stewart design portfolio // 2012 professional work + continuing projects
MIO culture
sustainable. beautiful. affordable. // these three words drive the mission behind this green company; the goal at MIO is to fulfill aesthetic desires and change one’s mind. green design is something many can afford and a process for solving problems. roles // taken on as a design intern on a team of 3, my position covered several areas. pr // starting post-icff 2011, i contacted magazines and potential clients about our products and work. design intern // re-designing the showroom was a priority for featuring our new products. module maker // neiman marcus was our largest client. during the summer months we prepared for the holiday visual displaysstarting with a concept, to sketches, model making, prototyping and finally shipping out all of our work to individual stores! i n d u st r i a l de s ig n in t e r n s h ip / / m ay 2011-januar y 2012 p h i l a d e l phia, pa
a fresh space for a fresh collection // with a new drop ceiling collection, new styles of the paperforms collection and new color options, my priority was to liven the showroom up. features // paperforms ‘flow’ and ‘ripple’, nomad partition, & foldscapes double-wall cardboard drop ceiling tiles.
MIO culture
phase I // nomad is one of the most popular MIO products; this double-wall cardboard module can be taken anywhere- it’s nomadic. the temporary partition is limitless with style options- build as high or wide; doorways, corners and even play castles can be made!
before // a simple and plain green pattern welcomes visitors into the showroom. after // inspired by the new collection colors and summer trends, a fun chevron pattern draws on-lookers into the showroom. opposite page // with the creation of a Google SketchUp file, the design came from sketches into a computer rendering and perfected. an “ideas for inspiration” catalogue is available for view at: nomad_flipbook_ideas m i o sh owro o m / / ph a s e I p h i l a de l p h ia , pa
Nomad System Ideas for Inspiration + 1 - 4 Boxes.............................................pgs. 03 - 08 + 6 - 8 Boxes.............................................pgs. 09 - 20 + 11 - 25 Boxes.........................................pgs. 21 - 24
Dark Grey
Grass Green
Navy Blue
Nomad is a modular a rchitectural system made f rom recycled, double-wall c ardboard that c an be assembled into free-standing, sculptural screens, t emporary partitions, rooms or even displays without h ardware, tools or damage to existing structures. Check out some inspirational ideas and concepts we have created for making your Nomad look its best.
MIO Company, LLC. 446 North 12th Street Philadelphia, PA 19123 [P] 215.925.9359 [E] [W]
MIO culture m i o sh owro o m / / fin a l ph a s e s p h i l a de l p h ia , pa
an element of sur pr ise wa s t h e t h e m e for thi s past holiday seaso n at n ei m an mar cus
MIO culture
surprise // ser ies of cr isp, w h i t e dr awer s open up to six di f fe r e n t pantone color s on the insi d e , s i m i l a r ly matched to the trend colo r s o f t h e season. series // each store receive d a r a n d o m assor tment of sizes. six d i f fe r e n t s i ze opti ons al l fi t w i thi n one a n oth er.
r et a i l de s ig n // n e ima n ma rc u s n a t i on w i de / / h o liday dis play
Configuration 2 12 Boxes Total X-Small - 5 Small - 3 Medium - 3 Large - 1
ab ove / / o n e of the sever alConfiguration configur ation options presented 2 12 Boxes Total to t h e n ei m a n ma rc u s v is u a l t e a m. when pr oduction w as fi n a l i ze d , a n a ccompanying video X-Smallwas - 5 sent out on how to Small bui l d a n d c o n st r u c t s a fe dis play s . - 3displ ay video i s availabl e Medium - 3 o n M I O’s v i m eo s it e . Large - 1
BARNEYS co - op
w hen i began at bar n e y s n ew y o r k as visual associate , the c o m p a ny was in the process of r e fi n i n g t h e i r fun, lively displays into s o m e t h i n g mor e tai l or ed and sophi sti cated . the style at bar n e ys co - o p ke e p s si gnage and gr aphi cs at a m i n i m al . window display s // com p any directives guided me th r o u g h t h e focus desi gner or tr end focu s for the week. signage // vinyl signage i s constantly updated on a d a i ly basis for new designer s , i m p a c t s and w i ndow di splays. st yling // fresh looks an d w ay s to wear pieces helped d r i ve busi ness. merchandising // consta n t ly rear r anging the floor layo u t w a s necessar y to make roo m fo r o u r weekly shipment of new mer chandise . v i su a l d i splay wo r k / / a u g u s t 2011-januar y 2012 p h i l a de l p h ia , pa
parisian duo // when you walk into our co-op, the first thing you see is our accessories. the trends for fall ready-to-wear were jewel tones, different hem lines, and rich textiles. the collection from Êtoile looks best when paired with marant’s partner jerome dreyfuss.
alexander wang // the biggest company buy for our division is alexander wang. this wall is the highlight of our accessories. wall modularity allows for constant remerchandising.
BARNEYS co - op
l o c a l m a r ke ti ng / / our neighbor ing four seasons offered our store a glass v i t r i n e t o s h ow case our best holiday looks. selected pieces could be ordered by h o t e l g u est s. my re s po n s ibilit ie s in c luded styl i ng looks and cr eati ng signage . below / / ca r ve n d re s s a n d s h o e wit h wa ng bag; phi l l i p l i m dr ess and shoe w i th w ang b ag
v i su a l d i splay wo r k // a u g u s t 20 11-januar y 2012 p h i l a de l p h ia , pa
m e n swea r / / as cur rent selling super visor for the men’s floor, i have a newfo u n d p a s s i o n fo r m e n ’s s t yling and creating a cohesive environment for our gentlemen to sh o p i n : t h e l ayo u t of th e f lo o r in c o r po r a t e s al l levels of style i nto the pr ocess compl ete w i th sh oes an d a c c e s s o r ie s . b elow // accessor ies depar tment and styl i ng f r om r ag & b on e .
apparel concept // maxime
Display coordinator s design and handcr aft ever ything, specific to ever y store . This approach to design creates a unique br anded aesthetic for each store and an outlet for creative and inspired individuals. This summer I was a visual display inter n at the Greenwich, CT location. I wor ked on 2 window displays and mul tipl e inter i or appar el and home displays, signage , gener al display, and merchandising. Visual displays star ted with inspir ation from an idea, either stemming from an ar tist, per son, or var ious objects. Then the planning and pr ototyping stages began and wer e wor ked all the w ay to assembly. Each installation i s unique , and val uabl e to encour age and engage customer s to continue to r etur n to our stor e .
v i su a l d e s ig n in t e r n s h ip // s u mmer semester 2010 m edi a / / h a n d s ke t c h in g , h a n dcr afting
far left // vignette is tr ansfor med with the design & constr uction of a book arch; hanging metals and coins add depth right // arch in constr uction
above // archway sketch right // completed design
I nspi r ed by 1950’s f ash i on i sta, Maxime de La F alai se , t h i s sp ace feel s wel l tr aveled, layer ed, and i s a cr ossr oad s between l adylike and et h n i c b oh em i an . I nsi ght i s found in Afr i can ar ti st, E l Anatsui’s wor k of disca r d e d e ve r y d ay mater i als tr ansfor med in to tap estr i es.
summer windows // war p & weft
v i su a l d e s ig n in t e r n s h ip / / s u mm er semester 2010 m edi a / / h a n d s ke t c h in g , h a n dcr afting
above // successful hanging and lit baskets below // process basket sketches
Windows filled with woven and wooden str uctures of reeds and seagr ass compliment the lightness of summer appar el. Inspir ation stems from Andy Goldswor thy scul ptur es. Pops of pink color add per sonality to the neutr al col or pal ette .