessions
Networking break
Concurrent sessions
Networking break
Keynote / General Session
Keynote / General Session
Concurrent sessions Concurrent sessions
Networking break Networking break
Concurrent sessions Concurrent sessions
Lunch break
Concurrent sessions
Networking break
Concurrent sessions
Networking break
Closing Awards Presentation Luncheon Scientific Achievement & Poster Awards
Extended Stays Optional Activities: Extra ticket tourist activites ASPET committee meetings
7:00 pm
Featured Lectures
World-renowned scientists and researchers will address attendees as keynote speakers during the general sessions held each day of the meeting.
Did you know that about 20% of ASPET members live within a half day’s drive to St. Louis and that more than 60% of members are in areas serviced by non-stop flights to St. Louis?
The meeting schedule was specifically designed to reduce the amount of hotel nights needed by the greatest number of members thus reducing your time away from the lab and reducing your travel expenses.
ASPET has set up discount programs with four of the major airlines who have non-stop flights into St. Louis. Visit the ASPET website at www.aspet.org/ASPET2023 for details and promotional codes. For the list of cities who have non-stop flights into the St. Louis Lambert International Airport, visit https://www.flystl.com/flightsand-airlines/non-stop-service
We encourage you to consider coming early or staying late to take advantage of all the fun activities in the area. Group outings will be available to allow attendees to enjoy the sites with each other.
Get Ready to Share Your Research
Abstract submission portal to open November 1
All abstracts are reviewed and scored by our divisionbased abstract review teams and then moved to the Program Committee for final acceptance decisions and scheduling. Submit your abstract by Thursday, December 8 to: ■ Be considered for speaking opportunities in sessions or poster presentations ■ Apply for student/postdoc travel awards * ■ Apply to take part in the student/postdoc poster award competition * ■ Receive early notice (Feb. 3) if accepted for an oral or poster presentation Submit your abstract by Thursday, February 23 to: ■ Be considered for a poster presentation ■ Receive notification by March 24 if accepted
* Must be an ASPET member in good standing for 2022 and 2023. Be sure to renew your ASPET membership for 2023 or join now! Members save 40% on abstract submission fees (must be first/ presenting author).
Benefits of presenting your research at ASPET
■ Receive recognition for your scientific advances ■ Contribute to the pharmacology community’s collective knowledge with discussion of successes and challenges ■ Receive feedback on your work ■ Spark conversations with potential research collaborators and employers ■ Compete for travel and poster awards (eligibility requirements apply) ■ Publish your abstract in a special supplement to the Journal for Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics (JPET)
All abstracts accepted for poster presentation will have the opportunity to interact both in-person with meeting attendees and through a text-based Q&A area attached to your abstract in our mobile event platform.
ASPET will help bring other scientists to you to discuss your work. Top-scoring abstracts are designated as Program Committee Blue Ribbon Picks and are
selected to give oral presentations at the popular ASPET Datablitz, in concurrent sessions, and in division platform showcases. Top-scoring young scientists are invited to participate in the Poster Competition with cash prizes for winners.
ASPET is seeking abstracts in the following research areas:
■ Cancer Pharmacology ■ Cardiovascular Pharmacology ■ Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology ■ Central Nervous System Pharmacology ■ Behavioral Pharmacology ■ Drug Discovery and Development ■ Drug Metabolism and Disposition ■ Pharmacogenomics and Translational Pharmacology ■ Pharmacology Education ■ Toxicology ■ Other (including COVID-19, global health, health disparities, and other specialties)
Students, post-bacs, and postdocs
You must be an active ASPET member for 2023 to be eligible for awards. Renew now to participate!
PIs and Faculty
Encourage your students and postdocs to join ASPET now. With payment of their 2023 dues, they also get the remainder of 2022 for free. This opens their access to apply for our many programs supporting young scientists such as annual meeting travel awards, poster awards, Mentoring Network, Washington Fellows, and travel awards to the World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology.
Opportunities for Young Scientists
Undergraduates, post-baccalaureate students, graduate students and postdoctoral scientists are encouraged to submit their research as abstracts. In addition to hearing the latest science, presenting their work, and networking, the following opportunities are also available:
Student/Postdoc Poster Competition
Poster awards are offered for outstanding poster presentations by ASPET young scientist members.
To be considered for the competition:
■ You must be an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate student, graduate student, or postdoctoral member of ASPET. ■ Your ASPET membership must be renewed for 2023. (or join now!) ■ You must be the first/presenting author of the abstract selected for the competition. ■ When submitting your abstract, you must indicate your interest in being considered for the competition. Selected finalists will be notified in early February. ■ You must be available to present your poster to the judges on your scheduled poster session day (May 18-20). Authors invited to compete must present in-person in St. Louis on the day assigned.
Application deadline: Thursday, December 8
For more information and eligibility details, please visit: www.aspet.org/posterawards
ASPET Travel Awards
Young scientists are invited to apply for a travel award to help defray a portion of travel and registration costs to attend the ASPET Annual Meeting.
To be considered for an award:
■ You must be an undergraduate, post-baccalaureate student, graduate student, or postdoctoral member of ASPET. ■ Your ASPET membership must be renewed for 2023. (or join now!) ■ You must be the first/presenting author of an
ASPET 2023 annual meeting abstract. ■ When submitting your abstract, you must indicate your interest in being considered for a travel award and upload additional information such as a curriculum vitae (CV) and the name/email of an individual who can provide a letter of recommendation supporting your application. ■ You must present your research in-person in St.
Louis at the assigned day/time and attend events specifically designed for travel awardees.
In addition to the general travel awards, ASPET also offers specialty awards for members of groups underrepresented in the biomedical sciences and for members residing in developing countries.
Application deadline: Thursday, December 8
For more information and eligibility details, please visit: www.aspet.org/travelawards
Oral Presentations
You may be selected for one of a variety of speaking opportunities including: ■ Three-minute Datablitz talks ■ Division showcases and platform talks (some include prizes!) ■ Talks within the concurrent sessions
Abstracts will be selected based on reviewer scores and alignment with the session topic. To be considered, submit your abstract by Thursday, December 8. No other application is necessary.
Mentoring Network
The ASPET Mentoring Network is a professional development experience that uses career coaching to help participants develop the skills needed to succeed scientifically, professionally and socially, including discussions about experiences and pressures faced by groups that are underrepresented in the sciences. This program kicks off at the ASPET Annual Meeting but continues year-round.
Application deadline: Monday, December 12. Learn more at www.aspet.org/mentoringnetwork
Washington Fellows
The Washington Fellows Program enables developing and early career scientists interested in science policy to learn about and become more engaged in public policy issues. Fellows receive paid registration to the ASPET Annual Meeting, but the program runs year-round.
Application deadline: November 18, 2022.
Learn more at www.aspet.org/washingtonfellows
Career Resources
Stay tuned for additional opportunities and sessions that will help all young scientists learn about and further develop their careers.
Explore St. Louis
St. Louis welcomes ASPET with their signature warmth and hospitality. The city is ready for us to explore— from the iconic Gateway Arch to miles of trails, parks and waterways, to world-class, family and budget-friendly attractions, to a robust cultural and arts scene, to exciting sporting events including their new major league soccer team. It’s also one of the hottest food cities in the nation including some of the best brews. Pick your mood, food vibe or idea of fun and you’ll find a St. Louis neighborhood to fit you.
St. Louis Union Station Hotel
This unique, national historic landmark connects with the past while you enjoy the luxury of the present. See for yourself: https://vimeo. com/205964502/ f25e150203.
The nightly awardwinning 3D light show in the Grand Hall lobby at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel is amazing! The Grand Hall, built in 1894, draws you in with its uniquely designed architectural archway, fresco and gold-leaf detailing, mosaics and art glass windows. At its greatest height, it reaches 65 feet tall. The Grand Hall is a St. Louis historical landmark and unique place to enjoy a drink.
ASPET posters will be displayed in the Midway area, which was the hub for travelers in the early 1900s as they waited for arriving passengers and departing trains.
Read about the history here: https://www. stlouisunionstation. com/story
The hotel’s guest rooms are fully renovated, beautifully modern and rich in history. Many of the rooms give a nod to Union Station’s past with artwork and decor depicting railroad themes. ASPET’s discounted conference rate is $189 for those who book through ASPET.
In addition to housing the hotel, the Union Station complex includes multiple restaurants and family friendly attractions such as an aquarium, Ferris wheel, carousel, mirror maze, ropes course, mini golf, and a complimentary showcase of pyrotechnics and dancing light at the Fire & Light Show held daily on the lake.
Partner with ASPET
ASPET welcomes support from corporations and universities who are seeking to connect with our 800 scientists at all career levels who will convene in St. Louis to discover and present the highest quality, innovative science in pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. To explore opportunities, please reach out to us at meetings@aspet.org or 301-634-7060.