Number 15, February 2011 | |
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fter a short break by the end of last year, January has been the time for scientific debate and working meetings. The ASSYST/CSS Newsletter reports on 677879):)70#,.0,)%;)<%=-(,>)7?@$,=@)+%'"='-) A%&B@/%-) C! some of these activities, namely the "Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les systèmes complexes naturels et +,-%&$)%.)$/,)DA%&B@/%-)%.)$/,)677879)EF!7<G)</'#&) artificiels" at Rochebrune, in the French Alps, one of the E.#$H#.)I&%J,0$D) C! most important meetings organized by the CSS French community.
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Also, the ASSYST working groups met at the ISC-PIF. Discussions concerned the new complex systems studies L! curriculum, education, connections with South America N! and plans for a new UNESCO chair.
O! Finally, the "Opening the Cloud - 2011 ASSYST Meeting
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on Cloud Computing" was held in Paris on the 31th January, presenting the state-of-the-art in Cloud Q! Computing and discussing the technical and social challenges that Cloud Computing is facing, as well as the directions of research in a near future and possible contributions from the Complex Systems community to this developments. All this and much more you will be able to find in the February issue of the ASSYST/CSS Newsletter.
-- The ASSYST Team
Political Similarity Map in Presidential Elections
Report on the Rochebrune Meeting Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les systèmes complexes naturels et artificiels by Jorge Louçã
ike it use to happen since 20 years ago, in January, the "Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les systèmes complexes naturels et artificiels" at Rochebrune, in the French Alps, was one of the most inspiring annual meetings organized by the complex systems science French community. The 2011 edition, titled "Echelles et modélisations multi-niveaux", was organized by Denise Pumain (Universitè Paris I) and Marie-Noelle Comin (Institut des Systèmes Complexes - Paris). In the beautiful mountain environment of Rochebrune, 29 presentations inspired long discussions concerning different alternatives for multi-level modeling, including the use of scales, how to define and analyze levels, how to include multi-levels in a coherent model, always supported A book, to be edited by the "Les Editions Chemins de by case studies and examples from geography, Traverse", is being prepared, including the papers from the economics, linguistics, biology, and meeting. A preliminary version of texts is available at the communication networks. website. Also, presentations of the Rochebrune meeting will soon be available at the ASSYST Digital Library (in French). Stay attentive! Website:
ASSYST - Science of Complex Systems Roadmap Workshop Paris, January 28, 2011
actions (CA) and the Roadmap Workpackage. Jeff Johnson presented the articulation between ASSYST and CSS and David Chavalarias did also a short presentation of the Roadmap website (
The CSS/ASSYST Roadmap has been instrumental in the definition of several EU FP calls and is a major tool of the complex systems community.
It was reminded that the roadmap operations had a significant impacts on EU FP7 Calls (e.g. FET Call "Socially Intelligent ICT", 2008) and on national funding agencies (e.g. the ANR Call "SysCom" in France and the reference to complex systems research in the framework programme of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
SSYST and ISC-PIF organized a roadmap brainstorm meeting in Paris the past january 28th. This meeting aimed at forstering synergies between the CSS/ASSYST Roadmap and the ISC-PIF Roadmap. The day was dedicated to small group working sessions with the aim to update the CSS and ISC-PIF roadmaps.
As for the ISC-PIF Roadmap, it is a reference for all the calls of the DIM "Crosscutting issues of Complex Systemss", with a current call 2011 running until march 2011.
The workshop produced a set of documents and ideas that will be reflected online in the 2020 vision of the complex systems community.
Twelve participants attended the workshop. The workshop Website: began with a presentation of the ASSYST coordination
Report on the "Workshop on the ASSYST UNESCO Chair Unitwin Project"
he Workshop on the ASSYST UNESCO Chair Unitwin Project, held in Paris on the 29th of January, discussed the benefits of the program and was presented by Carla Tamarasco, Jonás Carmona and Andrés Véjar. This UNESCO program serves as a prime means of building the capacities of higher education and research institutions through the exchange of knowledge and sharing, in a spirit of international solidarity which fits perfectly into CSS's agenda.
Furthermore it focuses on connecting North and South institutions (as well as South and South institutions) promoting co-operation and scientific/educational collaboration. The team concerned by the UNESCO Chair Unitwin Project is working hard to meet the 30th of April deadline for this program. For more information on the Unitwin/Unesco chairs program see
Re-energizing the CSS web portal
SS has recently taken steps to revitalize its web portal, by placing fully dedicated resources to reorganize its content and structure. is a key element of CSS strategy as it intends to be a comprehensive federation of active research group and educational institutions sites, as well as an informative gateway to current developments in complexity sciences. Among the changes will be the CSS logo, which will be decided by a competition among our community. So put your designer hats on because the winner gets 500 Euros in cash! Stay tuned to developments... Information:
Opening the Cloud - 2011 ASSYST Meeting on Cloud Computing Report on the Opening the Cloud Workshop, Paris January 31, 2011
gaining maturity on a daily basis. It was discussed on its technical, corporate, social and scientific aspects.
he first ASSYST Workshop on Cloud Computing for Complex Systems Science and Socially Intelligent ICT, titled "Opening the Cloud" ( ) took place at the Institut des Systèmes Complexes, Paris on January 31st. The Cloud Computing new field is
The session was opened by Jorge Louçã (ASSYST) who welcomed the participants, Jeffrey Johnson (ASSYST) who presented the importance of this new field to the community of Complexity Sciences, and Rui Esteves (Doctoral Programme in Complexity Sciences) who presented an overview of the main challenges of Open Cloud Computing. Andrea Rivetti from TOP-IX, Cal Loomis from CNRS, Catherine Gater from e-ScienceTalk, Cécile Germain from the Université Paris-Sud, Kemal Delic, Romain Reuillon from ISC Paris, and Sancho Oliveira from the Lisbon University Institute covered a wide spectrum of the Cloud Computing recent research domain. The workshop was completed by an open discussion with the participation of Yasmin Merali and David Hales. The presentations will soon be available at the ASSYST Digital Library. Website:
ECAL 111 – Back to the Origins of Alife Artificial Life is an interdisciplinary undertaking that investigates the fundamental properties of living systems through the simulation and synthesis of biological entities and processes. It also attempts to design and build systems that display properties of organisms, or societies of organisms, out of abiotic or virtual parts. ECAL, the European Conference on Artificial Life, is a biennial event that alternates with the US-based Alife conference series.
interdisciplinary community of biologists, computer scientists, physicists, and mathematicians. It will invite them to reflect on how traditional boundaries between disciplines have become blurred, and to revisit in depth what constitutes “life”. website:
A new body of disciplines Over the past two decades, biological knowledge has grown at an unprecedented rate, giving rise to new disciplines such as systems biology — testimony of the striking progress of modeling and quantitative methods across the field. During the same period, highly speculative ideas have matured, and entire conferences and journals are now devoted to them. Synthesizing artificial cells, simulating large-scale biological networks, storing and making intelligent use of an exponentially growing amount of data (e.g., microarrays), exploiting biological substrates for computation and control, and deploying bio-inspired engineering are all cutting-edge topics today.
Life itself ECAL 2011 will leverage the remarkable development of biological modeling and extend the topics of Artificial Life to the fundamental properties of living organisms: their multiscale pattern-forming morphodynamics, their autopoiesis, robustness, capacity to self-repair, cognitive capacities, and co-adaptation at all levels, including ecological ones. ECAL 2011 will bring together a large
Reading snippets
A Model of Chaos
Mapping Science Mapmaking has a new challenge far more involved than deicting the traits of the physical world. As revealed in a stunning new collection, the Atlas of Science, the task at hand is at once ambitious and amorphous: to map the world of scientific knowledge, the collective wisdom that humans have accumulated over time â&#x20AC;&#x201D; and continue to generate at an ever-increasing pace
It's a familiar situation: A couple goes through a bitter breakup and their mutual friends have to choose sides. Sociologists have studied this type of situation, but in recent years, some researchers have looked at ways to model it mathematically. In Technology Review:
Peer review: Trial by Twitter
Tunisian scientists rejoice at freedom
Blogs and tweets are ripping papers apart within days of publication, leaving researchers unsure how to react.
"A historic event, a real revolution," says one Tunisian In Nature: researcher. "Proud to find a Tunisia liberated, that has found its freedom of speech, and its dignity," says another. ml "Truly the revolution of all a people," adds a third. In Nature ml
How Many Nodes are Effectively Accessed in Complex Networks?
Critical Overview of Agent-Based Models for Economics We present an overview of some representative AgentBased Models in Economics. We discuss why and how agent-based models represent an important step in order to explain the dynamics and the statistical properties of financial markets beyond the Classical Theory of Economics.
The accessibility has been proposed as a measurement of the efficiency of the communication between nodes in In arXiv complex networks. The current work provides important results regarding the properties of the accessibility, The 70 Online Databases that Define Our including its relationship with the average minimal time ! to Planet visit all nodes reachable after h steps from a source, as well as the number of nodes that are visited after a finite If you want to simulate the Earth, you'll need data on the period of time. climate, health, finance, economics, traffic and lots more. Here's where to find it. In arXiv In The Physics arXiv Blog How reliable is our memory for our own
previous intentions The fallibility of eye-witness memory is well documented. But what about people's memories of their own past intentions? This is an unexplored issue in memory research with real-life implications. In Research Digest
Smarter use of scarce resources: Commission launches flagship initiative for sustainable growth Natural resources, from raw materials to food, water, air and ecosystems, are fundamental to the functioning of our economy and our quality of life. But global strains on them are increasing. Building a more resource-efficient Europe is therefore crucial to the EU!s economic and ecological security. In
Conferences and workshops WiVS 2011 1st International Workshop WiVS 2011: Flexible Workflows in Distributed Systems Kiel, Germany 8 Mar 2011 to 11 Mar 2011 SIMUTools 2011 4th International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques Barcelona, Spain 21 Mar 2011 to 25 Mar 2011 IMCIC 2011 The 2nd International MultiConference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics Orlando, Florida USA 27 Mar 2011 to 30 Mar 2011
IEEE ALIFE 2011 The 2011 IEEE Symposium on Artificial Life Paris, France 11 Apr 2011 to 11 Apr 2011
ECMS2011 25th EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation Krakow, Poland 7 Jun 2011 to 10 Jun 2011
NetSciCom2011 3rd International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks Shanghai, China 15 Apr 2011 to 15 Apr 2011
ISIE2011 6th International Conference on Industrial Ecology Berkeley, California, USA 7 Jun 2011 to 10 Jun 2011
WSS 2011 The 4th International Symposium on Web Services Hammamet, Tunisia 20 Apr 2011 to 21 Apr 2011
SKIN2011 Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks: Workshop University of Koblenz-Landau, Koblenz, Germany 31 Mar 2011 to 1 Apr 2011 ADS11 Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium Boston Marriott Long Wharf Hotel; Boston, MA, USA 4 Apr 2011 to 9 Apr 2011
AAMAS 2011 The Tenth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Taipei, Taiwan 2 May 2011 to 5 May 2011 ATES2011 2nd International Workshop on Agent Technologies for Energy Systems Taipei, Taiwan 2 May 2011 to 2 May 2011
AISB11 Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour Convention University of York, UK 4 Apr 2011 to 7 Apr 2011
AMPLE2011 1st International Workshop on Agentbased Modeling for Policy Engineering Colocated with AAMAS2011, Taipei, Taiwan 2 May 2011 to 6 May 2011
ISAmI 2011 2nd International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications Salamanca, Spain 6 Apr 2011 to 8 Apr 2011
MABS11 12th International Workshop on MultiAgent-Based Simulation Colocated with AAMAS 2011, Taipei, Tawian 2 May 2011 to 6 May 2011
PAAMS11 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Salamanca, Spain 6 Apr 2011 to 8 Apr 2011
FET11 The European Future Technologies Conference and Exhibition 2011 Budapest, Hungary 4 May 2011 to 6 May 2011
ICANN2011 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks Espoo, Finland 14 Jun 2011 to 17 Jun 2011 CCSS2011 International Workshop on Coping with Crises in Complex SocioEconomic Systems - 2011 ETH Zurich, Switzerland 20 Jun 2011 to 25 Jun 2011 ESHIA-WEHIA2011 The 16th Annual Workshop on Economic Heterogeneous Interacting Agents Ancona, Italy 23 Jun 2011 to 25 Jun 2011 SiCoSSys 2011 Simulation of Complex Social Systems (SiCoSSys 2011) Colocated with SCSC11 The Hague, Netherlands 27 Jun 2011 to 30 Jun 2011 ECoMASS-2011 5th Workshop on Evolutionary Computation and Multi-Agent Systems and Simulation Workshop (ECoMASS-2011) Dublin, Ireland 12 Jul 2011 to 13 Jul 2011 CLIMA XII 12th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems Barcelona, Spain 17 Jul 2011 to 18 Jul 2011
NIDISC2011 14th International Workshop on Nature Inspired Distributed Computing Anchorage (Alaska) USA 16 May 2011 to 20 May 2011
Game Theory and Society 2011 Game Theory and Society - Models of Social Interaction in Sociological Research ETH Zurich, Switzerland 27 Jul 2011 to 30 Jul 2011 ECAL11 European Conference on Artificial Life - 20th Anniversary Edition - Back to the Origins of Alife Paris, France 8 Aug 2011 to 12 Aug 2011
WIIAT2011 The 2011 IEEE / WIC / ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology Campus Scientifique de la Doua, Lyon, France 22 Aug 2011 to 27 Aug 2011 SPSD2011 International Community on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Kanazawa, Japan
29 Aug 2011 to 31 Aug 2011 ECCS11 European Conference on Complex Systems 2011 Vienna, Austria 12 Sep 2011 to 16 Sep 2011 ANT2011 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies Ontario, Canada 19 Sep 2011 to 21 Sep 2011
Teaching/Research Assistant Professeur / Chercheur : Informatique et applications de l!Informatique aux sciences humaines et sociales Département de Mathématiques et d!Informatique appliquées aux Sciences de l!Homme (actuellement 6 MCF et 2 Pr) de l!Institut des Sciences Humaines Appliquées (ISHA) France – April 30, 2011
677879):)60$#%.);%&)$/,)70#,.0,)%;)0%=-(,>) 78@$,=@)'.")7%0#'((?)#.$,((#4,.$)#09) Web: RSS: Twitter: FriendFeed: Email: Feedback:
<%.$&#12$%&@)$%)$/#@),"#$#%.R) Jane Bromley, David Chavalarias, Rui Esteves, Jeff Johnson, Jorge Louçã, David MS Rodrigues, Manuel Tânger,
7$%&?)@21=#@@#%.)42#",(#.,@R)) If you are a Complex System researcher/practitioner and want to share a success story about your work / research please submit it to
The ASSYST project acknowledges the financial support of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the ICT theme of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission.
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The story should approximately 500 words (if you want to submit an extended story please contact us) and should be sent in TXT, ODT, RTF or DOC file formats.