2 minute read
Look Who’s Walking the Red Carpet!
IG: thelifeofsquishythecat
My name is Squishy the Cat! I am a troublemaking kitty who loves her mama! I am charmed by food and my favourite pass times are having the zoomies, getting into snacks while watching my celebrity friends online. Let me introduce you to a few of my favourites...
Penny The Talking Cat
Penny is an eight year old tabby cat. Full of both attitude and love, Penny makes comical videos with the assistance of her owner Aymie. With 8.5 million followers on TikTok, and over 1.2 million subscribers on YouTube, she is one of the most popular cats on the internet, sharing love, attitude and comedy, as well as doing merch! To check out our top pick, follow the link below.
Beans the Ginger Cat
IG: beansthegingercat TikTok: beansthegingercat
Beans the Ginger Cat is a loveable tabby gain ing quite the following! Stealing the hearts of thousands with cute pictures and comical vid eos, this tabby is quite the internet sensation. To see our top pick of the adorable Beans the Ginger Cat, follow the link below!


Weller is an of The Berner consisted of named Kylie, tunately are since been the Bunch, carrying His goal is to which he most our favourite OUR FAV VIDEO gainof vidsensation. the

Magnus the Therapy Dog

(Pinterest, IG, YouTube, TikTok)
Magnus is a yellow Labrador Retriever and is six years old. Although he was originally bred and raised to become a certified service dog for the blind, he instead became a therapy dog after his owner noticed he had an aptitude for this line of work. Now, Magnus spends his days visiting hospitals, and assisting children with severe learning disabilities or mental illnesses. Now Mangus is an internet star with over one million subscribers on YouTube and over 700,000 followers on Instagram, not to mention his Amazon Alexa Ad.
Weller the Berner
IG: thebernerbunch
TikTok: thebernerbunch
adult Bernese Mountain Dog
Berner Bunch. The Berner Bunch of rescue Bernese Mountain Dogs Kylie, Lady and Gita, who unforno longer with us. Weller has the lone Berner of The Berner carrying the torch for his siblings. to spread smiles and happiness, most certainly does. To check out favourite video, follow the link below!

Esther The Wonder Pig

(Pinterest, IG, YouTube, TikTok)
The proud owners of this pig were told that Esther was a micro piglet, but three years later she grew to 600 pounds and was determined to be a full-sized commercial pig. This is a pig who has her own book, and has been featured in Vogue magazine. Not to mention she is a New York Times bestselling author. Esther is a true wonder. To check out our top video pick, click the link below!
Glen the Goose

IG: @glenthegoos
TikTok: @glen_and_honk
Glen the Goose is a very loved pet by both his owners, and his followers. His funny videos and attitude are heartwarming and wholesome. Glen can be seen in videos hanging out with his owner or chasing away any man because he has a fear of them, so much so he has been nicknamed the shamer of all husbands. To check out our top pick of Glen the Goose follow the link below.