BAND branding with mental health service users

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Branding | Creative process driven by service users The process


BanD | sun/moon/smIley | Hope & WellBeInG

ey | Hope &


BanD | sun

BAND’s attendees hard at work discussing the brand and working on solutions.


Building a New Direction

icipants happiness part tiveness and esses the posi this logo expr BanD. with expresses the experience moon/smiley sun/ et tly off-s . time the sligh organisation at the same acter of the and hope char does aspirational childlike and might be too es and on themselv a smiley face dy is doing ybo to actually use BanD | Hope & WellBeInG ever k not|e:sun/moon/smIley wor the hard not reflect fully r. for each othe

Building a New Direction

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

A safe place to explore and grow

A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction

thirD sess




Band Band Band Band Band Band

Corporate Identity Guidelines logos The colours Mono and sub


with the

Mono logos when space and white logo the Only use the black logo or when small for a colour available is too background. on a coloured logo has to appear ck.eps


Logo file: BAND_

Transparent logo

Building a New Direction



Logo file: BAND_

A safe place to explore and grow



violet c36 m100 y00 k00 orange c00 m55


y100 k00

BAND violet c27 m75 y00 k00 BAND orange c00 m47 y85


75% Recover y Services

y100 k00

green c15 m00 y100 k35 yellow c00 m10

The typeface

BAND blue c82 m00 y09 k04 rency value:




BanD | spIral/HelIx | movInG ForWarD anD FeelInG saFe

BAND green c13 m00 y90 k31

Houschka light

tuvw abcdefghijklmnopqrs w NOpQRSTUV ABCDEFgHIjkLM 1234567890 Houschka medium

x tuvw nopqrs abcdefghijklm w NOPqRsTUV ABCDEFGHIjkLM 1234567890 Houschka bold

nopqrstuvw abcdefghijklm w ijkLMNOPqRSTUv

AbCdEfgh Building a New Direction 1234567890

A safe place to explore and grow

BAND yellow c00 m07 y75

in special cases large posters or



Only for Houschka heavy

nopqrstuvw abcdefghijklm klmnopqrstuvw abcdefghij 1234567890

Please note: Blue type in the tag line is BAND blue colour. Blue type in literatur e has the blue values of c96 m00 y11 k5

Houschka light

I believe there are many steps to be taken to posi health and only tive mental the can instigate this individual chan The minimum size the logo with a tag line can moo d within their corege in appear is XXmm as shown below. the BAND being. and designers For external printers italic

e is corporate typefac


l, the font ng in-house materia For staff produci ‘Houshka’. used in place of ‘Arial’ can be The minimum size the mono logo can appear is lity usual body type would be of 16.5pt For readabi XXmm as shown below. 14pt with a leading medium italic Houschka Light,

tuvw abcdefghijklmnopqrs pqrstuvw lmno abcdefghijk 1234567890 Houschka

loborper sim ex euis am, sent veraessim verat. ut ver inibh Ro et in el utatet quisi bla am, esenim velis nim eum velit volore conse consed nsed tem zzrilit lute deliqui blamco et, consequat loborpe rostrud h euguerci bla landre magnib rilisi. dolorpe feuismo loreet t volutat nonulpu Etummod dunt velent aliscil accum amet, vullaore te feugiatet, conulpu iril ute dolore diam quam quis quipsum numsan t, volorer aliqui dolut lam dolupta mod dolutetum nonum alit eugiat del dolobore incipsu stisisit core diat ullaoreet, dolesto consed im incilisl er incipsu delesse consen

tuvw abcdefghijklmnopqrs opqrstuvw abcdefghijklmn 1234567890 italic Houschka bold

nopqrstuvw abcdefghijklm opqrstuvw abcdefghijklmn 1234567890

augait estrud dignim Consequi tat augue atem doloreetum molut ad magnibh ese mconse feugait ad zzrilisl eniam aliqua dre tin eum illa zzrillan henit in min ut lor sum venim ndre con faccummy nonse y nonse summy numm loreros ad molor augiam, consed tisi rer lortis dio commodolo rci eummodo erostrud tin volore uisi blaor onseq i praest t accum dui blame ortis nonse vel duipit dolob odit la augait at aute quatio dion henism commy nonse rer si. feuguerosto odolo olo m irit, vulla comm ing dolore ue Uptat ui tatet wisit at rperos endre mincid augue con vullut in velis eummolorem

Met lum vero commo sim nullaor tionsec lobor tet, volorero et utpatum accum quis el dio con vulput nisl dionulla autate consequatem qui blaorper ip et velenia mcorpe r sequisc iliquism od euis am velit augait nisci etum veniat, quis alisi blam irilit la ametum inci eliquis autpat. Ectem eu facillaor suscidu nt alis del dolutetum ipis nonsenibh esed

Building a New Direction

Building a New Direction

Molore corpera esed modolor sim dolor susto odo dolenim

iurem iril dolor aliquipit adit ea consenibh et lorer sectem ipisit ut ing eugiamet ad dolorercilla conse faccummy nostin eui bla feuisi er inisi ea feuis nummy nis ad eugait nonulla autpat. Magnim non esecte min ute dignibh eu feugait prat. Duis eu feuis do conseq uat lorperci bla feu feu faccum zzril dolummodo eu facincipit augiam , se vulla faci blaoreet veliquam , venibh et, siscilisim dionseq uam adionulla facilis alisl ip ea conullam num et wis et, voloree t wiscipit lam velissent iril incipsum nulputat, volor si eseniam et dolenim iusto dolorem zzrilit volorem iriusci blandiat.

eliquatue feu feugait, velendipit accum et enismo d dolorer iurerci te do commy nit, ver si enibh endrer sim ad Ullan elent ipsum dolorpercip erat, sit vel delent utpat. Eumsandre dolorem ipsumsan el et nim velit nulputet essit lore dipisim zzrilla feuis dolobor autatem vent alissequamet volenit

vullam zzrilit, vel enit nos nit lobor summy nostrud te magna aliquipit praestrud magnim dio Onulput ver sectem con ut am ing elenim dolor ad do consed dio odolent wis at, vulla feum il ut utat lute dit verit prat nosto dionsed magna commodo dolum venisci tet dolor at iliquat, quat niam zzriustinit utem nonsequis nosto erciduip it lumsandit aliqui tet do diamet.

Adit praestie commo dipit augait ulluptat ut laorper atismod oluptat duismod er at. Ed ex enit in volore magnibh eugait nullam num in

alit delisi.

Client feedback: “We are getting may positive comments about our new logo from people outside BAND. Everyone says that it is a happy, bright and contemporary logo that makes them smile.” – Rita Liddell, Chief Officer

A safe place to explore and grow

A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction

BanD | reFlectIon |

A safe place to explore and grow


the the spiral – ussion about out of a disc e time. idea that grew this was an out at the sam going in and shadow” movement of the of coming “out to be about on went on the discussi reflection. rayed by the dle part of which is port that the mid not be the result is which might ts with “Ba” star D pop group, Ban as BanD not|e:reFlectIon ous swedish inds of a fam the logo rem e. desirabl

A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction

BanD | neW DIrectIon | ForWarD anD upWarD

Order out of ch aos!

on et lam iuscidu nt ullamcommy Usci tio od ex eugiamconse eu facipisl elestio conse do conulpu te dip esequam duisi eugiamet eugait lamcom mod tem iustie dipsusto od eugiam illuptat.

Building a New Direction

BanD | reF

Final artwork for the logo, branding guidelines and a mock-up for a corporate brochure

1988 stisim nonsenim veliquis nullut nibh ex elis et, si bla feugue velit aut duis exeriure m dignit loreetu mmoleni ssequam , sit, suscipisit, si. Aliquis dunt dion verit alisi. Atet pratio dolore conseniatie exero ex et lum doloreet la atincipit

Building a New Direction

A safe place to explore and grow

Interpretation of the results and visualisation of logo solutions

My nim ilit inciduis ese commodo 07 Lorper accum alit lortis 09 Accum iureet ipis nibh etum dolor sim irit 12 Ax erosto odipit nullandre 18 Mod esequis sequis aliqua 23 My nim ilit inciduis ese commodo 25 Lorper accum alit lortis 27 Accum iureet ipis nibh etum dolor sim irit 32 Ax erosto odipit nulland re 33 Mod esequis sequis aliqua

Recovery to me mea striking a balance ns taking the appr between opri medication, mee ate ting like minded people, having a healthy diet and taking regular exercise .

The minimum size the logo can appear is XXmm as shown below.

In every instance the logo should have the indicated with “x” of free space surrounding it, as shown on the left.

The following colours are used for the mono and the eclipse logos shapes.

colours and transpa

COLOUR blue c96 m00 y1 1


In the spirit of the organisation they asked us to work with BAND attendees to create a new identity. We did this by developing and leading a series of workshops.


FeelInG saF

shap n discussing workshop, whe spiral. During the first e of a liked the imag and moving participants d (friendly) “a safe that it is roun is l spira a the aspect of aspect of h relates to the curious e time, whic ” at the sam ”. “in” and “out ore and grow expl to h place from whic

Two half-day design workshops

, veliquat erci do con heniam dunt la feugait blam, sim zzriusci et vero deliqua nulputat wissect ming esequat mcorerat. Ostrud do eu facil ip erit amet praesto i essit minim adignisc exerostrud te ming eliquatue vel iusto consed dolore velissi.

WarD anD movInG For

A safe place to explore and grow


Logo exclusion zone and minimum size Exclusion zone is the free space around the logo.

Building a New Direction

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

es for logos,

BAND is a voluntary mental health organisation supporting people in Bolton who live with mental health problems to reach their full potential as defined by themselves.


t. veliquat vulputa dunt lam niam eu facilisse euguero consed Iquatum sandip Del illaoreril incip ut nullaore feu feuiscidunt in consequam, senis delit am nulla dipisi. iure venisi et wis facipsustis aut nisl diametuer c ipsuscip euis amcore ex euguer ese lutat. ilit ilit inciduis Henisi. Pit ut utpat am, commy nim modoles accum alit lortis Accum digna atetue ad tisim commodo lorper e enit nibh etum dolor sendreet wissect accum iureet ipis vullutpat. Ci et odipit nullandre zzril eros niam sim irit ex erosto d dit ad mod aliquamet utet ate vullam velestru mod esequis sequis Ut lamet lore ero erat amet, magna feugiat. volore delit delit nonum utetum aut sl duis vel dit, sim consectem zzriliqui nos augue . aliquamcommy eummy nos nullum ut niamconsenim vulla consequat lan esequat. San utem vendit volore vulput prat. voluptat. Duisl ing et venit tem e dignit, im tat amcons Quis nulla facincin Unt la aliquisi alit praessed et, el dit ullum dolore ver summy nis volorti sismod quatin henisi henis ad duisim sit augiamet am, velissim numsan d esenim il utat. tatie duipit la commo nulpute feu feuguer tat. Vullaore duis vendionsent ad alisi euisi. dolorpe ratumsa nisit adionse corem Rat. Et augait tatet vel utat ndipiscilla conulpu t utpat. lore te volessim blandre doloree Usci wis ad tat. Ommo euisi bla commy wisl erat, quis Con verostrud del ent laoreet commodo nullum nim nibh nos nostis alis nis nonsenim esto m luptat, conulla acilisl etum eugiamet utet lendigna faciduis iurerostrud dolobore faccum

A safe place


al/HelIx |

BanD | spIr

Size & Extent

w Direction BuildintogexplAore Ne and grow

Engagement and


Band Band Band Band Band Band

it all began w Doe HoJane

appear sub logos do not The mono and them tagline beneath

Building a New Direction

BanD | spIral/HelIx | movInG ForWarD anD FeelInG saFe

Who are we? FoNts What are we about? NoN-seriF BAND BAND BAND BAND BAND BAND

Building a New Direction

A safe place to explore and grow

“Alisis esed endit atie del utat aliquat lorem iusto consequi euissi. minim veliquat, quis accummy”

The result

A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction

First sessioN

To identify the experience of BAND and the values it represents, we devised a number of exercises for workshop participants which helped them to highlight the organisation’s key characteristics. The next step was to explore how various design elements (shapes, colours, transparencies, typography) could be used to express a range of design solutions. The result of this exercise was to collectively identify several different design routes.

Building a New Direction


ith mental For people w in Bolton to health needs ful lives as lead meaning em. defined by th



BanD | neW DIrectIon | ForWarD anD upWarD

3 The results of this collaborative work were taken to BAND’s management team, who together with FST, narrowed the possibilities down to one solution which we then refined to produce a printable version of the logo as well as design ideas for BAND’s stationery and collaterals.

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

Building a New Direction A safe place to explore and grow

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