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Resurrecting Restoration
Resurrecting RestorationAshley Chambers

Every year that I have been attending Redemption Church there has always been a Word with explanation and expansion on God's Word for His people in the congregation. We get to choose to accept it, participate with it or not, but even before I really even understood it from the very beginning I trusted it, believed and spoke it all the way through until the end of the year and even claimed it to continue on in my life and be fresh for whatever season I was walking in to next. Who wouldn't want to carry the Blessings and good gifts of God with them permanently after it has been released into the earth for us to claim?
For this year it was spoken that this would be the year of restoration with restored relationships being one of the things being restored. Also, resurrection and that includes hopes and dreams that we had forgotten or given up on! I will say that I could easily say things that I was believing, trusting and standing on in the form of resurrecting old dreams and hopes. I honestly am still learning how to have a good healthy release when it comes to dealing with my past hurts and dealing with my own emotions or feelings. With that being said there were three VERY IMPORTANT relationships that meant SO much to me that needed a MIRACLE resurrection and restoration, but, I being me said to God "I'm not even sure what or who to ask on that one." I thought it in my mind but didn't speak it out because I had honestly given up hope on those relationships excepted them as they were, even though if I would've allowed the Healing oil and Jesus to deal with my TRUE feelings on them I would've realized much sooner that I needed HIS HELP and HIS HEALING. It took me until the summer to even speak to Him about the easier one and I let it go after that and then in August He proved faithful, as He always does,