Science Knowledge Organiser Binder

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Atherosclerosis - A disease only affecting arteries  Arteries are at greater risk of damage than other blood vessels due to the rapid movement of blood under high pressure.  May lead to CHD or stroke.

Blood Clotting

Subject: Science Years: 12 Term: 1a Topic: 1 – Lifestyle, Health and Risk – Part One Lesson Sequence Topic: 1. Introduction to Case Studies 2. Importance of Circulation 3. Heart Structure and Function 4. Water as a Solvent 5. Structure and Function of Blood Vessels 6. Cardiac Cycle 7. Core Practical 1 8. Ethics of Using Small Invertebrates in Research 9. Atherosclerosis 10. Blood Clotting 11. Perception of Risk 12. Correlation, Causation and Conflicting Evidence 13. Evaluating Study Design 14. Factors affecting CVD Key Assessments EA Exam 1 Core Practical 1

Core Texts Salters Nuffield AS/A Level Biology Revise Salters-Nuffield AS/A Level Biology A Revision Guide

Structure and Function of Blood Vessels Vessel Structure Artery  Thick walls  Smooth muscles  Elastic Fibres  Lined by smooth endothelial cells  Narrow lumen Water As A Solvent  Water is a polar molecule (dipole) held together by covalent bonds. The oxygen atom has more protons, so attracts more than its fair share of electrons.  Water is liquid at room temperature. Hydrogen bonds form electrostatic interactions between polar molecules.  Water easily dissolves ionic (salt) and polar molecules (sugar, amino acids).



   

Very thin, one cell thick. Only have endothelium. Thin walls Little smooth muscle or elastic fibres Wide lumen Valves

Structure and Function of Blood Vessels

A number of factors must be present before blood clotting can begin.

This is essential to prevent blood clotting in the wrong place (such as blood vessels), which may lead to a blockage.

Function  Withstands high blood pressure.  Allow diameter to alter with blood flow.  Allows stretching and recoil, smooth blood flow.  Low friction, ease blood flow  To maintain blood pressure 

Rapid exchange (diffusion) between blood and tissue.

 

Blood under low pressure No pulse so no stretch and recoil needed.

 

Large volume acts as blood reservoir Stop backflow





In the absence of oxygen. A widening or bulge in the wall of a blood vessel (or organ) that may weaken and rupture. Chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart forcing heart muscle cells to respire anaerobically.


Mass Transport System Myocardial Infarction


The pressure in your blood vessels when your heart rests between beats - mmHg. Movement of atoms from a region of their high concentration to a region of their low concentration by slow random movement.

Irregular or abnormal heartbeat.


A molecule containing opposite charges.



Small arteries leading into capillaries.

Double Circulation

A circulatory system where blood passes twice through the heart on one trip around the body.

Polar Molecule


Degeneration of arterial walls leading to restriction and a risk of thrombosis.


The tissue that forms a single layer of cells lining the inside of blood vessels.

Positive Feedback Prothrombi n


The insoluble protein formed from fibrinogen by the action of thrombin during blood clotting. A soluble protein involved in blood clotting. It is converted into insoluble fibrin strands following activation of thrombin.

Heart Attack Hydrogen Bonding Hydrophilic

Also known as a myocardial infarction or coronary thrombosis. A weak electrostatic interaction between a proton and an electronegative atom. Water loving, easily mixed with water.

Single Circulation Sphygmom anometer Stroke


Repels water, or fails to mix with water.


Hypertension Inflammatory Response

Abnormally high blood pressure. A response of the body to disease or injury (typically pain, heat, redness and swelling). An inadequate blood supply to an organ or body part, especially heart muscles.

Systole Systolic Pressure


Atherosclerosis Atrioventricular Valves

Calories Cardiac Cycle Cardiac Muscle Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Cascade Cholesterol Collagen Coronary Arteries Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Correlation

The clogging of arteries with a fatty substance known as plaque (atheroma). Name given to the valves located between the atrium and ventricle. Prevents return of blood to the atrium. Unit for measuring heat. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1g of water by 1 oC. The sequence of events that occur when the heart beats. Specialised muscle found only in the heart. A class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels. An event or series of chemical reactions in response to a signal [signalling cascade]. A fat containing substance found in body tissue that may cause atherosclerosis. A fibrous protein that provides strength to connective tissue and blood vessels. A branch of the aorta that provides the heart with a blood supply. A disease caused by the build up of plaque (atherosclerosis) inside coronary arteries. A mutual relationship or connection between two or more things.

Diastolic Pressure

Phase of the heartbeat. Heart muscles relax and the heart refills with blood.


Ischaemia Kilocalories Kilojoule Mass Flow

1000 calories. 1000 joules, a measure of the energy value of foods. Movement of fluid in one direction through a system of tube-like vessels.


Semilunar Valves

Thrombin Thrombopla stin Thrombosis Tissue Fluid

Movement of materials from an exchange surface or exchange surfaces of cells to the rest of the organism. Heart attack, when blood flow to the heart decreases causing tissue damage or death of part of a heart muscle. A condition whereby an excess of watery fluid collects in cells, cavities or body tissue. A patch of degenerative material on the inner lining of arterial walls in atherosclerosis. An asymmetric molecule where there is a partial positive charge on one part of the molecule. The enhancing or amplification of an effect by its own influence on the process which gives rise to it. A plasma protein produced in the liver (in the presence of vitamin k) that converts to thrombin during blood clotting. Pair of valves at the base of the aorta and the pulmonary artery, three cusps that prevent the flow of blood back into the heart. A circulatory system (e.g. Fish) where blood passes once through the heart in each complete circuit of the body. Instrument used to determine systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Death of brain cells due to a lack of oxygen. The part of the circulatory system that provides oxygen and removes carbon dioxide. Phase of the heartbeat whereby heart muscles contract. The maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle – mmHg. A protease made during blood clotting that catalyses conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin. An enzyme in blood platelets that converts prothrombin into thrombin as blood clots. The formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel that obstructs the flow of blood. An extracellular fluid that bathes the cells of most tissues, arriving via blood capillaries.

Key Terms Eurakryotic cells Eukaryote Prokaryotic cells DNA Ribosome Respiration Diffusion Organelle Mitochondrion Chloroplast Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell membrane Vacuole Cell wall Photosynthesis Turgid Biconcave

Knowledge Organiser – Cell Structure Cells that contain a nucleus An organism that is made of eukaryotic cells Single-celled organisms that do not contain a nucleus Deoxyribonucleic acid – the genetic information found in all living orgnanisms A cell organelle that makes proteins The release of energy from glucose The net movement of particles form an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration A part of a cell with a specific function A cell organelle in which respiration occurs A cell organelle in which photosynthesis occurs Jelly like substance in cells where chemical reactions occur A cell organelle found in eukaryotes containing their genetic material Structure surrounding the cell that controls what moves in and out of the cell Found in plant cells, filled with cell sap, keeps the cell turgid Made from cellulose and provides structural strength the some cells (not animal cells) Chemical reaction that happens in chloroplasts that stores energy in glucose Describes a swollen cell Describes a shape with a dip that curves inwards on both sides

Ova Axon Phloem Xylem Electron microscope Resolution


Eggs The extension of a nerve cell along which the electrical impulses travel Tubes of living cells that carry sugars to all cells in plants Tubes of dead plant cells through which water flows A microscope that uses electrons in place of light to give higher magnification The smallest distance between two seperate points

Key Terms Infectious Vector Antibiotic Chitin Hyphae Malaria Insecticide Lysozymes Cilia Antigen Antitoxin Vaccine Antiseptic Anaesthetic Efficacy

Knowledge Organiser – Infection and Response

Describes a pathogen that can easily be transmitted, or an infected person who can pass on the disease. An animal that spreads a communicable disease. A group of medicines, first discovered by Alexander Fleming, that kill bacteria and fungi but not viruses. A polymer made from sugars that forms the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeleton of insects. Branching filaments of a fungus that spread out. A communicable disease, caused by a protest transmitted in mosquitos, which attacks red blood cells. A chemical that kills insects. Antibacterial enzymes found in your tears to prevent eye infections. Tiny hair-like projections from ciliated cells that waft mucus out of the gas exchange system. A protein on the surface of a pathogen that your antibodies can recognize as foreign. A protein produced by your body to neutralize harmful toxins produced by pathogens. A medicine containing an antigen from a pathogen that triggers a low level immune response so that if you become infected later your body can respond more quickly to the pathogen. A substance applied to the skin or another surface to destroy pathogens. A drug that stops all pain sensation and can be local or general. How effective a drug is.


A medical experiment in which the patient and doctors Double blind trials do not know who has been given the drug and who has been given the placebo. Placebo A medicine that has only psychological effects. Phagocytes A type of white blood cell that engulf pathogens. Lymphocytes A type of white blood cell that produce antibodies. Highly specific Y-shaped proteins that are produced by Antibodies the immune system to help stop intruders from harming the body.

Key Terms Endothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Bioenergetics A reaction that requires energy to be absorbed to work

The process by which plants use sunlight to produce glucose. Happens in chloroplasts Limiting factor Anything that reduces or stops the rate of a reaction Yield The amount of an agricultural product produced The process by which living things release energy from Respiration glucose. Happens in mitochondria Aerobic In the presence of oxygen Oxidation A reaction that uses oxygen Exothermic A reaction that gives out thermal energy reaction Anaerobic In the absence of oxygen The amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to Oxygen debt break down lactic acid The chemical breakdown of glucose into ethanol and carbon Fermentation dioxide by respiring micro-organisms such as yeast The sum of all the chemical reactions that happen in an Metabolism organism


+ energy + energy


Key Terms Atom Proton Neutron Electron

Knowledge Organiser – Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

A particle with no electric charge made up of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons and surrounded by electrons. A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Negatively charged particles found on energy levels (shells) surrounding the nucleus inside atoms. Central part of an atom containing protons and neutrons. The region an electron occupies surrounding the nucleus inside an atom.

Nucleus Energy level (shell) Atomic Number of protons in an atom. number Mass number Number of protons plus neutrons in an atom. Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number Isotope of neutrons. The average mass of atoms of an element taking into account Relative the mass and amount of each isotope it contains. atomic mass RAM = Total mass of atoms / total number of atoms Electronic The arrangement of electrons in the energy levels of an atom. structure An electrically charged particle containing different numbers of Ion protons and electrons. Group The name given to each column in the periodic table. Element A substance containing only one type of atom. A substance made from different elements chemically bonded Compound together. Period The name given to a row in the periodic table. Alkali metals The elements in Group 1 of the periodic table. Noble gases The elements in Group 0 of the periodic table.


Halogens The elements in Group 7 of the periodic table. Diatomic molecule A molecule containing 2 atoms. Halides Compounds made from Group 7 elements. More than one substance that are not chemically Mixture bonded. Solvent The liquid that a solute dissolves in. Solution A solute dissolved in a solvent. Soluble A substance that will dissolve. Insoluble A substance that will not dissolve. Solute The solid that dissolves in a solvent.

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Bonding, structures and the properties of matter

Ionic substances are made up of a giant lattice of positive and negative ions in a regular structure. Ionic bonding The electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions Molecule Particle made from atoms joined together by covalent bonds Covalent bond Two shared electrons joining atoms together Intermolecular Weak forces between molecules forces Long chain molecule made from joining lots of small Polymer molecules together by covalent bonds Monomer The building block (molecule) of a polymer Delocalised Free to move around Metallic The attraction between the nucleus of metal atoms and bonding delocalized electrons Malleable Can be hammered into shape A mixture of a metal with small amounts of other elements, Alloy usually other metals States of These are solid, liquid and gas matter Family of carbon molecules each with carbon atoms linked in Fullerenes rings to form a hollow sphere or tube Substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but is not used Catalyst up in it Giant Lattice

Ionic bonding and structure

Metallic structure


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Quantitative Chemistry

Relative atomic mass Relative formula mass Mole Avogadro constant Thermal decomposition

The average mass of atoms of an element, taking into account the mass and the amount of each isotope it contains. The sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms in the formula. Measurement of the amount of a substance. The number of atoms, molecules or ions in one mole of a given substance (6.02x1023). Reaction where high temperature causes a substance to break down into simpler substances.


When the amount of a reactant is greater than the mount that can react.

Limiting reactant

The reactant in a reaction that determines the amount of products formed. Any other reagents are all in excess and will not react.


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Chemical Changes

Reactivity An arrangement of metals in order of reactivity series Displacement Reaction where a more reactive element takes the reaction place of a less reactive element in a compound A reaction in which a substance loses electrons (gains Oxidation oxygen) Reaction in which a substance gains electrons (loses Reduction oxygen) Ore A rock from which a metal can be extracted for profit Acid

Solution with a pH less than 7; produces H+ ions in water


Solution with a pH more than 7; produces OH- ions in water Dissolved in water

Strong acid

Acid in which all the molecules break into ions in water


Acid in which only a small fraction of the molecules break into ions in water A solution in which there is a small amount of solute Dilute dissolved Concentrated A solution in which there is a lot of solute dissolved A reaction that uses up some or all of the H+ ions from Neutralisation an acid Electrolysis Decomposition of ionic compounds using electricity Electrolyte A liquid that conducts electricity Discharge Gain or lose electrons to become electrically neutral Inert Electrodes that allow electrolysis to take place but do electrodes not react themselves Weak acid

Acid + Alkali ‐> salt + water Metal + acid ‐> salt + hydrogen Metal oxide + acid ‐> salt + water Metal carbonate + acid ‐> salt + water + carbon dioxide


Knowledge Organiser – Energy Changes Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings and so the temperature increases Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the Endothermic surroundings to the chemicals and so the temperature reaction decreases Activation The minimum energy particles must have to react energy Exothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Energy Changes Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings and so the temperature increases Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the Endothermic surroundings to the chemicals and so the temperature reaction decreases Activation The minimum energy particles must have to react energy Exothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Formulae and equations

Key Terms Diatomic molecule Spectator ions Ionic equation

A molecule containing two atoms Ions that do not take part in a reaction and do not appear in the ionic equation for the reaction Balanced equation for reaction that omits any spectator ions

Common Reactions Element + oxygen ‐> oxide of element Eg Calcium + oxygen ‐> calcium oxide Compound + oxygen ‐> oxides of each element in compound Eg Methane + oxygen ‐> carbon dioxide + water Water + metal ‐> metal hydroxide + hydrogen (for metals that react with water) Eg water + sodium ‐> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen Acid + metal ‐> salt + hydrogen Eg Hydrochloric acid + magnesium ‐> magnesium chloride + hydrogen Acid + metal oxide ‐> salt + water Eg Sulphuric acid + copper oxide ‐> copper sulphide + water Acid + metal hydroxide ‐> salt + water Eg nitric acid + potassium hydroxide ‐> potassium nitrate + water Acid + metal carbonate ‐> salt + water + carbon dioxide Eg hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate ‐> calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide Acid + ammonia ‐> ammonium salt Eg nitric acid + ammonia ‐> ammonium nitrate


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Energy

Specific heat capacity

The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C. To scatter in all directions or to use wastefully. When energy has Dissipate been dissipated it means we cannot get it back. The energy has spread out and heats up the surroundings. Non-renewable Energy resources which will run out, because they are finite energy resources reserves, and which cannot be replenished. Renewable Energy resources which will never run out and (or can be) energy resources replenished as they are used. Resources other than fossil fuels. The resources may or may not be renewable. Nuclear power is not a renewable energy resource, but Alternative energy resource tidal power is. Alternative energy resources do not contribute to global warming. Fuel produced from biological material. Biofuels are provided by Biofuel trees such as willow that can be grown specifically as energy resources.

Energy Equations Efficiency (%) = (useful energy out ÷ total energy in) x 100. GPE = mgh Gravitational Potential Energy = mass x gravity x height. Ee = ½ke2 Elastic potential energy = 0.5 x spring constant x extension2 KE = ½mv2 Kinetic Energy = 0∙5 x mass x velocity2. W = F x d work done = force x distance. W = E work done = energy transferred. P = E ÷ t power = energy ÷ time. E = c x m x θ energy = specific heat capacity x mass x change in temperature.


Knowledge Organiser – Electricity

Key Terms Potential difference (p.d.) Electric current Resistor

A measure of the electrical work done by a cell (or other power supply) as charge flows round the circuit. Potential difference is measured in volts (V). A flow of electrical charge. The size of the electric current is the rate at which electrical charge flows round the circuit. A component that acts to limit the current in a circuit. When a resistor has a high resistance, the current is low.

When two quantities are directly proportional, doubling one quantity will cause the other Directly quantity will cause the other quantity to double. When a graph is plotted, the graph line proportional will be straight and pass through the origin. Inversely When two quantities are inversely proportional, doubling one quantity will cause the other proportional quantity to halve Ohmic

The current flowing through an ohmic conductor is proportional to the potential difference across it. If the p.d. doubles, the current doubles. The resistance stays the same.


The current flowing through a non-ohmic resistor is not proportional to the potential difference across it. The resistance changes as the current flowing through it changes.

P = V x I V = I x R Q = I x t E = V x Q E = V x I x t

power = voltage x current. voltage = current x resistance. charge = current x time. energy = voltage x charge. energy = voltage x current x time.

Total cost = number of units x cost per unit.


Key Terms

Equations ρ = m/v ΔE = mc Δθ E = mL

Knowledge Organiser – Particle Model of Matter Density = Mass ÷ volume Change in thermal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change Energy required to change state = mass x specific latent heat


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Atomic Structure


A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom.


A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom.


Negatively charged particles found on energy levels (shells) surrounding the nucleus inside atoms.

Atomic number Mass number Isotope Alpha particle Beta particle Gamma ray GeigerMĎ‹ller (GM) tube Half-life

Number of protons in an atom. Number of protons plus neutrons in an atom. Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. A particle formed from two protons and two neutrons. A fast moving electron. An electromagnetic wave. A device which detects ionizing radiation. An electronic counter can record the number of particles entering the tube. The time taken for the number of nuclei in a radioactive isotope to halve. In one half-life the activity or count rate of a radioactive sample also halves.

1 Becquerel An emission of 1 particle per second (1Bq)


Key Terms Atom Proton Neutron Electron

Knowledge Organiser – Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

A particle with no electric charge made up of a nucleus Halogens containing protons and neutrons and surrounded by electrons. Diatomic molecule A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Halides A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Mixture Negatively charged particles found on energy levels (shells) surrounding the nucleus inside atoms. Solvent Solution Central part of an atom containing protons and neutrons. The region an electron occupies surrounding the nucleus inside Soluble Insoluble an atom. Solute Number of protons in an atom.

Nucleus Energy level (shell) Atomic number Mass number Number of protons plus neutrons in an atom. Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number Isotope of neutrons. The average mass of atoms of an element taking into account Relative the mass and amount of each isotope it contains. atomic mass RAM = Total mass of atoms / total number of atoms Electronic The arrangement of electrons in the energy levels of an atom. structure An electrically charged particle containing different numbers of Ion protons and electrons. Group The name given to each column in the periodic table. Element A substance containing only one type of atom. A substance made from different elements chemically bonded Compound together. Period The name given to a row in the periodic table. Alkali metals The elements in Group 1 of the periodic table. Noble gases The elements in Group 0 of the periodic table.


The elements in Group 7 of the periodic table. A molecule containing 2 atoms. Compounds made from Group 7 elements. More than one substance that are not chemically bonded. The liquid that a solute dissolves in. A solute dissolved in a solvent. A substance that will dissolve. A substance that will not dissolve. The solid that dissolves in a solvent.

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Atomic Structure


A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom.


A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom.


Negatively charged particles found on energy levels (shells) surrounding the nucleus inside atoms.

Atomic number Mass number Isotope Alpha particle Beta particle Gamma ray GeigerMĎ‹ller (GM) tube Half-life

Number of protons in an atom. Number of protons plus neutrons in an atom. Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. A particle formed from two protons and two neutrons. A fast moving electron. An electromagnetic wave. A device which detects ionizing radiation. An electronic counter can record the number of particles entering the tube. The time taken for the number of nuclei in a radioactive isotope to halve. In one half-life the activity or count rate of a radioactive sample also halves.

1 Becquerel An emission of 1 particle per second (1Bq)


Key Terms Endothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Bioenergetics

A reaction that requires energy to be absorbed to work

The process by which plants use sunlight to produce glucose. Happens in chloroplasts Limiting factor Anything that reduces or stops the rate of a reaction Yield The amount of an agricultural product produced The process by which living things release energy from Respiration glucose. Happens in mitochondria Photosynthesis

Aerobic Oxidation Exothermic reaction Anaerobic Oxygen debt Fermentation Metabolism

In the presence of oxygen A reaction that uses oxygen A reaction that gives out thermal energy In the absence of oxygen The amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to break down lactic acid The chemical breakdown of glucose into ethanol and carbon dioxide by respiring micro-organisms such as yeast The sum of all the chemical reactions that happen in an organism

+ energy + energy


Key Terms Giant Lattice Ionic bonding Molecule Covalent bond Intermolecular forces Polymer Monomer Delocalised Metallic bonding Malleable Alloy States of matter Fullerenes Catalyst

Knowledge Organiser – Bonding, structures and the properties of matter

Ionic substances are made up of a giant lattice of positive and negative ions in a regular structure.

The electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions Particle made from atoms joined together by covalent bonds Two shared electrons joining atoms together Weak forces between molecules Long chain molecule made from joining lots of small molecules together by covalent bonds The building block (molecule) of a polymer Free to move around The attraction between the nucleus of metal atoms and delocalized electrons Can be hammered into shape A mixture of a metal with small amounts of other elements, usually other metals These are solid, liquid and gas Family of carbon molecules each with carbon atoms linked in rings to form a hollow sphere or tube Substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but is not used up in it

Ionic bonding and structure

Metallic structure


CB1a Microscopes What is the most common microscope used today? The most common light microscope used today contains 2 lenses and was invented at the end of the sixteenth century. Robert Hook used a microscope like this to discover cells in 1665.

CB1 - Key Concepts in Biology (Paper 1 and 2) What magnification did Hook’s microscope have? Hook’s microscope had a magnification of about x30 (it made things appear about 30 times bigger).

What is an electron microscope? Instead of light, beams of electrons pass through a specimen to build up an image. These microscopes can magnify up to x2,000,000 with resolutions down to 0.0000002 millimetres. They allow us to see cells with much greater detail and clarity than a normal light microscope.

What does the detail obtained by a microscope depend on? The detail obtained by a microscope depends on its resolution. This is the smallest distance between 2 points that can still be seen as 2 points. Van Leeuwenhoek’s best microscopes had a resolution of 0.0014 millimetres.

Why do bacteria release digestive enzymes? They release digestive enzymes into their environment and then absorb digested food into their cells.

CB1f Enzyme Action What is an enzyme made from? An enzyme is a 3D protein molecule formed from a chain of amino acids. The 3D contains a small pocket called the active site. What is an active site? An active site is where the substrate of the enzyme fits at the start of a reaction. Different substrates have 3D shapes, and different enzymes have active sites of different shapes. This explains why every enzyme can only work with specific substrates that fit the active site. E.g. each key only fits 1 specific lock.

CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition

How can enzymes be affected? Changes in pH or temperature can affect how the protein folds up and so can affect the shape of the active site. If the shape of the active site changes too much the substrate will no longer fit neatly in. We say that the enzymes has been denatured (key no longer fits in the lock).

How do digestive enzymes in humans work? Digestive enzymes turn the large molecules in our food into the smaller sub-units they are made of. The digested products are then small enough to be absorbed by the small intestine. What are proteins broken down into? Protein molecules are broken down into amino acids.

What are starch molecules broken down into? Starch molecules are broken down into glucose molecules.

CB1c Specialised Cells What is a specialised cell? A specialised cell has a specific function. There are about 200 specialised cells in humans. Specialised cells are adapted to their functions. E.g. nerve, small intestine, pancreas, gametes, epithelial cells.

CB1b Plant and Animal Cells What is an organelle? An organelle is a structure inside a cell with a specific function.

How are cells specialised for digestion? The cells that line the small intestine absorb small food molecules produced by digestion. They are adapted by having membranes with many tiny folds. These adaptations increase the surface area of the cell for faster absorption of digested food.

Where does fertilisation occur? Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct. The cells in the lining of the oviduct transport egg cells towards the uterus. The oviduct cells are adapted for this function by having hair like cilia. These wave from side to side sweeping the egg along.

CB1g Enzyme Activity How are enzymes affected by temperature? As the temperature increase, molecules move faster. Higher speeds increase the chance of substrate molecules bumping into enzyme molecules. However when the temperature gets too high, the shape of the enzyme molecule starts to change. The temperature which the enzyme works fastest is called its optimum temperature.

How does pH affect enzymes? At pHs below and above the optimum the active site’s shape is altered and so the enzymes does not work so well.

How is a human egg cell specialised? The cell membrane fuses with the sperm cell membrane. After fertilisation the cell membrane and jelly coat become hard to stop other sperm cells entering. The cytoplasm is packed with nutrients to supply the fertilised egg with energy and raw materials.

What is the optimal temperature of most human enzymes? The optimum temperature is around 37oC.

CB1d Inside Bacteria

What are lipid (oil and fat) molecules broken down into? Lipids are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.

How do living plants and animals use enzymes to speed up reactions? Enzymes are biological catalysts that increase the rate of reactions. Enzymes are a special group of proteins found throughout the body. What does amylase do? It is found in the saliva and small intestine and breaks down starch to small sugars. E.g. maltose and glucose.

What does catalase do? Found most cells and especially in liver cells and breaks down hydrogen peroxide. What does starch synthase do? It is found in plant cells and makes starch from glucose. What is DNA polymerase? It is found in the nucleus and joins DNA strands from its monomers (building blocks).

Why are bacteria difficult to see? Bacteria are difficult to see with light microscopes because they are very small and mostly colourless.

CB1h Transporting Substances Explain the structure of a bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotic, which mean that their cells do not have nuclei or chromosomes or mitochondria or chloroplasts. Instead the cytoplasm contains 1 large loop of chromosomal DNA, which controls most of the cells activities. Smaller loops of DNA are called plasmids. They have a cell wall and a cell membrane.

How are sperm cells specialised for reproduction?

What is active transport? Cells may need to transport molecules against a concentration gradient or transport molecules that are too big to diffuse through the cell membrane. They can do this using active transport. This process is carried out by transport proteins in the cell membrane. The transport proteins capture certain molecules and carry them across the cell membrane. This is an active process and so requires energy. What is osmosis? If there are more water molecules in a certain volume on one side of a membrane than the other, there will be an overall movement of water molecules from the side where there are more water molecules. This diffusion of small molecules of a solvent through a semi permeable membrane is called osmosis.

What is diffusion? Diffusion is the movement of gas and liquid particles from a high concentration to a low concentration. A difference between 2 concentrations forms a concentration gradient. Particles diffuse down a concentration gradient. The bigger the difference between concentrations, the steeper the concentration gradient and the faster diffusion occurs. How do small molecules move into and out of cells? Small molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide move into out of cells by diffusion.

What are passive processes? Osmosis and diffusion are passive processes so do not require an input of energy.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Adaptations – the features of an organism that enable it to do a certain function (job). Biological catalyst – a substance found in living organisms that speeds up reactions (an enzyme). Ciliated epithelial cells – a cell that lines certain tubes in the body and has cilia on it’s surface. Cilium – a small hair like structure on the surface of some cells. Plural is cilia. Concentration Gradient – the difference between 2 concentrations. Denatured – a denatured enzyme is one where the shape of the active has changed so much that its substrate no longer fits and the reaction can no longer happen. DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid. A polymer made of sugar and phosphate groups joined to bases. Epithelial cells – a cell found on the surfaces of parts of the body. Eukaryotic – a cell with a nucleus is eukaryotic. Eyepiece lens – organisms that have cells like this are also said to be eukaryotic organisms. Field of view – the circle of light you see looking down a microscope. Gametes – a haploid cell produced by meiosis used for sexual reproduction. Haploid – a cell or nucleus that has 1 set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid. Magnification – the number of times larger an image is than the initial object that produced it. Objective lens – the part of the microscope that is closest to the specimen. Partially Permeable membrane – describes a membrane that will allow certain particles to pass through it but not others. Another term for this is semi permeable. Product – a substance formed in a reaction. Prokaryotic – a cell with no nucleus is prokaryotic. Organisms such as bacteria are said to be prokaryotic. Resolution – the smallest change that can be measured by an instrument. For example, in a microscope it is the smallest distance between 2 points that can be seen as 2 points and not blurred into 1 point. Scale bars – a line drawn on a magnified image that shows a certain distance at that magnification. Specialised cells – a cell that is adapted for a certain specific function (job). Substrate – a substance that is changed during a reaction. Synthesis – to build a large molecule from smaller sub units.

Calculations To work out a microscopes’ magnification, you multiply the magnifications of its 2 lenses together. So, the magnification of a microscope with a x5 eyepiece lens and a x10 objective lens is 5 x 10 = x50. To calculate mass change work out the difference between the mass of tissue at the start and at the end (final mass – initial mass) divide this difference by the initial mass and multiply by 100. Percentage change in mass = (Final mass – initial mass) ÷ initial mass x 100 A negative answer is a percentage loss in mass.

CB2a Mitosis

CB2 – Cells and Control (paper 1)

What is the cell cycle? A sequence of growth and division that happens in cells. It includes interphase and mitosis and leads to the production of 2 daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. How many chromosomes are found in the nuclei of human body cells? The nuclei of human body cells contain 2 copies of each of 23 types of chromosome, making 46 in all. Give an example of one animal and one plant that relies on asexual reproduction? Strawberry plants use stems that grow along the ground, called runners. Animals such an aphids also reproduce asexually.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is much faster than sexual reproduction because organisms do not need each other for reproduction. However sexual reproduction produces variation.

Explain the growth of cancer tumours. Changes in cells can sometimes turn them into cancer cells, which means that they undergo uncontrollable cell division. This rapid cell division produces growing lumps of cells called tumours that can damage the body and cause death.

CB2d Stem Cells What are stem cells? Stem cells are cells that can divide repeatedly over a long period of time to produce cells that then differentiate. In plants these cells are found in meristems. How do cells become specialised in most animals? A fertilised egg cell divides to form an embryo. The cells of an early stage embryo are embryonic stems cells that can produce any type of specialised cell. As the cells divide the embryo develops different areas that will become the different organs. The stem cells then become more limited in the types of specialised cells they can produce.

Explain how plants grow? A group of cells near the end of each root and shoot allows the plant to grow. These groups of cells are called meristems. The cells in meristems divide rapidly by mitosis. The cells produced increase in length (elongation) and differentiate into specialised cells.

CB2b Growth in Animals What is growth? Growth in an increase in size as a result of an increase in number or size of cells.

What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are clones, which means that their cells have the same chromosomes as their parent (they are genetically identical).

How can growth be recorded? By measuring length or mass over time. What is a percentile growth curve? These charts were created by measuring a very large number of babies, the measurements were divided into 100 groups. When divided like this we can find out what percentage of readings are below a certain value or percentile. For example 25 percent of babies will have masses below the 25th percentile line.

What is cell differentiation? The process by which a less specialised cell becomes more specialised for a particular function. The cell normally changes shape to achieve this.

What do the curved lines show? The curved lines show the rate of growth of a baby who stays at exactly the same percentile within the population. Give some examples of specialised human cells A red blood cell has no nucleus, allowing more space for red haemoglobin molecules. Nerve cells have a long fibre that carries electrical impulses around the body. Muscle cells contain special contractile proteins that can shorten the cell.

Give examples of specialised plant cells. Examples of specialised plant cells are root hair cells and xylem cells. There are many different kinds of specialised cells in a plant, allowing the plant to carry out many different processes effectively.

CB2e The Nervous System What is the central nervous system? The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system (CNS), which controls your body. Nerves make up the rest of the nervous system, this organ system allows all the parts of your body to communicate using electrical signals called nerve impulses.

What is a stimulus? Anything your body is sensitive to, including changes inside your body and in your surroundings. Sense organs (such as eyes, ears and skin) contains receptor cells that detect stimuli. For example skin contains receptor cells that detect the stimulus of temperature change.

What happens to stem cells in a fully developed animal? By the time the young animal is fully developed, the stem cells produce the type of specialised cell that is in the tissue. These are called adult stem cells. What is the function of an adult stem cell? The adult stem cells in humans allow the tissues to grow and to replace old or damaged cells.

CB2c Growth in Plants

What is neurotransmission? The travelling or transmission of impulses is called neurotransmission and happens in neurones. Neurones have a cell body and long extensions to carry impulses.

Why are dendrons and axons frequently long? They are long to allow fast neurotransmission over long distances.

What is a myelin sheath? It is a fatty layer surrounding dendrons and axons. They electrically insulate a neurone, stopping the signal losing energy. It also makes an impulse jump along the cell between the gaps in the myelin and speeds up neurotransmission.

CB2f Neurotransmission Speeds

Why are synapses useful? They are useful because neurotransmitters are only release from axon terminals and so impulse only flow in one direction. They also allow many fresh impulses to be generated in many neurones connected to one neurone.

What is an effector? When the brain coordinates a response to a stimulus, impulse are sent to effector and these carry out an action. Effector include muscles and glands. How can stem cells be used to treat diseases? Scientists have studied embryonic stem cells to treat diseases such as type 2 diabetes or to replace damaged cells. This is done by stimulating stem cells to produce specialised cells and injecting them into the places they are needed. What are the problems with using stem cells? If the stem cell continues to divide inside the body after they replace damaged cells, they can cause cancer. Also stem cells from one person are often killed by the immune system of the person they are put into. This is called rejection.

Explain the role of different neurones? Motor neurone carry impulse to effectors. Relay neurones are short neurones found in the spinal cord, where they link motor and sensory neurones. Neither of these types of neurone has a Dendron and the dendrites are on the cell body.

What is a reflex arc? A neurone pathway consisting of a sensory neurone passing impulses to a motor neurone via a relay neurone which allows a reflex action to occur.

What is a reflex action? Reflex actions are responses that are automatic, extremely quick and protect the body. For example moving your finger away from a hot candle.

What is a synapse? One neurone meets another at a synapse which contains a tiny gap. When an impulse reaches an axon terminal a neurotransmitter substance is release into the gap. This is detected by the next neuron which generates a new impulse.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Asexual reproduction – producing new organism from 1 parent only, these organisms are genetically identical to the parent. Axon – the long extension of a neurone that carries an impulse away from the dendron or dendrites towards other neurones. Axon terminals – the small button at the end of the branches that leave an axon. Cancer cells – a cell that continues dividing causing disease. Clones – the offspring from asexual reproduction, all the cells in a clone are genetically identical to each other and to the parents’ cells. Daughter cells - a new cell produced from the division of a parent cell. Dendrite – a fine extension from a neurone which carries impulse towards the cell body. Dendron – large long extension of a sensory neurone that carries impulse from a dendrite towards the axon. Differentiation – a process by which a less specialised becomes more specialised for a particular function. The cell normally changes shape to achieve this. Diploid – a cell or nucleus that has 2 sets of chromosomes. In humans, almost all cells except the sperms and egg cells are diploid. DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid. A polymer made of sugar and phosphate groups joined to bases. Elongation – when something gets longer such as a cell in a plant root or shoot before it differentiates into a specialised cell. Haploid – a cell or nucleus that has one set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid. Impulses – an electrical signal transmitted along a neurone. Mitosis – the process of cells dividing to produce two diploid daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent. Neurones – a cell that transmits electrical impulses in the nervous system. Neurotransmission – impulses passing from neurone to neurone. Neurotransmitter – a substance that diffuses across the gap between one neurone and the next at a synapse, and triggers an impulse to be generated. th

Percentile – the value of a variable below which a certain percentage of observations fall. For example, in an ordered set of data the 20 percentile is the value at which 20 percent of the data points are the same or lower. Rejection – when the immune system attacks and kills cells and tissue that come from another person such as blood cells or stem cells. Root hair cells – a cell found on the surface of plant roots that has a large surface area to absorb water and dissolved mineral salts quickly from the soil. Stem cells – an unspecialised cell that continues to divide by mitosis to produce more stem cells and other cells that differentiate into specialised cells. Synapse - the point at which 2 neurones meet. There is a tiny gap between neurones at a synapse. Tumour – a lump formed of cancer cells. Xylem cells – a long, thick-walled tube formed in plants, made from many dead xylem cells. The vessels carry water and dissolved mineral salts through the plant.

Calculations There are many different ways of measuring growth in plants, including height, leaf surface area and mass. Percentage changes are often worked out for these values and can be calculated using this formula: Final value – starting value ÷ starting value × 100%

CB3a Meiosis

CB3 – Genetics (paper 1)

What is a zygote? Humans start life as a single fertilised egg cell (a zygote). This is formed when 2 gametes fused during fertilisation. The zygote forms a ball of cells using a form of cell division called mitosis. What is DNA? The instructions controlling each individual cell are found as a code in a molecule called DNA. The DNA of an organism is its genome. What is the human genome? The human genome is found on 46 very long molecules of DNA and each molecule is inside a chromosome. Along the length of a DNA molecule are sections that contain a code for making a protein. The DNA sections are genes.

What is a protein? Proteins are polymers made by linking different amino acids together in a chain. Why do gametes have to be haploid? If you diploid cells joined in fertilisation, the zygote would have 4 sets of chromosomes, so gamete need to have just 1 set of chromosomes. They have to be haploid (the shorthand for a haploid cell is 1n).

How many chromosomes does a human have? There are 23 different chromosomes in humans and most nuclei contain 2 of each type. So a human body contains 2 sets of 23 chromosomes making 46 in total. A cell like this is diploid (written as 2n in shorthand).

CB3d Inheritance

CB3bi DNA Describe a molecule of DNA A molecule of DNA contains 2 strands, each of which forms a shape called a helix. The strands are joined together by pairs of substances called basesbases to form double helix. How many areathere in DNA? There are 4 bases in DNA: adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine (A, T, C and G). A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G. These What are bases attached to? are complementary base pairs. Each base is attached to a sugar and each sugar is attached to a phosphate group. The sugars and phosphate groups form the backbone of the DNA strands. What do the curved lines show? Why do parts of DNA bases have a hydrogen The curved lines show the rate of growth of a baby who bond? stays at exactly the same percentile within the population. Parts of DNA bases have very slight electrical charges. A negatively charged part of one base attracts a positively charged part of another base. This weak force of attraction is called a hydrogen bond. Cytosine and guanine form 3 What is the DNA code? hydrogen bonds between them. Adenine and The order of bases in a gene contains the coded instructions for a protein. We all have slight difference in our thymine form 2 hydrogen bonds. This explains genes causes by different orders of bases in our DNA. Everyone except identical twins has different DNA. why C only pairs with G and A pairs with T.

CB3c Alleles What are your sex chromosomes? Two of your chromosomes determine what sex you are. They are your sex chromosomes and there are two types: X and Y. Females have two X sex chromosomes and males have one X and one Y.

What is the difference between an egg cell and a sperm cell? A woman’s gametes all contain an X sex chromosome. The male sperm cells may contain either an X or a Y (diagram A).

What is an allele? Genes for the same characteristic (e.g. eye colour) can contain slightly different instructions that create variations. Different forms of the same gene are called alleles.

CB3e Gene Mutation Why do we use Punnett squares? Punnett squares are used to work out the probability of different phenotypes caused by alleles.

How do mutations happen? Mutations happen when there is a mistake in copying DNA during cell division. For example one base in a DNA sequence might be replace by another. This can happen naturally of if there is damage to the DNA caused by radiation or other harmful substances.

What affect will a mutation have? Sometimes a mutation produces an allele that causes a big change in the protein that is produced. This will affect how the body works. Some mutations may only have a small effect on the protein that is produced, while some will not change the protein at all.

What is the human genome project? The human genome project mapped the bases pairs in the human genome. Mapping a person’s genome can indicate their risk of developing diseases that are caused by different alleles of genes. It can also help identify which medicines might be best to treat a persons’ illness.

CB3f Variation What is genetic variation? Genetic variation is caused by the different alleles inherited during sexual reproduction.

What produces genetic variations? There are 2 copies of every chromosome in a body cell nucleus, a body cell contains 2 copies of every gene. Each copy of a gene may be a different allele. The different combination of alleles in each person give us slightly different characteristics. Explain the term homozygous If both alleles for one genes are the same an organism is homozygous for that gene.

What is a Punnett square? Punnett squares (diagram B) demonstrate inheritance. The boxes show the possible genotypes. Two boxes contain XX and two contain XY. The probability of being male is 50%.

Why do we use Punnett squares? Punnett squares are used to work out the probability of different phenotypes caused by alleles.

What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype? The alleles in an organism are its genotype. What the organism looks like is its phenotype.

What is a dominant characteristic? Characteristics from a dominant allele will always be expressed. A dominant allele is shown by a capital letter, the recessive allele has the lower case version of the same letter. The letter for the dominant allele is always written before the recessive one. What is a recessive characteristic? A recessive characteristic is only seen if both alleles are recessive (diagram D).

Explain the term heterozygous If the alleles are different an organism is heterozygous.

What is environmental variation? Many characteristics also show environmental variation because they are affected by their surroundings. For example how well a plant grows is affected by how much light, water and nutrients it gets.

In what two ways can variation be grouped? A discontinuous variation is where the data can only take a limited set of values e.g. the number of leaves on a plant. Continuous variation is where the data can be any value in a range e.g. the length of a leaf on a tree. Continuous data for variation often forms a bell-shaped curve known as a normal distribution.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Acquired characteristics Alleles – most genes come in different versions called alleles. Bases – a substance that helps make up DNA. There are four bases in DNA, shown by the letters A, C, G and T. Chromosome – a thread-like structure found in the nuclei of cells. Each chromosome contains one long DNA molecule packed with proteins. Complementary base pairs - two DNA bases that fit into each and link by hydrogen bonds Daughter cell – a new cell produced from the division of a parent cell. Diploid – a cell or nucleus that has two sets of chromosomes. Dominant – describes an allele that will always affect a phenotype as opposed to a recessive allele, whose effect will not be seen if a dominant allele is present. Double helix – the shape of a DNA molecule consisting of two helices. Family pedigree chart – a chart showing the phenotypes and sexes of several generations of the same family to track how characteristics have been inherited. Gametes – a haploid cell produced the meiosis used for sexual reproduction. Genes – A section of the long strand of DNA found in a chromosome which often contains instructions for a specific protein. Genetic diagram – a diagram showing how the alleles in two parents may form different combinations in offspring when the parents reproduce. Genome – all of the DNA in an organism. Each body cell contains a copy of the genome. Genotype – the alleles for a certain characteristic that are found in an organism. Haploid – a cell or nucleus that has one set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid. Hydrogen bond – a weak force of attraction caused by differences in the electrical charge on different parts of different molecules. Meiosis – a form of cell division in which one parent cell produces four haploid daughter cells. Mutation – a change to a gene caused by a mistake in copying the DNA base pairs during cell division, or by the effects of radiation or certain chemicals. Normal distribution – when many individuals have a middle for a feature with fewer individuals having greater or lesser values. This sort of data forms a bell shape on charts and graphs. Phenotype – the characteristics produced by a certain set of alleles. Polymers – a long-chained molecule made by joining many smaller molecules (monomers) together. Punnett square – a diagram used to predict the characteristics of offspring produced by two organisms with known combinations of allele. Recessive – describes an allele that will only affect the phenotype if the other allele is also recessive. It has no effect if the other allele is dominant. Replicate – when DNA replicates, it makes a copy of itself. Sex chromosomes – a chromosome that determines the sex of an organism. Variation – difference in the characteristics of organisms. Zygote – a fertilised egg cell.


Key Terms

Eurakryotic cells Eukaryote Prokaryotic cells DNA

Knowledge Organiser – Cell Structure Cells that contain a nucleus An organism that is made of eukaryotic cells Single-celled organisms that do not contain a nucleus Deoxyribonucleic acid – the genetic information found in all living orgnanisms


A cell organelle that makes proteins


The release of energy from glucose The net movement of particles form an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration A part of a cell with a specific function A cell organelle in which respiration occurs A cell organelle in which photosynthesis occurs Jelly like substance in cells where chemical reactions occur A cell organelle found in eukaryotes containing their genetic material Structure surrounding the cell that controls what moves in and out of the cell Found in plant cells, filled with cell sap, keeps the cell turgid Made from cellulose and provides structural strength the some cells (not animal cells) Chemical reaction that happens in chloroplasts that stores energy in glucose Describes a swollen cell Describes a shape with a dip that curves inwards on both sides

Diffusion Organelle Mitochondrion Chloroplast Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell membrane Vacuole Cell wall Photosynthesis Turgid Biconcave

Ova Axon Phloem Xylem Electron microscope Resolution


Eggs The extension of a nerve cell along which the electrical impulses travel Tubes of living cells that carry sugars to all cells in plants Tubes of dead plant cells through which water flows A microscope that uses electrons in place of light to give higher magnification The smallest distance between two seperate points

SB2 – Cells and Control (Paper 1) SB2e The Brain What cells are found in the brain? Once an embryo is 3three weeks old the stem cells in the brain differentiate to produce neurones, which make up most of the brain.

How many neurons does an adult brain have? An adult brain has about 86 billion neurones, which interconnect with one another to process information and control the body.

SB2f Brain and Spinal Cord Problems What is the spinal cord connected to? The mass of neurones in the medulla oblongata connect the brain to the spinal cord. The spinal cord consists of many nerves. These carry information between the brain and the rest of the body.

What is the role of the cerebral cortex? It is used for most of our sense, language, memory, behaviour and consciousness. What is the structure of the cerebral cortex? It is divided into two cerebral hemispheres. The right hemisphere communicates with the left side of the body and vice versa.

What is the cerebellum? At the base of the brain, it is divided into two halves and controls balance and posture.

What are cones? Cones are receptor cells that are sensitive to the colour of light. Cones detect red, green or blue light. Cones generate impulses in sensory neurones which lead to the brain through the optic nerve. This information is processed into full colour vision.

What is a PET scan? This shows brains activity. The patient is injected with radioactive glucose. The more active the cells the more glucose they use (for respiration). The radioactive cause gamma rays, which the scanner detects. More gamma rays come from the more active brain cells.

How can brain tumours be treated? Tumours can be cut out or the cells can be killed using radiotherapy and chemotherapy. All these methods can damage the body and brain, chemotherapy may not work due to the blood-brain barrier.

Why is it difficult for patients to regain full movement or feeling after spinal cord damage? There are no adult stem cells that can differentiate into neurones in the spinal cord, so new neurones cannot be made to repair damage.

What is the medulla oblongata? It controls your heart rate and your breathing rate. It is responsible for reflexes such as vomiting, sneezing and swallowing.

What is the eye? A sense organ that contains receptor cells found in a layer called the retina.

What is a CT scan? This shows the shape and structure in the brain. An X-ray beam moves in a circle around the head, and detectors measure the absorption of the X-rays. A computer used this information to build up a view of the inside of the body as a series of slices. Differences in the shapes in the brain can be linked to differences in the way people think and act.

What is spinal cord damage? Damage to the spinal cord reduces the flow of information between the brain and parts of the body. Nerve damage in the lower spinal cord can cause loss of feeling and use of the legs.

SB2f The Eye

What are rods? Are receptor cells that detect differences in light intensity. Rods work very well in very dim light situations.

What is a brain tumour? A brain tumour may squash parts of the brain and stop them working.

What is the pupil? The dark area in the middle of your eye where light enters. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by muscles in the iris which can constrict the pupil or dilate it.

What is the role of the cornea? Light rays entering the eye need to be focused onto a point in the retina. Most focussing is done by the cornea which bends light rays to bring them together.

What is the role of the lens? The lens fine tunes and focuses the image. Ciliary muscles make the lens fatter to focus light from near objects and thinner to focus light from distant objects.

What is a cataract? Sometimes a protein builds up inside the lens and makes it cloudy. This is a cataract. Full vision can be restored by replacing the clouded lens with a plastic one.

What is colour-blindness? Where some cones do not work properly. The most common form is red-green colour-blindness. Cones that detect green light are faulty making it difficult to tell the difference between red, green and brown. Colour-blindness cannot be corrected.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Blood-brain barrier – a natural filter that only allows certain substances to get from the blood to the brain (mainly due to cells in the capillary wall in the brain fitting together very closely). Chemotherapy – use of drugs to treat a disease such as in the treatment of cancer. Ciliary muscles – a muscle that relaxes or contracts to change the shape of the lens in the eye. Converging lens – a lens that brings light rays together. Diverging lens – a lens that causes light rays to spread apart. Gamma rays – a high-frequency electromagnetic wave emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom. Gamma rays have the highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Radioactive – a substance is radioactive if it emits ionising particles or radiation. Radiotherapy – use of ionising radiation to treat diseases, such as to kill cancer cells. Tumour – a lump formed of cancer cells.

CB2a Mitosis

CB2 – Cells and Control (paper 1)

What is the cell cycle? A sequence of growth and division that happens in cells. It includes interphase and mitosis and leads to the production of 2 daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. How many chromosomes are found in the nuclei of human body cells? The nuclei of human body cells contain 2 copies of each of 23 types of chromosome, making 46 in all. Give an example of one animal and one plant that relies on asexual reproduction? Strawberry plants use stems that grow along the ground, called runners. Animals such an aphids also reproduce asexually.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is much faster than sexual reproduction because organisms do not need each other for reproduction. However sexual reproduction produces variation.

Explain the growth of cancer tumours. Changes in cells can sometimes turn them into cancer cells, which means that they undergo uncontrollable cell division. This rapid cell division produces growing lumps of cells called tumours that can damage the body and cause death.

CB2d Stem Cells What are stem cells? Stem cells are cells that can divide repeatedly over a long period of time to produce cells that then differentiate. In plants these cells are found in meristems. How do cells become specialised in most animals? A fertilised egg cell divides to form an embryo. The cells of an early stage embryo are embryonic stems cells that can produce any type of specialised cell. As the cells divide the embryo develops different areas that will become the different organs. The stem cells then become more limited in the types of specialised cells they can produce.

Explain how plants grow? A group of cells near the end of each root and shoot allows the plant to grow. These groups of cells are called meristems. The cells in meristems divide rapidly by mitosis. The cells produced increase in length (elongation) and differentiate into specialised cells.

CB2b Growth in Animals What is growth? Growth in an increase in size as a result of an increase in number or size of cells.

What is asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction produces offspring that are clones, which means that their cells have the same chromosomes as their parent (they are genetically identical).

How can growth be recorded? By measuring length or mass over time. What is a percentile growth curve? These charts were created by measuring a very large number of babies, the measurements were divided into 100 groups. When divided like this we can find out what percentage of readings are below a certain value or percentile. For example 25 percent of babies will have masses below the 25th percentile line.

What is cell differentiation? The process by which a less specialised cell becomes more specialised for a particular function. The cell normally changes shape to achieve this.

What do the curved lines show? The curved lines show the rate of growth of a baby who stays at exactly the same percentile within the population. Give some examples of specialised human cells A red blood cell has no nucleus, allowing more space for red haemoglobin molecules. Nerve cells have a long fibre that carries electrical impulses around the body. Muscle cells contain special contractile proteins that can shorten the cell.

Give examples of specialised plant cells. Examples of specialised plant cells are root hair cells and xylem cells. There are many different kinds of specialised cells in a plant, allowing the plant to carry out many different processes effectively.

CB2e The Nervous System What is the central nervous system? The brain and spinal cord form the central nervous system (CNS), which controls your body. Nerves make up the rest of the nervous system, this organ system allows all the parts of your body to communicate using electrical signals called nerve impulses.

What is a stimulus? Anything your body is sensitive to, including changes inside your body and in your surroundings. Sense organs (such as eyes, ears and skin) contains receptor cells that detect stimuli. For example skin contains receptor cells that detect the stimulus of temperature change.

What happens to stem cells in a fully developed animal? By the time the young animal is fully developed, the stem cells produce the type of specialised cell that is in the tissue. These are called adult stem cells. What is the function of an adult stem cell? The adult stem cells in humans allow the tissues to grow and to replace old or damaged cells.

CB2c Growth in Plants

What is neurotransmission? The travelling or transmission of impulses is called neurotransmission and happens in neurones. Neurones have a cell body and long extensions to carry impulses.

Why are dendrons and axons frequently long? They are long to allow fast neurotransmission over long distances.

What is a myelin sheath? It is a fatty layer surrounding dendrons and axons. They electrically insulate a neurone, stopping the signal losing energy. It also makes an impulse jump along the cell between the gaps in the myelin and speeds up neurotransmission.

CB2f Neurotransmission Speeds

Why are synapses useful? They are useful because neurotransmitters are only release from axon terminals and so impulse only flow in one direction. They also allow many fresh impulses to be generated in many neurones connected to one neurone.

What is an effector? When the brain coordinates a response to a stimulus, impulse are sent to effector and these carry out an action. Effector include muscles and glands. How can stem cells be used to treat diseases? Scientists have studied embryonic stem cells to treat diseases such as type 2 diabetes or to replace damaged cells. This is done by stimulating stem cells to produce specialised cells and injecting them into the places they are needed. What are the problems with using stem cells? If the stem cell continues to divide inside the body after they replace damaged cells, they can cause cancer. Also stem cells from one person are often killed by the immune system of the person they are put into. This is called rejection.

Explain the role of different neurones? Motor neurone carry impulse to effectors. Relay neurones are short neurones found in the spinal cord, where they link motor and sensory neurones. Neither of these types of neurone has a Dendron and the dendrites are on the cell body.

What is a reflex arc? A neurone pathway consisting of a sensory neurone passing impulses to a motor neurone via a relay neurone which allows a reflex action to occur.

What is a reflex action? Reflex actions are responses that are automatic, extremely quick and protect the body. For example moving your finger away from a hot candle.

What is a synapse? One neurone meets another at a synapse which contains a tiny gap. When an impulse reaches an axon terminal a neurotransmitter substance is release into the gap. This is detected by the next neuron which generates a new impulse.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Asexual reproduction – producing new organism from 1 parent only, these organisms are genetically identical to the parent. Axon – the long extension of a neurone that carries an impulse away from the dendron or dendrites towards other neurones. Axon terminals – the small button at the end of the branches that leave an axon. Cancer cells – a cell that continues dividing causing disease. Clones – the offspring from asexual reproduction, all the cells in a clone are genetically identical to each other and to the parents’ cells. Daughter cells - a new cell produced from the division of a parent cell. Dendrite – a fine extension from a neurone which carries impulse towards the cell body. Dendron – large long extension of a sensory neurone that carries impulse from a dendrite towards the axon. Differentiation – a process by which a less specialised becomes more specialised for a particular function. The cell normally changes shape to achieve this. Diploid – a cell or nucleus that has 2 sets of chromosomes. In humans, almost all cells except the sperms and egg cells are diploid. DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid. A polymer made of sugar and phosphate groups joined to bases. Elongation – when something gets longer such as a cell in a plant root or shoot before it differentiates into a specialised cell. Haploid – a cell or nucleus that has one set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid. Impulses – an electrical signal transmitted along a neurone. Mitosis – the process of cells dividing to produce two diploid daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent. Neurones – a cell that transmits electrical impulses in the nervous system. Neurotransmission – impulses passing from neurone to neurone. Neurotransmitter – a substance that diffuses across the gap between one neurone and the next at a synapse, and triggers an impulse to be generated. th

Percentile – the value of a variable below which a certain percentage of observations fall. For example, in an ordered set of data the 20 percentile is the value at which 20 percent of the data points are the same or lower. Rejection – when the immune system attacks and kills cells and tissue that come from another person such as blood cells or stem cells. Root hair cells – a cell found on the surface of plant roots that has a large surface area to absorb water and dissolved mineral salts quickly from the soil. Stem cells – an unspecialised cell that continues to divide by mitosis to produce more stem cells and other cells that differentiate into specialised cells. Synapse - the point at which 2 neurones meet. There is a tiny gap between neurones at a synapse. Tumour – a lump formed of cancer cells. Xylem cells – a long, thick-walled tube formed in plants, made from many dead xylem cells. The vessels carry water and dissolved mineral salts through the plant.

Calculations There are many different ways of measuring growth in plants, including height, leaf surface area and mass. Percentage changes are often worked out for these values and can be calculated using this formula: Final value – starting value ÷ starting value × 100%

Cell Biology

Bacterial Cell Section 1- Cell Structure

Structure 1. Nucleus 2. Cell Membrane 3 Cytoplasm 4 Mitochondria 5 Ribosomes 6 Chloroplast 7 Vacuole 8 Cell Wall 9 DNA Loop 10 Plasmid

Function Contains the genetic information that controls the functions of the cell.

Prokaryotic Cells Bacterial Plant Cells Cells

Eukaryotic Cells Animal Cells Y


Controls what enters & leaves the cell. Where many cell activities & reactions happen.







Provides energy from aerobic respiration.



Make proteins- site of protein synthesis.



Where photosynthesis occurs. Use to store water & other chemicals as cell sap. Strengthens & supports the cell (made of cellulose in plants) A loop of DNA NOT in a nucleus. A small circle of DNA, may contain genes associated with antibiotic resistance.

Section 3- Microscopy Y 17 Magnification


18 Resolution Y Y Y

Tells you how many times bigger a microscope makes an object. Magnification = length of magnified object ÷ length of actual object The ability of a microscope to distinguish between 2 separate points.

19 Light Microscope

A basic microscope, using light. Can magnify objects ×1500

20 Electron Microscope

A microscope which uses electrons, to magnify images more than a light microscope. Gives greater detail. Can magnify objects ×2,000,000

Section 2- Specialised Cells Specialised Cell 11 Sperm Cell 12 Nerve Cell 13 Muscle Cell 14 Root Hair Cell 15 Xylem Cell 16 Phloem Cell

How structure relates to function Acrosome contains enzyme to break into egg, tail to swim. Many mitochondria to provide energy. Long to transmit electrical impulses across a distance. Contain protein fibres that contract when energy is available, making the cells shorter. Long extension to provide a large surface area for water & mineral absorption- thin cell wall. Waterproofed cell wall, cells are hollow to allow water through. Some cell shave a lot of mitochondria to give energy for active transport. Some cells have little cytoplasm for sugars to move through easily.

Section 4- Orders of Magnitude Unit Prefix Centimetre (cm) Millimetre (mm) Micrometre (µm) Nanometre (nm)

Size in Metres 0.01m 100 cm= 1m 0.001m 1000 mm= 1m 0.000001m 1000000 µm = 1m 0.000000001m 1000000000 nm = 1m

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Chemical Changes

Reactivity An arrangement of metals in order of reactivity series Displacement Reaction where a more reactive element takes the place reaction of a less reactive element in a compound A reaction in which a substance loses electrons (gains Oxidation oxygen) Reaction in which a substance gains electrons (loses Reduction oxygen) Ore

A rock from which a metal can be extracted for profit


Solution with a pH less than 7; produces H+ ions in water


Solution with a pH more than 7; produces OH- ions in water Dissolved in water

Strong acid

Acid in which all the molecules break into ions in water


Acid in which only a small fraction of the molecules break into ions in water A solution in which there is a small amount of solute Dilute dissolved Concentrated A solution in which there is a lot of solute dissolved A reaction that uses up some or all of the H+ ions from Neutralisation an acid Electrolysis Decomposition of ionic compounds using electricity Electrolyte A liquid that conducts electricity Discharge Gain or lose electrons to become electrically neutral Inert Electrodes that allow electrolysis to take place but do electrodes not react themselves


Weak acid

Acid + Alkali -> salt + water Metal + acid -> salt + hydrogen Metal oxide + acid -> salt + water Metal carbonate + acid -> salt + water + carbon dioxide


7A Part 1 States of Matter and Diffusion States of Matter –


Density 1 kg of a gas has a larger volume than 1 kg of a solid. There is empty space between particles in a gas, but in a solid, they are tightly packed together.


Density = Mass / Volume

We call the solid the SOLUTE

When the particles in a solid spread out in a liquid. We call the liquid the SOLVENT

… so the density of the gas is much smaller than the density of the solid. The particles should be the same in all 3 diagrams. Changes of State

As a substance is heated it gains energy. When the particles gain enough energy they overcome the forces between them. Whilst a change of state is happening the temperature of the substance does not change. (flat line on graph)

Video link

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Diffusion Particles in a liquid or a gas spread out from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until the concentrations are equal.

Video link

The higher the concentration gradient the faster the net diffusion. The higher the temperature the faster the net diffusion. If the particles that are spreading are water molecules we call this process osmosis. Video link

We call the mixture of the solid and the liquid a SOLUTION. A solid that will dissolve in a liquid is called SOLUBLE. A solid that will not dissolve in a liquid is called INSOLUBLE. Video link

Animation link


7A Part 2 Separation Techniques Filtration

Decanting Pour a liquid from the top of a settled solid or a more dense liquid.

Separates an insoluble solid from a liquid.

Distillation Separating substances with different boiling points. Video link

The solid pieces are too big too fit through the holes in the filter Paper.

Video link


Evaporation Separating a soluble solid from a liquid.

Method Draw pencil line. Put dot of colour on line. Hang bottom edge (below dot) in the water. Leave until water soak up to almost the top of the paper.. Compare with known substances.

Salt water mixture is heated. At 100oC water boils and the particles gain enough energy to become a gas (water vapour). Boiling point of salt is 1413oC so it does not boil and stays in the flask.

Different colours contain different mixtures of inks. The different inks move at different speeds up the paper. This is because of different solubility. Chromatogram

Video link

Crystallisation Heat until almost all the water has evaporated. Leave for the remaining water to evaporate slowly to form crystals. Video link

Water vapour rises and travels past the thermometer into the condenser. Thermometer checks the temperature to identify the gas. Condenser cools the water vapour so that it condenses back to liquid water.

Hydrocarbons Crude Oil is made from the remains of living sea creatures decayed in mud millions of years ago

Frac8onal Dis8lla8on

C9 Crude Oil and Fuels

How do we separate the mixture of hydrocarbons to use them? Works by evapora0on and then condensa0on.

It is a FINITE resource It is made of a mixture of Hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons are made of Hydrogen and Carbon only.

Smaller molecules burn most easily

The main hydrocarbons in Crude Oil are alkanes


Combus0on (burning) is a reac8on with oxygen A reac8on with oxygen is called ‘oxida0on’

When hydrocarbons burn a lot of energy is released.

Complete combus0on of hydrocarbons the only products are carbon dioxide and water Complete combus8on only happens if there is plenty of oxygen

General equa8on

The general formula for an alkane is -

1.  Heat the crude oil to evaporate it. 2.  The gases rise up the column. 3.  The different frac8ons condense at different temperatures.

Complete combus8on of propane

Cracking The larger molecules from frac0onal dis0lla0on are less useful. We can break them down into smaller, more useful molecules. Cracking produces a mixture of alkanes and alkenes.

Alkenes have some double bonds. They turn bromine water colourless. They are used to make polymers. The apparatus for cracking

Cataly8c cracking – catalyst and 500oC Steam cracking – steam and 850oC

Key Terms Potential difference (p.d.) Electric current Resistor

Knowledge Organiser – Electricity

A measure of the electrical work done by a cell (or other power supply) as charge flows round the circuit. Potential difference is measured in volts (V). A flow of electrical charge. The size of the electric current is the rate at which electrical charge flows round the circuit. A component that acts to limit the current in a circuit. When a resistor has a high resistance, the current is low.

When two quantities are directly proportional, doubling one quantity will cause the other Directly quantity will cause the other quantity to double. When a graph is plotted, the graph line proportional will be straight and pass through the origin. Inversely When two quantities are inversely proportional, doubling one quantity will cause the other proportional quantity to halve Ohmic

The current flowing through an ohmic conductor is proportional to the potential difference across it. If the p.d. doubles, the current doubles. The resistance stays the same.


The current flowing through a non-ohmic resistor is not proportional to the potential difference across it. The resistance changes as the current flowing through it changes.

P = V x I power = voltage x current. V = I x R voltage = current x resistance. Q = I x t charge = current x time. E = V x Q energy = voltage x charge. E = V x I x t energy = voltage x current x time. Total cost = number of units x cost per unit.


Knowledge Organiser – Energy Changes Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings and so the temperature increases Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the Endothermic surroundings to the chemicals and so the temperature reaction decreases Activation The minimum energy particles must have to react energy Exothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Energy Changes Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings and so the temperature increases Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the Endothermic surroundings to the chemicals and so the temperature reaction decreases Activation The minimum energy particles must have to react energy Exothermic reaction

Key Terms Specific heat capacity

Knowledge Organiser – Energy

The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C. To scatter in all directions or to use wastefully. When energy has been dissipated it means we cannot get it back. The energy has Dissipate spread out and heats up the surroundings. Non-renewable Energy resources which will run out, because they are finite energy resources reserves, and which cannot be replenished. Renewable Energy resources which will never run out and (or can be) energy resources replenished as they are used. Resources other than fossil fuels. The resources may or may not be renewable. Nuclear power is not a renewable energy resource, but Alternative energy resource tidal power is. Alternative energy resources do not contribute to global warming. Fuel produced from biological material. Biofuels are provided by trees such as willow that can be grown specifically as energy Biofuel resources.

Energy Equations Efficiency (%) = (useful energy out ÷ total energy in) x 100. GPE = mgh Gravitational Potential Energy = mass x gravity x height. Ee = ½ke2 Elastic potential energy = 0.5 x spring constant x extension2 KE = ½mv2 Kinetic Energy = 0·5 x mass x velocity2. W = F x d work done = force x distance. W = E work done = energy transferred. P = E ÷ t power = energy ÷ time. E = c x m x θ energy = specific heat capacity x mass x change in temperature.


Key Terms

Diatomic molecule Spectator ions Ionic equation

Knowledge Organiser – Formulae and equations

A molecule containing two atoms Ions that do not take part in a reaction and do not appear in the ionic equation for the reaction Balanced equation for reaction that omits any spectator ions

Common Reactions

Element + oxygen -> oxide of element Eg Calcium + oxygen -> calcium oxide Compound + oxygen -> oxides of each element in compound Eg Methane + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water Water + metal -> metal hydroxide + hydrogen (for metals that react with water) Eg water + sodium -> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen Acid + metal -> salt + hydrogen Eg Hydrochloric acid + magnesium -> magnesium chloride + hydrogen Acid + metal oxide -> salt + water Eg Sulphuric acid + copper oxide -> copper sulphide + water Acid + metal hydroxide -> salt + water Eg nitric acid + potassium hydroxide -> potassium nitrate + water Acid + metal carbonate -> salt + water + carbon dioxide Eg hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate -> calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide Acid + ammonia -> ammonium salt Eg nitric acid + ammonia -> ammonium nitrate


CB3a Meiosis

CB3 – Genetics (paper 1)

What is a zygote? Humans start life as a single fertilised egg cell (a zygote). This is formed when 2 gametes fused during fertilisation. The zygote forms a ball of cells using a form of cell division called mitosis. What is DNA? The instructions controlling each individual cell are found as a code in a molecule called DNA. The DNA of an organism is its genome. What is the human genome? The human genome is found on 46 very long molecules of DNA and each molecule is inside a chromosome. Along the length of a DNA molecule are sections that contain a code for making a protein. The DNA sections are genes.

What is a protein? Proteins are polymers made by linking different amino acids together in a chain. Why do gametes have to be haploid? If you diploid cells joined in fertilisation, the zygote would have 4 sets of chromosomes, so gamete need to have just 1 set of chromosomes. They have to be haploid (the shorthand for a haploid cell is 1n).

How many chromosomes does a human have? There are 23 different chromosomes in humans and most nuclei contain 2 of each type. So a human body contains 2 sets of 23 chromosomes making 46 in total. A cell like this is diploid (written as 2n in shorthand).

CB3d Inheritance

CB3bi DNA Describe a molecule of DNA A molecule of DNA contains 2 strands, each of which forms a shape called a helix. The strands are joined together by pairs of substances called basesbases to form double helix. How many areathere in DNA? There are 4 bases in DNA: adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine (A, T, C and G). A always pairs with T and C always pairs with G. These What are bases attached to? are complementary base pairs. Each base is attached to a sugar and each sugar is attached to a phosphate group. The sugars and phosphate groups form the backbone of the DNA strands. What do the curved lines show? Why do parts of DNA bases have a hydrogen The curved lines show the rate of growth of a baby who bond? stays at exactly the same percentile within the population. Parts of DNA bases have very slight electrical charges. A negatively charged part of one base attracts a positively charged part of another base. This weak force of attraction is called a hydrogen bond. Cytosine and guanine form 3 What is the DNA code? hydrogen bonds between them. Adenine and The order of bases in a gene contains the coded instructions for a protein. We all have slight difference in our thymine form 2 hydrogen bonds. This explains genes causes by different orders of bases in our DNA. Everyone except identical twins has different DNA. why C only pairs with G and A pairs with T.

CB3c Alleles What are your sex chromosomes? Two of your chromosomes determine what sex you are. They are your sex chromosomes and there are two types: X and Y. Females have two X sex chromosomes and males have one X and one Y.

What is the difference between an egg cell and a sperm cell? A woman’s gametes all contain an X sex chromosome. The male sperm cells may contain either an X or a Y (diagram A).

What is an allele? Genes for the same characteristic (e.g. eye colour) can contain slightly different instructions that create variations. Different forms of the same gene are called alleles.

CB3e Gene Mutation Why do we use Punnett squares? Punnett squares are used to work out the probability of different phenotypes caused by alleles.

How do mutations happen? Mutations happen when there is a mistake in copying DNA during cell division. For example one base in a DNA sequence might be replace by another. This can happen naturally of if there is damage to the DNA caused by radiation or other harmful substances.

What affect will a mutation have? Sometimes a mutation produces an allele that causes a big change in the protein that is produced. This will affect how the body works. Some mutations may only have a small effect on the protein that is produced, while some will not change the protein at all.

What is the human genome project? The human genome project mapped the bases pairs in the human genome. Mapping a person’s genome can indicate their risk of developing diseases that are caused by different alleles of genes. It can also help identify which medicines might be best to treat a persons’ illness.

CB3f Variation What is genetic variation? Genetic variation is caused by the different alleles inherited during sexual reproduction.

What produces genetic variations? There are 2 copies of every chromosome in a body cell nucleus, a body cell contains 2 copies of every gene. Each copy of a gene may be a different allele. The different combination of alleles in each person give us slightly different characteristics. Explain the term homozygous If both alleles for one genes are the same an organism is homozygous for that gene.

What is a Punnett square? Punnett squares (diagram B) demonstrate inheritance. The boxes show the possible genotypes. Two boxes contain XX and two contain XY. The probability of being male is 50%.

Why do we use Punnett squares? Punnett squares are used to work out the probability of different phenotypes caused by alleles.

What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype? The alleles in an organism are its genotype. What the organism looks like is its phenotype.

What is a dominant characteristic? Characteristics from a dominant allele will always be expressed. A dominant allele is shown by a capital letter, the recessive allele has the lower case version of the same letter. The letter for the dominant allele is always written before the recessive one. What is a recessive characteristic? A recessive characteristic is only seen if both alleles are recessive (diagram D).

Explain the term heterozygous If the alleles are different an organism is heterozygous.

What is environmental variation? Many characteristics also show environmental variation because they are affected by their surroundings. For example how well a plant grows is affected by how much light, water and nutrients it gets.

In what two ways can variation be grouped? A discontinuous variation is where the data can only take a limited set of values e.g. the number of leaves on a plant. Continuous variation is where the data can be any value in a range e.g. the length of a leaf on a tree. Continuous data for variation often forms a bell-shaped curve known as a normal distribution.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Acquired characteristics Alleles – most genes come in different versions called alleles. Bases – a substance that helps make up DNA. There are four bases in DNA, shown by the letters A, C, G and T. Chromosome – a thread-like structure found in the nuclei of cells. Each chromosome contains one long DNA molecule packed with proteins. Complementary base pairs - two DNA bases that fit into each and link by hydrogen bonds Daughter cell – a new cell produced from the division of a parent cell. Diploid – a cell or nucleus that has two sets of chromosomes. Dominant – describes an allele that will always affect a phenotype as opposed to a recessive allele, whose effect will not be seen if a dominant allele is present. Double helix – the shape of a DNA molecule consisting of two helices. Family pedigree chart – a chart showing the phenotypes and sexes of several generations of the same family to track how characteristics have been inherited. Gametes – a haploid cell produced the meiosis used for sexual reproduction. Genes – A section of the long strand of DNA found in a chromosome which often contains instructions for a specific protein. Genetic diagram – a diagram showing how the alleles in two parents may form different combinations in offspring when the parents reproduce. Genome – all of the DNA in an organism. Each body cell contains a copy of the genome. Genotype – the alleles for a certain characteristic that are found in an organism. Haploid – a cell or nucleus that has one set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid. Hydrogen bond – a weak force of attraction caused by differences in the electrical charge on different parts of different molecules. Meiosis – a form of cell division in which one parent cell produces four haploid daughter cells. Mutation – a change to a gene caused by a mistake in copying the DNA base pairs during cell division, or by the effects of radiation or certain chemicals. Normal distribution – when many individuals have a middle for a feature with fewer individuals having greater or lesser values. This sort of data forms a bell shape on charts and graphs. Phenotype – the characteristics produced by a certain set of alleles. Polymers – a long-chained molecule made by joining many smaller molecules (monomers) together. Punnett square – a diagram used to predict the characteristics of offspring produced by two organisms with known combinations of allele. Recessive – describes an allele that will only affect the phenotype if the other allele is also recessive. It has no effect if the other allele is dominant. Replicate – when DNA replicates, it makes a copy of itself. Sex chromosomes – a chromosome that determines the sex of an organism. Variation – difference in the characteristics of organisms. Zygote – a fertilised egg cell.


SB3 – Genetics (Paper 1) SB3a Sexual and Asexual Reproduction What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction involves fertilisation of a female sex cell by a male sex cell. Asexual reproduction occurs without fertilisation and produces clones. Give an example of a plant that reproduces asexually. Many plants reproduce asexually. For example strawberry plants use runners, which are special stems that grow out from the adult plant. Others produce new plants from bits of leaves or roots.

What is the advantage of sexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction combines characteristics from both parents. This increases variation.

What is the advantage of asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is much faster than sexual reproduction because there is no need to find a mate.

Who worked out the structure of DNA? James Watson and Francis Crick first worked out the structure of DNA in 1953.

What did Gregor Mendel develop? Mendel bred (or crossed) pea plants together by using a paint brush to move pollen from one plant to the flower of another plant. A bag was then placed over the flower on the plant and sealed. Mendel planted the seeds that formed and observed the characteristics of the offspring. What were Mendel’s 3 laws of inheritance? 1. 2. 3.

Each gamete receive only 1 factor for a characteristic. The version of a factor that a gamete receives is random. Some version of a factor are more powerful than others and always have an effect in offspring.

What did Mendel conclude after his experiments? Mendel concluded that inherited factors control the variation of characteristics. These factors exist in different versions that do not change. A plant has 2 factors for each characteristic, which are either the same version of 2 different versions. Plants with 2 factors of the same version were true-breeding. This meant that the plant was selfpollenated and the offspring had the same variation as the parent.

What did Har Gobind Khorana discover? Khorana cracked the genetic code which matched codons to specific amino acids.

What evidence did they use to make their discovery? 

SB3f Mendel

SB3e Genetic Variance and Phenotypes

SB3d Protein Synthesis

Erwin Chargaff’s chromatography experiments showed that the amounts of A and T in an organisms DNA were the same as the amount of G and C. Rosalind Franklin took an X-ray photograph suggesting that DNA was helix. Jerry Donohue showed them how DNA bases could form hydrogen bonds.

What is translation? The mRNA strands travel out of the nucleus through small holes in its membrane, called nuclear pores. In the cytoplasm the mRNA strands attach to ribosomes. Then a ribosome moves along an mRNA strand three bases at a time. Each triplet of bases is called codon. At each mRNA codon a molecule of transfer RNA (tRNA) with complimentary bases lines up. Each tRNA molecule carries a specific amino acid. As the ribosome moves along it joins the amino acids from the tRNA together, forming a polypeptide.

What is a mutation? It is a change in the bases of a gene. It can be caused when DNA is not copied properly in cell division. Environmental factors can also cause mutations. Some mutations can change an organisms’ phenotype.

SB3i Multiple and Missing Alleles How do you classify different types of blood? One way is the ABO blood group system. Everyone’s blood group is one of 4 groups: A, B, AB and O. Your blood group is determined by marker molecules on the outside of your red blood cells. There are 3 types of markers, A, B and O.

Explain how sex-linked genetic disorders arise? The human Y sex chromosome is missing some of the genes found on the human X sex chromosome. If the allele for one of these X chromosome genes causes a genetic disorder, then a man will develop that disorder.

How can mutations cause disease? Mutations are the reasons that genes exist in different forms, called alleles. Haemoglobin contains 4 polypeptides of 2 kinds, α and β. Diagram B shows the mRNA made by the transcription of different alleles of the β-polypeptide genes.

Give an example of a sex-linked genetic disorder. Red green colour-blindness occurs in about 8% of men but only 0.5% of women.

Alleles 1 and 4 in diagram B result in the production in a polypeptide that folds correctly. The polypeptide from allele 2 folds incorrectly and can cause sickle cell disease. Allele 3 also produces and incorrectly folded chain, which can make red blood cells beak apart and cause shortness of breath.

What genes is responsible for the markers in the ABO system? The gene that is responsible has 3 alleles, written as IA, IB and IO. Everyone has 2 copies of the gene so maybe homozygous for any of the 3 alleles or heterozygous for any 2 of the 3 alleles. IO is recessive to both IO and IB however IA IB is said to be codominant.

What can cause the mutation β-thalassaemia? RNA polymerase attaches to DNA bases in front of a gene. A mutation in this non-coding region may result in RNA polymerase not binding well reducing transcription. This mutation causes βthalassaemia in which not enough β-polypeptide is made for haemoglobin. This causes tiredness, weakness and shortness of breath. This is a non-coding mutation.

Key Vocabulary Definitions ABO blood group – system of sorting human blood into one of four phenotypes (A, B, AB, O) on the basis of antigens on blood cells. Codominant – when two alleles for a gens both affect the phenotype, for example a person with the alleles for the A blood group and B blood group have a blood group AB. Codon – a set of three bases (a triplet) found in DNA and RND the genetic code is formed from patterns of codons. Complimentary – two DNA bases that fit into each other and link by hydrogen bonds. Genetic Code – a set of rules defining how the base order in DNA or RNA is turned into a specific sequence of amino acids joined in a polypeptide chain. Genetic Disorders – a disorder caused by faulty alleles. mRNA – a single strand of RNA produced in transcription. Nuclear pore – a small hole in the membrane around the nucleus. Polypeptide – a chain of amino acids. Ribosome – a sub-cellular structure that attaches to mRNA. It allows tRNA molecules to match up with the mRNA codons and also joins the amino acids together. RNA – abbreviation for ribonucleic acid. The molecule is made up of phosphate groups and ribose sugars linked together with one of four bases. RNA polymerase – an enzyme that creates mRNA from DNA. Sex linked genetic disorders – a disorder caused by genes that is inherited differently in males and females, such as red-green colour blindness which is more common in men than in women. Template strand – the strand of a DNA molecule that RNA polymerase uses to make mRNA. Transcription – the process by which the genetic code in one strand of DNA molecules is used to make mRNA. Translation – the process by which the genetic code in a molecule of mRNA is used to make a polypeptide. tRNA – a molecule of RNA that carries an amino acid. Uracil – a bases found in RNA but not in DNA. Variations – differences in the characteristics of organisms.

Key Terms Infectious Vector Antibiotic Chitin Hyphae Malaria Insecticide Lysozymes Cilia Antigen Antitoxin Vaccine Antiseptic Anaesthetic Efficacy

Knowledge Organiser – Infection and Response


A medical experiment in which the patient and doctors Double blind trials do not know who has been given the drug and who has been given the placebo. An animal that spreads a communicable disease. Placebo A medicine that has only psychological effects. A group of medicines, first discovered by Alexander Fleming, Phagocytes A type of white blood cell that engulf pathogens. that kill bacteria and fungi but not viruses. A type of white blood cell that produce antibodies. A polymer made from sugars that forms the cell walls of fungi Lymphocytes Highly specific Y-shaped proteins that are produced by and the exoskeleton of insects. the immune system to help stop intruders from Antibodies Branching filaments of a fungus that spread out. harming the body. A communicable disease, caused by a protest transmitted in mosquitos, which attacks red blood cells. A chemical that kills insects. Antibacterial enzymes found in your tears to prevent eye infections. Tiny hair-like projections from ciliated cells that waft mucus out of the gas exchange system. A protein on the surface of a pathogen that your antibodies can recognize as foreign. A protein produced by your body to neutralize harmful toxins produced by pathogens. A medicine containing an antigen from a pathogen that triggers a low level immune response so that if you become infected later your body can respond more quickly to the pathogen. A substance applied to the skin or another surface to destroy pathogens. A drug that stops all pain sensation and can be local or general. How effective a drug is. Describes a pathogen that can easily be transmitted, or an infected person who can pass on the disease.

CB1a Microscopes What is the most common microscope used today? The most common light microscope used today contains 2 lenses and was invented at the end of the sixteenth century. Robert Hook used a microscope like this to discover cells in 1665.

CB1 - Key Concepts in Biology (Paper 1 and 2) What magnification did Hook’s microscope have? Hook’s microscope had a magnification of about x30 (it made things appear about 30 times bigger).

What is an electron microscope? Instead of light, beams of electrons pass through a specimen to build up an image. These microscopes can magnify up to x2,000,000 with resolutions down to 0.0000002 millimetres. They allow us to see cells with much greater detail and clarity than a normal light microscope.

What does the detail obtained by a microscope depend on? The detail obtained by a microscope depends on its resolution. This is the smallest distance between 2 points that can still be seen as 2 points. Van Leeuwenhoek’s best microscopes had a resolution of 0.0014 millimetres.

Why do bacteria release digestive enzymes? They release digestive enzymes into their environment and then absorb digested food into their cells.

CB1f Enzyme Action What is an enzyme made from? An enzyme is a 3D protein molecule formed from a chain of amino acids. The 3D contains a small pocket called the active site. What is an active site? An active site is where the substrate of the enzyme fits at the start of a reaction. Different substrates have 3D shapes, and different enzymes have active sites of different shapes. This explains why every enzyme can only work with specific substrates that fit the active site. E.g. each key only fits 1 specific lock.

CB1e Enzymes and Nutrition

How can enzymes be affected? Changes in pH or temperature can affect how the protein folds up and so can affect the shape of the active site. If the shape of the active site changes too much the substrate will no longer fit neatly in. We say that the enzymes has been denatured (key no longer fits in the lock).

How do digestive enzymes in humans work? Digestive enzymes turn the large molecules in our food into the smaller sub-units they are made of. The digested products are then small enough to be absorbed by the small intestine. What are proteins broken down into? Protein molecules are broken down into amino acids.

What are starch molecules broken down into? Starch molecules are broken down into glucose molecules.

CB1c Specialised Cells What is a specialised cell? A specialised cell has a specific function. There are about 200 specialised cells in humans. Specialised cells are adapted to their functions. E.g. nerve, small intestine, pancreas, gametes, epithelial cells.

CB1b Plant and Animal Cells What is an organelle? An organelle is a structure inside a cell with a specific function.

How are cells specialised for digestion? The cells that line the small intestine absorb small food molecules produced by digestion. They are adapted by having membranes with many tiny folds. These adaptations increase the surface area of the cell for faster absorption of digested food.

Where does fertilisation occur? Fertilisation occurs in the oviduct. The cells in the lining of the oviduct transport egg cells towards the uterus. The oviduct cells are adapted for this function by having hair like cilia. These wave from side to side sweeping the egg along.

CB1g Enzyme Activity How are enzymes affected by temperature? As the temperature increase, molecules move faster. Higher speeds increase the chance of substrate molecules bumping into enzyme molecules. However when the temperature gets too high, the shape of the enzyme molecule starts to change. The temperature which the enzyme works fastest is called its optimum temperature.

How does pH affect enzymes? At pHs below and above the optimum the active site’s shape is altered and so the enzymes does not work so well.

How is a human egg cell specialised? The cell membrane fuses with the sperm cell membrane. After fertilisation the cell membrane and jelly coat become hard to stop other sperm cells entering. The cytoplasm is packed with nutrients to supply the fertilised egg with energy and raw materials.

What is the optimal temperature of most human enzymes? The optimum temperature is around 37oC.

CB1d Inside Bacteria

What are lipid (oil and fat) molecules broken down into? Lipids are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol.

How do living plants and animals use enzymes to speed up reactions? Enzymes are biological catalysts that increase the rate of reactions. Enzymes are a special group of proteins found throughout the body. What does amylase do? It is found in the saliva and small intestine and breaks down starch to small sugars. E.g. maltose and glucose.

What does catalase do? Found most cells and especially in liver cells and breaks down hydrogen peroxide. What does starch synthase do? It is found in plant cells and makes starch from glucose. What is DNA polymerase? It is found in the nucleus and joins DNA strands from its monomers (building blocks).

Why are bacteria difficult to see? Bacteria are difficult to see with light microscopes because they are very small and mostly colourless.

CB1h Transporting Substances Explain the structure of a bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotic, which mean that their cells do not have nuclei or chromosomes or mitochondria or chloroplasts. Instead the cytoplasm contains 1 large loop of chromosomal DNA, which controls most of the cells activities. Smaller loops of DNA are called plasmids. They have a cell wall and a cell membrane.

How are sperm cells specialised for reproduction?

What is active transport? Cells may need to transport molecules against a concentration gradient or transport molecules that are too big to diffuse through the cell membrane. They can do this using active transport. This process is carried out by transport proteins in the cell membrane. The transport proteins capture certain molecules and carry them across the cell membrane. This is an active process and so requires energy. What is osmosis? If there are more water molecules in a certain volume on one side of a membrane than the other, there will be an overall movement of water molecules from the side where there are more water molecules. This diffusion of small molecules of a solvent through a semi permeable membrane is called osmosis.

What is diffusion? Diffusion is the movement of gas and liquid particles from a high concentration to a low concentration. A difference between 2 concentrations forms a concentration gradient. Particles diffuse down a concentration gradient. The bigger the difference between concentrations, the steeper the concentration gradient and the faster diffusion occurs. How do small molecules move into and out of cells? Small molecules such as oxygen and carbon dioxide move into out of cells by diffusion.

What are passive processes? Osmosis and diffusion are passive processes so do not require an input of energy.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Adaptations – the features of an organism that enable it to do a certain function (job). Biological catalyst – a substance found in living organisms that speeds up reactions (an enzyme). Ciliated epithelial cells – a cell that lines certain tubes in the body and has cilia on it’s surface. Cilium – a small hair like structure on the surface of some cells. Plural is cilia. Concentration Gradient – the difference between 2 concentrations. Denatured – a denatured enzyme is one where the shape of the active has changed so much that its substrate no longer fits and the reaction can no longer happen. DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid. A polymer made of sugar and phosphate groups joined to bases. Epithelial cells – a cell found on the surfaces of parts of the body. Eukaryotic – a cell with a nucleus is eukaryotic. Eyepiece lens – organisms that have cells like this are also said to be eukaryotic organisms. Field of view – the circle of light you see looking down a microscope. Gametes – a haploid cell produced by meiosis used for sexual reproduction. Haploid – a cell or nucleus that has 1 set of chromosomes. Gametes are haploid. Magnification – the number of times larger an image is than the initial object that produced it. Objective lens – the part of the microscope that is closest to the specimen. Partially Permeable membrane – describes a membrane that will allow certain particles to pass through it but not others. Another term for this is semi permeable. Product – a substance formed in a reaction. Prokaryotic – a cell with no nucleus is prokaryotic. Organisms such as bacteria are said to be prokaryotic. Resolution – the smallest change that can be measured by an instrument. For example, in a microscope it is the smallest distance between 2 points that can be seen as 2 points and not blurred into 1 point. Scale bars – a line drawn on a magnified image that shows a certain distance at that magnification. Specialised cells – a cell that is adapted for a certain specific function (job). Substrate – a substance that is changed during a reaction. Synthesis – to build a large molecule from smaller sub units.

Calculations To work out a microscopes’ magnification, you multiply the magnifications of its 2 lenses together. So, the magnification of a microscope with a x5 eyepiece lens and a x10 objective lens is 5 x 10 = x50. To calculate mass change work out the difference between the mass of tissue at the start and at the end (final mass – initial mass) divide this difference by the initial mass and multiply by 100. Percentage change in mass = (Final mass – initial mass) ÷ initial mass x 100 A negative answer is a percentage loss in mass.

SB1 - Key Concepts in Biology (Paper 1 and Paper 2) SB1f Testing Foods What happens to bananas as they ripen? As bananas ripen, enzymes break down the starch into smaller carbohydrates, including sugars such as sucrose and glucose.

What does Benedict’s solution indicate? All of the smaller sugars are reducing sugars. When a food solution is mixed with an equal volume of Benedict’s solution and placed in a hot water bath, reducing sugars in the food cause a reduction reaction, which changes the colour of the solution and form a precipitate.

What is the ethanol emulsion test? Fats and oils can be tested for by using this test. The food is mixed with ethanol and shaken. Some of the mixture is then poured into water and shaken again. Fats and oils dissolve in the ethanol float to the surface, forming a cloudy emulsion, when the mixture is left to stand.

How do we test for these changes in food? We can use chemical reagents in food tests to identify these changes.

What is a biuret test? Potassium hydroxide is mixed with a food solution. Two drops of copper sulphate are added. If the pale blue solution turns purple, this indicates protein in the food.

What does iodine solution indicate? Iodine solution changes from a yelloworange to a blue-black colour when in contact with starch.

What is a calorimeter? Food provides us with energy that we can transfer to other processes that keep us alive. Foods that contain large amounts of sugar and fat are good sources of energy. We can measure the amount of energy in a food by burning it in a calorimeter.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Benedict’s solution – a solution used to detect the presence of reducing sugars (such as glucose) in food. Biuret test – a test that uses copper sulphate solution and potassium hydroxide solution to test for proteins. The blue of the copper sulphate solution turns purple in the presence of proteins. Calorimeter – apparatus used to measure the energy content of substances by burning them and measuring temperature increase. Chemical reagents – substances that are used up in a chemical reaction. Ethanol emulsion test – a test using ethanol to detect lipids in foods. Iodine solution – solution used to test for the presence of starch. Precipitate – an insoluble substance that is formed when 2 soluble substances react together in solution. Reducing sugars – Small sugar molecules, such as fructose and glucose, that react with Benedict’s solution to produce a precipitate.

Nervous System & Responses Section 1- Structure of the Nervous System Structure 1. Neurone



Coordinator (CNS)


Function Specialised cells that electrical impulses are passed through.

2. Nerve

Bundles of hundreds/thousands of neurones. Made up of your brain and spinal cord. Your brain co-ordinates all 3 Central Nervous System (CNS) responses and sends impulses out again. Organs which detect changes on the outside e.g. smell (nose), touch 4 Sense Organs (skin), sight (eye). 5 Sensory Neurone

6 Relay Neurones 7 Motor Neurone 8 Effector 9 Receptor 10 Synapse

A Synapse (10)

Cells that carry impulses from your sense organs to your CNS. Connect a sensory neurone to a motor neurone. They are found in the CNS. Carry information from the CNS to parts of your body (effectors) Muscles or glands which respond to an impulse and make a change happen. Found clustered in your sense organs and pick up changes (stimuli). A physical gap or junction between neurones. Chemicals called neurotransmitters diffuse across the gap as the electrical impulse CANNOT jump.

Reflex Pathway Stimulus


Sensory Neurone

Relay Neurone

Motor Neurone



Key Terms

Equations ρ = m/v ΔE = mc Δθ E = mL

Knowledge Organiser – Particle Model of Matter Density = Mass ÷ volume Change in thermal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change Energy required to change state = mass x specific latent heat


L Some elements were in the wrong groups so didn’t follow the paKern

C2 Periodic Table

Non-metals: Many electrons in outer shell so form nega8ve ions. Low mel;ng and boiling points.

Mendeleev le1 gaps for undiscovered elements. J The elements were discovered that filled the gaps and proved him right. J Isotopes were discovered which explained why order based on weight didn’t work.

Modern periodic table – order of atomic (proton) number. Elements with similar proper;es in columns (groups). Elements in same group have the same number of electrons in their outer shell and so have similar chemical proper;es.

Metals: Few electrons in outer shell so form posi8ve ions. Hard, high mel;ng and boiling points.

Group 1 Alkali Metals

Very reac;ve (due to single electron in outer shell)

Group 7 Halogens

Very reac;ve (due to having 7 electrons in outer shell)

•  Metals •  React with oxygen to form oxides •  React with water to form the hydroxide and hydrogen •  React with chlorine to form chlorides

• Non- metals • Exist in pairs as molecules (diatomic molecules) • React with metals to form white solid crystals • React with non-metals to form small molecules

Group 0 Noble gases.

Unreac;ve (due to full outer shell) Increasing atomic mass

Increasing boiling point

Halogens get MORE reac;ve

Early periodic tables arranged in order of atomic weight

Metals vs Non-metals

Alkali metals get MORE reac;ve



Word Equation carbon dioxide + water oxygen + glucose

Symbol Equation 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H1206 + 6O2

Section 1- Process of Photosynthesis Key Word


1 Photosynthesis

A chemical, endothermic, reaction which takes place in plants and algae, which produces a source of food.

2 Chloroplasts

An organelle inside the cell- where photosynthesis takes place.

3 Chlorophyll

The green substance inside chloroplasts which absorbs light. A water-soluble sugar, which contains six carbons, used in respiration and can be made by photosynthesis. Photosynthesis requires an input of energy from the environment.

4 Glucose 5 Endothermic Reaction

Section 2- Leaf Adaptations Structure

10 Leaf Structure

Adaptation for Photosynthesis

7 Veins

Limiting Factor

How does it affect the rate? For most plants, the brighter the light, the faster the rate of 12 Light photosynthesis. If there is little/no light, photosynthesis will stop, As temperature increases, the rate of photosynthesis increases. However 13 Temperature if the temperature is too high (40-50◦C) then the enzymes controlling photosynthesis denature, slowing the rate. The atmosphere is only 0.04% carbon dioxide, so it often limits the rate of photosynthesis. On a sunny day, carbon dioxide is the most common 14 Carbon dioxide concentration limiting factor. Increasing the CO2 concentration, increases photosynthesis. 15 Chlorophyll levels

The leaf itself is broad and thin, 6 Leaf surface to give a large surface area for light to fall on and short diffusion distances for gases. Carry water from xylem in the plant, to the cells of the leaves and remove products of photosynthesis in the phloem.

Section 3- Rate of Photosynthesis

Less chlorophyll results in less photosynthesis. Minerals e.g. magnesium are used to make chlorophyll, so can affect the rate of photosynthesis.

Section 4- Plant Materials & Glucose Material

11 Xylem & Phloem

16 Cellulose

Use in Plant A storage molecule made of glucose, strengthens cell walls.

17 Starch 8 Air Spaces

9 Guard Cells

Allow carbon dioxide to get into the cells and oxygen to leave the cells, by diffusion. These cells open and close the stomata (holes in the leaf), to regulate gas exchange.

An insoluble molecule used for energy storage in plants. Plants combine nitrates with 18 Nitrates glucose & other minerals to make amino acids. 19 Lipids


Glucose is used to build up fats & oils, which are used as an energy store, often in seeds.

Iodine- boil leaves in ethanol, look for blue-black colour. Biuret Test for Proteins- purple colour change.

20 RP- Light Intensity & Rate of

Photosynthesis. The number of bubbles is measured by a syringe or upturned test tube.

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Quantitative Chemistry

Relative atomic mass Relative formula mass Mole Avogadro constant Thermal decomposition

The average mass of atoms of an element, taking into account the mass and the amount of each isotope it contains. The sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms in the formula. Measurement of the amount of a substance. The number of atoms, molecules or ions in one mole of a given substance (6.02x1023). Reaction where high temperature causes a substance to break down into simpler substances.


When the amount of a reactant is greater than the mount that can react.

Limiting reactant

The reactant in a reaction that determines the amount of products formed. Any other reagents are all in excess and will not react.


Measuring Rate To measure the rate of a reac.on you can: •  Measure how fast the reactants are used up •  Measure how fast the products are made

Collision theory

C8 Rates and Equilibrium

For a reac.on to happen reactants must: collide with enough energy ( energy)

e.g. Measure mass lost due to gas formed

A successful collision is one that leads to a reac.on

e.g. Measure volume of gas made

So to increase the rate of a reac.on you must either •  Increase the frequency of collisions •  Increase the energy of the collisions •  Decrease the energy needed for a collision to be successful

Surface area More par7cles available to react. More frequent collisions

Temperature Par.cles move faster. So they collide more frequently. Par.cles collide with more energy. So more of the collisions are successful.

Reversible reac.ons Can go in both direc7ons.

If a reac.on is exothermic in one direc.on it is endothermic in the other direc.on.

In a closed system (where nothing can get in or out) an equilibrium is reached where the rate of reac7on is the same in both direc7ons.

Factors rate Rate = volume of gas ÷ .me cm3/s e.g. Measure .me for insoluble product to form

Concentra7on and Pressure

Catalysts More par7cles in the same space. More frequent collisions

Lower the energy needed for successful collisions. ( energy) Not used up. Biological catalysts are called enzymes

At equilibrium: •  Rate of forward reac.on = rate of reverse reac.on. •  Mount of products and reactants don’t change.

Atoms, elements and compounds All substances are made of atoms that cannot be chemically broken down. It is the smallest part of an element. Elements are made of only one type of atom. Each element has its own symbol. e.g. Na is sodium.

Separating mixtures

C1 Atomic Structure

A mixture consists of two or more elements or compounds not chemically combined together.

Development of Atomic Model

Subatomic Particles

Dalton – atoms can’t be divided

JJ Thompson discovered electrons – Plum pudding model

Number of protons(+) = Number of electrons (‐) Number of neutrons = mass number – atomic number

Compounds contain more than one type of atom. Naming compounds‐ Two elements = ide e.g. Na2S Sodium sulphide Two or more including oxygen = ate e.g. Na2SO4 = sodium sulphate

Geiger‐ Marsden The Nuclear Model of the Atom

Bohr – electrons in shells

Atoms lose or gain electrons to form ions

Chadwick – the neutron

Atomic radius = 0.1nm

1nm = 1x10‐9m

Hydrocarbons Crude Oil is made from the remains of living sea creatures decayed in mud millions of years ago

Fractional Distillation

C9 Crude Oil and Fuels

How do we separate the mixture of hydrocarbons to use them? Works by evaporation and then condensation.

It is a FINITE resource It is made of a mixture of Hydrocarbons.

Smaller molecules burn most easily


Combustion (burning) is a reaction with oxygen A reaction with oxygen is called ‘oxidation’

When hydrocarbons burn a lot of energy is released.

Hydrocarbons are made of Hydrogen and Carbon only. The main hydrocarbons in Crude Oil are alkanes

Complete combustion of hydrocarbons the only products are carbon dioxide and water Complete combustion only happens if there is plenty of oxygen

General equation

The general formula for an alkane is ‐

1. Heat the crude oil to evaporate it. 2. The gases rise up the column. 3. The different fractions condense at different temperatures.

Complete combustion of propane

Cracking The larger molecules from fractional distillation are less useful. We can break them down into smaller, more useful molecules. Cracking produces a mixture of alkanes and alkenes.

Alkenes have some double bonds.

They turn bromine water colourless.

They are used to make polymers. The apparatus for cracking

Catalytic cracking – catalyst and 500oC Steam cracking – steam and 850oC

Exothermic vs Exothermic


C7 Energy Changes

Reaction Profiles

Bond energy Calculations (HT)

In some reactions more energy comes OUT than goes in

The reactants have more energy than the products. e.g. combustion, oxidation, neutralisation.

In some reactions more energy goes IN than comes out.

Self heating cans, hand warmers

Chemicals react in an exothermic reaction and give OUT heat energy.

Products at LOWER energy than reactants

More energy comes OUT making bonds

Cool packs for sports injuries Products at HIGHER energy than reactants

The products have more energy than the reactants. e.g. thermal decomposition

Chemicals react in an Endothermic reaction and take IN heat energy – therefore cooling the surroundings.

Activation Energy is the energy needed to start a reaction.

More energy goes IN breaking bonds

 Some elements were in the wrong groups so didn’t follow the pattern

Non‐metals: Many electrons in outer shell so form negative ions. Low melting and boiling points.

Mendeleev left gaps for undiscovered elements.  The elements were discovered that filled the gaps and proved him right.  Isotopes were discovered which explained why order based on weight didn’t work.

Modern periodic table – order of atomic (proton) number. Elements with similar properties in columns (groups). Elements in same group have the same number of electrons in their outer shell and so have similar chemical properties.

Metals: Few electrons in outer shell so form positive ions. Hard, high melting and boiling points.

Group 1

Group 7

Alkali Metals


Very reactive (due to single electron in outer shell)

Very reactive (due to having 7 electrons in outer shell)

• Metals • React with oxygen to form oxides • React with water to form the hydroxide and hydrogen • React with chlorine to form chlorides

• Non‐ metals • Exist in pairs as molecules (diatomic molecules)

• React with metals to form white solid crystals • React with non‐metals to form small molecules

Group 0 Noble gases. Unreactive (due to full outer shell) Increasing atomic mass

Increasing boiling point

Halogens get MORE reactive

Early periodic tables arranged in order of atomic weight

C2 Periodic Table

Metals vs Non‐metals

Alkali metals get MORE reactive


Measuring Rate To measure the rate of a reaction you can: • Measure how fast the reactants are used up • Measure how fast the products are made

Collision theory

C8 Rates and Equilibrium

For a reaction to happen reactants must: collide with enough energy (activation energy)

e.g. Measure mass lost due to gas formed

A successful collision is one that leads to a reaction

e.g. Measure volume of gas made

So to increase the rate of a reaction you must either • Increase the frequency of collisions • Increase the energy of the collisions • Decrease the energy needed for a collision to be successful

Surface area More particles available to react. More frequent collisions


Reversible reactions Can go in both directions.

If a reaction is exothermic in one direction it is endothermic in the other direction.

Particles move faster. So they collide more frequently. Particles collide with more energy. So more of the collisions are successful.

In a closed system (where nothing can get in or out) an equilibrium is reached where the rate of reaction is the same in both directions.

Factors affecting rate Rate = volume of gas ÷ time

Concentration and Pressure


cm3/s e.g. Measure time for insoluble product to form

More particles in the same space. More frequent collisions

Lower the energy needed for successful collisions. (Activation energy) Not used up. Biological catalysts are called enzymes

At equilibrium: • Rate of forward reaction = rate of reverse reaction. • Mount of products and reactants don’t change.

SB1 - Key Concepts in Biology (Paper 1 and Paper 2) SB1f Testing Foods What happens to bananas as they ripen? As bananas ripen, enzymes break down the starch into smaller carbohydrates, including sugars such as sucrose and glucose.

What does Benedict’s solution indicate? All of the smaller sugars are reducing sugars. When a food solution is mixed with an equal volume of Benedict’s solution and placed in a hot water bath, reducing sugars in the food cause a reduction reaction, which changes the colour of the solution and form a precipitate.

What is the ethanol emulsion test? Fats and oils can be tested for by using this test. The food is mixed with ethanol and shaken. Some of the mixture is then poured into water and shaken again. Fats and oils dissolve in the ethanol float to the surface, forming a cloudy emulsion, when the mixture is left to stand.

How do we test for these changes in food? We can use chemical reagents in food tests to identify these changes.

What is a biuret test? Potassium hydroxide is mixed with a food solution. Two drops of copper sulphate are added. If the pale blue solution turns purple, this indicates protein in the food.

What does iodine solution indicate? Iodine solution changes from a yelloworange to a blue-black colour when in contact with starch.

What is a calorimeter? Food provides us with energy that we can transfer to other processes that keep us alive. Foods that contain large amounts of sugar and fat are good sources of energy. We can measure the amount of energy in a food by burning it in a calorimeter.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Benedict’s solution – a solution used to detect the presence of reducing sugars (such as glucose) in food. Biuret test – a test that uses copper sulphate solution and potassium hydroxide solution to test for proteins. The blue of the copper sulphate solution turns purple in the presence of proteins. Calorimeter – apparatus used to measure the energy content of substances by burning them and measuring temperature increase. Chemical reagents – substances that are used up in a chemical reaction. Ethanol emulsion test – a test using ethanol to detect lipids in foods. Iodine solution – solution used to test for the presence of starch. Precipitate – an insoluble substance that is formed when 2 soluble substances react together in solution. Reducing sugars – Small sugar molecules, such as fructose and glucose, that react with Benedict’s solution to produce a precipitate.

SB2 – Cells and Control (Paper 1) SB2e The Brain What cells are found in the brain? Once an embryo is 3three weeks old the stem cells in the brain differentiate to produce neurones, which make up most of the brain.

How many neurons does an adult brain have? An adult brain has about 86 billion neurones, which interconnect with one another to process information and control the body.

SB2f Brain and Spinal Cord Problems What is the spinal cord connected to? The mass of neurones in the medulla oblongata connect the brain to the spinal cord. The spinal cord consists of many nerves. These carry information between the brain and the rest of the body.

What is the role of the cerebral cortex? It is used for most of our sense, language, memory, behaviour and consciousness. What is the structure of the cerebral cortex? It is divided into two cerebral hemispheres. The right hemisphere communicates with the left side of the body and vice versa.

What is the cerebellum? At the base of the brain, it is divided into two halves and controls balance and posture.

What are cones? Cones are receptor cells that are sensitive to the colour of light. Cones detect red, green or blue light. Cones generate impulses in sensory neurones which lead to the brain through the optic nerve. This information is processed into full colour vision.

What is a PET scan? This shows brains activity. The patient is injected with radioactive glucose. The more active the cells the more glucose they use (for respiration). The radioactive cause gamma rays, which the scanner detects. More gamma rays come from the more active brain cells.

How can brain tumours be treated? Tumours can be cut out or the cells can be killed using radiotherapy and chemotherapy. All these methods can damage the body and brain, chemotherapy may not work due to the blood-brain barrier.

Why is it difficult for patients to regain full movement or feeling after spinal cord damage? There are no adult stem cells that can differentiate into neurones in the spinal cord, so new neurones cannot be made to repair damage.

What is the medulla oblongata? It controls your heart rate and your breathing rate. It is responsible for reflexes such as vomiting, sneezing and swallowing.

What is the eye? A sense organ that contains receptor cells found in a layer called the retina.

What is a CT scan? This shows the shape and structure in the brain. An X-ray beam moves in a circle around the head, and detectors measure the absorption of the X-rays. A computer used this information to build up a view of the inside of the body as a series of slices. Differences in the shapes in the brain can be linked to differences in the way people think and act.

What is spinal cord damage? Damage to the spinal cord reduces the flow of information between the brain and parts of the body. Nerve damage in the lower spinal cord can cause loss of feeling and use of the legs.

SB2f The Eye

What are rods? Are receptor cells that detect differences in light intensity. Rods work very well in very dim light situations.

What is a brain tumour? A brain tumour may squash parts of the brain and stop them working.

What is the pupil? The dark area in the middle of your eye where light enters. The amount of light entering the eye is controlled by muscles in the iris which can constrict the pupil or dilate it.

What is the role of the cornea? Light rays entering the eye need to be focused onto a point in the retina. Most focussing is done by the cornea which bends light rays to bring them together.

What is the role of the lens? The lens fine tunes and focuses the image. Ciliary muscles make the lens fatter to focus light from near objects and thinner to focus light from distant objects.

What is a cataract? Sometimes a protein builds up inside the lens and makes it cloudy. This is a cataract. Full vision can be restored by replacing the clouded lens with a plastic one.

What is colour-blindness? Where some cones do not work properly. The most common form is red-green colour-blindness. Cones that detect green light are faulty making it difficult to tell the difference between red, green and brown. Colour-blindness cannot be corrected.

Key Vocabulary Definitions Blood-brain barrier – a natural filter that only allows certain substances to get from the blood to the brain (mainly due to cells in the capillary wall in the brain fitting together very closely). Chemotherapy – use of drugs to treat a disease such as in the treatment of cancer. Ciliary muscles – a muscle that relaxes or contracts to change the shape of the lens in the eye. Converging lens – a lens that brings light rays together. Diverging lens – a lens that causes light rays to spread apart. Gamma rays – a high-frequency electromagnetic wave emitted from the nucleus of a radioactive atom. Gamma rays have the highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. Radioactive – a substance is radioactive if it emits ionising particles or radiation. Radiotherapy – use of ionising radiation to treat diseases, such as to kill cancer cells. Tumour – a lump formed of cancer cells.

SB3 – Genetics (Paper 1) SB3a Sexual and Asexual Reproduction What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction involves fertilisation of a female sex cell by a male sex cell. Asexual reproduction occurs without fertilisation and produces clones. Give an example of a plant that reproduces asexually. Many plants reproduce asexually. For example strawberry plants use runners, which are special stems that grow out from the adult plant. Others produce new plants from bits of leaves or roots.

What is the advantage of sexual reproduction? Sexual reproduction combines characteristics from both parents. This increases variation.

What is the advantage of asexual reproduction? Asexual reproduction is much faster than sexual reproduction because there is no need to find a mate.

Who worked out the structure of DNA? James Watson and Francis Crick first worked out the structure of DNA in 1953.

What did Gregor Mendel develop? Mendel bred (or crossed) pea plants together by using a paint brush to move pollen from one plant to the flower of another plant. A bag was then placed over the flower on the plant and sealed. Mendel planted the seeds that formed and observed the characteristics of the offspring. What were Mendel’s 3 laws of inheritance? 1. 2. 3.

Each gamete receive only 1 factor for a characteristic. The version of a factor that a gamete receives is random. Some version of a factor are more powerful than others and always have an effect in offspring.

What did Mendel conclude after his experiments? Mendel concluded that inherited factors control the variation of characteristics. These factors exist in different versions that do not change. A plant has 2 factors for each characteristic, which are either the same version of 2 different versions. Plants with 2 factors of the same version were true-breeding. This meant that the plant was selfpollenated and the offspring had the same variation as the parent.

What did Har Gobind Khorana discover? Khorana cracked the genetic code which matched codons to specific amino acids.

What evidence did they use to make their discovery? 

SB3f Mendel

SB3e Genetic Variance and Phenotypes

SB3d Protein Synthesis

Erwin Chargaff’s chromatography experiments showed that the amounts of A and T in an organisms DNA were the same as the amount of G and C. Rosalind Franklin took an X-ray photograph suggesting that DNA was helix. Jerry Donohue showed them how DNA bases could form hydrogen bonds.

What is translation? The mRNA strands travel out of the nucleus through small holes in its membrane, called nuclear pores. In the cytoplasm the mRNA strands attach to ribosomes. Then a ribosome moves along an mRNA strand three bases at a time. Each triplet of bases is called codon. At each mRNA codon a molecule of transfer RNA (tRNA) with complimentary bases lines up. Each tRNA molecule carries a specific amino acid. As the ribosome moves along it joins the amino acids from the tRNA together, forming a polypeptide.

What is a mutation? It is a change in the bases of a gene. It can be caused when DNA is not copied properly in cell division. Environmental factors can also cause mutations. Some mutations can change an organisms’ phenotype.

SB3i Multiple and Missing Alleles How do you classify different types of blood? One way is the ABO blood group system. Everyone’s blood group is one of 4 groups: A, B, AB and O. Your blood group is determined by marker molecules on the outside of your red blood cells. There are 3 types of markers, A, B and O.

Explain how sex-linked genetic disorders arise? The human Y sex chromosome is missing some of the genes found on the human X sex chromosome. If the allele for one of these X chromosome genes causes a genetic disorder, then a man will develop that disorder.

How can mutations cause disease? Mutations are the reasons that genes exist in different forms, called alleles. Haemoglobin contains 4 polypeptides of 2 kinds, α and β. Diagram B shows the mRNA made by the transcription of different alleles of the β-polypeptide genes.

Give an example of a sex-linked genetic disorder. Red green colour-blindness occurs in about 8% of men but only 0.5% of women.

Alleles 1 and 4 in diagram B result in the production in a polypeptide that folds correctly. The polypeptide from allele 2 folds incorrectly and can cause sickle cell disease. Allele 3 also produces and incorrectly folded chain, which can make red blood cells beak apart and cause shortness of breath.

What genes is responsible for the markers in the ABO system? The gene that is responsible has 3 alleles, written as IA, IB and IO. Everyone has 2 copies of the gene so maybe homozygous for any of the 3 alleles or heterozygous for any 2 of the 3 alleles. IO is recessive to both IO and IB however IA IB is said to be codominant.

What can cause the mutation β-thalassaemia? RNA polymerase attaches to DNA bases in front of a gene. A mutation in this non-coding region may result in RNA polymerase not binding well reducing transcription. This mutation causes βthalassaemia in which not enough β-polypeptide is made for haemoglobin. This causes tiredness, weakness and shortness of breath. This is a non-coding mutation.

Key Vocabulary Definitions ABO blood group – system of sorting human blood into one of four phenotypes (A, B, AB, O) on the basis of antigens on blood cells. Codominant – when two alleles for a gens both affect the phenotype, for example a person with the alleles for the A blood group and B blood group have a blood group AB. Codon – a set of three bases (a triplet) found in DNA and RND the genetic code is formed from patterns of codons. Complimentary – two DNA bases that fit into each other and link by hydrogen bonds. Genetic Code – a set of rules defining how the base order in DNA or RNA is turned into a specific sequence of amino acids joined in a polypeptide chain. Genetic Disorders – a disorder caused by faulty alleles. mRNA – a single strand of RNA produced in transcription. Nuclear pore – a small hole in the membrane around the nucleus. Polypeptide – a chain of amino acids. Ribosome – a sub-cellular structure that attaches to mRNA. It allows tRNA molecules to match up with the mRNA codons and also joins the amino acids together. RNA – abbreviation for ribonucleic acid. The molecule is made up of phosphate groups and ribose sugars linked together with one of four bases. RNA polymerase – an enzyme that creates mRNA from DNA. Sex linked genetic disorders – a disorder caused by genes that is inherited differently in males and females, such as red-green colour blindness which is more common in men than in women. Template strand – the strand of a DNA molecule that RNA polymerase uses to make mRNA. Transcription – the process by which the genetic code in one strand of DNA molecules is used to make mRNA. Translation – the process by which the genetic code in a molecule of mRNA is used to make a polypeptide. tRNA – a molecule of RNA that carries an amino acid. Uracil – a bases found in RNA but not in DNA. Variations – differences in the characteristics of organisms.

Chemistry 1 Knowledge Map - Mixing, Dissolving and Separating Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

Dissolving and Evaporating

Graph Skills

Different apparatus can be used to separate mixtures by size.

Substances that dissolve are called soluble. An element is made up of only one type of atom. These can be found on the periodic table of elements. Examples are oxygen and carbon.

Molecules are made up of more than one atom and are chemically joined together. These atoms can be from the same element or different elements. You can have molecules of compounds or elements. You cannot have molecules of a mixture because the elemetns are not chemically joined ina mixture!

Compounds are two or more elements chemically joined together by bonds. They cannot be asily separated. Examples are carbon dioxide , pure water and ammonia.

Mixtures are two or more elements mixed together but not chemically bonded. They are usually easy to separate. Examples are sea water and crude oil.

Separating Mixtures

For example, sugar is soluble. it can dissolve in water.

For example, a sieve can be used to remove rocks from sand. Filter papaer can be used to separate sand from water.

the water is the solvent, the mixture of sugar and water is called a solution and the sugar is the solute. Another example would be dissolving salt in water. The salt is the solute, the water is the solvent and the salt water is the solution.

The properties of the components of the mixture can also be used to spearate them. For example, if there is a metal in the mixture, a magnet could be used to separate the metal from the mixture.

A word equation shows reactants and products. An arrow is used to represent the reactants converting into the products, or the reaction happening.

Particle Model and Forces

Particle models show the different atoms in a substance and how they are arranged.

Intermolecular forces are forces between atoms. In solids, these forces are strong. In liquids, these are are moderately strong and in gases these are very weak.

For example; sodium + chlorine --> Sodium Chloride

Different types of sugar will dissolve in water at different speeds. This is due to their particle size and composition. We can change the rate of dissolving by changing the temperature.

When drawing graphs, you must include the following; Heading for graph, underlined. Title and units for each axis. A sensible scale on each axis. Points plotted accurately.

Rules for Mixtures: Mixtures can be separated by physical method. Mixtures only have the properties of the substances in the mixture. No chemical change occurs when making mixtures.

The reactants are shown before the arrow. In this case, the reactants are sodium and chlorine. The products are shown after the arrpw. In this case the Product is sodium chlroide.


Line of best fit drawn with a ruler representing as many points as possible.

Evaporation is when a liquid is converted into a gas. For example, we can separate salt from water by heating the solution. This will allow the water to evaporate, leaving behind salt crystals. Tis is called crystallisation.

Distillation can be used to separate a liquid from a liquid. Different liquids evaporate at different temperatures. The liquid is heated untill the liquid evaporates, then is colled so it condenses back into water. The different liquids in the mixture will do this at different temperatures, so the liquids will be separated and collected.

The copper oxide is then heated with 'coke', which is a form of carbon, to displace the copper. The word equation for this reaction is;

The apparatus for distillation is shown on the left.

Chromatography can be used to separate inks or dyes into colours. Black ink is actually a mixture of colours. Chromotography can separate these colours. Chromotography is commonly used to identify dyes, inks and paints by seeing what it is a mixture of!

An example of pen ink separated by chromatography is shown below.



Mixture of Elements

Copper oxide + carbon --> Copper + Carbon dioxide.

The copper will still contain impurities. A process known as electrolysis will be used to purofy the copper.

Mixture of Compounds

Working Scientifically Knowledge Map Creating a hypothesis A hypothesis is a prediction for what you think will happen during the investigation. A hypothesis must suggest a link between variables and should explain why this will happen using scientific knowledge. Basic Example: The longer the water is heated for, the more the temperature will increase. Scientifically written: As time increases, the temperature increases.

Complex hypothesis: As the time increases, the temperature of the water will increase. This is because the particles gain more kinetic energy from the heat.

Variables An independent variable is the variable that you change, by choosing the values. Example: If you were testing how the length of time affected the change in temperature, your independent variable would be the time, as you would choose the specific values for this and change them throughout your investigation.

A dependent variable is the variable that you measure.

Example: Using the example above, you would measure the temperature.

A control variable is something that you must control in your investigation and keep at the same value. This is so it cannot affect your investigation in any way.

Example: Using the example above, you would need to keep the liquid you were heating the same, as different liquids heat at different rates. You would also need to control the volume of liquid, as a higher volume of water would take longer to heat.

Designing a Method The first stage of designing a method is choosing appropriate equipment. You will need to choose the most appropriate equipment available. Equipment lists are written in a bullet point format.

It may be appropriate to use a diagram to show how to set up your equipment. These must be drawn in pencil with a ruler and always be labelled. (see example below) A method is a step-by-step list of instructions, showing how your investigation will be completed.

It must be very clear and simple to follow. Imagine giving your method to a 5 year-old. They must be able to follow the method without asking you to explain anything to them.

Collecting Results Results are usually collected in a table, drawn with a pencil and ruler. Headings of each column should contain the units, with no units being used throughout the table.

Results tables should contain the values for your independent variable, space to record your dependent variable values for all tests and an average column. See example below.

Averages are calculated by adding all the values for each test together and then dividing by how many values you had. See example below.

All results in a table should be to the same number of decimal places. (levels of precision)

Graph Drawing When you have your scales, you will need to start plotting your data. You plot the average results for each data point, using an 'x' symbol. To plot a point, you can find the value on the x axis, line up your ruler and go up until you reach the correct value on the y axis. Then mark with an 'x'.

After your data has been plotted, you will need to draw the 'line of best fit'. This line represents the link between the two variables. The line of best fit can be a straight line, which shows a directly proportional link. This can either be negative or positive.

The line of best fit can also be a curve. The shows an indirectly proportional link.

Writing a conclusion You will need to review your hypothesis. You will either say that your results support your hypothesis or that your results reject your hypothesis.

Your graph will show you the link between the two variables. You will need to be able to write a conclusion, based on what your graph shows. Look at the graph below. A basic conclusion for this graph would say; 'as the time increases, the temperature increases' . Look at the graph below. A complex conclusion for this graph would say; 'as the time increases, the temperature increases. This can be seen by the directly proportional and positive correlation. This happens because the heat energy gives particles more kinetic energy over time.' This includes a scientific explanation of why this trend happens.




You must name your independent and dependent variables.

You must write a bullet point list including ALL of the necessary equipment.

You must write a simple stepby-step method.

You must draw a results table in pencil using a ruler, in a sensible layout.

You must plot your average results using the ‘x’ symbol in pencil.

You must be able to identify the link/trend between the two variables.

Medium Level Marks You SHOULD be able to complete these tasks.


You must suggest the trend between the variables.

You must give You must give quantitative units for each information about You must write variable and show the equipment. This a very detailed which values for could be sizes of and clear stepthe independent beakers, amount of by-step variable you will a substance in grams method. be testing. or volumes of liquids.

You must draw a results table in pencil using a ruler, in the MOST appropriate format. This will include columns or each test and an average column.

You must plot all points 100% accurately and draw a line of best fit.

You must be able to describe the correlation of the graph.

You must explain the trend between the variables, using scientific knowledge

You must include an instruction about repeating your investigation for reliability.

Low Level Marks You MUST be able to complete these tasks


High Level Marks You COULD be able to complete these tasks

Where will I achieve my marks?

You must suggest what you think will happen.

You must name at least three control variables.

You must include a relevant diagram, labelled and drawn scientifically.

You must calculate averages for each test.



You must be able to explain the You must draw a line of best link/trend between fit, which best represents the two variables in the trend of the data. detail using your scientific knowledge.

Keywords for this topic: precision accuracy equipment hypothesis conclusion averages repeatability independent dependent control correlation

Physics Knowledge Map - Energy Transfer and Sound Energy Transfer & Efficiency Energy is never lost or made, it is just transferred by different processes to different places. The units of energy are Joules (J).

Energy can be transferred in many different ways. Examples of these are light, heat and sound.

A Sankey diagram is an energy transfer diagram . An example is shown below, for a light bulb. This shows a light bulb receiving 100J of energy from electric current. It transfers 10J of energy as light and 90J of energy as heat energy to the surroundings. This heat energy is waste energy.

The efficiency of an object can be calculated using the formula:

Fuels and Combustion Fuels are chem icals that transfer energy to the surroundings by heat when they burn. The most common fuels are coal, crude oil and methane (natural gas).

When fuels are burned, they combine chemically with oxygen from the air, which releases heat energy. This is called combustion.

Fuels derived from crude oil release crbon dioxide during combustion. This is a greenhouse gas and contributes to global warming.

Sound Sounds are made by objects vibrating air particles. When these vibrating air particles reach your ears, sounds is made. Energy is transferred by sounds in the form of waves. Sound waves are longitudinal waves.

Pitch and Waves Very deep and low sounds are said to have 'low pitch'. High sounds such as sirens or whistles ane said to have 'high pitch'. The pitch of a note is also called its frequency. The pitch of a sound can be changed by changing the frequency of the vibration.

Sounds can be made louder by increasing the energy in the vibration. Sounds can be made quieter by decreasing the energy in the vibration.

Wavelength is the distance along a wave from one point to the next point where the wave repeats itself.

The loudness of a sound is measured in a unit called a decibel (dB).

Amplitude refers to the volume of a wave. Frequency refers to how many vibrations are produced per second.

(Useful energy/total input energy) x100 The energy efficiency of this light bulb would be 10/100 = 0.01 x 100 = 10%

Sound through Materials Sounds can travel through solids, liquidsand gases, as they all contain particles. Sounds cannot travel through a vacuum because their are no particles in a vacuum.

Sound travels fastest through materials that have particles very close together. For example, sound will travel faster through solids than they will gases because the particles are closer together so it is easier to pass on vibraitons.

Hearing Sounds

A labelled diagram of the ear is shown below. The function of the ear is to transfer energy from sound into electrical impulses that are interpreted by the brain.

The outer ear captures sound waves. These waves pass along the ear canal to the ear drum. The middle ear containes bones called ossicles, which receives vibrations form the ear drum and makes them much bigger. The inner ear contains specialised cells that detect the vibrations and convert them into electrical impulses.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Energy

sound waves pitch amplitude wavelength frequency ultrasound infrasound combustion Sankey diagram efficiency heat temperature vacuum ear canal ear drum ossicles cochlea auditory nerve

Ultrasound and Infrasound Infrasound is sound below 20 Hz. Ultrasound is sound above 20000 Hz. Humans cannot detect these sounds as our ears are not sensitive enough.

We can use devices that generate ultrasound waves and detect the reflected ultrasound, which has led to many applications; Safely scan body organs, scanning metals in aircraft parts and underground pipes for any cracks or damage.

The high energy transfer of ultrasound means it can also be used for breaking up kidney stones and cleaning surgical equipment, jewellery and teeth.

Infrasound waves transfer little energy, but can be detected by a microphone. Some large animals use infrasound to communicate, volcanoes that are about to erupt can be detected and the passage of meteors in space can also be tracked.

Physics Knowledge Map - Forces and their Effects Discovering Forces

Exploring the Effects of Forces

A force can be a pushing force, a pulling force or a turning force. A nuber of forces ca be acting on something at the same time.

The unit of measurement of force is called the newton (N) and it is measured using a newtonmeter.

Forces act on objects and their effect depends on the size of force excerted on the objecy

When an object exerts a force on something else, it is called an action force. There is always an equal and opposite force called the reaction force.

Weight, gravity and mass: The weight of an object is the force of gravity pulling down on the object and can be measured in newtons (N). Mass is a measure of the amount of material in an object- the number of particles and and the type of particles it is composed of.

Gravity is an attractive (pulling) force between mases that pulls objects together. The force of gravity on you depends on yor distanc from a planet.

Materials can compress and stretch when a force is applied . Some materials return to thier original shape after the force is removed, this is called elastic behavior. Elastic materials break or deform when the stretching force exceeds the elastic limit.

Hooke's Law: the law that says that a spring will extend regularly as the force on it is increased- the extension is proportional to the load.


Friction is a contact force that exists when two surfaces touch one another. The force of friction always acts in the opposite direction to movement, so it causes moving objects to slow down.

Car engines use lubricants such as oil to create a smooth sliding layer between moving parts.

Friction has benefits in everyday activities such as the fricion between car tyres and the road, between your shoes and the ground.

Air and Water Resistance Air resistance is the frictional resistance encountered when an object moves through the air. A sky diver is affected by air resistance slowing him and gravity pulling him down. Eventually when these forces balance, a steady speed is acheived called the terminal velocity. Water resistance is frictional resistance when something moves through water. A streamlined object/animal has a shape that helps it to slip easily through water or air with very litttle friction.

Exploring Forces and Motion When there are multiple forces acting on an object, they can eventally become balanced. But if any of these forces change and do not cancel out then they become unbalanced. External forces can affect the dirction and speed of a moving object, e.g. air resistance and gravity affecting the path of an arrow.

The speed of something is calculated using the distance it has tavelled and the time it took. formula: speed= distance travelled / time taken

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Driving Force Resistive Force Newton Newtonmeter Weight Mass Gravity Elastic Compress Stretch Hooke’s Law Friction Lubricant Air Resistance Water resistance Terminal velocity Streamlined Balanced Forces Unbalanced forces Horizontal Vertical Distance Speed Unit Average Moment Pivot Fulcrum Level Load Effort

Turning Forces

A turning force is a force that causes a turning efect about a pivot (also called a fulcrum). Straight arrows are used in force diagrams to represent forces.

A moment is the size of the turning effect of a force around a pivot. It is calculated as the force x the distance from the pivot. It can be both clockwise and anticlockwise. Engineers can use the knowledge of moments to apply to real life machines such as cranes.

Physics Knowledge Map - Forces and their Effects Discovering Forces

Exploring the Effects of Forces

A force can be a pushing force, a pulling force or a turning force. A nuber of forces ca be acting on something at the same time.

The unit of measurement of force is called the newton (N) and it is measured using a newtonmeter.

Forces act on objects and their effect depends on the size of force excerted on the objecy

When an object exerts a force on something else, it is called an action force. There is always an equal and opposite force called the reaction force.

Weight, gravity and mass: The weight of an object is the force of gravity pulling down on the object and can be measured in newtons (N). Mass is a measure of the amount of material in an object- the number of particles and and the type of particles it is composed of.

Gravity is an attractive (pulling) force between mases that pulls objects together. The force of gravity on you depends on yor distanc from a planet.

Materials can compress and stretch when a force is applied . Some materials return to thier original shape after the force is removed, this is called elastic behavior. Elastic materials break or deform when the stretching force exceeds the elastic limit.

Hooke's Law: the law that says that a spring will extend regularly as the force on it is increased- the extension is proportional to the load.


Friction is a contact force that exists when two surfaces touch one another. The force of friction always acts in the opposite direction to movement, so it causes moving objects to slow down.

Car engines use lubricants such as oil to create a smooth sliding layer between moving parts.

Friction has benefits in everyday activities such as the fricion between car tyres and the road, between your shoes and the ground.

Air and Water Resistance Air resistance is the frictional resistance encountered when an object moves through the air. A sky diver is affected by air resistance slowing him and gravity pulling him down. Eventually when these forces balance, a steady speed is acheived called the terminal velocity. Water resistance is frictional resistance when something moves through water. A streamlined object/animal has a shape that helps it to slip easily through water or air with very litttle friction.

Exploring Forces and Motion When there are multiple forces acting on an object, they can eventally become balanced. But if any of these forces change and do not cancel out then they become unbalanced. External forces can affect the dirction and speed of a moving object, e.g. air resistance and gravity affecting the path of an arrow.

The speed of something is calculated using the distance it has tavelled and the time it took. formula: speed= distance travelled / time taken

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Driving Force Resistive Force Newton Newtonmeter Weight Mass Gravity Elastic Compress Stretch Hooke’s Law Friction Lubricant Air Resistance Water resistance Terminal velocity Streamlined Balanced Forces Unbalanced forces Horizontal Vertical Distance Speed Unit Average Moment Pivot Fulcrum Level Load Effort

Turning Forces

A turning force is a force that causes a turning efect about a pivot (also called a fulcrum). Straight arrows are used in force diagrams to represent forces.

A moment is the size of the turning effect of a force around a pivot. It is calculated as the force x the distance from the pivot. It can be both clockwise and anticlockwise. Engineers can use the knowledge of moments to apply to real life machines such as cranes.

Year 7 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Particles

Key Terms


State of matter

Matter is divided into three states: solid, liquid, and gas

KPI 1.1: Describe the arrangement of particles in a solid, liquid and gas, and link this to their properties.


Change of state from solid to liquid


Change of state from liquid to solid

Particle Theory All matter is made up of particles. Particles are found in all three states of matter. Particles in the three states have different movement and arrangement.


Change of state from liquid to gas


Change of state from gas to liquid

Properties of Solids, Liquids and Gases Due to their arrangement and movement, the three states each have different properties.

- In solids, particles are arranged in a regular pattern and they can only vibrate in a fixed position. Particles are held together by strong bonds. - In liquids, particles are arranged randomly but are still touching each other. Particles can slide past each other and move around. - In gases, particles are far apart and are arranged randomly. Particles carry a lot of energy and they move in all directions in a high speed. Changes of State Changes of state take place when the particles gain or lose energy. - When energy is applied, particles gain energy, move faster and move further apart. - When energy is lost, particles become closer to each other, move slower and arrange themselves more regularly.

Gaining energy

Losing energy

Solids are rigid, have a fixed shape and fixed volume because particles are held together by strong bonds and arranged regularly. Liquids are not rigid and have no fixed shape, meaning they can flow to fill their container. This is because the bonds are weaker, so the particles can move. However, there is a fixed volume because the particles are still close together. Gases are not rigid, have no fixed shape or fixed volume because there is so much space between particles and the bonds holding them together are broken.

Year 7 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Particles Interpreting the Energy-Temperature Graph The E-T graph shows how the temperature of a substance changes as heat is applied. - When the line is sloped, the temperature of the substance is increasing. - When the line is flat, the temperature stays the same even though heat is being applied. This is because the heat is going into making the particles change state. During the change of state, the temperature will stay the same until the change of state is complete e.g. all liquid has turned into gas.

Conservation of Mass The Law of Conservation of Mass states that mass cannot be created or destroyed. Therefore, mass stays the same before and after a change of state. For example, 10g of ice melts into 10g of water and 10g of water evaporates into 10g of water vapour. The same applies to other substances. 10g 10g


KPI 1.2: Explain changes of state in terms of the particle model. Key Terms



Movement of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration


How fast an event e.g. diffusion, is happening


The number of particles in a known volume


All matter is made up of tiny particles

Diffusion and Factors Affecting Diffusion Diffusion is the movement of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Diffusion will stop when particles spread themselves evenly. Diffusion occurs in liquids and gases but not in solids, because particles in a solid are not free to move. Examples of diffusion include: 1. Oxygen diffusing into cells. 2. Carbon dioxide diffusing out of cells.

There are 2 factors affecting the rate of diffusion: 1. Temperature: When temperature increases, particles gain more energy. They can then move and spread out at a higher rate. 2. Concentration: When concentration increases, the rate of diffusion increases because there are more particles.

Year 7 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Forces

Key Terms



The unit of force

KPI 2.1: Use diagrams with correctly labelled force arrows to display a range of forces in different situations.

Newton meter

A piece of equipment that can be used to measure the size of the force

Contact Force

A force caused by the contact between two objects

Non Contact Force

A force between two bodies that are not in contact for example gravity

Free body force diagram

A diagram which shows all the forces acting on an object

A force can be a push or a pull, for example when you open a door you can either push it or pull it. You can not see forces, you can only see what they do. When a force is applied to an object it can lead to a change in the objects • Speed • Direction of movement • Shape (think about a rubber band) Forces can also be divided into 2 types, contact forces and non contact forces. 1. Contact forces for example friction, are caused when two objects are in contact. 2. Other forces for example gravity, are non contact forces. The two objects do not need to be in contact for the force to occur.

The unit of force is the Newton (N), this is named after Sir Isaac Newton, who came up with many theories including those to do with gravity and the three laws of motion. We measure force using a piece of equipment called a Newton metre. See the picture below.

Force Diagrams To show the forces acting on a body we use a free body force diagram. A free body force diagram shows all of the forces that are acting on the body. It has arrows that show the direction the force acts, the larger the arrow, the larger the force. A free body fore diagram should always have labelled arrows.

Year 7 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Forces

Free Body Force Diagrams Here are some examples of free body force diagrams A boat floating

Types of force In the table below different forces are summarised: Name of Force

What causes it?



When two objects rub together

Car tyres moving on a road.

Air resistance

When an object rubs against air particles

A sky diver falling through the air


A force that acts in the opposite direction

A book on a desk, the force acting up is a reaction force


The force an object exerts on the ground due to gravity

You will exert a force on the ground, that is your weight


The force that drives on objects with an engine

Thrust moves a plane forwards

A book on a desk

A crate held up by a rope

KPI 2.2: Interpret force diagrams to determine the motion of an object. Balanced Forces When we talk about the total force acting on object we call this the resultant force. When the forces acting in opposite directions are the same size we say the forces are balanced. This means one of two things: 1. The object is stationary (not moving) 5N 5N 2. The object is moving at a constant speed For example, the resultant This is known as Newton’s first law. force acting on this object is 5N-5N=0N

Year 7 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Forces Unbalanced Forces If the forces are unbalanced on an object there are two things that could happen: 1. If the object is stationary then it will move in the direction of the resultant force 2. If the object is moving, then the object will speed up or slow down in the direction of the resultant force. For example, what is the resultant force on the lorry below? 100N-60N= 40N (to the right)

Key Terms


Resultant force

The total force acting on an object

Balanced force

When the resultant force on an object is 0

Unbalanced forces

When the resultant force on an object is more or less than 0

Measuring the size of forces To measure the size of frictional forces on different surfaces you can drag some masses along the different surfaces and record how much force is required. For this experiment : Independent variable: Surface Dependent variable: Force Control variable: Mass

Remember the resultant force does not tell you what direction the lorry is moving in. • If the resultant force is in the same direction as the movement of the lorry then the lorry will speed up • If it is in the opposite direction the lorry will slow down The larger the resultant force the larger the change in movement. Weight on different Planets As planets have different masses a person’s weight would be different depending which planet they were on. For example, a person’s weight on Earth is 1000N. If that same person was on Jupiter their weight would be 2500N.

Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Cells KPI 3.1: Use a microscope to produce an image of a cell in focus. Parts of a microscope Eyepiece lens Body tube

Key Terms



Area where specimen is placed


Hold the specimen still whilst it is being viewed

Light source

Illuminates the specimen

Objective lens

Magnifies the image of the specimen

Eyepiece lens

Magnifies the image of the specimen

Course/fine focus

Used to focus the specimen so it can be seen clearly

Revolving nosepiece

Holds 2 or more objective lenses

Magnification We can use the following equation to calculate the magnification of an object viewed through a microscope:

Revolving nosepiece Objective lens Stage Clamps Coarse focus Diaphragm

Fine focus

Light source Base

Using a microscope To view an object down the microscope we can use the following steps:

1. Plug in the microscope and turn on the power 2. Rotate the objectives and select the lowest power (shortest) one 3. Place the specimen to be viewed on the stage and clamp in place 4. Adjust the course focus until the specimen comes into view 5. Adjust the fine focus until the specimen becomes clear 6. To view the specimen in more detail repeat the process using a higher power objective

Key Terms


Cell wall

Made of cellulose, which supports the cell

Cell membrane

Controls movement of substances into and out of the cell

KPI 3.2: Label plant and animal cells; state the function of the


Jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen

organelles and compare plant and animal cells .


Contains genetic information and controls what happens inside the cell

Cells Cells are the building blocks of all living organisms


Contains a liquid called cell sap, which keeps the cell firm


Where most respiration reactions happen


Where photosynthesis happens

Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Cells

Specialised cells Specialised cells are found in multicellular organisms. Each specialised cell has a particular function within the organism.

Animal cells

Type of cell

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

cut open an onion use forceps to peel a thin layer from the inside spread out the layer on a microscope slide add a drop of iodine solution to the layer carefully place a cover slip over the layer

Plant cells

Preparing a microscope slide To prepare a slide to view onion cells we can use the following steps:


Special features

Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Structure and function

KPI 4.1: Describe the relationship between cells, tissues and organs; and describe the function of the main organ systems

Hierarchical Organisation Cells are the building blocks of life. In multicellular organisms, cells rarely work alone.

Key Terms



The building block of life and the smallest structural unit of an organism


A group of cells working together to perform a particular function


A group of tissues working together to perform a particular function

Organ system

A group of organs working together to perform a particular function


An individual life form, can be multicellular or unicellular


Consisting of many cells


Consisting of just one cell

Muscle cells

Palisade cells

Muscle tissue

Mesophyll tissue



Circulatory system

Shoot system



Unicellular Organisms Unicellular organisms are made up of just one cell. There are no tissues, organs or organ systems. Unicellular organisms often have structural adaptations to help them survive. Euglena are a unicellular organism. They have a flagellum (tail) to help them move and chloroplasts so they can make their own food. Amoeba are also unicellular organisms. They form pseudopods (false feet) that let them move about and can surround food so that the cell can take it in.



Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Structure and function Human Organ Systems

The Digestive System Digestion is the breaking down of large insoluble molecules into smaller soluble ones that can pass through the gut wall and into the blood. Breakdown starts in the mouth where the teeth chew the food and enzymes start to break it down. The stomach contains acid which kills microbes and provides the correct pH for proteins to be digested. More digestion takes place in the small intestine, enzymes from the pancreas and small intestine help break down the food further.

The Respiratory System The respiratory system is responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The lungs are the organ where this gas exchange occurs. They are made up of many fine air tubes called bronchioles, which terminate in alveoli. Here Oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide diffuses out. Lungs are designed for absorbing oxygen as they have a huge surface area (alveoli), a rich blood supply, are moist (gases move in solution), and alveoli walls are thin so the gases do not have far to diffuse.

The products of digestion are absorbed in the small intestine. The small intestine is designed for absorbing food because It has a huge surface area (villi), a rich blood supply, is moist (so food can move in solution) and the walls are thin so the digested food does not have far to move. The large intestine absorbs water from what is now waste which is stored in the rectum ready to leave the body.

Year 7 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: Separation

Key Terms



Contains protons neutrons and electrons, and makes up all elements

The Periodic Table All the different elements are arranged on the periodic table. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. On the periodic table, we can see the metal elements on the left and non metal elements on the right.


A sub atomic particle with a positive charge


A sub atomic particle with a negative charge


A sub atomic particle with a neutral charge

Atomic number

The number of protons in an atom

Mass Number

The total number of protons + neutrons in the nucleus

Groups and Periods Elements are arranged on the periodic table in groups and periods. Horizontal rows are called periods and vertical columns are called groups.

Structure of the Atom • An atom is made up of three subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. • Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom (in the centre). • Electrons are found orbiting the nucleus in shells. • Protons have a positive charge. • Electrons have a negative charge. • Neutrons have a no charge. • In an atom, there are equal numbers of protons and electrons because the positive and negative charges need to balance.

Atomic Number and Mass Number This is the total of protons + neutrons

Groups are labelled 1-7 from left to right, with last group being called either group 8 or 0. Elements in the same group have similar properties; because of this we can make predictions about trends.

This is the number of protons

Therefore sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and12 (23-11) neutrons.

Year 7 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: Separation KPI 5.1: classify substances as pure and impure, and describe techniques to separate mixtures Pure Substances A substance is pure if it only has one type of particle in it e.g. just hydrogen atoms or just carbon dioxide molecules.

Impure Substances Impure materials are mixtures of different types of particle. Pure Substances

Key Terms



A material that is composed of only one type of particle i.e. elements or compounds


A material that is composed of more than one type of particle i.e. mixtures


A change of state involving a liquid changing to a gas


A process for separating the parts of a liquid solution. The solvent is heated and the gas is collected and cooled.


The act of pouring a mixture through a mesh, in attempts to separate the components of the mixture.


A technique used to separate mixtures of coloured compounds.

Impure Substances

Mixtures A mixture contains different substances that are not chemically joined to each other. These can be: 1. A mixture of elements

2. A mixture of compounds

3. A mixture of elements and compounds

Mixtures can be easily separated, where compounds cannot.

Elements • Elements are substances made up of one type of atom. • All the elements are found listed in the Periodic Table – there are currently 118 of them. Compounds • Compounds contain two or more elements that are chemically joined to each other. • Compounds are formed by chemical reactions. • In order to separate the elements in a compound you would need to carry out another chemical reaction. • Examples of compounds are:  Carbon dioxide (CO2)  Water (H20)

Year 7 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: Separation

Key Terms



The substance that dissolves into the solvent

KPI 5.1: classify substances as pure and impure, and describe techniques to separate mixtures


The liquid that the solute dissolves into


The solute dissolved in the solvent


How easy it is for a given substance to dissolve

Saturated solution

A solution in which no more solute can dissolve.

Solutions • Salt and sugar are soluble in water. This means they dissolve in water. • Sand is insoluble in water. This means it does not dissolve in water. • The solute is the substance that dissolves into the solvent e.g. salt. • The solvent is the liquid the solute dissolves in e.g. water. • The resulting mixture of solute and solvent particles is called the solution e.g. salt water. Dissolving • During dissolving, the solvent particles surround the solute particles and move them away so they are spread out in the solvent.

Saturated solutions • When a solvent is heated it will dissolve more solute. • This is because the solvent particles are moving slightly faster, making more space for solute particles to fit in. • When no more solute can be dissolved in the solvent the solution is saturated. • Mass is always conserved so for example if 5 grams of solute are dissolved in 100 grams of solvent, the mass of the solution will be 100 + 5= 105 grams.

Year 7 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: Separation KPI 5.1: classify substances as pure and impure, and describe techniques to separate mixtures Chromatography • Simple chromatography is carried out on paper. • A spot of the mixture is placed near the bottom of a piece of chromatography paper and the paper is then placed upright in a suitable solvent, e.g. water. As the solvent soaks up the paper, it carries the mixtures with it. • Different components of the mixture will move at different rates, which separates the mixture out.

Other techniques for separating mixtures • If you have a solution, for example salt water, you can evaporate the water leaving pure salt. • If you have two substances where one is magnetic and one is not, for example iron and sulphur, then a magnet can be used to separate the two substances. • If you have a mixture of an insoluble solid and a liquid then the mixture can be filtered.

Distillation • This is good for separating a liquid from a solution. For example, water can be separated from salty water by simple distillation. • This method works because the water evaporates from the solution, but is then cooled and condensed into a separate container. The salt does not evaporate and so it stays behind. • Distillation can also be used to separate two liquids that have different boiling points because the one with the lower boiling point will evaporate and condense first.



Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: Reproduction

KPI 6.1: label the parts of the structure of the male and female reproductive system, and describe their function

Female reproductive system

Male reproductive system

Parts of Female Reproductive System

Functions of the part


The organ where eggs (ova) are produced and where they mature ready for release each month


The small tube leading from each ovary to the uterus – the egg travels along here and fertilisation happens here


The organ where an embryo grows into a foetus and eventually a baby

Uterus lining

The wall of the uterus


A ring of tissue between the uterus and vagina; this helps keep a foetus in place in the uterus during pregnancy


The organ that is entered by the penis during sexual intercourse; this is also part of the birth canal

Parts of Male Reproductive System

Functions of the part


The organ where sperm cells are made


The skin that holds the testes

Sperm ducts

The tubes that carry sperm from the testes to the urethra


These add liquids, including nutrients for the sperm, to the sperm cells from the testes to make semen


The tube that carries either urine or semen out of the body through the penis


The organ that enters the vagina during sexual intercourse


The skin that protects the end of the penis

Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: Reproduction KPI 6.2: describe the processes of menstruation and fertilisation, and identify the stages of gestation and birth The menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle prepares the female body for pregnancy by causing eggs (ova) to mature and be released. It lasts for 28 days. Days 15 Days 613 Day 14

Days 15-28

• ‘period’ happens (menstruation), where uterus lining breaks down. • Uterus lining builds up (thickens) to prepare for pregnancy. The egg (ovum) matures in the ovary • Egg (ovum) released from the ovary and travels down the oviduct • Uterus lining stays thick, in case the egg is fertilised

Fertilisation Fertilisation is when a sperm cell and an ovum fuse. Sperm cells are released into the female reproductive system during sexual intercourse (ejaculation). Only one sperm cell breaks through the cell membrane and enters the ovum, and only the head enters. The nuclei fuse together, putting the mother and father’s genetic information together. The fertilised ovum is now an embryo.

Key Terms



When the sperm and the egg fuse


The time it takes for the baby to develop in the womb. This is 40 weeks in humans.


When the baby leaves the womb.

Menstrual cycle

A series of events that prepares the female body for pregnancy.


When the lining of the uterus is removed from the body. Also known as the period.


The name given to the baby developing in the womb.

Gestation After fertilisation of an ovum, a woman is pregnant. The embryo grows as cells divide and travels to the uterus. Ciliated cells in the oviduct help it to move to the uterus. The embryo implants into the uterus wall, where is gets oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood. As it grows bigger and cells become specialised, we call it a foetus. It grows a placenta and umbilical cord. At the placenta, the foetus gets oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood (but their blood does NOT mix). The foetus gets rid of waste like carbon dioxide into the mother’s blood too. Birth After about 40 weeks of pregnancy (for humans), the foetus is ready to be born. • The muscles in the wall of the uterus contract (contractions) • These contractions get stronger and faster – this is ‘labour’ • After some time of labour, the amniotic sac breaks, which releases the fluid (the ‘waters break’) • Contractions push the baby headfirst through the birth canal – through the cervix and out through the vagina

Year 7 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: Reproduction KPI 6.3: describe the function of each part of the flower, and explain how pollination occurs Plant reproductive system

Parts of plant Reproductive System

Functions of the part


The male gamete (sex cell)


Structure that the pollen sticks to


Connects the stigma to the ovary


Produces and stores ovules


The female gamete (sex cell)


Produces the pollen


Holds the anther to the edge of the flower

Pollination Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another flower (of the same species). • In wind pollination, the wind carries the pollen from the anthers of one flower to the stigma of another • In insect pollination, insects carry the pollen from anthers to stigmas. They go to flowers to get nectar for food (e.g. bees), and the pollen sticks to them so they carry it onwards.

Fertilisation After pollination the pollen makes a pollen tube down the style to the ovary. The nucleus of the pollen cell travels down the tube to get to the ovum (egg cell) – when the cells join, this is fertilisation. The cell made when the pollen and ovum fuse will become a seed, which can become a new plant. Plants then form fruits, often from the ovary walls. KPI 6.4: evaluate different seed dispersal techniques in plants Seed dispersal The plant spreads the seeds out – this is called seed dispersal – so their offspring don’t compete with them for light or soil nutrients. Seeds can be dispersed in many ways: • Animals – they eat the fruit and release the seeds in their waste • Wind – for example sycamore seeds • Water – for example coconuts

Chemistry 1 Knowledge Map - The Particle Model The Particle Model

We can represent solids, liquids and gases by particle models. The particle models for solids, liquids and gases are shown below.

Changing State

Evaporation and Thermal Expansion

Graph Skills

Density and concentration

Evaporation is where a liquid changes to a gas.

The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

Density is how compact the particles in certain volume of a substance. Heat energy gives particles kinetic enery. When those particles have enough kinetic energy, they can overcome their intermolecular forces and break free.

Changing state is a physical change. it is reversible. For example, you can melt ice (solid) to form water (liquid). You can then freeze (solidify) water to make ice again.

The factors that affect evaporation are; 1. Wind speed: Faster speed will transfer more kinetic energy. Below shows a diagram of all the changes of state and their scientific terms.

2. Temperature: Higher temperature means more heat energy. ore kinetic energy will be transferred to the particles.

When drawing graphs, you must include the following; Heading for graph, underlined. Title and units for each axis. A sensible scale on each axis. Points plotted accurately.

3. Surface Area: Evaporation occurs at the surface of a liquid. The larger the surface, the more energy can be transferred to particles. 4. Strength of inter-molecular forces: The stronger the intermolecular forces are ina liquid, the more kinetic energy will be required to overcome the force and allow the particles to break free.

Line of best fit drawn with a ruler representing as many points as possible.

For example, solids are much more dense than gases, because their particles are very closely packed together. The density and properties of solids, liquids and gases is shown below.

The equation for density is; Density = mass รท volume.

Concentration is a term generally applied to solutions. It refers to have many particles of a solute you have in a given volume of solvent.

Thermal expansion is when a solid, liquid or gas expands due to heat.

Heat gives particles more kinetic energy. As the particles move around more, they take up more room. This makes the solid, liquid or gas expand.


For example, a strong concentration of coffee would show many particles of coffee in water. A weak coffee would show less particles of coffee in the same volume of water.

Diffusion and Conservation of Mass Diffusion is the process in which particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. In simpler terms, the particles spread out until they are evenly spread.

When the particles are evenly spread, they will stop moving. This is called equilibrium. The concentration of the particles will now be even in all areas.

The law of conservation of mass was first proposed by Antoine Lavoisier. His law can be summarised as 'Matter cannot be destroyed, or created, jus transformed.' This means the mass of the preactants of a reaciton will equal the mass of the products.

Working Scientifically Knowledge Map Creating a hypothesis A hypothesis is a prediction for what you think will happen during the investigation.

A hypothesis must suggest a link between variables and should explain why this will happen using scientific knowledge.

Basic Example: The longer the water is heated for, the more the temperature will increase.

Variables An independent variable is the variable that you change, by choosing the values.

Example: If you were testing how the length of time affected the change in temperature, your independent variable would be the time, as you would choose the specific values for this and change them throughout your investigation.

A dependent variable is the variable that you measure.

Example: Using the example above, you would measure the temperature. Scientifically written: As time increases, the temperature increases.

Complex hypothesis: As the time increases, the temperature of the water will increase. This is because the particles gain more kinetic energy from the heat.

A control variable is something that you must control in your investigation and keep at the same value. This is so it cannot affect your investigation in any way.

Example: Using the example above, you wold need to keep the liquid you were heating the same, as different liquids heat at different rates. You would also need to control the volume of liquid, as a higher volume of water would take longer to heat.

Designing a Method The first stage of designing a method is choosing appropriate equipment. You will need to choose the most appropriate equipment available. Equipment lists are written in a bullet point format.

Collecting Results Results are usually collected in a table, drawn with a pencil and ruler.

Headings of each column should contain the units, with no units being used throughout the table.

It may be appropriate to use a diagram to show how to set up your equipment. These must be drawn in pencil with a ruler and always be labelled. (see example below)

Results tables should contain the values for your independent variable, space to record your dependent variable values for all tests and an average column. See example below.

A method is a step-by-step list of instructions, showing how your investigation will be completed. Averages are calculated by adding all the values for each test together and then dividing by how many values you had. See example below. It must be very clear and simple to follow. Imagine giving your method to a 5 year-old. They must be able to follow the method without asking you to explain anything to them.

All results in a table should be to the same number of decimal places. (levels of precision)

Graph Drawing The first stage of graph drawing is drawing your axes. The independent variable will occupy the x axis, the dependent variable will occupy the y axis.

The second task of graph drawing is adding your scales. Choose the largest results for each variable and ensure the scale for each axis goes up to at least this value. You will then need to choose sensible increments spaced out evenly along the axes.

When you have your scales, you will need to start plotting your data. You plot the average results for each data point, using an 'x' symbol. To plot a point, you can find the value on the x axis, line up your ruler and go up until you reach the correct value on the y axis. Then mark with an 'x'.

After your data has been plotted , you will need to draw the 'line of best fit'. This line represents the link between the two variables.

The line of best fit can be a straight line, which shows a directly proportional link. This can either be negative or positive.

The line of best fit can also be a curve. The shows an indirectly proportional link.

Writing a conclusion


You will need to review your hypothesis. You will either say that your results support your hypothesis or that your results reject your hypothesis.

Your graph will show you the link between the two variables. You will need to be able to write a conclusion, based on what your graph shows.

Look at the graph below. A basic conclusion for this graph would say; 'as the time increases, the temperature increases' .

Look at the graph below. A complex conclusion for this graph would say; 'as the time increases, the temperature increases. This can be seen by the directly proportional and positive correlation. This happens because the heat energy gives particles more kinetic energy over time.' This includes a scientific explanation of why this trend happens.

To evaluate your method, you will need to comment on the equipment you used and how these could have affected your results. You should also comment on how you could improve your method.

Your results are precise if you used equipment with a small graduation of scale. This allows the results to also be more accurate.

The equipment you use will also present some form of error. For example: If you use a measuring a cylinder to measure volumes, some liquid will be left in the equipment when you pour the liquid out. This is a measuring error.

Where will I achieve my marks? Equipment


You must name your independent and dependent variables.

You must draw a You must draw your results table in pencil axes and label them You must write a using a ruler, in the with units. The You must be able to You must comment bullet point list You must write a MOST appropriate correct variable must identify the link/trend on the equipment you including ALL of the simple step-byformat. This will be on the correct between the two used and if you think necessary step method. include columns or axes. You must use an variables. they were precise. equipment. each test and an appropriate scale on average column. each axes.

Medium Level Marks You SHOULD be able to complete these tasks.

You must suggest what you think will happen.


You must give You must give quantitative units for each You must information about variable and You must write a suggest the the equipment. This show which very detailed and trend could be sizes of values for the clear step-by-step between the beakers, amount of independent method. variables. a substance in variable you will grams or volumes be testing. of liquids.

High Level Marks You COULD be able to complete these tasks

Low Level Marks You MUST be able to complete these tasks


You must explain the trend between the variables, using scientific knowledge

You must name at least three control variables.

You must include a relevant diagram, labelled and drawn scientifically.


You must calculate averages for each test.


You must plot all points 100% accurately.

You must include You must identify any an instruction You must draw a line anomalous results, about repeating of best fit, which best circle them and leave your represents the trend them out of your investigation for of the data. average calculations. reliability.



You must be able to describe the correlation of the graph.

You must comment on the precision of the equipment you used and if they allowed your results to be accurate.

You must be able to explain the link/trend between the two variables in detail using your scientific knowledge.

You must suggest from your method where any errors could have occurred and how you would minimise this if you completed this investigation again.

Keywords for this topic: precision accuracy equipment hypothesis conclusion reliability averages repeatability independent dependent control correlation

Physics Knowledge Map - Magnetism Exploring Magnets and Magnetic Materials Magnetism is a noncontact force. Magnets have 'poles'. North to North repels.

Magnetic Fields

Sprinkling iron filings onto a piece of paper covering a magnet will form the shape of the magnet's magnetic field.

South to South repels. North to South attracts. Nickel, cobalt and iron are magnetic elements. Metals are nearly always magnetic. A permanent magnet keeps its magnetism for a long period of time and has it's own magnetic field. Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are examples. A temporary magnet is one that is attracted by a magnet and shows magnetic properties in the presence of a magnetic field. Electromagnets are an example. Magnets can be very useful. Everyday applications include computer hard drives, loudspeakers, credit card strips, magnetic fasteners and compasses.

The closer the field lines are on a magnetic field diagram, the stronger the magnet.

Magnetic field diagrams must have arrows travelling from the magnet's North pole to the South pole.

The Earth's iron core causes the Earth it's magnetic field.

Charged particles entering the Earth's atmosphere are attracted to the poles. As they collide with the gas particles in the atmosphere, they give off light. This is known as 'Northern Lights'.

Strength of Magnets

The strength of a magnet can be tested by either measuring the number of objects it can hold, measuring the distance at which an object is attracted to the magnet or visualising the magnetic field with iron filings and seeing how close together the field lines are.

Electromagnets can be made stronger by increasing th current passing through the wire, making the wire into a coil, increasing the number of coils in the wire or putting an iron core in the centre of the coil.

An electromagnet is any magnet that uses electricity to produce a magnetic field. Judging field lines by eye can be unreliable, as it is not a definite measurement. Testing the number of object a magnet can pick up would be a more accurate method to use as it is a definite number, there is no 'judgement' involved.

Electromagnets are used in everyday life for ampliphying sounds vibrations in loudspeakers, circuit breakers, separating iron and steel from nonmagnetic materials and to store information on disks in computer hard drives.

Electric motors are used in many common appliances, such as food mixers, vacuum cleaners, cars, washing machines and electric drills.

Static Charge

Electrostatic Fields

Static charge is a form of electricity that is not flowing.

An electrostatic field exists around a charged abject that can exert a non-contact force.

Charged materials can attract materials of the opposite charge. This is a non-contact force. This can be visualised by rubbing a balloon on your hair. Electrons build up on the balloon causing a charged surface. When held above hair, hairs are attracted and pulled up towards the balloon without toughing them.

Wires produce their own magnetic field when currect is passing through them. When this wire is placed in a magnetic field, it moves. The magnetic fields of the magnet and the wire will attract and repel each other, causing movement. This is called the motor effect.

If a charged rod is held near a stream of water, from a tap usually, the water will be attracted the the charged rod. The charged rod has an electrostatic field existing around it.

Electrostatics can be used in spray painting, printers and photocopiers.

Motors can be made stronger by increasing the current passing through the wire, increasing the strength of the permanent wire and by making a straight wire into a coil.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Magnets

Magnetic materials, usually a metal pin, are used in compasses as they are attracted to the Earth's poles, showing the direction of North and South.

D.C Motors




generator effect static electricity


repel motors


magnetic field

electromagnets electron transfer

electrostatic fields

Physics Knowledge Map - Electricity


A battery is an object that transfers energy from chemical reactions to electrical energy.

In a battery, negatively charged particles, called electrons. move as a results of chemical changes. This flow of electrons forms the electric current.

Two different metals inserted into a fruit can attract charged particles to make a fruit battery.

Current and Voltage Current is the rate of flow of charge (negatively charged electrons). Current is measured in amperes (A) using an ammeter.

When a battery is connected, the electrons in all parts of the wires within the circuit move at the same time, in the same direction and at the same rate.

Voltage is a measure of the size of 'push' that causes a current to flow around a circuit. If there is no voltage, then there can be no current flowing because there is nothing to push the charge to move



In electrical circuits, electrical resistance opposes the 'push' provided by the voltage. The overall current flowing through the circuit, therefore, depends on both the voltage and the resistance. All components in a circuit proide some resistance.

An electric circuit is a loop of wire with its ends connected to an energy source, such as a battery or cell.

Variable and fixed resistors can be added to a circuit to control the current flowing through components.

Devices such as light bulbs, motors, resistors and buzzers are components that can be added to a electrical circuit.

Conductors have low resistance because they have many free electrons that can move when voltage is applied. But insulators have high resistance because their electrons are more tightly bound. Resistance is measured in ohms (Ί) and calculated using the formula:

Series and Parallel Circuits

In a series circuit: All components are connected, one after another, in a complete loop with no branches and there is only one path that the current can take. The voltage is shared between the components. An ammeter will show the same reading in all parts of the circut, but the voltage is divided between the components.

Applying Circuits

Any electrical object that is plugged into the mains supply or that uses a battery contains circuits.

Most circuits are conected in parallel, incuding household lighting and overhead train cables.

In a parallel circuit:

Series circuits are less common and are usually used in circut breakers (safety devices).

Each component is connected separately in its own loop with there being different branches for the current to follow.

Most circuits are a combinaton of series and parallel, called series-parallel circuits.

The voltage is same in all parts of the circuit but the current splits up between each branch/loop.

Resistance = voltage / current

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic The symbol for voltage is V and the unit is volts (V). It can be measured using a voltmeter.

A potential difference is a dfference in charge across a cell or battery.

Magnetism Magnet Electromagnet Domain Reliability Accuracy Precision Repeatability Solar Wind Magnetosphere Geodynamo Current Magnetic Field Iron Core Armature Contact Circuit Breaker motor effect DC current Electron Voltage Component Conductor Insulator Ammeter Ampere Voltmeter Volt Potential Difference Resistance Free electron ohm Resistor Filament Series Circuit Branch

Theme and Variations - Knowledge Map Year 8 – Term 1 Key vocabulary / concepts

What knowledge is required: The original melody that is then changed slightly to create a variation.


The melody that is created once you have musically varied a theme. For example, you could change the theme’s notes, tempo, rhythm or dynamic.


The major tonality is generally thought of as ‘happy’ and ‘bright’ sounding. Songs that give a happy message, tend to be in a major key. For example a C major scale (all the white notes on a piano from C-C) sounds happy:


The minor tonality is generally thought of as ‘sad’ and ‘unhappy’ sounding. Songs that give a sad message, tend to be in a minor key. For example, the added flats in this C minor key, makes it sound sad: Minor

The character of a piece of music is related to its key centre of tonality. Tonal music is in a major or minor key. If a piece is not in a key it is called ‘atonal’.

Tonality 

How loud of quiet a piece of music is:


This symbol is put in front of a note to make it a semitone lower: Flat This symbol is put in front of a note to make it a semitone higher: Sharp Rhythm

A combination of notes of different note lengths, to create an interesting

Texture Instrumentation Tempo

Notes on the Stave (Treble Clef)

pattern. The layering of different musical parts. What instruments are playing in a piece of music. How fast or slow a piece of music is.

Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Periodic Table

Mixtures • Examples of mixtures are air, salt water and petrol. • These can be easily separated using different techniques, for example distillation, chromatography and evaporation.

KPI 1.1: Identify, with reasons, differences between atoms, elements and compounds Compounds

Key Terms



A substance that contains only one type of atom


A substance that contains 2 or more types of atom that are not chemically bonded together


A substance that contains 2 or more elements that are chemically bonded together

• • • • •

Elements • • •

• All 118 currently known elements are found on the periodic table. All elements are given a symbol. These must be written with a capital letter first and a lower case letter second. For example Au is the symbol for gold. Symbols to learn:

A compound has at least two elements in it. Compounds form in chemical reactions. For example if iron and sulphur are heated up, they form a compound called iron sulphide. Compounds have a chemical formula. For example: H2O means 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom bonded together. Other examples of compounds include sodium chloride, carbon dioxide and methane. Compounds are very hard to separate because chemical bonds between atoms are strong. Compounds have different properties to the elements that started, for example iron is magnetic , iron sulphide is not.

















Chemical Reactions

















In a chemical reaction we start with reactants and we make products. We represent this using a word equation. Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride Reactants Products We can also represent this reaction using a symbol equation 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl

Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Periodic Table

Key Terms



Contains protons neutrons and electrons, and makes up all elements

All the different elements are arranged on the periodic table. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. On the periodic table, we can see the metal elements on the left and non metal elements on the right.


A sub atomic particle with a positive charge


A sub atomic particle with a negative charge


A sub atomic particle with a neutral charge

Atomic number

The number of protons in an atom

Atomic Number and Mass Number This is the total of protons + neutrons

The section in the middle of the periodic table is known as the transition metals.

This is the number of protons

Structure of the Atom

Therefore sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 23-11=12 neutrons.

• An atom is made up of three subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. Every element has equal numbers of protons and electrons. • Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of the atom (in the centre). • Electrons are found orbiting the nucleus in shells (also known as energy levels). • Electrons occupy the shells, following some very strict rules: • A maximum of 2 electrons can go in the first shell • The first shell MUST be full before the second shell is filled up • The second shell can take a maximum of 8 electrons. This too must be full before the third shell can be filled. • The third shall can take a maximum of 8 electrons.

Structure of the atom and the Periodic Table Elements on the periodic table are arranged by increasing atomic number (number of protons). Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1 as it has only one proton, it is therefore the first element in the periodic table. Whereas gold has an atomic number of 79 and is therefore a much larger atom and is found much further down the periodic table.



Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Periodic Table Structure of the Atom • As mentioned previously, atoms carry different number of protons, electrons and neutrons. • All atoms have a neutral charge (overall zero charge) as the number of negative charges (electrons) is the same as the number of positive charges (protons). The opposite charges cancel out each other.

Example of positive ion – Lithium ion Lithium has an atomic number of 3. This means it has 3 protons and 3 electrons. There are 2 electrons on the first shell and 1 electron on the second shell. To achieve a full outer shell, it is easier for lithium to lose 1 electron than to gain 7 electrons onto the second shell. After losing 1 electron, a lithium ion is formed. It still has 3 protons (positive charges) while it only has 2 electrons (negative charges). Therefore, the overall charge is +3 -2 = +1.

There are 6 electrons, i.e. 6 negative charges in carbon. At the same time, there are 6 protons, i.e. 6 positive charges. The overall charge will be -6+6 = 0.

Structure of the ion • An ion is formed when electrons are gained or lost by an atom, in order to gain a full outer shell. • In a full outer shell, there would be 2 or 8 electrons. Atoms will try to achieve a full outer shell using the simplest method. • Metal atoms lose electrons and form positive ions. • Non-metal atoms gain electrons and form negative ions.

Example of negative – Chloride ion Chlorine has an atomic number of 17. This means it has 17 protons and 17 electrons. There are 2 electrons on the first shell, 8 on the second and 7 on the outer shell. To achieve a full outer shell, chlorine tends to gain one 1 electron onto the outer shell. After gaining an electron, a chloride ion is formed. The chloride ion still has 17 protons (positive charges) but now it has 18 electrons (negative charges). Therefore, the overall charge is +17-18 = -1.

Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Periodic Table Groups and Periods Elements are arranged on the periodic table in groups and periods. Horizontal rows are called periods and vertical columns are called groups.

Groups are labelled 1-7 from left to right, with last group being called either group 8 or 0. Elements in the same group have similar properties, because of this we can make predictions about the elements reactivity (see the chemical reactions topic). The History of the Periodic Table • Throughout history scientists have tried to classify substances and many scientists attempted to construct a periodic table. • One of the first attempts was by a scientist called John Dalton, which looks very different from today’s Periodic Table. • In 1864 a scientist call John Newlands arranged the elements by atomic mass and he noticed a pattern in the properties every 8 elements. • Although he made some mistakes it was an important step in making the modern periodic table.

Key Terms



The vertical groups of elements in the periodic table


The horizontal groups of elements in the periodic table

Metals and Non-Metals Metals are found on the left hand side of the periodic table, the majority of elements are metals. Some elements are known as amphoteric meaning they have the properties of metals and non metal • Properties of metals are, high density, high melting point (except mercury) and good conductors of heat and electricity. • Only three metals are magnetic (iron, cobalt and nickel). Mendeleev • Following Newland’s work, in 1869 Dimitri Mendeleev a Russian scientist, published his periodic table, it was slightly different to those that had been before. • He still arranged elements by atomic weight but he also left gaps for where he predicted elements would be. • He very accurately predicted the properties of elements that were not discovered until many years later e.g. Gallium. • The modern periodic table looks different to the one Mendeleev made. We now have very advanced instruments that can give us lots of information about elements. • We have now discovered the elements that were left blank by Mendeleev, as well as other elements that were not discovered at the time of Mendeleev. • In 2015 4 new elements were added to the periodic table, making 118 in total.

Mendeleev’s table

Modern Periodic table

Year 8 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Nutrition KPI 2.1: Describe and explain the components that make up a balanced diet, describing the consequences of an imbalanced diet Balanced diet There are 7 major food groups, a balanced diet will contain the correct amounts of all of these for the person’s needs, e.g. someone who does a lot of exercise will need a lot more carbohydrate than someone who does not. The seven food groups are summarised below: Food Group




Fish, meat, dairy

For growth and repair.


Butter, oils, nuts

To provide energy. Fat provides a long term store of energy. It also provides insulation for the body.


Bread, pasta, sugar

To provide energy.


Vegetables, Bran

To help food move through the gut.


Dairy (calcium)

Required in small amounts to remain healthy, for example calcium is crucial for healthy teeth and bones.


Oranges (vitamin C), Carrots (vitamin A)

Required in small amounts to remain healthy, for example vitamin D is needed to keep teeth and bones healthy.


Water, fruit juice, milk

Needed to form the cytoplasm of the cells and other fluids.

Key Terms


Kilojoules (kJ)

A unit used to measure energy in foods

Deficiency Disease

A disease caused by the lack of a specific nutrient

Malnutrition If a person has an unbalanced diet they are said to be malnourished. This can lead to people becoming overweight or underweight or having deficiency diseases. Obesity If a person eats too much food and does not do enough exercise they will gain weight. If someone becomes very overweight they are said to be obese. Obese people have a higher risk of certain conditions such as: • Diabetes • Heart disease • Arthritis Starvation If a person does not eat enough food they will they will lose weight. In the extreme this can lead to starvation. Very underweight people are more at risk of having: • A weakened immune system • Fragile bones • Fertility problems Deficiency Diseases Deficiency diseases are when the body does not get enough of a certain nutrient. • A lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy which affects the gums. • A lack of vitamin D can lead to rickets which affects the bones.

Year 8 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Nutrition KPI 2.2: Evaluate how different lifestyles have different energy needs

Measuring Energy in Food The energy in different foods can be measured using a simple experiment. If the food is set on fire, it can be used to heat up water and by measuring the temperature change, you should be able to see which foods cause the greatest rise in temperature and have therefore given out the most energy.

Energy in Food The energy in food is often measured in kJ, the amount of energy you need depends on different factors including: 1. Your age 2. Your gender 3. Your metabolic rate (rate of reactions within your cells) 4. Your lifestyle Someone with a more active job ,such as a builder, would most likely need more energy from their diet than someone with a less active job such as working in an office. Labels on food packaging inform us about the energy and nutrients they contain and allow us to make informed choices about what we are eating.

Food Tests There are some simple chemical tests that can be carried out, to see what food groups are present.

Iodine If iodine is added to starch it will turn blue/black. Sugar If Benedict's solution is added to a sugar and heated it will form an orange precipitate. Fat To test for fat, mix the substance with a small amount of ethanol and distilled water, if a milky white emulsion appears, then fat is present. Protein If Biuret solution is added to protein it will turn purple.

Year 8 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Electricity and Magnetism

KPI 3.3: Identify conductors and insulators and calculate resistance values using appropriate units KPI 3.4: Explain how insulators are charged by friction, and describe the forces between charged objects

Charge and static electricity

Key Terms


• Electric charges are positive or negative. For example, electrons have a negative charge. Opposite charges attract each other (+ and -), whereas charges that are alike repel each other (+ and +, OR - and -). This is because there is a force of attraction between opposite charges, but a force of repulsion between like charges.


A positive or negative property of substances, that causes the substance to feel a force when there are other charges nearby


Material that can carry electric current e.g. metals


Material that does NOT conduct electric current


The force caused when two materials move past each other

Potential difference

p.d. for short, and also known as voltage. This is the measure of the difference in electrical potential energy between two points

Static electricity

Electric charges that are not flowing


Tiny, negatively charged, particles, found in all atoms


The property of materials that determines how much current they will carry and how much work they do




• If a material has a charge, but the charge is not moving anywhere, we call this static electricity. This will only happen if the material is an insulator. To get a positive or negative charge on an insulator, all you have to do is rub it with a different material (use the force of friction). • For example: rubbing a balloon on your hair will produce a charge on the balloon and the opposite charge on your hair. This causes them to attract each other. • When a static charge is produced like this, it is because electrons from one material are transferred to the other material (see first diagram). • The material that gains electrons becomes more negative. • The material that loses electrons becomes more positive. • Any time there is a difference in electric charge between two points, there is a difference in electrical potential energy. We call this a potential difference.



Can become charged (+ or -), but DO NOT let the charges flow

DO let charges flow (e.g. electrons)

Examples: almost any non-metal materials, like rubber, fabrics, paper, plastics, wood

Examples: all metals, and graphite (in your pencil!)

CANNOT be used in a circuit

To make a circuit, you MUST use conductors, joined in a complete loop

Insulators have extremely HIGH resistance, which is why current can’t flow through them

Conductors have LOW resistance, which is why they let charges flow through them

Key Terms



A complete loop of conductors


The rate of flow of charge

Potential difference

p.d. for short, and also known as voltage. This is the measure of the difference in electrical potential energy between two points

Charge, current and circuits


The property of materials that determines how much current they will carry and how much work they do

• If there is a charge on materials that are conductors (like metals), the charge is able to flow. The rate (speed) of flow of the charged particles is the current. Current is measured in amps (A). Usually the flowing charged particles are electrons. • Charges flowing around a loop is called a circuit. • Three ingredients are needed in a circuit: 1. Conductors connected in a loop for the current to flow through 2. A source of potential difference, like a battery. This causes a difference in electric potential energy between each end of the circuit. 3. Components (like lamps) with resistance.


Transfer of energy from one store to another


Part of a circuit. See symbols below


Linking components one after another, making one loop


Linking components so they are in separate loops

Year 8 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Electricity and Magnetism KPI 3.1: Define current, and describe its behaviour when components are in series or in parallel KPI 3.2: Correctly use apparatus to measure current and potential difference KPI 3.3: Identify conductors and insulators and calculate resistance values using appropriate units

Measuring current and potential difference • Current is measured with an ammeter. An ammeter is included in the circuit (in series with the other components). • Potential difference (voltage) is measured with a voltmeter. Since voltmeters measure the difference in potential energy between two points, they must be added across the component whose potential difference you want to measure.

• The greater the resistance in a circuit, the lower the current in the circuit. • The greater the resistance of a component, the more work it will do.

Circuit Symbols When drawing an electric circuit, we use different symbols to represent different components, the symbols you need to memorise are:

Year 8 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Electricity and Magnetism KPI 3.1: Define current, and describe its behaviour in series and parallel circuits KPI 3.2: Correctly use apparatus to measure current and potential difference KPI 3.3: Identify conductors and insulators and calculate resistance values using appropriate units

Arranging Components in Circuits Components (like bulbs/lamps) can be arranged in series with each other OR in parallel with each other. These two lamps are in series with each other‌

These two lamps are in series with each other

These two lamps are in parallel with each other

Current in series and parallel In a circuit with only one loop, so all components are in series, the current is the same through every part of the circuit. In other words, the electrons flow at the same rate everywhere in the circuit. The diagram shows some example readings.

‌and in parallel with this lamp

If a circuit includes components on different loops (in parallel), the current splits at the junctions in the circuit. The total current in all the separate loops adds up to the current before or after the split, as the diagram shows.

Key Terms



Linking components one after another, making one loop


Linking components so they are in separate loops


Meanings of terms in equation


V = potential difference (volts, V) I = current (amperes, A) R = resistance (ohms, Ί)

Potential difference in series and parallel

If a circuit includes components on different In a circuit with only one loop, loops (in parallel), each loop so all components are in receives ALL the potential series, the potential difference from the supply. difference from the supply is The components don’t have shared by all the components. to share. Resistance Resistance, potential difference and current are linked in the equation V = IR. This is also known as Ohm’s Law. This equation shows that: • If potential difference is kept constant‌ increasing resistance decreases current • You could increase current EITHER by increasing potential difference OR decreasing resistance • You can calculate the resistance of a component using R = V/I (worked example below)

If the reading on the ammeter is 0.2 A and the reading on the voltmeter is 5.5 V, what is the resistance of the lamp? R = V/I R = 5.5/0.2 R =27.5 Ί

Year 8 Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Electricity and Magnetism KPI 3.5: Draw and interpret simple magnetic field diagrams KPI 3.6: Describe how electromagnets and direct current motors work Magnets and magnetic fields Magnets have two poles, a North pole (N) and a South pole (S). • opposite poles attract (N and S) • like poles repel (N and N, OR S and S) Magnets have magnetic fields (which are invisible). If a magnet or magnetic material enters the magnetic field of a magnet, it feels a force: either a force of attraction or a force of repulsion. Although we cannot see magnetic fields, we can detect them and plot magnetic field lines on a diagram, as shown. In the diagram, note that: • field lines point from north to south pole • field lines are more concentrated at the poles. • The magnetic field is strongest at the poles, where the field lines are most concentrated. Magnetic field stronger at the poles because the field lines are more concentrated.

Key Terms


Permanent magnet

A magnet that always has its own magnetic field. Attracts magnetic materials, and can attract or repel other magnets.


A magnet created by the flow of electric current

Magnetic Field

The area around a magnet where a force acts on other magnets or on magnetic materials. (3D, unlike diagrams usually show)


The ends of a magnet. Named north and south, based on which way on Earth they’d point if left to spin.

Electromagnets When an electric current flows through a wire, it creates a magnetic field around the wire. The wire can be used to make an electromagnet, by making the wire into a coil. It has a magnetic field just like a bar magnet (see diagram). You can increase the strength of an electromagnet by doing three things: 1. Increase the number of coils 2. Increase the current 3. Add an iron core

The Earth has a magnetic field because the core rotates. It acts like a giant bar magnet. The motor effect: A simple electric motor can be built using a coil of wire that is free to rotate (spin) between two opposite magnetic poles, as the diagram shows. 1. When an electric current flows through the coil, the magnetic field around the coil and the magnetic field of the magnet cause forces of attraction and repulsion. 2. This causes the coil of wire to spin around. 3. This is called the motor effect.

A north pole, since another north pole brought to this end would be repelled.

Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Chemical Reactions

Key terms


Physical change

A physical change usually refers to a change of state. No chemical bonds are broken or formed in a physical change

KPI 4.1: Represent chemical reactions as word equations and apply this to the idea of conservation of mass

Chemical change

A chemical change involves the breaking and forming of bonds. Usually a new chemical (product) is formed afterwards

Chemical Change vs Physical Change

Conservation of mass

Matter involved in a physical or chemical change is the same before and after the change. Mass is the same before and after a physical change; the number of atoms in the reactants of a chemical reaction should stay the same after the chemical change

Physical Change In a physical change, the matter's physical appearance is changed, but no chemical bonds are broken or formed. For example, when water is heated from liquid water to gaseous steam, only the appearance of water is changed – both steam and liquid water have the chemical formula H2O. Chemical Change A chemical change involves a change in the chemical composition. Different elements or compounds are present at the end of the chemical change. Bonds of the reactants are broken down; new bonds are formed after the chemical change to produce new compounds. A chemical change usually is indicated by: 1. A colour change 2. Emission of a gas 3. An increase or decrease in mass 4. Formation of a new solid

Using state symbols in chemical equations When looking at reactions we also need to include state symbols to explain what is happening to the elements involved in the reaction. (s) – shows that the element or compound is a solid (l) – shows that the element or compound is a liquid (g)- shows that the element or compound is a gas (aq)- shows that the element or compound is aqueous. This means dissolved in water. A example of how we show the state symbols is, Sodium(s) + Water(l) → Sodium Hydroxide(aq) + Hydrogen(g)

Chemical Reactions and Conservation of Mass In a chemical reaction, there is the breaking of chemical bonds and the formation of new chemical bonds. In a chemical reaction we start with reactants and we make products. We represent this using a word or symbol equation. For example:

Sodium + Chlorine Reactants

Sodium Chloride Products

We can also represent the reaction using a symbol equation. The numbers indicate the number of atoms involved. The number of each type of atom must be the same before and after the reaction. 2Na + Cl2  2NaCl

KPI 4.2: Explain how an elements position in the periodic table links to its properties and reactivity.

Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Chemical Reactions Chemical and physical properties Elements in different groups have their own properties. Physical properties refer to physical characteristics such as how their colour and their states. Chemical properties refer to how the elements react when they form new bonds.

Group 1 (Alkali metals)

Group 7 (Halogens)

Group 0 (Noble Gases)

State of matter at room temperature

Melting point and boiling point

Electrical conductivity

Soft, low density solids

Melting point and boiling points of group 1 metals are higher than those of group 7 and zero. Melting point and boiling points decreases down the group.

Group 1 metals are all electrical conductors.

Chlorine and fluorine are gases. Bromine is a brown liquid. Iodine is a purple solid.

Low melting and boiling point, exist as pair (Cl2). Melting point and boiling point increases down the group as the atoms become bigger.

Group 7 gases are not electrical conductors.

All of them are gases.

Low melting point/boiling point Eight electrons in outer shell (except helium). Melting and boiling point increases down the group as the atoms become bigger.

Group 8 gases are not electrical conductors.

Key terms


Electrical conductors

A substances that allows electricity to pass through.


How tightly particles are packed in a fixed volume.

Group 1 Element in the same group share similar chemical properties as they have similar electronic structure on their outer shells; however their reactivity changes down the group. Group 1 elements they all have 1 electron on their outer shell, therefore they all react similarly by losing 1 electron. Also they also react similarly with water. For example: Lithium + Water  Lithium Hydroxide + Hydrogen Sodium + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen Potassium + Water  Potassium Hydroxide + Hydrogen Group 1 elements becomes more reactive down the group as atomic size increases down the group, meaning that there will be greater shielding effect between the nucleus and the outer shell electrons – larger group 1 elements are more likely to lose their outer shell electron and react.

Increasing atomic size

Increasing reactivity

Year 8 Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Chemical Reactions KPI 4.2: Explain how an elements position in the periodic table links to its properties and reactivity. Group 7 Group 7 elements they all have 7 electrons on their outer shell, therefore they all react similarly by gaining 1 electron. Group 7 elements becomes less reactive down the group as atomic size increases down the group. Shielding effects increases down the group and weakens the ability of the nucleus to gain an electron. As a result, fluorine is the most reactive while iodine is the least reactive. Since group 7 elements have different reactivity, the more reactive one can displace the less reactive one. This is called displacement reaction. For example: Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride Sodium Bromide + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride + Bromine

Increasing atomic size

Increasing reactivity

Key terms


Atomic size

Atomic size refers to how big the atom is.


Reactivity is the likeliness of an atom to gain or lose electrons.

Displacement reaction

In a displacement reaction, a more reactive element displaces (take the place) of a less reactive metal.

Displacement Reaction of Halogens Halogens, or group 7 elements, became less reactive down the group. Fluorine is the most reactive, while iodine is the least reactive. When a more reactive halogen is mixed with a less reactive halogen bonded to another element, e.g. chlorine is mixed with potassium iodide, the more reactive halogen will displace the less reactive one. In the case mentioned above, when chlorine is mixed with potassium iodide, chlorine displaces iodide and form potassium chloride and iodine. We can also represent the reaction using a word and symbol equation:

Chlorine + potassium iodide  potassium chloride + iodine Cl2+ KI  KCl + I2 The table below shows the displacement reactions between halogens and their compounds.

Potassium Chloride

Potassium Bromide

Potassium Iodide



Potassium chloride + bromine

Potassium chloride + Iodine


No reaction


Potassium bromide + Iodine


No reaction

No reaction


Year 8 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: Digestion

KPI 5.2: Describe how and explain why foods are broken down in the digestive system, in terms of enzymes

KPI 5.1: Describe the symbiotic relationship between bacteria and the human digestive system.

The digestive system

Key Terms



Where both organisms benefit from each other

Digestive System

The organ system that breaks down food into small molecules

Mechanical Digestion

When large pieces of food are broken down into smaller ones (e.g. by chewing)

Chemical Digestion

When food is broken down into small soluble chemicals, enzymes help with this


Protein molecules that speed up chemical reactions

Bacteria The human digestive system contains many symbiotic bacteria that play important roles for example: 1. They can digest certain carbohydrates that our own enzymes cannot digest 2. They can reduce the chances of harmful bacteria multiplying and making us ill 3. They can produce some vitamins that we need that we are unable to produce ourselves such as vitamins K and B

Food is digested in the digestive system, this is an organ system. You should be able to name all parts of diagram below: • The mouth has teeth that mechanically digest the food, it also has a salivary gland that releases enzymes to break the food down. • The oesophagus is a muscular tube that pushes the food into the stomach • The stomach churns the food up, while also adding acid and enzymes to break the food down. • In the small intestine, food is broken down further and is absorbed thorough the walls of the intestine into the blood stream. • The large intestine absorbs any remaining water • Finally the food passes through the anus as faeces The liver The liver produces bile which is then stored in the gall bladder. It is added to the food after it leaves the stomach to neutralise the stomach acid. It is important to neutralise the acid so that amylase and lipase can break down food in the small intestine.

Year 8 Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: Digestion

KPI 5.2: Describe how and explain why foods are broken down in the digestive system, in terms of enzymes


Enzymes help to break down larger food molecules into smaller ones, so that they can be absorbed through the walls of our small intestines, into our blood stream.

Proteins, carbohydrates and fats each have their own enzyme that breaks them down. Enzyme

Enzyme made in…..

Where it breaks food down….

What it breaks down…..


Salivary glands, pancreas, small intestine

Mouth and small intestine

Starch into sugars


Stomach, pancreas, small intestine

Stomach and small intestine

Protein into amino acids


Pancreas and small intestine

Small intestine

Lipids into fatty acids and glycerol

Chemistry Knowledge Map - Reactivity and Reactions Metals from ores An ore is a rock containing enough metal inside to make it worth extracting.'.

Metals are mined from the ground by digging up their ores and processing the ores to extract the metal. The extracting process will be different for different metals.

Metals can be extracted from their ores by heating them (smelting) and then further processing to purify the metal.

Reactivity Series The elements in the first group in the periodic table are called the alkali earth metals. They increase in reactivity as you go down the group. They react with air, water and acid. They are stored in oil to stop these reactions.

The reactivity series of metals is shown below.

The general equation for the decomposition of metal carbonates is metal carbonate --> metal oxide and carbon dioxide. An example would be calcium carbonate --> calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

Displacement Reactions When a reactive metal reacts with a compound of a less reactive metal, the more reactive metal'pushes out' pr 'displaces' the leass reactive metal. This is called a displacement reaction.

An example of a displacement reaction would be iron + copper sulfate --> iron sulfate and copper. This shows that iron is more reactive than copper and has 'displaced' it.

Extracting Iron

Extracting Copper

Impacts of Mining Metals

To extract iron from the iron ore, you need limestone, hot air and coke.

Malachite is the name for the copper ore and is a copper carbonate.

The limetsone is used to remove impurities. The coke, which is carbon heated to over 3000 degress, is used to displace the iron from it's ore, as carbon is more reactive than iron.

Firstly, the ore is heated to over 200 degrees, to form copper oxide.

The word equation for the displacement of iron in a blast furnace is: iron oxide + carbon --> carbon dioxde + iron

The advantages of mining metals are providing jobs for the local people, providing raw materials needed, bringing money into the area and the mine could also be a tourist attraction.

The word equation for this is; copper carbonate --> Copper oxide + carbon dioxide.

The disadvantages of mining metals are, noise pollution, traffic, greenhouse gas emissions, destruction of animal habitat and wildlife, production of acid rain and may cause breathing problems.

The copper oxide is then heated with 'coke', which is a form of carbon, to displace the copper. The word equation for this reaction is; Copper oxide + carbon --> Copper + Carbon dioxide.

Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions


If the temperature of a reaction increases, the reaction is exothermic. If the temperature of a reaction decreases, the reaction is endothermic.

During an exothermic reaction, more energy is transferred to the surroundings than is taken in. During an endothermic change, more energy is absorbed from the surroundings than is given out.

A catalyst is a substance that is added to a chemical reaction, causing it to happen faster or slower. Catalysts are not cahnged by the reaction, they alter the rate of reaction.

Most catalysts provide an 'alternative pathway' for the reaction to take place. This lowers the amount of energy needed for the reaction to happen.

Energy absorbed from the atmosphere is used in the bond-breaking process. Energy given out during a reaction is a result of the bond-making process.

The copper will still contain impurities. A process known as electrolysis will be used to purofy the copper.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Ore y

reactivity carbonates

reactants economic exothermic

alkali metals displacement

products blast furnace social environmental endothermic catalyst

Chemistry Knowledge Map - Sustainability

Global Warming

Atmosphere The different layers of the earth are; Stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

The Earth's atmosphere has evolved over time. it used to mainly consist of carbon dioxide. The Earth cooled , condensing most of the water vapour in the air to form oceans. Most of the carbon dioxide then dissolved into the oceans. Life forms began to appear, using carbon dioxide for life processes and releasing oxygen. Enetually the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen settled to what they are today.

When the Sun's radiation enters our atmosphere, it is absorbed by the Earth's surface. This warm surface then radiates some heat back into the atmosphere. If there is lots of gas particles in the atmosphere, this radiation is trapped in the atmosphere, increasing the temperature of the Earth.

Causes of global warming are, burning fossil fuels for factories, deforestation, increased population, methane emissions from cows and burning fossil fuels for transportation.

Earth's Structure The Earth consists of four main layers; Inner core: molten nickel and iron. Outer core: solid nickel and iron. Mantle Crust: Made of oceanic and continental crust. The Earth's crust is made of tectonic plates. Where these plates meet and come into contact with each other, volcanoes are likely. Volcanoes are made when magma from the Earth escapes through weak points in the Earth's crust, like plate boundaries. This magma cools and forms rocks over time, making a mountain like structure.

Effects of global warming are rising sea levels, more cases of extreme weather, crop failures and extinction of species.

Clean air consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and a small amount of other gases. Nitrogen makes up over 3/4 of our atmosphere.

Rocks Igneous rocks are formed when molten lava cools and solidifies. there are two types, extrusive, which are formed relatively quickly outside the Earth's surface, and instrusive, which form over a longer period of time under the Earth's surface. Igneous rocks can be identified by their crystalline internal structure. The larger the crystals, the longer the rock took to cool and soldify. Sedimentary rocks are formed when debris and sediments sink to the bottom of the sea bed. after layers of these sediments build up, the weight of the upper layers squeezes out the water from the sediments, and compacts the layers. Fossils can also survive this proces and be found in sedimentary rocks. This forms sedimentary rocks with very distinct layers. This process takes millions of years. Metamorphic rocks are formed when existing rocks are subjected to large amounts of heat and/or pressure. the resulting rock is hard wearing and resistant to erosion usually. this process is called 'metamorphosising, where the rocks recrystallise without melting.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Crust


Mantle sedimentary calcium carbonate oducts blast furnace

Core molten igneous metamorphic crystalline global warming emissions thermal decomposition atmosphere volcano economic social environmental

Limestone Cycle Limestone is the compound calcium carbonate and has the chemcial formula CaCO3. it consists of calcium, oxygen and carbon. When heated, the limestone undergoes thermal decomposition. The word equation for this reaction is; calcium carbonate --> calcium oxide + carbon dioxide. The symbol equation for this reaction is; CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2 If water is added to calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide is produced. The word equaiton for this reaciton is; calcium oxide + water --> calcium hydroxide The symbol equation for this reaction is; CaO + H2O --> Ca(OH)2 If carbon dioxide is added to a calcium hydroxide solution, solid calcium carbonate is formed (limestone). The word equation for this reaciton is ; caclium hydroxide + carbon dioxide --> calcium carbonate The symbol equation for this reaciton is; Ca(OH)2 + CO2 --> CaCO3

Chemistry Knowledge Map - Sustainability

Global Warming

Atmosphere The different layers of the earth are; Stratosphere, mesosphere, troposphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

The Earth's atmosphere has evolved over time. it used to mainly consist of carbon dioxide. The Earth cooled , condensing most of the water vapour in the air to form oceans. Most of the carbon dioxide then dissolved into the oceans. Life forms began to appear, using carbon dioxide for life processes and releasing oxygen. Enetually the levels of carbon dioxide and oxygen settled to what they are today.

When the Sun's radiation enters our atmosphere, it is absorbed by the Earth's surface. This warm surface then radiates some heat back into the atmosphere. If there is lots of gas particles in the atmosphere, this radiation is trapped in the atmosphere, increasing the temperature of the Earth.

Causes of global warming are, burning fossil fuels for factories, deforestation, increased population, methane emissions from cows and burning fossil fuels for transportation.

Earth's Structure The Earth consists of four main layers; Inner core: molten nickel and iron. Outer core: solid nickel and iron. Mantle Crust: Made of oceanic and continental crust. The Earth's crust is made of tectonic plates. Where these plates meet and come into contact with each other, volcanoes are likely. Volcanoes are made when magma from the Earth escapes through weak points in the Earth's crust, like plate boundaries. This magma cools and forms rocks over time, making a mountain like structure.

Effects of global warming are rising sea levels, more cases of extreme weather, crop failures and extinction of species.

Clean air consists of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and a small amount of other gases. Nitrogen makes up over 3/4 of our atmosphere.

Rocks Igneous rocks are formed when molten lava cools and solidifies. there are two types, extrusive, which are formed relatively quickly outside the Earth's surface, and instrusive, which form over a longer period of time under the Earth's surface. Igneous rocks can be identified by their crystalline internal structure. The larger the crystals, the longer the rock took to cool and soldify. Sedimentary rocks are formed when debris and sediments sink to the bottom of the sea bed. after layers of these sediments build up, the weight of the upper layers squeezes out the water from the sediments, and compacts the layers. Fossils can also survive this proces and be found in sedimentary rocks. This forms sedimentary rocks with very distinct layers. This process takes millions of years. Metamorphic rocks are formed when existing rocks are subjected to large amounts of heat and/or pressure. the resulting rock is hard wearing and resistant to erosion usually. this process is called 'metamorphosising, where the rocks recrystallise without melting.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Crust


Mantle sedimentary calcium carbonate oducts blast furnace

Core molten igneous metamorphic crystalline global warming emissions thermal decomposition atmosphere volcano economic social environmental

Limestone Cycle Limestone is the compound calcium carbonate and has the chemcial formula CaCO3. it consists of calcium, oxygen and carbon. When heated, the limestone undergoes thermal decomposition. The word equation for this reaction is; calcium carbonate --> calcium oxide + carbon dioxide. The symbol equation for this reaction is; CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2 If water is added to calcium oxide, calcium hydroxide is produced. The word equaiton for this reaciton is; calcium oxide + water --> calcium hydroxide The symbol equation for this reaction is; CaO + H2O --> Ca(OH)2 If carbon dioxide is added to a calcium hydroxide solution, solid calcium carbonate is formed (limestone). The word equation for this reaciton is ; caclium hydroxide + carbon dioxide --> calcium carbonate The symbol equation for this reaciton is; Ca(OH)2 + CO2 --> CaCO3

Working Scientifically Knowledge Map Creating a hypothesis A hypothesis is a prediction for what you think will happen during the investigation. A hypothesis must suggest a link between variables and should explain why this will happen using scientific knowledge. Basic Example: The longer the water is heated for, the more the temperature will increase.

Variables An independent variable is the variable that you change, by choosing the values. You will need to state which values you will be testing. Example: If you were testing how the length of time affected the change in temperature, your independent variable would be the time, as you would choose the specific values for this and change them throughout your investigation.

Scientifically written: As time increases, the temperature increases.

A dependent variable is the variable that you measure.

Complex hypothesis: As the time increases, the temperature of the water will increase. This is because the particles gain more kinetic energy from the heat.

Example: Using the example above, you would measure the temperature. A control variable is something that you must control in your investigation and keep at the same value. This is so it cannot affect your investigation in any way. Example: Using the example above, you wold need to keep the liquid you were heating the same, as different liquids heat at different rates. You would also need to control the volume of liquid, as a higher volume of water would take longer to heat.

Designing a Method The first stage of designing a method is choosing appropriate equipment. You will need to choose the most appropriate equipment available. Equipment lists are written in a bullet point format.

It may be appropriate to use a diagram to show how to set up your equipment. These must be drawn in pencil with a ruler and always be labelled. (see example below) A method is a step-bystep list of instructions, showing how your investigation will be completed. It must be very clear and simple to follow. Imagine giving your method to a 5 year-old. They must be able to follow the method without asking you to explain anything to them. You must include a step about repeating your investigation and how many repeat measurements you will complete.

Collecting Results Results are usually collected in a table, drawn with a pencil and ruler. Headings of each column should contain the units, with no units being used throughout the table. Results tables should contain the values for your independent variable, space to record your dependent variable values for all tests and an average column. See example below. Averages are calculated by adding all the values for each test together and then dividing by how many values you had. See example below. All results in a table should be to the same number of decimal places. (levels of precision) Anomalous results are results that do not fit in with the trend in the data. These will be made clear by repeating your experiment. If there is a result that is very different to the other results for the same test, something may have gone wrong and this is classed as an 'anomalous results'. These are not included in the average calculations.

Graph Drawing

Writing a conclusion

The first stage of graph drawing is drawing your axes. The independent variable will occupy the x axis, the dependent variable will occupy the y axis. The second task of graph drawing is adding your scales. Choose the largest results for each variable and ensure the scale for each axis goes up to at least this value. You will then need to choose sensible increments spaced out evenly along the axes.

When you have your scales, you will need to start plotting your data. You plot the average results for each data point, using an 'x' symbol. To plot a point, you can find the value on the x axis, line up your ruler and go up until you reach the correct value on the y axis. Then mark with an 'x'. After your data has been plotted , you will need to draw the 'line of best fit'. This line represents the link between the two variables.

You will need to review your hypothesis. You will either say that your results support your hypothesis or that your results reject your hypothesis. Your graph will show you the link between the two variables. You will need to be able to write a conclusion, based on what your graph shows. Look at the graph below. A basic conclusion for this graph would say; 'as the time increases, the temperature increases' . Look at the graph below. A complex conclusion for this graph would say; 'as the time increases, the temperature increases. This can be seen by the directly proportional and positive correlation. This happens because the heat energy gives particles more kinetic energy over time.' This includes a scientific explanation of why this trend happens.

The line of best fit can be a straight line, which shows a directly proportional link. This can either be negative or positive. The line of best fit can also be a curve. The shows an indirectly proportional link. Range bars should the level of uncertainty of your results. If the range bars are large, the results a unreliable. If the range bars are small, your results were reliable. To draw a range bar, you do not use your average results, you will use the repeat results from test 1, 2 and 3. The highest of these results will be the top of your range bar. The lowest of these results will be the bottom o your range bar. These will then be joined up through the 'x' that is plotted from your average results. See example below.

Evaluation To evaluate your method, you will need to comment on the equipment you used and how these could have affected your results. You should also comment on how you could improve your method.

Your results are precise if you used equipment with a small graduation of scale. This allows the results to also be more accurate. The equipment you use will also present some form of error. For example: If you use a measuring a cylinder to measure volumes, some liquid will be left in the equipment when you pour the liquid out. This is a measuring error. From your results table, if your repeat results are very close together, your results are repeatable. From your graph, if your results are all close to the line of best fit, then you can have higher confidence in your results. If your control variables are not controlled effectively, they can affect your results, leading them to be inaccurate. If you had any anomalous results, you must suggest why they may have occured and how you would avoid this in future.

High Level Marks You COULD be able to complete these tasks

Medium Level Marks You SHOULD be able to complete these tasks.

Low Level Marks You MUST be able to complete these tasks

Where will I achieve my marks? Hypothesis Variables







You must suggest what you think will happen.

You must name your independent and dependent variables.

You must write a bullet point list including ALL of the necessary equipment.

You must write a simple step-by-step method.

You must draw a results table in pencil using a ruler, in the MOST appropriate format. This will include columns or each test and an average column.

You must draw your axes and label them with units. The correct variable must be on the correct axes. You must use an appropriate scale on each axes.

You must be able to identify the link/trend between the two variables.

You must comment on the equipment you used, if you think they were precise and how accurate the equipment allowed your results to be.

You must suggest the trend between the variables.

You must give units for each variable and show which values for the independent variable you will be testing.

You must give You must write a very quantitative detailed and clear information about step-by-step method. the equipment. This could be sizes of beakers, amount of a substance in grams or volumes of liquids.

You must calculate averages for each test.

You must plot all points 100% accurately and draw a relevant line of best fit (line or curve).

You must be able to describe the correlation of the graph.

You must suggest from your method where any errors could have occurred and how you would minimise this if you completed this investigation again.

You must explain the trend between the variables, using scientific knowledge

You must name at least three control variables.

You must include a relevant diagram, labelled and drawn scientifically.

You must identify any anomalous results, circle them and leave them out of your average calculations.

You must draw range bars for each point on your graph to show the uncertainty of your results.

You must be able to explain the link/trend between the two variables in detail using your scientific knowledge.

You must comment on the repeatability of your results, comparing how close together your repeat results were. You must comment on the reliability of your results, commenting on the size of your range bars.

You must include an instruction about repeating your investigation for reliability.

Keywords for this topic: precision accuracy equipment hypothesis conclusion reliability averages repeatability independent dependent control correlation anomalous results

Year 9 Science - Electricity Relevant Atomic theory Atom The most basic unit and fundamental building block of an element that consists of a positively charged nucleus surrounded by a negatively charged electron cloud. Proton A positively charged sub-atomic particle that resides in the nucleus of an atom. Neutron A neutral sub-atomic particle that resides in the nucleus of an atom. Electron A negatively charged sub-atomic particle that surrounds the nucleus of an atom. 1800 The neutron and proton have approximately 1800 times the mass of an electron. Elements A substance that consists of only 1 type of atom Periodic A table that shows all 118 types of atoms called Elements. Table Conductivity A measurement used to describe the amount of electrons that can pass through a substance. Electricity A term used to describe the presence of an electrical charge. Evolution of Electricity 600 BCE The first official record of the phenomena we now know as static charge written by a Greek philosopher and mathematician Thales of Miletus. 1600 William Gilbert invented the term ‘electricity’ in his work on magnets. 1747 Benjamin Franklin begins experimenting with static charges within substances. 1747 William Watson makes a breakthrough that leads to the idea of circuits and currents. 1752 Benjamin Franklin demonstrated that lightning was electricity by inventing a lightning rod 1800 The first electric battery was invented by Alessandro Volta who then proved that electricity could travel over wires. 1832-37 The first electric motors were created that could power machinery. 1878 Thomas Edison invents the incandescent light globe and founds Edison Electrical Light Company in the United States. 1880 Edison invents the first isolated electrical power system. 1897 The Electron and its negative charge was first discovered by J.J. Thomson. 1913 The refrigerator was invented. 1920 The first power station uses coal to boil water. 1935 The first ever game of baseball, or any sport is played at night under lights. 1954 The first nuclear power plant is made and electricity is supplied to industries in Russia. 2008 The first windfarm in South Australia was constructed outside of Snowtown, SA, in 2008 2017 Elon Musk and TESLA develop the world’s most powerful lithium ion battery near Jamestown in South Australia.

New Electricity Vocabulary

Electric Circuit

The path of the flow of electrons from a voltage or power source.


Measured in volts, voltage refers to the force that makes electrons move through a wire.

Static charge

The build-up of electric charge on the surface of a substance.


A charged atom that is caused by losing (positive is a cation) or gaining (negative is an anion).


When electrons pass through a current in a circuit, the current can be either AC (alternating current) or DC (direct current)


The flow of electrons commonly referred to as the flow of charge.


A device that reduces or increases voltage within a circuit.

Physics Knowledge Map - Waves and Energy Transfer Light Waves

Light is a transverse wave that travels in straight lines.

Light is reflected off of light coloured or shiny objects because very little light is absorbed by the object..

Very little light is reflected by dark objects as most of the light is absorbed by the object.

Reflection and refraction Reflection happens when light hits a shiny surface. The light is reflected from the surface at the same angle it hits the surface at. A diagram of ho

to draw a ray diagram is shown below.

Refraction happens when light travfels from one transparent substance to another. The change in density from one substance to another makes the light change direction slightly.

A spectrum is formed when white light is shone into a prism. The different colours of light that make up white light change direction slightly differently making a rainbow appear.

The colours formed in a spectrum are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. They always appear in this order.

Colour absorbsion

When white light hits an object different colours are absorbed. A blue surface absorbs all the colours except blue so the light reflected off is blue

Longitudinal waves

A longitudinal wave transfers energy from one particle to another in the same direction as the direction of the wave travel.

Changes of state

Energy in food

When a solid is heated it melts turning into a liquid.

When a liquid is heated it evaporates turning into gas. The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying the frequency and wavelength of a wave. If 5 waves a second go past the frequency is 5Hz, if the wavelength is 0.5m the speed of the wave will be 0.5 x 5 = 2.5m/s

When a gas is cooled it condenses turning into a liquid.

When a liquid is cooled it freezes turning it into a solid.

The amount of energy in food is measured in kJ or Calories.

The amount of energy in a food source can be measured by using a calorimetry experiment. The food is burnt under a fixed volume of water and the temperature is measured before and after the food has been burnt. The change in temperature shows how much energy has been transferred.

Energy transfers

Electrical appliances transform electrical energy into other forms of energy that are useful to us.

During an energy transformation some energy is lost to the surroundings. This is wasted energy. The more energy that is lost the less efficient the appliance is.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Reflection Refraction Longitudinal wave Oscillate Transverse wave Crest Trough Frequency Wavelength Hertz Transparent Opaque Translucent Specular Diffuse Absorb Image Cornea Lens Retina Energy Transfer Spectrum Photovoltaic effect Temperature Thermal equilibrium Conductor Insulator Infra-Red Fuel Kilowatt-hour Calorie Metabolism Watt Power

Physics Knowledge Map - Waves and Energy Transfer Light Waves

Light is a transverse wave that travels in straight lines.

Light is reflected off of light coloured or shiny objects because very little light is absorbed by the object.. Very little light is reflected by dark objects as most of the light is absorbed by the object.

Reflection and refraction Reflection happens when light hits a shiny surface. The light is reflected from the surface at the same angle it hits the surface at.

Refraction happens when light travfels from one transparent substance to another. The change in density from one substance to another makes the light change direction slightly.

A spectrum is formed when white light is shone into a prism. The different colours of light that make up white light change direction slightly differently making a rainbow appear.

The colours formed in a spectrum are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. They always appear in this order.

Colour absorbsion

Longitudinal waves

When white light hits an object different colours are absorbed. A blue surface absorbs all the colours except blue so the light reflected off is blue

A longitudinal wave transfers energy from one particle to another in the same direction as the direction of the wave travel.

The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying the frequency and wavelength of a wave. If 5 waves a second go past the frequency is 5Hz, if the wavelength is 0.5m the speed of the wave will be 0.5 x 5 = 2.5m/s

Changes of state

Energy in food

When a solid is heated it melts turning into a liquid.

The amount of energy in food is measured in kJ or Calories.

When a liquid is heated it evaporates turning into gas.

The amount of energy in a food source can be measured by using a calorimetry experiment. The food is burnt under a fixed volume of water and the temperature is measured before and after the food has been burnt. The change in temperature shows how much energy has been transferred.

When a gas is cooled it condenses turning into a liquid.

When a liquid is cooled it freezes turning it into a solid.

Energy transfers

Electrical appliances transform electrical energy into other forms of energy that are useful to us.

During an energy transformation some energy is lost to the surroundings. This is wasted energy. The more energy that is lost the less efficient the appliance is.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Reflection Refraction Longitudinal wave Oscillate Transverse wave Crest Trough Frequency Wavelength Hertz Transparent Opaque Translucent Specular Diffuse Absorb Image Cornea Lens Retina Energy Transfer Spectrum Photovoltaic effect Temperature Thermal equilibrium Conductor Insulator Infra-Red Fuel Kilowatt-hour Calorie Metabolism Watt Power

Physics Knowledge Map - Waves and Energy Transfer Light Waves

Light is a transverse wave that travels in straight lines.

Light is reflected off of light coloured or shiny objects because very little light is absorbed by the object..

Very little light is reflected by dark objects as most of the light is absorbed by the object.

Reflection and refraction Reflection happens when light hits a shiny surface. The light is reflected from the surface at the same angle it hits the surface at. A diagram of ho

to draw a ray diagram is shown below.

Refraction happens when light travfels from one transparent substance to another. The change in density from one substance to another makes the light change direction slightly.

A spectrum is formed when white light is shone into a prism. The different colours of light that make up white light change direction slightly differently making a rainbow appear.

The colours formed in a spectrum are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. They always appear in this order.

Colour absorbsion

When white light hits an object different colours are absorbed. A blue surface absorbs all the colours except blue so the light reflected off is blue

Longitudinal waves

A longitudinal wave transfers energy from one particle to another in the same direction as the direction of the wave travel.

Changes of state

Energy in food

When a solid is heated it melts turning into a liquid.

When a liquid is heated it evaporates turning into gas. The speed of a wave is calculated by multiplying the frequency and wavelength of a wave. If 5 waves a second go past the frequency is 5Hz, if the wavelength is 0.5m the speed of the wave will be 0.5 x 5 = 2.5m/s

When a gas is cooled it condenses turning into a liquid.

When a liquid is cooled it freezes turning it into a solid.

The amount of energy in food is measured in kJ or Calories.

The amount of energy in a food source can be measured by using a calorimetry experiment. The food is burnt under a fixed volume of water and the temperature is measured before and after the food has been burnt. The change in temperature shows how much energy has been transferred.

Energy transfers

Electrical appliances transform electrical energy into other forms of energy that are useful to us.

During an energy transformation some energy is lost to the surroundings. This is wasted energy. The more energy that is lost the less efficient the appliance is.

Keywords you should be confident with by the end of this topic Reflection Refraction Longitudinal wave Oscillate Transverse wave Crest Trough Frequency Wavelength Hertz Transparent Opaque Translucent Specular Diffuse Absorb Image Cornea Lens Retina Energy Transfer Spectrum Photovoltaic effect Temperature Thermal equilibrium Conductor Insulator Infra-Red Fuel Kilowatt-hour Calorie Metabolism Watt Power

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: What the Doctor Ordered KPI 1.1: Outline the methods for testing a new drug • Drugs are chemicals that have an effect on the body. Medical drugs are those which are designed to treat disease. • New drugs are manufactured all the time. There are various sources of the chemicals, such as plants, fungi and computer models. The potential new drugs must be thoroughly tested to check they are safe and that they work as intended. • If they get through all the stages, drugs are licensed, which means they are legal, and can be prescribed. • Here are the stages a new drug must pass through: 1. Testing on cells, tissues and animals in a lab. This is to check that the drug is not toxic to living cells. If a drug passes this test, human trials can begin. 2. Trialling on healthy human volunteers. A small number of volunteers are given a very low dose of the drug and carefully monitored. The scientists are checking that the drug is not toxic to humans and studying how it behaves in the body. Only if a drug passes this test will it be tested on patients. 3. Trialling on patients with the disease the drug is designed to treat. Now scientists are looking to see if the drug actually works to treat disease. Large numbers of patients are given the drug and their recovery carefully monitored. In both sorts of human trials, some of the subjects may receive a placebo. A placebo is a fake version of the drug, that has no medical effect. However, it may cause changes in the body all the same, thanks to people’s expectations about receiving drugs. Neither doctor or patient knows if they have a placebo or the real drug until after the trial: this is called a double blind trial. This allows a fair comparison of the drug being tested.

KPI 1.2: Analyse data to draw conclusions on which drug works best • Drug trials give scientists data about the drugs being tested. It is vital to correctly interpret the data to decide whether the drug works, and whether it should be licensed. • During trials, drugs are often compared to placebo (see KPI 1), but may be compared to the old drug, if there is one. • A factor to be considered is always whether the drug has side effects, and how serious these are. • As an example, look at the graph opposite. The ‘pain intensity score’ was recorded by patients. Half took the placebo (white dots), and half took the new drug (black dots). As you can see, their pain went down in both groups. And the pain level didn’t change much between 40 and 60 minutes for both groups. However, the pain intensity score for the drug group decreased much more than the placebo group, and stayed lower (decreasing by 2.8 units compared to 1.2 units). • As always, when describing data, figures should be quoted, with the units.

KPI 1.3: Explain how a vaccine prevents infectious disease • A vaccine contains a dead or weakened form of a pathogen (usually a virus, such as the measles virus – see graph). • Delivering a vaccine causes a primary immune response. White blood cells produce antibodies to destroy the pathogen. • Specialised white blood cells (memory cells) remain in the blood afterwards. • This means that if an infection by the real pathogen takes place in the future, there is a secondary immune response. • The secondary immune response starts faster (see graph), involves the production of far more antibodies (a stronger response) and the level of antibodies stays higher for longer. • This means the pathogen is destroyed before you even realise you are ill.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: What the Doctor Ordered KPI 1.4: Distinguish between communicable and noncommunicable diseases • Disease means poor health. There are physical and mental diseases. Some are caused by pathogens (infectious microorganisms), and some are caused by other factors, such as a person’s lifestyle. • Communicable diseases can be passed on (or transmitted). These diseases are caused by pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. Be clear that the pathogen is the microorganism, and the disease is the collection of symptoms resulting from infection by the pathogen. • Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens and cannot be passed on. These are often caused by many factors acting together, known as risk factors for the disease. • Some examples:

Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable Diseases

Measles, caused by a virus

Cancer, caused by mutations to DNA

Food poisoning, caused by bacteria

Heart disease, caused by many factors, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle

Cholera, caused by bacteria

Diabetes, caused by problems controlling blood sugar concentration

KPI 1.5: Describe the basic structure of the human circulatory system • The human circulatory system consists of the heart and all the blood Aorta Vena vessels in the body. The heart is the pump that forces blood through cava Pulmonary the blood vessels. artery • The blood goes through the heart twice on its route around the body. Left It goes: heart  lungs  heart  body (and back to the heart again). atrium Right • The heart is made mostly of muscle and has four chambers (2 atria atrium and 2 ventricles). Blood never flows from one side of the heart to the Left other. It flows from veins into the atria at the top, down into the ventricle Right ventricles, and out through the arteries (as the arrows show). ventricle • The left ventricle pumps blood around the whole body, so it’s walls are thicker than the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, so the blood can collect oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. • The heart has valves that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. • There are three types of blood vessel: 1. Arteries, which transport blood to body tissues away from the heart 2. Capillaries, which is where exchange of substances like oxygen happens between tissues and the blood 3. Veins, which return blood to the heart. KPI 1.6: Describe the basic structure of the human urinary system Red • The urinary system consists of two kidneys, the ureters to the blood urinary bladder, and the urethra to get urine out of the body. cell • The urinary system produces urine. Urine contains waste products from the body (most importantly, a toxic chemical called urea). • Urine is produced in the kidneys, in two steps: 1. The blood flowing into the kidneys is filtered. The urea gets through the filter, along with a lot of water and salts from the blood. Large things, like red blood cells, don’t fit through the filter so don’t get into urine. 2. Reabsorption. Without this, you’d produce two bathtubs full of urine a day. The kidney reabsorbs (takes back into the blood) most of the water and salts, as well as all the sugar. • Kidneys can change how much water they reabsorb, which is why the darkness of your urine varies depending on how much you’ve had to drink/been sweating.



Small particles, like water, salts and sugar, fit through. Red blood cells don’t.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: What the Doctor Ordered KPI 1.7: Describe hormones and the role of the endocrine system • Hormones are chemicals that travel in the bloodstream and act as messengers. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands, of which there are many in the body. • Insulin is a hormone, released by the pancreas. It is released soon after eating to lower blood sugar (glucose) levels. It makes your liver and muscle cells store the sugar. In diabetes, insulin either isn’t released or cells don’t respond to it. • The menstrual cycle, essential for reproduction, is controlled by hormones too – see table for the basics: Hormone Oestrogen



Produced by…



Causes uterus lining to build up Inhibits (prevents release of) FSH

Pituitary gland (in the brain)

Causes egg to mature in the ovary

Pituitary gland (in the brain)

Causes egg to be released (ovulation)

KPI 1.8: Describe the basic structure of the human nervous system • Like the endocrine system, the nervous system controls our body, but it acts much faster than hormones. • Neurones (nerve cells) carry electrical impulses in one direction. • The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (all the other nerves in our body). • The nervous system lets us react to danger automatically, with a reflex action. This involves a reflex arc, whose sequence you need to learn. 1. The receptor detects a stimulus. 2. It sends and electrical impulse along the sensory neurone to the CNS, to the relay neurone. 3. The relay neurone sends and electrical impulse to the motor neurone. 4. The motor neurone carries an electrical impulse to the effector. 5. The effector causes a response – for instance, a muscle will contract (to move your body away from danger). If the effector is a gland (like tear glands), it will release a chemical.


sensory neurone


spinal cord

effector (muscle)

motor neurone

relay neurone

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Newton’s Universe KPI 2.1: Explain how the fate of a star depends on its initial mass KPI 2.2: Recall the names and properties of electromagnetic waves in the EM spectrum KPI 2.3: Explain how red shift observations provides evidence for the big bang theory KPI 2.4: Use graphs of motion to describe moving objects KPI 2.5: Label forces acting on an object and use diagrams to decide how an object is moving KPI 2.6: Calculate missing values using Newton’s second law equation KPI 2.7: Describe the stages of freefall of an object

KPI 2.1 : Explain how the fate of a star depends on its initial mass

• Stars are spheres of plasma (superhot gas) where nuclear fusion reactions happen – this is why they shine (release heat and light energy). • Stars don’t last forever: they all go through a life cycle. • The stages, in order, are shown in the diagram below. • The sun is in its main sequence. As the hydrogen fuel runs out, it will become a red giant and end up as a black dwarf. • Stars bigger than the sun become red supergiants, then explode in a supernova. • If they are a LOT bigger than the sun to start with, they end up as a black hole. Otherwise, after a supernova, a neutron star is left behind.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Newton’s Universe KPI 2.2: Recall the names and properties of electromagnetic waves in the EM spectrum. • • •

• •

Waves transfer energy from one place to another We can describe waves according to their wavelength (length of one full wave – see diagram); their frequency (number of waves passing a point per second) and speed (how quickly they travel) All EM waves travel at the speed of light – light is just one example of the waves that exist As the diagram shows, the wavelength gets shorter as we go through the EM spectrum, meaning that the frequency increases. Gamma has the highest frequency and shortest wavelength of all; it also has the most energy. [memorise the order of types of waves] Wavelength (), frequency (f) and speed (v) are linked in the equation v = f. Wavelength is measured in metres (m), frequency in Hertz (Hz) and speed in metres/second (m/s).

KPI 2.3: Explain how red shift observations provide evidence for the big bang theory. •

• •

The Doppler effect is where waves are stretched if the source of waves is moving away from you (the observer), or where the waves are squashed if the object is moving towards the observer (see diagram for how this affects the frequency) When observing distant objects in space, like other galaxies, the light waves from them are stretched We call this red shift (because red light has a longer wavelength than blue light). Because of our understanding of the Doppler effect, we know other galaxies are moving apart. This observation of red shift means that galaxies must once have been closer together – in fact, all in one place. This supports the theory of the big bang.

KPI 2.4 : Use graphs of motion to describe moving objects. • Constant speed means something is moving at the same pace for a length of time (e.g. 5m/s). • Acceleration is how quickly speed changes (can be speeding up or slowing down). • Stationary means an object is not moving. • We can show motion on graphs – DT and VT graphs. • Study the pictures to recall what horizontal lines and slopes mean on each type.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Newton’s Universe

KPI 2.5: Label forces acting on an object and use diagrams to decide how an object is moving • Forces can be contact forces or non-contact forces • Forces are how objects interact with the universe. Some forces you’ll come across: push, pull, thrust (of an engine), friction, air resistance (also called drag), weight (thanks to gravity pulling on an object), upthrust (where fluids push back on the weight of objects), reaction force (where a solid pushes back on another solid). • Using arrows, we can show the size and direction of forces. • The size of a force is measured in Newtons (N). • On the diagram, the vertical forces are equal and opposite, so the car is not accelerating up or down. • The thrust of the engine is equal to the friction force, so it must be moving at a constant speed. The forces are balanced. • If forces are opposite and equal, we say the resultant force is 0N. The object is either moving at a constant speed or is stationary. Acceleration is 0. • If the forces are NOT equal in size, there is a resultant force greater than 0N (found by taking them away, if they are opposite in direction). This means the object is accelerating (changing speed).

KPI 2.6: Calculate missing values using Newton’s second law equation

The equation is đ??š = đ?‘š đ?‘Ľ đ?‘Ž F is the resultant force (see last KPI) acting on the object m is the mass of the object (in kg) a is the acceleration of the object (in m/s2) It is vital that you use resultant force in this equation. You may have to add forces together to get it (if they are the same way), or subtract one from the other (if they are acting in opposite directions). • The equation can be rearranged to make m or a the subject: đ??š đ??š đ?‘š= đ?‘Ž= đ?‘Ž đ?‘š • • • • •

KPI 2.7: Describe the stages of freefall of an object • When someone jumps from a plane in a skydive, they are freefalling. We can describe their motion and the forces acting during their fall. 1. They accelerate to start with, because weight force (downwards) is larger than drag (upwards). (first diagram) 2. As they get faster, drag increases. 3. After a while, drag is equal and opposite to weight. The resultant force acting is 0N, so there is no more acceleration. The person is falling at a constant speed – this is also called terminal velocity. (second diagram) 4. If they open a parachute, drag increases, so it is larger than weight. This causes the person to slow down (decelerate). 5. Drag gets smaller because they are slowing down, until it is the same size as weight again. 6. The person is falling at a constant speed again – a lower terminal velocity than before. Which is good, because they won’t be killed if they hit the ground at a low speed.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Deepwater Horizon KPI 3.1 : Describe the composition of crude oil and how it can be separated • Crude oil is a thick black liquid, made from a mixture of hydrocarbons • Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds made from only hydrogen and carbon atoms • The atoms are joined by covalent bonds • Since crude oil is a mixture, it can be separated • Crude oil is separated by fractional distillation, where different hydrocarbons condense from crude oil vapours according to their boiling points. • Small molecules with low boiling points are removed at the top of the column. • Large molecules with high boiling points are removed at the bottom.

KPI 3.3: Explain how cracking produces useful hydrocarbon products • • • •

Long chain alkanes can be cracked (broken in two) in a thermal decomposition reaction. Heating an alkane with a ceramic catalyst produces a shorter alkane and an alkene. The shorter alkane is a more useful fuel. The alkene is useful as it can be used to make polymers (plastics).

KPI 3.2: Compare and contrast alkanes and alkenes • •   •   

 

Alkanes and alkenes are two types of hydrocarbon. Alkanes only have single bonds between carbon atoms. They have the general formula CnH2n+2 The first four are named methane, ethane, propane and butane. Alkenes contain a double bond between two of the carbon atoms in the chain. They have the general formula CnH2n The first four are named ethene, propene, butene and pentene. To test whether a hydrocarbon is an alkane or an alkene, we use bromine water, which is orange. Alkenes decolourise bromine water (make it clear). Alkanes have no effect on bromine water (it stays orange).

KPI 3.4: represent ionic bonding with diagrams

• • • • • •

Atoms have equal numbers of protons and electrons, so they have no charge overall. If an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion. If an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negative ion. Metals become positive ions by losing electrons. Non-metals become negative ions by gaining electrons. Using dots or crosses to show electrons, we can show how ions are formed. They make a bond because there is an electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Deepwater Horizon KPI 3.5: Distinguish between ionic and covalent bonding

KPI 3.6: Use data to evaluate and select fuels

Ionic bonds

Covalent bonds

Ionic bonds form between metals and non-metals.

Covalent bonds are formed between non-metal atoms

Ionic bonds are found in compounds, because at least two types of element must be present.

They can be chemical compounds or elements – for example, CO2 is a covalent compound, but N2 is an element with covalent bonds between atoms.

Ionic bonds are formed when the metal transfers outer shell electrons to the non-metal.

Covalent bonds form when atoms share outer shell electrons to fill their outer shells.

KPI 3.8: Explain how plastics can affect the environment

Examples to know: NaCl (sodium chloride); MgO (magnesium oxide)

Examples to know: H2O (water), CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2 (nitrogen), Cl2 (chlorine)

• • • • •

• •

Fuels are good stores of chemical energy. When we burn, or combust, fuels, they react with oxygen and the chemical reaction produces heat and light energy. Hydrocarbon fuels combust like this: Hydrocarbon + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water Fuels can be compared by how much energy they release when burned. The energy can be found by heating water, then using the calculation: E = mcΔT, where E is energy (J); m is the mass of water used (g); c is the specific heat capacity of water (J/kg oC); ΔT is the change in temperature (oC)

Most plastics are not biodegradable, which means they don’t decay easily. So plastics add to landfill. They can also be dangerous to wildlife- for instance, sea turtles swallow plastic bags, which can be deadly. However, some plastics are biodegradable. One way to make a biodegradable plastic is to add starch to the polymer molecules. Some plastics are recyclable, so they can be made into new products instead of going to landfill.

KPI 3.7: Explain how polymers are produced by polymerisation • • • • •

Plastics are materials made from polymers, which are long chain molecules containing covalent bonds. Polymers are made by joining monomers together. Monomers have to have a double bond. This happens when one of the bonds in a double bond is broken and the monomer joins to the next one, making a long chain. The name of a polymer comes from putting poly- in front of the name of the monomer.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Deepwater Horizon KPI 3.9: Compare and contrast biofuels and fossil fuels

Fossil fuels


Three types: oil, coal and gas

Any fuel made from a plant. Can be made from plant oils (like sunflower oil) or from ethanol from fermenting plant sugars.

Non-renewable, because they are not replaced as they are used.

Renewable, because more plants can be planted to replace the plants used to make fuel.

Add to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when they are combusted.

Are carbon neutral, because the growing plants absorb the carbon dioxide produced as the fuel is combusted.

Obtained from ancient stores in the Earth’s crust

May take land away from growing crops, or may add to deforestation as land is cleared to make space for growing the plants needed.

KPI 3.10: Describe renewable methods of generating electricity

• The wind, the sun, geothermal energy, tidal energy, wave power and hydroelectric power are all examples of renewable resources • Renewable resources will not run out, as they are replenished (replaced) as they are used • Most methods of generating electricity involves a turbine and a generator. The turbine is turned, for instance by the wind or by steam produced using underground heat (geothermal – see diagram below). The turbine turns the generator. Generators produce electricity by moving a magnet in a coil of wire. • Solar cells can produce electricity directly from sunlight.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: What the Doctor Ordered KPI 1.1: Outline the methods for testing a new drug • Drugs are chemicals that have an effect on the body. Medical drugs are those which are designed to treat disease. • New drugs are manufactured all the time. There are various sources of the chemicals, such as plants, fungi and computer models. The potential new drugs must be thoroughly tested to check they are safe and that they work as intended. • If they get through all the stages, drugs are licensed, which means they are legal, and can be prescribed. • Here are the stages a new drug must pass through: 1. Testing on cells, tissues and animals in a lab. This is to check that the drug is not toxic to living cells. If a drug passes this test, human trials can begin. 2. Trialling on healthy human volunteers. A small number of volunteers are given a very low dose of the drug and carefully monitored. The scientists are checking that the drug is not toxic to humans and studying how it behaves in the body. Only if a drug passes this test will it be tested on patients. 3. Trialling on patients with the disease the drug is designed to treat. Now scientists are looking to see if the drug actually works to treat disease. Large numbers of patients are given the drug and their recovery carefully monitored. In both sorts of human trials, some of the subjects may receive a placebo. A placebo is a fake version of the drug, that has no medical effect. However, it may cause changes in the body all the same, thanks to people’s expectations about receiving drugs. Neither doctor or patient knows if they have a placebo or the real drug until after the trial: this is called a double blind trial. This allows a fair comparison of the drug being tested.

KPI 1.2: Analyse data to draw conclusions on which drug works best • Drug trials give scientists data about the drugs being tested. It is vital to correctly interpret the data to decide whether the drug works, and whether it should be licensed. • During trials, drugs are often compared to placebo (see KPI 1), but may be compared to the old drug, if there is one. • A factor to be considered is always whether the drug has side effects, and how serious these are. • As an example, look at the graph opposite. The ‘pain intensity score’ was recorded by patients. Half took the placebo (white dots), and half took the new drug (black dots). As you can see, their pain went down in both groups. And the pain level didn’t change much between 40 and 60 minutes for both groups. However, the pain intensity score for the drug group decreased much more than the placebo group, and stayed lower (decreasing by 2.8 units compared to 1.2 units). • As always, when describing data, figures should be quoted, with the units.

KPI 1.3: Explain how a vaccine prevents infectious disease • A vaccine contains a dead or weakened form of a pathogen (usually a virus, such as the measles virus – see graph). • Delivering a vaccine causes a primary immune response. White blood cells produce antibodies to destroy the pathogen. • Specialised white blood cells (memory cells) remain in the blood afterwards. • This means that if an infection by the real pathogen takes place in the future, there is a secondary immune response. • The secondary immune response starts faster (see graph), involves the production of far more antibodies (a stronger response) and the level of antibodies stays higher for longer. • This means the pathogen is destroyed before you even realise you are ill.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: What the Doctor Ordered KPI 1.4: Distinguish between communicable and noncommunicable diseases • Disease means poor health. There are physical and mental diseases. Some are caused by pathogens (infectious microorganisms), and some are caused by other factors, such as a person’s lifestyle. • Communicable diseases can be passed on (or transmitted). These diseases are caused by pathogens, such as viruses or bacteria. Be clear that the pathogen is the microorganism, and the disease is the collection of symptoms resulting from infection by the pathogen. • Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens and cannot be passed on. These are often caused by many factors acting together, known as risk factors for the disease. • Some examples:

Communicable Diseases

Non-communicable Diseases

Measles, caused by a virus

Cancer, caused by mutations to DNA

Food poisoning, caused by bacteria

Heart disease, caused by many factors, including genetics, diet, and lifestyle

Cholera, caused by bacteria

Diabetes, caused by problems controlling blood sugar concentration

KPI 1.5: Describe the basic structure of the human circulatory system • The human circulatory system consists of the heart and all the blood Aorta Vena vessels in the body. The heart is the pump that forces blood through cava Pulmonary the blood vessels. artery • The blood goes through the heart twice on its route around the body. Left It goes: heart  lungs  heart  body (and back to the heart again). atrium Right • The heart is made mostly of muscle and has four chambers (2 atria atrium and 2 ventricles). Blood never flows from one side of the heart to the Left other. It flows from veins into the atria at the top, down into the ventricle Right ventricles, and out through the arteries (as the arrows show). ventricle • The left ventricle pumps blood around the whole body, so it’s walls are thicker than the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, so the blood can collect oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide. • The heart has valves that prevent blood from flowing in the wrong direction. • There are three types of blood vessel: 1. Arteries, which transport blood to body tissues away from the heart 2. Capillaries, which is where exchange of substances like oxygen happens between tissues and the blood 3. Veins, which return blood to the heart. KPI 1.6: Describe the basic structure of the human urinary system Red • The urinary system consists of two kidneys, the ureters to the blood urinary bladder, and the urethra to get urine out of the body. cell • The urinary system produces urine. Urine contains waste products from the body (most importantly, a toxic chemical called urea). • Urine is produced in the kidneys, in two steps: 1. The blood flowing into the kidneys is filtered. The urea gets through the filter, along with a lot of water and salts from the blood. Large things, like red blood cells, don’t fit through the filter so don’t get into urine. 2. Reabsorption. Without this, you’d produce two bathtubs full of urine a day. The kidney reabsorbs (takes back into the blood) most of the water and salts, as well as all the sugar. • Kidneys can change how much water they reabsorb, which is why the darkness of your urine varies depending on how much you’ve had to drink/been sweating.



Small particles, like water, salts and sugar, fit through. Red blood cells don’t.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: What the Doctor Ordered KPI 1.7: Describe hormones and the role of the endocrine system • Hormones are chemicals that travel in the bloodstream and act as messengers. Hormones are produced by endocrine glands, of which there are many in the body. • Insulin is a hormone, released by the pancreas. It is released soon after eating to lower blood sugar (glucose) levels. It makes your liver and muscle cells store the sugar. In diabetes, insulin either isn’t released or cells don’t respond to it. • The menstrual cycle, essential for reproduction, is controlled by hormones too – see table for the basics: Hormone Oestrogen



Produced by…



Causes uterus lining to build up Inhibits (prevents release of) FSH

Pituitary gland (in the brain)

Causes egg to mature in the ovary

Pituitary gland (in the brain)

Causes egg to be released (ovulation)

KPI 1.8: Describe the basic structure of the human nervous system • Like the endocrine system, the nervous system controls our body, but it acts much faster than hormones. • Neurones (nerve cells) carry electrical impulses in one direction. • The nervous system is made up of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system (all the other nerves in our body). • The nervous system lets us react to danger automatically, with a reflex action. This involves a reflex arc, whose sequence you need to learn. 1. The receptor detects a stimulus. 2. It sends and electrical impulse along the sensory neurone to the CNS, to the relay neurone. 3. The relay neurone sends and electrical impulse to the motor neurone. 4. The motor neurone carries an electrical impulse to the effector. 5. The effector causes a response – for instance, a muscle will contract (to move your body away from danger). If the effector is a gland (like tear glands), it will release a chemical.


sensory neurone


spinal cord

effector (muscle)

motor neurone

relay neurone

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Newton’s Universe KPI 2.1: Explain how the fate of a star depends on its initial mass KPI 2.2: Recall the names and properties of electromagnetic waves in the EM spectrum KPI 2.3: Explain how red shift observations provides evidence for the big bang theory KPI 2.4: Use graphs of motion to describe moving objects KPI 2.5: Label forces acting on an object and use diagrams to decide how an object is moving KPI 2.6: Calculate missing values using Newton’s second law equation KPI 2.7: Describe the stages of freefall of an object

KPI 2.1 : Explain how the fate of a star depends on its initial mass

• Stars are spheres of plasma (superhot gas) where nuclear fusion reactions happen – this is why they shine (release heat and light energy). • Stars don’t last forever: they all go through a life cycle. • The stages, in order, are shown in the diagram below. • The sun is in its main sequence. As the hydrogen fuel runs out, it will become a red giant and end up as a black dwarf. • Stars bigger than the sun become red supergiants, then explode in a supernova. • If they are a LOT bigger than the sun to start with, they end up as a black hole. Otherwise, after a supernova, a neutron star is left behind.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Newton’s Universe KPI 2.2: Recall the names and properties of electromagnetic waves in the EM spectrum. • • •

• •

Waves transfer energy from one place to another We can describe waves according to their wavelength (length of one full wave – see diagram); their frequency (number of waves passing a point per second) and speed (how quickly they travel) All EM waves travel at the speed of light – light is just one example of the waves that exist As the diagram shows, the wavelength gets shorter as we go through the EM spectrum, meaning that the frequency increases. Gamma has the highest frequency and shortest wavelength of all; it also has the most energy. [memorise the order of types of waves] Wavelength (), frequency (f) and speed (v) are linked in the equation v = f. Wavelength is measured in metres (m), frequency in Hertz (Hz) and speed in metres/second (m/s).

KPI 2.3: Explain how red shift observations provide evidence for the big bang theory. •

• •

The Doppler effect is where waves are stretched if the source of waves is moving away from you (the observer), or where the waves are squashed if the object is moving towards the observer (see diagram for how this affects the frequency) When observing distant objects in space, like other galaxies, the light waves from them are stretched We call this red shift (because red light has a longer wavelength than blue light). Because of our understanding of the Doppler effect, we know other galaxies are moving apart. This observation of red shift means that galaxies must once have been closer together – in fact, all in one place. This supports the theory of the big bang.

KPI 2.4 : Use graphs of motion to describe moving objects. • Constant speed means something is moving at the same pace for a length of time (e.g. 5m/s). • Acceleration is how quickly speed changes (can be speeding up or slowing down). • Stationary means an object is not moving. • We can show motion on graphs – DT and VT graphs. • Study the pictures to recall what horizontal lines and slopes mean on each type.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Newton’s Universe

KPI 2.5: Label forces acting on an object and use diagrams to decide how an object is moving • Forces can be contact forces or non-contact forces • Forces are how objects interact with the universe. Some forces you’ll come across: push, pull, thrust (of an engine), friction, air resistance (also called drag), weight (thanks to gravity pulling on an object), upthrust (where fluids push back on the weight of objects), reaction force (where a solid pushes back on another solid). • Using arrows, we can show the size and direction of forces. • The size of a force is measured in Newtons (N). • On the diagram, the vertical forces are equal and opposite, so the car is not accelerating up or down. • The thrust of the engine is equal to the friction force, so it must be moving at a constant speed. The forces are balanced. • If forces are opposite and equal, we say the resultant force is 0N. The object is either moving at a constant speed or is stationary. Acceleration is 0. • If the forces are NOT equal in size, there is a resultant force greater than 0N (found by taking them away, if they are opposite in direction). This means the object is accelerating (changing speed).

KPI 2.6: Calculate missing values using Newton’s second law equation

The equation is đ??š = đ?‘š đ?‘Ľ đ?‘Ž F is the resultant force (see last KPI) acting on the object m is the mass of the object (in kg) a is the acceleration of the object (in m/s2) It is vital that you use resultant force in this equation. You may have to add forces together to get it (if they are the same way), or subtract one from the other (if they are acting in opposite directions). • The equation can be rearranged to make m or a the subject: đ??š đ??š đ?‘š= đ?‘Ž= đ?‘Ž đ?‘š • • • • •

KPI 2.7: Describe the stages of freefall of an object • When someone jumps from a plane in a skydive, they are freefalling. We can describe their motion and the forces acting during their fall. 1. They accelerate to start with, because weight force (downwards) is larger than drag (upwards). (first diagram) 2. As they get faster, drag increases. 3. After a while, drag is equal and opposite to weight. The resultant force acting is 0N, so there is no more acceleration. The person is falling at a constant speed – this is also called terminal velocity. (second diagram) 4. If they open a parachute, drag increases, so it is larger than weight. This causes the person to slow down (decelerate). 5. Drag gets smaller because they are slowing down, until it is the same size as weight again. 6. The person is falling at a constant speed again – a lower terminal velocity than before. Which is good, because they won’t be killed if they hit the ground at a low speed.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Deepwater Horizon KPI 3.1 : Describe the composition of crude oil and how it can be separated • Crude oil is a thick black liquid, made from a mixture of hydrocarbons • Hydrocarbons are chemical compounds made from only hydrogen and carbon atoms • The atoms are joined by covalent bonds • Since crude oil is a mixture, it can be separated • Crude oil is separated by fractional distillation, where different hydrocarbons condense from crude oil vapours according to their boiling points. • Small molecules with low boiling points are removed at the top of the column. • Large molecules with high boiling points are removed at the bottom.

KPI 3.3: Explain how cracking produces useful hydrocarbon products • • • •

Long chain alkanes can be cracked (broken in two) in a thermal decomposition reaction. Heating an alkane with a ceramic catalyst produces a shorter alkane and an alkene. The shorter alkane is a more useful fuel. The alkene is useful as it can be used to make polymers (plastics).

KPI 3.2: Compare and contrast alkanes and alkenes • •   •   

 

Alkanes and alkenes are two types of hydrocarbon. Alkanes only have single bonds between carbon atoms. They have the general formula CnH2n+2 The first four are named methane, ethane, propane and butane. Alkenes contain a double bond between two of the carbon atoms in the chain. They have the general formula CnH2n The first four are named ethene, propene, butene and pentene. To test whether a hydrocarbon is an alkane or an alkene, we use bromine water, which is orange. Alkenes decolourise bromine water (make it clear). Alkanes have no effect on bromine water (it stays orange).

KPI 3.4: represent ionic bonding with diagrams

• • • • • •

Atoms have equal numbers of protons and electrons, so they have no charge overall. If an atom loses electrons, it becomes a positive ion. If an atom gains electrons, it becomes a negative ion. Metals become positive ions by losing electrons. Non-metals become negative ions by gaining electrons. Using dots or crosses to show electrons, we can show how ions are formed. They make a bond because there is an electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Deepwater Horizon KPI 3.5: Distinguish between ionic and covalent bonding

KPI 3.6: Use data to evaluate and select fuels

Ionic bonds

Covalent bonds

Ionic bonds form between metals and non-metals.

Covalent bonds are formed between non-metal atoms

Ionic bonds are found in compounds, because at least two types of element must be present.

They can be chemical compounds or elements – for example, CO2 is a covalent compound, but N2 is an element with covalent bonds between atoms.

Ionic bonds are formed when the metal transfers outer shell electrons to the non-metal.

Covalent bonds form when atoms share outer shell electrons to fill their outer shells.

KPI 3.8: Explain how plastics can affect the environment

Examples to know: NaCl (sodium chloride); MgO (magnesium oxide)

Examples to know: H2O (water), CO2 (carbon dioxide), N2 (nitrogen), Cl2 (chlorine)

• • • • •

• •

Fuels are good stores of chemical energy. When we burn, or combust, fuels, they react with oxygen and the chemical reaction produces heat and light energy. Hydrocarbon fuels combust like this: Hydrocarbon + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water Fuels can be compared by how much energy they release when burned. The energy can be found by heating water, then using the calculation: E = mcΔT, where E is energy (J); m is the mass of water used (g); c is the specific heat capacity of water (J/kg oC); ΔT is the change in temperature (oC)

Most plastics are not biodegradable, which means they don’t decay easily. So plastics add to landfill. They can also be dangerous to wildlife- for instance, sea turtles swallow plastic bags, which can be deadly. However, some plastics are biodegradable. One way to make a biodegradable plastic is to add starch to the polymer molecules. Some plastics are recyclable, so they can be made into new products instead of going to landfill.

KPI 3.7: Explain how polymers are produced by polymerisation • • • • •

Plastics are materials made from polymers, which are long chain molecules containing covalent bonds. Polymers are made by joining monomers together. Monomers have to have a double bond. This happens when one of the bonds in a double bond is broken and the monomer joins to the next one, making a long chain. The name of a polymer comes from putting poly- in front of the name of the monomer.

Year 9 Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Deepwater Horizon KPI 3.9: Compare and contrast biofuels and fossil fuels

Fossil fuels


Three types: oil, coal and gas

Any fuel made from a plant. Can be made from plant oils (like sunflower oil) or from ethanol from fermenting plant sugars.

Non-renewable, because they are not replaced as they are used.

Renewable, because more plants can be planted to replace the plants used to make fuel.

Add to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when they are combusted.

Are carbon neutral, because the growing plants absorb the carbon dioxide produced as the fuel is combusted.

Obtained from ancient stores in the Earth’s crust

May take land away from growing crops, or may add to deforestation as land is cleared to make space for growing the plants needed.

KPI 3.10: Describe renewable methods of generating electricity

• The wind, the sun, geothermal energy, tidal energy, wave power and hydroelectric power are all examples of renewable resources • Renewable resources will not run out, as they are replenished (replaced) as they are used • Most methods of generating electricity involves a turbine and a generator. The turbine is turned, for instance by the wind or by steam produced using underground heat (geothermal – see diagram below). The turbine turns the generator. Generators produce electricity by moving a magnet in a coil of wire. • Solar cells can produce electricity directly from sunlight.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



Anything that can be given a numerical value.


Size of a quantity. E.g. a distance of 5 metres has a higher magnitude than 2 metres.


Describes quantities that only have a magnitude (size). E.g. speed (how fast something is moving).


Describes quantities that have a magnitude AND a specific direction. E.g. velocity (speed in a particular direction)


A vector quantity. Forces are pushes or pulls that act on an object. Forces have size and direction. Forces are the result of objects interacting with each other.

Contact forces

For these forces to act, the interacting objects have to be physically touching.

Non-contact forces

For these forces to act, the interacting objects don’t have to be touching (they are physically separate).

Resultant force

The single overall force acting on an object. It has the same effect as all the forces acting on the object all together. The resultant force is the vital thing in working out how an object will move. If there is a resultant force, the object’s speed will change; or the shape of the object will change; or the direction of the object will change. If the resultant force is nothing (the forces cancel out), the object will keep doing what it was doing – either not moving at all, or moving along at a steady speed.

Representing Forces and Other Vector Quantities Since forces are a vector quantity, it is useful to show their magnitude (size) AND direction using an arrow. The arrow points in the direction that the force acts, and its length shows the magnitude. For instance: in the first diagram, the force acting on the object is larger than in the second, and is opposite in direction.

Contact and Non-contact Forces Forces are always the result of objects interacting with each other. For instance, the force of gravity keeping this piece of paper on the desk is the result of the interaction between the Earth’s mass and the paper’s mass. All forces can be classified as contact or non-contact forces. Examples of contact forces: friction, air resistance, tension, the normal contact force. Examples of non-contact forces: gravitational force, electrostatic force and magnetic force.

The Resultant Force In real life, there are usually a few forces acting on any particular object. All the forces can be shown with vectors (arrows – see above). When we take all the forces into account, we can draw just one vector arrow to show a single force, which has the same effect on the object as all the other forces acting at once. This is simplest when the forces are in a straight line: two forces are acting; by adding them we get the resultant force….

this time, the forces are opposite in direction, and are different in magnitude. We subtract one from the other to get the resultant force…

Resultant Force continued If the forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, then the resultant force ends up being ZERO. You can say the forces are balanced. Reading the definition above should make it clear that a resultant force of zero means that an object’s movement will not change. So if it was moving to start with, a resultant force of zero means it keeps moving at the same speed. Also, zero resultant force means the direction can’t change. The resultant force is…. nothing!

Key Terms


Work done

The measure of how much energy is transferred when a force makes an object. You can say: ‘a force does work on an object when it makes it move’. Doing work always involves the transfer of energy. This is a scalar quantity.

‘Work’ has a particular meaning in physics. Whenever work is done, it means that energy has been transferred (in other words, energy has changed form). Work is always done as a result of a force acting on an object. The amount of work done is easily calculated: đ?‘Š = đ??š đ?‘


The unit joule (J) is how the amount of energy transferred by doing work is measured. 1 joule = 1 newton metre (thanks to the equation, below).

For example, if a force of 1000 N makes this car move 200 m to the left‌


How far an object moves. It does not include direction , so distance is a scalar quantity.


The distance an object moves from where it started. This is measured in metres. It is a vector quantity, because it includes the direction an object moved.

Work Done Against Frictional Forces


A contact force that results when two objects move past each other. They have to be touching.

When objects move, they are almost always moving against frictional forces – so the friction arrow is opposite to the direction of motion. As you know if you rub your hands together, doing work against frictional forces causes an energy transfer to heat (thermal) energy. This raises the temperature of the object (and the surrounding air!).


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Work Done and Energy Transfer

The work done is calculated by: W = 1000 x 200 = 200 000 J This means 200 000 J of energy was transferred.

Remember, there are frictional forces even when an object moves through the air – often this is called air resistance (but it’s just a type of friction).

đ?‘Š=đ??šđ?‘ *

W = work done (joules, J) F = force (newtons, N) s = distance (metres, m) – aka displacement

Distance vs. Displacement Diagram The Joule The joule (J) is the unit for energy, and therefore the unit for work done. It has a particular definition, based on the equation for work done. 1 joule = 1 newton metre. This means that 1 J is the amount of work done when a force of 1 N causes an object to move 1 m. This is because đ?‘Š = đ??š đ?‘ and 1 = 1 x 1!

Distance vs. Displacement Displacement is different to distance because it involves the direction that an object has moved. The displacement is always measured in a straight line from start to end of a journey, missing out any wiggles along the way.

Look how displacement is simply a straight line from A to B. Distance is the total, with visits to C and D during the journey.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



The measure of how quickly distance changes. Speed does not include direction, so it’s a scalar quantity. It is measured in metres per second (m/s).

Speed vs. Velocity


Velocity is a vector quantity. Like speed, it is a measure of how quickly distance changes BUT it includes the direction of movement. It is measured in m/s HT: moving in a circle, even if speed is the same, involves a constantly changing velocity because the direction is constantly changing.


Gradient means slope. The gradient of a line on a graph is found by dividing the vertical (y-axis) change by the horizontal (x-axis) change.


Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. It usually means speeding up, because we use the term deceleration for slowing down. You must recall that objects in freefall near Earth’s surface have an acceleration of 10 m/s2.


A negative acceleration – slowing down.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Speed and velocity are both quantities that measure the rate of change of distance, but velocity includes the direction. This makes velocity a vector quantity, so we can show velocity with an arrow.

Distance-time Graphs A distance-time (DT) graph shows how far an object has gone from its starting point at a certain time. A slope means the object is moving, because distance is changing as time changes. If the line of the graph is horizontal, the object cannot be moving because distance is not changing with time. The gradient (steepness of the slope) tells you the speed of the object.

Acceleration Acceleration is the measure of how quickly velocity changes. It is a vector quantity, because direction is included. (see equation) Acceleration is shown on a DT graph by a line whose gradient changes – i.e. a curve, rather than straight line.

đ?‘ =đ?‘Łđ?‘Ą *

Velocity-time Graphs A velocity-time (VT) graph shows the velocity of an object at any particular time on its journey. Using the gradient of a slope, you can find the acceleration. The distance travelled during the journey is also shown on a VT graph – but you have to work it out by calculating the area under the line on the graph. Sometimes the area can be found by counting squares, other times you’ll need to use area of a rectangle/ triangle to find the area and therefore distance.

đ?‘Ž= *

∆đ?‘Ł đ?‘Ą

đ?‘Ł 2 − đ?‘˘2 = 2 đ?‘Ž đ?‘

s = distance (m) v = speed (m/s) t = time (s) a = acceleration (metres per second squared, m/s2) ∆đ?‘Ł = change in velocity (m/s) t = time (s) v = final velocity (m/s) u = initial (starting) velocity (m/s) a = acceleration (m/s2) s = distance travelled (m)

Freefall through a fluid (gas, like air, or a liquid) Freefalling object initially accelerate due to gravity, but friction (/air resistance) increases with speed until the forces are balanced (resultant force = 0 N). Then, the object is falling at its terminal velocity.

Key Terms



Not moving. The velocity is 0.

Newton’s First Law

The law says that if the resultant force on an object is zero: ďƒ˜ Stationary objects stay stationary ďƒ˜ Moving objects keep moving at the same velocity (same speed and direction)

HT inertia

Inertia is the tendency of objects to stay at the same speed or stay stationary.

Newton’s Second Law

Objects accelerate if there is a resultant force acting on them. The amount of acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. (see equation)

Newton’s Second Law


Read the definition. This law follows on very sensibly from the first law. It reminds us that an object will only change in velocity (accelerate) if there is a resultant force acting on it. It also shows that the amount of acceleration depends on the resultant force and the mass of the object.

Just like in maths: if the magnitude of one quantity increases because another quantity increases, they are proportional. The symbol is �.

Inversely proportional

The opposite of proportional: if one quantity decreases because another one increases, they are inversely proportional.

Newton’s Third Law

This law says that when objects interact, the forces they cause to act on each other are equal and opposite.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Newton’s First Law Read the definition. Newton’s first law tell us: • Vehicles moving at a constant speed have a driving (push) force exactly equal to the resistive forces (like friction); • Velocity (speed and direction) will only change if there is a resultant force acting (so the resultant force is NOT zero). • If an object changed direction, it must have been because of a resultant force.

For instance, if a resultant force of 20 N acts on this object, the acceleration will be 20 / 10 = 2 m/s2. But with this object, the same resultant 10 20 force only causes 20 / 20 = 1 m/s2 kg kg acceleration.


Newton’s Third Law Read the definition. This law is often written as: ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’. In this version, action means the force exerted by object A on object B, and reaction means the force exerted by object B on object A.

This law explains why pushing down with your legs makes you jump up (the ground pushes back with the same size force as your push). It also explains why rockets can fly through space: the gases pushing out the back cause the rocket to move forward.


F = resultant force (N) m = mass (kg) a = acceleration (m/s2)

HT only: Inertial mass Inertial mass measures how difficult it is to change the velocity of an object. It is defined as the ratio of force over acceleration. For instance, it requires more force to slow down (change the velocity) a lorry compared to a bike. It also requires more force to make a lorry accelerate compared to a car.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Momentum – whole page is HT only Momentum is a property that any moving object has. It is defined as the product of mass and velocity of the object, so if the velocity is 0 m/s (stationary), the momentum is also 0.

Key Terms



A property of any moving object, calculated as the product of mass and velocity. Measured in kg m/s.


Systems are how physicists divide up the universe. Systems involve an object or objects and their interactions. They can be very simple (e.g. a falling object) or very complicated (e.g. our whole galaxy).

Closed system

A system where objects are not thought to be affected by external forces or other objects outside the system. We only think about the objects inside the system, which means the quantities momentum and energy are conserved.


Simply means ‘keeping the same.’ To add detail, conservation of a quantity means that the total amount of it is the same before and after an event. In any closed system, the total amount of energy and momentum before and after an event is equal.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Since momentum is calculated using velocity, which has a direction, momentum is a vector quantity. Just like with velocity, you can show the momenta (the plural of momentum) of objects moving in opposite directions by using a + sign for one of them and a – sign for the other.

Conservation of Momentum Momentum is a property that is conserved in closed systems. This means the total momentum before an event is exactly equal to the total momentum after the event. This is called conservation of momentum. You can see conservation of momentum in action when objects collide (like snooker balls or cars in a crash) or when something stationary separates (e.g. firing a bullet from a gun or jumping off a stationary skateboard – it also explains why you should be very careful when jumping from a small boat onto the bank). In this example: the boat is stationary at the bank, meaning its momentum is 0 kg m/s. When the person jumps out, they have a velocity and therefore a momentum. The boat must move away from the bank, since momentum is conserved (so must add up to 0 after the event too) so the boat has momentum in the opposite direction to the person – the boat moves away from the bank.

Conservation of Momentum in a Collision Look at the diagram far right. The ‘2’ ball has a negative velocity because it is moving in the opposite direction of the other ball. The total momentum before they collide = (0.1 x -0.5) + (0.2 x 0.3) = 0.01 kg m/s. According to the rule of conservation of momentum, the total momentum after the collision is also 0.01 kg m/s. Also, by looking at the diagram, you can see that both balls are now moving to the left, together. The total mass is 0.1 + 0.3 = 0.4 kg. đ?‘?

Rearranging to make velocity the subject, đ?‘Ł = , đ?‘š v = 0.01/0.4 = 0.025 m/s is the velocity after the collision.

đ?‘?=đ?‘šđ?‘Ł * HT only

p = momentum (kilogram metres per second, kg m/s) m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Threshold Concepts in Chemistry

Key Terms



The particles that make up all substances with mass, they contain protons, neutrons and electrons.

The structure of the Atom


The centre of an atom, it contains protons and neutrons.

• All matter is made from atoms. Atoms are very small. The radius of atom is about 1x10-10 m (this is also known as 0.1 nanometres). • The central part of the atom is known as the nucleus. It is only 1x10 -14m across, which is 10,000 times smaller than the total atom. • An atom is made up of three subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. • Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus • Electrons are found orbiting the nucleus in shells (also known as energy levels).


A unit of measurement: 1x10-9m


A sub atomic particle found in the nucleus, it has a charge of +1 and a relative mass of 1.


A sub atomic particle found in the shells of an atom, it has a charge of -1 and a negligible mass


These are the smaller particles that make up an atom


A sub atomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom, it has a charge of 0 and a mass of 1

Atomic Number

The number of protons in an atom.

Mass Number

The total of protons and neutrons in an atom.

Electron Configuration • The mass and charges of the sub atomic particles is shown below:

There are very strict rules about how electron fill up the electron shells, the inner shell is always filled first. Each shell has a maximum number of electrons it can take. Shell 1: maximum 2 electrons Shell 2: maximum 8 electrons Shell 3: maximum 8 electrons

• Atoms have no overall charge because they have the same number of positive protons as negative electrons.

Atomic Number and Mass Number Mass number: This is the total of protons+neutrons

Atomic number: This is the number of protons Therefore sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 23-11= 12 neutrons

The electronic configuration of Sodium (Na) can also be written like this 2,8,1. This shows there is 2 electrons in the 1st shell, 8 electrons in the second shell and 1 electron in the 3rd shell.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Threshold Concepts in Chemistry Elements • An element contains only one type of atom. All elements are given a symbol and are found on the periodic table. You need to learn the symbols for the first 20. • The Periodic Table is arranged into groups (columns) and periods (rows), as shown below.

Key Terms



A substance that contains only one type of atoms


A mixture is two or more different atoms which are not chemically bonded


Two or more elements that are chemically bonded


The columns on the Periodic Table


The rows on the Periodic Table


What you start with in a chemical reaction


What is made in a chemical reaction

The Conservation of Mass Elements in the same group have: • The same number of electrons in their outer shell • Similar properties Elements in the same period have: • The same number of electron shells Compounds • Compounds are 2 or more elements that are chemically bonded • These are made in chemical reactions. • Compounds are given a formula for example carbon dioxide is CO2 means 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms. • Another example is calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 which means 1 calcium, 2 oxygen atoms and 2 hydrogen atoms Chemical Reactions • In some chemical reactions it may appear that there are less products than there were reactants; however this is often because a gas has been made and this has escaped into the atmosphere.

• •

In a chemical reaction, chemical bonds are broken the atoms are rearranged and the chemical bonds are made again. In a chemical reaction, mass is never lost, you must start and finish with the same mass.

Balancing Equations • •

We need to write balanced chemical equations represent chemical reactions and the conservation of mass. For example: The equation below shows hydrogen and oxygen making water but there are more oxygen atoms on the right than the left.

H₂ + O₂ •


In the equation below there are 4 hydrogen atoms on the left and right of the equation and 2 oxygen atoms on each side

2H₂ + O₂


Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic cells include all plant and animal cells. Their most important feature is that they have a nucleus, unlike prokaryotic cells.

Key Terms



The basic unit of all forms of life.

Eukaryotic Cells

Cells with a nucleus – e.g. plant and animal cells.

Prokaryotic Cells

Bacterial cells; these don’t have a nucleus to enclose their genetic material.

Cell Membrane

The border of all types of cell. The cell membrane separates the inside of the cell from the environment. It controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

Sub-cellular structure

A part of a cell. (Sub- means less than – so these are the component parts of cells.)


The enclosure for genetic material found in plant and animal cells.


The interior of a cell, where most of the chemical reactions needed for life take place.


The sub-cellular structure where aerobic respiration takes place.


The sub-cellular structure where proteins are made (synthesised)


A sub-cellular structure responsible for photosynthesis – only found in plant cells and algal cells.

Permanent Vacuole

A sub-cellular structure only found in plant and algal cells – it is filled with cell sap (a store of nutrients for the cell).

Cell Wall

A sub-cellular structure that is never found in animal cells. It is made of cellulose, it is outside the cell membrane and it strengthens the cell.


The molecule that holds the genetic information in a cell. In eukaryotic cells, it is one linear strand. In prokaryotic cells, the DNA forms a loop.


A small loop of DNA, only found in prokaryotic cells.

Permanent vacuole ribosomes mitochondria

Cell membrane

Prokaryotic Cells Bacteria are prokaryotic cells (all bacteria are single-celled organisms). The most important differences to eukaryotic cells are that they are smaller and their genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed in a nucleus.

Cell wall

Cytoplasm DNA

Prokaryotic cells have DNA in a loop, and, in addition to the main loop of DNA, they have small loops of DNA called plasmids.

Plasmid Ribosome

Plasmids allow bacteria to swap genetic information between them.

Flagellum (tail)

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology

Key Terms



Any living thing: can be made of one cell or be multicellular.


This describes an organism that is made of lots of cells – such as animals or plants.

Specialised Cell

Almost all cells in multicellular organisms have a particular job, or function. While they usually have all the parts labelled on your cell diagrams, they change to suit their functions. This may include developing different sub-cellular structures (e.g. the tail of a sperm cell).


A group of cells with similar structures and functions – i.e. a group of specialised cells.


An organ is a collection (or aggregation) of tissues performing a specific function.

Organ System

Organs don’t operate alone: they work together to form organ systems.

Organism (again)

An organism has many organ systems, all contributing to its survival.

Light microscope

A usual school microscope is a light microscope. You can see large sub-cellular structures like a nucleus with it, but not a lot more detail than that.


This is the measure of how much a microscope can enlarge the object you are viewing through it.


This is the measure of the level of detail you can see with a microscope.

Electron microscope

A type of microscope with much high magnification and resolution than a light microscope. Essential for discovering the smaller sub-cellular structures.

Multicellular Organisms You are a multicellular organism, just like all animals, plants and many types of fungus. But, not all your cells are the same. Cells become specialised by differentiation, which means they develop new features to help them perform a specific function. E.g. sperm cells and root hair cells.

Tissues are formed when cells with similar structures and functions work together. For example: muscle tissue in animals; phloem tissue in plants. Organs are formed from multiple tissues working together. For example: the stomach in animals; the leaf in plants. Organ systems are formed when multiple organs work together. For example: the digestive system in animals; the vascular (transport) system in plants.

Microscopy Use of a microscope is called microscopy. Microscopes allowed scientists to discover cells and find all the sub-cellular structures. Because cells and their parts are very small, it is not useful to measure them in metres. Instead, we use small divisions of the metre as follows: Centimetre = 1/100 metre (10-2). A centimetre is 1 one hundredth of a metre. (cm) Millimetre = 1/1000 metre (10-3). A millimetre is 1 one thousandth of a metre. (mm) Micrometre = 1/1 000 000 (10-6). A micrometre is 1 one millionth of a metre. (Âľm) Nanometre = 1/1 000 000 000 (10-9) A nanometre is 1 one billionth of a metre. (nm) Electron microscopes were a vital invention for understanding cells. They have higher magnification and more resolving power than light microscopes, so they let you see smaller structures.

Equation đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘›đ?‘–đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘œđ?‘› =

Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘§đ?‘’ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘§đ?‘’ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘œđ?‘?đ?‘—đ?‘’đ?‘?đ?‘Ą

The image Is how it looks through the microscope. The real object is what you are looking at. The image and object must be measured with the same unit, e.g. both in nm.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms



Weight is different to mass. Weight is a force (hence, it is a vector quantity), caused by gravity acting on a mass. Since it is a force, it is measured in newtons.


Mass measures the amount of material in an object, and is measured in kilograms (kg). The weight of an object depends on the mass, but mass does not depend on weight. Mass is a scalar quantity.

Gravitational field strength

Simply, the measure of how strong the gravitational field of a large object is. For instance, the gravitational field strength on Earth is about 10 N/kg. This means that a weight of 10 N acts on each kg of mass on Earth.

Centre of mass

The point at which the weight of an object is considered to act – the ‘middle’ of the object’s mass.


A device to measure weight. It simply consists of a spring and a calibrated scale.


Meanings of terms in equation

Weight Weight is often mistaken for mass; for instance, when people say they are losing weight, they really mean they are losing mass. As a result, their weight will also drop (see equation), but really it is their mass they seek to change. Mass measures how much material there is (in kg), whereas weight measures the force acting on an object due to a gravitational field. Looking at the equation, you can see that a person with a mass of 65 kg will have a weight of 65 x 10 = 650 N. You can also see that a mass of 100 g (=0.1 kg) has a weight of 1 N on Earth. As the equation shows, weight and mass are directly proportional. We can show this like: đ?‘Š âˆ? đ?‘š, using the symbol for a directly proportional relationship. On Earth, as mass increases by one unit, weight increases by ten units (as g = 10 N/kg).

Centre of Mass When drawing force diagrams and performing calculations, it is useful to show the weight (or other forces) acting on just a single point on the object. This is the exact centre of a symmetrical object (it will be more complicated for an asymmetrical object), and is called the centre of mass. Think of the centre of mass as the point where we consider weight to act: as a result, force arrows should start on the centre of mass.

Measuring Weight Weight can be determined by calculation using the equation, or directly measured using a calibrated (adjusted so the scale is right) spring balance – a newtonmeter. This can be mechanical or digital – a digital newtonmeter will likely have higher resolution (detects smaller differences in weight).

đ?‘Š=đ?‘šđ?‘” *

W = weight (newtons, N) m = mass (kilograms, kg) g = gravitational field strength (newtons per kilogram, N/kg) – on Earth, this is about 10 N/kg

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms



Describes objects that return to their original shape after being deformed by a force, once the force is removed

Potential Energy

Elastic deformation

Deformation (bending, stretching or compressing an object) is elastic if the object returns to its original shape once the force is removed


Bending, stretching or compressing an object


The change in length of an object such as a spring. Subtract length when NO force is applied from the length when a force is applied.

Directly proportional

This term describes a type of relationship between two variables. The two variables are directly proportional if, for every increase of one variable by one unit, the other increases by the same amount. It is shown by a straight line on a graph that goes through the origin.

Limit of proportionality

The limit of a directly proportional relationship. It can be shown on a graph if the line is straight to being with (indicating a directly proportional relationship) then curves.

Linear relationship

Simply, a relationship between two variables that is graphed as a straight line.

Non-linear relationship

A relationship between two variables that is shown with a curved line on a graph.


The gradient of a graph is how steep it is. Calculate gradient by dividing the change in the variable on the y-axis by the change in the variable on the x-axis.


Meanings of terms in equation

You already know how energy transfers take place when work is done. In these cases, energy is changing form. However, it is also possible for energy to be stored by an object or system. We call the stored energy potential energy. When something has potential energy, you won’t be able to see anything going on, but if that energy is transferred to a new form, work will be done and you might be able to observe the results. Chemical potential energy is an example: energy is stored in chemical bonds, and is transferred when a chemical reacts. Another example is gravitational potential energy – the energy stored by objects when they are above the ground in a gravitational field. Elastic potential energy is the form of energy stored by an object that is under elastic deformation. Think of a stretched rubber band – it isn’t doing anything, but if you release it the stored elastic potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy, so you can fire it at someone.

Force and Extension/Compression The extension of an elastic object, like a spring, is directly proportional to the force applied to it, provided the limit of proportionality of the spring is not exceeded. This also works with the compression of an object – you can use the equations below too, ‘e’ just means the amount of compression. The spring constant measures how much extension you get for your force. A large spring constant means it won’t stretch far compared to a spring with a small spring constant, if the same force is applied (see examples above). The spring constant can be calculated from the gradient of a graph of force against extension. When force is applied to a spring, it moves a distance, so work is done. In other words, energy is transferred. The energy gets stored in the spring (or elastic object) as elastic potential energy (Ee). The amount of elastic potential energy is calculated by the equation shown on the right.

On graphs showing force against extension, you can see when the limit of proportionality is reached by looking at where the graph starts to curve. (Labelled x on this example)

đ??š=đ?‘˜đ?‘’ *

đ??¸đ?‘’ =

1 2

đ?‘˜ đ?‘’2

F = force (newtons, N) k = spring constant (newtons per metre, N/m) e = extension (metres, m) Ee = elastic potential energy (joules, J) k = spring constant (newtons per metre, N/m) e = extension (metres, m) – this is squared in this equation

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Forces and Braking Stopping a vehicle requires a force to be applied, since the speed must change – the vehicle must decelerate to 0 m/s. The stopping distance of a vehicle depends on two factors, which add up to make the stopping distance. These are the thinking distance (distance travelled while the driver reacts) and the braking distance (distance travelled under the braking force).

For a particular braking force, the greater the speed of the vehicle, the greater the stopping distance. This is because going from a higher speed to 0 m/s is a bigger change in speed than going from a lower speed to 0 m/s. The thinking distance is longer at a higher speed, because reaction times won’t change according to the speed – so you’d go further in the same time if you’re going faster. Typical reaction times vary from 0.4 s to 0.9 s. Different factors affect the thinking and braking distances – see the box.

Key Terms


Stopping distance

The distance a vehicle travels after the driver spots a danger and decides to stop. It is the sum of the thinking distance and braking distance.

Thinking distance

Distance travelled during a driver’s reaction time.

Braking distance

Distance travelled while the driver is applying the brake (i.e. distance travelled under the braking force).

Kinetic energy

The form of energy of any moving object. Since the equation uses speed, not velocity, this is a scalar quantity.

Thermal energy

The form of energy associated with heat. The thermal energy of an object is proportional to its temperature.


An object or group of object, and its/their interactions.

Conservation of energy

A fundamental concept in physics. In a system, total energy is always conserved (it cannot be created or destroyed). However, it can be transferred from one store of energy to another.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

đ??¸đ?‘? = đ?‘š đ?‘” â„Ž

Braking Force and Work Done When force is applied to the brakes, work is done by the friction force between the brake pads and the wheel. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is transferred to thermal energy – this is why brakes get hot.

To stop a vehicle in a certain distance, the faster the vehicle the larger the force needed, since a larger deceleration is needed (F = ma again). However, this can lead to overheating of the brakes and/or loss of control of the vehicle.

* đ??¸đ?‘˜ = *

1 2

đ?‘š đ?‘Ł2

Ep = gravitational potential energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength (newtons per kilogram, N/kg) h = height (metres, m) Ek = kinetic energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) v = speed (m/s) – this is squared in this equation

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms


Energy Stores and Systems

Energy store

A system is simply a small part of the universe that we choose to study. It consists of an object or objects, and we use systems to describe how energy changes in terms of how it is stored. Energy has to be conserved in a system, so it cannot be created or destroyed. However, it can change from one store to another, in an energy transfer.

A system or object can act as an energy store. Energy allows work to be done (since work done = energy transferred). Good examples of energy stores are objects up high (they have gravitational potential energy), fuels (they have chemical potential energy), and stretched springs (they have elastic potential energy).

Energy transfer

The change of energy from one store to another. Aka work.


Simply, this means ‘spread out’. When applied to energy being dissipated, this means that during energy transfers, some energy is stored in less useful ways. This can be called ‘wasted’ energy, since it is not transferred to form that is wanted.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

For example: ď ś Firing an object upwards transfers kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy ď ś When boiling water in kettle, electrical potential energy is transferred to thermal energy ď ś When using your phone, chemical potential energy is transferred to electrical energy, which is transferred to the surroundings, where it is stored as thermal energy.

The amount of energy that a moving object has, the amount of energy stored by a stretched spring, and the amount of energy gained by lifting up an object can all be calculated. The equations for Ek , Ee , and Ep are on preceding pages.

Energy Transfers In a system, the energy in the stores to start with can change form – we can say the overall energy in the system is redistributed – meaning it is transferred into other forms. In the end, the energy in the store is transferred to the surroundings. Often, the transfer to the surroundings is in the form of heat (thermal energy). With the candle example here, the chemical potential energy (energy store) is transferred to thermal energy, which is transferred to the surroundings in the end. It is, in practice, very hard to go back the other way – for example, to transfer the heat energy from the candle back into chemical potential energy. This is what is really meant when people talk about ‘saving energy’ – overall, energy can’t be destroyed so it can’t be saved – but, we should try to save the energy stores we rely upon, such as fossil fuels (a huge store of chemical potential energy).

∆đ??¸ = đ?‘š đ?‘? ∆đ?œƒ

∆E = change in thermal energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) c = specific heat capacity (joules per kilogram per degree Celsius, J/kg oC) ∆đ?œƒ = temperature change (oC)

Unwanted Energy Transfers During any energy transfer, energy can be transferred usefully, meaning that the stored energy is transferred in a way that does useful work. However, some dissipation of the stored energy, in ways that are not useful, is unavoidable. We call the energy transferred in this way ‘wasted energy’ – meaning unwanted energy transfers have taken place. Unwanted energy transfers can be reduced by, for instance, oiling/lubricating moving parts (reducing friction, therefore transfer to thermal energy) or insulating systems. Thermal insulation is insulation that reduces transfer of thermal energy to the surroundings. Thermal conductivity measures how rapidly thermal energy is conducted by a material (so, metals have high thermal conductivity). For effective thermal insulation, you want materials with very low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the material also affects the effectiveness of thermal insulation. Not surprisingly, the thicker the material, usually the better the insulation. Always a consideration in house building – see diagram for examples.

Key Terms



Power is the rate of energy transfer – also known as the rate at which work is done. (Remember, energy transferred is the same as work done.) Since it is a rate, like speed, power is calculated by dividing by time (see equations).

Going past measuring and describing energy transfers, we can consider how fast the energy transfer is (or, how fast the work is done). The rate (speed) of energy transfer is the power. The top two equations below show this.

Watt (W)

The watt is the unit for power. One watt is one joule transferred in one second – or 1 J/s (1 joule per second).

Two things might transfer the same amount of energy (do the same amount of work), but if one does it faster than the other, it has a higher power. For instance, if two people of the same mass run the same distance, they transferred the same amount of energy. However, if one of them completing it faster than the other, they had a higher power. (The ‘t’ in the equation would be smaller, leading to a larger value for ‘P’.)


The measure of how much of the stored energy in a system is transferred usefully. More efficient devices transfer more energy usefully, which is the same as saying they waste less energy.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Power

Meanings of terms in equation and units


Efficiency of Energy Transfers As you know, energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transferred. It is often useful to measure how much energy is transferred in the way we want, and how much is dissipated. This measure is called efficiency (see equations). Since there is always some wasted energy, efficiency must always be less than 1, or less than 100% if you convert the efficiency to a percentage. To improve efficiency, we reduce the energy transferred in ways that are not useful (i.e. reduce the wasted energy). In a simple example, the light bulb on the left wastes 80% (efficiency = 0.2 or 20%) of the input energy as heat energy, but the one on the right only wastes 20% (efficiency = 0.8 or 80%).


đ??¸ đ?‘Ą

P = power (watts, W) E = energy transferred (joules, J) t = time (s)


đ?‘Š đ?‘Ą

P = power (watts, W) W = work done (J) t = time (s)


* đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘–đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘Ś =

đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘˘đ?‘™ đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘Ąđ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;đ?‘”đ?‘Ś đ?‘Ąđ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘ đ?‘“đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;đ?‘”đ?‘Ś đ?‘Ąđ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘ đ?‘“đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;

* Similarly, the methods such as insulation or lubrication improve efficiency, since they reduce the energy transfer to wasted forms of energy.

đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘–đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘Ś = *

đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘˘đ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘¤đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘Ąđ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘¤đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą

Efficiency doesn’t have a unit. You can convert the efficiency (which will be a decimal) to a percentage by multiplying by 100.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Energy Resources Don’t get energy resources and stores of energy mixed up. Energy resources are energy stores that we know how to make use of for our needs, such as electricity. Stores of energy are the ways we find energy in objects or systems – e.g. chemical potential energy, gravitational potential energy, or thermal energy. The main energy resources on Earth are: fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas); nuclear fuel; biofuel; wind; hydroelectricity; geothermal; tides; the Sun and waves in the sea. These all are stores of energy we can access and transfer usefully, usually to electrical energy. We can also use these energy resources for transport (especially fossil fuels) and heating (especially geothermal – although not in the UK!).

Key Terms


Energy resources

Stores of energy on Earth that we can access and transfer to useful forms, such as electricity.

Nuclear fuel

Elements that can be used to release massive amounts of energy for generating electricity. Nuclear fuel is based on uranium.

Fossil fuel

A fuel, made from hydrocarbons, that formed millions of years ago from the bodies of animals and plants. Fossil fuels are a store of chemical potential energy.


The energy resource found in Earth’s crust, due the thermal energy of the rock of the crust is certain places on Earth.


Any type of fuel made from the bodies of organisms – such as fuels made from plants.


Water stored behind a dam has gravitational potential energy, so it is a store of energy we can make use of.

Tidal energy

Tides in the sea come in and out twice a day. This is a massive movement of water, whose kinetic energy can be transferred usefully to electrical energy.

Wave energy

Waves in the ocean have kinetic energy. With the right equipment, this energy can be transferred usefully to electrical energy.

Solar energy

The Sun is an abundant source of energy. Using solar panels, we can transfer light energy directly into electrical energy. We can also use the thermal energy from the Sun for heating and for generating electricity.


A form of energy that we find extremely useful, since it can be used to run so many devices. We use the energy resources described here mainly (but not only) to generate electricity.


Describes energy resources that are, or can be, replenished (replaced) as they are used. E.g. biofuels, geothermal.


Describes energy resources that cannot be replenished. In other words, they get used up. E.g. fossil fuels, nuclear fuel.

Using Energy Resources Some energy resources are more reliable than others. For instance, as you may have noticed, the Sun as an energy resource (using solar panels) is not totally reliable in the UK. So we couldn’t totally rely on the Sun as an energy resource. Fossil fuels are reliable for the time being, as the supply is good, but they are non-renewable, so this may change in the future. Fossil fuels are also relied upon for transport. This is changing, but still the vast majority of vehicles use fossil fuels as their energy resource. Environmental considerations about the use of energy resources should also be made. For instance, the combustion of fossil fuels adds to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing climate change. On the other hand, renewable methods like hydroelectricity involve building dams that may displace people and destroy habitats. There are always ethical factors to weigh up too. Although science can identify issues such as environmental problems, scientists are not politicians and big decisions to deal with issues are out of their hands a lot of the time. Political, social, ethical or economic factors also affect decisions made about the use of Earth’s energy resources.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns The History of the Periodic Table • Throughout history scientists have tried to classify substances and many scientists attempted to construct a Periodic Table. • Before the knowledge of protons, neutrons and electrons, scientists arranged the Periodic table by atomic weight. This meant the groups were not always correct. • In 1869 Dimitri Mendeleev, a Russian Scientist, published his Periodic Table. It was slightly different to those that had been before. He still arranged elements by atomic weight but he also left gaps for where he predicted elements would be. • He very accurately predicted the properties of elements that were not discovered until many years later; for example, Gallium. • Mendeleev's Periodic Table is still different from the modern one as some of his masses were wrong due to the existence of isotopes • Isotopes are elements with same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons and therefore different atomic weights.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

Key Terms


Dimitri Mendeleev

A Russian Chemist, who in 1869 published a Periodic Table containing gaps.

Periodic Table

The table which organises the 118 elements based on atomic structure


Two atoms with the same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons


An element which loses electrons to form a positive charge

Non Metal

An element which gains electrons to form a negative charge


An element with a positive or negative charge

Metals and Non-Metals • • •

Metals are found on the left hand side of the Periodic Table, the majority of elements are metals. When metals react, they lose an electrons to form positive ions. Non metals gain electrons to form a negative charge.

Groups in the Periodic Table Physical properties

Chemical Properties



Group 1 (Alkali metals)

Soft, low density

React vigorously with water releasing hydrogen

Sodium + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen

More reactive as you go down, outermost electron further from the nucleus so it’s easier to lose

Group 7 (Halogens)

Low melting point, exist as pair (Cl2)

React with group 1 metals to form compounds . Can carry out displacement reactions

Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride Sodium Bromide + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride + Bromine

Higher melting point as you go down the group (higher molecular mass). Less reactive as you go down the group.

Group 0 (Noble Gases)

Low melting point/boiling point Eight electrons in outer shell (except helium)

Unreactive, as they have a full outer shell


Higher melting point and boiling point as you go down the group (due to increase in density)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns

Key Terms



A substance made of only ONE type of element or compound

Pure and Impure Substances • A pure substance contains only one type of element or compound. • An impure substance contains more than one type of element or compound in a mixture, for example salt water contains NaCl and H2O. All mixtures are impure substances. • Mixtures are much easier to separate than elements or compounds as they are not chemically bonded • There are a variety of ways that mixtures can be separated and they are outlined below. Remember that these are all physical changes and chemical bonds are not broken during any of these processes.


A mixture of elements and/or compounds


A technique where mixtures can be separated based on their solubility.


A separation technique which means a mixture of two liquids is heated


Method of mixture separation where a solvent is evaporated, leaving the solute behind.

Separating Impure Substance

Name Chromatography


Explanation • • •

Different substances travel different distances up the paper depending on their solubility in the solvent used (it is often water but not always). The more soluble, the further it moves up the paper Line must be drawn with pencil because pencil will not run. Artificial colours in foods can be identified using chromatography. Additives do not necessarily have a colour and therefore are identified using chemical analysis.


• Distillation is when two liquids with different boiling points are separated • For example ethanol (alcohol) boils at 78 ℃ and water boils at 100 ℃ • If you heat a mixture of water and ethanol to 80℃ the ethanol will evaporate but the water will not. • You then condense the ethanol and collect the pure ethanol


Crystallisation is when a solvent is evaporated from a solute. The evaporation should happen until the solution is saturated (has as much solid dissolved in the solution as possible). The solution should the be allowed to cool, as the solution cools crystals will grow. The crystals can then be separated and dried.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns Chromatography and Rf values • When carrying out chromatography we can calculate an Rf (retention factor) value/ • The retention factor is a ratio between the distance travelled by the solvent and the distance travelled by a compound. • Chromatography has two phases- a stationary phase where particles can’t move (the filter paper in most cases), a mobile phase where particles can move (a solvent for example water). • Different compounds will have different Rf values in different solvents, this allow us to see whether a substance is pure or impure. • To calculate Rf value you need to divide the distance moved by the solvent by the distance moved by the spot. • For example to work out the Rf for the spot further up the paper: đ??ľ 7.5 • Rf= đ??´ Rf= 10 = 0.75 • There are no units as the answer is a ratio • The higher the Rf the further the spot has moved up the paper, compared to the solvent.

Key Terms


Retention Factor

The ratio between the distance travelled by the substance and the distance travelled by the solvent.

Equation Rf=

đ??ľ đ??´

Meanings of terms in equation and units Rf = Retention Factor (no units) B = Distance travelled by substance (cm) A= Distance travelled by solvent (cm)

Melting Point and Boiling point • A chemically pure substance will melt or boil at a very specific temperature. • If a substance is chemically impure it will melt or boil at a lower temperature and across a broader range. • The closer the substance is to the melting point the purer the substance. Formulations • Formulations are mixtures made using a precise amount of each substance, so they can serve a particular purpose. • For example in paints or in pills.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: What is an Organism? Unicellular vs. multicellular organisms Unicellular organisms’ bodies are simply one cell. All bacteria and other prokaryotic organisms are unicellular. Multicellular organisms are made of many cells and are much more complex. In multicellular organisms, cells differentiate to become specialised cells, carrying out specific roles in the organism. The levels of organisation in multicellular organisms form a hierarchy. In biology, hierarchies get simpler as you go down; or more complex as you go up because the upper things are made up of the things below them. The organisational hierarchy in multicellular organisms is shown here.

Stem cells Once cells are specialised, they can’t go back to being an unspecialised cell. This is why we all start life as a mass of unspecialised cells, called stem cells – this is what an embryo is. Stem cells can divide to make new cells and can differentiate to become specialised cells. In an young embryo, all the cells are stem cells, so they can be taken, cloned and used to produce any human cells by differentiation. In adults, there are not many stem cells left – most have differentiated. But there are some, for repair and replacement of specialised cells. For instance, there are stem cells in the bone marrow. These can be collected, cloned and made to differentiate into any type of blood cell. Using stem cells in this way is an active area of medical research, to treat conditions like diabetes and paralysis.

Key Terms



Describes organisms formed of only one cell: like all prokaryotic organisms


Describes organisms made of many cells.


The process of becoming a specialised cell. Specialised cells are the result of differentiation of stem cells.

Stem cells

Cells that are undifferentiated. Stem cells are capable of forming many more cells of the same type (by cell division), and forming certain types of specialised cell by cell division.


A very young multicellular organism, formed by fertilisation. Embryos are made of stem cells.

Cell cycle

The series of stages during which cells divide to make new cells. In the cell cycle, the DNA is replicated (copied exactly) and the cell splits by mitosis into two cells with one set of DNA each.


The specific part of the cell cycle where the cell divides to make two new cells, which are identical.


A structure containing one molecule of DNA. One chromosome contains many genes. In body cells, chromosomes are found in pairs (since you inherit one copy of each chromosome from your mother and one copy from your father).

The cell cycle – diagram bottom left

Two identical cells

Cells divide to make new cells, for growth and repair, in the cell cycle. It isn’t as simple as the cell splitting in two: it must prepare before doing that. 1. The cell grows larger and makes more sub-cellular structures, such as ribosomes and mitochondria. (It makes enough for two cells!) 2. The genetic material (DNA) is doubled by making an exact replica of the chromosomes. So, there are two copies of every chromosome at this point (labelled S on the cell cycle diagram). 3. Tiny fibres in the cell pull the copies of each chromosome to opposite ends of the cell, breaking the replica chromosomes apart. This means the nucleus can divide into two, each with the full set of chromosomes. 4. The cytoplasm and cell membranes divide to form two genetically identical cells. This is summarised in the diagram left.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: What is an Organism?

Key Terms



Sorting into groups. Traditional classification of organisms depends on their structure, but more modern methods involve analysing the biochemical similarities between organisms to classify them.


The largest group in the Linnaean system. In this model, there are five kingdoms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and protists).


The study of chemicals in living organisms, such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Three-domain system

A modern model of classification, based on the genetic differences between organisms.


Unicellular, like bacteria, but biochemically very different. These organisms often live in extreme environments, like very hot water around geysers. No-one realised that they were fundamentally different to bacteria before the chemical analysis was performed.


Also called ‘true bacteria’ – the prokaryotic organisms you think of as bacteria. (Check your knowledge on prokaryotic cells)


All organisms with a nucleus, like us, plants, fungi and protists. All multicellular organisms fit into this domain (but it does include many unicellular organisms!).

Evolutionary tree

A method used to show how closely related organisms are. For living organisms, we can use genetic analysis; for extinct organisms, the fossil record suggest the relationships.

Classification the traditional way People have always given living organisms names and attempted to group them together based on their similarities. The first system that has stuck around is the classification system described by Carl Linnaeus, in which he sorted organisms according to their structure (anatomy) and characteristics. He came up with a hierarchical system, where the larger groups contain all the smaller groups below them. It is called the Linnaean system, after him. These groups, in order of size (based on how many organisms fit in each one) are called: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Species are what you think of as individual types of organism – like tigers, oak trees or great white sharks. It is worth remembering that some organisms that are given one name in everyday language actually represent many species. For instance, there are many species of eagle and many species of shark. When giving the scientific name of an organism, you give the genus and species. E.g. great white sharks are Carcharodon carcharias, humans are Homo sapiens. This is called the binomial system for naming species.

Classification the modern way The Linnaean system dates back to the 18th century. Since then, knowledge and understanding of the internal structure of cells and biochemistry has developed significantly. Analysis of genetic material in cells has shown that the five kingdoms suggested by Linnaeus are not the best way to divide up life. A three-domain system is now used (although the Linnaean system is still very useful, and commonly used). The three-domain system was suggested by Carl Woese. Woese’s chemical analysis showed that there are three distinct groups of life, into which all organisms can fit without overlapping. These are called domains: the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota. One of the key things about this system is that is recognised that two huge groups of organisms (archaea and bacteria) are actually different. In the Linnaean system, they were bunched together in the ‘bacteria’ kingdom.

Since it is based on genetic analysis, the three-domain system links to the closeness of the relationship between organisms. We know all life on Earth is related (since we all use the same genetic code). That’s why, when you draw an evolutionary tree (right), it starts with one ‘trunk’ – the first life on Earth (the common ancestor for us all). But, clearly, life has split into many different groups, as shown with the examples on the tree here.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The net (overall) movement of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration, simply due to the random motion of particles in a liquid or gas. Diffusion happens across cell membranes, from higher to lower concentration. It does not require any energy from the cell.

Concentration gradient

The difference in concentration of a substance between two places. A ‘steeper’ concentration gradient means there is a bigger difference in concentration.

Surface area to volume ratio

The surface area divided by the volume of an organism, organ or cell. Generally, the smaller something is, the larger the surface area to volume ratio.

Exchange surface

A place, such as the walls of the small intestine, where exchange of substances takes place e.g. by diffusion across it.

Diffusion pathway

The distance over which a substance must diffuse. A thin wall or membrane is a short diffusion pathway.


Osmosis only describes the movement of water. It is the diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution across a partially permeable membrane.

Exchange and Transport To stay alive, all organisms must exchange substances with their environment. This means they must transport into cells the substances they need from the environment and transport out waste products to the environment. Substances can be transported into or out of cells by: diffusion, osmosis or active transport.

Diffusion Diffusion allows many substances to move into or out of cells. Thanks to the random motion of particles in liquids and gases, particles will spread out until the concentration is equal throughout. If there is a cell membrane that lets the substance through (is permeable) in the way, it doesn’t matter. Overall, the net movement of the substance will be from higher to lower concentration, as the diagram shows. Diffusion is the process by which oxygen is transported into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is transported out (in the lungs, or gills of fish). It is also how the waste product urea moves from cells into the bloodstream, before removal in the urine. The rate of diffusion is affected by: 1. the steepness of the concentration gradient 2. the temperature (a higher temperature increases the rate of diffusion as particles have more kinetic energy) 3. The surface area of the membrane (a larger surface area of cell membrane increases the rate of diffusion into/out of a cell).

Partially permeable membrane Active transport

A membrane that only allows some substances through – others are prevented from travelling through. The movement of substances against the concentration gradient – from lower to higher concentration. This requires energy from respiration.

Active transport Osmosis Osmosis is the movement of water from a more dilute solution (more ‘watery’) to a more concentrated solution (less ‘watery’) across a partially permeable membrane, such as a cell membrane. Osmosis causes cells to swell up if they are placed in a dilute solution, or shrivel up if they are placed in a concentrated solution (a solution of salt, for instance, or sugar).

Active transport is so-named because it requires energy. A good example of where it happens is in plant roots. Root hair cells (see specialised cells topic) absorb mineral ions (like magnesium ions and nitrate ions) from the very dilute solution in the soil by active transport. They need ions like these for healthy growth. An example in animals is absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood – the blood has a higher sugar concentration so active transport is needed. The sugar is needed by all cells in the body for respiration.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms


Small intestine

The organ in the digestive system where products of digestion are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Adaptations for efficient exchange and transport


The organs were gas exchange takes place. The air sacs where gases are actually exchanged are called alveoli.


The organs in fish where gas exchange takes place. Oxygen is absorbed from the water into the blood, and carbon dioxide is transferred to the water.


The plant organs responsible for gas exchange.


Technical term for breathing in and out. Breathing in brings fresh air, with a relatively high oxygen concentration, into the lungs, and breathing out removes the air with a relatively high concentration of carbon dioxide (and low concentration of oxygen).

Unicellular organisms have a very large surface area to volume ratio compared to multicellular organisms. This means that they simply exchange substances through their cell membrane directly with their environment. They are small enough that diffusion is sufficient to meet their needs (see diagram). However in multicellular organisms, cells that are not at the surface wouldn’t be able to directly exchange substances with the environment. This is why organs with specialised exchange surfaces have evolved. Without lungs, gills, or leaves, for example, multicellular organisms wouldn’t be able to obtain all the substances they need to survive, or be able to get rid of waste products efficiently.

Specialised exchange surfaces To be effective at exchanging substances with the environment, any exchange surface must have a large surface area, and a thin wall/membrane for a short diffusion pathway. In animals, a constant blood supply also increases effectiveness, and in the lungs, ventilation (breathing in and out) increases effectiveness by refreshing the concentration gradient with each breath. Gas exchange in lungs

Exchange in animals and plants Gas exchange in many animals, including us, happens in the lungs. The structures in the lungs where it happens are the alveoli. There are millions of these tiny air sacs, so in total their surface area is gigantic. They also have a short diffusion pathway, a good blood supply and air supply due to ventilation. (look at the diagram of one alveolus) In fish, gills are where gas exchange takes place (see diagram). Again, a huge surface area increases the efficiency of gas exchange, along with a short diffusion pathway and good blood supply. The huge surface area comes from the division of gills into very thin plates of tissue called lamellae. This also creates the short diffusion pathway. In plants, the roots absorb water and mineral ions. The root hair cells have long projections that increase the surface area of this exchange surface, and shorten the diffusion pathway. The leaves are responsible for gas exchange, including oxygen out and water vapour out, and carbon dioxide in. Being flat and broad increases the effectiveness of the leaves as exchange surfaces, by increasing the surface area and shortening the diffusion pathway. In leaves, exchange happens through microscopic holes called stomata.

Substance exchange in roots

Gas exchange in gills

Gas exchange in leaves

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes are large proteins.

The human digestive system

Digestive enzyme

Enzyme that works in the digestive system, breaking down large food molecules into simpler, smaller molecules for absorption into the blood.

Active site

The part of an enzyme where the reaction takes place. They are very specific in shape, so that a specific substrate fits into the active site.


To disrupt the shape of the active site of an enzyme. Denaturation happens when the enzyme is at too high a temperature or at the wrong pH for that enzyme.


The molecule that fits into an enzyme’s active site and reacts to make a product or products.


A type of molecule found in all living things. Made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Simple sugars like glucose are carbohydrates, and so are complex sugars like starch – in fact, starch is made of many glucose molecules joined up.


Scientific name for fat. Lipids are made up of glycerol and fatty acids. Made mainly of carbon and hydrogen (+ oxygen).


Type of molecule made from amino acids. Proteins in the body can be structural (e.g. muscle is made mainly of proteins) or metabolic (control chemical reactions – e.g. enzymes). Made mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.


The ideal temperature or pH for enzymes to work.

The digestive system breaks down food molecules into molecules our cells can actually use, and absorbs the simpler molecules resulting from digestion. The products of digestion are used to make new molecules we need, and the glucose is used in respiration. It is an organ system; the organs of the digestive system are shown on the diagram. Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth and stomach especially, where food is physically broken up into smaller pieces. This does not, however, break down the large molecules that our food is made from (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins). That is the role of chemical digestion, which is what enzymes do.

Enzymes and digestion Enzymes are large proteins; there are many different types. All organisms use enzymes to control chemical reactions (metabolism). Enzymes are catalysts, so they speed up chemical reactions. They work by having an active site with a specific shape. A specific molecule slots into the active site (like a key into a lock) and the reaction takes place. So, the shape of the active site is vitally important, and only one sort of enzyme will work on each substrate. The diagram shows this ‘lock and key’ model of enzyme action.

Bile Bile is a vital substance for digestion. It is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder before being released into the small intestine just after the stomach. It is alkaline, to neutralise the stomach acid and to make the partly digested food pH 8 – the optimum pH for enzymes in the small intestine. It also emulsifies fats, meaning it breaks them up into small droplets. This increases the fat droplets’ surface area, increasing the rate of digestion by lipase.

Digestive enzyme

Site of production

Site of action



Salivary glands, pancreas and small intestine wall

Mouth, small intestine

Complex carbohydrates - e.g. starch

Simple sugars


Stomach, pancreas, small intestine wall

Stomach, small intestine


Amino acids


Pancreas, small intestine wall

Small intestine


Glycerol and fatty acids

Carbohydrase - e.g. amylase

- e.g. glucose

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The larger chambers in the heart. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs; the left ventricle pumps blood around the whole body.


Smaller chambers of the heart. These fill with blood from the vena cava and pulmonary vein, then pump the blood into the ventricles.


The artery leaving the left ventricle. It branches off to supply, in the end, every cell of the body with blood.

Vena cava

The major vein transporting blood from the whole body back to the heart (to the right atrium)

Pulmonary artery

The blood vessel leaving the right ventricle, carrying blood to the lungs.

Pulmonary vein

Vein leading from the lungs back to the heart (to the left atrium).


Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, at relatively high pressure.


Very small, thin-walled blood vessel where exchange of substances between the blood and body cells takes place.


Blood vessels that return blood to the heart at relatively low pressure. Only these vessels have valves in them.

Coronary blood vessel

The heart muscle needs its own blood supply. This comes from branches from the aorta as soon as it leaves the heart called coronary arteries.

The heart The heart is an organ whose role is to pump blood around the body. In humans and other mammals, the heart is part of a double circulatory system. This means the blood goes through the heart twice on its route around the body. It goes: right side of heart  lungs  left side of heart  body (and back to the heart again). Learn the labelled parts of the heart. The arrows show the direction of blood flow. The heart walls are made mainly of muscle – when the heart ‘beats’, the muscle contracts to pump the blood. The natural resting heart rate is controlled by a group of cells in the right atrium that act as a pacemaker. These cells set off the impulses that make the heart muscle contract. If there is a fault in the heart and the heart rate is irregular, an artificial pacemaker can be fitted to correct these irregularities.

Vena cava

Right atrium

Aorta Pulmonary artery Left atrium

Right ventricle

Left ventricle

Blood vessels Blood is restricted to blood vessels in the body (unless you cut yourself!). There are three types: arteries, capillaries and veins. Blood being pumped by the heart always travels in the order arteries  capillaries  veins and veins return the blood to the heart. Arteries carry the blood at high pressure, so they have thick, elastic walls. Capillaries are where exchange takes place, so their walls are only one cell thick (for a short diffusion pathway). Veins carry the blood back to the heart at low pressure, so their walls are thinner than arteries (much thicker than capillaries though). However, to prevent blood flowing back the wrong way, veins have valves in them, which you can see on the diagram.

The lungs The lungs are the organs responsible for gas exchange in humans and other mammals. Air flows in while breathing in, through the trachea (windpipe), through the bronchi to each lung, and eventually to the alveoli, that you’ve looked at before. Muscle contraction allows us to breathe in – the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract. When they relax, we breathe out. The lungs are adapted for efficient gas exchange with their short diffusion pathway, huge surface area, and good blood and air supplies.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The liquid part of the blood, mostly made of water, but with substances like glucose, proteins, ions and carbon dioxide dissolved in it.

Red blood cells

Disc-shaped cells that contain haemoglobin, which can bind to oxygen, so it can be transported from the lungs to tissues.

The blood Blood is a tissue. When separated into the component parts as a the diagram shows, we find that just over half of it is made up of plasma. The cells components (mostly red blood cells) are suspended in the plasma – meaning they are normally mixed evenly throughout the plasma. The majority of the cell parts is made up of red blood cells, which transport oxygen. The other components are white blood cells and platelets.

White blood cells

Cells in the blood that fight infection caused by pathogens.


Fragments of cells that cause clotting of blood at a wound, to reduce blood loss.


A solid clump of blood formed when there is an injury.

Red blood cells Red blood cell As you can see in the photograph (taken with a microscope of course!), red blood cells are disc shaped and have a concave surface on each side. This increases their surface area for absorbing and transporting oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. Red blood cells are unusual in that they don’t have a nucleus or other organelles. This makes more room for haemoglobin – the red-coloured chemical that oxygen actually binds to for transport.

White blood cell


Platelets Platelets are fragments of cells – produced deliberately by your body (they aren’t simply broken cells!). The photograph here shows a platelet between a red blood cell and a white blood cell. Their role is to initiate (start off) the process of clotting at a wound, as shown in the diagram to the left. They create a clot, which blocks the injury in the blood vessel until proper healing can happen, preventing excessive blood loss.

White blood cells There are actually numerous types of white blood cell, as the photo shows, but they are all part of the immune system and fight communicable disease (disease caused by pathogens). They all have large nuclei, because they are very active cells. They can also change shape, which is useful because they can get out of the blood (through tiny gaps in the walls of capillaries) and so they can engulf microorganisms – like the photo below of a white blood cell engulfing a yeast cell.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive? Plant tissues in the leaf and transpiration Look at the key terms and definitions for the key types of plant tissue. Leaves are organs in plants that contain many of those types of tissue. Together with the stem and roots, they form an organ system for transport of substances around the plant. The photograph shows the transverse section of a leaf – a thin slice through the leaf, looking edge-on. The vein contains the xylem and phloem vessels. The stomata (singular: stoma) are the holes through which gases are exchanged. This includes water vapour. Plants absorb all their water in the roots (you’ve already looked at root hair cells), and keep water moving constantly through by losing water as vapour from the leaves. The constant flow of water up the plant is called the transpiration stream. This loss of water vapour from the leaves is called transpiration. Transpiration is sped up by: • a higher temperature, since water molecules have more kinetic energy so diffusion out of stomata is faster • Lower humidity (drier air), since there is a steeper concentration gradient if the air outside the plant is relatively drier than the air in the air spaces • Higher air flow (being windier!), since this refreshes the concentration gradient all the time, as water vapour is blown away from the leaves • Higher light intensity: this increases the rate of photosynthesis, which uses water, so water flows more rapidly up through the plant.

Key Terms



Type of plant tissue that covers the surface of a plant

Palisade mesophyll

Tissue in the leaf where photosynthesis takes place

Spongy mesophyll

Tissue in the leaf with air spaces between cells – specialised for gas exchange


Narrow tubes in the roots, stem and leaves, which transport water and mineral ions up the plant from the roots


Other tubes that run alongside xylem, but transport sugars dissolved in water instead – a process called translocation


Type of tissue found at growing tips of roots and shoots, containing stem cells so they can differentiate into different sorts of plant cell

Guard cell

In pairs, guard cells form the stomata on leaves – the holes through which gases are exchanged. They can open and close the stomata as required by the plant.


The process by which plants lose water, as vapour, from their leaves through the stomata.

Xylem and Phloem Xylem tissue is made of hollow tubes, formed from the cell walls of dead cells, and strengthened by a substance called lignin. The diagram shows their adaptations to the function of transporting water and minerals.

Stomata, guard cells and transpiration Stomata must be open at least some of the time, to allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis. However, guard cells can control how many stomata are open, and how wide open they are. This is useful in dry conditions, because the plant can conserve water instead of losing lots of it through transpiration.

Phloem, on the other hand, is a tissue made of living cells. They are elongated and stacked to form tubes. Phloem tubes transport food – dissolved sugars – made in the leaves to other parts of the plant, for use in respiration or for storage. The sugary substance they transport is called cell sap, and its transport is called translocation. Cell sap flows from one phloem cell to the next through pores (holes) in the ends of the cells.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



Regulating the internal conditions of the body in response to internal or external changes, to maintain optimum conditions for the body’s functioning

Endocrine system

The network of hormone-producing glands in the body. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream to their target tissues.

Blood glucose

Glucose (a simple sugar) is transported in the blood, as all cells require it for respiration. The concentration of blood glucose must be kept within very tight limits at all times.


A change in the environment, detected by a receptor cell. E.g. light, sound, chemicals (smells and tastes), pressure, pain, temperature etc.


A nerve is just a collection of many nerve cells; nerve cells are called neurones. Neurones transmit (carry) information as electrical impulses.

Homeostasis Unless chemical and physical conditions in the body are kept within strict limits, cells die. Thus, our bodies constantly and automatically regulate the internal conditions in the body to maintain optimum functions. This regulation is called homeostasis. It is vital for proper enzyme functioning, and indeed all cell functions. Some factors that need controlling by homeostasis in the human body: • Blood glucose concentration • Body temperature • Water levels • Nitrogen levels.

The regulation that takes place can be carried out by the nervous system, the endocrine system (which produces hormones), or a combination of the two. These automatic control systems we use for homeostasis all include: - Receptor cells – these detect changes in the environment. Changes are called stimuli. - Coordination centres – these receive information from receptor cells (electrical or chemical information) and process the information. Examples include the brain, spinal cord and pancreas. - Effectors – these are muscles or glands, which carry out the responses as directed by the control centre. Muscles contract and glands release chemicals, such as hormones.

The human nervous system The nervous system is a network of neurones (nerve cells), bundled into nerves. It includes the nerves all over the body and the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system allows us to react to the surroundings and control our behaviour. It can act involuntarily (in reflexes) or voluntarily.

The reflex arc and reflex actions Reflex actions, for instance pulling your hand away from a pain stimulus, follow a simple pathway. 1. The receptor detects the stimulus and passes electrical impulses along the sensory neurone to the CNS (the spinal cord part, in this case). 2. There is a junction (tiny gap) between the sensory neurone and the relay neurone called a synapse. Here, a chemical is released that diffuses across the gap and causes an electrical impulse to pass along the relay neurone. 3. There is another synapse between the relay neurone and the motor neurone, again a chemical is released that causes the electrical impulse to pass along the motor neurone. 4. The impulse arrives at the effector – in this example, a muscle that contracts to pull your hand away from the source of pain. stimulus

sensory neurone


spinal cord

Information from receptors, in the form of electrical impulses, passes along neurones to the central nervous system (CNS for short); the CNS coordinates the response by transmitting electrical impulses to the effectors (see above). A reflex arc causes reflex actions, which are rapid and automatic (automatic because they don’t involve the conscious part of the brain).

effector (muscle, in this case)

motor neurone

relay neurone

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



A large chemical released by an endocrine gland; hormones have target tissues/organs and they produce an effect when they reach them.

The human endocrine system

Target organ/tissue

The destination of a hormone and the place where the effect caused by the hormone actually happens.


The proper term for ‘release’ of a chemical in the body, such as a hormone from an endocrine gland.


The hormone released by the pancreas that lowers blood glucose concentration, by making cells take in glucose from the blood.


Large chemical, made from glucose, that acts as a store of glucose in liver and muscle cells.

Pituitary gland

The ‘master gland’ of the endocrine system, since, through its hormone release, it can make other endocrine glands release hormones.

Hormones are released by endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream so they can be transported to a target organ or tissue and cause an effect. In comparison with the nervous system, the effects caused by the endocrine system are slower but act for longer. The hormones themselves are large chemical molecules. The most important endocrine gland is the pituitary gland – think of it as a master gland that secretes many hormones that act on other endocrine glands, which then release hormones of their own. Learn the positions of the endocrine glands indicated on the diagram.

Testes Diabetes Diabetes is a group of disorders where blood glucose cannot be properly regulated by the body, which is potentially very dangerous. There are two types, with different causes and treatments. More on this in topic 13: how do organisms get sick?

Controlling blood glucose concentration The monitoring and control of blood glucose concentration are both carried out by the pancreas. When blood glucose concentration rises (for instance, soon after eating), the pancreas detects this and releases the hormone insulin. Insulin causes glucose to move out of the blood and into cells. In particular, muscle and liver cells take in glucose and convert it to a much bigger molecule called glycogen for storage, rather than keeping it as glucose in their cytoplasm. This, obviously, lowers the blood glucose concentration back down to what it should be. HT: when blood glucose concentration drops too low, the pancreas detects this and releases a different hormone: glucagon. Glucagon causes muscle and liver cells to convert glycogen back into glucose and release it into the blood. This obviously raises the blood glucose concentration back up. Therefore, using insulin and glucagon, the pancreas can keep your blood glucose concentration within very tight limits – an excellent example of homeostasis.

HT: negative feedback Negative feedback is an important concept in homeostasis. Secretion of hormones is stimulated by a change from the normal level of a condition in the body. The hormone brings the condition back under control, so its release is no longer stimulated. In a round about way, hormones end up preventing their own release – this is called negative feedback. The diagram shows this in general. The level of many hormones can be controlled in this way. Thyroxine, secreted by the thyroid gland, is controlled by negative feedback, for example. Thyroxine stimulates the basal metabolic rate – the baseline for the speed of chemical reactions in the body. This is important in growth and development. Another hormone you need to know about is adrenaline. This is released by the adrenal glands when you are scared or stressed. It increases the heart rate, increasing the delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles. This prepares the body for ‘fight or flight’ – combat or running away.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: How do Organisms Stay Alive? Controlling water and nitrogen balance in the body Maintaining water levels in the body is essential for proper functioning of body cells. You must regularly ‘top up’ your water (by having a drink!), as it is constantly being lost from the body. Water is lost in these ways: • Water vapour is lost from the lungs when we exhale (breathe out) • Water (along with ions and urea) is lost from the skin in sweat • Water (along with ions and urea) is lost through the kidneys in urine. We can’t control the first two methods of water loss – you have to breathe and sweating is unavoidable (and varies according to temperature of the surroundings, of course). However, the amount of water lost in urine can be controlled – by the endocrine system. So, your body can remove excess water in the urine, or keep some water back by not putting so much in the urine.



A chemical that must be removed from the body, as it is mildly toxic. It is produced in the liver from excess (too much) amino acids. Urea contains nitrogen.


Wee! Urine contains water (in variable amounts), ions and, most importantly, urea. Urine is produced in the kidneys.


Any process that removes substances from the body.


In the kidney, filtration of the blood means large particles/cells/molecules remain in the blood (e.g. red blood cells) and small molecules go through the filter (e.g. water, ions, glucose, urea).


In the kidney, many substances are taken back into the blood even though they were just filtered out. 100% of glucose is reabsorbed (unless someone has diabetes) and most of the water and ions.

HT: urea formation and hormonal control of water level

Kidney function Kidneys produce urine in two stages: by filtration of the blood then selective reabsorption of useful substances. Only small molecules can get through the filter (which is why there aren’t any red blood cells in your urine). The kidney then reabsorbs (takes back in) the substances you need – all the glucose, many of the ions and most of the water.

Key Terms

Urea is a product made in the liver. The digestion of proteins (from the diet) results in excess amino acids which need to be excreted safely. The liver removes the amino part of the amino acids (NH3) – a process called deamination. The ammonia produced is toxic so it is immediately converted to urea in the liver cells, which is far less harmful. The urea enters the bloodstream so it can be filtered out in the kidneys.

The filter


ADH is the hormone that controls water level in the body. It is released by the pituitary gland when the water level drops (the blood is too concentrated). The target organ for ADH is the kidney – ADH causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water into the blood, so the water level increases again. The release of ADH is controlled by negative feedback.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: The Particle Model of Matter States of matter and changes of state Study the diagram. The particle model is used to explain differences between solids, liquids and gases, and to explain how changes from one state to another happen. Make sure you know how to draw the particles arrangement in each state, and know all the names for each state change shown on the diagram. In a solid, the particles are fixed in position and only vibrate – they can’t flow around. In a liquid, the particles are still very close together but they can flow past each other. In a gas, the particles move randomly and there is empty space between them.

Key Terms



Models are used all the time in science. A model represents the real world and can explain many things about the universe. However, models are never perfect and there are limits to what they can explain. That doesn’t stop them being extremely useful though!

Particle model

The model that represents molecules or atoms as small, hard spheres. The important things to think about when using the particle model are the arrangement of the particles in each state of matter and the kinetic energy of the particles.

State of matter

The physical arrangement of particles determines the state of a particular substance: solid, liquid or gas. Changing from one state of matter to another is a physical process, NOT a chemical process. No new substance is produced, and if you reverse the state change, you have a substance with exactly the same properties as the stuff you started with.


The quantity that defines how much material (i.e. mass) is in a certain volume. See equation. If you have two objects the same size but different densities, the more dense object will feel heavier in your hand as there is more mass in the same volume.


The change of state from solid to liquid/liquid to solid.

Evaporate/ condense

Change of state from liquid to gas/ gas to liquid.

In changes of state, no new substance is produced and there is no change in the mass of the substance. This is because no particles are created or destroyed.

Density and the particle model The particle model explains why 1 kg of a gas will have a much larger volume than 1 kg of a solid. This is because there is empty space between the particles in a gas, whereas in a solid, they are tightly packed together. Looking at the equation below, you should see that in this example the m is the same (1 kg), but the volume for the gas is much larger. Since we divide by volume, this must mean that the density of the gas is much smaller than the density of the solid.

Pressure in gases Particles in a gas are constantly moving – so they store kinetic energy. They collide with the walls of their container, and exert a force when they do. The total force exerted on a certain area of the wall is the gas pressure.

Cooler gas – less kinetic energy

Hotter gas – more kinetic energy

The amount of kinetic energy that the particles have is related to the temperature of the gas. The higher the temperature, the more kinetic energy they have. This means they move faster, on average. Therefore, there are more collisions with the container walls and they exert a greater force when they collide with the walls. Thus, increasing the temperature of a gas (keeping the volume the same) increases the pressure of the gas.


Like evaporation, boiling is a change of state from liquid to gas. However, boiling involves heating of the liquid so it boils, rather than particles on the surface of the liquid becoming gas (like in evaporation).


Pressure is caused by the force exerted by particles in a gas when they hit the walls of a container.


Meanings of terms in equation

đ?œŒ= *

� �

ď ˛ = density (kilograms per metre cubed, kg/m3) m = mass (kg) V = volume (metres cubed, m3)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: The Particle Model of Matter

Key Terms


Internal energy

The energy stored by the particles in a system (solid, liquid or gas). Internal energy is the sum of the potential energy of particles and the kinetic energy of the particles.

Kinetic energy

The energy associated with movement. The kinetic energy of particles in any state of matter is related to the temperature of the matter.


A measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance. As temperature increases, the average kinetic energy increases. Note: temperature does not measure the potential energy of particles, just their kinetic energy.


Heating is one way to transfer energy from one store to another. On this page, we talk about how heating substances increases the internal energy of that substance (both the kinetic and potential energy of particles).

Specific heat capacity

The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by one degree Celsius.

Latent heat

Latent heat is linked to the potential energy of particles in a system – it is the energy needed for a substance to change state. It cannot be measured with a thermometer, since it is not linked to the kinetic energy of particles.

Specific latent heat

When a substance is changing state, you can keep heating it but the temperature stays the same. The energy isn’t disappearing (that’s impossible!), but is adding to the internal energy. Specific latent heat measures this: it is the amount of energy required to change the state of 1 kg of a substance (without changing the temperature at all).

Internal energy and the particle model Any substance, whether solid, liquid or gas, stores energy. The particles (atoms and molecules) have kinetic energy (since they can move/vibrate) and potential energy. The total of the kinetic energy and the potential energy of the particles is called the internal energy. When you heat something up, you increase the energy of the particles in the substance (or ‘system’). When heating one state, you simply increase the temperature of the substance by increasing the kinetic energy of the particles. However, when a state change is occurring, the temperature does not increase. This is because the particles are increasing in potential energy (which doesn’t affect the temperature). That’s why the graph above goes horizontal when the changes of state are taking place.

Specific heat capacity Some substances are harder to warm up than others, and cool down less easily. The measurement of this is called specific heat capacity. Learn the definition opposite. So, when heating something, the temperature rise that will actually happen depends on the specific heat capacity (which is different with different substances) of the substance being heated, the mass of the substance and the amount of energy put in. These four quantities are linked in the equation to the right.

Changes of state and specific latent heat As noted above, during heating to cause changes of state the potential energy of particles increases but the kinetic energy does not. So the temperature stays the same. The energy needed for a substance to change state is called the latent heat. The specific latent heat is specific to a substance, and is the energy required to change its state (using 1 kg of the substance), with no change in temperature. The energy needed for a state change depends on mass and specific latent heat of a substance – as the second equation shows. But which change of state? We use the symbol L for any change of state, but call it the specific latent heat of fusion for changes from solid to liquid. We call it the specific latent heat of vaporisation for changes from liquid to gas (vapour).


Meanings of terms in equation

∆đ??¸ = đ?‘š đ?‘? ∆đ?œƒ

∆E = change in thermal energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) c = specific heat capacity (joules per kilogram per degree Celsius, J/kg oC) ∆đ?œƒ = temperature change (oC)


E = energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) L = specific latent heat (J/kg)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Ions All atoms are more stable with a full outer shell of electrons. Some atoms will lose electrons to get a full outer shell: these are metals. Some atoms will gain electrons to get a full outer shell: these are non metals. An ion is an atom with a positive or negative charge, these are formed by an atom gaining or losing electrons. For example, sodium has one electron in it’s outer shell, it therefore loses one electron to form a Na+1 ion. We represent ions with square brackets around the ion and the charge in the top right corner.

The group number indicates how many electrons an atom would have to lose or gain to get a full outer shell of electrons. See below to see what ions different groups form Group

What happens to the electrons?

Charge on ions


Lose 1



Lose 2



Lose 3



Gain 3



Gain 2



Gain 1


Ionic Lattice Ionic compounds have regular structures (giant ionic lattices) in which there are strong electrostatic forces of attraction in all directions between oppositely charged ions.

Key Terms



An element which loses electrons to form positive ions

Non Metal

An element which gains electrons to form negative ions


An atom (or particle) with a positive or negative charge, due to loss or gain of electrons

Ionic Bond

A bond formed by the electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged ion


The force between a positive and negative charge.

Ionic Bonding When a metal atom reacts with a non-metal atom electrons in the outer shell of the metal atom are transferred to the non metal atom. This means the metal has a positive charge and the non metal has a negative charge. This means there is an electrostatic attraction between the two ions, this is what forms an ionic bond. Both atoms will have a full outer shell (this is the same as the structure of a noble gas) see example below of sodium chloride.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Ionic Bonding- Models There are a number of ways we can represent ionic bonding all; of these have advantages and limitations. For example all the diagrams below show ways we can represent sodium chloride 1. Dot and cross diagrams- These show clearly how the electrons are transferred. It does not, however, show the 3D lattice structure of an ionic compound or that this is a giant compound.

2. 2D ball and stick model of ionic bonding This has the advantage of showing that electrostatic forces happen between oppositely charged ions in an ionic compound. However, does not show the 3D structure of an ionic compound.

3. 3D Ball and Stick model of ionic bonding This clearly shows the 3D structure of the ionic lattice and how different ions interact with other ions in all directions to create an ionic lattice.

Key Terms


Ionic Lattice

The regular 3D arrangement of ions in an ionic compound


When the arrangement of atoms is repeated may times, with large numbers of atoms or ions


When a substance is dissolved in water

Empirical Formula

The simplest ratio of atoms in a compound

Properties of Ionic compounds Ionic compounds have high melting points, due to strong electrostatic forces between the oppositely charged ions. This means a lot of energy is required to break these bonds. For example the melting point of sodium chloride is 801 °C. Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity as a solid. They do conduct electricity if they are dissolved in water (aqueous) or in the liquid state. This is because the ions are free to move, carrying the electric charge. Empirical Formula of Ionic Compounds In sodium chloride, 1 sodium atom gives an electron to a chlorine atom, therefore the empirical formula is NaCl. However there are some examples where the ratio of atoms is not 1:1. For example when sodium bonds with oxygen, sodium only wants to lose one electron but oxygen needs to gain two. So you need two sodium atoms for every oxygen so the empirical formula is Na2O.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Covalent Bonding Covalent bonding occurs between non metals. Electrons are shared between the atoms, so that they have a full outer shell. Covalent bonds are strong and require a lot of energy to break. The simplest example is hydrogen: both hydrogen atoms have one electron in their outer shell. Therefore both hydrogen atoms share one electron each, to give them both a full outer shell, we can show this bond on a dot and cross diagram.

When drawing covalent molecules we use “dot cross diagrams� as we do with ionic compounds. It is important to represent the electrons on one atom with a dot and on the other atom with an X. The first five examples, hydrogen, chlorine, water, hydrogen chloride and ammonia (NH3) all share one electron per atom in a to make a full outer shell of electrons on each atom.

Key Terms


Covalent Bonding

Bonding between 2 (or more) atoms where electrons are shared


A substance which contains two or more covalently bonded atoms

Lone Pair

A pair of electrons that are not part of the covalent bond

The Nature of a Covalent Bond Covalent bonds are strong because there is electrostatic attraction between the electrons in the covalent bond and the positively charged nucleus. This means a lot of energy is required to break a covalent bond.

Properties of Simple Covalent Compounds

Some atoms need more than one electron to give them a full outer shell, for example oxygen needs 2 electrons to complete its outer shell. Oxygen therefore shares two electrons per atom to make a double bond. Nitrogen needs three electrons to complete its outer shell, this forms a triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms, to make a nitrogen molecule.

Simple covalent compounds have low melting points and are often gases at room temperature, for example oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although the covalent bonds between the atoms are strong, the intermolecular forces between the molecules are weak. It is very important to remember that covalent bonds are strong but the intermolecular forces are weak . This means that only a small amount of energy is required to overcome these weak forces.

Please see the next page for more properties of covalent compounds.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Properties of Covalent Compounds-Continued The size of the intermolecular force between molecules increases as the molecules get larger. This is because a force called the van der Waals force increases (you do not need to know that for GCSE). For example as you go down group 7, the boiling points increase because the molecules get larger. As you can see from the graph below, the boiling point of fluorine is -188°C and is therefore a gas at room temperature, whereas the melting point of astatine is 302°C and is therefore a solid at room temperature. This is because the intermolecular forces between the larger astatine molecules are larger than between the smaller fluorine molecules.

Key Terms



A very large molecule, made from monomers

Repeating Unit

The shortest repeating section of a polymer

Intermolecular Forces

The force of attraction between two molecules

Representing Covalent Compounds Like ionic compounds, there are variety of ways that scientists use to represent covalent compounds. 1. Dot cross diagram

There are two dot cross representations of ammonia shown above. The advantages of these diagrams are that it is very clear, which electrons are used in bonding and which are lone pairs. However it does not show the 3D structure of the molecule and this can be extremely important for scientists. 2. Ball and stick model

As well as having low melting points, covalent compounds do not conduct electricity. This is because they have no free electrons or ions and therefore there is nothing to carry the electric charge. Remember pure water does not conduct electricity, only when it has ions dissolved in it will it conduct.

A ball and stick diagram can either be 2D or 3D. While the 2D version clearly shows which atoms are bonded together, the 3D version gives the scientist more information about the 3D shape and the angles between the bonds of the molecule.

Polymers Polymers are large covalent compounds which can be many thousands of atoms in length. They are made from small molecules known as monomers. Rather than drawing out all the atoms in a polymer we draw a repeating unit which is the structure of the monomer in square brackets, with a n representing a very large number of atoms. Polymers have higher melting points than smaller covalent compounds like carbon dioxide as the intermolecular bonds are stronger. However the bonds are not as strong as they are in ionic or giant covalent compounds so the melting points are lower than those compounds.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Giant Covalent Compounds In a giant covalent structure all atoms are bonded to each other by strong covalent bonds. Giant covalent compounds have a high melting point because many strong covalent bonds need to be broken and this requires a lot of energy. There are three examples you need to know, diamond, graphite and silica (see table below) Substance


Key Terms


Giant Covalent

Giant covalent structures contain a lot of non-metal atoms, each joined to adjacent atoms by covalent bonds

Delocalised electron

An electron that is not attached to an atom


Different forms of the same element for example diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon


A molecule which contains many atoms




Each carbon is covalently bonded to four other carbons

Vey hard, very high melting point, due to strong covalent bonds. Does not conduct electricity.


Each carbon is covalently bonded to 3 other carbons, there are weak (non covalent) bonds between the layers.

High melting point, conductor of electricity due to delocalised electrons. Slippery as layers can slide over each other


Every silicon atom is bonded to 2 oxygen atoms and vice versa

High melting point

Graphene and Fullerenes There are other forms of carbon which have been discovered recently: graphene is a single layer of graphite so it is 1 atom thick. Fullerenes are molecules of carbon with hollow shapes. The most famous example is Buckminsterfullerene (C60). Fullerenes have use in drug delivery and as catalysts. Carbon nanotubes are cylinder shaped fullerenes, these are strong and are excellent conductors of both heat and electricity.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Metallic Bonding Metals form giant structures. The metal atoms form a regular pattern and the donate their outer electron to the “sea of delocalised electrons�. These electrons are free to move. The 2D structure of metallic bonding looks like this:

Key Terms


Metallic Bonding

A type of bonding which occurs only in metals


A mixture of 2 or elements, one of which is a metal (the other element may be metal or non metal)

Delocalised electron

An electron that is not attached to an atom


The ability of a material to be bent into shape.

Alloys Alloys are mixtures of 2 or more elements, one of which is a metal. Examples of alloys include brass and steel. Metals are alloyed so that the regular structure of metals is changed and the layers of ions can no longer slide over one another; therefore making it much stronger.

This would be the structure of a group 1 metal like sodium, if it were a group 2 metal like magnesium then the charge on the ions would be Mg2+.

Properties of Metals Metals are good conductors of electricity, due to the delocalised electrons, which can carry the electric charge. Metals are also good conductors of heat as the free electrons can transfer the heat energy through the metal. Metals are also malleable (bendy) as the layers of ions can easily slide over one another. This means that many pure metals are too soft for uses such as building.

Reactivity of metals When a metal reacts it forms a positive ion. The easier it is for a metal to form a positive ion, the more reactive it is. This is shown in the reactivity series; you should memorise the position of different elements:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Reactions of Metals When a metal reacts with water it produces a metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The more reactive the metal is, the more vigorous the reaction. For example: Lithium + Water  Lithium Hydroxide + Hydrogen You see a similar pattern for the reaction between metals and acids however the products in these reactions are different, in this case you will make a salt and water, the salt will depend on the type of acid that you have used. Lithium + Hydrochloric Acid  Lithium Chloride + Water If sulphuric acid is used the salt made will be a sulphate, if nitric acid is used the salt will be a nitrate. Metals also react with oxygen to form metal oxides; in this reaction the metal donates electrons to the oxygen. This means the metal is oxidised as it has lost electrons. The oxygen is reduced as it has gained electrons.

Extraction of Metals A metal ore is a compound found in rock, dug out of the ground, that contains enough metal that it is economical to extract it. For example, magnesium oxide. In order for us to use the magnesium we need to extract it from the oxide. Metals more reactive than carbon are extracted from their ore using electrolysis. Metals which are less reactive than carbon are extracted from their ore using reduction (by adding carbon). Reduction is the removal of oxygen as seen in the example. Example: Iron Oxide + Carbon  Iron + Carbon Dioxide The least reactive metals such as gold and silver are found on their own—they do not form a compound. This means they do not need to be extracted from their ore.

Key Terms



The loss of electrons from an atom OR when an atom gains an oxygen atom


The opposite to oxidation, when an atom gains electrons OR when an atom loses an oxygen atom

REDOX Reaction

A reaction where one atom is oxidised and another atom is reduced

Other methods of extraction The amount of some metals is running out, this means people are finding new ways to extract metals like copper. Phytomining uses plants to absorb copper from the soil, the plants are then burnt and the copper extracted. Bioleaching involves using bacteria to make a leachate that contains metal compounds. Scrap iron can also be used to displace copper from a solution. Oxidation Reactions When working out whether a reaction is oxidation or reduction: in terms of electrons, remember OILRIG. This stands for oxidation is loss and reduction is gain. HT - Oxidation Reactions of Acids When an acid reacts with a metal a salt and hydrogen are produced. For example the symbol the symbol equation for an acid reacting with lithium is: 2Li + 2HCl  2LiCl+ H2 In this reaction, lithium has been oxidised because it has lost an electron to form a +1 ion and hydrogen has been reduced from a +1 ion to a hydrogen molecule.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Acids and Alkalis Acids produce hydrogen ions (H+) in aqueous solutions. Aqueous solutions of alkalis contain hydroxide ions (OH–). We measure the acidity of a substance using the pH scale which runs from 0-14 between 0 and 6 the substances are acidic, 7 is neutral and between 8 and 14 is alkaline. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale: a decrease of 1 on the pH scale makes a substance 10 times more acidic.

Key Terms



A substance which forms H+ ions in aqueous solution


A substance which forms OH- ions when dissolved: these are soluble bases


A reaction between an acid and an alkali making a salt and water

Strong Acid

An acid which totally dissociates in water


A substance that can neutralise an acid to make a salt and water

Neutralisation To work out the names and formulae of salts you will need to know the names and formulae of the common acids

The pH scale is a measure of H+ concentration: the lower the pH the higher the concentration of H+ ions. Neutralisation When an acid reacts with an alkali a salt and water are produced. The ionic equation for the reaction of an acid and an alkali is: H++ OH- H2O

HT - Strong and Weak Acids Acids can be defined as either a strong or weak acid a strong acid is one which fully dissociates in water for example hydrochloric acid HCl H++ClA weak acid is defined as one which only partially dissociates in water. Strong acids are not the same as concentrated acids. Concentration is the number of particles in a given volume and not how much they dissociate.


Name of salt

Ion that forms salt




Sulphuric Acid



Nitric Acid



Neutralisation When an acid reacts with an alkali it will produce salt and water, below are the general equations for different types of neutralisation reaction: Metal oxide+ Acid  Salt + Water Copper oxide +Hydrochloric Acid Copper chloride +Water CuO+ HCl CuCl2+H2O Metal carbonate + acid  Salt +Water + Carbon Dioxide Magnesium Carbonate + Sulphuric Acid  Salt +Water +Carbon Dioxide

MgCO3+ H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2O+ CO2 Metal Hydroxide + Nitric Acid  Sodium Nitrate + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Nitric Acid Sodium Nitrate + Water NaOH+ +HNO3  NaNO3+ H2O Some of the reactants (for example copper oxide) are insoluble but these can still carry out a neutralisation reaction. We call these bases not alkalis.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials Neutralisation Reaction When a salt is made in a neutralisation reaction, it will either be soluble or insoluble. For example, sulphuric acid can be neutralised with copper oxide to make copper sulphate and water. The copper sulphate is soluble in water. The steps outlined below can be used to make copper sulphate: 1. Add several spatulas of copper oxide to sulphuric acid in a conical flask 2. Stir until all the sulphuric acid has reacted 3. Filter off any excess copper oxide 4. Place solution in evaporating basin 5. Allow water to evaporate and blue crystals of copper oxide should be left Crude Oil Crude oils is a mixture of chemicals called hydrocarbons. These are chemicals that contain hydrogen and carbon only. It made from ancient biomass, mainly plankton. Crude oil straight out of the ground is not much use, as there are too many substances in it, all with different boiling points. Before we can use crude oil we have to separate it into its different substances. We do this by fractional distillation. How does fractional distillation work? · Crude oil is heated and vaporises/boils. · Vapours rise up the column, gradually cooling and condensing. · Hydrocarbons with different size molecules condense at different levels/temperatures · The crude oil is separated into a series of fractions with similar numbers of carbon atoms and boiling points. These are called fractions. As the number of carbon atoms increases: · Molecules become larger and heavier · Boiling point increases · Flammability decreases (catches fire less easily) · Viscosity increases (liquid becomes thicker)

Key Terms



A compound which contains only hydrogen and carbon (covalently bonded)

Fractional Distillation

The process where crude oil is separated into different compounds through evaporation


The ability of a liquid to flow

Fractional Distillation Column Below is a diagram of a fractionating column; you need to know the uses but not the names of each fraction:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A hydrocarbon that contains only carbon to carbon single bonds

Alkanes Crude oil is largely made up of a family of hydrocarbons called alkanes; these contain only a single (covalent) carbon to carbon bond. You can either represent alkanes with a molecular formula, e.g.:


A process where longer chain hydrocarbons are broken down into smaller more useful ones.


A hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond.


C₂H ₆



C₃H₈ Propane

C4H10 Butane

Or a displayed formula:

Alkenes These hydrocarbons have at least one double bonds between the carbon atom. The general formula for alkenes is CnH2n Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes. They react with bromine water and make it go from orange to colourless. Alkanes do not have a double bond so the bromine water stays orange.


Cracking Smaller hydrocarbons make better fuels as they are easier to ignite. However, crude oil contains a lot of longer chain hydrocarbons. To break a longer chain hydrocarbon down into a smaller one we use a process known as cracking. Cracking So large/long alkanes get CRACKED, which means they get broken in two. · They are heated, turned into a vapour and passed over a hot catalyst · Cracking produces two molecules: 1. One shorter (useful as a fuel) alkane 2. One alkene (used to make polymers). Summary Long Chain Alkane  Short Chain Alkane + Alkene C10H22  C8H18 + C 2H4

Cracking Experimental set up for cracking:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials The Atmosphere For 200 million years, the amount of different gases in the atmosphere have been much the same as they are today: • 78% nitrogen • 21% oxygen • The atmosphere also contains small proportions of various other gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapour and noble gases. The Greenhouse Effect The Earth has a layer of gases called the Greenhouse layer. These gases, which include carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, maintain the temperature on Earth high enough to support life.

Key Terms


Greenhouse Layer

The layer of gases which absorb infra red radiation emitted from the Earth

The Evolution of the Atmosphere Scientists are not sure about the gases in the early atmosphere, as it was so long ago (4.6 billion years) and the lack of evidence. Many scientists believe the early atmosphere was made up of mainly carbon dioxide, water vapour and small amounts of methane, ammonia and nitrogen, released by volcanoes. There was little or no oxygen around at this time. The early Earth was very hot, but as it cooled the water vapour in the atmosphere condensed and formed the oceans. As the oceans formed, carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean. The carbon dioxide formed carbonates and precipitated out (formed solids). This process reduced the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Approximately 2.7 billion years ago, plants and algae evolved. This decreased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

The greenhouse layer allows the short wave infrared radiation emitted by the Sun to pass through it but absorbs the long wave infra red radiation which is emitted by the Earth. This is how it insulates the Earth.

When sea animals evolved they used the carbon dioxide in the ocean to form their shells and bones (which are made of carbonates). When these sea creatures died their shells and bones became limestone (calcium carbonate), which is a sedimentary rock.

Some human activities increase the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These include:

Once enough oxygen was in the atmosphere, it could support animals, which carry out respiration. These processes have caused the levels of gases in the atmosphere to be where they are today.

• combustion of fossil fuels • deforestation • methane release from farming • more animal farming (digestion, waste decomposition)

Changes in the atmosphere Recent activity by humans has changed the composition of the atmosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as other harmful gases such as nitrous oxides, which are made by nitrogen reacting with oxygen in the air. Sulphur is also present in many fuels, this has increased the amount of sulphur dioxide which causes acid rain. Carbon particles can also released as can carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect In the last 100 years humans have added to the greenhouse layer through combustion of fossil fuels, increased farming and deforestation. Many scientists believe this has lead to a rise in global temperature.

However, this is such a complex system that misunderstandings of it can lead to inaccurate or biased opinions being reported in the media. Consequences of Climate Change An increase in average global temperature is a major cause of climate change. The potential effects of global climate change include: • sea level rise, which may cause flooding and increased coastal erosion • more frequent and severe storms • changes in the amount, timing and distribution of rainfall • water shortages for humans and wildlife • changes in the food producing capacity of some regions • changes to the distribution of wildlife species. Students should be able to discuss the scale, risk and environmental implications of global climate change. Waste water and Sewage Water water from houses and farming needs to be treated before it can be released into rivers and lakes. It is firstly filtered to remove large particles and is then left so that the sediment drops to the bottom. The “sludge,” this is the name given to the sediment at the bottom, is then anaerobically digested (broken down by bacteria) to make methane gas. Any remaining effluent is broken down by aerobic respiration. The water is then released back into the rivers and lakes.

Key Terms


Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released over the life of a product

Carbon Neutral

There is no net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Carbon Footprint The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released over the life of a product. Many people or businesses look to reduce their carbon footprint by: • increased use of alternative energy supplies • energy conservation • carbon capture and storage • carbon taxes and licences People also try to offset their carbon by planting trees. If something is carbon neutral, this means that there is no net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when it is used.

Water Water of appropriate quality is essential for life. For humans, drinking water should have low levels of dissolved salts and microbes. Water that is safe to drink is called potable water. The methods used to produce potable water depend on available supplies of water and local conditions. In the United Kingdom (UK), rain provides water with low levels of dissolved substances (fresh water) that collects in the ground and in lakes and rivers, and most potable water is produced by: • passing the water through filter beds to remove any solids • sterilising to kill microbes, using chlorine or UV light In some parts of the world there is not enough fresh water so the salt has to be removed from water. This process is called desalination. Desalination can be done by distillation or reverse osmosis. This requires a large amount of energy.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 9: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



An evaluation of the environmental impact a product had over its lifetime

LCAs Life cycle assessments (LCAs) are carried out to assess the environmental impact of products in each of these stages of a products life: 1. extracting and processing raw materials 2. manufacturing and packaging 3. use and operation during its lifetime 4. disposal at the end of its useful life, including transport and distribution at each stage.

Recycling Many of the Earth’s resources are finite: for example, metals and crude oil. It is therefore vital we recycle resources. The processes for extracting these materials are often high energy and damaging to the environment.

Some things for example the energy required to make the product are easy to measure. However some things like how much pollution it releases are hard to measure and therefore difficult to give a value to.

Some products, such as glass bottles, can be reused. Glass bottles can be crushed and melted to make different glass products. Other products cannot be reused and so are recycled for a different use.

Example of an LCA

Plastic Bag

Paper Bag

Raw Material

Crude Oil


Manufacturing and Packaging

Made form crude oil by fractional distillation, then cracking and polymerisation, high energy process. Little waste as other fractions are used for other things

Made by pulping timber. Lots of waste, high energy process

Use of product

Has multiple uses, can be reused.

Usually only used once.


Can be recycled but are not biodegradable

Can be recycled and are biodegradable

Metals can be recycled by melting and recasting or reforming into different products.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: How Do Organisms Obtain And Use Energy?

Key Terms



The endothermic reaction that transfers light energy to chemical potential energy. In it, simple molecules (CO2 and H2O) are converted into more complex molecules (glucose) that can be used for food.


Ions containing nitrogen and oxygen. These are found in the soil; plants need nitrates to produce amino acids.


As always, rate means how quickly something happens.

Light intensity

The amount/strength of light. Use this term instead of ‘amount of light’.


The green pigment in leaves that absorbs light for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts.

Photosynthesis. For us, it is a very good thing that photosynthesis evolved. The process of photosynthesis, carried out by plants and algae, is at the foot of every food chain. It captures light energy from the sun and redistributes it to chemical potential energy – we can make use of chemical potential energy: that’s what our food contains! Since photosynthesis involves the transfer of light energy to chemical potential energy in cells, it is an endothermic reaction. The reaction can be shown in these equations:

The oxygen released by photosynthesis has built up in the atmosphere over millions of years – again, good news for us, since we require oxygen for respiration, just like all living organisms. Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. Simple molecules like carbon dioxide and water can’t be used as food. However, glucose and other more complex molecules can – so you can think of photosynthesis as a reaction that produces food.

Using The Glucose From Photosynthesis. Obviously, plants didn’t evolve simply for our benefit. They carry out photosynthesis to meet their own needs. The glucose produced in photosynthesis can be: • Used in respiration in the cells of the plant/algae • Converted into starch for storage. Starch is good for storage as it is insoluble, so it doesn’t affect the osmosis occurring in the plant, unlike glucose. • Used to produce fats or oils (lipids) for storage. This is particularly noticeable in seeds and nuts. • Used to produce cellulose, which is a component of the cell wall. Cellulose strengthens the cell wall. • Used to produce amino acids, which in turn are used to synthesise proteins (in the ribosomes). To produce amino acids, plants also require nitrates from the soil. Simple lab tests can be used to identify starch, glucose and protein. Starch turns iodine a blueblack colour. Glucose turns Benedict’s solution orange-red when heated with it. Proteins turn Biuret’s reagent purple.

The Rate Of Photosynthesis. The following factors affect the rate of photosynthesis: • Temperature: because all chemical reactions speed up as the temperature increases. However, as photosynthesis is controlled by enzymes, too high a temperature prevents photosynthesis (more on this in the metabolism section). • Carbon dioxide concentration: the higher the concentration of CO2 in the air, the more is available for photosynthesis, so the rate of photosynthesis increases as concentration increases. • Light intensity: as the equation shows, photosynthesis requires light energy. So, the higher the light intensity, the higher the rate of photosynthesis. • Amount of chlorophyll: more chlorophyll means more light can be absorbed. Some leaves have pale parts, as you may have seen, due to a lack of chlorophyll. The rate of photosynthesis is obviously much lower in the pale parts compared to the deep green parts. HT: at any given time, any one of these factors may be limiting the rate of photosynthesis. This can be shown on graphs – see example. When it comes to light intensity, it varies with distance according to an inverse square law: 1 light intensity = đ?‘‘đ?‘–đ?‘ đ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘’ đ?‘“đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘š đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘&#x;đ?‘?đ?‘’ 2 In commercial growing of plants (e.g. tomatoes in a greenhouse), the conditions are optimised to maximise the rate of photosynthesis and obtain the highest profit.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: How Do Organisms Obtain And Use Energy? Respiration. Photosynthesis produces chemicals (like glucose) that can be used as food by all living organisms. In respiration, the chemical potential energy stored in food molecules is transferred through oxidation reactions (where oxygen, originally from the air, reacts with the food molecules). The energy transferred allows living cells to do work. As you know, doing work means transferring energy. The kinds of work done by cells and organisms include: • Chemical reactions to build larger molecules from smaller ones. E.g. making proteins such as enzymes from amino acids. • Movement. E.g. movements of our body are possible due to muscle contractions. This requires energy from respiration. • Keeping warm. This is an example of homeostasis: using energy from respiration to maintain body temperature at a set point (37oC). There are two types of respiration: aerobic and anaerobic.

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Respiration. Aerobic respiration occurs when oxygen is used in the reaction. It is shown by these equations: glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O This reaction releases energy that can be used by organisms, as described above. Compared to anaerobic respiration, aerobic respiration releases much more energy. Anaerobic respiration occurs when there is insufficient oxygen available for complete oxidation of the glucose. The reaction that happens is different in animal cells compared to plant and yeast cells. In animals: In plants and yeast:

glucose  lactic acid glucose  ethanol and carbon dioxide C6H12O6  2C2H5OH + 2CO2

Anaerobic respiration releases much less energy than aerobic respiration. In yeast, we call the anaerobic respiration fermentation. This is a very useful process: for making bread (the CO2 makes it rise) and making alcoholic drinks (since ethanol is a type of alcohol).

Key Terms



Using oxygen


Not using oxygen


A reaction with oxygen. In this case, food molecules like glucose reacting with oxygen.


Tiredness. Fatigue in muscles is caused by a build-up of lactic acid, which is produced during anaerobic respiration (when there is insufficient oxygen).

Oxygen debt

After exercise, the lactic acid has built up and caused an extra need for oxygen – called the oxygen debt.

Lactic acid

Chemical produced by the incomplete oxidation of glucose (anaerobic respiration).

The Response To Exercise. During exercise, more energy is required by the body that when resting, due to increased muscle contractions. The body reacts to this increased demand for energy:  The heart rate, breathing rate, and volume of each breath all increase. Together, these increase the amount of oxygenated blood reaching the muscles. The oxygenated blood provides the extra oxygen and glucose needed for respiration in muscle cells, to transfer more energy to meet demand.

However, if insufficient oxygen reaches muscles but exercise continues, the muscle cells use anaerobic respiration to transfer energy. From the equation, you can see that incomplete oxidation of glucose takes place and lactic acid is produced. The lactic acid builds up and causes an oxygen debt. The lactic acid building up also causes fatigue. Removing the lactic acid after exercise is the cause of the oxygen debt – the oxygen debt is why you breathe deeply after exercise for some time. You are ‘repaying’ the oxygen debt. HT: oxygen debt, to be precise, is the amount of extra oxygen needed to react with lactic acid in muscles and remove it from cells. The blood flow through muscles removes lactic acid and transports it to the liver. In the liver, the lactic acid is converted back into glucose. This reaction requires energy, hence the extra need for oxygen (for aerobic respiration to provide that energy).

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: How Do Organisms Obtain And Use Energy?

Key Terms



The sum of all the chemical reactions in a cell or in the body of an organism.



Large protein molecule that acts as a biological catalyst, dramatically speeding up chemical reactions in organisms.

Metabolism is a very big term in biology. It is the name given to collectively describe ALL the chemical reactions happening in a cell or in the whole body. So, respiration in all cells is an example of metabolism, and so is photosynthesis in plants.


Making something new. E.g. new molecules in metabolism.

Active site

The part of an enzyme molecule into which the substrate fits – so the shape of the active site is vital.


The molecule an enzyme ‘works on’ to make a product/products.


The ideal or perfect condition . Enzymes have an optimum temperature and an optimum pH.

Many reactions that cells perform require energy, so metabolism relies on energy transferred by respiration. Furthermore, chemical reactions in cells are controlled by enzymes. As we’re talking about chemical reactions, reactants are used to make products: new molecules are synthesised. To learn: metabolism includes these reactions: • Conversion of glucose to glycogen (in animals), or to starch or cellulose (in plants). • Making lipid (fat) molecules from one molecule of glycerol and three molecules of fatty acids (see diagram). • In plants, the use of glucose and nitrate ions to make amino acids. These amino acids are then used to synthesise proteins. • Respiration, both aerobic and anaerobic. • Breaking down excess proteins into amino acids, then into urea for excretion in the urine.

Factors Affecting Enzymes. Recap your knowledge of how enzymes work from Topic 7. Enzymes are highly specific, meaning that each type of enzyme only causes a reaction by one type molecule. This comes about due to the specific shape of the active site: only one molecule (according to its shape) will fit into the active site. See diagram for an illustration. Enzymes have an optimum temperature and pH. If the temperature is too high (for most enzymes, above about 45oC), or the pH is too acidic OR too alkaline, the enzyme denatures. This means the active site changes shape. As a result, the substrate no longer fits into the active site, to the enzyme doesn’t work any more (see diagram). This leads to results with enzyme controlled reactions as shown in the graphs. The rate of the reaction catalysed by the enzyme is on the y-axis. The peak represents the optimum temperature/pH. Notice that different enzymes have different optimums – as shown on the pH graph with the two lines.

Temperature too high or pH too alkaline/too acidic, so enzyme denatured.

Physics Knowledge Organiser. Topic 11: Waves.

Key Terms



A wave transfers energy from one place to another, and can also carry information. All waves involve movements or oscillations, allowing energy to be transferred without particles having to flow or travel from one place to another.


Vibrations or movements. These movements are of particles in mechanical waves, or of the electromagnetic field when it comes to electromagnetic waves.


At right angles to.


The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a point on the wave from the undisturbed position. Translated: the distance from a peak or trough to the ‘midline’ of the wave.


The distance from a point on one wave to the equivalent point on the next wave along. This is easiest to measure at the distance from the centre of one area of compression to the next (longitudinal waves) or the distance from peak to peak (transverse waves). Symbol: Îť


The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves that pass a point per second. Symbol: f


The period, or time period, of a wave is the time it takes to complete a full wave. Symbol: T


Meanings of terms in equation

Types Of Wave You can see waves easily in the sea, or if a tap is dripping into a sink of water. However, waves are far more common than just that. Waves can be mechanical, which means they involve particles moving, or oscillating, such as waves in the sea or sound waves in the air. Or, they can be electromagnetic, which don’t involve any particles oscillating – instead, EM waves involve vibrations or oscillations of the electromagnetic field. All waves involve the transfer of energy. The other way of defining types of wave is whether they are longitudinal or transverse. Which one they are depends on the direction of the oscillations compared to the direction of energy transfer by the wave. • In transverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. • In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer. They show areas of compression and rarefaction – see diagram.


Examples: ALL electromagnetic waves are transverse. Mechanical waves can be either longitudinal or transverse. For instance: sound waves are mechanical and are longitudinal. Ripples in water are mechanical waves, and are transverse.

Direction of energy transfer



Longitudinal wave


Transverse wave

Particles Don’t Travel, But The Wave Does. Particles Just Oscillate. An easy way to see that the particles aren’t travelling but the wave is (so energy is being transferred): put a rubber duck in a tank of water where waves are moving across. The duck goes up and down, just like the water particles (oscillations perpendicular to direction of energy transfer, remember), while the waves move across. With longitudinal waves, you can tell the particles aren’t flowing either – just oscillate. When you speak, you don’t breathe into someone else’s ear! Also, when a tuning fork is vibrating to produce a sound wave, it doesn’t create a vacuum around it due to air particles travelling away.

1 đ?‘“

T = time period (seconds, s) f = frequency (hertz, Hz)

đ?‘Ł = đ?‘“đ?œ†

v = wave speed (m/s) f = frequency (Hz) Îť = wavelength (metres, m)



The Wave Equation The equation is directly above. You could measure the speed of sound in air, with a long distance between you and a friend. They make a loud noise (you start your clock when you see them do it) and you time how long it takes to get to you. Just use distance/time to calculate the speed.

Physics Knowledge Organiser. Topic 11: Waves.

Key Terms



Rebounding of a wave from a surface. The angle between the incident (in-going) wave and the normal is the same as the angle between the reflected wave and the normal.


Changing direction of a wave due to a change in the medium it is travelling through.


‘Taking in’ energy from a wave and transferring it to another form, usually heat. For instance, you warming up if you lie in the sunshine (revising science, of course).


A wave travelling through a material. Right now, visible light waves are being transmitted through the air to your eyes.


Singular ‘medium’. The medium is the material through which a wave travels.


A ‘construction line’ (made up line to help with diagram drawing) at right angles to a surface at the point where the wave hits the surface.

Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves) EM waves are always transverse waves. They transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber – object that absorbs the wave. EM waves occur all over the universe naturally, and we can produce them ourselves for all sorts of uses. EM waves all travel at the same velocity through empty space (a vacuum) – at what we call the speed of light. However, the wavelength of EM waves varies from a few kilometres to wavelengths even smaller than an atom. The EM waves form a continuous spectrum, but for convenience we’ve grouped the infinite types of waves into seven groups of wavelengths, based on their properties. Learn the order of EM waves in the EM spectrum. Notice that a longer wavelength equates to a lower frequency and vice versa – this is clear from the wave equation.

HT: More On Refraction

Visible light is the only kind of EM wave we can detect with our eyes (hence the name). Thus, we can only detect a limited range of EM waves without special equipment. However, it is easy to understand examples of how EM waves transfer energy. If you are standing in front of a fire, you feel the warmth thanks to infrared. Getting sunburn is due to the transfer of energy by ultraviolet waves from the Sun. Using Wi-Fi means a transfer of energy by microwaves.

Properties Of EM Waves All EM waves can be reflected, refracted, absorbed or transmitted depending on the wavelength of the EM wave and the medium they are travelling through, or surface they are reaching.

Refraction occurs when a wave changes the medium it is travelling through. Refraction is a change in direction of the wave, and it happens at the boundary, or junction, between the media – for instance, the surface of a sheet of glass would be the boundary between the glass and the air. You need to be able to draw diagrams to show refraction, like the example opposite. Notice that the light ray refracts towards the normal as it enters the glass (this is because it slows down), and refracts away from the normal as it leaves the glass (it speeds back up), ending up parallel to the original ray in air.

Refraction is due differences in the velocity of the waves in difference media. The diagram shown here represents the wave fronts. The wave slows down as it enters medium 2, but the near edge slows first. The other end is faster, as it is still in medium 1. This is what causes the ‘bending’ of the wave towards the normal.

Physics Knowledge Organiser. Topic 11: Waves. Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves): Producing Them EM waves can be generated by changes in atoms or the nuclei of atoms. For instance, gamma rays are produced due to changes in the nucleus of an atom (nuclear decay – more on this in a later topic). HT: radio waves can be produced by oscillations in electrical circuits. This is how a TV/radio broadcast is produced. It is received (e.g. by your TV aerial) by another electrical circuit; the radio waves create an alternating current with the same frequency as the radio wave itself. More on alternating current in the electricity topic – but it is enough to say for now that it involves oscillations.

Dangers Of EM Waves Ultraviolet waves, X-rays and gamma rays are potentially dangerous types of EM waves, since they can have hazardous effects on human tissues. How severe the effects are depends on the type of radiation and the size of the dose received.

Key Terms


Radiation dose

The risk of harm due to exposure to radiation.


Receiving and absorbing radiation (by the body).


The measure of radiation dose. As with the usual prefix: 1000 millisieverts (mSv) = 1 sievert (Sv)


Describes radiation that forms ions by ‘knocking’ electrons off atoms to make ions.


Type of disease caused by specific mutations to DNA, resulting in cells dividing out of control (making a tumour).

Applications Using EM Waves It is not exaggerating to say that EM waves dominate our technology and our lives. Here are some examples of the practical applications of EM waves: • •

Doses of radiation are measured according to how great the risk of harm to the body is. The radiation dose, or danger due to exposure to radiation, is measured in sieverts (Sv). A specific risk due to exposure to ultraviolet waves: they cause skin to prematurely age and increase the risk of skin cancer. X-rays and gamma rays are ionising types of radiation. This means they can damage DNA, causing mutations and therefore increasing the risk of cancer.

• • • •

Radio waves: used for television, radio and Bluetooth. A signal carried by radio waves can get from a transmitting mast to a receiver by being reflected off a layer in the atmosphere. Microwaves: obviously, cooking food, but also communication with satellites and mobile phones; Wi-Fi internet. Unlike radio waves, microwaves can pass through the atmosphere (see diagram bottom left). In microwave ovens, the microwaves cause the water particles in the food to vibrate, heating it up. Infrared: electrical heaters, cooking food, infrared cameras. All objects emit infrared, but hotter objects emit more. An infrared camera detects infrared instead of visible light, so it can see hotter objects in the dark – night vision. Visible light: fibre optic communication (like the best broadband). Optical fibres reflect pulses of light all the way along their length. The pulses of light transmit the information. Ultraviolet: sun tanning beds… however, look at the dangers of UV in the other box. X-rays: both medical imaging for diagnosis (like broken bones) and medical treatments. X-rays can pass through soft tissue (like muscle), but not bone. That’s why an X-ray image works to show up bones, and any breaks. Gamma rays: used in medical treatments such as radiotherapy.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Designing Experiments

Key Terms



A set of results that can be found again by someone else if they carry out the same method

Variables When designing experiments, there are three types of variable that we need to consider. The dependent variable is what we measure, the independent variable is what we change in the experiment. And the control variables are the variables we keep the same. For example, consider the investigation below: How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate at which magnesium reacts? I.V- Concentration of Hydrochloric acid D.V- Rate of Reaction C.Vs- Volume of acid, mass of magnesium, temperature of acid.


Results that you can find if you do the same test again – it shows the result wasn’t just a random finding.

Independent variable

The variable YOU change to find out its effect on the DV

Dependent variable

The variable you MEASURE to see how it changes

Control variable

Any variable that you must keep the SAME in your investigation, to ensure it doesn’t affect the DV


The smallest measurable change by a piece of apparatus

Reproducibility, repeatability and validity Experiments should always be repeatable, reproducible and valid. Reproducibility means that if someone were to follow your method, they would get a similar pattern in their results.

Random Error

An unpredictable error which could be caused by human error in measurement

Systematic Error

An error in measurement that is the same every time .

An experiment is repeatable if the same person completes the same experiment , following the same method , with the same equipment and they achieve similar results. To ensure that your results are repeatable you should complete the experiment at least three times

Resolution The resolution of apparatus is the smallest measurable change by that piece of apparatus. For example some balances will only measure to the nearest 1 gram whereas others will measure to the nearest 0.1gram. We say the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g has a higher resolution. Therefore using equipment of higher resolution will improve the accuracy of your investigation.

Valid results are repeatable and reproducible. Error When doing practical work you will come across error. This can cause anomalous results i.e. a result which does fit the expected pattern. There are three types of error that could effect your results: 1. Random error- this error is unpredictable and can be caused by things like human error when measuring . Repeating an experiment three times can minimise the effect of random errors and will allow you to spot anomalous results. 2. Systematic error- this is an error in your measurement and will be the same every time you do a repeat .For example if you read a length from the end of a ruler rather than from 0. Doing repeats will NOT prevent systematic error. 3. Zero error -this is a type of systematic error, for example if a balance does not read 0g when you add a substance to it, you will need to take this into account when weighing chemicals.

When selecting equipment to use in your experiment you should select equipment with an appropriate resolution. For example if your experiment requires you to weigh 2.3 g of a substance out you will need to use the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g Accuracy and Precision Consider the set of results below: Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Time (s)

Time (s)













We want our experiments to be accurate and precise. If a measurement is accurate it is close to its true value. If a measurement is precise the results ‘cluster’ closely. For example experiment 1 is more precise than experiment 2. Precision can be improved by taking readers at smaller intervals .

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Results Tables When drawing a results table the following things are good practice:: 1. Show all repeat measurements 2. Include the units in the headings 3. When calculating means ensure you quote to an appropriate number of significant figures 4. Circle anomalies and discount these when calculating a mean For example:

Concentration of acid (M)

Time taken for reaction to complete (s)

Mean (s)


























Key Terms



The amount of error your measurements might have


The total of the values divided by the number of values


The middle value in a set of data


The most commonly occurring value in a set of data



����� 2

Uncertainty There will always be some uncertainty in the results you collect, there are two main reasons for this. When you repeat an experiment you often get different results, this is due to random error. The resolution of your equipment will also cause uncertainty. There will therefore be a degree of uncertainty in your mean. For example take the two sets of results below:

Time for a piece of magnesium to disappear in 2M HCL (s)

The table above shows how a results tables should be drawn. However, there is one mistake. If you look at the mean in the row for 0.3 M, you will see it has been calculated to 9 significant figures , however the equipment we used only had a resolution to 3 significant figures. You can not quote a mean to greater level of accuracy than you measured it to in the experiment. Therefore this mean would need to be rounded 66.9, this causes uncertainty in results. See later for how to calculate uncertainty.

Mean, mode and median For some sets of data it is appropriate to calculate the mean, mode and median. To calculate the mean you add all the values in the data and then divide by the number of values. For example in the table above for 0.1 M the mean was calculated by (102.1+105.6+103.4)/3. The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a data set. The median is the middle value in a data set.





Experiment 1





Experiment 2





We can calculate the uncertainty in the mean of the two experiments by dividing the range of results by 2: Experiment 1= 0.5/2= +/-0.25s Experiment 2= 4/2= +/-2s Experiment 1 therefore is more precise than experiment 2. This is partly because they used a stopwatch with a higher resolution. Increasing the quantity of something can help to reduce the uncertainty. For example in the table above, if I had used a larger piece of magnesium, then it would have taken longer to disappear and this could reduce the percentage uncertainty.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Continuous vs Discontinuous data Discontinuous data can only take certain values for example eye colour and blood group, these should be plotted on a bar graph.

Key Terms



Data which take any value for example temperature


Data which can only take certain values for example blood group


The relationship between 2 variables

Correlation You can describe the relationship between 2 variables in terms of their correlation (how they are related to each other). There are three types of correlation : 1. Positive correlation- as one variable increases so does the other one 2. Negative correlation -as one variable increase the other decreases 3. No correlation- there is no relationship between the variables

Continuous data can take any value ,for example height or temperature. This should be plotted on a line graph.

Correlation does not however mean causation. Just because two variables are linked does not mean that one variable causes the other . For example the number of pirates has decreased as global temperatures have increased. This does not mean that pirates were keeping the Earth cool! Just because data is correlated does not mean one variable caused the change in the other.

In an exam you will be expected to select and plot the correct graph as well as drawing a line of best fit (if it is a line graph). Your line should go through the middle of the points. It is very important to not that lines of best fit can be curves also. Any anomalies i.e points that are a long way from the line of best should be circled.

Correlation could also be down to: 1. Chance 2.

A third variable

You can only be sure one variable causes a change in another variable, if all the other possible variables are controlled.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data



đ??śâ„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ś đ??ś â„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ľ

Drawing good graphs This is an excellent example of a good graph by a Nova student. When drawing a graph, you should plot the dependent variable on the y axis and independent variable on the x axis. To calculate the gradient you on a straight line need to select two points on the line and divide the change in y by the change in x. To calculate the gradient on a curve, you need to draw a tangent to the curve, see topic 15 knowledge organiser.

Labels for axes, with units given in brackets

Both axes have suitable scales (equal intervals)

Accurate line of best fit, passing through most points, excluding anomalies. Remember this could be a curve of best fit if appropriate

Neat, accurately placed plots. Marked with a small x.

Anomaly recognised and highlighted on the graph

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



Anything that can be given a numerical value.


Size of a quantity. E.g. a distance of 5 metres has a higher magnitude than 2 metres.


Describes quantities that only have a magnitude (size). E.g. speed (how fast something is moving).


Describes quantities that have a magnitude AND a specific direction. E.g. velocity (speed in a particular direction)


A vector quantity. Forces are pushes or pulls that act on an object. Forces have size and direction. Forces are the result of objects interacting with each other.

Contact forces

For these forces to act, the interacting objects have to be physically touching.

Non-contact forces

For these forces to act, the interacting objects don’t have to be touching (they are physically separate).

Resultant force

The single overall force acting on an object. It has the same effect as all the forces acting on the object all together. The resultant force is the vital thing in working out how an object will move. If there is a resultant force, the object’s speed will change; or the shape of the object will change; or the direction of the object will change. If the resultant force is nothing (the forces cancel out), the object will keep doing what it was doing – either not moving at all, or moving along at a steady speed.

Representing Forces and Other Vector Quantities Since forces are a vector quantity, it is useful to show their magnitude (size) AND direction using an arrow. The arrow points in the direction that the force acts, and its length shows the magnitude. For instance: in the first diagram, the force acting on the object is larger than in the second, and is opposite in direction.

Contact and Non-contact Forces Forces are always the result of objects interacting with each other. For instance, the force of gravity keeping this piece of paper on the desk is the result of the interaction between the Earth’s mass and the paper’s mass. All forces can be classified as contact or non-contact forces. Examples of contact forces: friction, air resistance, tension, the normal contact force. Examples of non-contact forces: gravitational force, electrostatic force and magnetic force.

The Resultant Force In real life, there are usually a few forces acting on any particular object. All the forces can be shown with vectors (arrows – see above). When we take all the forces into account, we can draw just one vector arrow to show a single force, which has the same effect on the object as all the other forces acting at once. This is simplest when the forces are in a straight line: two forces are acting; by adding them we get the resultant force….

this time, the forces are opposite in direction, and are different in magnitude. We subtract one from the other to get the resultant force…

Resultant Force continued If the forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, then the resultant force ends up being ZERO. You can say the forces are balanced. Reading the definition above should make it clear that a resultant force of zero means that an object’s movement will not change. So if it was moving to start with, a resultant force of zero means it keeps moving at the same speed. Also, zero resultant force means the direction can’t change. The resultant force is…. nothing!

Key Terms


Work done

The measure of how much energy is transferred when a force makes an object. You can say: ‘a force does work on an object when it makes it move’. Doing work always involves the transfer of energy. This is a scalar quantity.

‘Work’ has a particular meaning in physics. Whenever work is done, it means that energy has been transferred (in other words, energy has changed form). Work is always done as a result of a force acting on an object. The amount of work done is easily calculated: đ?‘Š = đ??š đ?‘


The unit joule (J) is how the amount of energy transferred by doing work is measured. 1 joule = 1 newton metre (thanks to the equation, below).

For example, if a force of 1000 N makes this car move 200 m to the left‌


How far an object moves. It does not include direction , so distance is a scalar quantity.


The distance an object moves from where it started. This is measured in metres. It is a vector quantity, because it includes the direction an object moved.

Work Done Against Frictional Forces


A contact force that results when two objects move past each other. They have to be touching.

When objects move, they are almost always moving against frictional forces – so the friction arrow is opposite to the direction of motion. As you know if you rub your hands together, doing work against frictional forces causes an energy transfer to heat (thermal) energy. This raises the temperature of the object (and the surrounding air!).


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Work Done and Energy Transfer

The work done is calculated by: W = 1000 x 200 = 200 000 J This means 200 000 J of energy was transferred.

Remember, there are frictional forces even when an object moves through the air – often this is called air resistance (but it’s just a type of friction).

đ?‘Š=đ??šđ?‘ *

W = work done (joules, J) F = force (newtons, N) s = distance (metres, m) – aka displacement

Distance vs. Displacement Diagram The Joule The joule (J) is the unit for energy, and therefore the unit for work done. It has a particular definition, based on the equation for work done. 1 joule = 1 newton metre. This means that 1 J is the amount of work done when a force of 1 N causes an object to move 1 m. This is because đ?‘Š = đ??š đ?‘ and 1 = 1 x 1!

Distance vs. Displacement Displacement is different to distance because it involves the direction that an object has moved. The displacement is always measured in a straight line from start to end of a journey, missing out any wiggles along the way.

Look how displacement is simply a straight line from A to B. Distance is the total, with visits to C and D during the journey.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



The measure of how quickly distance changes. Speed does not include direction, so it’s a scalar quantity. It is measured in metres per second (m/s).

Speed vs. Velocity


Velocity is a vector quantity. Like speed, it is a measure of how quickly distance changes BUT it includes the direction of movement. It is measured in m/s HT: moving in a circle, even if speed is the same, involves a constantly changing velocity because the direction is constantly changing.


Gradient means slope. The gradient of a line on a graph is found by dividing the vertical (y-axis) change by the horizontal (x-axis) change.


Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. It usually means speeding up, because we use the term deceleration for slowing down. You must recall that objects in freefall near Earth’s surface have an acceleration of 10 m/s2.


A negative acceleration – slowing down.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Speed and velocity are both quantities that measure the rate of change of distance, but velocity includes the direction. This makes velocity a vector quantity, so we can show velocity with an arrow.

Distance-time Graphs A distance-time (DT) graph shows how far an object has gone from its starting point at a certain time. A slope means the object is moving, because distance is changing as time changes. If the line of the graph is horizontal, the object cannot be moving because distance is not changing with time. The gradient (steepness of the slope) tells you the speed of the object.

Acceleration Acceleration is the measure of how quickly velocity changes. It is a vector quantity, because direction is included. (see equation) Acceleration is shown on a DT graph by a line whose gradient changes – i.e. a curve, rather than straight line.

đ?‘ =đ?‘Łđ?‘Ą *

Velocity-time Graphs A velocity-time (VT) graph shows the velocity of an object at any particular time on its journey. Using the gradient of a slope, you can find the acceleration. The distance travelled during the journey is also shown on a VT graph – but you have to work it out by calculating the area under the line on the graph. Sometimes the area can be found by counting squares, other times you’ll need to use area of a rectangle/ triangle to find the area and therefore distance.

đ?‘Ž= *

∆đ?‘Ł đ?‘Ą

đ?‘Ł 2 − đ?‘˘2 = 2 đ?‘Ž đ?‘

s = distance (m) v = speed (m/s) t = time (s) a = acceleration (metres per second squared, m/s2) ∆đ?‘Ł = change in velocity (m/s) t = time (s) v = final velocity (m/s) u = initial (starting) velocity (m/s) a = acceleration (m/s2) s = distance travelled (m)

Freefall through a fluid (gas, like air, or a liquid) Freefalling object initially accelerate due to gravity, but friction (/air resistance) increases with speed until the forces are balanced (resultant force = 0 N). Then, the object is falling at its terminal velocity.

Key Terms



Not moving. The velocity is 0.

Newton’s First Law

The law says that if the resultant force on an object is zero: ďƒ˜ Stationary objects stay stationary ďƒ˜ Moving objects keep moving at the same velocity (same speed and direction)

HT inertia

Inertia is the tendency of objects to stay at the same speed or stay stationary.

Newton’s Second Law

Objects accelerate if there is a resultant force acting on them. The amount of acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. (see equation)

Newton’s Second Law


Read the definition. This law follows on very sensibly from the first law. It reminds us that an object will only change in velocity (accelerate) if there is a resultant force acting on it. It also shows that the amount of acceleration depends on the resultant force and the mass of the object.

Just like in maths: if the magnitude of one quantity increases because another quantity increases, they are proportional. The symbol is �.

Inversely proportional

The opposite of proportional: if one quantity decreases because another one increases, they are inversely proportional.

Newton’s Third Law

This law says that when objects interact, the forces they cause to act on each other are equal and opposite.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Newton’s First Law Read the definition. Newton’s first law tell us: • Vehicles moving at a constant speed have a driving (push) force exactly equal to the resistive forces (like friction); • Velocity (speed and direction) will only change if there is a resultant force acting (so the resultant force is NOT zero). • If an object changed direction, it must have been because of a resultant force.

For instance, if a resultant force of 20 N acts on this object, the acceleration will be 20 / 10 = 2 m/s2. But with this object, the same resultant 10 20 force only causes 20 / 20 = 1 m/s2 kg kg acceleration.


Newton’s Third Law Read the definition. This law is often written as: ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’. In this version, action means the force exerted by object A on object B, and reaction means the force exerted by object B on object A.

This law explains why pushing down with your legs makes you jump up (the ground pushes back with the same size force as your push). It also explains why rockets can fly through space: the gases pushing out the back cause the rocket to move forward.


F = resultant force (N) m = mass (kg) a = acceleration (m/s2)

HT only: Inertial mass Inertial mass measures how difficult it is to change the velocity of an object. It is defined as the ratio of force over acceleration. For instance, it requires more force to slow down (change the velocity) a lorry compared to a bike. It also requires more force to make a lorry accelerate compared to a car.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



A property of any moving object, calculated as the product of mass and velocity. Measured in kg m/s.

Momentum – whole page is HT only


Systems are how physicists divide up the universe. Systems involve an object or objects and their interactions. They can be very simple (e.g. a falling object) or very complicated (e.g. our whole galaxy).

Closed system

A system where objects are not thought to be affected by external forces or other objects outside the system. We only think about the objects inside the system, which means the quantities momentum and energy are conserved.


Simply means ‘keeping the same.’ To add detail, conservation of a quantity means that the total amount of it is the same before and after an event. In any closed system, the total amount of energy and momentum before and after an event is equal.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Momentum is a property that any moving object has. It is defined as the product of mass and velocity of the object, so if the velocity is 0 m/s (stationary), the momentum is also 0.

Since momentum is calculated using velocity, which has a direction, momentum is a vector quantity. Just like with velocity, you can show the momenta (the plural of momentum) of objects moving in opposite directions by using a + sign for one of them and a – sign for the other.

Conservation of Momentum Momentum is a property that is conserved in closed systems. This means the total momentum before an event is exactly equal to the total momentum after the event. This is called conservation of momentum. You can see conservation of momentum in action when objects collide (like snooker balls or cars in a crash) or when something stationary separates (e.g. firing a bullet from a gun or jumping off a stationary skateboard – it also explains why you should be very careful when jumping from a small boat onto the bank). In this example: the boat is stationary at the bank, meaning its momentum is 0 kg m/s. When the person jumps out, they have a velocity and therefore a momentum. The boat must move away from the bank, since momentum is conserved (so must add up to 0 after the event too) so the boat has momentum in the opposite direction to the person – the boat moves away from the bank.

Conservation of Momentum in a Collision Look at the diagram far right. The ‘2’ ball has a negative velocity because it is moving in the opposite direction of the other ball. The total momentum before they collide = (0.1 x -0.5) + (0.2 x 0.3) = 0.01 kg m/s. According to the rule of conservation of momentum, the total momentum after the collision is also 0.01 kg m/s. Also, by looking at the diagram, you can see that both balls are now moving to the left, together. The total mass is 0.1 + 0.3 = 0.4 kg. đ?‘?

Rearranging to make velocity the subject, đ?‘Ł = , đ?‘š v = 0.01/0.4 = 0.025 m/s is the velocity after the collision.

đ?‘?=đ?‘šđ?‘Ł * HT only

p = momentum (kilogram metres per second, kg m/s) m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Threshold Concepts in Chemistry

Key Terms



The particles that make up all substances with mass, they contain protons, neutrons and electrons.

The structure of the Atom


The centre of an atom, it contains protons and neutrons.

• All matter is made from atoms. Atoms are very small. The radius of atom is about 1x10-10 m (this is also known as 0.1 nanometres). • The central part of the atom is known as the nucleus. It is only 1x10 -14m across, which is 10,000 times smaller than the total atom. • An atom is made up of three subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. • Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus • Electrons are found orbiting the nucleus in shells (also known as energy levels).


A unit of measurement: 1x10-9m


A sub atomic particle found in the nucleus, it has a charge of +1 and a relative mass of 1.


A sub atomic particle found in the shells of an atom, it has a charge of -1 and a negligible mass


These are the smaller particles that make up an atom


A sub atomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom, it has a charge of 0 and a mass of 1

Atomic Number

The number of protons in an atom.

Mass Number

The total of protons and neutrons in an atom.

Electron Configuration • The mass and charges of the sub atomic particles is shown below:

There are very strict rules about how electron fill up the electron shells, the inner shell is always filled first. Each shell has a maximum number of electrons it can take. Shell 1: maximum 2 electrons Shell 2: maximum 8 electrons Shell 3: maximum 8 electrons

• Atoms have no overall charge because they have the same number of positive protons as negative electrons.

Atomic Number and Mass Number Mass number: This is the total of protons+neutrons

Atomic number: This is the number of protons Therefore sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 23-11= 12 neutrons

The electronic configuration of Sodium (Na) can also be written like this 2,8,1. This shows there is 2 electrons in the 1st shell, 8 electrons in the second shell and 1 electron in the 3rd shell.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Threshold Concepts in Chemistry Elements • An element contains only one type of atom. All elements are given a symbol and are found on the periodic table. You need to learn the symbols for the first 20. • The Periodic Table is arranged into groups (columns) and periods (rows), as shown below.

Key Terms



A substance that contains only one type of atoms


A mixture is two or more different atoms which are not chemically bonded


Two or more elements that are chemically bonded


The columns on the Periodic Table


The rows on the Periodic Table


What you start with in a chemical reaction


What is made in a chemical reaction

The Conservation of Mass Elements in the same group have: • The same number of electrons in their outer shell • Similar properties Elements in the same period have: • The same number of electron shells Compounds • Compounds are 2 or more elements that are chemically bonded • These are made in chemical reactions. • Compounds are given a formula for example carbon dioxide is CO2 means 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms. • Another example is calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 which means 1 calcium, 2 oxygen atoms and 2 hydrogen atoms Chemical Reactions • In some chemical reactions it may appear that there are less products than there were reactants; however this is often because a gas has been made and this has escaped into the atmosphere.

• •

In a chemical reaction, chemical bonds are broken the atoms are rearranged and the chemical bonds are made again. In a chemical reaction, mass is never lost, you must start and finish with the same mass.

Balancing Equations • •

We need to write balanced chemical equations represent chemical reactions and the conservation of mass. For example: The equation below shows hydrogen and oxygen making water but there are more oxygen atoms on the right than the left.

H₂ + O₂ •


In the equation below there are 4 hydrogen atoms on the left and right of the equation and 2 oxygen atoms on each side

2H₂ + O₂


Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic cells include all plant and animal cells. Their most important feature is that they have a nucleus, unlike prokaryotic cells.

Key Terms



The basic unit of all forms of life.

Eukaryotic Cells

Cells with a nucleus – e.g. plant and animal cells.

Prokaryotic Cells

Bacterial cells; these don’t have a nucleus to enclose their genetic material.

Cell Membrane

The border of all types of cell. The cell membrane separates the inside of the cell from the environment. It controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

Sub-cellular structure

A part of a cell. (Sub- means less than – so these are the component parts of cells.)


The enclosure for genetic material found in plant and animal cells.


The interior of a cell, where most of the chemical reactions needed for life take place.


The sub-cellular structure where aerobic respiration takes place.


The sub-cellular structure where proteins are made (synthesised)


A sub-cellular structure responsible for photosynthesis – only found in plant cells and algal cells.

Permanent Vacuole

A sub-cellular structure only found in plant and algal cells – it is filled with cell sap (a store of nutrients for the cell).

Cell Wall

A sub-cellular structure that is never found in animal cells. It is made of cellulose, it is outside the cell membrane and it strengthens the cell.


The molecule that holds the genetic information in a cell. In eukaryotic cells, it is one linear strand. In prokaryotic cells, the DNA forms a loop.


A small loop of DNA, only found in prokaryotic cells.

Permanent vacuole ribosomes mitochondria

Cell membrane

Prokaryotic Cells Bacteria are prokaryotic cells (all bacteria are single-celled organisms). The most important differences to eukaryotic cells are that they are smaller and their genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed in a nucleus.

Cell wall

Cytoplasm DNA

Prokaryotic cells have DNA in a loop, and, in addition to the main loop of DNA, they have small loops of DNA called plasmids.

Plasmid Ribosome

Plasmids allow bacteria to swap genetic information between them.

Flagellum (tail)

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology

Key Terms



Any living thing: can be made of one cell or be multicellular.


This describes an organism that is made of lots of cells – such as animals or plants.

Specialised Cell

Almost all cells in multicellular organisms have a particular job, or function. While they usually have all the parts labelled on your cell diagrams, they change to suit their functions. This may include developing different sub-cellular structures (e.g. the tail of a sperm cell).


A group of cells with similar structures and functions – i.e. a group of specialised cells.


An organ is a collection (or aggregation) of tissues performing a specific function.

Organ System

Organs don’t operate alone: they work together to form organ systems.

Organism (again)

An organism has many organ systems, all contributing to its survival.

Light microscope

A usual school microscope is a light microscope. You can see large sub-cellular structures like a nucleus with it, but not a lot more detail than that.


This is the measure of how much a microscope can enlarge the object you are viewing through it.


This is the measure of the level of detail you can see with a microscope.

Electron microscope

A type of microscope with much high magnification and resolution than a light microscope. Essential for discovering the smaller sub-cellular structures.

Multicellular Organisms You are a multicellular organism, just like all animals, plants and many types of fungus. But, not all your cells are the same. Cells become specialised by differentiation, which means they develop new features to help them perform a specific function. E.g. sperm cells and root hair cells.

Tissues are formed when cells with similar structures and functions work together. For example: muscle tissue in animals; phloem tissue in plants. Organs are formed from multiple tissues working together. For example: the stomach in animals; the leaf in plants. Organ systems are formed when multiple organs work together. For example: the digestive system in animals; the vascular (transport) system in plants.

Microscopy Use of a microscope is called microscopy. Microscopes allowed scientists to discover cells and find all the sub-cellular structures. Because cells and their parts are very small, it is not useful to measure them in metres. Instead, we use small divisions of the metre as follows: Centimetre = 1/100 metre (10-2). A centimetre is 1 one hundredth of a metre. (cm) Millimetre = 1/1000 metre (10-3). A millimetre is 1 one thousandth of a metre. (mm) Micrometre = 1/1 000 000 (10-6). A micrometre is 1 one millionth of a metre. (Âľm) Nanometre = 1/1 000 000 000 (10-9) A nanometre is 1 one billionth of a metre. (nm) Electron microscopes were a vital invention for understanding cells. They have higher magnification and more resolving power than light microscopes, so they let you see smaller structures.

Equation đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘›đ?‘–đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘œđ?‘› =

Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘§đ?‘’ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘§đ?‘’ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘œđ?‘?đ?‘—đ?‘’đ?‘?đ?‘Ą

The image Is how it looks through the microscope. The real object is what you are looking at. The image and object must be measured with the same unit, e.g. both in nm.

Key Terms



A population of microorganisms that has been deliberately grown to study.

Binary fission

How bacteria multiply. One bacterial cell divides into two, forming two identical cells.

If conditions are right (correct temperature, plenty of nutrients etc.), bacteria can double their population as often as every 20 minutes. This is because each bacterial cell can make two cells this often, through binary fission. It is often useful to deliberately grow microorganisms: for example, to investigate antibiotics or disinfectants. However, you want to only grow the type of microorganism you are trying to study. Without proper care, your culture is easily contaminated, because there are microorganisms everywhere in the environment. ‘Proper care’ involves using aseptic technique.


When unwanted bacteria (or other microorganisms) mix in with the bacteria you are trying to grow.


Without contaminating microorganisms

Culture medium

Substance on which microorganisms are grown, which provides them with nutrients. E.g. agar gel, nutrient broth.

Inoculating loop

Equipment used to transfer microorganisms (e.g. bacteria) to a culture medium for growth and study.

Aseptic technique to prepare an uncontaminated culture

Agar plate

A Petri dish filled with agar gel.

Here’s how to prepare an uncontaminated culture: 1. Sterilise the Petri dishes and culture media. This ensures that there are no microorganisms present at the start. 2. Inoculating loops are used to transfer bacteria to the culture medium. These loops are passed through the flame of a Bunsen burner to sterilise them before collecting the bacteria you want to study. 3. After transferring the bacteria under study to the culture medium, the lid of the Petri dish is secured on with tape to prevent other microorganisms from entering. It is stored upside down to prevent condensation flooding the bacteria. 4. The culture is incubated (in schools at 25oC) to allow the microorganisms to grow.


A population of bacteria. Colonies look like circles of growth in an agar plate.

Lawn culture

An agar plate spread evenly with bacteria. This is useful for testing antiseptics/antibiotics.

Mean division time

The average time it takes for a type of bacteria to divide once, under certain conditions.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology Culturing (growing) microorganisms

Looking at the results On the agar plate, bacteria can grow as circular colonies or as a lawn. The colonies tend to be circles, so you can find their cross-sectional area using A = r2 (area of a circle equation). See first photo for examples of colonies. On the second photo, a lawn culture has been grown. The small white discs of paper placed on the lawn were soaked in solutions of antibiotic or disinfectant. The antibiotic/disinfectant diffuses into the agar gel and, if it works, it kills the bacteria nearby. This leaves a clear area on the agar plate. Again, the clear area can be calculated since they are circular. The larger the clear area, the more effective the antibiotic/disinfectant on the type of bacteria that’s been grown.

The size of bacterial populations If you know how quickly bacteria divide (mean division time) and how long they’ve been incubated, you can calculate the population size by working out how many division cycles have occurred. e.g. the mean division time = 20 min and they’ve been incubated for two hours. 6 cycles of division have occurred. Say we started with 1 cell. 1  2  4  8  16  32  64, or 26 = 64. When the numbers get very large, standard form is useful.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms



Weight is different to mass. Weight is a force (hence, it is a vector quantity), caused by gravity acting on a mass. Since it is a force, it is measured in newtons.


Mass measures the amount of material in an object, and is measured in kilograms (kg). The weight of an object depends on the mass, but mass does not depend on weight. Mass is a scalar quantity.

Gravitational field strength

Simply, the measure of how strong the gravitational field of a large object is. For instance, the gravitational field strength on Earth is about 10 N/kg. This means that a weight of 10 N acts on each kg of mass on Earth.

Centre of mass

The point at which the weight of an object is considered to act – the ‘middle’ of the object’s mass.


A device to measure weight. It simply consists of a spring and a calibrated scale.


Meanings of terms in equation

Weight Weight is often mistaken for mass; for instance, when people say they are losing weight, they really mean they are losing mass. As a result, their weight will also drop (see equation), but really it is their mass they seek to change. Mass measures how much material there is (in kg), whereas weight measures the force acting on an object due to a gravitational field. Looking at the equation, you can see that a person with a mass of 65 kg will have a weight of 65 x 10 = 650 N. You can also see that a mass of 100 g (=0.1 kg) has a weight of 1 N on Earth. As the equation shows, weight and mass are directly proportional. We can show this like: đ?‘Š âˆ? đ?‘š, using the symbol for a directly proportional relationship. On Earth, as mass increases by one unit, weight increases by ten units (as g = 10 N/kg).

Centre of Mass When drawing force diagrams and performing calculations, it is useful to show the weight (or other forces) acting on just a single point on the object. This is the exact centre of a symmetrical object (it will be more complicated for an asymmetrical object), and is called the centre of mass. Think of the centre of mass as the point where we consider weight to act: as a result, force arrows should start on the centre of mass.

Measuring Weight Weight can be determined by calculation using the equation, or directly measured using a calibrated (adjusted so the scale is right) spring balance – a newtonmeter. This can be mechanical or digital – a digital newtonmeter will likely have higher resolution (detects smaller differences in weight).

đ?‘Š=đ?‘šđ?‘” *

W = weight (newtons, N) m = mass (kilograms, kg) g = gravitational field strength (newtons per kilogram, N/kg) – on Earth, this is about 10 N/kg

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms



Describes objects that return to their original shape after being deformed by a force, once the force is removed

Potential Energy

Elastic deformation

Deformation (bending, stretching or compressing an object) is elastic if the object returns to its original shape once the force is removed


Bending, stretching or compressing an object


The change in length of an object such as a spring. Subtract length when NO force is applied from the length when a force is applied.

Directly proportional

This term describes a type of relationship between two variables. The two variables are directly proportional if, for every increase of one variable by one unit, the other increases by the same amount. It is shown by a straight line on a graph that goes through the origin.

Limit of proportionality

The limit of a directly proportional relationship. It can be shown on a graph if the line is straight to being with (indicating a directly proportional relationship) then curves.

Linear relationship

Simply, a relationship between two variables that is graphed as a straight line.

Non-linear relationship

A relationship between two variables that is shown with a curved line on a graph.


The gradient of a graph is how steep it is. Calculate gradient by dividing the change in the variable on the y-axis by the change in the variable on the x-axis.


Meanings of terms in equation

You already know how energy transfers take place when work is done. In these cases, energy is changing form. However, it is also possible for energy to be stored by an object or system. We call the stored energy potential energy. When something has potential energy, you won’t be able to see anything going on, but if that energy is transferred to a new form, work will be done and you might be able to observe the results. Chemical potential energy is an example: energy is stored in chemical bonds, and is transferred when a chemical reacts. Another example is gravitational potential energy – the energy stored by objects when they are above the ground in a gravitational field. Elastic potential energy is the form of energy stored by an object that is under elastic deformation. Think of a stretched rubber band – it isn’t doing anything, but if you release it the stored elastic potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy, so you can fire it at someone.

Force and Extension/Compression The extension of an elastic object, like a spring, is directly proportional to the force applied to it, provided the limit of proportionality of the spring is not exceeded. This also works with the compression of an object – you can use the equations below too, ‘e’ just means the amount of compression. The spring constant measures how much extension you get for your force. A large spring constant means it won’t stretch far compared to a spring with a small spring constant, if the same force is applied (see examples above). The spring constant can be calculated from the gradient of a graph of force against extension. When force is applied to a spring, it moves a distance, so work is done. In other words, energy is transferred. The energy gets stored in the spring (or elastic object) as elastic potential energy (Ee). The amount of elastic potential energy is calculated by the equation shown on the right.

On graphs showing force against extension, you can see when the limit of proportionality is reached by looking at where the graph starts to curve. (Labelled x on this example)

đ??š=đ?‘˜đ?‘’ *

đ??¸đ?‘’ =

1 2

đ?‘˜ đ?‘’2

F = force (newtons, N) k = spring constant (newtons per metre, N/m) e = extension (metres, m) Ee = elastic potential energy (joules, J) k = spring constant (newtons per metre, N/m) e = extension (metres, m) – this is squared in this equation

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms


Energy Stores and Systems

Energy store

A system is simply a small part of the universe that we choose to study. It consists of an object or objects, and we use systems to describe how energy changes in terms of how it is stored. Energy has to be conserved in a system, so it cannot be created or destroyed. However, it can change from one store to another, in an energy transfer.

A system or object can act as an energy store. Energy allows work to be done (since work done = energy transferred). Good examples of energy stores are objects up high (they have gravitational potential energy), fuels (they have chemical potential energy), and stretched springs (they have elastic potential energy).

Energy transfer

The change of energy from one store to another. Aka work.


Simply, this means ‘spread out’. When applied to energy being dissipated, this means that during energy transfers, some energy is stored in less useful ways. This can be called ‘wasted’ energy, since it is not transferred to form that is wanted.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

For example: ď ś Firing an object upwards transfers kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy ď ś When boiling water in kettle, electrical potential energy is transferred to thermal energy ď ś When using your phone, chemical potential energy is transferred to electrical energy, which is transferred to the surroundings, where it is stored as thermal energy.

The amount of energy that a moving object has, the amount of energy stored by a stretched spring, and the amount of energy gained by lifting up an object can all be calculated. The equations for Ek , Ee , and Ep are on preceding pages.

Energy Transfers In a system, the energy in the stores to start with can change form – we can say the overall energy in the system is redistributed – meaning it is transferred into other forms. In the end, the energy in the store is transferred to the surroundings. Often, the transfer to the surroundings is in the form of heat (thermal energy). With the candle example here, the chemical potential energy (energy store) is transferred to thermal energy, which is transferred to the surroundings in the end. It is, in practice, very hard to go back the other way – for example, to transfer the heat energy from the candle back into chemical potential energy. This is what is really meant when people talk about ‘saving energy’ – overall, energy can’t be destroyed so it can’t be saved – but, we should try to save the energy stores we rely upon, such as fossil fuels (a huge store of chemical potential energy).

∆đ??¸ = đ?‘š đ?‘? ∆đ?œƒ

∆E = change in thermal energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) c = specific heat capacity (joules per kilogram per degree Celsius, J/kg oC) ∆đ?œƒ = temperature change (oC)

Unwanted Energy Transfers During any energy transfer, energy can be transferred usefully, meaning that the stored energy is transferred in a way that does useful work. However, some dissipation of the stored energy, in ways that are not useful, is unavoidable. We call the energy transferred in this way ‘wasted energy’ – meaning unwanted energy transfers have taken place. Unwanted energy transfers can be reduced by, for instance, oiling/lubricating moving parts (reducing friction, therefore transfer to thermal energy) or insulating systems. Thermal insulation is insulation that reduces transfer of thermal energy to the surroundings. Thermal conductivity measures how rapidly thermal energy is conducted by a material (so, metals have high thermal conductivity). For effective thermal insulation, you want materials with very low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the material also affects the effectiveness of thermal insulation. Not surprisingly, the thicker the material, usually the better the insulation. Always a consideration in house building – see diagram for examples.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Forces and Braking Stopping a vehicle requires a force to be applied, since the speed must change – the vehicle must decelerate to 0 m/s. The stopping distance of a vehicle depends on two factors, which add up to make the stopping distance. These are the thinking distance (distance travelled while the driver reacts) and the braking distance (distance travelled under the braking force).

For a particular braking force, the greater the speed of the vehicle, the greater the stopping distance. This is because going from a higher speed to 0 m/s is a bigger change in speed than going from a lower speed to 0 m/s. The thinking distance is longer at a higher speed, because reaction times won’t change according to the speed – so you’d go further in the same time if you’re going faster. Typical reaction times vary from 0.4 s to 0.9 s. Different factors affect the thinking and braking distances – see the box.

Braking Force and Work Done When force is applied to the brakes, work is done by the friction force between the brake pads and the wheel. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is transferred to thermal energy – this is why brakes get hot.

To stop a vehicle in a certain distance, the faster the vehicle the larger the force needed, since a larger deceleration is needed (F = ma again). However, this can lead to overheating of the brakes and/or loss of control of the vehicle.

Forces cause a change in momentum F = ma tells us a resultant force causes an acceleration. Substituting the equation for acceleration into F = ma gives you the equation above. It tells us that reducing the time taken to change momentum increases the force. This is why it hurts more to land on pavement than a trampoline. It also explains seatbelts, air bags, cycle helmets and cushioned tiles in playgrounds: all of these increase the time taken to slow to a stop, therefore decreasing the force acting on the object.

Key Terms


Stopping distance

The distance a vehicle travels after the driver spots a danger and decides to stop. It is the sum of the thinking distance and braking distance.

Thinking distance

Distance travelled during a driver’s reaction time.

Braking distance

Distance travelled while the driver is applying the brake (i.e. distance travelled under the braking force).

Kinetic energy

The form of energy of any moving object. Since the equation uses speed, not velocity, this is a scalar quantity.

Thermal energy

The form of energy associated with heat. The thermal energy of an object is proportional to its temperature.


An object or group of object, and its/their interactions.

Conservation of energy

A fundamental concept in physics. In a system, total energy is always conserved (it cannot be created or destroyed). However, it can be transferred from one store of energy to another.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

đ??¸đ?‘? = đ?‘š đ?‘” â„Ž * đ??¸đ?‘˜ =

1 2

đ?‘š đ?‘Ł2



đ?‘š ∆đ?‘Ł đ?‘Ą

Ep = gravitational potential energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength (newtons per kilogram, N/kg) h = height (metres, m) Ek = kinetic energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) v = speed (m/s) – this is squared in this equation F = force (N) m = mass (kg) Δv = change in velocity (m/s) [and remember m Δv is change in momentum] t = time (s) NOTE: This equation can be stated as: “force equals the rate of change of momentum�

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Moments Forces can cause rotation. There has to be a resultant force on a rotating object, because it rotation involves changes in direction! Even when pushing on a door, you are using an applied force to cause rotation of the door. The centre of rotation (the pivot) is the hinge of the door. The turning effect is called the moment of the force. If an object is balanced (for example, a see saw or a shelf with stuff on it), in the system the clockwise moment is equal to the anticlockwise moment. Notice that this doesn’t mean the forces are the same each way (unless the distance from the pivot is the same) – but you can calculate the moment and/or the forces involved using the equation shown.

Key Terms)



Turning motion


Full name: “moment of a force�. This is the turning effect of a force


The centre of rotation of a turning object. It stays in a fixed position while other parts move – for example, the hinges of a door.

Line of action

The line along which a force arrow points.

Clockwise moment

The turning effect of a force in the direction hands move around a clock face.

Anticlockwise moment

The turning effect of a force in the direction opposite to the way hands move around a clock face.


A simple system in which something turns around a pivot, and where a force applied is transmitted to somewhere else.


A simple system in which wheels transmit the turning effect of a force to somewhere else.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Levers A lever is a simple system used to transmit a force. Levers can be distance multipliers or force multipliers. Distance multiplier – this means the lever allows one end of the lever to move much further than where the force is applied, but this does reduce the force at that end. An example is a broom – see diagram. Force multiplier – this means the lever is used to produce a larger force for the force applied, but this does mean the other end moves a smaller distance. A ring pull on a drinks can is an example – you apply a force at one end of the ring pull, the other end doesn’t move as far but there is a big enough force to open the can. The pivot is in the middle.

Gears Systems with gears are force multipliers or speed multipliers. One gear is the ‘driver’, which is where the force is applied in the first place. Other gears are driven by this one – they can be connected directly like in the diagram or indirectly, like how gears are joined by a chain on a bike. Force multipliers – if the driver gear (aka cog) is smaller than the one it drives, the force is multiplied. This is as shown in the example in the diagram. Speed multipliers – if the driver is larger than the driven gear, the driven gear goes faster. So it’s a speed multiplier.

đ?‘€=đ??šđ?‘‘ *

M = moment of a force (Nm) F = force (N) d = perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force (m)

Key Terms



Power is the rate of energy transfer – also known as the rate at which work is done. (Remember, energy transferred is the same as work done.) Since it is a rate, like speed, power is calculated by dividing by time (see equations).

Going past measuring and describing energy transfers, we can consider how fast the energy transfer is (or, how fast the work is done). The rate (speed) of energy transfer is the power. The top two equations below show this.

Watt (W)

The watt is the unit for power. One watt is one joule transferred in one second – or 1 J/s (1 joule per second).

Two things might transfer the same amount of energy (do the same amount of work), but if one does it faster than the other, it has a higher power. For instance, if two people of the same mass run the same distance, they transferred the same amount of energy. However, if one of them completing it faster than the other, they had a higher power. (The ‘t’ in the equation would be smaller, leading to a larger value for ‘P’.)


The measure of how much of the stored energy in a system is transferred usefully. More efficient devices transfer more energy usefully, which is the same as saying they waste less energy.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Power

Meanings of terms in equation and units


Efficiency of Energy Transfers As you know, energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transferred. It is often useful to measure how much energy is transferred in the way we want, and how much is dissipated. This measure is called efficiency (see equations). Since there is always some wasted energy, efficiency must always be less than 1, or less than 100% if you convert the efficiency to a percentage. To improve efficiency, we reduce the energy transferred in ways that are not useful (i.e. reduce the wasted energy). In a simple example, the light bulb on the left wastes 80% (efficiency = 0.2 or 20%) of the input energy as heat energy, but the one on the right only wastes 20% (efficiency = 0.8 or 80%).


đ??¸ đ?‘Ą

P = power (watts, W) E = energy transferred (joules, J) t = time (s)


đ?‘Š đ?‘Ą

P = power (watts, W) W = work done (J) t = time (s)


* đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘–đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘Ś =

đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘˘đ?‘™ đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘Ąđ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;đ?‘”đ?‘Ś đ?‘Ąđ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘ đ?‘“đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;đ?‘”đ?‘Ś đ?‘Ąđ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘ đ?‘“đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;

* Similarly, the methods such as insulation or lubrication improve efficiency, since they reduce the energy transfer to wasted forms of energy.

đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘–đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘Ś = *

đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘˘đ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘¤đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘Ąđ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘¤đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą

Efficiency doesn’t have a unit. You can convert the efficiency (which will be a decimal) to a percentage by multiplying by 100.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Energy Resources Don’t get energy resources and stores of energy mixed up. Energy resources are energy stores that we know how to make use of for our needs, such as electricity. Stores of energy are the ways we find energy in objects or systems – e.g. chemical potential energy, gravitational potential energy, or thermal energy. The main energy resources on Earth are: fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas); nuclear fuel; biofuel; wind; hydroelectricity; geothermal; tides; the Sun and waves in the sea. These all are stores of energy we can access and transfer usefully, usually to electrical energy. We can also use these energy resources for transport (especially fossil fuels) and heating (especially geothermal – although not in the UK!).

Key Terms


Energy resources

Stores of energy on Earth that we can access and transfer to useful forms, such as electricity.

Nuclear fuel

Elements that can be used to release massive amounts of energy for generating electricity. Nuclear fuel is based on uranium.

Fossil fuel

A fuel, made from hydrocarbons, that formed millions of years ago from the bodies of animals and plants. Fossil fuels are a store of chemical potential energy.


The energy resource found in Earth’s crust, due the thermal energy of the rock of the crust is certain places on Earth.


Any type of fuel made from the bodies of organisms – such as fuels made from plants.


Water stored behind a dam has gravitational potential energy, so it is a store of energy we can make use of.

Tidal energy

Tides in the sea come in and out twice a day. This is a massive movement of water, whose kinetic energy can be transferred usefully to electrical energy.

Wave energy

Waves in the ocean have kinetic energy. With the right equipment, this energy can be transferred usefully to electrical energy.

Solar energy

The Sun is an abundant source of energy. Using solar panels, we can transfer light energy directly into electrical energy. We can also use the thermal energy from the Sun for heating and for generating electricity.


A form of energy that we find extremely useful, since it can be used to run so many devices. We use the energy resources described here mainly (but not only) to generate electricity.


Describes energy resources that are, or can be, replenished (replaced) as they are used. E.g. biofuels, geothermal.


Describes energy resources that cannot be replenished. In other words, they get used up. E.g. fossil fuels, nuclear fuel.

Using Energy Resources Some energy resources are more reliable than others. For instance, as you may have noticed, the Sun as an energy resource (using solar panels) is not totally reliable in the UK. So we couldn’t totally rely on the Sun as an energy resource. Fossil fuels are reliable for the time being, as the supply is good, but they are non-renewable, so this may change in the future. Fossil fuels are also relied upon for transport. This is changing, but still the vast majority of vehicles use fossil fuels as their energy resource. Environmental considerations about the use of energy resources should also be made. For instance, the combustion of fossil fuels adds to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing climate change. On the other hand, renewable methods like hydroelectricity involve building dams that may displace people and destroy habitats. There are always ethical factors to weigh up too. Although science can identify issues such as environmental problems, scientists are not politicians and big decisions to deal with issues are out of their hands a lot of the time. Political, social, ethical or economic factors also affect decisions made about the use of Earth’s energy resources.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns The History of the Periodic Table • Throughout history scientists have tried to classify substances and many scientists attempted to construct a Periodic Table. • Before the knowledge of protons, neutrons and electrons, scientists arranged the Periodic table by atomic weight. This meant the groups were not always correct. • In 1869 Dimitri Mendeleev, a Russian Scientist, published his Periodic Table. It was slightly different to those that had been before. He still arranged elements by atomic weight but he also left gaps for where he predicted elements would be. • He very accurately predicted the properties of elements that were not discovered until many years later; for example, Gallium. • Mendeleev's Periodic Table is still different from the modern one as some of his masses were wrong due to the existence of isotopes • Isotopes are elements with same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons and therefore different atomic weights.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

Key Terms


Dimitri Mendeleev

A Russian Chemist, who in 1869 published a Periodic Table containing gaps.

Periodic Table

The table which organises the 118 elements based on atomic structure


Two atoms with the same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons


An element which loses electrons to form a positive charge

Non Metal

An element which gains electrons to form a negative charge


An element with a positive or negative charge

Metals and Non-Metals • • •

Metals are found on the left hand side of the Periodic Table, the majority of elements are metals. When metals react, they lose an electrons to form positive ions. Non metals gain electrons to form a negative charge.

Groups in the Periodic Table Physical properties

Chemical Properties



Group 1 (Alkali metals)

Soft, low density

React vigorously with water releasing hydrogen

Sodium + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen

More reactive as you go down, outermost electron further from the nucleus so it’s easier to lose

Group 7 (Halogens)

Low melting point, exist as pair (Cl2)

React with group 1 metals to form compounds . Can carry out displacement reactions

Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride Sodium Bromide + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride + Bromine

Higher melting point as you go down the group (higher molecular mass). Less reactive as you go down the group.

Group 0 (Noble Gases)

Low melting point/boiling point Eight electrons in outer shell (except helium)

Unreactive, as they have a full outer shell


Higher melting point and boiling point as you go down the group (due to increase in density)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns

Key Terms



A substance made of only ONE type of element or compound

Pure and Impure Substances • A pure substance contains only one type of element or compound. • An impure substance contains more than one type of element or compound in a mixture, for example salt water contains NaCl and H2O. All mixtures are impure substances. • Mixtures are much easier to separate than elements or compounds as they are not chemically bonded • There are a variety of ways that mixtures can be separated and they are outlined below. Remember that these are all physical changes and chemical bonds are not broken during any of these processes.


A mixture of elements and/or compounds


A technique where mixtures can be separated based on their solubility.


A separation technique which means a mixture of two liquids is heated


Method of mixture separation where a solvent is evaporated, leaving the solute behind.

Separating Impure Substance

Name Chromatography


Explanation • • •

Different substances travel different distances up the paper depending on their solubility in the solvent used (it is often water but not always). The more soluble, the further it moves up the paper Line must be drawn with pencil because pencil will not run. Artificial colours in foods can be identified using chromatography. Additives do not necessarily have a colour and therefore are identified using chemical analysis.


• Distillation is when two liquids with different boiling points are separated • For example ethanol (alcohol) boils at 78 ℃ and water boils at 100 ℃ • If you heat a mixture of water and ethanol to 80℃ the ethanol will evaporate but the water will not. • You then condense the ethanol and collect the pure ethanol


Crystallisation is when a solvent is evaporated from a solute.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns Chromatography and Rf values • When carrying out chromatography we can calculate an Rf (retention factor) value/ • The retention factor is a ratio between the distance travelled by the solvent and the distance travelled by a compound. • Chromatography has two phases- a stationary phase where particles can’t move (the filter paper in most cases), a mobile phase where particles can move (a solvent for example water). • Different compounds will have different Rf values in different solvents, this allow us to see whether a substance is pure or impure. • To calculate Rf value you need to divide the distance moved by the solvent by the distance moved by the spot. • For example to work out the Rf for the spot further up the paper: đ??ľ 7.5 • Rf= đ??´ Rf= 10 = 0.75 • There are no units as the answer is a ratio • The higher the Rf the further the spot has moved up the paper, compared to the solvent.

Key Terms


Retention Factor

The ratio between the distance travelled by the substance and the distance travelled by the solvent.

Equation Rf=

đ??ľ đ??´

Meanings of terms in equation and units Rf = Retention Factor (no units) B = Distance travelled by substance (cm) A= Distance travelled by solvent (cm)

Melting Point and Boiling point • A chemically pure substance will melt or boil at a very specific temperature. • If a substance is chemically impure it will melt or boil at a lower temperature and across a broader range. • The closer the substance is to the melting point the purer the substance. Formulations • Formulations are mixtures made using a precise amount of each substance, so they can serve a particular purpose. • For example in paints or in pills.

Transition Metals Transition Metals • The central block (between group 2 and 3) of the Periodic Table is known as the transition metals. • Compared to group 1 elements, transition metals have different physical properties. For example transition metals have a higher melting point and are more dense. • The exception is mercury which is a liquid at room temperature. • Transition metals also have different physical properties to group 1. They are much less reactive and do not react vigorously with oxygen or water.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns Transition Metals Continued • Transition metals also differ from group 1 elements as they can form multiple different ions (sometimes called oxidation states). Elements in group 1 can only form a +1 ion. • The ability to form different ions, gives transition metals other properties, firstly it makes them good catalysts in chemical reactions, see more on this in the rate of reaction topic. • Different ions also form different coloured compounds for example if vanadium forms a +3 ion it is green, +4 is blue and +5 is yellow. This means transition metals are often used in paints. • The table below shows the ions that different period 4 transition metals can form. You are not expected to memorise this table:

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: What is an Organism? Unicellular vs. multicellular organisms Unicellular organisms’ bodies are simply one cell. All bacteria and other prokaryotic organisms are unicellular. Multicellular organisms are made of many cells and are much more complex. In multicellular organisms, cells differentiate to become specialised cells, carrying out specific roles in the organism. The levels of organisation in multicellular organisms form a hierarchy. In biology, hierarchies get simpler as you go down; or more complex as you go up because the upper things are made up of the things below them. The organisational hierarchy in multicellular organisms is shown here.

Stem cells Once cells are specialised, they can’t go back to being an unspecialised cell. This is why we all start life as a mass of unspecialised cells, called stem cells – this is what an embryo is. Stem cells can divide to make new cells and can differentiate to become specialised cells. In an young embryo, all the cells are stem cells, so they can be taken, cloned and used to produce any human cells by differentiation. In adults, there are not many stem cells left – most have differentiated. But there are some, for repair and replacement of specialised cells. For instance, there are stem cells in the bone marrow. These can be collected, cloned and made to differentiate into any type of blood cell. Using stem cells in this way is an active area of medical research, to treat conditions like diabetes and paralysis.

Key Terms



Describes organisms formed of only one cell: like all prokaryotic organisms


Describes organisms made of many cells.


The process of becoming a specialised cell. Specialised cells are the result of differentiation of stem cells.

Stem cells

Cells that are undifferentiated. Stem cells are capable of forming many more cells of the same type (by cell division), and forming certain types of specialised cell by cell division.


A very young multicellular organism, formed by fertilisation. Embryos are made of stem cells.

Cell cycle

The series of stages during which cells divide to make new cells. In the cell cycle, the DNA is replicated (copied exactly) and the cell splits by mitosis into two cells with one set of DNA each.


The specific part of the cell cycle where the cell divides to make two new cells, which are identical.


A structure containing one molecule of DNA. One chromosome contains many genes. In body cells, chromosomes are found in pairs (since you inherit one copy of each chromosome from your mother and one copy from your father).

The cell cycle – diagram bottom left

Two identical cells

Cells divide to make new cells, for growth and repair, in the cell cycle. It isn’t as simple as the cell splitting in two: it must prepare before doing that. 1. The cell grows larger and makes more sub-cellular structures, such as ribosomes and mitochondria. (It makes enough for two cells!) 2. The genetic material (DNA) is doubled by making an exact replica of the chromosomes. So, there are two copies of every chromosome at this point (labelled S on the cell cycle diagram). 3. Tiny fibres in the cell pull the copies of each chromosome to opposite ends of the cell, breaking the replica chromosomes apart. This means the nucleus can divide into two, each with the full set of chromosomes. 4. The cytoplasm and cell membranes divide to form two genetically identical cells. This is summarised in the diagram left.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: What is an Organism?

Key Terms



Sorting into groups. Traditional classification of organisms depends on their structure, but more modern methods involve analysing the biochemical similarities between organisms to classify them.


The largest group in the Linnaean system. In this model, there are five kingdoms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and protists).


The study of chemicals in living organisms, such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Three-domain system

A modern model of classification, based on the genetic differences between organisms.


Unicellular, like bacteria, but biochemically very different. These organisms often live in extreme environments, like very hot water around geysers. No-one realised that they were fundamentally different to bacteria before the chemical analysis was performed.


Also called ‘true bacteria’ – the prokaryotic organisms you think of as bacteria. (Check your knowledge on prokaryotic cells)


All organisms with a nucleus, like us, plants, fungi and protists. All multicellular organisms fit into this domain (but it does include many unicellular organisms!).

Evolutionary tree

A method used to show how closely related organisms are. For living organisms, we can use genetic analysis; for extinct organisms, the fossil record suggest the relationships.

Classification the traditional way People have always given living organisms names and attempted to group them together based on their similarities. The first system that has stuck around is the classification system described by Carl Linnaeus, in which he sorted organisms according to their structure (anatomy) and characteristics. He came up with a hierarchical system, where the larger groups contain all the smaller groups below them. It is called the Linnaean system, after him. These groups, in order of size (based on how many organisms fit in each one) are called: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Species are what you think of as individual types of organism – like tigers, oak trees or great white sharks. It is worth remembering that some organisms that are given one name in everyday language actually represent many species. For instance, there are many species of eagle and many species of shark. When giving the scientific name of an organism, you give the genus and species. E.g. great white sharks are Carcharodon carcharias, humans are Homo sapiens. This is called the binomial system for naming species.

Classification the modern way The Linnaean system dates back to the 18th century. Since then, knowledge and understanding of the internal structure of cells and biochemistry has developed significantly. Analysis of genetic material in cells has shown that the five kingdoms suggested by Linnaeus are not the best way to divide up life. A three-domain system is now used (although the Linnaean system is still very useful, and commonly used). The three-domain system was suggested by Carl Woese. Woese’s chemical analysis showed that there are three distinct groups of life, into which all organisms can fit without overlapping. These are called domains: the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota. One of the key things about this system is that is recognised that two huge groups of organisms (archaea and bacteria) are actually different. In the Linnaean system, they were bunched together in the ‘bacteria’ kingdom.

Since it is based on genetic analysis, the three-domain system links to the closeness of the relationship between organisms. We know all life on Earth is related (since we all use the same genetic code). That’s why, when you draw an evolutionary tree (right), it starts with one ‘trunk’ – the first life on Earth (the common ancestor for us all). But, clearly, life has split into many different groups, as shown with the examples on the tree here.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: Space

Key Terms



A huge (compared to Earth) sphere of superhot gas (plasma) undergoing nuclear fusion reactions.

Our solar system


A spherical object much smaller than a star, made of rocky or gaseous material (or a combination), which orbits a star.

Dwarf planet

Small planets that have not cleared their orbit of other material. Like planets, they orbit a star.


Object that orbit a planet. Natural satellites are not launched by humans – so moons are natural satellites. Ones that we launch are called artificial satellites.

Our solar system is a very small part of the Milky Way galaxy. Galaxies consist of millions of stars, held together by their gravitational attraction to one another.


To follow a path around another object due to the gravitational attraction between the objects, while being physically separated. Orbits can be circular, or elliptical (oval shaped).

Stars and their life cycle


A giant cluster of stars held together by their gravitational attraction to one another. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.


A cloud of gas and dust in space.

Nuclear fusion

A nuclear (not chemical) reaction in which the nuclei of atoms are joined together to make larger nuclei, releasing energy. For example, hydrogen nuclei are fused to helium nuclei in the Sun and other stars. Thus, fusion processes cause the formation of new elements. This can only happen at immense pressures and temperatures, when gases have ionised to become plasma. Nuclear fusion allows nucleosynthesis - making new nuclei.

Our solar system consists of: • One star: the Sun; • Eight planets, which orbit the Sun; • Dwarf planets, such as Pluto, which also orbit the Sun; • Natural satellites: the moons that orbit some of the planets (including our moon); • Other objects like asteroids and comets.

Stars form when a huge cloud of gas and dust (a nebula) comes together thanks to the gravitational attraction between the particles from which it is made. The diagram outlines the stages a star goes through during its life cycle. Note that the stages of the life cycle depend on the initial mass of the star. Lower mass stars (like the Sun) end more discreetly than others with much larger masses.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: Space Stages of star life cycles You’ve seen the basic life cycle. Now for some detail. • A protostar is a dense region in a nebula, which is still gathering mass by pulling in material from the nebula by its gravitational pull. So, at this stage, the star is still forming and has not yet started nuclear fusion reactions. • Main sequence star: the Sun is a main sequence star. During this stage of a star’s life cycle, the star is stable in size because the forces acting towards the centre and the outward forces caused by the nuclear fusion processes are in equilibrium. With an object as big as a star, the gravitational force acting on any particular particle is intense, so the star might be expected to collapse. However, there is an outward force leading to expansion, caused by the fusion processes occurring in the star. Essentially, this outward force is due to gas pressure (ok, plasma pressure) in the star. Pressure in gases increases if their temperature increases, making the star expand; in turn, this decreases the pressure and therefore cuts the rate of nuclear fusion. Therefore, main sequence stars are nicely self-regulating systems (using negative feedback). • Red giant and red super giant stages: as the diagram showed, this is where the life cycle diverges according to the mass of the star. Stars finish their main sequence when the hydrogen in the core runs out (it has all been fused to helium). This reduces the outward pressure, so the star begins to collapse inwards due to gravity. In turn, this allows some of the hydrogen outside the core (the layer of a star we actually see) to begin going through nuclear fusion, and at a much more rapid rate than during the main sequence. This higher rate of nuclear fusion produces a larger outward pressure, so the outer layer of the star expands by a great deal, perhaps as far as the orbit of Venus in the case of the Sun! (Hence the ‘giant’ in the name.) • The red giant or red super giant stage ends as the fuel runs out. This causes a drop in outward pressure, so gravity wins out and causes the collapse of the star. This is really rapid, though, and causes a shock wave outwards. In stars like the Sun, this is violent but not crazy – the outer layers of the star are ejected relatively slowly out. However, in larger stars this outwards shock wave is extremely violent, resulting in a supernova. A supernova is such a colossal explosion that a red supergiant entering its supernova stage can outshine its whole galaxy! This spreads the new elements made in the star by nuclear fusion (or nucleosynthesis) out across the universe. This is actually the reason why large elements (anything larger than iron) are found on Earth – the atoms were spread out after their formation in supernovae. • The core of the Sun, and similar sized stars, will become a white dwarf. When it has totally cooled off, it will be a black dwarf – just the cold remnants of its core. The core of larger stars will be left as neutron stars, which are insanely dense objects: as illustrative values, a neutron star may be only 20 km in diameter but have a mass twice that of the Sun! Should the star have started as a really massive star, the core will collapse to make a black hole, which is even more dense than a neutron star and a place where conditions are so extreme that physicists are struggling to express the rules that govern the behaviour of matter in black holes.

Key Terms



An early star – basically a big dense part of a nebula that is gathering mass but hasn’t started nuclear fusion yet.

Main sequence

The stable stage of a star’s life cycle, where inward and outward forces are in equilibrium.


The ‘fourth state of matter’ – a superhot gas, where electrons are stripped from nuclei, leaving a sea of positive nuclei and negative electrons.

Red giant

The stage after the main sequence for stars with a similar mass to the Sun.

Red supergiant

The stage after the main sequence for stars much more massive than the Sun.

White dwarf

The collapsed core of a star like the Sun. Very dense (about 200 000 times more dense than Earth), but not as dense as neutron stars or black holes.

Black dwarf

When a white dwarf has fully cooled down, it no longer emits any radiation so it is a black dwarf. So in the universe, there aren’t any black dwarves because it isn’t old enough for white dwarves to have cooled off yet!


The enormous explosion resulting from the collapse and resulting shock wave of a star much more massive than the Sun.

Neutron star

The collapsed core of a star after a supernova (but not of a star large enough to form a black hole).

Black hole

The collapsed core of really massive stars – about five or more times the mass of the Sun.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: Space

Key Terms


Instantaneous velocity

Velocity at a single moment (remember it is vector quantity, with both direction and magnitude).


Red shift

The observed increase in wavelength of light emitted by objects moving away (receding) from an observer.

Big Bang theory

The theory, which is by far the dominant scientific theory for the origin of the universe, that states that the whole universe was once tiny and very hot and dense.

Recessional velocity

How fast something (like a galaxy) is moving away from an observer.

Dark matter

Aka dark mass. A mysterious type of matter that is known to exist (from observations of other galaxies), but no-one knows what it is made of.

Dark energy

The name given to the mysterious energy driving the acceleration in the expansion of the universe.

Gravity is the force that allows orbits to be maintained. Since an object in motion is moving in a circle, its direction and therefore velocity is constantly changing, even as its speed stays constant. The orbiting object is accelerating towards the object it orbits, as the diagram shows. The velocity at any moment you pick (called the instantaneous velocity) is at a tangent to the orbital path. For an orbit to remain stable, the radius of the orbital path must change if the speed changes. This means, for example, Mercury travels much faster on its orbital path around the Sun than Earth, since the radius of its orbital path is much smaller than ours.

Red Shift When we examine the light (electromagnetic radiation) from distant galaxies in space, the wavelength is increased compared to what is ‘should be’. This stretching of waves that are emitted from a wave source moving away from an observer is called the Doppler effect in general, and red shift when we’re talking about electromagnetic radiation. Working backwards logically, we know that distant galaxies are receding (moving away from us). This shows that the universe (i.e. space itself) is expanding. In turn, this provides great evidence for the Big Bang theory, since when you turn the clock back, the galaxies must have been much closer together in the past, all the way back until the whole universe (space and all the matter in it) was a single hot, dense point. In 1998 some breakthrough studies of supernovae in distant galaxies showed that the rate of recession of galaxies is greater the further away they are, findings that have been confirmed in numerous studies since. The findings showed that the more distant the galaxy is, the greater the red shift of its light, showing that they are moving away faster than nearer galaxies. The graph shows this – each dot is a galaxy which has been observed and its red shift used to calculate its recessional velocity (how fast it is moving away from us, the observers). There are still many unsolved questions about all this, though. No-one knows what is causing the acceleration of the universe’s expansion (so it often gets the opaque name ‘dark energy’). Another giant mystery is ‘dark matter’ – astronomers know there is a giant ‘halo’ of matter around objects in space like galaxies, but have no idea what it is made of, hence the name.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The net (overall) movement of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration, simply due to the random motion of particles in a liquid or gas. Diffusion happens across cell membranes, from higher to lower concentration. It does not require any energy from the cell.

Concentration gradient

The difference in concentration of a substance between two places. A ‘steeper’ concentration gradient means there is a bigger difference in concentration.

Surface area to volume ratio

The surface area divided by the volume of an organism, organ or cell. Generally, the smaller something is, the larger the surface area to volume ratio.

Exchange surface

A place, such as the walls of the small intestine, where exchange of substances takes place e.g. by diffusion across it.

Diffusion pathway

The distance over which a substance must diffuse. A thin wall or membrane is a short diffusion pathway.


Osmosis only describes the movement of water. It is the diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution across a partially permeable membrane.

Exchange and Transport To stay alive, all organisms must exchange substances with their environment. This means they must transport into cells the substances they need from the environment and transport out waste products to the environment. Substances can be transported into or out of cells by: diffusion, osmosis or active transport.

Diffusion Diffusion allows many substances to move into or out of cells. Thanks to the random motion of particles in liquids and gases, particles will spread out until the concentration is equal throughout. If there is a cell membrane that lets the substance through (is permeable) in the way, it doesn’t matter. Overall, the net movement of the substance will be from higher to lower concentration, as the diagram shows. Diffusion is the process by which oxygen is transported into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is transported out (in the lungs, or gills of fish). It is also how the waste product urea moves from cells into the bloodstream, before removal in the urine. The rate of diffusion is affected by: 1. the steepness of the concentration gradient 2. the temperature (a higher temperature increases the rate of diffusion as particles have more kinetic energy) 3. The surface area of the membrane (a larger surface area of cell membrane increases the rate of diffusion into/out of a cell).

Partially permeable membrane Active transport

A membrane that only allows some substances through – others are prevented from travelling through. The movement of substances against the concentration gradient – from lower to higher concentration. This requires energy from respiration.

Active transport Osmosis Osmosis is the movement of water from a more dilute solution (more ‘watery’) to a more concentrated solution (less ‘watery’) across a partially permeable membrane, such as a cell membrane. Osmosis causes cells to swell up if they are placed in a dilute solution, or shrivel up if they are placed in a concentrated solution (a solution of salt, for instance, or sugar).

Active transport is so-named because it requires energy. A good example of where it happens is in plant roots. Root hair cells (see specialised cells topic) absorb mineral ions (like magnesium ions and nitrate ions) from the very dilute solution in the soil by active transport. They need ions like these for healthy growth. An example in animals is absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood – the blood has a higher sugar concentration so active transport is needed. The sugar is needed by all cells in the body for respiration.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms


Small intestine

The organ in the digestive system where products of digestion are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Adaptations for efficient exchange and transport


The organs were gas exchange takes place. The air sacs where gases are actually exchanged are called alveoli.


The organs in fish where gas exchange takes place. Oxygen is absorbed from the water into the blood, and carbon dioxide is transferred to the water.


The plant organs responsible for gas exchange.


Technical term for breathing in and out. Breathing in brings fresh air, with a relatively high oxygen concentration, into the lungs, and breathing out removes the air with a relatively high concentration of carbon dioxide (and low concentration of oxygen).

Unicellular organisms have a very large surface area to volume ratio compared to multicellular organisms. This means that they simply exchange substances through their cell membrane directly with their environment. They are small enough that diffusion is sufficient to meet their needs (see diagram). However in multicellular organisms, cells that are not at the surface wouldn’t be able to directly exchange substances with the environment. This is why organs with specialised exchange surfaces have evolved. Without lungs, gills, or leaves, for example, multicellular organisms wouldn’t be able to obtain all the substances they need to survive, or be able to get rid of waste products efficiently.

Specialised exchange surfaces To be effective at exchanging substances with the environment, any exchange surface must have a large surface area, and a thin wall/membrane for a short diffusion pathway. In animals, a constant blood supply also increases effectiveness, and in the lungs, ventilation (breathing in and out) increases effectiveness by refreshing the concentration gradient with each breath. Gas exchange in lungs

Exchange in animals and plants Gas exchange in many animals, including us, happens in the lungs. The structures in the lungs where it happens are the alveoli. There are millions of these tiny air sacs, so in total their surface area is gigantic. They also have a short diffusion pathway, a good blood supply and air supply due to ventilation. (look at the diagram of one alveolus) In fish, gills are where gas exchange takes place (see diagram). Again, a huge surface area increases the efficiency of gas exchange, along with a short diffusion pathway and good blood supply. The huge surface area comes from the division of gills into very thin plates of tissue called lamellae. This also creates the short diffusion pathway. In plants, the roots absorb water and mineral ions. The root hair cells have long projections that increase the surface area of this exchange surface, and shorten the diffusion pathway. The leaves are responsible for gas exchange, including oxygen out and water vapour out, and carbon dioxide in. Being flat and broad increases the effectiveness of the leaves as exchange surfaces, by increasing the surface area and shortening the diffusion pathway. In leaves, exchange happens through microscopic holes called stomata.

Substance exchange in roots

Gas exchange in gills

Gas exchange in leaves

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes are large proteins.

The human digestive system

Digestive enzyme

Enzyme that works in the digestive system, breaking down large food molecules into simpler, smaller molecules for absorption into the blood.

Active site

The part of an enzyme where the reaction takes place. They are very specific in shape, so that a specific substrate fits into the active site.


To disrupt the shape of the active site of an enzyme. Denaturation happens when the enzyme is at too high a temperature or at the wrong pH for that enzyme.


The molecule that fits into an enzyme’s active site and reacts to make a product or products.


A type of molecule found in all living things. Made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Simple sugars like glucose are carbohydrates, and so are complex sugars like starch – in fact, starch is made of many glucose molecules joined up.


Scientific name for fat. Lipids are made up of glycerol and fatty acids. Made mainly of carbon and hydrogen (+ oxygen).


Type of molecule made from amino acids. Proteins in the body can be structural (e.g. muscle is made mainly of proteins) or metabolic (control chemical reactions – e.g. enzymes). Made mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.


The ideal temperature or pH for enzymes to work.

The digestive system breaks down food molecules into molecules our cells can actually use, and absorbs the simpler molecules resulting from digestion. The products of digestion are used to make new molecules we need, and the glucose is used in respiration. It is an organ system; the organs of the digestive system are shown on the diagram. Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth and stomach especially, where food is physically broken up into smaller pieces. This does not, however, break down the large molecules that our food is made from (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins). That is the role of chemical digestion, which is what enzymes do.

Enzymes and digestion Enzymes are large proteins; there are many different types. All organisms use enzymes to control chemical reactions (metabolism). Enzymes are catalysts, so they speed up chemical reactions. They work by having an active site with a specific shape. A specific molecule slots into the active site (like a key into a lock) and the reaction takes place. So, the shape of the active site is vitally important, and only one sort of enzyme will work on each substrate. The diagram shows this ‘lock and key’ model of enzyme action.

Bile Bile is a vital substance for digestion. It is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder before being released into the small intestine just after the stomach. It is alkaline, to neutralise the stomach acid and to make the partly digested food pH 8 – the optimum pH for enzymes in the small intestine. It also emulsifies fats, meaning it breaks them up into small droplets. This increases the fat droplets’ surface area, increasing the rate of digestion by lipase.

Digestive enzyme

Site of production

Site of action



Salivary glands, pancreas and small intestine wall

Mouth, small intestine

Complex carbohydrates - e.g. starch

Simple sugars


Stomach, pancreas, small intestine wall

Stomach, small intestine


Amino acids


Pancreas, small intestine wall

Small intestine


Glycerol and fatty acids

Carbohydrase - e.g. amylase

- e.g. glucose

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The larger chambers in the heart. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs; the left ventricle pumps blood around the whole body.


Smaller chambers of the heart. These fill with blood from the vena cava and pulmonary vein, then pump the blood into the ventricles.


The artery leaving the left ventricle. It branches off to supply, in the end, every cell of the body with blood.

Vena cava

The major vein transporting blood from the whole body back to the heart (to the right atrium)

Pulmonary artery

The blood vessel leaving the right ventricle, carrying blood to the lungs.

Pulmonary vein

Vein leading from the lungs back to the heart (to the left atrium).


Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, at relatively high pressure.


Very small, thin-walled blood vessel where exchange of substances between the blood and body cells takes place.


Blood vessels that return blood to the heart at relatively low pressure. Only these vessels have valves in them.

Coronary blood vessel

The heart muscle needs its own blood supply. This comes from branches from the aorta as soon as it leaves the heart called coronary arteries.

The heart The heart is an organ whose role is to pump blood around the body. In humans and other mammals, the heart is part of a double circulatory system. This means the blood goes through the heart twice on its route around the body. It goes: right side of heart  lungs  left side of heart  body (and back to the heart again). Learn the labelled parts of the heart. The arrows show the direction of blood flow. The heart walls are made mainly of muscle – when the heart ‘beats’, the muscle contracts to pump the blood. The natural resting heart rate is controlled by a group of cells in the right atrium that act as a pacemaker. These cells set off the impulses that make the heart muscle contract. If there is a fault in the heart and the heart rate is irregular, an artificial pacemaker can be fitted to correct these irregularities.

Vena cava

Right atrium

Aorta Pulmonary artery Left atrium

Right ventricle

Left ventricle

Blood vessels Blood is restricted to blood vessels in the body (unless you cut yourself!). There are three types: arteries, capillaries and veins. Blood being pumped by the heart always travels in the order arteries  capillaries  veins and veins return the blood to the heart. Arteries carry the blood at high pressure, so they have thick, elastic walls. Capillaries are where exchange takes place, so their walls are only one cell thick (for a short diffusion pathway). Veins carry the blood back to the heart at low pressure, so their walls are thinner than arteries (much thicker than capillaries though). However, to prevent blood flowing back the wrong way, veins have valves in them, which you can see on the diagram.

The lungs The lungs are the organs responsible for gas exchange in humans and other mammals. Air flows in while breathing in, through the trachea (windpipe), through the bronchi to each lung, and eventually to the alveoli, that you’ve looked at before. Muscle contraction allows us to breathe in – the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract. When they relax, we breathe out. The lungs are adapted for efficient gas exchange with their short diffusion pathway, huge surface area, and good blood and air supplies.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The liquid part of the blood, mostly made of water, but with substances like glucose, proteins, ions and carbon dioxide dissolved in it.

Red blood cells

Disc-shaped cells that contain haemoglobin, which can bind to oxygen, so it can be transported from the lungs to tissues.

The blood Blood is a tissue. When separated into the component parts as a the diagram shows, we find that just over half of it is made up of plasma. The cells components (mostly red blood cells) are suspended in the plasma – meaning they are normally mixed evenly throughout the plasma. The majority of the cell parts is made up of red blood cells, which transport oxygen. The other components are white blood cells and platelets.

White blood cells

Cells in the blood that fight infection caused by pathogens.


Fragments of cells that cause clotting of blood at a wound, to reduce blood loss.


A solid clump of blood formed when there is an injury.

Red blood cells Red blood cell As you can see in the photograph (taken with a microscope of course!), red blood cells are disc shaped and have a concave surface on each side. This increases their surface area for absorbing and transporting oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. Red blood cells are unusual in that they don’t have a nucleus or other organelles. This makes more room for haemoglobin – the red-coloured chemical that oxygen actually binds to for transport.

White blood cell


Platelets Platelets are fragments of cells – produced deliberately by your body (they aren’t simply broken cells!). The photograph here shows a platelet between a red blood cell and a white blood cell. Their role is to initiate (start off) the process of clotting at a wound, as shown in the diagram to the left. They create a clot, which blocks the injury in the blood vessel until proper healing can happen, preventing excessive blood loss.

White blood cells There are actually numerous types of white blood cell, as the photo shows, but they are all part of the immune system and fight communicable disease (disease caused by pathogens). They all have large nuclei, because they are very active cells. They can also change shape, which is useful because they can get out of the blood (through tiny gaps in the walls of capillaries) and so they can engulf microorganisms – like the photo below of a white blood cell engulfing a yeast cell.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive? Plant tissues in the leaf and transpiration Look at the key terms and definitions for the key types of plant tissue. Leaves are organs in plants that contain many of those types of tissue. Together with the stem and roots, they form an organ system for transport of substances around the plant. The photograph shows the transverse section of a leaf – a thin slice through the leaf, looking edge-on. The vein contains the xylem and phloem vessels. The stomata (singular: stoma) are the holes through which gases are exchanged. This includes water vapour. Plants absorb all their water in the roots (you’ve already looked at root hair cells), and keep water moving constantly through by losing water as vapour from the leaves. The constant flow of water up the plant is called the transpiration stream. This loss of water vapour from the leaves is called transpiration. Transpiration is sped up by: • a higher temperature, since water molecules have more kinetic energy so diffusion out of stomata is faster • Lower humidity (drier air), since there is a steeper concentration gradient if the air outside the plant is relatively drier than the air in the air spaces • Higher air flow (being windier!), since this refreshes the concentration gradient all the time, as water vapour is blown away from the leaves • Higher light intensity: this increases the rate of photosynthesis, which uses water, so water flows more rapidly up through the plant.

Key Terms



Type of plant tissue that covers the surface of a plant

Palisade mesophyll

Tissue in the leaf where photosynthesis takes place

Spongy mesophyll

Tissue in the leaf with air spaces between cells – specialised for gas exchange


Narrow tubes in the roots, stem and leaves, which transport water and mineral ions up the plant from the roots


Other tubes that run alongside xylem, but transport sugars dissolved in water instead – a process called translocation


Type of tissue found at growing tips of roots and shoots, containing stem cells so they can differentiate into different sorts of plant cell

Guard cell

In pairs, guard cells form the stomata on leaves – the holes through which gases are exchanged. They can open and close the stomata as required by the plant.


The process by which plants lose water, as vapour, from their leaves through the stomata.

Xylem and Phloem Xylem tissue is made of hollow tubes, formed from the cell walls of dead cells, and strengthened by a substance called lignin. The diagram shows their adaptations to the function of transporting water and minerals.

Stomata, guard cells and transpiration Stomata must be open at least some of the time, to allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis. However, guard cells can control how many stomata are open, and how wide open they are. This is useful in dry conditions, because the plant can conserve water instead of losing lots of it through transpiration.

Phloem, on the other hand, is a tissue made of living cells. They are elongated and stacked to form tubes. Phloem tubes transport food – dissolved sugars – made in the leaves to other parts of the plant, for use in respiration or for storage. The sugary substance they transport is called cell sap, and its transport is called translocation. Cell sap flows from one phloem cell to the next through pores (holes) in the ends of the cells.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



Regulating the internal conditions of the body in response to internal or external changes, to maintain optimum conditions for the body’s functioning

Endocrine system

The network of hormone-producing glands in the body. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream to their target tissues.

Blood glucose

Glucose (a simple sugar) is transported in the blood, as all cells require it for respiration. The concentration of blood glucose must be kept within very tight limits at all times.


A change in the environment, detected by a receptor cell. E.g. light, sound, chemicals (smells and tastes), pressure, pain, temperature etc.


A nerve is just a collection of many nerve cells; nerve cells are called neurones. Neurones transmit (carry) information as electrical impulses.

Homeostasis Unless chemical and physical conditions in the body are kept within strict limits, cells die. Thus, our bodies constantly and automatically regulate the internal conditions in the body to maintain optimum functions. This regulation is called homeostasis. It is vital for proper enzyme functioning, and indeed all cell functions. Some factors that need controlling by homeostasis in the human body: • Blood glucose concentration • Body temperature • Water levels • Nitrogen levels.

The regulation that takes place can be carried out by the nervous system, the endocrine system (which produces hormones), or a combination of the two. These automatic control systems we use for homeostasis all include: - Receptor cells – these detect changes in the environment. Changes are called stimuli. - Coordination centres – these receive information from receptor cells (electrical or chemical information) and process the information. Examples include the brain, spinal cord and pancreas. - Effectors – these are muscles or glands, which carry out the responses as directed by the control centre. Muscles contract and glands release chemicals, such as hormones.

The human nervous system The nervous system is a network of neurones (nerve cells), bundled into nerves. It includes the nerves all over the body and the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system allows us to react to the surroundings and control our behaviour. It can act involuntarily (in reflexes) or voluntarily.

The reflex arc and reflex actions Reflex actions, for instance pulling your hand away from a pain stimulus, follow a simple pathway. 1. The receptor detects the stimulus and passes electrical impulses along the sensory neurone to the CNS (the spinal cord part, in this case). 2. There is a junction (tiny gap) between the sensory neurone and the relay neurone called a synapse. Here, a chemical is released that diffuses across the gap and causes an electrical impulse to pass along the relay neurone. 3. There is another synapse between the relay neurone and the motor neurone, again a chemical is released that causes the electrical impulse to pass along the motor neurone. 4. The impulse arrives at the effector – in this example, a muscle that contracts to pull your hand away from the source of pain. stimulus

sensory neurone


spinal cord

Information from receptors, in the form of electrical impulses, passes along neurones to the central nervous system (CNS for short); the CNS coordinates the response by transmitting electrical impulses to the effectors (see above). A reflex arc causes reflex actions, which are rapid and automatic (automatic because they don’t involve the conscious part of the brain).

effector (muscle, in this case)

motor neurone

relay neurone

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



A large chemical released by an endocrine gland; hormones have target tissues/organs and they produce an effect when they reach them.

The human endocrine system

Target organ/tissue

The destination of a hormone and the place where the effect caused by the hormone actually happens.


The proper term for ‘release’ of a chemical in the body, such as a hormone from an endocrine gland.


The hormone released by the pancreas that lowers blood glucose concentration, by making cells take in glucose from the blood.


Large chemical, made from glucose, that acts as a store of glucose in liver and muscle cells.

Pituitary gland

The ‘master gland’ of the endocrine system, since, through its hormone release, it can make other endocrine glands release hormones.

Hormones are released by endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream so they can be transported to a target organ or tissue and cause an effect. In comparison with the nervous system, the effects caused by the endocrine system are slower but act for longer. The hormones themselves are large chemical molecules. The most important endocrine gland is the pituitary gland – think of it as a master gland that secretes many hormones that act on other endocrine glands, which then release hormones of their own. Learn the positions of the endocrine glands indicated on the diagram.

Testes Diabetes Diabetes is a group of disorders where blood glucose cannot be properly regulated by the body, which is potentially very dangerous. There are two types, with different causes and treatments. More on this in topic 13: how do organisms get sick?

Controlling blood glucose concentration The monitoring and control of blood glucose concentration are both carried out by the pancreas. When blood glucose concentration rises (for instance, soon after eating), the pancreas detects this and releases the hormone insulin. Insulin causes glucose to move out of the blood and into cells. In particular, muscle and liver cells take in glucose and convert it to a much bigger molecule called glycogen for storage, rather than keeping it as glucose in their cytoplasm. This, obviously, lowers the blood glucose concentration back down to what it should be. HT: when blood glucose concentration drops too low, the pancreas detects this and releases a different hormone: glucagon. Glucagon causes muscle and liver cells to convert glycogen back into glucose and release it into the blood. This obviously raises the blood glucose concentration back up. Therefore, using insulin and glucagon, the pancreas can keep your blood glucose concentration within very tight limits – an excellent example of homeostasis.

HT: negative feedback Negative feedback is an important concept in homeostasis. Secretion of hormones is stimulated by a change from the normal level of a condition in the body. The hormone brings the condition back under control, so its release is no longer stimulated. In a round about way, hormones end up preventing their own release – this is called negative feedback. The diagram shows this in general. The level of many hormones can be controlled in this way. Thyroxine, secreted by the thyroid gland, is controlled by negative feedback, for example. Thyroxine stimulates the basal metabolic rate – the baseline for the speed of chemical reactions in the body. This is important in growth and development. Another hormone you need to know about is adrenaline. This is released by the adrenal glands when you are scared or stressed. It increases the heart rate, increasing the delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles. This prepares the body for ‘fight or flight’ – combat or running away.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive? Controlling water and nitrogen balance in the body Maintaining water levels in the body is essential for proper functioning of body cells. You must regularly ‘top up’ your water (by having a drink!), as it is constantly being lost from the body. Water is lost in these ways: • Water vapour is lost from the lungs when we exhale (breathe out) • Water (along with ions and urea) is lost from the skin in sweat • Water (along with ions and urea) is lost through the kidneys in urine. We can’t control the first two methods of water loss – you have to breathe and sweating is unavoidable (and varies according to temperature of the surroundings, of course). However, the amount of water lost in urine can be controlled – by the endocrine system. So, your body can remove excess water in the urine, or keep some water back by not putting so much in the urine.



A chemical that must be removed from the body, as it is mildly toxic. It is produced in the liver from excess (too much) amino acids. Urea contains nitrogen.


Wee! Urine contains water (in variable amounts), ions and, most importantly, urea. Urine is produced in the kidneys.


Any process that removes substances from the body.


In the kidney, filtration of the blood means large particles/cells/molecules remain in the blood (e.g. red blood cells) and small molecules go through the filter (e.g. water, ions, glucose, urea).


In the kidney, many substances are taken back into the blood even though they were just filtered out. 100% of glucose is reabsorbed (unless someone has diabetes) and most of the water and ions.

HT: urea formation and hormonal control of water level

Kidney function Kidneys produce urine in two stages: by filtration of the blood then selective reabsorption of useful substances. Only small molecules can get through the filter (which is why there aren’t any red blood cells in your urine). The kidney then reabsorbs (takes back in) the substances you need – all the glucose, many of the ions and most of the water.

Key Terms

Urea is a product made in the liver. The digestion of proteins (from the diet) results in excess amino acids which need to be excreted safely. The liver removes the amino part of the amino acids (NH3) – a process called deamination. The ammonia produced is toxic so it is immediately converted to urea in the liver cells, which is far less harmful. The urea enters the bloodstream so it can be filtered out in the kidneys.

The filter


ADH is the hormone that controls water level in the body. It is released by the pituitary gland when the water level drops (the blood is too concentrated). The target organ for ADH is the kidney – ADH causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water into the blood, so the water level increases again. The release of ADH is controlled by negative feedback.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Ions All atoms are more stable with a full outer shell of electrons. Some atoms will lose electrons to get a full outer shell: these are metals. Some atoms will gain electrons to get a full outer shell: these are non metals. An ion is an atom with a positive or negative charge, these are formed by an atom gaining or losing electrons. For example, sodium has one electron in it’s outer shell, it therefore loses one electron to form a Na+1 ion. We represent ions with square brackets around the ion and the charge in the top right corner.

The group number indicates how many electrons an atom would have to lose or gain to get a full outer shell of electrons. See below to see what ions different groups form Group

What happens to the electrons?

Charge on ions


Lose 1



Lose 2



Lose 3



Gain 3



Gain 2



Gain 1


Ionic Lattice Ionic compounds have regular structures (giant ionic lattices) in which there are strong electrostatic forces of attraction in all directions between oppositely charged ions.

Key Terms



An element which loses electrons to form positive ions

Non Metal

An element which gains electrons to form negative ions


An atom (or particle) with a positive or negative charge, due to loss or gain of electrons

Ionic Bond

A bond formed by the electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged ion


The force between a positive and negative charge.

Ionic Bonding When a metal atom reacts with a non-metal atom electrons in the outer shell of the metal atom are transferred to the non metal atom. This means the metal has a positive charge and the non metal has a negative charge. This means there is an electrostatic attraction between the two ions, this is what forms an ionic bond. Both atoms will have a full outer shell (this is the same as the structure of a noble gas) see example below of sodium chloride.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Ionic Bonding- Models There are a number of ways we can represent ionic bonding all; of these have advantages and limitations. For example all the diagrams below show ways we can represent sodium chloride 1. Dot and cross diagrams- These show clearly how the electrons are transferred. It does not, however, show the 3D lattice structure of an ionic compound or that this is a giant compound.

2. 2D ball and stick model of ionic bonding This has the advantage of showing that electrostatic forces happen between oppositely charged ions in an ionic compound. However, does not show the 3D structure of an ionic compound.

3. 3D Ball and Stick model of ionic bonding This clearly shows the 3D structure of the ionic lattice and how different ions interact with other ions in all directions to create an ionic lattice.

Key Terms


Ionic Lattice

The regular 3D arrangement of ions in an ionic compound


When the arrangement of atoms is repeated may times, with large numbers of atoms or ions


When a substance is dissolved in water

Empirical Formula

The simplest ratio of atoms in a compound

Properties of Ionic compounds Ionic compounds have high melting points, due to strong electrostatic forces between the oppositely charged ions. This means a lot of energy is required to break these bonds. For example the melting point of sodium chloride is 801 °C. Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity as a solid. They do conduct electricity if they are dissolved in water (aqueous) or in the liquid state. This is because the ions are free to move, carrying the electric charge. Empirical Formula of Ionic Compounds In sodium chloride, 1 sodium atom gives an electron to a chlorine atom, therefore the empirical formula is NaCl. However there are some examples where the ratio of atoms is not 1:1. For example when sodium bonds with oxygen, sodium only wants to lose one electron but oxygen needs to gain two. So you need two sodium atoms for every oxygen so the empirical formula is Na2O.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Covalent Bonding Covalent bonding occurs between non metals. Electrons are shared between the atoms, so that they have a full outer shell. Covalent bonds are strong and require a lot of energy to break. The simplest example is hydrogen: both hydrogen atoms have one electron in their outer shell. Therefore both hydrogen atoms share one electron each, to give them both a full outer shell, we can show this bond on a dot and cross diagram.

When drawing covalent molecules we use “dot cross diagrams� as we do with ionic compounds. It is important to represent the electrons on one atom with a dot and on the other atom with an X. The first five examples, hydrogen, chlorine, water, hydrogen chloride and ammonia (NH3) all share one electron per atom in a to make a full outer shell of electrons on each atom.

Key Terms


Covalent Bonding

Bonding between 2 (or more) atoms where electrons are shared


A substance which contains two or more covalently bonded atoms

Lone Pair

A pair of electrons that are not part of the covalent bond

The Nature of a Covalent Bond Covalent bonds are strong because there is electrostatic attraction between the electrons in the covalent bond and the positively charged nucleus. This means a lot of energy is required to break a covalent bond.

Properties of Simple Covalent Compounds

Some atoms need more than one electron to give them a full outer shell, for example oxygen needs 2 electrons to complete its outer shell. Oxygen therefore shares two electrons per atom to make a double bond. Nitrogen needs three electrons to complete its outer shell, this forms a triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms, to make a nitrogen molecule.

Simple covalent compounds have low melting points and are often gases at room temperature, for example oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although the covalent bonds between the atoms are strong, the intermolecular forces between the molecules are weak. It is very important to remember that covalent bonds are strong but the intermolecular forces are weak . This means that only a small amount of energy is required to overcome these weak forces.

Please see the next page for more properties of covalent compounds.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Properties of Covalent Compounds-Continued The size of the intermolecular force between molecules increases as the molecules get larger. This is because a force called the van der Waals force increases (you do not need to know that for GCSE). For example as you go down group 7, the boiling points increase because the molecules get larger. As you can see from the graph below, the boiling point of fluorine is -188°C and is therefore a gas at room temperature, whereas the melting point of astatine is 302°C and is therefore a solid at room temperature. This is because the intermolecular forces between the larger astatine molecules are larger than between the smaller fluorine molecules.

Key Terms



A very large molecule, made from monomers

Repeating Unit

The shortest repeating section of a polymer

Intermolecular Forces

The force of attraction between two molecules

Representing Covalent Compounds Like ionic compounds, there are variety of ways that scientists use to represent covalent compounds. 1. Dot cross diagram

There are two dot cross representations of ammonia shown above. The advantages of these diagrams are that it is very clear, which electrons are used in bonding and which are lone pairs. However it does not show the 3D structure of the molecule and this can be extremely important for scientists. 2. Ball and stick model

As well as having low melting points, covalent compounds do not conduct electricity. This is because they have no free electrons or ions and therefore there is nothing to carry the electric charge. Remember pure water does not conduct electricity, only when it has ions dissolved in it will it conduct.

A ball and stick diagram can either be 2D or 3D. While the 2D version clearly shows which atoms are bonded together, the 3D version gives the scientist more information about the 3D shape and the angles between the bonds of the molecule.

Polymers Polymers are large covalent compounds which can be many thousands of atoms in length. They are made from small molecules known as monomers. Rather than drawing out all the atoms in a polymer we draw a repeating unit which is the structure of the monomer in square brackets, with a n representing a very large number of atoms. Polymers have higher melting points than smaller covalent compounds like carbon dioxide as the intermolecular bonds are stronger. However the bonds are not as strong as they are in ionic or giant covalent compounds so the melting points are lower than those compounds.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Giant Covalent Compounds In a giant covalent structure all atoms are bonded to each other by strong covalent bonds. Giant covalent compounds have a high melting point because many strong covalent bonds need to be broken and this requires a lot of energy. There are three examples you need to know, diamond, graphite and silica (see table below) Substance


Key Terms


Giant Covalent

Giant covalent structures contain a lot of non-metal atoms, each joined to adjacent atoms by covalent bonds

Delocalised electron

An electron that is not attached to an atom


Different forms of the same element for example diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon


A molecule which contains many atoms




Each carbon is covalently bonded to four other carbons

Vey hard, very high melting point, due to strong covalent bonds. Does not conduct electricity.


Each carbon is covalently bonded to 3 other carbons, there are weak (non covalent) bonds between the layers.

High melting point, conductor of electricity due to delocalised electrons. Slippery as layers can slide over each other


Every silicon atom is bonded to 2 oxygen atoms and vice versa

High melting point

Graphene and Fullerenes There are other forms of carbon which have been discovered recently: graphene is a single layer of graphite so it is 1 atom thick. Fullerenes are molecules of carbon with hollow shapes. The most famous example is Buckminsterfullerene (C60). Fullerenes have use in drug delivery and as catalysts. Carbon nanotubes are cylinder shaped fullerenes, these are strong and are excellent conductors of both heat and electricity.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Metallic Bonding Metals form giant structures. The metal atoms form a regular pattern and the donate their outer electron to the “sea of delocalised electrons�. These electrons are free to move. The 2D structure of metallic bonding looks like this:

Key Terms


Metallic Bonding

A type of bonding which occurs only in metals


A mixture of 2 or elements, one of which is a metal (the other element may be metal or non metal)

Delocalised electron

An electron that is not attached to an atom


The ability of a material to be bent into shape.

Alloys Alloys are mixtures of 2 or more elements, one of which is a metal. Examples of alloys include brass and steel. Metals are alloyed so that the regular structure of metals is changed and the layers of ions can no longer slide over one another; therefore making it much stronger.

This would be the structure of a group 1 metal like sodium, if it were a group 2 metal like magnesium then the charge on the ions would be Mg2+.

Properties of Metals Metals are good conductors of electricity, due to the delocalised electrons, which can carry the electric charge. Metals are also good conductors of heat as the free electrons can transfer the heat energy through the metal. Metals are also malleable (bendy) as the layers of ions can easily slide over one another. This means that many pure metals are too soft for uses such as building.

Reactivity of metals When a metal reacts it forms a positive ion. The easier it is for a metal to form a positive ion, the more reactive it is. This is shown in the reactivity series; you should memorise the position of different elements:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Nanoparticles Nanoparticles have a diameter between 1 nm and 100 nm, this means they are only a few hundred atoms in size. There is a field of Science known as nanoscience which is dedicated to the study of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are smaller much than coarse particles, which have a diameter between 1 x 10-5 m and 2.5 x 10-6 m. They are also smaller than fine particles, which are defined as having a diameter of 100 and 2500 nm. Nanoparticles have an extremely large surface area to volume ratio, this gives them a variety of useful properties.

Uses of nanoparticles The high surface area to volume ratio means nanoparticles will make excellent catalysts, see more on this in the rate of reaction topic. Nanoparticles also have many potential applications in medicine for example: • The targeted delivery of drugs- they are more easily absorbed into the body and therefore could be use to deliver drugs to specific tissues. • Making synthetic skin Nanoparticles are also used in the following items: • Silver nanoparticles have antibacterial properties. These can be used in things like clothing, deodorants and surgical masks. • Some nanoparticles are electrical conductors, these can be used to make components in very small circuit boards. • Nanoparticles are also used in cosmetics, to make them less oily • Nanoparticles are also used in sun creams, they provide better protection from UV than conventional sun creams. They also provide better skin coverage.

Key Terms



A particle between 1nm and 100nm in diameter.

Surface area to volume ratio

The surface area of a substance divided by the volume.


A unit of measurement: 1x10-9m


A substance which speeds up a reaction, without being used up.

Dangers on Nanomaterials The long term affects of nanomaterials on the body have not been well researched. For example when using suncream, nanoparticles are absorbed through the skin. The affects of long term exposure to these has not been well researched. Some people believe anything containing nanoparticles should be clearly labelled.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Reactions of Metals When a metal reacts with water it produces a metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The more reactive the metal is, the more vigorous the reaction. For example: Lithium + Water  Lithium Hydroxide + Hydrogen You see a similar pattern for the reaction between metals and acids however the products in these reactions are different, in this case you will make a salt and water, the salt will depend on the type of acid that you have used. Lithium + Hydrochloric Acid  Lithium Chloride + Water If sulphuric acid is used the salt made will be a sulphate, if nitric acid is used the salt will be a nitrate. Metals also react with oxygen to form metal oxides; in this reaction the metal donates electrons to the oxygen. This means the metal is oxidised as it has lost electrons. The oxygen is reduced as it has gained electrons.

Extraction of Metals A metal ore is a compound found in rock, dug out of the ground, that contains enough metal that it is economical to extract it. For example, magnesium oxide. In order for us to use the magnesium we need to extract it from the oxide. Metals more reactive than carbon are extracted from their ore using electrolysis. Metals which are less reactive than carbon are extracted from their ore using reduction (by adding carbon). Reduction is the removal of oxygen as seen in the example. Example: Iron Oxide + Carbon  Iron + Carbon Dioxide The least reactive metals such as gold and silver are found on their own—they do not form a compound. This means they do not need to be extracted from their ore.

Key Terms



The loss of electrons from an atom OR when an atom gains an oxygen atom


The opposite to oxidation, when an atom gains electrons OR when an atom loses an oxygen atom

REDOX Reaction

A reaction where one atom is oxidised and another atom is reduced

Other methods of extraction The amount of some metals is running out, this means people are finding new ways to extract metals like copper. Phytomining uses plants to absorb copper from the soil, the plants are then burnt and the copper extracted. Bioleaching involves using bacteria to make a leachate that contains metal compounds. Scrap iron can also be used to displace copper from a solution. Oxidation Reactions When working out whether a reaction is oxidation or reduction: in terms of electrons, remember OILRIG. This stands for oxidation is loss and reduction is gain. HT - Oxidation Reactions of Acids When an acid reacts with a metal a salt and hydrogen are produced. For example the symbol the symbol equation for an acid reacting with lithium is: 2Li + 2HCl  2LiCl+ H2 In this reaction, lithium has been oxidised because it has lost an electron to form a +1 ion and hydrogen has been reduced from a +1 ion to a hydrogen molecule.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Acids and Alkalis Acids produce hydrogen ions (H+) in aqueous solutions. Aqueous solutions of alkalis contain hydroxide ions (OH–). We measure the acidity of a substance using the pH scale which runs from 0-14 between 0 and 6 the substances are acidic, 7 is neutral and between 8 and 14 is alkaline. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale: a decrease of 1 on the pH scale makes a substance 10 times more acidic.

Key Terms



A substance which forms H+ ions in aqueous solution


A substance which forms OH- ions when dissolved: these are soluble bases


A reaction between an acid and an alkali making a salt and water

Strong Acid

An acid which totally dissociates in water


A substance that can neutralise an acid to make a salt and water

Neutralisation To work out the names and formulae of salts you will need to know the names and formulae of the common acids

The pH scale is a measure of H+ concentration: the lower the pH the higher the concentration of H+ ions. Neutralisation When an acid reacts with an alkali a salt and water are produced. The ionic equation for the reaction of an acid and an alkali is: H++ OH- H2O

HT - Strong and Weak Acids Acids can be defined as either a strong or weak acid a strong acid is one which fully dissociates in water for example hydrochloric acid HCl H++ClA weak acid is defined as one which only partially dissociates in water. Strong acids are not the same as concentrated acids. Concentration is the number of particles in a given volume and not how much they dissociate.


Name of salt

Ion that forms salt




Sulphuric Acid



Nitric Acid



Neutralisation When an acid reacts with an alkali it will produce salt and water, below are the general equations for different types of neutralisation reaction: Metal oxide+ Acid  Salt + Water Copper oxide +Hydrochloric Acid Copper chloride +Water CuO+ HCl CuCl2+H2O Metal carbonate + acid  Salt +Water + Carbon Dioxide Magnesium Carbonate + Sulphuric Acid  Salt +Water +Carbon Dioxide

MgCO3+ H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2O+ CO2 Metal Hydroxide + Nitric Acid  Sodium Nitrate + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Nitric Acid Sodium Nitrate + Water NaOH+ +HNO3  NaNO3+ H2O Some of the reactants (for example copper oxide) are insoluble but these can still carry out a neutralisation reaction. We call these bases not alkalis.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Neutralisation Reaction When a salt is made in a neutralisation reaction, it will either be soluble or insoluble. For example, sulphuric acid can be neutralised with copper oxide to make copper sulphate and water. The copper sulphate is soluble in water. The steps outlined below can be used to make copper sulphate: 1. Add several spatulas of copper oxide to sulphuric acid in a conical flask 2. Stir until all the sulphuric acid has reacted 3. Filter off any excess copper oxide 4. Place solution in evaporating basin 5. Allow water to evaporate and blue crystals of copper oxide should be left

Crude Oil Crude oils is a mixture of chemicals called hydrocarbons. These are chemicals that contain hydrogen and carbon only. It made from ancient biomass, mainly plankton. Crude oil straight out of the ground is not much use, as there are too many substances in it, all with different boiling points. Before we can use crude oil we have to separate it into its different substances. We do this by fractional distillation. How does fractional distillation work? · Crude oil is heated and vaporises/boils. · Vapours rise up the column, gradually cooling and condensing. · Hydrocarbons with different size molecules condense at different levels/temperatures · The crude oil is separated into a series of fractions with similar numbers of carbon atoms and boiling points. These are called fractions. As the number of carbon atoms increases: · Molecules become larger and heavier · Boiling point increases · Flammability decreases (catches fire less easily) · Viscosity increases (liquid becomes thicker)

Key Terms



A compound which contains only hydrogen and carbon (covalently bonded)

Fractional Distillation

The process where crude oil is separated into different compounds through evaporation


The ability of a liquid to flow

Fractional Distillation Column Below is a diagram of a fractionating column; you need to know the uses but not the names of each fraction:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A hydrocarbon that contains only carbon to carbon single bonds

Alkanes Crude oil is largely made up of a family of hydrocarbons called alkanes; these contain only a single (covalent) carbon to carbon bond. You can either represent alkanes with a molecular formula, e.g.:


A process where longer chain hydrocarbons are broken down into smaller more useful ones.


A hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond.


C₂H ₆



C₃H₈ Propane

C4H10 Butane

Or a displayed formula:

Alkenes These hydrocarbons have at least one double bonds between the carbon atom. The general formula for alkenes is CnH2n Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes. They react with bromine water and make it go from orange to colourless. Alkanes do not have a double bond so the bromine water stays orange.


Cracking Smaller hydrocarbons make better fuels as they are easier to ignite. However, crude oil contains a lot of longer chain hydrocarbons. To break a longer chain hydrocarbon down into a smaller one we use a process known as cracking. Cracking So large/long alkanes get CRACKED, which means they get broken in two. · They are heated, turned into a vapour and passed over a hot catalyst · Cracking produces two molecules: 1. One shorter (useful as a fuel) alkane 2. One alkene (used to make polymers). Summary Long Chain Alkane  Short Chain Alkane + Alkene C10H22  C8H18 + C 2H4

Cracking Experimental set up for cracking:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond.

Alkenes A second family of hydrocarbons is alkanes; these contain at least one double (covalent) carbon to carbon bond. The general formula for alkenes is CnH2n Alkenes are unsaturated as there is room for 2 more hydrogens around some of the carbons. You need to know the names and structures of the first 4 alkenes. You can either represent alkanes with a molecular formula, e.g.:


A compound that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond. An alkene is an example of something that is unsaturated.

Addition Reaction

A chemical reaction where an element or compound is added across a a double bond.

C2H₄ Ethene

C3H ₆




C5H10 Propene

Alkenes Alkenes undergo addition reactions, this is where another element or compound is added across the double bond. Below is an example of bromine being added across a double bond:

Or a displayed (structural) formula:

Bromine could be replaced in this equation with another halogen, hydrogen or water. The same type of reaction would take place, however the products formed would be different. For example, the reaction of ethene with water.





Nickel catalyst, 60ºC.



Steam, high temperature, high pressure. Phosphoric acid catalyst



Halogens in solution for example bromine water


Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Addition Polymers Plastics are materials made from polymers, which are long chain molecules containing covalent bonds. Polymers are made by joining monomers together. Monomers have to have a carbon to carbon double bond.This happens when one of the bonds in a double bond is broken and the monomer joins to the next one, making a long chain. The name of a polymer comes from putting poly- in front of the name of the monomer. This type of polymerisation is known as addition polymerisation. Different monomers will give polymers with different properties.

To represent polymers we use a repeating unit. As the polymers are typically many thousands of carbon atoms long we use an n to represent a large number.

Key Terms


Addition Polymer

An addition polymer is a polymer which is formed by an addition reaction, where many monomers bond together with no loss of atoms or molecules.


A molecule that can be bonded to other molecules to form a polymer. An alkene is an example.

Repeating Unit

A repeating unit is a part of a polymer whose repetition would produce the complete polymer chain.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A family of chemicals containing a C-OH functional group

Alcohols Another family of chemicals are alcohols. They are similar in structure to alkanes except that one of the C-H bonds is replaced with a C-OH. To name an alcohol, you user the same system as naming an alkane except the –ane section is replaced by –ol for example methanol.

Carboxylic acid

A family of chemicals containing a group.


When bacteria or yeast is used to break down a chemical.


Reactions and uses of Alcohols The first four alcohols are flammable and this means that they will undergo complete combustion in air making carbon dioxide and water. This means they make very good fuels. Unlike carboxylic acids alcohols will not form acids when dissolved in water. Alcohols with react with metal producing hydrogen gas. Alcohols are also excellent solvents, which means they are useful in the chemical industry. Alcohols can be oxidised to carboxylic acids They can react with carboxylic acids to form esters. Carboxylic Acids Another family of chemicals are carboxylic acids. They contain a COOH functional group. To name carboxylic acids you add –oic acid to the end of the name. For example ethanoic acid. Carboxylic acids can be made from the oxidation of an alcohol.

Making ethanol There are two techniques for making ethanol: 1. Fermentation 2. Hydration of ethane (see page on alkenes) Process





Sugar and yeast (anaerobic respiration) produces ethanol

Uses plants so is renewable, carbon neutral. Needs low temp 37˚C

Slow, relies on crops

Hydration of ethene

Ethene reacted with steam at a high temp and pressure

Fast, produces ethanol in large quantities

Ethene from crude oil is non renewable. Lots of energy required

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A family of chemicals containing the group

Reactions and properties of carboxylic acids When dissolved in water carboxylic acids will form a weak acid. This means they will partially dissociate. This means that they will undergo similar reactions to other acid, for example, they will react with a metal to form hydrogen gas, they will also react with a metal carbonate to form carbon dioxide.

Condensation Reaction

A reaction when two molecules make a larger molecule and a smaller molecule, usually water.


An alcohol which contains 2 C-OH groups

Condensation Polymer

A polymer that has been formed through a condensation reaction

An alcohol and a carboxylic acid will react together to form an ester. This reaction needs to be done with a strong acid catalyst present, for example concentrated sulphuric acid.


Condensation Polymers There is a second type of polymer which is known as a condensation polymer. These are formed from a condensation reaction. For condensation polymerisation to occur, you need to have reagents that have the correct functional groups at both ends of the molecule. For example to make a polyester, you will need, a diol and a diacid.

This is known as a condensation reaction as two molecules have reacted to make a larger molecule and a small molecule. This small molecule is usually water but can be other small molecules.

Esters Esters are chemicals with the following functional group:

Esters have a pleasant smell this means they are used in many artificial scents and flavours.

The R in the diagram above just represents the rest of the molecule, to make different sorts of polyester, you simply change the R group. Below is an example showing the formation of one type of polyester.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms


Amino Acid

A molecule which contains a carboxyl and amino group.

Condensation Polymers Other examples of condensation polymers include proteins. These are polymers of amino acids. Amino acids contain two functional groups, a carboxyl group and an amino group. Below is the diagram of two amino acids, alanine and glycine:

Peptide bond

A bond formed between an amino and carboxyl group.

Carboxylic acid group

DNA DNA is made up of a nucleotide strands with bases to form the double helix structure. The nucleotide strands (sugar phosphate backbones) are condensation polymers.

Amine group

The carboxyl acid can react with the amino group on another amino acid molecule. This will form a peptide bond and as this reaction continues a large polypeptide or protein will form. Sugars can also form condensation polymers. For example glucose can be stored as glycogen, a polymer. Plants also make a polymer called cellulose to make their cell walls.

Proteins form molecules like enzymes, haemoglobin and a wide variety of body tissues.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials The Atmosphere For 200 million years, the amount of different gases in the atmosphere have been much the same as they are today: • 78% nitrogen • 21% oxygen • The atmosphere also contains small proportions of various other gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapour and noble gases. The Greenhouse Effect The Earth has a layer of gases called the Greenhouse layer. These gases, which include carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, maintain the temperature on Earth high enough to support life.

Key Terms


Greenhouse Layer

The layer of gases which absorb infra red radiation emitted from the Earth

The Evolution of the Atmosphere Scientists are not sure about the gases in the early atmosphere, as it was so long ago (4.6 billion years) and the lack of evidence. Many scientists believe the early atmosphere was made up of mainly carbon dioxide, water vapour and small amounts of methane, ammonia and nitrogen, released by volcanoes. There was little or no oxygen around at this time. The early Earth was very hot, but as it cooled the water vapour in the atmosphere condensed and formed the oceans. As the oceans formed, carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean. The carbon dioxide formed carbonates and precipitated out (formed solids). This process reduced the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Approximately 2.7 billion years ago, plants and algae evolved. This decreased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

The greenhouse layer allows the short wave infrared radiation emitted by the Sun to pass through it but absorbs the long wave infra red radiation which is emitted by the Earth. This is how it insulates the Earth.

When sea animals evolved they used the carbon dioxide in the ocean to form their shells and bones (which are made of carbonates). When these sea creatures died their shells and bones became limestone (calcium carbonate), which is a sedimentary rock.

Some human activities increase the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These include:

Once enough oxygen was in the atmosphere, it could support animals, which carry out respiration. These processes have caused the levels of gases in the atmosphere to be where they are today.

• combustion of fossil fuels • deforestation • methane release from farming • more animal farming (digestion, waste decomposition)

Changes in the atmosphere Recent activity by humans has changed the composition of the atmosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as other harmful gases such as nitrous oxides, which are made by nitrogen reacting with oxygen in the air. Sulphur is also present in many fuels, this has increased the amount of sulphur dioxide which causes acid rain. Carbon particles can also released as can carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect In the last 100 years humans have added to the greenhouse layer through combustion of fossil fuels, increased farming and deforestation. Many scientists believe this has lead to a rise in global temperature.

However, this is such a complex system that misunderstandings of it can lead to inaccurate or biased opinions being reported in the media. Consequences of Climate Change An increase in average global temperature is a major cause of climate change. The potential effects of global climate change include: • sea level rise, which may cause flooding and increased coastal erosion • more frequent and severe storms • changes in the amount, timing and distribution of rainfall • water shortages for humans and wildlife • changes in the food producing capacity of some regions • changes to the distribution of wildlife species. Students should be able to discuss the scale, risk and environmental implications of global climate change. Waste water and Sewage Water water from houses and farming needs to be treated before it can be released into rivers and lakes. It is firstly filtered to remove large particles and is then left so that the sediment drops to the bottom. The “sludge,” this is the name given to the sediment at the bottom, is then anaerobically digested (broken down by bacteria) to make methane gas. Any remaining effluent is broken down by aerobic respiration. The water is then released back into the rivers and lakes.

Key Terms


Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released over the life of a product

Carbon Neutral

There is no net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Carbon Footprint The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released over the life of a product. Many people or businesses look to reduce their carbon footprint by: • increased use of alternative energy supplies • energy conservation • carbon capture and storage • carbon taxes and licences People also try to offset their carbon by planting trees. If something is carbon neutral, this means that there is no net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when it is used.

Water Water of appropriate quality is essential for life. For humans, drinking water should have low levels of dissolved salts and microbes. Water that is safe to drink is called potable water. The methods used to produce potable water depend on available supplies of water and local conditions. In the United Kingdom (UK), rain provides water with low levels of dissolved substances (fresh water) that collects in the ground and in lakes and rivers, and most potable water is produced by: • passing the water through filter beds to remove any solids • sterilising to kill microbes, using chlorine or UV light In some parts of the world there is not enough fresh water so the salt has to be removed from water. This process is called desalination. Desalination can be done by distillation or reverse osmosis. This requires a large amount of energy.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



An evaluation of the environmental impact a product had over its lifetime

LCAs Life cycle assessments (LCAs) are carried out to assess the environmental impact of products in each of these stages of a products life: 1. extracting and processing raw materials 2. manufacturing and packaging 3. use and operation during its lifetime 4. disposal at the end of its useful life, including transport and distribution at each stage.

Recycling Many of the Earth’s resources are finite: for example, metals and crude oil. It is therefore vital we recycle resources. The processes for extracting these materials are often high energy and damaging to the environment.

Some things for example the energy required to make the product are easy to measure. However some things like how much pollution it releases are hard to measure and therefore difficult to give a value to.

Some products, such as glass bottles, can be reused. Glass bottles can be crushed and melted to make different glass products. Other products cannot be reused and so are recycled for a different use.

Example of an LCA

Plastic Bag

Paper Bag

Raw Material

Crude Oil


Manufacturing and Packaging

Made form crude oil by fractional distillation, then cracking and polymerisation, high energy process. Little waste as other fractions are used for other things

Made by pulping timber. Lots of waste, high energy process

Use of product

Has multiple uses, can be reused.

Usually only used once.


Can be recycled but are not biodegradable

Can be recycled and are biodegradable

Metals can be recycled by melting and recasting or reforming into different products.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



A wave transfers energy from one place to another, and can also carry information. All waves involve movements or oscillations, allowing energy to be transferred without particles having to flow or travel from one place to another.


Vibrations or movements. These movements are of particles in mechanical waves, or of the electromagnetic field when it comes to electromagnetic waves.


At right angles to.


The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a point on the wave from the undisturbed position. Translated: the distance from a peak or trough to the ‘midline’ of the wave.


The distance from a point on one wave to the equivalent point on the next wave along. This is easiest to measure at the distance from the centre of one area of compression to the next (longitudinal waves) or the distance from peak to peak (transverse waves). Symbol: Îť


The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves that pass a point per second. Symbol: f


The period, or time period, of a wave is the time it takes to complete a full wave. Symbol: T


Meanings of terms in equation

Types Of Wave You can see waves easily in the sea, or if a tap is dripping into a sink of water. However, waves are far more common than just that. Waves can be mechanical, which means they involve particles moving, or oscillating, such as waves in the sea or sound waves in the air. Or, they can be electromagnetic, which don’t involve any particles oscillating – instead, EM waves involve vibrations or oscillations of the electromagnetic field. All waves involve the transfer of energy. The other way of defining types of wave is whether they are longitudinal or transverse. Which one they are depends on the direction of the oscillations compared to the direction of energy transfer by the wave. • In transverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. • In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer. They show areas of compression and rarefaction – see diagram.


Examples: ALL electromagnetic waves are transverse. Mechanical waves can be either longitudinal or transverse. For instance: sound waves are mechanical and are longitudinal. Ripples in water are mechanical waves, and are transverse.

Direction of energy transfer



Longitudinal wave


Transverse wave

Particles Don’t Travel, But The Wave Does. Particles Just Oscillate. An easy way to see that the particles aren’t travelling but the wave is (so energy is being transferred): put a rubber duck in a tank of water where waves are moving across. The duck goes up and down, just like the water particles (oscillations perpendicular to direction of energy transfer, remember), while the waves move across. With longitudinal waves, you can tell the particles aren’t flowing either – just oscillate. When you speak, you don’t breathe into someone else’s ear! Also, when a tuning fork is vibrating to produce a sound wave, it doesn’t create a vacuum around it due to air particles travelling away.

1 đ?‘“

T = time period (seconds, s) f = frequency (hertz, Hz)

đ?‘Ł = đ?‘“đ?œ†

v = wave speed (m/s) f = frequency (Hz) Îť = wavelength (metres, m)



The Wave Equation The equation is directly above. You could measure the speed of sound in air, with a long distance between you and a friend. They make a loud noise (you start your clock when you see them do it) and you time how long it takes to get to you. Just use distance/time to calculate the speed.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



Rebounding of a wave from a surface. The angle between the incident (in-going) wave and the normal is the same as the angle between the reflected wave and the normal.


Changing direction of a wave due to a change in the medium it is travelling through.


‘Taking in’ energy from a wave and transferring it to another form, usually heat. For instance, you warming up if you lie in the sunshine (revising science, of course).


A wave travelling through a material. Right now, visible light waves are being transmitted through the air to your eyes.


Singular ‘medium’. The medium is the material through which a wave travels.


A ‘construction line’ (made up line to help with diagram drawing) at right angles to a surface at the point where the wave hits the surface.

Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves) EM waves are always transverse waves. They transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber – object that absorbs the wave. EM waves occur all over the universe naturally, and we can produce them ourselves for all sorts of uses. EM waves all travel at the same velocity through empty space (a vacuum) – at what we call the speed of light. However, the wavelength of EM waves varies from a few kilometres to wavelengths even smaller than an atom. The EM waves form a continuous spectrum, but for convenience we’ve grouped the infinite types of waves into seven groups of wavelengths, based on their properties. Learn the order of EM waves in the EM spectrum. Notice that a longer wavelength equates to a lower frequency and vice versa – this is clear from the wave equation.

HT: More On Refraction

Visible light is the only kind of EM wave we can detect with our eyes (hence the name). Thus, we can only detect a limited range of EM waves without special equipment. However, it is easy to understand examples of how EM waves transfer energy. If you are standing in front of a fire, you feel the warmth thanks to infrared. Getting sunburn is due to the transfer of energy by ultraviolet waves from the Sun. Using Wi-Fi means a transfer of energy by microwaves.

Refraction is due differences in the velocity of the waves in difference media. The diagram shown here represents the wave fronts. The wave slows down as it enters medium 2, but the near edge slows first. The other end is faster, as it is still in medium 1. This is what causes the ‘bending’ of the wave towards the normal.

Properties Of EM Waves All EM waves can be reflected, refracted, absorbed or transmitted depending on the wavelength of the EM wave and the medium they are travelling through, or surface they are reaching. Reflection is shown in the ray diagram far right – the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for any ray of light. Refraction occurs when a wave changes the medium it is travelling through. Refraction is a change in direction of the wave, and it happens at the boundary, or junction, between the media – for instance, the surface of a sheet of glass would be the boundary between the glass and the air. You need to be able to draw diagrams to show refraction, like the example opposite. Notice that the light ray refracts towards the normal as it enters the glass (this is because it slows down), and refracts away from the normal as it leaves the glass (it speeds back up), ending up parallel to the original ray in air.

Reflection – an image forms behind the mirror (a virtual image)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves): Producing Them EM waves can be generated by changes in atoms or the nuclei of atoms. For instance, gamma rays are produced due to changes in the nucleus of an atom (nuclear decay – more on this in a later topic). HT: radio waves can be produced by oscillations in electrical circuits. This is how a TV/radio broadcast is produced. It is received (e.g. by your TV aerial) by another electrical circuit; the radio waves create an alternating current with the same frequency as the radio wave itself. More on alternating current in the electricity topic – but it is enough to say for now that it involves oscillations.

Dangers Of EM Waves Ultraviolet waves, X-rays and gamma rays are potentially dangerous types of EM waves, since they can have hazardous effects on human tissues. How severe the effects are depends on the type of radiation and the size of the dose received.

Key Terms


Radiation dose

The risk of harm due to exposure to radiation.


Receiving and absorbing radiation (by the body).


The measure of radiation dose. As with the usual prefix: 1000 millisieverts (mSv) = 1 sievert (Sv)


Describes radiation that forms ions by ‘knocking’ electrons off atoms to make ions.


Type of disease caused by specific mutations to DNA, resulting in cells dividing out of control (making a tumour).

Applications Using EM Waves It is not exaggerating to say that EM waves dominate our technology and our lives. Here are some examples of the practical applications of EM waves: • •

Doses of radiation are measured according to how great the risk of harm to the body is. The radiation dose, or danger due to exposure to radiation, is measured in sieverts (Sv). A specific risk due to exposure to ultraviolet waves: they cause skin to prematurely age and increase the risk of skin cancer. X-rays and gamma rays are ionising types of radiation. This means they can damage DNA, causing mutations and therefore increasing the risk of cancer.

• • • •

Radio waves: used for television, radio and Bluetooth. A signal carried by radio waves can get from a transmitting mast to a receiver by being reflected off a layer in the atmosphere. Microwaves: obviously, cooking food, but also communication with satellites and mobile phones; Wi-Fi internet. Unlike radio waves, microwaves can pass through the atmosphere (see diagram bottom left). In microwave ovens, the microwaves cause the water particles in the food to vibrate, heating it up. Infrared: electrical heaters, cooking food, infrared cameras. All objects emit infrared, but hotter objects emit more. An infrared camera detects infrared instead of visible light, so it can see hotter objects in the dark – night vision. Visible light: fibre optic communication (like the best broadband). Optical fibres reflect pulses of light all the way along their length. The pulses of light transmit the information. Ultraviolet: sun tanning beds… however, look at the dangers of UV in the other box. X-rays: both medical imaging for diagnosis (like broken bones) and medical treatments. X-rays can pass through soft tissue (like muscle), but not bone. That’s why an X-ray image works to show up bones, and any breaks. Gamma rays: used in medical treatments such as radiotherapy.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



A curved piece of transparent material (like glass) used to produce images of objects.

Convex lens (symbol -)

A lens that is fatter in the middle than the edges. It causes parallel rays of light heading for the lens to refract so they come together at the focal point/principal focus. We say the rays of light converge. See diagram.

Concave lens (symbol -)

A lens that is fatter at the edges than the middle. It causes parallel rays of light heading for the lens to refract so they spread apart, or diverge.


The thing you look at through a lens.


The way the object looks when viewed through a lens.

Principal focus

The point near a lens where the rays of light converge (for a convex lens) OR the point where they look like they come from (for a concave lens).

Principal axis

Line through the middle of the lens. Rays of light travelling along the principal axis don’t refract – they go straight through the lens.


Bring together.


Spread apart.

Real image

An image produced by converging rays of light.

Virtual image

An image produced by diverging rays of light.

Lenses Lenses are curved bits of glass. They refract light coming from an object to produce an image. How the image looks depends on the type of lens and where the object is positioned relative to the lens. You can work out how the image looks (e.g. bigger/smaller than the object) by drawing ray diagrams, which are drawn to show the whole situation from the side. There are just a few simple rules to follow: • • •

To produce your image, draw rays of light from the top of the object. Two rays will do: wherever they cross is where the top of the image will be. The first ray goes from the top of the object through the centre of the lens. It does not refract, because this is already the shortest route through the medium. Draw the next ray from the top of the object to the lens parallel with the principal axis. At the lens, it refracts. ďƒ˜ For a convex lens, the ray refracts to go through the focal point. Keep it going until it crosses the other ray. If it won’t meet your first ray, a virtual image will form. Follow both of the rays back behind the lens until they cross – this produces a magnified virtual image. ďƒ˜ For a concave lens, the ray refracts ‘outwards’ – it diverges. It should continue as though it came from the focal point, which is behind the lens. This makes it virtual – because it looks like it came from somewhere it didn’t.

There are three example diagrams – you’ll see they follow these rules.

Types of image Meanings of terms in equation

Equation Images produced by convex lenses can be real or virtual, depending on where the object is placed relative to the lens. Images produced by concave lenses are always virtual, because the image forms from diverging rays. Convex lenses magnify objects if the object is closer to the lens than the focal point. You already know about magnification, but you can work it out from ray diagrams too – measure the image and object height in matched units and divide. See equation.

đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘›đ?‘–đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘œđ?‘› =

đ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘’ â„Žđ?‘’đ?‘–đ?‘”â„Žđ?‘Ą đ?‘œđ?‘?đ?‘—đ?‘’đ?‘?đ?‘Ą â„Žđ?‘’đ?‘–đ?‘”â„Žđ?‘Ą

Magnification has no unit Heights must be in matched unit (e.g. mm)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms


Specular reflection

Reflection of light from a smooth surface in a single direction

Visible light

Diffuse reflection

Reflection of light from a rough surface in many directions. The light is ‘scattered’.


Object that is not transparent, so it does not transmit light. It reflects (some) light instead.


Object that transmits all light wavelengths. See-through.


Object that transmits some light, so not totally see-through, but partially.


When talking about infrared radiation, we refer to objects as bodies.

Black body

A hypothetical perfect absorber and emitter of radiation.

We can only see a miniscule proportion of the EM spectrum. The visible light part of the spectrum is divided into narrow bands of frequencies (and therefore wavelengths) that we see as different colours. We can separate mixtures of colours of light (e.g. white light, which is a mixture of all colours) using filters. These work by absorbing certain wavelengths of light by allowing others through (transmitting them). This is shown on the diagram. The colour of an opaque object depends on which wavelengths of visible light it absorbs, and which it reflects. Whichever it reflects, that’s the colour it looks. If it reflects all colours, the object looks white. If it doesn’t reflect any, but absorbs them all, it looks black.

Infrared radiation All objects (called ‘bodies’ in this topic!), at any temperature, will emit and absorb infrared radiation. The hotter the object, the more infrared radiation it radiates per second (or per minute, or whatever). The amount of infrared also depends on the colour of the object/body. Black surfaces are better absorbers and emitters than pale coloured surfaces. In theory (but not real life), there exist perfect black bodies, which absorbs ALL the radiation that hits it. These perfect black bodies would also be the best possible emitters of radiation. Although they don’t really exist, black bodies are helpful models for understanding infrared radiation. •

Any body/object at a constant temperature is absorbing and emitting radiation at the same rate (because otherwise its temperature would change). If it absorbs radiation at a faster rate than it is emitted, then the body warms up. Increasing the temperature of a body increases the intensity of the radiation it emits increases (as already stated), but the intensity of the shorter wavelengths increases faster than the others (as shown on the graph). This is why, if you get something hot enough, it will glow with visible light. We can model the Earth as a black body, absorbing infrared radiation from the Sun and emitting it back into space. If this is in perfect balance, the temperature of the Earth stays exactly the same. Awkwardly, however, the emission of infrared radiation back into space is being disturbed somewhat by greenhouse gases.

Black body radiation The graph shows the distribution of wavelengths of radiation emitted by a body at four different temperatures (shown on the Kelvin scale). The peak emission shifts into the visible part of the spectrum if the body is hot enough. At everyday temperatures, bodies don’t glow because they simply aren’t hot enough to emit in that part of the spectrum.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



Material a wave is travelling through (or being transmitted through). Plural = media.

Sound waves


Anything relating to hearing or parts of the ear.

Sound waves a longitudinal waves caused by vibrations in matter. Sound waves can travel through solid, liquid or gas media, but not in vacuum because there is no matter (no particles) to actually vibrate.


Sounds too high in pitch to be heard (higher frequency than 20 kHz)

Seismic waves

Vibrations caused by earthquakes that travel through the Earth

P – waves

Longitudinal seismic waves

S – waves

Transverse seismic waves


Reflection of a sound (including ultrasound)

We hear sound waves because the vibrations travel in the air into our ears, and cause the eardrum to vibrate. In turn, this transmits the vibrations to the inner ear where the vibrations cause electrical impulses, which travel along the auditory nerves to the brain. However, this conversion of vibrations in the air to vibrations in the solid of our eardrum only happens over a certain range of frequencies of vibration. As a result, some sounds are too low pitched for us to hear and some are too high pitched. The human auditory range is 20 – 20 000 Hz. Sounds with a higher frequency than 20 000 Hz (20 kHz) are called ultrasound.

Using waves for detection and exploration… Ultrasound is useful for detection – finding things that you can’t directly see. It can be used for medical diagnosis (such as scans of a foetus), for finding things in a medium – e.g. cracks in a solid block, or shoals of fish in the sea, or where the bottom of the sea is. This works because ultrasound is partially reflected when there is a change in medium (some ultrasound waves continue through). By detecting the waves reflected – or echoed – back, you can work out how far away the boundary between the two media is. This can be calculated if you know the speed of the ultrasound and the time it takes to reflect back – use s = vt. See diagram. Seismic waves are produced by earthquakes, and they can be detected. There are two kinds: S-waves and P-waves, with different properties, as shown on diagram. This is very helpful, because they provide evidence that there is a liquid outer core to the Earth, and evidence that the mantle is solid – fantastic news, because no-one can dig down to find these structures. So waves help us explore the deep structure of the Earth.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Designing Experiments

Key Terms



A set of results that can be found again by someone else if they carry out the same method

Variables When designing experiments, there are three types of variable that we need to consider. The dependent variable is what we measure, the independent variable is what we change in the experiment. And the control variables are the variables we keep the same. For example, consider the investigation below: How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate at which magnesium reacts? I.V- Concentration of Hydrochloric acid D.V- Rate of Reaction C.Vs- Volume of acid, mass of magnesium, temperature of acid.


Results that you can find if you do the same test again – it shows the result wasn’t just a random finding.

Independent variable

The variable YOU change to find out its effect on the DV

Dependent variable

The variable you MEASURE to see how it changes

Control variable

Any variable that you must keep the SAME in your investigation, to ensure it doesn’t affect the DV


The smallest measurable change by a piece of apparatus

Reproducibility, repeatability and validity Experiments should always be repeatable, reproducible and valid. Reproducibility means that if someone were to follow your method, they would get a similar pattern in their results.

Random Error

An unpredictable error which could be caused by human error in measurement

Systematic Error

An error in measurement that is the same every time .

An experiment is repeatable if the same person completes the same experiment , following the same method , with the same equipment and they achieve similar results. To ensure that your results are repeatable you should complete the experiment at least three times

Resolution The resolution of apparatus is the smallest measurable change by that piece of apparatus. For example some balances will only measure to the nearest 1 gram whereas others will measure to the nearest 0.1gram. We say the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g has a higher resolution. Therefore using equipment of higher resolution will improve the accuracy of your investigation.

Valid results are repeatable and reproducible. Error When doing practical work you will come across error. This can cause anomalous results i.e. a result which does fit the expected pattern. There are three types of error that could effect your results: 1. Random error- this error is unpredictable and can be caused by things like human error when measuring . Repeating an experiment three times can minimise the effect of random errors and will allow you to spot anomalous results. 2. Systematic error- this is an error in your measurement and will be the same every time you do a repeat .For example if you read a length from the end of a ruler rather than from 0. Doing repeats will NOT prevent systematic error. 3. Zero error -this is a type of systematic error, for example if a balance does not read 0g when you add a substance to it, you will need to take this into account when weighing chemicals.

When selecting equipment to use in your experiment you should select equipment with an appropriate resolution. For example if your experiment requires you to weigh 2.3 g of a substance out you will need to use the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g Accuracy and Precision Consider the set of results below: Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Time (s)

Time (s)













We want our experiments to be accurate and precise. If a measurement is accurate it is close to its true value. If a measurement is precise the results ‘cluster’ closely. For example experiment 1 is more precise than experiment 2. Precision can be improved by taking readers at smaller intervals .

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Results Tables When drawing a results table the following things are good practice:: 1. Show all repeat measurements 2. Include the units in the headings 3. When calculating means ensure you quote to an appropriate number of significant figures 4. Circle anomalies and discount these when calculating a mean For example:

Concentration of acid (M)

Time taken for reaction to complete (s)

Mean (s)


























Key Terms



The amount of error your measurements might have


The total of the values divided by the number of values


The middle value in a set of data


The most commonly occurring value in a set of data



����� 2

Uncertainty There will always be some uncertainty in the results you collect, there are two main reasons for this. When you repeat an experiment you often get different results, this is due to random error. The resolution of your equipment will also cause uncertainty. There will therefore be a degree of uncertainty in your mean. For example take the two sets of results below:

Time for a piece of magnesium to disappear in 2M HCL (s)

The table above shows how a results tables should be drawn. However, there is one mistake. If you look at the mean in the row for 0.3 M, you will see it has been calculated to 9 significant figures , however the equipment we used only had a resolution to 3 significant figures. You can not quote a mean to greater level of accuracy than you measured it to in the experiment. Therefore this mean would need to be rounded 66.9, this causes uncertainty in results. See later for how to calculate uncertainty.

Mean, mode and median For some sets of data it is appropriate to calculate the mean, mode and median. To calculate the mean you add all the values in the data and then divide by the number of values. For example in the table above for 0.1 M the mean was calculated by (102.1+105.6+103.4)/3. The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a data set. The median is the middle value in a data set.





Experiment 1





Experiment 2





We can calculate the uncertainty in the mean of the two experiments by dividing the range of results by 2: Experiment 1= 0.5/2= +/-0.25s Experiment 2= 4/2= +/-2s Experiment 1 therefore is more precise than experiment 2. This is partly because they used a stopwatch with a higher resolution. Increasing the quantity of something can help to reduce the uncertainty. For example in the table above, if I had used a larger piece of magnesium, then it would have taken longer to disappear and this could reduce the percentage uncertainty.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Continuous vs Discontinuous data Discontinuous data can only take certain values for example eye colour and blood group, these should be plotted on a bar graph.

Key Terms



Data which take any value for example temperature


Data which can only take certain values for example blood group


The relationship between 2 variables

Correlation You can describe the relationship between 2 variables in terms of their correlation (how they are related to each other). There are three types of correlation : 1. Positive correlation- as one variable increases so does the other one 2. Negative correlation -as one variable increase the other decreases 3. No correlation- there is no relationship between the variables

Continuous data can take any value ,for example height or temperature. This should be plotted on a line graph.

Correlation does not however mean causation. Just because two variables are linked does not mean that one variable causes the other . For example the number of pirates has decreased as global temperatures have increased. This does not mean that pirates were keeping the Earth cool! Just because data is correlated does not mean one variable caused the change in the other.

In an exam you will be expected to select and plot the correct graph as well as drawing a line of best fit (if it is a line graph). Your line should go through the middle of the points. It is very important to not that lines of best fit can be curves also. Any anomalies i.e points that are a long way from the line of best should be circled.

Correlation could also be down to: 1. Chance 2.

A third variable

You can only be sure one variable causes a change in another variable, if all the other possible variables are controlled.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data



đ??śâ„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ś đ??ś â„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ľ

Drawing good graphs This is an excellent example of a good graph by a Nova student. When drawing a graph, you should plot the dependent variable on the y axis and independent variable on the x axis. To calculate the gradient you on a straight line need to select two points on the line and divide the change in y by the change in x. To calculate the gradient on a curve, you need to draw a tangent to the curve, see topic 15 knowledge organiser.

Labels for axes, with units given in brackets

Both axes have suitable scales (equal intervals)

Accurate line of best fit, passing through most points, excluding anomalies. Remember this could be a curve of best fit if appropriate

Neat, accurately placed plots. Marked with a small x.

Anomaly recognised and highlighted on the graph

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



Anything that can be given a numerical value.


Size of a quantity. E.g. a distance of 5 metres has a higher magnitude than 2 metres.


Describes quantities that only have a magnitude (size). E.g. speed (how fast something is moving).


Describes quantities that have a magnitude AND a specific direction. E.g. velocity (speed in a particular direction)


A vector quantity. Forces are pushes or pulls that act on an object. Forces have size and direction. Forces are the result of objects interacting with each other.

Contact forces

For these forces to act, the interacting objects have to be physically touching.

Non-contact forces

For these forces to act, the interacting objects don’t have to be touching (they are physically separate).

Resultant force

The single overall force acting on an object. It has the same effect as all the forces acting on the object all together. The resultant force is the vital thing in working out how an object will move. If there is a resultant force, the object’s speed will change; or the shape of the object will change; or the direction of the object will change. If the resultant force is nothing (the forces cancel out), the object will keep doing what it was doing – either not moving at all, or moving along at a steady speed.

Representing Forces and Other Vector Quantities Since forces are a vector quantity, it is useful to show their magnitude (size) AND direction using an arrow. The arrow points in the direction that the force acts, and its length shows the magnitude. For instance: in the first diagram, the force acting on the object is larger than in the second, and is opposite in direction.

Contact and Non-contact Forces Forces are always the result of objects interacting with each other. For instance, the force of gravity keeping this piece of paper on the desk is the result of the interaction between the Earth’s mass and the paper’s mass. All forces can be classified as contact or non-contact forces. Examples of contact forces: friction, air resistance, tension, the normal contact force. Examples of non-contact forces: gravitational force, electrostatic force and magnetic force.

The Resultant Force In real life, there are usually a few forces acting on any particular object. All the forces can be shown with vectors (arrows – see above). When we take all the forces into account, we can draw just one vector arrow to show a single force, which has the same effect on the object as all the other forces acting at once. This is simplest when the forces are in a straight line: two forces are acting; by adding them we get the resultant force….

this time, the forces are opposite in direction, and are different in magnitude. We subtract one from the other to get the resultant force…

Resultant Force continued If the forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, then the resultant force ends up being ZERO. You can say the forces are balanced. Reading the definition above should make it clear that a resultant force of zero means that an object’s movement will not change. So if it was moving to start with, a resultant force of zero means it keeps moving at the same speed. Also, zero resultant force means the direction can’t change. The resultant force is…. nothing!

Key Terms


Work done

The measure of how much energy is transferred when a force makes an object. You can say: ‘a force does work on an object when it makes it move’. Doing work always involves the transfer of energy. This is a scalar quantity.

‘Work’ has a particular meaning in physics. Whenever work is done, it means that energy has been transferred (in other words, energy has changed form). Work is always done as a result of a force acting on an object. The amount of work done is easily calculated: đ?‘Š = đ??š đ?‘


The unit joule (J) is how the amount of energy transferred by doing work is measured. 1 joule = 1 newton metre (thanks to the equation, below).

For example, if a force of 1000 N makes this car move 200 m to the left‌


How far an object moves. It does not include direction , so distance is a scalar quantity.


The distance an object moves from where it started. This is measured in metres. It is a vector quantity, because it includes the direction an object moved.

Work Done Against Frictional Forces


A contact force that results when two objects move past each other. They have to be touching.

When objects move, they are almost always moving against frictional forces – so the friction arrow is opposite to the direction of motion. As you know if you rub your hands together, doing work against frictional forces causes an energy transfer to heat (thermal) energy. This raises the temperature of the object (and the surrounding air!).


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Work Done and Energy Transfer

The work done is calculated by: W = 1000 x 200 = 200 000 J This means 200 000 J of energy was transferred.

Remember, there are frictional forces even when an object moves through the air – often this is called air resistance (but it’s just a type of friction).

đ?‘Š=đ??šđ?‘ *

W = work done (joules, J) F = force (newtons, N) s = distance (metres, m) – aka displacement

Distance vs. Displacement Diagram The Joule The joule (J) is the unit for energy, and therefore the unit for work done. It has a particular definition, based on the equation for work done. 1 joule = 1 newton metre. This means that 1 J is the amount of work done when a force of 1 N causes an object to move 1 m. This is because đ?‘Š = đ??š đ?‘ and 1 = 1 x 1!

Distance vs. Displacement Displacement is different to distance because it involves the direction that an object has moved. The displacement is always measured in a straight line from start to end of a journey, missing out any wiggles along the way.

Look how displacement is simply a straight line from A to B. Distance is the total, with visits to C and D during the journey.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



The measure of how quickly distance changes. Speed does not include direction, so it’s a scalar quantity. It is measured in metres per second (m/s).

Speed vs. Velocity


Velocity is a vector quantity. Like speed, it is a measure of how quickly distance changes BUT it includes the direction of movement. It is measured in m/s HT: moving in a circle, even if speed is the same, involves a constantly changing velocity because the direction is constantly changing.


Gradient means slope. The gradient of a line on a graph is found by dividing the vertical (y-axis) change by the horizontal (x-axis) change.


Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. It usually means speeding up, because we use the term deceleration for slowing down. You must recall that objects in freefall near Earth’s surface have an acceleration of 10 m/s2.


A negative acceleration – slowing down.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Speed and velocity are both quantities that measure the rate of change of distance, but velocity includes the direction. This makes velocity a vector quantity, so we can show velocity with an arrow.

Distance-time Graphs A distance-time (DT) graph shows how far an object has gone from its starting point at a certain time. A slope means the object is moving, because distance is changing as time changes. If the line of the graph is horizontal, the object cannot be moving because distance is not changing with time. The gradient (steepness of the slope) tells you the speed of the object.

Acceleration Acceleration is the measure of how quickly velocity changes. It is a vector quantity, because direction is included. (see equation) Acceleration is shown on a DT graph by a line whose gradient changes – i.e. a curve, rather than straight line.

đ?‘ =đ?‘Łđ?‘Ą *

Velocity-time Graphs A velocity-time (VT) graph shows the velocity of an object at any particular time on its journey. Using the gradient of a slope, you can find the acceleration. The distance travelled during the journey is also shown on a VT graph – but you have to work it out by calculating the area under the line on the graph. Sometimes the area can be found by counting squares, other times you’ll need to use area of a rectangle/ triangle to find the area and therefore distance.

đ?‘Ž= *

∆đ?‘Ł đ?‘Ą

đ?‘Ł 2 − đ?‘˘2 = 2 đ?‘Ž đ?‘

s = distance (m) v = speed (m/s) t = time (s) a = acceleration (metres per second squared, m/s2) ∆đ?‘Ł = change in velocity (m/s) t = time (s) v = final velocity (m/s) u = initial (starting) velocity (m/s) a = acceleration (m/s2) s = distance travelled (m)

Freefall through a fluid (gas, like air, or a liquid) Freefalling object initially accelerate due to gravity, but friction (/air resistance) increases with speed until the forces are balanced (resultant force = 0 N). Then, the object is falling at its terminal velocity.

Key Terms



Not moving. The velocity is 0.

Newton’s First Law

The law says that if the resultant force on an object is zero: ďƒ˜ Stationary objects stay stationary ďƒ˜ Moving objects keep moving at the same velocity (same speed and direction)

HT inertia

Inertia is the tendency of objects to stay at the same speed or stay stationary.

Newton’s Second Law

Objects accelerate if there is a resultant force acting on them. The amount of acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the resultant force and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. (see equation)

Newton’s Second Law


Read the definition. This law follows on very sensibly from the first law. It reminds us that an object will only change in velocity (accelerate) if there is a resultant force acting on it. It also shows that the amount of acceleration depends on the resultant force and the mass of the object.

Just like in maths: if the magnitude of one quantity increases because another quantity increases, they are proportional. The symbol is �.

Inversely proportional

The opposite of proportional: if one quantity decreases because another one increases, they are inversely proportional.

Newton’s Third Law

This law says that when objects interact, the forces they cause to act on each other are equal and opposite.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts Newton’s First Law Read the definition. Newton’s first law tell us: • Vehicles moving at a constant speed have a driving (push) force exactly equal to the resistive forces (like friction); • Velocity (speed and direction) will only change if there is a resultant force acting (so the resultant force is NOT zero). • If an object changed direction, it must have been because of a resultant force.

For instance, if a resultant force of 20 N acts on this object, the acceleration will be 20 / 10 = 2 m/s2. But with this object, the same resultant 10 20 force only causes 20 / 20 = 1 m/s2 kg kg acceleration.


Newton’s Third Law Read the definition. This law is often written as: ‘for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction’. In this version, action means the force exerted by object A on object B, and reaction means the force exerted by object B on object A.

This law explains why pushing down with your legs makes you jump up (the ground pushes back with the same size force as your push). It also explains why rockets can fly through space: the gases pushing out the back cause the rocket to move forward.


F = resultant force (N) m = mass (kg) a = acceleration (m/s2)

HT only: Inertial mass Inertial mass measures how difficult it is to change the velocity of an object. It is defined as the ratio of force over acceleration. For instance, it requires more force to slow down (change the velocity) a lorry compared to a bike. It also requires more force to make a lorry accelerate compared to a car.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 1: Physics Threshold Concepts

Key Terms



A property of any moving object, calculated as the product of mass and velocity. Measured in kg m/s.

Momentum – whole page is HT only


Systems are how physicists divide up the universe. Systems involve an object or objects and their interactions. They can be very simple (e.g. a falling object) or very complicated (e.g. our whole galaxy).

Closed system

A system where objects are not thought to be affected by external forces or other objects outside the system. We only think about the objects inside the system, which means the quantities momentum and energy are conserved.


Simply means ‘keeping the same.’ To add detail, conservation of a quantity means that the total amount of it is the same before and after an event. In any closed system, the total amount of energy and momentum before and after an event is equal.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Momentum is a property that any moving object has. It is defined as the product of mass and velocity of the object, so if the velocity is 0 m/s (stationary), the momentum is also 0.

Since momentum is calculated using velocity, which has a direction, momentum is a vector quantity. Just like with velocity, you can show the momenta (the plural of momentum) of objects moving in opposite directions by using a + sign for one of them and a – sign for the other.

Conservation of Momentum Momentum is a property that is conserved in closed systems. This means the total momentum before an event is exactly equal to the total momentum after the event. This is called conservation of momentum. You can see conservation of momentum in action when objects collide (like snooker balls or cars in a crash) or when something stationary separates (e.g. firing a bullet from a gun or jumping off a stationary skateboard – it also explains why you should be very careful when jumping from a small boat onto the bank). In this example: the boat is stationary at the bank, meaning its momentum is 0 kg m/s. When the person jumps out, they have a velocity and therefore a momentum. The boat must move away from the bank, since momentum is conserved (so must add up to 0 after the event too) so the boat has momentum in the opposite direction to the person – the boat moves away from the bank.

Conservation of Momentum in a Collision Look at the diagram far right. The ‘2’ ball has a negative velocity because it is moving in the opposite direction of the other ball. The total momentum before they collide = (0.1 x -0.5) + (0.2 x 0.3) = 0.01 kg m/s. According to the rule of conservation of momentum, the total momentum after the collision is also 0.01 kg m/s. Also, by looking at the diagram, you can see that both balls are now moving to the left, together. The total mass is 0.1 + 0.3 = 0.4 kg. đ?‘?

Rearranging to make velocity the subject, đ?‘Ł = , đ?‘š v = 0.01/0.4 = 0.025 m/s is the velocity after the collision.

đ?‘?=đ?‘šđ?‘Ł * HT only

p = momentum (kilogram metres per second, kg m/s) m = mass (kg) v = velocity (m/s)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Threshold Concepts in Chemistry

Key Terms



The particles that make up all substances with mass, they contain protons, neutrons and electrons.

The structure of the Atom


The centre of an atom, it contains protons and neutrons.

• All matter is made from atoms. Atoms are very small. The radius of atom is about 1x10-10 m (this is also known as 0.1 nanometres). • The central part of the atom is known as the nucleus. It is only 1x10 -14m across, which is 10,000 times smaller than the total atom. • An atom is made up of three subatomic particles: protons, electrons and neutrons. • Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus • Electrons are found orbiting the nucleus in shells (also known as energy levels).


A unit of measurement: 1x10-9m


A sub atomic particle found in the nucleus, it has a charge of +1 and a relative mass of 1.


A sub atomic particle found in the shells of an atom, it has a charge of -1 and a negligible mass


These are the smaller particles that make up an atom


A sub atomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom, it has a charge of 0 and a mass of 1

Atomic Number

The number of protons in an atom.

Mass Number

The total of protons and neutrons in an atom.

Electron Configuration • The mass and charges of the sub atomic particles is shown below:

There are very strict rules about how electron fill up the electron shells, the inner shell is always filled first. Each shell has a maximum number of electrons it can take. Shell 1: maximum 2 electrons Shell 2: maximum 8 electrons Shell 3: maximum 8 electrons

• Atoms have no overall charge because they have the same number of positive protons as negative electrons.

Atomic Number and Mass Number Mass number: This is the total of protons+neutrons

Atomic number: This is the number of protons Therefore sodium has 11 protons, 11 electrons and 23-11= 12 neutrons

The electronic configuration of Sodium (Na) can also be written like this 2,8,1. This shows there is 2 electrons in the 1st shell, 8 electrons in the second shell and 1 electron in the 3rd shell.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 2: Threshold Concepts in Chemistry Elements • An element contains only one type of atom. All elements are given a symbol and are found on the periodic table. You need to learn the symbols for the first 20. • The Periodic Table is arranged into groups (columns) and periods (rows), as shown below.

Key Terms



A substance that contains only one type of atoms


A mixture is two or more different atoms which are not chemically bonded


Two or more elements that are chemically bonded


The columns on the Periodic Table


The rows on the Periodic Table


What you start with in a chemical reaction


What is made in a chemical reaction

The Conservation of Mass Elements in the same group have: • The same number of electrons in their outer shell • Similar properties Elements in the same period have: • The same number of electron shells Compounds • Compounds are 2 or more elements that are chemically bonded • These are made in chemical reactions. • Compounds are given a formula for example carbon dioxide is CO2 means 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms. • Another example is calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 which means 1 calcium, 2 oxygen atoms and 2 hydrogen atoms Chemical Reactions • In some chemical reactions it may appear that there are less products than there were reactants; however this is often because a gas has been made and this has escaped into the atmosphere.

• •

In a chemical reaction, chemical bonds are broken the atoms are rearranged and the chemical bonds are made again. In a chemical reaction, mass is never lost, you must start and finish with the same mass.

Balancing Equations • •

We need to write balanced chemical equations represent chemical reactions and the conservation of mass. For example: The equation below shows hydrogen and oxygen making water but there are more oxygen atoms on the right than the left.

H₂ + O₂ •


In the equation below there are 4 hydrogen atoms on the left and right of the equation and 2 oxygen atoms on each side

2H₂ + O₂


Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology Eukaryotic Cells Eukaryotic cells include all plant and animal cells. Their most important feature is that they have a nucleus, unlike prokaryotic cells.

Key Terms



The basic unit of all forms of life.

Eukaryotic Cells

Cells with a nucleus – e.g. plant and animal cells.

Prokaryotic Cells

Bacterial cells; these don’t have a nucleus to enclose their genetic material.

Cell Membrane

The border of all types of cell. The cell membrane separates the inside of the cell from the environment. It controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell.

Sub-cellular structure

A part of a cell. (Sub- means less than – so these are the component parts of cells.)


The enclosure for genetic material found in plant and animal cells.


The interior of a cell, where most of the chemical reactions needed for life take place.


The sub-cellular structure where aerobic respiration takes place.


The sub-cellular structure where proteins are made (synthesised)


A sub-cellular structure responsible for photosynthesis – only found in plant cells and algal cells.

Permanent Vacuole

A sub-cellular structure only found in plant and algal cells – it is filled with cell sap (a store of nutrients for the cell).

Cell Wall

A sub-cellular structure that is never found in animal cells. It is made of cellulose, it is outside the cell membrane and it strengthens the cell.


The molecule that holds the genetic information in a cell. In eukaryotic cells, it is one linear strand. In prokaryotic cells, the DNA forms a loop.


A small loop of DNA, only found in prokaryotic cells.

Permanent vacuole ribosomes mitochondria

Cell membrane

Prokaryotic Cells Bacteria are prokaryotic cells (all bacteria are single-celled organisms). The most important differences to eukaryotic cells are that they are smaller and their genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed in a nucleus.

Cell wall

Cytoplasm DNA

Prokaryotic cells have DNA in a loop, and, in addition to the main loop of DNA, they have small loops of DNA called plasmids.

Plasmid Ribosome

Plasmids allow bacteria to swap genetic information between them.

Flagellum (tail)

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology

Key Terms



Any living thing: can be made of one cell or be multicellular.


This describes an organism that is made of lots of cells – such as animals or plants.

Specialised Cell

Almost all cells in multicellular organisms have a particular job, or function. While they usually have all the parts labelled on your cell diagrams, they change to suit their functions. This may include developing different sub-cellular structures (e.g. the tail of a sperm cell).


A group of cells with similar structures and functions – i.e. a group of specialised cells.


An organ is a collection (or aggregation) of tissues performing a specific function.

Organ System

Organs don’t operate alone: they work together to form organ systems.

Organism (again)

An organism has many organ systems, all contributing to its survival.

Light microscope

A usual school microscope is a light microscope. You can see large sub-cellular structures like a nucleus with it, but not a lot more detail than that.


This is the measure of how much a microscope can enlarge the object you are viewing through it.


This is the measure of the level of detail you can see with a microscope.

Electron microscope

A type of microscope with much high magnification and resolution than a light microscope. Essential for discovering the smaller sub-cellular structures.

Multicellular Organisms You are a multicellular organism, just like all animals, plants and many types of fungus. But, not all your cells are the same. Cells become specialised by differentiation, which means they develop new features to help them perform a specific function. E.g. sperm cells and root hair cells.

Tissues are formed when cells with similar structures and functions work together. For example: muscle tissue in animals; phloem tissue in plants. Organs are formed from multiple tissues working together. For example: the stomach in animals; the leaf in plants. Organ systems are formed when multiple organs work together. For example: the digestive system in animals; the vascular (transport) system in plants.

Microscopy Use of a microscope is called microscopy. Microscopes allowed scientists to discover cells and find all the sub-cellular structures. Because cells and their parts are very small, it is not useful to measure them in metres. Instead, we use small divisions of the metre as follows: Centimetre = 1/100 metre (10-2). A centimetre is 1 one hundredth of a metre. (cm) Millimetre = 1/1000 metre (10-3). A millimetre is 1 one thousandth of a metre. (mm) Micrometre = 1/1 000 000 (10-6). A micrometre is 1 one millionth of a metre. (Âľm) Nanometre = 1/1 000 000 000 (10-9) A nanometre is 1 one billionth of a metre. (nm) Electron microscopes were a vital invention for understanding cells. They have higher magnification and more resolving power than light microscopes, so they let you see smaller structures.

Equation đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘›đ?‘–đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘œđ?‘› =

Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘§đ?‘’ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘ đ?‘–đ?‘§đ?‘’ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘œđ?‘?đ?‘—đ?‘’đ?‘?đ?‘Ą

The image Is how it looks through the microscope. The real object is what you are looking at. The image and object must be measured with the same unit, e.g. both in nm.

Key Terms



A population of microorganisms that has been deliberately grown to study.

Binary fission

How bacteria multiply. One bacterial cell divides into two, forming two identical cells.

If conditions are right (correct temperature, plenty of nutrients etc.), bacteria can double their population as often as every 20 minutes. This is because each bacterial cell can make two cells this often, through binary fission. It is often useful to deliberately grow microorganisms: for example, to investigate antibiotics or disinfectants. However, you want to only grow the type of microorganism you are trying to study. Without proper care, your culture is easily contaminated, because there are microorganisms everywhere in the environment. ‘Proper care’ involves using aseptic technique.


When unwanted bacteria (or other microorganisms) mix in with the bacteria you are trying to grow.


Without contaminating microorganisms

Culture medium

Substance on which microorganisms are grown, which provides them with nutrients. E.g. agar gel, nutrient broth.

Inoculating loop

Equipment used to transfer microorganisms (e.g. bacteria) to a culture medium for growth and study.

Aseptic technique to prepare an uncontaminated culture

Agar plate

A Petri dish filled with agar gel.

Here’s how to prepare an uncontaminated culture: 1. Sterilise the Petri dishes and culture media. This ensures that there are no microorganisms present at the start. 2. Inoculating loops are used to transfer bacteria to the culture medium. These loops are passed through the flame of a Bunsen burner to sterilise them before collecting the bacteria you want to study. 3. After transferring the bacteria under study to the culture medium, the lid of the Petri dish is secured on with tape to prevent other microorganisms from entering. It is stored upside down to prevent condensation flooding the bacteria. 4. The culture is incubated (in schools at 25oC) to allow the microorganisms to grow.


A population of bacteria. Colonies look like circles of growth in an agar plate.

Lawn culture

An agar plate spread evenly with bacteria. This is useful for testing antiseptics/antibiotics.

Mean division time

The average time it takes for a type of bacteria to divide once, under certain conditions.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 3: Threshold Concepts in Biology Culturing (growing) microorganisms

Looking at the results On the agar plate, bacteria can grow as circular colonies or as a lawn. The colonies tend to be circles, so you can find their cross-sectional area using A = r2 (area of a circle equation). See first photo for examples of colonies. On the second photo, a lawn culture has been grown. The small white discs of paper placed on the lawn were soaked in solutions of antibiotic or disinfectant. The antibiotic/disinfectant diffuses into the agar gel and, if it works, it kills the bacteria nearby. This leaves a clear area on the agar plate. Again, the clear area can be calculated since they are circular. The larger the clear area, the more effective the antibiotic/disinfectant on the type of bacteria that’s been grown.

The size of bacterial populations If you know how quickly bacteria divide (mean division time) and how long they’ve been incubated, you can calculate the population size by working out how many division cycles have occurred. e.g. the mean division time = 20 min and they’ve been incubated for two hours. 6 cycles of division have occurred. Say we started with 1 cell. 1  2  4  8  16  32  64, or 26 = 64. When the numbers get very large, standard form is useful.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms



Weight is different to mass. Weight is a force (hence, it is a vector quantity), caused by gravity acting on a mass. Since it is a force, it is measured in newtons.


Mass measures the amount of material in an object, and is measured in kilograms (kg). The weight of an object depends on the mass, but mass does not depend on weight. Mass is a scalar quantity.

Gravitational field strength

Simply, the measure of how strong the gravitational field of a large object is. For instance, the gravitational field strength on Earth is about 10 N/kg. This means that a weight of 10 N acts on each kg of mass on Earth.

Centre of mass

The point at which the weight of an object is considered to act – the ‘middle’ of the object’s mass.


A device to measure weight. It simply consists of a spring and a calibrated scale.


Meanings of terms in equation

Weight Weight is often mistaken for mass; for instance, when people say they are losing weight, they really mean they are losing mass. As a result, their weight will also drop (see equation), but really it is their mass they seek to change. Mass measures how much material there is (in kg), whereas weight measures the force acting on an object due to a gravitational field. Looking at the equation, you can see that a person with a mass of 65 kg will have a weight of 65 x 10 = 650 N. You can also see that a mass of 100 g (=0.1 kg) has a weight of 1 N on Earth. As the equation shows, weight and mass are directly proportional. We can show this like: đ?‘Š âˆ? đ?‘š, using the symbol for a directly proportional relationship. On Earth, as mass increases by one unit, weight increases by ten units (as g = 10 N/kg).

Centre of Mass When drawing force diagrams and performing calculations, it is useful to show the weight (or other forces) acting on just a single point on the object. This is the exact centre of a symmetrical object (it will be more complicated for an asymmetrical object), and is called the centre of mass. Think of the centre of mass as the point where we consider weight to act: as a result, force arrows should start on the centre of mass.

Measuring Weight Weight can be determined by calculation using the equation, or directly measured using a calibrated (adjusted so the scale is right) spring balance – a newtonmeter. This can be mechanical or digital – a digital newtonmeter will likely have higher resolution (detects smaller differences in weight).

đ?‘Š=đ?‘šđ?‘” *

W = weight (newtons, N) m = mass (kilograms, kg) g = gravitational field strength (newtons per kilogram, N/kg) – on Earth, this is about 10 N/kg

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms



Describes objects that return to their original shape after being deformed by a force, once the force is removed

Potential Energy

Elastic deformation

Deformation (bending, stretching or compressing an object) is elastic if the object returns to its original shape once the force is removed


Bending, stretching or compressing an object


The change in length of an object such as a spring. Subtract length when NO force is applied from the length when a force is applied.

Directly proportional

This term describes a type of relationship between two variables. The two variables are directly proportional if, for every increase of one variable by one unit, the other increases by the same amount. It is shown by a straight line on a graph that goes through the origin.

Limit of proportionality

The limit of a directly proportional relationship. It can be shown on a graph if the line is straight to being with (indicating a directly proportional relationship) then curves.

Linear relationship

Simply, a relationship between two variables that is graphed as a straight line.

Non-linear relationship

A relationship between two variables that is shown with a curved line on a graph.


The gradient of a graph is how steep it is. Calculate gradient by dividing the change in the variable on the y-axis by the change in the variable on the x-axis.


Meanings of terms in equation

You already know how energy transfers take place when work is done. In these cases, energy is changing form. However, it is also possible for energy to be stored by an object or system. We call the stored energy potential energy. When something has potential energy, you won’t be able to see anything going on, but if that energy is transferred to a new form, work will be done and you might be able to observe the results. Chemical potential energy is an example: energy is stored in chemical bonds, and is transferred when a chemical reacts. Another example is gravitational potential energy – the energy stored by objects when they are above the ground in a gravitational field. Elastic potential energy is the form of energy stored by an object that is under elastic deformation. Think of a stretched rubber band – it isn’t doing anything, but if you release it the stored elastic potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy, so you can fire it at someone.

Force and Extension/Compression The extension of an elastic object, like a spring, is directly proportional to the force applied to it, provided the limit of proportionality of the spring is not exceeded. This also works with the compression of an object – you can use the equations below too, ‘e’ just means the amount of compression. The spring constant measures how much extension you get for your force. A large spring constant means it won’t stretch far compared to a spring with a small spring constant, if the same force is applied (see examples above). The spring constant can be calculated from the gradient of a graph of force against extension. When force is applied to a spring, it moves a distance, so work is done. In other words, energy is transferred. The energy gets stored in the spring (or elastic object) as elastic potential energy (Ee). The amount of elastic potential energy is calculated by the equation shown on the right.

On graphs showing force against extension, you can see when the limit of proportionality is reached by looking at where the graph starts to curve. (Labelled x on this example)

đ??š=đ?‘˜đ?‘’ *

đ??¸đ?‘’ =

1 2

đ?‘˜ đ?‘’2

F = force (newtons, N) k = spring constant (newtons per metre, N/m) e = extension (metres, m) Ee = elastic potential energy (joules, J) k = spring constant (newtons per metre, N/m) e = extension (metres, m) – this is squared in this equation

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers

Key Terms


Energy Stores and Systems

Energy store

A system is simply a small part of the universe that we choose to study. It consists of an object or objects, and we use systems to describe how energy changes in terms of how it is stored. Energy has to be conserved in a system, so it cannot be created or destroyed. However, it can change from one store to another, in an energy transfer.

A system or object can act as an energy store. Energy allows work to be done (since work done = energy transferred). Good examples of energy stores are objects up high (they have gravitational potential energy), fuels (they have chemical potential energy), and stretched springs (they have elastic potential energy).

Energy transfer

The change of energy from one store to another. Aka work.


Simply, this means ‘spread out’. When applied to energy being dissipated, this means that during energy transfers, some energy is stored in less useful ways. This can be called ‘wasted’ energy, since it is not transferred to form that is wanted.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

For example: ď ś Firing an object upwards transfers kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy ď ś When boiling water in kettle, electrical potential energy is transferred to thermal energy ď ś When using your phone, chemical potential energy is transferred to electrical energy, which is transferred to the surroundings, where it is stored as thermal energy.

The amount of energy that a moving object has, the amount of energy stored by a stretched spring, and the amount of energy gained by lifting up an object can all be calculated. The equations for Ek , Ee , and Ep are on preceding pages.

Energy Transfers In a system, the energy in the stores to start with can change form – we can say the overall energy in the system is redistributed – meaning it is transferred into other forms. In the end, the energy in the store is transferred to the surroundings. Often, the transfer to the surroundings is in the form of heat (thermal energy). With the candle example here, the chemical potential energy (energy store) is transferred to thermal energy, which is transferred to the surroundings in the end. It is, in practice, very hard to go back the other way – for example, to transfer the heat energy from the candle back into chemical potential energy. This is what is really meant when people talk about ‘saving energy’ – overall, energy can’t be destroyed so it can’t be saved – but, we should try to save the energy stores we rely upon, such as fossil fuels (a huge store of chemical potential energy).

∆đ??¸ = đ?‘š đ?‘? ∆đ?œƒ

∆E = change in thermal energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) c = specific heat capacity (joules per kilogram per degree Celsius, J/kg oC) ∆đ?œƒ = temperature change (oC)

Unwanted Energy Transfers During any energy transfer, energy can be transferred usefully, meaning that the stored energy is transferred in a way that does useful work. However, some dissipation of the stored energy, in ways that are not useful, is unavoidable. We call the energy transferred in this way ‘wasted energy’ – meaning unwanted energy transfers have taken place. Unwanted energy transfers can be reduced by, for instance, oiling/lubricating moving parts (reducing friction, therefore transfer to thermal energy) or insulating systems. Thermal insulation is insulation that reduces transfer of thermal energy to the surroundings. Thermal conductivity measures how rapidly thermal energy is conducted by a material (so, metals have high thermal conductivity). For effective thermal insulation, you want materials with very low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the material also affects the effectiveness of thermal insulation. Not surprisingly, the thicker the material, usually the better the insulation. Always a consideration in house building – see diagram for examples.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Forces and Braking Stopping a vehicle requires a force to be applied, since the speed must change – the vehicle must decelerate to 0 m/s. The stopping distance of a vehicle depends on two factors, which add up to make the stopping distance. These are the thinking distance (distance travelled while the driver reacts) and the braking distance (distance travelled under the braking force).

For a particular braking force, the greater the speed of the vehicle, the greater the stopping distance. This is because going from a higher speed to 0 m/s is a bigger change in speed than going from a lower speed to 0 m/s. The thinking distance is longer at a higher speed, because reaction times won’t change according to the speed – so you’d go further in the same time if you’re going faster. Typical reaction times vary from 0.4 s to 0.9 s. Different factors affect the thinking and braking distances – see the box.

Braking Force and Work Done When force is applied to the brakes, work is done by the friction force between the brake pads and the wheel. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is transferred to thermal energy – this is why brakes get hot.

To stop a vehicle in a certain distance, the faster the vehicle the larger the force needed, since a larger deceleration is needed (F = ma again). However, this can lead to overheating of the brakes and/or loss of control of the vehicle.

Forces cause a change in momentum F = ma tells us a resultant force causes an acceleration. Substituting the equation for acceleration into F = ma gives you the equation above. It tells us that reducing the time taken to change momentum increases the force. This is why it hurts more to land on pavement than a trampoline. It also explains seatbelts, air bags, cycle helmets and cushioned tiles in playgrounds: all of these increase the time taken to slow to a stop, therefore decreasing the force acting on the object.

Key Terms


Stopping distance

The distance a vehicle travels after the driver spots a danger and decides to stop. It is the sum of the thinking distance and braking distance.

Thinking distance

Distance travelled during a driver’s reaction time.

Braking distance

Distance travelled while the driver is applying the brake (i.e. distance travelled under the braking force).

Kinetic energy

The form of energy of any moving object. Since the equation uses speed, not velocity, this is a scalar quantity.

Thermal energy

The form of energy associated with heat. The thermal energy of an object is proportional to its temperature.


An object or group of object, and its/their interactions.

Conservation of energy

A fundamental concept in physics. In a system, total energy is always conserved (it cannot be created or destroyed). However, it can be transferred from one store of energy to another.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

đ??¸đ?‘? = đ?‘š đ?‘” â„Ž * đ??¸đ?‘˜ =

1 2

đ?‘š đ?‘Ł2



đ?‘š ∆đ?‘Ł đ?‘Ą

Ep = gravitational potential energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) g = gravitational field strength (newtons per kilogram, N/kg) h = height (metres, m) Ek = kinetic energy (joules, J) m = mass (kg) v = speed (m/s) – this is squared in this equation F = force (N) m = mass (kg) Δv = change in velocity (m/s) [and remember m Δv is change in momentum] t = time (s) NOTE: This equation can be stated as: “force equals the rate of change of momentum�

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Moments Forces can cause rotation. There has to be a resultant force on a rotating object, because it rotation involves changes in direction! Even when pushing on a door, you are using an applied force to cause rotation of the door. The centre of rotation (the pivot) is the hinge of the door. The turning effect is called the moment of the force. If an object is balanced (for example, a see saw or a shelf with stuff on it), in the system the clockwise moment is equal to the anticlockwise moment. Notice that this doesn’t mean the forces are the same each way (unless the distance from the pivot is the same) – but you can calculate the moment and/or the forces involved using the equation shown.

Key Terms)



Turning motion


Full name: “moment of a force�. This is the turning effect of a force


The centre of rotation of a turning object. It stays in a fixed position while other parts move – for example, the hinges of a door.

Line of action

The line along which a force arrow points.

Clockwise moment

The turning effect of a force in the direction hands move around a clock face.

Anticlockwise moment

The turning effect of a force in the direction opposite to the way hands move around a clock face.


A simple system in which something turns around a pivot, and where a force applied is transmitted to somewhere else.


A simple system in which wheels transmit the turning effect of a force to somewhere else.


Meanings of terms in equation and units

Levers A lever is a simple system used to transmit a force. Levers can be distance multipliers or force multipliers. Distance multiplier – this means the lever allows one end of the lever to move much further than where the force is applied, but this does reduce the force at that end. An example is a broom – see diagram. Force multiplier – this means the lever is used to produce a larger force for the force applied, but this does mean the other end moves a smaller distance. A ring pull on a drinks can is an example – you apply a force at one end of the ring pull, the other end doesn’t move as far but there is a big enough force to open the can. The pivot is in the middle.

Gears Systems with gears are force multipliers or speed multipliers. One gear is the ‘driver’, which is where the force is applied in the first place. Other gears are driven by this one – they can be connected directly like in the diagram or indirectly, like how gears are joined by a chain on a bike. Force multipliers – if the driver gear (aka cog) is smaller than the one it drives, the force is multiplied. This is as shown in the example in the diagram. Speed multipliers – if the driver is larger than the driven gear, the driven gear goes faster. So it’s a speed multiplier.

đ?‘€=đ??šđ?‘‘ *

M = moment of a force (Nm) F = force (N) d = perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force (m)

Key Terms



Power is the rate of energy transfer – also known as the rate at which work is done. (Remember, energy transferred is the same as work done.) Since it is a rate, like speed, power is calculated by dividing by time (see equations).

Going past measuring and describing energy transfers, we can consider how fast the energy transfer is (or, how fast the work is done). The rate (speed) of energy transfer is the power. The top two equations below show this.

Watt (W)

The watt is the unit for power. One watt is one joule transferred in one second – or 1 J/s (1 joule per second).

Two things might transfer the same amount of energy (do the same amount of work), but if one does it faster than the other, it has a higher power. For instance, if two people of the same mass run the same distance, they transferred the same amount of energy. However, if one of them completing it faster than the other, they had a higher power. (The ‘t’ in the equation would be smaller, leading to a larger value for ‘P’.)


The measure of how much of the stored energy in a system is transferred usefully. More efficient devices transfer more energy usefully, which is the same as saying they waste less energy.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Power

Meanings of terms in equation and units


Efficiency of Energy Transfers As you know, energy cannot be created or destroyed, just transferred. It is often useful to measure how much energy is transferred in the way we want, and how much is dissipated. This measure is called efficiency (see equations). Since there is always some wasted energy, efficiency must always be less than 1, or less than 100% if you convert the efficiency to a percentage. To improve efficiency, we reduce the energy transferred in ways that are not useful (i.e. reduce the wasted energy). In a simple example, the light bulb on the left wastes 80% (efficiency = 0.2 or 20%) of the input energy as heat energy, but the one on the right only wastes 20% (efficiency = 0.8 or 80%).


đ??¸ đ?‘Ą

P = power (watts, W) E = energy transferred (joules, J) t = time (s)


đ?‘Š đ?‘Ą

P = power (watts, W) W = work done (J) t = time (s)


* đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘–đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘Ś =

đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘˘đ?‘™ đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘Ąđ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;đ?‘”đ?‘Ś đ?‘Ąđ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘ đ?‘“đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;đ?‘”đ?‘Ś đ?‘Ąđ?‘&#x;đ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘ đ?‘“đ?‘’đ?‘&#x;

* Similarly, the methods such as insulation or lubrication improve efficiency, since they reduce the energy transfer to wasted forms of energy.

đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘–đ?‘’đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘Ś = *

đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘“đ?‘˘đ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘¤đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘œđ?‘˘đ?‘Ąđ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘œđ?‘¤đ?‘’đ?‘&#x; đ?‘–đ?‘›đ?‘?đ?‘˘đ?‘Ą

Efficiency doesn’t have a unit. You can convert the efficiency (which will be a decimal) to a percentage by multiplying by 100.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 4: Potential Energy and Energy Transfers Energy Resources Don’t get energy resources and stores of energy mixed up. Energy resources are energy stores that we know how to make use of for our needs, such as electricity. Stores of energy are the ways we find energy in objects or systems – e.g. chemical potential energy, gravitational potential energy, or thermal energy. The main energy resources on Earth are: fossil fuels (oil, coal and gas); nuclear fuel; biofuel; wind; hydroelectricity; geothermal; tides; the Sun and waves in the sea. These all are stores of energy we can access and transfer usefully, usually to electrical energy. We can also use these energy resources for transport (especially fossil fuels) and heating (especially geothermal – although not in the UK!).

Key Terms


Energy resources

Stores of energy on Earth that we can access and transfer to useful forms, such as electricity.

Nuclear fuel

Elements that can be used to release massive amounts of energy for generating electricity. Nuclear fuel is based on uranium.

Fossil fuel

A fuel, made from hydrocarbons, that formed millions of years ago from the bodies of animals and plants. Fossil fuels are a store of chemical potential energy.


The energy resource found in Earth’s crust, due the thermal energy of the rock of the crust is certain places on Earth.


Any type of fuel made from the bodies of organisms – such as fuels made from plants.


Water stored behind a dam has gravitational potential energy, so it is a store of energy we can make use of.

Tidal energy

Tides in the sea come in and out twice a day. This is a massive movement of water, whose kinetic energy can be transferred usefully to electrical energy.

Wave energy

Waves in the ocean have kinetic energy. With the right equipment, this energy can be transferred usefully to electrical energy.

Solar energy

The Sun is an abundant source of energy. Using solar panels, we can transfer light energy directly into electrical energy. We can also use the thermal energy from the Sun for heating and for generating electricity.


A form of energy that we find extremely useful, since it can be used to run so many devices. We use the energy resources described here mainly (but not only) to generate electricity.


Describes energy resources that are, or can be, replenished (replaced) as they are used. E.g. biofuels, geothermal.


Describes energy resources that cannot be replenished. In other words, they get used up. E.g. fossil fuels, nuclear fuel.

Using Energy Resources Some energy resources are more reliable than others. For instance, as you may have noticed, the Sun as an energy resource (using solar panels) is not totally reliable in the UK. So we couldn’t totally rely on the Sun as an energy resource. Fossil fuels are reliable for the time being, as the supply is good, but they are non-renewable, so this may change in the future. Fossil fuels are also relied upon for transport. This is changing, but still the vast majority of vehicles use fossil fuels as their energy resource. Environmental considerations about the use of energy resources should also be made. For instance, the combustion of fossil fuels adds to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, causing climate change. On the other hand, renewable methods like hydroelectricity involve building dams that may displace people and destroy habitats. There are always ethical factors to weigh up too. Although science can identify issues such as environmental problems, scientists are not politicians and big decisions to deal with issues are out of their hands a lot of the time. Political, social, ethical or economic factors also affect decisions made about the use of Earth’s energy resources.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns The History of the Periodic Table • Throughout history scientists have tried to classify substances and many scientists attempted to construct a Periodic Table. • Before the knowledge of protons, neutrons and electrons, scientists arranged the Periodic table by atomic weight. This meant the groups were not always correct. • In 1869 Dimitri Mendeleev, a Russian Scientist, published his Periodic Table. It was slightly different to those that had been before. He still arranged elements by atomic weight but he also left gaps for where he predicted elements would be. • He very accurately predicted the properties of elements that were not discovered until many years later; for example, Gallium. • Mendeleev's Periodic Table is still different from the modern one as some of his masses were wrong due to the existence of isotopes • Isotopes are elements with same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons and therefore different atomic weights.

Mendeleev’s Periodic Table

Key Terms


Dimitri Mendeleev

A Russian Chemist, who in 1869 published a Periodic Table containing gaps.

Periodic Table

The table which organises the 118 elements based on atomic structure


Two atoms with the same number of protons and electrons but a different number of neutrons


An element which loses electrons to form a positive charge

Non Metal

An element which gains electrons to form a negative charge


An element with a positive or negative charge

Metals and Non-Metals • • •

Metals are found on the left hand side of the Periodic Table, the majority of elements are metals. When metals react, they lose an electrons to form positive ions. Non metals gain electrons to form a negative charge.

Groups in the Periodic Table Physical properties

Chemical Properties



Group 1 (Alkali metals)

Soft, low density

React vigorously with water releasing hydrogen

Sodium + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Hydrogen

More reactive as you go down, outermost electron further from the nucleus so it’s easier to lose

Group 7 (Halogens)

Low melting point, exist as pair (Cl2)

React with group 1 metals to form compounds . Can carry out displacement reactions

Sodium + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride Sodium Bromide + Chlorine  Sodium Chloride + Bromine

Higher melting point as you go down the group (higher molecular mass). Less reactive as you go down the group.

Group 0 (Noble Gases)

Low melting point/boiling point Eight electrons in outer shell (except helium)

Unreactive, as they have a full outer shell


Higher melting point and boiling point as you go down the group (due to increase in density)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns

Key Terms



A substance made of only ONE type of element or compound

Pure and Impure Substances • A pure substance contains only one type of element or compound. • An impure substance contains more than one type of element or compound in a mixture, for example salt water contains NaCl and H2O. All mixtures are impure substances. • Mixtures are much easier to separate than elements or compounds as they are not chemically bonded • There are a variety of ways that mixtures can be separated and they are outlined below. Remember that these are all physical changes and chemical bonds are not broken during any of these processes.


A mixture of elements and/or compounds


A technique where mixtures can be separated based on their solubility.


A separation technique which means a mixture of two liquids is heated


Method of mixture separation where a solvent is evaporated, leaving the solute behind.

Separating Impure Substance

Name Chromatography


Explanation • • •

Different substances travel different distances up the paper depending on their solubility in the solvent used (it is often water but not always). The more soluble, the further it moves up the paper Line must be drawn with pencil because pencil will not run. Artificial colours in foods can be identified using chromatography. Additives do not necessarily have a colour and therefore are identified using chemical analysis.


• Distillation is when two liquids with different boiling points are separated • For example ethanol (alcohol) boils at 78 ℃ and water boils at 100 ℃ • If you heat a mixture of water and ethanol to 80℃ the ethanol will evaporate but the water will not. • You then condense the ethanol and collect the pure ethanol


Crystallisation is when a solvent is evaporated from a solute.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns Chromatography and Rf values • When carrying out chromatography we can calculate an Rf (retention factor) value/ • The retention factor is a ratio between the distance travelled by the solvent and the distance travelled by a compound. • Chromatography has two phases- a stationary phase where particles can’t move (the filter paper in most cases), a mobile phase where particles can move (a solvent for example water). • Different compounds will have different Rf values in different solvents, this allow us to see whether a substance is pure or impure. • To calculate Rf value you need to divide the distance moved by the solvent by the distance moved by the spot. • For example to work out the Rf for the spot further up the paper: đ??ľ 7.5 • Rf= đ??´ Rf= 10 = 0.75 • There are no units as the answer is a ratio • The higher the Rf the further the spot has moved up the paper, compared to the solvent.

Key Terms


Retention Factor

The ratio between the distance travelled by the substance and the distance travelled by the solvent.

Equation Rf=

đ??ľ đ??´

Meanings of terms in equation and units Rf = Retention Factor (no units) B = Distance travelled by substance (cm) A= Distance travelled by solvent (cm)

Melting Point and Boiling point • A chemically pure substance will melt or boil at a very specific temperature. • If a substance is chemically impure it will melt or boil at a lower temperature and across a broader range. • The closer the substance is to the melting point the purer the substance. Formulations • Formulations are mixtures made using a precise amount of each substance, so they can serve a particular purpose. • For example in paints or in pills.

Transition Metals Transition Metals • The central block (between group 2 and 3) of the Periodic Table is known as the transition metals. • Compared to group 1 elements, transition metals have different physical properties. For example transition metals have a higher melting point and are more dense. • The exception is mercury which is a liquid at room temperature. • Transition metals also have different physical properties to group 1. They are much less reactive and do not react vigorously with oxygen or water.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 5: The Periodic Table- Trends and Patterns Transition Metals Continued • Transition metals also differ from group 1 elements as they can form multiple different ions (sometimes called oxidation states). Elements in group 1 can only form a +1 ion. • The ability to form different ions, gives transition metals other properties, firstly it makes them good catalysts in chemical reactions, see more on this in the rate of reaction topic. • Different ions also form different coloured compounds for example if vanadium forms a +3 ion it is green, +4 is blue and +5 is yellow. This means transition metals are often used in paints. • The table below shows the ions that different period 4 transition metals can form. You are not expected to memorise this table:

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: What is an Organism? Unicellular vs. multicellular organisms Unicellular organisms’ bodies are simply one cell. All bacteria and other prokaryotic organisms are unicellular. Multicellular organisms are made of many cells and are much more complex. In multicellular organisms, cells differentiate to become specialised cells, carrying out specific roles in the organism. The levels of organisation in multicellular organisms form a hierarchy. In biology, hierarchies get simpler as you go down; or more complex as you go up because the upper things are made up of the things below them. The organisational hierarchy in multicellular organisms is shown here.

Stem cells Once cells are specialised, they can’t go back to being an unspecialised cell. This is why we all start life as a mass of unspecialised cells, called stem cells – this is what an embryo is. Stem cells can divide to make new cells and can differentiate to become specialised cells. In an young embryo, all the cells are stem cells, so they can be taken, cloned and used to produce any human cells by differentiation. In adults, there are not many stem cells left – most have differentiated. But there are some, for repair and replacement of specialised cells. For instance, there are stem cells in the bone marrow. These can be collected, cloned and made to differentiate into any type of blood cell. Using stem cells in this way is an active area of medical research, to treat conditions like diabetes and paralysis.

Key Terms



Describes organisms formed of only one cell: like all prokaryotic organisms


Describes organisms made of many cells.


The process of becoming a specialised cell. Specialised cells are the result of differentiation of stem cells.

Stem cells

Cells that are undifferentiated. Stem cells are capable of forming many more cells of the same type (by cell division), and forming certain types of specialised cell by cell division.


A very young multicellular organism, formed by fertilisation. Embryos are made of stem cells.

Cell cycle

The series of stages during which cells divide to make new cells. In the cell cycle, the DNA is replicated (copied exactly) and the cell splits by mitosis into two cells with one set of DNA each.


The specific part of the cell cycle where the cell divides to make two new cells, which are identical.


A structure containing one molecule of DNA. One chromosome contains many genes. In body cells, chromosomes are found in pairs (since you inherit one copy of each chromosome from your mother and one copy from your father).

The cell cycle – diagram bottom left

Two identical cells

Cells divide to make new cells, for growth and repair, in the cell cycle. It isn’t as simple as the cell splitting in two: it must prepare before doing that. 1. The cell grows larger and makes more sub-cellular structures, such as ribosomes and mitochondria. (It makes enough for two cells!) 2. The genetic material (DNA) is doubled by making an exact replica of the chromosomes. So, there are two copies of every chromosome at this point (labelled S on the cell cycle diagram). 3. Tiny fibres in the cell pull the copies of each chromosome to opposite ends of the cell, breaking the replica chromosomes apart. This means the nucleus can divide into two, each with the full set of chromosomes. 4. The cytoplasm and cell membranes divide to form two genetically identical cells. This is summarised in the diagram left.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 6: What is an Organism?

Key Terms



Sorting into groups. Traditional classification of organisms depends on their structure, but more modern methods involve analysing the biochemical similarities between organisms to classify them.


The largest group in the Linnaean system. In this model, there are five kingdoms (animals, plants, fungi, bacteria and protists).


The study of chemicals in living organisms, such as DNA, proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Three-domain system

A modern model of classification, based on the genetic differences between organisms.


Unicellular, like bacteria, but biochemically very different. These organisms often live in extreme environments, like very hot water around geysers. No-one realised that they were fundamentally different to bacteria before the chemical analysis was performed.


Also called ‘true bacteria’ – the prokaryotic organisms you think of as bacteria. (Check your knowledge on prokaryotic cells)


All organisms with a nucleus, like us, plants, fungi and protists. All multicellular organisms fit into this domain (but it does include many unicellular organisms!).

Evolutionary tree

A method used to show how closely related organisms are. For living organisms, we can use genetic analysis; for extinct organisms, the fossil record suggest the relationships.

Classification the traditional way People have always given living organisms names and attempted to group them together based on their similarities. The first system that has stuck around is the classification system described by Carl Linnaeus, in which he sorted organisms according to their structure (anatomy) and characteristics. He came up with a hierarchical system, where the larger groups contain all the smaller groups below them. It is called the Linnaean system, after him. These groups, in order of size (based on how many organisms fit in each one) are called: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. Species are what you think of as individual types of organism – like tigers, oak trees or great white sharks. It is worth remembering that some organisms that are given one name in everyday language actually represent many species. For instance, there are many species of eagle and many species of shark. When giving the scientific name of an organism, you give the genus and species. E.g. great white sharks are Carcharodon carcharias, humans are Homo sapiens. This is called the binomial system for naming species.

Classification the modern way The Linnaean system dates back to the 18th century. Since then, knowledge and understanding of the internal structure of cells and biochemistry has developed significantly. Analysis of genetic material in cells has shown that the five kingdoms suggested by Linnaeus are not the best way to divide up life. A three-domain system is now used (although the Linnaean system is still very useful, and commonly used). The three-domain system was suggested by Carl Woese. Woese’s chemical analysis showed that there are three distinct groups of life, into which all organisms can fit without overlapping. These are called domains: the Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota. One of the key things about this system is that is recognised that two huge groups of organisms (archaea and bacteria) are actually different. In the Linnaean system, they were bunched together in the ‘bacteria’ kingdom.

Since it is based on genetic analysis, the three-domain system links to the closeness of the relationship between organisms. We know all life on Earth is related (since we all use the same genetic code). That’s why, when you draw an evolutionary tree (right), it starts with one ‘trunk’ – the first life on Earth (the common ancestor for us all). But, clearly, life has split into many different groups, as shown with the examples on the tree here.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: Space

Key Terms



A huge (compared to Earth) sphere of superhot gas (plasma) undergoing nuclear fusion reactions.

Our solar system


A spherical object much smaller than a star, made of rocky or gaseous material (or a combination), which orbits a star.

Dwarf planet

Small planets that have not cleared their orbit of other material. Like planets, they orbit a star.


Object that orbit a planet. Natural satellites are not launched by humans – so moons are natural satellites. Ones that we launch are called artificial satellites.

Our solar system is a very small part of the Milky Way galaxy. Galaxies consist of millions of stars, held together by their gravitational attraction to one another.


To follow a path around another object due to the gravitational attraction between the objects, while being physically separated. Orbits can be circular, or elliptical (oval shaped).

Stars and their life cycle


A giant cluster of stars held together by their gravitational attraction to one another. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way.


A cloud of gas and dust in space.

Nuclear fusion

A nuclear (not chemical) reaction in which the nuclei of atoms are joined together to make larger nuclei, releasing energy. For example, hydrogen nuclei are fused to helium nuclei in the Sun and other stars. Thus, fusion processes cause the formation of new elements. This can only happen at immense pressures and temperatures, when gases have ionised to become plasma. Nuclear fusion allows nucleosynthesis - making new nuclei.

Our solar system consists of: • One star: the Sun; • Eight planets, which orbit the Sun; • Dwarf planets, such as Pluto, which also orbit the Sun; • Natural satellites: the moons that orbit some of the planets (including our moon); • Other objects like asteroids and comets.

Stars form when a huge cloud of gas and dust (a nebula) comes together thanks to the gravitational attraction between the particles from which it is made. The diagram outlines the stages a star goes through during its life cycle. Note that the stages of the life cycle depend on the initial mass of the star. Lower mass stars (like the Sun) end more discreetly than others with much larger masses.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: Space Stages of star life cycles You’ve seen the basic life cycle. Now for some detail. • A protostar is a dense region in a nebula, which is still gathering mass by pulling in material from the nebula by its gravitational pull. So, at this stage, the star is still forming and has not yet started nuclear fusion reactions. • Main sequence star: the Sun is a main sequence star. During this stage of a star’s life cycle, the star is stable in size because the forces acting towards the centre and the outward forces caused by the nuclear fusion processes are in equilibrium. With an object as big as a star, the gravitational force acting on any particular particle is intense, so the star might be expected to collapse. However, there is an outward force leading to expansion, caused by the fusion processes occurring in the star. Essentially, this outward force is due to gas pressure (ok, plasma pressure) in the star. Pressure in gases increases if their temperature increases, making the star expand; in turn, this decreases the pressure and therefore cuts the rate of nuclear fusion. Therefore, main sequence stars are nicely self-regulating systems (using negative feedback). • Red giant and red super giant stages: as the diagram showed, this is where the life cycle diverges according to the mass of the star. Stars finish their main sequence when the hydrogen in the core runs out (it has all been fused to helium). This reduces the outward pressure, so the star begins to collapse inwards due to gravity. In turn, this allows some of the hydrogen outside the core (the layer of a star we actually see) to begin going through nuclear fusion, and at a much more rapid rate than during the main sequence. This higher rate of nuclear fusion produces a larger outward pressure, so the outer layer of the star expands by a great deal, perhaps as far as the orbit of Venus in the case of the Sun! (Hence the ‘giant’ in the name.) • The red giant or red super giant stage ends as the fuel runs out. This causes a drop in outward pressure, so gravity wins out and causes the collapse of the star. This is really rapid, though, and causes a shock wave outwards. In stars like the Sun, this is violent but not crazy – the outer layers of the star are ejected relatively slowly out. However, in larger stars this outwards shock wave is extremely violent, resulting in a supernova. A supernova is such a colossal explosion that a red supergiant entering its supernova stage can outshine its whole galaxy! This spreads the new elements made in the star by nuclear fusion (or nucleosynthesis) out across the universe. This is actually the reason why large elements (anything larger than iron) are found on Earth – the atoms were spread out after their formation in supernovae. • The core of the Sun, and similar sized stars, will become a white dwarf. When it has totally cooled off, it will be a black dwarf – just the cold remnants of its core. The core of larger stars will be left as neutron stars, which are insanely dense objects: as illustrative values, a neutron star may be only 20 km in diameter but have a mass twice that of the Sun! Should the star have started as a really massive star, the core will collapse to make a black hole, which is even more dense than a neutron star and a place where conditions are so extreme that physicists are struggling to express the rules that govern the behaviour of matter in black holes.

Key Terms



An early star – basically a big dense part of a nebula that is gathering mass but hasn’t started nuclear fusion yet.

Main sequence

The stable stage of a star’s life cycle, where inward and outward forces are in equilibrium.


The ‘fourth state of matter’ – a superhot gas, where electrons are stripped from nuclei, leaving a sea of positive nuclei and negative electrons.

Red giant

The stage after the main sequence for stars with a similar mass to the Sun.

Red supergiant

The stage after the main sequence for stars much more massive than the Sun.

White dwarf

The collapsed core of a star like the Sun. Very dense (about 200 000 times more dense than Earth), but not as dense as neutron stars or black holes.

Black dwarf

When a white dwarf has fully cooled down, it no longer emits any radiation so it is a black dwarf. So in the universe, there aren’t any black dwarves because it isn’t old enough for white dwarves to have cooled off yet!


The enormous explosion resulting from the collapse and resulting shock wave of a star much more massive than the Sun.

Neutron star

The collapsed core of a star after a supernova (but not of a star large enough to form a black hole).

Black hole

The collapsed core of really massive stars – about five or more times the mass of the Sun.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 7: Space

Key Terms


Instantaneous velocity

Velocity at a single moment (remember it is vector quantity, with both direction and magnitude).


Red shift

The observed increase in wavelength of light emitted by objects moving away (receding) from an observer.

Big Bang theory

The theory, which is by far the dominant scientific theory for the origin of the universe, that states that the whole universe was once tiny and very hot and dense.

Recessional velocity

How fast something (like a galaxy) is moving away from an observer.

Dark matter

Aka dark mass. A mysterious type of matter that is known to exist (from observations of other galaxies), but no-one knows what it is made of.

Dark energy

The name given to the mysterious energy driving the acceleration in the expansion of the universe.

Gravity is the force that allows orbits to be maintained. Since an object in motion is moving in a circle, its direction and therefore velocity is constantly changing, even as its speed stays constant. The orbiting object is accelerating towards the object it orbits, as the diagram shows. The velocity at any moment you pick (called the instantaneous velocity) is at a tangent to the orbital path. For an orbit to remain stable, the radius of the orbital path must change if the speed changes. This means, for example, Mercury travels much faster on its orbital path around the Sun than Earth, since the radius of its orbital path is much smaller than ours.

Red Shift When we examine the light (electromagnetic radiation) from distant galaxies in space, the wavelength is increased compared to what is ‘should be’. This stretching of waves that are emitted from a wave source moving away from an observer is called the Doppler effect in general, and red shift when we’re talking about electromagnetic radiation. Working backwards logically, we know that distant galaxies are receding (moving away from us). This shows that the universe (i.e. space itself) is expanding. In turn, this provides great evidence for the Big Bang theory, since when you turn the clock back, the galaxies must have been much closer together in the past, all the way back until the whole universe (space and all the matter in it) was a single hot, dense point. In 1998 some breakthrough studies of supernovae in distant galaxies showed that the rate of recession of galaxies is greater the further away they are, findings that have been confirmed in numerous studies since. The findings showed that the more distant the galaxy is, the greater the red shift of its light, showing that they are moving away faster than nearer galaxies. The graph shows this – each dot is a galaxy which has been observed and its red shift used to calculate its recessional velocity (how fast it is moving away from us, the observers). There are still many unsolved questions about all this, though. No-one knows what is causing the acceleration of the universe’s expansion (so it often gets the opaque name ‘dark energy’). Another giant mystery is ‘dark matter’ – astronomers know there is a giant ‘halo’ of matter around objects in space like galaxies, but have no idea what it is made of, hence the name.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The net (overall) movement of particles from a higher concentration to a lower concentration, simply due to the random motion of particles in a liquid or gas. Diffusion happens across cell membranes, from higher to lower concentration. It does not require any energy from the cell.

Concentration gradient

The difference in concentration of a substance between two places. A ‘steeper’ concentration gradient means there is a bigger difference in concentration.

Surface area to volume ratio

The surface area divided by the volume of an organism, organ or cell. Generally, the smaller something is, the larger the surface area to volume ratio.

Exchange surface

A place, such as the walls of the small intestine, where exchange of substances takes place e.g. by diffusion across it.

Diffusion pathway

The distance over which a substance must diffuse. A thin wall or membrane is a short diffusion pathway.


Osmosis only describes the movement of water. It is the diffusion of water from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution across a partially permeable membrane.

Exchange and Transport To stay alive, all organisms must exchange substances with their environment. This means they must transport into cells the substances they need from the environment and transport out waste products to the environment. Substances can be transported into or out of cells by: diffusion, osmosis or active transport.

Diffusion Diffusion allows many substances to move into or out of cells. Thanks to the random motion of particles in liquids and gases, particles will spread out until the concentration is equal throughout. If there is a cell membrane that lets the substance through (is permeable) in the way, it doesn’t matter. Overall, the net movement of the substance will be from higher to lower concentration, as the diagram shows. Diffusion is the process by which oxygen is transported into the bloodstream, and carbon dioxide is transported out (in the lungs, or gills of fish). It is also how the waste product urea moves from cells into the bloodstream, before removal in the urine. The rate of diffusion is affected by: 1. the steepness of the concentration gradient 2. the temperature (a higher temperature increases the rate of diffusion as particles have more kinetic energy) 3. The surface area of the membrane (a larger surface area of cell membrane increases the rate of diffusion into/out of a cell).

Partially permeable membrane Active transport

A membrane that only allows some substances through – others are prevented from travelling through. The movement of substances against the concentration gradient – from lower to higher concentration. This requires energy from respiration.

Active transport Osmosis Osmosis is the movement of water from a more dilute solution (more ‘watery’) to a more concentrated solution (less ‘watery’) across a partially permeable membrane, such as a cell membrane. Osmosis causes cells to swell up if they are placed in a dilute solution, or shrivel up if they are placed in a concentrated solution (a solution of salt, for instance, or sugar).

Active transport is so-named because it requires energy. A good example of where it happens is in plant roots. Root hair cells (see specialised cells topic) absorb mineral ions (like magnesium ions and nitrate ions) from the very dilute solution in the soil by active transport. They need ions like these for healthy growth. An example in animals is absorption of sugar from the intestine into the blood – the blood has a higher sugar concentration so active transport is needed. The sugar is needed by all cells in the body for respiration.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms


Small intestine

The organ in the digestive system where products of digestion are absorbed into the bloodstream.

Adaptations for efficient exchange and transport


The organs were gas exchange takes place. The air sacs where gases are actually exchanged are called alveoli.


The organs in fish where gas exchange takes place. Oxygen is absorbed from the water into the blood, and carbon dioxide is transferred to the water.


The plant organs responsible for gas exchange.


Technical term for breathing in and out. Breathing in brings fresh air, with a relatively high oxygen concentration, into the lungs, and breathing out removes the air with a relatively high concentration of carbon dioxide (and low concentration of oxygen).

Unicellular organisms have a very large surface area to volume ratio compared to multicellular organisms. This means that they simply exchange substances through their cell membrane directly with their environment. They are small enough that diffusion is sufficient to meet their needs (see diagram). However in multicellular organisms, cells that are not at the surface wouldn’t be able to directly exchange substances with the environment. This is why organs with specialised exchange surfaces have evolved. Without lungs, gills, or leaves, for example, multicellular organisms wouldn’t be able to obtain all the substances they need to survive, or be able to get rid of waste products efficiently.

Specialised exchange surfaces To be effective at exchanging substances with the environment, any exchange surface must have a large surface area, and a thin wall/membrane for a short diffusion pathway. In animals, a constant blood supply also increases effectiveness, and in the lungs, ventilation (breathing in and out) increases effectiveness by refreshing the concentration gradient with each breath. Gas exchange in lungs

Exchange in animals and plants Gas exchange in many animals, including us, happens in the lungs. The structures in the lungs where it happens are the alveoli. There are millions of these tiny air sacs, so in total their surface area is gigantic. They also have a short diffusion pathway, a good blood supply and air supply due to ventilation. (look at the diagram of one alveolus) In fish, gills are where gas exchange takes place (see diagram). Again, a huge surface area increases the efficiency of gas exchange, along with a short diffusion pathway and good blood supply. The huge surface area comes from the division of gills into very thin plates of tissue called lamellae. This also creates the short diffusion pathway. In plants, the roots absorb water and mineral ions. The root hair cells have long projections that increase the surface area of this exchange surface, and shorten the diffusion pathway. The leaves are responsible for gas exchange, including oxygen out and water vapour out, and carbon dioxide in. Being flat and broad increases the effectiveness of the leaves as exchange surfaces, by increasing the surface area and shortening the diffusion pathway. In leaves, exchange happens through microscopic holes called stomata.

Substance exchange in roots

Gas exchange in gills

Gas exchange in leaves

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



A biological catalyst that speeds up chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes are large proteins.

The human digestive system

Digestive enzyme

Enzyme that works in the digestive system, breaking down large food molecules into simpler, smaller molecules for absorption into the blood.

Active site

The part of an enzyme where the reaction takes place. They are very specific in shape, so that a specific substrate fits into the active site.


To disrupt the shape of the active site of an enzyme. Denaturation happens when the enzyme is at too high a temperature or at the wrong pH for that enzyme.


The molecule that fits into an enzyme’s active site and reacts to make a product or products.


A type of molecule found in all living things. Made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Simple sugars like glucose are carbohydrates, and so are complex sugars like starch – in fact, starch is made of many glucose molecules joined up.


Scientific name for fat. Lipids are made up of glycerol and fatty acids. Made mainly of carbon and hydrogen (+ oxygen).


Type of molecule made from amino acids. Proteins in the body can be structural (e.g. muscle is made mainly of proteins) or metabolic (control chemical reactions – e.g. enzymes). Made mainly of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen.


The ideal temperature or pH for enzymes to work.

The digestive system breaks down food molecules into molecules our cells can actually use, and absorbs the simpler molecules resulting from digestion. The products of digestion are used to make new molecules we need, and the glucose is used in respiration. It is an organ system; the organs of the digestive system are shown on the diagram. Mechanical digestion occurs in the mouth and stomach especially, where food is physically broken up into smaller pieces. This does not, however, break down the large molecules that our food is made from (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins). That is the role of chemical digestion, which is what enzymes do.

Enzymes and digestion Enzymes are large proteins; there are many different types. All organisms use enzymes to control chemical reactions (metabolism). Enzymes are catalysts, so they speed up chemical reactions. They work by having an active site with a specific shape. A specific molecule slots into the active site (like a key into a lock) and the reaction takes place. So, the shape of the active site is vitally important, and only one sort of enzyme will work on each substrate. The diagram shows this ‘lock and key’ model of enzyme action.

Bile Bile is a vital substance for digestion. It is made in the liver and stored in the gall bladder before being released into the small intestine just after the stomach. It is alkaline, to neutralise the stomach acid and to make the partly digested food pH 8 – the optimum pH for enzymes in the small intestine. It also emulsifies fats, meaning it breaks them up into small droplets. This increases the fat droplets’ surface area, increasing the rate of digestion by lipase.

Digestive enzyme

Site of production

Site of action



Salivary glands, pancreas and small intestine wall

Mouth, small intestine

Complex carbohydrates - e.g. starch

Simple sugars


Stomach, pancreas, small intestine wall

Stomach, small intestine


Amino acids


Pancreas, small intestine wall

Small intestine


Glycerol and fatty acids

Carbohydrase - e.g. amylase

- e.g. glucose

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The larger chambers in the heart. The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs; the left ventricle pumps blood around the whole body.


Smaller chambers of the heart. These fill with blood from the vena cava and pulmonary vein, then pump the blood into the ventricles.


The artery leaving the left ventricle. It branches off to supply, in the end, every cell of the body with blood.

Vena cava

The major vein transporting blood from the whole body back to the heart (to the right atrium)

Pulmonary artery

The blood vessel leaving the right ventricle, carrying blood to the lungs.

Pulmonary vein

Vein leading from the lungs back to the heart (to the left atrium).


Blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart, at relatively high pressure.


Very small, thin-walled blood vessel where exchange of substances between the blood and body cells takes place.


Blood vessels that return blood to the heart at relatively low pressure. Only these vessels have valves in them.

Coronary blood vessel

The heart muscle needs its own blood supply. This comes from branches from the aorta as soon as it leaves the heart called coronary arteries.

The heart The heart is an organ whose role is to pump blood around the body. In humans and other mammals, the heart is part of a double circulatory system. This means the blood goes through the heart twice on its route around the body. It goes: right side of heart  lungs  left side of heart  body (and back to the heart again). Learn the labelled parts of the heart. The arrows show the direction of blood flow. The heart walls are made mainly of muscle – when the heart ‘beats’, the muscle contracts to pump the blood. The natural resting heart rate is controlled by a group of cells in the right atrium that act as a pacemaker. These cells set off the impulses that make the heart muscle contract. If there is a fault in the heart and the heart rate is irregular, an artificial pacemaker can be fitted to correct these irregularities.

Vena cava

Right atrium

Aorta Pulmonary artery Left atrium

Right ventricle

Left ventricle

Blood vessels Blood is restricted to blood vessels in the body (unless you cut yourself!). There are three types: arteries, capillaries and veins. Blood being pumped by the heart always travels in the order arteries  capillaries  veins and veins return the blood to the heart. Arteries carry the blood at high pressure, so they have thick, elastic walls. Capillaries are where exchange takes place, so their walls are only one cell thick (for a short diffusion pathway). Veins carry the blood back to the heart at low pressure, so their walls are thinner than arteries (much thicker than capillaries though). However, to prevent blood flowing back the wrong way, veins have valves in them, which you can see on the diagram.

The lungs The lungs are the organs responsible for gas exchange in humans and other mammals. Air flows in while breathing in, through the trachea (windpipe), through the bronchi to each lung, and eventually to the alveoli, that you’ve looked at before. Muscle contraction allows us to breathe in – the diaphragm and intercostal muscles contract. When they relax, we breathe out. The lungs are adapted for efficient gas exchange with their short diffusion pathway, huge surface area, and good blood and air supplies.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



The liquid part of the blood, mostly made of water, but with substances like glucose, proteins, ions and carbon dioxide dissolved in it.

Red blood cells

Disc-shaped cells that contain haemoglobin, which can bind to oxygen, so it can be transported from the lungs to tissues.

The blood Blood is a tissue. When separated into the component parts as a the diagram shows, we find that just over half of it is made up of plasma. The cells components (mostly red blood cells) are suspended in the plasma – meaning they are normally mixed evenly throughout the plasma. The majority of the cell parts is made up of red blood cells, which transport oxygen. The other components are white blood cells and platelets.

White blood cells

Cells in the blood that fight infection caused by pathogens.


Fragments of cells that cause clotting of blood at a wound, to reduce blood loss.


A solid clump of blood formed when there is an injury.

Red blood cells Red blood cell As you can see in the photograph (taken with a microscope of course!), red blood cells are disc shaped and have a concave surface on each side. This increases their surface area for absorbing and transporting oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. Red blood cells are unusual in that they don’t have a nucleus or other organelles. This makes more room for haemoglobin – the red-coloured chemical that oxygen actually binds to for transport.

White blood cell


Platelets Platelets are fragments of cells – produced deliberately by your body (they aren’t simply broken cells!). The photograph here shows a platelet between a red blood cell and a white blood cell. Their role is to initiate (start off) the process of clotting at a wound, as shown in the diagram to the left. They create a clot, which blocks the injury in the blood vessel until proper healing can happen, preventing excessive blood loss.

White blood cells There are actually numerous types of white blood cell, as the photo shows, but they are all part of the immune system and fight communicable disease (disease caused by pathogens). They all have large nuclei, because they are very active cells. They can also change shape, which is useful because they can get out of the blood (through tiny gaps in the walls of capillaries) and so they can engulf microorganisms – like the photo below of a white blood cell engulfing a yeast cell.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive? Plant tissues in the leaf and transpiration Look at the key terms and definitions for the key types of plant tissue. Leaves are organs in plants that contain many of those types of tissue. Together with the stem and roots, they form an organ system for transport of substances around the plant. The photograph shows the transverse section of a leaf – a thin slice through the leaf, looking edge-on. The vein contains the xylem and phloem vessels. The stomata (singular: stoma) are the holes through which gases are exchanged. This includes water vapour. Plants absorb all their water in the roots (you’ve already looked at root hair cells), and keep water moving constantly through by losing water as vapour from the leaves. The constant flow of water up the plant is called the transpiration stream. This loss of water vapour from the leaves is called transpiration. Transpiration is sped up by: • a higher temperature, since water molecules have more kinetic energy so diffusion out of stomata is faster • Lower humidity (drier air), since there is a steeper concentration gradient if the air outside the plant is relatively drier than the air in the air spaces • Higher air flow (being windier!), since this refreshes the concentration gradient all the time, as water vapour is blown away from the leaves • Higher light intensity: this increases the rate of photosynthesis, which uses water, so water flows more rapidly up through the plant.

Key Terms



Type of plant tissue that covers the surface of a plant

Palisade mesophyll

Tissue in the leaf where photosynthesis takes place

Spongy mesophyll

Tissue in the leaf with air spaces between cells – specialised for gas exchange


Narrow tubes in the roots, stem and leaves, which transport water and mineral ions up the plant from the roots


Other tubes that run alongside xylem, but transport sugars dissolved in water instead – a process called translocation


Type of tissue found at growing tips of roots and shoots, containing stem cells so they can differentiate into different sorts of plant cell

Guard cell

In pairs, guard cells form the stomata on leaves – the holes through which gases are exchanged. They can open and close the stomata as required by the plant.


The process by which plants lose water, as vapour, from their leaves through the stomata.

Xylem and Phloem Xylem tissue is made of hollow tubes, formed from the cell walls of dead cells, and strengthened by a substance called lignin. The diagram shows their adaptations to the function of transporting water and minerals.

Stomata, guard cells and transpiration Stomata must be open at least some of the time, to allow carbon dioxide to enter the leaf for photosynthesis. However, guard cells can control how many stomata are open, and how wide open they are. This is useful in dry conditions, because the plant can conserve water instead of losing lots of it through transpiration.

Phloem, on the other hand, is a tissue made of living cells. They are elongated and stacked to form tubes. Phloem tubes transport food – dissolved sugars – made in the leaves to other parts of the plant, for use in respiration or for storage. The sugary substance they transport is called cell sap, and its transport is called translocation. Cell sap flows from one phloem cell to the next through pores (holes) in the ends of the cells.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



Regulating the internal conditions of the body in response to internal or external changes, to maintain optimum conditions for the body’s functioning

Endocrine system

The network of hormone-producing glands in the body. Hormones are chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream to their target tissues.

Blood glucose

Glucose (a simple sugar) is transported in the blood, as all cells require it for respiration. The concentration of blood glucose must be kept within very tight limits at all times.


A change in the environment, detected by a receptor cell. E.g. light, sound, chemicals (smells and tastes), pressure, pain, temperature etc.


A nerve is just a collection of many nerve cells; nerve cells are called neurones. Neurones transmit (carry) information as electrical impulses.

Homeostasis Unless chemical and physical conditions in the body are kept within strict limits, cells die. Thus, our bodies constantly and automatically regulate the internal conditions in the body to maintain optimum functions. This regulation is called homeostasis. It is vital for proper enzyme functioning, and indeed all cell functions. Some factors that need controlling by homeostasis in the human body: • Blood glucose concentration • Body temperature • Water levels • Nitrogen levels.

The regulation that takes place can be carried out by the nervous system, the endocrine system (which produces hormones), or a combination of the two. These automatic control systems we use for homeostasis all include: - Receptor cells – these detect changes in the environment. Changes are called stimuli. - Coordination centres – these receive information from receptor cells (electrical or chemical information) and process the information. Examples include the brain, spinal cord and pancreas. - Effectors – these are muscles or glands, which carry out the responses as directed by the control centre. Muscles contract and glands release chemicals, such as hormones.

The human nervous system The nervous system is a network of neurones (nerve cells), bundled into nerves. It includes the nerves all over the body and the central nervous system, which consists of the brain and spinal cord. The nervous system allows us to react to the surroundings and control our behaviour. It can act involuntarily (in reflexes) or voluntarily.

The reflex arc and reflex actions Reflex actions, for instance pulling your hand away from a pain stimulus, follow a simple pathway. 1. The receptor detects the stimulus and passes electrical impulses along the sensory neurone to the CNS (the spinal cord part, in this case). 2. There is a junction (tiny gap) between the sensory neurone and the relay neurone called a synapse. Here, a chemical is released that diffuses across the gap and causes an electrical impulse to pass along the relay neurone. 3. There is another synapse between the relay neurone and the motor neurone, again a chemical is released that causes the electrical impulse to pass along the motor neurone. 4. The impulse arrives at the effector – in this example, a muscle that contracts to pull your hand away from the source of pain. stimulus

sensory neurone


spinal cord

Information from receptors, in the form of electrical impulses, passes along neurones to the central nervous system (CNS for short); the CNS coordinates the response by transmitting electrical impulses to the effectors (see above). A reflex arc causes reflex actions, which are rapid and automatic (automatic because they don’t involve the conscious part of the brain).

effector (muscle, in this case)

motor neurone

relay neurone

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive?

Key Terms



A large chemical released by an endocrine gland; hormones have target tissues/organs and they produce an effect when they reach them.

The human endocrine system

Target organ/tissue

The destination of a hormone and the place where the effect caused by the hormone actually happens.


The proper term for ‘release’ of a chemical in the body, such as a hormone from an endocrine gland.


The hormone released by the pancreas that lowers blood glucose concentration, by making cells take in glucose from the blood.


Large chemical, made from glucose, that acts as a store of glucose in liver and muscle cells.

Pituitary gland

The ‘master gland’ of the endocrine system, since, through its hormone release, it can make other endocrine glands release hormones.

Hormones are released by endocrine glands directly into the bloodstream so they can be transported to a target organ or tissue and cause an effect. In comparison with the nervous system, the effects caused by the endocrine system are slower but act for longer. The hormones themselves are large chemical molecules. The most important endocrine gland is the pituitary gland – think of it as a master gland that secretes many hormones that act on other endocrine glands, which then release hormones of their own. Learn the positions of the endocrine glands indicated on the diagram.

Testes Diabetes Diabetes is a group of disorders where blood glucose cannot be properly regulated by the body, which is potentially very dangerous. There are two types, with different causes and treatments. More on this in topic 13: how do organisms get sick?

Controlling blood glucose concentration The monitoring and control of blood glucose concentration are both carried out by the pancreas. When blood glucose concentration rises (for instance, soon after eating), the pancreas detects this and releases the hormone insulin. Insulin causes glucose to move out of the blood and into cells. In particular, muscle and liver cells take in glucose and convert it to a much bigger molecule called glycogen for storage, rather than keeping it as glucose in their cytoplasm. This, obviously, lowers the blood glucose concentration back down to what it should be. HT: when blood glucose concentration drops too low, the pancreas detects this and releases a different hormone: glucagon. Glucagon causes muscle and liver cells to convert glycogen back into glucose and release it into the blood. This obviously raises the blood glucose concentration back up. Therefore, using insulin and glucagon, the pancreas can keep your blood glucose concentration within very tight limits – an excellent example of homeostasis.

HT: negative feedback Negative feedback is an important concept in homeostasis. Secretion of hormones is stimulated by a change from the normal level of a condition in the body. The hormone brings the condition back under control, so its release is no longer stimulated. In a round about way, hormones end up preventing their own release – this is called negative feedback. The diagram shows this in general. The level of many hormones can be controlled in this way. Thyroxine, secreted by the thyroid gland, is controlled by negative feedback, for example. Thyroxine stimulates the basal metabolic rate – the baseline for the speed of chemical reactions in the body. This is important in growth and development. Another hormone you need to know about is adrenaline. This is released by the adrenal glands when you are scared or stressed. It increases the heart rate, increasing the delivery of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles. This prepares the body for ‘fight or flight’ – combat or running away.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 8: How do Organisms Stay Alive? Controlling water and nitrogen balance in the body Maintaining water levels in the body is essential for proper functioning of body cells. You must regularly ‘top up’ your water (by having a drink!), as it is constantly being lost from the body. Water is lost in these ways: • Water vapour is lost from the lungs when we exhale (breathe out) • Water (along with ions and urea) is lost from the skin in sweat • Water (along with ions and urea) is lost through the kidneys in urine. We can’t control the first two methods of water loss – you have to breathe and sweating is unavoidable (and varies according to temperature of the surroundings, of course). However, the amount of water lost in urine can be controlled – by the endocrine system. So, your body can remove excess water in the urine, or keep some water back by not putting so much in the urine.



A chemical that must be removed from the body, as it is mildly toxic. It is produced in the liver from excess (too much) amino acids. Urea contains nitrogen.


Wee! Urine contains water (in variable amounts), ions and, most importantly, urea. Urine is produced in the kidneys.


Any process that removes substances from the body.


In the kidney, filtration of the blood means large particles/cells/molecules remain in the blood (e.g. red blood cells) and small molecules go through the filter (e.g. water, ions, glucose, urea).


In the kidney, many substances are taken back into the blood even though they were just filtered out. 100% of glucose is reabsorbed (unless someone has diabetes) and most of the water and ions.

HT: urea formation and hormonal control of water level

Kidney function Kidneys produce urine in two stages: by filtration of the blood then selective reabsorption of useful substances. Only small molecules can get through the filter (which is why there aren’t any red blood cells in your urine). The kidney then reabsorbs (takes back in) the substances you need – all the glucose, many of the ions and most of the water.

Key Terms

Urea is a product made in the liver. The digestion of proteins (from the diet) results in excess amino acids which need to be excreted safely. The liver removes the amino part of the amino acids (NH3) – a process called deamination. The ammonia produced is toxic so it is immediately converted to urea in the liver cells, which is far less harmful. The urea enters the bloodstream so it can be filtered out in the kidneys.

The filter


ADH is the hormone that controls water level in the body. It is released by the pituitary gland when the water level drops (the blood is too concentrated). The target organ for ADH is the kidney – ADH causes the kidneys to reabsorb more water into the blood, so the water level increases again. The release of ADH is controlled by negative feedback.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Ions All atoms are more stable with a full outer shell of electrons. Some atoms will lose electrons to get a full outer shell: these are metals. Some atoms will gain electrons to get a full outer shell: these are non metals. An ion is an atom with a positive or negative charge, these are formed by an atom gaining or losing electrons. For example, sodium has one electron in it’s outer shell, it therefore loses one electron to form a Na+1 ion. We represent ions with square brackets around the ion and the charge in the top right corner.

The group number indicates how many electrons an atom would have to lose or gain to get a full outer shell of electrons. See below to see what ions different groups form Group

What happens to the electrons?

Charge on ions


Lose 1



Lose 2



Lose 3



Gain 3



Gain 2



Gain 1


Ionic Lattice Ionic compounds have regular structures (giant ionic lattices) in which there are strong electrostatic forces of attraction in all directions between oppositely charged ions.

Key Terms



An element which loses electrons to form positive ions

Non Metal

An element which gains electrons to form negative ions


An atom (or particle) with a positive or negative charge, due to loss or gain of electrons

Ionic Bond

A bond formed by the electrostatic attraction of oppositely charged ion


The force between a positive and negative charge.

Ionic Bonding When a metal atom reacts with a non-metal atom electrons in the outer shell of the metal atom are transferred to the non metal atom. This means the metal has a positive charge and the non metal has a negative charge. This means there is an electrostatic attraction between the two ions, this is what forms an ionic bond. Both atoms will have a full outer shell (this is the same as the structure of a noble gas) see example below of sodium chloride.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Ionic Bonding- Models There are a number of ways we can represent ionic bonding all; of these have advantages and limitations. For example all the diagrams below show ways we can represent sodium chloride 1. Dot and cross diagrams- These show clearly how the electrons are transferred. It does not, however, show the 3D lattice structure of an ionic compound or that this is a giant compound.

2. 2D ball and stick model of ionic bonding This has the advantage of showing that electrostatic forces happen between oppositely charged ions in an ionic compound. However, does not show the 3D structure of an ionic compound.

3. 3D Ball and Stick model of ionic bonding This clearly shows the 3D structure of the ionic lattice and how different ions interact with other ions in all directions to create an ionic lattice.

Key Terms


Ionic Lattice

The regular 3D arrangement of ions in an ionic compound


When the arrangement of atoms is repeated may times, with large numbers of atoms or ions


When a substance is dissolved in water

Empirical Formula

The simplest ratio of atoms in a compound

Properties of Ionic compounds Ionic compounds have high melting points, due to strong electrostatic forces between the oppositely charged ions. This means a lot of energy is required to break these bonds. For example the melting point of sodium chloride is 801 °C. Ionic compounds do not conduct electricity as a solid. They do conduct electricity if they are dissolved in water (aqueous) or in the liquid state. This is because the ions are free to move, carrying the electric charge. Empirical Formula of Ionic Compounds In sodium chloride, 1 sodium atom gives an electron to a chlorine atom, therefore the empirical formula is NaCl. However there are some examples where the ratio of atoms is not 1:1. For example when sodium bonds with oxygen, sodium only wants to lose one electron but oxygen needs to gain two. So you need two sodium atoms for every oxygen so the empirical formula is Na2O.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Covalent Bonding Covalent bonding occurs between non metals. Electrons are shared between the atoms, so that they have a full outer shell. Covalent bonds are strong and require a lot of energy to break. The simplest example is hydrogen: both hydrogen atoms have one electron in their outer shell. Therefore both hydrogen atoms share one electron each, to give them both a full outer shell, we can show this bond on a dot and cross diagram.

When drawing covalent molecules we use “dot cross diagrams� as we do with ionic compounds. It is important to represent the electrons on one atom with a dot and on the other atom with an X. The first five examples, hydrogen, chlorine, water, hydrogen chloride and ammonia (NH3) all share one electron per atom in a to make a full outer shell of electrons on each atom.

Key Terms


Covalent Bonding

Bonding between 2 (or more) atoms where electrons are shared


A substance which contains two or more covalently bonded atoms

Lone Pair

A pair of electrons that are not part of the covalent bond

The Nature of a Covalent Bond Covalent bonds are strong because there is electrostatic attraction between the electrons in the covalent bond and the positively charged nucleus. This means a lot of energy is required to break a covalent bond.

Properties of Simple Covalent Compounds

Some atoms need more than one electron to give them a full outer shell, for example oxygen needs 2 electrons to complete its outer shell. Oxygen therefore shares two electrons per atom to make a double bond. Nitrogen needs three electrons to complete its outer shell, this forms a triple bond between the two nitrogen atoms, to make a nitrogen molecule.

Simple covalent compounds have low melting points and are often gases at room temperature, for example oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although the covalent bonds between the atoms are strong, the intermolecular forces between the molecules are weak. It is very important to remember that covalent bonds are strong but the intermolecular forces are weak . This means that only a small amount of energy is required to overcome these weak forces.

Please see the next page for more properties of covalent compounds.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Properties of Covalent Compounds-Continued The size of the intermolecular force between molecules increases as the molecules get larger. This is because a force called the van der Waals force increases (you do not need to know that for GCSE). For example as you go down group 7, the boiling points increase because the molecules get larger. As you can see from the graph below, the boiling point of fluorine is -188°C and is therefore a gas at room temperature, whereas the melting point of astatine is 302°C and is therefore a solid at room temperature. This is because the intermolecular forces between the larger astatine molecules are larger than between the smaller fluorine molecules.

Key Terms



A very large molecule, made from monomers

Repeating Unit

The shortest repeating section of a polymer

Intermolecular Forces

The force of attraction between two molecules

Representing Covalent Compounds Like ionic compounds, there are variety of ways that scientists use to represent covalent compounds. 1. Dot cross diagram

There are two dot cross representations of ammonia shown above. The advantages of these diagrams are that it is very clear, which electrons are used in bonding and which are lone pairs. However it does not show the 3D structure of the molecule and this can be extremely important for scientists. 2. Ball and stick model

As well as having low melting points, covalent compounds do not conduct electricity. This is because they have no free electrons or ions and therefore there is nothing to carry the electric charge. Remember pure water does not conduct electricity, only when it has ions dissolved in it will it conduct.

A ball and stick diagram can either be 2D or 3D. While the 2D version clearly shows which atoms are bonded together, the 3D version gives the scientist more information about the 3D shape and the angles between the bonds of the molecule.

Polymers Polymers are large covalent compounds which can be many thousands of atoms in length. They are made from small molecules known as monomers. Rather than drawing out all the atoms in a polymer we draw a repeating unit which is the structure of the monomer in square brackets, with a n representing a very large number of atoms. Polymers have higher melting points than smaller covalent compounds like carbon dioxide as the intermolecular bonds are stronger. However the bonds are not as strong as they are in ionic or giant covalent compounds so the melting points are lower than those compounds.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Giant Covalent Compounds In a giant covalent structure all atoms are bonded to each other by strong covalent bonds. Giant covalent compounds have a high melting point because many strong covalent bonds need to be broken and this requires a lot of energy. There are three examples you need to know, diamond, graphite and silica (see table below) Substance


Key Terms


Giant Covalent

Giant covalent structures contain a lot of non-metal atoms, each joined to adjacent atoms by covalent bonds

Delocalised electron

An electron that is not attached to an atom


Different forms of the same element for example diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon


A molecule which contains many atoms




Each carbon is covalently bonded to four other carbons

Vey hard, very high melting point, due to strong covalent bonds. Does not conduct electricity.


Each carbon is covalently bonded to 3 other carbons, there are weak (non covalent) bonds between the layers.

High melting point, conductor of electricity due to delocalised electrons. Slippery as layers can slide over each other


Every silicon atom is bonded to 2 oxygen atoms and vice versa

High melting point

Graphene and Fullerenes There are other forms of carbon which have been discovered recently: graphene is a single layer of graphite so it is 1 atom thick. Fullerenes are molecules of carbon with hollow shapes. The most famous example is Buckminsterfullerene (C60). Fullerenes have use in drug delivery and as catalysts. Carbon nanotubes are cylinder shaped fullerenes, these are strong and are excellent conductors of both heat and electricity.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Metallic Bonding Metals form giant structures. The metal atoms form a regular pattern and the donate their outer electron to the “sea of delocalised electrons�. These electrons are free to move. The 2D structure of metallic bonding looks like this:

Key Terms


Metallic Bonding

A type of bonding which occurs only in metals


A mixture of 2 or elements, one of which is a metal (the other element may be metal or non metal)

Delocalised electron

An electron that is not attached to an atom


The ability of a material to be bent into shape.

Alloys Alloys are mixtures of 2 or more elements, one of which is a metal. Examples of alloys include brass and steel. Metals are alloyed so that the regular structure of metals is changed and the layers of ions can no longer slide over one another; therefore making it much stronger.

This would be the structure of a group 1 metal like sodium, if it were a group 2 metal like magnesium then the charge on the ions would be Mg2+.

Properties of Metals Metals are good conductors of electricity, due to the delocalised electrons, which can carry the electric charge. Metals are also good conductors of heat as the free electrons can transfer the heat energy through the metal. Metals are also malleable (bendy) as the layers of ions can easily slide over one another. This means that many pure metals are too soft for uses such as building.

Reactivity of metals When a metal reacts it forms a positive ion. The easier it is for a metal to form a positive ion, the more reactive it is. This is shown in the reactivity series; you should memorise the position of different elements:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Nanoparticles Nanoparticles have a diameter between 1 nm and 100 nm, this means they are only a few hundred atoms in size. There is a field of Science known as nanoscience which is dedicated to the study of nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are smaller much than coarse particles, which have a diameter between 1 x 10-5 m and 2.5 x 10-6 m. They are also smaller than fine particles, which are defined as having a diameter of 100 and 2500 nm. Nanoparticles have an extremely large surface area to volume ratio, this gives them a variety of useful properties.

Uses of nanoparticles The high surface area to volume ratio means nanoparticles will make excellent catalysts, see more on this in the rate of reaction topic. Nanoparticles also have many potential applications in medicine for example: • The targeted delivery of drugs- they are more easily absorbed into the body and therefore could be use to deliver drugs to specific tissues. • Making synthetic skin Nanoparticles are also used in the following items: • Silver nanoparticles have antibacterial properties. These can be used in things like clothing, deodorants and surgical masks. • Some nanoparticles are electrical conductors, these can be used to make components in very small circuit boards. • Nanoparticles are also used in cosmetics, to make them less oily • Nanoparticles are also used in sun creams, they provide better protection from UV than conventional sun creams. They also provide better skin coverage.

Key Terms



A particle between 1nm and 100nm in diameter.

Surface area to volume ratio

The surface area of a substance divided by the volume.


A unit of measurement: 1x10-9m


A substance which speeds up a reaction, without being used up.

Dangers on Nanomaterials The long term affects of nanomaterials on the body have not been well researched. For example when using suncream, nanoparticles are absorbed through the skin. The affects of long term exposure to these has not been well researched. Some people believe anything containing nanoparticles should be clearly labelled.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Reactions of Metals When a metal reacts with water it produces a metal hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The more reactive the metal is, the more vigorous the reaction. For example: Lithium + Water  Lithium Hydroxide + Hydrogen You see a similar pattern for the reaction between metals and acids however the products in these reactions are different, in this case you will make a salt and water, the salt will depend on the type of acid that you have used. Lithium + Hydrochloric Acid  Lithium Chloride + Water If sulphuric acid is used the salt made will be a sulphate, if nitric acid is used the salt will be a nitrate. Metals also react with oxygen to form metal oxides; in this reaction the metal donates electrons to the oxygen. This means the metal is oxidised as it has lost electrons. The oxygen is reduced as it has gained electrons.

Extraction of Metals A metal ore is a compound found in rock, dug out of the ground, that contains enough metal that it is economical to extract it. For example, magnesium oxide. In order for us to use the magnesium we need to extract it from the oxide. Metals more reactive than carbon are extracted from their ore using electrolysis. Metals which are less reactive than carbon are extracted from their ore using reduction (by adding carbon). Reduction is the removal of oxygen as seen in the example. Example: Iron Oxide + Carbon  Iron + Carbon Dioxide The least reactive metals such as gold and silver are found on their own—they do not form a compound. This means they do not need to be extracted from their ore.

Key Terms



The loss of electrons from an atom OR when an atom gains an oxygen atom


The opposite to oxidation, when an atom gains electrons OR when an atom loses an oxygen atom

REDOX Reaction

A reaction where one atom is oxidised and another atom is reduced

Other methods of extraction The amount of some metals is running out, this means people are finding new ways to extract metals like copper. Phytomining uses plants to absorb copper from the soil, the plants are then burnt and the copper extracted. Bioleaching involves using bacteria to make a leachate that contains metal compounds. Scrap iron can also be used to displace copper from a solution. Oxidation Reactions When working out whether a reaction is oxidation or reduction: in terms of electrons, remember OILRIG. This stands for oxidation is loss and reduction is gain. HT - Oxidation Reactions of Acids When an acid reacts with a metal a salt and hydrogen are produced. For example the symbol the symbol equation for an acid reacting with lithium is: 2Li + 2HCl  2LiCl+ H2 In this reaction, lithium has been oxidised because it has lost an electron to form a +1 ion and hydrogen has been reduced from a +1 ion to a hydrogen molecule.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Acids and Alkalis Acids produce hydrogen ions (H+) in aqueous solutions. Aqueous solutions of alkalis contain hydroxide ions (OH–). We measure the acidity of a substance using the pH scale which runs from 0-14 between 0 and 6 the substances are acidic, 7 is neutral and between 8 and 14 is alkaline. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale: a decrease of 1 on the pH scale makes a substance 10 times more acidic.

Key Terms



A substance which forms H+ ions in aqueous solution


A substance which forms OH- ions when dissolved: these are soluble bases


A reaction between an acid and an alkali making a salt and water

Strong Acid

An acid which totally dissociates in water


A substance that can neutralise an acid to make a salt and water

Neutralisation To work out the names and formulae of salts you will need to know the names and formulae of the common acids

The pH scale is a measure of H+ concentration: the lower the pH the higher the concentration of H+ ions. Neutralisation When an acid reacts with an alkali a salt and water are produced. The ionic equation for the reaction of an acid and an alkali is: H++ OH- H2O

HT - Strong and Weak Acids Acids can be defined as either a strong or weak acid a strong acid is one which fully dissociates in water for example hydrochloric acid HCl H++ClA weak acid is defined as one which only partially dissociates in water. Strong acids are not the same as concentrated acids. Concentration is the number of particles in a given volume and not how much they dissociate.


Name of salt

Ion that forms salt




Sulphuric Acid



Nitric Acid



Neutralisation When an acid reacts with an alkali it will produce salt and water, below are the general equations for different types of neutralisation reaction: Metal oxide+ Acid  Salt + Water Copper oxide +Hydrochloric Acid Copper chloride +Water CuO+ HCl CuCl2+H2O Metal carbonate + acid  Salt +Water + Carbon Dioxide Magnesium Carbonate + Sulphuric Acid  Salt +Water +Carbon Dioxide

MgCO3+ H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2O+ CO2 Metal Hydroxide + Nitric Acid  Sodium Nitrate + Water Sodium Hydroxide + Nitric Acid Sodium Nitrate + Water NaOH+ +HNO3  NaNO3+ H2O Some of the reactants (for example copper oxide) are insoluble but these can still carry out a neutralisation reaction. We call these bases not alkalis.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Neutralisation Reaction When a salt is made in a neutralisation reaction, it will either be soluble or insoluble. For example, sulphuric acid can be neutralised with copper oxide to make copper sulphate and water. The copper sulphate is soluble in water. The steps outlined below can be used to make copper sulphate: 1. Add several spatulas of copper oxide to sulphuric acid in a conical flask 2. Stir until all the sulphuric acid has reacted 3. Filter off any excess copper oxide 4. Place solution in evaporating basin 5. Allow water to evaporate and blue crystals of copper oxide should be left

Crude Oil Crude oils is a mixture of chemicals called hydrocarbons. These are chemicals that contain hydrogen and carbon only. It made from ancient biomass, mainly plankton. Crude oil straight out of the ground is not much use, as there are too many substances in it, all with different boiling points. Before we can use crude oil we have to separate it into its different substances. We do this by fractional distillation. How does fractional distillation work? · Crude oil is heated and vaporises/boils. · Vapours rise up the column, gradually cooling and condensing. · Hydrocarbons with different size molecules condense at different levels/temperatures · The crude oil is separated into a series of fractions with similar numbers of carbon atoms and boiling points. These are called fractions. As the number of carbon atoms increases: · Molecules become larger and heavier · Boiling point increases · Flammability decreases (catches fire less easily) · Viscosity increases (liquid becomes thicker)

Key Terms



A compound which contains only hydrogen and carbon (covalently bonded)

Fractional Distillation

The process where crude oil is separated into different compounds through evaporation


The ability of a liquid to flow

Fractional Distillation Column Below is a diagram of a fractionating column; you need to know the uses but not the names of each fraction:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A hydrocarbon that contains only carbon to carbon single bonds

Alkanes Crude oil is largely made up of a family of hydrocarbons called alkanes; these contain only a single (covalent) carbon to carbon bond. You can either represent alkanes with a molecular formula, e.g.:


A process where longer chain hydrocarbons are broken down into smaller more useful ones.


A hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond.


C₂H ₆



C₃H₈ Propane

C4H10 Butane

Or a displayed formula:

Alkenes These hydrocarbons have at least one double bonds between the carbon atom. The general formula for alkenes is CnH2n Alkenes are more reactive than alkanes. They react with bromine water and make it go from orange to colourless. Alkanes do not have a double bond so the bromine water stays orange.


Cracking Smaller hydrocarbons make better fuels as they are easier to ignite. However, crude oil contains a lot of longer chain hydrocarbons. To break a longer chain hydrocarbon down into a smaller one we use a process known as cracking. Cracking So large/long alkanes get CRACKED, which means they get broken in two. · They are heated, turned into a vapour and passed over a hot catalyst · Cracking produces two molecules: 1. One shorter (useful as a fuel) alkane 2. One alkene (used to make polymers). Summary Long Chain Alkane  Short Chain Alkane + Alkene C10H22  C8H18 + C 2H4

Cracking Experimental set up for cracking:

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A hydrocarbon that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond.

Alkenes A second family of hydrocarbons is alkanes; these contain at least one double (covalent) carbon to carbon bond. The general formula for alkenes is CnH2n Alkenes are unsaturated as there is room for 2 more hydrogens around some of the carbons. You need to know the names and structures of the first 4 alkenes. You can either represent alkanes with a molecular formula, e.g.:


A compound that contains at least one carbon to carbon double bond. An alkene is an example of something that is unsaturated.

Addition Reaction

A chemical reaction where an element or compound is added across a a double bond.

C2H₄ Ethene

C3H ₆




C5H10 Propene

Alkenes Alkenes undergo addition reactions, this is where another element or compound is added across the double bond. Below is an example of bromine being added across a double bond:

Or a displayed (structural) formula:

Bromine could be replaced in this equation with another halogen, hydrogen or water. The same type of reaction would take place, however the products formed would be different. For example, the reaction of ethene with water.





Nickel catalyst, 60ºC.



Steam, high temperature, high pressure. Phosphoric acid catalyst



Halogens in solution for example bromine water


Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials Addition Polymers Plastics are materials made from polymers, which are long chain molecules containing covalent bonds. Polymers are made by joining monomers together. Monomers have to have a carbon to carbon double bond.This happens when one of the bonds in a double bond is broken and the monomer joins to the next one, making a long chain. The name of a polymer comes from putting poly- in front of the name of the monomer. This type of polymerisation is known as addition polymerisation. Different monomers will give polymers with different properties.

To represent polymers we use a repeating unit. As the polymers are typically many thousands of carbon atoms long we use an n to represent a large number.

Key Terms


Addition Polymer

An addition polymer is a polymer which is formed by an addition reaction, where many monomers bond together with no loss of atoms or molecules.


A molecule that can be bonded to other molecules to form a polymer. An alkene is an example.

Repeating Unit

A repeating unit is a part of a polymer whose repetition would produce the complete polymer chain.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A family of chemicals containing a C-OH functional group

Alcohols Another family of chemicals are alcohols. They are similar in structure to alkanes except that one of the C-H bonds is replaced with a C-OH. To name an alcohol, you user the same system as naming an alkane except the –ane section is replaced by –ol for example methanol.

Carboxylic acid

A family of chemicals containing a group.


When bacteria or yeast is used to break down a chemical.


Reactions and uses of Alcohols The first four alcohols are flammable and this means that they will undergo complete combustion in air making carbon dioxide and water. This means they make very good fuels. Unlike carboxylic acids alcohols will not form acids when dissolved in water. Alcohols with react with metal producing hydrogen gas. Alcohols are also excellent solvents, which means they are useful in the chemical industry. Alcohols can be oxidised to carboxylic acids They can react with carboxylic acids to form esters. Carboxylic Acids Another family of chemicals are carboxylic acids. They contain a COOH functional group. To name carboxylic acids you add –oic acid to the end of the name. For example ethanoic acid. Carboxylic acids can be made from the oxidation of an alcohol.

Making ethanol There are two techniques for making ethanol: 1. Fermentation 2. Hydration of ethane (see page on alkenes) Process





Sugar and yeast (anaerobic respiration) produces ethanol

Uses plants so is renewable, carbon neutral. Needs low temp 37˚C

Slow, relies on crops

Hydration of ethene

Ethene reacted with steam at a high temp and pressure

Fast, produces ethanol in large quantities

Ethene from crude oil is non renewable. Lots of energy required

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



A family of chemicals containing the group

Reactions and properties of carboxylic acids When dissolved in water carboxylic acids will form a weak acid. This means they will partially dissociate. This means that they will undergo similar reactions to other acid, for example, they will react with a metal to form hydrogen gas, they will also react with a metal carbonate to form carbon dioxide.

Condensation Reaction

A reaction when two molecules make a larger molecule and a smaller molecule, usually water.


An alcohol which contains 2 C-OH groups

Condensation Polymer

A polymer that has been formed through a condensation reaction

An alcohol and a carboxylic acid will react together to form an ester. This reaction needs to be done with a strong acid catalyst present, for example concentrated sulphuric acid.


Condensation Polymers There is a second type of polymer which is known as a condensation polymer. These are formed from a condensation reaction. For condensation polymerisation to occur, you need to have reagents that have the correct functional groups at both ends of the molecule. For example to make a polyester, you will need, a diol and a diacid.

This is known as a condensation reaction as two molecules have reacted to make a larger molecule and a small molecule. This small molecule is usually water but can be other small molecules.

Esters Esters are chemicals with the following functional group:

Esters have a pleasant smell this means they are used in many artificial scents and flavours.

The R in the diagram above just represents the rest of the molecule, to make different sorts of polyester, you simply change the R group. Below is an example showing the formation of one type of polyester.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms


Amino Acid

A molecule which contains a carboxyl and amino group.

Condensation Polymers Other examples of condensation polymers include proteins. These are polymers of amino acids. Amino acids contain two functional groups, a carboxyl group and an amino group. Below is the diagram of two amino acids, alanine and glycine:

Peptide bond

A bond formed between an amino and carboxyl group.

Carboxylic acid group

DNA DNA is made up of a nucleotide strands with bases to form the double helix structure. The nucleotide strands (sugar phosphate backbones) are condensation polymers.

Amine group

The carboxyl acid can react with the amino group on another amino acid molecule. This will form a peptide bond and as this reaction continues a large polypeptide or protein will form. Sugars can also form condensation polymers. For example glucose can be stored as glycogen, a polymer. Plants also make a polymer called cellulose to make their cell walls.

Proteins form molecules like enzymes, haemoglobin and a wide variety of body tissues.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials The Atmosphere For 200 million years, the amount of different gases in the atmosphere have been much the same as they are today: • 78% nitrogen • 21% oxygen • The atmosphere also contains small proportions of various other gases, including carbon dioxide, water vapour and noble gases. The Greenhouse Effect The Earth has a layer of gases called the Greenhouse layer. These gases, which include carbon dioxide, methane and water vapour, maintain the temperature on Earth high enough to support life.

Key Terms


Greenhouse Layer

The layer of gases which absorb infra red radiation emitted from the Earth

The Evolution of the Atmosphere Scientists are not sure about the gases in the early atmosphere, as it was so long ago (4.6 billion years) and the lack of evidence. Many scientists believe the early atmosphere was made up of mainly carbon dioxide, water vapour and small amounts of methane, ammonia and nitrogen, released by volcanoes. There was little or no oxygen around at this time. The early Earth was very hot, but as it cooled the water vapour in the atmosphere condensed and formed the oceans. As the oceans formed, carbon dioxide dissolved in the ocean. The carbon dioxide formed carbonates and precipitated out (formed solids). This process reduced the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Approximately 2.7 billion years ago, plants and algae evolved. This decreased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere.

The greenhouse layer allows the short wave infrared radiation emitted by the Sun to pass through it but absorbs the long wave infra red radiation which is emitted by the Earth. This is how it insulates the Earth.

When sea animals evolved they used the carbon dioxide in the ocean to form their shells and bones (which are made of carbonates). When these sea creatures died their shells and bones became limestone (calcium carbonate), which is a sedimentary rock.

Some human activities increase the amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These include:

Once enough oxygen was in the atmosphere, it could support animals, which carry out respiration. These processes have caused the levels of gases in the atmosphere to be where they are today.

• combustion of fossil fuels • deforestation • methane release from farming • more animal farming (digestion, waste decomposition)

Changes in the atmosphere Recent activity by humans has changed the composition of the atmosphere. Combustion of fossil fuels has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as other harmful gases such as nitrous oxides, which are made by nitrogen reacting with oxygen in the air. Sulphur is also present in many fuels, this has increased the amount of sulphur dioxide which causes acid rain. Carbon particles can also released as can carbon monoxide from incomplete combustion.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect In the last 100 years humans have added to the greenhouse layer through combustion of fossil fuels, increased farming and deforestation. Many scientists believe this has lead to a rise in global temperature.

However, this is such a complex system that misunderstandings of it can lead to inaccurate or biased opinions being reported in the media. Consequences of Climate Change An increase in average global temperature is a major cause of climate change. The potential effects of global climate change include: • sea level rise, which may cause flooding and increased coastal erosion • more frequent and severe storms • changes in the amount, timing and distribution of rainfall • water shortages for humans and wildlife • changes in the food producing capacity of some regions • changes to the distribution of wildlife species. Students should be able to discuss the scale, risk and environmental implications of global climate change. Waste water and Sewage Water water from houses and farming needs to be treated before it can be released into rivers and lakes. It is firstly filtered to remove large particles and is then left so that the sediment drops to the bottom. The “sludge,” this is the name given to the sediment at the bottom, is then anaerobically digested (broken down by bacteria) to make methane gas. Any remaining effluent is broken down by aerobic respiration. The water is then released back into the rivers and lakes.

Key Terms


Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released over the life of a product

Carbon Neutral

There is no net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Carbon Footprint The carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released over the life of a product. Many people or businesses look to reduce their carbon footprint by: • increased use of alternative energy supplies • energy conservation • carbon capture and storage • carbon taxes and licences People also try to offset their carbon by planting trees. If something is carbon neutral, this means that there is no net increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere when it is used.

Water Water of appropriate quality is essential for life. For humans, drinking water should have low levels of dissolved salts and microbes. Water that is safe to drink is called potable water. The methods used to produce potable water depend on available supplies of water and local conditions. In the United Kingdom (UK), rain provides water with low levels of dissolved substances (fresh water) that collects in the ground and in lakes and rivers, and most potable water is produced by: • passing the water through filter beds to remove any solids • sterilising to kill microbes, using chlorine or UV light In some parts of the world there is not enough fresh water so the salt has to be removed from water. This process is called desalination. Desalination can be done by distillation or reverse osmosis. This requires a large amount of energy.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 10: Structure, Bonding and Materials

Key Terms



An evaluation of the environmental impact a product had over its lifetime

LCAs Life cycle assessments (LCAs) are carried out to assess the environmental impact of products in each of these stages of a products life: 1. extracting and processing raw materials 2. manufacturing and packaging 3. use and operation during its lifetime 4. disposal at the end of its useful life, including transport and distribution at each stage.

Recycling Many of the Earth’s resources are finite: for example, metals and crude oil. It is therefore vital we recycle resources. The processes for extracting these materials are often high energy and damaging to the environment.

Some things for example the energy required to make the product are easy to measure. However some things like how much pollution it releases are hard to measure and therefore difficult to give a value to.

Some products, such as glass bottles, can be reused. Glass bottles can be crushed and melted to make different glass products. Other products cannot be reused and so are recycled for a different use.

Example of an LCA

Plastic Bag

Paper Bag

Raw Material

Crude Oil


Manufacturing and Packaging

Made form crude oil by fractional distillation, then cracking and polymerisation, high energy process. Little waste as other fractions are used for other things

Made by pulping timber. Lots of waste, high energy process

Use of product

Has multiple uses, can be reused.

Usually only used once.


Can be recycled but are not biodegradable

Can be recycled and are biodegradable

Metals can be recycled by melting and recasting or reforming into different products.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



A wave transfers energy from one place to another, and can also carry information. All waves involve movements or oscillations, allowing energy to be transferred without particles having to flow or travel from one place to another.


Vibrations or movements. These movements are of particles in mechanical waves, or of the electromagnetic field when it comes to electromagnetic waves.


At right angles to.


The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a point on the wave from the undisturbed position. Translated: the distance from a peak or trough to the ‘midline’ of the wave.


The distance from a point on one wave to the equivalent point on the next wave along. This is easiest to measure at the distance from the centre of one area of compression to the next (longitudinal waves) or the distance from peak to peak (transverse waves). Symbol: Îť


The frequency of a wave is the number of complete waves that pass a point per second. Symbol: f


The period, or time period, of a wave is the time it takes to complete a full wave. Symbol: T


Meanings of terms in equation

Types Of Wave You can see waves easily in the sea, or if a tap is dripping into a sink of water. However, waves are far more common than just that. Waves can be mechanical, which means they involve particles moving, or oscillating, such as waves in the sea or sound waves in the air. Or, they can be electromagnetic, which don’t involve any particles oscillating – instead, EM waves involve vibrations or oscillations of the electromagnetic field. All waves involve the transfer of energy. The other way of defining types of wave is whether they are longitudinal or transverse. Which one they are depends on the direction of the oscillations compared to the direction of energy transfer by the wave. • In transverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer. • In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer. They show areas of compression and rarefaction – see diagram.


Examples: ALL electromagnetic waves are transverse. Mechanical waves can be either longitudinal or transverse. For instance: sound waves are mechanical and are longitudinal. Ripples in water are mechanical waves, and are transverse.

Direction of energy transfer



Longitudinal wave


Transverse wave

Particles Don’t Travel, But The Wave Does. Particles Just Oscillate. An easy way to see that the particles aren’t travelling but the wave is (so energy is being transferred): put a rubber duck in a tank of water where waves are moving across. The duck goes up and down, just like the water particles (oscillations perpendicular to direction of energy transfer, remember), while the waves move across. With longitudinal waves, you can tell the particles aren’t flowing either – just oscillate. When you speak, you don’t breathe into someone else’s ear! Also, when a tuning fork is vibrating to produce a sound wave, it doesn’t create a vacuum around it due to air particles travelling away.

1 đ?‘“

T = time period (seconds, s) f = frequency (hertz, Hz)

đ?‘Ł = đ?‘“đ?œ†

v = wave speed (m/s) f = frequency (Hz) Îť = wavelength (metres, m)



The Wave Equation The equation is directly above. You could measure the speed of sound in air, with a long distance between you and a friend. They make a loud noise (you start your clock when you see them do it) and you time how long it takes to get to you. Just use distance/time to calculate the speed.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



Rebounding of a wave from a surface. The angle between the incident (in-going) wave and the normal is the same as the angle between the reflected wave and the normal.


Changing direction of a wave due to a change in the medium it is travelling through.


‘Taking in’ energy from a wave and transferring it to another form, usually heat. For instance, you warming up if you lie in the sunshine (revising science, of course).


A wave travelling through a material. Right now, visible light waves are being transmitted through the air to your eyes.


Singular ‘medium’. The medium is the material through which a wave travels.


A ‘construction line’ (made up line to help with diagram drawing) at right angles to a surface at the point where the wave hits the surface.

Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves) EM waves are always transverse waves. They transfer energy from the source of the waves to an absorber – object that absorbs the wave. EM waves occur all over the universe naturally, and we can produce them ourselves for all sorts of uses. EM waves all travel at the same velocity through empty space (a vacuum) – at what we call the speed of light. However, the wavelength of EM waves varies from a few kilometres to wavelengths even smaller than an atom. The EM waves form a continuous spectrum, but for convenience we’ve grouped the infinite types of waves into seven groups of wavelengths, based on their properties. Learn the order of EM waves in the EM spectrum. Notice that a longer wavelength equates to a lower frequency and vice versa – this is clear from the wave equation.

HT: More On Refraction

Visible light is the only kind of EM wave we can detect with our eyes (hence the name). Thus, we can only detect a limited range of EM waves without special equipment. However, it is easy to understand examples of how EM waves transfer energy. If you are standing in front of a fire, you feel the warmth thanks to infrared. Getting sunburn is due to the transfer of energy by ultraviolet waves from the Sun. Using Wi-Fi means a transfer of energy by microwaves.

Refraction is due differences in the velocity of the waves in difference media. The diagram shown here represents the wave fronts. The wave slows down as it enters medium 2, but the near edge slows first. The other end is faster, as it is still in medium 1. This is what causes the ‘bending’ of the wave towards the normal.

Properties Of EM Waves All EM waves can be reflected, refracted, absorbed or transmitted depending on the wavelength of the EM wave and the medium they are travelling through, or surface they are reaching. Reflection is shown in the ray diagram far right – the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection for any ray of light. Refraction occurs when a wave changes the medium it is travelling through. Refraction is a change in direction of the wave, and it happens at the boundary, or junction, between the media – for instance, the surface of a sheet of glass would be the boundary between the glass and the air. You need to be able to draw diagrams to show refraction, like the example opposite. Notice that the light ray refracts towards the normal as it enters the glass (this is because it slows down), and refracts away from the normal as it leaves the glass (it speeds back up), ending up parallel to the original ray in air.

Reflection – an image forms behind the mirror (a virtual image)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves): Producing Them EM waves can be generated by changes in atoms or the nuclei of atoms. For instance, gamma rays are produced due to changes in the nucleus of an atom (nuclear decay – more on this in a later topic). HT: radio waves can be produced by oscillations in electrical circuits. This is how a TV/radio broadcast is produced. It is received (e.g. by your TV aerial) by another electrical circuit; the radio waves create an alternating current with the same frequency as the radio wave itself. More on alternating current in the electricity topic – but it is enough to say for now that it involves oscillations.

Dangers Of EM Waves Ultraviolet waves, X-rays and gamma rays are potentially dangerous types of EM waves, since they can have hazardous effects on human tissues. How severe the effects are depends on the type of radiation and the size of the dose received.

Key Terms


Radiation dose

The risk of harm due to exposure to radiation.


Receiving and absorbing radiation (by the body).


The measure of radiation dose. As with the usual prefix: 1000 millisieverts (mSv) = 1 sievert (Sv)


Describes radiation that forms ions by ‘knocking’ electrons off atoms to make ions.


Type of disease caused by specific mutations to DNA, resulting in cells dividing out of control (making a tumour).

Applications Using EM Waves It is not exaggerating to say that EM waves dominate our technology and our lives. Here are some examples of the practical applications of EM waves: • •

Doses of radiation are measured according to how great the risk of harm to the body is. The radiation dose, or danger due to exposure to radiation, is measured in sieverts (Sv). A specific risk due to exposure to ultraviolet waves: they cause skin to prematurely age and increase the risk of skin cancer. X-rays and gamma rays are ionising types of radiation. This means they can damage DNA, causing mutations and therefore increasing the risk of cancer.

• • • •

Radio waves: used for television, radio and Bluetooth. A signal carried by radio waves can get from a transmitting mast to a receiver by being reflected off a layer in the atmosphere. Microwaves: obviously, cooking food, but also communication with satellites and mobile phones; Wi-Fi internet. Unlike radio waves, microwaves can pass through the atmosphere (see diagram bottom left). In microwave ovens, the microwaves cause the water particles in the food to vibrate, heating it up. Infrared: electrical heaters, cooking food, infrared cameras. All objects emit infrared, but hotter objects emit more. An infrared camera detects infrared instead of visible light, so it can see hotter objects in the dark – night vision. Visible light: fibre optic communication (like the best broadband). Optical fibres reflect pulses of light all the way along their length. The pulses of light transmit the information. Ultraviolet: sun tanning beds… however, look at the dangers of UV in the other box. X-rays: both medical imaging for diagnosis (like broken bones) and medical treatments. X-rays can pass through soft tissue (like muscle), but not bone. That’s why an X-ray image works to show up bones, and any breaks. Gamma rays: used in medical treatments such as radiotherapy.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



A curved piece of transparent material (like glass) used to produce images of objects.

Convex lens (symbol -)

A lens that is fatter in the middle than the edges. It causes parallel rays of light heading for the lens to refract so they come together at the focal point/principal focus. We say the rays of light converge. See diagram.

Concave lens (symbol -)

A lens that is fatter at the edges than the middle. It causes parallel rays of light heading for the lens to refract so they spread apart, or diverge.


The thing you look at through a lens.


The way the object looks when viewed through a lens.

Principal focus

The point near a lens where the rays of light converge (for a convex lens) OR the point where they look like they come from (for a concave lens).

Principal axis

Line through the middle of the lens. Rays of light travelling along the principal axis don’t refract – they go straight through the lens.


Bring together.


Spread apart.

Real image

An image produced by converging rays of light.

Virtual image

An image produced by diverging rays of light.

Lenses Lenses are curved bits of glass. They refract light coming from an object to produce an image. How the image looks depends on the type of lens and where the object is positioned relative to the lens. You can work out how the image looks (e.g. bigger/smaller than the object) by drawing ray diagrams, which are drawn to show the whole situation from the side. There are just a few simple rules to follow: • • •

To produce your image, draw rays of light from the top of the object. Two rays will do: wherever they cross is where the top of the image will be. The first ray goes from the top of the object through the centre of the lens. It does not refract, because this is already the shortest route through the medium. Draw the next ray from the top of the object to the lens parallel with the principal axis. At the lens, it refracts. ďƒ˜ For a convex lens, the ray refracts to go through the focal point. Keep it going until it crosses the other ray. If it won’t meet your first ray, a virtual image will form. Follow both of the rays back behind the lens until they cross – this produces a magnified virtual image. ďƒ˜ For a concave lens, the ray refracts ‘outwards’ – it diverges. It should continue as though it came from the focal point, which is behind the lens. This makes it virtual – because it looks like it came from somewhere it didn’t.

There are three example diagrams – you’ll see they follow these rules.

Types of image Meanings of terms in equation

Equation Images produced by convex lenses can be real or virtual, depending on where the object is placed relative to the lens. Images produced by concave lenses are always virtual, because the image forms from diverging rays. Convex lenses magnify objects if the object is closer to the lens than the focal point. You already know about magnification, but you can work it out from ray diagrams too – measure the image and object height in matched units and divide. See equation.

đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘›đ?‘–đ?‘“đ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘œđ?‘› =

đ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘”đ?‘’ â„Žđ?‘’đ?‘–đ?‘”â„Žđ?‘Ą đ?‘œđ?‘?đ?‘—đ?‘’đ?‘?đ?‘Ą â„Žđ?‘’đ?‘–đ?‘”â„Žđ?‘Ą

Magnification has no unit Heights must be in matched unit (e.g. mm)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms


Specular reflection

Reflection of light from a smooth surface in a single direction

Visible light

Diffuse reflection

Reflection of light from a rough surface in many directions. The light is ‘scattered’.


Object that is not transparent, so it does not transmit light. It reflects (some) light instead.


Object that transmits all light wavelengths. See-through.


Object that transmits some light, so not totally see-through, but partially.


When talking about infrared radiation, we refer to objects as bodies.

Black body

A hypothetical perfect absorber and emitter of radiation.

We can only see a miniscule proportion of the EM spectrum. The visible light part of the spectrum is divided into narrow bands of frequencies (and therefore wavelengths) that we see as different colours. We can separate mixtures of colours of light (e.g. white light, which is a mixture of all colours) using filters. These work by absorbing certain wavelengths of light by allowing others through (transmitting them). This is shown on the diagram. The colour of an opaque object depends on which wavelengths of visible light it absorbs, and which it reflects. Whichever it reflects, that’s the colour it looks. If it reflects all colours, the object looks white. If it doesn’t reflect any, but absorbs them all, it looks black.

Infrared radiation All objects (called ‘bodies’ in this topic!), at any temperature, will emit and absorb infrared radiation. The hotter the object, the more infrared radiation it radiates per second (or per minute, or whatever). The amount of infrared also depends on the colour of the object/body. Black surfaces are better absorbers and emitters than pale coloured surfaces. In theory (but not real life), there exist perfect black bodies, which absorbs ALL the radiation that hits it. These perfect black bodies would also be the best possible emitters of radiation. Although they don’t really exist, black bodies are helpful models for understanding infrared radiation. •

Any body/object at a constant temperature is absorbing and emitting radiation at the same rate (because otherwise its temperature would change). If it absorbs radiation at a faster rate than it is emitted, then the body warms up. Increasing the temperature of a body increases the intensity of the radiation it emits increases (as already stated), but the intensity of the shorter wavelengths increases faster than the others (as shown on the graph). This is why, if you get something hot enough, it will glow with visible light. We can model the Earth as a black body, absorbing infrared radiation from the Sun and emitting it back into space. If this is in perfect balance, the temperature of the Earth stays exactly the same. Awkwardly, however, the emission of infrared radiation back into space is being disturbed somewhat by greenhouse gases.

Black body radiation The graph shows the distribution of wavelengths of radiation emitted by a body at four different temperatures (shown on the Kelvin scale). The peak emission shifts into the visible part of the spectrum if the body is hot enough. At everyday temperatures, bodies don’t glow because they simply aren’t hot enough to emit in that part of the spectrum.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 12: Waves

Key Terms



Material a wave is travelling through (or being transmitted through). Plural = media.

Sound waves


Anything relating to hearing or parts of the ear.

Sound waves a longitudinal waves caused by vibrations in matter. Sound waves can travel through solid, liquid or gas media, but not in vacuum because there is no matter (no particles) to actually vibrate.


Sounds too high in pitch to be heard (higher frequency than 20 kHz)

Seismic waves

Vibrations caused by earthquakes that travel through the Earth

P – waves

Longitudinal seismic waves

S – waves

Transverse seismic waves


Reflection of a sound (including ultrasound)

We hear sound waves because the vibrations travel in the air into our ears, and cause the eardrum to vibrate. In turn, this transmits the vibrations to the inner ear where the vibrations cause electrical impulses, which travel along the auditory nerves to the brain. However, this conversion of vibrations in the air to vibrations in the solid of our eardrum only happens over a certain range of frequencies of vibration. As a result, some sounds are too low pitched for us to hear and some are too high pitched. The human auditory range is 20 – 20 000 Hz. Sounds with a higher frequency than 20 000 Hz (20 kHz) are called ultrasound.

Using waves for detection and exploration… Ultrasound is useful for detection – finding things that you can’t directly see. It can be used for medical diagnosis (such as scans of a foetus), for finding things in a medium – e.g. cracks in a solid block, or shoals of fish in the sea, or where the bottom of the sea is. This works because ultrasound is partially reflected when there is a change in medium (some ultrasound waves continue through). By detecting the waves reflected – or echoed – back, you can work out how far away the boundary between the two media is. This can be calculated if you know the speed of the ultrasound and the time it takes to reflect back – use s = vt. See diagram. Seismic waves are produced by earthquakes, and they can be detected. There are two kinds: S-waves and P-waves, with different properties, as shown on diagram. This is very helpful, because they provide evidence that there is a liquid outer core to the Earth, and evidence that the mantle is solid – fantastic news, because no-one can dig down to find these structures. So waves help us explore the deep structure of the Earth.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Designing Experiments

Key Terms



A set of results that can be found again by someone else if they carry out the same method

Variables When designing experiments, there are three types of variable that we need to consider. The dependent variable is what we measure, the independent variable is what we change in the experiment. And the control variables are the variables we keep the same. For example, consider the investigation below: How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate at which magnesium reacts? I.V- Concentration of Hydrochloric acid D.V- Rate of Reaction C.Vs- Volume of acid, mass of magnesium, temperature of acid.


Results that you can find if you do the same test again – it shows the result wasn’t just a random finding.

Independent variable

The variable YOU change to find out its effect on the DV

Dependent variable

The variable you MEASURE to see how it changes

Control variable

Any variable that you must keep the SAME in your investigation, to ensure it doesn’t affect the DV


The smallest measurable change by a piece of apparatus

Reproducibility, repeatability and validity Experiments should always be repeatable, reproducible and valid. Reproducibility means that if someone were to follow your method, they would get a similar pattern in their results.

Random Error

An unpredictable error which could be caused by human error in measurement

Systematic Error

An error in measurement that is the same every time .

An experiment is repeatable if the same person completes the same experiment , following the same method , with the same equipment and they achieve similar results. To ensure that your results are repeatable you should complete the experiment at least three times

Resolution The resolution of apparatus is the smallest measurable change by that piece of apparatus. For example some balances will only measure to the nearest 1 gram whereas others will measure to the nearest 0.1gram. We say the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g has a higher resolution. Therefore using equipment of higher resolution will improve the accuracy of your investigation.

Valid results are repeatable and reproducible. Error When doing practical work you will come across error. This can cause anomalous results i.e. a result which does fit the expected pattern. There are three types of error that could effect your results: 1. Random error- this error is unpredictable and can be caused by things like human error when measuring . Repeating an experiment three times can minimise the effect of random errors and will allow you to spot anomalous results. 2. Systematic error- this is an error in your measurement and will be the same every time you do a repeat .For example if you read a length from the end of a ruler rather than from 0. Doing repeats will NOT prevent systematic error. 3. Zero error -this is a type of systematic error, for example if a balance does not read 0g when you add a substance to it, you will need to take this into account when weighing chemicals.

When selecting equipment to use in your experiment you should select equipment with an appropriate resolution. For example if your experiment requires you to weigh 2.3 g of a substance out you will need to use the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g Accuracy and Precision Consider the set of results below: Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Time (s)

Time (s)













We want our experiments to be accurate and precise. If a measurement is accurate it is close to its true value. If a measurement is precise the results ‘cluster’ closely. For example experiment 1 is more precise than experiment 2. Precision can be improved by taking readers at smaller intervals .

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Results Tables When drawing a results table the following things are good practice:: 1. Show all repeat measurements 2. Include the units in the headings 3. When calculating means ensure you quote to an appropriate number of significant figures 4. Circle anomalies and discount these when calculating a mean For example:

Concentration of acid (M)

Time taken for reaction to complete (s)

Mean (s)


























Key Terms



The amount of error your measurements might have


The total of the values divided by the number of values


The middle value in a set of data


The most commonly occurring value in a set of data



����� 2

Uncertainty There will always be some uncertainty in the results you collect, there are two main reasons for this. When you repeat an experiment you often get different results, this is due to random error. The resolution of your equipment will also cause uncertainty. There will therefore be a degree of uncertainty in your mean. For example take the two sets of results below:

Time for a piece of magnesium to disappear in 2M HCL (s)

The table above shows how a results tables should be drawn. However, there is one mistake. If you look at the mean in the row for 0.3 M, you will see it has been calculated to 9 significant figures , however the equipment we used only had a resolution to 3 significant figures. You can not quote a mean to greater level of accuracy than you measured it to in the experiment. Therefore this mean would need to be rounded 66.9, this causes uncertainty in results. See later for how to calculate uncertainty.

Mean, mode and median For some sets of data it is appropriate to calculate the mean, mode and median. To calculate the mean you add all the values in the data and then divide by the number of values. For example in the table above for 0.1 M the mean was calculated by (102.1+105.6+103.4)/3. The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a data set. The median is the middle value in a data set.





Experiment 1





Experiment 2





We can calculate the uncertainty in the mean of the two experiments by dividing the range of results by 2: Experiment 1= 0.5/2= +/-0.25s Experiment 2= 4/2= +/-2s Experiment 1 therefore is more precise than experiment 2. This is partly because they used a stopwatch with a higher resolution. Increasing the quantity of something can help to reduce the uncertainty. For example in the table above, if I had used a larger piece of magnesium, then it would have taken longer to disappear and this could reduce the percentage uncertainty.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Continuous vs Discontinuous data Discontinuous data can only take certain values for example eye colour and blood group, these should be plotted on a bar graph.

Key Terms



Data which take any value for example temperature


Data which can only take certain values for example blood group


The relationship between 2 variables

Correlation You can describe the relationship between 2 variables in terms of their correlation (how they are related to each other). There are three types of correlation : 1. Positive correlation- as one variable increases so does the other one 2. Negative correlation -as one variable increase the other decreases 3. No correlation- there is no relationship between the variables

Continuous data can take any value ,for example height or temperature. This should be plotted on a line graph.

Correlation does not however mean causation. Just because two variables are linked does not mean that one variable causes the other . For example the number of pirates has decreased as global temperatures have increased. This does not mean that pirates were keeping the Earth cool! Just because data is correlated does not mean one variable caused the change in the other.

In an exam you will be expected to select and plot the correct graph as well as drawing a line of best fit (if it is a line graph). Your line should go through the middle of the points. It is very important to not that lines of best fit can be curves also. Any anomalies i.e points that are a long way from the line of best should be circled.

Correlation could also be down to: 1. Chance 2.

A third variable

You can only be sure one variable causes a change in another variable, if all the other possible variables are controlled.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data



đ??śâ„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ś đ??ś â„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ľ

Drawing good graphs This is an excellent example of a good graph by a Nova student. When drawing a graph, you should plot the dependent variable on the y axis and independent variable on the x axis. To calculate the gradient you on a straight line need to select two points on the line and divide the change in y by the change in x. To calculate the gradient on a curve, you need to draw a tangent to the curve, see topic 15 knowledge organiser.

Labels for axes, with units given in brackets

Both axes have suitable scales (equal intervals)

Accurate line of best fit, passing through most points, excluding anomalies. Remember this could be a curve of best fit if appropriate

Neat, accurately placed plots. Marked with a small x.

Anomaly recognised and highlighted on the graph

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Relative formula mass (Mr): This is the mass in grams of 1 mole of the substance. To calculate it you need to add up the atomic mass (bigger number) of all of the atoms in the molecule. e.g 1. NaCl = Na + Cl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 e.g 2. MgF2 = Mg + (2 x F) = 24 + (2 x 19) = 62 The Mole A mole of an element is simply 6.02x1023 atoms (this number is known as Avogadro's number). Obviously, if the atoms are larger then 1 mole of that atom will be heavier. For example, one mole of hydrogen atoms weighs 1 gram but 1 mole of carbon weighs 12 grams. To calculate the number of moles in an element you need to divide the mass by the relative atomic mass: For example, how many moles are there in 6 grams of carbon? 6/12= 0.5 To work out the number of moles in a compound you divide the mass of the compound by the relative formula mass, for example how many moles in 30 grams of magnesium oxide (MgO)? Mr of MgO=24+16= 40 Moles= 30/40=0.75 Moles HT: Calculating Masses in Reactions An understanding of the mole will allow to calculate the mass made in a chemical reaction. Take the chemical reaction below: Mg + 2HCI ďƒ MgCI2 + H2 This equation shows that one mole of magnesium reacts with two moles of hydrochloric acid to produce one mole of magnesium chloride and one mole of hydrogen gas. Suppose you started with 5 grams of magnesium, how much magnesium chloride would you make? Step 1: Calculate the moles of the element or compound you were given in the equation: 5/24=0.21 moles of magnesium Step 2: Look at the balanced equation, you must therefore have 0.21 moles of magnesium chloride, as the ration between magnesium and magnesium chloride is 1 to 1. Step 3: Calculate the Mr of the relevant product: what you want to find is the Mr of magnesium chloride: Mr of MgCI2 =24+35.5+35.5= 94

Step 4: Now find the mass of that number of moles of the product Mass = moles x Mr, so 0.21 x 94= 19.7 grams

Key Terms



6.02x1023 atoms of an element or molecules in a compound

Avogadro's number


Relative Formula Mass

The total atomic mass of elements in compound


Meanings of terms in equation

đ?‘šđ?‘œđ?‘™đ?‘’đ?‘ =

đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘€đ?‘&#x;

Mass is the mass of the substance in grams đ?‘€đ?‘&#x; is the relative formula mass of the compound (or use the relative atomic mass if it is an element)

Calculating moles from masses -Higher Tier

If you know the mass of each reactant and product you can calculate a balanced equation from the masses, for example: Calculate the balanced equation when 12 grams of magnesium reacts completely with 19.25g of HCl, to make 99 grams of MgCI2 and 1 gram of H2 Mg + HCI ďƒ MgCI2 + H2 Step 1: work out the moles of each reactant and product. Mg=12/24= 0.5 HCl=19.25/38.5= 0.5 MgCI2 =99/99 =1 H2 ½ = 0.5 Step 2 divide through by the smallest number Mg=0.5/0.5=1 HCl=0.5/0.5 = 1 MgCI2 =1/0.5=2 H2 ½ = 0.5/0.5=1 Step 3 write the balanced equation: Mg + HCI ďƒ 2MgCI2 + H2

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis % Yield In reactions in chemistry it is very rare that we make the exact mass predicted by calculation, for a variety of reasons we often make a lot less. The equation to calculate percentage yield is outlined in the equation box. A percentage yield is always 100% or less, the law of conservation of mass states that we cannot make mass in a chemical reaction. It is extremely rare that the yield of a chemical reaction is 100% reasons fro this are: • The reaction is reversible and may not go to completion • There may be side reactions • Some maybe lost when the product is transferred from the reaction vessel Atom Economy Some reactions make more than one product, atom of these products will be waste products. The atom economy is a measure of the atoms that form useful products. Like percentage yields we express atom economy as a percentage so that comparisons can be easily made between reactions. For example below two ways of making hydrogen are outlined: 1. Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 Mr of H2 = 1 + 1 = 2 Mr of ZnCl2 = 65 + 35.5 + 35.5 = 136 Atom economy = 2∕136 + 2 Ă— 100 = 2∕138 Ă— 100 = 1.45% Very low atom economy 2. CH4 + 2H2O → CO2 + 4H2 Mr of H2 = 1 + 1 = 2 Mr of CO2 = 12 + 16 + 16 = 44 Atom economy = 4 Ă— 2∕44 + (4 Ă— 2) Ă— 100 = 8∕52 Ă— 100 = 15.4% Higher atom economy In the second example the atom economy is higher, therefore in terms of atom economy reaction 2 is better. Chemists often need to balance atom economy and percentage yield. A poor atom economy is bad for a number of reasons: 1. A lot of reactant is wasted, this costs money. 2. The waste products have to be disposed of, this can be expensive. Some companies try to get around this problem by reusing the waste product. The best reactions in terms of atom economy are those that only make one product, for example the Haber process, the atom economy here is 100%:

Key Terms



The amount of product made in a chemical reaction

Atom Economy

The percentage of atoms that form useful products

Limiting Reagent

The reagent which is used up first in a chemical reaction.



Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘ x100 đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘Ąâ„Žđ?‘’đ?‘œđ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘–

Atom economy=

đ?‘…đ?‘’đ?‘™đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘Łđ?‘’ đ?‘“đ?‘œđ?‘&#x;đ?‘šđ?‘˘đ?‘™đ?‘Ž đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ??ˇđ??¸đ?‘†đ??źđ?‘…đ??¸đ??ˇ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘ đ?‘‡đ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘™đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘Łđ?‘’ đ?‘“đ?‘œđ?‘&#x;đ?‘šđ?‘˘đ?‘™đ?‘Ž đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘

Mass of products is the mass made in a chemical reaction Mass of theoretical products is the mass we expected to make based on calculations Both these masses must be in the same unit.


See the previous page for how to calculate relative formula mass

Limiting Reagent When a chemical reaction is carried out, one or more reagents are in excess and one reagent is the limiting reagent. The limiting reagent is the reagent which is used up first in a chemical reaction, if all of this reagent is used up the reaction can no longer continue, for example, if a tiny amount of sodium is dropped into a large bowl of water there are a lot more water particles that there are sodium atoms. We therefore say that the sodium is the limiting reagent and the water is in excess. The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the amount of limiting reagent. Therefore if you double the amount of limiting reagent you will get double the amount of product.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Concentration

Key Terms



A measure of the number of moles or mass in a given volume.


An experimental techniques where unknown concentrations of solutions can be found.


A piece of apparatus used to accurately measure volumes of solution.

Most chemical reactions are done in solution. The concentration can be measured in grams per dm3

For example what is the concentration in grams/dm3 of 2.4 grams of sodium chloride dissolved in 0.5 dm3 of water? Conc= Mass/Vol Conc= 2.4/0.5 Conc= 4.8 g/dm3 In Chemistry we use dm3 (decimetres cubed) to measure volume, a decimetre cubed is the same as a litre or 1000 cm3. However it is far more common to calculate a concentration in moles per dm3. This is sometimes written as M. For example, what is the concentration of 2.4 grams of sodium chloride dissolved in 0.5 dm3 in mol/dm3 ? Moles of NaCl= 2.4/58.5= 0.041 moles

Equation conc =

Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘Łđ?‘œđ?‘™

Mass is the mass of the solute in grams đ?‘‰đ?‘œđ?‘™ is the volume of the solventin dm3 Conc is the concentration in grams/dm3

Conc=moles/vol Conc= 0.041/0.5 Conc=0.082 mol/dm3 It is also possible to convert between mol/ dm3 and g/ dm3 for example. If I had 0.5 mol/ dm3 HCl solution. We can work out the concertation in g/ dm3 : Step 1: Work out the Mr of HCl: 35.5+1= 36.5 Step 2= Mass= Moles x Mr= 36.5 x 0.5 = 18.25 g/ dm3

Titrations Titrations are used to find out an unknown concentration of a solution, this is often used to find out the concentration of an acid or an alkali in a neutralisation reaction. To carry out a titration to find the concentration of an alkali you need to do the following: 1. A pipette is used to measure 25 cm3 of alkali, this is then transferred to a conical flask. 2. 3-4 Drops of indicator is added (phenolphthalein). 3. An acid of known concentration is placed in the burette 4. The solution from the burette is allowed to slowly run into the conical flask. As the end point approaches the acid is added one drop at a time. When phenolphthalein is used as an indicator, the end point is where the solution turns from colorless to pink. 5. The volume of acid used from the burette is noted to calculate the concentration of the alkali in the conical flask. See the next page for how to carry out these calculations.

conc =

đ?‘€đ?‘œđ?‘™đ?‘’đ?‘ đ?‘Łđ?‘œđ?‘™đ?‘˘đ?‘šđ?‘’

Moles is the number of moles of the solute đ?‘‰đ?‘œđ?‘™ is the volume of the solution in dm3 Conc is the concentration in grams/dm3

Indicators For titrations universal indicator is not a suitable indicator to use. As the colour changes are too gradual. For a titration, a sharp colour change is required . Suitable indicators are listed below.

In acid

In alkali




Methyl Orange






Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Titration Calculations We can use the information that we get from a titration to work out the concentration of an alkali or acid. For example a titration was carried using hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, the equation for this reaction is: HCl +NaOH ďƒ NaCl +H2O This means that one mole of hydrochloric acid will neutralise 1 mole of sodium hydroxide. Therefore we can calculate the following: 27.5 cm3 of 0.2 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid is needed to titrate 25.0 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution. What is the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution? Step 1: Convert all volumes to dm3 27.5 cm3 = 27.5 á 1000 = 0.0275 dm3 25.0 cm3 = 25.0 á 1000 = 0.025 dm3 Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of the substance where the volume and concentration are known number of moles = concentration Ă— volume number of moles of hydrochloric acid = 0.2 Ă— 0.0275 = 0.0055 mol (5.5 Ă— 10–3 mol) Step 3: Calculate the unknown concentration We can say that 0.0055 mol of acid will react with 0.0055 mol of alkali concentration of alkali = moles á volume = 0.0055 á 0.025 = 0.22 mol/dm3 Moles of a Gas We know that one mole of any gas occupies 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure. Room temperature and pressure is defined as 20 Ëšc and 1 atm of pressure. There fore if we know the volume that the gas occupies, we can divide this number by 24 and this will give us the number of moles. For example if we had 12 dm3 of argon gas at room temperature and pressure, then to find out the moles we would simply do 12/24= 0.5 moles. We can also use balanced equations to work out volumes of gas, for example: 2CO + O2ďƒ 2CO2 If we start with 24 dm3 of oxygen we will make 48 dm3 of carbon dioxide, as the ration in the equation shows that one mole of oxygen will make 2 moles of carbon dioxide.

You may also be asked to calculate the volume a gas occupies after being given the mass in the equation. For Example: What volume would 2 grams of carbon dioxide occupy at room temperature and pressure? Step 1: Calculate the moles of carbon dioxide= 2/44= 0.05 moles Step 2: Multiply this number by 24 as we know 1 mole occupies 24 dm3 0.05x24= 1.2 dm3

Key Terms



A unit of volume, often used in chemistry. It is the same as 1000 cm3


A unit of gas pressure. It is the same as 101325 Pa



Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘”đ?‘Žđ?‘ x24 đ?‘€đ?‘&#x; đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘”đ?‘Žđ?‘

Mass of gas in grams Volume of gas will be in dm3

Limiting Reagent When a chemical reaction is carried out, one or more reagents are in excess and one reagent is the limiting reagent. The limiting reagent is the reagent which is used up first in a chemical reaction, if all of this reagent is used up the reaction can no longer continue, for example, if a tiny amount of sodium is dropped into a large bowl of water there are a lot more water particles that there are sodium atoms. We therefore say that the sodium is the limiting reagent and the water is in excess. The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the amount of limiting reagent. Therefore if you double the amount of limiting reagent you will get double the amount of product.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Testing for positive ions Positive ions (metal ions) can be identified by flame tests: Metal and ion

Colour of flame test

Sodium Na+





Crimson K+

Testing for negative ions




Carbonate (CO32-)

Add metal carbonate to dilute acid in a boiling tube. Connect the boiling tube to a test tube containing limewater. If the limewater turns cloudy then a carbonate ion is present

K2CO3+2HCl 2KCl+CO2+H2O

Sulphate (SO42-)

Add 5 drops of dilute HCl, followed by 5 drops of barium chloride. If sulphate ions are present then a white precipitate will be formed.

Ba2++ SO42-BaSO4

Add 5 drops of dilute nitric acid and 5 drops of silver nitrate, the colour of the silver halide precipitate formed will vary depend on the halogen Cl-1 – White Br-1- Cream I-1-Yellow



Copper Cu2+


Calcium Ca2+


To carry out a flame test you need to do the following: 1. Dip platinum loop in dilute HCl, hold in Bunsen burner flame (blue flame), until no colour is seen. 2. Dip the loop into the sample you are testing 3. Place this into the flame and observe the colour

Halides (Cl-1, Br-1, I-1)

This is the ionic equation for the reaction.

This is the ionic equation for the reaction.

More tests for metal ions Some metal hydroxides are insoluble. Therefore if some drops of sodium hydroxide are added to a solution of the metal hydroxide a precipitate may form. Transition metal hydroxides are usually coloured. Where as main group elements normally form a white precipitate. Gas

Colour of precipitate

Ionic Equation

Magnesium Mg2+


Mg2++ 2OH- Mg(OH)2

Calcium Ca2+


Ca2++ 2OH- Ca(OH)2

Iron(II) Fe2+


Fe2++ 2OH- Fe(OH)2

Iron(IIl) Fe3+


Fe3++ 3OH- Fe(OH)3

Copper Cu2+


Cu2++ 2OH- Cu(OH)2

Aluminium Al3+

White initially. In excess NaOH it dissolves to form a colourless solution.

Al3++ 3OH- Al(OH)3

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Electrolysis When an ionic compound is melted or dissolved in water, the ions are free to move about within the liquid or solution. These liquids and solutions are able to conduct electricity and are called electrolytes. If an electric current is passed through this solution the ions will move to the electrodes. Remember-opposites attract. The positive ions (cations) will go to the negative electrode (cathode), the negative ions (anions) go to the positive electrode (anode). For example in the electrolysis of lead bromide, Lead (Pb2+) goes to the negative electrode and bromine (Br-1) goes to the positive electrode.

Key Terms



The breaking down of a substance using electricity


The solution which is being broken down during electrolysis


The loss of electrons


The gain of electrons


The positive electrode


The negative electrode

Half Equation

An equation that shows the reaction at each electrode Oxidation and reduction

When a positive Ion reaches the negative electrode, it gains electrons. This is a reduction reaction. When the negative ion reaches the positive electrode, it loses electrons, this is an oxidation reaction. We can represent these using half equations A half equation can represent the reaction at each electrode. Half equations show how electrons are transferred and an electron is represented in an equation by an e- symbol Half equations show electrons (e-) and how ions become atoms. For example Cu2+ + 2 e- —> Cu. 1. Write down the ion and atom: Cl- —> Cl2 2. Adjust the number of ions (if needed) and add electrons to balance the charges if required 2Cl- —> Cl2 + 2 e-

Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate

Which elements form at which electrode depends on the reactivity of the elements involved. For example, in the electrolysis of aqueous copper sulphate is the electrolysis of copper sulphate, however there are also H+ and OH- I ions form the water which is used as the solvent. This means there is more than one possible ion that can go to each electrode. · Positive ions: sodium (Cu2+) and hydrogen (H+) · Negative ions: sulphate(SO42-) and hydroxide (OH-) When there is a mixture of ions, the products formed depend on the reactivity of the ions involved. Copper is less reactive than hydrogen, so copper (Cu) is produced at the negative electrode. The half equation is: Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu The hydroxide ion is more reactive than the sulphate ion, therefore this forms water (H2O) and oxygen at the positive electrode. 4OH- → O2 + 2H2O +4 2eAs a rule if a halide ion is present , this will form at the positive electrode, however if no halide is present then oxygen and water will form at the positive electrode.

Remember that non metal ions will typically form diatomic molecules.

Ionic equations Half equations can be combined to form an ionic equation, which shows the overall reaction. For example in the electrolysis of copper chloride the two half equations are: At the negative electrode (cathode): Cu2+ + 2 e- —> Cu At the positive electrode (anode): 2Cl- —> Cl2 + 2 eCombing these 2 equations gives us: Cu2+ + 2 e- + 2Cl- —> Cu +Cl2 + 2 e- The electrons either side of the equation cancel out, meaning the final ionic equation is: Cu2+ + 2Cl- —> Cu +Cl2 In an ionic equation it is important to check both the atoms and the charges balance

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Extracting Aluminium Aluminium oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite . Cryolite reduces the melting point of aluminium oxide meaning the process requires less energy. Aluminium ions (Al+) are attracted to the negative electrode. Aluminium atoms are formed at the negative electrode (gain 1 electron) Oxide ions are attracted to the positive electrode Oxygen is formed at the positive electrode (each ion loses 2 electrons) Oxygen reacts with carbon to make carbon dioxide. This electrode needs to be replaced constantly. At the negative electrode: At the positive electrode Al3+ + 3e- —> Al 2O2- —> O2 + 4e-

Electrolysis of Brine

Which elements form at which electrode depends on the reactivity of the elements involved. For example, the electrolysis of brine, is the electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride, however there are also H+ and OH- I ions form the water which is used as the solvent. This means there is more than one possible ion that can go to each electrode. · Positive ions: sodium (Na+) and hydrogen (H+) · Negative ions: chlorine (Cl-) and hydroxide (OH-) When there is a mixture of ions, the products formed depend on the reactivity of the elements involved. Hydrogen is less reactive than sodium, so hydrogen gas (H2) is produced at the negative electrode. Chlorine gas (Cl2) is produced at the positive electrode. Sodium hydroxide is produced from the ions that remain in solution.

Overall equation: 2Al2O3  4Al+3O2

Gas Tests During electrolysis the products made are often gases. Below are the tests for three common gases you need to know: Gas




Place a lit splint into the gas

If a squeaky pop is heard hydrogen is present


Place glowing splint into gas

If splint is relighted then oxygen is present


Damp litmus paper placed in gas

If paper bleaches, chlorine is present

Carbon Dioxide

Bubble the gas through limewater

If the limewater goes cloudy carbon dioxide is present

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick? Health and disease Health is the state of physical and mental wellbeing. So, ‘good health’ involves good physical and mental wellbeing. ‘Poor health’ involves problems with one or both aspects. Diseases are major causes of ill-health. Diseases can be classified as communicable (can be passed on, as they are caused by pathogens) and non-communicable (cannot be passed on). Other factors affect health: such as diet, lifestyle, stress, and genetic inheritance, for instance. Often, ill-health is caused or made worse by an interaction of different factors. Some examples: • If their immune system has a defect, someone is more likely to suffer from communicable diseases, since their body will be worse at fighting pathogens. • Some viruses, which live inside cells, can trigger cancers. For instance, the HPV virus can trigger cervical cancer (hence the vaccine in year 9 for girls). • Severe physical health problems can lead to mental health problems, such as depression. • Immune reactions to infection by a pathogen can trigger allergic reactions, like skin rashes or asthma.

Non-communicable diseases Diseases that are not caused by pathogens – non-communicable diseases – are often linked to many different risk factors, and these factors may interact to increase the risk. These risk factors may come from someone’s lifestyle, or from substances in their body or substances in their environment. In some cases, the link between a risk factor and a particular disease is very clear: we know the risk factor actually causes the disease. For other risk factors, we know the linked diseases but not really how the risk factor causes them. Here are some causal links we do know:  Poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking have a proven link to cardiovascular disease.  Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes.  Alcohol causes liver damage and damages brain function.  Smoking causes lung cancer and other lung diseases (like emphysema).  Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy causes problems in unborn babies.  Carcinogens, such as ionising radiation (next topic), can cause cancer. It is important to realise that while these risk factors are real, they don’t guarantee the disease. E.g. not ALL obese people will get type 2 diabetes; however, being obese greatly increases the risk of developing the disease.

Key Terms



Any condition that reduces health/causes ill-health.


Type of disease that can be passed on. These diseases are caused by pathogens, such as viruses. Be clear that the pathogen is the microorganism, and the disease is the collection of symptoms resulting from infection by the pathogen.


Describes diseases that are not caused by pathogens and cannot be passed on. These are often caused by many factors acting together, known as risk factors for the disease.


A microorganism that can infect another organism (a host) and cause disease in that organism. E.g. bacteria and viruses.

Risk factor

Any factor that increases the chance of developing a noncommunicable disease, such as smoking or diet.

Using data to discover risk factors Risk factors aren’t always obvious: it requires scientific research to find out what factors are linked to what disease. For many years, people smoked cigarettes thinking it was perfectly healthy (including doctors!). However, research by a scientist called Richard Doll showed that increased use of tobacco in the UK was linked to increased incidence of lung cancer (incidence is just how many people get it), as the graph shows (from his 1950 publication). He sampled the population and found this correlation between the risk factor (smoking) and the disease (lung cancer).

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



To do with the heart, especially the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood.

Coronary heart disease: a non-communicable disease


A mesh or cage-like structure that keeps coronary arteries open so blood can flow through.


Medicinal drugs used to lower blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.


Structures in the heart that prevent blood flowing the wrong way.

Heart failure

Where the heart cannot pump blood around the body properly.

Recall that coronary arteries are the arteries that provide the heart muscle with blood, so they get oxygen and glucose (and to take away waste products). Coronary heart disease involves the narrowing of these arteries, due to the build up fatty material (called a plaque – see diagram) in there. This reduces the blood flow through the coronary arteries, so the heart muscle receives insufficient oxygen. When serious, this leads to a heart attack (where part of the heart muscle dies due to lack of oxygen). Treatments for coronary heart disease: • Insert a stent into the narrowed artery to widen it again. This is a kind of wire mesh that pushes the artery walls out and keeps the artery open. • Take statins. These drugs reduce blood cholesterol levels, which is linked to the fatty material deposits. Lowering cholesterol reduces the rate of fatty material build up.

Other heart diseases The valves in the heart are vital to prevent blood flowing in the wrong direction. In some people there is fault in the heart valves. The valve may get a leak, or might not open fully – see diagram.  If one or more of the valves leaks, blood flows backwards in the heart. This means the blood does not transport oxygen as efficiently and also increases the risk of infection in the heart.  If a valve doesn’t open fully, the heart has to work harder to pump the blood as your body requires. This increases strain on the heart, making other heart problems more likely.

Heart transplants If the heart fails (called heart failure) and cannot be repaired, the heart can be transplanted. In fact, the heart and lungs can be transplanted together if required. The replacement heart has to come from a donor – many people agree to donate their organs after they die to save the lives of others. However, there is a shortage of donor organs, like hearts. So people with heart failure may have to wait a while. In this case, artificial hearts can be used to keep someone alive while they wait. These are pretty amazing – have a look at the photo.

These valve problems can be treated by replacing the valves. Replacement valves can be biological – from a living organism (including pigs! Their heart is the same size as ours so their valves fit) or mechanical – a synthetic version. See the photos – mechanical on the right.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



Treatment for kidney failure, in which a machine filters toxic substances from the blood instead of the kidneys.

Kidney failure


Condition where blood glucose concentration is not controlled properly by the body.


The hormone, produced in the pancreas, that reduces blood glucose concentration by making cells absorb glucose from the blood.


Type of drug that reduces the responses of the immune system. This makes sure that ‘foreign’ organs (like a transplanted kidney) are not fought by the immune system – a situation called rejection.

If they kidneys fail, it is extremely dangerous. Kidney failure can be treated by a kidney transplant or using kidney dialysis. A transplant has the benefit for the patient of not needing to spend lots of time on a dialysis machine. However, they need to take immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney. These leave them more susceptible to infections. Dialysis machines keep people with kidney failure alive because they filter the blood for them. However, the patient would need to spend many hours a week connected to the machine to prevent urea reaching unsafe levels in the bloodstream. The dialysis machine works as shown in the diagram. Notice that inside the machine, there is a large surface area to increase the rate of diffusion of urea out of the bloodstream.

Diabetes – a non-communicable disease Diabetes is a group of disorders where blood glucose cannot be properly regulated by the body, which is potentially very dangerous. There are two types, with different causes and treatments.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

Caused by a defect in the pancreas, where the cells that produce insulin don’t work.

There is no problem with the pancreas – it produces insulin as usual. BUT, body cells no longer respond to the insulin.

The effect: Blood glucose concentration cannot be controlled by the body.

The effect: Blood glucose concentration cannot be controlled by the body.

Treatment is injections of insulin. The insulin is produced by genetically engineered bacteria.

Insulin injections will have no effect, so the treatment is a carbohydratecontrolled diet and exercise.

The cause is unknown, but we do know it involves the insulinproducing cells getting destroyed.

Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. There is also a genetic risk factor.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



Change to DNA, altering its function (this is not necessarily dangerous). In cancer, a specific mutation causes cells to divide uncontrollably.


Whole kingdom of organisms, including some that cause disease.


The passing of a pathogen from one organism to another, leading to the spread of communicable (infectious) disease.


The organism that a pathogen lives in or on. When you have a cold, you are the host for the cold virus.

Cancer – a non-communicable disease Cancer is a non-communicable disease. There are many types of cancer, but they all involve changes in cells (mutations) that lead to the cells growing and dividing in an uncontrolled way. Normally, the cell cycle (see topic 6) controls cell growth and division, so the body only replaces lost cells. However, in cancer, the control mechanisms are broken and cells divide out of control, producing a mass of cells called a tumour. • •

Benign tumours are growths of abnormal cells, but these do not invade other parts of the body. This is because the tumour is restricted to one area and often surrounded by a membrane. This makes them much less dangerous than malignant tumours. Malignant tumours cause cancer as you’d normally think of it. The cells grow out of control and invade nearby tissues. When mutated cells break off the tumour and get into the bloodstream, the cancer can spread around the body. The mutated cells can then cause more tumours, elsewhere. These are called secondary tumours.

In terms of risk factors for cancer, some are very clearly identified (like smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer). There can be genetic risk factors for some types of cancer (so the risk factor is inherited from the parents).

Communicable diseases and pathogens Communicable diseases are sometimes called infectious disease, since they always result from an infection by a pathogen. All organisms can be infected by pathogens, so all organisms can suffer from communicable diseases (yes, including plants, and even bacteria can be infected by viruses!). You need to know details of specific diseases (next page), but here is a general description of how each kind of pathogen causes disease: • Bacteria can cause disease if they enter our bodies. They reproduce rapidly and can release poisonous chemicals, called toxins, that damage our cells. Examples of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria include cholera, tuberculosis (TB) and food poisoning. • Viruses need a host to survive. They cause disease symptoms by reproducing inside cells, and bursting the cell from the inside. This releases them, so they can be passed onto other host cells or other people (e.g. by coughing or sneezing out mucus that contains the viruses). • Fungi can also cause disease, by growing on living tissue (for example, athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus). • Protists can cause disease, as they can live in host organisms. A good example is the malarial protist, that causes malaria.

Spread of communicable diseases is caused by the transmission of pathogens A big problem with pathogens is that they can be passed from one host to another, so the disease they cause can spread. See the table for the methods by which pathogens can be transmitted. We can attempt to reduce the transmission of pathogens by: vaccinating people; destroying vectors (e.g. killing mosquitos with pesticides); being hygienic (i.e. washing our hands!); isolating people who are infected in special hospital wards.

Direct types of transmission

Indirect types of transmission

Direct contact e.g. shaking hands or kissing

A vector (animal) carries the pathogen e.g. mosquitos carry the pathogen that causes malaria

Sexual contact

Droplet infection: droplets of mucus containing a pathogen are sneezed or coughed out by an infected person, and breathed in by someone else. We can also say the pathogen is airborne.

From mother to foetus over the placenta

Waterborne – the pathogen infects water and moves between people when they drink the water

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick? Viral diseases Measles is caused by a virus. It is spread by droplet infection: you’d catch it if you inhaled the droplets containing the virus that someone infected coughed or sneezed out. The symptoms include fever and a red rash on the skin. Measles is a serious disease – it can even be fatal if there are complications. So, most young children are vaccinated against measles. HIV is a virus that can only be spread by exchange of body fluids: sexual contact or when blood is mixed – which can happen when intravenous drug users share needles. HIV cannot be transmitted by kissing or by droplet infection. Infection with HIV causes flu-like symptoms first, but these go away after a couple of weeks. However, the virus has not gone from body – it is living inside immune cells (white blood cells). HIV is NOT the same thing as AIDS, but AIDS can arise from infection by HIV unless treatment takes place. The treatment is antiretroviral drugs (so called because HIV is a type of virus called a retrovirus). Without this treatment, AIDS will occur. Here, the body’s immune system is so badly damaged it cannot fight off other infections or cancers – so it is very serious. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV for short) is a pathogen affecting plants. In spite of its name, it affects many species of plant (including tomatoes – see photo). TMV causes discolouration of the leaves, giving a mosaic pattern. This hinders photosynthesis, so plants don’t grow very well if they are infected by TMV.

Bacterial diseases Salmonella food poisoning is caused by a bacteria found in food, or on food where it is prepared in unhygienic conditions. The bacteria can be found in poultry (e.g. chickens), so these animals are vaccinated against Salmonella to reduce the spread of the pathogen. Inside the body, the bacteria reproduce and produce toxins which cause disease. Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning include: fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. Gonorrhoea is the name of a sexually transmitted disease (STD or STI), rather than the name of the pathogen. The pathogen is a bacterium that is transmitted by sexual contact, so transmission can be prevented with a barrier-type of contraception, like a condom. The symptoms include a thick yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis and pain when urinating (weeing). It used to be that gonorrhoea was easily treated with an antibiotic (penicillin, in this case), but there are now many resistant strains of bacteria that cause gonorrhoea. (Resistant strains are species of the bacteria on which certain antibiotics do not work.)

Key Terms



Disease symptom linked to raised body temperature, thanks to disruption of the normal homeostasis mechanisms.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus. A virus that uses immune cells as host cells. HIV infection causes AIDS, but if treated properly, AIDS will never develop in an infected individual.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. A condition in which the immune system is seriously weakened due to infection by the HIV virus.


A genus of bacteria that can cause food poisoning.


A substance being produced by the body that should not be there – a sign of disease.

Fungal diseases Rose black spot is a fungal disease that affects plants. It causes purple or black spots to develop on leaves (hence the name – see picture). The whole leaf often turns yellow and drops early (i.e. before autumn). Like TMV, the plant’s growth is inhibited because the rate of photosynthesis is reduced. The fungus is spread on the wind or in water, transmitting the pathogen to other plants. Treatment options: remove the affected leaves, or use a fungicide (a chemical that kills fungi).

Protist diseases Malaria is a disease caused by a protist (see topic 6 for a reminder). The protist has a life cycle that requires it to live inside a mosquito for some of the life cycle, and in the body of a mammal – like a human – for other stages of the life cycle. In the mosquito, the protist is found in the salivary glands, which is why the protist can be transmitted to a person when the mosquito sucks their blood. The mosquito acts as a vector. In the human, the protist causes malaria. Symptoms include recurrent (repeating) fever and malaria can be fatal. We can attempt to reduce transmission by targeting the mosquitos: preventing them breeding and avoiding bites using mosquito nets.

Key Terms


Defence systems

Structures and mechanisms we have to prevent pathogens entering the body, and to fight them off if they do enter. Includes non-specific defences (act on any pathogen) and specific defences (target the particular pathogen you’ve been infected by).

Pathogens are all over the place, so humans have evolved defence systems to deal with them. We have non-specific defences, which keep pathogens from entering the body (although, of course, they can fail to do this – otherwise you’d never get sick!). If pathogens do get in, we have the immune system, which destroys the pathogen inside the body.


A sticky substance produced by many epithelial (surfacecovering) tissues in the body, to trap dust particles and microorganisms so they can’t enter the body.

Non-specific defences:


Chemical produced by white blood cells that destroys specific pathogens.

 The skin! Our main barrier against pathogens getting in. The vast majority of pathogens cannot get through the skin at all – they have to enter somewhere else. Also, the skin scabs over to provide a quick barrier if there is a cut or wound.  The nose has hairs and mucus to trap microorganisms so they don’t get any further than the nose. If you don’t blow your nose, the mucus ends up in the back of the throat and you swallow it – this is harmless, because the stomach acid kills any microorganisms in there.  The trachea and bronchi also contain mucus. This traps microorganisms that are breathed in, and the mucus, again, can be swallowed harmlessly.  The stomach produces hydrochloric acid (at pH 2), which kills most microorganisms that are swallowed.


Chemical produced by white blood cells that neutralises specific toxins.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick? Human defence systems

The immune system responds if pathogens enter the body properly – i.e. if they get into the bloodstream. The most important cells in the immune system are the white blood cells. They help defend against pathogens by:  Phagocytosis. This is the engulfing and digesting of pathogens by white blood cells, destroying the pathogens.  Antibody production. White blood cells produce chemicals called antibodies that bind to pathogens and destroy them. These are specific, meaning only one particular antibody type will bind to one particular pathogen.  Antitoxin production. Some pathogens, especially bacteria, produce poisonous toxins. These are neutralised by antitoxins – another sort of chemical produced by white blood cells. Again, antitoxins are specific to specific toxins.

Vaccination Vaccination is great on two fronts: it stops the vaccinated individual from getting ill AND it helps prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If a large proportion of the population is vaccinated, it is very unlikely that an unvaccinated person would be exposed to the pathogen, so everyone is protected. 1. 2.

A vaccine contains a small quantity of a dead or inactive form of a pathogen (usually a virus, such as the measles virus – see graph). Delivering a vaccine stimulates a primary immune response. White blood cells produce antibodies to destroy the pathogen, but this is slow. 3.Specialised white blood cells (memory cells) remain in the blood afterwards. 4.This means that if an infection by the real pathogen takes place in the future, there is a secondary immune response by the white blood cells, which is quicker than the primary immune response. 5.The secondary immune response starts faster (see graph), involves the production of far more antibodies (a stronger response) and the level of antibodies stays higher for longer. 6.This means the pathogen is destroyed before you even realise you are ill.

Key Terms



Any chemical that causes chemical changes in the body. Most drugs are medical – used to treat disease.

Treating disease with drugs


Type of drug that treats bacterial disease by killing pathogenic bacteria.

Despite our non-specific defences and our immune systems, we still get sick due to communicable diseases. Fortunately, we’ve developed a huge range of drugs to treat diseases. (Drugs and medicines are synonymous; we can also say ‘medical drugs’ to mean those that treat disease rather than drugs taken for recreation.)


Type of drug that can kill viruses: these are used to treat infection by HIV.


Drug that only treats the symptoms of disease, rather than killing pathogens.

Antibiotics have only been produced since the 1940s, but they have changed the world in that time. The first antibiotic was discovered (not made – it was produced by a fungus!) by Alexander Fleming. He found that a fungus called Penicillium worked to kill bacteria he was growing in an agar plate. Named for the fungus that produced the chemical, this was the first antibiotic: penicillin. It is still used today.


Problems with the body arising from disease and indicating that there is a disease. E.g. coughing, headaches, vomiting.


From ‘toxic’, toxicity means how harmful a drug is to healthy body tissues.

Antibiotics treat bacterial diseases only, because they kill pathogenic bacteria in the body. In this way, they can cure bacterial diseases. Antibiotics are specific – so you need to use the right antibiotic to kill the particular bacteria that has infected you. So, antibiotics have saved millions of lives, by successfully treating people with bacterial infections. However, a big issue with the use of antibiotics is that many strains (types) of resistant bacteria have emerged (more on this in topic 16).


How well a drug actually treats the disease it is designed to treat.


How much of a drug is given to a patient, and how many times a day and so on.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?


Antibiotics CANNOT kill viruses, so cannot treat viral diseases. Since viruses live inside host cells, it is very difficult to kill viruses without also damaging the body tissues they live in. Painkillers Painkillers are examples of medical drugs that treat the symptoms of disease, without actually getting to the cause and killing the pathogens. An example is aspirin, a painkiller that was first extracted from the bark of willow trees.

Discovering new drugs There is a constant demand for new drugs – for better treatments, to treat diseases without any current cures, and to deal with antibiotic resistance. Chemicals that might work as effective drugs are constantly being discovered or synthesised in labs. Many drugs were discovered in living organisms: e.g. the heart drug digitalis originates from foxgloves. There are other examples above. However, any of these newly discovered/made chemicals must be thoroughly tested before they can be used in humans.

Development and testing of new drugs New chemicals, potential medical drugs, are tested to find out if they are safe and effective (they actually treat the disease they are supposed to!). There are many stages to this testing. We refer to the part before giving the drug to humans as ‘preclinical testing’ and to the stages where humans received the drugs as ‘ clinical trials’. Together, these stages tell us about the drug toxicity, efficacy and information about the dose that should be given. Here’s the sequence: 1.

Preclinical testing is in a lab. The drug is tested on cells and tissues grown for drug testing, and on animals like rats bred for drug testing. This checks that the drug is not toxic, and can give information about efficacy too. 2. Clinical trials are tests on humans. First, new drugs are given in very low doses to healthy volunteers, to check that they are not toxic and don’t cause major side effects. 3. If the drug is safe, clinical trials using people with the disease take place. These trials test how well the drug works for the disease, and identifies the optimum dose. In any clinical trial, double blind testing is often used. Some patients are given a placebo (fake version of the drug), and neither scientist/doctor or patient know who has the placebo and who has the real drug until afterwards. This ensures that effects due to people’s expectations can be ruled out.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



All the same, due to all coming from cloned cells

Monoclonal antibodies


Protein molecule made by white blood cells to fight pathogens. Each antibody is specific to one antigen.


A molecule found on the surface of cells (or viruses), often made of protein. Antibodies, if they are the right sort, bind to antigens.


Stick to, due to having shapes that fit together.


Type of white blood cell that makes antibodies.


Yellowing of leaves.

Antibodies are natural tools for recognising specific molecules. This property can be fantastically useful. Monoclonal antibodies are copies of the same antibody, produced in a lab for a specific purpose. Here’s how they are made: (also see diagram at bottom of page) 1. Mouse lymphocytes are stimulated to make a specific antibody, by giving them a specific antigen 2. These lymphocytes are combined with a type of tumour cell to make a hybridoma cell. 3. Like other cancer cells, this hybridoma cell can divide rapidly. It also makes the antibody that is desired. 4. The hybridoma cell is cloned, to there are many identical copies all making the same antibody. 5. After a large amount has been made, the antibody is separated from the cells for use.

Using monoclonal antibodies There are dozens of uses for monoclonal antibodies: the thing to remember is that they are used when a specific molecule needs to be recognised. Examples to know: • Pregnancy tests use monoclonal antibodies that specifically bind to a hormone made in the placenta – which is only present in pregnant women. • Lab tests for levels of specific chemicals in blood samples, or to detect specific pathogens. • To identify specific molecules in a cell or tissue. One way to do this is to attach a fluorescent dye to the antibodies, so under a microscope you can see exactly where the specific molecule is located in the cells/tissues. • Disease treatment, although not commonly. Monoclonal antibodies can have drug molecules attached to them, and because they only bind to certain antigens you can get them to stick to cancer cells ONLY – so the chemotherapy hits the tumour, but not the healthy cells of the body. Smart. Although there’s great promise, using monoclonal antibodies in medicine is not so widespread – there are quite a few side effects. They are also expensive to produce.


Plant diseases Obviously a plant can’t tell you when it is sick. But some easy signs can indicate disease: • Stunted growth (which may be caused by deficiency in nitrates, since nitrates are needed to make protein) • Spots on leaves • Areas of decay • Growths that shouldn’t be there (like tumours) • Malformed stems/leaves • Discolouration (including chlorosis, which is caused by a deficiency in magnesium – since magnesium is used to make chlorophyll) • Presence of pests If you see these dreadful signs, you could identify the specific disease by:  Checking your gardening books/websites  Taking infected plants to a lab to identify the pathogen  Using testing kits containing monoclonal antibodies!

Plant defences against disease, or against getting eaten Plants can prevent invasions by microbes with physical defences, such as: • Cellulose cell walls • The tough waxy cuticles on their leaves • Layers of dead cells (e.g. bark) around stems that can be shed (fall off) Plants also have chemical defences, including: • Antibacterial chemicals • Poisons to stop herbivorous animals from eating them Plants also have mechanical adaptations to defend themselves: • Thorns and hairs to deter animals from eating them • Leaves which droop or curl up when they are touched • Mimicry to trick animals into thinking they are poisonous/bad to eat

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics The structure of the atom and isotopes You’ve already studied the structure of the atom – the small central nucleus surrounded by electrons – in the first chemistry topic. Go back and recap that first. An important point about the shells, or energy levels, where electrons are found is that the energy level of an electron can change:  Electrons move up an energy level with the absorption of a specific wavelength of EM radiation  Electrons move down an energy level by emitting a specific wavelength of EM radiation. Atoms of a particular element always have the same number of protons (the atomic number in the periodic table). However, they don’t all have to have the same number of neutrons to be the same element. If the number of neutrons varies between atoms of an element (but number of protons stays the same), we call the atoms isotopes of the element. Look at the diagram for the example of three isotopes of carbon.

Radioactive decay Some atomic nuclei are unstable. For instance, carbon-14 above is unstable. The nucleus will spontaneously and randomly change to become more stable. When the nucleus does this, it gives out nuclear radiation. Since it is a random process, it is impossible to predict which particular nucleus will decay next. However, with a huge number of them, it is possible to measure the rate at which the whole source of radiation is decaying. This rate is measured in number of decays per second: the unit is the becquerel (Bq). One Bq = 1 decay per second. This can be measured with a detector called a GeigerMuller tube – in this case, 1 Bq = 1 count per second.

Key Terms



Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.

Energy level

The other name for electron ‘shells’. Each energy level is a specific distance from the nucleus and holds a limited number of electrons.

Radioactive decay

The process of an unstable nucleus becoming stable and giving out nuclear radiation in the process.

Nuclear radiation

Types of radiation that come from the nucleus of atoms during decay. Four types: alpha, beta, gamma, and neutrons.

How the modern model of the atom was developed The model of the atom that you know all about has changed over time. Here’s a brief timeline: 1. Before electrons were discovered, atoms were thought of as simply tiny, hard spheres that couldn’t be divided into smaller particles. 2. Electrons were discovered (which are smaller than atoms!), so the model was modified. The plum pudding model of the atom was described: the atom as a ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it like pieces of fruit in a pudding (see diagram). 3. A famous experiment by the scientists Rutherford and Marsden showed that the plum pudding model was wrong. Particles named alpha particles (more on these later) were fired at a sheet of atoms and some rebounded, some were deflected and others went straight through (see diagram). This showed that atoms have a hard, very small concentration of mass in the centre – which was named the nucleus. It also showed that the nucleus was charged, and we now know that is due to the protons in the nucleus. This model, that you use, is sensibly called the nuclear model of the atom. 4. The nuclear model was further developed to include the idea that electrons orbit at specific distances from the nucleus: in energy levels. The key scientist presenting this model was Niels Bohr. 5. Next, the nucleus was investigated further. It was found that the nucleus can be split up, producing particles with an equally-sized positive charge. These particles are named ‘protons’ – of course! 6. Then, in 1932, a scientist named James Chadwick proved that there were also uncharged particles in the nucleus. He called these particles ‘neutrons’ as they are neutral: no charge. This was about 20 years after the nucleus had already been accepted as the right idea about atoms.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics Types of nuclear radiation As you’ve seen, the rate of decay is measured in Bq, or can be measured as the count rate in Bq. What it actually ‘counts’ is the amount of radiation hitting the detector each second. The radiation emitted from the nucleus thanks to radioactive decay can be: • An alpha particle (symbol: α). An alpha particle is made of two protons and two neutrons (making it identical to the nucleus of helium atoms). Since there are four subatomic particles in one alpha particle, it has a mass number of 4. Since there are two protons in an alpha particle, it has a proton number of 2. • A beta particle (symbol: β). A beta particle is a high speed electron. Beta particles are emitted during a type of radioactive decay where a neutron turns into a proton. This process also makes an electron, and electrons aren’t ‘allowed’ in nuclei, so it gets fired out. • A gamma ray (symbol: γ). Yes, the same wave as in the electromagnetic spectrum. It has a very high frequency and very short wavelength. • A neutron (symbol: n). An uncharged particle – you know all about them already.

Alpha, beta and gamma As well as being different in form, alpha, beta and gamma are also different in terms of how they behave after emission from a nucleus.

Type of nuclear radiation


Range in air

A few centimetres

Penetrating power

Ionising power

Not very penetrating at all: absorbed by a thin sheet of paper.

Strongly ionising (as alpha particles are large and have a +2 charge)


A few metres

Fairly penetrating: completely absorbed by a sheet of aluminium 5mm thick.

Moderately ionising (as not as big as alpha particles and their charge is smaller, -1)


Enormous distances

Penetrates most materials. Absorbed only by several metres of concrete or a thick sheet of lead.

Only weakly ionising.

Key Terms



Releasing or giving out. Nuclear radiation is emitted during radioactive decay.


Passing through a material. Different types of nuclear radiation can penetrate different materials, and are absorbed by certain materials.


The process of making an ion by ‘knocking off’ electrons. Ionising radiation causes this, and can break up molecules into ions which go on to react with other chemicals. This is very dangerous in living organisms.

Using nuclear radiation Nuclear radiation can be very useful. Here are some examples: notice that the type of nuclear radiation used depends on exactly what you need it for, so it links to the properties in the table opposite. Radiotherapy: this is a treatment for cancer, using gamma rays. Gamma rays easily penetrate body tissues, so they can reach a tumour e.g. in the brain. The gamma rays can kill the cancer cells. However, since gamma rays are dangerous to healthy tissue, they use beams of gamma rays from many angles to the tumour, so healthy cells between source and tumour are not affected too badly. Monitoring thickness of paper in a factory: As the diagram shows, a beta source is used. This is because beta will pass through materials such as paper. The detector on the other side of the sheet will measure a lower count rate if the sheet gets too thick, and a higher count rate if it gets too thin. The rollers can be automatically adjusted to fix this. Medical diagnosis: sources of radiation can be taken into the body and the nuclear radiation monitored from the outside to give information about body function. Obviously, alpha is NOT suitable for this as it won’t penetrate body tissues to get to the detector! For example, a radioactive xenon isotope can be inhaled to check lung function. On the image, the left lung isn’t getting much air to the bottom parts.

Key Terms


Mass number

The total number of subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom (protons + neutrons).

Nuclear equations

Atomic number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. In other words, the number of positive (+1) charges in the nucleus.

To show what happens to an atom when it radioactively decays, we use nuclear equations. In these equations, we represent alpha and beta particles as shown in the key terms table.

Alpha particle

Can be represented with the symbol:

4 He 2

Beta particle

Can be represented with the symbol:

0 −1


The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the average time it takes for the number of radioactive nuclei to halve. It can be also be measured as the time it takes for the count rate of the sample to decrease to half its starting count rate.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics

Recalling what an alpha particle actually is (2 protons and 2 neutrons), it is clear that a nucleus going through alpha decay loses 4 subatomic particles (so the mass number has to decrease by four). Two of those are protons, so the atomic number must decrease by 2. Here’s an example:

This shows that a radon nucleus decays to produce a polonium nucleus and an alpha particle. Beta decay results in a beta particle, and happens because a neutron turns into a proton and an electron. The electron is ejected from the nucleus. Since neutrons and protons have the same mass, the mass number does not change. However, there is an extra proton, so the atomic number must increase by one (therefore the charge of the nucleus increases by 1). Here’s an example:

This shows that the carbon nucleus decays to produce a nitrogen nucleus and a beta particle. NB: emission of a gamma ray DOES NOT cause any change to the mass or atomic number.

Half life Radioactive decay is random – so you don’t know which nucleus will decay next. However, with a large number of radioactive nuclei, the time it takes for HALF of them to decay is predicable. This differs depending on the particular isotope involved. This length of time is called a half-life (see definitions too). Plotting the number of radioactive nuclei OR the count rate against time makes half-life easy to find. Read off the time it takes for the number on the y-axis to decrease by a half. So, in this example, we can see that the half-life of carbon-14 is 5.5 thousand years, whereas the half-life of plutonium-239 is 24 thousand years.

Radioactive contamination It is vital to realise that being exposed to nuclear radiation DOES NOT make something radioactive! (Despite what comic books show.) We say the exposed material/object is irradiated, and it is dangerous for living cells, as you know.

So, radioactive contamination is NOT being exposed to nuclear radiation. It means getting unwanted radioactive materials onto other materials. For instance, spilling a powdered radioactive source onto clothes. This is dangerous because the radioactive material keeps on emitting nuclear radiation through nuclear decay, so it can keep on irradiating the thing its on. The hazards due to irradiation or contamination mean that precautions must be taken. For instance, the radioactive materials (e.g. uranium) used in nuclear power plant is only transferred, stored and used in containers that nuclear radiation can’t penetrate. There is ongoing research by scientists into the effects of nuclear radiation on human health. Like all scientific findings, this research should be published and receive peer review – where other scientists check the methods and analysis performed, to make sure it is right!


The y-axis could also show count rate (Bq) – the shape of the graph would be identical

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics

Key Terms


Nuclear fission

Splitting of a large atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei, with release of energy

Nuclear fission

Chain reaction

A reaction where the first reaction starts another one of the same sort, which then sets off another reaction, and so on.


Heaviest naturally occurring element (a metal). It has numerous isotopes, where U-235 can be used for fission in nuclear power stations. So it is nuclear fuel.

Nuclear fusion

Joining to two light atomic nuclei to form a new nucleus with higher mass number (i.e. a heavier element), with the release of energy.

When people say ‘splitting the atom’, they mean nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the splitting of a large, unstable atomic nucleus. This rarely just happens spontaneously, but we can force it to happen by making a large, unstable atomic nucleus first absorb a neutron. Then it will split into two nuclei, but of smaller atoms. During this split, 2 or 3 neutrons will also be released, and gamma rays are emitted. LOTS of energy is released by this process – which is why it is used in nuclear power stations. In nuclear power stations, the large, unstable nuclei used is usually uranium (but plutonium can also be split). The neutrons released by the fission of one nucleus can then be absorbed by other large, unstable nuclei. This is a chain reaction (shown in diagram). In nuclear power stations, some of the neutrons are absorbed to control the reaction and stop it getting out of control. In nuclear weapons, the chain reaction does get out of control, causing the massive explosion.

Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion involves small atomic nuclei, like hydrogen isotopes, joining – or fusing – together to make a heavier nucleus (such as helium). This occurs in stars. At the moment on Earth, this can be done, but not in a way that is any use for generating electricity, at least not yet. Very extreme conditions are required for nuclear fusion – extreme temperatures and pressures, which is why you only find it occurring naturally in stars. An example of a fusion reaction is shown below. Some of the mass of the fusing isotopes can be converted into energy, transferred by radiation.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 16: Rates of Reaction Rate of Reaction The rate of reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction is happening. This can vary hugely from reaction to reaction. The rate of reaction can be calculated either by measuring the quantity of reactant used or the quantity of product made in a certain length of time. The quantity can either be a volume measured in cm3 or a mass measure in grams (g).

Key Terms


Rate of Reaction

The rate at which reactants are being turned into products


What is used in a chemical reaction


What is made in a chemical reaction


A substance which speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up


A straight line that touches a curve at a point

Measuring Rate of Reaction-Higher Tier Equation

The gradient of a volume or mass/time graph will give you the rate of reaction at a given point. However when the line is a curve you need to draw a tangent to measure the gradient. To draw a tangent follow the following steps 1. Line you ruler up across your graph, so that it touches the line on the point that you want to find out the gradient 2. Adjust the ruler until the space between the ruler and the curve is equal on both sides 3. Draw the line and pick two easy pints that will allow you to calculate the gradient of the line.

Calculating the Mean Rate of Reaction -Higher Tier To calculate the mean rate of reaction from a graph you need to pick two y values on the graph and two x values, subtract the largest from the smallest and the divide the value on the y axis by the valued on the x axis.

Meanings of terms in equation

Rate of Reaction=

đ?‘…đ?‘’đ?‘Žđ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘Ą đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘‘ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘’

Reactant used can either r be measured in grams or cm3

Rate of Reaction=

đ?‘ƒđ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ą đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘‘đ?‘’ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘’

Reactant used can either r be measured in grams or cm3

Measuring the Rate of Reaction There are several experiments that can be used to measure the rate of a chemical reaction. 1. Measuring the mass lost in a chemical reaction (marble chips and acid is a good example) 2. Measuring the volume of gas produced (decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is a good example) 3. Time taken to make an X disappear (sodium thiosulphate and acid is a good example)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 16: Rates of Reaction Interpreting Rate of Reaction Graphs The results from rate of reaction experiments can be plotted on a line graph. For example how the mass changes against time or how much gas is made against time. Different lines can be plotted for different conditions, the steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction.

Key Terms


Activation Energy

The minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to take place

Collision Theory

The theory that states for a chemical reaction to happen, particles must collide with sufficient energy


The measurement of how steep a line is on a graph


The amount of times something happens in one second


The number of particles in a given volume

It is important to remember that the graphs flatten off (plateau) at the same point as the same amount of reactant is being used. Factors which affect Rate of Reaction Being able to slow down and speed up chemical reactions is important in everyday life and in industry. We can change the rate of a reaction by: · Changing temperature · Changing pressure · Changing the concentration of a solution · Changing the surface area · Adding a catalyst

Collision Theory Collision Theory: reactions occur when particles collide with a certain amount of energy. The minimum amount of energy needed for the particles to react is called the activation energy, which is different for each reaction. The rate of a reaction depends on two things: · the frequency of collisions between particles. The more often particles collide, the more likely they are to react. · the energy with which particles collide. If particles collide with less energy than the activation energy, they will not react.

Collision Theory- in more detail Concentration If the concentration of a solution is increased then there are more particles in a given volume, therefore collisions are more frequent and the chemical reaction is faster. Concentration is directly proportional to rate of reaction ( if you double the concentration you double the rate

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Rates of Reaction Collision Theory in more detail Temperature When you increase the temperature of something the particles will move around faster, this increases the frequency of the collisions. As well as that, as the particles are moving faster the particles collide with more energy making it more likely that collisions exceed the activation energy.

Collision Theory in more detail Surface Area When you increase the surface area of a solid (you cannot increase the surface area of a liquid or gas). You increase the number of particles that are available for collision, therefore increasing the frequency of collisions therefore increase the rate of reaction.

Key Terms



A biological catalyst

Reaction Profile

A graph which show the energies of the reactants and products at different stages of the chemical reaction

Collision Theory in more detail Catalysts A catalyst is a substance which speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up. It speeds up a reaction because it lowers the activation energy by providing an alternative pathway and this means that there are more successful collisions and a faster reaction. The effect of a catalyst is shown on the reaction profile below:

Collision Theory- in more detail gas pressure If the reaction is carried out in the gaseous state, then increasing the pressure will increase the rate of reaction. If there are more particles in a given volume of gas, then collisions will be more frequent and therefore the reaction will be faster.

Catalysts are not included in a chemical equation as they are not used up in a chemical reaction.

Enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts, they speed up chemical reactions in biological systems for example in digestion in animals. Unlike catalysts enzymes have an optimum temperature where they work best, this is usually around 37

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms



Making offspring. All organisms reproduce.

Types of reproduction


Offspring is a generic term for children – it applies to any type of organism.

Organisms can reproduce sexually or asexually. • Sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces genetically unique offspring. Each parent produces a sex cell (gamete), which fuse as part of sexual reproduction. This means that each parent contributes 50% of the genetic information to the offspring, and the offspring is genetically unique. • Asexual reproduction involves only one parent and there is no fusion of gametes. As a result, there is no mixing of genetic information and the offspring are genetically identical to the parent (they are clones of their parent). No meiosis takes place (since there are no gametes); only mitosis is involved.


Sex cells, such as pollen, egg cells, sperm cells. Gametes are produced by meiosis.


Type of cell division that produces gametes. Gametes are genetically unique (compare to mitosis, where genetically identical daughter cells are produced).


The joining/fusing of sex cells in sexual reproduction.


The process of becoming a specialised cell. Specialised cells are the result of differentiation of stem cells.



You already know how mitosis is used to replace cells in the body. Meiosis is the other form of cell division, but quite different. Meiosis produces gametes, so it happens in reproductive organs (e.g. sperm cells are produced by meiosis in the testes; egg cells are produced by meiosis in the ovaries).

Obviously, fertilisation only happens in sexual reproduction. The male and female gametes fuse. Their nuclei join together into one and the genetic information is combined. Consequently, you have 50% of your genetic information from your mother and 50% from your father. The cell that is produced has the full set of chromosomes (in pairs again) – the normal number is restored. Again, this is 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in humans. The diagram shows this.

DNA in the nucleus of cells is arranged into structures called chromosomes. In all body cells, the chromosomes appear in pairs (in humans, there are 23 pairs, so 46 chromosomes altogether). However, in gametes, there are half the number of chromosomes of body cells, since they contain one from each chromosome pair (in humans, this means that gametes contain 23 chromosomes). In meiosis, the DNA is replicated to start with (just like mitosis – step 1 in diagram). But then the cell divides twice – i.e. divides into four cells – so each cell ends up with half the genetic information: a single set of chromosomes. At stage 2 – the pairs are split up, then at stage 3 the copies of chromosomes are separated. The four cells produced are gametes, and all of them are different to each other – they are genetically unique.

The new cell is ready to grow into an embryo. It does this through mitosis, increasing the number of cells. To be precise, each cell divides to make two cells. This means that a young embryo doubles the number of cells each ‘round’ of mitosis. After a ball of cells is produced, the cells start to differentiate – become specialised. So you are no longer just a blob. Fertilisation – gametes fuse

Cell division by mitosis

Mitosis continues, and many cells differentiate

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms


Reproductive hormones

Those hormones that control reproduction. Important examples: testosterone (in males); oestrogen and progesterone (in females).


Follicle Stimulating Hormone. This is released by the pituitary gland and causes maturation of an egg in the ovary.


Luteinising Hormone. This is released by the pituitary gland and it causes release of a mature egg (ovulation).

Uterus lining

The inside of the wall of the uterus. This is where an embryo implants when it is only a few cells in size.

Hormones and Human Reproduction Hormones, those chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream, control many aspects of reproduction, including the menstrual cycle, which is essential for sexual reproduction in humans (and other animals). • • •

During puberty the reproductive hormones (see key terms) cause the development of secondary sex characteristics. These are the distinctive features of men and women that develop during puberty (e.g. beards and breasts). Testosterone is the main male reproductive hormone. It is produced in the testes and it stimulates sperm production (sperm cells are also produced in the testes). Oestrogen is produced in the ovaries (in women), largely responsible for bringing about changes at puberty.

The menstrual cycle is not only the period, although this is where is usually considered to start. The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. The whole purpose of the menstrual cycle is to ready the body for pregnancy, by: • Shedding (releasing) the uterus lining from the previous cycle – causing the period (aka menstruation) • Allowing an egg to mature in the ovary (this is stimulated by the hormone FSH). • Thickening and maintaining the uterus lining in preparation for pregnancy (this is controlled by oestrogen and progesterone). • Releasing an egg (ovulation), about two weeks after the period started (this is stimulated by the hormone LH).

Contraception – preventing pregnancy One class of contraceptive methods is hormonal contraception. Oral contraceptives (“the pill”) contain hormones to inhibit FSH production so no eggs mature. Injections, implants of hormone-releasing devices, or skin patches can be used for slow-release progesterone, which inhibits the maturation and release of eggs for months or even years. Non-hormonal methods include: • Barrier methods, like condoms or diaphragms. These prevent sperm reaching the egg. • Intrauterine devices (in the uterus) that prevent any embryos produced from implanting in the uterus. They may also release progesterone, like the hormonal methods above. • Spermicidal agents – chemicals that kill or disable sperm. These are not very effective! • Abstinence – obviously, there will be no pregnancy without sex. An ineffective method of contraception is attempting to time abstinence so you don’t have sex while an egg is in the oviduct. • Sterilisation with surgery: for men, this involves cutting and tying the sperm ducts so no sperm are included in the ejaculate. For women, the procedure is more invasive, involving cutting and tying the oviducts so no eggs reach the uterus, and no sperm can get to them.


Becoming mature. All a woman’s eggs are in her ovary when she is born, but they must mature before they are released.

HT: Interactions of hormones in the menstrual cycle The four hormones involved in the menstrual cycle affect each other. Key points: • •

• •

FSH stimulates the released of oestrogen High levels of oestrogen stimulate the release of LH High levels of oestrogen inhibit (reduce) the production of FSH Progesterone inhibits the production of both LH and FSH

The changing hormone levels throughout the cycle can be graphed as shown – make sure you are familiar with the sequence and changing hormone levels.

Key Terms



Problems conceiving (getting pregnant). Treatments for female infertility given left (HT only).

HT: Hormones to treat infertility


In Vitro Fertilisation. This means ‘in glass’ fertilisation – meaning fertilisation happens in a lab.

Hormones can be used not only to prevent pregnancy, but to improve the chances of getting pregnant in cases of infertility. Fertility drugs contain FSH and LH, which may help a woman to get pregnant, as the cause of infertility may be low levels of these hormones. Failing this, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be used. Here’s how it works:


The chemical that makes up the genetic material in all cells. DNA is a polymer and arranged as a double helix.


Structure in cells containing one molecule of DNA. Body cells contain two copies of each chromosome – one from each parent.


The entire genetic material of an organism.


A section of DNA. Each gene is a code for a sequence of amino acids, so each gene codes for a specific protein.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The mother is given FSH by injection to stimulate eggs to mature – a high dose is given so many eggs mature. LH is also given, getting eggs ready for ovulation. Once eggs have had time to mature and are ready for ovulation, but before they actually get released into the oviduct, they are collected from the ovaries. In a lab (‘in glass’ – a Petri dish: this is what in vitro means), the eggs are fertilised by sperm from the father. The mother can use a sperm donor at this point. Still in the lab, in a Petri dish, these fertilised eggs grow into embryos of a few cells. As tiny balls of cells, ready for implantation, one or two embryos are inserted into the mother’s uterus. They used to insert more than this, to increase the chances of pregnancy, but as effectiveness increased the number of multiple births (twins, triplets etc.) increased, which are a bit more risky than pregnancies with one baby.

So, IVF has allowed many people to have children who couldn’t otherwise. It is stressful though – physically uncomfortable and emotional, because it still only works far less than half of the time. Also, the success rate drops with age. As mentioned, multiple births are more likely in IVF, and these are more risky to mother and baby.

DNA DNA is a chemical, a compound made of elements you know – carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus. It is a polymer – meaning a very long molecule with units that repeat over and over. Each molecule of DNA is in fact made of two strands that run opposite one another and join in the middle (see diagram). These two strands form a spiral we call a double helix – double because there are two strands, and helix is just another word for spiral. DNA is contained in chromosomes, where each chromosome contains one molecule of DNA – one long double helix each (there are also protein molecules as part of chromosomes). Short (compared to the whole molecule) sections of DNA called genes code for proteins (see diagram). This is how DNA gives you characteristics – the genes inherited from the parents, on the chromosomes they pass on to you, code for the sequence of amino acids to make specific proteins.

The genome The genome is the word to describe all the genetic material of an organism. The human genome has been fully sequenced, so we know exactly the order of genes on each chromosome. (Note: in genetic terms, humans are extremely similar so we do have a general human genome. Everyone will vary slightly from it, but by less than 1%.) The micrograph shows the 23 pairs of chromosomes found in human cells, where pair 23 is the sex chromosomes (XY in this person). Understanding the human genome is very useful for all sorts of reasons, including: • Helping the search for genes linked to specific diseases • Understanding inherited disorders (more on these later) • Using the tiny differences in genetic information between people to track how humans have migrated all over the planet.

Key Terms



A form or version of a gene. Since you inherit a copy of each chromosome from each parent, you have two copies of each gene – we call these two versions alleles.


In genetics, to ‘express’ a gene means for it to be used by the body to make a protein, causing a characteristic.


Describes alleles that are always expressed (so you see the effects in the organism). Indicated with a capital letter to represent the allele e.g. D.

The alleles present in an individual organism cause body cells to produce certain proteins, or versions of proteins (as this is what a gene does remember). This is called expression of a gene, and leads to physical characteristics we call phenotypes.


Describes alleles that are only expressed if there are two recessive copies (one from each parent). In other words, recessive alleles are only expressed if there is no dominant allele present. Indicated with a lower case letter to represent the allele e.g. d.

This is easier with an example. Look at the cats below: the allele for short fur in cats is dominant to the allele for long fur. Let’s call the alleles F and f respectively. In the top example, both parents are homozygous dominant (genotype: FF). This means all the gametes they produce will have one F in them, so at fertilisation the only possibility is for the offspring to get FF. So all their offspring have the short fur phenotype.


The combination of alleles that an individual has. Often represented with two letters: e.g. DD, Dd or dd.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce? Genetic inheritance All the genes you have, you inherited from your parents. They gave you half your genome each. Since they gave you one from each pair of chromosomes you have now, they in fact gave you one copy of each gene each – i.e. genes for the same thing. We call the two different versions of each gene alleles. Some characteristics are controlled by one gene – or rather, the two alleles of a single gene. E.g. fur colour in mice, red-green colour blindness in humans. However, most characteristics come about thanks to many genes and their interactions, not just one gene.

In the second row, both parents have long hair, so they must both have the genotype ff (homozygous recessive). Consequently, all their offspring must have long hair too. In the third row, the first parent has short hair but is heterozygous (genotype: Ff) – so they still have short hair as the short hair allele is dominant. If they mate with a long hair cat (genotype ff), there are different probabilities for offspring phenotypes, as they will get either F or f from the first parent. So, half of them will have short hair (with genotype Ff) and half will have long hair (with genotype ff).

Probability and ratios Knowing the genotypes of the parents allows you to work out the probability of each genotype (and therefore phenotype) in the offspring. It does not guarantee, like in the bottom cat example, that they’ll have four kittens, or that half will have long hair. What it tells us is: for each kitten, there is a 50% chance of it having long hair. The other way of saying this is that the expected ratio of offspring genotypes is 1:1 for long:short hair. So if the bottom two cat parents had 50 kittens, we’d expect 25 of each hair length.


The physical characteristic that results from a particular genotype.


Describes a genotype where both alleles are the same – e.g. DD is homozygous dominant; dd is homozygous recessive.


Describes a genotype where the two alleles are different (one dominant, one recessive) – e.g. Dd.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms



The practice of checking for a disease or an inherited disorder.


An individual with one copy of the recessive allele that causes an inherited disorder (e.g. Cc for the cystic fibrosis genotype). As a result, they don’t have the disorder, but they can pass one allele for it onto their offspring.

Sex chromosomes

Pair 23 in humans. Females have the combination XX, males have the combination XY.

Genetic cross

An unglamorous term given to mating between two individuals, producing offspring.

Punnett square

A tool used to predict the outcome of a genetic cross.

Inherited disorders Some disorders (or diseases – same thing really) are inherited, so we can also call them genetic disorders. If someone inherits a certain allele/combination of alleles, they have the inherited disorder. Two examples to know: • Polydactyly: a condition where people have extra fingers or toes. This is caused by a dominant allele, so only one copy is needed to have the condition. • Cystic fibrosis: a condition where protein pumps in cell membranes don’t work properly, leading to thick and sticky mucus being produced in the lungs and intestines. This is caused by a recessive allele, so individuals with cystic fibrosis are all homozygous recessive. Studying family trees can help genetic scientists decide whether a disorder is caused by a recessive or dominant allele. In the family tree shown, C is the allele for healthy cell membranes, and c is the allele for disordered cell membranes. Both parents must have at least one c to have children with cystic fibrosis, as the family tree shows. (Note: anyone without a genotype shown has the genotype CC). Since we know which alleles cause conditions like these, unborn babies, or embryos produced during IVF, can be checked – or screened – to see if they have the inherited disorder. This practice, embryo screening, can be used to inform whether an embryo should be implanted in IVF, or, if used during pregnancy, to decide whether an abortion should take place. Obviously, these are huge decisions and the right to life of the embryo must be weighed against the difficulties they’ll face with an inherited condition and the personal choice and beliefs of the parents.

Sex determination In biology, sex is not short for sexual intercourse. Sex means male or female – so is only relevant to organisms that reproduce sexually. The sex of offspring is determined by the combination of sex chromosomes inherited from the parents. Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes all humans have, 22 control body characteristics and the 23rd pair determines sex. [Note: like all chromosomes, the sex chromosomes carry genes, they just have the extra function of sex determination.] Human females have the combination for pair 23: XX. We say they have two X chromosomes. Human males have the combination XY for pair 23 (they are different). When having children, then, mothers always pass on one X chromosome to their offspring. Males can pass on an X chromosome OR a Y chromosome – there’s a 50:50 chance of each. This is because, when cells divide by meiosis to make gametes, all the female gametes contain an X, but half the sperm cells have an X, half have a Y. How these combine to give a 50% chance of a girl is shown in the Punnett square to the right.

On the side, the possible female gametes are placed.

On the top, the possible male gametes are placed.

The possible combinations are shown. The ratio of female:male is 2:2, simplifying to 1:1.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms



Differences in the characteristics of individuals in a population.


Genetic variation

Differences in the genome between individuals. This often causes differences in physical characteristics.


Different versions of the same thing. Often this term is used to describe individuals who are different from others in a specific genetic way – for instance the ‘long haired cat variant’ from earlier.


A change to DNA. Mutations can cause a change in the sequence of amino acids being produced, affecting the protein being produced from the DNA code.


Change in the inherited characteristics of organisms over time. Evolution happens through natural selection.

Natural selection

The process that changes the inherited characteristics of organisms over time. This explains the adaptations of organisms to their environment AND the formation of new species of organism.

Common ancestor

An ancestor in common. For instance, if you have a sister, your granddad is a common ancestor to you both.

Organisms vary, both organisms of different species (obviously) and organisms of the same species (also obviously!). Variation (differences) are caused by both genetic causes and environmental causes. • Some differences are only due to inherited genes – they are entirely genetic; • Some differences are only due to the conditions in which an organism developed and lives – they are entirely environmental; • Some differences are due to a combination of genetic and environmental influences. In this case, we say the genome of an organism and its environment interact to affect the phenotype of the organism. In most populations of most species of organism, there is a lot of genetic variation. The general term for versions of the same organism (i.e. different individuals of a species) is with different genetic information is variants. All variants arise from mutations. Mutations can be dangerous (remember your work on cancer, for instance), but usually have no effect. Sometimes, they have a beneficial effect. Overall: • Mutations happen continuously; • most mutations will not affect the phenotype at all; • some will influence the phenotype (maybe change it a bit); • very few mutations cause a total change in phenotype. The last case is rare, but very important. If a mutation occurs that leads to a new phenotype, and the new phenotype makes the organism better suited to the environment, it will lead to a rather rapid change in the species, by natural selection.

Evolution Evolution is the change in inherited (genetic) characteristics of organisms over time. Many theories of evolution have been suggested, but Darwin’s theory of natural selection is the one with by far the most evidence. Darwin noticed that all organisms produce more offspring than they need to replace themselves, and yet population sizes stay pretty steady from generation to generation. He also observed that all species show variation, and that life is tough for organisms – only the best adapted survive. So, based on these observations, we can explain evolution by natural selection like this: 1. A population of organisms shows variation – there are variants in the population 2. The organisms are in competition to survive 3. Survival of the fittest – only the variants with the phenotypes best suited to the environment get to survive 4. Reproduction – those who survive get to reproduce 5. Genetic inheritance – their offspring inherit the genes from their parents, so the successful phenotype becomes more common in the next generation. This continues from generation to generation.

New species The theory of evolution by natural selection tells us that all species of living things have evolved from a single, simple type of life form. We know this common ancestor was alive on Earth over three billion years ago. How we ended up with millions of different species from this single species is also explained by evolution by natural selection. Essentially, two populations of one species (e.g. a population of fish is divided into two populations by geographical changes such as the joining of North and South America) can become two different species. This happens when the two populations become so different in their phenotypes that they can no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring. This is the point when we define them as different species. For example, tigers and lions are different species (the population of their common ancestor has been separated for a long time) – they can interbreed (producing a liger), but ligers are infertile. So their parents are different species.

Key Terms



The remains of organisms from millions of years ago, found in rocks. They are formed in different ways – see main text.


A variant of microorganism within a species – so they are not a different species to other variants, but have a key difference in their phenotype (e.g. being resistant to an antibiotic). New strains are produced by mutations.

Resistant strain

Describes a variant form of bacteria with resistance (NOT immunity) to a specific antibiotic.

Thanks to all this evidence, Darwin’s theory for evolution is now very widely accepted. Two key bodies of evidence for you to know are: the fossil record, and the evolution of resistant bacteria.


An example of a resistant strain of bacteria. It stands for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.



When NO individuals of a species remain alive.

Evolutionary tree

A timeline that shows how closely related different species are to each other.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce? Evidence for evolution There is a vast haul of evidence to support Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. This evidence has built up over time: for example, Darwin didn’t know about genes so found it hard to explain inheritance from parents in full. Obviously, we’ve got this knowledge now.

Fossils are the remains of organisms. They are always old, typically millions of years old, and are found in rocks. They can form by: 1. The organism or parts of the organism don’t decay because the conditions are not right for decay by microorganisms. For example, mammoths have been preserved in frozen mud. 2. Parts of the organism are replaced by minerals from the surrounding rocks as they decay. Most often, this results in soft tissues (e.g. muscle, skin) decaying normally, but the form of bones is preserved by the minerals in bones being swapped for minerals from the rocks/sediments that the dead organisms were buried under. 3. Preserved traces of organisms – so not their actual bodies, but traces like footprints, droppings, burrows and the traces of roots. As most fossils are formed from bones, and many early forms of life had soft bodies (no bones), there are few traces of early forms of life. Any traces there were tend to have been destroyed by geological activity (movements of tectonic plates, volcanic activity and so on). This means the fossil record is incomplete and scientists cannot be totally sure about the origin of life on Earth. The fossil record helps scientists fill in timelines and evolutionary trees to show how life has changed over time on Earth. Using evolutionary trees shows the closeness of relationships between different species.

Extinction Extinctions of a species can happen for many reasons, and often extinction is due to more than one factor working together. Some key factors that may contribute to extinction of a species: • Development of new species, so the old species doesn’t exist any more • New diseases affecting a species, which they aren’t adapted to and can’t survive • New predators, to which a species cannot adapt fast enough to survive • Changes to the environment, to which the species cannot adapt by natural selection, including catastrophic events (like the meteor strike that caused extinction of loads of species, e.g. dinosaurs) • New competitors that are better adapted to the environment than the species.

Resistant bacteria The key factor that affects the rate of evolution is how fast an organism reproduces. Bacteria can reproduce as fast as doubling every 20 minutes, so they can evolve rapidly. Thanks to a mutation, strains of bacteria that are resistant to an antibiotic can emerge. These are NOT killed by antibiotics used to try to kill them when the bacteria has infected someone. Consequently, they survive and reproduce, so the size of the resistant strain population increases generation to generation, while the non-resistant strain is wiped out. Furthermore, the resistant strain is likely to spread because if it infects other people and: • They are not immune to it • And there is no effective treatment. Society benefits if we reduce the rate of development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Some methods to help save the day: • Antibiotics should not be prescribed by doctors where they are not needed (especially for viral infections, since antibiotics don’t work on viruses). • Patients need to finish the full course of antibiotics they get prescribed, reducing the chance of any surviving and mutating to form resistant strains. • Restrict the use of antibiotics in agriculture, as at present many animals receive antibiotics all the time to prevent infections and encourage growth. We also badly need new antibiotics. However, it is slow and expensive to develop new antibiotic drugs, and at the moment we are not keeping up with the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms


Selective breeding

Also known as artificial selection. A technique of improving domesticated animals and plants for humans benefit, by breeding for particular genetic characteristics.


Animals/plants used in agriculture (or for pets!) are called domesticated species.


The result of selective breeding can be inbreeding, where limited genetic variation can make organisms more prone to disease or inherited defects.

Genetic engineering

Modifying the genome of an organism by introducing a gene from another organism, giving a desired characteristic.

Genetically modified

GM for short. Describes organisms (especially crops) that have had their genome modified by genetic engineering.


The amount of useful product you get from a plant or animal used in agriculture (e.g. mass of fruit).

Vector (HT)

In the context of genetic engineering, a vector is a piece of genetic material used to transfer a gene. It is usually a bacterial plasmid or virus.

Selective breeding In selective breeding, domesticated animals or plants are bred for particular genetic characteristics. This is not a new thing: humans have been choosing which animals/plants to breed together ever since agriculture was invented many thousands of years ago. The organisms with desired characteristics are chosen and deliberately bred together – if all goes well, the offspring have inherited the desired characteristics. The offspring with those characteristics are then bred together, and so on for many generations until all the offspring have the desired characteristic. Some examples of characteristics that selective breeding is used to obtain: • Disease resistance in food crops • Animals which produce more e.g. milk or meat • Domestic (pet) dogs with gentle natures, high intelligence and so on • Large or unusual flowers. So, selective breeding is very useful. However, because of the deliberate selection of organisms with certain genetic characteristics for breeding, inbreeding can result from its use.

Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is common and extremely useful. Recall that one gene codes for one protein, which in turn leads to specific characteristic. If an organism has the gene for a characteristic you want, you can transfer that gene into the genome of a different organism altogether. This has allowed, for example, the genetic engineering of plant crops to make them resistant to disease or to produce bigger, better fruit. Another key example is the genetic engineering of bacteria so they produce human insulin for treatment of type 1 diabetes. How genetic engineering works: Genes from an organism with a desired characteristic are ‘cut out’ of their genome and transferred to the cells of other organisms, in such as way that the second organism uses the gene from the first one. The resulting organism is called a genetically modified organism. Good examples of GM crops include those that are now resistant to attack by insects, or are not affected by the herbicides that farmers use to kill weeds (obviously, it would be bad news to use a herbicide that kills your weeds but also your crops). GM crops are also often produced to have higher yields.

Genetic engineering – the controversy There are some concerns about GM crops. The most important include concerns about how the GM crops may effect wild flowers and insects. There is not thought to be any risk to human health eating them, but some people call for more research on this. Research is going on into how genetic modification might be used to overcome inherited disorders in humans.

HT: Genetic engineering – the steps The summary is given left. The steps in more detail: 1. Enzymes are used to cut out, or isolate, the required gene. 2. This gene is placed in a vector, so it can be transferred to the organism you intend to genetically modify. 3. The vector is used to insert the gene into cells of the second organism (e.g. the food crop). This has to be done at an early stage of development (i.e. as a tiny embryo) so the organism develops with the desired characteristic. [It wouldn’t be much help to add the gene to an adult, since you’d have to add it to every cell to give them the desired characteristic.]

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms


Electric charge

Just a positive or negative charge!

Static charge


Not moving.


Material that does NOT conduct electric current


Being pulled together


Being pushed apart


Movement of a charge from a charged object, making it neutral

Every atom contains particles with an electric charge: protons and electrons. The electrons can be transferred from one material to another. When certain insulating materials are rubbed together, they both become charged because electrons are transferred from one material to the other. • The material gaining electrons becomes negatively charged • The material losing electrons becomes positively charged • The size of the charge one each material is the same magnitude, but opposite in direction (+ vs -) Electrically charged objects affect other charged objects. Like charges repel, whereas oppositely charged objects are attracted to each other. This is a non-contact force. If there is a big enough difference in charge between two places, sometimes the charge can seem to ‘jump’. This is seen as a spark. The charge does not, in fact, jump, but flows through the air, heating the air up enough to make it glow. This neutralises the charged objects, so is known as a discharge. In fact, this is the basic idea behind how lightning works.

Electric fields Any charged object produces an electric field around it, which extends in all directions away from the object. Other charged objects in this electric field are affected by it – either attracted or repelled as described above. The electric field gets weaker with distance from the charged object, which is obvious when you look at the diagram, right, because the field lines (the arrows) spread out going away from the charged object. These field lines are not ‘real things’, but they represent the electric field. If you look at how many lines pass through a certain area, you can get a sense of the strength of the electric field. The more lines pass through the area, the stronger the field. When we say a field is stronger, it means it will exert more force on other charged objects. This concept of the electric field helps explain why electric attraction/repulsion is a non-contact force: the objects don’t need to touch, but do need to be within each other’s electric fields.

This diagram shows how field lines cause attraction between opposite charges and repulsion between like charges. Again, they don’t need to touch to exert these forces on each other.

A charged sphere on its own (isolated). The arrows point the other way if the object is negatively charged. The rhombuses show how more lines cut through the same area if you are closer to the charged object. This indicates that the field is stronger closer to the charged object.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms


Electric charge

Just a positive or negative charge! In most electrical circuits, the electric charges that are flowing are electrons – which are of course negatively charged. Symbol: Q


The rate of flow of electric charge (i.e. speed). Calculated by dividing the size of the charge by the time. Symbol: đ??ź

Potential difference

Also known as voltage, or p.d.. The potential difference is a measure of how much work is done per coulomb of charge.


Resistance determines the size of the current for a particular potential difference.


Meanings of terms in equation

Electric charge and current Every atom contains particles with an electric charge: protons and electrons. By getting electric charges to flow, we can get them to do work (i.e. transfer energy) in all sorts of useful ways. For that is what happens in any electric circuit you can think of: flowing charges transfer energy. If we want to get electric charges to flow, we must make a closed, or complete circuit – a loop of conducting materials, like metal wires. Then, we must provide a source of potential difference. The source of potential difference could be a cell, battery or the mains. What these sources do is to create a difference in electrical potential energy – hence the name. This provides the force to make the electric charges in the conductors flow. When electric charges, like electrons, are flowing, we call it an electric current. The size of an electric current is simply the rate of flow of electric charge. đ?‘„ So current (đ??ź) = or đ?‘„ = đ??źđ?‘Ą


Q = charge flow (coulombs, C) I = current (amperes, A) t = time (seconds, s)


V = potential difference (volts, V) I = current (amperes, A) R = resistance (ohms, Ί)



In a circuit, in any closed loop of the circuit, the size of the current is the same throughout the loop. As shown on the diagram, the current is the same in all parts of the loop, including through the battery and through the resistors.


Current, resistance and potential difference Cells and batteries etc. are sources of potential difference. This means they boost the potential energy of charges in a circuit. Other components, like resistors or bulbs, do work – so they take the potential energy of the charges and transfer it into some other form, like light or heat. In a circuit, all the energy provided by the cell/battery is transferred by the components in the circuit all together. So, in components like bulbs, the charges do work – i.e. they transfer energy. By definition, this means they have a potential difference across them. We say ‘across’ since it is a difference, from one side of the component to the other. The current through a component depends on this potential difference across the component, but also its resistance. Without any resistance, a component would do no work (try putting a 0 in the equation!), so things like bulbs HAVE TO have resistance. The resistance of a component, along with the potential difference across it, determines the current through it, as shown in the second equation. It shows us that: if we keep the potential difference the same, but increase the resistance, the current must decrease. If we keep the potential difference the same, but decrease the resistance, the current must increase.

Look how the voltmeters are added across the components to measure the potential difference across them. Yes, you need to learn these symbols.

Key Terms



Components connected one after another in a closed loop.


Components connected in different loops of a circuit.

We can connect components in a circuit in series or in parallel. In some circuits, there are components in series AND components in parallel – see the example in the diagram.


An electrical component that regulates current in a circuit. Bear in mind, all electrical components have resistance, so are resistors in some sense, as well as being e.g. bulbs.


Meanings of terms in equation

The quantities of resistance, current and potential difference behave differently in components connected in series compared to components connected in parallel. Study the table and diagrams carefully.

for series circuits: đ?‘…đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ = đ?‘…1 + đ?‘…2 *

đ?‘…đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ = total resistance (ohms, Ί) đ?‘…1 = resistance of first component (Ί) đ?‘…2 = resistance of next component (Ί) – and so on

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity Series and parallel circuits


Components connected in series‌

Components connected in parallel‌


The current through each component is identical

Shared between the loops. The total current through the whole circuit is the sum of the currents through each loop of the circuit.

Potential difference

The potential difference provided by the power supply is shared between the components in series (not necessarily equally shared out – it depends on the resistance of each component).

Each loop receives the full potential difference provided by the power supply. If we are dealing with just two components in parallel, the potential difference across each is exactly the same, and exactly the same as the potential difference provided by the power supply.


The total resistance of two components is the sum of the resistance of each component (see equation). So, adding more resistors in series increases the total resistance.

The total resistance of two components in parallel is always less than the smallest resistance of the components. As a result, adding more resistors in parallel actually decreases the overall resistance.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms


Direct p.d.

A supply where the potential difference is fixed at a certain value, so the current flows in one direction only

Direct and alternating potential difference

Alternating p.d.

A supply where the p.d. switches between positive a negative, reversing the direction of the current frequently.


The number of times the p.d. reverses direction every second. Measured in Hertz (Hz).

The flow of charge (current) in a circuit can travel in one direction around the circuit only. This is due to a direct supply of potential difference, also known as dc. Cells and batteries provide a direct potential difference. However, it is possible for the direction of the current to change back and forth in a circuit. This happens when there the supply provides an alternating potential difference – also known as ac. This means the p.d. is constantly switching from positive to negative, which you can see if you measure the p.d. and produce an image of is on an oscilloscope, as the diagram shows. The rate at which the p.d. switches from positive to negative is called the frequency of the supply. The bottom image, since the supply is a battery, shows a direct potential difference.

Three-core cables We connect most electrical appliances to the mains with a three-core cable. The three pins on a plug are just the three ends, or terminals, of the three wires in the cable. Each wire in insulated in a different colour.

The national grid

Mains electricity Mains electricity (the supply into your house/school etc. that comes through the plugs) is an ac supply. In the UK, we have a supply with a p.d. of about 230V, and the frequency is 50 Hz.

Wire in three-core cable

Colour code of the insulation

Live wire


Neutral wire

Earth wire Neutral wire Live wire

The national grid connects power stations to consumers of the power – like you. It consists of a network of cables (i.e. power lines) and transformers. There are two types of transformers; together they improve the efficiency of the energy transfer from power station to homes and schools etc.: 1. Step-up transformers increase the p.d. from the power station to the transmission cables. This reduces the current so less energy is lost as heat. 2. Step-down transformers decrease the p.d. from the cables to a much lower value (230V, generally) for domestic use. This increases the current to suit electrical appliances used at home.

Earth wire


Carries the alternating p.d. from the supply to the appliance


Completes the circuit. The neutral wire is at 0 V (earth potential).

Yellow and green stripes

Earth wires are at 0 V. They are safety wires, and only carry a current if there is a fault and the appliance has become live (electrified).

DANGER (and safety) The earth wire carries current to the ground (literally, earth). This makes circuits safer because if there is a fault, it conducts the current to the ground rather than making the appliance ‘live’. Appliances become live if the live wire touches the case. This is particularly a problem with metal-cased appliances, like cookers or toasters. The live wire is the most dangerous one, since it is at 230 V. it should never touch the earth wire (unless the insulation is between them, of course!), because this would make a complete circuit from your mains supply to the ground (earth). A shock or fire would be highly likely.

Even if a circuit is switched off (i.e. the switch is open), the live wire can still be dangerous. If you touch it, you may complete a circuit between the live wire and the earth (because you’ll be standing on the floor), so you get a shock.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms



The rate of energy transfer. In electrical components, the power is found by multiplying p.d. by current.



Transfer of energy.

You should recall that power is the rate of energy transfer, or the rate at which work is done. In electrical components, including any electrical appliance, the power relates to the potential difference across the component and the current through it. If either p.d. or current increases, the power increases. In other words, the rate of energy transfer increases. This should be clear from the first equation.


Any device that transfers electrical energy to other forms. The supply of electrical energy can be a cell, battery, or the mains ac supply.

The second equation also finds the power. The equation comes from substituting in V = IR. The second equation is useful if you don’t know the p.d. across a component.

Energy transfers in electrical appliances The whole point of electrical appliances is to transfer energy. The electrical potential energy from the supply is transferred to something useful – such as light and sound in your TV. The other way of saying this is that work is done when charge flows in a circuit. Some examples of energy transfers in electrical appliances: • In your mobile phone, electrical potential energy from the dc supply (the battery) is transferred to light, sound and thermal energy. This means the energy from the battery is dissipated to the surroundings. • A washing machine transfers electrical potential energy from the ac mains supply to kinetic energy in the electric motor (that’s why it spins), along with heat. Eventually, all the energy of the input is dissipated to the surroundings. • An electric heater transfers the electrical potential energy of the supply to thermal energy. The energy stored in the supply ends up stored in the air, the walls, the floor and so on around the heater: stored in the heat of the materials. The amount of energy transferred by an appliance depends on the power of the appliance and the time it is switched on for. To find the amount of energy transferred, simply multiply the power of the appliance by the time it is on for (see third equation). Furthermore, since p.d. is a measure of how much work is done per coulomb of charge, you can find out how much work is done (aka energy transferred) by a circuit by multiplying the charge flow by the p.d. (see fourth equation).

Equation đ?‘ƒ=đ?‘‰đ??ź * đ?‘ƒ = đ??ź2 đ?‘… *

P = power (watts, W) V = potential difference (volts, V) I = current (amps, A) P = power (watts, W) I = current (amps, A) R = resistance (ohms, Ί)


E = energy transferred (joules, J) P = power (watts, W) t = time (seconds, s)


E = energy transferred (joules, J) Q = charge flow (coulombs, C) V = potential difference (volts, V)



Meanings of terms in equation

High power, low power The power of an appliance determines how much energy is transfers in a given length of time. If an appliance has a high power (e.g. a washing machine), it transfers lots of energy in a given time. If it has a low power (e.g. a lamp), it doesn’t transfer much energy in a given time, in comparison. The other way of looking at it is how long the appliance takes to transfer a given amount of energy, e.g. 1000 J. A washing machine will transfer the energy in a very short length of time, whereas a lamp will take much longer to transfer this energy.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 18:Energetics Energy in Reactions Energy is conserved in chemical reactions. The amount of energy in the universe at the end of a chemical reaction is the same as before the reaction takes place. In a chemical reaction, bond breaking and bond making occur. To break a chemical bond you need to overcome the force of attraction in the bond, this process requires energy therefore it is endothermic. The process of bond formation is exothermic, energy is released when bonds form. In a chemical reaction the difference between the energy required to break the bonds and the energy gained from making the bonds will decide whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic. Chemical reactions can therefore be divided into exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions.

What happens?




Heat energy is transferred to the surroundings.

The energy required to break chemical bonds is less than the energy gained from making chemical bonds. Therefore the excess is given off as heat to the surroundings.

Combustion reaction, reactions used in hand warmers


Heat energy is taken in from the surroundings

The energy required to break chemical bonds is more than the energy gained from making chemical bonds. Therefore heat is taken in from the surroundings.

The reaction of citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate, the reactions used in ice packs

Reaction Profiles Reminder from topic 15: Chemical reactions can occur only when reacting particles collide with each other and with sufficient energy. The minimum amount of energy that particles must have to react is called the activation energy. Reaction profiles can be used to show the relative energies of reactants and products, the activation energy and the overall energy change of a reaction. This is the reaction profile of an exothermic reaction, the energy of the products is lower than that of the reactants. The difference in energy is released as heat to the surroundings.

This is the reaction profile of an endothermic reaction, the energy of the products is higher than that of the reactants. The difference in energy is taken in from the surroundings.

Key Terms


Reaction Profile

A graph which shows the energies of the products and reactants in a chemical reaction


A reaction that gives out heat to the surroundings


A reaction that takes heat in from the surroundings Reaction Profiles- In more detail

The profile below shows the reaction which makes ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen. The equation is given below:

N2+3H2ďƒ 2 NH3

This hump shows the activation energy

There are some key features to highlight on this graph ,firstly the curved section represents the activation energy for this reaction, this hump shows how much energy is required to break the bonds in the reactants. To overcome the activation energy we often need to heat our reactants. The products are lower in energy than the reactants, this means it is an exothermic reaction. As the excess energy is given out to the surroundings. as heat energy.

Calculating bond energies -higher tier. The difference between the sum of the energy needed to break bonds in the reactants and the sum of the energy released when bonds in the products are formed is the overall energy change of the reaction. For example consider the reaction: N2+3H2ďƒ 2 NH3 To work out the overall energy change you will need to subtract, the energy gained from forming the bonds in ammonia, from the energy required to break the nitrogen and hydrogen bonds. This will give you the overall energy change, if the value is negative then the reaction is exothermic, if the value is positive the reaction is endothermic

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 18:Energetics Bond Energies continued- Higher Tier You can calculate the energy change in a reaction from bond energies given to you in a question. For example consider the reaction below: This shows that hydrogen peroxide breaks down to make water and oxygen. We can use bond energies to work out the energy change in the reaction. Bond

Bond energy in kJ per mole







The energy required to break the reactant bonds is:

2 x464 (for the O-H bonds) = 928 + 146 (for the O-O bond)=1074 however as there is a 2 in the equation this number needs to be doubled. 2 x 1074 = 2148 klj/mol The energy gained from making the product bonds is:

2x464= 928 but there is a 2 in the equation so this doubled to 1856 and we also need to add the 498 for the double bond in O2 1856+498=2354 kj/mol Therefore we do energy required to break reactant bonds- energy gained from making product bonds: 2184-2354=-170kj/mole

If the value is negative then the reaction is exothermic If the value is positive the reaction is endothermic.

Key Terms



A reaction that is reversible

Le Chatelier’s principle

A principle which states, “If a system is at equilibrium and a change is made to any of the conditions, then the system responds to counteract the change”

Dynamic Equilibrium

An equilibrium where the forward and backward reactions are happening at the same rate

Equilibrium Some chemical reactions are reversible, this means they can happen in both the forward and reverse directions. The symbol we use to represent an equilibrium reaction is shown in the equation below:

In a dynamic equilibrium reaction, the forward and reverse reactions are happening at the same rate. A dynamic equilibrium has to occur in a closed system, where no reactants and products are allowed to escape. If the equilibrium lies to the left, it means that there is a greater concentration of reactants than products If the equilibrium lies to the right it means there is a greater concentration of products than reactants. Most equilibrium reactions are endothermic in one direction and exothermic in another direction. A good example is the hydration and dehydration of copper sulphate. It is exothermic when water is added to the copper sulphate, it is endothermic when water is removed.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 18:Energetics Changing Conditions-Le Chatelier’s principle- Higher Tier The Haber process is a good example to explain Le Chatelier’s principle, the equation for the Haber process is shown below. The reaction is carried out in the gaseous state. Remember this is one of many reactions but the principles always stay the same. Endothermic in this direction

Condition Change Increase the temperature

Key Terms



A reaction that is reversible

Le Chatelier’s principle

A principle which states, “If a system is at equilibrium and a change is made to any of the conditions, then the system responds to counteract the change”

Dynamic Equilibrium

An equilibrium where the forward and backward reactions are happening at the same rate

Exothermic in this direction

Effect Shifts the equilibrium to the left as this is the endothermic direction. The amount of reacrtants increases.

Decrease the temperature

Shifts the equilibrium to the right as this is the exothermic direction. The amopunt of product increases

Increase the concentration of reactants

Equilibrium shifts to the right to make more product, to reach equilibrium again

Increase the concentration of products

Equilibrium shifts to the left to reach equilibrium again

Increase the pressure in the gas

Equilibrium shifts to the right, where there are fewer molecules of gas, this will decrease the pressure.

Decrease the pressure in the gas

Shifts the equilibrium to the left as there are more gas molecules on that side of the equation.

Equilibrium- Changing Conditions-Higher tier The amounts of all the reactants and products at equilibrium depend on the conditions of the reaction. For example if we change things like temperature, concentration of a reactant or product and pressure in gases. The French scientist Le Chatelier devised a principle to explain how equilibrium reactions, respond to a change in conditions, it states that: “If a system is at equilibrium and a change is made to any of the conditions, then the system responds to counteract the change” For example if the temperature is raised the equilibrium will shift to try to cool the surroundings down.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Ecology and Interdependence Ecology is the study of everything from individual organisms to the whole biosphere (everywhere that life is found on Earth). An ecosystem is an interconnecting network of living organisms and their environment. The feeding relationships are one way in which organisms depend on each other. To begin with, almost all organisms rely on the Sun as the original source of energy for their ecosystem. Plants and algae can make use of the Sun’s energy to produce food molecules, in the process of photosynthesis. This is why they are called producers. Other types of organism can’t do this, so they rely on the plants and algae. Consumers eat the producers, so the energy from the sun flows through the ecosystem. Molecules (which are stores of energy) also flow through, and get recycled when organisms produce waste (poo and wee!) and after they die and decay. The diagram helps to show this. You can see that all the organisms in the ecosystem depend on each other. This is called interdependence. The consumers wouldn’t survive without the producers capturing energy from the sun, the producers wouldn’t survive without the decomposers recycling molecules for them to use (e.g. nutrients from the soil), and the decomposers need the waste from other organisms, and their bodies once they die. A stable community is one where all the species’ populations and the abiotic factors are in balance; as a result, population sizes don’t change much in stable communities.

Biotic and abiotic factors affecting organisms Communities of organisms are obviously affected by the environmental factors of their habitat. Factors that are nonliving are called abiotic factors; those that are living are called biotic factors. These may affect the distribution of organisms (i.e. how they are spread out in the environment), their population size, their growth, behaviour or anything else really. Examples of abiotic factors: light intensity; temperature; moisture levels; soil pH and mineral content; wind intensity and direction; carbon dioxide level for plants; oxygen levels dissolved in water for aquatic animals. Examples of biotic factors: food availability; new predators arriving; new pathogens; competition between species. Competition can actually lead to extinction of a species – if another species outcompetes it, the first one may end up without sufficient numbers to breed.

Key Terms



Wherever life is found on Earth (and in the atmosphere).


A large zone of life with particular characteristics – e.g. tropical rainforest, arctic tundra.


A complex network of communities of organisms, which all depend on each other and which are adapted to the biotic and abiotic conditions they live in.


A group of interdependent organisms. Communities interact with each other and with the physical environment – ecosystem refers to the interaction of living communities with the non-living environment.


A specific set of conditions, usually a specific location, where an organism (or organisms) is adapted to live.


A whole group of organisms – for instance, all the buffalo on the savannah, or all the greenfly on one rose bush.


All organisms in a community rely on one another – for food, shelter, pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient recycling and so on.


Living factors affecting a community.


Non-living factors affecting a community (e.g. light intensity, temperature, soil pH).

Adaptations ALL organisms, now matter how simple they might seem, are adapted to their natural environment. Their features, or adaptations, enable survival in the particular conditions where they live. Adaptations can be: • Structural: adaptations in terms of body form and shape. This would include examples like: streamlined shape for speed; long stem to maximise light exposure • Behavioural: adaptations of behaviour – for instance, hunting behaviours, using tools, plants growing in the direction of a source of light. • Functional: adaptations in terms of how the body works. For instance: being able to digest a certain food, maintaining a constant body temperature and so on. Some organisms are adapted to live in what we would consider to be extreme environments – for instance, very high temperatures, high pressures, high salt concentration. The organisms that can survive in these kinds of conditions are called extremophiles. A great place to find extreme conditions and extremophiles is around and inside deep sea hydrothermal vents.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Organisation of ecosystems and trophic levels Apart from some ecosystems in deep sea vents, ALL biomass on Earth is produced by photosynthetic organisms. So, these organisms are called producers (trophic level 1). This is vital for other organisms, since these producers start off food chains. Food chains represent the feeding relationships in a community. The producer is usually a green plant or algae, and they make glucose by photosynthesis. The producers are eaten by primary consumers (trophic level 2), which might be eaten by the next trophic level – secondary consumers (trophic level 3). The secondary consumers may be eaten by tertiary consumers (trophic level 4). Of the consumers, if they kill and eat other animals, they are called predators. The animals eaten by predators are their prey. Carnivores that don’t get eaten by anything else are called apex predators. In a stable community (one that stays pretty steady in terms of population sizes), the population size of predators and their prey rise and fall in cycles, as the graph shows. When there aren’t many predators, the prey population grows rapidly. When it rises, there is more food for predators so their population increases. This puts pressure on the prey so their population drops – cycles, see graph.

Key Terms



Describes any organism that can carry out photosynthesis, producing biomass from simple chemicals (CO2 and H2O)


The materials that living things are made from: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Food chain

Used to represent the feeding relationships in a community. Starts with a producer and shows what organism eats what, as well as how energy and biomass are transferred in the community.

Trophic level

Position in a food chain. Producers = level 1.




Excrete as faeces

Pyramids of biomass Biomass is simply living mass/material. Biomass is made by producers, but bear in mind they only transfer about 1% of the energy from light that hits them. A pyramid of biomass has trophic level 1 at its base, and each block of the pyramid has a width to represent the amount of mass at each trophic level. See diagram. The blocks HAVE TO get smaller, because not all biomass is transferred from one trophic level to the next (only about 10% in fact). This is because: • • •

Not all of the organisms in each trophic level actually get eaten by the trophic level above Not all the material that is eaten (ingested) is actually absorbed into the body – some is egested as faeces Large amounts of the biomass absorbed at each trophic level is used in respiration (especially glucose, of course) – meaning that the biomass is converted to carbon dioxide and water. These products are released in urine and breathing out. (furthermore, urea is lost in urine, so it isn’t available for the next trophic level).

As a result of all this, usually the number of organisms decreases as you go up the trophic levels (although it also depends on the size of the organisms!).

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Decomposition Decomposition is the breaking down, or decay, of biological material. Microorganisms digest dead organic material to simpler molecules, so the complex molecules bodies are made from (like proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) are recycled in the environment. They do this be secreting enzymes into their immediate environment and absorbing the soluble products of digestion by diffusion. The rate of decay is affected by: • Temperature – the activity of decomposers increases as it gets warmer (although decomposers are killed by very high temperatures) • Water – moist conditions speed up decay because molecules to be digested may be dissolved • Availability of oxygen – decay is fastest if there is a good supply of oxygen, simply because the decomposers can then respire more efficiently. This is why compost bins should have hole sin the side! Compost is just the material left after decay of waste organic material has happened. Compost is very useful to farmers and gardeners as a natural fertilisers for crops. Where decay happens without oxygen, anaerobic decay takes place. This produces methane gas. This can be very helpful – methane is a good fuel, so it is deliberately produced like this in many places, especially warm countries. The decay happens in a biogas generator – biogas just refers to the methane.

The water cycle and the carbon cycle Like carbon, water is constantly cycled in ecosystems between abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem. Water is released in aerobic respiration by all organisms. In terms of the abiotic components, water is constantly evaporated and precipitated (so, goes from land/waterways to the atmosphere and back again). The water precipitated provides fresh water for organisms on land before draining into the sea.

In all ecosystems, many materials have to be cycled through the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem – e.g. water, carbon, minerals, nitrogen. Microorganisms play a key role in cycling such materials. Carbon can appear in abiotic locations (the air as CO2, in soil minerals) and biotic locations (in the carbohydrates, lipids and proteins that living organisms are built from). When we say it is cycled through these components, we mean that carbon atoms don’t stay in any material for ever. They are cycled by various processes: • Photosynthesis – takes carbon from the atmosphere (in the form of CO2) and converts it to biomass • Respiration – all living organisms, including plants and microorganisms, respire, which converts biomass into CO2, which enters the atmosphere. While decay is taking place, carried out by microorganisms, they respire, which releases CO2. • Feeding – when consumers eat other organisms, the carbon in the other organism’s biomass is transferred to the consumer.

Key Terms



An organism that digests dead organic material.


Describes how organisms are spread in an ecosystem.


How many individuals of a particular species there are.


A square frame used for sampling plants in an ecosystem. Can be used for counting plants for measuring the coverage of the ground by a particular species.


Sampling method where a quadrat is laid down at regular intervals along a line. This is used to measure the change in distribution of organisms when a particular factor changes, such as light intensity.


The spaces between measurements – e.g. on a transect, the interval might be 1 m.

Measurements of ecosystems Biologists measure both the distribution and abundance of organisms in ecosystems to help us understand them (see definitions). It would be impractical to attempt to count e.g. all the seaweed on a beach, so biologists use sampling techniques. If you just want to measure the abundance in an area, or to compare two locations for abundance of e.g. seaweed, random sampling would probably be used of the area. To count plants, quadrats are used. If, however, you are interested in how the distribution (spread) of organisms changes as a factor changes, you measure along a transect. For instance, with the seaweed example, you could set up your transect line down the beach towards the water (just using a long tape measure) and measure the coverage by seaweed at 2 metre intervals, or some other suitable interval. Data may be summarised using means, modes or medians, and graphs can be produced to represent differences between locations, or the change in distribution along a transect.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment?

Key Terms



Water changing state from liquid to vapour.


Water changing from vapour to liquid/solid form – i.e. rain, hail, snow.


The variety of all the different species of organisms.

Biodiversity Biodiversity, the variety of all the species of organisms, can be measured at the level of a community, ecosystem or the whole earth (biosphere). A large biodiversity increases the stability of ecosystems, because it reduces the dependence of one species on another, for instance for food. So, for example, if a species has only one food source (think: pandas and bamboo shoots), it may be easily threatened by environmental changes. In spite of our future as a species on Earth depends totally on maintenance of biodiversity, many human activities threaten biodiversity. Indeed, in many ecosystems, we have already significantly reduced biodiversity. For instance, deforestation had damaged biodiversity in all kinds of forest. Our waste, polluting land, air and sea, has negatively affected biodiversity in many areas. And the big one: global warming is already having measurable effects on global biodiversity. It is only recently that humans have taken any measures to try to prevent our damage to biodiversity going too much further – obviously, we don’t yet know if these measures will be enough.

Land use Humans reduce the amount of land available for other organisms by: building, quarrying, farming and dumping waste (landfill). This in turn can reduce biodiversity. Peat bogs are made of peat, a type of fossil fuel formed from dead plants. Peat bogs are destroyed as peat can be used as a fuel and is a very good fertiliser if you’re growing plants. This has seriously reduced the area of this habitat and reduced biodiversity as a result. Furthermore, using peat as a fuel produces CO2 (contributing to global warming) and using it as a fertiliser (in compost) allows it to decay, which also produces CO2.

Waste management Since the human population is growing at an incredible rate, and in general people’s living standard is going up globally, we (the human population) is using more and more resources and producing more and more waste. Our waste causes pollution, which can occur: • In water, thanks to sewage, fertilisers running off farmland, or toxic chemicals used in industry; • In the air, from smoke, waste gases and acidic gases (e.g. sulphur dioxide) • On land, from landfill (rubbish dumps) and from toxic chemicals. Pollution kills organisms; therefore it can reduce biodiversity.

Deforestation Deforestation on a large scale happens to provide land, with the largest areas cleared for raising cattle, to plant rice fields and to grow crops that can be made into biofuels. Our food and fuel needs conflict with the need to preserve forests and rainforests so biodiversity is maintained.

Global warming As you’ll know, since the industrial revolution, human activities have dramatically increased the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The main gases involved are carbon dioxide and methane. The molecules of these gases absorb infrared (heat) radiation and re-radiate it, causing gradual but measurable increases the atmosphere’s, and therefore Earth’s, temperature. Global warming as caused by humans used to be controversial; now, thousands of peer-reviewed publications later, the global scientific consensus is that humans are definitely causing climate change through global warming.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? The impact of environmental change Environmental changes affect the distribution of species in an ecosystem. Environmental changes can be seasonal (summer vs. winter), geographic (e.g. flooding, volcanic activity and so on) or caused by human interaction with the environment (e.g. anthropogenic climate change). Changes that affect organisms include temperature, availability of water and the composition of gases in the atmosphere. Be ready to evaluate the impact of examples of environmental changes on distribution of species.

Key Terms


Breeding programme

Producing offspring, especially of endangered species to protect their population.

Field margin

The area around the edge of a field between the crop and the fence/hedge/wall.


The barrier at an edge of a field made of growing plants, as opposed to a fence or wall.

Maintaining biodiversity As you’ve seen, many human activities have negative effects on biodiversity. However, as the scale of our negative influence has become more and more apparent, scientists and concerned citizens have brought in programmes to try to reduce our negative influences. Here are the key examples you should know: • Breeding programmes for endangered species. For instance, tigers and pandas are bred in captivity to ensure they do not become extinct. • Protection and regeneration of rare habitats. This includes passing laws to ensure people leave certain areas alone (e.g. parts of the Great Barrier Reef). Regeneration means activity trying to bring a habitat back to its former glory. • Reintroduction of field margins and hedgerows in agricultural areas where farmers only grow one kind of crop. Growing one sort of crop (called monoculture) is bad for biodiversity because it only provides a habitat for a few species. So, farmers are encouraged to used hedges (not fences) and leave a margin around the edge of their crop fields, so wild plants can grow there, which in turn allows other organisms (e.g. insects) to survive there too. This improves biodiversity on agricultural land. • Reduction of deforestation and carbon dioxide by some governments. There have been numerous attempts, not always totally successful, to get governments of countries around the world to agree to specific targets for how much carbon dioxide they emit, since global warming is, of course, a worldwide problem. As with many things in politics, agreement is very difficult to obtain… but progress has been made in these international agreements. • Recycling resources rather than dumping in landfill. You are used to recycling as much of your household waste as you can. Work continues to increase the range of materials that can be recycled so we can continue to reduce the amount of waste dumped in landfill.

A lovely big field margin, and hedgerow on the left

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Food security Food security is having enough food to feed a population. Unfortunately, many populations around the world suffer from a lack of food security. Numerous biological factors threaten food security, including: • Increasing birth rate raising the population • Changing diets, which often results in scarce foods being imported to countries where they can’t grow them, or results in people eating more meat • New pests (insects that eat plants) or pathogens that affect crops • Environmental changes (including effects of climate change) that affects food production • The cost of doing agriculture – e.g. price of seeds for crops, or farming equipment • War can affect the availability of water for crops/animals, or directly affect the availability of food. So, a major global challenge is finding sustainable methods to feed everyone on Earth. Whoa.

Key Terms



Able to continue/maintain something. For instance, sustainable food production won’t use up all of food resource.


A farm where fish are bred for food OR a part of the sea/lake where fish are caught for food.


Technology that involves manipulating living things.

Sustainable fisheries The amount of fish in the ocean that people eat (fish stocks) is dropping. The solution is to restrict fishing so there are enough left to breed and replace those caught. There are two main ways to keep people from catching too many, so fisheries stay sustainable: 1. Control net sizes so not too many fish are caught 2. Fishing quotas – this is a legal limit on how many fish a company can catch. They get fined if they catch more than their quota. Without methods like this, certain species may die out altogether.

Farming techniques Food production efficiency links to the flow of biomass in food chains and pyramids of biomass, so check you know that. The basic idea is that if you reduce energy transfers from food animals (like chickens, pigs and cows) to the environment. This means they don’t have to respire so much, meaning that more of the biomass the animal consumes is converted to biomass in their bodies.

 Keeping the animals warm (indoors) reduces the use of respiration to maintain their body temperature. Therefore more of the biomass they eat is used to build their bodies, rather than being used up in respiration.  Limiting their movement – which yes, does sound rather cruel. Again, this reduces the need for energy from respiration; therefore less of the biomass eaten is used in respiration and more is converted to biomass in the animals’ bodies.  Feeding animals a high protein diet to speed up growth.

Role of biotechnology Modern biotechnology can help with food security. • Genetic modification (genetic engineering) can produce crops with higher yields (more food per plant) or better nutritional value. An example is Golden Rice, which provides vitamin A. • Mycoprotein (e.g. Quorn) is grown in tanks. The fungus Fusarium grows on glucose syrup in aerobic conditions, then the biomass is harvested. Huge quantities can be cultured at a time, so it’s a pretty efficient way of making food.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism

Key Terms


Permanent magnet

A magnet that always has its own magnetic field. Attracts magnetic materials, and can attract or repel other magnets.


Induced magnet

A temporary magnet: make one by putting a suitable material in a magnetic field.


The ends of a magnet. Named north and south, based on which way on Earth they’d point if suspended freely. The other name is ‘north seeking’ or ‘south seeking’ as a result.

Magnetic field

The region around a magnet where a force acts on other magnets or on magnetic materials. (3D, unlike diagrams usually show)

Magnetic compass

A small bar magnet balanced on a pin so it can spin around. Points towards Earth’s magnetic north due to Earth’s magnetic field, but can also be used to find the direction of a magnetic field for another magnet.

The poles of a magnet are where the magnetic forces are strongest. This is because the magnetic field lines are most concentrated at the poles, as you can see on the diagram below. Magnets exert forces on one another when they are brought together: a non-contact force. If like poles (NN or S-S) are brought together, the force is of repulsion. If unlike poles are brought together (N-S), the force is of attraction. Magnets can be classified as permanent or induced (temporary). Permanent magnets have their own magnetic field, and it doesn’t go away. Induced magnets are made when a material is placed in a magnetic field. (In most cases, this needs to be a magnetic material. The only magnetic materials are iron, steel, cobalt and nickel.) Induced magnets are always attracted to the magnet that turned them into a magnet – this is why you can pick up paper clips or nails with a bar magnet: the paper clip becomes an induced magnet with poles that are aligned so there is a force of attraction. See the poles labelled on the diagram. Induced magnetism is quickly lost when the material is removed from the magnetic field that induced it.

Magnetic fields Magnetic fields are around all magnets (permanent or induced). The direction of the magnetic, as the diagram shows, is from north to south. The north pole of a magnet is properly defined as: the pole that causes a force away from it, if a north pole is placed at that end. This makes sense when you remember that like poles repel. So you can decide which end in north on an ‘unknown magnet’ by looking at the direction of the force that acts if a north pole (on another magnet) is brought to one end of your magnet. Repulsion (force away) means that end must be a north pole. Sometimes the north pole is called the north seeking pole, because it will point north on Earth if left freely suspended. Magnetic fields are strongest at the poles and get weaker as the distance from the magnet increases. Using a magnetic compass (sometimes called a plotting compass), we can find out the direction of a magnetic field – the diagram shows how to do this. Earth has a magnetic field. Using a compass, you can tell that the magnetic field points towards the north pole (Santa’s house), so this actually means that the geographic north pole of Earth is a south pole of a magnet! See diagram. Furthermore, we know it is the core of the Earth that is magnetic (not the whole thing) because a compass at the north pole (in the Arctic circle) points down below your feet. It is worth realising, too, that the geographic north pole (the top of Earth’s axis) is in a different location to ‘magnetic north’ – the latter is actually in northern Canada. So a magnetic compass actually wouldn’t be much use if you were trying to get to Father Christmas’s house.

Permanent magnet

Magnetic field stronger at the poles because the field lines are more concentrated.

A magnetic compass shows the direction of a magnetic field

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism Electromagnetism – current and magnetic fields A wire that is carrying a current has a magnetic field around it. No current means no magnetic field, but switch it on and you get a magnetic field. As the diagram shows, switching the direction of the current switches the direction of the magnetic field. Also notice that the magnetic field gets stronger as you get closer to the wire carrying the current – this is shown by the field lines getting closer together (more concentrated).

Key Terms



The rate of flow of charges in a circuit. If a current is flowing in a component, charges (e.g. electrons) are flowing through it.


A coil of wire.

Iron core

A piece of iron placed in the middle of a solenoid.


A coil of wire with an iron core

Not surprisingly, increasing the current increases the strength of the magnetic field. You can easily check the direction of the magnetic field with a magnetic compass, just like with bar magnets. We can dramatically increase the strength of the magnetic field by winding the current-carrying wire into a coil called a solenoid. Even with the same size current, the magnetic field is stronger in a solenoid. Once you’ve made a solenoid, notice that the magnetic field is very similar in shape to the magnetic field of a bar magnet – it has a north and south pole, and it strongest at the poles. The magnetic field is also strong inside the coil – as the concentrated field lines show. We can increase the strength of the magnetic field even further by putting a magnetic (e.g. iron) core in the solenoid – literally a cylinder of iron. We call this an electromagnet. (see diagram) You can make an electromagnet stronger by: • Increasing the current in the wire (probably by increasing the potential difference of the power supply) • Increasing the length of wire in the solenoid – perhaps by adding more turns to the coil of wire.

A north pole, since another north pole brought to this end would be repelled.

In school, an iron nail is an easy choice for the iron core of an electromagnet.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism (Higher Tier Only Page)

Key Terms


Motor effect

The forces exerted on each other by a wire carrying a current and a magnetic field, thanks to the two magnetic fields interacting.

Magnetic flux density

A measure of the strength of a magnetic field – think of it as the number of magnetic field lines going through a set area – see diagram to help explain.

Electric motor

Device that causes rotation of a coil of wire carrying a current when it is placed in a magnetic field.

Fleming’s left hand rule and the motor effect If you have a current-carrying wire and a permanent magnet, each have their own magnetic fields. This means that if you put them near each other, there’ll be a force acting on each other – just thanks to magnetic attraction or repulsion. This is called the motor effect. You can work out the direction that the force acts if you know the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the current – we use Fleming’s left hand rule. It has to be your left had to work. Hold it as shown, and you can work out the direction of whichever thing you don’t know. You have to think in three dimensions here. You can twist your hand at the wrist to get it right – confirm using the example of the wire cutting through the magnetic field in the diagram – field from N to S with first finger, current with middle finger pointing downwards, meaning force must be out of the page towards you, like the diagram shows. Now, the size (or magnitude) of the force on the conductor (the bit of wire) depends on three factors: 1. The length of the wire in the magnetic field, measured in metres 2. The strength of the magnetic field (formally, the magnetic flux density, in teslas, T) 3. The size of the current (A, as usual).

Equation đ??š=đ??ľđ??źl

Meanings of terms in equation F = force (newtons, N) B = magnetic flux density (tesla, T) I = current (amps, A) l = length (m)

As the equation shows, increasing any or all of these factors will increase the size of the force on the conductor. [NB this equation only applies when the current and magnetic field are at right angles to each other]

Electric motors Electric motors make use of the motor effect. A coil of wire carrying a current is placed in a magnetic field; as you know, the magnetic fields interact to cause a force each other. If the coil is set up so it can spin, it most certainly will. In fact, it will spin round and round (rotate). This is thanks to the force acting up on one side of the coil, and down on the other – see the diagram and use Fleming’s left hand rule to understand why‌ The magnetic field goes from N to S of course, and the arrows on the coil show the direction of the current. So, the left side of the coil has a force downwards exerted on it (use the left hand rule). The right side of the coil has a force upwards exerted on it, so it rotates as shown. (NB the commutator just allows the coil to spin without the wires getting tangled up!)

The direction of each quantity fits with the left hand rule Fleming’s left hand rule. FBI – easy to remember!

Magnetic flux density is larger at A than B since more magnetic field lines cut through a given area (shown by the oval).

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism (Higher Tier Only Page) Loudspeakers and microphones The motor effect is also put to good use in loudspeakers and headphones. They have a ‘moving coil’ which moves in a magnetic field according to the current running through the coil. This moving coil is connected to a cone that moves with it. The cone causes vibrations in the air around it – in other words, it causes sound waves. Microphones do the exact opposite: sound waves (pressure variations) cause the cone the move, which causes a changing current in the coil.

Study the diagram. Just like in a motor, a force is produced on the coil of wire by placing it in a magnetic field (that’s a permanent magnet at the bottom) and turning on the current. As the current alternates in direction (i.e. AC is used), and the size of the current is varied, the coil moves back and forth. As you can see, the coil is joined to a cone, which moves with it. The cone vibrates the air according to the current, then. The current transfers the information about the sound being played.

Key Terms


Moving coil

Describes a loudspeaker that involves a coil of wire moving in a magnetic field, to vibrate a cone and produce sound waves.


To cause something to happen.


Alternating potential difference – the direction of the current switches back and forth.


Literally a cone-shaped piece of material found in loudspeakers. They vibrate, causing pressure changes in the air – i.e. sound waves.

Induced potential

A potential difference caused by either: a) moving a coil in a magnetic field, or b) changing the magnetic field around a coil.

Generator effect

Using the interaction between a magnetic field and a conductor to generate electric current.

Induced potential and the generator effect You can switch the motor effect around – instead of using interacting magnetic fields to produce movements, you can use movements to produce a current in a wire. Here’s how it works: 1. Place a conductor (e.g. coil of wire/solenoid) in a magnetic field and move it around (e.g. rotate the coil) 2. OR keep the coil still but change the magnetic field (e.g. flip N and S back and forth) 3. Either of these induces a potential difference across the ends of the conductor 4. Assuming your conductor is part of a complete circuit, a current starts to flow in the conductor thanks to this potential difference. This is called the GENERATOR EFFECT, because the method is used to generate electricity. It is also known as electromagnetic induction. Now, importantly, the current in the conductor produces a magnetic field, as always. But the direction of the magnetic field acts to oppose the change, the ‘change’ being the original 1 or 2 from the steps above. This is shown in the diagram right.

Factors affecting induced potentials The size of the induced potential in the generator effect depends on: • The size/strength of the magnetic field (larger magnetic field  larger induced potential) • The number of turns on the solenoid (more turns  larger induced potential) • The speed of movements/changes to magnetic fields (faster  larger induced potential)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism (Higher Tier Only Page)

Key Terms


National Grid

A system of cables and transformers linking power stations to consumers of electricity. The National Grid is used to transfer electrical power from the power stations to users.


Device used in dynamo, made of two half-rings of conductor, not quite joined up to each other. Keeps the current flowing one way only.

Step-up transformer

Device that increases potential difference in an electric supply, using more turns on the secondary coil than the primary coil. Step-down transformers do the opposite.

Using the generator effect Depending on the set-up, you can use the generator effect to generate ac or dc. • ac is generated in an alternator. In this set-up, each end of the coil of wire spin inside, and make contact with, a complete loop of conductor that’s connected to the rest of the circuit. Since every 180o of turn of the coil the current flips direction (just like the left hand rule tells us), you get ac. This is shown on the diagram below, with a graph showing alternating potential difference. • dc is generated in a dynamo. To prevent the current flipping direction every half-turn, a clever commutator is used. This ensures the current is restricted to one direction only in the coil – i.e. direct potential difference. See second diagram and graph.

Meanings of terms in equation


Vp = potential difference across primary coil (V) Vs = potential difference across secondary coil (V) Np = number of turns on primary coil Ns = number of turns on secondary coil

đ?‘‰đ?‘ƒ đ?‘ đ?‘ƒ = đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘

đ?‘‰đ?‘? Ă— đ??źđ?‘? = đ?‘‰đ?‘ Ă— đ??źđ?‘

Vp = potential difference across primary coil (V) Vs = potential difference across secondary coil (V) Ip = current in primary coil (A) Is = current in secondary coil (A)

Transformers Transformers exist to firstly, massively increase the p.d. of electric power to transmit it efficiently through cables from power stations, then, secondly, to dramatically decrease it again for safe use by consumers. They work using the second sort of generator effect – a changing magnetic field inducing a p.d. in a conductor nearby. Transformers are made of two coils of wire, wrapped around each end of a square-shaped iron core. Iron is used because it is easily magnetised. An alternating current in the primary coil causes a magnetic field in this coil, that constantly changes direction. This in turn induces a changing magnetic field in the iron core, which then induces a changing magnetic field (and therefore current) in the secondary coil.

Transformer equations In transformers, the ratio of the potential differences across the coils is equal to the ratio of the number of turns on each coil. This is shown in the first equation. Assuming transformers are 100% efficient, the power input is equal to the power output. This leads to the second equation (since P = IV).

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Designing Experiments

Key Terms



A set of results that can be found again by someone else if they carry out the same method

Variables When designing experiments, there are three types of variable that we need to consider. The dependent variable is what we measure, the independent variable is what we change in the experiment. And the control variables are the variables we keep the same. For example, consider the investigation below: How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate at which magnesium reacts? I.V- Concentration of Hydrochloric acid D.V- Rate of Reaction C.Vs- Volume of acid, mass of magnesium, temperature of acid.


Results that you can find if you do the same test again – it shows the result wasn’t just a random finding.

Independent variable

The variable YOU change to find out its effect on the DV

Dependent variable

The variable you MEASURE to see how it changes

Control variable

Any variable that you must keep the SAME in your investigation, to ensure it doesn’t affect the DV


The smallest measurable change by a piece of apparatus

Reproducibility, repeatability and validity Experiments should always be repeatable, reproducible and valid. Reproducibility means that if someone were to follow your method, they would get a similar pattern in their results.

Random Error

An unpredictable error which could be caused by human error in measurement

Systematic Error

An error in measurement that is the same every time .

An experiment is repeatable if the same person completes the same experiment , following the same method , with the same equipment and they achieve similar results. To ensure that your results are repeatable you should complete the experiment at least three times

Resolution The resolution of apparatus is the smallest measurable change by that piece of apparatus. For example some balances will only measure to the nearest 1 gram whereas others will measure to the nearest 0.1gram. We say the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g has a higher resolution. Therefore using equipment of higher resolution will improve the accuracy of your investigation.

Valid results are repeatable and reproducible.

Error When doing practical work you will come across error. This can cause anomalous results i.e. a result which does fit the expected pattern. There are three types of error that could effect your results: 1. Random error- this error is unpredictable and can be caused by things like human error when measuring . Repeating an experiment three times can minimise the effect of random errors and will allow you to spot anomalous results. 2. Systematic error- this is an error in your measurement and will be the same every time you do a repeat .For example if you read a length from the end of a ruler rather than from 0. Doing repeats will NOT prevent systematic error. 3. Zero error -this is a type of systematic error, for example if a balance does not read 0g when you add a substance to it, you will need to take this into account when weighing chemicals.

When selecting equipment to use in your experiment you should select equipment with an appropriate resolution. For example if your experiment requires you to weigh 2.3 g of a substance out you will need to use the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g Accuracy and Precision Consider the set of results below: Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Time (s)

Time (s)













We want our experiments to be accurate and precise. If a measurement is accurate it is close to its true value. If a measurement is precise the results ‘cluster’ closely. For example experiment 1 is more precise than experiment 2. Precision can be improved by taking readers at smaller intervals .

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Results Tables When drawing a results table the following things are good practice:: 1. Show all repeat measurements 2. Include the units in the headings 3. When calculating means ensure you quote to an appropriate number of significant figures 4. Circle anomalies and discount these when calculating a mean For example:

Concentration of acid (M)

Time taken for reaction to complete (s)

Mean (s)


























Key Terms



The amount of error your measurements might have


The total of the values divided by the number of values


The middle value in a set of data


The most commonly occurring value in a set of data



����� 2

Uncertainty There will always be some uncertainty in the results you collect, there are two main reasons for this. When you repeat an experiment you often get different results, this is due to random error. The resolution of your equipment will also cause uncertainty. There will therefore be a degree of uncertainty in your mean. For example take the two sets of results below:

Time for a piece of magnesium to disappear in 2M HCL (s)

The table above shows how a results tables should be drawn. However, there is one mistake. If you look at the mean in the row for 0.3 M, you will see it has been calculated to 9 significant figures , however the equipment we used only had a resolution to 3 significant figures. You can not quote a mean to greater level of accuracy than you measured it to in the experiment. Therefore this mean would need to be rounded 66.9, this causes uncertainty in results. See later for how to calculate uncertainty.

Mean, mode and median For some sets of data it is appropriate to calculate the mean, mode and median. To calculate the mean you add all the values in the data and then divide by the number of values. For example in the table above for 0.1 M the mean was calculated by (102.1+105.6+103.4)/3. The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a data set. The median is the middle value in a data set.





Experiment 1





Experiment 2





We can calculate the uncertainty in the mean of the two experiments by dividing the range of results by 2: Experiment 1= 0.5/2= +/-0.25s Experiment 2= 4/2= +/-2s Experiment 1 therefore is more precise than experiment 2. This is partly because they used a stopwatch with a higher resolution. Increasing the quantity of something can help to reduce the uncertainty. For example in the table above, if I had used a larger piece of magnesium, then it would have taken longer to disappear and this could reduce the percentage uncertainty.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Continuous vs Discontinuous data Discontinuous data can only take certain values for example eye colour and blood group, these should be plotted on a bar graph.

Key Terms



Data which take any value for example temperature


Data which can only take certain values for example blood group


The relationship between 2 variables

Correlation You can describe the relationship between 2 variables in terms of their correlation (how they are related to each other). There are three types of correlation : 1. Positive correlation- as one variable increases so does the other one 2. Negative correlation -as one variable increase the other decreases 3. No correlation- there is no relationship between the variables

Continuous data can take any value ,for example height or temperature. This should be plotted on a line graph.

Correlation does not however mean causation. Just because two variables are linked does not mean that one variable causes the other . For example the number of pirates has decreased as global temperatures have increased. This does not mean that pirates were keeping the Earth cool! Just because data is correlated does not mean one variable caused the change in the other.

In an exam you will be expected to select and plot the correct graph as well as drawing a line of best fit (if it is a line graph). Your line should go through the middle of the points. It is very important to not that lines of best fit can be curves also. Any anomalies i.e points that are a long way from the line of best should be circled.

Correlation could also be down to: 1. Chance 2.

A third variable

You can only be sure one variable causes a change in another variable, if all the other possible variables are controlled.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data



đ??śâ„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ś đ??ś â„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ľ

Drawing good graphs This is an excellent example of a good graph by a Nova student. When drawing a graph, you should plot the dependent variable on the y axis and independent variable on the x axis. To calculate the gradient you on a straight line need to select two points on the line and divide the change in y by the change in x. To calculate the gradient on a curve, you need to draw a tangent to the curve, see topic 15 knowledge organiser.

Labels for axes, with units given in brackets

Both axes have suitable scales (equal intervals)

Accurate line of best fit, passing through most points, excluding anomalies. Remember this could be a curve of best fit if appropriate

Neat, accurately placed plots. Marked with a small x.

Anomaly recognised and highlighted on the graph

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Relative formula mass (Mr): This is the mass in grams of 1 mole of the substance. To calculate it you need to add up the atomic mass (bigger number) of all of the atoms in the molecule. e.g 1. NaCl = Na + Cl = 23 + 35.5 = 58.5 e.g 2. MgF2 = Mg + (2 x F) = 24 + (2 x 19) = 62 The Mole A mole of an element is simply 6.02x1023 atoms (this number is known as Avogadro's number). Obviously, if the atoms are larger then 1 mole of that atom will be heavier. For example, one mole of hydrogen atoms weighs 1 gram but 1 mole of carbon weighs 12 grams. To calculate the number of moles in an element you need to divide the mass by the relative atomic mass: For example, how many moles are there in 6 grams of carbon? 6/12= 0.5 To work out the number of moles in a compound you divide the mass of the compound by the relative formula mass, for example how many moles in 30 grams of magnesium oxide (MgO)? Mr of MgO=24+16= 40 Moles= 30/40=0.75 Moles HT: Calculating Masses in Reactions An understanding of the mole will allow to calculate the mass made in a chemical reaction. Take the chemical reaction below: Mg + 2HCI ďƒ MgCI2 + H2 This equation shows that one mole of magnesium reacts with two moles of hydrochloric acid to produce one mole of magnesium chloride and one mole of hydrogen gas. Suppose you started with 5 grams of magnesium, how much magnesium chloride would you make? Step 1: Calculate the moles of the element or compound you were given in the equation: 5/24=0.21 moles of magnesium Step 2: Look at the balanced equation, you must therefore have 0.21 moles of magnesium chloride, as the ration between magnesium and magnesium chloride is 1 to 1. Step 3: Calculate the Mr of the relevant product: what you want to find is the Mr of magnesium chloride: Mr of MgCI2 =24+35.5+35.5= 94

Step 4: Now find the mass of that number of moles of the product Mass = moles x Mr, so 0.21 x 94= 19.7 grams

Key Terms



6.02x1023 atoms of an element or molecules in a compound

Avogadro's number


Relative Formula Mass

The total atomic mass of elements in compound


Meanings of terms in equation

đ?‘šđ?‘œđ?‘™đ?‘’đ?‘ =

đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘€đ?‘&#x;

Mass is the mass of the substance in grams đ?‘€đ?‘&#x; is the relative formula mass of the compound (or use the relative atomic mass if it is an element)

Calculating moles from masses -Higher Tier

If you know the mass of each reactant and product you can calculate a balanced equation from the masses, for example: Calculate the balanced equation when 12 grams of magnesium reacts completely with 19.25g of HCl, to make 99 grams of MgCI2 and 1 gram of H2 Mg + HCI ďƒ MgCI2 + H2 Step 1: work out the moles of each reactant and product. Mg=12/24= 0.5 HCl=19.25/38.5= 0.5 MgCI2 =99/99 =1 H2 ½ = 0.5 Step 2 divide through by the smallest number Mg=0.5/0.5=1 HCl=0.5/0.5 = 1 MgCI2 =1/0.5=2 H2 ½ = 0.5/0.5=1 Step 3 write the balanced equation: Mg + HCI ďƒ 2MgCI2 + H2

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis % Yield In reactions in chemistry it is very rare that we make the exact mass predicted by calculation, for a variety of reasons we often make a lot less. The equation to calculate percentage yield is outlined in the equation box. A percentage yield is always 100% or less, the law of conservation of mass states that we cannot make mass in a chemical reaction. It is extremely rare that the yield of a chemical reaction is 100% reasons fro this are: • The reaction is reversible and may not go to completion • There may be side reactions • Some maybe lost when the product is transferred from the reaction vessel Atom Economy Some reactions make more than one product, atom of these products will be waste products. The atom economy is a measure of the atoms that form useful products. Like percentage yields we express atom economy as a percentage so that comparisons can be easily made between reactions. For example below two ways of making hydrogen are outlined: 1. Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 Mr of H2 = 1 + 1 = 2 Mr of ZnCl2 = 65 + 35.5 + 35.5 = 136 Atom economy = 2∕136 + 2 Ă— 100 = 2∕138 Ă— 100 = 1.45% Very low atom economy 2. CH4 + 2H2O → CO2 + 4H2 Mr of H2 = 1 + 1 = 2 Mr of CO2 = 12 + 16 + 16 = 44 Atom economy = 4 Ă— 2∕44 + (4 Ă— 2) Ă— 100 = 8∕52 Ă— 100 = 15.4% Higher atom economy In the second example the atom economy is higher, therefore in terms of atom economy reaction 2 is better. Chemists often need to balance atom economy and percentage yield. A poor atom economy is bad for a number of reasons: 1. A lot of reactant is wasted, this costs money. 2. The waste products have to be disposed of, this can be expensive. Some companies try to get around this problem by reusing the waste product. The best reactions in terms of atom economy are those that only make one product, for example the Haber process, the atom economy here is 100%:

Key Terms



The amount of product made in a chemical reaction

Atom Economy

The percentage of atoms that form useful products

Limiting Reagent

The reagent which is used up first in a chemical reaction.



Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘ x100 đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘Ąâ„Žđ?‘’đ?‘œđ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘?đ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘–

Atom economy=

đ?‘…đ?‘’đ?‘™đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘Łđ?‘’ đ?‘“đ?‘œđ?‘&#x;đ?‘šđ?‘˘đ?‘™đ?‘Ž đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ??ˇđ??¸đ?‘†đ??źđ?‘…đ??¸đ??ˇ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘ đ?‘‡đ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ đ?‘&#x;đ?‘’đ?‘™đ?‘Žđ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘Łđ?‘’ đ?‘“đ?‘œđ?‘&#x;đ?‘šđ?‘˘đ?‘™đ?‘Ž đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘?đ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘

Mass of products is the mass made in a chemical reaction Mass of theoretical products is the mass we expected to make based on calculations Both these masses must be in the same unit.


See the previous page for how to calculate relative formula mass

Limiting Reagent When a chemical reaction is carried out, one or more reagents are in excess and one reagent is the limiting reagent. The limiting reagent is the reagent which is used up first in a chemical reaction, if all of this reagent is used up the reaction can no longer continue, for example, if a tiny amount of sodium is dropped into a large bowl of water there are a lot more water particles that there are sodium atoms. We therefore say that the sodium is the limiting reagent and the water is in excess. The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the amount of limiting reagent. Therefore if you double the amount of limiting reagent you will get double the amount of product.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Concentration

Key Terms



A measure of the number of moles or mass in a given volume.


An experimental techniques where unknown concentrations of solutions can be found.


A piece of apparatus used to accurately measure volumes of solution.

Most chemical reactions are done in solution. The concentration can be measured in grams per dm3

For example what is the concentration in grams/dm3 of 2.4 grams of sodium chloride dissolved in 0.5 dm3 of water? Conc= Mass/Vol Conc= 2.4/0.5 Conc= 4.8 g/dm3 In Chemistry we use dm3 (decimetres cubed) to measure volume, a decimetre cubed is the same as a litre or 1000 cm3. However it is far more common to calculate a concentration in moles per dm3. This is sometimes written as M. For example, what is the concentration of 2.4 grams of sodium chloride dissolved in 0.5 dm3 in mol/dm3 ? Moles of NaCl= 2.4/58.5= 0.041 moles

Equation conc =

Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘šđ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘Łđ?‘œđ?‘™

Mass is the mass of the solute in grams đ?‘‰đ?‘œđ?‘™ is the volume of the solventin dm3 Conc is the concentration in grams/dm3

Conc=moles/vol Conc= 0.041/0.5 Conc=0.082 mol/dm3 It is also possible to convert between mol/ dm3 and g/ dm3 for example. If I had 0.5 mol/ dm3 HCl solution. We can work out the concertation in g/ dm3 : Step 1: Work out the Mr of HCl: 35.5+1= 36.5 Step 2= Mass= Moles x Mr= 36.5 x 0.5 = 18.25 g/ dm3

Titrations Titrations are used to find out an unknown concentration of a solution, this is often used to find out the concentration of an acid or an alkali in a neutralisation reaction. To carry out a titration to find the concentration of an alkali you need to do the following: 1. A pipette is used to measure 25 cm3 of alkali, this is then transferred to a conical flask. 2. 3-4 Drops of indicator is added (phenolphthalein). 3. An acid of known concentration is placed in the burette 4. The solution from the burette is allowed to slowly run into the conical flask. As the end point approaches the acid is added one drop at a time. When phenolphthalein is used as an indicator, the end point is where the solution turns from colorless to pink. 5. The volume of acid used from the burette is noted to calculate the concentration of the alkali in the conical flask. See the next page for how to carry out these calculations.

conc =

đ?‘€đ?‘œđ?‘™đ?‘’đ?‘ đ?‘Łđ?‘œđ?‘™đ?‘˘đ?‘šđ?‘’

Moles is the number of moles of the solute đ?‘‰đ?‘œđ?‘™ is the volume of the solution in dm3 Conc is the concentration in grams/dm3

Indicators For titrations universal indicator is not a suitable indicator to use. As the colour changes are too gradual. For a titration, a sharp colour change is required . Suitable indicators are listed below.

In acid

In alkali




Methyl Orange






Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Titration Calculations We can use the information that we get from a titration to work out the concentration of an alkali or acid. For example a titration was carried using hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide, the equation for this reaction is: HCl +NaOH ďƒ NaCl +H2O This means that one mole of hydrochloric acid will neutralise 1 mole of sodium hydroxide. Therefore we can calculate the following: 27.5 cm3 of 0.2 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid is needed to titrate 25.0 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution. What is the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution? Step 1: Convert all volumes to dm3 27.5 cm3 = 27.5 á 1000 = 0.0275 dm3 25.0 cm3 = 25.0 á 1000 = 0.025 dm3 Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of the substance where the volume and concentration are known number of moles = concentration Ă— volume number of moles of hydrochloric acid = 0.2 Ă— 0.0275 = 0.0055 mol (5.5 Ă— 10–3 mol) Step 3: Calculate the unknown concentration We can say that 0.0055 mol of acid will react with 0.0055 mol of alkali concentration of alkali = moles á volume = 0.0055 á 0.025 = 0.22 mol/dm3 Moles of a Gas We know that one mole of any gas occupies 24 dm3 at room temperature and pressure. Room temperature and pressure is defined as 20 Ëšc and 1 atm of pressure. There fore if we know the volume that the gas occupies, we can divide this number by 24 and this will give us the number of moles. For example if we had 12 dm3 of argon gas at room temperature and pressure, then to find out the moles we would simply do 12/24= 0.5 moles. We can also use balanced equations to work out volumes of gas, for example: 2CO + O2ďƒ 2CO2 If we start with 24 dm3 of oxygen we will make 48 dm3 of carbon dioxide, as the ration in the equation shows that one mole of oxygen will make 2 moles of carbon dioxide.

You may also be asked to calculate the volume a gas occupies after being given the mass in the equation. For Example: What volume would 2 grams of carbon dioxide occupy at room temperature and pressure? Step 1: Calculate the moles of carbon dioxide= 2/44= 0.05 moles Step 2: Multiply this number by 24 as we know 1 mole occupies 24 dm3 0.05x24= 1.2 dm3

Key Terms



A unit of volume, often used in chemistry. It is the same as 1000 cm3


A unit of gas pressure. It is the same as 101325 Pa



Meanings of terms in equation đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘”đ?‘Žđ?‘ x24 đ?‘€đ?‘&#x; đ?‘œđ?‘“ đ?‘”đ?‘Žđ?‘

Mass of gas in grams Volume of gas will be in dm3

Limiting Reagent When a chemical reaction is carried out, one or more reagents are in excess and one reagent is the limiting reagent. The limiting reagent is the reagent which is used up first in a chemical reaction, if all of this reagent is used up the reaction can no longer continue, for example, if a tiny amount of sodium is dropped into a large bowl of water there are a lot more water particles that there are sodium atoms. We therefore say that the sodium is the limiting reagent and the water is in excess. The amount of product formed is directly proportional to the amount of limiting reagent. Therefore if you double the amount of limiting reagent you will get double the amount of product.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Testing for positive ions Positive ions (metal ions) can be identified by flame tests: Metal and ion

Colour of flame test

Sodium Na+





Crimson K+

Testing for negative ions




Carbonate (CO32-)

Add metal carbonate to dilute acid in a boiling tube. Connect the boiling tube to a test tube containing limewater. If the limewater turns cloudy then a carbonate ion is present

K2CO3+2HCl 2KCl+CO2+H2O

Sulphate (SO42-)

Add 5 drops of dilute HCl, followed by 5 drops of barium chloride. If sulphate ions are present then a white precipitate will be formed.

Ba2++ SO42-BaSO4

Add 5 drops of dilute nitric acid and 5 drops of silver nitrate, the colour of the silver halide precipitate formed will vary depend on the halogen Cl-1 – White Br-1- Cream I-1-Yellow



Copper Cu2+


Calcium Ca2+


To carry out a flame test you need to do the following: 1. Dip platinum loop in dilute HCl, hold in Bunsen burner flame (blue flame), until no colour is seen. 2. Dip the loop into the sample you are testing 3. Place this into the flame and observe the colour

Halides (Cl-1, Br-1, I-1)

This is the ionic equation for the reaction.

This is the ionic equation for the reaction.

More tests for metal ions Some metal hydroxides are insoluble. Therefore if some drops of sodium hydroxide are added to a solution of the metal hydroxide a precipitate may form. Transition metal hydroxides are usually coloured. Where as main group elements normally form a white precipitate. Gas

Colour of precipitate

Ionic Equation

Magnesium Mg2+


Mg2++ 2OH- Mg(OH)2

Calcium Ca2+


Ca2++ 2OH- Ca(OH)2

Iron(II) Fe2+


Fe2++ 2OH- Fe(OH)2

Iron(IIl) Fe3+


Fe3++ 3OH- Fe(OH)3

Copper Cu2+


Cu2++ 2OH- Cu(OH)2

Aluminium Al3+

White initially. In excess NaOH it dissolves to form a colourless solution.

Al3++ 3OH- Al(OH)3

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Electrolysis When an ionic compound is melted or dissolved in water, the ions are free to move about within the liquid or solution. These liquids and solutions are able to conduct electricity and are called electrolytes. If an electric current is passed through this solution the ions will move to the electrodes. Remember-opposites attract. The positive ions (cations) will go to the negative electrode (cathode), the negative ions (anions) go to the positive electrode (anode). For example in the electrolysis of lead bromide, Lead (Pb2+) goes to the negative electrode and bromine (Br-1) goes to the positive electrode.

Key Terms



The breaking down of a substance using electricity


The solution which is being broken down during electrolysis


The loss of electrons


The gain of electrons


The positive electrode


The negative electrode

Half Equation

An equation that shows the reaction at each electrode Oxidation and reduction

When a positive Ion reaches the negative electrode, it gains electrons. This is a reduction reaction. When the negative ion reaches the positive electrode, it loses electrons, this is an oxidation reaction. We can represent these using half equations A half equation can represent the reaction at each electrode. Half equations show how electrons are transferred and an electron is represented in an equation by an e- symbol Half equations show electrons (e-) and how ions become atoms. For example Cu2+ + 2 e- —> Cu. 1. Write down the ion and atom: Cl- —> Cl2 2. Adjust the number of ions (if needed) and add electrons to balance the charges if required 2Cl- —> Cl2 + 2 e-

Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate

Which elements form at which electrode depends on the reactivity of the elements involved. For example, in the electrolysis of aqueous copper sulphate is the electrolysis of copper sulphate, however there are also H+ and OH- I ions form the water which is used as the solvent. This means there is more than one possible ion that can go to each electrode. · Positive ions: sodium (Cu2+) and hydrogen (H+) · Negative ions: sulphate(SO42-) and hydroxide (OH-) When there is a mixture of ions, the products formed depend on the reactivity of the ions involved. Copper is less reactive than hydrogen, so copper (Cu) is produced at the negative electrode. The half equation is: Cu2+ + 2e- → Cu The hydroxide ion is more reactive than the sulphate ion, therefore this forms water (H2O) and oxygen at the positive electrode. 4OH- → O2 + 2H2O +4 2eAs a rule if a halide ion is present , this will form at the positive electrode, however if no halide is present then oxygen and water will form at the positive electrode.

Remember that non metal ions will typically form diatomic molecules.

Ionic equations Half equations can be combined to form an ionic equation, which shows the overall reaction. For example in the electrolysis of copper chloride the two half equations are: At the negative electrode (cathode): Cu2+ + 2 e- —> Cu At the positive electrode (anode): 2Cl- —> Cl2 + 2 eCombing these 2 equations gives us: Cu2+ + 2 e- + 2Cl- —> Cu +Cl2 + 2 e- The electrons either side of the equation cancel out, meaning the final ionic equation is: Cu2+ + 2Cl- —> Cu +Cl2 In an ionic equation it is important to check both the atoms and the charges balance

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 13: Quantitative Chemistry and Electrolysis Extracting Aluminium Aluminium oxide is dissolved in molten cryolite . Cryolite reduces the melting point of aluminium oxide meaning the process requires less energy. Aluminium ions (Al+) are attracted to the negative electrode. Aluminium atoms are formed at the negative electrode (gain 1 electron) Oxide ions are attracted to the positive electrode Oxygen is formed at the positive electrode (each ion loses 2 electrons) Oxygen reacts with carbon to make carbon dioxide. This electrode needs to be replaced constantly. At the negative electrode: At the positive electrode Al3+ + 3e- —> Al 2O2- —> O2 + 4e-

Electrolysis of Brine

Which elements form at which electrode depends on the reactivity of the elements involved. For example, the electrolysis of brine, is the electrolysis of a solution of sodium chloride, however there are also H+ and OH- I ions form the water which is used as the solvent. This means there is more than one possible ion that can go to each electrode. · Positive ions: sodium (Na+) and hydrogen (H+) · Negative ions: chlorine (Cl-) and hydroxide (OH-) When there is a mixture of ions, the products formed depend on the reactivity of the elements involved. Hydrogen is less reactive than sodium, so hydrogen gas (H2) is produced at the negative electrode. Chlorine gas (Cl2) is produced at the positive electrode. Sodium hydroxide is produced from the ions that remain in solution.

Overall equation: 2Al2O3  4Al+3O2

Gas Tests During electrolysis the products made are often gases. Below are the tests for three common gases you need to know: Gas




Place a lit splint into the gas

If a squeaky pop is heard hydrogen is present


Place glowing splint into gas

If splint is relighted then oxygen is present


Damp litmus paper placed in gas

If paper bleaches, chlorine is present

Carbon Dioxide

Bubble the gas through limewater

If the limewater goes cloudy carbon dioxide is present

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick? Health and disease Health is the state of physical and mental wellbeing. So, ‘good health’ involves good physical and mental wellbeing. ‘Poor health’ involves problems with one or both aspects. Diseases are major causes of ill-health. Diseases can be classified as communicable (can be passed on, as they are caused by pathogens) and non-communicable (cannot be passed on). Other factors affect health: such as diet, lifestyle, stress, and genetic inheritance, for instance. Often, ill-health is caused or made worse by an interaction of different factors. Some examples: • If their immune system has a defect, someone is more likely to suffer from communicable diseases, since their body will be worse at fighting pathogens. • Some viruses, which live inside cells, can trigger cancers. For instance, the HPV virus can trigger cervical cancer (hence the vaccine in year 9 for girls). • Severe physical health problems can lead to mental health problems, such as depression. • Immune reactions to infection by a pathogen can trigger allergic reactions, like skin rashes or asthma.

Non-communicable diseases Diseases that are not caused by pathogens – non-communicable diseases – are often linked to many different risk factors, and these factors may interact to increase the risk. These risk factors may come from someone’s lifestyle, or from substances in their body or substances in their environment. In some cases, the link between a risk factor and a particular disease is very clear: we know the risk factor actually causes the disease. For other risk factors, we know the linked diseases but not really how the risk factor causes them. Here are some causal links we do know:  Poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking have a proven link to cardiovascular disease.  Obesity can cause type 2 diabetes.  Alcohol causes liver damage and damages brain function.  Smoking causes lung cancer and other lung diseases (like emphysema).  Smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy causes problems in unborn babies.  Carcinogens, such as ionising radiation (next topic), can cause cancer. It is important to realise that while these risk factors are real, they don’t guarantee the disease. E.g. not ALL obese people will get type 2 diabetes; however, being obese greatly increases the risk of developing the disease.

Key Terms



Any condition that reduces health/causes ill-health.


Type of disease that can be passed on. These diseases are caused by pathogens, such as viruses. Be clear that the pathogen is the microorganism, and the disease is the collection of symptoms resulting from infection by the pathogen.


Describes diseases that are not caused by pathogens and cannot be passed on. These are often caused by many factors acting together, known as risk factors for the disease.


A microorganism that can infect another organism (a host) and cause disease in that organism. E.g. bacteria and viruses.

Risk factor

Any factor that increases the chance of developing a noncommunicable disease, such as smoking or diet.

Using data to discover risk factors Risk factors aren’t always obvious: it requires scientific research to find out what factors are linked to what disease. For many years, people smoked cigarettes thinking it was perfectly healthy (including doctors!). However, research by a scientist called Richard Doll showed that increased use of tobacco in the UK was linked to increased incidence of lung cancer (incidence is just how many people get it), as the graph shows (from his 1950 publication). He sampled the population and found this correlation between the risk factor (smoking) and the disease (lung cancer).

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



To do with the heart, especially the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood.

Coronary heart disease: a non-communicable disease


A mesh or cage-like structure that keeps coronary arteries open so blood can flow through.


Medicinal drugs used to lower blood cholesterol. High blood cholesterol is a risk factor for coronary heart disease.


Structures in the heart that prevent blood flowing the wrong way.

Heart failure

Where the heart cannot pump blood around the body properly.

Recall that coronary arteries are the arteries that provide the heart muscle with blood, so they get oxygen and glucose (and to take away waste products). Coronary heart disease involves the narrowing of these arteries, due to the build up fatty material (called a plaque – see diagram) in there. This reduces the blood flow through the coronary arteries, so the heart muscle receives insufficient oxygen. When serious, this leads to a heart attack (where part of the heart muscle dies due to lack of oxygen). Treatments for coronary heart disease: • Insert a stent into the narrowed artery to widen it again. This is a kind of wire mesh that pushes the artery walls out and keeps the artery open. • Take statins. These drugs reduce blood cholesterol levels, which is linked to the fatty material deposits. Lowering cholesterol reduces the rate of fatty material build up.

Other heart diseases The valves in the heart are vital to prevent blood flowing in the wrong direction. In some people there is fault in the heart valves. The valve may get a leak, or might not open fully – see diagram.  If one or more of the valves leaks, blood flows backwards in the heart. This means the blood does not transport oxygen as efficiently and also increases the risk of infection in the heart.  If a valve doesn’t open fully, the heart has to work harder to pump the blood as your body requires. This increases strain on the heart, making other heart problems more likely.

Heart transplants If the heart fails (called heart failure) and cannot be repaired, the heart can be transplanted. In fact, the heart and lungs can be transplanted together if required. The replacement heart has to come from a donor – many people agree to donate their organs after they die to save the lives of others. However, there is a shortage of donor organs, like hearts. So people with heart failure may have to wait a while. In this case, artificial hearts can be used to keep someone alive while they wait. These are pretty amazing – have a look at the photo.

These valve problems can be treated by replacing the valves. Replacement valves can be biological – from a living organism (including pigs! Their heart is the same size as ours so their valves fit) or mechanical – a synthetic version. See the photos – mechanical on the right.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



Treatment for kidney failure, in which a machine filters toxic substances from the blood instead of the kidneys.

Kidney failure


Condition where blood glucose concentration is not controlled properly by the body.


The hormone, produced in the pancreas, that reduces blood glucose concentration by making cells absorb glucose from the blood.


Type of drug that reduces the responses of the immune system. This makes sure that ‘foreign’ organs (like a transplanted kidney) are not fought by the immune system – a situation called rejection.

If they kidneys fail, it is extremely dangerous. Kidney failure can be treated by a kidney transplant or using kidney dialysis. A transplant has the benefit for the patient of not needing to spend lots of time on a dialysis machine. However, they need to take immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection of the transplanted kidney. These leave them more susceptible to infections. Dialysis machines keep people with kidney failure alive because they filter the blood for them. However, the patient would need to spend many hours a week connected to the machine to prevent urea reaching unsafe levels in the bloodstream. The dialysis machine works as shown in the diagram. Notice that inside the machine, there is a large surface area to increase the rate of diffusion of urea out of the bloodstream.

Diabetes – a non-communicable disease Diabetes is a group of disorders where blood glucose cannot be properly regulated by the body, which is potentially very dangerous. There are two types, with different causes and treatments.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

Caused by a defect in the pancreas, where the cells that produce insulin don’t work.

There is no problem with the pancreas – it produces insulin as usual. BUT, body cells no longer respond to the insulin.

The effect: Blood glucose concentration cannot be controlled by the body.

The effect: Blood glucose concentration cannot be controlled by the body.

Treatment is injections of insulin. The insulin is produced by genetically engineered bacteria.

Insulin injections will have no effect, so the treatment is a carbohydratecontrolled diet and exercise.

The cause is unknown, but we do know it involves the insulinproducing cells getting destroyed.

Obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. There is also a genetic risk factor.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



Change to DNA, altering its function (this is not necessarily dangerous). In cancer, a specific mutation causes cells to divide uncontrollably.


Whole kingdom of organisms, including some that cause disease.


The passing of a pathogen from one organism to another, leading to the spread of communicable (infectious) disease.


The organism that a pathogen lives in or on. When you have a cold, you are the host for the cold virus.

Cancer – a non-communicable disease Cancer is a non-communicable disease. There are many types of cancer, but they all involve changes in cells (mutations) that lead to the cells growing and dividing in an uncontrolled way. Normally, the cell cycle (see topic 6) controls cell growth and division, so the body only replaces lost cells. However, in cancer, the control mechanisms are broken and cells divide out of control, producing a mass of cells called a tumour. • •

Benign tumours are growths of abnormal cells, but these do not invade other parts of the body. This is because the tumour is restricted to one area and often surrounded by a membrane. This makes them much less dangerous than malignant tumours. Malignant tumours cause cancer as you’d normally think of it. The cells grow out of control and invade nearby tissues. When mutated cells break off the tumour and get into the bloodstream, the cancer can spread around the body. The mutated cells can then cause more tumours, elsewhere. These are called secondary tumours.

In terms of risk factors for cancer, some are very clearly identified (like smoking as a risk factor for lung cancer). There can be genetic risk factors for some types of cancer (so the risk factor is inherited from the parents).

Communicable diseases and pathogens Communicable diseases are sometimes called infectious disease, since they always result from an infection by a pathogen. All organisms can be infected by pathogens, so all organisms can suffer from communicable diseases (yes, including plants, and even bacteria can be infected by viruses!). You need to know details of specific diseases (next page), but here is a general description of how each kind of pathogen causes disease: • Bacteria can cause disease if they enter our bodies. They reproduce rapidly and can release poisonous chemicals, called toxins, that damage our cells. Examples of diseases caused by pathogenic bacteria include cholera, tuberculosis (TB) and food poisoning. • Viruses need a host to survive. They cause disease symptoms by reproducing inside cells, and bursting the cell from the inside. This releases them, so they can be passed onto other host cells or other people (e.g. by coughing or sneezing out mucus that contains the viruses). • Fungi can also cause disease, by growing on living tissue (for example, athlete’s foot is caused by a fungus). • Protists can cause disease, as they can live in host organisms. A good example is the malarial protist, that causes malaria.

Spread of communicable diseases is caused by the transmission of pathogens A big problem with pathogens is that they can be passed from one host to another, so the disease they cause can spread. See the table for the methods by which pathogens can be transmitted. We can attempt to reduce the transmission of pathogens by: vaccinating people; destroying vectors (e.g. killing mosquitos with pesticides); being hygienic (i.e. washing our hands!); isolating people who are infected in special hospital wards.

Direct types of transmission

Indirect types of transmission

Direct contact e.g. shaking hands or kissing

A vector (animal) carries the pathogen e.g. mosquitos carry the pathogen that causes malaria

Sexual contact

Droplet infection: droplets of mucus containing a pathogen are sneezed or coughed out by an infected person, and breathed in by someone else. We can also say the pathogen is airborne.

From mother to foetus over the placenta

Waterborne – the pathogen infects water and moves between people when they drink the water

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick? Viral diseases Measles is caused by a virus. It is spread by droplet infection: you’d catch it if you inhaled the droplets containing the virus that someone infected coughed or sneezed out. The symptoms include fever and a red rash on the skin. Measles is a serious disease – it can even be fatal if there are complications. So, most young children are vaccinated against measles. HIV is a virus that can only be spread by exchange of body fluids: sexual contact or when blood is mixed – which can happen when intravenous drug users share needles. HIV cannot be transmitted by kissing or by droplet infection. Infection with HIV causes flu-like symptoms first, but these go away after a couple of weeks. However, the virus has not gone from body – it is living inside immune cells (white blood cells). HIV is NOT the same thing as AIDS, but AIDS can arise from infection by HIV unless treatment takes place. The treatment is antiretroviral drugs (so called because HIV is a type of virus called a retrovirus). Without this treatment, AIDS will occur. Here, the body’s immune system is so badly damaged it cannot fight off other infections or cancers – so it is very serious. Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV for short) is a pathogen affecting plants. In spite of its name, it affects many species of plant (including tomatoes – see photo). TMV causes discolouration of the leaves, giving a mosaic pattern. This hinders photosynthesis, so plants don’t grow very well if they are infected by TMV.

Bacterial diseases Salmonella food poisoning is caused by a bacteria found in food, or on food where it is prepared in unhygienic conditions. The bacteria can be found in poultry (e.g. chickens), so these animals are vaccinated against Salmonella to reduce the spread of the pathogen. Inside the body, the bacteria reproduce and produce toxins which cause disease. Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning include: fever, abdominal cramps, vomiting and diarrhoea. Gonorrhoea is the name of a sexually transmitted disease (STD or STI), rather than the name of the pathogen. The pathogen is a bacterium that is transmitted by sexual contact, so transmission can be prevented with a barrier-type of contraception, like a condom. The symptoms include a thick yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis and pain when urinating (weeing). It used to be that gonorrhoea was easily treated with an antibiotic (penicillin, in this case), but there are now many resistant strains of bacteria that cause gonorrhoea. (Resistant strains are species of the bacteria on which certain antibiotics do not work.)

Key Terms



Disease symptom linked to raised body temperature, thanks to disruption of the normal homeostasis mechanisms.


Human Immunodeficiency Virus. A virus that uses immune cells as host cells. HIV infection causes AIDS, but if treated properly, AIDS will never develop in an infected individual.


Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. A condition in which the immune system is seriously weakened due to infection by the HIV virus.


A genus of bacteria that can cause food poisoning.


A substance being produced by the body that should not be there – a sign of disease.

Fungal diseases Rose black spot is a fungal disease that affects plants. It causes purple or black spots to develop on leaves (hence the name – see picture). The whole leaf often turns yellow and drops early (i.e. before autumn). Like TMV, the plant’s growth is inhibited because the rate of photosynthesis is reduced. The fungus is spread on the wind or in water, transmitting the pathogen to other plants. Treatment options: remove the affected leaves, or use a fungicide (a chemical that kills fungi).

Protist diseases Malaria is a disease caused by a protist (see topic 6 for a reminder). The protist has a life cycle that requires it to live inside a mosquito for some of the life cycle, and in the body of a mammal – like a human – for other stages of the life cycle. In the mosquito, the protist is found in the salivary glands, which is why the protist can be transmitted to a person when the mosquito sucks their blood. The mosquito acts as a vector. In the human, the protist causes malaria. Symptoms include recurrent (repeating) fever and malaria can be fatal. We can attempt to reduce transmission by targeting the mosquitos: preventing them breeding and avoiding bites using mosquito nets.

Key Terms


Defence systems

Structures and mechanisms we have to prevent pathogens entering the body, and to fight them off if they do enter. Includes non-specific defences (act on any pathogen) and specific defences (target the particular pathogen you’ve been infected by).

Pathogens are all over the place, so humans have evolved defence systems to deal with them. We have non-specific defences, which keep pathogens from entering the body (although, of course, they can fail to do this – otherwise you’d never get sick!). If pathogens do get in, we have the immune system, which destroys the pathogen inside the body.


A sticky substance produced by many epithelial (surfacecovering) tissues in the body, to trap dust particles and microorganisms so they can’t enter the body.

Non-specific defences:


Chemical produced by white blood cells that destroys specific pathogens.

 The skin! Our main barrier against pathogens getting in. The vast majority of pathogens cannot get through the skin at all – they have to enter somewhere else. Also, the skin scabs over to provide a quick barrier if there is a cut or wound.  The nose has hairs and mucus to trap microorganisms so they don’t get any further than the nose. If you don’t blow your nose, the mucus ends up in the back of the throat and you swallow it – this is harmless, because the stomach acid kills any microorganisms in there.  The trachea and bronchi also contain mucus. This traps microorganisms that are breathed in, and the mucus, again, can be swallowed harmlessly.  The stomach produces hydrochloric acid (at pH 2), which kills most microorganisms that are swallowed.


Chemical produced by white blood cells that neutralises specific toxins.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick? Human defence systems

The immune system responds if pathogens enter the body properly – i.e. if they get into the bloodstream. The most important cells in the immune system are the white blood cells. They help defend against pathogens by:  Phagocytosis. This is the engulfing and digesting of pathogens by white blood cells, destroying the pathogens.  Antibody production. White blood cells produce chemicals called antibodies that bind to pathogens and destroy them. These are specific, meaning only one particular antibody type will bind to one particular pathogen.  Antitoxin production. Some pathogens, especially bacteria, produce poisonous toxins. These are neutralised by antitoxins – another sort of chemical produced by white blood cells. Again, antitoxins are specific to specific toxins.

Vaccination Vaccination is great on two fronts: it stops the vaccinated individual from getting ill AND it helps prevent the spread of communicable diseases. If a large proportion of the population is vaccinated, it is very unlikely that an unvaccinated person would be exposed to the pathogen, so everyone is protected. 1. 2.

A vaccine contains a small quantity of a dead or inactive form of a pathogen (usually a virus, such as the measles virus – see graph). Delivering a vaccine stimulates a primary immune response. White blood cells produce antibodies to destroy the pathogen, but this is slow. 3.Specialised white blood cells (memory cells) remain in the blood afterwards. 4.This means that if an infection by the real pathogen takes place in the future, there is a secondary immune response by the white blood cells, which is quicker than the primary immune response. 5.The secondary immune response starts faster (see graph), involves the production of far more antibodies (a stronger response) and the level of antibodies stays higher for longer. 6.This means the pathogen is destroyed before you even realise you are ill.

Key Terms



Any chemical that causes chemical changes in the body. Most drugs are medical – used to treat disease.

Treating disease with drugs


Type of drug that treats bacterial disease by killing pathogenic bacteria.

Despite our non-specific defences and our immune systems, we still get sick due to communicable diseases. Fortunately, we’ve developed a huge range of drugs to treat diseases. (Drugs and medicines are synonymous; we can also say ‘medical drugs’ to mean those that treat disease rather than drugs taken for recreation.)


Type of drug that can kill viruses: these are used to treat infection by HIV.


Drug that only treats the symptoms of disease, rather than killing pathogens.

Antibiotics have only been produced since the 1940s, but they have changed the world in that time. The first antibiotic was discovered (not made – it was produced by a fungus!) by Alexander Fleming. He found that a fungus called Penicillium worked to kill bacteria he was growing in an agar plate. Named for the fungus that produced the chemical, this was the first antibiotic: penicillin. It is still used today.


Problems with the body arising from disease and indicating that there is a disease. E.g. coughing, headaches, vomiting.


From ‘toxic’, toxicity means how harmful a drug is to healthy body tissues.

Antibiotics treat bacterial diseases only, because they kill pathogenic bacteria in the body. In this way, they can cure bacterial diseases. Antibiotics are specific – so you need to use the right antibiotic to kill the particular bacteria that has infected you. So, antibiotics have saved millions of lives, by successfully treating people with bacterial infections. However, a big issue with the use of antibiotics is that many strains (types) of resistant bacteria have emerged (more on this in topic 16).


How well a drug actually treats the disease it is designed to treat.


How much of a drug is given to a patient, and how many times a day and so on.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?


Antibiotics CANNOT kill viruses, so cannot treat viral diseases. Since viruses live inside host cells, it is very difficult to kill viruses without also damaging the body tissues they live in. Painkillers Painkillers are examples of medical drugs that treat the symptoms of disease, without actually getting to the cause and killing the pathogens. An example is aspirin, a painkiller that was first extracted from the bark of willow trees.

Discovering new drugs There is a constant demand for new drugs – for better treatments, to treat diseases without any current cures, and to deal with antibiotic resistance. Chemicals that might work as effective drugs are constantly being discovered or synthesised in labs. Many drugs were discovered in living organisms: e.g. the heart drug digitalis originates from foxgloves. There are other examples above. However, any of these newly discovered/made chemicals must be thoroughly tested before they can be used in humans.

Development and testing of new drugs New chemicals, potential medical drugs, are tested to find out if they are safe and effective (they actually treat the disease they are supposed to!). There are many stages to this testing. We refer to the part before giving the drug to humans as ‘preclinical testing’ and to the stages where humans received the drugs as ‘ clinical trials’. Together, these stages tell us about the drug toxicity, efficacy and information about the dose that should be given. Here’s the sequence: 1.

Preclinical testing is in a lab. The drug is tested on cells and tissues grown for drug testing, and on animals like rats bred for drug testing. This checks that the drug is not toxic, and can give information about efficacy too. 2. Clinical trials are tests on humans. First, new drugs are given in very low doses to healthy volunteers, to check that they are not toxic and don’t cause major side effects. 3. If the drug is safe, clinical trials using people with the disease take place. These trials test how well the drug works for the disease, and identifies the optimum dose. In any clinical trial, double blind testing is often used. Some patients are given a placebo (fake version of the drug), and neither scientist/doctor or patient know who has the placebo and who has the real drug until afterwards. This ensures that effects due to people’s expectations can be ruled out.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 14: How do Organisms get Sick?

Key Terms



All the same, due to all coming from cloned cells

Monoclonal antibodies


Protein molecule made by white blood cells to fight pathogens. Each antibody is specific to one antigen.


A molecule found on the surface of cells (or viruses), often made of protein. Antibodies, if they are the right sort, bind to antigens.


Stick to, due to having shapes that fit together.


Type of white blood cell that makes antibodies.


Yellowing of leaves.

Antibodies are natural tools for recognising specific molecules. This property can be fantastically useful. Monoclonal antibodies are copies of the same antibody, produced in a lab for a specific purpose. Here’s how they are made: (also see diagram at bottom of page) 1. Mouse lymphocytes are stimulated to make a specific antibody, by giving them a specific antigen 2. These lymphocytes are combined with a type of tumour cell to make a hybridoma cell. 3. Like other cancer cells, this hybridoma cell can divide rapidly. It also makes the antibody that is desired. 4. The hybridoma cell is cloned, to there are many identical copies all making the same antibody. 5. After a large amount has been made, the antibody is separated from the cells for use.

Using monoclonal antibodies There are dozens of uses for monoclonal antibodies: the thing to remember is that they are used when a specific molecule needs to be recognised. Examples to know: • Pregnancy tests use monoclonal antibodies that specifically bind to a hormone made in the placenta – which is only present in pregnant women. • Lab tests for levels of specific chemicals in blood samples, or to detect specific pathogens. • To identify specific molecules in a cell or tissue. One way to do this is to attach a fluorescent dye to the antibodies, so under a microscope you can see exactly where the specific molecule is located in the cells/tissues. • Disease treatment, although not commonly. Monoclonal antibodies can have drug molecules attached to them, and because they only bind to certain antigens you can get them to stick to cancer cells ONLY – so the chemotherapy hits the tumour, but not the healthy cells of the body. Smart. Although there’s great promise, using monoclonal antibodies in medicine is not so widespread – there are quite a few side effects. They are also expensive to produce.


Plant diseases Obviously a plant can’t tell you when it is sick. But some easy signs can indicate disease: • Stunted growth (which may be caused by deficiency in nitrates, since nitrates are needed to make protein) • Spots on leaves • Areas of decay • Growths that shouldn’t be there (like tumours) • Malformed stems/leaves • Discolouration (including chlorosis, which is caused by a deficiency in magnesium – since magnesium is used to make chlorophyll) • Presence of pests If you see these dreadful signs, you could identify the specific disease by:  Checking your gardening books/websites  Taking infected plants to a lab to identify the pathogen  Using testing kits containing monoclonal antibodies!

Plant defences against disease, or against getting eaten Plants can prevent invasions by microbes with physical defences, such as: • Cellulose cell walls • The tough waxy cuticles on their leaves • Layers of dead cells (e.g. bark) around stems that can be shed (fall off) Plants also have chemical defences, including: • Antibacterial chemicals • Poisons to stop herbivorous animals from eating them Plants also have mechanical adaptations to defend themselves: • Thorns and hairs to deter animals from eating them • Leaves which droop or curl up when they are touched • Mimicry to trick animals into thinking they are poisonous/bad to eat

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics The structure of the atom and isotopes You’ve already studied the structure of the atom – the small central nucleus surrounded by electrons – in the first chemistry topic. Go back and recap that first. An important point about the shells, or energy levels, where electrons are found is that the energy level of an electron can change:  Electrons move up an energy level with the absorption of a specific wavelength of EM radiation  Electrons move down an energy level by emitting a specific wavelength of EM radiation. Atoms of a particular element always have the same number of protons (the atomic number in the periodic table). However, they don’t all have to have the same number of neutrons to be the same element. If the number of neutrons varies between atoms of an element (but number of protons stays the same), we call the atoms isotopes of the element. Look at the diagram for the example of three isotopes of carbon.

Radioactive decay Some atomic nuclei are unstable. For instance, carbon-14 above is unstable. The nucleus will spontaneously and randomly change to become more stable. When the nucleus does this, it gives out nuclear radiation. Since it is a random process, it is impossible to predict which particular nucleus will decay next. However, with a huge number of them, it is possible to measure the rate at which the whole source of radiation is decaying. This rate is measured in number of decays per second: the unit is the becquerel (Bq). One Bq = 1 decay per second. This can be measured with a detector called a GeigerMuller tube – in this case, 1 Bq = 1 count per second.

Key Terms



Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.

Energy level

The other name for electron ‘shells’. Each energy level is a specific distance from the nucleus and holds a limited number of electrons.

Radioactive decay

The process of an unstable nucleus becoming stable and giving out nuclear radiation in the process.

Nuclear radiation

Types of radiation that come from the nucleus of atoms during decay. Four types: alpha, beta, gamma, and neutrons.

How the modern model of the atom was developed The model of the atom that you know all about has changed over time. Here’s a brief timeline: 1. Before electrons were discovered, atoms were thought of as simply tiny, hard spheres that couldn’t be divided into smaller particles. 2. Electrons were discovered (which are smaller than atoms!), so the model was modified. The plum pudding model of the atom was described: the atom as a ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it like pieces of fruit in a pudding (see diagram). 3. A famous experiment by the scientists Rutherford and Marsden showed that the plum pudding model was wrong. Particles named alpha particles (more on these later) were fired at a sheet of atoms and some rebounded, some were deflected and others went straight through (see diagram). This showed that atoms have a hard, very small concentration of mass in the centre – which was named the nucleus. It also showed that the nucleus was charged, and we now know that is due to the protons in the nucleus. This model, that you use, is sensibly called the nuclear model of the atom. 4. The nuclear model was further developed to include the idea that electrons orbit at specific distances from the nucleus: in energy levels. The key scientist presenting this model was Niels Bohr. 5. Next, the nucleus was investigated further. It was found that the nucleus can be split up, producing particles with an equally-sized positive charge. These particles are named ‘protons’ – of course! 6. Then, in 1932, a scientist named James Chadwick proved that there were also uncharged particles in the nucleus. He called these particles ‘neutrons’ as they are neutral: no charge. This was about 20 years after the nucleus had already been accepted as the right idea about atoms.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics Types of nuclear radiation As you’ve seen, the rate of decay is measured in Bq, or can be measured as the count rate in Bq. What it actually ‘counts’ is the amount of radiation hitting the detector each second. The radiation emitted from the nucleus thanks to radioactive decay can be: • An alpha particle (symbol: α). An alpha particle is made of two protons and two neutrons (making it identical to the nucleus of helium atoms). Since there are four subatomic particles in one alpha particle, it has a mass number of 4. Since there are two protons in an alpha particle, it has a proton number of 2. • A beta particle (symbol: β). A beta particle is a high speed electron. Beta particles are emitted during a type of radioactive decay where a neutron turns into a proton. This process also makes an electron, and electrons aren’t ‘allowed’ in nuclei, so it gets fired out. • A gamma ray (symbol: γ). Yes, the same wave as in the electromagnetic spectrum. It has a very high frequency and very short wavelength. • A neutron (symbol: n). An uncharged particle – you know all about them already.

Alpha, beta and gamma As well as being different in form, alpha, beta and gamma are also different in terms of how they behave after emission from a nucleus.

Type of nuclear radiation


Range in air

A few centimetres

Penetrating power

Ionising power

Not very penetrating at all: absorbed by a thin sheet of paper.

Strongly ionising (as alpha particles are large and have a +2 charge)


A few metres

Fairly penetrating: completely absorbed by a sheet of aluminium 5mm thick.

Moderately ionising (as not as big as alpha particles and their charge is smaller, -1)


Enormous distances

Penetrates most materials. Absorbed only by several metres of concrete or a thick sheet of lead.

Only weakly ionising.

Key Terms



Releasing or giving out. Nuclear radiation is emitted during radioactive decay.


Passing through a material. Different types of nuclear radiation can penetrate different materials, and are absorbed by certain materials.


The process of making an ion by ‘knocking off’ electrons. Ionising radiation causes this, and can break up molecules into ions which go on to react with other chemicals. This is very dangerous in living organisms.

Using nuclear radiation Nuclear radiation can be very useful. Here are some examples: notice that the type of nuclear radiation used depends on exactly what you need it for, so it links to the properties in the table opposite. Radiotherapy: this is a treatment for cancer, using gamma rays. Gamma rays easily penetrate body tissues, so they can reach a tumour e.g. in the brain. The gamma rays can kill the cancer cells. However, since gamma rays are dangerous to healthy tissue, they use beams of gamma rays from many angles to the tumour, so healthy cells between source and tumour are not affected too badly. Monitoring thickness of paper in a factory: As the diagram shows, a beta source is used. This is because beta will pass through materials such as paper. The detector on the other side of the sheet will measure a lower count rate if the sheet gets too thick, and a higher count rate if it gets too thin. The rollers can be automatically adjusted to fix this. Medical diagnosis: sources of radiation can be taken into the body and the nuclear radiation monitored from the outside to give information about body function. Obviously, alpha is NOT suitable for this as it won’t penetrate body tissues to get to the detector! For example, a radioactive xenon isotope can be inhaled to check lung function. On the image, the left lung isn’t getting much air to the bottom parts.

Key Terms


Mass number

The total number of subatomic particles in the nucleus of an atom (protons + neutrons).

Nuclear equations

Atomic number

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. In other words, the number of positive (+1) charges in the nucleus.

To show what happens to an atom when it radioactively decays, we use nuclear equations. In these equations, we represent alpha and beta particles as shown in the key terms table.

Alpha particle

Can be represented with the symbol:

4 He 2

Beta particle

Can be represented with the symbol:

0 −1


The half-life of a radioactive isotope is the average time it takes for the number of radioactive nuclei to halve. It can be also be measured as the time it takes for the count rate of the sample to decrease to half its starting count rate.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics

Recalling what an alpha particle actually is (2 protons and 2 neutrons), it is clear that a nucleus going through alpha decay loses 4 subatomic particles (so the mass number has to decrease by four). Two of those are protons, so the atomic number must decrease by 2. Here’s an example:

This shows that a radon nucleus decays to produce a polonium nucleus and an alpha particle. Beta decay results in a beta particle, and happens because a neutron turns into a proton and an electron. The electron is ejected from the nucleus. Since neutrons and protons have the same mass, the mass number does not change. However, there is an extra proton, so the atomic number must increase by one (therefore the charge of the nucleus increases by 1). Here’s an example:

This shows that the carbon nucleus decays to produce a nitrogen nucleus and a beta particle. NB: emission of a gamma ray DOES NOT cause any change to the mass or atomic number.

Half life Radioactive decay is random – so you don’t know which nucleus will decay next. However, with a large number of radioactive nuclei, the time it takes for HALF of them to decay is predicable. This differs depending on the particular isotope involved. This length of time is called a half-life (see definitions too). Plotting the number of radioactive nuclei OR the count rate against time makes half-life easy to find. Read off the time it takes for the number on the y-axis to decrease by a half. So, in this example, we can see that the half-life of carbon-14 is 5.5 thousand years, whereas the half-life of plutonium-239 is 24 thousand years.

Radioactive contamination It is vital to realise that being exposed to nuclear radiation DOES NOT make something radioactive! (Despite what comic books show.) We say the exposed material/object is irradiated, and it is dangerous for living cells, as you know.

So, radioactive contamination is NOT being exposed to nuclear radiation. It means getting unwanted radioactive materials onto other materials. For instance, spilling a powdered radioactive source onto clothes. This is dangerous because the radioactive material keeps on emitting nuclear radiation through nuclear decay, so it can keep on irradiating the thing its on. The hazards due to irradiation or contamination mean that precautions must be taken. For instance, the radioactive materials (e.g. uranium) used in nuclear power plant is only transferred, stored and used in containers that nuclear radiation can’t penetrate. There is ongoing research by scientists into the effects of nuclear radiation on human health. Like all scientific findings, this research should be published and receive peer review – where other scientists check the methods and analysis performed, to make sure it is right!


The y-axis could also show count rate (Bq) – the shape of the graph would be identical

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Nuclear Physics

Key Terms


Nuclear fission

Splitting of a large atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei, with release of energy

Nuclear fission

Chain reaction

A reaction where the first reaction starts another one of the same sort, which then sets off another reaction, and so on.


Heaviest naturally occurring element (a metal). It has numerous isotopes, where U-235 can be used for fission in nuclear power stations. So it is nuclear fuel.

Nuclear fusion

Joining to two light atomic nuclei to form a new nucleus with higher mass number (i.e. a heavier element), with the release of energy.

When people say ‘splitting the atom’, they mean nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is the splitting of a large, unstable atomic nucleus. This rarely just happens spontaneously, but we can force it to happen by making a large, unstable atomic nucleus first absorb a neutron. Then it will split into two nuclei, but of smaller atoms. During this split, 2 or 3 neutrons will also be released, and gamma rays are emitted. LOTS of energy is released by this process – which is why it is used in nuclear power stations. In nuclear power stations, the large, unstable nuclei used is usually uranium (but plutonium can also be split). The neutrons released by the fission of one nucleus can then be absorbed by other large, unstable nuclei. This is a chain reaction (shown in diagram). In nuclear power stations, some of the neutrons are absorbed to control the reaction and stop it getting out of control. In nuclear weapons, the chain reaction does get out of control, causing the massive explosion.

Nuclear fusion Nuclear fusion involves small atomic nuclei, like hydrogen isotopes, joining – or fusing – together to make a heavier nucleus (such as helium). This occurs in stars. At the moment on Earth, this can be done, but not in a way that is any use for generating electricity, at least not yet. Very extreme conditions are required for nuclear fusion – extreme temperatures and pressures, which is why you only find it occurring naturally in stars. An example of a fusion reaction is shown below. Some of the mass of the fusing isotopes can be converted into energy, transferred by radiation.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 16: Rates of Reaction Rate of Reaction The rate of reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction is happening. This can vary hugely from reaction to reaction. The rate of reaction can be calculated either by measuring the quantity of reactant used or the quantity of product made in a certain length of time. The quantity can either be a volume measured in cm3 or a mass measure in grams (g).

Key Terms


Rate of Reaction

The rate at which reactants are being turned into products


What is used in a chemical reaction


What is made in a chemical reaction


A substance which speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up


A straight line that touches a curve at a point

Measuring Rate of Reaction-Higher Tier Equation

The gradient of a volume or mass/time graph will give you the rate of reaction at a given point. However when the line is a curve you need to draw a tangent to measure the gradient. To draw a tangent follow the following steps 1. Line you ruler up across your graph, so that it touches the line on the point that you want to find out the gradient 2. Adjust the ruler until the space between the ruler and the curve is equal on both sides 3. Draw the line and pick two easy pints that will allow you to calculate the gradient of the line.

Calculating the Mean Rate of Reaction -Higher Tier To calculate the mean rate of reaction from a graph you need to pick two y values on the graph and two x values, subtract the largest from the smallest and the divide the value on the y axis by the valued on the x axis.

Meanings of terms in equation

Rate of Reaction=

đ?‘…đ?‘’đ?‘Žđ?‘?đ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘Ą đ?‘˘đ?‘ đ?‘’đ?‘‘ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘’

Reactant used can either r be measured in grams or cm3

Rate of Reaction=

đ?‘ƒđ?‘&#x;đ?‘œđ?‘‘đ?‘˘đ?‘?đ?‘Ą đ?‘€đ?‘Žđ?‘‘đ?‘’ đ?‘Ąđ?‘–đ?‘šđ?‘’

Reactant used can either r be measured in grams or cm3

Measuring the Rate of Reaction There are several experiments that can be used to measure the rate of a chemical reaction. 1. Measuring the mass lost in a chemical reaction (marble chips and acid is a good example) 2. Measuring the volume of gas produced (decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is a good example) 3. Time taken to make an X disappear (sodium thiosulphate and acid is a good example)

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 16: Rates of Reaction Interpreting Rate of Reaction Graphs The results from rate of reaction experiments can be plotted on a line graph. For example how the mass changes against time or how much gas is made against time. Different lines can be plotted for different conditions, the steeper the gradient, the faster the reaction.

Key Terms


Activation Energy

The minimum energy required for a chemical reaction to take place

Collision Theory

The theory that states for a chemical reaction to happen, particles must collide with sufficient energy


The measurement of how steep a line is on a graph


The amount of times something happens in one second


The number of particles in a given volume

It is important to remember that the graphs flatten off (plateau) at the same point as the same amount of reactant is being used. Factors which affect Rate of Reaction Being able to slow down and speed up chemical reactions is important in everyday life and in industry. We can change the rate of a reaction by: · Changing temperature · Changing pressure · Changing the concentration of a solution · Changing the surface area · Adding a catalyst

Collision Theory Collision Theory: reactions occur when particles collide with a certain amount of energy. The minimum amount of energy needed for the particles to react is called the activation energy, which is different for each reaction. The rate of a reaction depends on two things: · the frequency of collisions between particles. The more often particles collide, the more likely they are to react. · the energy with which particles collide. If particles collide with less energy than the activation energy, they will not react.

Collision Theory- in more detail Concentration If the concentration of a solution is increased then there are more particles in a given volume, therefore collisions are more frequent and the chemical reaction is faster. Concentration is directly proportional to rate of reaction ( if you double the concentration you double the rate

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 15: Rates of Reaction Collision Theory in more detail Temperature When you increase the temperature of something the particles will move around faster, this increases the frequency of the collisions. As well as that, as the particles are moving faster the particles collide with more energy making it more likely that collisions exceed the activation energy.

Collision Theory in more detail Surface Area When you increase the surface area of a solid (you cannot increase the surface area of a liquid or gas). You increase the number of particles that are available for collision, therefore increasing the frequency of collisions therefore increase the rate of reaction.

Key Terms



A biological catalyst

Reaction Profile

A graph which show the energies of the reactants and products at different stages of the chemical reaction

Collision Theory in more detail Catalysts A catalyst is a substance which speeds up a chemical reaction without being used up. It speeds up a reaction because it lowers the activation energy by providing an alternative pathway and this means that there are more successful collisions and a faster reaction. The effect of a catalyst is shown on the reaction profile below:

Collision Theory- in more detail gas pressure If the reaction is carried out in the gaseous state, then increasing the pressure will increase the rate of reaction. If there are more particles in a given volume of gas, then collisions will be more frequent and therefore the reaction will be faster.

Catalysts are not included in a chemical equation as they are not used up in a chemical reaction.

Enzymes Enzymes are biological catalysts, they speed up chemical reactions in biological systems for example in digestion in animals. Unlike catalysts enzymes have an optimum temperature where they work best, this is usually around 37

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms



Making offspring. All organisms reproduce.

Types of reproduction


Offspring is a generic term for children – it applies to any type of organism.

Organisms can reproduce sexually or asexually. • Sexual reproduction involves two parents and produces genetically unique offspring. Each parent produces a sex cell (gamete), which fuse as part of sexual reproduction. This means that each parent contributes 50% of the genetic information to the offspring, and the offspring is genetically unique. • Asexual reproduction involves only one parent and there is no fusion of gametes. As a result, there is no mixing of genetic information and the offspring are genetically identical to the parent (they are clones of their parent). No meiosis takes place (since there are no gametes); only mitosis is involved.


Sex cells, such as pollen, egg cells, sperm cells. Gametes are produced by meiosis.


Type of cell division that produces gametes. Gametes are genetically unique (compare to mitosis, where genetically identical daughter cells are produced).


The joining/fusing of sex cells in sexual reproduction.


The process of becoming a specialised cell. Specialised cells are the result of differentiation of stem cells.



You already know how mitosis is used to replace cells in the body. Meiosis is the other form of cell division, but quite different. Meiosis produces gametes, so it happens in reproductive organs (e.g. sperm cells are produced by meiosis in the testes; egg cells are produced by meiosis in the ovaries).

Obviously, fertilisation only happens in sexual reproduction. The male and female gametes fuse. Their nuclei join together into one and the genetic information is combined. Consequently, you have 50% of your genetic information from your mother and 50% from your father. The cell that is produced has the full set of chromosomes (in pairs again) – the normal number is restored. Again, this is 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in humans. The diagram shows this.

DNA in the nucleus of cells is arranged into structures called chromosomes. In all body cells, the chromosomes appear in pairs (in humans, there are 23 pairs, so 46 chromosomes altogether). However, in gametes, there are half the number of chromosomes of body cells, since they contain one from each chromosome pair (in humans, this means that gametes contain 23 chromosomes). In meiosis, the DNA is replicated to start with (just like mitosis – step 1 in diagram). But then the cell divides twice – i.e. divides into four cells – so each cell ends up with half the genetic information: a single set of chromosomes. At stage 2 – the pairs are split up, then at stage 3 the copies of chromosomes are separated. The four cells produced are gametes, and all of them are different to each other – they are genetically unique.

The new cell is ready to grow into an embryo. It does this through mitosis, increasing the number of cells. To be precise, each cell divides to make two cells. This means that a young embryo doubles the number of cells each ‘round’ of mitosis. After a ball of cells is produced, the cells start to differentiate – become specialised. So you are no longer just a blob. Fertilisation – gametes fuse

Cell division by mitosis

Mitosis continues, and many cells differentiate

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms


Reproductive hormones

Those hormones that control reproduction. Important examples: testosterone (in males); oestrogen and progesterone (in females).


Follicle Stimulating Hormone. This is released by the pituitary gland and causes maturation of an egg in the ovary.


Luteinising Hormone. This is released by the pituitary gland and it causes release of a mature egg (ovulation).

Uterus lining

The inside of the wall of the uterus. This is where an embryo implants when it is only a few cells in size.

Hormones and Human Reproduction Hormones, those chemical messengers that travel in the bloodstream, control many aspects of reproduction, including the menstrual cycle, which is essential for sexual reproduction in humans (and other animals). • • •

During puberty the reproductive hormones (see key terms) cause the development of secondary sex characteristics. These are the distinctive features of men and women that develop during puberty (e.g. beards and breasts). Testosterone is the main male reproductive hormone. It is produced in the testes and it stimulates sperm production (sperm cells are also produced in the testes). Oestrogen is produced in the ovaries (in women), largely responsible for bringing about changes at puberty.

The menstrual cycle is not only the period, although this is where is usually considered to start. The average length of a menstrual cycle is 28 days. The whole purpose of the menstrual cycle is to ready the body for pregnancy, by: • Shedding (releasing) the uterus lining from the previous cycle – causing the period (aka menstruation) • Allowing an egg to mature in the ovary (this is stimulated by the hormone FSH). • Thickening and maintaining the uterus lining in preparation for pregnancy (this is controlled by oestrogen and progesterone). • Releasing an egg (ovulation), about two weeks after the period started (this is stimulated by the hormone LH).

Contraception – preventing pregnancy One class of contraceptive methods is hormonal contraception. Oral contraceptives (“the pill”) contain hormones to inhibit FSH production so no eggs mature. Injections, implants of hormone-releasing devices, or skin patches can be used for slow-release progesterone, which inhibits the maturation and release of eggs for months or even years. Non-hormonal methods include: • Barrier methods, like condoms or diaphragms. These prevent sperm reaching the egg. • Intrauterine devices (in the uterus) that prevent any embryos produced from implanting in the uterus. They may also release progesterone, like the hormonal methods above. • Spermicidal agents – chemicals that kill or disable sperm. These are not very effective! • Abstinence – obviously, there will be no pregnancy without sex. An ineffective method of contraception is attempting to time abstinence so you don’t have sex while an egg is in the oviduct. • Sterilisation with surgery: for men, this involves cutting and tying the sperm ducts so no sperm are included in the ejaculate. For women, the procedure is more invasive, involving cutting and tying the oviducts so no eggs reach the uterus, and no sperm can get to them.


Becoming mature. All a woman’s eggs are in her ovary when she is born, but they must mature before they are released.

HT: Interactions of hormones in the menstrual cycle The four hormones involved in the menstrual cycle affect each other. Key points: • •

• •

FSH stimulates the released of oestrogen High levels of oestrogen stimulate the release of LH High levels of oestrogen inhibit (reduce) the production of FSH Progesterone inhibits the production of both LH and FSH

The changing hormone levels throughout the cycle can be graphed as shown – make sure you are familiar with the sequence and changing hormone levels.

Key Terms



Problems conceiving (getting pregnant). Treatments for female infertility given left (HT only).

HT: Hormones to treat infertility


In Vitro Fertilisation. This means ‘in glass’ fertilisation – meaning fertilisation happens in a lab.

Hormones can be used not only to prevent pregnancy, but to improve the chances of getting pregnant in cases of infertility. Fertility drugs contain FSH and LH, which may help a woman to get pregnant, as the cause of infertility may be low levels of these hormones. Failing this, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) can be used. Here’s how it works:


The chemical that makes up the genetic material in all cells. DNA is a polymer and arranged as a double helix.


Structure in cells containing one molecule of DNA. Body cells contain two copies of each chromosome – one from each parent.


The entire genetic material of an organism.


A section of DNA. Each gene is a code for a sequence of amino acids, so each gene codes for a specific protein.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The mother is given FSH by injection to stimulate eggs to mature – a high dose is given so many eggs mature. LH is also given, getting eggs ready for ovulation. Once eggs have had time to mature and are ready for ovulation, but before they actually get released into the oviduct, they are collected from the ovaries. In a lab (‘in glass’ – a Petri dish: this is what in vitro means), the eggs are fertilised by sperm from the father. The mother can use a sperm donor at this point. Still in the lab, in a Petri dish, these fertilised eggs grow into embryos of a few cells. As tiny balls of cells, ready for implantation, one or two embryos are inserted into the mother’s uterus. They used to insert more than this, to increase the chances of pregnancy, but as effectiveness increased the number of multiple births (twins, triplets etc.) increased, which are a bit more risky than pregnancies with one baby.

So, IVF has allowed many people to have children who couldn’t otherwise. It is stressful though – physically uncomfortable and emotional, because it still only works far less than half of the time. Also, the success rate drops with age. As mentioned, multiple births are more likely in IVF, and these are more risky to mother and baby.

DNA DNA is a chemical, a compound made of elements you know – carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus. It is a polymer – meaning a very long molecule with units that repeat over and over. Each molecule of DNA is in fact made of two strands that run opposite one another and join in the middle (see diagram). These two strands form a spiral we call a double helix – double because there are two strands, and helix is just another word for spiral. DNA is contained in chromosomes, where each chromosome contains one molecule of DNA – one long double helix each (there are also protein molecules as part of chromosomes). Short (compared to the whole molecule) sections of DNA called genes code for proteins (see diagram). This is how DNA gives you characteristics – the genes inherited from the parents, on the chromosomes they pass on to you, code for the sequence of amino acids to make specific proteins.

The genome The genome is the word to describe all the genetic material of an organism. The human genome has been fully sequenced, so we know exactly the order of genes on each chromosome. (Note: in genetic terms, humans are extremely similar so we do have a general human genome. Everyone will vary slightly from it, but by less than 1%.) The micrograph shows the 23 pairs of chromosomes found in human cells, where pair 23 is the sex chromosomes (XY in this person). Understanding the human genome is very useful for all sorts of reasons, including: • Helping the search for genes linked to specific diseases • Understanding inherited disorders (more on these later) • Using the tiny differences in genetic information between people to track how humans have migrated all over the planet.

Key Terms



A form or version of a gene. Since you inherit a copy of each chromosome from each parent, you have two copies of each gene – we call these two versions alleles.


In genetics, to ‘express’ a gene means for it to be used by the body to make a protein, causing a characteristic.


Describes alleles that are always expressed (so you see the effects in the organism). Indicated with a capital letter to represent the allele e.g. D.

The alleles present in an individual organism cause body cells to produce certain proteins, or versions of proteins (as this is what a gene does remember). This is called expression of a gene, and leads to physical characteristics we call phenotypes.


Describes alleles that are only expressed if there are two recessive copies (one from each parent). In other words, recessive alleles are only expressed if there is no dominant allele present. Indicated with a lower case letter to represent the allele e.g. d.

This is easier with an example. Look at the cats below: the allele for short fur in cats is dominant to the allele for long fur. Let’s call the alleles F and f respectively. In the top example, both parents are homozygous dominant (genotype: FF). This means all the gametes they produce will have one F in them, so at fertilisation the only possibility is for the offspring to get FF. So all their offspring have the short fur phenotype.


The combination of alleles that an individual has. Often represented with two letters: e.g. DD, Dd or dd.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce? Genetic inheritance All the genes you have, you inherited from your parents. They gave you half your genome each. Since they gave you one from each pair of chromosomes you have now, they in fact gave you one copy of each gene each – i.e. genes for the same thing. We call the two different versions of each gene alleles. Some characteristics are controlled by one gene – or rather, the two alleles of a single gene. E.g. fur colour in mice, red-green colour blindness in humans. However, most characteristics come about thanks to many genes and their interactions, not just one gene.

In the second row, both parents have long hair, so they must both have the genotype ff (homozygous recessive). Consequently, all their offspring must have long hair too. In the third row, the first parent has short hair but is heterozygous (genotype: Ff) – so they still have short hair as the short hair allele is dominant. If they mate with a long hair cat (genotype ff), there are different probabilities for offspring phenotypes, as they will get either F or f from the first parent. So, half of them will have short hair (with genotype Ff) and half will have long hair (with genotype ff).

Probability and ratios Knowing the genotypes of the parents allows you to work out the probability of each genotype (and therefore phenotype) in the offspring. It does not guarantee, like in the bottom cat example, that they’ll have four kittens, or that half will have long hair. What it tells us is: for each kitten, there is a 50% chance of it having long hair. The other way of saying this is that the expected ratio of offspring genotypes is 1:1 for long:short hair. So if the bottom two cat parents had 50 kittens, we’d expect 25 of each hair length.


The physical characteristic that results from a particular genotype.


Describes a genotype where both alleles are the same – e.g. DD is homozygous dominant; dd is homozygous recessive.


Describes a genotype where the two alleles are different (one dominant, one recessive) – e.g. Dd.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms



The practice of checking for a disease or an inherited disorder.


An individual with one copy of the recessive allele that causes an inherited disorder (e.g. Cc for the cystic fibrosis genotype). As a result, they don’t have the disorder, but they can pass one allele for it onto their offspring.

Sex chromosomes

Pair 23 in humans. Females have the combination XX, males have the combination XY.

Genetic cross

An unglamorous term given to mating between two individuals, producing offspring.

Punnett square

A tool used to predict the outcome of a genetic cross.

Inherited disorders Some disorders (or diseases – same thing really) are inherited, so we can also call them genetic disorders. If someone inherits a certain allele/combination of alleles, they have the inherited disorder. Two examples to know: • Polydactyly: a condition where people have extra fingers or toes. This is caused by a dominant allele, so only one copy is needed to have the condition. • Cystic fibrosis: a condition where protein pumps in cell membranes don’t work properly, leading to thick and sticky mucus being produced in the lungs and intestines. This is caused by a recessive allele, so individuals with cystic fibrosis are all homozygous recessive. Studying family trees can help genetic scientists decide whether a disorder is caused by a recessive or dominant allele. In the family tree shown, C is the allele for healthy cell membranes, and c is the allele for disordered cell membranes. Both parents must have at least one c to have children with cystic fibrosis, as the family tree shows. (Note: anyone without a genotype shown has the genotype CC). Since we know which alleles cause conditions like these, unborn babies, or embryos produced during IVF, can be checked – or screened – to see if they have the inherited disorder. This practice, embryo screening, can be used to inform whether an embryo should be implanted in IVF, or, if used during pregnancy, to decide whether an abortion should take place. Obviously, these are huge decisions and the right to life of the embryo must be weighed against the difficulties they’ll face with an inherited condition and the personal choice and beliefs of the parents.

Sex determination In biology, sex is not short for sexual intercourse. Sex means male or female – so is only relevant to organisms that reproduce sexually. The sex of offspring is determined by the combination of sex chromosomes inherited from the parents. Of the 23 pairs of chromosomes all humans have, 22 control body characteristics and the 23rd pair determines sex. [Note: like all chromosomes, the sex chromosomes carry genes, they just have the extra function of sex determination.] Human females have the combination for pair 23: XX. We say they have two X chromosomes. Human males have the combination XY for pair 23 (they are different). When having children, then, mothers always pass on one X chromosome to their offspring. Males can pass on an X chromosome OR a Y chromosome – there’s a 50:50 chance of each. This is because, when cells divide by meiosis to make gametes, all the female gametes contain an X, but half the sperm cells have an X, half have a Y. How these combine to give a 50% chance of a girl is shown in the Punnett square to the right.

On the side, the possible female gametes are placed.

On the top, the possible male gametes are placed.

The possible combinations are shown. The ratio of female:male is 2:2, simplifying to 1:1.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms



Differences in the characteristics of individuals in a population.


Genetic variation

Differences in the genome between individuals. This often causes differences in physical characteristics.


Different versions of the same thing. Often this term is used to describe individuals who are different from others in a specific genetic way – for instance the ‘long haired cat variant’ from earlier.


A change to DNA. Mutations can cause a change in the sequence of amino acids being produced, affecting the protein being produced from the DNA code.


Change in the inherited characteristics of organisms over time. Evolution happens through natural selection.

Natural selection

The process that changes the inherited characteristics of organisms over time. This explains the adaptations of organisms to their environment AND the formation of new species of organism.

Common ancestor

An ancestor in common. For instance, if you have a sister, your granddad is a common ancestor to you both.

Organisms vary, both organisms of different species (obviously) and organisms of the same species (also obviously!). Variation (differences) are caused by both genetic causes and environmental causes. • Some differences are only due to inherited genes – they are entirely genetic; • Some differences are only due to the conditions in which an organism developed and lives – they are entirely environmental; • Some differences are due to a combination of genetic and environmental influences. In this case, we say the genome of an organism and its environment interact to affect the phenotype of the organism. In most populations of most species of organism, there is a lot of genetic variation. The general term for versions of the same organism (i.e. different individuals of a species) is with different genetic information is variants. All variants arise from mutations. Mutations can be dangerous (remember your work on cancer, for instance), but usually have no effect. Sometimes, they have a beneficial effect. Overall: • Mutations happen continuously; • most mutations will not affect the phenotype at all; • some will influence the phenotype (maybe change it a bit); • very few mutations cause a total change in phenotype. The last case is rare, but very important. If a mutation occurs that leads to a new phenotype, and the new phenotype makes the organism better suited to the environment, it will lead to a rather rapid change in the species, by natural selection.

Evolution Evolution is the change in inherited (genetic) characteristics of organisms over time. Many theories of evolution have been suggested, but Darwin’s theory of natural selection is the one with by far the most evidence. Darwin noticed that all organisms produce more offspring than they need to replace themselves, and yet population sizes stay pretty steady from generation to generation. He also observed that all species show variation, and that life is tough for organisms – only the best adapted survive. So, based on these observations, we can explain evolution by natural selection like this: 1. A population of organisms shows variation – there are variants in the population 2. The organisms are in competition to survive 3. Survival of the fittest – only the variants with the phenotypes best suited to the environment get to survive 4. Reproduction – those who survive get to reproduce 5. Genetic inheritance – their offspring inherit the genes from their parents, so the successful phenotype becomes more common in the next generation. This continues from generation to generation.

New species The theory of evolution by natural selection tells us that all species of living things have evolved from a single, simple type of life form. We know this common ancestor was alive on Earth over three billion years ago. How we ended up with millions of different species from this single species is also explained by evolution by natural selection. Essentially, two populations of one species (e.g. a population of fish is divided into two populations by geographical changes such as the joining of North and South America) can become two different species. This happens when the two populations become so different in their phenotypes that they can no longer interbreed to produce fertile offspring. This is the point when we define them as different species. For example, tigers and lions are different species (the population of their common ancestor has been separated for a long time) – they can interbreed (producing a liger), but ligers are infertile. So their parents are different species.

Key Terms



The remains of organisms from millions of years ago, found in rocks. They are formed in different ways – see main text.


A variant of microorganism within a species – so they are not a different species to other variants, but have a key difference in their phenotype (e.g. being resistant to an antibiotic). New strains are produced by mutations.

Resistant strain

Describes a variant form of bacteria with resistance (NOT immunity) to a specific antibiotic.

Thanks to all this evidence, Darwin’s theory for evolution is now very widely accepted. Two key bodies of evidence for you to know are: the fossil record, and the evolution of resistant bacteria.


An example of a resistant strain of bacteria. It stands for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus.



When NO individuals of a species remain alive.

Evolutionary tree

A timeline that shows how closely related different species are to each other.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce? Evidence for evolution There is a vast haul of evidence to support Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. This evidence has built up over time: for example, Darwin didn’t know about genes so found it hard to explain inheritance from parents in full. Obviously, we’ve got this knowledge now.

Fossils are the remains of organisms. They are always old, typically millions of years old, and are found in rocks. They can form by: 1. The organism or parts of the organism don’t decay because the conditions are not right for decay by microorganisms. For example, mammoths have been preserved in frozen mud. 2. Parts of the organism are replaced by minerals from the surrounding rocks as they decay. Most often, this results in soft tissues (e.g. muscle, skin) decaying normally, but the form of bones is preserved by the minerals in bones being swapped for minerals from the rocks/sediments that the dead organisms were buried under. 3. Preserved traces of organisms – so not their actual bodies, but traces like footprints, droppings, burrows and the traces of roots. As most fossils are formed from bones, and many early forms of life had soft bodies (no bones), there are few traces of early forms of life. Any traces there were tend to have been destroyed by geological activity (movements of tectonic plates, volcanic activity and so on). This means the fossil record is incomplete and scientists cannot be totally sure about the origin of life on Earth. The fossil record helps scientists fill in timelines and evolutionary trees to show how life has changed over time on Earth. Using evolutionary trees shows the closeness of relationships between different species.

Extinction Extinctions of a species can happen for many reasons, and often extinction is due to more than one factor working together. Some key factors that may contribute to extinction of a species: • Development of new species, so the old species doesn’t exist any more • New diseases affecting a species, which they aren’t adapted to and can’t survive • New predators, to which a species cannot adapt fast enough to survive • Changes to the environment, to which the species cannot adapt by natural selection, including catastrophic events (like the meteor strike that caused extinction of loads of species, e.g. dinosaurs) • New competitors that are better adapted to the environment than the species.

Resistant bacteria The key factor that affects the rate of evolution is how fast an organism reproduces. Bacteria can reproduce as fast as doubling every 20 minutes, so they can evolve rapidly. Thanks to a mutation, strains of bacteria that are resistant to an antibiotic can emerge. These are NOT killed by antibiotics used to try to kill them when the bacteria has infected someone. Consequently, they survive and reproduce, so the size of the resistant strain population increases generation to generation, while the non-resistant strain is wiped out. Furthermore, the resistant strain is likely to spread because if it infects other people and: • They are not immune to it • And there is no effective treatment. Society benefits if we reduce the rate of development of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. Some methods to help save the day: • Antibiotics should not be prescribed by doctors where they are not needed (especially for viral infections, since antibiotics don’t work on viruses). • Patients need to finish the full course of antibiotics they get prescribed, reducing the chance of any surviving and mutating to form resistant strains. • Restrict the use of antibiotics in agriculture, as at present many animals receive antibiotics all the time to prevent infections and encourage growth. We also badly need new antibiotics. However, it is slow and expensive to develop new antibiotic drugs, and at the moment we are not keeping up with the emergence of resistant strains of bacteria.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 17: How and Why do Organisms Reproduce?

Key Terms


Selective breeding

Also known as artificial selection. A technique of improving domesticated animals and plants for humans benefit, by breeding for particular genetic characteristics.


Animals/plants used in agriculture (or for pets!) are called domesticated species.


The result of selective breeding can be inbreeding, where limited genetic variation can make organisms more prone to disease or inherited defects.

Genetic engineering

Modifying the genome of an organism by introducing a gene from another organism, giving a desired characteristic.

Genetically modified

GM for short. Describes organisms (especially crops) that have had their genome modified by genetic engineering.


The amount of useful product you get from a plant or animal used in agriculture (e.g. mass of fruit).

Vector (HT)

In the context of genetic engineering, a vector is a piece of genetic material used to transfer a gene. It is usually a bacterial plasmid or virus.

Selective breeding In selective breeding, domesticated animals or plants are bred for particular genetic characteristics. This is not a new thing: humans have been choosing which animals/plants to breed together ever since agriculture was invented many thousands of years ago. The organisms with desired characteristics are chosen and deliberately bred together – if all goes well, the offspring have inherited the desired characteristics. The offspring with those characteristics are then bred together, and so on for many generations until all the offspring have the desired characteristic. Some examples of characteristics that selective breeding is used to obtain: • Disease resistance in food crops • Animals which produce more e.g. milk or meat • Domestic (pet) dogs with gentle natures, high intelligence and so on • Large or unusual flowers. So, selective breeding is very useful. However, because of the deliberate selection of organisms with certain genetic characteristics for breeding, inbreeding can result from its use.

Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is common and extremely useful. Recall that one gene codes for one protein, which in turn leads to specific characteristic. If an organism has the gene for a characteristic you want, you can transfer that gene into the genome of a different organism altogether. This has allowed, for example, the genetic engineering of plant crops to make them resistant to disease or to produce bigger, better fruit. Another key example is the genetic engineering of bacteria so they produce human insulin for treatment of type 1 diabetes. How genetic engineering works: Genes from an organism with a desired characteristic are ‘cut out’ of their genome and transferred to the cells of other organisms, in such as way that the second organism uses the gene from the first one. The resulting organism is called a genetically modified organism. Good examples of GM crops include those that are now resistant to attack by insects, or are not affected by the herbicides that farmers use to kill weeds (obviously, it would be bad news to use a herbicide that kills your weeds but also your crops). GM crops are also often produced to have higher yields.

Genetic engineering – the controversy There are some concerns about GM crops. The most important include concerns about how the GM crops may effect wild flowers and insects. There is not thought to be any risk to human health eating them, but some people call for more research on this. Research is going on into how genetic modification might be used to overcome inherited disorders in humans.

HT: Genetic engineering – the steps The summary is given left. The steps in more detail: 1. Enzymes are used to cut out, or isolate, the required gene. 2. This gene is placed in a vector, so it can be transferred to the organism you intend to genetically modify. 3. The vector is used to insert the gene into cells of the second organism (e.g. the food crop). This has to be done at an early stage of development (i.e. as a tiny embryo) so the organism develops with the desired characteristic. [It wouldn’t be much help to add the gene to an adult, since you’d have to add it to every cell to give them the desired characteristic.]

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms


Electric charge

Just a positive or negative charge!

Static charge


Not moving.


Material that does NOT conduct electric current


Being pulled together


Being pushed apart


Movement of a charge from a charged object, making it neutral

Every atom contains particles with an electric charge: protons and electrons. The electrons can be transferred from one material to another. When certain insulating materials are rubbed together, they both become charged because electrons are transferred from one material to the other. • The material gaining electrons becomes negatively charged • The material losing electrons becomes positively charged • The size of the charge one each material is the same magnitude, but opposite in direction (+ vs -) Electrically charged objects affect other charged objects. Like charges repel, whereas oppositely charged objects are attracted to each other. This is a non-contact force. If there is a big enough difference in charge between two places, sometimes the charge can seem to ‘jump’. This is seen as a spark. The charge does not, in fact, jump, but flows through the air, heating the air up enough to make it glow. This neutralises the charged objects, so is known as a discharge. In fact, this is the basic idea behind how lightning works.

Electric fields Any charged object produces an electric field around it, which extends in all directions away from the object. Other charged objects in this electric field are affected by it – either attracted or repelled as described above. The electric field gets weaker with distance from the charged object, which is obvious when you look at the diagram, right, because the field lines (the arrows) spread out going away from the charged object. These field lines are not ‘real things’, but they represent the electric field. If you look at how many lines pass through a certain area, you can get a sense of the strength of the electric field. The more lines pass through the area, the stronger the field. When we say a field is stronger, it means it will exert more force on other charged objects. This concept of the electric field helps explain why electric attraction/repulsion is a non-contact force: the objects don’t need to touch, but do need to be within each other’s electric fields.

This diagram shows how field lines cause attraction between opposite charges and repulsion between like charges. Again, they don’t need to touch to exert these forces on each other.

A charged sphere on its own (isolated). The arrows point the other way if the object is negatively charged. The rhombuses show how more lines cut through the same area if you are closer to the charged object. This indicates that the field is stronger closer to the charged object.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms


Electric charge

Just a positive or negative charge! In most electrical circuits, the electric charges that are flowing are electrons – which are of course negatively charged. Symbol: Q


The rate of flow of electric charge (i.e. speed). Calculated by dividing the size of the charge by the time. Symbol: đ??ź

Potential difference

Also known as voltage, or p.d.. The potential difference is a measure of how much work is done per coulomb of charge.


Resistance determines the size of the current for a particular potential difference.


Meanings of terms in equation

Electric charge and current Every atom contains particles with an electric charge: protons and electrons. By getting electric charges to flow, we can get them to do work (i.e. transfer energy) in all sorts of useful ways. For that is what happens in any electric circuit you can think of: flowing charges transfer energy. If we want to get electric charges to flow, we must make a closed, or complete circuit – a loop of conducting materials, like metal wires. Then, we must provide a source of potential difference. The source of potential difference could be a cell, battery or the mains. What these sources do is to create a difference in electrical potential energy – hence the name. This provides the force to make the electric charges in the conductors flow. When electric charges, like electrons, are flowing, we call it an electric current. The size of an electric current is simply the rate of flow of electric charge. đ?‘„ So current (đ??ź) = or đ?‘„ = đ??źđ?‘Ą


Q = charge flow (coulombs, C) I = current (amperes, A) t = time (seconds, s)


V = potential difference (volts, V) I = current (amperes, A) R = resistance (ohms, Ί)



In a circuit, in any closed loop of the circuit, the size of the current is the same throughout the loop. As shown on the diagram, the current is the same in all parts of the loop, including through the battery and through the resistors.


Current, resistance and potential difference Cells and batteries etc. are sources of potential difference. This means they boost the potential energy of charges in a circuit. Other components, like resistors or bulbs, do work – so they take the potential energy of the charges and transfer it into some other form, like light or heat. In a circuit, all the energy provided by the cell/battery is transferred by the components in the circuit all together. So, in components like bulbs, the charges do work – i.e. they transfer energy. By definition, this means they have a potential difference across them. We say ‘across’ since it is a difference, from one side of the component to the other. The current through a component depends on this potential difference across the component, but also its resistance. Without any resistance, a component would do no work (try putting a 0 in the equation!), so things like bulbs HAVE TO have resistance. The resistance of a component, along with the potential difference across it, determines the current through it, as shown in the second equation. It shows us that: if we keep the potential difference the same, but increase the resistance, the current must decrease. If we keep the potential difference the same, but decrease the resistance, the current must increase.

Look how the voltmeters are added across the components to measure the potential difference across them. Yes, you need to learn these symbols.

Key Terms



Components connected one after another in a closed loop.


Components connected in different loops of a circuit.

We can connect components in a circuit in series or in parallel. In some circuits, there are components in series AND components in parallel – see the example in the diagram.


An electrical component that regulates current in a circuit. Bear in mind, all electrical components have resistance, so are resistors in some sense, as well as being e.g. bulbs.


Meanings of terms in equation

The quantities of resistance, current and potential difference behave differently in components connected in series compared to components connected in parallel. Study the table and diagrams carefully.

for series circuits: đ?‘…đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ = đ?‘…1 + đ?‘…2 *

đ?‘…đ?‘Ąđ?‘œđ?‘Ąđ?‘Žđ?‘™ = total resistance (ohms, Ί) đ?‘…1 = resistance of first component (Ί) đ?‘…2 = resistance of next component (Ί) – and so on

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity Series and parallel circuits


Components connected in series‌

Components connected in parallel‌


The current through each component is identical

Shared between the loops. The total current through the whole circuit is the sum of the currents through each loop of the circuit.

Potential difference

The potential difference provided by the power supply is shared between the components in series (not necessarily equally shared out – it depends on the resistance of each component).

Each loop receives the full potential difference provided by the power supply. If we are dealing with just two components in parallel, the potential difference across each is exactly the same, and exactly the same as the potential difference provided by the power supply.


The total resistance of two components is the sum of the resistance of each component (see equation). So, adding more resistors in series increases the total resistance.

The total resistance of two components in parallel is always less than the smallest resistance of the components. As a result, adding more resistors in parallel actually decreases the overall resistance.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms


Direct p.d.

A supply where the potential difference is fixed at a certain value, so the current flows in one direction only

Direct and alternating potential difference

Alternating p.d.

A supply where the p.d. switches between positive a negative, reversing the direction of the current frequently.


The number of times the p.d. reverses direction every second. Measured in Hertz (Hz).

The flow of charge (current) in a circuit can travel in one direction around the circuit only. This is due to a direct supply of potential difference, also known as dc. Cells and batteries provide a direct potential difference. However, it is possible for the direction of the current to change back and forth in a circuit. This happens when there the supply provides an alternating potential difference – also known as ac. This means the p.d. is constantly switching from positive to negative, which you can see if you measure the p.d. and produce an image of is on an oscilloscope, as the diagram shows. The rate at which the p.d. switches from positive to negative is called the frequency of the supply. The bottom image, since the supply is a battery, shows a direct potential difference.

Three-core cables We connect most electrical appliances to the mains with a three-core cable. The three pins on a plug are just the three ends, or terminals, of the three wires in the cable. Each wire in insulated in a different colour.

The national grid

Mains electricity Mains electricity (the supply into your house/school etc. that comes through the plugs) is an ac supply. In the UK, we have a supply with a p.d. of about 230V, and the frequency is 50 Hz.

Wire in three-core cable

Colour code of the insulation

Live wire


Neutral wire

Earth wire Neutral wire Live wire

The national grid connects power stations to consumers of the power – like you. It consists of a network of cables (i.e. power lines) and transformers. There are two types of transformers; together they improve the efficiency of the energy transfer from power station to homes and schools etc.: 1. Step-up transformers increase the p.d. from the power station to the transmission cables. This reduces the current so less energy is lost as heat. 2. Step-down transformers decrease the p.d. from the cables to a much lower value (230V, generally) for domestic use. This increases the current to suit electrical appliances used at home.

Earth wire


Carries the alternating p.d. from the supply to the appliance


Completes the circuit. The neutral wire is at 0 V (earth potential).

Yellow and green stripes

Earth wires are at 0 V. They are safety wires, and only carry a current if there is a fault and the appliance has become live (electrified).

DANGER (and safety) The earth wire carries current to the ground (literally, earth). This makes circuits safer because if there is a fault, it conducts the current to the ground rather than making the appliance ‘live’. Appliances become live if the live wire touches the case. This is particularly a problem with metal-cased appliances, like cookers or toasters. The live wire is the most dangerous one, since it is at 230 V. it should never touch the earth wire (unless the insulation is between them, of course!), because this would make a complete circuit from your mains supply to the ground (earth). A shock or fire would be highly likely.

Even if a circuit is switched off (i.e. the switch is open), the live wire can still be dangerous. If you touch it, you may complete a circuit between the live wire and the earth (because you’ll be standing on the floor), so you get a shock.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 18: Electricity

Key Terms



The rate of energy transfer. In electrical components, the power is found by multiplying p.d. by current.



Transfer of energy.

You should recall that power is the rate of energy transfer, or the rate at which work is done. In electrical components, including any electrical appliance, the power relates to the potential difference across the component and the current through it. If either p.d. or current increases, the power increases. In other words, the rate of energy transfer increases. This should be clear from the first equation.


Any device that transfers electrical energy to other forms. The supply of electrical energy can be a cell, battery, or the mains ac supply.

The second equation also finds the power. The equation comes from substituting in V = IR. The second equation is useful if you don’t know the p.d. across a component.

Energy transfers in electrical appliances The whole point of electrical appliances is to transfer energy. The electrical potential energy from the supply is transferred to something useful – such as light and sound in your TV. The other way of saying this is that work is done when charge flows in a circuit. Some examples of energy transfers in electrical appliances: • In your mobile phone, electrical potential energy from the dc supply (the battery) is transferred to light, sound and thermal energy. This means the energy from the battery is dissipated to the surroundings. • A washing machine transfers electrical potential energy from the ac mains supply to kinetic energy in the electric motor (that’s why it spins), along with heat. Eventually, all the energy of the input is dissipated to the surroundings. • An electric heater transfers the electrical potential energy of the supply to thermal energy. The energy stored in the supply ends up stored in the air, the walls, the floor and so on around the heater: stored in the heat of the materials. The amount of energy transferred by an appliance depends on the power of the appliance and the time it is switched on for. To find the amount of energy transferred, simply multiply the power of the appliance by the time it is on for (see third equation). Furthermore, since p.d. is a measure of how much work is done per coulomb of charge, you can find out how much work is done (aka energy transferred) by a circuit by multiplying the charge flow by the p.d. (see fourth equation).

Equation đ?‘ƒ=đ?‘‰đ??ź * đ?‘ƒ = đ??ź2 đ?‘… *

P = power (watts, W) V = potential difference (volts, V) I = current (amps, A) P = power (watts, W) I = current (amps, A) R = resistance (ohms, Ί)


E = energy transferred (joules, J) P = power (watts, W) t = time (seconds, s)


E = energy transferred (joules, J) Q = charge flow (coulombs, C) V = potential difference (volts, V)



Meanings of terms in equation

High power, low power The power of an appliance determines how much energy is transfers in a given length of time. If an appliance has a high power (e.g. a washing machine), it transfers lots of energy in a given time. If it has a low power (e.g. a lamp), it doesn’t transfer much energy in a given time, in comparison. The other way of looking at it is how long the appliance takes to transfer a given amount of energy, e.g. 1000 J. A washing machine will transfer the energy in a very short length of time, whereas a lamp will take much longer to transfer this energy.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 18:Energetics Energy in Reactions Energy is conserved in chemical reactions. The amount of energy in the universe at the end of a chemical reaction is the same as before the reaction takes place. In a chemical reaction, bond breaking and bond making occur. To break a chemical bond you need to overcome the force of attraction in the bond, this process requires energy therefore it is endothermic. The process of bond formation is exothermic, energy is released when bonds form. In a chemical reaction the difference between the energy required to break the bonds and the energy gained from making the bonds will decide whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic. Chemical reactions can therefore be divided into exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions.

What happens?




Heat energy is transferred to the surroundings.

The energy required to break chemical bonds is less than the energy gained from making chemical bonds. Therefore the excess is given off as heat to the surroundings.

Combustion reaction, reactions used in hand warmers


Heat energy is taken in from the surroundings

The energy required to break chemical bonds is more than the energy gained from making chemical bonds. Therefore heat is taken in from the surroundings.

The reaction of citric acid and sodium hydrogencarbonate, the reactions used in ice packs

Reaction Profiles Reminder from topic 15: Chemical reactions can occur only when reacting particles collide with each other and with sufficient energy. The minimum amount of energy that particles must have to react is called the activation energy. Reaction profiles can be used to show the relative energies of reactants and products, the activation energy and the overall energy change of a reaction. This is the reaction profile of an exothermic reaction, the energy of the products is lower than that of the reactants. The difference in energy is released as heat to the surroundings.

This is the reaction profile of an endothermic reaction, the energy of the products is higher than that of the reactants. The difference in energy is taken in from the surroundings.

Key Terms


Reaction Profile

A graph which shows the energies of the products and reactants in a chemical reaction


A reaction that gives out heat to the surroundings


A reaction that takes heat in from the surroundings Reaction Profiles- In more detail

The profile below shows the reaction which makes ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen. The equation is given below:

N2+3H2ďƒ 2 NH3

This hump shows the activation energy

There are some key features to highlight on this graph ,firstly the curved section represents the activation energy for this reaction, this hump shows how much energy is required to break the bonds in the reactants. To overcome the activation energy we often need to heat our reactants. The products are lower in energy than the reactants, this means it is an exothermic reaction. As the excess energy is given out to the surroundings. as heat energy.

Calculating bond energies -higher tier. The difference between the sum of the energy needed to break bonds in the reactants and the sum of the energy released when bonds in the products are formed is the overall energy change of the reaction. For example consider the reaction: N2+3H2ďƒ 2 NH3 To work out the overall energy change you will need to subtract, the energy gained from forming the bonds in ammonia, from the energy required to break the nitrogen and hydrogen bonds. This will give you the overall energy change, if the value is negative then the reaction is exothermic, if the value is positive the reaction is endothermic

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 18:Energetics Bond Energies continued- Higher Tier You can calculate the energy change in a reaction from bond energies given to you in a question. For example consider the reaction below: This shows that hydrogen peroxide breaks down to make water and oxygen. We can use bond energies to work out the energy change in the reaction. Bond

Bond energy in kJ per mole







The energy required to break the reactant bonds is:

2 x464 (for the O-H bonds) = 928 + 146 (for the O-O bond)=1074 however as there is a 2 in the equation this number needs to be doubled. 2 x 1074 = 2148 klj/mol The energy gained from making the product bonds is:

2x464= 928 but there is a 2 in the equation so this doubled to 1856 and we also need to add the 498 for the double bond in O2 1856+498=2354 kj/mol Therefore we do energy required to break reactant bonds- energy gained from making product bonds: 2184-2354=-170kj/mole

If the value is negative then the reaction is exothermic If the value is positive the reaction is endothermic.

Key Terms



A reaction that is reversible

Le Chatelier’s principle

A principle which states, “If a system is at equilibrium and a change is made to any of the conditions, then the system responds to counteract the change”

Dynamic Equilibrium

An equilibrium where the forward and backward reactions are happening at the same rate

Equilibrium Some chemical reactions are reversible, this means they can happen in both the forward and reverse directions. The symbol we use to represent an equilibrium reaction is shown in the equation below:

In a dynamic equilibrium reaction, the forward and reverse reactions are happening at the same rate. A dynamic equilibrium has to occur in a closed system, where no reactants and products are allowed to escape. If the equilibrium lies to the left, it means that there is a greater concentration of reactants than products If the equilibrium lies to the right it means there is a greater concentration of products than reactants. Most equilibrium reactions are endothermic in one direction and exothermic in another direction. A good example is the hydration and dehydration of copper sulphate. It is exothermic when water is added to the copper sulphate, it is endothermic when water is removed.

Chemistry Knowledge Organiser Topic 18:Energetics Changing Conditions-Le Chatelier’s principle- Higher Tier The Haber process is a good example to explain Le Chatelier’s principle, the equation for the Haber process is shown below. The reaction is carried out in the gaseous state. Remember this is one of many reactions but the principles always stay the same. Endothermic in this direction

Condition Change Increase the temperature

Key Terms



A reaction that is reversible

Le Chatelier’s principle

A principle which states, “If a system is at equilibrium and a change is made to any of the conditions, then the system responds to counteract the change”

Dynamic Equilibrium

An equilibrium where the forward and backward reactions are happening at the same rate

Exothermic in this direction

Effect Shifts the equilibrium to the left as this is the endothermic direction. The amount of reacrtants increases.

Decrease the temperature

Shifts the equilibrium to the right as this is the exothermic direction. The amopunt of product increases

Increase the concentration of reactants

Equilibrium shifts to the right to make more product, to reach equilibrium again

Increase the concentration of products

Equilibrium shifts to the left to reach equilibrium again

Increase the pressure in the gas

Equilibrium shifts to the right, where there are fewer molecules of gas, this will decrease the pressure.

Decrease the pressure in the gas

Shifts the equilibrium to the left as there are more gas molecules on that side of the equation.

Equilibrium- Changing Conditions-Higher tier The amounts of all the reactants and products at equilibrium depend on the conditions of the reaction. For example if we change things like temperature, concentration of a reactant or product and pressure in gases. The French scientist Le Chatelier devised a principle to explain how equilibrium reactions, respond to a change in conditions, it states that: “If a system is at equilibrium and a change is made to any of the conditions, then the system responds to counteract the change” For example if the temperature is raised the equilibrium will shift to try to cool the surroundings down.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Ecology and Interdependence Ecology is the study of everything from individual organisms to the whole biosphere (everywhere that life is found on Earth). An ecosystem is an interconnecting network of living organisms and their environment. The feeding relationships are one way in which organisms depend on each other. To begin with, almost all organisms rely on the Sun as the original source of energy for their ecosystem. Plants and algae can make use of the Sun’s energy to produce food molecules, in the process of photosynthesis. This is why they are called producers. Other types of organism can’t do this, so they rely on the plants and algae. Consumers eat the producers, so the energy from the sun flows through the ecosystem. Molecules (which are stores of energy) also flow through, and get recycled when organisms produce waste (poo and wee!) and after they die and decay. The diagram helps to show this. You can see that all the organisms in the ecosystem depend on each other. This is called interdependence. The consumers wouldn’t survive without the producers capturing energy from the sun, the producers wouldn’t survive without the decomposers recycling molecules for them to use (e.g. nutrients from the soil), and the decomposers need the waste from other organisms, and their bodies once they die. A stable community is one where all the species’ populations and the abiotic factors are in balance; as a result, population sizes don’t change much in stable communities.

Biotic and abiotic factors affecting organisms Communities of organisms are obviously affected by the environmental factors of their habitat. Factors that are nonliving are called abiotic factors; those that are living are called biotic factors. These may affect the distribution of organisms (i.e. how they are spread out in the environment), their population size, their growth, behaviour or anything else really. Examples of abiotic factors: light intensity; temperature; moisture levels; soil pH and mineral content; wind intensity and direction; carbon dioxide level for plants; oxygen levels dissolved in water for aquatic animals. Examples of biotic factors: food availability; new predators arriving; new pathogens; competition between species. Competition can actually lead to extinction of a species – if another species outcompetes it, the first one may end up without sufficient numbers to breed.

Key Terms



Wherever life is found on Earth (and in the atmosphere).


A large zone of life with particular characteristics – e.g. tropical rainforest, arctic tundra.


A complex network of communities of organisms, which all depend on each other and which are adapted to the biotic and abiotic conditions they live in.


A group of interdependent organisms. Communities interact with each other and with the physical environment – ecosystem refers to the interaction of living communities with the non-living environment.


A specific set of conditions, usually a specific location, where an organism (or organisms) is adapted to live.


A whole group of organisms – for instance, all the buffalo on the savannah, or all the greenfly on one rose bush.


All organisms in a community rely on one another – for food, shelter, pollination, seed dispersal, nutrient recycling and so on.


Living factors affecting a community.


Non-living factors affecting a community (e.g. light intensity, temperature, soil pH).

Adaptations ALL organisms, now matter how simple they might seem, are adapted to their natural environment. Their features, or adaptations, enable survival in the particular conditions where they live. Adaptations can be: • Structural: adaptations in terms of body form and shape. This would include examples like: streamlined shape for speed; long stem to maximise light exposure • Behavioural: adaptations of behaviour – for instance, hunting behaviours, using tools, plants growing in the direction of a source of light. • Functional: adaptations in terms of how the body works. For instance: being able to digest a certain food, maintaining a constant body temperature and so on. Some organisms are adapted to live in what we would consider to be extreme environments – for instance, very high temperatures, high pressures, high salt concentration. The organisms that can survive in these kinds of conditions are called extremophiles. A great place to find extreme conditions and extremophiles is around and inside deep sea hydrothermal vents.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Organisation of ecosystems and trophic levels Apart from some ecosystems in deep sea vents, ALL biomass on Earth is produced by photosynthetic organisms. So, these organisms are called producers (trophic level 1). This is vital for other organisms, since these producers start off food chains. Food chains represent the feeding relationships in a community. The producer is usually a green plant or algae, and they make glucose by photosynthesis. The producers are eaten by primary consumers (trophic level 2), which might be eaten by the next trophic level – secondary consumers (trophic level 3). The secondary consumers may be eaten by tertiary consumers (trophic level 4). Of the consumers, if they kill and eat other animals, they are called predators. The animals eaten by predators are their prey. Carnivores that don’t get eaten by anything else are called apex predators. In a stable community (one that stays pretty steady in terms of population sizes), the population size of predators and their prey rise and fall in cycles, as the graph shows. When there aren’t many predators, the prey population grows rapidly. When it rises, there is more food for predators so their population increases. This puts pressure on the prey so their population drops – cycles, see graph.

Key Terms



Describes any organism that can carry out photosynthesis, producing biomass from simple chemicals (CO2 and H2O)


The materials that living things are made from: proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.

Food chain

Used to represent the feeding relationships in a community. Starts with a producer and shows what organism eats what, as well as how energy and biomass are transferred in the community.

Trophic level

Position in a food chain. Producers = level 1.




Excrete as faeces

Pyramids of biomass Biomass is simply living mass/material. Biomass is made by producers, but bear in mind they only transfer about 1% of the energy from light that hits them. A pyramid of biomass has trophic level 1 at its base, and each block of the pyramid has a width to represent the amount of mass at each trophic level. See diagram. The blocks HAVE TO get smaller, because not all biomass is transferred from one trophic level to the next (only about 10% in fact). This is because: • • •

Not all of the organisms in each trophic level actually get eaten by the trophic level above Not all the material that is eaten (ingested) is actually absorbed into the body – some is egested as faeces Large amounts of the biomass absorbed at each trophic level is used in respiration (especially glucose, of course) – meaning that the biomass is converted to carbon dioxide and water. These products are released in urine and breathing out. (furthermore, urea is lost in urine, so it isn’t available for the next trophic level).

As a result of all this, usually the number of organisms decreases as you go up the trophic levels (although it also depends on the size of the organisms!).

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Decomposition Decomposition is the breaking down, or decay, of biological material. Microorganisms digest dead organic material to simpler molecules, so the complex molecules bodies are made from (like proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) are recycled in the environment. They do this be secreting enzymes into their immediate environment and absorbing the soluble products of digestion by diffusion. The rate of decay is affected by: • Temperature – the activity of decomposers increases as it gets warmer (although decomposers are killed by very high temperatures) • Water – moist conditions speed up decay because molecules to be digested may be dissolved • Availability of oxygen – decay is fastest if there is a good supply of oxygen, simply because the decomposers can then respire more efficiently. This is why compost bins should have hole sin the side! Compost is just the material left after decay of waste organic material has happened. Compost is very useful to farmers and gardeners as a natural fertilisers for crops. Where decay happens without oxygen, anaerobic decay takes place. This produces methane gas. This can be very helpful – methane is a good fuel, so it is deliberately produced like this in many places, especially warm countries. The decay happens in a biogas generator – biogas just refers to the methane.

The water cycle and the carbon cycle Like carbon, water is constantly cycled in ecosystems between abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem. Water is released in aerobic respiration by all organisms. In terms of the abiotic components, water is constantly evaporated and precipitated (so, goes from land/waterways to the atmosphere and back again). The water precipitated provides fresh water for organisms on land before draining into the sea.

In all ecosystems, many materials have to be cycled through the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem – e.g. water, carbon, minerals, nitrogen. Microorganisms play a key role in cycling such materials. Carbon can appear in abiotic locations (the air as CO2, in soil minerals) and biotic locations (in the carbohydrates, lipids and proteins that living organisms are built from). When we say it is cycled through these components, we mean that carbon atoms don’t stay in any material for ever. They are cycled by various processes: • Photosynthesis – takes carbon from the atmosphere (in the form of CO2) and converts it to biomass • Respiration – all living organisms, including plants and microorganisms, respire, which converts biomass into CO2, which enters the atmosphere. While decay is taking place, carried out by microorganisms, they respire, which releases CO2. • Feeding – when consumers eat other organisms, the carbon in the other organism’s biomass is transferred to the consumer.

Key Terms



An organism that digests dead organic material.


Describes how organisms are spread in an ecosystem.


How many individuals of a particular species there are.


A square frame used for sampling plants in an ecosystem. Can be used for counting plants for measuring the coverage of the ground by a particular species.


Sampling method where a quadrat is laid down at regular intervals along a line. This is used to measure the change in distribution of organisms when a particular factor changes, such as light intensity.


The spaces between measurements – e.g. on a transect, the interval might be 1 m.

Measurements of ecosystems Biologists measure both the distribution and abundance of organisms in ecosystems to help us understand them (see definitions). It would be impractical to attempt to count e.g. all the seaweed on a beach, so biologists use sampling techniques. If you just want to measure the abundance in an area, or to compare two locations for abundance of e.g. seaweed, random sampling would probably be used of the area. To count plants, quadrats are used. If, however, you are interested in how the distribution (spread) of organisms changes as a factor changes, you measure along a transect. For instance, with the seaweed example, you could set up your transect line down the beach towards the water (just using a long tape measure) and measure the coverage by seaweed at 2 metre intervals, or some other suitable interval. Data may be summarised using means, modes or medians, and graphs can be produced to represent differences between locations, or the change in distribution along a transect.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment?

Key Terms



Water changing state from liquid to vapour.


Water changing from vapour to liquid/solid form – i.e. rain, hail, snow.


The variety of all the different species of organisms.

Biodiversity Biodiversity, the variety of all the species of organisms, can be measured at the level of a community, ecosystem or the whole earth (biosphere). A large biodiversity increases the stability of ecosystems, because it reduces the dependence of one species on another, for instance for food. So, for example, if a species has only one food source (think: pandas and bamboo shoots), it may be easily threatened by environmental changes. In spite of our future as a species on Earth depends totally on maintenance of biodiversity, many human activities threaten biodiversity. Indeed, in many ecosystems, we have already significantly reduced biodiversity. For instance, deforestation had damaged biodiversity in all kinds of forest. Our waste, polluting land, air and sea, has negatively affected biodiversity in many areas. And the big one: global warming is already having measurable effects on global biodiversity. It is only recently that humans have taken any measures to try to prevent our damage to biodiversity going too much further – obviously, we don’t yet know if these measures will be enough.

Land use Humans reduce the amount of land available for other organisms by: building, quarrying, farming and dumping waste (landfill). This in turn can reduce biodiversity. Peat bogs are made of peat, a type of fossil fuel formed from dead plants. Peat bogs are destroyed as peat can be used as a fuel and is a very good fertiliser if you’re growing plants. This has seriously reduced the area of this habitat and reduced biodiversity as a result. Furthermore, using peat as a fuel produces CO2 (contributing to global warming) and using it as a fertiliser (in compost) allows it to decay, which also produces CO2.

Waste management Since the human population is growing at an incredible rate, and in general people’s living standard is going up globally, we (the human population) is using more and more resources and producing more and more waste. Our waste causes pollution, which can occur: • In water, thanks to sewage, fertilisers running off farmland, or toxic chemicals used in industry; • In the air, from smoke, waste gases and acidic gases (e.g. sulphur dioxide) • On land, from landfill (rubbish dumps) and from toxic chemicals. Pollution kills organisms; therefore it can reduce biodiversity.

Deforestation Deforestation on a large scale happens to provide land, with the largest areas cleared for raising cattle, to plant rice fields and to grow crops that can be made into biofuels. Our food and fuel needs conflict with the need to preserve forests and rainforests so biodiversity is maintained.

Global warming As you’ll know, since the industrial revolution, human activities have dramatically increased the levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The main gases involved are carbon dioxide and methane. The molecules of these gases absorb infrared (heat) radiation and re-radiate it, causing gradual but measurable increases the atmosphere’s, and therefore Earth’s, temperature. Global warming as caused by humans used to be controversial; now, thousands of peer-reviewed publications later, the global scientific consensus is that humans are definitely causing climate change through global warming.

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? The impact of environmental change Environmental changes affect the distribution of species in an ecosystem. Environmental changes can be seasonal (summer vs. winter), geographic (e.g. flooding, volcanic activity and so on) or caused by human interaction with the environment (e.g. anthropogenic climate change). Changes that affect organisms include temperature, availability of water and the composition of gases in the atmosphere. Be ready to evaluate the impact of examples of environmental changes on distribution of species.

Key Terms


Breeding programme

Producing offspring, especially of endangered species to protect their population.

Field margin

The area around the edge of a field between the crop and the fence/hedge/wall.


The barrier at an edge of a field made of growing plants, as opposed to a fence or wall.

Maintaining biodiversity As you’ve seen, many human activities have negative effects on biodiversity. However, as the scale of our negative influence has become more and more apparent, scientists and concerned citizens have brought in programmes to try to reduce our negative influences. Here are the key examples you should know: • Breeding programmes for endangered species. For instance, tigers and pandas are bred in captivity to ensure they do not become extinct. • Protection and regeneration of rare habitats. This includes passing laws to ensure people leave certain areas alone (e.g. parts of the Great Barrier Reef). Regeneration means activity trying to bring a habitat back to its former glory. • Reintroduction of field margins and hedgerows in agricultural areas where farmers only grow one kind of crop. Growing one sort of crop (called monoculture) is bad for biodiversity because it only provides a habitat for a few species. So, farmers are encouraged to used hedges (not fences) and leave a margin around the edge of their crop fields, so wild plants can grow there, which in turn allows other organisms (e.g. insects) to survive there too. This improves biodiversity on agricultural land. • Reduction of deforestation and carbon dioxide by some governments. There have been numerous attempts, not always totally successful, to get governments of countries around the world to agree to specific targets for how much carbon dioxide they emit, since global warming is, of course, a worldwide problem. As with many things in politics, agreement is very difficult to obtain… but progress has been made in these international agreements. • Recycling resources rather than dumping in landfill. You are used to recycling as much of your household waste as you can. Work continues to increase the range of materials that can be recycled so we can continue to reduce the amount of waste dumped in landfill.

A lovely big field margin, and hedgerow on the left

Biology Knowledge Organiser Topic 20: How do Organisms Relate to Each Other and the Environment? Food security Food security is having enough food to feed a population. Unfortunately, many populations around the world suffer from a lack of food security. Numerous biological factors threaten food security, including: • Increasing birth rate raising the population • Changing diets, which often results in scarce foods being imported to countries where they can’t grow them, or results in people eating more meat • New pests (insects that eat plants) or pathogens that affect crops • Environmental changes (including effects of climate change) that affects food production • The cost of doing agriculture – e.g. price of seeds for crops, or farming equipment • War can affect the availability of water for crops/animals, or directly affect the availability of food. So, a major global challenge is finding sustainable methods to feed everyone on Earth. Whoa.

Key Terms



Able to continue/maintain something. For instance, sustainable food production won’t use up all of food resource.


A farm where fish are bred for food OR a part of the sea/lake where fish are caught for food.


Technology that involves manipulating living things.

Sustainable fisheries The amount of fish in the ocean that people eat (fish stocks) is dropping. The solution is to restrict fishing so there are enough left to breed and replace those caught. There are two main ways to keep people from catching too many, so fisheries stay sustainable: 1. Control net sizes so not too many fish are caught 2. Fishing quotas – this is a legal limit on how many fish a company can catch. They get fined if they catch more than their quota. Without methods like this, certain species may die out altogether.

Farming techniques Food production efficiency links to the flow of biomass in food chains and pyramids of biomass, so check you know that. The basic idea is that if you reduce energy transfers from food animals (like chickens, pigs and cows) to the environment. This means they don’t have to respire so much, meaning that more of the biomass the animal consumes is converted to biomass in their bodies.

 Keeping the animals warm (indoors) reduces the use of respiration to maintain their body temperature. Therefore more of the biomass they eat is used to build their bodies, rather than being used up in respiration.  Limiting their movement – which yes, does sound rather cruel. Again, this reduces the need for energy from respiration; therefore less of the biomass eaten is used in respiration and more is converted to biomass in the animals’ bodies.  Feeding animals a high protein diet to speed up growth.

Role of biotechnology Modern biotechnology can help with food security. • Genetic modification (genetic engineering) can produce crops with higher yields (more food per plant) or better nutritional value. An example is Golden Rice, which provides vitamin A. • Mycoprotein (e.g. Quorn) is grown in tanks. The fungus Fusarium grows on glucose syrup in aerobic conditions, then the biomass is harvested. Huge quantities can be cultured at a time, so it’s a pretty efficient way of making food.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism

Key Terms


Permanent magnet

A magnet that always has its own magnetic field. Attracts magnetic materials, and can attract or repel other magnets.


Induced magnet

A temporary magnet: make one by putting a suitable material in a magnetic field.


The ends of a magnet. Named north and south, based on which way on Earth they’d point if suspended freely. The other name is ‘north seeking’ or ‘south seeking’ as a result.

Magnetic field

The region around a magnet where a force acts on other magnets or on magnetic materials. (3D, unlike diagrams usually show)

Magnetic compass

A small bar magnet balanced on a pin so it can spin around. Points towards Earth’s magnetic north due to Earth’s magnetic field, but can also be used to find the direction of a magnetic field for another magnet.

The poles of a magnet are where the magnetic forces are strongest. This is because the magnetic field lines are most concentrated at the poles, as you can see on the diagram below. Magnets exert forces on one another when they are brought together: a non-contact force. If like poles (NN or S-S) are brought together, the force is of repulsion. If unlike poles are brought together (N-S), the force is of attraction. Magnets can be classified as permanent or induced (temporary). Permanent magnets have their own magnetic field, and it doesn’t go away. Induced magnets are made when a material is placed in a magnetic field. (In most cases, this needs to be a magnetic material. The only magnetic materials are iron, steel, cobalt and nickel.) Induced magnets are always attracted to the magnet that turned them into a magnet – this is why you can pick up paper clips or nails with a bar magnet: the paper clip becomes an induced magnet with poles that are aligned so there is a force of attraction. See the poles labelled on the diagram. Induced magnetism is quickly lost when the material is removed from the magnetic field that induced it.

Magnetic fields Magnetic fields are around all magnets (permanent or induced). The direction of the magnetic, as the diagram shows, is from north to south. The north pole of a magnet is properly defined as: the pole that causes a force away from it, if a north pole is placed at that end. This makes sense when you remember that like poles repel. So you can decide which end in north on an ‘unknown magnet’ by looking at the direction of the force that acts if a north pole (on another magnet) is brought to one end of your magnet. Repulsion (force away) means that end must be a north pole. Sometimes the north pole is called the north seeking pole, because it will point north on Earth if left freely suspended. Magnetic fields are strongest at the poles and get weaker as the distance from the magnet increases. Using a magnetic compass (sometimes called a plotting compass), we can find out the direction of a magnetic field – the diagram shows how to do this. Earth has a magnetic field. Using a compass, you can tell that the magnetic field points towards the north pole (Santa’s house), so this actually means that the geographic north pole of Earth is a south pole of a magnet! See diagram. Furthermore, we know it is the core of the Earth that is magnetic (not the whole thing) because a compass at the north pole (in the Arctic circle) points down below your feet. It is worth realising, too, that the geographic north pole (the top of Earth’s axis) is in a different location to ‘magnetic north’ – the latter is actually in northern Canada. So a magnetic compass actually wouldn’t be much use if you were trying to get to Father Christmas’s house.

Permanent magnet

Magnetic field stronger at the poles because the field lines are more concentrated.

A magnetic compass shows the direction of a magnetic field

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism Electromagnetism – current and magnetic fields A wire that is carrying a current has a magnetic field around it. No current means no magnetic field, but switch it on and you get a magnetic field. As the diagram shows, switching the direction of the current switches the direction of the magnetic field. Also notice that the magnetic field gets stronger as you get closer to the wire carrying the current – this is shown by the field lines getting closer together (more concentrated).

Key Terms



The rate of flow of charges in a circuit. If a current is flowing in a component, charges (e.g. electrons) are flowing through it.


A coil of wire.

Iron core

A piece of iron placed in the middle of a solenoid.


A coil of wire with an iron core

Not surprisingly, increasing the current increases the strength of the magnetic field. You can easily check the direction of the magnetic field with a magnetic compass, just like with bar magnets. We can dramatically increase the strength of the magnetic field by winding the current-carrying wire into a coil called a solenoid. Even with the same size current, the magnetic field is stronger in a solenoid. Once you’ve made a solenoid, notice that the magnetic field is very similar in shape to the magnetic field of a bar magnet – it has a north and south pole, and it strongest at the poles. The magnetic field is also strong inside the coil – as the concentrated field lines show. We can increase the strength of the magnetic field even further by putting a magnetic (e.g. iron) core in the solenoid – literally a cylinder of iron. We call this an electromagnet. (see diagram) You can make an electromagnet stronger by: • Increasing the current in the wire (probably by increasing the potential difference of the power supply) • Increasing the length of wire in the solenoid – perhaps by adding more turns to the coil of wire.

A north pole, since another north pole brought to this end would be repelled.

In school, an iron nail is an easy choice for the iron core of an electromagnet.

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism (Higher Tier Only Page)

Key Terms


Motor effect

The forces exerted on each other by a wire carrying a current and a magnetic field, thanks to the two magnetic fields interacting.

Magnetic flux density

A measure of the strength of a magnetic field – think of it as the number of magnetic field lines going through a set area – see diagram to help explain.

Electric motor

Device that causes rotation of a coil of wire carrying a current when it is placed in a magnetic field.

Fleming’s left hand rule and the motor effect If you have a current-carrying wire and a permanent magnet, each have their own magnetic fields. This means that if you put them near each other, there’ll be a force acting on each other – just thanks to magnetic attraction or repulsion. This is called the motor effect. You can work out the direction that the force acts if you know the direction of the magnetic field and the direction of the current – we use Fleming’s left hand rule. It has to be your left had to work. Hold it as shown, and you can work out the direction of whichever thing you don’t know. You have to think in three dimensions here. You can twist your hand at the wrist to get it right – confirm using the example of the wire cutting through the magnetic field in the diagram – field from N to S with first finger, current with middle finger pointing downwards, meaning force must be out of the page towards you, like the diagram shows. Now, the size (or magnitude) of the force on the conductor (the bit of wire) depends on three factors: 1. The length of the wire in the magnetic field, measured in metres 2. The strength of the magnetic field (formally, the magnetic flux density, in teslas, T) 3. The size of the current (A, as usual).

Equation đ??š=đ??ľđ??źl

Meanings of terms in equation F = force (newtons, N) B = magnetic flux density (tesla, T) I = current (amps, A) l = length (m)

As the equation shows, increasing any or all of these factors will increase the size of the force on the conductor. [NB this equation only applies when the current and magnetic field are at right angles to each other]

Electric motors Electric motors make use of the motor effect. A coil of wire carrying a current is placed in a magnetic field; as you know, the magnetic fields interact to cause a force each other. If the coil is set up so it can spin, it most certainly will. In fact, it will spin round and round (rotate). This is thanks to the force acting up on one side of the coil, and down on the other – see the diagram and use Fleming’s left hand rule to understand why‌ The magnetic field goes from N to S of course, and the arrows on the coil show the direction of the current. So, the left side of the coil has a force downwards exerted on it (use the left hand rule). The right side of the coil has a force upwards exerted on it, so it rotates as shown. (NB the commutator just allows the coil to spin without the wires getting tangled up!)

The direction of each quantity fits with the left hand rule Fleming’s left hand rule. FBI – easy to remember!

Magnetic flux density is larger at A than B since more magnetic field lines cut through a given area (shown by the oval).

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism (Higher Tier Only Page) Loudspeakers and microphones The motor effect is also put to good use in loudspeakers and headphones. They have a ‘moving coil’ which moves in a magnetic field according to the current running through the coil. This moving coil is connected to a cone that moves with it. The cone causes vibrations in the air around it – in other words, it causes sound waves. Microphones do the exact opposite: sound waves (pressure variations) cause the cone the move, which causes a changing current in the coil.

Study the diagram. Just like in a motor, a force is produced on the coil of wire by placing it in a magnetic field (that’s a permanent magnet at the bottom) and turning on the current. As the current alternates in direction (i.e. AC is used), and the size of the current is varied, the coil moves back and forth. As you can see, the coil is joined to a cone, which moves with it. The cone vibrates the air according to the current, then. The current transfers the information about the sound being played.

Key Terms


Moving coil

Describes a loudspeaker that involves a coil of wire moving in a magnetic field, to vibrate a cone and produce sound waves.


To cause something to happen.


Alternating potential difference – the direction of the current switches back and forth.


Literally a cone-shaped piece of material found in loudspeakers. They vibrate, causing pressure changes in the air – i.e. sound waves.

Induced potential

A potential difference caused by either: a) moving a coil in a magnetic field, or b) changing the magnetic field around a coil.

Generator effect

Using the interaction between a magnetic field and a conductor to generate electric current.

Induced potential and the generator effect You can switch the motor effect around – instead of using interacting magnetic fields to produce movements, you can use movements to produce a current in a wire. Here’s how it works: 1. Place a conductor (e.g. coil of wire/solenoid) in a magnetic field and move it around (e.g. rotate the coil) 2. OR keep the coil still but change the magnetic field (e.g. flip N and S back and forth) 3. Either of these induces a potential difference across the ends of the conductor 4. Assuming your conductor is part of a complete circuit, a current starts to flow in the conductor thanks to this potential difference. This is called the GENERATOR EFFECT, because the method is used to generate electricity. It is also known as electromagnetic induction. Now, importantly, the current in the conductor produces a magnetic field, as always. But the direction of the magnetic field acts to oppose the change, the ‘change’ being the original 1 or 2 from the steps above. This is shown in the diagram right.

Factors affecting induced potentials The size of the induced potential in the generator effect depends on: • The size/strength of the magnetic field (larger magnetic field  larger induced potential) • The number of turns on the solenoid (more turns  larger induced potential) • The speed of movements/changes to magnetic fields (faster  larger induced potential)

Physics Knowledge Organiser Topic 21: Electromagnetism (Higher Tier Only Page)

Key Terms


National Grid

A system of cables and transformers linking power stations to consumers of electricity. The National Grid is used to transfer electrical power from the power stations to users.


Device used in dynamo, made of two half-rings of conductor, not quite joined up to each other. Keeps the current flowing one way only.

Step-up transformer

Device that increases potential difference in an electric supply, using more turns on the secondary coil than the primary coil. Step-down transformers do the opposite.

Using the generator effect Depending on the set-up, you can use the generator effect to generate ac or dc. • ac is generated in an alternator. In this set-up, each end of the coil of wire spin inside, and make contact with, a complete loop of conductor that’s connected to the rest of the circuit. Since every 180o of turn of the coil the current flips direction (just like the left hand rule tells us), you get ac. This is shown on the diagram below, with a graph showing alternating potential difference. • dc is generated in a dynamo. To prevent the current flipping direction every half-turn, a clever commutator is used. This ensures the current is restricted to one direction only in the coil – i.e. direct potential difference. See second diagram and graph.

Meanings of terms in equation


Vp = potential difference across primary coil (V) Vs = potential difference across secondary coil (V) Np = number of turns on primary coil Ns = number of turns on secondary coil

đ?‘‰đ?‘ƒ đ?‘ đ?‘ƒ = đ?‘‰đ?‘ đ?‘ đ?‘

đ?‘‰đ?‘? Ă— đ??źđ?‘? = đ?‘‰đ?‘ Ă— đ??źđ?‘

Vp = potential difference across primary coil (V) Vs = potential difference across secondary coil (V) Ip = current in primary coil (A) Is = current in secondary coil (A)

Transformers Transformers exist to firstly, massively increase the p.d. of electric power to transmit it efficiently through cables from power stations, then, secondly, to dramatically decrease it again for safe use by consumers. They work using the second sort of generator effect – a changing magnetic field inducing a p.d. in a conductor nearby. Transformers are made of two coils of wire, wrapped around each end of a square-shaped iron core. Iron is used because it is easily magnetised. An alternating current in the primary coil causes a magnetic field in this coil, that constantly changes direction. This in turn induces a changing magnetic field in the iron core, which then induces a changing magnetic field (and therefore current) in the secondary coil.

Transformer equations In transformers, the ratio of the potential differences across the coils is equal to the ratio of the number of turns on each coil. This is shown in the first equation. Assuming transformers are 100% efficient, the power input is equal to the power output. This leads to the second equation (since P = IV).

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Designing Experiments

Key Terms



A set of results that can be found again by someone else if they carry out the same method

Variables When designing experiments, there are three types of variable that we need to consider. The dependent variable is what we measure, the independent variable is what we change in the experiment. And the control variables are the variables we keep the same. For example, consider the investigation below: How does the concentration of hydrochloric acid affect the rate at which magnesium reacts? I.V- Concentration of Hydrochloric acid D.V- Rate of Reaction C.Vs- Volume of acid, mass of magnesium, temperature of acid.


Results that you can find if you do the same test again – it shows the result wasn’t just a random finding.

Independent variable

The variable YOU change to find out its effect on the DV

Dependent variable

The variable you MEASURE to see how it changes

Control variable

Any variable that you must keep the SAME in your investigation, to ensure it doesn’t affect the DV


The smallest measurable change by a piece of apparatus

Reproducibility, repeatability and validity Experiments should always be repeatable, reproducible and valid. Reproducibility means that if someone were to follow your method, they would get a similar pattern in their results.

Random Error

An unpredictable error which could be caused by human error in measurement

Systematic Error

An error in measurement that is the same every time .

An experiment is repeatable if the same person completes the same experiment , following the same method , with the same equipment and they achieve similar results. To ensure that your results are repeatable you should complete the experiment at least three times

Resolution The resolution of apparatus is the smallest measurable change by that piece of apparatus. For example some balances will only measure to the nearest 1 gram whereas others will measure to the nearest 0.1gram. We say the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g has a higher resolution. Therefore using equipment of higher resolution will improve the accuracy of your investigation.

Valid results are repeatable and reproducible.

Error When doing practical work you will come across error. This can cause anomalous results i.e. a result which does fit the expected pattern. There are three types of error that could effect your results: 1. Random error- this error is unpredictable and can be caused by things like human error when measuring . Repeating an experiment three times can minimise the effect of random errors and will allow you to spot anomalous results. 2. Systematic error- this is an error in your measurement and will be the same every time you do a repeat .For example if you read a length from the end of a ruler rather than from 0. Doing repeats will NOT prevent systematic error. 3. Zero error -this is a type of systematic error, for example if a balance does not read 0g when you add a substance to it, you will need to take this into account when weighing chemicals.

When selecting equipment to use in your experiment you should select equipment with an appropriate resolution. For example if your experiment requires you to weigh 2.3 g of a substance out you will need to use the balance that measures to the nearest 0.1g Accuracy and Precision Consider the set of results below: Experiment 1

Experiment 2

Time (s)

Time (s)













We want our experiments to be accurate and precise. If a measurement is accurate it is close to its true value. If a measurement is precise the results ‘cluster’ closely. For example experiment 1 is more precise than experiment 2. Precision can be improved by taking readers at smaller intervals .

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Results Tables When drawing a results table the following things are good practice:: 1. Show all repeat measurements 2. Include the units in the headings 3. When calculating means ensure you quote to an appropriate number of significant figures 4. Circle anomalies and discount these when calculating a mean For example:

Concentration of acid (M)

Time taken for reaction to complete (s)

Mean (s)


























Key Terms



The amount of error your measurements might have


The total of the values divided by the number of values


The middle value in a set of data


The most commonly occurring value in a set of data



����� 2

Uncertainty There will always be some uncertainty in the results you collect, there are two main reasons for this. When you repeat an experiment you often get different results, this is due to random error. The resolution of your equipment will also cause uncertainty. There will therefore be a degree of uncertainty in your mean. For example take the two sets of results below:

Time for a piece of magnesium to disappear in 2M HCL (s)

The table above shows how a results tables should be drawn. However, there is one mistake. If you look at the mean in the row for 0.3 M, you will see it has been calculated to 9 significant figures , however the equipment we used only had a resolution to 3 significant figures. You can not quote a mean to greater level of accuracy than you measured it to in the experiment. Therefore this mean would need to be rounded 66.9, this causes uncertainty in results. See later for how to calculate uncertainty.

Mean, mode and median For some sets of data it is appropriate to calculate the mean, mode and median. To calculate the mean you add all the values in the data and then divide by the number of values. For example in the table above for 0.1 M the mean was calculated by (102.1+105.6+103.4)/3. The mode is the most commonly occurring value in a data set. The median is the middle value in a data set.





Experiment 1





Experiment 2





We can calculate the uncertainty in the mean of the two experiments by dividing the range of results by 2: Experiment 1= 0.5/2= +/-0.25s Experiment 2= 4/2= +/-2s Experiment 1 therefore is more precise than experiment 2. This is partly because they used a stopwatch with a higher resolution. Increasing the quantity of something can help to reduce the uncertainty. For example in the table above, if I had used a larger piece of magnesium, then it would have taken longer to disappear and this could reduce the percentage uncertainty.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data Continuous vs Discontinuous data Discontinuous data can only take certain values for example eye colour and blood group, these should be plotted on a bar graph.

Key Terms



Data which take any value for example temperature


Data which can only take certain values for example blood group


The relationship between 2 variables

Correlation You can describe the relationship between 2 variables in terms of their correlation (how they are related to each other). There are three types of correlation : 1. Positive correlation- as one variable increases so does the other one 2. Negative correlation -as one variable increase the other decreases 3. No correlation- there is no relationship between the variables

Continuous data can take any value ,for example height or temperature. This should be plotted on a line graph.

Correlation does not however mean causation. Just because two variables are linked does not mean that one variable causes the other . For example the number of pirates has decreased as global temperatures have increased. This does not mean that pirates were keeping the Earth cool! Just because data is correlated does not mean one variable caused the change in the other.

In an exam you will be expected to select and plot the correct graph as well as drawing a line of best fit (if it is a line graph). Your line should go through the middle of the points. It is very important to not that lines of best fit can be curves also. Any anomalies i.e points that are a long way from the line of best should be circled.

Correlation could also be down to: 1. Chance 2.

A third variable

You can only be sure one variable causes a change in another variable, if all the other possible variables are controlled.

Practical Methods Knowledge Organiser: Processing Data



đ??śâ„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ś đ??ś â„Žđ?‘Žđ?‘›đ?‘”đ?‘’ đ?‘–đ?‘› đ?‘Ľ

Drawing good graphs This is an excellent example of a good graph by a Nova student. When drawing a graph, you should plot the dependent variable on the y axis and independent variable on the x axis. To calculate the gradient you on a straight line need to select two points on the line and divide the change in y by the change in x. To calculate the gradient on a curve, you need to draw a tangent to the curve, see topic 15 knowledge organiser.

Labels for axes, with units given in brackets

Both axes have suitable scales (equal intervals)

Accurate line of best fit, passing through most points, excluding anomalies. Remember this could be a curve of best fit if appropriate

Neat, accurately placed plots. Marked with a small x.

Anomaly recognised and highlighted on the graph

Key Words

Subject: Chemistry Year: 12 Topic: 1 – Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table Lesson Sequence 1. Atomic Structure 2. Atomic number 3. Mass Spectrometry 4. Isotopes 5. Relative Molecular Masses 6. Evidence for Electronic Structure 7. Electrons and Energy Levels 8. Electron Structures and the Periodic Table 9. Periodic Properties Core Texts A Level Chemistry text book Calculating Relative Molecular/ Formula Mass Relative molecular mass is the total mass of all the atoms in a molecule. e.g. CO2 1xC + 2xO (1x12) + (2x16) = 44

Atomic number

The number of protons in an atom’s nucleus.

Relative isotopic mass


Atoms with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. The total number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus.

Relative atomic mass

Mass number

Relative molecular mass

Working Out the Number of Subatomic Particles  Protons: This is the same as the atomic number  Electrons: o In an atom: This is the same as the number of protons o In a positive ion: If the charge is n+, no. of electrons = no. of protons – n o In a negative ion: If the charge is n-, no. of electrons = no. of protons + n  Neutrons: Mass number – atomic number Evidence for Electronic Structure  Emission Spectra: Provided evidence for the existence of quantum shells.  Successive Ionisation Energies: Provided evidence for the existence of quantum shells and the group of the element.  First Ionisation Energies of Successive Elements: Provided evidence for electron subshells. The Quantum Levels  2 electrons can fill the first quantum level.  8 electrons can fill the second quantum level.  18 electrons can fill the third quantum level.  32 electrons can fill the fourth quantum level. The Periodic Table  s-block: groups 1 and 2  p-block: groups 3 to 0  d-block: the metals in the middle block between groups 2 and 3

The mass of an atom of an isotope, relative to a single carbon-12 atom. The average mass of an atom of an element, relative to a single carbon-12 atom.

Relative formula mass First ionisation energy

The average mass of one molecule of a compound relative to carbon-12.

Successive ionisation energies

Calculating Relative Atomic Mass: Relative atomic mass = Total mass of atoms Total number of atoms The electron sub-shells:  s orbital: spherical shape. Found on all quantum levels. Only one found in each quantum level.  p orbital: dumbbell shape. Found on quantum level 2 upwards. 3 are found in the quantum level.  d orbital: Found on quantum level 3 upwards. 5 are found in the quantum level.  f orbital: Found on quantum level 4 upwards. 7 are found in the quantum level.  Each orbital can hold up to 2 electrons, orbiting in opposite directions. Filling the Electron Orbitals  The order the orbitals fill in are:  1s  2s  2p  3s  3p  4s  3d  4p  When filling orbitals, electrons will fill empty orbitals, before pairing up.  Exceptions: Copper and chromium. They only have 1 electron in the 4s orbital, with the rest in the 3d orbitals.

Ionic Radii  Generally decrease across a period (except noble gases).  Generally increase down a group.

Relative Charge +1 0


Proton Neutron

Relative Mass 1 1





Nucleus Nucleus

The average mass of all the atoms in a compounds formula, relative to a carbon12 atom. The energy required to remove one mole of electrons from a mole of atoms of an element in the gaseous state to form a +1 ion. The total amount of ionisation energies of an element. Mass Spectrometry The stages (VIADD): 1. Vaporise: The sample is vaporised 2. Ionise: The gaseous sample is ionised, by being bombarded with electrons. It is given a positive charge. 3. Accelerate: The sample is accelerated to ensure all of it is travelling at the same speed. 4. Deflection: The sample is passed through a magnetic field. The lighter ions are deflected more than the heavier ones. Only one type of ion makes it through. 5. Detection. What it tells us:  The mass/charge (m/z) ratio of different isotopes of an element.  The abundance of different isotopes.  Diatomic molecules can have multiple peaks due to isotopes.  The largest m/z ratio of a molecule is its relative molecular mass. Factors that Affect Ionisation Energy 1. Charge on the nucleus: how many protons. 2. Distance of the electrons to the nucleus. 3. The number of electrons between the nucleus and the outer electrons

Key Terms Eurakryotic cells Eukaryote Prokaryotic cells DNA Ribosome Respiration Diffusion Organelle Mitochondrion Chloroplast Cytoplasm Nucleus Cell membrane Vacuole Cell wall Photosynthesis Turgid Biconcave

Knowledge Organiser – Cell Structure Cells that contain a nucleus An organism that is made of eukaryotic cells Single-celled organisms that do not contain a nucleus Deoxyribonucleic acid – the genetic information found in all living orgnanisms A cell organelle that makes proteins The release of energy from glucose The net movement of particles form an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration A part of a cell with a specific function A cell organelle in which respiration occurs A cell organelle in which photosynthesis occurs Jelly like substance in cells where chemical reactions occur A cell organelle found in eukaryotes containing their genetic material Structure surrounding the cell that controls what moves in and out of the cell Found in plant cells, filled with cell sap, keeps the cell turgid Made from cellulose and provides structural strength the some cells (not animal cells) Chemical reaction that happens in chloroplasts that stores energy in glucose Describes a swollen cell Describes a shape with a dip that curves inwards on both sides

Ova Axon Phloem Xylem Electron microscope Resolution


Eggs The extension of a nerve cell along which the electrical impulses travel Tubes of living cells that carry sugars to all cells in plants Tubes of dead plant cells through which water flows A microscope that uses electrons in place of light to give higher magnification The smallest distance between two seperate points

Key Terms Infectious Vector Antibiotic Chitin Hyphae Malaria Insecticide Lysozymes Cilia Antigen Antitoxin Vaccine Antiseptic Anaesthetic Efficacy

Knowledge Organiser – Infection and Response

Describes a pathogen that can easily be transmitted, or an infected person who can pass on the disease. An animal that spreads a communicable disease. A group of medicines, first discovered by Alexander Fleming, that kill bacteria and fungi but not viruses. A polymer made from sugars that forms the cell walls of fungi and the exoskeleton of insects. Branching filaments of a fungus that spread out. A communicable disease, caused by a protest transmitted in mosquitos, which attacks red blood cells. A chemical that kills insects. Antibacterial enzymes found in your tears to prevent eye infections. Tiny hair-like projections from ciliated cells that waft mucus out of the gas exchange system. A protein on the surface of a pathogen that your antibodies can recognize as foreign. A protein produced by your body to neutralize harmful toxins produced by pathogens. A medicine containing an antigen from a pathogen that triggers a low level immune response so that if you become infected later your body can respond more quickly to the pathogen. A substance applied to the skin or another surface to destroy pathogens. A drug that stops all pain sensation and can be local or general. How effective a drug is.


A medical experiment in which the patient and doctors Double blind trials do not know who has been given the drug and who has been given the placebo. Placebo A medicine that has only psychological effects. Phagocytes A type of white blood cell that engulf pathogens. Lymphocytes A type of white blood cell that produce antibodies. Highly specific Y-shaped proteins that are produced by Antibodies the immune system to help stop intruders from harming the body.

Key Terms Endothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Bioenergetics A reaction that requires energy to be absorbed to work

The process by which plants use sunlight to produce glucose. Happens in chloroplasts Limiting factor Anything that reduces or stops the rate of a reaction Yield The amount of an agricultural product produced The process by which living things release energy from Respiration glucose. Happens in mitochondria Aerobic In the presence of oxygen Oxidation A reaction that uses oxygen Exothermic A reaction that gives out thermal energy reaction Anaerobic In the absence of oxygen The amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to Oxygen debt break down lactic acid The chemical breakdown of glucose into ethanol and carbon Fermentation dioxide by respiring micro-organisms such as yeast The sum of all the chemical reactions that happen in an Metabolism organism


+ energy + energy


Key Terms Atom Proton Neutron Electron

Knowledge Organiser – Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table

A particle with no electric charge made up of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons and surrounded by electrons. A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom. A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom. Negatively charged particles found on energy levels (shells) surrounding the nucleus inside atoms. Central part of an atom containing protons and neutrons. The region an electron occupies surrounding the nucleus inside an atom.

Nucleus Energy level (shell) Atomic Number of protons in an atom. number Mass number Number of protons plus neutrons in an atom. Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number Isotope of neutrons. The average mass of atoms of an element taking into account Relative the mass and amount of each isotope it contains. atomic mass RAM = Total mass of atoms / total number of atoms Electronic The arrangement of electrons in the energy levels of an atom. structure An electrically charged particle containing different numbers of Ion protons and electrons. Group The name given to each column in the periodic table. Element A substance containing only one type of atom. A substance made from different elements chemically bonded Compound together. Period The name given to a row in the periodic table. Alkali metals The elements in Group 1 of the periodic table. Noble gases The elements in Group 0 of the periodic table.


Halogens The elements in Group 7 of the periodic table. Diatomic molecule A molecule containing 2 atoms. Halides Compounds made from Group 7 elements. More than one substance that are not chemically Mixture bonded. Solvent The liquid that a solute dissolves in. Solution A solute dissolved in a solvent. Soluble A substance that will dissolve. Insoluble A substance that will not dissolve. Solute The solid that dissolves in a solvent.

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Bonding, structures and the properties of matter

Ionic substances are made up of a giant lattice of positive and negative ions in a regular structure. Ionic bonding The electrostatic attraction between positive and negative ions Molecule Particle made from atoms joined together by covalent bonds Covalent bond Two shared electrons joining atoms together Intermolecular Weak forces between molecules forces Long chain molecule made from joining lots of small Polymer molecules together by covalent bonds Monomer The building block (molecule) of a polymer Delocalised Free to move around Metallic The attraction between the nucleus of metal atoms and bonding delocalized electrons Malleable Can be hammered into shape A mixture of a metal with small amounts of other elements, Alloy usually other metals States of These are solid, liquid and gas matter Family of carbon molecules each with carbon atoms linked in Fullerenes rings to form a hollow sphere or tube Substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but is not used Catalyst up in it Giant Lattice

Ionic bonding and structure

Metallic structure


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Quantitative Chemistry

Relative atomic mass Relative formula mass Mole Avogadro constant Thermal decomposition

The average mass of atoms of an element, taking into account the mass and the amount of each isotope it contains. The sum of the relative atomic masses of all the atoms in the formula. Measurement of the amount of a substance. The number of atoms, molecules or ions in one mole of a given substance (6.02x1023). Reaction where high temperature causes a substance to break down into simpler substances.


When the amount of a reactant is greater than the mount that can react.

Limiting reactant

The reactant in a reaction that determines the amount of products formed. Any other reagents are all in excess and will not react.


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Chemical Changes

Reactivity An arrangement of metals in order of reactivity series Displacement Reaction where a more reactive element takes the reaction place of a less reactive element in a compound A reaction in which a substance loses electrons (gains Oxidation oxygen) Reaction in which a substance gains electrons (loses Reduction oxygen) Ore A rock from which a metal can be extracted for profit Acid

Solution with a pH less than 7; produces H+ ions in water


Solution with a pH more than 7; produces OH- ions in water Dissolved in water

Strong acid

Acid in which all the molecules break into ions in water


Acid in which only a small fraction of the molecules break into ions in water A solution in which there is a small amount of solute Dilute dissolved Concentrated A solution in which there is a lot of solute dissolved A reaction that uses up some or all of the H+ ions from Neutralisation an acid Electrolysis Decomposition of ionic compounds using electricity Electrolyte A liquid that conducts electricity Discharge Gain or lose electrons to become electrically neutral Inert Electrodes that allow electrolysis to take place but do electrodes not react themselves Weak acid

Acid + Alkali ‐> salt + water Metal + acid ‐> salt + hydrogen Metal oxide + acid ‐> salt + water Metal carbonate + acid ‐> salt + water + carbon dioxide


Knowledge Organiser – Energy Changes Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings and so the temperature increases Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the Endothermic surroundings to the chemicals and so the temperature reaction decreases Activation The minimum energy particles must have to react energy Exothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Energy Changes Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the chemicals to the surroundings and so the temperature increases Reaction where thermal energy is transferred from the Endothermic surroundings to the chemicals and so the temperature reaction decreases Activation The minimum energy particles must have to react energy Exothermic reaction

Knowledge Organiser – Formulae and equations

Key Terms Diatomic molecule Spectator ions Ionic equation

A molecule containing two atoms Ions that do not take part in a reaction and do not appear in the ionic equation for the reaction Balanced equation for reaction that omits any spectator ions

Common Reactions Element + oxygen ‐> oxide of element Eg Calcium + oxygen ‐> calcium oxide Compound + oxygen ‐> oxides of each element in compound Eg Methane + oxygen ‐> carbon dioxide + water Water + metal ‐> metal hydroxide + hydrogen (for metals that react with water) Eg water + sodium ‐> sodium hydroxide + hydrogen Acid + metal ‐> salt + hydrogen Eg Hydrochloric acid + magnesium ‐> magnesium chloride + hydrogen Acid + metal oxide ‐> salt + water Eg Sulphuric acid + copper oxide ‐> copper sulphide + water Acid + metal hydroxide ‐> salt + water Eg nitric acid + potassium hydroxide ‐> potassium nitrate + water Acid + metal carbonate ‐> salt + water + carbon dioxide Eg hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate ‐> calcium chloride + water + carbon dioxide Acid + ammonia ‐> ammonium salt Eg nitric acid + ammonia ‐> ammonium nitrate


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Energy

Specific heat capacity

The energy needed to raise the temperature of 1kg of a substance by 1°C. To scatter in all directions or to use wastefully. When energy has Dissipate been dissipated it means we cannot get it back. The energy has spread out and heats up the surroundings. Non-renewable Energy resources which will run out, because they are finite energy resources reserves, and which cannot be replenished. Renewable Energy resources which will never run out and (or can be) energy resources replenished as they are used. Resources other than fossil fuels. The resources may or may not be renewable. Nuclear power is not a renewable energy resource, but Alternative energy resource tidal power is. Alternative energy resources do not contribute to global warming. Fuel produced from biological material. Biofuels are provided by Biofuel trees such as willow that can be grown specifically as energy resources.

Energy Equations Efficiency (%) = (useful energy out ÷ total energy in) x 100. GPE = mgh Gravitational Potential Energy = mass x gravity x height. Ee = ½ke2 Elastic potential energy = 0.5 x spring constant x extension2 KE = ½mv2 Kinetic Energy = 0∙5 x mass x velocity2. W = F x d work done = force x distance. W = E work done = energy transferred. P = E ÷ t power = energy ÷ time. E = c x m x θ energy = specific heat capacity x mass x change in temperature.


Knowledge Organiser – Electricity

Key Terms Potential difference (p.d.) Electric current Resistor

A measure of the electrical work done by a cell (or other power supply) as charge flows round the circuit. Potential difference is measured in volts (V). A flow of electrical charge. The size of the electric current is the rate at which electrical charge flows round the circuit. A component that acts to limit the current in a circuit. When a resistor has a high resistance, the current is low.

When two quantities are directly proportional, doubling one quantity will cause the other Directly quantity will cause the other quantity to double. When a graph is plotted, the graph line proportional will be straight and pass through the origin. Inversely When two quantities are inversely proportional, doubling one quantity will cause the other proportional quantity to halve Ohmic

The current flowing through an ohmic conductor is proportional to the potential difference across it. If the p.d. doubles, the current doubles. The resistance stays the same.


The current flowing through a non-ohmic resistor is not proportional to the potential difference across it. The resistance changes as the current flowing through it changes.

P = V x I V = I x R Q = I x t E = V x Q E = V x I x t

power = voltage x current. voltage = current x resistance. charge = current x time. energy = voltage x charge. energy = voltage x current x time.

Total cost = number of units x cost per unit.


Key Terms

Equations ρ = m/v ΔE = mc Δθ E = mL

Knowledge Organiser – Particle Model of Matter Density = Mass ÷ volume Change in thermal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change Energy required to change state = mass x specific latent heat


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Atomic Structure


A positively charged particle found in the nucleus of an atom.


A neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom.


Negatively charged particles found on energy levels (shells) surrounding the nucleus inside atoms.

Atomic number Mass number Isotope Alpha particle Beta particle Gamma ray GeigerMĎ‹ller (GM) tube Half-life

Number of protons in an atom. Number of protons plus neutrons in an atom. Atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. A particle formed from two protons and two neutrons. A fast moving electron. An electromagnetic wave. A device which detects ionizing radiation. An electronic counter can record the number of particles entering the tube. The time taken for the number of nuclei in a radioactive isotope to halve. In one half-life the activity or count rate of a radioactive sample also halves.

1 Becquerel An emission of 1 particle per second (1Bq)


Key Terms

Homeostasis Central nervous system (CNS) Neurones

Receptor Effector

Knowledge Organiser – Homeostasis and the Human Nervous System


The maintenance of a constant internal environment The brain and spinal cord. Sometimes referred to as the coordinator Nerve cells – they link receptors and effectors to the CNS. Sensory neurons carry impulses from receptors to the CNS, relay neurons carry an impulse within the CNS and motor neurons carry the impulse from the CNS to an effector A cell or group of cells that detect a change and generate a nervous impulse A muscle or gland that brings about a response


A gap between neurones Chemicals which diffuse across the synapse and Neurotransmitters initiate a nervous impulse in the next neurone Reflex response An automatic response that you do not think about Reflex Arc The pathway of neurons in a reflex arc



Sensory neurone

Relay neurone

Motor neurone



Key Terms


Knowledge Organiser – Hormonal control in humans

A structure in the body that produces hormones The master gland in your brain that produces a number of Pituitary Gland hormones, including TSH, FSH and LH A hormone produced in your pancreas that lowers blood glucose by converting it into glycogen and storing it in the Insulin liver Glycogen An insoluble molecule made from many glucose molecules A hormone produced in the pancreas that raises blood Glucagon glucose by breaking down glycogen stored in the liver A homeostatic mechanism by which the body detects a Negative change and makes an adjustment to return itself to feedback normal Type I A medical condition that usually develops in younger Diabetes people, preventing the production of insulin A medical condition that usually develops in later life, Type II preventing the person producing enough insulin or Diabetes preventing cells from responding to insulin


Key Terms Oestrogen Progesterone Testosterone Menopause

Knowledge Organiser – Hormones in Human Reproduction A female sex hormone produced in the ovaries that controls puberty and prepares the uterus for pregnancy. A female sex hormone produced in the ovaries that prepares the uterus for pregnancy. A male sex hormone produced in the testes that controls puberty. The point in a woman’s life , usually between 45 and 55, when she stops menstruating and therefore cannot become pregnant. A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that causes an ovum to mature in an ovary and the production of oestrogen. A structure in an ovary in which an ovum (egg) matures.

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Follicle Lutenising hormone A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates ovulation. (LH) Corpus luteum After ovulation the empty follicle turns into this and releases progesterone. A contraceptive medical procedure during which a ma’s sperm ducts are Vasectomy blocked or cut. A contraceptive medical procedure during which a woman’s fallopian tubes Tubal ligation are blocked or cut. Gestation The time between fertilisation and birth Thyroid stimulating A hormone produced by your pituitary gland that regulates your thyroid hormone (TSH) gland. A gland in your neck that produces thyroxine to regulate how quickly your body uses energy and makes proteins, and how sensitive it is to other Thyroid gland hormones. A hormone produced by your adrenal glands that causes an increase in Adrenaline heart rate ready for a ‘fight or flight’ response. Adrenal glands Glands that produce adrenaline


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Variation

Asexual reproduction Binary fission

Reproduction involving one parent, giving genetically identical offspring The asexual reproduction of bacteria A process by which humans have chosen organisms to breed Selective breeding together to develop desirable characteristics Artificial selection Another name for selective breeding Self-pollination Cross-pollination

When pollen from one plant fertilises ova from the same plant

When pollen from one plant fertilizes ova from a different plant Cell replication that produces four non-identical haploid cells from Meiosis one diploid cell Menstruating Having a period as part of the menstrual cycle Genome One copy of all DNA found in your diploid body cells DNA fingerprinting The analysis of differences in DNA to identify individuals The theory first proposed by Charles Darwin that the different Evolution species found today formed as a result of the accumulation of small advantages that were passed on through generations Double helix The characteristic spiral structure of DNA A DNA base together with a sugar and a phosphate molecule that Nucleotide make up the backbone of the double helix Transcription The process of making an RNA copy of a gene sequence of DNA The process of making a protein from an RNA copy of a gene Translation sequence of DNA A permanent change to the DNA, which may be advantages, Mutation disadvantageous or have no effect Ionising radiation UV rays, x-rays and gamma rays that can cause mutations to DNA

Diagrams Two versions of the same gene, one from each parent The genetic make-up of an organism represented Genotype by letters Phenotype The physical characteristics of an organism Punnett A grid that used for determining the chance of Square inheritance A genetic disorder in which sufferers inherit Cystic Fibrosis recessive alleles from both parents and have (CF) excess mucus in their lungs Alleles

Key Terms Population Community Competition Interdependence

Knowledge Organiser – Ecology (sections 25, 26 and 27) The total number of organisms of the same species in an area. Populations of different species living in the same area. The contest between organisms for resources. All the organisms in a community depend upon each other.


A measure of the different species present in a community. Incomplete Burning of a fuel without enough oxygen leading to combustion carbon monoxide production. Changing a waste product into new raw materials to Recycle Abiotic The non-living parts of the environment. make another product. An activity that can continue without damaging the Biotic The living parts of the environment. Sustainable environment. Invasive species An organism that is not native and causes negative effects. Cutting trees down to use the land for something The interaction of a community of living organisms and the nonDeforestation Ecosystem else. living parts of the environment. Structural An advantage to an organism as a result of the way it is formed eg Conservation Protecting an ecosystem or species from reduced numbers and often extinction. adaptation streamlining. Behavioural An advantage to an organism as a result of its behavior. adaptation Functional An advantage to an organism as a result of a process eg venom. adaptation Extreme A location in which it is challenging for most organisms to live. environment Extremophile An organism that lives in an extreme environment. Sampling Recording a small amount of information to make wider conclusions. Quadrat A square frame used in sampling. Transect A line along which systematic sampling occurs. Producer An organism that photosynthesises eg plant. Biomass A resource made from living organisms. An organism which eats other organisms. Primary consumers eat plants, secondary consumers eat herbivores, tertiary consumers eatc Consumer carnivores. Biodiversity

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – The Rate and Extent of Chemical Change

The speed at which a reaction takes place. This can be worked out in two ways: Rate of reaction Mean rate of reaction = quantity of reactant used ÷ time Mean rate of reaction = quantity of product formed ÷ time Activation energy The minimum energy particles must have to react A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction by lowering the Catalyst activation energy Enzymes Molecules that act as catalysts in biological systems Closed system A system where no substances can get in or out Dynamic System where both the forward and reverse reactions are taking equilibrium place simultaneously and at the same rate


Low surface area High surface area Factors affecting rates of reaction

Key Terms Biomass Hydrocarbon Alkanes Saturated Displayed Formula Homologous Series Fractional Distillation Fraction Complete Combustion Flammability Viscosity Alkenes Unsaturated Polymer

Knowledge Organiser – Organic Chemistry A resource made from living or recently living organisms. A compound containing hydrogen and oxygen only. A homologous series of saturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n+2. A molecule that only contains single covalent bonds. It contains no double covalent bonds. Drawing of a molecule showing all atoms and bonds. A family of compounds with the same general formula and similar chemical properties. A method used to separate miscible liquids with different boiling points. A mixture of molecules with similar boiling points. When a substance burns with a good supply of oxygen. How easily a substance catches fire; the more flammable, the more easily it catches fire. How easily a liquid flows; the higher the viscosity the less easily it flows. A homologous series of unsaturated hydrocarbons with the general formula CnH2n. A molecule that contains one or more double covalent bonds. A long chain molecule in which lots of small molecules (monomers) are joined together.


Knowledge Organiser – Chemical Analysis A single element or compound that is not mixed with Pure substance any other substance. Formulation A mixture that has been designed as a useful product. A technique that can be used to separate mixtures Chromatography and the identify substances.

Knowledge Organiser – Chemical Analysis A single element or compound that is not mixed with any other substance. Formulation A mixture that has been designed as a useful product. A technique that can be used to separate mixtures Chromatography and the identify substances. Pure substance

Testing for oxygen

Testing for oxygen

Testing for chlorine using litmus paper

Testing for hydrogen

Testing for chlorine using litmus paper Testing for CO2

Testing for hydrogen

Testing for CO2

Key Terms Greenhouse gas Global warming Water stress Carbon footprint Carbon neutral

Knowledge Organiser – Chemistry of the Atmosphere A gas that absorbs long wavelength infrared radiation given off by the Earth but does not absorb the suns radiation. An increase in the temperature of the Earths surface. A shortage of fresh water. The amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases given out over the full life cycle of a product, service or event. Fuels and processes whose use results in zero net release of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.


Knowledge Organiser – Using the Earths Resources Finite resource Renewable resource

Knowledge Organiser – Using the Earths Resources

A resource that cannot be replaced once it has been used. Finite resource Renewable A resource that we can replace once we have used it. resource Using resources to meet the needs of people today Sustainable Sustainable without preventing people in the future from meeting development development theirs. Life cycle An examination of the impact of a product on the Life cycle assessment environment throughout its life. assessment An assessment of a situation that may be subjective, Value judgement Value judgement based on a persons opinion and / or values. Desalination Process to remove dissolved substances from sea water. Desalination Ore A rock from which a metal can be extracted for profit. Ore The use of plants to absorb metal compounds from soil as Phytomining Phytomining part of metal extraction. The use of dilute acid to produce soluble metal Bioleaching Bioleaching compounds from insoluble metal compounds. Leachate A solution produced by leaching or bioleaching. Leachate

A resource that cannot be replaced once it has been used. A resource that we can replace once we have used it. Using resources to meet the needs of people today without preventing people in the future from meeting theirs. An examination of the impact of a product on the environment throughout its life. An assessment of a situation that may be subjective, based on a persons opinion and / or values. Process to remove dissolved substances from sea water. A rock from which a metal can be extracted for profit. The use of plants to absorb metal compounds from soil as part of metal extraction. The use of dilute acid to produce soluble metal compounds from insoluble metal compounds. A solution produced by leaching or bioleaching.

Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Forces

Scalar Vector Velocity Displacement Force Contact force Non-contact force

A quantity with only magnitude (size) and no direction. A quantity with both magnitude and direction. A speed in a defined direction. A distance travelled in a defined direction. A push or a pull. A force that can be exerted between two objects when they touch. A force that can sometimes be exerted between two objects that are physically separated. The point through which the weight of an object can be taken to Centre of mass act. A number of forces acting on an object may be replaced by a Resultant force single force that has the same effect as all the forces acting together. This single force is called the resultant force. Joule The unit of work. Elastic When an object returns to its original length after it has been deformation stretched. Inelastic When an object does not return to its original length after it has deformation been stretched. The difference between the stretched and unstretched lengths of a Extension spring. Limit of The point beyond which a spring will be permanently deformed. proportionality Elastic deformation stops and inelastic deformation starts.

w = m x g W = F x d F = k x e Ee = ½ke2

weight = mass x gravity. Work done = force x distance moved Force = spring constant x extension Elastic potential energy = 0.5 x spring constant x extension2


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Motion

Terminal velocity When the weight of a falling object is balanced by resistive forces. Inactivity. Objects remain in their existing state of motion – at rest or moving with a constant speed in a straight line – unless acted on by Inertia an unbalanced force. Thinking The distance a car travels while the driver reacts. distance Braking distance The distance a car travels while the car is stopped by the brakes. Stopping The sum of the thinking distance and braking distance distance Closed system A system with no external forces on it.

s = d ÷ t a = (v‐u) ÷ t F = m x a p = m x v (mv ‐ mu) = F x t

speed = distance ÷ time. acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time. Force = mass x acceleration. momentum = mass x velocity. change in momentum = Force x time.


Distance‐time graphs Gradient (dis/time) = speed

Velocity‐time graphs Gradient (velocity/time) = acceleration Area under graph = distance travelled

Key Terms Transverse wave Longitudinal wave Amplitude Wavelength Frequency Period Angle of refraction

v = f x λ.

Knowledge Organiser – Waves A wave in which the vibration causing the wave is at right angles to the direction of energy transfer. A wave in which the vibration causing the wave is parallel to the direction of energy transfer. The height of the wave measured from the middle (the undisturbed position of the water). The distance from a point on one wave to the equivalent point on the next wave. The number of waves produced each second. It is also the number of waves passing a point each second. The time taken to produce one wave. The angle between the refracted ray and the normal.

velocity = frequency x wavelength.


Key Terms

Knowledge Organiser – Magnetism and Electromagnetism

Magnetic North-seeking pole South-seeking pole Permanent magnet Induced magnet Right-hand grip rule

Materials that are attracted by a magnet.


A solenoid is a long coil of wire.

Flux density Motor effect

The end of the magnet that points north. The end of the magnet that points south. A magnet which produces its own magnetic field. It always has a north and a south pole. A magnet which becomes magnetic when it is placed in a magnetic field. A way to work out the direction of the magnetic field in a currentcarrying wire if you know the direction of the current. The number of lines of magnetic flux in a given area. F=B x I x L Force = magnetic flux density x current x length The force produced between a conductor carrying a current within a magnetic field and the magnet producing the field.


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