1101-1107 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill

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Box Hill is Victoria’s fastest growing metropolitan activity centre outside the CBD,

Median house price $1.62M *REIV October 2020

Over the past decade, Box Hill has seen the addition of more than 2,790 apartments, five new hotels, high rise offices, and population growth from 16,480 in 2006 to more than 23,600 in 2019.

World Class Education Facilities such as Box Hill Institute which has 3 campuses located within the Box Hill Activity Centre and in excess of 40,000 students

Vicinity Centres Reveals Billion-Dollar Box Hill Precinct Plans Vicinity Centres (Vicinity) has unveiled proposed plans to revitalise the heart of Box Hill’s CBD, to create a bustling new town square and mixeduse precinct with new residential, commercial and retail developments, representing a very significant private investment into Box Hill. One of Victoria’s largest private urban regeneration projects, the vision is to transform 5.5 hectares in the centre of Box Hill into a world class mixed-use and retail precinct for more than 6,000 workers and 3,800 residents by 2030. With a landholding in the centre of Box Hill larger than three CBD blocks Vicinity’s vision includes: • one of the most significant public spaces to be created in suburban Melbourne to date, opening up Box Hill’s town centre with a Spanish Steps- inspired amphitheatre, town square and a new extension of Main Street – for hosting events, entertainment, art and music • the creation of new walkways and roads connecting the precinct’s residential, commercial, transport, retail and hospitality offerings to Whitehorse Road


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consolidation of the majority of Box Hill Central’s retail between Main Street and Carrington Road, capitalising on the iconic Asian fresh food market and dining experiences, and leveraging the centre’s location at one of Melbourne’s busiest rail and bus transport hubs a new mixed-use precinct on the land fronting Whitehorse Road with up to 250,000 square metres of new buildings, including: new residences; office accommodation; a hotel; and contemporary retail – all taking advantage of the transport interchange.

The proposed regeneration plans will be delivered in stages aligned to market demand with the first three Development Applications including: • 3,350 square metres of new public space featuring a town square, amphitheatre, extension of Main Street and extension of Prospect Street to link with Clisby Court and Whitehorse Road • a 25-level, 42,000 square metre commercial office building in the heart of the town centre, next to Box Hill train station • a 48-level, 43,000 square metre residential building with 366 apartments, 7,000 square metres of office space and retail on the ground level trading onto a revitalised Main Street.

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