Association of Jersey Charities - 2015 Service Strategy

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introduction The Association of Jersey Charities (the “Association�) is the representative body of approximately 300 charitable organisations operating in Jersey. Our members represent a wide and diverse section of island life and range from large organisations providing essential services to smaller organisations representing the needs and concerns of particular groups within the island. This year’s strategy gives a brief summary of the history of the Association, its objectives and a statement of its values. It also sets out in some detail the services provided to members and examines the progress made on the goals set twelve months ago and what we aim to achieve in 2015.

"our members represent a wide and diverse section of island life and range from large organisations providing essential services to smaller organisations representing the needs and concerns of particular groups within the island."

AJC / 2015 service strategy

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phillip callow chairman ajc

The Association was founded in 1971 and is incorporated under the “Loi (1862) sur les teneures en fideicommis et l’incorporation d’associations,” as amended. Originally the Association was privately funded but from 1981 the then States of Jersey Gambling Control Committee donated the Jersey share of the profits from the Battle of Flowers and Christmas Channel Islands’ lotteries, which the Association distributed to its members. Since 2001 the Committee has donated the Jersey share of the profits of all lottery draws and scratch cards. From 2005 up to and including 2014, the Association received funds from the Economic Development Ministry equivalent to the Jersey share of the Channel Islands’ lottery profits. Between 2007 and 2012 the States retained (with the Association’s approval) the sums of £81,441, £89,653, £111,354, £76,448, £47,076, and £46,619, the purpose of which was to build up a contingency fund. This has been done to be a source of future funding for the Association in the event that there is a lesser amount raised in the future either due to a reduction in takings from the Channel Islands’ lottery or any change in application of funding from the Channel Islands’ lottery. It is important to note that the Association has recognised this retention in our financial statements as income that is due from the States. Donations were also received by the Association from parishes, charitable trusts and private individuals. In 2009 the Association received a substantial anonymous donation with various restrictions including that £250,000 is set aside specifically to be applied to improve the systems, resources and services of the Association and to help implement the enabling changes to its Constitution.

AJC / 2015 service strategy

Between 2007 and 2012 the States retained (with the Association’s approval) the sums of £81,441, £89,653, £111,354, £76,448, £47,076, and £46,619, the purpose of which was to build up a contingency fund.

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oBJECTIvES The objectives of the Association were widened by the amendments to its Constitution in 2009 and are:• to encourage and facilitate charitable and community work in Jersey • to encourage co-operation and co-ordination of activities between members and prospective members, and discussion and exchange of ideas regarding service to the community • to administer the distribution of funds available to the Association to members • to develop and administer a programme of education and information to benefit members • to assist and represent its members

values • The Executive Committee of the Association encourages every member to aspire to high standards of governance in order to attract public confidence and support • The Association works closely with members and is committed to acting as a community resource through the provision of advice and information • The Association will be open in the conduct of its affairs, except where there is a need to respect confidentiality • The Association ensures that grants made to members are applied directly or indirectly for the benefit of residents of Jersey. We also ensure that our monitoring procedures comply with the terms of the Service Level Agreement entered into by the Association in April 2005 with the Economic Development Ministry and with the approval of the States of Jersey.

"The Association works closely with members and is committed to acting as a community resource through the provision of advice and information."

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Services provided to members Advice and guidance The Executive Committee offers advice and guidance to members and prospective members on all aspects of charitable and community work in the island through the services of its administrator, Lyn Wilton, who is the only paid employee of the Association. Lyn can be contacted on 840138 or by email on

Training Training events are also organised by the Association and in 2014 the following training and educational events took place and were well attended.











Jane Galloway of Arclight Solutions ran a workshop on ‘Strategic Business Planning for NPO’s’ and a workshop on ‘Social Networking and E-Fundraising’. Alex Mallinson of Alex Mallinson PR also presented the very popular full day media training. Two further workshops on governance issues were presented by Jane Galloway of Arclight Solutions; ‘Building an Effective Board and The Benefits of Recruiting a Diverse Committee’ and ‘Crash Course in Fundraising’.

Dr Jason Lane from the Gambling Commission talked to members on issues facing them when arranging raffles and lotteries etc.

The Association’s AGM was held 10th July at the Royal Yacht Hotel with guest speaker Dr Judith Turbyne talking on the subject of ‘getting it right’ with regard to a charities commission. Judith is Head of Engagement at the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).








Ruth Johnson presented the States proposals for the Charities Law.

Alex Mallinson of Mallinson PR provided another full day media training course.

We celebrated National Volunteer Week with displays of voluntary positions in island supermarkets and Jane Galloway presented two further half day workshops; ‘Developing a Fundraising Strategy’ and a repeat of ‘Social Networking and E-Fundraising’. We also put on a full day masterclass in ‘Corporate Fundraising’, again presented by Jane Galloway.

Another media training day was delivered by Alex Mallinson.


The Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) talked to members about how to use their services in safeguarding groups in society that are potentially at risk. october

A further media training day was presented by Alex Mallinson.




We held the Association’s annual Christmas fair, this time at the town church hall for members to sell their cards and merchandise. Jane Galloway also presented two further half day sessions on governance.

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Services provided to members continued Grants to members Grant applications, up to a maximum of £30,000, are considered by the Executive Committee at their quarterly meetings. From September 2003 the maximum grant available was £20,000 in any two consecutive years but since 30th September 2008 this changed to £20,000 in any one year. This has now been increased to £30,000 maximum per annum, after a vote at the AGM in June 2012.

Committee meetings The Executive Committee meets at least four times a year to consider the treasurer’s report, applications for membership and grant applications. In addition ad-hoc meetings are held to consider particular matters such as amendments to the Constitution, any responses to consultation papers, updating forms for applications for membership and grants and organising training and events. Members of the Committee also visit members to carry out an audit of how grant monies have been spent.

"From September 2003 the maximum grant available was £20,000 in any two consecutive years but since 30th September 2008 this changed to £20,000 in any one year. This has now been increased to £30,000 maximum per annum, after a vote at the AGM in June 2012."

Members' meetings Following the amendments to the Constitution approved at the Association’s AGM in June 2009, the only regular meeting of members is now the AGM. In 2011, we altered the format in order to offer members experiences of guest speakers and an opportunity to network with one another. We repeated this format in 2013 and it was successfully received again. Ad-hoc meetings will be convened on any general matters of interest and to hear guest speakers. A prime example of our consultation with members in recent times has been the development of the Third Sector Forum, which was set up as a sub-committee of the Association but which, earlier this year, incorporated as a standalone entity, the Jersey Voluntary and Community Sector Limited.

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Advertising and promotion The Association pays for advertising in the JEP to allow members to promote their fundraising activities free of charge. As far as possible, the Association seeks to raise awareness of its members through its website and the local media, raising the profile of local charities. We maintain an information board at the Social Security department, advertising volunteer positions and this is kept up to date weekly by a volunteer. It is proving very popular with many charities giving positive freedback. The Association has its own very comprehensive website -, which is regularly updated with scrolling news, a photo gallery and online membership and grant application forms. Statistics show that our site is visited worldwide by an average of 500 people per week. We are in the process of upgrading our site to keep up with and make use of current technology. The new site will be launched early 2015. The ‘News’ page carries up-to-date information, offers and details of meetings, and the ‘Events Diary’ informs the public of forthcoming events and helps members organise their events so as not to clash with others on the same day. The ‘Members and Grants’ page contains application forms for grants and membership, plus information on minimum requirements, and the ‘Members’ Directory’ is regularly updated and gives details of who to contact and further information about the charity, as well as offering supporters the opportunity to donate online. The Volunteering section tries to match volunteers who are keen to provide their services against organisations which are looking for assistance. This also includes details of people looking for paid work in the voluntary sector. We have an online donation facility on the website linked to each member’s page, this is administered by PayPal who take a small fee for the facility. All information held on our website complies with Data Protection regulations. We also have an arrangement with Island Opinion whereby, for every completed response to a survey from a Jersey respondent, £1 is donated to the Association. If the survey relates to Guernsey, the Association of Guernsey Charities receives £1.

The Association has its own very comprehensive website, which is regularly updated with scrolling news, a photo gallery and online membership and grant application forms.

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Advertising and promotion continued Email news service A regular news service is offered to members via email providing up-to-date information affecting charities and special offers available to members including donations, relevant events and happenings, volunteer help and available premises. These offers are mostly in the form of free furniture and equipment, but occasionally include offers of volunteer help and of available premises. In order to cut down on postage and stationery costs, the Association encourages as many members as possible to go online and make use of this service. Grants are available to members to facilitate the purchase of suitable computing equipment.

Discounts to members The Association has negotiated favourable discounts for members with various businesses and retailers such as printers, stationers and computer hardware and software specialists, plus a 5% discount offer from Jersey Post for all charities to bulk purchase stamps.

Annual report In 2014 we updated our Annual Review to turn it into an Annual Report, including a summary of the financial statement for the year, from April 2013 to 31 March 2014, and was distributed at the AGM in July, as well as to many businesses around the island. There is also an online version available through the website.

AJC / 2015 service strategy

In 2014 we updated our Annual Review to turn it into an Annual Report, including a summary of the financial statement for the year, from April 2013 to 31 March 2014, and was distributed at the AGM in July, as well as to many businesses around the island.

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Advertising and promotion continued Annual return The Annual Return is a means by which current information on members can be held in a central place. We ask members to complete their information and regularly keep this up to date for supporters, volunteers and donors.

Subscriptions and funding Members pay a subscription fee of ÂŁ15 per year. It is the intention of the Executive Committee to recommend to members that the subscription fee should remain at this level until 2017. The Association receives an annual sum from the Economic Development Ministry in the form of the Jersey share of the Channel Islands lottery profits, in accordance with the terms of our Service Level Agreement. Donations are also received from parishes, charitable trusts and private individuals.

2014 initiatives The Jersey Voluntary and Community Sector Limited became an independent entity. We have run a programme of presentations over the years to schools, corporations and any other interested groups to promote the work of the Association and its members and to encourage more individual voluntary participation. This year we have been into De La Salle College, La Rocquier School, Victoria College, Les Quennevais and Haut Vallee Schools, EY, SG Hambros, Jersey Finance, Seymour Trust and a regular monthly slot at the Pain Management Clinic. A special presentation was set up for unemployed people on the various Back to Work schemes. We also take tables at the careers fair and the jobs fairs to encourage people to both volunteer while they are job searching and consider a career in the voluntary sector schemes.

"A special presentation was set up for unemployed people on the various Back to Work schemes. We also take tables at the careers fair and the jobs fairs to encourage people to both volunteer while they are job searching and consider a career in the voluntary sector schemes."

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Assessment of performance against stated objectives over the last 12 months Identified objectives



Produce an Annual Review for 2013

Prepare content and arrange printing and distribution


Organise up to four training events for members

Identify suitable topics, source provider and issue contract

Achieved - we have held 16 sessions and intend to repeat annually

Greater compliance re Annual Returns - achieve 80% compliance by 2013

A firmer approach to members

Have achieved 78% compliance

Up date website

Work with web designer Clearsite

Achieved and launched in October 2014

Organise annual Volunteering Week

Approach potential sponsors and book a venue, actively promote event to ensure maximum attendance and value

Advertised in participating retailers. Volunteers handed out leaflets in town. Banners displayed.

Increase membership of the Association

Publicise the Association and its activities more widely (e.g. JEP, BBC radio Jersey, CTV ) and proactively work with charities and charitable Trusts which are not currently members

Achieved and will be continued

Full subscription payments received from members

Send invoices to members in January

1 member still in arrears 2012/2013

Attract additional non-lottery funding

Approach large trust companies


To continue to improve governance

Monitor response to annual returns from members

Achieved and ongoing

Take volunteering presentation into schools and businesses

Mailshot schools and businesses

Visited five schools and four businesses

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proposed objectives for the next 12 months Identified


Resources required

How will we monitor


Produce an Annual Report for 2014

Prepare content and arrange printing and distribution to all relevant parties

Administrator’s time

Publication of Annual Report and monitor feedback from members and general public

Chairman / Administrator / Publicity officer

Organise up to four training events for members

Identify suitable topics, source providers and issue contracts

Appropriate trainers / speakers and dedicated organiser

Feedback from members Training organiser and Executive Committee

Ensure greater compliance re Annual Returns - achieve 80% compliance by 2015

Send out information and reminders in good time and apply a firmer approach to members

Administrator’s time


Organise another annual Volunteering Week

Approach potential sponsors and book a venue

Member’s input and participation

Feedback from members Administrator and general public

Increase membership of the Association

Publicise the Administrator’s time Association and its activities more widely - (e.g. JEP, BBC radio Jersey, CTV ) and proactively work with charities and charitable Trusts which are not currently members

Track membership numbers

Administrator / Executive Committee

Full subscription payments received from members

Send invoices to members in January

Administrator’s time

See all subs being paid in full, set up reminder system

Administrator/ Treasurer

To continue to improve governance

Monitor response to annual returns from members

Time of Administrator / Executive Committee

Monitor accounts being received

Administrator / Executive Committee

To build upon the amended Constitution by providing more support and resources for members

To set up sub-committees of interested members

Time of sub committee members

Feedback from members Executive Committee

Arrange to give presentations to schools and corporations

Mail shot schools Administrator’s time and larger companies

AJC / 2015 service strategy

Feedback from those included / repeat invites



page 10 840138 Association of Jersey Charities, P.O. Box 356, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9YZ.

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