IFMSA-Egypt 3rd GA - Alexandria - April 2011

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ASSSA‐Alexxand dria

IFM MSA‐‐Egyp pt GA A ‐ Ap pril 2 2011 H Hostin ng Prroposal

ASSA‐A Alexandria IFMSA‐Egypt GA ‐ April 2011 – Hosting P Proposal

Who We Are e About A ASSA Alexandria studentss' Scientific Association n (ASSA) is a full mem mber of thee dical Students’ Associatio ons–Egypt (IFFMSA‐Egypt). Internattional Federaation of Med ASSA iss registered in Alexand dria Facultyy of Medicine since 19 969 and itss th operatio onal office liees in the 5 FFloor – Academic Buildin ng – Alexandria Faculty of Medicine – Khartoum m sq. – Alexaandria – Egypt. MSA and its scope activitties in the field of publicc ASSA‐Alexandria is involved in the common vision of IFM ucation, hum man right and d peace, rep productive health and HIV/AIDS and d clinical and d health, medical edu h exchanges.. research e Previouss Experience In additiion to the weell‐known ASSSA hospitality and profeessionalism o offered to IFMSA and IFM MSA‐Egypt deelegates in m many of its evvents including SCOPE/SSCORE Exchanges ,SCORA Exchange, SCOME S Summ mer School and IFMSA‐Egypt Summ mer camps ASSA‐ A n of the bigggest IFMSA‐EEgypt Alexandria has latelyy reproved itt’s capacity iin hosting on with the high hest number of delegatess in the last yyear, events w GA 2010 IFMSA‐EEgypt April G th On the 30 of April 2010, ASSSA successfully hosted IFFMSA‐Egypt 3rd w more th han General Assembly in Alexandriaa Faculty of Medicine with m 12 medicaal schools all over Egypt. 200 partticipants from

. H Congress 2 2010 IFMSA‐EEgypt SCOPH On the 24th of November 201 10 more than 400 Medical Studen nts, ors, NGOs and a Public Health H activvists from all over Egyp pt Professo gathered d in Alexan ndria underr the flag of IFMSA‐EEgypt SCOP PH Congresss hosted by ASSA‐Alexan ndria

Alexandria Proposal Egypt GA ‐ April 2011 – Hosting P

Motivattion ASSA‐Alexan ndria, has beeen actively involved in IFFMSA‐ ctivities for o over 40 Yearss. Egypt witn nessed an ble revolution n recently wh hich made people more united nking for the better of this country. W We in ASSA – – ng of a ria believe that this April GA will be tthe beginnin we’d love to iinitiate in on ne of its in IFMSA‐Eggypt which w members and d beautiful ciities. We’re motivvated to hostt this GA, wh hile we’ve beeen efficiency in hosting Gass for many yeears. We believe that wee have the caapacity as an LC to host and we aim tto make it an n amazing evvent, showcaasing the situ uation in Egyypt and amon ng Medical s in Egypt. W We’re aiming to organize this event in n the best waay to show o our organizattional ability.. give IFMSA‐EEgypt a real life opportun nity to witness the new o opportunitiess and performance LCs e after manyy borders do not exist in the country anymore. ion, we belieeve it’s a greaat opportuniity for a new w generation of our local members to o get a to better inteeract with IFFMSA‐Egypt O Officials, and d gain from ttheir experieence first‐han nd, to be push our IFM MSA activitiess further. It’s not secret that in th he past Geneeral Assemblies has been n receiving aa lot of heat,, and it’s ourr o give the current gen neration of Medical Students in Egypt E a bettter national mandate to nce and mottivate them tto get more involved in IFMSA Activvities, away ffrom conflicts and alongg od team worrking spirit aalongside IFM MSA‐Egypt Bo oard membeers which maade us bringg the think off side the box GA” having ffacilities for Officials to rrun their sessions in gard dens and pro oviding a wayy cial program to limit the iintense heatt of the GA s we used to have. We would like to thankk you all for giving us this opportuniity to serve IFMSA‐Egypt its officialss mbers with tthe great hosspitality we p proved to haave over man ny years

ASSA‐Alexandria Te eam

t We Offfer

r Academic B Building nditioned Haalls with Data show and all other faccilities for thee SC ents Session n all for the Pleenary – Time is Flexible g Halls upon R Request from m the TRD.

dria Faculty o of Medicine

Alexandria Proposal Egypt GA ‐ April 2011 – Hosting P

g Facilities Meeting Room ms will be avvailable, flexiible timing and setting (5 50 Chairs at lleast). Outdo oor meetingss can be o organized in gardens around the venu ue. Video Projecttor + computter Available in all meetin ng rooms. lip Charts, Stticky notes , GA Folder, N Notebook, Peen and ID forr each delegaate. nternet access is going to o be provided d in the form m of USB wireeless interneet for the parrticipants in Q. ASSA HQ Computer and d Laser printting will be available in A ASSA HQ. hotocopyingg shall be avaailable, masss photocopying needs to be arranged d with OC in aadvance. g Breakfast and a lunch will w be provid ded. Breakfast >> > light snacck + Tea/Co offee Lunch >> A meal from m Cook Doo or chain will be provide ed Running wa ater, tea an nd coffee an nd light sna acks through hout the duration of the meeting g ial Program:: A Spanish Guitar Band d will be ava ailable durin ng the lunch h break. Visits to diff fferent partss of the city and historicc Alexandria a can be arranged with the OC O upon pre evious noticce. modation and lodging:

ortation ny point in Allexandria askk a taxi to takke you directtly to Alexan ndria Faculty of Medicinee – m Sq – Azariita.

egates that require accom mmodation S from m where you u can enjoy Philipe hostel: a hostel at El Raml Station, the beautifu ul view of Alexandria seaaside and yo ou can neverr forget the charming su unset Accomodatin fees: In a double roo om the accommodation per person 80 EGP. per night is 8

Alexandria Proposal Egypt GA ‐ April 2011 – Hosting P

lore the e City: ctivities: eca Alexand drina The Biblioth heca Alexand drina Located near the site s of the ancient a library of Aleexandria is a place of learning, dialoggue and tolerrance. Sure you don't d want to miss visiting this wonderful w piece of modern arcchitecture an nd to have a look at a a place where massive amount of informatio on surrounds.  ou would like to have a ffast look you u'll find below w some nformation, Opening Hours: y to Thursdaay (includingg Tuesdays),, from 11:00 0 am to m from 3:00 pm m to 7:00 pm m Ticket Chargge: uals: 10 EGP P ities Museum m: 20 EGP script Museum: 20 EGP urces and jo oin guided to ours. This Visitors mayy access all library resou ticket also includes acccess to Perrmanent Exhibitions, ass well as Temporary EExhibitions. tive Ticket: 45 EGP This allows entrance to the Library, exhibitions and museums (antiquities and manusccripts). Admission to the Taha Husseein Library d is free. for the visuaally impaired

azah Palace ardens of Kin ng Farouk who was the llast Egyptian n King 1952, it is fresh relaxing place w where both water and gardens co ome r. r sure a wo onderful place, where you y can't reesist the that you want w to run n, jump, plaay  and you will ly wish you w were a little cchild so you can do so   e fees: 6 EGP P

e info check: http://www w.bibalex.orgg/English/ind dex.aspx

Alexandria Proposal Egypt GA ‐ April 2011 – Hosting P

e info check: m

dria Nationall Museum han 1800 arcchaeological pieces are eexhibited ch hronologicallyy e floor to the next: oric and Pharraonic times The basemeent is devoted to Prehisto First floor to o the Graeco‐Roman periiod Second floo or to the Co optic and Islamic era th hat highlightts artifacts raissed during reecent underw water excavaations ees: 20 EGP at this museum allows caameras, but flashes may not be used. uick look, herre is a nice lin nk: urestories/allexandrianattionalmuseum m.htm ory:Alexandriia_National__Museum & Greek Mu useums st collection mostly datees from the 3rd centuryy BC to the 3rd ng the Ptolem maic and Rom man periods.. AD, spannin ees: 10 EGP lexandriatou y's citadel hteenth Burjji Mamluk su ultan of Egyp pt from 872‐901 A.H. 8‐1496) f century immediately preceding his becoming tthe sultan eriod of polittical, econom mic, and artisstic decline. stablished the authorityy of the sulttanate, stabilized the my, and overssaw a revival of the arts.

ees: 15 EGP

ASSA‐Alexandria IFMSA‐Egypt GA ‐ April 2011 – Hosting Proposal

Registration and Fees:

Registration Fees:   

Early Reg: 35 LE Late Reg (after the 27th of April midnight) : 40 LE IFMSA‐Egypt Board : 25 LE

All LC delegates have to be sent to ASSA‐ Alex Sec Gen & Treasurer

Mohammed Ezzat +2 012 4961078

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