ASR Silica 2015

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Silica Sand


AlRaddadi Group Glimpse


- Product Characteristics


Age of Achievements

- Silica Sand Applications



- Our Start


Silica Powder


- A Global Breakthrough


- Product Characteristics


- A Visible Transformation


- Silica Powder Applications


- Beyond Potentials


- The Silica Powder Production Plant


- Our Roadmap


Laboratory Facility


Stock And Backing Process


- Advantages of Bulk Bags


- Material Handling & Shipping Department


Quality Control & Quality Assurance


Organization Structure




Health and Safety Strategy




Success Partners



CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Since its establishment in 1977, AlRaddadi Group has

Today, we are blessed to call AlRaddadi Group one of

developed from a small industrial company into a pre-

the leading companies in Saudi Arabia having one of

mier regional conglomerate charting progress based

the biggest factories in the Middle East.

on a clear vision and strategy. Today, our group is highly diversified and now includes trading, contracting,

As we embark on a new era for AlRaddadi, we are forev-

agriculture, and industry.

er indebted to those who’ve had a hand in our success; to our family members, employees, friends and the

The success of our company can be attributed to our

government support under the leadership of the Cus-

ability to continually explore, identify, and respond to

todian of the Two Holy Mosques.

the changing demands across highly-regulated mar-

Ali Salem AlRaddadi

kets. In addition, Al Raddadi factory for Silica Sand

Driven by a passion for excellence and an enterprising

and Powder was established in Tabuk area in south of

spirit, AlRaddadi Group remains firmly focused on the

Tayma with the latest equipment imported from Inter-

future looking forward to new challenges, new oppor-

national companies in order to meet the international

tunities, and new relationships that the coming years


will bring.

An incessant dedication to making a positive impact on

I sincerely hope that you join us on our journey as we

our clients’ bottom lines, coupled with bold and timely

travel towards achieving the shared vision of our king-

risk-taking, have brought us to incredible heights.

dom and meeting the aspirations of all Saudi and Arab

Chairman of a Board of Directos On behalf of AlRaddadi Group it gives me immense pleasure to share a brief on our company history and vision with you.




GROUP GLIMPSE AlRaddadi Group is an established, kingdom-wide lead-

Fed by one square Kilometer output mine, our facilities

er in the provision of competitive products for broad

offer continuous feed and on-time shipments to cus-

manufacturing and construction processes. We have

tomers’ locations. We hold ourselves, and our clients,

been active in a wide range of industries since 1977.

to the highest of standards, delivering only the best

One specific area where we have established long-term

products thus one of the outstanding innovations is

success in is Silica Sand Powder Manufacturing.

the 5.4 rounds-per-minute rotary dryer allowing this facility to produce a capacity of 22,000 kilograms per

Since 2011,Ali Salem AlRaddadi Factory for Silica Sand

hour on wet basis.

Powder is known as the biggest silica sand factory in Tabuk, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Our ongoing success

More importantly, however, the color uniqueness of our

has encouraged us to diversify within the mining field

Tayma sands. The whiteness, roundness and sub-an-

meeting the needs of the ever growing industry for raw

gularity of our sands provide superior brightness and

and washed sand products using our new wash plant

consistency for color-sensitive applications.

located at Tayma, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.




ACHIEVEMENTS Founded in 1977, AlRaddadi Group started with a crushing, screening and producing aggregates for the construction applications. We then established the Reinforced Concrete


Pipes Factory and the Ready Mix Concrete Factory. This umbrella – the parent company – provides the



Drive and ambition led AlRaddadi through its early stag-

subsidiaries with shared services through a vast net-

es. Exhibiting steady growth with a strict adherence

work of strategic alliances. Built up over a long period

to company values and vision, AlRaddadi Group

of time, these alliances allow for remarkably increased

currently operates with over 315 employees

depth and breadth of expertise, as well as cost-saving

spread out over 8 unique, fully-functioning


opportunities via utilization of economies of scale.

subsidiary companies. Each of those subsidiaries and their collaborative efforts

In its nearly 39 years of existence, AlRaddadi has gained

are united under AlRaddadi Group

the respect and trust of a variety of partners, vendors,


and clients. Valuable relationships have been forged, and it’s these relationships that provide the foundation for our prosperity. We are thankful for each and every one and look forward to continuing on as a united front.



TRANSFORMATION AlRaddadi has grown into a truly premier diversi-

The group believed in the development and the high

fied-business Saudi conglomerate, specializing in a

growth potentials of the mining sector in the Kingdom.

broad spectrum of services, ranging from;

Amongst other industrial minerals, the kingdom hosts high quality silica sand deposits; therefore, Al Raddadi

• Aggregates crushing and screening;

acquired mining rights for silica sand in Tayma since

• Cement pipes reinforcing;

the area contains substantial resources of high grade

• Ready mixed concrete manufacturing;

silica sand. The company located a site with the purists

• Cement blocks production;

and highest quality deposits on an area of 1 Km2.

• Palm farming and dates packaging; • Ice cubes and water bottling;

We currently extract and process a broad range of

• Electrical cables and light bulbs production;

grades through our screening facilities on site. We have

• And lately the silica sand manufacturing and treat-

started another success story in this business; the part-


ners of our success were our distinguished customers:




At Al Raddadi Group, we understand the levels of specialization and efficiency that

We have made this as our mission and believe to supply the best products to all con-

are necessary to succeed in today’s marketplace. We envision providing all of our

sumers around our region and internationally. AlRaddadi factory is looking for a long-

clients – large and small – with superior high-end silica products that are so crucial to

term investment horizon drawing on the world’s top leading manufacturers of pure

their success. As we enter our 40th year of business and beyond, we will be your foun-

silica and its related products to attain the Saudi Product Award.



dation for connecting national resources and allowing your projects to stand apart.



Empowering individuals and organizations as a whole, our solutions add value to your daily operations. Over the years we have increased our team members to serve our clients better and meet the increasing demand of Silica. At AlRaddadi, no single individual is more important than the team…and it takes each member working together to deliver an unmatched collection of services to clients.

Our employees are the most important asset and source of our competitive advantages. Our success depends entirely on the strength of our talent pipeline, which we build from within and manage with a disciplined process led by the CEO and the senior leadership.



QUARRIES AlRaddadi silica’s facilities, strategically located in Tayma, South of Tabuk, situated near the best available mineral source of silica in the Kingdom, where high-grade silica sand deposits occurs in forms of sandstone. Each plant has been equipped with the precise processing equipment, quality systems and shipping logistics necessary to ensure prompt delivery to our valued customers.

Our land facility contains the following: • Quarry and a screening plant; • Industrial complex; • Silica powder plant; and • Silica sand washing and drying plant. Silicon and oxygen are the earth’s two most abundant elements and together they make silica, one of the earth’s three most common rock forming minerals.The principal occurrence of silica is Quartz, a very durable mineral that is heat and chemicals` exposure resistant.


The first industrial uses of crystalline silica were in metallurgical and glass making a few thousand years BC. It has continued to support human development throughout the history, being a key raw material in the industrial revolution especially in the glass, foundry and ceramic industries. Silica contributes to today’s information technology revolution being used as a raw material for silicon chips in computers and their accessories.

For industrial use, pure deposits of silica sand are capable of yielding at least 95% of silica required products. Our mine produces higher purity values up to 99.9%. Deposits where such sand can be found are comparatively rare in the kingdom.




Below are some exquisite features of our finest silica sand.


Grain shape:


rounded, angular and

< 100

sub­angular grain silica

Using the latest industrial sand washing/treating processing technology and ball mill grinding we pro-


duce the most consistent powder possible. Our ISO


sand in various sizes


9001:2008 Quality Assurance Program ensures uniform

Ideal for use in

particle size distribution. Our raw silica sand is treated


to remove the affecting impurities and to be classified into certain grain sizes.



greater than 99% Silicon

7 Mohs

Dioxide - SiO2

Assured quality:


ISO 9002

The below table describes the chemical compositions of our silica sand size 0.60 to 1.40 mm (ASTM Test Method):


0.60 to 1.40

industries ;













L.O.I. (1000 ËšC) %















APPLICATIONS Typical applications of silica sand include diverse uses ranging from the manufacturing of glass, ceramics , metallurgy and casting, oil and gas recovery, environmental protection and of course to construction and engineering.

• Metal Casting: Industrial sand is an essential part of the ferrous and non­ferrous foundry industry. Engine blocks to sink faucets are cast in a sand and clay mold to produce the external shape, and a resin bonded core that creates the desired internal shape.

• Glassmaking: Silica sand is the primary component of all types of glass production including flat building glass, containers glass, and tableware.

Silica’s high fusion point (1760°C) and low rate of thermal expansion produce stable cores and molds compatible with all pouring temperatures and alloy systems. Its chemical purity also helps prevent interaction with catalysts or curing rate of chemical binders. Following the casting process, core sand can be thermally or mechanically recycled to produce new cores or molds.


• Oil and Gas Recovery: Known commonly as “frac sand,” industrial sand is pumped down holes in deep well applications to prop open rock fissures and increase the flow rate of natural gas or oil. In this specialized application round, whole grain deposits are used to maximize permeability and prevent formation cuttings from entering the well bore. Silica’s hardness and its overall structural integrity combine to deliver the required crush resistance of the high pressures present in wells up to 2,450 meters deep. Its chemical purity is required to resist chemical attack in corrosive environments.


• Recreational: Industrial sand even finds its way into sports and recreation. Silica sand is used for golf course bunkers and greens as well as the construction of natural or synthetic athletic fields. In golf and sports turf applications silica sand is the structural component of an inert, uncontaminated, growing media. Silica sand is also used to repair greens and to facilitate everyday maintenance like root aeration and fertilization. The natural grain shape and controlled particle size distribution of silica provides the required permeability and compaction properties for drainage, healthy plant growth and stability.

• Building Products: IIndustrial sand is the prima-


• Chemical Production: Silicon based

ry structural component in a wide variety of building

chemicals are the foundation of thousands

and construction products. Whole grain silica is put

• Industrial Water Filtration

of everyday applications ranging from food

to use in flooring compounds, mortars, specialty ce-

and Waste Treatment: Silica

processing to soap and dye production. In

ments, stucco, roofing shingles, skid resistant surfac-

sand has the unique ability to

this case, SiO2 is reduced to silicon metal by

es and asphalt mixtures to provide packing density

absorb, suspend or settle out

coke in an arc furnace, to produce the Sili-

and flexural strength without adversely affecting the

floc, colloids and bacteria, as

con precursor of other chemical processes.

chemical properties of the binding system. Ground sil-

well as removing iron manga-

Industrial sand is the main component in

ica performs as a functional extender to add durability

nese, without excessive head

chemicals such as sodium silicate, silicon

and anti­corrosion and weathering properties in epoxy

loss, and suitable for municipal

tetrachloride and silicon gels. These chem-

based compounds, sealants and caulks.

waste water treatment, and en-

icals are used in products like household

vironmental monitoring wells

and industrial cleaners, to manufacture

This plant is mainly dedicated to grind silica sand from

also for pool filtration.

fiber optics and to remove impurities from

the naturally occurring size of 0­3 mm down to the mi-

cooking oil and brewed beverages.

cron size, to be used as filler for many industrial applications.

• Filtration and Water Production: Industrial sand is used in the filtration of drinking water, the processing of wastewater and the production of water from wells. Uniform grain shapes and grain size distributions • Metallurgical: Silica sand operates as a flux to lower the melting point and viscosity of the slags to make them more reactive and efficient. Lump silica is used either alone or in conjunction with lime to achieve the desired base/acid ratio required for purification.

produce efficient filtration bed operation in removal of contaminants in both potable water and wastewater. Chemically inert, silica will not degrade or react when it comes in contact with acids, contaminants, volatile organics or solvents. Silica gravel is used as packing material in deep water wells to increase yield from the aquifer by expanding the permeable zone around the well screen and preventing the particles from the formation.





Silica powder is made by grinding pure silica sand to

Al Raddadi silica powder is produced from the highest quality, chemically pure, fine grade silica sand available in

a very fine powder. It is used as a filler in plaster and

Tayma, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The production of both feedstock and final material are processed through our

some plastics to add strength, or just to reduce the

modern Tayma plant. Using the latest industrial sand washing/treating processing technology and ball mill grind-

amount of resin needed to fill a mold. Silica powder is

ing, we produce the most consistent powder possible.

also used in the friction industry as an abrasion resistant filler. It is used as a filler in epoxy resin castings and

Our ISO 9001:2008 Quality assurance program ensures uniform particle size distribution. Our raw silica sand is being


treated (washed) to remove the affecting impurities and to be classified into certain grain sizes.

CHEMICAL ANALYSIS The below table describes the chemical compositions of our silica sand powder size 100 Âľm (ASTM Test Method):














L.O.I. (1000 ËšC) %
















• Paint and Coatings: Paint formulators especially in the marine paint and the road marking paints select mi-

• Glass Fibers: In its pulverized form, ground silica is re-

cron sized industrial sands to improve the appearance

quired for production of fiberglass insulation and rein-

and durability of architectural and industrial paint and

forcing glass fibers. Specialty glass applications inclu de

coatings. High purity silica contributes critical perfor-

test tubes and other scientific tools, incandescent and fluorescent lamps, television and computer CRT monitors.

mance properties such as brightness and reflectance,


color consistency, and oil absorption. In architectural

• Ceramics & Refractory: Ground silica is an es-

paints, silica fillers improve tint retention, durability,

sential component of the glaze and body formu-

and resistance to dirt, mildew, cracking and weather-

lations of all types of ceramic products, including


ing. Low oil absorption allows increased pigment load-

tableware, sanitary ware and tiles. In the ceramic

ing for improved finish color. In marine, maintenance

body, silica is the skeletal structure upon which

coatings and road marking paints; the durability of sili-

clays and flux components attach. The SiO2 con-

ca imparts excellent abrasion and corrosion resistance.

tribution is used to modify thermal expansion, regulate drying and shrinkage, and improve

• Thermoset Plastics, polymer compounds,

structural integrity and appearance. Silica prod-

rubber sealants and adhesives: In labora-

ucts are also used as the primary aggregate in both shape and monolithic type refractory to provide high temperature resistance to acidic attack in industrial furnaces.


tory bench tops, epoxy molding and potting • Abrasive Material: it is used in the friction industry

compounds, and in various phenolic and

as abrasion resistant filler.

polyester compounds.

THE SILICA POWDER PRODUCTION PLANT The material is mined and selected from the nearby quarry and is conveyed and load-

The selectively good specification raw material is mined from the quarry and is filled

ed in the feed hopper. From the feed hopper it is conveyed on belt conveyer which

in the raw material silo, at this stage the material size ranges from 0­3 mm. The raw

has load cells to weigh the correct amount of feed quantity and then is fed to the

material is fed to the ball mill with the required quantity according to the set capacity;

attrition cells and mixed with process water.

this material enters the ball mill where it is ground down to 200 Âľm.


The material is mined and selected from the nearby

Then the product is conveyed to the drying plant which is consisted of two rotary dryers to reduce the water con-

quarry and is conveyed and loaded in the feed hopper.

tent to <1%. After the material is dried, it’s further conveyed through a bucket elevator and stored in the final prod-

From the feed hopper it is conveyed on belt conveyer

uct silos then to the packing plant for customer distribution.

which has load cells to weigh the correct amount of feed quantity and then is fed to the attrition cells and mixed with process water to be processed and have a final silica sand with very low percentage of impurities. The material is then passed to the up­stream classifier, which fractions the particles in the waste sludge pond. Then sludge is precipitated and the clean water is recycled back to the process. The material is then passed to the up­stream classifier, which fractions the particles in the waste sludge pond. Then sludge is precipitated and the clean water is recycled back to the process. After the final product is piled in the stocking area, it has a water content of about 20%. It is left in the stock area for couple of hours where the water contents drops down to 5­10%.


LABORATORY FACILITY As our plan is to be the leading and reliable manufacturer supplier in the silica sand and silica powder products and in order to provide high quality products, we have equipped the laboratory with the highest technical equipment and state of art technology for measuring chemical compositions and to ration the particle size of all our products. This is important to assure our quality standards by monitoring and controlling by routine analysis all our product deliveries. To ensure the highest levels of quality and precision, we established an on­site laboratory facility that use the latest computer based testing to ensure that our silica sand and other minerals are processed according to particle size, color or chemical compositions and moisture.


To cope up with the advancement of technology, we have bought an Air Jet Sieving unit to analyze particle size, a colorimeter for measuring the whiteness, and a complete X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy - XRF chemical laboratory analyzer from the German leading scientific instruments manufacturer, “Bruker” with their S8­Tiger Analyzer. XRF method, can directly analyze each element without destroying the sample and it measures all types of solids or liquids.





The product is packed by high advanced packing ma-

Quick discharging, so loading and unloading times

chines according to customers’ demands.

are reduced;

Our main packing options are bulk bags of (1.5 MT) and

Pallets are not necessary as they can be lifted by

small bags of (40kg).

their loops;

Recently, the use of bulk bags (1.5 MT) increased be-

Space saving as they are stackable;

cause of simplicity of filling procedure, transportation,

Can be used as final and intermediate storage even

storage saving and discharging convenience in com-

in an open area because they are UV-stabilized;

parison with small bags.

Water and dust proof designs due to inside PE liner or fabrics laminated, hence, stored materials are

Our jumbo bags provide modern and efficient way of

protected from outside humidity;

stacking, handling, storage and transport of lumpy and very fine sand in bulk quantities, they are designed to attain both 5:1 & 6:1 safety factors with capacities ranging from 500 to 1,500 kg and 2,000 kg.


MATERIAL HANDLING & SHIPPING DEPARTMENT Our main concern in handling materials is to improve moving, controlling, protecting as well as storing materials as well as the workplace safety, productivity, efficiency and profitability and have our labors “Working with ease....’’ Our warehouse personnel are trained by international companies on the latest material handling technologies, partnering with a trucking group to serve our clients and deliver our products across the kingdom. Transportation of sand from the time it is mined, processed, and eventually delivered to the location where it is going to be used can take many forms depending upon client request, the processing facility and the destination where the sand will ultimately be used. Within the mine, the sand and powder may be transported by large open-topped off-road trucks, dump trucks or bulkers.


QUALITY CONTROL & QUALITY ASSURANCE Since its inception, AlRaddadi factory of silica sand

The quality manager maintains a register of all in-

powder has committed to production and marketing of

spection and test plan (ITP) including checklists as

silica powder according to the technical standards that

well as uphold a complete set of approved ITPs;

are applicable locally and globally. It is also committed to follow-up during and after the marketed production in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction.

The after delivery services includes direct communication with the customer throughout supplying the product and verifying the quality until delivery;

The factory management and staff have developed a

Customer satisfaction is the ultimate goal of all op-

quality management system that meets the specifica-

erations and it is measured through documented

tions of 9001/2008, and everyone is committed to im-


plement and improve it to achieve desired goals.

The factory management provides the necessary training to our employees to understand, imple-

For each activity on the factory site there is inspection and test plan including checklist. As it is always required by the contract or by specification, inspection and test plan including checklists are submitted to the quality manager for approval.

ment and maintain the quality policy of the factory; Quality policies are posted at different locations in the plant to be considered by all employees; The departmental directors set high quality objectives for their departments to achieve quality policy;



Using control equipment, eg total enclosure, partial en-

Many minerals contain silica, and produce silica dust

sion and training to reduce exposure;

known as Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS). RCS can

Maintaining, examining and testing of control mea-

cause harm to health as its fine enough to reach deep


inside the lungs. Workers exposed to fine dust containing silica are at

closure, LEV; Controlling procedures, eg ways of working, supervi-

Making sure employees follow the safety and control measures; and

risk of developing a chronic and possibly severely dis-

Changing how often a task is undertaken, or reducing

abling lung disease known as “silicosis”. It usually takes

the number of employees nearby, can make an im-

a number of years of regular daily exposure before

provement to exposure control.

there is a risk of developing silicosis. Al Raddadi has developed a Health and Safety Executive (HSE) plan complying with the control of hazardous substances to health regulations, to raise awareness and control exposure to RCS and maintain workers’ health by applying the following:


SUSTAINABILITY Our approach to sustainability goes beyond the environmentally friendly products we provide; it’s ingrained in our culture of continuous improvement and our commitment to market leading innovation that drives sustainability forward. We recycle water used in our manufacturing process to reduce our freshwater consumption. Moreover, our equipment use high efficiency motors, minimizing the amount of energy used. We take pride in educating our employees on sustainable practices, so they can make a difference both at work and in their personal lives.




Fosam Constructive solutions

Saudi Chemical Company

Varl覺k Makina


Al-Jazeera Paints

HOSOKAWA ALPINE Aktiengesellschaft

Sika GCC

National Scientific Company Limited

AKW Apparate + Verfahren EN


+966 920024002

KSA-Al-Madinah - Tabuk Road

+966 14 847 4758

P.O.Box:1233 Al-Madinah 42352

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