Analysing The Role Of Leadership and Management Style on the Performance of Employees

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DISSERTATION Role of contingent leadership and management style on the performance of employees: A case study on Virgin group

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TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................1 1.1 Background of the study .......................................................................................................1 1.2 Rationale of the research .......................................................................................................2 1.3 Research aims and objectives................................................................................................2 1.4 Research Questions ...............................................................................................................3 1.5 Potential significance of the research ....................................................................................3 1.6 Research structure .................................................................................................................3

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study Current competitive market has raised the level of competition widely for business units. Companies are focusing on developing unique strategies for sustaining competitive edge in the market. Employees play a significant role in attaining competitive edge in the market. Appadurai (2009) stated in the research that organizational culture is developed and designed by employees of the business. This is an element which helps companies in attaining an edge in the economy as organizational culture cannot be replicated by the rival firms. Hence, it helps organizations in managing its uniqueness and exclusivity. Management and leadership play a significant role in developing a positive culture for the firms. While implementing framed business strategy, managers of firms adopt different styles of leadership and management to attain efficiency and success (Chan, Sit and Lau, 2014). Here, each of the styles adopted by the manager of organizations puts significant impact on performance of the employees. Thus, it is right to say that different types of leadership and management cause huge impact upon the performance of employees. Management and leadership are the crucial aspects of business operations in the present era as these are the factors which help employees in attaining organizational goals. Changing perspectives of the economy have demanded for new and unique means of leadership as well as management aspects for the employees. Contingent management and leadership styles are the processes where management focuses on the demand of situations and acts according to the same for creating a competitive edge in the market. It consists of autocratic, participative and free-rein etc. (Nienaber, 2010). Styles of managing and leading people affect the performance of employees. This is because, these all given styles have psychological impact upon workers and it also further guides the behaviour of people. Thus, contingent leadership and management style directly affect the performance of people towards both the negative as well as positive direction. Virgin group is a well-established and renowned business unit for its vast business operations and unique leadership style. Diverse business operations of the company have contributed significantly in attaining unique business position in the economy. The company was established in the year 1970 as Virgin records which has now diversified in various units. Virgin group includes more than 200 companies and has employed 50000 employees around the world. Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

Sir Richard Branson, entrepreneur of the company has developed unique measures of leadership to attain effective means of success in the competitive era (Jeon, Merlyn and Chenoweth, 2010). Impact of effective management and contingent leadership has helped the business unit in developing a successful market position in the economy. The current dissertation will focus on analysing the theoretical aspect of motivation and leadership for the business unit. It will critically evaluate the traditional theories to understand and reflect the current need of economy. In addition to this, the study will focus on analysing the role of management and leadership on employee performance (Leithwood, Harris and Hopkins, 2008). It will also assess how different leadership styles have affected the performance level of employees. Different tools and models will be applied in the study in order to attain research aims and objectives. 1.2 Rationale of the research Business environment is changing on a significantly high pace. Management and leadership play a vital role in managing changes in the business and attaining successful business results for the company. Intense competition in the economy demands high market results for the businesses (Nahavandi, 2009). Thus, with an aim to manage changes, a firm needs a team of talented and competent employees who can perform well. Moreover, management and leadership help in attaining high results for the company. Every business unit in the present market has adopted different styles for managing organizational operations but impacts of the same are insignificant for the companies. Leadership and management have a direct impact on employee performance and thus, organizational results are affected widely with the same. However, effective performance will be delivered by employees during the period of change if manager complies with an effective management and leadership style. The present study will shed light on the role of contingent leadership and management style on the performance of Virgin group employees. 1.3 Research aims and objectives The aim of present study is “to examine the role of contingent leadership and management style on the performance of employees: A case study on Virgin group�. In order to develop a structured report and minimize the chances of deviation for the topic, research

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objectives are developed for the study. Research objectives for the present study have been discussed henceforth. •

To analyze the significance of leadership and management in the business unit.

To critically evaluate theoretical perceptive of contingent leadership and management styles.

To assess the impact of contingent leadership and management styles on the performance of employees.

To recommend ways of enhancing the performance of employees.

1.4 Research Questions In order to attain the research objectives, following research questions have been developed:  What are the significance of leadership and management in Virgin group?  What are the different types of contingent leadership and management styles?  How performance of Virgin group employees is impacted through different contingent leadership and management styles?  What are the ways of enhancing the performance of Virgin group employees? 1.5 Potential significance of the research Significance of the study depicts value of the analysis and its impact on further evaluation of the topic. It also indicates value of the study along with the contribution of research for present day literatures and researches. Current topic of the research is common but it is the most crucial contributor in the success and growth of business. Critical examination of theoretical aspects of the research will help students and research aspirants in developing an in-depth understanding about the topic. It will also help in assessing the impact of leadership and management styles on overall performance of the employees. In addition to this, the given study has its importance for different firms. This is because, with the help of it, manager of respective firm can identify or adopt appropriate style of managing and leading people (Appadurai, 2009). Thus, through this way, they can perform significant increment in the performance of workers in an effective way.

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1.6 Research structure Structure of the research helps in developing a specific format for conducting study and attaining valuable results. It assists researcher in minimizing the risk of deviating from the topic. Research structure for the present investigation is thus as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction- This section of the research portrays a detailed analysis of research aims and objectives along with the background of study. It develops a significant reflection of research structure and rationale as well. Chapter 2: Literature review- This section of the study deals with past researches and findings in order to develop a strong understating of the concept. It will help the researcher in analysing the contributions of different scholars for studying theoretical perspective of the study. Chapter 3: Research methodology- Every researcher adopts variety of tools and models for structuring the study in an effective manner and developing reliable results for the analysis as well. This section will develop a technical detail regarding research design for developing reliable and valid results for the readers. Chapter 4: Research analysis and discussion- It will reflect findings of the research in an effective manner. It uses variety of tools and techniques to analyze findings and present them efficiently in order to reflect actual research results. Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation- This chapter will focus of attaining the overall zest of result by summarizing the overall findings and delivering specific conclusion of the study. This section will also include detailed discussion about how the company may improve the performance which will reflect overall understanding of the topic.

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CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The present part of the dissertation attempts to create an effectual understanding regarding the contingent leadership and management style so that its effect upon the employee performance can be determined. Also, the study helps to evaluate its importance and further assist in attaining desired goals. However, literature review is developed to discuss the views of different authors so that best insight about the subject matter can be developed (Appadurai, 2009). Furthermore, conceptual information is obtained to fill the identified research gap and further books, journals and online articles are used which helps in collecting secondary information. 2.2 Leadership and management Bolman and Deal (2014), has defined leadership as a process of influencing employees for attaining the objectives of the company. Leadership is an age old process and has been continuously developed to attain high success measures for the companies. According to Chan, Sit and Lau (2014), a leader is an initiator who grabs the opportunities to lead and influence people to develop change in their routine and enhance better results. Changing spectrum of business and developing technologies has increased the needs and significance of leadership within the market (Chan, Sit and Lau, 2014). Management on the other hand is the process of developing effective measures and policies of getting the work done and achieving final results from the employees. Avolio and Yammarino (2013), defines a manager as a dictator who develops rules and policies and expect the followers to attain the same to achieve the targeted output. Managers are the person who compiles with the broad responsibilities of management to attain the organizational objectives. It can be assessed that the above stated terms can be interchanged as these both are significant for business (Avolio and Yammarino, 2013). As per the view of Goetsch and Davis (2014), leadership is considered as both a research area as well as a practical skill regarding the ability of an individual or organization to lead or guide other individuals, team or whole organization. Leadership is defined as the way through which it encompasses a view of a leader who can be moved both by identifying the goals as well as influencing others to achieve desired targets. It involves different leadership styles such as autocratic, democratic and laissez faire that helps in defining different skills and attributes of Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

every employee (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). Thus, it can be assessed that leaders are required to use democratic leadership style so that they can involve each and every employee in the decision making process and thus achieve the best results. On the other hand, management is defined as the process through which manager is required to manage different things and obtain desired goals. As per the view of Solomon, Costea and Nita (2016), manager is the person who involves subordinates under him to which he/she can direct and accomplish the goals. However, it helps them to develop diverse rules and policies so that followers can accomplish them in order to achieve desired objectives. Management can be considered as the function which creates corporate policy and is involved in organizing, directing, planning and controlling business resources to achieve desired objectives. Manager also possesses effective power and responsibility so that they can make crucial decisions and attain desired objectives (Solomon, Costea and Nita, 2016). Management is considered a crucial element within every firm which assists in coordinating business activities and plans to carry out future targets. 2.3 Significance of leadership and management Leadership and management are independent terminologies having their respective significance to the organization. These factors play a significant role in the development of the company. Leadership is crucial within the company for attaining high and effective results from the employees. A leader closely examines employee’s performance and focuses on enhancing it in favour of organizational growth and development. Leading people involves developing trust, loyalty and inspiration within the team members to carry out specific tasks. This role bridges the gap between expectation of the company and employee (French, 2010). History is flooded with different examples of leadership and its impact on the development of the economy. Steve Jobs the most efficient leaders developed a revolutionary world of technology for people while Adolf Hitler circulated a wave of fear and compliance among people for attaining his objectives. Thus, it can be said that leadership is the most crucial part of enhancing business growth and development within the market. Management on the other hand is developed within the market to structure organizational work and develop effective and unique measures of getting things done. It focuses on abiding four core principles of management which includes planning, organizing, directing and Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

controlling. These prospects are most important for attaining high and effective success measures for the companies. According to Arnold, Fletcher and Anderson (2015), manager plans, organizes and directs employees to attain high growth prospects. Economy is filled with the companies which have developed wide success measures due to its unique and effective management strategies. McDonald's, Hilton worldwide, Virgin Group etc are few examples in these regards (Arnold, Fletcher and Anderson, 2015). As per the opinion of Thompson (2012), it can be assessed that the good leadership is crucial for business as it helps in developing lively work environment and thus assist in carrying out the activities effectively. Leadership is also a crucial factor for making business successful. Therefore, it is essential for the leaders to manage and transform individual's potential into reality (Thompson, 2012). Leadership is important within management and further it emphasizes upon improving skills and qualities of people working within enterprise and thus influence them to accomplish desired goals. In other words, it can be assessed that leadership provides authority and thus help the individual to carry out the desired task and thus attain organizational goals. However, Agnoletti and et. al., (2015), argued that if management fails to provide proper leadership then it is essential for the enterprise to perform informal leadership which assist in developing skills and thus eventually regulate behaviour of workforce and aids in overcoming conflict within individuals. Furthermore, if management is unable to provide leadership direction that it affects individual in order to review their potential so that success can be attained. Further, organization is required to review potential of their employees so that desired tasks can be accomplished in an effective manner. Gronn, (2008) stated that there are various crucial leadership skills in which most important is the communication. For this, the leader is required to possess effective communication skill in order to communicate effectively with each other and thus move towards unified purpose. Further, it also involves risk taking method that helps in developing new products or services so that firm is able to create a unique position in the market. Also, motivation is another skill that helps in encouraging people to work efficiently so that leadership action can be carried out and thus success can be attained in an effective manner (Gronn, 2008).

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2.4 Leadership and management style Different authors have identified varied types of leadership and management styles. In accordance with the given context, Nahavandi (2009), have stated that autocratic, participative and free-rein is regarded as three basic type of leadership style which is used by the organization. Here, autocratic is the type of leadership style in which leader gives direction to the employees and they have to follow it whether they like it or not. But, democratic is completely opposite form of leadership style. Here, in this leadership style manager consider the needs and demands of the employees before reaching on particular solution (Nahavandi, 2009). In addition to this, free rein is the type of leadership style in which leader hands off its workers and gives them an opportunity to make the decision about the enterprise. However, it has been critically evaluated by the Nienaber (2010), that paternalistic is another most popular form of leading people which is being practiced by managers of many firms. Here, leader plays the role of head of the family. As a result of this, it protects its employees from all the unforeseen circumstances which may happen in the organization. As per the view point of Somech, Desivilya and Lidogoster (2009), scientific management is the traditional approach of managing people of the firm. This management consists of 14 principles which are used by many organizations to perform upon its employees. This principle is effective but it does not encourage creativity of the workers. However, after some period of time bureaucratic form of managing people came into existence. Here, manager manages people by using some strict rules and regulations. Thus, this form of managing people applies red tapism formula (Somech, Desivilya and Lidogoster, 2009). Burgoyne, Hirsh and Williams (2004), evaluated that there are different types of leadership style such as democratic, autocratic, laissez faire. Therefore, it is essential for the leaders to develop effective relationship with each other to achieve desired targets. Leaders possess autocratic style which affects the business because they take individual decision on their own and does not involve other employees in carrying out the mutual decisions. However, sometimes such decision affects growth and development of business so that set targets can be carried out in an effective manner. Furthermore, democratic leadership style helps the leaders to involve each and every employee in the decision making process so that desired outcomes can be generated (Burgoyne, Hirsh and Williams, 2004). Also, it is essential for the individual to get involved in the decision process and thus provide their suggestion to enhance the performance of Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

the organization. Hence, it can be assessed that businesses are required to implement democratic leadership style so that success can be attained in an effective manner. According to the opinion of Hallinger and Bryant (2013), it is essential for the organization to implement scientific management principle which is traditional approach to manage people within firm. However, management consists of 14 principles which are used to perform upon its employees. Thus, such principles are very helpful and further it assists in encouraging people to develop creative work within firm. Furthermore, it can be assessed that undertaking bureaucratic form aids in managing people to attain desired targets. Therefore, it is essential for the manager to manage people by adopting certain strict rules and regulations and thus it applies red tapism within the firm to execute the outcomes (Hallinger and Bryant, 2013). Therefore, it is important for the business to adopt effective leadership and management style so that organizational goals can be attained in an effectual manner (Kenneth, 2011). 2.5 Impact of leadership and management on employee performance Employees of the company are the key assets for the business. Globalization has hiked the rate of competition in the market which has posed a significant question on the sustainability and growth of the companies (Morgan, 2013). Leadership and management are the key ailments for these situations. Leadership is the crucial factor which helps in developing high growth and increases development prospects for the employees. It creates effective measures of analysing employee’s capability and develops it for the growth of the company. Effective leadership and management results in enhancing employee performance, quality of output, motivational level, high growth and development measures, continuous development and rate of retention as well. As per the view of Boyatzis (2014), it can be assessed that leadership and management style possess impact on the employee performance which further affects the growth perspectives. Therefore, it is essential for the business to develop effective leadership and management style to achieve high growth and development and thus achieve desired targets. Moreover, it is significant for the leaders to develop effective skills and help the employees to enhance their performance so that desired targets can be attained. Also, it is crucial for the business to identify the skills of each employee and provide them specific task so that growth and opportunities can be attained (Boyatzis, 2014). Hence, it is significant for the enterprise to enhance performance of its employees so that their capability can be improved to achieve desired targets. Also, it is Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

essential for the individual to encourage each other which will further assist in improving performance of employees and thus retaining them for long term within the organization. Furthermore, as per the view point of Stacey (2012), it is essential for the employees to effectively encourage individuals and thus attain growth perspectives towards success. Also, it is significant for the workers to maintain their leadership and management level and thus carry out the best employee practices so that it does not affect performance of workers. Organization is required to identify skills and attributes of human resource in an effective manner so that best results can be attained (Stacey, 2012). Also, it is crucial for the enterprise to develop effectual management and leadership style so that it does not affect individual's performance and thus attain set targets.

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CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction In this part of study, it can be stated as the systematic process of developing research study with regard to collect data effectively. However, it helps in undertaking different tools and techniques so that research aim and objectives can be attained. Research methodology is the base that helps in developing clear and wide basis for investigating the facts and figures related to research through adopting proper methodologies and research tools. Thus, this part deals with the discussion and analysis over different research tools and techniques so that researcher would be able to conduct the study effectually. Research methodology involves different components such as data collection, research philosophy, research strategy, data analysis, research approach, sampling, etc. (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012). Further, it is significant to analyzeanalyze the research tools that need to be applied with proper explanation and reasons so that desired study can be carried out in an effective manner. 3.2 Research philosophy It helps in providing a strong base for carrying out the research. However, it is defined to consider a strong and wider platform to conduct the research and thus, help in achieving fruitful outcomes so that proper methods can be adopted for the study. Further, scholar aims to develop a clear and effectual measure of research philosophy so that it can help in allocation of resources and will make better utilization of time and budget that is provided for research. It involves two main types of research philosophies i.e. positivism and interpretivism (Gale and, 2013). Positivism philosophy helps in explaining general or universal concept through using statistical tools. It can also be stated that positivism philosophy helps in quantifying the general perceptions or philosophies so that desired goals can be attained. Here, it is essential for scholar to collect the facts and findings through different sources and studies in order to reach at the positive results. Hence, such method assists in delivering effective results through analyzing the collected data to attain the desired objectives of study (Robson and McCartan, 2016). Furthermore, another philosophy is interpretivism that focuses on prevailing differences in the environment as well as the social behaviour of individuals. Such method also considers the changes and reflects the impact of such changes in the study. Therefore, it can be stated that this

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particular method is very close to reality and thus helps in considering the changes in social behaviour of people (Panneerselvam, 2014). Here, in the present study, interpretivism philosophy has been selected that helps the scholar to develop a clear understanding regarding the role of contingent leadership and management style on the performance of employees within firm. However, such philosophy assists in considering both internal and external factors and thus affects the decision making process. Also, it helps in achieving the desired aim and objectives as well. 3.3 Research approach In the next part of study, scholar is required to undertake effective research approach so that desired objectives of study can be attained. In order to improve the performance of employees, it is essential for the researcher to select contingent and leadership style. Research approach helps in identifying the measures through which investigation is required to achieve the aim and objectives of study. There are two main types of research approaches i.e. inductive and deductive which helps in considering both specific and general criteria (Gast and Ledford, 2014). In the inductive approach, researcher analyzeanalyzes the research aim and objectives and deeply carries out the in-depth study. Scholar aims to collect the relevant data related to the topic to make a proper and effective understanding regarding the same. Further, it helps in evaluating appropriate patterns and theories regarding the specific objectives and information. Inductive approach helps in developing a clear understanding regarding the specific concepts of study and thus, refers to all the general concepts in order to validate the same (Komarraju, Dollinger and Lovell, 2008). On the other hand, deductive approach is the study that considers the general perspective of research. It helps scholar to examine the theory or social pattern and thus, deliberately makes hypothesis in order to seek the relevancy of investigation. However, such approach moves from general to specific concept of research. Main focus of researcher is to evaluate and deliver specific results about study with the help of theories and social pattern in order to support the framed hypothesis (Neuman, 2000). In the present study, inductive research approach is selected that helps in creating an effective impact of theories and models of study so that the set objectives can be attained. Further, it also helps in creating an effective and clear understanding regarding the improvement Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

in employee’s performance with the help of implementing contingent leadership and management style so that set targets can be attained. Such approach also helps in carrying out related theories and concepts in order to gain the validity of present research study. 3.4 Research design Research design serves as the blueprint of study and the framework under which the entire study is being carried out. It is essential for researcher to determine the type of investigation so that proper decisions can be made. The research design helps in carrying out proper logical understanding of study and thus, avoids misrepresentation of information. There are different types of research designs such as descriptive, exploratory, casual and other. Descriptive research design helps to describe the fact as it explores new areas of study. However, exploratory research study assists in identifying new insight from the subject matter so that prevailing issues can be addressed effectively (Yin, 2011). Further, another design is cause and effect relationship which is assessed among two different variables within casual research. However, it focuses on determining causation effect of the research on current study prospects. Descriptive research design is the one that helps in dealing with the general theories and which collects the facts regarding the stated topic. For the present study, scholar selects descriptive research design in order to describe the contingent leadership and management style in depth. Further, it helps in engaging in-depth discussion so that actual requirements can be attained. Hence, it helps employees in order to enhance their level of performance and to obtain the specific targets. It also fulfils the purpose to assess the impact of contingent leadership and management style on the performance of workers. Hence, the causes are contingent leadership and management style while the effect is employee performance. 3.5 Research choices In this part of study, it is crucial for determining the impact of study and to analyze different tools and techniques to achieve the desired objectives. Further, it assists in developing a clear impact on the data analysis so that significant results can be attained. It involves different choices such as qualitative and quantitative to carry out the study and thus, it has clear impact upon the research methodology and data analysis of the subject matter (Stanley, 2013). Quantitative method helps in dealing with the numerical data and uses statistical tools and Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

models so that final outcome can be attained for the study. While, qualitative method on the other hand assists in evaluating the subjectivity of data for study. It is a crucial method which helps in carrying out the theoretical perspectives of study and thus, achieves the research outcomes. In the present study, it undertakes qualitative method so that use of different theoretical concepts and models can be applied. It improves the clear and specific measure so that research issue can be investigated. Hence, the study aims to deal with analyzing the significance of contingent leadership and management style to enhance the performance of employees. Thus, to achieve such perspective, scholar aims to implement qualitative research choice for the study. 3.6 Data collection Data collection is the most important tool for collecting information so that desired results can be obtained. However, data can be gathered from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data means that information that is collected for the first time which means, directly by scholar. It involves different methods from which data can be collected like interview, questionnaire, observation and focus group. On the other hand, secondary data collection method helps in collecting information from existing sources i.e. books, internet, magazines, journals, newspapers, etc. Hence, it helps in collecting information to gain the best results (Gale and, 2013). In the current study, data will be collected from both the sources i.e. primary and secondary in order to attain the final results. For gathering primary data, questionnaire is prepared and survey method is selected so that it would help in analyzing the information from employees about the impact of contingent leadership and management style upon their performance. Thus, for this purpose, set structured questionnaire is prepared which helps in gaining quick responses from employees and implementing the outcomes so that the best results can be attained. On the other hand, for gaining secondary information on the subject that is more elaborated, researcher uses sources like books, magazines, journals, online articles, etc. 3.7 Sample selection Sampling can be stated as the method through which population of study gets divided into small numbers so that data can be collected in an effective way. There are two different methods through which sample can be selected i.e. probabilistic and non-probabilistic. Within Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

probabilistic method, it can be assessed that each and every member of population possesses equal chances of being selected. However, non-probabilistic sampling helps in selecting the sample in a haphazard way (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012). Therefore, probabilistic sampling is selected in order to undertake sample from employees that are working within Virgin Group. In this method, systematic sampling is undertaken so that random set of sample will be selected to carry out the research. It involves 50 employees to carry out the research. 3.8 Data analysis plan In this part of research methodology, a clear and effective understanding regarding the data collection will is developed from the sample selected for study. It assists in clearly representing the data and analysis so that given information can be used effectively (Neuman, 2000). Here, the information has been collected from both primary and secondary sources in order to evaluate the desired results. With regard to this, qualitative technique is adopted and thus, thematic analysis is done in order to evaluate the results. Further, in thematic method, it helps in developing different themes so that evaluation can be done. Thus, developing themes assists in identifying different concepts related to contingent leadership and management styles and its impact on the employee performance so that set targets can be attained. 3.9 Validity and reliability It is another crucial step that helps in carrying out the study so that data requires high amount of integration to achieve the results. However, it helps the scholar in deriving valid and authentic information from the sample population. It assists in making the study more reliable and authentic for further use in the future. Also, to achieve the stated purpose, scholar needs to carry out the information that is logically sound and factual (Nienaber, 2010). Hence, it possesses the capability of generalizing the research outcomes and objectives as well. However, collecting data from employees of Virgin Group involves accessibility issues and thus, employees are required to take out certain time from their working hours in order to get involved in the research and to give their responses. Further, gathering responses from employees is quite complex as everyone in the selected sample would not be agree to give answers as they may not feel it to be safe in relation with their job and thus, researcher needs to assure them that their name would not be disclosed at any case.

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3.10 Ethical issues and consideration In order to conduct the study, proper efforts need to be incorporated to get rid from different ethical issues. Thus, data needs to be collected and stored in a secured manner and provide authentic information for the same. Also, interests of respondents will be focused and no influencing information will be collected. Further, the information collected requires high amount of ethical norms (Stanley, 2013). The collected data has been efficiently used and thus, high confidentiality is kept in order to carry out the project in an effective way. 3.11 Research limitations There are various limitations assessed at the time of carrying out study•

Limited time frame- It is main limitation faced by the researcher and thus, creates issue because of which study gets affected. Thus, it creates major challenge for the study which results in carrying out the research in a precise way.


Limited availability of resources- It can be assessed that the research has been carried out so that objectives can be attained in an effective manner. The availability of resource limitation possesses a major challenge for the scholar so that results can be obtained. However, scholar made the best utilization of resources to develop reliable and authentic results for the study.

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CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS 4.1 Introduction This section of the study is one of the most significant parts of the research analysis. It will help in delivering the primary findings of the research in an effective and well structured manner. The present study focuses on analysing the role of contingent leadership styles on the performance of the employees. In order to attain the research aim, survey was undertaken from 50 employees of Virgin Atlantic Company. The findings of the survey have been effectively evaluated and determined in the study below. Qualitative means of data analysis has been used for the study because it will be effective to attain clear social results. Thematic analysis has thus; been applied for the study. This section of the report will effectively contribute in delivering clear results for the study to attain valid and reliable research results. 4.2 Thematic analysis Theme 1: Majority of employees belongs to the age group of 25-35 years. Age



Below 25 years












45 and above



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Majority of employees belong to the age group of 25-35 years




Below 25 years 25-35 35-40 40-45 45 and above


Findings and interpretation: The above findings reflected a clear picture of age wise demographics of the employees of the company. The findings of the survey has evaluated that 26% of the respondents belonged to the age group of below 25 years. 46% of the respondents belonged to the age group of 25-35 years. 20% out of total respondents belonged to 35-40 years of age group and 8% of the population belonged to the age group of 40-45 years. Hence, it can be analysed that majority of the respondents belonged to young age group. It can be clearly analysed from the same that Virgin Atlantic has managed a strong team of young and committed group of employees who helps the company in attaining the business objectives in well defined manner. Theme 2: Majority of employees are working for more than 5 years in the Company. How long are you working with Virgin Atlantic?



Less than 3 years



3-5 years



5-7 years



7-10 years



More than 10 years



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Majority of employees are working for more than 5 years in the company 40% 0.4 0.35 0.3


0.25 0.2

18% 12%

0.15 0.1

4% 0.05 0 Less than 3 years

3-5 years

5-7 years

7-10 years More than 10 years

Findings and interpretation: The findings of the research helped in determining the validity of data results on the basis of work experience of the employees of the company. Data reflected that 18% of the respondents were the employees who shared work experience of less than 3 years in the company. 26% of the respondents were the employees who had shared 3-5 years experience of working with Virgin Atlantic. 40% of the respondents were those who have shared 5-7 years of experience in the company while 12% of the employees shared 7-10 years of working experience in the company. In addition, 4% of the employees were those who had shared more than 10 years of working experience Virgin Atlantic. Thus, on the basis of overall analysis, it can be determined that Virgin Atlantic has managed an experience team of employees in the company. On the basis of above findings, it can also be analysed that Virgin group has managed an effective team of experienced employees who helped in developing a positive culture in the organization. Theme 3: Employees rated organisational structure of Virgin Atlantic to be good. How will you rate the organizational structure in terms of management and control for Virgin Atlantic?






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Below average



Not good



Employees rated organisational structure of Virgin Atlantic to be good


Not good


Below average




Good 30%

Excellent 0










Findings and interpretation: On being asked about the organisational structure of the business to analyse the level of control and management of the business, it was analysed that 15 out of 50 respondents rated the organisational structure of the business to be excellent. 22 out of 50 said it to be good. 7 respondents said that the structure was average. 4 said that it was below average while 2 said the structure not to be good at all. The overall analysis of the structure can be thus; said to be highly effective and well developed. On the basis of findings, 74% of the respondents rated the structure of the business to be good however; only 12% said it to be below average. Hence, it can be clearly interpreted from the given findings that the organisational structure of the business was well defined and organised which helped the business unit in attaining effective delegations of roles and responsibilities in the company. Leadership and management could be well defined and controlled by the same. Theme 4: Management of company has significant impact on employee performance. Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

Do you think management of the company has an impact on employee performance?









Management of the company has significant impact on employee performance


Yes No


Findings and interpretation: The findings of the research effectively help in analysing that business unit has developed an effective impact on employee’s growth and performance. On being asked about the contribution of management on the performance of the employees, the findings reflected that 42 out of 50 employees said yes with regards to direct impact of management and leadership on employee performance while 8 employees denied for the same. Thus, overall analysis of the study can be made by interpreting that management plays a significant role in evaluating and enhancing employee performance. Ineffective direction and control of the business unit may lead to ineffective organizational results in business growth and development in this competitive era. Hence, from the above analysis, it can be clearly understood that management of the company has significant impact on employee’s performance. Theme 5: Leadership plays a high role in enhancing employee’s performance in Virgin Atlantic. Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

How significant role does leadership plays in enhancing employee performance in Virgin Atlantic?



Very high












very low



Leadership plays a high role in enhancing employee performance in Virgin Atlantic 44% 0.45 0.4 0.35


0.3 0.25 16%

0.2 0.15




0.05 0 Very high




very low

Findings and interpretation: The above findings of the research reveals employee’s outlook in analysing the significance of leadership in enhancing employee’s performance for business operations. The research helped in analysing that 16 out of 50 employees said that leadership plays very high role in enhancing employee performance in the business unit. 22 respondents revealed that leadership plays a high role in determining employee’s performance in the business. 8 respondents rated it to be average for the business, 3 rated it to be low while 1 said it to be very low. Hence, the overall analysis reveals that the performance of an employee is directly affected by leadership. 76% of respondents revealed a direct relation in stated factors while only 8% of the respondents reflected a negative relation between the factors analysed in Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

the research. Hence, it can be said that leadership plays a high role in enhancing employee performance in Virgin Atlantic. Theme 6: Supervisors are trained for directing employees in efficient manner. Are your supervisors trained for directing employee in efficient manner?









Not sure



Supervisors are trained for directing the employee in an efficient manner 8% 10% Yes No Not sure


Findings and interpretation: On being asked about the qualification and efficiency of supervisors in directing employees of the company, it was analysed that 41 out of 50 employees said that the supervisors of Virgin Atlantic were trained effectively to direct employees of the company while 5 respondents denied from the stated question and said that supervisors were not trained. However, 4 of the employees were not sure about the posed question. Hence, on the basis of overall findings, it can be analysed that Virgin Atlantic has managed a team of trained employees who have significant role in training employees for effective leadership for the

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business. Thus, it can be said that supervisors are trained for directing employee in an efficient manner to attain positive and effective results for the company. Theme 7: Different factors of management are analyzed for Virgin Atlantic. How will you rate the following factors of

Below Good Average average


management for Virgin Atlantic?



























Analysis of different factors of management for Virgin Atlantic 25

20 Excellent Good 15 Average Below average Not good 10


0 Participation




Findings and interpretation: The above analysis of the data reflects the factors which are significant for developing an effective and well developed impact of leadership on the business performance in this competitive era. On being asked about the same, it was evaluated that different outcomes were observed for different factors of leadership. The factor of participation revealed that majority of the respondents rated the factor to be good for the company. 12 respondents said it to be excellent. 9 said it to average while remaining said it to be below Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

average. Thus, it can be analysed that majority of the respondents favoured participation factor as an effective part of leadership for the business unit. Delegation was yet another factor that has been analysed in the segment. 15 respondents rated it to be excellent, 19 rated it to be good, 10 said it to be average and rest said it to be below average. Hence, the overall analysis of leadership factor can be done by determining that delegation plays a significant role in enhancing leadership for the business unit. Virgin Atlantic has considered the stated factor in an effective and well defined manner. Direction was the third factor that has been considered for the same. Respondents rated the factor to be excellent and 18 rated it to be good. Hence, 38 out of 50 respondents gave a favourable response for direction as a factor of leadership. In addition to this, 6 respondents said this factor to be average for the company, while remaining said it to be below average thus; overall direction has also been positively rated by the employees of the company. Lastly, factor of decentralization was also considered to be a crucial factor for analysing leadership role in the business unit. 10 respondents rated it to be excellent while 11 rated it to be good. However, 15 respondents said that the company is average in terms of decentralizing roles and authority of the business and remaining respondents said it to be below average. Thus, on the basis of given analysis, it can be analysed that decentralization is the factor which the company do not effectively consider while managing the business operations. Theme 8: Leadership decisions of the company are based on situational/contingent needs. How often leadership decisions of the company are based on situational/contingent needs?



Every time















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Leadership decisions of the company based on situational/contingent needs 48% 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 26%

0.3 0.25 0.2






0.05 0 Every time





Findings and interpretation: The findings of the above theme focus on analysing the leadership decision of the company in different needs of the business. The theme focused on analysing the decision making influence of the business in different situation needs of the business. 8 out of 50 respondents revealed that the company adopted the contingent leadership approach every time while taking business decision. 24 respondents said that the company mostly adopt contingent approach for decision making. 13 respondents said that business unit often adopts the stated approach for analysing the business decision of the company. While 5 respondents said that the company did not adopt the stated approach for making leadership decisions. Thus, the overall analysis of the organizational operations reveals that the Virgin Atlantic has successfully adopted the approach of making decisions according to contingent needs of the environment. Theme 9: Different leadership styles are required in different organizational situations. Do you think different leadership styles are required in different organizational situations?









Not sure



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Different leadership styles are required in different organizational situations 10%


Yes No Not sure


Findings and interpretation: On being asked about the different styles of leadership and measures to be adopted by the company, it was analysed that 66% of the respondents said that yes, company must adopt different leadership styles for making business decisions while 24% of the respondents denied for the same. 10% of the respondents said that they were not sure about the posed questions. Hence, on the basis of overall findings of the study, it can be said that different leadership styles are required in different organizational situations.

Theme 10 Resistance to change is a major problem faced when situational leadership is adopted. What is the major problem when situational leadership is adopted?



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Heavy workload



Resistance or change






Training needs



Low motivation



Findings and interpretation: This theme of the study focused on analysing the major factors which pose major challenges for adopting situational leadership in operations. The research helped in determining that increasing workload was said to be one of the factors by 5 responders. 15 respondents said that resistance of workforce is one of the significant issues for the same. 12 respondents analysed adaptability as one of the major factor for the stated issue. Training need analysis was also considered to be a significant part of the issue and low employee motivation was rated by 5 respondents to be as significant part of the business issue. Hence, on the basis of overall analysis, it can be determined that resistance to change is a major problem faced when situational leadership is adopted by Virgin Atlantic.

Theme 11: Effective communication is adopted by Virgin Atlantic to efficiently implement contingent leadership style in the company. What are the measures adopted by Virgin Atlantic to efficiently implement contingent leadership style in the company?



Regular training



Effective communication



High motivation



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Effective consideration



Findings and interpretation: On the basis of above findings, it can be analysed that majority of the employees focuses on developing a well defined means of communication to enhance the impact of contingent leadership style on the business operations and results. Regular training, high motivation and effective consideration (financial and non financial) were also considered as significant part of the given study. The overall findings helped in analysing that effective communication is adopted by Virgin Atlantic to efficiently implement contingent leadership style in the company. Theme 12: Different leadership styles help in developing performance capability of employees. Do different leadership styles help you in developing your performance capability in the company?









Not sure



Different leadership styles helps in developing the performance capability of employees

Not sure













Findings and interpretation: The overall research analysis revealed that 88% of the respondents said that leadership styles help in developing their performance capability while 4% Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

said that the situation was the other way round. However, 8% of the respondents revealed that they were not sure on the final outcome hence; the overall findings reveal that different leadership styles help in developing the performance capability of employees.

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CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Introduction This section of the study is one of the most crucial parts of the overall research analysis. This section provides zest of the complete analysis. It is a section which connects the overall study and analyzes every chapter to attain effective research objective. Here, overall findings of the research are merged with an objective to create an effective impact on the understanding of reader. Topic of the present study was to analyze the role of contingent leadership and management styles on the performance of employees. Overall, primary and secondary research have been effectively evaluated and analyzed in this section of the study. This part also includes recommendations for the business unit which will help in attaining effective business results in the future. 5.2 Conclusion The above study makes it evident that leadership and management are the crucial and most significant parts of business operations. It helps the company in attaining business objectives in a well-structured and organised manner. Findings of the research helped in analysing that employees play a significant role in attaining competitive edge in the market and leadership styles adopted by the company put huge impact on the performance of employees. The research focused on the business operations of Virgin group and analyzed various management strategies adopted by the business unit in an effective manner. It has been evaluated that effective management and contingent leadership have helped Virgin Atlantic in developing a successful market position in the economy. The phrase 'no perfect leadership style confirms success of the company' is appropriate for the business unit. Overall findings and analysis helped in determining that leadership is a vast business aspect and every business unit needs to closely determine the same in order to attain high business growth. Findings assisted in effectively attaining the objectives and aim of research. Objectives of the research focused on analysing the following: To analyze the significance of leadership and management in the business unit Findings revealed that leadership is an age old process and has been continuously developed to attain high success measures for the companies. Changing spectrum of business and Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

developing technologies have enhanced the needs and significance of leadership within the market. Every business unit needs to adopt effective leadership for directing and developing the employees of company. Virgin Atlantic as per the research has adopted leadership concept in an effective manner. It has helped the business unit in attaining high growth in the market. Employee participation and innovative business ideas have created a positive impact on the success of business unit. The study analyzed the significance of various aspects by monitoring the role of contingent leadership and management style on the performance of Virgin group employees To critically evaluate theoretical perceptive of contingent leadership and management styles This research objective for the study was effectively attained in theoretical aspects of the investigation. This objective was attained by undertaking secondary research for the stated subject that helped in accomplishing effective and valuable business results. The major finding of secondary analysis was that leadership and management are the independent terminologies having their respective significance to the organization. Leading people demand developing trust, loyalty and inspiration among the team members. This role bridges the gap between expectation of the company and employee. Leadership is crucial within management so that it emphasizes upon improving the skills and qualities of people working within enterprise and thus, influences them to accomplish desired goals. To assess the impact of contingent leadership and management styles on the performance of employees. Overall research findings and analysis helped in determining that contingent leadership styles in the current era have a direct impact on the organizational operations of business. Organizational operations reveal that Virgin Atlantic has successfully adopted the approach of making decisions according to contingent needs of the environment. Different leadership styles are required in different organizational situations in order to carry out the business operations in a well-defined manner. However, heavy workload, resistance to change, adaptability, analysing training needs and low motivation are few significant aspects of contingent leadership styles. Hence, companies have to effectively adopt and develop measures to enhance employee performance while analysing their individual needs. Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

5.3 Recommendations Business operations can adopt effective and well developed measures to enhance performance of the employees while creating a competitive business edge in the market. Unique and well defined leadership styles of the company have set effective results for different business units. In order to attain effective growth in the competitive market, following measures must be adopted by the business unit: •

Training and development: This is one of the most effective and well defined means of employee development and growth for the companies. Organizational structure and financial results of Virgin Atlantic favour effective training programs for employee development on the regular basis. This will help the company in minimizing resistance to change and will enhance adaptability of new as well as effective technologies for the organizational growth. Moreover, it will also aid the business unit in motivating employees for accepting new and advanced means of working at the workplace.


Well defined communication: This is another significant aspect of business growth and development which can help the employees in creating a positive psychological impact and thus, generating positive organizational results for the company. Effective communication will help the company in creating an indefinite impact on business growth and development by enhancing employee contribution in business decisions.

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APPENDIX A1.1 Questionnaire for employee of Virgin Atlantic Demographic information Name: Gender: Age: Below 25 years 25-35 35-40 40-45 45 and above Specific information 1. How long are you working with Virgin Atlantic? Less than 3 years 3-5 years 5-7 years 7-10 years More than 10 years 2. How will you rate the organizational structure in terms of management and control for Virgin Atlantic? Excellent Good Average Below average Not good 3. Do you think management of the company has an impact on employee performance? Yes No Assignment Desk offers all types of academic writing services like you can avail dissertation help, leadership assignment help, tourism assignment help and many more at pocket-friendly prices.

4. How significant role does leadership plays in enhancing employee performance in Virgin Atlantic? Very high High Neutral Low Very low 5. Are supervisors of Virgin Atlantic trained for directing the employee in an efficient manner? Yes No Not sure 6. How will you rate the following factors of management for virgin Atlantic? Excellent




Not good

average Participation Delegation Direction Decentralization

7. How often, the leadership decisions of the company based on situational/contingent needs? Every time Mostly Often Rarely Never

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8. Do you think different leadership styles are required in different organizational situations? Yes No Not sure 9. What is the major problem when situational leadership is adopted? Heavy workload Resistance or change Adaptability Training needs Low motivation 10. What are the measures adopted by Virgin Atlantic to efficiently implement contingent leadership style in the company? Regular training Minimizing resistance to change Effective communication High motivation Effective consideration 11. Does different leadership styles help you in developing your performance capability in the company? Yes No Not sure

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