NEWSLETTER BY local committee
Shape your world!
1ST EDITION 28/01/2019 Associa-Med Monastir associamed_monastir
Mot du président Je voudrais souhaiter la bienvenue à tout lecteur : membre de l’ AssociaMed ou bien simple curieux, car vous avez raison d’ être curieux ! La curiosité me rongeait lors de mes premiers pas au sein de cette association, en parcourant le monde si vaste qu’elle représente : En effet, c’est une association qui englobe des étudiants en médecine des 4 coins de la Tunisie, qui a pour objectif d’en faire des Leaders dans les domaines de la santé publique, reproductive, l’éducation mais aussi les droits de l’ homme. Elle offre tant d’opportunités à l’échelle locale, nationale mais aussi internationale notamment à travers les échanges de stage et de recherche. Associa-Med présente aussi un espace de divertissement et même de développement de capacités artistiques et sportives. Et à présent, je m’ adresse à vous avec toute la fierté du monde en tant que 10ème Président du bureau local de Monastir de l’ Associa-Med pour d’ abord partager avec vous l’ expérience associa-medienne à travers ce projet et ensuite vous dire qu’ il n’ est jamais trop tard pour en faire partie. Associa-Med aura toujours les portes ouvertes pour vous accueillir et vous faire vivre une expérience unique en son genre…
________________ ______________ World Aids Week ..................... 04
Bed Time Story ........................... 06
Scome Club .................................. 08
Let's offer Public Health .......... 09
Finir 2018 en beauté .................................................... 10
To Be Continued ............................................................. 11
WAW WORLD AIDS WEEK So this month's SCORA report will talk about the famous WAW ; World AIDS Week that took place not only in our uni but in many other places as well, trying to spread and raise awareness to all kinds of people as much as we can hence the major importance this subject has.
DAY1 So to begin with, our SCORAngels organised a traineeship for all the students in our university on the 26th of November. It was mainly about what AIDS meant, what is HIV, the difference between AIDS and HIV, how to prevent it, how to ensure protection and how to help cure it.
_________ DAY 2 On the 27th of November, it was a tuesday for the books where our university was dressed in red thanks to once again the SCORAngels that decorated the whole uni trying to gather the attention of its students to come visit them in the aquarium to learn more about AIDS. Stands were held to sensitize students about the major role of raising awareness about AIDS, fighting discrimination and stigmatization and the difference between these last two terms.
DAY 3 On the 28th, it was a special day for the ones and only SCORAngels. They had a blast being part of a club "the Angels club" where they shared thoughts and talked about this topic in a world of their own.
DAY 4 The impact was widened when SCORA changed locations and the WAW took place in a high school. It was one of the best experiences ever. Teenagers are in a desperate need for our angels to raise awareness and tell them all about AIDS, HIV, protection, prevention... The high school students were so thankful and grateful for them and that's what made them the WAW's heros.
DAY 5 Lastly, on the final day the 29th of November, SCORA made a little visit to the people suffering from this disease in the hospital. They were a great company ;they talked with them, listened to them, helped them and drew a smile on their faces. Their visit was extremely appreciated and that was the best way to end this extraordinary week.
It was indeed a week to remember. Stay tuned for many more amazing events to come. These SCORAngels will never fail to make history and help change the world.
22 novembre 2018
BED TIME STORY On november 22nd , the committe SCORP organized the 3rd edition of Bed Time Story at the Pediatric surgery department at the Hopsital Fattouma Bourguiba in Monastir. That was preceded by a session "CHILD FIRST" at the Faculty of Medicine of Monastir
The students who took part in this event, were first taught how to approach hospitalized children and communicate with them, by a pediatric psychology resident. At 5 pm that day, everybody was ready and everything was set.
Different workshops took place. It included drawing, coloring , making bracelets, reading books and even dancing with the mascot Shaun the sheep. Every participant was enthusiastic to make it a happy unforgettable day for the little children. And SCORPIONS once again proved that a hopsital -though it seems gloomy at first sightcould be a happy place if we could only invest a little time , laughter and colors. To bring back hope and joy to these sweet little angels as well as their families.
SCOME 27 Novembre 2018
SCOME CLUB Scome club is a fifth-session training organized by the SCOME comity in order to enhance the participant's leadership skills and their self confidence. The first session was dealing with public speaking giving students the keys of a successful speech and explain themselves perfectly .
The second trainimg was about time management as well as feedback writing which is highly important. Scome Club is such an interesting opportunity for Medical Students for both personal and professional fields as it gives them the chance to improve themselves and discover their abilities.
LET'S OFFER PUBLIC HEALTH This year's ' Let's offer public health ' edition was on fire. SCOPHeroes killed it with their hot orange capes. For the first time more than 1000 people were checked on.
The whole process was devided into 3 steps: measuring blood pressure and blood sugar level and breast check up for women. It was such a wonderful experience especially for SCOPHereoes since they exploited the skills they've learnt. PAGE 9
FINIR 2018 EN BEAUTE Premiere mondiale : Un cardre médical tunisien a réussi depuis peu de réaliser une chirurgie première dans le monde : Transplantation d'un greffon artériel vivant depuis une mère à son fils agé de 9 ans souffrant d'une coarctation de l'aorte. L'opération, faite par le Docteur tunisien notre cher professeur Dr Manaa et son équipe, a duré presque 7 heures.
"Les bonnes nouvelles finissent toujours par arriver " Vendredi,le 22 juin 2018, s'est tenue l'inauguration du centre de sclérose en plaques à l'hopital Razi de la Manouba .C'etait une avancée majeure car il s'agit bien de la première structure
Afrique.Les patients atteints de
cette maladie auront la possibilité
The Business Model
de santé consacrée à la sclerose en plaques au Maghreb et en
d’être pris en charge dans une seule structure specialisée et pluridisciplinaire .
Le premier bébé conçu grâce à un utérus transplanté chez une femme infertile à partir d'une donneuse décédée est né il y a un an au Brésil. Sept mois après la naissance, le bébé -une petite fille- allait bien, pesait 7,2 kg et était toujours nourri au sein par sa maman, également en bonne santé, précise l'étude de l'Hôpital universitaire de São Paulo qui a conduit la greffe en 2016. C'est la première fois qu'une transplantation d'utérus à partir d'une donneuse décédée aboutit à
"Le recours à des donneurs décédés pourrait élargir considérablement l'accès à ce traitement, nos résultats apportent la preuve que cela peut fonctionner, pour offrir une nouvelle option aux femmes frappées par une infertilité d'origine utérine", a déclaré le Dr Dani Ejzenberg, qui a dirigé l'étude à l'Hôpital universitaire de São Paulo, cité par le Lancet.
une naissance, et c'est aussi la première naissance avec greffe d'utérus en Amérique latine.
To be continued ______________ ________________ : Mental health days : ConfĂŠrence SCOME : ACT OUT : Med cup : Research Days : Doctors Got Talent