Nour Assaf - Candidate for IFMSA Vice-President for Public Relations & Communication 23/24

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Nour Assaf Candidate for IFMSA Vice-President for Public Relations & Communication 23/24 LeMSIC - Lebanon
List of Abbreviations Motivation Letter Plan of Action Curriculum Vitae Page Table of contents 2 3 4 6 16 Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

List of abbreviations

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations

Lebanese Medical Students' International Committee

National Member Organization

Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication

Vice-President for Capacity Building

Vice-President for Finance

Vice-President for External Affairs

Development Assistant

Regional Assistant

Executive Board

Team of Officials

International Team

General Assembly

Regional Meeting

Online Meeting

Standing Committee

Organizing Committee

World Health Assembly

Annual Working Plan

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Capacity Building

Publications Support Division Director

PR Advocacy and Communication Training

Public Relations & Communication

Public Relations

Social Media

Search Engine Optimization

General Data Protection Regulation

Medical Student International

3 Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

Motivation Letter

Dear friends and colleagues, dear IFMSA family,

I started dreaming exactly 4 years ago. It was my first time attending my NMO’s NGA which, in my mind, was the only way for me to decide which standing committee to join Instead of finding that one SC that would appeal to my curiosity and interests, I was drawn towards the Publications Support Division (PSD), a universe which I felt was created just for me. The next morning, I found myself drafting my very first candidature for the position of PSD Director (PSDD). Little did I know that this would only be the beginning of a long PR&C adventure…

My name is Nour Assaf, a final year medical student at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, and I am thrilled to present to you my candidature for the position of Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication for the term 2023/24

My journey in Public Relations and Communication started 4 years ago, in my NMO LeMSICLebanon, during which I served as the last PSDD and first VPPRC. The transition between my two terms in LeMSIC-Lebanon was very challenging for me In such little time, I was expected to create a solid foundation for a new PR&C division, all while making sure it could last for the years to come To be very honest, I could not do much on my own The only way forward was to organize my first PR&C workshop to promote the new division, which was also a game-changer. I instantly met many passionate members who were crazy enough to join my adventure Together, we created a unique brand identity for our NMO, with an active online presence through website and social media platforms, and sustainable external relations with stakeholders through sponsorship strategies. Additionally, we also formed a strong network using good communication channels and built a safe archive for personal data through GDPR. We came together as a team to form the first PR&C division in LeMSIC- Lebanon, which is now recognized as one of the best in the region.

Being national VPPRC was challenging, but ultimately rewarding This position not only contributed to my personal growth, but also played a significant role in shaping who I am today. It developed my communication and interpersonal skills as well as my ability to make decisions and solve problems. It also increased my self-confidence and self-awareness, and helped me acquire a sense of responsibility and accountability.

True leadership is about empowering others and mentoring future leaders During my term, I focused on sharing every piece of knowledge I acquired along the way with interested members of my NMO, and provided my successor with a thorough handover in order to make sure the division is in safe hands after my departure.

"Chasing a dream requires perseverance, but realizing it requires a leap of faith."
“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”
Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24 4

My interest in PR&C and motivation to grow more in the field drove me towards IFMSA. This Federation has been the voice of 1 3 million medical students around the world Its different social media platforms - which can be considered as stages for opportunities - give medical students around the world the ability to promote their messages to a large and diverse audience, and increases their chances of finding solutions to global problems. How could I have resisted this opportunity?

My first contribution to the PR&C division on the international level was with the Medical Student International. The next year, I was appointed by the LWHO as the Social Media Coordinator for the Youth PreWHA workshop. Aside from managing official IFMSA channels during the 74th World Health Assembly, I was privileged enough to assist the Liaison Officers and their advocacy working groups in the preparation of impactful campaigns on several topics.

As I gained more experience in the field, I felt more confident to join the PR&C International Team. Even though Capacity Building was very new to me back then, I chose to apply for Development Assistant, and I went for this position because I had always believed in the importance of sharing knowledge and empowering your surroundings, in order to ensure the sustainability of any organizational effort.

The past two terms of me serving the PR&C IT as DA have been quite transformative, on a personal level, if I can say the least I was fortunate enough to coordinate the very first PRACT workshop in IFMSA, which was definitely a major turning point for the division and for myself. I also had the privilege to witness the restructuring of the PR&C IT this term and lead the efforts of the 5 regional PR&C assistants in developing the division across the 5 regions of IFMSA.

The most rewarding part about joining IFMSA is that it prioritizes both professional and personal growth. The supportive and encouraging work environment helped me build confidence in my abilities and take risks that I might not have taken otherwise. My journey in the Federation taught me that there is no limit to someone’s desire to grow. That same young dreamer is now ready like never before to take over the PR&C of IFMSA and lead its international team.

It is this same aspiration to develop and expand the PR&C division that has driven me to apply for your Vice-President for Public Relations and Communication position for the next term. I am confident that this opportunity would allow us all to have a greater impact in the Federation and beyond. I am as excited and motivated as I have always been to serve you, once again, and promise to keep on serving IFMSA, committing to its values and investing, with my whole potential, into making the very best out of its Public Relations and Communication.

Thank you for considering my candidature which I really hope you enjoy reading!
“If you can dream it, you can do it.”
— Walt Disney
5 Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24
“Dreams grow if you grow.” Zig Ziglar

Plan of Action

I have developed this plan of action after a methodical analysis of the tasks of the VPPRC as per the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws, a thorough review of the EB and TO meeting minutes and many consultations with the current and previous VPPRCs.

My vision of this term will be based on these main pillars I will be prioritizing:


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The PR&C Revolution

A new era of advancements and innovations transforming the field of PR&C.

The PR&C Catalyst

A driving force capable of bringing about significant growth and expansion of the PR&C division.

The PR&C Web of Connections

Building and maintaining a network of relationships with stakeholders.


Shaping and communicating the image of IFMSA to the public.

Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24 6
PR&C Leadership

This strategy not only reflects 4 years of experience serving the IFMSA PR&C division but has also been aligned with the latest advancements in the world of Public Relations and Communication for Non-Profit organizations.

Nevertheless, I will further discuss this plan with the elected EB and TO members before conceiving my Annual Working Plan, for it to be in accordance with their expectations, the demands of our NMOs, and the vision of our federation.

Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

The PR&C Revolution 1

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has brought a major change in the world of Public Relations & Communication. Organizations focused more on digital platforms to establish an online presence and shape the public opinion. This naturally reflected on the PR&C division within IFMSA, which has put more pressure on the PR&C side of the federation. With the everchanging landscape of the field, we have to make sure that the PR&C division is always up-todate with the latest advancements in technology, and ensure that our federation is represented in the best way possible.

in public relations is a revolution in the making of human history."

A young and adaptive Social Media presence

One of the core concepts that PR&C works on in IFMSA is to influence, engage and establish connections between our federation and the public around it. Among the multiple online platforms that we can use, Social Media remains the most common one.

An aspect we keep forgetting about is that Social Media has been witnessing changing dynamics like everything around us. We are also a student-run organization, and our online presence should reflect the young spirit of the youth behind IFMSA Which is why I will be reassessing how the channels we are currently using are evolving to make sure they are aligned with the identity of the Federation. I will also work with my Social Media assistants on updating our social media strategies to what the latest algorithms want to see, and most importantly make sure we are always flexible to new updates that can still develop during the term

One last point that could be considered and discuss with the EB to expand our impact is partnering with influencers who represent us and collaborating with organizations who speak to the audience we aim to reach and connect with.

A meaningful and engaging content

Meaningful content is the core of every social media strategy. It is our ticket to capture our audience’s attention and reinforce positive brand impression. The tricky part is that the definition of content is in constant change. Videos are in fact taking over social media platforms as the most engaging format.

I will make sure we embrace this shift and invest more in content that is creative, innovative, and entertaining. Furthermore, I will push for sessions and creative spaces to capacitate the PR&C assistants to become confident in using Reels, trending audios and transitions as core components of our social media strategy to boost our visibility. Moreover, I would consider podcasts - that would be strategically tied back into our marketing plans - as new potential ways to connect with our audience authentically and build trust. We have to dare to stand out in today’s digital marketing landscape!

Lastly, I will work with the Social Media assistants on drafting our content marketing plan which will be added to our social media strategies as a separate section. Among the things we will highlight is the importance of staying flexible to any change in the understanding of content and adapting our marketing plans accordingly.

Daniel J. Edelman
Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24 8

The website, IFMSA’s place in the World Wide Web

IFMSA’s website reflects the formal and professional side of our Federation. It is sometimes the first platform of our that external organizations would search for when considering a potential collaboration.

Hence, I will assist the Website Assistant with further development of the website to ensure its maintenance, security and reliability. I will also assist them in updating it and improving its SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to increase its visibility. Another way to do so would be by centralizing actions, traditionally done elsewhere, on the website; which will be discussed with the current and future elected TO.

And as recent statistics have been highlighting the increasing website traffic coming from mobile devices, I will push for making the IFMSA website more optimized for mobile phones to increase its accessibility

As for the Exchange Database, I will follow-up with the present VPPRC on its current situation, and plan forward how to efficiently develop it and be the main contact with the maintenance company.

Inclusivity and Accessibility

We should always aim for IFMSA’s online outlets to be accessible for a diverse range of users by addressing barriers and providing a variety of ways for people to engage. One way to do that is by avoiding abbreviations, avoiding some color combinations, capitalizing the first letter of each word in hashtags to make them more readable, and providing captions for videos and description for pictures. Another thing we should always thrive for is diversity and equal representation of all groups within IFMSA. By doing so, we recognize exclusion and promote all the sides of the federation.

E-Commerce & Social Commerce

E-commerce, which refers to selling online merchandise via an online store or application, is a strategic way to increase visibility, engage with supporters, and most importantly raise funds. The role of PR&C is essential in this project because running an online store also means assisting shoppers, tracking their orders, collecting feedback and working towards improving the website to make it more user-friendly. Moreover, I suggest that we consider selling our merchandise directly through social media, a practice we call Social Commerce, to take advantage of the algorithms and boost our returns.

I will consult the current EB and will proceed as per their recommendations to set a plan for the future of this project Needless to say that collaborating with the VPF will be essential for the realization of this project. If we invest well in it, the IFMSA merchandise can be a source of consistent revenue that can help us ensure the financial sustainability of our federation.


I will supervise all personal data manipulation activities by IFMSA officials and capacitate them regarding the Privacy Policies to ensure their compliance. I will follow up with the present VPPRC on the current GDPR situation and work on ways to make the process more efficient and safe. Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

The PR&C Catalyst 2

The PR&C IT structure has recently been revisioned to answer the growing demand for PR&C help. The work has been decentralized as more PR&C assistants have been appointed by IFMSA officials. With the expansion of the team, it is now necessary to provide development opportunities to ensure that there are enough competent applicants to fill the many PR&C positions available. This being said, I will use my previous 2-year experience as DA (Development Assistant) in the PR&C IT to expand the PR&C knowledge across the five regions of IFMSA and beyond.

Encouraging PR&C sessions in IFMSA meetings

I will work with the VPCB and my DA to have more PR&C sessions in NMO management streams during RMs and GAs.

Updating the PR&C Pilot Course

The Pilot Course has been a crucial part of the education of all IFMSA members in all fields of the organization. I have been personally coordinating the creation of the PR&C section of the course and have worked hard to make high quality PR&C resources accessible for members wishing to grow in the field. My plan is to work with the next PR&C DA on updating and developing the course more next term.

Updating the PRACT regulations

Almost two years after its conception, the PRACT (PR Advocacy and Communication Training) workshop is now proudly being conducted in several countries and regions. This workshop has tremendously contributed to the development of the division within IFMSA My plan is to consult the national VPPRCs regarding updating the current PRACT regulations to make the process of conducting the PRACT more practical and straightforward.

New PR&C workshop graduating PR&C trainers

The lack of qualified PR&C trainers has had an impact for quite some time on the sustainability of the division and the PRACT workshop. To put a solution to this, I have suggested the creation of a new workshop to capacitate new trainers in PR&C, thus contributing to having a pool of trainers that are qualified to train IFMSA members on different topics relevant to the field.

As current PR&C DA, I had already started drafting the workshop regulations, which I hope will be voted upon during the upcoming August Meeting by the IFMSA community. If elected VPPRC, I will work closely with the next PR&C DA and the relevant CB IT member on coordinating the very first version of this new workshop and bringing it to life. I would be very grateful to witness this milestone for the PR&C division the way I witnessed the happening of the first PRACT workshop of our federation

"Public relations is the driving force behind organizational growth and expansion."
Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

The PR&C Web of Connections 3

PR&C is all about building and maintaining relationships with a wide range of stakeholders which include members, influencers, leaders, sponsors, external organizations, media outlets, and other key audiences. Nurturing them is essential to create a web of connections that can be leveraged to achieve a wide range of organizational goals.


The brand creates a unique identity for our federation: it gives it a name, a personality, a soul, an identity it brings it to life The brand helps IFMSA build its reputation, establish solid connections with its audience, attract partners and sponsors, recruit competent members, influence and leave an impact. IFMSA needs a strong brand to exist, and a VPPRC to guard it. The rebranding done two years ago was a turning point in the history of our federation: not only it helped us strengthen our public presence, it also helped reinforce our values and principles. If elected VPPRC, I will guard the brand and ensure that it is consistently used in all publications produced by and published in the name of IFMSA. I will also find ways to help the brand grow and succeed, one of them being investing in content marketing, online platforms, merchandise; as well as other strategies which we will elaborate on in this section.

Influencers partnerships (PR&CxEA)

Partnering with influencers exposes IFMSA to a larger public. It promotes the work we do in the organization which helps establish credibility with their audience, and expand ours. When we are viewed as a trusted organization, stakeholders will be more likely to be interested in us. I will propose to the EB potential influencers partnerships, and a plan for how the collaboration can be beneficial for IFMSA. With the help of the VPE, we will first identify the right people who have a large and engaged audience and whose values align with those of our federation. If we were to proceed with the plan, we will formally reach out to them and explain how we would like for us to work together I will then create, with my team, a campaign that will resonate with the influencer’s audience and align with their brand’s message. Once launched, we will measure the campaign’s analytics to track its success and measure the profit of the partnership.

"Networking is not about just connecting people. It's about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities."
- Michele Jennae
11 Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

Securing sponsors: sponsorships (PR&CxF)

I was fortunate enough to be directly involved in the Youth PreWHA a few years back, and see firsthand the creation of its Sponsorship prospectus. As the event was happening virtually, the benefit packages were tailored to accommodate the online scenario. With the transition back to the live setting, I believe that it is essential to revisit the current sponsorship prospectus and take advantage of our online platforms to propose innovative and creative benefits and attract potential sponsors and partners. I will also have a more thorough insight about our current sponsors and look into ways to establish contact with new ones. For this to be possible, it is essential to collaborate with both VPF and VPE and find ways to make the best out of our experiences in the benefit of IFMSA.

It’s important to remember that collaborations are a long-term strategy: building a relationship with a stakeholder takes time and effort, and should be a part of a larger marketing strategy and not the sole focus.

Establishing and maintaining relations / campaigns (PR&CxEA)

Our federation actively participates in global processes that are important to youth and health professionals. PR&C should work closely with EA to express opinions on social media platforms, raise awareness about various issues, and find solutions to global problems. Additionally, establishing strategic collaboration with the VPE is crucial to prepare our delegations and highlight their meaningful participation in external meetings and events.

I experienced this firsthand during the WHA as PR&C assistant, when I was privileged enough to assist the advocacy working groups in the preparation of campaigns on several topics. These included Human Rights, SRHR, Medical Education, Mental, Global and Public Health As VPPRC, I will work on a campaign prioritization document to organize our campaigning efforts more and make sure they are relevant and impactful.

Communication framework and internal/external alignment

Internal alignment refers to aligning all internal structures within our federation towards a common goal. This includes our values and principles, strategy, work ethics, privacy policies… On the other hand, external alignment takes care of aligning the federation’s work with its external environment and the stakeholder groups surrounding it

In today’s dynamic and rapidly changing environments, it is essential to provide both levels of alignment for IFMSA for a more coherent communication between our federation and its relevant audiences to gain their trust and support. As VPPRC, I will work on drafting a communication framework connecting all documents pertinent to the representation of our federation (PRC procedures, communication guidelines, brand manual, social media policy, campaign prioritization document...), making sure it is aligned with our mission and vision.

network of relationship

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The PR&C Leadership

The Public Relations and Communication is responsible for communicating the message and mission of IFMSA to the public, as well as ensuring that it is represented in a positive light. The PR&C leadership in IFMSA is therefore critical to the success of the federation

“Leadership is not about titles, positions or work hours. It is about relationships.”

VPPRC in relation to the EB

The VPPRC is a key member of the Executive Board of IFMSA which shapes the lives of 1.3 million medical students around the world. As exciting as this opportunity is, it also comes with many responsibilities and commitments If I were to be elected VPPRC, I promise to be actively involved in decision-making and consider the voices I am speaking for when making decisions. I also promise to support my colleagues in the EB, and promote effective communication with the team by creating communication guidelines to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

VPPRC in relation to the TO

When an organization is led by multiple individuals, clear guidelines for effective communication are crucial to ensure that the organization is represented as a cohesive and unified body to the external world Regular meetings and check-ins are as essential to ensure that all members are on the same page and working towards the same goals.

As VPPRC, It will be my duty to support the TO in the field of PR&C, and assist them in enhancing the visibility of their areas including SCs, Activities, Programs and Regions. I will also collaborate with the VPE to conduct training sessions during TOMs on public speaking for the TO to present a unified and coherent front to the external world This will help build trust and credibility with stakeholders and the general public.

VPPRC in relation to the PR&C IT

If elected VPPRC, I will conduct a competency model to help my team develop the skills and knowledge they need in order for them to be successful in their roles. I will also organize one-onone meetings to make sure their tasks are clear and the work is equally distributed. Moreover, I will create a Mental Health watch and encourage days-off to protect them from burnout. I will also plan team-bonding activities and will always thrive to create a supporting environment that encourages personal growth.

VPPRC in relation to the NMOs

I have witnessed the impact of the PR&C IT reshaping that happened this term on our workflow. As DA, I have been assisting the regional PR&C assistants as their main contact person. This allowed me to realize how regions may have different needs and understandings when it comes to PR&C. Which is why it is important to customize our approach in order to effectively communicate with them As VPPRC, I will assist the Regional PR&C Assistants in drafting their AWP to make sure it is aligned with the PR&C strategy for the term while being relevant to the region. I will also push for the creation of regional networks connecting us with the national VPPRCs or relevant officials. I will also encourage the conduction of Needs Assessments as well as consultations with the NMOs for a more tailored approach to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of their PR&C divisions

13 4 Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

Mimosa is a warm, golden yellow inspired by the popular cocktail and the flowers of the Mimosa tree Being a hopeful and radiant color,it stimulates imagination, innovation, and enlightenment.

A unique mixture of orange, yellow, and white. With its origin in nature, peach is somewhat comforting It also gives a sense of joy though not quite as exuberantly as orange does.

Coral is a pink-orange color that gets its name from marine invertebrates decorating the bottom of the sea. It is fresh, invigorating, and feminine.

Originally used to describe the color of Kermes dye, a substance derived from the tiny insect Kermes vermilio. It is said to be the color of love and affection.

Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24 14
Mimosa #FFCA4B Peach #FEF5B4 Coral #FF7F50 Crimson #DC143C
"Your brand is a reflection of your values, character, and purpose. "

Curriculum Vitae

Nour Assaf

Final year medical student

Former VPPRC | LeMSIC - Lebanon

Former and current PR&C Development Assistant

Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24



Medical student

American University of Beirut


Bachelor in Biology

American University of Beirut


Arabic - native

English - fluent

French - fluent

Sign - starter


Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint


Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign

Pages, Canva


Nour Assaf

VPPRC 23/24 Candidate

+961 76 143 929


IFMSA External Meeting

74th WHA

Social Media coverage and general delegate


IFMSA Regional Meeting

EMR 17

Pre EMR 17 - Finance Stream Finance/PR&C session facilitation

EMR 17 - NMO management Sessions Team

NMO management ST - PR&C sessions


IFMSA General Assemblies

March Meeting 2021

NMO management - participant

August Meeting 2021

NMO management ST - PR&C sessions

March Meeting 2022

NMO management ST - online PR&C sessions

4 GDPR Digital marketing

LeMSIC National General Assemblies

Websites Capacity Building Merchandise & e-commerce Sponsorship packages Brand Identity Content marketing Internal & External Communication Public Speaking Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24 16

click here or scan the code

PR&C Workshop Coordination

International - IFMSA

Coordination of the 1st PRACT workshop in IFMSA as part of LeMSIC CEDAR SRT - 2022

Coordination of the PR&C IT Webinar series 2022

Coordination of the PR&C IT Competency Model sessions 2023

Coordination of the Pilot Course - PR&C section

National - LeMSIC

Coordination of LeMSIC PR&C Workshop - 2020/21



PR&C Experience

PR&C International TeamDevelopment Assistant

Coordination of the PR&C IT Competency Model. Main contact person of the PR&C RAs.

Coordination of the PR&C team of the Pilot Course SWG.


PR&C International TeamDevelopment Assistant

Coordination of the PR&C Webinar Series.

Creation of the 1st PR&C Resource Center. Management of network for NMOs and IT.

Coordination of the 1st PRACT workshop.

1st Vice-President for PR&C and Founder of the PR&C division

Creation of GDPR regulations.


Drafting of sponsorship prospectus and benefit packages. Establishment of digital marketing strategies, recentralization of online channels and drafting of stats reports.

TaskForce on LeMSIC Brand Manual.

Website refurbishment and creation of voting platform. Design of LeMSIC official merchandise.

Creation of LeMSIC's 1st E-commerce page and Instagram shop for the NMO's merch.

Monitor the design of LeMSIC's main publication The Viral News (14+ issues) and other publications.

Publications Support Division Director

Youth PreWHA OCPR & Social Media Coordinator

Rebranding and 1st brand manual drafting

Design of 25+ official publications including externals invitation packages, survival kit and communication toolkit

Creation of promotional materials and management of IFMSA social media channels including Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Supervision of online campaigns

Facilitation of a session on Social Media & Advocacy


Design of 15+ manuals including official newsletter and COVID-19 national response

Small Working Group - Creation of LeMSIC brand and templates - 2019/20

MSI42 - Designer

Design of a 42nd issue of the Medical Students International, IFMSA’s bi-annual magazine as well as stories for IFMSA IG platforms as a form of divulgation.

60+ T r a i n e e s 400+
to access my training portfolio 17 Nour Assaf | Candidate for VPPRC 23/24

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at

or contact me privately by scanning this code

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