Tracking sheets in Interview

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Interviewer Tracking Sheet You Name: _______________________________________

Name of the person you interview: __________________________________________

Question on Integrity [Describe a situation when you were not able to deliver on what promised. What did you do? Why did you do that? What was the result in the end?] Context



Question on Self-Awareness [Describe a situation when you are about to go through a stressful situation? What did you do? Why did you do that? What was the result?] Context



Question on Commitment to self-development [Describe a situation when you were assigned to complete a challenging task/ a task that you didn’t know how to complete? What did you do? Why did you do that? What was the result of your actions?] Context



Question on Self-confidence [What are your main 3 strength? Describe situations when you used them?] 1. 2. 3.

[Describe a situation when you personally failed in doing something? What did you do? Why did you do that? Why did you do that? What was the result of these actions?] Context



Question on Overall positive outlook [Describe a situation when you worked in a project and it was about to fail. What were your actions? Why did you do that? What happened in the end?] Context


General level of ambition [Describe the situation in which you will you consider yourself to be a successful person?]

AIESEC Understanding Questions [How would you describe AIESEC to you friend? Why do you want to join AIESEC? What do you like most of all in AIESEC for now? What do you dislike about AIESEC? What would you like to do in AIESEC?]


Evaluation of the level of competencies (NB! Filled in together by all the interviewers after the interview is over) Competency Integrity “I honor commitments and promises”

Positive Behaviors Delivers on what he/she promises in most of cases.

Scale 4


Negative Behaviors Forgets about what was promised. Promises many things to different people. 2


If not able to deliver on what he/she promises, tells honestly and ensures that the promise is fulfilled.

If not able to deliver on what he/she promises, tries to prolong DDL for as long as possible. Usually does this several times.

Finishes his/her responsibilities, if takes any.

Quits responsibilities in the middle of fulfilling the task.

Self-Awareness “I know myself as an individual and am conscious about my behaviors and their impact upon myself and others”

Articulates one’s own natural behaviors

Self-confidence “I act on the things I’m aware of. I understand my own strengths/ talents and I am confident about them. I recognize opportunities for improvement”

Articulates one’s strengths, understands that has points for improvement





Is not able to predict one’s own reactions and behaviors

Articulates how his/her behaviors influence on others

Does not see the connection between one’s own behaviors and other people’s reactions

Thinks in advance if he/she needs to change natural behaviors. Takes actions to prevent undesired behaviors.

Perceives oneself being fully dependent on the situation and other people.





Is not able to articulate one’s strengths or says many things of little importance.

Sets goals/takes responsibilities based on one’s own strengths and weaknesses

Ignores one’s strengths and weaknesses while setting goals/taking tasks

Takes actions to increase one’s strengths and develop points for improvements. Thinks of key learnings in case of failure.

Does not take any conscious actions for self-improvement. Experience failures without taking key learnings out of them.

Commitment to selfdevelopment

Looks for opportunities/situations to learn something new. Takes any situation as an opportunity for selfdevelopment.

Overall positive outlook

Keeps being positive in difficult situations. Looks for possibilities and ideas for improvement.





Ignores opportunities/situations to learn something new. Tries to avoid challenging tasks/experiences





Is very skeptical in difficult situations, criticizes ideas for improvement without contributing.

Highlights positive moments in difficult situations General level of ambition

Puts considerable facts as achievements and success

Highlights only negative moments in critical situations 4




Thinks about changing some situation in the community, not only about personal comfort and prosperity AIESEC Understanding “I respect and accept what the organization defines as important. I make choices and set priorities to meet the organization's needs and fit the organization's mission.”

Understands AIESEC Role and wants to contribute by working in one of projects. Understands and values opportunities AIESEC gives to a person and wants to use these opportunities for oneself.

Names general facts as achievements and success (good job and salary) Thinks only about personal comfort and prosperity.





Does not want to contribute to the realization of AIESEC Role and is not interested to work in AIESEC projects Does not see how he/she can use AIESEC opportunities for self-development.

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