5 Things your Manuscript Should have for Scientific Journal Submission There are many more than five ways to ensure that your scientific manuscript is ready to submit to a journal. However, your paper should go through several phases of scientific editing and proofreading before you deem it ready for submission. Each phase is important in ensuring that you have taken steps to establish your credibility and present your paper correctly. Of these phases, your manuscript should have scientific paper editing services by a professional who understands the industry of international journal publishing. Scientific Journals want to research that is credible Scientific publishing requires authors who are experts in their field, who practice high ethical standards, and that conduct thorough research. When you take the time to cover each aspect of writing your paper from choosing an accurate title, to including a variety of references, you establish credibility for yourself and your manuscript. Scientific Journals want to research that is presented correctly Presenting research in the form of a scientific article is primarily about reaching your audience in an effective manner. Yes, the journal reviewer will be your initial audience, but the reviewer is thinking about the readers of the publication when determining if your paper is a proper fit. If information is presented in a disorganized fashion, is unclear due to incorrect use of English, or doesn't follow the style and structure guidelines of the journal, then it can be rejected on presentation alone. 5 scientific proofreading tips to improve credibility and presentation If you want to be sure that your manuscript will pass both the credibility and presentation tests, make sure that is has undergone these five processes. From allowing time to set your paper aside to hiring professional scientific proofreading services, you feel confident that you have done your best to prepare your manuscript for scientific journal submission. 1. A Resting Period – You and your manuscript have spent a lot of time together recently. Like other relationships, this closeness can prevent you from seeing the bigger picture. Whether your paper is presented exactly as it should be or is missing crucial information, oftentimes giving yourself space from your work can help you see it in a whole new light. So don't rush things and trust that a little time apart is a good thing. 2. Undivided Attention – When you've allowed enough time and space to clear your mind and look at your paper with fresh eyes, set aside a large chunk of time to devote to reading through your paper without interruptions or distractions. If you haven't printed out a hard copy of your paper, now is the time to do so. Having it double spaced will allow you to write down notes or corrections as well. Keeping in mind your objective for writing the research, start at the beginning, and read it all the way through. If you see an area that needs major improvement, make a note, and keep reading. Then, after you read all the way through it, take your notes and make your changes immediately. 3. Objective Overview – The next thing your manuscript should have is an objective overview. You can do this yourself, or ask someone you trust to give you honest feedback to read it. This can be a peer who is familiar with the subject of your paper, or a friend or family member who knows nothing about it. You can also have several overviews if you choose. Each of these options has its own benefits. If you do it
yourself, you will be checking to see if start to finish and everywhere in between displays the information in the way that you intended and that there is nothing missing. If you have a peer review it (always recommended), they will be checking for accuracy and that you presented the research in a thorough manner. By having someone not familiar with your topic read your paper, they may ask questions you have not considered or point out areas of your paper that are unclear. 4. Professional Scientific Editing or Proofreading – By the time you get to the point where you are ready to have your paper reviewed by professionals, you will be able to determine which scientific editing services will best suit your needs. Depending on how detailed you would like your paper to be edited, professional scientific editing and proofreading services can include anything from a thorough English language check to comprehensive editing that includes organization suggestions and support in communication with the journal you wish to publish with. These services may also include re-editing for after you've made suggested changes as well as help in editing the cover letter to the journal reviewer. If you decide you only require a language check, then scientific proofreading services on their own may be your ideal option. 5. Final Read of Finished Work – You may feel fairly if not fully confident that your manuscript is ready for submission to a journal at this point. However, one last read (in printed form if possible) can never be a waste of time. If anything, it will give you the assurance that your paper requires no further improvements. At this point, you may want to go back to the journal guidelines and make sure you have fulfilled all their requirements (especially if the scientific editing and proofreading service you used did not include this check). Read the paper aloud to make sure it flows well and that last-minute changes didn't alter the flow or meaning of any section. Cross-reference all graphics and references too. By the time your manuscript has had these five rounds of various forms of scientific proofreading and editing, you will have eliminated basic errors and done all you can to impress the journal reviewer. When your manuscript demonstrates credibility with an accurate and easy to understand presentation, you will be well on your way to success and publication.