Assam Valley Express 7_Dec_2010

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Vol. V ol. V Issue 2

Established: 1995

Tuesday, 7th December, 2010


EDUCATION WORLD HONOURS AVS! In a nation-wide survey carried out by Education World, The Assam Valley School was ranked 7th among the top 10 boarding schools in this country. The School, barely fifteen, has moved swiftly to this present status and, pitted against the best in the country, holds its own. Mr. N.P. Datta, the Senior Master, represented the Headmaster at the awards ceremony that was held at LaLiT in New Delhi on the 13th 0f November. He is shown here, receiving the award from the chief guest for the occasion, Mr. Peter Maslen, the CEO of Knowledge Universe.


Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief: Ambiso Tawsik. Deputy Editors: Editors Vedant Jain, Sneha Khaund, Sukrita Baruah. Associate Editors Editors: Radhika Moral, Yashash Senior Correspondents Correspondents: Yashodhara Sharma, Nandini Singha, Agarwal, Rohan Tandon, Devraj Barooah*.Senior Joyeeta Dutta, Jai Phookan*, Kunal Sinha*, Suhavi Arya, Bhawana Nath, Begum Akifa Yesmin*, Puspak Chamariya. Junior Correspondent: Nandini Das*, Junaina Firdaus*, Nishi Lal, Supriti David*, Advaiy Chettri*. Graphics Graphics: Hlingdeikim Changsan, Mrinal Koijam, Jita Moji Jini. Production Manager Manager: Deepanjan Das. Photographers: Anjanav Sharma, Daksha Salam, Moinam Chatterjee*, Joram Dole*. 1

Weekly Newsletter of The Assam Valley School

* Not in the photograph





he only word that is spinning in my head (accompanied, of course, by its best bud “exams”) is Deadline…. I have tried everything I could to fill in the blank screen with words; I even tried meditating to get rid of the block I was suffering from. But I just couldn’t get hold of the perfect words that I could string into that perfect sentence that would eventually turn up into a perfect editorial. I was too conscious about what people might think of what I would write and what I was expected to write, and that whirlpool would not let the words escape from it. So I sought help from the last person I thought I wanted to ever turn to…myself. And when I met the Self, I felt really amused to find out that I had been eddying all this while, waylaid by my own footprints and sometimes following those left by others, because I was trying to be someone I could never be. You know how fate comes with its quirky, and definitely singular, sense of humor? It brought the coveted badge, but lurking behind that recognition and the allure was the onus of a responsibility. I cannot think of anything better than being at the helm of the weekly but certain thoughts brought me discomfort: I recall the times when I was asked to proofread Tenzing Yangki’s and Aranya Phookan’s articles. There was very little sense I could make of those words that seemed to emanate from some erudite realm, let alone find the errors! Then that explained my apprehension of taking over the mantle of AVE that had not only chronicled the School growth successfully over the past fifteen years but also moved from strength to strength every ensuing year. Am I capable? I ask the darkness that envelopes my room after Lights Out. And then, just before sleep takes over me, the answer comes: the value of a person lies in the fact that each one is different and can do different things and everyone brings in something new. I shall never attempt to be better than my predecessors; if I try I will certainly fail...what I shall try to do is do something different. Then maybe I will achieve a modicum of success and maybe I will never hear the words I fear most, “He brought down the standards.” The newsletter is supposed to chronicle the life and times of the School and record-keeping we shall certainly do. We shall not merely report Corrigendum In our list of School Appointments last week, we inadvertently omitted Priyamvada Borua from the list of Event Management Prefects. The omission is regretted.



but we shall review. We shall not merely recapitulate we will also critique. We will be the voice of a community that not only applauds its gains but also analyzes its losses; the voice of a community that not only does but also explains why it does so. AVE will be the conscience of a brave community that cringes not from the truth but speaks of it dauntlessly and in print. To do this is no mean task, but I have no mean support. I have with me the AVS community, for AVE does not belong to only us, the poor lots who are packed like sardines in the Publication Room, but to each one of you. A disgruntled voice says: “My article has been mutilated,” and I humbly accept the charge but in my defence I will say: the half-baked scribbles that we get in the name of an article and the amount we, the humble scribes, have to work to make it print-worthy is no joke. So here’s the take now: we will print things as they are if you feel that by correcting grammatical errors we are mutilating it. If it does not embarrass you to have your name at the bottom then it’s no skin off our noses either! Aha! You see we now have a reason for what we do. At AVE, we have some new recruits and some of the most battle-hardened veterans (who have survived the onslaughts of never-ending deadlines and a Mistress-in-Charge who constantly blows her top!). I have complete faith that they will carry this ambitious enterprise forward. I have no intention of wearing my predecessor’s shoes, but to put on my own and set my own footprints, no matter how different they may be. I have never led before, nor do I plan to do now. I plan to work in a team for a community. And this will be my service, and that of my team, to The Assam Valley School. Ambiso Tawsik, XI 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 YOU DO US PROUD! 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 Rahul Rajkhowa, Class XI, has been chosen as 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 one of the ten ambassadors from around the 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 globe for the Musical Exchange Programme 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 of Carnegie Hall, New York. 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012


A baby girl, Inaya Bora, was born to the School’s HR Manager, Mrs. Ranjita Bora and to Mr. Pallav Bora on the 27th of October. Our congratulations to the proud parents. AVE Tuesday, 7th December, 2010.

VAYA CONDIOS Gap Pupils Paula Guerra and Maria Jose Rocha bid farewell


inally the last days have come. Time flies and now we have realized it has been four months in AVS, learning and teaching and sharing with this amazing community. As we look back an endless list of moments comes to our mind; moments that only remind us how happy and how satisfied we felt from the beginning to the end. It has been, without doubt, a lifeexperience where we were able to grow, to learn… Today is the day to say goodbye and close this marvellous chapter of our lives. Although it’s sad to leave a community that has become a family to us, we cannot deny that we are leaving happy and satisfied with our work and experience in AVS. We are now looking forward to applying all that we have learned in our future life. We would like to thank the Headmaster for his support and for encouraging us to fulfil every single goal during our exchange experience. Sir, we really admire you. The Assam Valley School could not be in better hands. To Mr. Bharadwaj, thank you so much for giving us this opportunity! We are very glad that the Anglo and AVS can now start working as a team for further exchanges. To Mrs. Ahluwalia, Mr. and

We and the Sattriya

Mrs. Watts, thank you for your support and guidance during these months. Students of the Spanish class and Colombian dance girls, thank you for your time and interest in our culture. You cheered up our days –days which we will never forget! Tihu children, we love you! You showed us that everything is possible. Thank you for sharing with us your happiness. The AVS community, a million thanks for these months that we spent together; you all are blessed to be part of this beautiful and unique institution! We leave completely happy and proud of each one of you. Las queremos mucho! Paula Guerra and Maria Jose Rocha



n 4th of December, the Inter-House Middle School English Elocution was held at the Central Courtyard. The selection of poems was quite varied and the mood moved from sorrow to humour There were witty poems that were recited, like the one by by Shantanu Mittal of Manas, who poured out the apparent woes of an overworked elocutionist. Suravi Poddar of Kopili recited a piece about the stubborn Swami of Narayan’s Malgudi Days and Nehal Ahmed of Dhansiri about the horrors of a man who is over-indulged. Subansiri-Namdang was represented by Anushka Barman and Naman Goyal. Their pieces began joyfully but had sad endings. Anushka’s piece The Inchcape Rock by Robert Southey and Naman’s recitation of Rudyard Kipling’s Gunga Din left the audience thoughtful. Supriti David of Jinari, Isha Banerjee of Bhoroli and Thutop Toko of Lohit tackled the theme of bravery and sacrifice through Casabianca, The Slave’s Dream and O Captain, My Captain. 3

At the end, the jury, which included alumnus Janice Pariat, Mrs. Vaishali Pradhan and Mrs. Mausami Phukan, made their decision. The rolling trophy of the Inter-House Middle School English Elocution was won by BhoroliLohit. The judges also gave the participants constructive feedback before the results were announced. Mention must be made of the wonderful ambience that was created at the Central Courtyard that evening. Here was another of the lesser-utilized spaces at AVS that could be an alternative to the WMH. Also, it is worth noting that the pool of talent in the Middle School is quite impressive. Akanksha Jain VIII

OBITUARY Mr. Jogendranath Bora, father of Ms. Munmun Bora, passed away on the 27th of November. Our sincerest condolences to the bereaved family. AVE Tuesday, 7th December, 2010.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Dear Sir, This is in reference to the article The Epic Dance of Love. While I was happy to read a few lines like each and every twist, herculean task, really admirable, was the spontaneous the same time, I was filled with self-criticism for not taking enough care with regard to the boat on the river Brahmaputra and for using the doll in place of a real new-born baby, not once but twice on stage. My reasons for these oversights were simple: not to risk the lives of our pupils by taking them into the middle of the mighty river, and not to let a baby lie on the stage for quite some time. The river scene was a must as the crux of the story lay there. The writer seems to have missed the boat steering away at the end. It also made me wonder what the cast was doing for almost five hours a day for nearly eighteen days if in the final product, there was very little scope for acting left. As a script writer, my first and foremost duty was to cater to the varied audience comprising of those belonging to different walks of life. Utmost care was taken in choosing words that had literary beauty and songs that were meaningful and befitting to the situation. I ensured that the performers understood the meaning of the song so that they would give the right expressions. If it appeared that they were floundering in the dark and overplaying or underplaying their part then it is the fault of the director. What I expected from the writer of the piece was a little more encouragement for the performers, many of whom were first-timers I am sorry for the yawn that had to be stifled at times and I know that the great Kalidasa can never be replaced. He is my inspiration too, because I am a great admirer of his many masterpieces one of which is Meghdootam. The reason is perhaps that I myself am a romantic person and ‘Love and Romance’ always fascinates me. I find aesthetic beauty in love like Dante has depicted in the Divine Comedy. I am neither a professional script writer, a choreographer, director nor a musician but I dare to work like a professional because my passion to serve the performing arts is very strong. I will always worship and keep lighting the diya in the temple of Satyam Shivam Sundaram even if it but faintly illuminates just the fringes of our culture. However the article has been an eye opener which I have accepted in the right spirit. Yours sincerely, Minaksshi Boro-Gogoi.



leep, that eternal period of calm, has been the stuff of poetry, psychology and many a research in today’s world. Very simply, it is that state to which every creature must return after expending energy for work and after a long day’s toil. Sleep...ah, the word conjures up various states of peacefulness...the repose that comes after the contentment of the heart, the rest that follows labour and diligence, the deserved moment of doing nothing when a lot has been achieved or just that natural state of repair after restless wakefulness. When sleep eludes us, it can be one of the most difficult challenges of life. No wonder then that insomnia remains one of the largest maladies of the modern world...people who work more, lead pressured lives and live in a strained environment often are victims of such a state. Haven’t poets and writers made this subject into great literature? “Methought I heard a voice cry,

Macbeth hath murdered sleep”, remains Shakespeare’s most memorable remark on the anguish of the loss of sleep over guilt. Keats has eloquently said, “What is more gentle than a summer wind...more full of visions than high romance?” when he addresses Sleep. Sleep and its companion, dream, are the twin states of tranquillity. When we sleep and dream we are unshackled from our common and everyday world and escape to the strange and limitless world of novelty...don’t we thus chase dreams? They take us into a realm that is not ordinary, where we can explore and experience the uncommon and the stuff of our most secret desires Sleep is a blessing that we all are showered with and it takes us to a world into which we peep is the poor man’s treasure and rich man’s need. The sinner’s penury and the saint’s daily prayer...all at once, the great leveller. Radhika Moral, XI

Publisher: Deputy Head (Educational Administration) The Assam Valley School, P.O. Balipara, Dist. Sonitpur, Asom784101, India. Telephone: 03714-292470. E-mail: Printed at: Swastika Printers, Rangapara, Asom. Website:


AVE Tuesday, 7th December, 2010.

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