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Tenancy Details

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The Building

Overview of Tenant

Early Communicators - Speech Pathology

We specialize in Speech Pathology and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) service, focusing on Early Stage Denver Model (ESDM) in North Melbourne, Victoria. Our goal is to help young people aged 7 and under and their families communicate better. We use evidence-based, family-oriented, and relationship-driven therapy, with a focus on ESDM, which improves overall communication skills through play-based learning. We offer personalized parent training with high feedback and communication and create customized programs for each young person or family. Our team includes a Certified Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) therapist, a Certified Practicing Speech Pathologist, two Allied Health Assistants, a Speech Pathologist, and a Child Educator.


Owner Occupy or Develop

The current tenant is leasing the first floor on a monthly basis. This will allow flexibility for buyers to either occupy immediately or provide a short-term income to assist during a development planning stage.

The property consists of rear parking for multiple vehicles, bathrooms and kitchenettes across both floors, and two access points off Queensberry Street.

Refer to floor plan on Page 26.

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