Weight Loss Cover-Up EXPOSED!

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GENERAL ......................................................................................................................... 3 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ................................................................................................... 3 DISCLAIMER..................................................................................................................... 3 COPYRIGHT ...................................................................................................................... 3 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 4 FOOD PYRAMID = PYRAMID OF FOOD? ................................................................ 9 COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES… ............................................................................ 12 TIPS FOR HEALTHIER EATING ......................................................................................... 15 …FRUITS AND VEGETABLES… .............................................................................. 18 FOOD-BORNE PATHOGENS .............................................................................................. 20 PESTICIDES .................................................................................................................... 21 ALLERGIC REACTIONS ................................................................................................... 22 GENETICALLY MODIFIED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ....................................................... 22 IRRADIATED GREENS ...................................................................................................... 23 TIPS FOR HEALTHIER EATING ......................................................................................... 24 …DAIRY PRODUCTS… .............................................................................................. 24 MILK PROCESSING KILLS BACTERIA AND…US ............................................................... 25 IMMUNE SYSTEM DYSFUNCTION.................................................................................... 27 DIABETES ....................................................................................................................... 28 CANCER ......................................................................................................................... 29 CROHN’S DISEASE ......................................................................................................... 30 RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS ............................................................................................... 30 TUBERCULOSIS .............................................................................................................. 30 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS .................................................................................................... 30 OBESITY......................................................................................................................... 31 MILK CONTAMINATION ................................................................................................. 31 …MEAT, POULTRY, EGGS, FISH, DRY BEANS, NUTS… ................................... 33 ANIMAL PRODUCTS ....................................................................................................... 33 BEANS AND NUTS .......................................................................................................... 35 HEALTH HAZARDS OF MEAT AND POULTRY .................................................................. 36 SOY - THE SPECIAL CASE ............................................................................................... 40 GM NUTS AND BEANS ................................................................................................... 48 ADDITIONAL NOTE ON SOY ............................................................................................ 49 TIPS FOR HEALTHIER EATING ......................................................................................... 50 …FATS AND SWEETS… ............................................................................................. 52 FATS .............................................................................................................................. 52 TIPS FOR HEALTHIER EATING ......................................................................................... 73 SUGAR ........................................................................................................................... 75 …AND BEYOND ............................................................................................................ 84 BEVERAGES ................................................................................................................... 84 1 of 240

FOOD LABELING EXPLAINED ........................................................................................ 101 DECEIVING FAT-FREE PRODUCTS ................................................................................. 103 HERBS AND SPICES ...................................................................................................... 104

RADIANT HEALTH FROM IRRADIATED FOOD? .................... 109 FOOD ADDITIVES ...................................................................................................... 115 ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS ............................................................................................. 115 OTHER HARMFUL ADDITIVES ....................................................................................... 121 MPC- A SPECIAL CASE................................................................................................ 127 THE CASE OF GM FOOD ......................................................................................... 128 ALLERGENICITY ........................................................................................................... 131 SOIL TOXICITY ............................................................................................................. 131 FOOD-CHAIN TOXICITY ............................................................................................... 132 INDUSTRY CONNECTIONS............................................................................................. 137 TIPS FOR HEALTHIER EATING ...................................................................................... 140 HARD FACTS ABOUT DIETING AIDS................................................................... 141 SUPPLEMENTS THAT KILL............................................................................................ 141 OVER-THE-COUNTER DIET PILLS & WEIGHT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS .............................. 146 DRUGS THAT KILL ....................................................................................................... 151 SAFE SUPPLEMENTS ..................................................................................................... 155 SUPPLEMENTS WITH UNCERTAIN EFFECTS ................................................................... 163 ONE, PERFECT MEAL REPLACEMENT ........................................................................... 165 DO EXERCISES REALLY WORK? ......................................................................... 167 SURPRISING FACTS ABOUT EXERCISING ........................................................................ 167 EXERCISE FOR IDIOTS ................................................................................................... 168 EXTRA TIPS .................................................................................................................. 171 34 FAT BURNING SECRETS .................................................................................... 173 30 ADDITIONAL TIPS FOR LOSING WEIGHT.................................................... 177 AMERICA’S HOTTEST UNDERGROUND DIET.................................................. 178 FORGOTTEN CURE ................................................................................................... 179 LIST OF GENETICALLY MODIFIED (GM) AND GM-FREE GROCERY PRODUCTS................................................................................................................... 181 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................................................................... 227

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GENERAL How to use this book Text on red background contains particularly important warnings Other warnings, lists of symptoms and side effects, FDA‘s official positions and actions, and any quotations considered by me to be outrageous, ridiculous, shocking or untrue are marked in red. Text on yellow background contains important quotations Boldface is used to emphasize parts of a sentence which seem especially noteworthy Text on green background contains health and weight loss tips Some chapters contain Tips for Healthier Eating, so those of you who don't have time to read the entire book will get the high points. For additional weight loss tips check out ―34 Fat Burning Secrets‖ at the end of the book.


All information provided in this book, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment, nor all health-related issues. The information provided in this book is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. You should not use the information in this book as a means of diagnosing a health problem or disease, or as a means of determining treatment. You should also not use the information as a substitute for professional medical advice when deciding on any healthrelated regimen, including diet or exercise. You should always consult a your own licensed health care provider for these purposes, or for any specific, individual medical advice.


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No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means-graphic, electronic, or mechanical- without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

© 2003-2005 Astrid Lasco, Alex Knap, WebSight Group, www.Well-Informed-Sources.com All Rights Reserved

Weight Loss Cover-Up EXPOSED! Dieting Secrets The Government Doesn’t Want You to Know By Astrid Lasco B.Sc., M.Sc.

INTRODUCTION In the past few decades, we have been told by the nutritionists to eat more carbohydrates and less fat. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has designed the "food pyramid" that recommends a diet that is low in pork, fish and poultry, and high in pasta, bread and cereals. Following the government's advice, fat consumption has gone down by 17.5%, but at the same time the calories available in the food we consume have gone up, from 3,100 calories per capita per day in the 1960s to 3,700 in the 1990s, according to the USDA. Currently more than one in two American adults could be classified as overweight and more than one in four-as obese. Introduction of new fat-free products and food additives has, paradoxically, made the obesity problem worse. What‘s even more disturbing is that literally thousands of people get seriously ill every year from eating diet food. Approximately 3,000 different chemicals as food preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, and artificial dyes are added to our food, and with only one paramount purpose -to extend its shelf life. Some of them are neutral or even beneficial to our health, like natural vitamins and minerals added to juices, but many are simply toxic. They contribute to and cause cancer, allergies, depression, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, birth defects, chronic fatigue, obesity and countless other diseases and illnesses labeled by today medicine as incurable or difficult to treat. Interestingly enough, the same 4 of 240

companies that produce toxic chemicals that poison us also produce prescription drugs and an astounding variety of over-the-counter painkillers to ease the pain or alleviate the symptoms of illnesses the very same chemicals trigger. The American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires careful evaluation of all chemical substances intended for human intake-should it be a new diet pill or an artificial color in a lollipop-before their release to the public. These studies are intended to determine their potency and any adverse reactions. In reality, however, the chemicals found in our foodstuff and drugs undergo little or no testing for chronic, low level exposures and for chronic health effects. Majority of tests used by companies to verify safety of a specific chemical are conducted on animals. The idea that a test or operation done on an animal will show results that are directly translatable to humans is plainly ridiculous. Due to irreconcilable anatomical, physiological and psychological differences between animals and human beings, the results of animal tests cannot be applied to humans with any degree of confidence. This can be evidently illustrated in many ways; here are just a few: 

‗It is accepted that animal tests are successful in identifying cancer-causing agents in only 37% of cases. This means, in effect, that the results of the tests are more times wrong than right and are significantly statistically worse than tossing a coin. Usually, the animals on which new drugs are tested are relatively healthy before the experiment. It means that disease and/or trauma has to be induced by violent and artificial means. This bears no relation whatsoever, to the spontaneous ways in which humans develop illness, often through a faulty lifestyle and diet. For example, consider the case of osteoarthritis, a human degenerative disease resulting in grotesque and painful deformities of the joints. How do researchers attempt to mimic human lameness in dogs, cats, sheep and pigs? Joints are beaten with hammer blows, injected with irritating liquids, subjected to ionizing radiation and/or dislocated. It is obvious that the resulting fractures, hemorrhages, thromboses, contusions and inflammation bear no relation to human osteoarthritis, which is a local manifestation of a generalized illness of the collagen. Drugs tested on such artificially diseased non-human animals cannot possibly yield results relevant to a spontaneous, naturally occurring human disease‘. [1] Two grams of scopolamine kill a human being, but dogs and cats can stand hundred times higher dosages. A single Aminata phalloides mushroom can wipe out a whole human family, but it‘s healthy for the rabbit, one of the favourite laboratory animals. Chloramphenicol damages the blood-producing bone marrow in humans, but in no other animal. A porcupine can eat one lump without discomfort as much opium as a human addict smokes in two weeks, and wash it down with as much prussic acid to poison a regiment of soldiers. Arsenic kills humans but is harmless to sheep, guinea pigs, chickens and monkeys. Morphine, which calms and anaesthetizes man, causes maniacal excitement in cats and mice. On the other hand our sweet almond can kill foxes, our common parsley is poisonous to parrots, and our revered penicillin strikes another favourite laboratory animal dead – the guinea pig. Digitalis that is used to lower blood pressure in 5 of 240

humans dangerously raises the blood pressure of dogs. Many common laboratory animals such as dogs, cats, rats, hamsters and mice, do not require dietary intake of vitamin C. This is because their bodies produce it of their own accord. However, if you deprive humans, guinea pigs and some primates of dietary vitamin C they will die of scurvy. [2][3] These examples clearly show that there is no true correlation between different species, at least in terms of reactions to various chemical substances.

If such evaluation methods are so inaccurate and uncertain why then do pharmaceutical or chemical (which are often one and the same) companies rely on them for testing the products? The answer is simple. If chemicals were tested properly using true scientific methods, such as in vitro cultures of human cells and properly carried out human clinical trials, the vast majority of them would not be approved for marketing because their harmfulness and ineffectiveness would be all too apparent. As a result the tainted and often completely fabricated trial results are submitted to the FDA where they are analyzed by a team of experts, and without much hesitation approved for sale. Basically, most of the FDA‘s tests are just a pure formality since more than half of the experts hired to advise the FDA on the safety and effectiveness of medication have proven financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies. The experts are supposed to be independent, but USA TODAY found that 54% of the time, they have a direct financial interest in the drug or topic they are asked to evaluate. These conflicts include helping a pharmaceutical company develop a medicine, then serving on an FDA advisory committee that judges the drug. [4] The implications of such dishonest practices to the American public are enormous. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association [5] conventional medicine kills approximately 250,000 Americans per year. That includes 106,000 (about 300 per day) deaths from negative side effects of properly prescribed and properly administrated drugs. No one knows exactly how many people become seriously ill or die from FDA-approved toxic substances in our food, clothing, furniture, bedding, paper, food storage containers, building materials, pillow feathers, pillow covers, inks, mattresses, cosmetics, carbonless paper, fragrances, tampons and thousands of other every-day products we use. We are literally submerged in toxins-we breath them, eat them, drink them and wear them, and they slowly accumulate in our bodies. When we get sick from them, our illness is routinely misdiagnosed by our medical doctor and we spend many thousands of dollars on useless operations, hospitals and more drugs to fight our new malady. This way we, the patients, are the main propeller of the vicious circle of constant demand and endless supply, from which the pharmaceutical companies derive colossal profit. "The thing that bugs me is that people think the Food and Drug Administration is protecting them -- it isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day." --Dr. Herbert L. Ley, former Commissioner of the FDA

The FDA's history is one of ineffectiveness, deception, corruption and the continuous striving for more power. Did you know that: 6 of 240

The FDA prohibits Americans from access to thousands of safe-and effective drugs and nutrients that are not FDAapproved, and that the FDA uses illegal, unconstitutional, brute force tactics to destroy those who dare to challenge its authority? [6] The AMA/FDA have succeeded in making it illegal for any licensed MD to treat cancer with any therapy other than chemo, radiation, or surgery. Thus, any treatment that addresses the source of the cancer (or any other disease) is quickly ruled illegal by the FDA (except for in California)? [7] The FDA wants effectively to ban any health-care organization from providing doctors or patients with information about specific drugs without first getting the agency's approval? The FDA's wants to be able to fine Internet pharmacies $500,000 every time they dispense a drug without a prescription authorized by the agency? [8]

Even if your open-minded doctor knew about the benefits of alternative medicine he wouldn‘t risk his career and prescribe for you an herbal or a nutritional supplement (other than prenatal vitamins or calcium) or anything but drugs and surgery. ―Mainstream‖ doctors are taught that there are hundreds of medications specifically designed to ease the symptoms of your disease and that the symptoms are the disease. Unfortunately for us all almost every medical treatment available in the USA treats only the symptoms and rarely addresses the cause of the problem (with the exception of antibiotic treatments). Hans Ruesch, the author of a book Naked Empress - the Great Medical Fraud accurately explains the origin of tragic ignorance and overwhelming paralysis of the medical world: ―With most of the world's major drug companies under its control the Rockefeller organization, since the early part of this century, has been the largest single private source of funding for medical science and education in the western world. The aim of this lavish funding for our education is to produce a curriculum designed to indoctrinate students with beliefs favorable to the profits of the pharmaceutical-chemical industry. Only colleges and medical facilities that predicate the massive consumption of chemical drugs, "safety-tested" on animals, as the secret to health, are recipients of drug company largesse. Likewise, drug companies through ownership and advertising revenue exercise a dictatorial influence over the mass media as they do also upon party politicians through 'donations'. Meanwhile, doctors who heal by inexpensive natural means, thereby threatening pharmaceutical profits, are decried as quacks, driven out of the country or into jail.‖ [9] Perhaps the most revealing point, however, is that the founder of the Rockefeller dynasty, John D Rockefeller, lived in excellent health to the age of 98 as did his son John D. Jr., who died aged 86. What was their secret to a long healthy life? Both attributed this to a frugal diet of natural food, the advice of a homeopathic doctor only, and the complete avoidance of synthetic drugs! [10]

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In the light of the above facts contemplating employing more natural healing methods of achieving good health or at least partially avoiding allopathic medicine seems to be only prudent. Don‘t get me wrong; this book‘s aim is to show you ―the light in a tunnel‖, not to entirely divert you from western medicine. After all, it is indispensable when it comes to treating non-viral and parasitic infections, benign growths, some cancers, and vitamin/ mineral deficiency state. It is also proficient at repairing structural damage or defects, and of keeping people alive during medical emergencies. However, it fails completely at treating hundreds of seemingly easily curable diseases such as obesity. Not only all developed up-to-date anti-obesity drugs disappoint due to their side effects (as it was in an infamous case of the lethal fen-phen), but also their overall effectiveness as drugs designed to lower and then maintain the weight at a satisfactory level and without prolonged usage is questionable. In the course of this book I will explain why people who lose weight via dieting and diet drugs often end up weighing a good deal more than people of similar initial weight who never diet, and why being fat, in and of itself, is not necessarily bad for you. I will show you how just a couple of ridiculously simple tricks can make you not only lose weight but get rid of hundreds of ailments, you thought of as incurable or difficult to treat. I will give you details on number of FDA-approved toxic substances in our food and drink to be avoided and reveal which weight loss aids are truly effective and which are just hype. For some of you who lead a sedentary life I‘ll even have a one, exceptional, diet aid that will make you lose weight without lifting a finger. Lets start with taking a closer look at the one of the fundamentals of weight management-the fundamentally flawed Food Pyramid.

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FOOD PYRAMID = PYRAMID OF FOOD? If the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food Pyramid- the monument to good nutrition promoted by government and private health agencies- was revised, it would significantly reduce the number of people dying from heart attacks, strokes and other diseases. The Pyramid, as depicted below, advises people to build their whole diet on a foundation of pasta, grains and cereals. In fact, the broad base of the pyramid is made entirely of carbohydrates. Fats and sweets occupy the narrow peak. It means that carbohydrates are good and fats are bad. Fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy products are in between.

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The reality, however, is more complicated than this. The Pyramid ignores differences between fats, some of which have good effects on blood cholesterol, and some should be entirely eliminated from a diet. It doesn’t differentiate between good and bad proteins and carbs and it encourages too many servings of carbohydrates. "At best, the USDA pyramid offers wishy-washy, scientifically unfounded advice on an absolutely vital topic — what we eat. At worst, the misinformation it offers contributes to obesity, poor health and unnecessary early deaths. In either case, it stands as a missed opportunity to improve the health of millions of people", says Harvard professor Walter Willett, a top national nutrition researcher, and author of a new book, Eat, Drink and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating. He says the Pyramid puts too much emphasis on red meat and lumps too many different types of carbohydrates together. He says it doesn't give enough emphasis to nuts, beans and healthy oils, which have positive health effects. So, he has created his own alternative, the Healthy Eating Pyramid, which has daily exercise and weight control at the base, recommends eating whole grains at most meals, and puts emphasis on consuming plant oils like olive, canola and soy. It also suggests eating lots of vegetables and gives fish, poultry and eggs a higher profile than red meat.

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His Harvard team carried out a long-term study assessing the diets of more than 100,000 men and women in the United States. Men and women whose diet most closely followed the new guidelines lowered their risk of cardiovascular disease by 39% and 28% respectively. The researchers found that men whose diet followed the guidelines lowered their overall risk of major chronic disease by 20% and women lowered their overall risk by 11%. Using the old U.S. pyramid, the researchers found the overall risk reduction was 11% for men and 3% for women. "The Food Pyramid is tremendously flawed. It says all fats are bad; all complex carbohydrates are good; all protein sources offer the same nutrition; and dairy should be eaten in high amounts. None of this is accurate." Walter Willett, chairman of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health and author of a book, Eat, Drink and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating

But, what if the Harvard diet is not accurate either? A formal study of the low-carb, high-fat Atkins diet, conducted by Dr. Eric Westman of Duke University, was presented last November at the annual scientific meeting of the American Heart Association (AHA). In research 120 overweight volunteers have been ‗randomly assigned to the Atkins diet or the heart association's Step 1 diet, a widely used low-fat approach. On the Atkins diet, people limited their carbs to less than 20 grams a day, and 60 percent of their calories came from fat. After six months, the people on the Atkins diet had lost 31 pounds, compared with 20 pounds on the AHA diet, and more people stuck with the Atkins regimen. Total cholesterol fell slightly in both groups. However, those on the Atkins diet had an 11 percent increase in HDL, the good cholesterol, and a 49 percent drop in triglycerides. On the AHA diet, HDL was unchanged, and triglycerides dropped 22 percent. High triglycerides may raise the risk of heart disease.‘ [11] To prove a point, one may find similarly encouraging study results on any given diet even though popular diet plans and weight management programs have diet routines contradictory one to the other (so should be the results). The weight loss plans range from the draconian (only grapefruit) to the lavish (all the red meat, cheese and butter you can eat), the products from the believable (stair-stepping machines) to the frivolous (cellulite creams). With more than 25% of Americans attempting to lose weight at any given time, and spending more than $33 billion yearly on weight-reduction products our nation is the most vigorously dieting one in the world, and the most obese. And while some will succeed in taking the weight off, very few--perhaps 5 percent--will manage to keep all of it off in the long run. 190 people out of 200 do not meet their first goal in the weight reduction programs. Of the 10 that do, nine regain the weight lost and only one of the 200 maintains the weight lost. This proved that diets don't work. The diet industry countered that all 200 had lost weight, 10 reached the first goal and, therefore, diets do work – it is people that don‘t.

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One reason for the low success rate is that many people look for quick and easy solutions to their weight problems. They find it hard to believe in this age of scientific innovations and medical miracles that an effortless weight-loss method doesn't exist. And it doesn‘t. Any claims that you can lose weight effortlessly, by pharmacological means are false. There‘s no magic pill capable of burning, blocking, absorbing, or flushing fat from the system, no magic lotion, potion, patch, or device to shed unwanted pounds. The weight loss programs also have their own drawbacks; they are time consuming, as they often require designing your own menu based on the diet plan principles and frequently mix the diet with exercise- a combination simply unacceptable by many sedentary people. So, really, what does work and what doesn‘t? If I told you the old cliché that a balanced, healthy diet and sensible, regular exercise are the keys to maintaining your ideal weight this book wouldn‘t be worth anything to you. You‘ve heard it a thousand times already. Although this cliché is true there is much more to it than simply stating that eating healthy is healthy. For example:  Soy, promoted as a wonder food and a necessary element of every healthy diet is in fact toxic, especially to the children.  Milk- a ―healthy‖ component of the daily regime, allegedly preventing the bone loss acts the other way around-it hastens the bone loss, and it can cause diabetes and asthma.  Heavily advertised as healthy, zero-calories, sugar substitutes such as aspartame are simply poisonous. They also make you fat!  Veggies and fruits - the nourishing part of the most of rational diets can, in some instances, induce severe illnesses and diseases. Read on for more scientifically proven, shocking examples, supported by quotations from referenced sources by leading experts in the field. In following parts of the book I will also focus on the newest discoveries in the area of diet and nutrition, discoveries that will shake your faith in nutritional medicine to its foundations. Let me then start right from the basis of the USDA Food Pyramid.

COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES… Carbohydrates come in two basic forms: complex and simple. Simple carbohydrates are sugars such as glucose, fructose, lactose, and sucrose. As they make the very top of the Food Pyramid we will deal with them later. For now, you 12 of 240

just need to know that some simple sugars can be easily identified, such as honey, corn syrup, and maple syrup. But others are tougher to find, especially in frozen dinners, white breads, cereal, and yogurt. Excluding fruits and vegetables, most simple carbohydrates do not have much nutritional value. Complex carbohydrates are long chains of glucose molecules. They are usually comprised of starches, which are the products of carbohydrate storage in plants. The major sources of complex carbohydrates are bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and cereals, all making the bottom of the Food Pyramid. 'Cereals' does not mean 'breakfast cereals', because the latter are processed foods, which contain as much as 60% pure white sugar!!! There are two groups of complex carbs: high fiber and low fiber. Fiber is an important component of many complex carbohydrates. It is almost always found only in plants, particularly vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and legumes (beans and peas). (One exception is chitosan, a dietary fiber made from shellfish skeletons.) Fiber cannot be digested but passes through the intestines, drawing water with it and is eliminated as part of feces content. The following are specific advantages from high-fiber diets (up to 55 grams a day): 



Studies suggest that diets rich in fiber from whole grains reduce the risk for type 2 diabetes. Sources include dark breads, brown rice, and bran. Insoluble fiber (found in wheat bran, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and fruit and vegetable peels) may help achieve weight loss. Soluble fiber (found in dried beans, oat bran, barley, apples, citrus fruits, and potatoes) has important benefits for the heart, particularly for achieving healthy cholesterol levels and possibly benefiting blood pressure as well. Simply adding breakfast cereal to a diet appears to reduce cholesterol levels. People who increase their levels of soluble fiber should also increase water and fluid intake.

While it is true that fiber is an important part of your diet, even necessary to protect you from some diseases, carbohydrates themselves are not necessary. There are "essential" fatty acids and "essential" amino acids (from protein), however there are no known essential carbs. "In the presence of dietary carbohydrate, the preferred fuel is glucose and the capacity to mobilize fat is limited. Factors that increase blood glucose during dieting may stimulate insulin release and all the metabolic sequelae of circulating insulin. Fatty acid synthesis is activated and lipolysis is profoundly inhibited by insulin even at very low concentrations of the hormone." [12] [Note: Fatty acid synthesis is the creation of body fat. Lipolysis is the burning of body fat.]

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If you really must eat complex carbs consider choosing high fiber sources from the table below, which, when combined with low glycemic index foods discussed later, provides a winning combination for healthy meals. SOURCES OF FIBRE with fibre content per 100 g of food

Cereal Products Bran Wholemeal Bread Wholemeal Flour Wholegrain Rice White Rice White Bread

Dried Vegetables 40g 13g 9g 5g 1g 1g

Dried Beans Split peas Lentils Chickpeas

Oily dried fruit 25g 23g 12g 2g

Green Vegetables Cooked peas Parsley Cooked spinach Lamb‘s lettuce Artichokes Leeks

Desiccated coconut Dried figs Almonds Raisins Dates Peanuts

24g 18g 14g 7g 9g 8g

Fresh Fruit 12g 9g 7g 5g 4g 4g

Cabbage Radishes Mushrooms Carrots Lettuce

4g 3g 2.5g 2g 2g

Raspberries Pears with skin Apples with skin Peaches

8g 3g 3g 2g

The digestion of complex carbohydrates begins in the mouth where salivary glands secret the enzyme called amylase, which breaks down starch to maltose. Carbohydrates typically pass through the stomach unchanged and are further broken down in the duodenum of the small intestine where amylase is secreted from the pancreas. The final product- glucose- is then absorbed by the intestine and released into the blood stream. In response to the absorbed sugar in the blood, our pancreas secretes insulin. The insulin then transports glucose into muscle cells and the liver for later use as an energy fuel. Certain carbohydrates raise the blood sugar level more than others, even in nondiabetics. A measure of how much a given carbohydrate can elevate the blood sugar level is called the glycemic index (GI). Trivializing, GI is a measure of carbs‘ ―potency‖ to affect the weight of an individual. The higher the GI of the carb you eat the more weight you put on. Generally, simple carbohydrates (sugars) have a higher glycemic index than complex carbohydrates (starches) since they quickly break down in the intestine, causing the blood sugar level to rise rapidly. Starches, in turn, are digested and absorbed slowly, resulting in lower sugar and insulin levels. However, there are some complex carbohydrates that have a higher glycemic index than some of the simple carbohydrates. For example, baked potatoes have a glycemic index considerably higher than that of table sugar. When your blood glucose levels are low, you get hungry. That is nature's way of telling you to eat for survival. When you eat a high glycemic carb, you get a quick rush of glucose and insulin. This in turn promotes fat storage (remember, insulin serves to store nutrients for later) and then a drop in blood glucose levels, making you feel tired and hungry again soon afterwards. This is what is commonly referred to as a sugar rush. 14 of 240

Eating low GI carbs will allow for a slow, steady release of insulin into the blood stream, which will let your body to avoid spikes in insulin and glucose. Eating low GI carbs every 2-3 hours will keep your blood glucose levels stable, help control your hunger, and limits storing carbs as body fat to a minimum. On the other hand, eating foods with a high glycemic index may have a number of harmful effects. These may include lower levels of the good (HDL) cholesterol, higher triglycerides (fat) levels, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, arteriosclerosis, heart disease, increased appetite, and weight gain. Click HERE to view a list of the glycemic index of 750 different foods.

Adding fiber to any meal slows the absorption of sugar, hence lowers the glycemic index of the meal and makes you slimmer in the long run.

Tips for healthier eating 

Avoid eating large amounts of potatoes. Not only do they have extremely high glycemic index but, when consumed as French fries, they are carcinogenic. Specifically, they contain disturbingly high levels of acrylamide, a known carcinogen. While 8 oz of water contain 0.12 micrograms of this chemical (EPA limit), the amount of acrylamide in a large order of fast-food French fries is at least 300 times more. McDonald‘s French Fries, large, 6.2 oz. Contain 82 micrograms, and Burger King French Fries, large, 5.7 oz.-59 mcg, One-ounce portions of Pringles potato crisps contained about 25 micrograms, with cornbased Fritos and Tostitos containing half that amount or less. Regular and Honey Nut Cheerios contained 6 or 7 micrograms of the carcinogenic substance. To read more on this story go to http://www.sciencenews.org/20021214/food.asp Replace white flour products with unprocessed whole grains such as coarse whole wheat, oatmeal, grits, whole rye, crude corn meal, brown rice, and wild rice. Alternative grains or grain-like foods include amaranth, teff, quinoa, spelt, kamut, and buckwheat, available in health food stores. Remember that commercially produced grains, such as barley, oat, rice, wheat and corn (including popcorn and corn starch) are currently undergoing genetic manipulation experiments in laboratories and some have already gone into the field trial stage. As a result, the wind-borne pollen from genetically modified crops may already have contaminated the nearby fields and entered the human food chain. Wild rice, rye, buckwheat are GMO free. Furthermore, oats, wheat and wheat flour have been approved by the FDA to undergo irradiation equivalent to 150 million chest x-rays before they hit the shelves. Do you think it‘s healthy? Whenever you can, purchase a whole-grain food processor and grind your own flour from fresh grain kernels such "farm-fresh". Whole grains offer the following benefits, as contrasted to the whole grain products available in a supermarket: 15 of 240

1) They are free of toxicity; most whole grains are rancid by the time you purchase them. 2) They are richer in vitamins and minerals than commercial pre-ground whole grains. 3) They are easier to digest and far less likely to provoke allergic reactions. 4) They taste better. 

Read labels. A bread product is of no nutritional value if it contains bleached flour, sugar, fructose, glucose or any unrecognizable chemicals. If you want to avoid any food products containing bleached flour you should know that it can be listed on food labels in various forms, including flour, white flour, wheat flour, bread crumbs, wheat starch, malt, and maltodextrin. Don‘t mix white flour products with bran to get higher fiber content in a meal. Although bran contains plenty of fiber, consumption of white, bleached flour should be avoided at any cost.

White flour is inedible, because it is devoid of nutrients. Its fiber is stripped away and its vitamins and minerals are destroyed by refining and bleaching (using Chlorine). These processes destroy approximately 70% of flour’s vitamin content and as much as 90% of its mineral content. Nearly 30 nutrients are depleted and/or destroyed during the refining of crude whole wheat kernels into white flour. To make it “healthier” the synthetic vitamins such as thiamine (vitamine B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and pyridoxine (B6) are added back to the flour. However, the bulk of these vitamins are extracted from coal tar, which means that the vitamins may be carcinogenic and totally unusable by the body. All commercial white flour is fortified with iron as iron sulfate, a chemical form little different from iron filings. When ingested over a prolonged period, inorganic iron may cause liver damage and may also increase the risk for heart disease and cancer. Removing fiber from flour causes bowel disorders, particularly colitis, diverticulitis, and constipation. [13]

Take the White Flour Overload Test [13] to reveal your exposure to it and modify your daily menu accordingly. Assign 1 point to each type of food you eat: Do you consume on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

crackers pretzels loaf bread hot dog and/or hamburger buns corn bread and/or Hush Puppies rolls Twinkies, Zingers, Cup Cakes, Little Debs and similar dessert cakes doughnuts cookies chow mein noodles canned soups creamed vegetables 16 of 240

13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

breaded chicken breaded seafood bread dressing gravies pizza egg rolls croutons pasta-style TV dinners spaghetti lasagna macaroni and cheese canned macaroni dishes (Spaghettis, ravioli, etc.) French toast waffles pancakes crepes ice cream pies, cakes, or sandwiches ice cream cones or drumsticks cakes (commercial or home-made) pot pies burritos/tortillas bagels creamed soups commercial cereals (cold) commercial hot cereals containing wheat (Malt-o-Meal, Cream of Wheat, etc.) malted milk and/or Ovaltine muffins, including bran muffins Pop-Tarts broth soups with noodles chunky soups graham crackers saltines dumplings croissants tea or fruit cakes breaded tenderloins fruit pies sweet rolls, including cinnamon rolls candy bars containing cookies or wafers pudding batter breads (date-nut, pumpkin, banana, etc.) flat or unleavened breads (pita, matzo, etc.)

Your Score ____

1 to 12 points Mild white flour overload 13 to 23 points Moderate white flour overload 24 to 34 points Extensive white flour overload 35 and more Massive white flour overload At all levels of overload it is advisable to reduce white flour intake. Foods containing white flour are poor food choices. Ideally, bleached white flour should never be consumed.

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‌FRUITS AND VEGETABLES‌ Fruits and vegetables play a critical role in diet. Apart from offering vibrant colors, juicy crunch and tasty flavors they deliver large quantities of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. In addition they are low in fat and sodium. The nutrients found in fruits and vegetables play a role in the normal everyday functioning of your body and may help lower the risk of some cancers, coronary heart disease, and other health conditions. Fruits and veggies also provide carbohydrates and dietary fiber. If you are on weight-loss diet remember to choose the ones with low-glycemic index. The following table should help you with the decision: Name of food and corresponding number of grams of available carbohydrate (carbohydrate minus dietary fiber) in 100 grams of the portion of the food. Any fruit or vegetable with fewer than 5 grams of available carbohydrate in a 100 gram portion is essentially free of any impact on your blood sugar Alfalfa seeds, sprouted






Peppers, Serrano


Asparagus, cooked


Peppers, jalapeno


Beans, green, cooked


Peppers, sweet green


Beet greens, cooked


Peppers, sweet red


Broccoli, cooked




Cabbage, cooked




Cauliflower, cooked




Celeriac, cooked






Scallions (green onions)


Chard, Swiss, cooked


Spinach, cooked


Collards, cooked




Squash, zucchini, cooked


Eggplant, cooked








Fennel, bulb


Tomato juice


Jicama, raw


Turnips, cooked


Kale, cooked


Turnip greens, cooked


Squash, summer, cooked

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Lettuce, butterhead




Lettuce, cos or romaine


Lettuce, iceberg


FRUIT: Avocados Raspberries

2.39 4.77

Mustard greens, cooked




Mushrooms (except shitake)



Nopales, cooked


NUTS: Macadamia Nuts Pecans

Okra, cooked



Hundreds of books, like the excellent Food-Your Miracle Medicine by Jean Carper, have been written over the years on the advantages of eating fruits and vegetables. Their new health benefits are discovered almost daily. Let me mention just a few of the latest findings, from the period 2002/2003 alone, not yet published in any mass-market book: 

Black raspberries appear to be a potentially powerful agent in fight against colon cancer. Rats that were injected with a cancer-causing agent and then fed a berryrich diet had 80 percent fewer malignant tumors compared to rats that had no berries in their diet. The researchers also compared the antioxidant activity of black raspberries to that of blueberries and strawberries, two fruits with suspected chemo-preventive effects. Black raspberries prevailed in the comparison by as much as 40 percent. Source: Ohio State University

Cooking tomatoes -- such as in spaghetti sauce -- makes the fruit heart-healthier and boosts its cancer-fighting ability. All this, despite a loss of vitamin C during the cooking process. The reason: cooking substantially raises the levels of beneficial compounds called phytochemicals, naturally occurring substances that act as natural defense systems in plants. Source: Cornell University

Using gene chip technology, researchers have identified the blueprint of genes and enzymes in the body that enable sulforaphane, a compound found in broccoli and other vegetables, to prevent cancer and remove toxins from cells. Source: Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School Of Public Health

Researchers have developed a new compound, designed from a known anticancer agent found in broccoli, that shows promise as a breast cancer preventive. Source: American Chemical Society

Two new animal studies by researchers at the University of South Florida Center for Aging and Brain Repair and James A. Haley Veterans Hospital bolster a

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growing body of evidence that spinach, spirulina and apple-rich diets may protect the brain against the ravages of age. Source: University Of South Florida Health Sciences Center 

Writing in the medical journal, The Lancet, scientists from Cornell University and Seoul National University offer a more precise explanation for vitamin C's anticancer activity. And they suggest that a natural chemical from apples works even better than vitamin C. Source: Cornell University News Service

Mouse experiments suggest that folic acid could play an essential role in protecting the brain against the ravages of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and juices, whole wheat bread and dry beans are good sources of folic acid. Source: NIH/National Institute On Aging

A diet combining a handful of known cholesterol-lowering plant components cut bad cholesterol by close to 30 per cent. The reduction is similar to that achieved by some drug treatments for high cholesterol, suggesting a possible drug-free alternative for combating the condition. Scientists have known for many years that, individually, soy proteins, nuts, viscous fibers such as those found in oats and barley, and plant sterols (a substance found in vegetable oils and also in leafy green and non-starch vegetables) have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels by approximately four to seven per cent. However, the study found that mixing these components together in a "combination diet" reduced levels of LDL cholesterol - the so-called "bad" cholesterol believed to clog coronary arteries - by a dramatic 29 per cent. Source: University Of Toronto

Unfortunately, even the healthiest of foods such as fruits and vegetables can, in some instances, be unhealthy.

Food-borne pathogens As the American Phytopathological Society reported on January 27, 2003, human pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, shigellosis, hepatitis A, and Norwalk producing symptoms that run from the mild to life-threatening, and usually linked with consumption of beef and poultry, now are being increasingly associated with consumption of raw or minimally processed fruits and vegetables. Identifying the exact point along the way, from field to grocery store, where a strawberry or head of lettuce, for example, might have become contaminated can be difficult, if not impossible. Unlike other 20 of 240

commodities such as beef and chicken, which are rigorously inspected, methods to detect pathogens on fresh produce are less advanced and the sporadic nature of most contamination further limits the effectiveness of testing.

Pesticides Even more significant health hazard is posed by pesticides (insecticides, herbicides and fungicides), used extensively in agriculture to kill insects, weeds, fungi, and rodents. Ninety-four percent of North American commercial food now contains pesticides. In 1987, the EPA warned that pesticide residue in foods is one of the three most serious health hazards -- right after work place exposure to toxic chemicals and indoor radon. At the same time, they approved at least 300 pesticides for use on food items, even though sixty were classified as potential human carcinogens. In 1992, about 1 billion pounds of pesticides were used in American agriculture, and at least Ÿ of the ones used were solely for cosmetic purposes since consumers are reluctant to buy blemished produce. [14] Pesticides cause increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections. Often people exposed to pesticides complain of flu-like symptoms. There is not a single organ in the body, which is not affected by pesticides. They affect the neurological, immune, hematopoetic, gastrointestinal, reproductive, cardiovascular and endocrinological systems. They affect the skin. They are also often carcinogenic and immunosuppressive, making you more susceptible to infections and allergies. Even though FDA studies show that pesticide residues can be found in only 35% of fruits and vegetables tested, and almost all the foods tested for pesticide residues were within legal limits, at least 50% of the pesticides they allow cannot be detected by ordinary FDA methods. The pesticide residue amounts were frequently well above the levels the Environmental Protection Agency says are safe for young children. According to the Consumers Union report, even one serving of some fruits and vegetables can exceed safe daily limits for a child. The FDA operates on the assumption that the average American eats no more than ½ pound of fruits per year, when they actually eat more than twenty-six pounds over what was consumed a decade ago. 85% of non-leafy produce has a wax coating sealing in pesticides. Apples have over 100 pesticides approved for use. In addition, they are waxed. This wax contains fungicides, sealing all of this in the fruit. Systemic pesticides are more dangerous as they permeate the entire product from the inside out. Affected most are bananas because the EPA permits the use of the systemic pesticide "aldicarb," a powerful nerve poison. This is also used on potatoes. Potatoes that are baked in the skin have 1/3 more pesticides than those peeled and boiled. Amaranth seed has at least 22% residue in domestic seed and 27% on imported seed. The Consumers Union group's analysis of 27 foods cited 7 fruits and vegetables -- apples, grapes, green beans, peaches, pears, spinach and winter squash -- as having toxicity at hundreds of times the levels of other foods analyzed. Foods with the lowest toxicity were apple juice, broccoli, canned peaches, milk, orange juice and canned or frozen peas and corn. Domestic fresh peaches had the highest toxicity level, far above peaches imported from Chile. Canned domestic peaches had very low toxicity. Frozen domestic winter squash had a much higher

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toxicity level than fresh domestic winter squash, but fresh and frozen imported winter squash had very low levels of toxicity. [14]

Allergic Reactions Last year a new type of vegetarian product has been approved for sale in the United States. It is sold under the name ―Quorn‖. Quorn is a fungus-based meat substitute and is fermented in vats where it produces mycoprotein. It is then mixed with egg whites, flavored and shaped into foods resembling poultry and meat products. Although the fungus comes from nature, the Center for Science in the Public Interest says the company cannot claim Quorn to be "made from natural ingredients." The protein is in fact created through a fermentation process; it is an engineered food that could cause a number of allergic reactions. The company has reported 90 adverse reactions a year. [15]

Genetically modified fruits and vegetables

There has been no testing for long term health risks of GMO (genetically modified organisms) foods. Genetic engineering causes an unpredictable pattern of mutation of the genetic blueprint of life that can generate new toxins, allergens, and diseases from foods that were previously naturally safe. Most genetically engineered fruits and vegetables have not received final approval for marketing from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at this time. However, it is estimated that there are almost 300 projects under way to develop genetically engineered plants. The following table contains a list of the most popular vegetables and fruits currently on the market. Follow the color key to find out if they are still GMO free.

Fruits Apples, Apricots, Asian Pear, Banana, Blackberry, Carambola (Star Fruit), Cherimoya, Cherries, Coconuts, Cranberries, Currants, Dates, Figs, Grapefruit, Grapes, Guava, Kiwi, Kumquat, Lemon, Lime, Longan, Loquat, Lychee, Mangoes, Melon (Cantaloupe, Casaba, Crenshaw, Honeydew), Nectarines, Oranges, Papaya, Passion Fruit, Pears, Persimmons, Pineapple, Plum, Pomegranates, Quince, Raspberries, Strawberries, Tangerines, Tamarind, Watermelons

Vegetables Artichokes, Asparagus, Avocado, Bamboo Shoots, Beans (Green, Yellow, Wax, Fava, French, Lima), Beet, Bell Peppers, Bok Choy, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Carrots, Celery, Celery Roots, Chard (Swiss), Chard, Chayote, Collard, Greens, Corn, Cucumber, Daikon, Eggplant, Fennel, Garlic, Ginger Root, Jerusalem Artichoke, Jicama, Kale, Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce (Arugula, Bibb, Belgian Endive, Boston Endive, Escarole, Iceberg, Green Leaf, Radicchio, Red Leaf, Romaine), Mushrooms, Mustard, Napa Cabbage, Okra, Olives, Onions, Parsnips, Peas, Plantain, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Spinach, Shallots, Squash, Sweet Potato, Tomatillo, Tomato( Cherry Tomatoes) Turnips, Vanilla Bean, Watercress, Yam.

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Genetically engineered varieties currently being sold on the market. Genetically engineered varieties currently in field trials, or have been in field trials. Genetically engineered varieties may have entered the market, but are no longer being sold. GMO free! Genetically engineered varieties are currently not sold or in field trials. Source: Greenpeace True Food Guide

“ Many plants naturally produce a variety of compounds that are toxic to humans or alter food quality. Generally, these are present at levels, which do not cause problems. Combining plant and animal, fish, virus, and bacteria genes creates much higher levels of these toxins. Corn and potatoes engineered to produce their own toxins that kill insects now have enough toxins to have them classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as pesticides, rather than as vegetables.� Food and Drug Administration 57 Federal Register 22987, EPA Approves Bt Corn and Cotton With Conditions, The Gene Exchange, December, 1995

Irradiated greens In 1986 the FDA approved irradiating fruits and vegetables for the purpose of controlling spoilage or food poisoning organisms, controlling insect infestation, delaying ripening and inhibiting sprouting. The irradiation process bombards food with high-energy photons (ionizing radiation). As a result the food becomes loaded with so called Unique Radiolytic Products (URP), free radicals, which set off chain reactions in the body that destroy antioxidants, tear apart cell membranes, and make the body more susceptible to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, liver damage, muscular breakdown, and other serious health problems. Irradiated greens suffer vitamins and nutrients destruction; their flavor, texture and other physical properties change. Some Hawaiian papayas (Hawaii Classics brand); some fruits and vegetables from Florida, spices, herb teas and supplement ingredients like garlic are currently subject to irradiation. Fruits and vegetables irradiated up to the FDA maximum dose are already allowed to be labeled as "fresh"! Planning to use irradiation in the near future: Miami-based Bounty Fresh, an importer and national distributor of fresh fruits and vegetables; Del Monte (products "packaged in glass or plastic," probably salad mixes or cut-up fruit) For more info on health hazards and current status of irradiation policy go to a chapter on Irradiated Food. 23 of 240

Tips for healthier eating 

Under the new USDA guidelines, organic food cannot be irradiated or genetically altered. Grow your own food organically or buy organically grown foods. They may not be the cheapest ones but you body will thank you. Support farmers focusing on safe, renewable farming practices.

If you go to your supermarket and see blemished, irregularly shaped fruits and veggies chances are that they have been grown with a minimum human intervention. Buy them. Avoid perfectly looking ones.

Wash, peel or scrape all produce. Potatoes, zucchinis and other such produce may also be peeled, but with some nutritional loss. Some surface residues may be removed by washing in clean water. If you need a thorough cleaning use the simple and effective recipe for a sanitizing solution, invented by a food scientist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: get 3% hydrogen peroxide, available at any drug store, plain white or apple cider vinegar, and a pair of brand new clean sprayers like the kind you use to dampen laundry before ironing. To clean the veggies and fruits spray them well with vinegar and hydrogen peroxide- spraying sequence does not matter- and rinse them off under running water. Surprisingly, this mixture is more effective at getting rid of Salmonella, E. coli, shigellosis from your kitchen surfaces than any commercially available kitchen cleaner, chlorine including. You won't get any lingering taste of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide, and neither is toxic to you if a small amount remains on the produce.

Although the Food Guide Pyramid tells us that we should eat three to five servings of vegetables and 2-4 servings of fruits each day, it is probably better to eat a minimum of five servings a day to keep the diseases away.

All fruit and vegetables contain different phytochemicals (phytoplant), which give them their distinctive colors and flavors, and can benefit our health. Mix your colors for optimal benefits and remember that the deeper the color of a fruit or vegetable the more nutritious it is!

…DAIRY PRODUCTS… The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, a non-profit organization, is opposed to the current, widely accepted, USDA Pyramid. The committee believes that the dairy group should be entirely eliminated from The Pyramid for the following reasons:

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  

Cow’s milk and other dairy products have not been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. Recommending daily consumption of dairy products as the primary source of calcium is racially biased because a majority of people of ethnicities other than Caucasian is lactose intolerant. Strong scientific evidence links the consumption of these animal products to a number of chronic health problems, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, and allergies, whereas diets built entirely from plant foods—vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fruit—offer the most disease-fighting protection of any dietary pattern.

What the committee has failed to mention is that dairy products, particularly milk, sold in American supermarkets, are completely unsuitable for human consumption. Here is why: Cow's milk (regular and organic) has 59 active hormones, scores of allergens, fat and cholesterol. Diet of today cows is rife with pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides, and traces of heavy metals, antibiotics, hormones and even radioactive elements from nuke testing (strontium-90). Whatever a cow eats shows up in her udders, including grass, silage, straw, cereals, roots, tubers, legumes, oilseeds, oilcakes, and milk byproducts, which contain a variety of chemical additives. This is a far cry from the grass fed free roaming cattle of the old days. A lactating cow excretes these contaminants through her milk. Humans, then, process this highly toxic chemical soup, making it even more deleterious.

Milk processing kills bacteria and…us 

Pasteurization The practice of heating milk to kill germs was instituted in the 20s to combat TB, infant diarrhea, undulant fever and other diseases caused by poor animal nutrition and dirty production methods. Today pasteurization is a multi-step heating process, which heats the milk a half dozen times, to as high as 190 degrees F. Heat alters milk’s amino acids lysine and tyrosine, making the whole complex of proteins less available; it promotes rancidity of unsaturated fatty acids and destruction of vitamins. Loss of water-soluble vitamins can run as high as 80%. Pasteurization alters milk’s mineral components such as calcium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and sulphur as well as many trace minerals, making them less available. It destroys all the enzymes in milk— in fact, the test for successful pasteurization is absence of enzymes. These enzymes help the body assimilate all bodybuilding factors, including calcium. That is why those who drink pasteurized milk may suffer, nevertheless, from osteoporosis. “The myth that osteoporosis is caused by calcium deficiency was created to sell dairy products and calcium supplements. There's no truth to it. American women are among the biggest consumers of calcium in the world, and they still have one of the highest levels of osteoporosis in the 25 of 240

world. And eating even more dairy products and calcium supplements is not going to change that fact.” Dr. John McDougall, The McDougall Program for Women (2000)

Relying on milk to protect your bones could backfire in a very nasty way by thinning them even faster. A 1997 study of results from the ongoing Harvard Nurses' Health Study showed that the women who had the highest intake of calcium from dairy products actually also had the highest risk of a fracture from thinning bones. [16]. Other studies have shown that the calcium from milk and other dairy products does not have a protective effect on your bones [17][18] “Milk is heavily promoted as the best source of dietary calcium. All false propaganda. Milk is a very poor calcium source because the calcium/phosphorus ratio is important for optimal use of all bone-building minerals. Too much phosphorus will upset the balance, which could lead to progressive bone loss. The ideal ratio is 2.5 to 1. The ratio in cow's milk is only 1.3 to 1. When calcium and phosphorus reach the intestine together, they compete for absorption. The more phosphorus there is, the less calcium will enter the body. Some phosphate compounds form insoluble calcium salts in the intestine. In addition, excess phosphorus triggers the release of parathyroid hormone, which sucks calcium out of bone.” Robert Atkins, MD

Fortification After pasteurization, chemicals may be added to suppress odor and restore taste. Synthetic vitamin D2 or D3 is added — the former is toxic and has been linked to heart disease while the latter is difficult to absorb. Vitamin D3 is added to aid in calcium absorption. It has been shown in studies that even in milk fortified with vitamin D, calcium is not readily absorbed. Vitamin C has been shown to be essential in vitamin D metabolism, according to scientists at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. Vitamin C loss in pasteurization usually exceeds 50%. When processed milk is exposed to light, during storage, it looses even more vitamin C. Heavy consumption of milk, especially by small children, may result in vitamin D toxicity. Records show that dairies do not carefully regulate how much vitamin D is added to milk. A study reported in The New England Journal of Medicine, April 30, 1992, showed that of forty-two milk samples, only 12 percent were within the expected range of vitamin D content. Testing of ten infant formula samples revealed seven with more than twice the vitamin D content reported on the label; one sample had more than four times the label amount. [19]

Homogenization 26 of 240

Homogenization is another process, which forces the milk, by extreme pressure, through tiny holes, thereby breaking up the normally large butterfat globules into tiny ones, which in this denatured state, stay suspended in the milk. Unfortunately, this unnatural fat is easily absorbed into the blood stream, carrying with it the xanthine oxidase. In un-homogenized milk the xanthine oxidase and large fat molecules are normally passed through the digestive track, unabsorbed. The butterfat of commercial milk is homogenized, subjecting it to rancidity. Even worse, butterfat may be removed altogether. Skim milk is sold as a health food, but the truth is that butterfat is in milk for a reason. Without it the body cannot absorb and utilize the vitamins and minerals in the water fraction of the milk. Along with valuable trace minerals and short chain fatty acids, butterfat is America's best source of preformed vitamin A. Synthetic vitamin D, toxic to the liver, is added to replace the natural vitamin D complex in butterfat. Butterfat also contains re-arranged acids, which have strong anti-carcinogenic properties. “Homogenized cow's milk transforms healthy butterfat into microscopic spheres of fat containing xanthine oxidase (XO) which is one of the most powerful digestive enzymes there is. The spheres are small enough to pass intact right through the stomach and intestines walls without first being digested. Thus this extremely powerful protein knife, XO, floats throughout the body in the blood and lymph systems. When the XO breaks free from its fat envelope, it attacks the inner wall of whatever vessel it is in. This creates a wound. The wound triggers the arrival of patching plaster to seal off that wound. The patching plaster is cholesterol. Hardening of the arteries, heart disease, chest pain, heart attack is the result.” Artheriosclerosis, 1989; 77:251-6.

Dehydration Powdered skim milk is added to the most popular varieties of commercial milk— one-percent and two-percent milk. Commercial dehydration methods oxidize cholesterol in powdered milk, rendering it harmful to the arteries. High temperature drying also creates large quantities of nitrate compounds, which are potent carcinogens.

Immune System Dysfunction Cow's milk proteins damage the human immune system. Amino acids, the units that make up proteins, are building blocks for all living cells. When protein in our food is 27 of 240

properly broken down by the digestive system into amino acids, it does no harm to the immune system. Some food proteins, however, are absorbed into the blood fully undigested, provoking an immune response. Repeated exposure to these proteins disrupts normal immune function and may eventually lead to disease. Cow's milk contains many proteins that are poorly digested and harmful to the immune system. Removing dairy from the diet has been shown to shrink enlarged tonsils and adenoids, indicating relief for the immune system. Doctors experimenting with dairy-free diets often report a marked reduction in colds, flues, sinusitis, and ear infections. Dairy is a mucous producer and a burden on the respiratory, digestive, and immune systems. Poorly digested bovine antigens (substances that provoke an immune reaction) like casein become allergens in allergic individuals. Frank A. Oski, M.D., author of Don't Drink Your Milk (Teach Services, 1992) and chief of pediatrics at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, cites evidence that at least 50% of all children in the United States are allergic to cow's milk. Dairy products are the leading cause of food allergy, often revealed by diarrhea, constipation, and fatigue. Many cases of asthma and sinus infections are reported to be relieved and even eliminated by cutting out dairy. The exclusion of dairy, however, must be complete to see any benefit. The main allergen in milk is the protein casein. If you are allergic to this protein, it doesn't matter whether the casein came from polluted, organic, raw or pasteurized milk, chocolate, sour cream, ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, whipped cream, any kind of cheese, or butter. Allergic reactions here are dosage independent, whether a thimble full or a bucket full is ingested, the reaction will be the same. This allergy causes chronic headache and joint pain. [20]

Diabetes Consumption of cow's milk has been associated with insulin-dependent diabetes. The milk protein bovine serum albumin (BSA) somehow leads to an auto-immune reaction aimed at the pancreas and ultimately to impairment of the pancreas's ability to produce insulin. According to a 1992 report in The New England Journal of Medicine, all of 142 diabetic children studied had abnormally high levels of BSA antibodies. This research suggests that a combination of genetic predisposition and exposure to cow's milk leads to juvenile diabetes. ―In epidemiological studies, children who did not receive cow's milk during the first three months of life had 40% fewer cases of diabetes than children who did consume milk. Animal research has provided evidence that at least two different cow's milk proteins can promote damage to the pancreas. Now, a group of Italian researchers has studied the relationship between dairy-product consumption and Type I diabetes in nine regions of Italy. What they found is a very close association between fluid milk consumption and the incidence of Type I diabetes. However, cheese consumption was not related to the incidence of diabetes.‖

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Fava D, et al. Relationship between dairy product consumption and incidence of IDDM in childhood in Italy. Diabetes Care 1994; 17:1488-1490

Cancer 

Prostate Cancer

"For prostate cancer, epidemiologic studies consistently show a positive association with high consumption of milk, dairy products, and meats." Giovannucci E., Adv Exp Med Biol 1999; 472:29-42 "High consumption of dairy products was associated with a 50 percent increased risk of prostate cancer." Chan JM, Cancer Causes Control 1998 Dec; 9(6): 559-66

Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer rates parallel dairy-eating patterns around the world. The culprit seems to be galactose, the simple sugar broken down from the milk sugar lactose. Animals fed galactose go on to develop ovarian cancer. According to Boston gynecologist Daniel Cramer, women with this cancer often have trouble breaking down galactose. ―About 10% of the U.S. population lacks the enzymes to metabolize galactose‖, says Cramer. ―Since you can't tell whether you lack these enzymes, unlike lactose intolerance, in which there are clear signs of digestive upset, I just tell my patients they don't need dairy.‖ Yogurt, cheese, and other fermented dairy products, as well as those containing Lactaid, are the richest sources of galactose. [19] "Poor absorption of lactose may more than double the risk of ovarian cancer in women." American Journal of Epidemiology, 1999; 150 "Galactose is linked both to ovarian cancer and infertility...women who consume dairy products on a regular basis, have triple the risk of ovarian cancer than other women." The Lancet 1989; 2

Breast Cancer

"IGF-I is critically involved in the aberrant growth of human breast cancer cells." M. Lippman. J. Natl. Inst. Health Res., 1991, 3. "IGF-I has been identified as a key factor in breast cancer." Hankinson. The Lancet, vol. 351. May 9, 1998

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Crohn’s Disease "Mycobacterium paratuberculosis is capable of surviving commercial pasteurization, when there are more than 10 bacteria per millilitre in raw milk." N. Sung, Applied and Environmental Microbiology: 64(3), Mar 1998. "Mycobacterium paratuberculosis RNA was found in 100% of Crohn's disease patients, compared with 0% of controls." D. Mishina, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences USA: 93: September, 1996

Rheumatoid Arthritis "Rheumatoid arthritis is more severe than osteoarthritis, is most common in the hands and feet, and is characterized by swelling of joints. Since this type of joint pain can be a symptom of a food allergy, dietary change sometimes has a profound effect. Dairy products, the most common food allergen, are one likely candidate as a contributing causative factor." Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition by George Eisman, M.A., M.Sc., R.D. "In 1964, I learned of the experiences of Dr. William Deamer of San Francisco. He had pointed out the frequency of milk protein's casual relationship to musculoskeletal pain in children and especially the so- called 'growing pains.' Since that time, I have had several children with what appeared to be early rheumatoid arthritis relieved and returned to good health by little more than reassurance and careful dietary manipulation." Don't Drink Your Milk, by Frank Oski, M.D.

Tuberculosis "Some strains of mycobacteria, similar to those that are associated with tuberculosis, have been found to survive pasteurization." The National Mastitis Council, Inc. 1970 Washington, D.C. "Many diseases such as tuberculosis are transmissible by milk products." Journal of Dairy Science 1988; 71

Multiple Sclerosis ―A diet filled with dairy products has been closely linked to the development of MS.‖ The Lancet 1974; 2:1061 ―Lack of breastfeeding and excessive consumption of cow's milk during infancy is postulated as an important factor in the appearance of multiple sclerosis later in life.‖ Christensen J.C.,

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‗Multiple sclerosis: some epidemiological clues to etiology.‘ Acta Neurol Latinoam 1975; 21(1-4): 66-85 ―Multiple sclerosis is suspected of coming from milk harboring an undiscovered virus that attacks people who have vulnerable immune systems. MS was rare when mothers breast-fed.‖ Neuroepidemiology 1992; 11:304-12.

Obesity ―Doctors and dieticians have long known that high-fat foods like dairy products contribute to obesity for a variety of reasons. First, fat is calorically dense. Gram for gram, fat has more than twice the calories of carbohydrates. That bowl of ice cream has far more calories than an equal amount of grains, beans, fruits, or vegetables. Second, our bodies store fat more readily than carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are fuel and are burned up easily. Also, fat doesn‘t fill us up as carbohydrates do, especially complex carbohydrates and fiber. Dairy products, which contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates at all, are about as high-fat as they come: A glass of milk is 49 percent fat; Swiss and cheddar cheeses are more than 65 percent fat; ice cream and yogurt are almost 50 percent fat; even "low-fat" milk and "nonfat" cottage cheese, which many consumers mistakenly believe to be fat-free, are more than 20 percent fat. The dairy industry tries to deceive us—labeling milk "semi-skimmed," when, in fact, more than 30 percent of that milk‘s calories come from fat, or labeling cottage cheese "non fat," when one-fifth of its calories come from fat!

Milk Contamination Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) Of those 59 hormones milk contains, one is a powerful growth hormone called Insulinlike Growth Factor ONE (IGF-1). By a freak of nature it is identical in cows and humans. Consider this hormone to be a "fuel cell" for any cancer. IGF-1 is a normal part of all milk... the newborn is supposed to grow quickly! What makes the 50% of obese American consumers think they need MORE growth? "It's not natural for humans to drink cow's milk. Human’s milk is for humans. Cow's milk is for calves. You have no more need of cow's milk than you do rat’s milk, horse’s milk or elephant's milk. Cow's milk is a high fat fluid exquisitely designed to turn a 65 lb baby calf into a 400 lb cow. That's what cow's milk is for!" Dr. Michael Klaper, M.D. The controversial Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH) – approved by the FDA, but banned in most countries – is pumped into U.S. milk cows to increase annual yield (50,000 pounds of milk per cow today compared to 2,000 pounds in 1959). BGH causes 31 of 240

an increase in IGF-1. Contrary to what the FDA asserts IGF-1 survives milk pasteurization and human intestinal digestion. It can be directly absorbed into the human bloodstream, particularly in infants. It is highly likely that IGF-1 promotes the transformation of human breast cells to cancerous forms. IGF-1 is also a growth factor for already cancerous breast and colon cancer cells, promoting their progression and invasiveness. It is also possible for us to absorb the BGH directly from the milk. This will cause further IGF-1 production by our own cells. Bovine growth hormone (rBGH) made by Monsanto in the USA and a human insulin substitute developed by Novo Nordisk in Denmark are both examples of products designed to be almost identical to biochemicals which occur naturally in cows and humans. Both products have caused substantial side effects in test animals. Under the American Freedom of Information Act, Monsanto Corporation released the following details of side effects: ―rBGH has resulted in reduced pregnancy rates, an increase in cystic ovaries and uterine disorders, decreases in gestation lengths and calf birth weights, increased twinning rates, increased retained placentas, increased clinical and sub clinical mastitis, increased bloat, indigestion and diarrhea, increased numbers of enlarged hocks and knee lesions, anemia, and visible reactions of up to 10cms at the injection site.‖ Development of Novo Nordisk's insulin substitute was abandoned after test animals developed cancerous tumors.

Antibiotics The antibiotics dairy farmers use to treat BGH-caused infections in cows appear in their milk and greatly hasten human tolerance to most antibiotics, a potentially life-threatening state of affairs. The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that 38 percent of milk samples in 10 cities were contaminated with sulfa drugs and other antibiotics.

Pesticides Pesticides concentrate in milk of both farm animals and humans. A study by the Environmental Defense Fund found widespread pesticide contamination of human breast milk among 1,400 women in forty-six states. The levels of contamination were twice as high among the meat and dairy-eating women as among vegetarians. No other animal drinks cow's milk, not even calves once they are weaned. The late Dr. Benjamin Spock, the U.S.'s leading authority on child care, spoke out against feeding "cow's glue" to children, saying it can cause anemia, allergies, and diabetes and in the long term, will set kids up for obesity and heart disease, the number one cause of death in this country. There are, however, ways to modify milk to remove what creates its undesirable effects. According to Dr. David L. Freed, a renowned expert on milk, we can start by removing lactose and proteins to reduce the incidence of allergies and intolerance; floating fat to reduce the incidence of heart disease; xanthine oxidase to reduce heart disease and allergies; and hormones, drugs, pesticides, carcinogens, toxins, etc., to reduce the risk 32 of 240

of cancer and chemical allergies. Once all of this is accomplished, we can drink milk safely, but most people would complain that the resulting crystal clear, water-like liquid does not taste as good as it is supposed to. We could, as well, drink pure, filtered water. It’s still cheaper than milk, it always tastes great and it’s REALLY good for you. However, if you insist on eating dairy products, choose the ones made of whole, organic milk from range-fed cattle, which do not contain harmful, man-made toxins. Huslanka, kefir, yogurt, buttermilk and other fermenting or souring milk products are the best, if made of uncontaminated milk, as these processes break down milk casein rendering it harmless. Just remember that each bite of hard cheese is highly concentrated with casein and has TEN TIMES whatever was in that sip of milk... because it takes ten pounds of milk to make one pound of cheese. Each bite of ice cream has 12 times of whatever is contained in the fat molecules in a sip of milk. Avoid processed cheese at all cost! It contains hydrogenated oils and harmful emulsifiers, extenders, and phosphates.

…MEAT, POULTRY, EGGS, FISH, DRY BEANS, NUTS… Animal Products Humans aren’t naturally vegetarian. We are omnivores, capable of eating meat or plant food. Our first ancestors were hunters/gatherers. As has been recently discovered about two-thirds of hunter-gatherers' calories came from animals. The most obvious evidence supporting our omnivorous disposition is the structure and function of human jaws. If you observe the teeth of herbivorous animals like the cow, goat and sheep, you will find something strikingly similar in all of them. All these animals have a flat set of teeth (molars) i.e. suited for herbivorous diet. If you observe the set of teeth of the carnivorous animals like the lion or tiger, they all have a pointed set of teeth (canines) i.e. suited for a carnivorous diet. If you analyze the set of teeth of humans, you find that they have flat teeth as well as pointed teeth. Thus they have teeth suited for both herbivorous as well as carnivorous food i.e. they are omnivorous. Our stomach produces hydrochloric acid, something not found in herbivores. HCL activates protein-splitting enzymes. Further, the human pancreas manufactures a full range of digestive enzymes to handle a wide variety of foods, both animal and vegetable. While humans may have longer intestines than animal carnivores, they are not as long as herbivores; nor do we possess multiple stomachs like many herbivores, nor do we chew cud. Our physiology definitely indicates a mixed feeder, or an

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omnivore, much the same as our relatives, the mountain gorilla and chimpanzee (who have been observed eating small animals and, in some cases, other primates). [22] In my opinion there is nothing wrong in eating meat, especially organic one. Organic meat producers mostly shun the use of antibiotics and hormones and confined feeding areas, opting instead to give organic animals access to the outdoors, fresh air and sunlight. There are certain undisputable health benefits of grass-fed animals:  Animal products (particularly eggs and fish) are a primary source of omega-3 fatty acid, a polyunsaturated linolenic fat essential to human life. Human body neither can synthesize omega-3 linolenic acid nor convert omega-6 linoleic acid, mostly found in vegetables, into omega-3 linolenic acid, as claimed by some vegetarians. [23] The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 in diet is essential. It has been determined that the ratio of 4:1 or greater is detrimental to our health. At higher ratios the ability to utilize the omega-3 by human body is inhibited [24], and the rate of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and immune dysfunction increases. [25] It is estimated that our early ancestors evolved with an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1:1 from both meat and vegetable sources. Grass-fed beef (grass-fed their whole life, including the period prior to their slaughter), can have ratio around 3:1 while grain-fed exceeds 20:1. Eggs from range fed hens have ratio of 1.5:1 while ―supermarket eggs‖ - 20:1. Today vegetable sources have ratio of 10:1. The modern diet of meat, poultry, fish and vegetable oil has a ratio estimated to be 20 or 25 to one. [26].  Meat from grass fed cattle is generally much leaner than that from grain fed cattle. This fact, however, should be of secondary importance to all concerned about cardiovascular diseases as we now realize it is not just the polyunsaturated content of the diet, but the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturates that may ultimately determine health. Animal-products-eating groups like the Masai and Neurs of Africa, Eskimos, the Aborigines of Australia, and the Gaelic fisher people of the Outer Hebrides, supremely healthy and free of heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases, fly in the face of conventional thinking regarding heart disease and what causes it.  The growth and acid resistance of E. coli in beef cattle is reduced considerably when cattle is fed hay instead grain. [27]  Meat and dairy products from grass-fed animals (beef, lamb) contain essential fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that may be beneficial to diabetics, by controlling blood glucose level. Feeding animals with grain shuts off the production of many beneficial fats, CLA including.  Higher level of CLA in the human bloodstream automatically lowers the level of leptin, a hormone thought to regulate fat levels. Scientists from Ohio State University think that high leptin levels may play a role in obesity. Conjugated linoleic acid appears to melt away fat while boosting lean muscle mass. According to Dr. Jan Wadstein, Associate Professor of Medicine at Lund University and Leader of a Scandinavian research team, "while CLA is no magic bullet, it may prove to be a useful tool in combination with exercise." Consuming 3 to 4 grams of CLA daily helped overweight individuals mobilize fat from cells while revving up muscle metabolism. "The present data indicate that consumption of CLA reduces body fat mass in overweight, moderately obese, healthy volunteers". [28]

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Lets not forget that deficiency of B12, vitamin found only in animal products, whether range fed or commercially raised, leads to anemia (a fatal condition), and severe nervous and digestive system damage. [29]. Contrary to a popular belief certain algae, tempeh (fermented soy product) and brewer‘s yeast lack B12. Animal products are also a primary source of vitamin A. Beta-carotene, found in plants, can be converted by the body into vitamin A only in the presence of bile salts. In order to stimulate bile secretion the carotenes MUST be eaten with the fat. The lack of vitamin A is a known cause of reproductive failure and birth defects. Vitamin D cannot be provided to the body by simply sunbathing, unless a large portion of the skin is exposed during the summer months or in tropical latitudes. Consumption of vitamin D-rich animal foods cannot be stressed enough. Particularly shrimp sauces and pastes, made from dried shrimp are loaded with vitamin D. Its content in butter varies with the feed of the animals. Butter from grass fed animals (and eggs, lard and other animal foods for the same) provides far more vitamin D than butter from commercially raised cows. [30]

All types of fish, including saltwater fish, freshwater fish, and shellfish, as well as all types of commonly eaten poultry like chicken, turkey, duck, goose, and game fowl, contain a complete range of the essential amino acids needed to build protein. Many fish are also excellent sources of polyunsaturated fats, which provide tremendous health benefits. The best fish sources of these fats include salmon, trout, mackerel, and halibut. Fatty fish, such as salmon and halibut, are good sources of vitamins A and D. Mackerel, herring, and haddock tend to be rich in minerals, although this varies by type of fish. Saltwater fish and shellfish are excellent sources of iodine, a difficult to obtain trace mineral needed for healthy thyroid function. They are also high in zinc, particularly oysters, though lobster and crab are fairly abundant in zinc as well. Shellfish are also a good source of selenium and copper. In general, fish provide high quantities of potassium, phosphorus, and iron, though magnesium levels tend to be low. Fish can be an excellent source of calcium. Fish-rich diet lowers levels of the hormone leptin. High levels of leptin have been associated with obesity and increased risk for cardiovascular disease.

Beans and Nuts The benefits of eating beans, lentils, peas and nuts are also indisputable. Legumes, as reported in February 2001 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, contain substantially higher percentages of resistant starch than do cereal grains, flours and grain-based food products. Resistant starch does not digest easily. It goes past the stomach and small intestine before settling in the colon. There, bacteria attack it just as they do a dietary fiber, producing butyrate – a short-chained fatty acid desirable for its cancerpreventing qualities. ―Eating legumes increases blood levels of phytoestrogens, which are linked to beneficial cholesterol levels and better arterial function in women. Legumes are valuable sources of many nutrients needed by menopausal women, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Calcium and magnesium build strong bones, and potassium helps regulate the heartbeat. All three minerals are important in maintaining healthy muscle tone, combating fatigue, controlling mood swings, and promoting 35 of 240

endurance and stamina. Legumes are also very high in iron and vitamin B complex. Sufficient iron intake is particularly important for teenage girls, pregnant women, and women with bleeding problems who are transitioning into menopause. Vitamin B complex is also helping the liver regulate estrogen levels. Because they are an excellent food source of vitamin B6, legumes, eaten regularly, can help to relieve and prevent PMS symptoms and menstrual cramps. Eaten whole, seeds and nuts are sources of many important nutrients, including healthful polyunsaturated fats; protein; B complex vitamins; vitamins D, and E; and many minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and phosphorous. Seeds and nuts are also important sources of many oils used in cooking and food preparation.‖ [31] The USDA Food Pyramid advises to eat 2-3 servings per day from protein group where two to three ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish, half a cup of cooked dry beans or half a cup of tofu, one egg, one tofu burger, two tablespoons of peanut butter or a third of a cup of nuts constitutes a serving. Before you decide on number and type of servings that fit your lifestyle and taste here are some less known facts concerning the safety of selected foods from the protein group.

Health Hazards of Meat and Poultry Toxic Substances and Pathogens At least a third of antibiotics produced in the United States are dispensed not to people at all, but to livestock. Some are used to treat sick animals, but farmers, particularly poultry farmers, will often give antibiotics to an entire chicken house when not all of the birds are sick Not surprisingly, such widespread use of antibiotics in livestock has promoted drugresistant strains of once easily treatable bacteria found in meat and poultry. The Centers for Disease Control reported that resistant strains of bacteria that cause food poisoning have increased for the third consecutive year. A Union of Concerned Scientists‘ (UCS) study estimates that the campylobacteria is present in nearly 80 percent of all broiler chickens sold in the United States; a common cause of food poisoning, campylobacter sickens over 2,400,000 and kills about 500 Americans per year. In 1998, 18 percent of campylobacter cultures were found to be resistant to quinolones, the drugs used to fight it. Similarly, resistant strains of salmonella rose from 1% of all salmonella bacteria in 1980 to 34 percent in 1996. Salmonella is present in a fifth of all broiler chickens sold. An independent study by the UCS showed that antibiotics use was forty percent higher than official agriculture industry figures. The FDA has no enforcement mechanism and relies on statistics that come from the meat industries themselves, whose reliability is questionable. [32]

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Only one in 300 beef carcasses and one in 20,000 chickens are sampled for microbial testing. As much as 25 percent of broiler chicken and 45 percent of ground chicken is allowed to test positive for salmonella. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that campylobacter infects 70 to 90 percent of all chicken. Campylobacter infections give their human victims cramps, bloody diarrhea and fever and lead to death for up to 800 people in the US each year. For 1,000 to 2,000 people per year, infection will lead to Guillain-Barre syndrome, a disease that requires intensive care for several weeks. A September 1997 sampling of supermarket chicken in Minnesota found 16 percent infected with an antibiotic-resistant strain of campylobacter. American cattle farmers feed their herds chicken manure, which health officials warn could contain dangerous bacteria that end up in ground meat eaten by humans. The waste that is mixed with livestock feed is a less expensive alternative to using grains and hay. The practice is increasingly being used by cattle farmers in regions where there are large poultry operations -- and thus a ready supply of cheap manure -- such as California, the South and the Mid-Atlantic States. Heating manure to 160 degrees-- a precaution not taken very often by farmers--kills bacteria, such as campylobacteria and salmonella, and some intestinal parasites, but veterinary drug residues and heavy toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, cadmium and mercury, often present in the waste, are not destroyed. In addition to chicken manure, millions of euthanized cats and dogs, collected from veterinarians and animal shelters, have long been rendered into livestock feed each year. [33] Pork may contain even more dangerous germs than poultry. The findings were presented at the 2001 Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy in Chicago. A team of researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested nearly 600 packages of ground pork purchased from different grocery stores in five states. They found high levels of Enterococci bacteria, a common cause of food poisoning that is resistant to antibiotic drugs. Scientists say patients who have antibiotic-resistant enterococcal infections have a death rate of 37 per cent. Enterococci were found on three percent of ground pork. Dutch researchers found the Enterococci bacteria in pigs cause more trouble for humans than the same type of bacteria found in poultry. [34] Americans face a growing risk of eating feces, vomit and metal shards in meat and poultry because the USDA is allowing companies to perform more of their own food safety inspections. A survey of 451 federal inspectors showed many were concerned that too much contaminated meat and poultry was slipping through company production lines under the government's new food safety procedures. The 451 respondents represent about six percent of all federal meat inspectors. "Our survey warns consumers that on a good day, their meat and poultry are inspected under an industry honor system," Felicia Nestor, food safety director for the Government Accountability Project, told reporters at a news conference. "Federal inspectors check paperwork, not food, and are prohibited from removing feces and other contaminants before products are stamped with the purple USDA seal of approval," she added. [35].

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One of the reasons for the FDA to approve meat irradiation is to mask filthy slaughterhouse practices. Irradiation kills food borne pathogens but does not remove feces from the meat. Honestly, I would prefer to buy a non-irradiated, inspected meat with salmonella, so I can get rid of it during the cooking process in my own house rather then to get germ-free meat with even the most sterile poop in it. Millions of pounds of pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides are used in connection with farm animals. A January 2002 Reuters article states, lasalocid, considered too toxic to be used in medicine, "had been found in 2.6 percent of chicken eggs and 60 percent of quails' eggs" in Great Britain. The drug, which is used in animal feed, can cause rapid heart contractions in humans. Low levels of dioxins, the by-products of insecticides, and PCBs have been found in oily fish, such as salmon. Arsenic, used in chicken feed, has also been detected in unsafe levels. These poisonous compounds and many others have now found their way into the food chain. Dioxin, or Agent Orange as it was called during the Vietnam War, is the most toxic chemical known to mankind. The beef and dairy industry commonly use Dioxin as a pesticide despite the fact that it is known to cause birth defects. It causes miscarriage, cancer, and death in lab animals at the infinitesimal dose of 1 part per trillion. Dieldrin, 5 times more toxic than DDT, was banned in 1974. The FDA found it in 96% of all meat, fish, and poultry and 85% of dairy. It continues to remain in the soil to which it was once applied and contaminates the livestock feed grown there. Cattle, pigs, and sheep are routinely doused with Toxaphene to kill parasites. Toxaphene is absorbed through the animals¹ flesh and contaminated the meat. It also causes bones to dissolve, miscarriages and death. Dichlorvos, a very toxic fly killer, has an accepted daily intake of .004 mg/kg - an amount exceeded by someone who stays in the same room with a small "No Pest" strip for 9 hours. Dichlorvos products, as well as larvicides, are regularly given to livestock in today¹s animal factories to keep the fly population down. Larvicides produce chemically toxic manure and residues also show up in meat and milk causing damage to the nervous system.

Contaminated Fish Seafood - which includes fish, crabs, lobsters and other crustaceans - accounts for about 15 percent of the documented cases of food borne illnesses in the United States each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Shellfish such as oysters and clams cause even more outbreaks. These illnesses can cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to nervous system damage and even death. Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides like DDT, Kepone, Toxaphene, and PCBs are stable compounds. This means they don‘t break down for decades or even centuries. DDT, 12 years after being banned, has been found in dolphins, and in animals of the remote areas of Antarctica and high altitudes of the Sierra Mountains. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) are highly toxic chemicals once used in the U.S. Although they are now banned, their residues tend to accumulate in the fatty tissue of fish. In the fall of 1996, a study showed that prenatal exposure to PCBs, even in relatively small amounts, can impair intellectual development in children. Aside from fish, PCBs can be found in other high-fat foods such as cheese, butter, beef and pork. Women who plan on becoming pregnant were advised by the study to avoid foods

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containing PCBs because the chemicals can remain in their bodies for years. It is highly likely that there isn‘t a single human on the planet who doesn‘t carry any PCBs in their flesh. PCBs were found in 100% of the human sperm samples tested! Perhaps this is why American men have only 70% the sperm count they did 300 years ago. Fish and shellfish have the highest concentration of PCBs because they are able to absorb and concentrate toxins; the EPA estimated that fish can accumulate 9 million times the levels of PCBs in the water in which they live. These same fish are fed to livestock in huge quantities - without testing the toxicity of the fishmeal. Accumulation of heavy metals in fish fat tissue poses similar, if not bigger, thread to the consumers, especially to the pregnant and nursing women. While it has long been known that fish accumulate heavy metals such as mercury in their tissues, the levels recently discovered have surprised even the experts. The tests for mercury presence in whale meat sold in Japan have revealed that in two out of the 26 liver samples examined the level of mercury exceeded nearly 5000 times the Japanese government's limit for mercury contamination. Such a tremendous concentration can cause acute intoxication at a single ingestion. Study on blood levels of mercury and other toxins, released by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in March, 2001 revealed that in roughly 7 million of American women mercury levels were above the dose that may put a fetus at risk for adverse nervous system effects. Since fish is also the best source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin Dnutrients exceptionally good for pregnant mothers and their developing babies-following a few simple dieting recommendations would allow women to get the greatest benefit from fish while avoiding seafood species with the highest levels of brain toxins. According to Purdue University team the safest seafoods are farmed and wild salmon, along with oysters, shrimp, farm-raised channel catfish, farm-raised rainbow trout, flounder, perch, tilapia, clams, scallops and red swamp crayfish. These have the lowest level of mercury and can be eaten more than once a week. Canned tuna, crab, cod, mahi-mahi, haddock, whitefish, herring and spiny lobster have slightly higher levels of mercury and should be eaten no more than one meal per week. Some seafood should be limited to just one meal a month: tuna steaks, red snapper, orange roughy, pollack, halibut, northern lobster, marlin, moonfish, saltwater bass, wild trout, bluefish, grouper, croaker and sablefish. So, if a pregnant woman has a meal of red snapper, she should not eat grouper for at least another month. [36]. Dr. Mercola‘s list of seafood which should not be eaten at all by pregnant women, nursing women, and women considering pregnancy contains shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, tuna steaks, sea bass, oysters (Gulf of Mexico), marlin, halibut, pike, walleye, white croaker, and largemouth bass, while his short list of safe fish includes summer flounder, wild pacific salmon, croaker, sardines, haddock and tilapia. [37].

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Dr. Mercola also remarks that farmed fish are very similar to commercial beef in that they are fed grain products, which distorts the production and characteristics of omega 3 fatty acids and renders them useless to the consumer. If you are concerned about the fish contamination but don’t want to eliminate fish from your menu use this simple food remedy developed by Dr. Yoshiaki Omura to get rid of not only mercury but all heavy metals from your body. 1 clove of garlic, crushed 1/2 cup of pine nuts, crushed 1 cup of fresh cilantro 6 tablespoons of organic oil like olive or flax seed or coconut oil 3 tablespoons of Lemon juice Just eat one to two table spoons of this mixture a day for a few weeks

GM Fish Just a few words on Frankenfish; recent research at Indiana's Purdue University shows that just one genetically modified fish could wipe out a whole population if it was released or escaped into the wild. The human growth hormone gene has been inserted into salmon and other fish, causing faster growth and larger size. The newly developed salmon, for example, grows up to 10 times faster and it‘s up to 39 times bigger than its wild competitor. As females are attracted to large males, the wild fish would be passed by for bigger, genetically modified "fish". As many GM fish die before reaching sexual maturity, the wild fish population would not only be forever genetically altered (genes passed on from generation to generation cannot be recalled!) but would also be at risk of extinction.

Soy - The Special Case Legumes are considered mostly beneficial to our health, when thoroughly cooked. Eaten raw all legumes are poisonous. Soy is no exception, but what makes soy different from other beans is soy’s significant level of toxicity and the amount of involvement of soy industry and media in promoting it as wonder food. Apparently, the industry has succeeded in it since:     

74% of American consumers consider soyfood to be healthy 42% consume soyfood at least once a month In 2001 soyfood sales were $3,234 billion, a 16.9% increase from 2000 Soyfood sales in super/mass market outlets grew by 26.8% Awareness of soymilk jumped to 37% from 24% in 2001 [48]

Lets see what this hype is all about. The voice of industry, the Soyfood Association of North America (www.soyfoods.org), represented by large and small soyfoods companies, growers and suppliers of soybeans, nutritionists, cookbook authors, equipment representatives, food scientists and retailers is marked in blue italics. The voice of reason, that is of the independent researchers, is marked in orange. 40 of 240

Overview Soy contains high quantities of various toxic chemicals, which cannot be fully destroyed even by the long cooking process. These are: phytates, which block the body's uptake of minerals; haemaggluttin, which causes red blood cells to clump together and inhibits oxygen take-up and growth; high levels of the phytoestrogens (also known as isoflavones) genistein and daidzein, which mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen, and enzyme inhibitors, which hinder protein digestion. A 1994 study presented to the FDA during the approval process for Roundup Ready Soybeans omitted some disturbing results regarding inhibitors‘ content in soy. Researchers found later that raw Roundup Ready meal contained 27 percent more trypsin inhibitor and toasted Roundup Ready meal contained 18 percent more trypsin inhibitor compared to non-genetically manipulated controls. Large percentage of soy foods comes from genetically engineered plants.

Soy – A Primary Asian Food? Just How Much Soy Did Asians Eat? In short, not that much, and contrary to what the industry may claim, soy has never been a staple in Asia. A study of the history of soy use in Asia shows that the poor used it during times of extreme food shortage, and only when the soybeans were carefully prepared (e.g. by lengthy fermentation) to destroy the soy toxins. Today Japanese eat minuscule amounts of soyfoods. A 1998 study showed that a Japanese man typically eats about 8g (2 tsp) a day, nothing like the 220g (8oz) that a Westerner could put away by eating a big chunk of tofu and two glasses of soy milk. A 1998 study by Nagata and others published in the Journal of Nutrition, which gives daily consumption of tofu in Japan's Gifu prefecture as less than 1 gram per day.

Heart Disease On October 26, 1999, the Food and Drug Administration authorized a health claim that links the consumption of soy protein with a reduced risk of coronary heart disease. The soy health claim reads, "25 grams of soy protein a day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may reduce the risk of heart disease. Two of the FDA‘s experts on soy — Doerge and his colleague, Daniel Sheehan — have stepped forward to criticize their own agency‘s claim and even attempted in vain to stop the recommendation. Their main concern: that the claim could be misinterpreted as a much broader endorsement for soy protein, beyond benefits solely for the heart. Signing a highly unusual letter of protest to their employer, Doerge and Sheehan pointed to research that demonstrates a link between soy and fertility problems in certain animals. ―The animal data is a clear indication for adverse effects, the potential for adverse effects in humans,‖ Doerge said to 20/20. [38]

Excellent source of protein

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Yes, soy protein is the only plant protein that is equivalent to animal protein. Soyfoods contains all nine essential amino acids. The U.S. Department of Agriculture evaluates protein quality using the Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acids Score (PDCAAS). PDCAAS measures the amino acid pattern of proteins and factors in digestibility. Soy protein has a PDCAAS score of 1.0, equivalent to animal protein. While soybeans are relatively high in protein compared to other legumes, they are a poor source of protein because other proteins found in soybeans act as potent enzyme inhibitors. These "anti-nutrients" block the action of trypsin and other enzymes needed for protein digestion. Trypsin inhibitors are large, tightly folded proteins that are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking and can reduce protein digestion. Therefore, soy consumption may lead to chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. [39]

Isoflavones Isoflavones are a form of phytoestrogens that have a chemical structure very similar to estrogen. Soy is uniquely rich in isoflavones, primarily genistein and daidzein. These isoflavones in soyfoods thought to contribute to many of the protective effects that soy has shown in animal and in vitro studies.

“An infant exclusively fed soy formula receives the estrogenic equivalent (based on body weight) of at least five birth control pills per day.� Mary Enig, Ph.D, the president of the Maryland Nutritionists Association Dr. Enig believes that soy infant formula may be associated with early puberty in girls and slower physical growth in boys. Others say it may affect fertility and normal brain development. [40] In a 1999 letter to the FDA (and on the ABC News program 20/20), Doerge and Sheehan expressed their opposition to the agency's health claims for soy, saying that a one of the studies "provides evidence that soy (tofu) phytoestrogens cause vascular dementia. Given that estrogens are important for maintenance of brain function in women, that the male brain contains aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol, and that isoflavones inhibit this enzymatic activity, there is a mechanistic basis for the human findings." [41] British Journal of Urology, January 2000, published a study showing a five-time greater risk of delivering a boy with hypospadias, a birth defect of the penis, in mothers who ate a vegetarian diet during pregnancy. The researchers attributed high rates of the birth defect to phytoestrogens in soy products. Soy isoflavones are phyto-endocrine disrupters. At dietary levels, they can prevent ovulation and stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Eating as little as 30 grams (about 4 tablespoons) of soy per day can result in hypothyroidism with symptoms of lethargy, constipation, weight gain and fatigue. 42 of 240


Nutrients content Numerous fortified soymilks on the market today contain nutrients in levels similar to cow's milk and are good sources of calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin and phosphorus, as well as many other vitamins and minerals. Most soymilks are fortified with 300-400 milligrams of calcium, 120 IU of vitamin D, 500 mg vitamin A and 3 micrograms vitamin B12 per 8 ounces. Soymilk contains no cholesterol and is low in saturated fat. ―Soy has also been implicated in interference with the absorption of zinc, calcium, protein enzymes and amino acids.‖ [40] ―Soy's B-12 is an inactive B-12 analog, not utilized as a vitamin in the human body. Some researchers speculate this analog may actually serve to block the body's B-12 absorption.‖ [43] Eating soy actually puts vegetarians at severe risk of mineral deficiencies, including calcium, copper, iron, magnesium and especially zinc. According to Dr Mike Fitzpatrick, a New Zealand biochemist who runs a soy information website, this is because soy contains high levels of phytic acid, which blocks the absorption of essential minerals in the digestive tract. To reduce the effects of a high-phytate diet, you need to eat, as the Japanese do, lots of meat or fish with tiny bits of soy. An article published in Acta Paediatrica summarized the reduced bioavailability of trace minerals due to high phytic acid content in soy infant formula and high levels of manganese in soy formula compared to cows milk formula and breast milk. Excessive intake of manganese is linked to problems with the central nervous system. [44]

Soy and Children While the bioavailability of calcium in soymilk may be slightly less that cow's milk, soymilk is still a significant source of calcium in the diet. In addition, studies have found that in comparison with animal protein, soy protein decreases calcium excretion, presumably due to the lower sulfur amino acid content of soy protein. Consequently, a soy-based diet is able to maintain calcium balance with a lower calcium intake. Is soymilk appropriate for children? Yes. Soymilks fortified with calcium and vitamin D can be part of a healthy diet for children over 12 months of age. The USDA's 2000 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children both identify fortified soymilk as a healthy food choice. Soy beverages are not a substitute for infant formula. Soy blocks calcium and causes a deficiency of vitamin D, both of which are needed for strong bones, say American nutritionists and soy debunkers Sally Fallon and Mary G

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Enig. Calcium from bone broths and vitamin D from seafood, lard and organ meats prevent osteoporosis in Asian countries—not soy foods. [45] ―Researchers at Cornell University Medical College said that children who got soy formula were more likely to develop thyroid disease and that twice as many diabetic children had received soy formula in infancy as compared to non-diabetic children. In fact, in other countries such as Switzerland, England, Australia and New Zealand, public health officials recommend highly restricted medically monitored use of soy for babies and for pregnant women. Soy formula is a lifesaver for the 3 to 4 percent of babies allergic to cows milk, but it is so widely advertised that it is sold to 25% of the entire formula market.‖ [40] A study reported in the British medical journal Lancet found that the "daily exposure of infants to isoflavones in soy infant-formulas is 6-11 fold higher on a bodyweight basis than the dose that has hormonal effects in adults consuming soy foods." (A dose, equivalent to two glasses of soymilk per day that was enough to change menstrual patterns in women.) [46] In the blood of infants tested, concentrations of isoflavones were 13000-22000 times higher than natural estrogen concentrations in early life. [47] Researchers at Cornell University Medical College showed that the "frequency of feedings with soy-based milk formulas in early life was significantly higher in children with autoimmune thyroid disease." [48] In a previous study, they found that twice as many diabetic children had received soy formula in infancy as compared to non-diabetic children. [49] Recognizing the risk, Swiss health authorities recommend "very restrictive use" of soy for babies. In England and Australia, public health agencies tell parents to first seek advice from a doctor before giving their infants soy formula. The New Zealand Ministry of Health recommends that "Soy formula should only be used under the direction of a health professional for specific medical indications. Clinicians who are treating children with a soy-based infant formula for medical conditions should be aware of the potential interaction between soy infant formula and thyroid function." [50] A study from Cornell University published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 1986, found that children who develop diabetes mellitus were twice as likely to have been fed soy. A 1996 report published in the German magazine Klin Padiatr described the development of hypocalcemic tetany in an infant fed soy formula. An April 2000 study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, which found that flavonoids, especially genistein, can cross the placenta and induce cell changes that lead to infant leukemia.

Allergy Soy protein is one of the eight major food allergens, along with proteins from milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, and wheat. Although an

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individual could be allergic to any food, such as fruits, vegetables, and meats, the previously listed eight foods account for 90 percent of all foodallergic reactions. ―Soy is the second most common allergen.‖ [51] ―A Swedish study shows that soy, like its botanically related cousin- the peanut- could be responsible for severe, potentially fatal, cases of food allergy, particularly in children with asthma who are also very sensitive to peanuts. Soy has probably been underestimated as a cause of food anaphylaxis" and that "labeling of foods containing soy protein should be improved. Between 1993 and 1996, 61 cases of severe reactions to food were reported, including 5 that were fatal. Peanut, soy and tree nuts caused 45 of the 61 reactions. Including two cases that occurred shortly before the study began, four deaths could be attributed to soy, say the researchers. All four of the youngsters who died from soy anaphylaxis were allergic to peanuts but had no known allergy to soy. In most cases, after consuming the food containing soy, there were no symptoms for 30 to 90 minutes. However, that period of no or mild symptoms was followed by severe and rapidly deteriorating asthma. Those most at risk for developing a severe reaction to soy are young people with asthma and severe peanut allergy, say the researchers. In cases where the allergy was fatal, the amount of soy consumed varied between 1 and 10 grams. Such an amount may occur in hidden form in hamburgers, meatballs, kebabs, sausages, and bread, but rarely in other foods.‖ [52]

Thyroid Function There is no evidence that soy protein has an adverse effect on thyroid function in healthy humans who consume adequate amounts of iodine. Goiters are due to a deficiency of dietary iodine, not consumption of moderate amounts of soy protein as part of a healthy diet.

Scientists have known for years that isoflavones in soy products can depress thyroid function, causing goiter (enlarged thyroid gland) and autoimmune thyroid disease. In the early 1960s, goiter and hypothyroidism were reported in infants fed soybean diets. [53] Scientists at the National Center for Toxicological Research showed that the soy isoflavones genistein and daidzein "inhibit thyroid peroxidase-catalyzed reactions essential to thyroid hormone synthesis." [54] Japanese researchers studied effects on the thyroid from soybeans administered to healthy subjects. They reported that consumption of as little as 30 grams (two tablespoons) of soybeans per day for only one month resulted in a significant increase in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which is produced by the brain's pituitary gland when thyroid hormones are too low. Their findings suggested that "excessive soybean ingestion for a certain duration might suppress thyroid function and cause goiters in healthy people, especially elderly subjects." [55]

Brain functions 45 of 240

Animal research suggests that soy, when taken in the diet, may be protective in the brain. One epidemiological study involving Japanese-American men found an association between increased tofu consumption and decreased cognitive abilities. However, additional clinical trials conducted, since the initial research was published, have found no negative effect of soy consumption on cognitive function. Additional studies have even found improved memory scores in people consuming soyfoods. Already three decade-long, still ongoing study involving 3,734 elderly JapaneseAmerican men has found that the men who ate the most tofu during mid-life had up to 2.4 times the risk of later developing Alzheimer's disease. Lead researcher Dr. Lon R. White said that men who ate tofu at least twice weekly showed brain aging about five years faster than those who seldom ate tofu. What's more, higher midlife tofu consumption was also associated with low brain weight. Brain atrophy was assessed in 574 men using MRI results and in 290 men using autopsy information. Shrinkage occurs naturally with age, but for the men who had consumed more tofu, White said, "their brains seemed to be showing an exaggeration of the usual patterns we see in aging." [56][57] Soy's ability to interfere with enzymes and amino acids may have direct consequence for the brain. As White and his colleagues suggest, "isoflavones in tofu and other soyfoods might exert their influence through interference with tyrosine kinase-dependent mechanisms required for optimal hippocampal function, structure and plasticity." [58] High amounts of protein tyrosine kinases are found in the hippocampus, a brain region involved with learning and memory. One of soy's primary isoflavones, genistein, has been shown to inhibit tyrosine kinase in the hippocampus, where it blocked "long-term potentiation," a mechanism of memory formation. [59]

Cancers Early exposure to genistein provides lasting exposure to breast cancer in the animal model. This finding has been supported by observational studies in humans, which have found that adolescent intake of soy was associated with risk of developing breast cancer. Post-menopausal women at risk of breast cancer should discuss any diet changes or concerns with their health care provider. In some cases, soy is thought to protect against breast cancer. But some studies now indicate, for other women, the chemicals found in soy may enhance a widely found kind of estrogen-feeding breast cancer. ―It can speed up divisions of those cells that are already cancer cells that depend on estrogen for their growth,‖ Dr. Claude Hughes, director of the Women‘s Health Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles tells 20/20. [38] The processes, which render the soybean ―edible‖, are also the processes, which render it "inedible." In fermenting soybeans, the process entails that the beans be puréed and soaked in an alkaline solution. The puréed mixture is then heated to about 115C (239F) 46 of 240

inside a pressure cooker. This heating and soaking process destroys most, but not all, of the anti-nutrients. At the same time, it has the unwelcome effect of denaturing the proteins of the beans so they become very difficult to digest and greatly reduced in effectiveness. Unfortunately, the alkaline solution also produces a carcinogen, lysinealine, while it reduces the already low cystine content within the soybean. Cystine plays an essential role in liver detoxification, allowing our bodies to filter and eliminate toxins. Without proper amounts of cystine, the protein complex of the soybean becomes useless, unless the diet is fortified with cystine-rich meat, egg, or dairy products. [43] One of the two 1997 studies, published in Nutrition and Cancer, found that phytoestrogens at levels close to probable levels in humans stimulate cellular changes leading to breast cancer; the other found that dietary soy suppressed enzymes protective of breast cancer in mice. A 1998 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition further confirmed that soy-protein supplementation stimulates cell proliferation in human breast tissue. A 1998 study published in Cancer Research found that dietary genistein enhances the growth of mammary gland tumors in mice.

Protease Inhibitors Protease inhibitors are a class of proteins found in numerous plant foods, including rice, maize, and beans. Soybeans are particularly rich in protease inhibitors. There is not good evidence that soybean-derived protease inhibitors have an adverse effect on growth and human health. In fact, a growing body of data suggests that these compounds may in fact enhance human health through their cancer preventative effects. The protease inhibitors found in soy foods are also a concern, in that they may inhibit normal growth and repair functions in children. At first the soy industry claimed that these inhibitors were destroyed by cooking, but that has been disproved. Protease inhibitors have been shown to survive cooking and processing to a small but significant degree, certainly significant for a small child. [60] Protease inhibitors interfere with the action of trypsin and chymostrypsin, enzymes produced by the pancreas to break down ingested proteins. They are found to some extent in cereal grains (oats, barley, and maize), Brussels sprouts, onion, beetroot, wheat, finger millet, and peanuts. They have caused pancreatic hypertrophy in chicks and rats, but no ill effects have been observed in calves, pigs and dogs. [61] Raw soybeans have high levels of trypsin inhibitors. Soybean fractions high in trypsin inhibitors depressed the growth of rats, chicks, and mice. Cooking heat largely destroys the trypsin inhibitors in soybeans, but 5 to 20% of the original trypsin inhibitor activity may be retained in commercially available soybean food products. [62]

Other disorders

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A November 1994 warning published in Pediatrics in which the Nutrition Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics advised against the use of soy formulas due to the diabetes risk. These warnings have been neglected ever since it was reported that the AAP accepted a multi-dollar donation from the Infant Formula Council for their new headquarters building outside Chicago. [30] A research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, September 2001, indicates that soybeans and soy-based foods, a staple in the diets of many healthconscious consumers, may promote kidney stones in those prone to the painful condition. Numerous animal studies show that soy foods cause infertility in animals. Soy consumption enhances hair growth in middle-aged men, indicating lowered testosterone levels. A Japanese housewife feeds tofu to her husband frequently when she wants to reduce his virility. [42] For every scientific paper on the dangers of soy consumption there are still hundreds proving otherwise. One needs to be aware that many scientific studies are biased or are not in-depth enough to give useful results. It is therefore easy in some cases to present data to support a variety of cases for soy, depending on which research you pick. Even looking at all the evidence and weeding out the flawed study may not tell you the real picture if none of the scientific research was long-term enough, or not well controlled. In any case, negative results in animal research are frequently ignored in order to get goods onto the market. The disturbing facts about adverse reactions to soy are not generally heard by consumers due to control of the mass media, being pushed by strong soy lobby. The heavy influencing of regulatory bodies and nutritional authorities by industrial concerns have even led to officially accepting soyfoods as wholesome nutritional products. When official sanction is given to a product, it is not usually long before health magazines funded by industrial advertising money start to promote it and dietary faddists begin to market it as a miracle food.

GM Nuts and Beans The following table contains a list of the most popular nuts and seeds currently on the market. Follow the color key to find out if they are still GMO free. Nuts Almonds, Brazil, Cashews, Chestnuts, Filberts (Hazelnuts), Macadamia, Peanuts, Pecans, Pine nuts (Pignolia), Pistachio, Walnuts

Beans Adzuki, Black, Black-eyed Peas, Cannelini, Garbanzo, Great Northern, Mung, Navy, Pinto, Red Chili, Soybeans

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Seeds & Sprouts Alfalfa, Flax, Pumpkin, Sesame, Sunflower

Genetically engineered varieties currently being sold on the market. Genetically engineered varieties currently in field trials, or have been in field trials. Genetically engineered varieties may have entered the market, but are no longer being sold. GMO free! Genetically engineered varieties are currently not sold or in field trials. Source: Greenpeace True Food Guide Click here for a list of seed companies (with telephone, address, fax, and email and web contacts where available) updated June 23, 2002, who have pledged not to buy or sell genetically engineered seeds.

Additional note on soy Soybeans are the only altered beans currently available in the U.S. and commonly are spliced with genes that help make them resistant to herbicides or alter their oil content. The Journal of Medicinal Foods reported the results of an independent study showing that GM soybeans have from 12 to 14% less phytoestrogens than normal. These are naturally occurring substances that help protect against cancer and heart disease. About 50% of the American soybean crop is genetically engineered. GM soybeans, like most GM foods in the U.S., are produced by Monsanto, a large biotech company headquartered in St. Louis. They are sold commercially as Roundup Ready Soybeans because they are designed to withstand the application of Roundup, the herbicide, which Monsanto also manufactures and sells to farmers. Since Japan imports 86% of its soybeans from America, many processed soy foods sent back to the U.S. may contain GM soy. In one independent spot test conducted by the New York Times, a majority of soy products tested positive for GM ingredients. Soybean oil constitutes 80% of the vegetable oil consumed in America and is used in margarine, salad dressings, mayonnaise, shortening, and other common foods. Many other foods and products contain soy products or derivatives such as lecithin, soy protein, and soy flour. Genetically Altered Soy Products • Soybeans • Tofu • Tempeh • Soymilk • Miso • Shoyu • Tamari • Lecithin • Soybean Oil • Soy Flour • Soy Protein • Soy Isolates

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• Genistein • Other Soy Products and Derivatives Processed Foods and Products with Genetically Altered Soy Ingredients • Soy hotdogs • Soy burgers • Soy cheese • Soy yogurt • Dairy Ice Cream • Frozen Yogurt • Sauces and Dressings • Candies, Cookies, Chocolate • Bread and Baked Goods • Breakfast Cereals • Peanut Butter • Protein Powder • Infant Formula • Shampoo • Cosmetics • Other Foods and Products

Tips for healthier eating 

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Whenever you can, consume range-fed, organic meats, eggs and dairy products, which do not contain harmful, man-made toxins. Important Note: ―Free range‖ labeling is regulated by the USDA for use on poultry only (not eggs) and USDA requires that birds have been given access to the outdoors but for an undetermined period each day. In other words, five minutes a day of open-air access could be adequate for manufacturers to use the ―free range‖ claim on a poultry product. "Free range" claims on eggs are not regulated at all. The use of free range on beef is unregulated and there is no standard definition of this term. Some of the eco-labels on eggs, such as free range, natural and no chemicals, have very little meaning and little or no verification. Other labels, including cage-free, antibiotic-free, vegetarian-fed and grass-fed, have some meaning but no verification that manufacturers are in compliance. These labels, therefore, also fall short of consumers‘ expectations. There are, however, eco-labels on eggs—including free farmed, organic, and biodynamic— that do have verification that manufacturers are complying and are therefore meaningful to consumers. [63] If the organic products are inaccessible to you don’t panic. Even commercial meat and eggs are not devoid of necessary vitamins and minerals. Simply limit their consumption, but don‘t completely quit on them. Thorough cooking of animal products kills harmful bacteria and parasites. Pickling or fermenting meats, as is custom in traditional societies, always protects against parasites. 50 of 240

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Use a meat thermometer to check the ―doneness‖ of cooked meat, poultry and egg dishes. Red meat and ground beef should reach a minimum internal temperature of 160°F. (Note: If your immune system is strong and your white count is not low, it is acceptable to cook roasts and steaks to a minimum internal temperature of 145° F. Ground poultry should reach an internal temperature of 165°F, chicken breasts-170° F, whole poultry-180°F, egg dishes, custards and egg sauces-160°F, and fish should be cooked until opaque and flakes easily with a fork. Don’t overcook your food. While starchy foods release carcinogenic substance called acrylamide when overheated, overcooked e.g. grilled, deep-fried or even roasted and baked meat releases cancer causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs). On the other hand, steaming, boiling and stewing are considered rather safe as far as exposure to temperature is concerned. Wash hands frequently-- before, during and after food preparation. Keep food at safe temperatures: hot food above 140°F and cold food below 40°F. Thaw meat, fish, or poultry in the refrigerator or microwave. Place on a dish to catch drips. Cook defrosted meat right away; do not refreeze. Never leave perishable food out of the refrigerator for over two hours. Egg dishes, meat, fish, poultry, cream and mayonnaise-based foods should not be left unrefrigerated for more than one hour. Use separate cutting boards (plastic or wooden) for cooked foods and raw foods. Sanitize boards, counter and kitchen surfaces after each use using a mix of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. You can find the recipe in Fruits and Vegetables section. Don't feed your baby or infant a soy formula; there are alternatives! Avoid the direct consumption of raw or partially processed soy products such as soy flour or soy protein concentrate. If you really insist on including soy in your diet, it‘s best to consume fermented soy products ONLY (e.g. miso, tempeh and tamari), as they are relatively free of protease inhibitors. When preparing your own soy foods, such as boiled or roasted soybeans or soymilk, ensure that they are adequately heated. If you are considering becoming a vegetarian just remember that in vegetarian diet no inadequacies in nutrients, especially vitamin B12, A and D, intake can be met by merely taking pills. This is not how our early omnivorous ancestors dealt with nutrients deficiencies, so shouldn‘t we. Eating adequate amounts of animal products solves the problem. The only circumstance in which you should consider taking supplements is when your diet is imbalanced in terms of omega-6/ omega-3 fatty acids ratio but you‘re reluctant to eat seafood rich in omega-3 for fear of toxins it contains. Taking supplements of fish oil seems to be reasonable, with an exception of fish liver oil, which most likely contains (and concentrates) highly toxic industrial chemicals such as PCBs.

The USDA Food Pyramid protein group has its own drawbacks like, for instance, food borne pathogens and chemical contaminants. But so have other groups. Vegetarians‘ heaviest argument against animal products, however, is that their consumption inevitably leads to cancer. But vegetarians conveniently make no mention of a mold called aflatoxin-- found only in grains and some legumes like peanuts--which is a potent carcinogenic. They seem to be completely unfamiliar with 51 of 240

extensive studies of vegetarian California Seventh Day Adventists which revealed that, while they did have lower rates than the general population for some cancers (e.g., breast and lung), they had higher rates for several others (e.g., prostate, Hodgkin’s disease, malignant melanoma), some quite significantly. The rates for endometrial cancer were so high in Adventist women that the researchers expressed alarm. [64] Vegetarians don‘t want to remember a study, which revealed that when meat consumption increased in Spain (and carbohydrate consumption decreased), heart disease rates dropped [65], or a comprehensive review of the available literature (200 references), which concluded that there was no evidence that meat caused cancer [66], or at least a study, which showed that low-fat/high carbohydrate diets put us outright at greater risk for heart disease [67], cancer [68], and diabetes [69], and that conjugated linoleic acid, found only in animal products is a known anti-carcinogen.[70] I urge you not to listen to only one source. Read as much as possible on nutrition to make an informed decision regarding your diet. The choice is ultimately yours and yours alone.

…FATS AND SWEETS… Fats Fatty acids are classified in the following way: „SATURATED FATTY ACIDS are chains of carbon atoms that have hydrogen filling every bond. In foods, they normally range in length from four to 22 carbons. Because of their straight configuration, saturated fatty acids pack together easily and tend to be solid at room temperature. Butter, tallow, suet, palm oil and coconut oil are classified as saturated fats because they contain a preponderance of saturated fatty acids. Saturated fats are stable and do not become rancid when subjected to heat, as in cooking.

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MONOUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS are chains of carbon atoms that have one double bond between two carbons and therefore lack two hydrogens. Normally they range from 16 to 22 carbons. They have a kink or bend at the position of the double bond, so the molecules do not pack together as easily as in saturated fatty acids. Monounsaturated oils tend to be liquid at room temperature but become solid when refrigerated. Peanut oil, lard, rapeseed and canola oils are classified as monounsaturated oils. The most common monounsaturated fatty acids are palmitoleic (16 carbons), oleic (18 carbons) and erucic (22 carbons). Monounsaturated oils are relatively stable and can be used for cooking. POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS have two or more double bonds. As there is a bend or kink at each double bond, these fatty acids do not pack together easily and tend to be liquid, even when cold. Polyunsaturated oils are very fragile. They tend to develop harmful free radicals when subjected to heat and oxygen, as in cooking or processing. Soybean oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil and flax oil are polyunsaturated oils. Omega-6 fatty acids have the first double bond at the sixth carbon from the end of the fatty acid chain. The most common omega-6 fatty acid is linoleic acid, which is called an essential fatty acid (EFA) because your body cannot make it. Omega-3 fatty acids have the first double bond at the third carbon. The most common omega-3 fatty acid is the EFA alpha-linolenic acid.‘ [71] All fats and oils, whether of vegetable or animal origin, are some combination of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated linoleic acid and linolenic acid. In general, animal fats such as butter, lard and tallow contain about 40-60% saturated fat and are solid at room temperature. Vegetable oils from northern climates contain a preponderance of polyunsaturated fatty acids and are liquid at room temperature. But vegetable oils from the tropics are highly saturated. Coconut oil, for example, is 92% saturated. These fats are liquid in the tropics but hard as butter in northern climes. Vegetable oils are more saturated in hot climates because the increased saturation helps maintain stiffness in plant leaves. Olive oil with its preponderance of oleic acid is the product of a temperate climate. It is liquid at warm temperatures but hardens when refrigerated. [72] For years we‘ve been told the best way to lose weight and to keep our cholesterol levels in check is to cut fat from the diet. The USDA Food Pyramid advises consumers to use sugars and fats sparingly. While the former are really poisonous and should not be eaten by any means, the latter are absolutely crucial to our health. National Heart Foundation says fat is now officially recognized as an essential part of a balanced diet. The only catch is that there are ‗good‘ fats and ‗bad‘ fats.

Good (Essential) Fats They are defined as ―essential‖ because: 

The body cannot make them; 53 of 240

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They are required for normal cell, tissue, gland, and organ function, for health, and for life; They must be provided from outside the body, through food or supplements; They can come only from fats (hence fat-free diets cannot supply them); Their absence from the diet will eventually kill; Deficiency results in progressive deterioration unto death; Return of essential fats to a deficient diet reverses the symptoms of deficiency and results in a return to health.

There are only two essential fats (technically called essential fatty acids or EFAs): omega 3 fatty acid, also called alpha linolenic acid, and omega-6 fatty acid, known as linoleic acid. “A recent study involving over 40,000 middle-aged and older American men over a period of six years found that there was no link between saturated fat intake and heart disease in men. It also supported the contention that linolenic acid (a form of fat) is preventive against heart disease.” [73] If we get enough of both, and the ratio between them is right the body converts omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids into several derivatives with important functions in the body. The best-known derivatives of omega-3 are EPA and DHA, which are made by the body and are also found in high fat, cold-water fish. DHA is the major brain omega-3 fatty acid. Derivatives of omega-6 include GLA (found in evening primrose oil), DGLA (found in mother's milk), and AA (found in meat, eggs, and butter, as well as in fish). AA is the major brain omega-6 fatty acid. “A strong correlation exists between schizophrenia and deficiencies in fats, especially in the n-3 series. Schizophrenics who naturally eat lots of Omega-3 fats tend to have less severe symptoms than those who don't. Supplementation with extra fats in the Omega-3 group significantly improves symptoms of schizophrenia in most patients. Close relatives of schizophrenics show similar deficiencies in Omega-3 fats. The possibility that diets generally low in fat might worsen schizophrenia or even bring on the condition among those already predisposed to it is hard to ignore.” [74][75] There is no shortage of Omega 6 in the typical western diet. In fact there is a general over consumption of this as it is present in most cooking oils. The problem is a deficiency of the omega-3. American mothers produce milk that often has only one-fifth to one-tenth of the omega-3 content of the milk that well-nourished, nut-eating Nigerian mothers provide their infants. [76] In today western diet the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 can be as high as 50:1. The optimum ratio is 4-2.5:1. Most adults need 2 to 5 tablespoons of omega-3 each day to reach optimum. When it's hot, about 1 tablespoon per 100 pounds of body weight per

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day is a good target. In places where winters are cold, aim for 1 tablespoon per 50 pounds of body weight per day. You will know optimum by soft, smooth, velvety skin. There are four main sources of good fats: 

Green vegetables contain good fats, but in very small quantities. To get 2 tablespoons of good fats, a person would have to eat over 60 pounds of vegetables per day. That is impossible. Seeds and nuts are richer sources of EFAs. But there is no seed or nut that gives an optimum ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 to keep us healthy in our present situation with food habits. Flax is the richest source of omega-3, but a poor source of omega-6. Sunflower, sesame seeds, almonds, peanuts, and olives contain omega-6 but no omega-3. Soybeans and walnuts contain lots of omega-6, and a small amount of omega-3. Most other seeds and nuts, such as pecans, macadamia nuts, and cashews, are poor sources of EFAs. So we must mix and match these seeds to get both EFAs in the right quantities and ratio. High fat, cold-water fish such as sardines, salmon, albacore tuna, trout, herring, and mackerel contain the most beneficial form of omega-3 – two fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are essential to fighting and preventing both physical and mental disease. You may consider taking fish oil capsules in the warmer months and cod liver oil in the fall, winter and early spring months. If you live near or close to the equator, you will most likely only need to take fish oil, not cod liver oil, as your vitamin D intake from the sun will be sufficient. I prefer fish (raw as sushi; or poached rather than fried) to encapsulated fish oils (unless it comes from a trusted source) because of processing damage, rancidity, and oil-soluble toxins in fish (liver) oils. Oils made with health in mind: pressed from organically grown seeds under protection of light, air, and heat; filtered and filled into dark glass bottles under the same protection; boxed to keep out all light; refrigerated during storage at the factory, in stores, and in the home; and used with care in food preparation (never used for frying, sautéing, or baking). Oils made with this care are found in the refrigerator in health food stores. It is unusual to see such care taken in oil preparation, packaging, storage, and use. But this kind of care is necessary if EFA-rich oils are to retain their health benefits. [77] I specially recommend natural, non-hydrogenated, nonrefined, cold pressed olive oil, coconut oil or flaxseed oil.

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EFA Health Functions 

EFAs increase energy level, stamina, and performance; speed recovery from fatigue; and speed healing of injuries. We have seen this benefit in strength and endurance athletes, in performance dogs and horses, in older people, in those with degenerative conditions associated with low energy levels, and those complaining of fatigue.

EFAs are the best-kept secret for beautiful skin, hair, and nails. Soft, velvety skin; tan better and burn less; helpful in eczema, psoriasis, and acne; are useful for sweating out oil-soluble toxins through the skin; protect from the toxic effects of pesticides in tissues; and improve skin, hair coat, feathers, claws, hooves in dogs, cats, horses, birds, and other animals.

EFAs improve digestion by slowing stomach emptying time; suppress appetite; reduce cravings for sugars, starches, and non-essential fats; make withdrawal from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco easier; support healthy bowel flora; prevent leaky gut and food allergies; enhance food flavors; and improve the absorption of oil-soluble phytonutrients from vegetables and other foods.

EFAs are required by all glands and organs; required for insulin function, testosterone production, serotonin production; required for liver and kidney function; improve thyroid function; are required for lung function; EFAs provide glands and organs with the energy these highly active tissues require for their functions.

EFAs decrease several cardiovascular risk factors; lower high triglycerides; lower high blood pressure; decrease platelet stickiness, making stroke, heart attack, and embolism less likely; EFAs sometimes help, but are not reliable, to lower cholesterol levels.

EFAs are required for wound healing.

EFAs decrease inflammation.

EFAs reduce water retention (edema).

EFAs dampen the over-response of the immune system in auto-immune conditions.

EFAs protect our genetic material (DNA) from damage.

EFAs have anti-tumor properties.

EFAs are required for mineral transport and mineral metabolism; prevent loss of bone minerals, and thereby keep bones strong and help prevent osteoporosis; work against protein-induced mineral loss.

EFAs are required for protein metabolism; protein without EFAs becomes toxic.

EFAs are required for hemoglobin production, cell growth, and cell division. 56 of 240


EFAs reduce body fat; fat reduced under skin in body builders, to they get the 'shredded' look; 30-50 pounds of fat reduction/year in obese people on 3-5 tbsp of EFA-rich oil; sometimes up to 10 tbsp/day. [78]

"Despite abundant evidence that dietary fat bears no relation to development of cancer of the breast, the NIH intends...to try once again to prove a link that is probably not there.... Why then does NIH insist on spending $10 million on a study whose hypothesis seems to be little more than wishful thinking? Is it only because of the faddish infatuation with fat as the root of all dietary evil?" [79] The role of these polyunsaturated essential fatty acids in the diet also has gained new recognition. The National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board's Dietary Reference Intake Committee recently established macronutrient dietary intake recommendations for omega-3 fatty acids. They recommend .13 to .14 grams per day of EPA plus DHA for pregnant and nursing women. For example, eight ounces of salmon per week provides four times the recommended amount of DHA and EPA. Eight ounces of canned light tuna (in water) only provides 60 percent of the recommended amounts, while the same amount of canned white tuna provides twice the recommended level. Catfish only provides 40 percent of these lipids but is low in contaminants. [80] Consider using the following good fats in your kitchen, but remember that even good fats should be consumed in moderation:

Butter contains omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs in small but almost equal amounts. This excellent balance between linoleic and linolenic acid prevents the kind of problems associated with overconsumption of omega-6 fatty acids. Butter from pasture-fed cows also contains a form of rearranged linoleic acid called CLA, which has strong anticancer properties. It also encourages the buildup of muscle and prevents weight gain. CLA disappears when cows are fed dry hay or processed feed. [81] Many trace minerals are incorporated into the fat globule membrane of butterfat, including manganese, zinc, chromium and iodine. In mountainous areas far from the sea, iodine in butter protects against goiter. Butter is extremely rich in selenium, a trace mineral with antioxidant properties, containing more per gram than herring or wheat germ. There is much less cholesterol in an ounce of butter than in a lean chicken breast [about 1/5 as much cholesterol in fat as in lean meat on a calorie basis, according to R. Reiser of Texas A & M Univ., 1979.]. One frequently voiced objection to the consumption of butter and other animal fats is that they tend to accumulate environmental poisons. Fat-soluble poisons such as DDT do accumulate in fats; but water-soluble poisons, such as antibiotics and growth hormones, accumulate in the water fraction of milk and meats. Vegetables and grains also accumulate poisons. The average plant crop receives ten applications of pesticides-from planting to storage-while cows generally graze on pasture that is unsprayed. 57 of 240

Duck and Goose Fats are semisolid at room temperature, containing about 35% saturated fat, 52% monounsaturated fat (including small amounts of antimicrobial palmitoleic acid) and about 13% polyunsaturated fat. The proportion of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids depends on what the birds have eaten. Duck and goose fat are quite stable and are highly prized in Europe for frying potatoes.

Chicken Fat

is about 31% saturated, 49% monounsaturated (including moderate amounts of antimicrobial palmitoleic acid) and 20% polyunsaturated, most of which is omega-6 linoleic acid, although the amount of omega-3 can be raised by feeding chickens flax or fish meal, or allowing them to range free and eat insects. Although widely used for frying in kosher kitchens, it is inferior to duck and goose fat, which were traditionally preferred to chicken fat in Jewish cooking.


or pork fat is about 40% saturated, 48% monounsaturated (including small amounts of antimicrobial palmitoleic acid) and 12% polyunsaturated. Like the fat of birds, the amount of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids will vary in lard according to what has been fed to the pigs. In the tropics, lard may also be a source of beneficial lauric acid if the pigs have eaten coconuts. Like duck and goose fat, lard is stable and a preferred fat for frying. It was widely used in America at the turn of the century. It is a good source of vitamin D, especially in thirdworld countries where other animal foods are likely to be expensive. Some researchers believe that pork products should be avoided because they may contribute to cancer. Others suggest that only pork meat presents a problem and that pig fat in the form of lard is safe and healthy.

Beef and Mutton Tallows are 50-55% saturated, about 40% monounsaturated and contain small amounts of the polyunsaturates, usually less than 3%. Suet, which is the fat from the cavity of the animal, is 70-80% saturated. Suet and tallow are very stable fats and can be used for frying. Traditional cultures valued these fats for their health benefits. They are a good source of antimicrobial palmitoleic acid.

Olive Oil contains 75% oleic acid, the stable monounsaturated fat, along with 13% saturated fat, 10% omega-6 linoleic acid and 2% omega-3 linolenic acid. The high percentage of oleic acid makes olive oil ideal for salads and for cooking at moderate temperatures. Extra virgin olive oil is also rich in antioxidants. It should be cloudy, indicating that it has not been filtered, and have a golden yellow color, indicating that it is made from fully ripened olives. Olive oil has withstood the test of time; it is the safest vegetable oil you can use, but don't overdo. The longer chain fatty acids found in olive oil are more likely to contribute to the buildup of body fat than the short- and medium-chain fatty acids found in butter, coconut oil or palm kernel oil.

Flax Seed Oil contains 9% saturated fatty acids, 18% oleic acid, 16% omega-6 and 57% omega-3. With its extremely high omega-3 content, flax seed oil provides a remedy for the omega-6/omega-3 imbalance so prevalent in America today. Not surprisingly, 58 of 240

Scandinavian folklore values flax seed oil as a health food. New extraction and bottling methods have minimized rancidity problems. It should always be kept refrigerated, never heated, and consumed in small amounts in salad dressings and spreads. Adding flaxseed oil to your foods, or taken with a meal, creates a feeling of satiation (feeling of fullness and satisfaction following a meal). The essential fats in flaxseed oil cause the stomach to retain food for a longer period of time as compared to no fat or low fat foods. The addition of flax oil to food also results in a gradual release of this combination into the small intestine. The physiological effect is a slow, sustained rise in blood sugar, then a prolonged plateau of blood sugar. Ultimately, the blood sugar under goes a slow and gradual drop. You will experience a corresponding feeling of prolonged energy, stamina and satisfaction with no immediate hunger pangs following the meal. The net result is that you feel fuller, longer and actually eat fewer calories in the long run than if you would have chosen a no fat low fat diet. Furthermore, flaxseed oil is processes in our cells. Much like and burn more fuel, in this case increase oxygen consumption at stamina and feeling of well-being.

converted to compounds that stoke the metabolic a furnace, once stoked the cells generate more heat, calories. The essential nutrients in flaxseed oil also the cellular level resulting in increased energy and

"The right kind and the right amount of fat will allow you to lose weight effortlessly and painlessly without becoming preoccupied with dieting...essential fat is the healthiest and easiest way to attain and maintain your normal weight." [82] nutritionist Ann Louise Gittleman

Tropical Oils are more saturated than other vegetable oils. Palm oil is about 50% saturated, with 41% oleic acid and about 9% linoleic acid. Coconut oil is 92% saturated. Of particular interest is lauric acid, found in large quantities in palm kernel oil, coconut oil and in mother's milk. This fatty acid has strong antiviral, antifungal and antimicrobial properties. [83] Because coconut oil contains lauric acid, it is often used in baby formulas. These oils are extremely stable and can be kept at room temperature for many months without becoming rancid (and thereby carcinogenic). It is not true that coconut oil causes heart disease. In contrary: when coconut oil was fed as 7% of energy to patients recovering from heart attacks, the patients had greater improvement compared to untreated controls, and no difference compared to patents treated with corn or safflower oils. Highly saturated tropical oils have been nourishing healthy populations for millennia. [84] So how did coconut oil get a negative reputation? The problems for coconut oil started four decades ago when researchers fed animals hydrogenated coconut oil that was purposefully altered to make it completely devoid of any essential fatty acids. The hydrogenated coconut oil was selected instead of hydrogenated cottonseed, corn or soybean oil because it was a soft enough fat for blending into diets due to the presence 59 of 240

of the lower melting medium chain saturated fatty acids. The same functionality could not be obtained from the cottonseed, corn or soybean oils if they were made totally saturated, since all their fatty acids were long chain and high melting and could not be easily blended nor were they as readily digestible. The animals fed the hydrogenated coconut oil (as the only fat source) naturally became essential fatty acid deficient; their serum cholesterol levels increased. Diets that cause an essential fatty acid deficiency always produce an increase in serum cholesterol levels as well as an increase in the atheroscerosis indices. The same effect has also been seen when other essential fatty acid deficient, highly hydrogenated oils such as cottonseed, soybean, or corn oils have been fed; so it is clearly a function of the hydrogenated product, either because the oil is essential fatty acid (EFA) deficient or because of trans fatty acids. Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Tradition, [85] offers evidence that tropical oils such as palm kernel and coconut are actually a healthier option to canola and believes that the bad rap they have received is a result of intense lobbying by the vegetable oil industry, particularly the American Soybean Association (ASA), the Corn Products Company (CPC International) and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), aided by the FDA. Although they contain plenty of saturated fat, over two-thirds of these are in the form of short- and medium-chain fatty acids (often called "medium-chain triglycerides"). She observes that, as one-third of the world's nations in tropical areas have switched to polyunsaturated vegetable oils, the incidence of intestinal disorders and immune deficiency diseases has increased dramatically. Bruce Fife, N.D., the author of the book Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil, completely convinced of powerful properties of coconut oil as a weight loss promoter, proposes ―The Coconut Diet‖, a diet that you would like, that you could stay on permanently and still enjoy most of your favorite foods without worrying about counting calories or weighing food. The diet is simple and it doesn‘t require any drastic changes in the way you prepare or eat your food. Just replace all the refined vegetable oils you use in your kitchen with coconut oil and try to incorporate fresh and dried coconut and coconut milk into as many meals as possible. When combined with a high-fiber diet, coconut oil and coconut products can have a remarkable effect on your weight and your health. [86]

Bad (Toxic) Fats Most of the health problems usually blamed on fats should be blamed on the destructive processing of fats, normally used to obtain longer shelf life and greater convenience for manufacturers and consumers. High temperature, refining, processing or other man-made tampering produces molecules that have been changed from natural and healthy to unnatural and toxic. Among the worst of the 'bad' fats are all man-made fats known as trans fatty acids or hydrogenated fats. Hydrogenated Fats

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You can find them in most processed foods including cookies, solid and semi solid margarines, commercial cooking oils and many domestic cooking oils. Look carefully at the labels of any processed food that you buy. If you see ―hydrogenated‖ or ―partially hydrogenated‖ on the label put it back on the shelf. In a process called hydrogenation oil is heated to 500°F and pressurized for several hours in order to add hydrogen atoms to it. In the presence of a nickel or aluminum catalyst the liquid oil is converted to a semi solid state. Hydrogenation helps prevent the oil from becoming rancid even though it destroys its nutritional value. This process enables manufacturers to convert cheap, low quality oils into butter substitutes... hence the explosion of margarines on the market. All types of fats- whether saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated- can undergo the hydrogenation process, which renders them completely inedible. As these reprocessed oils and fats are completely foreign to the body, the body cannot assimilate them. There is therefore no nutritional value to them at all. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, trans- fatty acids double risk of heath attack, kill at least 30,000 Americans every year, and increase diabetes. Other research shows that they interfere with vision in children, cerebral cortex function (lower intelligence), liver detoxification, make platelets more sticky, correlate with increased prostate and breast cancers, interfere with insulin function, in animals (no human studies done) interfere with reproduction, and contribute to heart disease and obesity. They also interfere with EFA functions, and make EFA deficiency worse. For some mysterious reason the FDA failed to require the food companies to list the trans fatty percentages on food labels

Negative Effects Of Trans Fatty Acids On The Body [87]

o o o o o o o o o

Lowers the "good" HDL cholesterol in a dose response manner (the higher the trans level in the diet, the lower the HDL cholesterol in the serum); Raises the LDL cholesterol in a dose response manner; Raises the atherogenic lipoprotein (a) in humans; Raises total serum cholesterol levels 20-30mg%; Lowers the amount of cream (volume) in milk from lactating females in all species studied, including humans, thus lowering the overall quality available to the infant; Correlates to low birth weight in human infants; Increases blood insulin levels in humans in response to glucose load, increasing risk for diabetes; Affects immune response by lowering efficiency of B cell response and increasing proliferation of T cells; Decreases levels of testosterone in male animals, increases level of abnormal sperm, and interferes with gestation in females; 61 of 240

o o o o o o o o o o

Decreases the response of the red blood cell to insulin, thus having a potentially undesirable effect in diabetics; Inhibits the function of membrane-related enzymes such as the delta-6 desaturase, resulting in decreased conversion of, e.g., linoleic acid to arachidonic acid; Causes adverse alterations in the activities of the important enzyme system that metabolizes chemical carcinogens and drugs (medications), i.e., the mixed function oxidase cytochromes; Causes alterations in physiological properties of biological membranes including measurements of membrane transport and membrane fluidity; Causes alterations in adipose cell size, cell number, lipid class, and fatty acid composition; Adversely interacts with conversion of plant omega-3 fatty acids to elongated omega-3 tissue fatty acids; Escalates adverse effects of essential fatty acid deficiency; Increases peroxisomal activity (potentiates free-radical formation); Increased breast cancer in women; Increased heart disease in men and women; Increases non-insulin dependent type diabetes disease;

Recently, the Center For Science in Public Interest analyzed 41 supermarket and restaurant foods purchased in seven cities across the country. These are the findings: FRENCH FRIES: The hidden trans fatty acids in McDonalds, Hardees and Arby's fries doubles the damage caused by their regular saturated regular fat counterparts. The fries at Burger King and Wendy's are even worse. FISH: Red Lobster's Admiral's Feast Dinner contains a two-day supply of artery clogging trans fatty acids. CHICKEN: Kentucky Fried Chicken has a full day's worth of trans fatty acids BAKED GOODS: Dunkin Donuts Old Fashioned Cake Donuts contains trans fatty acids that more than doubles the damage its' regular saturated fat counterpart. Eating just one is like eating 8 strips of bacon as pertaining to the amount of damage it is doing to the arteries because of the trans fatty acids. Who eats 8 strips of bacon at one sitting? Campbell's Soups are loaded with hydrogenated oils, read the label on the cans. Most crackers, cookies, bread, shortenings like margarine and Crisco, refined vegetable oils and most brands of peanut butter too. [87] Saturated (Hard) Fats Saturated fats, particularly the ones of animal origin, have a bad reputation, but many professionals believe it is not animal fat, but the combination of animal foods, fats and low-fiber vegetables that is the problem. Also, because of horrible factory farming methods, antibiotics and steroid use, fats from non-organically raised, non-freerange animals should be used with prudence. Saturated fats like butter, dairy fats, pork, beef, lamb fats, and tropical (non-animal) fats are natural. All foods contain some. The body uses them for energy and in cells and tissues. These fats cause problems only if we do not get enough EFAs in our diet.

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EFAs and saturated fats have opposite effects in the body. EFAs (especially omega3) increase insulin sensitivity and make platelets less sticky, making a clot in an artery (stroke, heart attack, embolism) less likely. Saturated fats, on the other hand, increase insulin resistance and make platelets stickier. To prevent the negative effects of saturated fats, we need to make sure that we optimize our intake of EFAs before we start using saturated fats in our diet. And we need to make sure that EFAs always win the competition with saturated fats. Cooking (Refined) Oils Cooking oils, whether saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated, are made by treating oils pressed from seeds with corrosive base, corrosive acid, and bleaching clays. This is done to remove 'minor' ingredients, which have major health benefits, but shorten the shelf stability of the oil. Bleaching turns oils rancid, and they acquire a bad odor of rancidity. They must then be deodorized to remove the rancid odor, and this process is carried out at frying temperature. Oils treated this way lose most of their minor ingredients, are unbalanced, and contain about 0.5 to 1% molecules that have been changed by the processing from natural to toxic. For this reason most of the cooking oils should be classified as ―bad‖ fats. Refining, bleaching and deodorization (RBD) are not the only processes making the oils less edible. One needs to remember that EFAs (omega-6 and omega-3) in oils are sensitive to light, air (oxygen), and heat. The omega-3 EFA is destroyed 5 times more rapidly than is the omega-6 EFA. The richer an oil is in EFAs (especially omega-3), the more it is damaged when fried, and the more toxic it becomes. Among all popular oils, available in the supermarkets near you, only cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil does not undergo RBD processing, therefore it retains some if its original qualities. Don‘t destroy them by using olive oil for frying. For that use lard, butter or processed oils, and add olive oil later, to an already prepared meal. Use of the following fats should be strictly avoided:

Peanut Oil contains 48% oleic acid, 18% saturated fat and 34% omega-6 linoleic acid. Like olive oil, peanut oil is relatively stable and, therefore, appropriate for stir-fries on occasion. But the high percentage of omega-6 presents a potential danger, so use of peanut oil should be strictly limited.

Sesame Oil contains 42% oleic acid, 15% saturated fat, and 43% omega-6 linoleic acid. Sesame oil is similar in composition to peanut oil. It can be used for frying because it contains unique antioxidants that are not destroyed by heat. However, the high percentage of omega-6 militates against its use. 63 of 240

Safflower, Corn, Sunflower, Soybean Oils all contain over 50% of omega-6 and, except for soybean oil, only minimal amounts of omega-3. Safflower oil contains almost 80% omega-6. Researchers are just beginning to discover the dangers of excess omega-6 oils in the diet, whether rancid or not. Use of these oils should be strictly avoided. They should never be consumed after they have been heated, as in cooking, frying or baking. High oleic safflower and sunflower oils, produced from hybrid plants, have a composition similar to olive oil, namely, high amounts of oleic acid and only small amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids and, thus, are more stable than traditional varieties. However, it is difficult to find truly cold-pressed versions of these oils.

Cottonseed Oil

has a 2:1 ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids. Its fatty acid profile generally consists of 70% unsaturated fatty acids including 18% monounsaturated (oleic) and 52% polyunsaturated (linoleic) and 26% saturated (primarily palmitic and stearic). Cotton is not considered a food crop. Approximately 60% of a cotton crop, by weight, enters the food chain in the form of cottonseed oil which is used widely in processed foods, and as cottonseed feed for cows, ending up in meat and dairy products. Cotton is comprised of fiber and seed: 40% fiber to 60% seed by weight. Once separated in the gin, the fibers go to textile mills, while the seed and various ginning by-products often find their way untreated into the feed of dairy and beef cattle. The pesticide residues from the heavily sprayed cotton concentrate in the fatty tissues of these animals, and in turn are passed on in meat and dairy products to consumers. Cottonseed, which is rich in oil and high in protein, is also a common ingredient in cookies, potato chips, salad dressings, baked goods, and other processed foods. It is also a main ingredient of a popular Crisco shortening. Cottonseed oil -byproduct of cotton fiber production- contains toxic fatty acids similar to those present in rape seed oil about 30 years ago and suspected of causing several deaths before being taken off the market. These fatty acids caused illness when fed to dogs and pigs Avoid products containing cottonseed oil. Along with soybeans, corn, and canola oil, cotton is one of the four major engineered crops in America. An estimated 50% of all cotton grown in the US is genetically modified.

Canola Oil contains 5% saturated fat, 57% oleic acid, 23% omega-6 and 10%-15% omega-3. Canola oil's real name is "LEAR" oil (Low Erucic Acid Rape). It is more commonly known as "rape oil." Canola oil was first developed in Canada. It's proponents claim that due to genetic engineering and irradiation, it is no longer rape oil, but "canola" ("Canada oil low acid."). They also claim it is completely safe, pointing to it's unsaturated structure and digestibility. Although, I could not verify it, it is claimed the Canadian government paid the FDA the sum of $50 million dollars to have canola oil placed on the GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe). Even though it‘s been on the list for good couple 64 of 240

of years now, no long-term studies on humans have ever been done to justify this decision. Although not as deadly as some opponents maintain, canola oil can hardly be classified as ‖good‖ oil. It is particularly dangerous to the cardiovascular system. In 1997 Canadian researchers found that piglets fed milk replacement containing canola oil showed signs of vitamin E deficiency, even though the milk replacement contained adequate amounts of vitamin E. [88] In a 1998 paper, the same research group reported that piglets fed canola oil suffered from a decrease in platelet count and an increase in platelet size. [89] Bleeding time was longer in piglets fed both canola oil and rapeseed oil. These changes were mitigated by the addition of saturated fatty acids from either cocoa butter or coconut oil to the piglets‘ diet. These results were confirmed in another study a year later. Canola oil was found to suppress the normal developmental increase in platelet count. [90] Studies carried out at the Health Research and Toxicology Research Divisions in Ottawa, Canada discovered that rats bred to have high blood pressure and proneness to stroke had shortened life-spans when fed canola oil as the sole source of fat. [91] The results of a later study suggested that the culprit was the sterol compounds in the oil, which ―make the cell membrane more rigid‖ and contribute to the shortened life span of the animals. [92]. Furthermore, canola oil seems to retard growth, which is why the FDA does not allow the use of canola oil in infant formula. [93] Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Traditions, warns that rapeseed is unfit for human consumption because it contains a very long-chain fatty acid called "erucic acid," which in large quantities is associated with fibrotic lesions in the heart. Canola oil was bred to contain little if any erucic acid (2%) but some studies indicate that even low-erucicacid canola oil causes heart lesions, particularly when the diet is low in saturated fat. [94]. It has high sulphur content and goes rancid easily. Baked goods made with canola oil develop mold very quickly. During the deodorizing process, the omega-3 fatty acids of processed canola oil are transformed into trans fatty acids, similar to those in margarine and possibly more dangerous. Fallon writes: ‗Despite manufacturer claims that their product is "expeller-pressed" or "cold-pressed," (meaning no external heat source was applied), very high temperatures are still generated by the machinery and cause extensive damage. Even "lightly refined" canola oil is subjected to most of the chemical processing steps applied to regular grocery store oils, the main difference being that chemical solvents aren't used to extract the oil from the seeds, and that preservatives and defoamers aren't added.‘ [85] Those who will defend Canola may bring attention to the fact that the Chinese and Indians have used for centuries with no ill effects, but according to Udo Erasmus [77], their oils were in an unrefined form, which makes a world of difference. However, 65 of 240

according to an article in the Wall Street Journal [95] smoke emitted from rapeseed oil used for stir-frying in China was found to emit carcinogenic chemicals, increasing the incidence of lung cancer in that country. And an ABC news report broadcast on Feb. 15, 1994 aired results of a medical study, which confirmed a definite link between the consumption of canola and soy oils and the development of prostrate cancer in men. John Thomas, author of Young Again: How To Reverse The Aging Process, even claims that hair loss, anemia, constipation, irritability, pulmonary emphysema, respiratory distress, glaucoma and blindness may be the result for both animals and humans consuming canola oil, but since his book makes on scientific references his fascinating statements are yet to be proven. [96] Because canola oil is so cheap, it is now widely used in the food industry. If you are curious, just read a few food labels the next time you are in the grocery store. A good example can be found with commercially prepared peanut butter. In order to give peanut butter it's spreadability, Jiffy, Peter Pan and Skippy brands remove ALL of the natural peanut oil and replace it with canola oil. Natural peanut butter should only have peanuts and salt listed in the ingredients. About 60% of the canola oil produced and sold in North America is genetically modified. Canola is increasingly popular oil in restaurants and institutional cooking because of its polyunsaturated quality, light texture, and mild taste. It is widely used in processed foods and products. In summary, our choice of fats and oils is one of extreme importance. Most people, especially infants and growing children, benefit from more fat in the diet rather than less. But the fats we eat must be chosen with care. Avoid all processed foods containing novel hydrogenated fats and polyunsaturated oils. Instead, use traditional vegetable oils like extra virgin olive oil and small amounts of unrefined flax seed oil. Acquaint yourself with the merits of coconut oil for baking and with animal fats for occasional frying. Eat egg yolks and other animal fats with the proteins to which they are attached. And, finally, use as much good quality butter as you like, with the happy assurance that it is a wholesome-indeed, an essential-food for you and your whole family. Organic butter, extra virgin olive oil, and expeller-expressed flax oil in opaque containers are available in health food stores and gourmet markets. Edible coconut oil can be found in Indian or Caribbean markets. Partially extracted from Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD (NewTrends Publishing 2000, www.newtrendspublishing.com 877-707-1776)

Cholesterol Myths 

Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. There are no such things as good or bad cholesterol, but mental stress, physical activity and change of body weight may influence the level of

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  

blood cholesterol. High cholesterol is not dangerous by itself, but may reflect an unhealthy condition, or it may be totally innocent. High blood cholesterol is said to promote atherosclerosis and thus also coronary heart disease. But many studies have shown that people whose blood cholesterol is low become just as atherosclerotic as people whose cholesterol is high. Your body produces three to four times more cholesterol than you eat. The production of cholesterol increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you eat much. This explains why the ‖prudent‖ diet cannot lower cholesterol more than on average a few percent. There is no evidence that too much animal fat and cholesterol in the diet promotes atherosclerosis or heart attacks. For instance, more than twenty studies have shown that people who have had a heart attack haven't eaten more fat of any kind than other people, and degree of atherosclerosis at autopsy is unrelated with the diet. The only effective way to lower cholesterol is with drugs, but neither heart mortality or total mortality have been improved with drugs the effect of which is cholesterol-lowering only. On the contrary, these drugs are dangerous to your health and may shorten your life. The new cholesterol-lowering drugs, the statins, do prevent cardio-vascular disease, but this is due to other mechanisms than cholesterol-lowering. Unfortunately, they also stimulate cancer in rodents. Many of these facts have been presented in scientific journals and books for decades but are rarely told to the public by the proponents of the diet-heart idea. The reason why laymen, doctors and most scientists have been misled is because opposing and disagreeing results are systematically ignored or misquoted in the scientific press. [97]

The truth is that cholesterol is your best friend. Mother's milk is high in cholesterol because it is essential for growth and development. It is vital for the function of the nervous system and the integrity of the digestive tract. Steroid hormones that help the body deal with stress, protect against cancer, heart disease and mental illness, are made from cholesterol. Sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone are made from cholesterol. Bile salts that the body uses to digest fats are made from cholesterol. Vitamin D, needed for thousands of biochemical processes, is made from cholesterol. Cholesterol is a powerful antioxidant that protects us against cancer. It is vital to the cells because it provides waterproofing and structural integrity. And, finally, cholesterol is the body‘s repair substance. When our arteries are weak and develop fissures or tears, cholesterol is sequestered and used for repair. When cholesterol levels in the blood are high, it’s because the body needs cholesterol. Blaming heart disease on cholesterol is like blaming a fire on the firemen who arrive to put out the flames. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed a dramatic difference between the heart-disease rates of populations in northern and southern India. [98] The northerners were meat-eaters and had high cholesterol levels. Their main source of dietary fat was ghee (clarified butter). The southerners were 67 of 240

vegetarians and had much lower cholesterol levels. Present-day 'wisdom' would predict the vegetarians to have the lower rate of heart disease, but, in fact, the opposite was true. The vegetarians had 15 times the rate of heart disease when compared to their northern counterparts! What was the reason for this surprising difference? Aside from meat versus vegetables, the major dietary difference was that the southerners had replaced their traditional ghee (a real food) with margarine and refined, polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Twenty years later, the British medical journal the Lancet noted an increase in heart-attack deaths amongst the northern Indians. [99] The northerners had also largely replaced the ghee in their diets with margarine and refined vegetable oils. With so much attention being put on cholesterol, studies have been conducted to attempt to conclusively prove that cholesterol is the culprit. The first study, still ongoing, is known as the Framingham Heart Study conducted in Framingham, Massachusetts over a 40-year period. Researchers, who represented the food industry, were so disappointed that they changed and slanted the results to keep harping on the evils of cholesterol, despite the facts that proved otherwise. In attempt to appease the moneyed interests, investigators claimed that coronary risk increased 240% for people with cholesterol levels between 182 and 244. The true facts show less than 1%. Even more discouraging to investigators, people with higher cholesterol (244 - 294) actually had their coronary risk decline! Even for those with extremely high cholesterol levels - up to almost 1,200 mg/dL - the difference in CHD events compared to those in the normal range was trivial. Bottom line results showed that there was no difference in the incidence of heart disease between people who had high fat diets. This did not prevent Dr William Kannel, then Framingham Study Director, from making claims about the Framingham results. "Total plasma cholesterol," he said, "is a powerful predictor of death related to CHD." It was not until more than a decade later, in 1992, that the real findings at Framingham were published - without fanfare - in the Archives of Internal Medicine, an obscure journal. "In Framingham, Massachusetts," admitted Dr William Castelli, Kannel's successor, "the more saturated fat one ate, the more cholesterol one ate, the more calories one ate, the lower people's serum cholesterol ... we found that the people who ate the most cholesterol, ate the most saturated fat, ate the most calories, weighed the least and were the most physically active." "The diet-heart hypothesis [that suggests that high intake of saturated fat and cholesterol causes heart disease] has been repeatedly shown to be wrong, and yet, for complicated reasons of pride, profit and prejudice, the hypothesis continues to be exploited by scientists, fund-raising enterprises, food companies and even governmental agencies. The public is being deceived by the greatest health scam of the century."[100] Boy! Just as soon as we all get comfortable blaming cholesterol, we find it's hard to justify our fear and hatred. So, how about another study? The US Government funded a study of 362,000 men called the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial. Nothing significant came from this study either, except that it showed an increase in deaths for cholesterol levels under 160. Evidently low cholesterol is a concern. People with 68 of 240

cholesterol above 180 had only a 1% increase in death rates, and people with cholesterol levels of 300 had only a 2% increase in death rates. Well, a third study was funded with $150 million dollars. It was called the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial. Participants were put on a low cholesterol, low saturated fat diet. Some got a cholesterol-lowering drug. Others got a placebo. From this study came a finding that claimed that "for every 1% reduction in cholesterol, expect a mere 2% reduction in chronic heart disease. However, when independent researchers scrutinized the data, they found no difference between the two groups. And worse, they found that deaths from cancer in the subjects who took the cholesterol-lowering drug had greatly increased! Despite this, medical journals and the press promoted this study as the conclusive proof of cholesterol's guilt. In 1984, the US Government called for mass screenings and set the standard that anyone with cholesterol over 200 is at risk for heart disease and, thus, needs to take cholesterol-lowering drugs that increase the incidence of cancer. From this comes the national mania regarding cholesterol. Founded on fallacy, supported by the food industry and the medical industry (the two industries that earn more than $100 billion dollars a year on fat-free, low fat products, and cholesterol screening and treatments) promote the cholesterol scare at every opportunity. An editorial by Harvard's Walter Willett, M.D. in the American Journal of Public Health [101] acknowledged that even though… "…the focus of dietary recommendations is usually a reduction of saturated fat intake, no relation between saturated fat intake and risk of CHD was observed in the most informative prospective study to date." In fact, saturated fats actually LOWER the risk of heart diseases and ease the symptoms of many other illnesses, whereas a low–fat, high carbohydrate diet makes things only worse! Numerous studies have shown that high-carbohydrate low-fat diets lead to high triglycerides, elevated serum insulin levels, lower HDL cholesterol levels, and other factors known to raise the risk of coronary artery disease. [102-106] ―A recent American study showed that low-fat, high-carbohydrate diets (15% protein, 60% carbohydrate, 25% fat) increase risk of heart disease in post-menopausal women over a higher fat, lower carbohydrate diet (15% protein, 40% carbohydrate, 45% fat).‖ [107] Low fat diets can increase the risk of developing diabetes: ―A study involving tens of thousands of American women showed that diets high in carbohydrate (which almost all low-fat diets are) significantly raise women's risk of developing diabetes,

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although cereal fibre intake seems to have a limited protective effect.‖ [108] "Our results do not support the recommendation of an isoenergetic high carbohydrate, low fat diet for improving peripheral insulin action in adults with glucose intolerance ... the increase in insulin action that we observed previously with vigorous exercise training was negated when combined with a diet high in carbohydrates and fiber. ... The subjects in this study are at increased risk for developing NIDDM." [109] [Note: NIDDM is Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus -- the most common form of diabetes.] Conventional wisdom holds that low- fat diets contribute to weight loss. In reality there remains no study clearly showing a positive correlation between low fat diet and weight loss. Most studies show weight gain among test subjects exposed to such a diet. ―In a two-year study, 171 women on a low-fat diet achieved a maximum weight loss of only about seven and a half pounds at 6 months, and by year two some of that weight was regained. Most significantly, the standard deviation was more than twice the average weight loss, showing that a number of subjects actually gained weight on the low-fat diet, not counting the 13 that dropped out of the program.‖ [110] In addition… …"We found no evidence of a positive association between total dietary fat intake and the risk of breast cancer. There was no reduction in risk even among women whose energy intake from fat was less than 20 percent of total energy intake. In the context of the Western lifestyle, lowering the total intake of fat in midlife is unlikely to reduce the risk of breast cancer substantially." [111]

Fat Substitutes Fat substitutes added to commercial foods or used in baking deliver some of the desirable qualities of fat, but do not add as many calories. It should be noted, however, that one study suggested that people who consume foods that contain fat substitutes do not learn to dislike fatty foods, while people who learn to cook using foods naturally lacking or low in fat eventually lose their taste for high fat diets. They include the following: 

Plant substances known as sterols have long been known to reduce cholesterol by impairing its absorption in the intestinal tract. Sterols are now being isolated as sterol derivatives or as stanols (which are saturated sterols) to produce margarines (Benecol, Take Control). Benecol is 70 of 240

derived from pine bark and Take Control from soybeans. Studies on such margarines are reporting that either two servings a day as part of a low-fat diet can lower LDL and total cholesterol. It should be noted, however, that these margarines may be hydrogenated and include some trans-fatty acids. Of further concern is the possibility that stanol may block absorption of important fat-soluble nutrients, including vitamins A, E, and D and carotenoids (compounds, such best carotene, that convert to vitamin A). One study suggested that it had no effect on the vitamins but did impair absorption of beta-carotene. In people already on a low-fat diet, the addition of these margarines may not produce much additional benefit. 

Under investigation are fat substitutes derived from betaglucan, the soluble fiber found in oats and barley (eg. NuTrim). They may have health benefits beyond reducing calories and replacing hydrogenated or saturated fats.


Olestra, which is marketed under the trade name Olean, is a chemically engineered fat substitute that was discovered in the late-1960s by Procter and Gamble (P&G). In 1971, P&G began talks with the Food and Drug Administration aimed at obtaining regulatory approval for the sale of Olestra on the market. Twenty-five years later, in 1996, the FDA gave approval for the limited use of Olestra in savory snacks. In all, during the 25-year approval process, P&G spent close to $300 million to get Olestra approved, potentially making it the most costly food additive ever. Lets take a closer look at this diet marvel. Olestra is made from ordinary sugar and vegetable oil, but it has a different chemical structure than ordinary fat (e.g., triglyceride fat), While triglyceride fat is composed of a glycerol core to which three fatty acids are attached, Olestra is composed of a sucrose core to which six, seven, or eight fatty acids are attached. Neither ordinary fat nor Olestra can be directly absorbed by the human body because they are both too large to pass through the lining of the intestines. Ordinary fat is broken down by enzymes in the intestines into its constituent components, which are themselves capable of being absorbed through the intestinal wall. However, there are no enzymes in the human gastrointestinal tract, which are able to break down Olestra, and therefore it cannot be absorbed by humans. Consequently it does not deposit any calories the way natural fat does. Olestra may be fat-free but it has a fatal side effect: it attaches to valuable nutrients and flushes them out of the body. Some of these nutrients -called carotenoids -- appear to protect us from such diseases as lung 71 of 240

cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, and macular degeneration. Walter Willett, head of the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, and Harvard colleague Meir Stampfer wrote a letter to then-FDA commissioner David Kessler cautioning him that "the long-term consumption of olestra snack foods might therefore result in several thousand unnecessary deaths each year from lung and prostate cancers and heart disease, and hundreds of additional cases of blindness in the elderly due to macular degeneration. Besides contributing to disease, olestra causes diarrhea and other serious gastrointestinal problems, even at low doses." ―Avoid submitting the U.S. population, including children and pregnant women, to a massive uncontrolled experiment with potentially disastrous consequences,‖ they asked. [112] Couple of weeks later the FDA‘s Food Advisory Committee recommended approval of Olestra after just 4 days of meetings. Seventeen members of the committee, from which at least nine came from food industry consultants, endorsed olestra for approval and five opposed it. None was an expert on carotenoids. [113] Though olestra had been determined to be safe, all snacks containing olestra would have to carry a label that stated: This Product Contains Olestra. Olestra may cause abdominal cramping and loose stools. Olestra inhibits the absorption of some vitamins and other nutrients. Vitamins A, D, E, and K have been added. Shortly after the approval, Henry Blackburn of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, one of the five FDA panel members who voted against olestra's approval, wrote in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine: ―The FDA staff worked closely with P&G and acted as proponents of the company’s petition.‖ [114] ―I don't think the adverse health effects of olestra were given a reasonable public hearing," said Ian Greaves of the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. ―It was a triumph of marketing over health concerns. The marketing people out-shouted the health people.‖ [115] Dr. John Bertram of the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii called olestra ―a public health time bomb,‖ while Dr. Herbert Needleman of the University of Pittsburgh Medical School said: ―it would be clear folly to introduce this product into the diet of children.‖[116] ―Olestra has the potential to do significant harm,‖ said Ernst Schaefer of the Jean Mayer U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. [117]

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Even the FDA finally admitted that: ―In addition to inhibiting the absorption of essential vitamins, olestra reduces the absorption of carotenoids-nutrients found in carrots, sweet potatoes, green leaf vegetables, and some animal tissue.‖ [118] As of May 2000, more than 18,000 consumers have submitted to the FDA reports of adverse reactions that they attributed to olestra. That’s more reports than the FDA has received for all other additives in history -combined. And yet the sell of Olestra continues…

Tips for healthier eating (Partially extracted from Nexus Magazine, Volume 4, #2 (February-March 1997).

 

The best oils are provided by nature, neatly packaged to prevent oxidation of their precious contents. Freshly ground organic flax seeds contain fresh oil (protected by the husk), and their fiber is the richest source of certain substances called "lignans", found to have potent anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Flax fiber has from 100 to 800 times more lignans than other fiber sources. This is an inexpensive and tasty way to ensure adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Have some freshly ground flax seeds every day. Pulverize three tablespoons of seeds in a blender or coffee grinder to yield about one tablespoon of oil (mixed in with the powder). This will approximate the suggested daily amount of omega3 oil for an average person. It can be mixed with cereal, blended in a smoothie or added to yogurt. You can also mix it with warm (not hot) apple juice, and add some sliced banana or other fruit to make a tasty, nutritious, pudding-like cereal that's filling and will do wonders for bowel function! Be sure to consume the ground flaxseeds within 10 to 15 minutes to minimize the damage from oxidation. Caution: some people are allergic to flaxseed. Test your sensitivity before ingesting larger amounts. Use unsalted butter instead of margarine. Butter has some problems, too, such as residual hormones and pesticides, but it is a whole food. Whole foods have fat-mobilizing nutrients to take care of their own fats if eaten in moderation. If you want to use butter, try to get organically produced butter. An even better alternative is the organic ghee, or clarified butter, mentioned earlier. Ghee is the cooking fat most highly regarded by Indian and French chefs. It has a good aroma and will not burn, smoke or develop toxic compounds when heated. Organic, unrefined, non-hydrogenated coconut butter is an alternative to regular butter in your diet. Use olive oil or a 50:50 mixture of ghee and olive oil. Do not fry or sauté with "polyunsaturated" light oils such as safflower, sunflower or corn oils. They oxidize readily into damaging free radicals at high temperatures. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can tear into your cells and start nasty chain reactions that can leave behind extensive damage, including alteration of your genetic 73 of 240

  

code (DNA) and formation of cancer cells. Free radicals are widely considered to play a major role in degenerative disease. While there are virtually no EFAs in olive oil, it is rich in "mono-unsaturated" fatty acids and is not so easily oxidized. Use an "extra virgin, cold-pressed, first pressing" olive oil, preferably with a greenish color and some sediment on the bottom, which usually indicates less processing. Most co-ops carry it. Try non-hydrogenated peanut butter, available in some grocery stores and all food co-ops. The peanut butter will separate, with the oil floating to the top of the container. The best brand is probably Arrowhead Mills. They sun-dry their organic peanuts to avoid growth of a common mould that produces aflatoxin, which is as toxic as the name suggests. Most commercial peanuts reportedly have aflatoxin as well as pesticide residues. Almond or walnut butters contain healthier fats than peanut butter, without the mould problem. You can find them at food co-ops and health food stores. Buy your oil in sealed bottles and avoid the bulk oils in co-ops, since they are usually rancid (free radicals again). Oil that tastes bitter when you place a drop on your tongue is rancid and should not be consumed. Always refrigerate your oils after opening. Unrefined oils are best refrigerated as soon as you buy them, to prolong their shelf- life. If they are not in lightproof bottles, keep them out of the light. The greater your intake of unsaturated fats like vegetable oils and fish oils (EPA/DHA omega-3s), the more you need antioxidant protection against freeradical damage. If you take supplements of fish oil or evening primrose oil, or use polyunsaturated oils, consider taking extra vitamin E. An effective daily dose of vitamin E is about 300 to 400 IUs per day, and "mixed tocopherols" is probably the best general-purpose form to use. Many studies support its effectiveness in reducing risk of heart disease, arthritis and other free-radicalrelated diseases. Since vitamin C is used to regenerate 'used' vitamin E, supplementing with 500 to 1,000 mg of vitamin C a day would be prudent as well. Avoid all oils produced from genetically modified corps, even if the oils are labeled as unprocessed or non-hydrogenated. The table below will help you to choose GMO-free fat.

The following table contains a list of the most popular oils currently on the market. Follow the color key to find out if they are still GMO free. Oils Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Safflower, Olive, Peanut Oil, Sesame Oil, Soy Oil

Genetically engineered varieties currently being sold on the market. Genetically engineered varieties currently in field trials, or have been in field trials. Genetically engineered varieties may have entered the market, but are no longer being sold. GMO free! Genetically engineered varieties are currently not sold or in field trials. Source: Greenpeace True Food Guide

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Sugar That sugar occupies a cherished role in the human diet hardly needs mention. After all, nearly 2,500 tastebuds located at the tip of the human tongue are dedicated to the pursuit of sweetness. The first recorded mention of sugar, a description of a crown of glistening sugar crystals, dates back to a sacred Hindu text Atharvaveda from 800 B.C. Our love for sweets survived the test of time. It is estimated that in the lifetime of the average American, each person will chew up and swallow 12750 lb of white refined sugar, 30000 candy bars and 37500 doughnuts! Despite the fact that we are increasingly conscious of our health and weight, and that 59 percent of us watch the amount of fat in diet and 37 percent watch calories, Americans still love snacks, especially candy and chocolate. In fact, these sweets top the list as favorites for satisfying America's sweet tooth. Survey findings reveal a whopping 96 percent of adults have the urge to snack; nearly half describe themselves as "anytime snackers," with 62 percent feeling the need to nibble most when home. Women in particular (75%) grab a snack when feeling stressed, with 42 percent choosing candy and chocolate. How far do Americans go to keep their sweet tooths happy? Almost half (46%) keep a private stash of candy to fulfill future cravings. And while 31 percent try to beat temptation by putting candy on hard-to-reach shelves, more than two-thirds keep it handy on desks, in pockets, on night stands or in glove compartments. Unbelievably, among the "self-confessed sweet tooths," 64 percent have gone as far as raiding their kids' candy supplies to sneak a sweet at least once in the past three months. [119] In the last 20 years, we have increased sugar consumption in the U.S. 26 pounds to 160 lbs. of sugar per person per year! That's 46 heaping teaspoons of sugar a day, a hike of nearly 30 percent since the early 1980s. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a daily diet of 2,000 calories should include no more than about 10 teaspoons of added sugar. Prior to the turn of this century (1887-1890), when cardiovascular disease and cancer was virtually unknown, the average consumption was only 5 lbs. per person per year. Simple carbohydrates, soluble in water, colorless, odorless, forming crystals at room temperature, sometimes called simple sugars, include:  

Monosaccharides: (single sugar molecules) such as glucose from various fruits, fructose from fruits and honey and galactose from milk. Disaccharides: (each molecule is made of two single sugar molecules) such as sucrose (table sugar) extracted from beet or cane, lactose extracted from milk and maltose-a sugar produced by the action of malt and starch.

By ―sugar‖ we usually mean the refined, white powder that is the major ingredient in candy, soft drinks, cakes, pies, cookies, etc… The refining process takes natural sugar cane and removes all of the fiber, vitamins, and minerals from it. First, it is heated up in chalk milk, which extracts its calcium and protein. This heating process also 75 of 240

destroys the cane's vitamins and enzymes. Next, it is mixed with acid, chalk, carbonic gas, sulfur dioxide, and natrium bicarbonate. After cooking and cooling this mixture several times, it is then crystallized, centrifuged, and treated with strontium hydroxide. To clean this deadly concoction, it is passed over chalk and carbon acid. Any dark coloring remaining is removed with sulfuric acid, filtered through bone charcoal, and then decolorized with highly toxic dyes. Eating a naked carbohydrate robs your body of its own vitamins and minerals for digestion. Over time, excessive consumption of refined sugars can lead to nutritional deficiencies and serious problems like osteoporosis and gum disease. Your body cannot produce enough digestive enzymes without the right balance of minerals. But compensating for your sweet tooth with extra-healthy foods may be a losing battle because your body is no longer digesting or assimilating food as efficiently. Food allergies are often caused by poor digestion. Refined white sugar can weaken your gastrointestinal tract and lead to a leaky gut syndrome, a phenomenon where your gut allows undigested food molecules to escape into your bloodstream. Your immune system gallantly tries to protect you by releasing strong chemicals like histamines, but this unfortunately causes inflammation (food allergy). Eliminate all sugars from your diet. Your body is perfectly capable of producing its own sugar in form of glucose, the body’s only fuel, from your body fat. When the body gets additional sugar from any outside source it stores that surplus in the form of fat. When you eliminate your sugar intake you’ll start losing weight. Simple sugars, when ingested, are rapidly released into your bloodstream, making you feel good, but at the same time triggering a surge of insulin from pancreas to bring your blood sugar levels down again. Over time, this can impact the ability of your pancreas to secrete adequate insulin and reduces the sensitivity of your cellular insulin receptors. Also, excess blood sugar is often stored as fat, which in turn reduces cellular receptivity to insulin- a true vicious cycle. Eventually, a flood of white sugar will strain your pancreas, liver, and adrenal glands (the endocrine organs that helps regulate your blood sugar levels). Your body may respond in two ways:

1. Hypoglycemia: Symptoms include exhaustion, depression, irritability, vertigo, mental confusion, anxiety, headaches, and blurred vision - does this describe you? If your blood sugar levels dip too low, too fast, less oxygen flows to your brain and uncomfortable symptoms are created.

2. Diabetes: You may be more familiar with diabetes, or hyperglycemia, a disease that strikes when a damaged pancreas can no longer produce insulin to bring blood sugar levels down. A diabetic takes insulin daily (usually by injection) to ward off danger. Excessive sugar consumption has been linked to everything from frequent colds to serious diseases like cancer, heart disease, Candida, Alzheimer's and Type II diabetes, the latter an insidious form of the disease that threatens to become a worldwide epidemic. In the last thirty years in the U.S., the incidence of Type II has increased 300%, striking nearly 50% of those over age 65.

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There is something called a "phagocytic index" which tells you how rapidly a particular macrophage or lymphocyte can gobble up a virus, bacteria, or cancer cell. It was in the 1970's that the Nobel laureate Linus Pauling (Chemistry and Peace) realized that white blood cells need a high dose of vitamin C and that is when he came up with his theory that you need high doses of vitamin C to combat the common cold. We know that glucose and vitamin C have similar chemical structures, so what happens when the sugar levels go up? They compete for one another upon entering the cells. And the thing that mediates the entry of glucose into the cells is the same thing that mediates the entry of vitamin C into the cells. If there is more glucose around, there is going to be less vitamin C allowed into the cell. It doesn't take much: a blood sugar value of 120 reduces the phagocytic index by 75%! So when you eat sugar, think of your immune system slowing down to a crawl. In addition to throwing off the body's homeostasis (The ability or tendency of an organism or a cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes.), excess sugar may result in a number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of sugar's metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other scientific publications: 1. Sugar can suppress the immune system. [143] 2. Sugar can upset the body's mineral balance. [144] 3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and crankiness in children. [145] 4. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children. [146] 5. Sugar can adversely affect children's school grades. [147] 6. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides. [148] 7. Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection. [149] 8. Sugar can cause kidney damage. [150] 9. Sugar can reduce helpful high-density cholesterol (HDLs) and promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs). [151-152] 10. Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency. [153] 11. Sugar can cause copper deficiency. [154] 12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium. [155] 13. Sugar may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum. [156] 14. Sugar can cause colon cancer, with an increased risk in women. [157] 15. Sugar can be a risk factor in gall bladder cancer. [158] 16. Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose. [159] 17. Sugar can weaken eyesight. [160] 18. Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which can narrow blood vessels. [161] 19. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia and produce an acidic stomach. [162] 20. Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children and adults. [163]

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21. Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease. [164] 22. Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and grey hair. [165166] 23. Sugar can lead to alcoholism. [167] 24. Sugar can promote tooth decay. [168] 25. Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity. [169] 26. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. [170 171] 27. Sugar can cause a raw, inflamed intestinal tract in persons with gastric or duodenal ulcers. [172] 28. Sugar can cause arthritis. [173] 29. Sugar can cause asthma. [174] 30. Sugar can cause candidiasis (yeast infection). [175] 31. Sugar can lead to the formation of gallstones. [176] 32. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones. [177] 33. Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease. [178] 34. Sugar can cause appendicitis. [179] 35. Sugar can exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. [180] 36. Sugar can indirectly cause hemorrhoids. [181] 37. Sugar can cause varicose veins. [182] 38. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraception users. [183] 39. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease. [184] 40. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis. [185] 41. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity. [186] 42. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity. [187] 43. Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance. [188] 44. Sugar can decrease growth hormone. [189] 45. Sugar can increase total cholesterol. [190] 46. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure. [191-192] 47. Sugar can change the structure of protein causing interference with protein absorption. [193-195] 48. Sugar causes food allergies. [196] 49. Sugar can contribute to diabetes. [197-198] 50. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy and contribute to eczema in children. [199] 51. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease. [200] 52. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA. [201] 53. Sugar can cause cataracts. [202] 54. Sugar can cause emphysema. [203] 55. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis and free radical formation in the bloodstream. [204] 56. Sugar lowers the enzymes' ability to function. [205] 57. Sugar can cause loss of tissue elasticity and function. [206] 58. Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver increase the amount of fat in the liver and

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increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the kidney. [207] 59. Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage. [208] 60. Sugar can increase the body's fluid retention, cause constipation, cause myopia (nearsightedness), and compromise the lining of the capillaries. [209] 61. Sugar can cause hypertension. [210] 62. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines. [211] 63. Sugar can cause an increase in delta, alpha and theta brain waves, which can alter the mind's ability to think clearly and cause depression. [212] 64. Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar diets compared to low sugar diets. [213] 65. Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon. [214] 66. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance and increase blood platelet adhesiveness, which increases risk of blood clots. [215] 67. Sugar increases the risk of Alzheimer Disease. [216]

Although your primary concern should be avoiding foods that have sugar (by whatever name; see below) listed as an ingredient, you should also avoid those foods, which have high natural sugar content, such as concentrated juices. Read labels carefully. Avoid any products, which have the following sugars listed as the ingredients: barley malt



beet sugar



brown rice syrup

granulated sugar


brown sugar

high fructose corn syrup

powdered sugar

cane juice


raisin juice

confectioners' sugar

invert sugar

raisin syrup

corn syrup


raw sugar

corn sweetener

malt dextrin


date sugar

malted barley




sugar cane


mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol, maltitol turbinado sugar


maple sugar

white sugar

fruit juice concentrate microcrystalline cellulose

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If none of the sugar names are listed in the ingredients, then the number of grams listed under "Sugars" on the nutrition label refers to naturally occurring sugar. As long as it is no more than 2g per serving, it should be all right to use sparingly.

White Refined Sugar: Extracted from the sugar beet or sugarcane, is the prime culprit and the most used of all destructive sweeteners. Refined sugar contains 99% of sucrose. There are literally tablespoonfuls of sugar in a can of soda pop. It is present in most of the aforementioned condiments, in baby foods, and in most pastries, candies, cookies, other baked goods, and syrups and jellies.

Turbinado Sugar:

Just one step away from white sugar, made of 95% sucrose skipping the final refining process with little difference in nutrition.

Fructose: Beware the "natural" products with fructose. It's not much better than white sugar. It still overstimulates the hormonal system and irritates the teeth. Eating fruit is the best way to obtain this sweet, along with the bulk, fiber, and nutrients that probably even help digest and utilize the sugar as well.

Brown Sugar:

Usually white sugar mixed with molasses or sprayed with caramel coloring to make it appear more "wholesome", thus as much poisoning as white sugar.

Honey: Common sweetener that is considered by many to be a more healthful energy food. It is sweeter than sugar, and has a distinctive flavor. One tablespoon of honey has 64 calories while one tablespoon of table sugar has 46 calories. Even though it is more nutritional, as it contains some B vitamins, vitamins C, D, and E, and traces of minerals, honey has the same basic sugar units as table sugar. Both contain glucose and fructose. Table sugar (sucrose) has the glucose and fructose hooked together, whereas in honey the fructose and glucose are in individual units. However, both get metabolized the same way by the body. Even this slightly more wholesome sweetener should be used with extreme caution. It should not to be given to babies, since contaminated honey is the only known food source for infant botulism. It may have contaminants, especially if it is imported.

Maple Syrup: Made from the sap of sugar maple trees.

"Pure" maple syrup is a healthier alternative to sugar, containing about half the sucrose and boasting both potassium and calcium. ―Maple-flavored" syrups are largely a blend of corn syrup (i.e., pure sugar) and artificial flavorings, and is a combination of sucrose and glucose. Maple syrup, regardless of a grade, is a combination of sucrose and glucose, therefore should be avoided.

Molasses: A byproduct of refined sugar production. It is made up of sucrose, glucose, fructose, and also contains small amounts of B vitamins, calcium, and iron.

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Brown Rice Malt Syrup: Consists of maltose, glucose, and complex carbohydrates. It is an amber hued syrup resembling honey, but it is not as sweet as honey.

High Fructose Corn Syrup: A cheap and plentiful sweetener used often in soft drinks, candy and baked goods.

Sucanat: Whole cane sugar with water removed.

Still sugar as far as diabetics are concerned, but it contains a small amount vitamins and minerals which helps reduce some of the negative effects found in long-term use of white sugar.

Artificial Sweeteners –a separate chapter is devoted to these poisonous, man-made substances. Read on.

Healthier Sweeteners I combined this list of healthier sweeteners for all of you who cannot refrain from eating sweets. I realize that it may be incomplete, as new sugar substitutes reach shelves practically every month, but it is to serve as a general guide only, and to encourage you to do your own research on new sugar-related developments.

Alcohol Sugar Replacers: The sugar replacers currently used in many countries worldwide are isomalt, maltitol, hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH), lactitol, mannitol, sorbitol, and xylitol. The energy values for most sugar replacers range from 1.6 to 3.0 calories per gram, rather than 4 calories per gram as for sugar and most carbohydrates. Isomalt's energy value is 2 calories per gram. They do not promote dental caries because almost all bacteria in the mouth are incapable of converting sugar replacers into decay-causing acids. They cause only a very small rise in blood glucose and insulin levels compared to sugars and other carbohydrates. The chemical structures of sugar replacers are also different from sugar. Monosaccharides such as glucose and disaccharides such as sucrose characteristically contain an aldehyde group (one hydrogen and a double bond linkage to an oxygen on their first carbon) or a ketone group (a double bonded oxygen on a non-terminal carbon). Sugar replacers, in general, have hydroxyl groups attached to all of their carbons. Sugar replacers are chemically classified as alcohols because they have extra hydroxyl groups, but they should not be confused with ethanol that is found in alcoholic beverages. SORBITOL occurs naturally in many edible fruits and berries. It is absorbed as readily as sugar by the body even though the body uses it in much the same way as sugar. Sorbitol has a mildly sweet taste, about 60% as intense as cane sugar. MALTITOL is a disaccharide polyol produced from maltose, occurring widely in nature as in chicory and roasted malt and can be up to 95% as sweet as table sugar. It has a pleasant sweet taste with no after taste and 81 of 240

has less of a laxative effect than sorbitol or mannitol. Excess consumption (over 15 grams (may be listed as sugar alcohols) may have a laxative effect.) MANNITOL is a monosaccharide polyol with about 70% the sweetening power of table sugar. Excess consumption (over 10 grams) can have a laxative effect. XYLITOL is a monosaccaride polyol derived from fruits and vegetables (such as lettuce, carrots, strawberries) and from fibrous plants. H S H (Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate) also called Lycasin is from corn. The corn kernels are steeped, ground and de-germinated; the hull, fiber and gluten are removed, leaving the liquid starch. This starch is then partially "hydrolyzed" into thick syrup. The Syrup is then placed in a reaction vessel and hydrogen gas is pumped in. With the aid of a catalyst, these extra hydrogen atoms are fused into new molecules that change the syrup into HSH (Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate). ISOMALT is a fairly new sugar substitute, it was discovered in the early 1950's by Sudzuker AG, the processor of sugar beets in Europe. Isomalt is 50% lower in calories than table sugar and only about 50% of it is metabolized by the body. LACTITOL is a sweet-tasting disaccharide polyol derived from lactose. Provides bulk and texture of sucrose with half the calories. It is 30 to 40 percent as sweet as sucrose.

Barley Malt -- Some people are sensitive to barley malt.

However, they may have been sensitive to the malt because MSG is often hidden in the "malt" in processed foods (see my info on MSG)

Fruit Juice -- such as apple juice, orange juice, or white grape juice, are wonderful substitutes for sugar. Make sure you don‘t use juices in a concentrated form. Concentrates contain much more fructose and glucose in one serving than regular juices. If you shop at a natural foods store, you will notice that many products are sweetened with fruit juice. R.W. Knudsen sodas for example taste almost as sweet as junky soda, but are made with fruit juice and carbonated water. So you get the vitamins and minerals and avoid the junk that usually comes in typical sodas.

Rice Syrup -- often found at natural food stores. Licorice Root

-- one of the most commonly used herbs in the world. No serious adverse reactions have been published about licorice root. *Single* chemical extracts have caused serious adverse reactions on occasion when used in medicine or candy, 82 of 240

but the whole root does not cause these serious reactions. A single chemical extract of glycyrrhizin from licorice root causes the blood level of this chemical to rise dramatically. This does not happen to when whole licorice root is taken in reasonable amounts. Most herbalists believe that it is wise to avoid excessive and long-term use of licorice root. Many herbalists believe that long-term use can cause water retention and hypertension in some people. Licorice root is safe for diabetics, but I would not use it as a primary sweetener. Licorice root is best used in small amounts to give herbal teas a sweet taste.

Amasake -- Made from sweet brown rice, brown rice and koji (starter).

The koji breaks down the polysaccharides in the rice to disarracharies giving it a very sweet taste. Most natural food stores have amasake drinks, which you can try -- or you can make it yourself. Try to avoid drinking too much of the amasake drinks made with almonds or nuts as they can be hard on the digestion. And last but not least my favourite ‌

Stevia -- made from a plant (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) native to South America, and it is advertised as totally safe and free of chemicals. It's available as "chopped leaves" (which delivers the smoothest taste) and also as an extract, either in a white powder form or as a clear liquid. It has now been grown commercially in Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Central America, the United States, Israel, Thailand and China. The leaves contain several chemicals called glycosides, which taste sweet, but do not provide calories. The major glycoside is called stevioside, and is one of the major sweeteners in use in Japan and Korea. Stevia and its extracts have captured over 40% of the Japanese market. Major multinational food companies like Coca Cola and Beatrice foods, convinced of its safety, use stevia extracts to sweeten foods for sale in Japan, Brazil, and other countries where it is approved. Europeans first learned of stevia when the Spanish Conquistadors of the Sixteenth Century sent word to Spain that the natives of South America had used the plant to sweeten herbal tea since "ancient times. It's recommended for hypoglycemics, diabetics, dieters, over-active children, and for anyone concerned about the overuse of sugar in today's diets and prepared foods. An Italian, Antonio Bertoni, discovered it in 1887, and the British Consul in Asuncion, Paraguay, wrote about it in 1901. Two French chemists also worked on it in 1931, and they were able to recover stevioside. The manufacturer grows its own plants and uses a water filtration method to extract the "steviosides" from the leaves. During the processing, 96 percent of the bitter by-products of the leaves are removed, leaving a better flavor and more strength in the white powder sweetener. Stevia can be 30 times sweeter than sugar in its unprocessed form and over 300 times sweeter than sugar in its extract form (stevioside). In 1991, the FDA banned the importation of stevia. Currently, Federal law requires stevia herbal products can only be marketed as dietary supplements without any mention of having sweetening power. Although stevia has been used as a food additive without ill effects in Japan for more than 25 years, the herb has not, according 83 of 240

to the FDA, undergone sufficient testing in this country to assure that it isn't harmful if used as an additive. There are two stevia forms of interest to us: powdered 'steviosides' (pure extract; comes in green or white --- get the white!) and liquid. The powder is far preferable because it is easier to measure and control than the liquid. Because this is a powerful sweetener, a little goes a long way; you might even need to invest in smaller fractional measuring spoons (such as 1/8 tsp). It can be used in baking without any degradation of taste or intensity. Some people think stevia has an herbal or licorice taste; others find the taste totally acceptable. It seems clear that quality and brand both play roles in the taste of stevia. Two brands given an A-OK rating: NOW and Wisdom of the Ancients. Stevia is available at most health food stores. Since it is only available currently as a dietary supplement, that's the section of your health food store to look in. It is also available online from most of the large low carb sites. For delicious recipes with stevia look in: 

The Stevia Cookbook: Cooking With Nature's Calorie-Free Sweetener by Ray Sahelian and Donna Gates Avery Penguin Putman, c1999 ISBN: 0-895-29926-7

Stevia Sweet Recipes: Sugar-Free-Naturally by Jeffrey Goettemoeller Vital Health Publishing, c1999 ISBN: 0-895-29926-7

Baking With Stevia: Recipes for the Sweet Leaf by Rita E. Depuydt Sun Coast Ent ISBN: 0-965-60730-5

…AND BEYOND Beverages The following table contains a list of popular beverages currently on the market. Follow the color key to find out if they are still GMO free. Beverages Cocoa, Coffee, Tea

Genetically engineered varieties currently being sold on the market. Genetically engineered varieties currently in field trials, or have been in field trials. Genetically engineered varieties may have entered the market, but are no longer being sold. GMO free! Genetically engineered varieties are currently not sold or in field trials. Source: Greenpeace True Food Guide

Water 84 of 240

Water has been ranked as second only to oxygen as essential for life. It is also a single most abundant substance in the human body, making up to 60 percent of an adult's weight and up to 80 percent of an infant's weight. Even teeth have a water content of five percent. It is needed to sustain normal function of all living cells by carrying nutrients to our tissues and waste products away. It regulates the temperature of the body and helps in digestion. Are You Dehydrated? Importance of drinking water is undisputable. But how much water is enough? Is a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses a day, as advised by nutritionists, an adequate amount? Why not seven or nine? Where did this figure come from? If the same 8 glasses of water a day satisfies everybody‘s thirst for water it means that we are all equally dehydrated, which I seriously doubt. The daily amount of water lost through breathing, perspiration, urination and other bodily functions depends upon person‘s age, physical activity, health condition, climate and dozens of other factor. Although the 8x8 maxim is embedded in many diets, no studies have ever backed it up. "The research question has been raised whether there is actually scientific evidence for drinking eight to 10 glasses of water each day," said JoAnn Hattner, a clinical nutrition professor at Stanford University and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. The answer is a definitive "we don't know for sure." Dr. Feyedoon Batmanghelidj, the author of a book titled Your Body's Many Cries for Water claims that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated, which means that their bodies are in constant short supply of water. He argues that most people don't drink the minimum requirement of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day; instead they opt to drink juices, tea, and coffee, none of which satisfies the body's thirst for water. Or does it? It is true that all caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee and some sodas are diuretics. But it is also true that regular coffee and tea drinkers become accustomed to caffeine and lose little, if any, fluid. In a study published in the October 2001 issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition in Omaha measured how different combinations of water, coffee and caffeinated sodas affected the hydration status of 18 healthy adults who drink caffeinated beverages routinely. "We found no significant differences at all," says nutritionist Ann Grandjean, the study's lead author. "The purpose of the study was to find out if caffeine is dehydrating in healthy people who are drinking normal amounts of it. It is not."

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"What's really changed [among nutrition researchers in the last few years] is caffeine is not considered as severely dehydrating," said Monique Ryan, an Evanston, Ill.-based nutritionist and author of the new book Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes (Velo Press, $19.95). "Caffeinated drinks can count as about half water." That means your 16-ounce morning coffee can count as one of the recommended eight to 10 cups of water. The same goes for tea, juice, and milk. According to Jackie Berning, assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and nutritionist for several Denver-area professional sports teams, one glass of juice, milk, soymilk, and herbal teas provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. Half of your soda can is equal to six ounces of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol -- and usually it takes more than one of those to cause noticeable dehydration, doctors say. In addition, alcohol blocks a hormone that otherwise helps the body stay hydrated. A frequent suggestion is to consume a full glass of water for every alcoholic serving. According to Jurgen Schnermann, a kidney physiologist at the National Institutes of Health the 8-by-8 rule is a gross overestimate of any required minimum. To replace daily losses of water, an average-sized adult with healthy kidneys sitting in a temperate climate needs no more than one liter (just about four 8-ounce glasses) of fluid. If you want to calculate the approximate, daily amount of water your body needs take your weight in pounds and divide by two. The result is the number of ounces of water you should drink a day. So a 100- pound woman needs to drink 50 ounces of water each day -- just a little more than four 12-ounce glasses, or three bottles of water (which usually are 500 milliliters or 16.9 ounces.) A 175-pound man would need five bottles of water. This convenient reference point is particularly useful for those who are prone to dehydration, like elderly people. There are several situations when we need more water:     

In extreme temperatures, either hot or cold, we need more water to regulate body temperature. Strenuous exercise or work causes increased perspiration, leading to an increase in the amount of fluid we need to drink. Pregnant women need more water to support their increased blood supply and the growing baby. Breastfeeding women require additional water to produce sufficient breast milk. Fever, diarrhea and vomiting increase our water needs to prevent dehydration.

As you grow older the body‘s thirst mechanism becomes less attuned. Therefore, thirst is not a reliable indicator of your fluid intake. But your urine color is. If it is a pale yellow or colorless you are getting enough fluids. If it is dark yellow, orange or light brown you‘re most likely getting dehydrated. Sometimes, large doses of multivitamins, particularly B vitamins can darken the urine color. Simply limit your vitamin intake for a 86 of 240

day or two without reducing the amount of fluids drunk, and observe the changes in urine color. Don‘t overdrink. While chronic but mild fluid deficiency can lead to routine fatigue, dry and itchy skin, headaches, constipation, acne, nose bleeds, repeated urinary tract infections, dry and unproductive coughs, constant sneezing and sinus pressure, overhydration can be deadly. Overhydration --In September 1999, a 19-year-old Air Force recruit collapsed during a 5.8-mile walk, with a body temperature of 108 degrees Fahrenheit. Doctors concluded he had died of both heat stroke and low blood sodium levels as a result of overhydration. --During January 2000, a 20-year-old trainee in the Army drank around 12 quarts of water during a 2- to 4-hour period while trying to produce a urine specimen for a drug test. She then experienced fecal incontinence, lost consciousness and became confused, then died from swelling in the brain and lungs as a result of low blood sodium. --In March 2001, a 19-year-old Marine died from drinking too much water after a 26-mile march, during which he carried a pack and gear weighing more than 90 pounds. Although he appeared fine during the beginning stages of the 8-hour walk, towards the end he began vomiting and appeared overly tired. He was then sent to the hospital, where he fell into a coma, developed brain swelling and died the next day. [120] Overhydration occurs when the body takes in more water than it excretes and its normal sodium level is diluted. Decrease in sodium concentrations can cause an electrolyte imbalance. Sodium is an electrolyte. Intensive sweating (as in a marathon), can lead to a significant depletion of sodium. Significant sodium loss can also occur with vomiting or diarrhea. When coupled with low or inadequate sodium intake in the diet, these conditions can rapidly produce a sodium deficit. The decrease in sodium concentration in body fluids lowers fluid osmotic pressure and results in an increase in intracellular water concentration. Overhydration is disruptive to nerve cell function and can produce symptoms of lightheadedness or mild vertigo. Severe overhydration is known as water intoxication (hyponatremia). It produces neurological symptoms ranging from disoriented behavior to convulsions, coma, and death. This increase in intracellular water concentration can also result in a decrease in hydrostatic pressure. As the pressure drops, water moves out of the plasma, causing a loss of blood volume in the body and this can lead to circulatory shock. Overhydration and water intoxication can be avoided with careful monitoring of fluid intake when sweating heavily or when ill with diarrhea or vomiting. Under these conditions, drinking plain water will not restore sodium loss nor will it adequately rehydrate the body. Simply adding a little bit of salt to water, to fruit juice, or vegetable juice can help the body to restore the lost sodium.

What to drink? Any drinks other than purified water can contain caffeine, sugar, dyes, metals, acids and God knows what else... Most of them are redundant at best, toxic at worst. 87 of 240

Fruit juices should be avoided. They contain plenty of sugar you body doesn‘t need and it is more concentrated than your body's fluids and so the body will attempt to dilute it in the gut thereby causing a loss of water from other areas of the body. Diluted fruit juices (1/3 fruit juice to 2/3 water), however, can be substituted for water. Coffee/Tea- As I mentioned before, even your daily coffee or tea fix can help you get enough fluids. A 12-ounce cup of coffee counts as roughly six ounces of water/proper fluids. Same amount of tea counts as about eight ounces of water. Too much caffeine, however, can disrupt your physical and emotional states. Milk/Soy Milk- I wouldn’t recommend drinking them at all for reasons I stated before, and even though milk matches water ounce for ounce, its relatively high sugar content is harder to digest than water and can slow the hydration effect. Alcohol doesn’t count a single ounce toward hydration. A glass of water should accompany every glass of wine, cocktail or beer. Avoid ALL soft drinks including sport drinks. They all include too much sweeteners. Some of them are fortified with artificial vitamins and minerals, which, in my opinion, should be acquired from fruits and vegetables. Avoid tap water. It may also contain algae, molds, bacteria, cysts, viruses, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine and its byproducts, fluoride, iron, hexavalent chromium, arsenic, lead, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, painkillers, tranquilizers, chemotherapy chemicals, and other undesirable components. [121] Distilled water should also be avoided because it has the wrong ionization, pH, polarization and oxidation potentials, and can drain your body of necessary minerals. It has been tied to hair loss, which is often associated with certain mineral deficiencies. It is claimed to be healthier than regular water due to its complete purity, or rather sterility. While it may save life of a dehydrated person, or be beneficial for a short time during a detoxification process, it is destructive in the long run. We, human beings, just are not used to it. Our bodies don‘t know how to deal with it because distilled water was simply inaccessible to humans when evolution was forming our digestive system. Buy bottled spring water, if you can afford it. This kind of water is acceptable, but it's expensive and also negatively impacts the environment. Home filtration systems are better. They can magically turn your contaminated tap ―raw sewage‖ into crystal-clear, pure water. Before you buy any expensive water filtration system have your water tested. Don‘t judge the quality of your water by its taste and appearance. Keep in mind that some harmful substances go undetected, like lead, which is tasteless, odorless and colorless. Take your sample to a certified lab. I don‘t want to recommend any specific brand, but if you are concerned about the purity buy a water filtration system combining reverse osmosis (RO) system and activated carbon filtration method. RO systems are recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Environmental Protection Agency as one of the most effective ways of purifying drinking water. When comparing different brands avoid units with a low efficiency rate and those that do not clean themselves or that only clean themselves with 88 of 240

untreated water. Look for the systems that offer a full membrane replacement warranty that covers membrane performance for several years. Avoid the ones with a pro-rated warranty. Water and Weight Loss “The body’s metabolism simply will not function properly without enough water. Drinking plenty of water is essential to weight loss.� Dr. Donald Robertson, author of The Snowbird Diet Drinking water can help you in your efforts to lose weight, says a Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center nutritionist. Anytime your body begins to run low on any vital nutrient - even water - it will generally trigger hunger to motivate you to go get it some more of whatever it needs. (For various reasons, thirst is often not reliable for this.) "Water can decrease your appetite," said Mara Z. Vitolins, R.D., Dr. P.H., assistant professor of public health sciences (epidemiology). "It is hard to distinguish between being thirsty and being hungry, so try drinking water and waiting 20 to 30 minutes to see if you're still hungry." Vitolins, who also is part of the Center for Research on Human Nutrition and Chronic Disease Prevention, added that drinking water also may help you cut calories. "Most people drink sodas, coffee, and other such beverages and totally disregard drinking plain water," she said. "Replacing the higher calorie beverages with plain water or flavored water (without added sugar) can significantly reduce calories." [122] Water should preferably be cold - it's absorbed into the system more quickly than warm water. And some evidence suggests that drinking cold water can actually help burn calories. Whenever a lack of a vital nutrient triggers hunger, you'll get fat if you ignorantly allow yourself to eat foods that have lots of calories but only small amounts of whatever you really do need. This is true even for water because almost all foods provide some amount of water - but also provide many unneeded calories. In order to lose weight easily and naturally without hunger or cravings or other unpleasantness, you will need to consciously do exactly the opposite of what made you fat - eat foods with lots of the nutrients you really need but very few Calories. Penn State research has shown that instead of drinking water before a meal, eating water-rich foods such as pasta dishes with additional vegetables, smoothies, soup, fruits and vegetables can lower calorie intake. [123] The following table should help you with choosing the right greens for your dieting needs: 89 of 240


Percent Water by Weight

Lettuce (iceberg), Cucumber


Celery, Radish, Zucchini


Tomato (red)


Cabbage (green), Tomato (green)


Watermelon, Strawberries, Cabbage (red), Cauliflower, Eggplant, Peppers (sweet), Spinach


Broccoli, Grapefruit




Milk (1 cup)




Carrot, Orange, Pineapple, Cranberries, Raspberries




Plum, Blueberries


Apple, Pear,


Cherries, Grapes


cottage cheese, low-fat






Potato, baked with skin


Tuna, canned, drained


Rice, cooked


Kidney beans, boiled


Pasta, cooked (1/2 cup)


Chicken, roasted, no skin


Beef, lean, roasted


Cheddar cheese


Whole wheat bread






Butter or margarine




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Pecans, dried


Vegetable oil


Source: Bowes & Church's Food Values, 1994

Drinking enough water is the best treatment for fluid retention. When the body gets less water, it perceives this as a threat to survival and begins to hold on to every drop. Water is stored in extra cellular spaces (outside the cells). This shows up as swollen, feet, hands, and legs. Diuretics offer a temporary solution at best. They force out stored water along with some essential nutrients. Again, the body perceives a threat and will replace the lost water at the first opportunity. Thus, the condition quickly returns. The best way to overcome the problem of water retention is to give your body what it needs plenty of water. Only then will stored water be released. If you have a constant problem with water retention, excess salt may be to blame. Your body will tolerate sodium only in certain concentrations. The more salt you eat, the more water your system retains to dilute it. But getting rid of unneeded salt is easy - just drink more water. As it is forced thru the kidneys, it takes away excess sodium.

Coffee Caffeine has the ability to dilate bronchial passages if used during an asthma attack, bringing temporary relief, stimulate mental alertness, overcome fatigue and enhance endurance. One of the coffee‘s surprising qualities is that filtered coffee is capable of removing from 78 to 90 per cent of dissolved heavy metals from tap water; providing coffeeconsumers with a safer, healthier drink. The deeper the bed of coffee in the drip-maker, the more effective the removal of heavy metals, established the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. It is highly likely the process also removes other heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and zinc from drinking water though this remains to be tested. ―Large-scale studies have shown that caffeine consumption does not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and does not raise cholesterol levels or cause irregular heartbeat. A slight, temporary rise in blood pressure has been observed with caffeine consumption with individual who are sensitive to caffeine. However, this rise is similar to that resulting from normal activity, such as climbing stairs. Substantial scientific evidence demonstrates that caffeine does not increase cancer risk. Two studies of large numbers of people in Norway and Hawaii and a review of 13 studies involving more than 20,000 subjects found no relationship between regular coffee or tea consumption and cancer risk. Some studies suggest that caffeine intake may increase calcium loss in the urine. However, any loss has been found to be minimal and caffeine intake at normal levels 91 of 240

does not appear to affect calcium balance or bone density. More recent studies have confirmed that caffeine intake is not a risk factor for osteoporosis, particularly in women who consume adequate calcium. A large number of studies have looked at the effects of caffeine-containing beverages on reproductive factors. The data suggests that moderate caffeine consumption is safe for a pregnant woman and her unborn child. Results from studies into caffeine intake and time taken to conceive have provided no solid evidence that consumption of caffeine containing beverages may reduce the likelihood of a woman conceiving. Two major studies in the U.S. found no correlation between caffeine consumption and pregnancy outcome or birth defects. In addition, recent studies have found no correlation between caffeine intake and spontaneous abortion or abnormal fetal growth. However, questions remain about the effects of high doses of caffeine and it is wise for pregnant women to practice moderation (300mg per day or 3-4 cups of instant coffee).‖ [124] Regular users that are deprived of their daily caffeine are subject to mental sluggishness, inability to think clearly, depression and a dull, generalized headache. All these symptoms are promptly eliminated by caffeine. Even moderate users must have their daily fix and cannot give up their habit. According to the French National Health and Medical Research Institute, caffeine, taken at doses of one to three cups of coffee a day, has no affect on the area of the brain involved with addiction, dependence and reward and it appears to act differently from undeniably addictive substances such as amphetamines, cocaine, morphine or nicotine. It would take the equivalent of about seven or more cups of caffeinated coffee consumed in rapid succession to begin to activate this portion of the brain. [125] Caffeine addiction, however, is difficult to break because the penalty to health is not immediately recognized, and therefore, it is easy to deny. At excessive doses caffeine will cause aggression, recklessness, shouting, and swearing. Caffeine given to rats in large doses will cause them to fight until death. If given to a lone rat, it will die of frenetic self-mutilation. Children generally have the same ability to process caffeine as adults. Studies have shown that foods and drinks containing caffeine when taken in moderate amounts have no detectable effects on hyperactivity or attention span of children. However, in sensitive children, high doses of caffeine may cause temporary effects such as excitability, irritability or anxiety. WARNING: Coffee should not be consumed if you are taking herbal diet pills containing ephedra or ephedrine. Ephedra is not really good for weight loss - it is an herb that has been traditionally used for asthma, upper respiratory infections and pneumonia.

Tea Tea has benefited man in many ways for some three millennia. Its first benefit is the most obvious--it tastes good, it quenches the thirst, indeed it is so beloved that it's the most popular beverage on earth. Tea is also a positively healthy drink: it aids in the digestion of food--its enzymes 92 of 240

break down fats thus aiding in both digestion and elimination, thus making diets more efficient. Tea may prevent Parkinson’s disease. It lowers hypertension and calms the nerves--it calms the stomach after drinking alcohol and freshens the breath. It's even good for your teeth! A recent study published in the journal Circulation found that drinking more than two cups of tea a day decreased the risk of death following a heart attack by 44 percent. Even less spirited tea drinkers were rewarded: Consuming just two cups a day decreased the risk of death by almost a third. Another research suggests that older women who are tea drinkers are 60 percent less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who do not drink tea. Drinking tea regularly for years may produce stronger bones. Those who drank tea on a regular basis for 10 or more years had higher-bone mineral density in their spines than those who had not. Green Tea differs from black tea or other teas because of the way the tea leaves are processed after they are picked. For black tea, freshly picked leaves are "withered" indoors and allowed to oxidize. With green tea, the leaves are not oxidized, but are steamed and parched to better preserve the natural active substances of the leaf. Epidemiologists have found that people who drink more than four cups a day of green tea have a lower overall risk of cancer. Purdue University researchers found that EGCg (epigallocatechin gallate), a compound in green tea, inhibits an enzyme required for cancer cell growth and can kill cultured cancer cells with no ill effect on healthy cells. Their independent study shows how green tea interacts with the enzyme on the surface of many types of cancer cells including breast, prostate, colon and neuroblastoma. This enzyme, called quinol oxidase, or NOX, helps carry out several functions on the cell surface and is required for growth in both normal and cancerous cells. Researchers found that black tea could inhibit tNOX (tumor-associated NOX) activity at dilutions of one part tea to 100 parts of water. The green tea infusions, however, were 10 to 100 times more potent, inhibiting the activity of tNOX at dilutions ranging from one part tea per 1,000 to 10,000 parts water. [126] For years, people have been drinking tea to fight the sneezing, coughing and watery eyes that are characteristic of colds and allergies. The new study adds to a small but growing body of scientific evidence from both cell and animal studies that it may actually work, particularly green tea. Researchers in Japan identified a compound in green tea that, in laboratory tests, blocks a key cell receptor involved in producing an allergic response. The compound, methylated epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), may have a similar effect in humans, they say. EGCG is one of the most abundant and biologically active antioxidants found in tea. It is believed to be responsible for tea's beneficial health effects. The compound is found in higher concentrations in green tea, the least processed of teas, than in black and oolong varieties. Green Tea is said to be 200 times more potent than Vitamin E and 500 times more potent than Vitamin C as an antioxidant. Green tea has been called the second-most consumed beverage in the world, behind water. It is very popular in Japan, and has a growing following in the United States, 93 of 240

where black tea is favored. Japanese study adds to an expanding list of the potential health benefits offered by green tea. In addition to allergies, it is reported to fight cardiovascular disease, arthritis and tooth decay. [127] Trying to lose weight? Reach for a cup of green tea instead of a diet beverage. According to a new study published in the November issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea appears to accelerate calorie burning -including fat calories. Researchers suggest compounds in green tea called flavonoids may change how the body uses a hormone called norepinephrine, which then speeds the rate calories are burned. Researchers at the University of Geneva, in Switzerland, came to this conclusion by studying 10 healthy young men who ranged from lean to mildly overweight. For six weeks, they either took two capsules of green-tea extract and 50 milligrams of caffeine daily, just 50 mg. of caffeine or a placebo. All men were placed on a typical "Western" diet that consisted of 40 percent fat. The men taking the green-tea extract burned more calories during the day than the other men. There was no difference in calorie expenditure between the caffeine group and the placebo group. Research has shown compounds in green tea may help to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and even ulcers.

Black Tea It appears that research has made a mistake and underestimated the benefits of black tea (the type most people drink). We now know that both green and black tea have antioxidant benefits. A national cross-sectional study of 1,764 women in Saudi Arabia shows that tea drinkers are 19 percent less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease. [128] The Saudi women who consumed black tea had total cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL measures that were significantly lower than non-tea drinkers. The most marked reduction in blood lipid levels was observed in women who consumed six or more cups of tea a day. Drinking black tea may help prevent blood clots from forming. In one study, people who drank several cups of black tea each day had lower levels of a substance associated with blood coagulation. Black tea consumption is associated with a lower risk of rectal cancer in women. [129] New studies, funded by the Tea Trade Health Research Association, found several doses of black tea every day not only reduced plaque build-up but also helped control bacteria.

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"We found that the black tea infusion can inhibit or suppress the growth of bacteria that promotes cavities and affect their ability to attach to tooth surfaces," Christine Wu, professor of periodontics at the University of Illinois and lead researcher on one part of the study. Wu said that while earlier studies in Japan have shown the cavity-fighting benefits of green tea, known for its rich antioxidants, her team chose to focus on black tea, which is more popular in western culture. White Tea is the least processed form of tea and is rarely used in consumer products. White and green teas contain the highest amounts of antioxidants of all tea varieties. Scientists at University Hospitals of Cleveland and Case Western Reserve University have proven that ingredients in white tea extract are effective in boosting the immune function of skin cells and protecting them against the damaging effects of the sun. Researchers believe that white tea extract's anti-oxidant properties are the reason the extract was effective; if so, it also suggests that the agent may provide anti-aging benefits. [130] Yerba Maté Tea ‗contains antioxidants, more than fifteen amino acids, and twenty- four vitamins and minerals. Research shows that maté contains 196 active compounds, compared with the 144 found in green tea. Maté is high in pantothenic acid, a B vitamin that plays a vital role in metabolism and energy production, and contains protein, carotene, vitamins A, C, E, B complex, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, choline, as well as other nutrients. A 1995 study from the Pasteur Institute found maté to be a more potent antioxidant than vitamin C, and a test-tube study published by the University of Montreal's Department of Anatomy in 1995 shows that it can inhibit the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein, the carrier of bad cholesterol. The stimulant in yerba maté is mateine, one of a group of xanthines that includes caffeine and theobromine, a stimulant found in tea and chocolate products. Although mateine has a chemical structure similar to caffeine, it stimulates the body differently. Unlike caffeine,. mateine doesn't cause nervousness or jitters; instead it is said to balance the body, calming an excited nervous system and rejuvenating a fatigued one Clinical studies have shown that caffeine sensitive individuals can drink maté with no adverse reactions, according to the book Herbal Tonic Therapies (Keats, 1993) by Daniel Mowrey, Ph.D., president of the American Phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City. But Mowrey, who has studied maté for fifteen years and drinks the tea daily, says the plant's nutritional value is more important than its mateine/stimulant qualities. "This plant is a powerhouse of nutrition, especially pantothenic acid," Mowrey says. Acting as a tonic, maté may provide the body with energy through nutrition, rather than through stimulant properties, he says. Tonic herbs are defined as those that balance a stressed body, are free of side effects, and are non-addictive.‘ [131]

Sodas In 1998, Americans guzzled 15 billion gallons of soda, an average of about 585 cans per person.

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Most soft drinks taste good and are a pleasant way of quenching thirst. They seem innocent enough, but if all the facts were told, we would soon learn of their dangers and the remarkable deception taking place. Let's take a close look at the ingredients and the effects they have on the body. The soft drink usually contains phosphoric acid, caffeine, sugar or aspartame or saccharin, caramel coloring, carbon dioxide, and aluminum. Ingesting a soft drink does not cause any immediate warning such as stomach cramps, vomiting or diarrhea that would normally occur when a poison enters the body. Instead, there is the energizing feeling of caffeine, the sweet taste of sugar combined with the sour taste of phosphoric acid, and the playful feeling of carbon dioxide bubbles. Not bad for something that's not good! The hook is in those ingredients, which cause imbalances in body systems that result in debilitating diseases that show up after many, many years of abuse. Those diseases have now become commonly thought of as normal aging with no directly attributable causes. However, we shall soon discover that soft drinks have subversive and destructive physiological consequences that contribute to early aging. o

Phosphoric acid: Why was this acid used for soft drinks? Do you remember the old seltzer water bottles with the high-pressure nozzle and thick glass to keep the carbon dioxide contained? People liked the fizz of the bubbles as they drank their water. It was special. The phosphoric acid provided an acid medium that would enhance the absorption of carbon dioxide (which is also acidic in water), thus reducing the pressure required and allowing the mixture to be bottled with a metal cap. The bubbles were released more slowly, particularly if the soda water was chilled in the newly marketed refrigerator. The sour taste of the phosphoric acid was complemented by adding lots of sugar. So what happens in your body when you drink this mixture? The body maintains an almost constant concentration of phosphorus times calcium ([P] x [Ca] = k) in the bloodstream to provide the right combination for building new bones and remodeling old ones. The shock of incoming phosphorus with zero calcium (CA) in a soft drink causes effective (ionized) Ca in the blood to decline along with a net excretion of Ca in the urine. The drop in blood Ca causes another body system to dissolve Ca from the bones (taken first from the spine and pelvic bones) to make up the imbalance caused by the Ca lost from the blood. That process continued over time results in the weakened bone structure associated with old people (osteoporosis). That's not the end of it. The body dissolves more Ca from bones that is needed in anticipation of more P shocks. The excess of Ca is eliminated from the blood in life-sustaining order by (1) excretion in the urine, (2) deposition in joints and (osteoarthritis, bursitis, gout, bone spurs bunions), (3) accretion into stones (kidney stones), and (4) deposition in arteries (calcified plaque) Phosphoric acid is the same stuff that cleans deposited minerals in your shower the container warns that the acid is harmful if swallowed - it is a strong chemical a tooth will dissolve in it.

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Phosphoric acid causes the body to use its alkaline minerals (sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium) to neutralize the acid. The body loses valuable minerals because the neutral compounds (salts) are excreted in the urine. Sodium depletion causes bile to become acidic and form mucoid plaque on the intestines, which causes colitis and other serious bowel diseases. Potassium and magnesium depletion can contribute to the development of heart disease. Phosphoric acid is physiologically a strong acid that causes the body to reduce its secretion of hydrochloric acid (HCL) that is used for digestion of protein and fats and the absorption of minerals. Inadequate digestion results in bloating and flatulence. Poor absorption of dietary iron can result in anemia, and inadequate absorption of calcium can accelerate the trend of osteoporosis. Another not-so-obvious harmful effect of low stomach acidity is the overgrowth of harmful bacteria, yeasts and parasites in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that had been held in check by adequate HCL. These creatures can break down the protective mucosal lining, formation of carcinogens that could provoke cancer. o

Caffeine: Roughly 70 percent of soft drinks consumed in the United States contain caffeine, the study said. Caffeine in soft drinks - which Americans drink more of than water - is added to addict consumers, not to enhance flavor as soft drink manufacturers claim, said researchers who compared caffeine's use in sodas to nicotine in cigarettes [132] The addiction of caffeine (and sugar) and powerful advertising make the soft drink a superior method for the delivery of ingredients that taste great, but can be destructive to health.


Sugar: A 12-ounce can of soda contains about 39 grams (13 teaspoons) of sugar. It's difficult to think that something so common and that tastes so good can be so harmful to health. The study included over 500 schoolchildren of various ethnic backgrounds who were aged 11 and 12. The investigators found that for every can or glass of sugar-sweetened beverage a child drank during the 19-month study, a child's body mass index--a measure of weight related to height--and their chance of becoming obese increased 60%. The Lancet 2001; 357:505-508 The ingestion of sugar (or high simple carbohydrate diet) acutely increases urinary excretion of calcium (and magnesium, chromium, copper, zinc, and sodium) by impairing reabsorption in the kidneys. The loss of calcium in the blood activates the parathyroid gland to secrete parathyroid hormone (PIH) which causes the release of calcium from the bones; more sugar starts the cycling that is at the root of osteoporosis, arthritis, bursitis and gout. In the United States, about 50% of all carbohydrates eaten are sugar. While an average adult eats 160 lbs. of sugar each year a teenager eats 300 lbs./yr. and the trend is rising rapidly. Food manufacturers are currently bamboozling the 97 of 240

public by taking fat out of foods and adding sugar to enhance the taste. It is the deceptively advertised as fat free to attract people who want to lose weight, but do not know that the body will convert excess sugar to fat anyway. Read more on this in chapter on sugar. o o

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Aspartame: This poisonous substance‗ characteristics will be explained in chapter on aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Saccharin is a sweetener that is also a carcinogen (causes cancer) in animals. In 1978, the National Academy of Sciences concluded that saccharin was a potential cancer-causing agent in humans, and that it promoted the carcinogenic effects of other agents. The Food and Drug Administration's position is that saccharin should not be used in food, but it can be used as a table sweetener. Caramel Coloring is obtained by heating sugar until a brown color and characteristic flavor develops. Caramel coloring has negative genetic effects and is a cancer-causing agent. Carbon Dioxide and Aluminum: Carbon dioxide is probably the least noxious thing in a soft drink. It is a waste product of metabolism that is exhaled. So, why should we ingest something the body is trying to eliminate? When it was found that phosphoric acid was eating away enough aluminum from the container to be harmful, the problem was "solved" by plastic coating the interior of the aluminum can. However, phosphoric acid still leaches toxic amounts of aluminum into the soft drink despite the plastic coating. Aluminum is deposited in the brain and bone tissue. Aluminum given to rats resulted in the formation of neurofibrillary tangles in brain tissue- the same type of lesion seen in the brains of individuals who suffer Alzheimer's disease. Further, there is now evidence that the plastic coating is leaching cancer-causing phylates into the soda, which you are drinking. Aluminum exposure increases the amount of bone breakdown, while at the same time it reduces the formation of new bone. Aluminum causes excessive loss of calcium in the urine. The resulting osteoporosis can be accompanied by severe bone pain. Incidentally, the most common sources of ingested aluminum are antacids and processed cheese.

Avoid all soft drinks! Here are some facts about Coke, for you to ponder: 1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase in osteoporosis. 2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for highly corrosive materials. 3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

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4. In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident. 5. You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days. 6. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl and let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china. 7. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola. 8. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion. 9. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to the rusted bolt for several minutes. 10. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for sumptuous brown gravy. 11. To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen grease stains. 12. It will also clean road haze from your windshield.

Diet Sodas ―Diet Coke is poison! And it's addictive‖, reports Betty Martini on March 11, 2003. ―Some victims drink several liters a day and keep it on their nightstands. If Coke changes the formula to remove aspartame the world will heal and the surge of hatred and vengeance by the disabled and bereaved shall certainly destroy Coca Cola. The poison in Diet Coke is aspartame. As a member of the National Soft Drink Association Coke opposed FDA approval of aspartame for beverages. Their objections, running to several pages published in the Congressional record of 5/7/85, said aspartame is uniquely and inherently unstable and breaks down in the can. It decomposes into formaldehyde, methyl alcohol, formic acid, diketopiperazine and other toxins. In a test on 7 monkeys 5 had grand mal seizures and one died, a casualty rate o 86%. Coke knew; and knowing, broke their good faith contract with customers, a breach shown by their English plot to program vending machines to kite the price with the temperature. Dissatisfied with selling flavored sugar, water plus phosphoric acid, they switched to pushing an addictive formula called "Diet". Addiction multiplies consumption, so Diet Coke soared off the sales charts, spreading obesity. We're fatter because aspartame suppresses serotonin and makes us crave carbohydrates.

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So why is aspartame/NutraSweet/Equal/Diet Coke/etc on the market and in thousands of foods? Can you say CORRUPTION? An FDA Commissioner and an acting Commissioner changed sides to work in the NutraSweet industry, plus 6 underlings and 2 federal attorneys assigned to prosecute NutraSweet for submitting fraudulent tests to get it approved. "It's like a script for Abbott & Costello" wrote honest EPA scientist Adrian Gross (former FDA toxicologist) in a ten-page report to Senator Metzenbaum in October l987. It works like this: "Approve our poison, and when you stop being a bureaucrat we'll make you a plutocrat! After it‘s licensed we'll pay off the American Dieticians, the American Diabetes Assn, the AMA and anyone we need who'll take a buck." [133] Yes, Coke knew. The ease with which the FDA has brushed aside the claims of aspartame objectors indicates that the agency knew too. The FDA approved the use of aspartame in diet drinks in 1983, despite numerous objections. FDA stated that the objectors' repeated assertions that aspartame caused brain damage "did not . . . present any significant new information concerning the probability of toxic responses.‖ [134] FDA responded to objectors' observations that thirsty consumers could easily exceed the toxic consumption level by drinking diet sodas on a hot day stating that "the objection fails to present credible evidence raising a material issue of fact. The objection is also based on a demonstrably false premise.‖ [135] One scientist objected that aspartame eaten in combination with a carbohydrate (such as a cookie) would result in adverse changes in the brain neurotransmitters. [136] Though this might be a material issue of fact, the FDA doubted the "relevance of specific experimental data submitted to the agency in support of this hypothesis.‖ [137] A last set of objections included concern about the safety testing requirements for decomposition products, consumption estimates, and labeling requirements. The FDA refused to hold a hearing because such objections raised "only issues of law or policy [which] are not proper for resolution at a hearing" -- they were not issues of scientific fact.‖ [138] Thus FDA easily could look at the objectors' data and say that it was not credible or not relevant to the facts or had already been considered elsewhere. No hearings were granted, and the FDA's approval signaled to consumers that aspartame was safe for this new use. [139] Today, thousands of products contain aspartame. Most ―sugar free‖ and ―diet‖ drinks contain aspartame. Aspartame is the main sweetener in food products that contain the words ―lite‖, ―light‖, ―low-calorie‖ or ―no calorie‖. As of 1987, the last year that NutraSweet, the aspartame manufacturer, publicized records, Americans consumed about 17.l million pounds of aspartame, and the number is now estimated to top 28 million pounds. If you think that drinking diet sodas will prevent you from gaining weight you are gravely mistaken. Artificial sweeteners can increase appetite because as the sweet taste hits the mouth, a message is sent into the body that carbohydrates are coming in to be digested. Then the pancreas swings into action and sends insulin into the blood stream. If the sweet taste is not followed by real nutrients, an urge to eat will be the outcome. The more sweet taste that stimulates the taste buds without the accompanying calories, the more there is an urge to eat--overeat resulting in weight gain.

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What‘s even scarier is that diet soda will make you retarded. Cerebral dysfunction, (retardation) resulting from aspartame, is believed to be caused, in part, through flooding the brain with large amounts of phenylalanine, an amino acid and half of what makes up aspartame. When there are high concentrations of phenylalanine in the system, it gets diverted into other metabolic pathways, producing such toxins as phenylpyruvic acid. At high levels, this acid leads to cerebral dysfunction and mental retardation. Certain people lack the necessary enzymes to adequately break down the huge amounts of phenylalanine present in aspartame laden beverages and are known as Phenylketonurics. Look at the back of you Diet Soda can and you'll see a warning, usually in bold red letters, to phenylketonurics that the tasty beverage that they are enjoying contains phenylalanine and is therefore causing havoc to their brain and nervous systems. Aspartame breaks down into products that are even scarier than its components. Phenylalanine decomposes into diketopiperazine (DKP) a known carcinogen, when exposed to warm temperatures or prolonged storage. Even if the products are consistently kept at cooler temperatures methanol, another component of aspartame, will spontaneously give rise to a colorless toxin known as formaldehyde. Formaldehyde accumulates in certain areas of the brain and cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and ALS (Lou Gehrig‘s Disease). To learn about all symptoms of aspartame usage scroll down to ―Artificial Sweeteners‖. Read the chapter very carefully and compare the symptoms. If you suffer from any of them remember- it’s not too late! It is reversible! Do NOT switch from one toxic sweetener to another! Just stop drinking all diet sodas, keep an eye out for toxic sweeteners on container labels and watch your health improve!!

Food labeling explained Below is a list of some common claims seen on food packaging and what these claims mean, according to the FDA and USDA regulations: ―100 percent organic‖ -according to USDA‘s national organic standard, products labeled as ―100 percent organic‖ can only contain organically produced ingredients. "Organic" - 95% of the ingredients in such a labeled product must be organically grown. "Made with organic ingredients" means that product must be made with at least 70% organic ingredients, three of which must be listed on the back of the package. Products labeled "100% organic" or "organic" can display the USDA organic logo. Products labeled as "made with organic ingredients" may not use the USDA logo. In all cases, the logo of the organic certifier may be used. ―Environmentally Friendly‖- a general claim that implies that the product or packaging has some kind of environmental benefit or that it causes no harm to the environment. There is currently no standard definition for the term. Unless otherwise specified, there is

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no organization behind this claim other than the company manufacturing or marketing the product. ―Free Range‖ or ―Free Roaming‖ poultry label, which would indicate that the eggs or meat came from an animal, that was raised in the open air or was free to roam. However, the use of free range on beef is unregulated and there is no standard definition of this term. Free range is regulated by the USDA for use on poultry only (not eggs) and USDA requires that birds have been given access to the outdoors but for an undetermined period each day. In other words, five minutes a day of open-air access could be adequate for manufacturers to use the free range claim on a poultry product. "Free range" claims on eggs are not regulated at all. To learn more about what is meant by this term, consumers must contact the manufacturer. ―No hormones administered‖, "hormone free" or ―no hormones administered‖ are general claims that imply that no hormones were used in the production of a food product. There is currently no standard definition for the term except for meat products. Unless otherwise specified, there is no organization behind this claim other than the company manufacturing or marketing the product. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits the use of hormones in the raising of hogs or poultry in the United States. Therefore all pork and poultry products that carry the ―no hormones administered‖ label only represent the regulations that are already in place for pork and poultry and should not be taken to mean that the manufacturer is doing anything beyond USDA requirements for conventional pork and poultry products. However, the USDA does allow the use of a number of hormones on beef. Beef labeled as ―no hormones administered‖ is considered to be free from any added hormones over the lifetime of the animal and therefore does imply that the manufacturer has gone beyond USDA regulations for conventional meat production. Use of the term ―hormone free‖ is considered ―unapprovable‖ by USDA on any meat products. "No antibiotics administered", "antibiotic free" and "raised without antibiotics" are general claims that imply that no antibiotics were used in the production of a food product. Use of the term "antibiotic free" is considered "unapprovable" by USDA and may not be used on any meat products. "No antibiotics administered" and "raised without antibiotics" are considered acceptable to use by the USDA. Although the USDA is accountable for proper use of these claims, there is no verification system in place, which means that there is no organization behind this claim other than the company manufacturing or marketing the product. ―No additives‖ label is somewhat meaningful. "No additives" is a general claim that may imply a product (or packaging) has not been enhanced with the addition of natural or artificial ingredients. There is no guidance for the use of the claim "no additives" from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). However, additives are defined and regulated by these agencies. Additives are defined as ingredients that are added to food to influence the texture, taste, preservation, flavor, color or nutrition. Additives can be derived from natural sources or artificially synthesized. Common additives include thickening agents (e.g. pectin, fats, cellulose), vitamins and minerals (e.g. folic acid, zinc oxide, ascorbic acid), 102 of 240

preservatives (e.g. sulfites, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propionic acid), colorings (e.g. FD&C Red No 40, tartrazine), flavor enhancements (e.g. spices, monosodium glutamate-MSG, caramel), and texture enhancements (e.g. yeast, baking soda). In 1990, the FDA began to allow the use of genetic engineering in producing certain additives. For example, a common additive used in cheese production is the enzyme, rennin that is traditionally extracted from calves' stomachs. The FDA has now approved the use of genetically engineered bacteria to produce rennin. Manufacturers may or may not be referring to the legal definition of additives when using the claim "no additives". However, to know exactly what they mean, consumers need to contact the manufacturer. ―Calorie-free‖- fewer than five calories per serving (which is specified on packaging) ―Low sodium‖: less than 140 mg of salt per serving ―Low calorie‖: less than 40 calories per serving ―Low cholesterol‖: less than 20 mg of cholesterol and 2 grams of fat per serving ―Reduced‖: 25 percent less of the specified nutrient or calories than the usual product ―Good source of‖: provides at least 10 percent of the daily value of a particular vitamin or nutrient per serving ―High fiber‖: five or more grams of fiber per serving ―Lean‖: (meat, poultry, seafood): 10 grams of fat or less, 4 and one-half grams of saturated fat and less than 95 mg of cholesterol per 3-and-one-half-ounce serving ―Light‖: one-third fewer calories or one-half the fat of the usual food ―Fat-free‖ is less than one-half gram of fat per serving. ―Low-fat‖ is 3 grams of fat or less per serving. ―Reduced fat‖ is 25 percent less of the specific nutrient or calories than the usual product. ―Light‖ is one-third fewer calories or one-half the fat of the usual food

Deceiving fat-free products You eat low-fat ice cream, low-fat yogurt, and fat-free cookies to maintain your weight. The problem is low-fat and fat-free does not mean calorie free. They always have some fat and plenty of added sugar. The biggest myth about low-fat and fat-free food is that they are good for weight control. In fact, those fat-free foods have nearly as many calories as their full-fat counterparts. What's worse is that the fat-free label gives people the license to eat as 103 of 240

much as they want. It's also a myth that fat-free foods - and sugar-free foods - are good for diabetics who need to watch their diet. However, diabetics, people who are overweight or everyone for that matter actually would be better off avoiding many fat-free products. There is something else you should know about fats and food labels. Manufacturers list total fat and the percentage of saturated fats, but they are not required to list transfatty acids, which are much more detrimental to your health than saturated fats. So how do you avoid this labeling trap? Your best ally in this situation is the ingredient list. Ingredients are listed by weight from highest to lowest. If a product has a source of fat (e.g. oils, nuts, seeds) listed within the first 3-4 ingredients but is labeled ―Fat Free,‖ it is not truly free of fat. Another good way to avoid this trap is to look at the serving size of the product listed on the Nutrition Facts panel. If the serving size is reasonable and the product is labeled ―Fat Free,‖ you probably shouldn‘t worry. However, if the product is labeled ―Fat Free,‖ contains a significant source of fat, and you know you will be eating several servings, be sure to add this product to your fat budget for the day.

Herbs and Spices Common herbs originate from the root of plants (ginger, licorice), leaves (basil, dill, tarragon, oregano), seeds (mustard, poppy, celery), and berries (black pepper, cayenne). They are valued for their distinctive flavors, colors and aromas. The value of herbs as a source of vitamins and minerals herbs are negligible since they are usually used in minute amounts. However, they have been found to have stimulatory, calming and medicinal effects in humans. Perhaps the single most wonderful and most beneficial herb in the entire herbal kingdom is Capsicum, or Cayenne Red Pepper. Many herbalists have said that if they could have only one herb to work with, they would choose Capsicum. Cayenne is a pepper well known for its benefits to the circulatory system. It aids the body to balance pressure levels and resist abnormal bleeding. Cayenne is also used as an overall digestive aid: It stimulates the production of gastric juices, improves metabolism, and even helps relieve gas. It appears to have a beneficial effect on blood fats as well. This plant assists in the body's utilization of other herbs, when used in an herbal combination. When applied topically, it helps relieve minor discomfort. According to a 1987 study published in the Journal of Bioscience, rats fed a diet high in cayenne experienced a significant reduction in blood triglycerides and low-density lipoproteins (LDL), or "bad" cholesterol. Capsaicin, a compound found in cayenne that gives the spice its "kick," has an anti-inflammatory effect. Recently, cayenne has been used successfully to treat patients with cluster headaches, a particularly painful type of headache. Used externally, cayenne liniment can soothe the stiffness and pain of rheumatism and arthritis.

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Cayenne will work nicely as a general immune booster, or as an addition to treatment of almost any ailment. Recommended dosage is 1/4 to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, taken with plenty of water or juice at mealtime. If using Cayenne capsules, take 2-3 three times a day with a large glass of water. In March 1998, the Quarterly Review of Biology published a study conducted by Cornell University biologists that concluded that using bacteria-killing spices contributes to health, longevity, and reproductive success. The study involved more than 4,570 recipes representing the meat-based cuisines of 36 countries, the temperature and precipitation levels of each country, the horticultural ranges of 43 spice plants, and the antibacterial properties of each spice. Researchers found that spices known to be the best all-around bacteria killers (garlic, onion, allspice, and oregano) were more prevalent in hot-climate dishes. For example, 80% of the recipes from Indonesia called for garlic and onion, and 77% of the recipes called for hot peppers (which kill or inhibit about 75% of bacteria). But in Ireland, onions appeared in 56% of the recipes, garlic in 23%, and hot peppers were found in only 2%. Only 20% of Norwegian recipes contained onions and none contained garlic. Kansas State University researchers backed these results. They found that clove, cinnamon, garlic, oregano and sage reduced E. coli bacteria in uncooked hamburger meat. Clove was most effective, suppressing 99% of the E. coli bacteria that can cause gastrointestinal infection. Cinnamon reduced it by 80%, garlic by 75%, oregano by 50%, and sage by 37%. Although these results show the bacteria-killing powers of certain spices, it takes only a few bacteria to cause disease. Fresh cloves and tea made from fresh cloves also kill intestinal parasites. Clove oil is used to treat toothache. Cinnamon is made from the bark of the cinnamon tree and it protects the tree from infection. A teaspoon or two of cinnamon mixed into juice or water may protect you from food poisoning when you think you may have eaten some bad food. Ginger is used to treat motion sickness, morning sickness, nausea, seasickness and general queasiness. Whenever your stomach is not feeling too great - try ginger. Try a level teaspoon in a tepid glass of water. Ginger tea is also used as a carminative (for gas) and to prevent a cold from getting started (if you take it at the first sniffles). It has been used in China and other countries for many years as a tonic. Chinese women drank ginger tea to alleviate the onset of the menstrual period and other female discomforts. Ginger Root is a time-proven remedy. Some people claim it is effective against migraine headaches. The fresh ginger root, dried powder, or tea, is settling to upset stomachs. It especially assists with the digestion of fats and proteins. Therefore it is traditionally often used in meat and fish dishes. Basil, the common spice, is part of the mint family of plants. It is said to have miraculous healing properties. Basil oil is antifungal, antiviral and antibiotic. Basil is claimed to work for detoxifying the body, lowering blood pressure, lowering high blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, easing tension and stress, anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory and just overall good for you. It is an adaptogenic. An adaptogenic is an herb or substance that balances and helps the entire body. For instance the wellknown herb Ginseng is an adaptogenic. Adaptogenics are good for a host of ailments 105 of 240

and maladies. It is used for problems with digestion and helps prevent gas. It is used for stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea and constipation. It also may help you to deal with stress and anxiety. Some people use it for everything including headaches and colds. Since it is non-toxic it probably wouldn't hurt to try it sometimes when you want something gentle and natural. In India it is used for coughs and colds as an expectorant (clears out the lungs). In East Indian medicine (Ayurvedic Medicine) it is known as Tulsi leaves. Basil extract is supposed to be good for earaches. Basil is also a de-wormer helping to remove parasites from the digestive system. There are also spices that protect certain bacteria. Researchers in India found that chili powder, black pepper, and turmeric can actually prevent bacteria from being destroyed by irradiation. While this may be disconcerting in the kitchen, these findings may have practical medicinal uses. The researchers believe certain spice extracts have the potential to protect healthy tissue in people undergoing radiation therapy. [140] Researchers with the USDA have found that herbs, in addition to making food tastier, are an abundant source of antioxidants and could provide potential anticancer benefits when supplementing a balanced diet. Herbs have higher antioxidant activity than fruits, vegetables and some spices, including garlic, the researchers say. Their findings appeared in a November 2001 print issue of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Using various chemical tests, Shiow Y. Wang, Ph.D., the study‘s lead researcher, studied and compared the antioxidant activity of commonly used 27 culinary and 12 medicinal herbs grown in the same location and conditions. The study concluded that the herbs with the highest antioxidant activity belonged to the oregano family. In general, oregano had 3 to 20 times higher antioxidant activity than the other herbs studied, says Wang. On a per gram fresh weight basis, oregano and other herbs ranked even higher in antioxidant activity than fruits and vegetables, which are known to be high in antioxidants. In comparison to the antioxidant activities of a few select fruits and vegetables, the potency of oregano ranks supreme: Oregano has 42 times more antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times more than oranges and 4 times more than blueberries, Wang says. For example, one tablespoon of fresh oregano contains the same antioxidant activity as one medium-sized apple, she says. Adding a moderate amount of herbs may go a long way toward boosting the health value of a meal, especially as an alternative to salt and artificial additives, the researcher suggests. Other herbs also appear to pack a significant antioxidant punch. Among the more familiar, ranked in order, are dill, garden thyme, rosemary and peppermint. The most active phenol component in some of the herbs with the highest antioxidant activity, particularly oregano, was rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant, the researcher says. Antioxidants have become synonymous with good health. They are a class of compounds thought to prevent certain types of chemical damage caused by an excess of free radicals, charged molecules that are generated by a variety of sources including pesticides, smoking and exhaust fumes. Destroying free radicals may help fight cancer, heart disease and stroke, researchers believe. Fresh herbs and spices, particularly homegrown, are healthier and contain higher antioxidant levels compared to their processed counterparts, found on the store shelves; for example, the antioxidant activity of fresh garlic is 1.5 times higher than dry garlic powder. [141] 106 of 240

Tips for healthier eating:   

Don’t take an herb just because you heard people gossiping about it on a talk show. An herb that is not right for your condition may actually harm you. Nutritionally oriented doctors or reputable herbalists can provide guidance. Most herbs can and do have adverse side effects if taken in excess. Always take your herbs exactly as directed by a practitioner or a nutritionally oriented doctor. Store your herbs in a dark, cool, dry place. Herbs exposed to sunlight or humidity lose their potency and can go moldy when moist. Airtight glass is the best storage container, and dark brown glass the ideal as it protects the contents from light. Dark brown iced tea jars made excellent storage containers. Herbs may react adversely with medications you are taking so check with your doctor before you begin taking them. For instance, garlic, ginkgo, ginger, and feverfew may increase the action of some prescription drugs, such as warfarin sodium. Valerian may cause too much sedation is taken in combination with barbiturates. Immunostimulants such as zinc and Echinacea can interact with immunosuppressants such as corticosteroids. Even kelp, as a source of iron, may interfere with thyroid replacement therapies. If you don’t grow your own herbs and rely only on outside sources buy the herbs from the stores you know and people you trust. Here is why: o



Herbal formulations may contain varying amounts of active ingredients, making their effects less predictable than standard drugs. For instance, when the Los Angeles Times tested ten over-the-counter bottles of the antidepressant herbal remedy St. John‘s Wort, it found that 70 percent contained between 75 to 135 percent of what was stated on the label, and 30 percent contained half or less of the labeled ingredients. Similar spot checks have been run on other herbs and supplements with similar distressing results. Typically, one-third contains more of the herb than stated, and about one-third contains none at all. Many herbal supplements are adulterated or contaminated. The herb industry is not regulated like the pharmaceutical industry, and shoddy mixing and mislabeling occurs with some frequency. Some ginseng capsules, for instance, have been found to contain no ginseng and large quantities of caffeine. According to the publication Herbal Gram, a 1998 check of traditional Chinese medicines in Taiwan, where they are widely used, found that about a fourth of samples taken were adulterated, most commonly with synthetic substances such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids. Some Ayurvedic herbal mixtures have been analyzed and found to contain high levels of lead, which is obviously toxic, and Indian formulations have a reputation of being contaminated with feces, insects, and other contaminants. Herbs manufactured in the United States are believed to be much safer and less likely to be contaminated with heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, or mercury. Most of the popular herbs and spices available in the U.S. supermarkets are sterilized using irradiation or ethylene oxide to kill pathogenic bacteria. This practice, approved by the FDA, not only destroys 70% of 107 of 240

the herbs’ medicinal qualities but can also cause a variety of diseases in consumers. Lets take a closer look at it.

Herbs Decontamination Many manufacturers sterilize their filthy herbs with Ethylene Oxide (EO) because they are so loaded with bacteria, some even from human waste. EO reacts with organic spice components to leave the harmful residues of ethylene chlorohydrin and ethylene bromohydrin on spices. Ethylene chlorohydrin is a known carcinogen that persists in the spice for many months, even after food processing. For this reason, and because of worker safety issues, its use in the United States is under review by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Food Quality Protection Act (residues levels of 50ppm are currently allowed). EO is proven to cause cancer, leukemia, mutate unborn children, cause abortions, kill liver and nerve cells. It is also a standard practice to ―decontaminate‖ herbs using irradiation. Since 1986, when the FDA approved irradiation for use on herbs, spices and seasonings over 65 million pounds of spices, herbs and dry ingredients are irradiated each year. Irradiation exposes herbs to electron beams, X- rays or gamma rays produced by the radioactive sources such as cobalt-60 or, more dangerous, cesium-137- both byproducts of nuclear energy production. Since the FDA considers spices a minor part of our diets and theorizes that their effects on our bodies are diluted by the foods we eat, dried spices are allowed the highest radiation treatment of all foods. The ionizing radiation at the equivalent radiation dose of 1 billion chest X-rays not only kills all organisms living in the herb by breaking chemical bonds in DNA, but also breaks molecular bonds in the herb itself. Irradiation damages DNA of the herb, its vitamins and enzymes, and creates free radicals (oxygen atoms missing an electron), which recombine to form stable compounds, or continue their destructive path. Some of the compounds created are known to be cancer-causing (formaldehyde, benzene, lipid peroxides). Others have never been seen or studied before. These new compounds are called Unique Radiolytic Products (URPs). Scientists have not studied the long-term effects on humans of a diet of irradiated foods containing various amounts of URPs. Therefore, we cannot say that URPs have no health effects, or that a diet of irradiated food is safe. “…concerns remain over the fact that irradiation depletes some important nutrients in foods, and over the radiolytic products produced in irradiated foods, some of which are known to have carcinogenic and mutagenic effects.‖ The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy of the European Parliament [142]

Absence of proof of effect is not proof of absence of effect. If scientists do not do studies that seek to measure URPs produced by irradiation, they cannot say that a diet containing these products is safe. And without labels, they can‘t separate people who eat irradiated food from people who don‘t, and examine their health.

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The FDA does require neither irradiated herbs nor foods containing irradiated herbs to be labeled as such, when they reach shelves.

But what about other foods? Lets review some key facts about food irradiation.

RADIANT HEALTH FROM IRRADIATED FOOD? FDAâ€&#x;s Position: Irradiation does not make foods radioactive, just as an airport luggage scanner does not make luggage radioactive. Nor does it cause harmful chemical changes. The process may cause a small loss of nutrients but no more so than with other processing methods such as cooking, canning, or heat pasteurization. Federal rules require irradiated foods to be labeled as such to distinguish them from non-irradiated foods. The radiant energy used in the irradiation process is very short light waves with extremely high energy (gamma rays, X-rays or electron beams). The energy is emitted from machines that produce electron beams (linear accelerators, or e-beam machines) or X-rays, or from radioactive materials like cobalt-60 or cesium-137 that emit gamma rays. The e-beam uses electricity, but when the e-beam comes in contact with metal, it forms x-rays. The new e-beam machine uses a linear accelerator to create a beam of electrons that bombard food with the equivalent of millions of chest X-rays. A linear accelerator uses different techniques to speed electrons up to 99% of the speed of light. This beam of extremely fast moving electrons passing through living matter collides with some molecules and leaves a trail of altered or broken molecules along with newly formed, chemically active ions and free radicals. (Free radicals are electrically neutral, but very chemically active atoms or molecular fragments.) The ions and free radicals may in turn break even more molecules, or create new molecules harmful to the cell. If the radiation passing through germ is strong enough, it will alter its DNA and make it unable to reproduce, or even will kill the cell. Note that this is exactly how a radiation therapy works for cancer patients - high level of radiation is directed onto the cancerous cells to kill them or render them unable to reproduce. Irradiating food is not like exposing it to the volume of radiation in an airport luggage scanner or a regular X-ray. It is equivalent to 10 million to 150 million chest X-rays. Ten million -- which is 100,000 "rads," the unit that radiation is measured in -- is what's approved for fruit and vegetables, up to 150 million range is the approved dose for frozen meat products, which is 1,500,000 rads, and 1 billion, which is 10 million rads, is the approved dose for dried herbs and spices. And a chest X-ray is .01 rad. 109 of 240

Let me ask you this: Is a hamburger, that has been irradiated with the equivalent of 150 million chest x-rays, sprinkled with spices that have been treated with the equivalent of 1 billion chest x-rays safe for human consumption? Despite the FDA‘s assurance the answer is NO. Here are the facts: 

Since 1983, FDA agency officials have knowingly and systematically ignored federal regulations and their own testing protocols that must be followed before irradiated food can legally be approved for human consumption. Since 1986, FDA officials have legalized irradiation for several major classes of food while relying on nearly 80 scientific studies that the agency’s own expert scientists had dismissed as "deficient." (The FDA legalized the irradiation of eggs in July, for instance, based on three "deficient" studies, one of which was conducted in 1959.) None of the seven key scientific studies that FDA officials used to legitimize their first major approval of food irradiation in 1986 met modern standards. (One of them had actually been declared "deficient" by FDA toxicologists; three others had never been translated into English.) FDA officials have systematically dismissed evidence suggesting that irradiated food can be toxic and induce genetic damage. Much of this evidence resulted from government-funded research submitted to the FDA and members of Congress as early as 1968. Officials of the FDA, U.S. Army and other federal agencies have consistently misled Congress about the potential hazards of food irradiation, and about the reasons that past research initiatives have failed to demonstrate that irradiated food is safe for human consumption. [217]

Irradiation damages the quality of food. Irradiation damages food by breaking up molecules and creating free radicals-highly reactive, powerful oxidant molecules responsible for many diseases and the aging process itself. The free radicals bounce around in the food, damage vitamins and enzymes, and combine with existing chemicals (like pesticides) in the food to form new chemicals, called Unique Radiolytic Products (URPs). A 1977 study conducted for the Army discovered that of 65 chemical compounds found in irradiated beef, 35 did not naturally occur in this food, five did not naturally appear in any food, and 15 increased in concentration due to irradiation. The latter category included benzene, which has been branded a carcinogen by the Environmental Protection Agency. [218] There is growing evidence that a new class of chemicals, formed during food irradiation, called cyclobutanones could be harmful. Cyclobutanones do not occur naturally anywhere on Earth. They were found to cause damage in rats, and genetic and cellular damage in human and rat cells. [219] Irradiated foods lose 5%-95% of vitamins A, C, E, K or B complex. That‘s a big range, but foods vary greatly. Different foods lose different vitamins. For example, 95% of vitamin A is destroyed in chicken, 86% of vitamin B in oats, and 70 % of vitamin C in fruit juices. [220] Also, the amount of loss changes when the dose of irradiation or storage time is changed.

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Irradiation damages the enzymes found in raw foods. This means our bodies must work harder to digest them. Irradiation doesn't kill all the bacteria in a food. The ones that survive are by definition radiation-resistant. These bacteria will multiply and eventually work their way back to the 'animal factories'. Eventually, the bacteria that contaminate the meat will no longer be killed by currently approved doses of irradiation. The technology will no longer be usable, while stronger bacteria contaminate our food supply. In a few hours at room temperature, the bacteria remaining in meat or poultry after irradiation can multiply to the level existing before irradiation. 100 Salmonella bacteria remaining in a food will multiply to 1 million after 6 hours in the human gastrointestinal tract. Irradiation does NOT protect you against food poisoning! Some bacteria, like the one that causes botulism, as well as viruses (such as Norwalk virus) and prions (which are believed to cause Mad Cow Disease) are not killed by current doses of irradiation or by doses that leave the food palatable. If the food is already spoiled when irradiated, killing the bacteria warning us with telltale odors about spoilage doesn‘t remove the contamination. We just won‘t be able to smell it. Irradiation covers up problems that the meat and poultry industry should solve. Irradiation covers up the increased fecal contamination that results from speeded up slaughter and decreased federal inspection, nor does it remove urine, pus, vomit and tumors often left on beef, chicken and lamb as the result of filthy and inhumane slaughterhouse conditions. Prodded by the industry, the USDA has allowed a transfer of inspection to company inspectors. Where government inspectors remain, they are not allowed to condemn meat and poultry now that they condemned 20 years ago. Because of this deregulation, the meat and poultry industry since the ‗90s has lost money and suffered bad publicity from food-poisoning lawsuits and expensive product recalls. Irradiation is a ―magic bullet‖ that will enable them to say that the product was ―clean‖ when it left the packing plant. An attempt to mask filthy conditions in slaughterhouses is one of the reasons the government promotes the irradiation so vigorously. The second reason is that we have plenty of used nuclear waste from weapon manufacturing. The Department of Energy (DoE) would be only too happy to see some of this waste recycled. Cesium-137 used in food irradiation is a major radionuclide in spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive wastes resulting from the processing of spent nuclear fuel, and radioactive wastes associated with the operation of nuclear reactors and fuel reprocessing plants. Cobalt-60 isotope is manufactured from cobalt-59 in a nuclear reactor. Both cobalt-60 and cesium-137 are deadly when improperly handled. Food irradiation today remains as closely connected to the nuclear weapons and atomic energy as it did in 1953, when the U.S. Army began experimenting with food irradiation. The list of advocates for food irradiation has grown to include companies such as Titan, the defense contractor that is using Star Wars technology (in which lasers zap incoming missiles) to irradiate meat. Titan is following in the footsteps of the Atoms for Peace program by using military technology for a civilian purpose. In 1959, the World Health Organization (WHO) signed an agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency, giving the IAEA ―primary responsibility for encouraging, assisting and coordinating research on, and development and practical application of, atomic energy for peaceful purposes throughout the world.‖ So when the 111 of 240

WHO endorses food irradiation, that was IAEA talking. IAEA folks are nuclear promoters and hardly health experts.

“The government’s assertion that irradiated food is safe for human consumption does not even pass the laugh test.� Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. emeritus professor of environmental and occupational medicine at University of Illinois School of Public Health, Chicago. The safety of irradiated food has not yet been proven. The longest human feeding study was 15 weeks, in China. The data is not available in English. No one knows the health effects of a life-long diet that includes a large number of foods that can already be legally irradiated in the U.S., such as meat, chicken, vegetables, fruits, salads, eggs and sprouts. There are no studies on the effects of feeding normal babies or children diets containing irradiated foods. A very small study from India on malnourished children showed health effects. In a human study done at the National Institute of Nutrition in India fifteen chronically malnourished children were divided into three groups of five and fed freshly irradiated wheat, stored irradiated wheat, and non-irradiated wheat. Four of five children, who ate the freshly irradiated wheat, developed strikingly abnormal white blood cells, a condition known as polyploidy, commonly associated with direct exposure to radiation. None of the control group showed these changes. The children who ate the stored irradiated wheat were in between. Studies on animals fed irradiated foods have shown increased fatal internal bleeding, embryonal death in mice, tumors, reproductive failures and kidney damage. Some possible causes are: irradiation-induced vitamin deficiencies, the inactivity of enzymes in the food, DNA damage, and toxic radiolytic products in the food. Considerable amounts of radioactivity were present in the liver, kidney, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, and blood serum of rats fed irradiated sucrose solutions. Radioactivity was present in urine and feces samples. [221]

The FDA based its approval of irradiation for poultry on only seven of 441 animalfeeding studies submitted. Marcia van Gemert, Ph.D., the toxicologist who chaired the FDA committee that approved irradiation, later said, "These studies reviewed in the 1982 literature from the FDA were not adequate by 1982 standards, and are even less accurate by 1993 standards to evaluate the safety of any product, especially a food product such as irradiated food."

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The seven studies are not a good basis for approval of irradiation for humans, because they showed health effects on the animals or were conducted using irradiation at lower energies than those the FDA eventually approved. The FDA based its approval of irradiation for fruits and vegetables on a theoretical calculation of the amount of URPs in the diet from one 7.5 oz. serving/day of irradiated food. Considering the different kinds of foods approved for irradiation, this quantity is too small and the calculation is irrelevant. Even with current labeling requirements, people cannot avoid eating irradiated food. That means there is no control group, and epidemiologists will never be able to determine if irradiated food has any health effects. Because irradiated foods have not been proven safe for human health in the long term, prominent, conspicuous and truthful labels are necessary for all irradiated foods. Consumers should be able to easily determine if their food has been irradiated. Labels should also be required for irradiated ingredients of compound foods, and for restaurant and institutional foods. Because irradiation depletes vitamins, labels should state the amount of vitamin loss after irradiation, especially for fresh foods that are usually eaten fresh. Consumers have the right to know if they are buying nutritionally impaired foods. Current US labels are not sufficient to enable consumers to avoid irradiated food. Foods are labeled only to the first purchaser. Irradiated spices, herb teas and supplement ingredients, foods that are served in restaurants, schools, etc., or receive further processing, do not bear consumer labels. Labels are required only for irradiated foods sold whole (like a piece of fruit) or irradiated in the package (like chicken breasts). The radura, the international symbol of irradiation is required. When labeling is required at the consumer level there must be wording, either "treated with radiation" or "treated by irradiation". For packaged foods, the wording does not need to be bigger than the smallest type on the ingredient label, or in any special colors or typeface. For bulk fruits or vegetables, the words must appear on a card or display (or on each piece of food), but no size is specified and there is no enforcement. In Summer 2002, Congress created a loophole long sought by the meat and poultry industries. Companies that wish to use a term not approved by the FDA like ―electronically pasteurized‖ or ―cold pasteurized‖ on their labels can go over the FDA's head and petition the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The Secretary can then allow them to use the term. Which foods are approved for irradiation in the US?  Seeds that will be used for sprouting (like alfalfa and clover). The sprouts will NOT be labeled as irradiated unless they are also irradiated.  Beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fruits, vegetables, wheat, wheat flour, eggs in the shell, herbs, spices, dried vegetable seasonings.  Foods not yet requested for irradiation are: dairy (which is already pasteurized), dried legumes/beans and a few single-category foods like honey and coffee.  Bacon was approved for irradiation in 1963. The approval was rescinded in 1968 because animals fed irradiated bacon showed adverse health effects. These effects were probably due to fat oxidation (the fat becomes rancid quickly). The fact that fats become rancid quickly explains why nuts are not approved for irradiation in the U.S.

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Organic foods cannot be irradiated. But the term "natural" for foods does not exclude irradiation. Some nutritional supplement ingredients like garlic are irradiated.

Possible additional foods that will be approved for irradiation in the U.S.:   

The FDA is considering allowing irradiation for deli meats, frozen foods, prepared fresh foods (like prepackaged shredded carrots), and fresh juices. The FDA is considering allowing irradiation of crustaceans and mollusks. The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is considering allowing irradiation for imported fruits and vegetables. The irradiation could be done in the U.S. or in the country of origin. The FDA is reviewing comments on a food industry-sponsored proposal to allow foods processed with new technologies (e.g., filtration, high pressure) to be labeled as fresh.

Which companies are irradiating in the US: now and in the near future? 

Currently using irradiation for meat/poultry: Huisken's of Minnesota (ground beef, 22 states); Schwan‘s home delivery (ground beef); Omaha Steaks; Perdue (Harvestland brand of chicken for food service, probably more); Tyson, IBP (now owned by Tyson) (ground beef), Excel (ground beef), Emmpak (ground beef), Colorado Boxed Beef (poultry); WW Johnson Meat Company (ground beef for the food service industry); the U.S. Department of Defense (ground beef and later chicken); Kenosha Beef International (ground beef; it supplies Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell, Target, A&W Restaurants, Dairy Queen, Hardee's, and Hot'N Now Hamburgers); Nation's Pride (chicken to restaurants and food service); Rochester Meat (ground beef products, portion cut steaks and pork, for the foodservice industry). Currently using irradiation for non-meat foods: Some Hawaiian papayas (Hawaii Classics brand); some fruits and vegetables from Florida; spices, herb teas and supplement ingredients like garlic (unknown quantities). Planning to use irradiation in the near future: Miami-based Bounty Fresh, an importer and national distributor of fresh fruits and vegetables; Hormel (refrigerated meat products, like hot dogs); United Food Group (Supreme Packing Co., Miller Beef, Moran's Ground Beef) Los Angeles (ground beef products); American Foodservice Corporation, supplier for major U.S. fast food and casual dining chains including Burger King (fresh and frozen beef patties); Del Monte (products "packaged in glass or plastic," probably salad mixes or cut-up fruit); Kraft ( ready-toeat meat products); SCIS Food Services (ready-to-eat foods). SCIS operates numerous facilities for salad, bakery, side dish and entree production throughout the USA and Mexico, including the Orval Kent Food Company, Pennant Foods, La Francaise Bakery, Ozark Salad Company, Landau Foods and I&K Distributors. Interested but not committed to using irradiation: Sizzler Restaurants; WalMart ("case-ready" beef)

Extracted from Organic Consumers Association Publication http://www.organicconsumers.org/irradlink.html

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The Chicago Media Watch report sums up the problems succinctly: ―Food irradiation is totally unnecessary. Factory farms are a blight on the farming landscape and a source of intense bacterial and viral contamination. There are also the problems of potential accidental runoff into waterways and disposal of used radiation. We can reduce overcrowding. We can disinfect drinking water and control for flies. Long overdue sanitation procedures would eliminate the need for the hazardous irradiation process. We have completely non-toxic alternatives available today. Two examples: a new steam treatment can eliminate 99.99% of listeria in processed meat; feeding cattle hay for five days before slaughter can eliminate E.coli 0157 in their intestines. Yet, the corporate media trumpets the irradiation as a means to ensure safe food for the American public, ignoring conflicting scientific evidence. Irradiation is just another step in the rush for profit as the nation‘s food supply becomes more adulterated and contaminated. Children will be the most at risk as school cafeterias across the nation will soon serve irradiated food-at standards lower that those of a fast food restaurant.‖ Food irradiation is regulated as a food additive in the U.S. and ionizing radiation is not the only food ―addition‖ that raises health concerns.

FOOD ADDITIVES Artificial sweeteners


is the technical name for such brand names as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Equal-Measure, Canderal, Benevia, E951, etc. It is 180 times sweeter than sugar yet has no calories. Its current manufacturer is Monsanto, the largest manufacturer of poisons in the world responsible for Agent Orange, rBGH, genetic engineering, and herbicides (including Roundup). Aspartame is, by far, the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods.

In 1991 the National Institutes of Health, a branch of the Department of Health and Human Services, published a bibliography, Adverse Effects of Aspartame, listing not less than 167 reasons to avoid it. Again, in 1994, the Department of Health and Human Services published the Report on All Adverse Reactions in the Adverse Reaction Monitoring System. [222] A few of the 92 documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Seizures and convulsions, dizziness, tremors, migraines and severe headaches, memory loss (common toxicity effects), slurring 115 of 240

of speech, confusion, numbness or tingling of extremities, chronic fatigue, depression, insomnia, irritability, panic attacks (common aspartame toxicity reaction), marked personality changes, phobias, rapid heart beat, tachycardia (another frequent reaction), asthma, chest pains, hypertension (high blood pressure), nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, swallowing pain, itching hives / urticaria, other allergic reactions, blood sugar control problems (e.g., hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia), menstrual cramps and other menstrual problems or changes impotency and sexual problems, food cravings, weight gain, hair loss / baldness or thinning of hair, burning urination & other urination problems, excessive thirst or excessive hunger, bloating, edema (fluid retention), infection susceptibility, joint pain, brain cancer, DEATH. Aspartame disease mimics symptoms or worsens the following diseases: Fibromyalgia, arthritis, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson‘s disease, lupus, multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), diabetes and diabetic complications, epilepsy, Alzheimer‘s disease, birth defects, chronic fatigue syndrome, lymphoma, lyme disease, attention deficit disorder (ADD and ADHD), panic disorder, depression and other psychological disorders. Fintan Dunne, the editor of www.SickOfDoctors.com made an interesting supposition in regards to aspartame and Parkinson‘s disease when he wrote: ―Michael J. Fox is still drinking the diet soda. Many medical professionals and health activists loudly proclaim that aspartame sweetener in diet sodas causes symptoms that mimic, or accentuate Parkinson's disease. The first class-action lawsuits have already been filed. Michael is diagnosed with Parkinson's. A prudent person might well have long ago eliminated the notorious additive from their diet. But, incredibly, Michael J. Fox seems to still be drinking the soda. Before he appeared on last week's Oprah show, promoting his new book "Lucky Man," reporter Ann Oldenburg, for USA Today, interviewed him about his medical condition. She wrote: "He just can't sit still. Will that glass of diet soda make it to his lips without spilling? It does." Consider this: A man we all know and many love, sipping with trembling hands the very drink that may be slowly killing him. Unfortunately, this is not a scene from a movie. This is real life for Mr. Pepsi 1987. THE CHOICE OF A HYPED GENERATION Ironically, in the movie "Back to the Future," Michael J. Fox is taken back in time to a soda fountain shop in the early nineteen fifties.

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Michael's character, Marty McFly, asks the man behind the counter for a diet soda: a "Pepsi Free." The man behind the counter replies: "Nothing is free in here but water." Then Fox asks for a "Tab" (another diet soda), and the man behind the counter states: "You don't get a tab until you order something." That's what they call run-of-film product placement. By means of star endorsements and in-movie placements, soda corporates have been spectacularly effective in getting us all to swallow their artificially colored, artificially flavored water. Michael also starred in "Apartment 10G," a 1987 Pepsi commercial with Gail O'Grady, of NYPD Blue, in which he risked life and limb running through rain, over car hoods, and through traffic to bring her a can of her favorite soda. His love affair with the "free" goes back a long way. Michael Andrew Fox was born June 9 1961 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Always diminutive, he longed to be taller. Michael read that eating made you grow, so he ate until he had gained 20lb in weight. After early acting successes, he ended up in debt and selling off furniture to buy food. Michael felt he had to do something about his weight to improve his chances at casting sessions. He went on a crash diet. He stopped eating. From then on, the slimmed down star was a prime candidate for the diet sodas introduced around 1984. When he appeared in the 1987 Pepsi commercial, their public relations people milked the star's endorsement for all it's worth. Michael spent countless hours clutching glasses of Pepsi, with his home refrigerator virtually patched into Pepsi's production line. Michael was reportedly soon an avid consumer of Diet Pepsi. That exposure set him up for a curious medical phenomenon: addiction to the substance causing the damage. Every free can came at a terrible hidden price. As the soda fountain storekeeper in 'Back to the Future' puts it: "nothing is free -but the water.‖‖ Aspartame Can Be Found In: Instant breakfasts, breath mints, cereals, sugar-free chewing gum, cocoa mixes, coffee beverages, frozen desserts, gelatin desserts, juice, beverages, laxatives, multivitamins, milk drinks, pharmaceuticals and supplements, shake mixes, soft drinks, tabletop sweeteners, tea beverages, instant teas and coffees, topping mixes, wine coolers, yogurt and hundreds of others unsuspected products. Please Read The Labels!

Avoid all products with “aspartame” or "contains phenylalanine" on the label

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Below is a copy of a document, written on US Department of Health and Human Services stationery and submitted to the FDA, regarding 92 symptoms caused by aspartame. The document has been obtained under Freedom of Information Act.

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As a food additive aspartame was approved for dry goods in 1981 and for carbonated beverages in 1983. In 1992, the FDA approved aspartame for use in malt beverages, breakfast cereals, and refrigerated puddings and fillings. In 1993 the FDA approved aspartame for use in hard and soft candies, non-alcoholic favored beverages, tea beverages, fruit juices and concentrates, baked goods and baking mixes, and frostings, toppings and fillings, baked goods. "Aspartame (NutraSweet) appears to cause slow, silent damage in those unfortunate enough to not have immediate reactions and a reason to avoid it. It may take one year, five years, 10 years, or 40 years, but it seems to cause some reversible and some irreversible changes in health over long-term use. "Aspartame has a profound effect on mood and cognition, depressed mood, anxiety, dizziness, panic attacks, nausea, irritability, impairment of memory and concentration." Ralph Walton, M.D. Psychiatrist, Chairman of the Center for Behavioral Medicine" The "60 Minutes" television program in December of l996 pointed out that the alarming rise in brain tumors in the United States was in direct proportion to the rise in the use of aspartame in the United States since aspartame was allowed to be introduced into foods and beverages by the FDA. Aspartame is an rDNA derivative, a combination of two amino acids-aspartic acid and phenylalanine- and methanol. Diketopiperazine (DKP) is a by-product of aspartame metabolism and it is formed in liquid aspartame-containing products during prolonged storage. Aspartic acid and phenylalanine when taken in the free form-unbound to proteins- become neurotoxic. They significantly raise the blood plasma level of aspartate which acts as neurotransmitter in the brain by facilitating the transmission of information from neuron to neuron. The ingredients stimulate the neurons of the brain to death, causing brain damage of varying degrees. [224] Methanol, the moonshine element responsible for so much blindness during the prohibition era, breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde in the body. Both of these metabolites are toxic. An EPA assessment of methanol states that methanol "is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. The recommended limit of consumption: 7.8 mg/day. A one-liter (approx. 1 quart) aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily or 32 times the EPA limit. [225] "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, aspartame triggers brain tumors" and, "therefore, by allowing aspartame to be placed on the market, the FDA has violated the Delaney Amendment*"‌ "And if the FDA violates its own law, who is left to protect the public?" [223] Dr. M. Adrian Gross, former senior FDA toxicologist

DKP has been implicated in the occurrence of brain tumors and as cause of uterine polyps and changes in blood cholesterol by FDA Toxicologist Dr Jacqueline Verrett in her testimony before the US Senate. [226]

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* The Delaney Amendment makes it illegal to allow any residues of cancer causing chemicals in foods . Due to numerous severe aspartame-ingestion symptoms the Pentagon once listed the substance in an inventory of prospective biochemical warfare weapons submitted to Congress. The Material Safety Data Sheet on Aspartame (CAS# 22839-47-0) says that to work with aspartame one should wear chemical goggles, protective gloves to prevent skin exposure, a chemical apron and a NIOS/MSHA approved air purifying dust or mist respirator.

Richard Wurtman, an MIT neuroscientist, discovered that aspartame defeats its purpose as a diet aid, since high doses may instill a craving for calorie-laden carbohydrates. [227] One of his pilot studies found that the NutraSweet-carbohydrate combination increases the "sweetener's effect on brain composition‖. In simple words, aspartame makes you crave carbohydrates and will make you FAT!

"I have observed severe intellectual deterioration associated with the use of aspartame products. It was usually manifest as great difficulty in reading and writing, obvious problems with memory and grossly impaired orientation to time, place and person." H. J. Roberts, M.D.,author of Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic

It often takes at least sixty days without ANY aspartame to see a significant improvement. Improvement in health is also often accompanied by weight loss. Dr. H. J. Roberts said on getting people off aspartame - "they lose an average of 15 pounds!"


sold under the name Splenda™, is one of the up-and-coming "next generation" of high-intensity sugar substitutes. It is non-caloric and about 600 times sweeter than sucrose (white table sugar), although it can vary from 320 to 1,000 times sweeter, depending on the food application. The white crystalline powder tastes like a lot like sugar, but is more intense in its sweetness. Sucralose is produced by chlorinating sugar (sucrose). This involves chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups. Few human studies of safety have been published on sucralose. Research in animals has shown that sucralose can cause many problems in rats, mice, and rabbits, such as: Shrunken thymus glands (up to 40% shrinkage), enlarged liver and kidneys, atrophy of lymph follicles in the spleen and thymus, increased weight, reduced growth rate, decreased red blood cell count, hyperplasia of the pelvis, extension of the pregnancy period, aborted pregnancy, decreased fetal body weights and placental weights, and diarrhea 120 of 240

NO long-term human research has ever been done. Nevertheless, it was approved by the FDA in 1998 to be used in a variety of food products.

Neotame – Devised by Monsanto, and sold later to NutraSweet Co., Neotame is a new, non-nutritive, general-purpose sweetener, for use in a wide variety of food products, other than meat and poultry. Depending on its food application, Neotame is approximately 7,000 to 13,000 times sweeter than sugar. It is a free-flowing, water soluble, white crystalline powder that can be used as a tabletop sweetener as well as in cooking applications. Examples of uses for which Neotame has been approved include baked goods, non-alcoholic beverages (including soft drinks), chewing gum, confections and frostings, frozen desserts, gelatins and puddings, jams and jellies, processed fruits and fruit juices, toppings and syrups.

"Compositionally it begins with aspartame, but a simple enhancement to the dipeptide base of aspartame uniquely and markedly changes its sweetness. It is 40 times sweeter than aspartame." Monsanto communications director Nancy Nevin on Neotame

Neotame is just a chemically tweaked aspartame, so don’t use it if you want to lose weight! FDA approved it in July 2002 and said it concluded from the studies that Neotame was safe for human consumption. NO long-term human research has ever been done.

Other sweeteners to avoid: Alitame (Aclame) from Pfizer, acesulfame-k (Sunette, Sweet-n-Safe, SweetOne), saccharin, cyclamates, refined sugar, high-fructose sweeteners, D-tagatose, corn syrup and dextrose. They all can potentially make you not only fatter but plainly sick!

Other harmful additives

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Emulsifiers and stabilizers such as:

Carrageenan - naturally occurring carbohydrate extracted from red seaweed, often found in "health food" products. Common sources of carrageenan are certain brands of "rice milk" and "soy milk" as well as toothpastes. In addition to suppressing immune function, carrageenan causes intestinal ulcers and inflammatory bowel disease in animals, and some research indicates that carrageenan is associated with causing cancer in humans. Flavoring agents Soda pop, candy, breakfast cereals, gelatin desserts, and many other foods. Hundreds of chemicals are used to mimic natural flavors; many may be used in a single flavoring, such as for cherry soda pop. Most flavoring chemicals also occur in nature and are probably safe, but they are used almost exclusively in junk foods. Their use indicates that the real thing (often fruit) has been left out. Companies keep the identity of artificial (and natural) flavorings a deep secret. Flavorings may include substances to which some people are sensitive, such as MSG. Artificial Coloring Most artificial colorings are synthetic chemicals that do not occur in nature. Because colorings are used almost solely in foods of low nutritional value (candy, soda pop, gelatin desserts, etc.), you should simply avoid all artificially colored foods. In addition to problems mentioned below, colorings cause hyperactivity in some sensitive children. The use of coloring usually indicates that fruit or other natural ingredient has not been used. -



Blue #2- Pet




Green #3-

#1- Beverages, candy, baked goods. Inadequately tested; suggestions of a small cancer risk food, beverages, candy. The largest study suggested, but did not prove, that this dye caused brain tumors in male mice. The FDA concluded that there is "reasonable certainty of no harm." Red #2- Skin of some Florida oranges only. Studies indicated that this additive causes cancer. The dye does not seep through the orange skin into the pulp. No risk except when eating peel. Candy, beverages. A 1981 industry-sponsored study gave hints of bladder cancer, but FDA re-analyzed the data using other statistical tests and concluded that the dye was safe. Fortunately, this possibly carcinogenic dye is rarely used.


Red #3- Cherries in fruit cocktail, candy, baked goods. Government’s Position: In 1990, FDA discontinued the provisional listing of all lake forms of FD&C Red No.3 and its dye form used in external drugs and cosmetics. 122 of 240

The uses were terminated because one study of the color additive in male rats showed an association with thyroid tumors. In announcing the decision, FDA stressed that any human risk posed by FD&C Red No.3 was extremely small and was based less on safety concerns than the legal mandate of the Delaney Clause. FD&C Red No.3 remains permanently listed for use in food and ingested drugs‌U. S. Food and Drug Administration FDA/IFIC* Brochure Food Color Facts January 1993 -

Red #40- Soda


Yellow #5- Gelatin

pop, candy, gelatin desserts, pastry, pet food, sausage. The most widely used food dye. While this is one of the most-tested food dyes, the key mouse tests were flawed and inconclusive. An FDA review committee acknowledged problems, but said evidence of harm was not "consistent" or "substantial." Like other dyes, Red 40 is used mainly in junk foods. dessert, candy, pet food, baked goods. The second most widely used coloring causes mild allergic reactions, asthma and skin rashes primarily in aspirin-sensitive persons. Though widely used in processed foods, these coloring agents are not required to be listed on labels and rarely appear there. Government’s Position: FDA's Advisory Committee on Hypersensitivity to Food Constituents concluded in 1986 that FD&C Yellow No.5 may cause hives in fewer that one out of 10,000 people. The committee found that there was no evidence the color additive in foods provokes asthma attacks nor that aspirin-intolerant individuals may have a cross-sensitivity to the color. As with other color additives certifiable for food use, whenever FD&C Yellow No.5 is added to foods, it is listed on the product label. This allows the small portion of people who may be sensitive to the color to avoid it. U. S. Food and Drug Administration FDA/IFIC* Brochure Food Color Facts January 1993




Carmine, Cochineal Extract-

#6- Beverages, sausage, baked goods, candy, gelatin. Industry-sponsored animal tests indicated that this dye, the third most widely used, causes tumors of the adrenal gland and kidney. In addition, small amounts of several carcinogens contaminate Yellow 6. However, the FDA reviewed those data and found reasons to conclude that Yellow 6 does not pose a significant cancer risk to humans. Yellow 6 may also cause occasional allergic reactions. Red, pink, or purple candy, yogurt, Campari, ice cream, beverages drugs and cosmetics. Cochineal extract is a coloring extracted from the eggs of the cochineal beetle, which lives on cactus plants in Peru, the Canary Islands, and elsewhere. Carmine is a more purified coloring made from cochineal. In 123 of 240

both cases, the actual substance that provides the color is carminic acid. These colorings have caused allergic reactions that range from hives to lifethreatening anaphylactic shock. It is not known how many people suffer from this allergy. The Food and Drug Administration should ban cochineal extract and carmine or, at the very least, require that they be identified clearly on food labels so that people could avoid them. Natural or synthetic substitutes are available. A label statement should also disclose that, Carmine is extracted from dried insects so that vegetarians and others who want to avoid animal products could do so.

Preservatives -



Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT)- Cereals,


Propyl gallate- Vegetable



hydroxyanisole (BHA)-Cereals chewing gum, potato chips, vegetable oil. BHA retards rancidity in fats, oils, and oilcontaining foods. While most studies indicate it is safe, some studies demonstrated that it caused cancer in rats. This synthetic chemical can be replaced by safer chemicals (e.g., vitamin E), safer processes (e.g., packing foods under nitrogen instead of air), or can simply be left out (many brands of oily foods, such as potato chips, don‘t use any antioxidant). chewing gum, potato chips, oils. BHT retards rancidity in oils. It either increased or decreased the risk of cancer in various animal studies. Residues of BHT occur in human fat. BHT is unnecessary or is easily replaced by safe substitutes (see discussion of BHA). Avoid it when possible. Legal in the U.S. but banned in England, is associated with liver and kidney damage, behavioral problems, infertility, weakened immune system, birth defects and cancer oil, meat products, potato sticks, chicken soup base, chewing gum. Propyl gallate retards the spoilage of fats and oils and is often used with BHA and BHT, because of the synergistic effects these preservatives have. The best studies on rats and mice were peppered with suggestions (but not proof) that this preservative might cause cancer. Avoid.


nitrite/ odium nitrate- Bacon, ham, frankfurters, luncheon meats, smoked fish, corned beef. Sodium nitrite stabilizes the red color in cured meat (without nitrite, hot dogs and bacon would look gray) and gives a characteristic flavor. Sodium nitrate is used in dry cured meat, because it slowly breaks down into nitrite. Adding nitrite to food can lead to the formation of small amounts of potent cancer-causing chemicals (nitrosamines), particularly in fried bacon. Nitrite, which also occurs in saliva and forms from nitrate in several vegetables, can undergo the same chemical reaction in the stomach. Companies now add ascorbic acid or erythorbic acid to bacon to inhibit nitrosamine formation, a measure that has greatly reduced the problem. While nitrite and nitrate cause only a small risk, they are still worth avoiding. Several studies have linked consumption of cured meat and nitrite by children, pregnant women, and 124 of 240

adults with various types of cancer. Although those studies have not yet proven that eating nitrite in bacon, sausage, and ham causes cancer in humans, pregnant women would be prudent to avoid those products. The meat industry justifies its use of nitrite and nitrate by claiming that it prevents the growth of bacteria that cause botulism poisoning. That‘s true, but freezing and refrigeration could also do that, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture has developed a safe method using lactic-acidproducing bacteria. The use of nitrite and nitrate has decreased greatly over the decades, because of refrigeration and restrictions on the amounts used. The meat industry could do the public‘s health a favor by cutting back even further. Because nitrite is used primarily in fatty, salty foods, consumers have important nutritional reasons for avoiding nitrite-preserved foods. -

Potassium bromate- Bread and rolls. This additive has long been used to increase the volume of bread and to produce bread with a fine crumb (the not-crust part of bread) structure. Most bromate rapidly breaks down to form innocuous bromide. However, bromate itself causes cancer in animals. The tiny amounts of bromate that may remain in bread pose a small risk to consumers. Bromate has been banned virtually worldwide except in Japan and the United States. It is rarely used in California because a cancer warning might be required on the label. In 1999, the Center for Science in the Public Interest petitioned the FDA to ban bromate.



benzoate-this food preservative can cause asthma and skin rashes in sensitive individuals.

Flavor enhancers -


(Monosodium Glutamate) – used in soups, salad dressing, chips, frozen entrees, restaurant foods most bagged, bottled, frozen, boxed, canned, or commercially prepared foods Additives such as hydrolyzed protein and autolyzed yeast can contain as much as 40% MSG. When added to another ingredient the FDA does not require that MSG be listed as such on a label. MSG has some of the same toxicity mechanisms as the toxic sweetener aspartame. Ninety nine percent of MSG is glutamic acid. It plays the same role as aspartic acid in aspartame-is an excitatory neurotransmitter that destroys nerve cells in the brain of susceptible people. Many of the brain lesions caused by MSG in children are irreversible and can result from a SINGLE exposure of a product containing MSG 125 of 240

in sufficient concentration. [228] This amino acid brings out the flavor in many foods. While that may sound like a treat for taste buds, the use of MSG allows companies to reduce the amount of real ingredients in their foods, such as chicken in chicken soup. In the 1960s, it was discovered that large amounts of MSG fed to infant mice destroyed nerve cells in the brain. After that research was publicized, public pressure forced baby-food companies to stop adding MSG to their products (it was used to make the foods taste better to parents). Careful studies have shown that some people are sensitive to MSG. Reactions include headache, nausea, weakness, and burning sensation in the back of neck and forearms. Some people complain of wheezing, changes in heart rate, and difficulty breathing. Attention Deficit Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, weight problems, migraine headaches, sleeping disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, glaucoma, asthma, diabetes, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), and Parkinson's disease have been associated lately with consuming an excessive amount of MSG. Some people claim to be sensitive to very small amounts of MSG, but no good studies have been done to determine just how little MSG can cause a reaction in the most-sensitive people. To protect the public‘s health, manufacturers and restaurateurs should use less or no MSG and the amounts of MSG should be listed on labels of foods that contain significant amounts. People who believe they are sensitive to MSG should be aware that other ingredients, such as natural flavoring, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, autolyzed yeast, calcium caseinate, gelatin, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, yeast extract, hydrolyzed oat flour and corn oil always contain glutamate. There are also possible sources of MSG such as textured protein, carrageenan, vegetable gum, seasonings, spices, flavorings, natural flavorings, chicken flavoring, beef flavoring, pork flavoring, smoke flavoring, bouillon, broth, stock, barley malt, malt extract, malt flavoring, whey protein, whey protein isolate, whey protein concentrate, soy protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, soy sauce and soy extract. It is also important to know that MSG can also be found (though not always) in vaccines, flu shots, IV solutions (as maltodextrin), and in vitamin supplements. MSG is always present in any gelatinencapsulated vitamin or supplement. Also, foods such as Parmesan cheese and tomatoes contain glutamate that occurs naturally, but no reactions have been reported to those foods. 126 of 240

Consumers want to know they're eating healthful food. But most of them don't even know it's legal for food manufacturers to add cancer-causing substances to their food. Political pressure during the Reagan administration caused the FDA to allow cancer causing substances to be used in foods - even though the Delaney Clause of the 1958 Food Additives Amendment specifically states that cancer causing additives are not permitted in foods for humans. Unfortunately, there is at least one carcinogenic additive I know of, that IS NOT approved as a food additive by the FDA, yet it is added to our food.

MPC- A Special Case Did you know that there is no "About a year ago, USDA decided that using longer real cheese in Cheez filtered milks was not permitted in cheese Whiz? Instead, something artificial making, because it wasn't specified in the gives the product its cheesiness. Cheez whiz contains an illegal federal standards of identity...Well, we've been able to get both USDA and FDA to hold off any additive. It‘s called Milk Protein enforcement actions, pending changes in the regulations." Concentrate, or MPC. Foreign E. Linwood Tipton, President of International Dairy milk is filtered to produce MPC. Foods Association. In a January 9, 2000 speech. The powder is then imported into the United States. Last year, the Milkweed, a dairy industry newsletter uncovered evidence that the milk used for MPC is produced in the shadow of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. FDA does not inspect imported MPC. Kraft Foods lists MPC on the labels of Velveeta and Cheez Whiz. [229] MPC is NOT approved as a food additive by the FDA. In the January, 2001 issue (VOL. 258), the Milkweed reports:

"Two FDA officials recently provided written replies to questions about the regulatory status of MPC as a food additive. Both FDA personnel stated that MPC is not a legal food additive." Thousands of additives are used in our nation's food supply, most of which are harmful or inadequately tested, but only a sprinkling of them are listed on the labels. The only systematic way to avoid them is to eat fresh, whole (unprocessed) foods, preferably purchased in health food stores. Important Links       

Aspartame Victims Support Group Aspartame -- Mission Possible Radio Programs in Real Audio! Aspartame Consumer Safety Network (ACSN) Homepage Dr. H.J. Roberts, World Aspartame Expert -- Highly Recommended Books Dr. Russell L. Blaylock's Book - "Excitotoxins" Dave Rietz' Extensive Aspartame Web Pages NutraMancer City -- Stroll Around Town! (Swankin & Turner Page) 127 of 240

      

Good Bunny Homepage! More Useful Aspartame Links From Dave Rietz' Page Ban Aspartame Web Page (Greece) Sweet Poison (NutraSweet) by Alex Constantine The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sweeteners (Nexus Magazine) Aspartame and Multiple Sclerosis (From Dave Q's MS Recovery Web pages) Acesulfame-K (Sweet One) - Expert Statements (CSPI Web Page)

Books        

Blaylock, Russell L., Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills (Health Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, c1994). One of the best books available on excitotoxins. Well worth reading! H. J. Roberts, M.D., Aspartame (NutraSweet), Is it Safe? Available from the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network. Sweet'ner Dearest, Available from the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network Mary Nash Stoddard, The Deadly Deception, Available from the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network. Barbara Mullarkey, Editor, Bittersweet Aspartame - A Diet Delusion, Available from the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network. The Aspartame Consumer Safety Network, The Aspartame Consumer Safety Network Synopsis. Dennis Remington, M.D. and Barbara Higa, R.D., The Bitter Truth About Artificial Sweeteners, Available from the Aspartame Consumer Safety Network

THE CASE OF GM FOOD FDA‟s Position: The vast majority of foods developed using the tools of modern biotechnology-also called bioengineering-that the FDA has evaluated have not raised issues that would require premarket review and approval. To ensure that the FDA is fully aware of these products, the agency has proposed to make obligatory the current voluntary system under which food developers have consulted with the FDA before introducing their genetically modified products on the market. In the roughly 50 voluntary consultations done so far, the FDA's scientists were confident that the new foods contained no new allergens, no increased levels of toxicants and no unapproved food additives, and that important nutrients were not altered-in short, that these foods are as safe and wholesome as their conventional counterparts. The FDA is confident that the bioengineered foods reviewed under its system so far are safe for consumers. FDA Publication No. FS 01-2 Revised: February 2002 Industry‟s Position: ―Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is [the U.S. Food and Drug Administration]‘s job.‖ Phil Angell, Monsanto‘s director of

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corporate communications, to the New York Times, October 25, 1998 The US is one of only a few countries using genetically engineered food - The US, Canada and Argentina account for 96% of the world's GE crops. Unfortunately, neither the FDA [230], the Department of Agriculture (USDA) [231], nor the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [232] have done any long-term testing of GMOs in food or the environment, nor has any regulation specific to bioengineered food been established. Biotech companies are on the honor system. They have virtually no requirements to show that this new technology is safe, and the FDA has no legal authority to compel the companies to submit the data. “The Food and Drug Administration cannot guarantee the safety of genetically modified foods because it is unable to obtain all scientific data from biotech companies.” Reuters, January 7, 2003 A new Greenpeace report, Genetically Engineered Food: Still Unlabeled and Untested, has found that only three health studies on genetically engineered foods have been published in peer-reviewed journals. None of these met scientists' recommendations that gene altered foods be tested for 90 days, nor did they meet the FDA's own testing requirements for food additives that would require, in some cases, up to two years multiple feeding studies. To read about the studies in greater detail click the link http://www.actionbioscience.org/biotech/pusztai.html Genetically engineered crops and additives are already used in the preparation of over 75% of processed foods (See Free Bonus No. 4 for a full list). Millions of people are now unknowingly consuming novel genetically engineered foods in every meal. These foods are mostly allowed to be sold without labeling, yet several studies show that they can cause new toxins, cancers, allergens, and illnesses of great power. [233] "It is astounding that FDA has not changed their stance on genetically modified food. Governments should never have allowed these products into the food chain without insisting on rigorous testing for effects on health." The Lancet, Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods, Vol. 353, Number 9167, 29 May 1999 Government‟s Position: Although current tests have been adequate for evaluating the few genetically modified foods that have, so far, undergone relatively simple compositional changes, new technologies are being developed to evaluate the increasingly complex compositional changes expected. Monitoring the long-term health risks of genetically modified foods is generally neither necessary nor feasible. No scientific evidence exists, nor is there even a hypothesis, suggesting that long-term harm, such as higher cancer rates, results from these foods. Moreover, technical challenges make long-term monitoring infeasible. General Accounting Office Report GAO-02-566 May 23, 2002

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Hundreds of genetically engineered foods, food additives and ingredients contain genes derived from animals, fish, insects, viruses, and bacteria. Biotechnology companies erroneously claim that their manipulations are similar to natural genetic changes or traditional breeding. However, the cross-species transfers being made, such as between fish and tomatoes, or between other unrelated species, would not happen in nature. Biotechnology companies also claim their methods are precise. In fact, there is a random element in gene insertion methods. Genetic research shows that many weaknesses in plants, animals and humans have their origin in tiny imperfections in the genetic code. Therefore, side effects and accidents are inevitable, and scientists have assessed the risks to be unlimited. [234] "Something curious happened when a synthetic gene was inserted into the sweet potato. The protein content soared, but the new gene accounted for only a small fraction of this boost. Somehow, the sweet potato's natural protein genes shifted into high gear. How? Tuskegee University's C.S. Prakash, who helped develop this super sweet potato, chuckles, 'we have no idea.'" [235] When genetic engineers insert a new gene into any organism there is a "position effect" which entails an unpredictable pattern of genetic function. The protein product of the transposed gene may carry out unexpected reactions and produce toxic products. There is also serious concern about the dangers of using genetically engineered viruses as delivery vehicles (vectors) in the generation of transgenic plants and animals. This could destabilize the genome and lead to horizontal gene transfer to other species, including mammals. This may cause dangerous new diseases, resistance to antibiotics, and severe immune reactions. ―Fears that genes for antibiotic resistance could jump from genetically modified foods to bacteria in the gut may be fuelled by new research from the Netherlands. The results show that DNA lingers in the intestine, and confirm that genetically modified bacteria can transfer their antibiotic-resistance genes to bacteria in the gut. Using an "artificial gut", the Dutch researchers showed that DNA remains intact for several minutes in the large intestine. "It was a surprise to see that DNA persisted so long in the colon," says Hub Noteborn of the State Institute for Quality Control of Agricultural Products in Wageningen, who helped organize the research.‖ [236] ―Foreign DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is part of our environment. Considerable amounts of foreign DNA of very different origin are ingested daily with food. In a series of experiments we fed the DNA of bacteriophage M13 as test DNA to mice and showed that fragments of this DNA survive the passage through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in small amounts (1-2%). Foodingested M13 DNA reaches peripheral white blood cells, the spleen and liver via the intestinal epithelia and cells in the Peyer's patches of the intestinal wall. There is evidence to assume that food-ingested foreign DNA can become covalently linked to mouselike DNA. When M13 DNA is fed to pregnant mice the test DNA can be detected in cells in various organs of the fetuses and of 130 of 240

newborn animals, but never in all cells of the mouse fetus. It is likely that the M13 DNA is transferred by the transplacental route and not via the germ line.‖ [237] Genetic engineering also interferes with RNA editing and molecular folding, which may cause the formation of prion-based diseases similar to BSE-mad cow disease. [238] "Probably the greatest threat from genetically altered crops is the insertion of modified virus and insect virus genes into crops. It has been shown in the laboratory that genetic recombination will create highly virulent new viruses from such constructions. Certainly the widely used cauliflower mosaic virus is a potentially dangerous gene. It is a pararetrovirus meaning that it multiplies by making DNA from RNA messages. It is very similar to the Hepatitis B virus and related to HIV. Cauliflower mosaic virus may recombine with related Hepatitis B or for that matter HIV to create a most powerful disease. The salient feature being large numbers of people or animals consuming large numbers of viral genes incorporated into crop plants making up a major part of human and animal diet. Thus modified viruses could cause famine by destroying crops or cause human and animal diseases of tremendous power." Dr Joseph Cummins, Professor Emeritus of Genetics at the University of Western Ontario

The process of genetic engineering can introduce dangerous new allergens and fatal toxins into foods that were previously naturally safe:

Allergenicity The soybean was genetically engineered with genes from the Brazil nut and the blood serum of people known to be allergic to Brazil nuts showed and allergic response to the GE soybean in 7 out of 9 cases. Researchers concluded that the allergenicity had been transferred with the transferred gene. [239]

Soil Toxicity "Bt corn is corn (Zea express insecticidal thuringiensis to kill Here we show that Bt in root exudates from

mays) that has been genetically modified to toxins derived from the bacterium Bacillus lepidopteran pests feeding on these plants. toxin is released into the rhizosphere soil Bt corn.‖[240]

"The insecticidal toxin produced by B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki remains active in the soil, where it binds rapidly and tightly to clays and hemi acids. The bound toxin retains its insecticidal properties and is protected against microbial degradation by being bound to soil particles, persisting in various soils for at least 234 days (the longest time studied), as determined by larvicidal bioassay. Unlike the bacterium, which

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produces the toxin in a precursor form, Bt corn contains an inserted truncated cry1Ab gene that encodes the active toxin."[241] The Bt toxin is a large protein molecule, which had been considered too large to cross the root membrane. During the research, the team grew GM seedlings in the laboratory for 25 days. Each plant produced on average 105 micrograms of protein. This protein was tested against larvae of the tobacco hornworm. Up to 95 per cent of the larvae died after five days with 50 per cent killed at a dose of just 5.2 micrograms of protein. [242] A genetically engineered bacterium developed to aid in the production of ethanol, produced residues, which rendered the land infertile. New corn crops planted on this soil grew three inches tall and fell over dead. [243]

Food-Chain Toxicity Diets containing genetically modified (GM) potatoes expressing the lectin Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) had variable effects on different parts of the rat gastrointestinal tract. Some effects, such as the proliferation of the gastric mucosa, were mainly due to the expression of the GNA transgene. However, other parts of the construct or the genetic transformation (or both) could also have contributed to the overall biological effects of the GNA-GM potatoes, particularly on the small intestine and caecum. [244] Ladybugs life span and fertility suffer when eating aphids that have been fed genetically engineered potatoes. [245] Green lacewings suffered a two-thirds increase in death rate when they fed on army worms eating corn engineered to contain a bacteria toxic to crop pests. [246] Yeast was engineered to produce high levels of enzymes that are important in the breakdown of sugar. It was found that concentrations of a toxic and mutagenic product of the breakdown process, methyl gloxal (MG) were 30 times higher compared to the original strain. The scientists concluded: ―.... in genetically engineered yeast cells, the metabolism is significantly disturbed by the introduced genes or their gene products and the disturbance brings about accumulation of the unwanted toxic compound MG in cells. Such accumulation of highly reactive MG may cause damage in the DNA, thus suggesting that the concept of 'substantially equivalent' for the safety assessment of genetically engineered food is not always applied to genetically engineered microbes..." [247] Already, one genetically engineered soybean was found to cause severe allergic reactions, and bacteria genetically engineered to produce large amounts of the food supplement, tryptophan, have produced toxic contaminants that killed 37 people and permanently disabled 1,500 in USA. [248]

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The FDA doesn’t require food makers to inform consumers if their products contain genetically engineered ingredients and allows gene-altered foods on the American market. However, 93% of Americans say the federal government should require labels saying whether it's been genetically modified, or bioengineered. "Such near unanimity in public opinion is rare" (ABC News.com poll, June 2001). Since the FDA has refused to protect customers I‘m including a list of food companies, which, either voluntarily label their food ―non-gmo‖, or sell GMO food without any warning labels.

List of store brand products of some major U.S. supermarket chains likely to include GE ingredients A & P (includes Farmer Jack, Super Fresh, Kohl's, Food Emporium, Waldbaum's and Sav-ACenter) store brands: Master's Choice, President's Choice Albertson's (includes Acme, Jewel-Osco, and Sav-On stores) store brands: Acme, Jewel, J.A.'s Kitchen Food Lion (includes Kash 'n Karry, Save 'n Pack, Hannaford Brothers stores) store brand: Food Lion Giant (includes Tops, Stop & Shop, Bi-Lo stores) store brand: Super G Kroger (includes Fred Meyer, Ralph's, Food for Less stores) store brands: Kroger, Private Selection, For Maximum Value (FMV) Safeway (includes Dominick's, Von's and Randalls) store brands: Safeway, Select, Lucerne Shaws (includes Star Markets) store brands: Shaw's

Companies, which have moved to avoid GMOs in their products in Europe, but have failed to take similar action in the United States

National chains intending to eliminate genetically engineered ingredients from their store brands Whole Foods stores including Bread & Circus, Fresh Fields, Wellspring Grocery, Merchant of 133 of 240

Vino, Nature's Heartland; Wild Oats stores including Alfalfa's, Oasis Fine Foods, Capers Markets, Sun Harvest Farms, Beans, Grains & Things, Food for Thought, Ideal Market, People's Market, Nature's Northwest, Henry's Marketplace.

Partial list of organic food producers French Meadow - breads and baked goods. Frontier Natural Products - herbs and spices, organic coffees. Hain - makers of Arrowhead Mills, Breadshop, Westbrae (including WestSoy, Little Bear & Bearitos), and Earth's Best brands. Recently joined with Celestial Seasonings to form Hain Celestial. The Earth's Best baby foods line is made and distributed in partnership with H.J. Heinz. Horizon Organic Dairy - milk, cheese and dairy products. Lundberg Family Farms - rice and rice products. Mountain Sun - organic & natural juices. New Organics - Pasta, cereals, and other grocery items. Organic Valley - cheese and dairy products. Seeds of Change - Pasta Sauces, Salsas, Rice Meals. Open-pollinated, organic seeds and seedlings for gardeners. Small Planet Food - makers of Muir Glen tomato products and Cascadian Farms juices and other products. Small Planet is now a division of General Mills, which purchased the company in 1999. Spectrum Organics - oils, salad dressings, organic ingredients. Stonyfield Farms - organic and natural yogurt, frozen yogurt and ice cream. Walnut Acres - organic soups. White Wave - tofu, soymilk, soy products

Some “NON-GMO� labels to keep an eye out for

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Source: Greenpeace True Food Guide.

For a full list of organic and natural food producers, visit the Organic Trade Association (OTA). Advocates of biotechnology assert that GE foods are of great benefit to mankind and may contribute significantly to the reduction of hunger in the world. Politicians have believed that this justifies a liberal approval policy. However, late last year (2002) the highly respected British Medical Association (BMA) issued statements that come pretty close to what Greenpeace and other radical environmentalists have been saying all along about GMOs and their ―benefits‖.

What follows is an abridged version of the submission of the BMA to the Scottish Parliament calling for a halt to the GE field trials in Scotland. Albeit European, this opinion represents the fears and concerns of the world scientific community, American including: ―The BMA does not support the argument that GM foods can solve the problems of feeding the starving millions worldwide. There is no global shortage of food; maldistribution of food is the problem. Currently, GMOs benefit the companies and supermarkets involved in the production and distribution of GMO products.‖ ―The benefits, for example, being able to grow crops in adverse conditions, have not yet been proven. Others such as inclusion of vaccines in food crops raise huge concerns about liberties, public trust. It is essential to consider the risk against the perceived benefits.‖ ―Safety is a relative matter and is generally based on the results of a robust and thorough search for possible harm. There has not yet been a robust and thorough search into the potentially harmful effects of GM foodstuffs on human health. On the basis of the precautionary principle, farm scale trials should not be allowed to continue.‖

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―The concerns doctors have about the impact genetically modified foodstuffs may have on our long-term health are serious enough to warrant a precautionary approach.‖ ―Routine health surveillance currently in place would not pick up adverse effects on the health of people living in the vicinity of GMO trial sites in Scotland and indeed is not intended to do so.‖ ―[With regard to oil-seed rape, the] BMA has concerns about the effect of GMOs on the ecosystem. There is evidence that there is cross-contamination of non-GM crop sites some distance from growing areas and there is some evidence of adverse effects to the local wildlife.‖ ―In the longer term, the BMA recommends ongoing health monitoring to assess the impact and address questions raised regarding the consumption of GMOs.‖ ―The BMA has real concerns that the health of those living close to GM crops may be affected by the use of pesticides.‖ ―Extension of the current farm-scale trials would be ill advised and potentially irresponsible until the health and environmental impact is fully assessed and in the public domain.‖ [249] Present GE crops are of little if any benefit to mankind. Not only do they raise some serious health issues but also the promised high yields and massive reduction in pesticide use are highly questionable: "Interestingly, when one takes the average projected Bollguard technology fee, insecticide and application costs, differences in late season damage and increased scouting costs for Bollguard cotton into consideration, overall average projected costs and returns for the two systems are nearly identical. Individual producer costs would likely need to be adjusted to account for their particular situations.‖ [250] ―Farmers who did not use GMO soybean varieties in 1998 reported a slightly higher yield than those who used GMO varieties. The average yield for non-GMO soybeans was 51.21 bushels per acre; the average yield for GMO soybeans was 49.26. GMO soybeans had a return of $144.50 per acre versus a return of $145.75 for non-GMO soybeans. In 1998, the average yield for Bt corn was 160.4 bushels per acre. The average yield for non-Bt corn was 147.7 bushels per acre. Farmers applied insecticides on 12 percent of their Bt cornfields at an average cost of $17.56 per acre. They applied insecticides on 18 percent of their non-Bt cornfields at an 136 of 240

average cost of $14.94 per acre. Seed for Bt corn averaged $39.62 per acre, compared to $29.96 per acre for non-Bt corn. Bt fields had slightly higher weed control costs, averaging $2.82 per acre. Fertilizer costs were $5.02 per acre higher than non-Bt corn. When comparing gross revenue, total costs, and the return to land and labor between Bt and non-Bt corn, corn was valued at the 1998 average price of $1.90 per bushel. The total difference in return to land and labor was only $3.97 per acre. ― [251] ―On whether RR soybean systems reduce pesticide use and increase grower profits, our analysis shows that: (1) RR soybean systems are largely dependent on herbicides and hence are not likely to reduce herbicide use or reliance. Claims otherwise are based on incomplete information or analytically flawed comparisons that do not tell the whole story. (2) Farmers growing RR soybeans used 2 to 5 times more herbicide measured in pounds applied per acre, compared to the other popular weed management systems used on most soybean fields not planted to RR varieties in 1998. RR herbicide use exceeds the level on many farms using multitactic Integrated Weed Management systems by a factor of 10 or more. (3) There is clear evidence that Roundup use by farmers planting RR soybeans has risen markedly in 1999 because of the emergence of a degree of tolerance to Roundup in several key weed species, shifts in weeds toward those less sensitive to Roundup, price cuts and aggressive marketing. (4) Roundup use on soybeans may well double from 1998 levels within the next few years. But if current trends continue in the way RR technology is used, the efficacy and market share of Roundup may then fall just as quickly. (5) The RR soybean yield drag and technology fee impose a sizable indirect tax on the income of soybean producers, ranging from a few percent where RR varieties work best to over 12 percent of gross income per acre.‖ [252]

Industry Connections On January 17, 2001 Reuters reported that the FDA had issued a proposal, backed by the biotech industry, which would require food companies to provide scientific evidence that a genetically altered or bioengineered food is safe, and to notify the FDA at least 4 months in advance of its intent to market this food. This proof of safety would be then published on the Internet for public view. As part of the proposed guidelines the FDA announced that it would not require mandatory pre-market safety testing of genetically modified foods, but rather rely on the scientific verification provided by food producers. The agency also issued guidelines for companies that voluntarily label food as being made with or without genetically altered ingredients. Terms such as ``GM'' (genetically modified), ''GMO'' (genetically modified organism) and ``modified'' would not be acceptable. The guidelines would allow the use of terms such as ``bioengineered'' or ``derived through biotechnology'' on labels if the manufacturer wishes.

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"This new rule does nothing to protect the health and safety of consumers. In fact, the government is protecting industry." Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) in reaction to new FDA‘s proposal Mr. Kucinich is absolutely right. The government IS protecting the industry. The clear evidence was revealed during a lawsuit filled by Steven Druker against the U.S Food and Drug Administration for its negligent oversight of genetically modified foods in May 1998. As part of the lawsuit, the FDA was required to turn over to Druker some 44,000 internal documents. These include memos from agency scientists criticizing the FDA's developing policy on GM foods. The policy, which was published in the Federal Register in May 1992, is regarded even by the FDA's own scientists as an industry cheat sheet: "The initial intent of the document was to present scientific considerations and to avoid telling industry what tests to run and how to go about doing it," said Louis J. Pribyl, an FDA microbiologist in a February 1992 memo. Yet a major part of this policy is a flowchart that effectively tells a biotech company not only what to test in a crop but what results will be needed for the product to be considered safe. By including the flowcharts and telling the companies what to test and what results to get to meet safety standards and by listing all the tests and the answers, Pribyl felt that the FDA made it possible for companies to tailor their tests to get the results they would need. Internal documents also revealed the potential conflicts of interest regarding several agency officials who were employed by biotech companies prior to joining the FDA. Chief among the targets was Michael Taylor, the FDA's deputy commissioner for policy, who wrote the FDA's rBGH labeling guidelines. The guidelines, announced in February 1994, virtually prohibited dairy corporations from making any real distinction between products produced with and without rBGH. To keep rBGH-milk from being "stigmatized" in the marketplace, the FDA announced that labels on nonrBGH products must state that there is no difference between rBGH and the naturally occurring hormone. In March 1994, Taylor was publicly exposed as a former lawyer for the Monsanto Corporation for seven years. While working for Monsanto, Taylor had prepared a memo for the company as to whether or not it would be constitutional for states to erect labeling laws concerning rBGH dairy products. In other words Taylor helped Monsanto figure out whether or not the corporation could sue states or companies that wanted to tell the public that their products were free of Monsanto's drug. Another official involved in rBGH-1 policy who had worked for Monsanto was Margaret Miller, deputy director of the FDA’s Office of New Animal Drugs. Suzanne Sechen was a primary reviewer for rBGH in the Office of New Animal Drugs between 1988 and 1990. Before coming to the FDA, she had done research for several Monsanto-funded rBGH studies as a graduate student at Cornell University. Her professor was one of Monsanto's university consultants and a known rBGH promoter. All three were the subjects of a U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) investigation in 1994 for their role in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's approval of Posilac,

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Monsanto‘s formulation of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH). The GAO Office found "no conflicting financial interests with respect to the drug's approval" and only "one minor deviation from now superseded FDA regulations". (Quotations are from the 1994 GAO report) The three people mentioned above are not the only ones working for the government and associated with the biotech companies. The following is taken from the Edmonds Institute:  

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David W. Beier . . .former head of Government Affairs for Genentech, Inc. . . . chief domestic policy advisor to Al Gore when he was Vice President. Linda J. Fisher . . .former Assistant Administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Pollution Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances...now Vice President of Government and Public Affairs for Monsanto Corporation. Michael A. Friedman, M.D., former acting commissioner of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Department of Health and Human Services . . .now senior vice-president for clinical affairs at G. D. Searle & Co., a pharmaceutical division of Monsanto Corporation. L. Val Giddings . . . former biotechnology regulator and (biosafety) negotiator at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA/APHIS) . . .now Vice President for Food & Agriculture of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO). Marcia Hale . . . former assistant to the President of the United States and director for intergovernmental affairs . . .now Director of International Government Affairs for Monsanto Corporation. Michael (Mickey) Kantor, former Secretary of the United States Department of Commerce and former Trade Representative of the United States . . . now member of the board of directors of Monsanto Corporation. Josh King . . . former director of production for White House events. . . now director of global communication in the Washington, D.C. office of Monsanto Corporation. Terry Medley . . . former administrator of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) of the United States Department of Agriculture, former chair and vice-chair of the United States Department of Agriculture Biotechnology Council, former member of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food advisory committee...and now Director of Regulatory and External Affairs of Dupont Corporation's Agricultural Enterprise. Margaret Miller . . . former chemical laboratory supervisor for Monsanto, . . .now Deputy Director of Human Food Safety and Consultative Services, New Animal Drug Evaluation Office, Center for Veterinary Medicine in the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Michael Phillips . . . recently with the National Academy of Science Board on Agriculture . . . now head of regulatory affairs for the Biotechnology Industry Organization. William D. Ruckelshaus . . . former chief administrator of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), now (and for the past 12 years) a member of the board of directors of Monsanto Corporation. Michael Taylor . . . former legal advisor to the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)'s Bureau of Medical Devices and Bureau of Foods, later executive assistant to the Commissioner of the FDA... still later a partner at the 139 of 240

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law firm of King & Spaulding where he supervised a nine-lawyer group whose clients included Monsanto Agricultural Company... still later Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the United States Food and Drug Administration, . . . and later with the law firm of King & Spaulding... now head of the Washington, D.C. office of Monsanto Corporation. Lidia Watrud . . . former microbial biotechnology researcher at Monsanto Corporation in St. Louis, Missouri, . . .now with the United States Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Effects Laboratory, Western Ecology Division. Jack Watson, former chief of staff to the President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, . . .now a staff lawyer with Monsanto Corporation in Washington, D.C. Clayton K. Yeutter . . . former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, former U.S. Trade Representative (who led the U.S. team in negotiating the U.S. Canada Free Trade Agreement and helped launch the Uruguay Round of the GATT negotiations), now a member of the board of directors of Mycogen Corporation, whose majority owner is Dow AgroSciences, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company. Larry Zeph . . . former biologist in the Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, . . . now Regulatory Science Manager at Pioneer Hi-Bred International.

Let me ask you this: If this is not a monstrous conflict of interest what is? For the sake of unproven hypothetical benefits of future varieties, the global environment is now being exposed to a massive release of GM organisms that have little value and are possibly harmful. This may have potentially serious and irreparable ecological consequences. Therefore no GM organisms should be allowed to be released into nature. This includes trees, plants, bacteria, insects, and fishes. The use of GM food now exposes hundreds of millions of people to unknown hazards because of incomplete knowledge about their health effects and because of improper testing. Therefore, they should be withdrawn from the market immediately.

Tips For Healthier Eating Avoid GM foods and foods containing GM ingredients. You can recognize them by reading product labels. If the label mentions any of the ingredients listed below without explicitly qualifying it as organic, then the product probably contains genetically engineered ingredients: 

Soybeans: Soy flour, soy oil, lecithin, soy protein isolates and concentrates. Products that may contain genetically engineered soy derivatives: vitamin E, tofu dogs, cereals, veggie burgers and sausages, tamari, soy sauce, chips, ice cream, frozen yogurt, infant formula, sauces, protein powder, margarine, soy cheeses, crackers, breads, cookies, chocolates, candies, fried foods, shampoo, bubble bath, cosmetics, enriched flours and pastas.

Corn: Corn flour, cornstarch, corn oil, corn sweeteners, syrups. Products that may contain genetically engineered corn derivatives: vitamin C, tofu dogs, chips, candies, ice cream, infant formula, salad dressings, tomato sauces, breads, 140 of 240

cookies, cereals, baking powder, alcohol, vanilla, margarine, soy sauce, tamari, soda, fried foods, powdered sugar, enriched flours and pastas. 

Canola: Oil. Products that may contain genetically engineered canola derivatives: chips, salad dressings, cookies, margarine, soaps, detergents, soy cheeses, fried foods.

Cotton: Oil, fabric. Products that may contain genetically engineered cotton or its derivatives: clothes, linens, chips, peanut butter, crackers, and cookies.

Potatoes: Right now the only potato that has been genetically engineered is the Burbank Russet, but you still have to look out for potato starch and flour. Products that may contain genetically engineered potatoes or derivatives: unspecified processed or restaurant potato products (fries, mashed, baked, mixes, etc.), chips, Passover products, vegetable pies, soups. Fast-food chains appear to have responded to consumer concerns and requested genetically natural potatoes.

Dairy Products: Milk, cheese, butter, buttermilk, sour cream, yogurt, whey. You have to ask several questions when you are looking at dairy products. Have the cows been treated with rBGH? What kind of feed have they been given? If they are not being fed organic grains, chances are quite likely that they will be eating genetically engineered animal feed. What does this do to their milk products? No one knows.

Animal Products: Because animal feed often contains genetically engineered organisms, all animal products, or by-products from commercially raised animals may be affected.

HARD FACTS ABOUT DIETING AIDS Supplements are only responsible for a small fraction of the results you achieve. 95-97% of your results will come from good training and good nutrition. If most of your results come from diet and training, doesn't it make more sense to maximize the 95-97% first? Some supplements and drugs can help speed up the process a little, but not nearly as much as you may have been lead to believe. Some can kill you.

Supplements That Kill The following is a partial list of public warnings issued by the FDA about dangerous dietary supplement ingredients: o

Chaparral - liver disease, possibly irreversible. Comment: Chaparral, or creosote bush, is a common desert shrub used by Native Americans as a medicine. Sold as a tea, tablet, or capsule, it is sometimes included in dietary supplements. Promoted as a "blood purifier" and natural antioxidant, the FDA says chaparral is associated with several cases of 141 of 240

acute nonviral hepatitis or rapidly developing liver damage in the United States, and one in Canada.


Comfrey - obstruction of blood flow to liver, possible death. Comment: Comfrey has a benign reputation in the United States, but it does contain toxic compounds known as pyrrolizidine alkaloids. These substances are more concentrated in the roots, but even consumption of the leaves can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, or damage to other organs. Worldwide, according to the FDA, these substances have been repeatedly associated with a particular type of liver disease in humans, and additional health problems such as pulmonary and kidney pathologies and even cancer in research animals. Comfrey is available only by prescription in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Germany.


Ephedra - high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, seizures, heart attack, stroke and death. Comment: This is legalized speed (amphetamine). Ephedra, or Ma huang (ephedrine-containing herb), sold as a weight control product and energy booster; contains amphetamine-like chemical stimulants, including the alkaloids ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. High blood pressure, rapid heart rate, neuropathy, psychosis, muscle injury, stroke, and memory loss after use of these products has been reported to the FDA. Some fifteen deaths and hundreds of adverse reactions to ephedra have been reported, mostly from very large doses. Overuse of Ma Huang can cause rapid formation of kidney stones that have been found in some patients to be nearly pure ephedrine.

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Dieter's teas - nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fainting, possible death. Gamma butyrolactone (abbreviated as GBL) - brand names include: Blue Nitro, Revivarant Gamma G and Remforce. GBL related products have been associated with reports of at least 55 adverse health effects, including one death. In 19 of the cases, consumers became unconscious or comatose. Germander - liver disease, possible death. Comment: Germander is marketed as an aid to weight loss, in tea, elixir, capsule, or tablet form, either alone or with other ingredients. In France, commercial products containing germander have resulted in at least 27 cases of acute nonviral hepatitis, including one death.


Lobelia - breathing problems, rapid heartbeat, low blood pressure, coma and death. Comment: Lobelia, or Indian tobacco, contains alkaloids that have a pharmacological action weaker than but similar to nicotine. As an ingredient in dietary supplements, lobelia can cause stimulation of the autonomic nervous system or depression. Low doses can cause dilation of the bronchia and quickened breathing. Higher doses can cause depression of breathing and also sweating, racing heart, hypertension, and even coma and death. 142 of 240


Magnolia-Stephania preparation - kidney disease, possible kidney failure, death. Comment: A Chinese herbal preparation containing stephania and magnolia, sold as an aid to weight loss, was implicated as the cause of severe kidney injury in 48 women in Belgium, 18 of whom experienced terminal kidney failure.

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Herbal Fen-Phen - high blood pressure, irregular heart rate, seizures, heart attack, stroke and death. L-tryptophan (an amino acid)- eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, which is a potentially fatal blood disorder that can cause high fever, muscle and joint pain, weakness and swelling of the arms and legs. Comment: FDA took action to limit the availability of dietary supplements containing the amino acid that is the biological precursor of L-5hydroxytryptophan, that is, L-tryptophan, because of the association between dietary supplements containing L-tryptophan and the 1989 epidemic outbreak of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) in the United States. In the summer and fall of 1989, an epidemic outbreak of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) occurred in the United States. In all, more than 1500 cases of EMS, including at least 37 deaths, have been reported to the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), although the true incidence of the disorder is thought to be much higher. Some individuals suffering from L-tryptophan-related EMS have recovered, while other individuals' illnesses have persisted or worsened over time. [253]



5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan (5-HTP) - A precursor to L-tryptophan. Only recently gaining widespread use. Although no recent illnesses have been reported, the FDA said extra precaution is warranted because of problems with L-tryptophan. FDA studies still in progress. 5-HTP is the intermediate metabolite of the essential amino acid L-tryptophan in the biosynthesis of serotonin. It has been available as a pill over the counter since 1995. It is sold by a number of vitamin companies, usually in a dosage of 50 mg. Tryptophan, an amino acid found in our food converts into 5-HTP which in turn converts into serotonin. Serotonin is an important brain chemical involved in mood, behavior, appetite, and sleep. Studies published over the past three decades show that 5-HTP can be helpful in conditions that normally require prescription medicines such as Prozac, Xanax, sleeping pills, and diet drugs. However, consumers must be cautious. Few longterm studies are available to determine 5-HTP's safety. Taking 5hydroxytryptophan with carbidopa has been associated with adverse side effects, including scleroderma-like illness (the skin becomes hard, thick, and inflamed). Using this combination together should be avoided except under the supervision of a doctor. Sleepy Buddha - Product of China. Imported and distributed by Treasure Box Products Inc. of Canada. Contains prescription-strength drug ingredient "estazolam," sedative of benzodiazapine family. Serious side effects, including drowsiness, slowed motor reflexes and dependency. Can cause fetal damage in pregnant women.

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Serenity - has caused comas. Victims require breathing tubes to be revived when they become unconscious. Sold under names of Serenity, Genesis, Weight Belt Cleaner and others. Most common chemical names are tetramethylene glycol and butane-1, 4-diol. Products containing "plaintain," which could actually be digitalis that has been mislabeled. Digitalis is a potent heart stimulant that can cause cardiac arrest. Vitamin A - in doses of 25,000 or more International Units a day: Birth defects, bone abnormalities and severe liver disease. Vitamin B-6 - in doses above 100 milligrams a day: Balance difficulties and nerve injury. Selenium - in doses of 800 to 1,000 micrograms a day: Tissue damage. Yohimbe- yohimbe should be avoided by people with diabetes, low blood pressure, and heart, liver, or kidney disease Comment: Yohimbe, a product made from the bark of the African yohimbe tree, is marketed as an antidote to male impotence and as a supplement for bodybuilders. Yohimbe has risks and benefits. Yohimbe dilates blood vessels and stimulates the central nervous system; it has a history of use as an aphrodisiac. One study published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggested it could be effective for the treatment of psychogenic erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes. A meta-analysis of several studies published in the Journal of Urology in 1998 concluded that the benefits of yohimbine medication for erectile dysfunction outweighed the risks, with serious adverse reactions uncommon and reversible. However, a few incidences of renal failure, seizures, and death have been reported from the use of yohimbe. The FDA says. Yohimbe dilates blood vessels at least partially through the alkaloid yohimbine, a prescription drug in the United States. It is a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor, and can cause serious side effects when eaten with foods containing tyramine, such as liver, cheese, red wine, or with over-the-counter medicines containing phenylpropanolamine such as nasal decongestants and diet aids. Yohimbe is toxic in large doses and should only be taken under the supervision of a physician. Symptoms of an overdose include weakness and fatigue, nervous stimulation followed by paralysis, stomach disorders, and possible death.

End of list

I would like to elaborate on ephedra for a moment.

Ephedra, also known by the Chinese name ma huang, is the herbal form of ephedrine. Ephedrine can be thought of as a cross between adrenaline, one of the body's primary "fight or flight" hormones, and methamphetamine, an extremely powerful synthetic stimulant drug. Although less potent in lower amounts, ephedrine has many of the same biological responses as do methamphetamine and adrenaline. Ephedrine is sold in a few FDA-regulated over-the-counter asthma medications. But herbal ephedra is sold in 200 unregulated dietary supplements, for weight loss, building muscle or boosting energy, and occasionally in large doses as an "herbal high." 144 of 240

Products containing ephedra and ephedra extract are widely promoted for weight loss and athletic performance enhancement. In 2000, U.S. sales of weight-loss products containing ephedra hit $1 billion, a 10%-12% increase over the previous year, according to Grant Ferrier of the Nutrition Business Journal. Ephedra is a big business! Weight loss aids like Metabolife 356, Diet Phen, Metabomax, Trim Fast, Exandra Lean and other ephedra products make up one of the top-selling categories in the $14 billion-a-year supplement industry. Ephedrine is a potent drug that can be dangerous in any individual with underlying cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease. Ephedrine combinations containing aspirin and/or caffeine further increase the risk to individuals with underlying disease or who are predisposed to cardiovascular (e.g. heart disease, high blood pressure) or cerebrovascular disease (e.g. seizures) due to other factors. People with thyroid disease and diabetes are also at risk. Even though unadulterated ma huang may not be associated with as high a frequency of adverse effects as straight ephedrine, combining ephedrine with a number of different botanicals, such as yohimbine, aspirin, caffeine, capsaicin (in cayenne), may increase not only the desired effects but the undesired effects as well. From January 1993 until this past February, the FDA received 1,393 reports of adverse events — including 81 deaths — linked to ephedra supplements, according to the Public Citizen Health Research Group's petition to the agency. Because there is no requirement that makers of dietary supplements report adverse events to the FDA, the actual number is probably much higher, says Sidney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen. "The FDA has done everything possible to avoid taking these things off the market," Wolfe says. [254] On February 28, 2003 the FDA proposed tough new labels to warn consumers that ephedra could cause heart attack, stroke and death. This announcement followed by less than two weeks the death of a 23-year-old pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, Steve Bechler, a fatality in which ephedra is suspected of playing some role. Ephedrine, along with Xenadrine, Hydroxycut, Metabolife, Thermadrol, Diet Fuel, Ripped Fuel, and other natural or artificially derived stimulants, belongs to a supplement group called ―thermogenic‖, which are designed to raise your body temperature and speed up your metabolism to encourage your body to burn more calories while resting and working out. In the fitness industry, thermogenic compounds continue to be the most popular and most heavily marketed fat control products. Millions of dollars are spent on these products. Fitness magazines are full of incredibly persuasive testimonials, endorsements, ―scientific‖ studies and before-and-after photos. Some headlines scream ―Proven to increase fat loss 1700%!‖ Does it sound believable? Well, if it was true we wouldn’t have the most obese nation on earth, would we?

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Over-the-Counter Diet Pills & Weight Loss Supplements Ephedrine is not the only active ingredient in ―fat-burners‖. Guarana is another one.

Guarana (Paullinia Cupana) Other names: Brazilian cocoa, zoom Guarana is another ―thermogenic‖. It is sold as a fat burner and a metabolism booster but its active ingredient is basically caffeine - 100 milligrams of guarana has about the same caffeine content as a cup of black coffee. Taken by itself, guarana is probably not dangerous, but it is no more effective for weight loss than caffeine. Consumed in sufficient quantities, guarana can cause all the bad stuff associated with coffee: insomnia, anxiety, trembling, palpitations, elevated blood pressure, vomiting and abdominal spasms. If you're pregnant or breast-feeding, guarana, like any caffeine source, is not for you. Excessive use of guarana can cause caffeine dependency and damage the nervous system Guarana is often used in herbal fat-burners in combination with ephedra, making the ephedra even more powerful and dangerous. This combination increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and death. In return the weight loss benefits are insignificant.

Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) PPA is the active ingredient in Dexatrim, Acutrim, and several other over-the-counter weight loss products. PPA used to be a best-selling diet pill but its weight loss benefits were marginal. According to the FDA's Office of Over the Counter Drug Evaluation, "even the best studies show only about a half pound greater weight loss per week using PPA combined with diet and exercise.‖ Phenylpropanolamine has been linked to an increased risk of hemorrhagic stroke, commonly referred to as "bleeding in the brain", which can result in death or severe disability. A recent Yale University study of hemorrhagic stroke victims suggests that women, age 18-49, were at almost 16 times greater risk of stroke within the first three days of taking appetite suppressants containing PPA than those who did not take it. In October 2000, a panel of FDA advisers concluded that PPA was too dangerous to be available in over-the-counter products and called for makers to stop selling drugs containing it. Medical experts point out that between 1965 and 1990, the agency learned of 142 serious reactions - including extreme spikes in blood pressure, headaches, strokes, and eight deaths - linked to PPA.

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Pyruvate Pyruvate is naturally occurring substance found in certain over-the-counter weight loss pills and herbal 'fat-burners'. It is claimed that using diet pills containing pyruvate while restricting caloric intake and increasing exercise will boost your metabolism resulting in weight loss. Though one study found that taking supplemental pyruvate helped prevent some weight gain there is no firm evidence that pyruvate produces weight loss. Some sellers claim pyruvate is a natural alternative to prescription diet drugs such as phentermine and fenfluramine (phen-fen), but a report in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition calls such statements false and misleading. In a test sponsored by the American College of Sports Medicine, pyruvate supplements were given to trained athletes, and then observed them during regular exercises in the Human Testing Lab in the Animal Science and Nutrition Building (U of G). According to the test, Pyruvate made no significant difference in performance. Although Pyruvate was not tested directly for weight loss, the test showed no increase of pyruvate in the athletes‘ blood, which researchers believe casts doubt on any fat-burning or weight loss claims. Taking large amounts of pyruvate can cause intestinal distress, bloating, and diarrhea.

Chitosan Chitosan is a naturally occurring shellfish fiber, which has the ability to bind itself to fat. Diet pills containing chitosan are supposed to assist weight loss by grabbing dietary fat as it is being digested in the intestines. The chitosan (with fat attached) is then excreted. Result? You consume less fat, therefore fewer calories, therefore lose weight. According to tests performed by HealthWatch, an independent 'watch-dog', Chitosan weight loss pills are not effective for weight loss. The tests found no measurable increase in the amount of fat excreted when taking Chitosan diet pills. Like many manufacturers of over-the-counter weight loss pills, herbal diet pills and dietary supplements, the makers of Chitosan offer no guarantees of weight loss.

Laxatives Diet pills, weight loss supplements or diet products containing laxatives are not a healthy or effective way to lose weight. On the contrary, pills and products containing laxatives may cause you gain weight, as well as damaging your health. Diet pills that contain laxatives stimulate the digestive system and can cause severe diarrhea. And constant diarrhea prevents proper absorption of food and leads to 147 of 240

dehydration due to water-loss, plus vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which may have bad effects on health. Strong laxatives actually weaken normal peristalsis (movement of the bowels). People, who take strong laxatives for long periods, lose the ability to produce normal stools. Continued laxative use can cause bloating, cramping, dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and imbalances, cardiac arrhythmias, irregular heart beat and heart attack, renal problems, and death. Laxatives also cause withdrawal symptoms. A study by the University of Texas tracked the weight and dieting habits of 692 teenage girls from 9th through 12th grade. Girls who had resorted to extreme weight-loss measures like laxatives and appetite suppressants were more likely to gain weight, as were those who had engaged in binge eating. Dieting, laxative and appetite suppressant use to lose weight also greatly increased the likelihood of becoming obese, the study showed.

Diuretics Diet pills or weight loss products that contain diuretics stimulate water loss, not fat loss. If you take a pill that makes you lose 1 liter of water, your weight will decrease by 2 pounds, but the moment you drink liquids, this water will be replaced in the body and your weight will return to normal. Unless prescribed by a physician, diuretics are potentially harmful because certain diuretics increase potassium losses along with the water-loss. You need potassium for many body functions and potassium depletion (hypokalemia) can lead to muscle weakness, including weakening of the heart muscle, and mental confusion. If you want to lose weight (i.e. fat - not water), do not use diuretics.

Diet Teas Weight loss teas contain strong botanical laxatives and diuretics. They can cause diarrhea and loss of water from the body. Diarrhea and water loss lead to the depletion of sodium, potassium (hypokalemia) and dehydration. Although weight may decrease, the loss is fluid and is only temporary. Moreover, low sodium and potassium levels may cause abnormal heartbeats and can even lead to death.

Senna, an herbal laxative, is often an ingredient in herbal "diet teas". It stimulates the colon and can result in extreme diarrhea, nausea and dehydration. Toxicologists say, this herb can cause an electrolyte imbalance so serious it can lead to arrhythmia and heart failure. The weight loss is usually water loss, not fat loss. Moreover, long-term use of diet teas can impair colon function. Many weight-loss and "cleansing" teas flood the market. Their names misleadingly suggest weight loss. Examples include: Trim-Maxx, 24-Hour Diet Tea, Ultra Slim Tea, 148 of 240

Select Senna Leaf Tea, Super Fatbuster Tea, Super Dieter's Tea, Original Slim Tea, Fasting Tea, Uncle Lee's body Slim Dieter Tea, Herb Tea Diet and Cleansing Program, Alvita Trim-Time Thermogenic Tea, Sou Tsian Tea, Diet Partner Herb Tea, Diet-Max Diet Tea, Elegant Jasmine Slim Tea, etc. Herbal diet teas are not federally regulated - as long as they do not claim to promote weight loss on the label (even though the name obviously suggests this very claim!). Since the diet teas are regulated as foods, the ingredients are not monitored for potency; the exact amounts of laxative herbs in each tea are unknown, and so are the potential effects of mixing different laxative herbs. If you must drink diet teas avoid brands that contain senna, aloe, buckthorn, rhubarb root, cascara, and castor oil. Other potentially harmful ingredients in diet teas include: Ma huang, locust plant, wymote, ginseng, honeysuckle, and chaparral. Longer brewing time increases the potency of herbal teas. For the sake of your weight and health, do not drink more than 2 cups of diet tea per day. Diet Teas are not the answer to weight loss or weight control.

Herbal Diet Pills A string of recent Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warnings and recalls on herbal diet pills has left researchers, physicians and health advocates concerned that consumers are wasting money and taking unknown health risks with every herbal diet pill taken. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), passed in 1994, does not include a FDA requirement that manufacturers of herbal diet pills prove their products are safe or effective for weight loss. Few ingredients in herbal diet pills have caused the stir of previously covered ephedra


Another example is an herb called ristolochia fangchi. Doctors from Belgium and Germany discovered that this herb may cause not only kidney failure but also urinary tract cancer, according to a report published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers followed 105 people who were given AF herbal diet pills at a Belgium weight loss clinic. End-stage renal (or kidney) failure developed in 43. And nearly half of the 39 who agreed to preventive removal of the kidneys were found to have urinary tract cancer. A weight loss bestseller is

Metabolife 356, one of Metabolife's herbal diet pills.

Health experts say the main ingredients of Metabolife 356 closely resemble drugs that may be harmful. According to one expert, Metabolife is just like amphetamine, an herbal version of speed. It is also a natural diuretic and a laxative and that's what causes weight loss. You get an increase in metabolism; you go to the bathroom a little more. Those things combined usually result in weight loss.

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According to the Metabolife Web site, this dietary supplement is a natural herbal formula of 18 different ingredients. The two main components are guarana and ephedrine, and the side effects associated with taking Metabolife 356 are mainly consistent with those of guarana and ephedrine. The other ingredients include bee pollen, ginger, goldenseal, sasparilla and Siberian ginseng.

Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is an herbal extract found in at least 14 commercial weightloss drugs. The chemical, which is distilled from a family of plants native to India, supposedly suppresses the appetite and slows down the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. While the compound really can help fat rodents slim down, it may not have the same effect of people. In a study published in the 1998, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from Columbia University gave HCA supplements (1,500 milligrams each day) to 66 overweight patients. Another 69 patients took a daily placebo or dummy pill. All of the subjects were on a high-fiber, low-calorie diet throughout the study. Twelve weeks later, patients in both groups had lost weight, but researchers concluded that HCA failed to produce significant weight loss.

Asian Diet Pills Weight loss pills and diet supplements are high fashion in Asia. Diet aids, ranging from "miracle diets", "fat-burners" and "fat-reducing" pressurized boots are becoming Asian must-haves. Nobody knows how many are buying untested diet pills and weight loss products of dubious efficacy - but weight-loss consumers number in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions. At their most harmless, these diet pills and weight loss products are a waste of time, money and good intentions. Some diet pills, however, are proving to be deadly. Over the past two years, seven female dieters in Japan, Singapore and China have died due to the toxicity of the substances they ingested in the hope of shedding unwanted fat. These women had one thing in common: they were all taking Chinese-made diet pills containing a variant of fenfluramine, an appetite suppressant that has been banned in the U.S. since 1997 for damaging heart valves. Doctors and health officials in Asia now believe the newer compound, called N-nitroso fenfluramine, can cause liver failure. Many Chinese manufacturers and retailers of such weight loss pills recklessly disregard the products' health risks. Fenfluramine is banned in Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and China, but diet pills containing it can still be found on store shelves in many of those countries. From then they can be surreptitiously brought into the United States, and sold "under the counter" by pharmacies serving ethnic markets.

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Drugs That Kill Prescription Diet Pills In the 50s and 60s diet pills were mainly amphetamine derivatives (speed). But due to addiction, doctors stopped prescribing drugs for weight loss. Diet and exercise then replaced drug therapy, temporarily. But in 1973 the FDA approved a new drug for weight loss, called fenfluramine (trade name Pondimin). Then came dexfenfluramine (trade name Redux) in 1996. Some doctors prescribed phentermine (another type of weight loss medication) in combination with fenfluramine and the combined weight-loss drug was called fen-phen. Phentermine was also used in combination with dexfenfluramine (known as dex-fen-phen). The drugs worked by increasing Serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical (neurotransmitter) associated with improved mood, appetite and satiety. Fen-phen had a double action. It tricked the brain into believing the stomach was full, and increased a person's metabolic rate.

Fen-Phen Although both fenfluramine and phentermine are FDA-approved, their combination is not. That is because ingesting the two together does not fall under FDA control. It was estimated that in 1996, 18 million prescriptions were written for a Fen-Phen combination. But a report in the August 1997 New England Journal of Medicine found that fenfluramine can in some cases lead to pulmonary hypertension, a rare, almost always fatal, disease. It was also linked to heart valve malfunction. In September, 1997, the FDA, saying it was "acting on new evidence about significant side-effects," asked the manufacturers to voluntarily withdraw both medications, marketed under the names Pondimin (fen-phen), and Redux, a similar medication. Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories, a division of American Home Products Corporation responsible for manufacturing fen-phen complied. However, the company continued to deny the drugs caused the alleged problems. In November 1998, Wyeth-Ayerst published a study that compared heart function in people who had taken fen-phen and a group who hadn't, and concluded there was "no significant differences in cardiovascular clinical outcomes." But that didn't stop the fen-phen fallout. A February, 1999 60 Minutes II investigation with U.S. News & World Report revealed that Wyeth-Ayerst knew more than it told about the pulmonary hypertension risks, a charge the company denied. In September 1999, the Wall Street Journal reported that the FBI was investigating the 151 of 240

FDA's approval of Redux. A month later, American Home Products agreed to pay up to $4.83 billion to settle the more than 11,000 fen-phen lawsuits, one of the biggest product liability settlements ever. As part of the settlement agreement, the company admitted no wrongdoing. Fen-phen can cause damage to the aortic and mitral valves of the heart. Damage to these valves causes regurgitation, a condition in which oxygenated blood flows back into the heart rather than out to the rest of the body. Fen-Phen has also been linked to an increased risk for primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH), a condition characterized by the narrowing of the blood vessels of the lungs. This causes high blood pressure, which can eventually lead to heart failure. The side effects of fen-phen include: shortness of breath, chest pain, primary pulmonary hypertension, a heart murmur, finger, foot, ankle, and leg swelling, weakness, fatigue, fainting, death. The FDA recalled fenfluramine and Redux on September 15, 1997, concluding that the risk was ―unacceptable‖. Phentermine (trade names Apidex-P, Fastin, Ionamin and Oby-trim) is still on the market.

Meridia In the midst of the fen-phen and Redux controversy, the FDA approved Meridia (the brand name for the drug sibutramine) in November 1997. In October 1998, the Washington Post reported that ―at least 45 companies around the world are trying to develop obesity drugs.‖ Xenical (the brand name for the drug orlistat), a prescription fat blocker, was approved in early 1999. Upon its introduction, the British press dubbed Xenical ―Viagra for fatties.‖ Less than five years later Public Citizen had filled the petition to the FDA to ban Meridia. Public Citizen claimed that Meridia had been associated with 29 deaths and hundreds of serious adverse reactions since it was introduced. "Not only does this drug contribute to major cardiovascular problems, but its effectiveness in lowering obesity is meager," said Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen‘s Health Research Group, which filed the petition. "The FDA is aware of this and must take it off of the market." Even before it approved the drug, the FDA was concerned about the safety of Meridia. In 1997 an FDA advisory committee voted 5-4 that the benefits of the drug did not outweigh its risks. The FDA medical officer who reviewed it recommended that it not be approved because research showed the potential for heart problems. Data obtained by Public Citizen through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that from the time it was introduced in February 1998 to Sept. 30, 2001, there were almost 400 serious adverse reactions in patients taking Meridia. This included 19 cardiac deaths, including 10 in people 152 of 240

under the age of 50, three of whom were women under 30. 152 patients taking the drug have been hospitalized and 29 have died. The average yearly weight loss for patients taking a standard 10 mg dose was only six and a half pounds more than the loss in those taking a placebo. [255] Meridia is associated with many side effects. More common side effects may include: abdominal pain, acid indigestion, anxiety, back pain, constipation, cough increase, depression, dizziness, dry mouth, flu symptoms, headache, increased appetite, insomnia, joint pain, loss of appetite, loss of strength, nasal inflammation, nausea, nervousness, painful menstruation, rash, sinus inflammation, stomachache, sore throat. Less common side effects may include: acne, abnormal thinking, agitation, allergic reaction, arthritis, bronchitis, changes in taste, chest pain, dental problems, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, drowsiness, ear pain, ear problems, emotional changes, fever, gas, heavy uterine bleeding, herpes simplex virus, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, itching, laryngitis, leg cramps, menstrual problems, migraine headache, muscle ache, neck pain, rectal problems, reduced vision, stimulation, stomach and intestinal inflammation, sweating, swelling, thirst, throbbing heartbeat, tingling skin sensation, urinary tract infection, vaginal yeast infection, vomiting. Rare side effects may include: Bleeding problems, kidney problems, and seizures. [256] Drug must be taken for the rest of the patient's life; stopping the drug causes dangerous rapid regain of weight. Italy has already pulled Meridia off the market.

Xenical More than 210,000 Xenical prescriptions have been sold in the drug's first seven weeks on the U.S. market. Apparently the appeal of the fat-be-gone pill trumps any memory of the recent recall of fen/phen. It also overshadows Xenical's own hazards, which are many and troubling. Xenical is a fibre supplement that binds to some of the fat that is not digested yet. It makes the fat indigestible and allows the fat to pass through the system without being accumulated in the body. Side effects include uncontrolled bowel movements, oily discharge, oil spotting and constant stomach discomfort. According to the Roche product information, such "adverse events" -- including anal seepage, orange stool and something disturbingly described as "fecal incontinence" -- occur in about a quarter of drug takers.

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Xenical almost didn't pass FDA approval because of unexplained link to increased risk of breast cancer. Because it prevents the body from absorbing dietary fat, causes diarrhea that results in vitamin deficiencies and dehydration. The long-term studies are underway.

Tenuate (the brand name for the drug diethylpropion) Tenuate is an oral appetite suppressant, usually prescribed for short-term use only (a few weeks) as part of an overall weight loss plan. It is available in two forms: immediaterelease tablets (Tenuate) and controlled-release tablets (Tenuate Dospan). Tenuate will lose its effectiveness within a few weeks, as the body adjusts. When this begins to happen, you should discontinue the medicine rather than increase the dosage. According to information offered by sellers of Tenuate, possible side effects include: Abdominal discomfort, abnormal redness of the skin, anxiety, blood pressure elevation, blurred vision, breast development in males, bruising, changes in sex drive, chest pain, constipation, depression, diarrhea, difficulty with voluntary movements, dizziness, drowsiness, dryness of the mouth, feelings of discomfort, feelings of elation, feeling of illness, hair loss, headache, hives, impotence, inability to fall or stay asleep, increased heart rate, increased seizures in epileptics, increased sweating, increased volume of diluted urine, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, menstrual upset, muscle pain, nausea, nervousness, over stimulation, painful urination, palpitations, pupil dilation, rash, restlessness, shortness of breath or labored breathing, stomach and intestinal disturbances, tremors, unpleasant taste, vomiting. There are other appetite suppressants available by prescription for diet and weight loss, such as Mazindol (trade names Sanorex and Mazanor) and Phendimetrazine (trade names Bontirl, Plegine, Prelu-2 and X-Trozine In studies that combined these diet drugs with diet and exercise in long term tests (longer than 6 months) about 50 per cent of the participants lost about ten percent and about one third lost fifteen percent. But because all weight loss drugs have side effects the FDA has approved these appetite suppressants only for short-term use - generally only a few weeks to a few months. [257] On March 7, 2003 the U.S. government proposed production standards to ensure vitamins, herbs and other dietary supplements that millions of Americans take, contain exactly what the label says and are free from contamination. A decision about supplements‘ safety and effectiveness will be left for the time being to the discretion of each manufacturer. I agree with this portion of the FDA‘s plan. There must be some control of the supplement world where nobody has to report what's in a product or if it's any good, the supplement makers sell products with impurities, with lower or

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higher doses of ingredients listed on the bottle, mislabeled or having completely incorrect components. The dosage, ingredients and any side effects must be clearly stated on the label. The final decision, however, as to whether to purchase a specific supplement, should be made solely by a customer. While it is true that some diet supplements have dangerous side effects and should be used with great caution, if at all, drugs approved by the FDA may pose an even greater risk. Many of them, having a track record far worse than that coming from the misuse of already recalled ephedra in Western herbal formulations, are continued to be sold. The FDA has long been the bodyguard of the medical establishment - and particularly of the drug industry. The FDA receives large fees from pharmaceutical companies to have their drugs approved for public use. And the drug companies are only too happy to pay, since such approval guarantees them a legal monopoly (and no competition) for their new medications. "Steps are necessary to ensure that the existence of dietary supplements on the market does not act as a disincentive for drug development." FDA Task Force Report, June 15, 1993 It's no coincidence that the FDA has been intensifying its crack down when vitamins, herbs, health foods, and natural remedies are reducing pharmaceutical profits. Vitamins and herbs are natural substances, which cannot be patented. So the pharmaceutical companies can't profit. But you can believe that if the drug companies could get patent protection on vitamins and herbs, they would be in the supplement business in a big way! Then, they would be the ones reporting on the big breakthroughs in vitamin research.

Safe Supplements Multivitamin and Mineral A good quality multivitamin and mineral would form the foundation of your supplement program to make sure that you are getting a 'little bit of everything'. You then add in the nutrients listed below in slightly higher amounts, which are known to be helpful for the weight loss.

B vitamins These are important vitamins in terms of weight loss, and they are often known as the 'stress' vitamins. Vitamins B3 and B6 are especially important because they help to supply fuel to cells, which are then able to burn energy. Vitamin B6 together with zinc is necessary for the production of pancreatic enzymes, which help you to digest food. If your digestion is good, you will be much more likely to use your food efficiently, instead of storing it as fat. 155 of 240

Vitamins B2, B3 and B6 are necessary for normal thyroid hormone function production, so any deficiencies in these can affect thyroid function and consequently affect metabolism. B3 is also a component of the glucose tolerance factor, which is released every time your blood sugar rises. Vitamin B5 is involved in energy production and helps to control fat metabolism. Take vitamin B complex 100 mg twice daily. The "enriching" of processed foods with synthetic vitamin B "fractions" like thiamine (which is vitamin B1) does little to resolve the vitamin B deficiency. A vitamin fraction is only a part of the complete vitamin. Ideally, everyone should be eating foods rich in B vitamins which would include such foods as: unrefined cereal grains, whole wheat, oatmeal, peanuts, organic meats, most vegetables (raw), fish, eggs, unprocessed cheese, liver, wheat germ, walnuts, and brewers yeast.

Vitamin C (w/bioflavonoids) - In natural food, vitamins do not occur alone but in combination with other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. When Vitamin C was first isolated and produced in a supplement form, we did not know about bioflavonoids. They were discovered later. It was found that in nature, bioflavonoids always accompany Vitamin C. In fact, the bioflavonoids are essential for better absorption. They increase bioavailability by 30%. 3,000-6,000 mg /day in divided doses-- A potent antioxidant. Speeds up metabolism, regulates glands. It has been shown to improve the characteristics of the endothelium, the part of the artery wall that is susceptible to atherosclerosis. Individuals who consumed the highest levels of vitamin C were found in a recent study to be less prone to heart attacks and strokes. Use the max if smoking: will fight & help prevent heart disease.

Vitamins: Natural vs. Synthetic Most of the ascorbic acid, sold under the name of Vitamin C is synthetically manufactured from corn sugar (glucose). Even though it is synthetically made, it is called natural and organic because corn sugar comes from corn, which is found in nature, thus natural, and of course anything containing carbon is "organic". Ascorbic acid is not vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is only a fraction of the biologically utilizable Vitamin C complex. Similarly, alpha tocopherol is not vitamin E and retinoic acid is not vitamin A. Vitamins from foods in their natural, complex figurations are vastly different than the single, separated or chemically manufactured, drug-like substances commonly viewed as and called vitamins. A vitamin is " a working process consisting of the nutrient, enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, and trace minerals activators." Royal Lee "What Is a Vitamin?" Applied Trophology Aug 1956 156 of 240

Separating (fractionating) the group or the compounds into single, incomplete vitamin portions convert it from a physiological, biochemical, active micronutrient into a disabled, debilitated chemical of little or no value to living cells. A fraction of a vitamin, whether natural or synthetic, is at best a drug—not a vitamin—and can only have a drug effect on the body— not a therapeutic benefit. There is an abundance of studies demonstrating that mega doses of ascorbic acid can and do create serious problems in the body. Reports include, but are not limited to, collagen disease, rebound scurvy (which is a vitamin C deficiency disease), impaired mineral metabolism, imbalance of other vitamins like vitamin A and B, formation of some types of kidney stones, and diabetes mellitus. The synthetic, co-called "vitamins" can be dangerous. For example, there is a report on the test effects of vitamin D in 500 human pregnancy cases. All the women given synthetic D developed calcified and diseased kidneys while women given natural vitamin D had no observable changes in the kidneys. Back in 1939 there was a report on an animal study done with vitamin B. A number of pigs were fed twice the "daily requirement" of synthetic B and a similar number of pigs were fed the same amount of natural B. Results? The whole first generation of offspring from the pigs fed the synthetic vitamin was sterile. None of the first generation of offspring was sterile from the parents fed natural vitamin B. In late 1995 a direct link between synthetic vitamin A and birth defects was reported as the results of a four-year study involving 22,748 pregnant women. The results of this study show a 240% increase in birth defects when the women took 10,000iu per day and a staggering 400% increase in risk from taking 20,000iu per day of synthetic vitamin A. The researchers were very careful to point out that the risk from actual foods containing natural vitamin A presented NO BIRTH DEFECTS!! [258] One experiment, which shows the differences between synthetic and natural vitamins, is the polarized light test. Take a sample of a natural vitamin as well as its chemically identical synthetic counterpart, and pass a beam of polarized light through them. When the beam passes through a natural vitamin, it will always bend to the right due to the direction of its molecular rotation. When passed through a synthetic vitamin, the beam will split, and half will bend right, the other half left. This is why you get only 50% biological activity in the synthetic vitamins. How can you tell by reading the label which vitamins you are using are natural or synthetic? First of all, the left157 of 240

handed or right-handed nature of the molecule is labeled for you. If the molecule is right-handed, which means it is natural and safe to use, it will often be labeled with the letter "d" in front of the name (for dextro which means right). An example of this is d-alpha tocopherol, the name for natural Vitamin E. If, however, the name reads dl-alpha tocopherol, you know this is synthetic because the "dl" is telling you that it is half dextro (right) and half levo (left). Since they are so similar, remembering dl-"don't like," will help you stay natural. “The bioavailability of natural vitamin E is higher than that of the synthetic form, and it appears that the natural vitamin E is retained significantly longer in body tissue.” Sheah Rarback, a pediatric dietitian, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association and the Director of Nutrition/Mailman Center for Child Development/Department of Pediatrics/University of Miami

―Did you know that most vitamins on the market claiming to be natural only have to be 10% natural to make this claim? If you decide to spend your hard-earned money on natural, it is critically important you learn to read labels to assure receiving your money's worth. A product can even be 100% organic and not be natural at all. To be called organic a molecule needs only have at least one carbon atom. This definition broadens the range from acceptable food sources of animal and plant tissues to raw materials including coal tar and wood pulp (yum!). Many synthetics are made from coal tar derivatives. That's the same stuff that causes throat cancer for tobacco smokers. Don't you think your body can tell the difference? Surely your cells can make a distinction between food and coal tar, just as a fish knows the difference between natural and synthetic seawater. Many so-called natural vitamins have synthetics added to increase potency, or to standardize the amount in a capsule or batch. In addition a salt form is added to increase stability of the nutrient (i.e. acetate, bitartrate, chloride, gluconate, hydrochloride, nitrate, succinate). These terms added to the vitamin name help you identify synthetics. Generally speaking, you can identify natural by reading the label and finding a listed "food" source such as citrus, yeast, fish, vegetable, etc. If a chemical is listed or the source is blank, it is synthetic. The synthetic vitamin dealers would like you to believe that there's no difference between natural and synthetic, because synthetic vitamins are so much cheaper to make and mean much more profit for the company. They are not efficiently utilized in the body as natural supplements due to the "dl" factor and the lack of complete families, which include all surrounding micronutrients. It's your choice!‖ [259] The following list, "How to Read Labels," will help you determine what you are paying for with your hard earned money. 158 of 240

Type of Vitamin

If Source Given Is:

It Is:

Vitamin A

Fish Oils Lemon Grass Acetate Palmitate If source not given

Natural Co-Natural Synthetic Synthetic Synthetic

Vitamin B-Complex

Brewers Yeast If source not given

Natural Synthetic

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Yeast Thiamine Mononitrate Thiamine Hydrochloride

Natural Synthetic Synthetic

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Yeast Riboflavin

Natural Synthetic

Pantothenic Acid

Yeast, Rice Bran or Liver Calcium D-Pantothenate

Natural Synthetic

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Yeast Pyridoxine Hydrochloride

Natural Synthetic

Vitamin B12

Liver Micro-organism fermentation Cobalamin Concentrate

Natural Co-Natural Co-Natural


Yeast - Para-aminobenzoic Acid Aminobenzoic Acid

Natural Synthetic

Folic Acid

Yeast or Liver Pteroylglutamic Acid

Natural Synthetic


Soy Beans Reduced from Corn

Natural Co-Natural


Soy Beans Choline Chloride Choline Bitartrate

Natural Synthetic Synthetic


Liver d-Biotin

Natural Synthetic


Yeast Niacinamide Niacin

Natural Co-Natural Synthetic

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

Citrus, Rose Hips, Acerola Berries Ascorbic Acid If source not given

Natural Synthetic Synthetic

Vitamin D

Fish Oils Irradiated Ergosteral (Yeast)

Natural Synthetic

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Vitamin E

Veg. Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, or Mixed Tocopherols d-alpha tocopherol * dl-alpha tocopherol

Natural Natural Synthetic

Vitamin F

Essential Fatty Acids


Vitamin K

Alfalfa Menadione

Natural Synthetic

Source: NutriTeam, Inc. (2000). Natural Vs. Synthetic Vitamins: How They Are Different and How to Tell Them Apart. Vitamins and minerals are most bio-available if they are in the form provided by Nature. Once you process food and strip away the vitamins, by, for example, merely adding denatured vitamins back into the food through fortification, you will not get the equivalent quality or bioactivity of vitamins as originally provided by Nature. This is the biggest error made by dietitians, the nutritional arm of orthodox medicine. In considering the makeup of foods, they look only at the raw elements themselves (calcium, phosphorus, etc.) and assume that as long as the element can be measured in the food or added to the food, you are getting the equivalent nutrition and bioactivity as provided by Nature in the original, raw food state. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Chromium This mineral has been the most widely researched nutrient in relation to weight loss. Chromium is needed for the metabolism of sugar and without it insulin is less effective in controlling blood sugar levels. This means that it is harder to burn off your food as fuel and more may be stored as fat. It also helps to control levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood. One study showed that people who took chromium over a ten-week period lost an average of 1.9kg (4.2lb) of fat while those who took a dummy tablet lost only 0.2kg (0.4lb). 200-600 mg of chromium cuts hunger pangs. There are a couple forms of chromium on the market, the latest being a patented form called Chromium Polynicolinate that is bound with niacin. So far, this seems to be the best. (Recently, because drug companies have come out with a host of diet pills, their researchers went off to attack some of the natural supplements, and chromium picolinate came under fire. Their findings showed it caused cancer in laboratory rats. They didn't tell you that they used enough chromium picolinate to choke an elephant. Over the years, research has demonstrated that chromium deficiency impairs glucose tolerance, increases circulating insulin levels, boosts blood sugar levels, allows sugar to spill into the urine, and elevates serum triglycerides and cholesterol.

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Zinc This is an important mineral in appetite control and a deficiency can cause a loss of taste and smell, creating a need for stronger tasting foods (which tend to be sweeter, saltier and more fattening!) Zinc also functions with vitamins A and E to manufacture the thyroid hormones.

Co-enzyme Q10 Co-enzyme Q10 is needed for energy production. It is found in all the tissues and organs in the body. As we get older we may become deficient, which results in a reduction of energy. It has been used to help heart problems, high blood pressure, gum disease and immune deficiencies. It has also been shown to help with weight loss. A study showed that people on a low-fat diet doubled their weight loss when taking Co Q10 compared to those using diet alone. The normal dose is 60 mg per day

Kelp- 1,500 mg daily (as a salt substitute)-balanced minerals. Do not exceed this amount, for Kelp contains iodine, and too much iodine is toxic.

Lecithin -1,200 mg 3 times daily or as directed-emulsifies fats, improves liver function, lowers blood pressure

Spirulina- as directed on label, 3 times daily-stabilizes blood sugar, can be used in place of a meal. High in protein, antioxidants, essential amino acids, and minerals.

Calcium/Magnesium complex - 1,500 mg daily-activates enzymes to break down fats.

Calcium Pyruvate - recent research shows that this works better than the Calcium/Magnesium complex listed above.

Choline & Inositol - as directed on label-they help burn fats. CLA—Conjugated Linoleic Acid. It is a naturally occurring fatty acid that has been shown to reduce body fat. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study, published in the December 2000 issue of the Journal of Nutrition found that CLA reduces fat and preserves muscle tissue. According to the research project manager, an average reduction of six pounds of body fat was found in the group that took CLA, compared to a placebo group. The study found that approximately 3.4 grams of CLA per day is the level needed to obtain the beneficial effects of CLA on body fat. When taken at such a dosage CLA causes a significant weight loss (about one pound a week), without changing a subject’s diet or exercise habits. Dr. Michael Pariza, who conducted research on CLA with the University of WisconsinMadison, reported in August 2000 to the American Chemical Society that "It doesn't make a big fat cell get little. What it rather does is keep a little fat cell from getting big."

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Pariza's research did not find weight loss in his group of 71 overweight people, but what he did find was that when the dieters stopped dieting, and gained back weight, those taking CLA "were more likely to gain muscle and not fat.'' In a separate study conducted at Purdue University in Indiana, CLA was found to improve insulin levels in about twothirds of diabetic patients, and moderately reduced the blood glucose level and triglyceride levels. CLA has been the subject of a variety of research in the past several years, and findings also suggest that some of the other benefits of CLA include the following: 

Increases metabolic rate -- This would obviously be a positive benefit for thyroid patients, as hypothyroidism -- even when treated -- can reduce the metabolic rate in some people. Decreases abdominal fat -- Adrenal imbalances and hormonal shifts that are common in thyroid patients frequently cause rapid accumulation of abdominal fat, so this benefit could be quite helpful. Enhances muscle growth -- Muscle burns fat, which also contributes to increased metabolism, which is useful in weight loss and management. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides -- Since many thyroid patients have elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, even with treatment, this benefit can have an impact on a thyroid patient's health. Lowers insulin resistance -- Insulin resistance is a risk for some hypothyroid patients, and lowering it can also help prevent adultonset diabetes and make it easier to control weight. Reduces food-induced allergic reactions -- Since food allergies can be at play when weight loss becomes difficult, this can be of help to thyroid patients. Enhances immune system -- Since most cases of thyroid disease are autoimmune in nature, enhancing the immune system's ability to function properly is a positive benefit. [260]

CLA is found in most dairy products, beef and lamb, however, because our beef and dairy cattle eat far less grasses today (they are fed mostly grains) than they did 30 years ago, the amount of CLA derived from dairy and beef products has declined sharply. Pasture-grazed cows had 500% more CLA in their milk than those fed silage. If you decide to take CLA as a diet supplement choose a brand of CLA called Clarinol. It contains the highest amounts of active ingredients. Clarinol is available at health-food stores.

Carnitine -an important amino acid (the L- form only) essential to our health. It is found in the diet and can also be made by the body, mainly in the liver and kidneys, from lysine with the help of vitamin C, pyridoxine, niacin, iron, and methionine. Carnitine is found mainly in the red meats with some found in fish, poultry, and milk products and less in tempeh (fermented soybeans), wheat, and avocados. Carnitine is utilized to transport fatty acids into the cell and across the mitochondrial membranes into our cellular energy

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factories, the mitochondria. It also increases the rate at which the liver oxidizes (uses) fats, an energy-generating process. L-carnitine is the active form and can be taken as a safe supplement with positive benefits. With carnitine's effect on fatty acids and energy production, especially in the heart and muscles, it is now known as a nutrient that protects us from cardiovascular disease. It has been shown to reduce blood triglycerides and cholesterol levels by increasing fat utilization; at the same time, carnitine can raise the HDL portion of the cholesterol, which reduces cardiovascular disease risk. L-carnitine also helps with weight loss, usually improves our exercise capacities (possibly through the oxidation of amino acids), and may possibly enhance our muscle building and endurance. These latter two aspects may be a result of the weight loss and better exercise. Many athletes have noted improved endurance with L-carnitine supplementation. In some studies, Lcarnitine has been shown to improve the symptoms of angina, reducing pain and allowing more activity. It also may lessen the risk of fatty deposits in the liver associated with alcohol abuse. The dosage of L-carnitine (not D- or DL-carnitine) suggested to improve fat metabolism and muscular performance is 1000–2000 mg. daily, usually divided into two doses. This is basically safe and can be taken over an extended period, although it probably should be stopped for one week each month, until its long-term safety as a supplement is more clearly established. [262] EPA - Eicosapentaenoic acid, an Omega-3 oil, was recently given approval for a claim of cardiovascular benefit from the usually stringent FDA. It lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, reduces inflammation on the artery wall, and keeps platelets from sticking, and sometimes is helpful for improving blood pressure.

Supplements with Uncertain Effects Human Growth Hormone (HGH)- Extremely expensive. Prescribed to counteract such common effects of aging as loss of muscle tone and increase in body fat. But new animal studies of the natural hormone suggest that while it may improve quality of life, it may actually shorten the life span. Researchers at Ohio University's Edison Biotechnology Institute found that mice engineered without the receptor for growth hormone lived almost one year longer than normal mice. The study, published in a recent issue of the journal Endocrinology, is the first to isolate growth hormone and analyze its impact on longevity. Scientists say the findings have important implications for physicians who prescribe growth hormone replacement therapy for elderly patients and say doctors should use caution with these remedies until more studies are done. [261] A study published in the February 2002 issue of the journal Endocrinology concludes that the HGH therapy may dramatically boost the production of cells vital to fighting disease. Using aging rats, researchers at the University of Illinois found that injected or implanted growth hormone stimulated the production of immunity-promoting hematopoietic cells in bone marrow, as well as in the spleen, liver and adrenal glands. Production in the treated elderly (2-year-old) rats was three times that of similarly aged, 163 of 240

untreated rats and 80 percent of that in the more fit younger rats in the control group. ―These new results show that growth hormone therapy of aged animals totally reverses the accumulation of fat cells in the bone marrow‖ ―This reduction in fat cells is accompanied by a huge increase in the number of both red and white blood cells in the bone marrow, which is dramatically reduced in the elderly. These results establish that a classic hormone, GH, is a potent stimulator of the production of blood cells.‖ [262] Another study shows than the growth hormone replacement can substantially increase lean body mass and decrease fat mass in both sexes. In combination with testosterone, growth hormone can significantly improve cardiovascular endurance in older men. But the researchers also reported a number of side effects, including an increased incidence of glucose intolerance and diabetes among men, which raise important questions about the safety of using growth hormone alone or in combination with other treatments that are often touted as so-called "anti-aging" therapies. [263] Human Growth Hormone received the Food and Drug Administration's imprimatur in 1996 for use in adults with HGH deficiency due to pituitary or hypothalamic disease, injury, and surgery or radiation therapy. This now allows doctors to prescribe growth hormone as an anti aging treatment for adults with low levels of IGF-1, which indicates a failure of the pituitary gland to produce adequate amounts of growth hormone. The following amino acids and nutrients, when taken in proper combination and dosages are suspected to enhance production of HGH in the human body:       

L-Arginine & L-Ornithine Arginine Pyroglutamate & L-Lysine (do not combine L-Lysine with LArginine) L-Glutamine L-Glycine Niacin / B-3 Vitamin C GABA

Use them at your own risk.

Creatine- Creatine seems to be a useful supplement for weight training. You'll find creatine in many animal foods, such as salmon, tuna and beef. Although it is possible to get creatine from your diet, it would be almost impossible to get enough to have any effect on performance. Adding creatine to your diet results in more explosive muscular contractions, increased stamina and endurance, greater intensity and less muscular fatigue, which delivers more muscle size and strength. Creatine is normally associated with athletes, but can be a great aid to weight loss. If you are on a weight loss program that involves exercising, then creatine can extend the periods of exercise. Creatine is also a dietary supplement. Creatine is sold primarily to help enhance muscle growth and improve high intensity, athletic performance. When creatine supplements are used by athletes they help increase muscle size and strength, enhance the amount of energy released during exercise and speed muscle recovery following exertion. Creatine

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therefore makes for more efficient and effective workouts. Excess creatine is converted into the waste product creatinine and excreted from the body. Creatine, along with ephedrine, use among football players may be a factor in a surge of heat stroke deaths since 1995. Creatine has been shown to shift body water from the bloodstream into muscle cells, which makes heatstroke more likely. [264] According to a University of Florida‘s research creatine increases both the body's overall water content and its ratio between intracellular and extracellular water, which, in consequence, throws off the body‘s natural balance and can lead to kidney problems. [265]

Leptin- a human hormone produced by fat tissue and secreted into the bloodstream, where it travels to the brain and other tissues, causing fat loss and decreased appetite. Science originally considered leptin a gold mine for weight control. Later, however, researchers discovered that obese people produced too much of the hormone and their bodies simply stopped responding to its appetite cues. In rare cases some people become obese because they manufacture too little leptin. A research found that leptin levels in the men with heart disease were 16 percent higher than in controls. When they looked at risk of cardiovascular events, the research team found a 25 percent increased risk for every 30 percent rise in leptin levels, an amount identified in the article as one standard deviation. The researchers report that leptin remained a risk factor independent of body mass index (BMI), a commonly used way to determine if someone is overweight (BMI of 25 or higher) or obese (BMI of 30 or greater). In addition, leptin levels increased along with levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) – a marker for inflammation in the body that is strongly associated with the development of heart disease. However, when the two proteins were studied together, leptin was still a significant marker for heart disease. [266] According to another study leptin may be responsible for the formation of blood clots, causing heart attacks and strokes, in obese people. Leptin-deficient obese mice took nearly twice as long (an average of 75.2 minutes) to form blood clots as normal mice (42.2 minutes). The researchers ran his experiment again -- this time using a different strain of obese mice, which were missing the gene for the leptin receptor. These mice also took an abnormally long time to clot (68.6 minutes). Finally, when they injected the mice with leptin the clotting times in the leptin-deficient mice dropped to normal (41.8 minutes). Recent research by other scientists found evidence for leptin‘s role in human blood clotting. Results showed that high levels of leptin were an independent risk factor for cardiovascular thrombotic events, such as heart attacks and strokes, in 1,160 men enrolled in the prospective study. It is known, however, that losing weight lowers the amount of leptin in the bloodstream. [267]

One, Perfect Meal Replacement The new, revolutionary LIVING FUEL is a complete superfood containing concentrated sources of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential fats, enzymes, co-enzymes, herbs, 165 of 240

botanical extracts, and soluble and insoluble plant fibers from fresh, high-quality, mostly organic, Non-GMO, nutrient-rich foods/supplements. LIVING FUEL does not contain: corn, gluten, sugar, wax, animal products, egg, yeast, dairy products, foods containing GMO's, artificial coloring or preservatives, or fillers. LIVING FUEL provides complete fuel for the body, brain, and every cell in a nutrientdense restricted calorie format. Most people, including professional athletes, find that they can thrive on one serving of Living Fuel for up to three to six hours, depending on their activity level. Each serving of Living Fuel has more calcium than milk, more potassium than bananas, more fiber than oatmeal, more friendly bacteria (probiotics) than yogurt, more protein than a half dozen eggs, and more greens, cofactors, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients than a basket of fruits and vegetables, plus omega-3 essential fatty acids and selected herbs. LIVING FUEL contains virtually every known nutrient and is designed to be hypoallergenic and to have a low glycemic response. It is a blend of the earth‘s most potent organic, wildcrafted, and all natural foods that have been optimized with the most bio-available and usable nutrients and co-factors in existence, including stabilized probiotics for healthy intestinal function, herbs to enhance major body systems, antioxidants to protect against free radical damage, vitamins and minerals to optimize the naturally occurring vitamin and mineral profile of the foods, amino acids to optimize the naturally occurring amino acid profile of the plant proteins, and a custom enzyme complex to maximize the delivery of nutrients to the body. Included in LIVING FUEL are organic/Non-GMO rice and Non-GMO pea proteins; organic barley grass powder; organic chia seeds (an excellent source of essential fatty acids); GMO and pesticide-free stabilized brown rice bran; organic broccoli, kale, carrot, spinach and beet root powders; organic spirulina; Non-GMO high-phosphatide soy lecithin; soluble organic barley fiber; organic and assured-potency herbs; nature's most potent anti-oxidants; a complete and sophisticated multivitamin and mineral formula; patented probiocap™ probiotics (stabilized to store well at room temperature); plantbased enzymes to ensure optimal delivery of nutrients to the body; organic dulse powder; and a taste and nutrient enhancing complex of organic FOS, mannitol, allnatural vanilla flavoring, and debittered stevia leaf extract. LIVING FUEL will improve your digestive system, cardiovascular and circulatory systems, muscular-skeletal system, insulin and blood sugar levels, brain and nervous system, glandular system and immune system. It will detoxify you, enhance your endurance and strength, renew your vitality, nourish your body and optimize your weight. LIVING FUEL may be taken mixed with water, juice, non-dairy milks, or in a fruit smoothie as a meal replacement/supplement or anytime as a delicious, healthful, energy-sustaining snack. As a full meal replacement (especially helpful to those on the run and those dieting), put 2 scoops (a scoop is included in with the product) of Living Fuel in a 20 oz or more container (we use quart mason jars) and add 16 oz or more of a combination of water; dilute organic fruit juice (a few ounces of grape, cherry, strawberry lemonade, or raspberry are some favorites), non-dairy milks (a few ounces of almond, oat, and rice work well). Shake vigorously (by hand or in a blender) and enjoy! For an awesome taste treat add to this some organic berries/fruit (we love strawberries, 166 of 240

raspberries, blueberries, cherries, and apple) and perhaps a little desiccated coconut -then mix in a blender (WOW!). As a food supplement use 1/2 scoop or more (with a proportionately reduced amount of liquid from that given above) and follow the above instructions. We have found that sprinkling Living Fuel on salad is surprisingly good. It is also excellent when mixed together with vegetable juices. LIVING FUEL costs only $5.35 per serving. That is $74.97 for the 14 serving supply. Initially, that may seem like quite a bit of money, but consider what you pay for your typical breakfast, lunch or dinner -- especially when you eat out. And those meals don't come anywhere near providing you with all the health benefits of Living Fuel. LIVING FUEL is an exceptional countermeasure to this lifestyle, meeting nearly all of your nutritional needs. In fact, about the only nutrition element missing from Living Fuel is Omega-3 fat that contains EPA and DHA, found in fish oil (Living Fuel does contain the other necessary form of Omega-3 with ALA). This is due to the impracticality of combining perishable fish oil into the product. However, taking either cod liver oil or fish oil, depending on your sun exposure, easily compensates this. For more information on Living Fuel‘s ingredients, dosage, nutrition facts and ordering go to http://www.Livingfuel.com

DO EXERCISES REALLY WORK? Yes, they do, but not for the reason most overweight people think! You are not exercising to burn calories but to improve your overall health! If you realize that to work off 12 corn chips one must vigorously work out for 30 minutes the whole concept of getting fit through exercise isn‘t so apparent anymore. Exercise improves metabolism, suppresses appetite, lowers risk of coronary heart disease and blood pressure, improves insulin sensitivity, elevates mood, increases bones density, lowers women’s breast cancer risk, improves brain power, prevents impotence, decreases death rate from all causes, including cancers and strokes, reduces risk of diabetes, lowers the risk of gallbladder surgery and improves aging-related mental decline such as Alzheimer’s. Occasional weight loss is just an added bonus.

But exercising does not necessarily have to be healthy!

Surprising facts about exercising o

As the body increases its use of oxygen, byproducts of oxygen metabolism -called free radicals -- can do damage to muscle tissue. This damage can result in soreness and fatigue after strenuous exercise. Solution: Take the free radicals-fighting vitamin C and E every day. [274] 167 of 240

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Exercise can trigger asthma attacks in people proned to exercise-induced asthma. Solution: Large doses (2 grams or more) of vitamin C, taken every day can decrease frequency of attacks and improve lung functions. [275] Prolonged, repetitive and impactive exercise can suppress the immune system and cause cartilage degeneration. Solution: choose less strenuous, less exhaustive workout. Exercise increases the use and excretion of minerals and mineral status is particularly important to older individuals. Solution: good diet and a high quality mineral supplement containing bio available forms of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and boron will keep the proper mineral equilibrium in your body. In the opinion of a former writer for Testosterone Magazine and MuscleMag, Nelson Montana, weights and aerobics are essentially just an ineffective form of exercise. No one wants to admit that they've wasted hours of time on something that has reaped no reward. Most serious exercise enthusiasts include aerobics in their program but no one knows why -- other than what they've heard. Performing an excess amount of aerobic exercise can actually make you fatter. How? If you overdo it in the aerobics department and under eat. Sure, you'll lose weight, but that weight loss will be the result of lost MUSCLE tissue sacrificed as fuel. Muscle tissue is where calories are burned. Thus, when you lose muscle, via aerobic exercise or dieting, your body will burn calories at a slower rate. When that happens, you'll be fighting a losing battle because you will end up having to do more aerobic exercise just to stay in the condition you're in. Understand that if you have a concern for losing fat you should also have a concern for maintaining your muscle.

So how to exercise to get the best results? Read the‌

Exercise for idiots Extracted from www.diet-i.com

Our attitude to exercise Most of us hate exercise. Why? Because we don't take it seriously. As a result, we don't apply our minds to it. We don't make it interesting. We don't put much into it. We don't spend any money on it. We don't get into it. So what happens? We give up and watch TV. Exercise does help but it doesn't make us slim Some of us believe that exercise will make us thin. We rush off in our brand new trainers and try to exercise our butt off. What happens? Does our butt disappear? No. So we give up in disgust.

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Exercise facts for idiots Here are some facts.     

Exercise is by far the easiest way to improve our health. Exercise helps us live longer, it makes us feel better and it makes us happier. If we exercise and eat properly, we become slim. Even our thighs get slim. The only good exercise is regular exercise - not sporadic bursts. Exercise works best when accompanied by a reasonable diet. It's no justification for eating junk.

"I don't have time" - the idiot excuse for not exercising If you think you don't have time to exercise, let me quote some poetry: Because I could not stop for death He kindly stopped for me. Emily Dickinson Busy? Then exercise! The busier and more stressful life you lead, the MORE you need to exercise. So stop making excuses and start using your common sense. Stop working yourself to the bone trying to improve your material life and set aside some time to exercise. You'll live longer & feel better if you do. How NOT to start exercising     

Rush out and join the most expensive gym in the neighborhood. Go out on a 5-mile run. Relive your youth by challenging the local tennis champion to a game. Enter a sponsored marathon next month. Go for a 2-mile power-walk without a respirator.

Exercise guidelines for idiots There are 4 basic rules:    

Get into it gradually - step by step, stage by stage Do it regularly Make it fit your lifestyle If you are unfit and/or overweight, visit your doctor for a quick check up.

Stage One This can last for 2-4 weeks o o

Pretend you are an unfit lump. Forget all about "exercise" and "fitness".

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o o o o

All you have to do is stop relying totally on labor-saving devices. That's all. I.e. don't rely on your car so much, don't always use the escalator, don't always use the lift. While you're getting used to moving around, check out your neighborhood for possible walks, or a place to exercise, or a swimming pool. Ask around and find a friend to start exercising with you. Buy a couple of dance-music CDs. When you feel ready for more, proceed to Stage Two.

Stage Two This can last for 1-2 months o o o o o o

Pretend you are an unfit lump. Take a 15-minute walk/swim every day. Don't do anymore. If bad weather/muggers stop you going outside, put on your new CDs and dance for 15 minutes. Make a simple exercise diary. Aim to gradually work up to 30-45 minutes of exercise, a day. Persuade a friend/partner to do it with you. When you feel ready for more, proceed to Stage Three.

Stage Three This can last for 1-2 months o o o o o

Pretend you are an unfit lump who is getting fitter. Increase your daily exercise to 20-30 minutes. Update your exercise diary. Keep a note of your progress and any failures. Don't be tempted to do twice the exercise one day and none the next. When you feel ready for more, proceed to Stage Four.

Stage Four This can last for 1-2 months o o o

Pretend you used to be an unfit lump who is now much fitter. Increase your daily exercise to 30 minutes. Update your exercise diary. Keep a note of your progress and any failures.

Results By now, exercise should have become a regular part of your life. You should be feeling a lot better and a lot more energetic. If you have been eating sensibly, your body will be slimmer, leaner and much more desirable - to you, if not to everyone. You are well on the way to achieving good health. Keep it up! Exercise guidelines for idiots who want to be slim Some of you may only be interested in exercising in order to lose weight. If so, here's some advice. 

No exercise can help you to reduce fat. Exercise builds muscles or reshapes your body. It does not eliminate fat. 170 of 240

  

If you exercise while dieting, you will reduce the 'plateau' effect of dieting and thus maintain your rate of weight loss. But only for as long as you keep exercising. If you don't follow a sensible weight loss diet while exercising, you will not lose weight. Although aerobic exercise is extremely healthy, it does not help the average person to lose weight, unless combined with a weight loss diet. Although abdominal exercise is great for strengthening and tightening the abdominal muscles, it does not help the average person to lose weight, unless combined with a weight loss diet.

The Moral? If you want to lose weight, you must exercise AND eat properly at the same time.

Extra tips 

  

Feeling slim and slender? Check for an intra-abdominal fat- the most dangerous one: Take your fingers, touch your pelvic bones, contract your abdominal muscle wall and you can basically just kind of sneak it across, right across your abdominal muscle wall and see if it's your abdominal muscle wall that's sticking out. It's the fat that pushes those muscles out, and you have to get rid of it. There may not be a lot of movement on the scale when burning off this kind of fat, but researchers said the results will be years added to a person's life. The fat around the internal organs is associated with a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes as well as cancer. [270] Series of ―brisk‖ 10-minute activity periods have the same beneficial results, in terms of boosting ―good‖ and lowering total cholesterol, as 30-minute workout. [271] Resistance or strength training should be included in any regimen. If performed two or three times a week, it is excellent for replacing fat with muscles. If you are too obese or too sick to get up of bed and exercise just a mental visualization of yourself exercising can increase the strength of even your large muscles. The group of volunteers who exercised in their thoughts showed a 13.5% increase in strength after a few weeks, and maintained that gain for three months after the training stopped. [272] It’s never too late to start exercising! Riding a stationary bike or walking on a treadmill twice a week for about 20 minutes each time resulted in notable health improvements according to a 6-month study of 22 elderly people (80 years and older). Prior to the study, the participants were inactive and some had health concerns such as coronary artery disease and arthritis. [273] When working out take nutrients known to improve joint health/function such as glucosamine and chondroitin, SAM, hydrolyzed gelatin, omega-3 fatty acids, GLA, CMO, antioxidants, and various joint formulas. These nutrients are particularly helpful for active people of any age who already have joint problems they wish to address. Fidgeting may be very helpful in keeping pounds off. Regular exercise is certainly the best course, but for people who must sit for hours at work, frequently shifting positions while sitting may have some benefit. (One study even suggested that chewing gum helps increase energy expenditure.) 171 of 240

 

Exercise improves psychological well being and replaces sedentary habits that usually lead to snacking. Exercise may even act as a mild appetite suppressant. People who exercise are more apt to stay on a diet plan. It is important to realize that as people slim down, their initial level of physical activity becomes easier and they burn fewer calories per mile of walking or jogging. The rate of weight loss slows down, sometimes discouragingly so, after an initial dramatic head start using diet and exercise combinations. People should be aware of this phenomenon and keep adding to their daily exercise regimen. Your heart rate is lower during water exercise than during land exercise, yet you receive the same benefits. One study showed that water-based heart rate is 13% lower than land-based minimum and maximum counts, while the water exercisers received the same metabolic and cardio benefits. Unless you suddenly take up training for a triathlon, a few trips to the gym will not lead to sudden and miraculous weight loss. For a start, when you exercise you build muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. However, muscle tissue does take up less space so you may find that your clothes begin to feel looser. To shed around 1 to 2 pounds of body fat a week you will need to get more active in your everyday life and start to eat less carbs. It is that simple.

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FREE BONUS No. 1 34 FAT BURNING SECRETS Being unhappy is unhealthier than being overweight! 1. Don’t count calories! Many people mistakenly believe that tracking calorie content is the best way to determine their nutritional needs. However, calories are only one consideration and are a poor measure in determining which kinds and what amounts of foods to eat. Essentially, a calorie is a unit of energy, and metabolism is far more complex than how much energy a food can produce. Judging foods by how many calories they contain does not take into consideration 1) how much energy is being used to digest the food eaten, 2) how much of the food is being used in the constant breaking down and rebuilding processes of the body, 3) the quality of the food and how much of the food remains undigested and is excreted by the body, and 4) how compromised the digestion system is. [274] 2. Try losing weight! Even you don‘t succeed the world will not end and you‘re not going to die in shame. In the contrary! According to a latest study at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia overweight and obese people who try to lose weight may live longer than people who do not try to shed excess pounds. Study also found that people who tried but failed to trim down were less likely to die than those who made no attempt. In a study of more than 6,000 obese and overweight people 35 and older who were followed for up to nine years, the death rate was 24% lower in people who lost weight intentionally than in people who did not try to shed pounds and whose weight stayed steady. But the death rate was 31% higher in people who lost weight unintentionally. For people who were trying to trim down, those who actually lost weight had the lowest death rate. In a somewhat surprising finding, however, even people who were trying to lose weight but did not succeed had a lower death rate. People who are trying to lose weight may take steps to make their lifestyle healthier, such as increasing physical activity and eating a better diet. These lifestyle changes may be beneficial even if they do not lead to weight loss [275] 3. Learn to love to eat. Yes, some of you might think that it is your problem already, but you probably love to stuff. There is a difference. Turn off your TV. Sit down. Never eat standing. Relax and enjoy. Be silent. Eat slowly. Enjoy each bite and chew it thoroughly-the better chewed, the easier time your digestive tract will have with it; chewing is the first part of digestion. Never take another bite until you have completely swallowed the one in your mouth. 4. Stretch your meals to 20 minutes or longer. Your stomach, mouth and brain are all connected and it takes 20 minutes of chewing before your stomach signals your brain that you are full. 5. There are five tastes: sour, sweet, salty, bitter, and astringent. To avoid food cravings, make sure you feed all your taste buds by choosing foods from all the taste categories. Food cravings are common to Americans because most of our diets consist of only the first three: sour, sweet, and salty. Add something bitter and astringent to every meal. Bitter foods are parsley, 173 of 240

endive, chicory, romaine lettuce, spinach, and the spices turmeric and fenugreek. Astringent foods are beans, asparagus, sprouts and lentils, apples, pears, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and potatoes. Parsley is particularly healthy. It has plenty of vitamins and it stimulates bile production, which is needed to break down the fats you ingest. Scientists reported in February 2003 at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting that people who are highly sensitive to bitter taste, avoid eating bitter foods and vegetables, and thus miss out on vital anti-cancer agents. [276] 6. Eat most foods early in the day for best utilization of calories. 7. Don’t skip breakfast. People who skip breakfast burn 5 percent fewer calories than those who eat a healthy morning meal. You can imagine your body during sleep as a sort of like a computer on "power saving" mode. When you eat your breakfast, your body shifts to "normal" mode. This means you revert back to the increased metabolism and hence increased fat burning activity. Skipping breakfast will cause your body to remain in the "low power" mode thereby burning less fat. Starving your body by not eating breakfast also causes your body to lose lean muscle tissue, which results in decreased metabolism. Skipping breakfast is also likely to make you overeat during lunch, making you fatter rather than leaner in the long run. 8. Don’t skip any meal. When you skip meals during the day your metabolism slows down, so instead of burning your stored fat your body starts accumulating new fat. Your first meal after waking starts your metabolism. Your metabolism then speeds up for about eight hours and then starts slowing down until you go to sleep when it goes to low until you wake and eat and start the cycle again. Weight loss through the burning of stored fat is all about eating enough of the right kinds of foods so you stay full and your metabolism stays as high as possible. Remember, if you feel hungry, your metabolism slows down. Stay full with healthy, nonfattening foods and your metabolism will continue to burn your stored fat as fast as your body will allow. 9. Eat at least six small meals a day, and in any sequence you want. No scientific evidence suggests a benefit from eating food groups in certain combinations, according to a recent AHA press release. 10. Don't eat two hours before sleeping. The additional calories are most likely stored as fat. 11. Hot and spicy foods can increase your metabolism by as much as 40%. Ad hot peppers, mustard, horseradish, cayenne, etc. to every meal. 12. Eat more garlic and oregano. They clean out your intestinal walls from toxins, thereby improving nutrients absorption. When this happens your metabolism increases and your body starts to burn more fat. 13. Relax! The truth is that the hormone cortisol, released during times of stress, often leads to carbohydrate cravings and overeating as well as to abdominal fat. If you have a problem with stress, you may want to try countering it with some kind of fitness or weightlifting program that will use up some of your nervous energy while making you look and feel better to boot, or perhaps look into some stress-reducing exercise such as Tai Chi. 14. Avoid all foods and drinks containing sugar. Honey including. Avoid sugarloaded fruit juices, unless diluted. Did you know that if a person who drinks 3 cans of soda per day stops drinking soda all together, that person will lose about 15 pounds within a year. In addition, soda makes you gain weight even though it has little or no calories, because the acidic level of the soda slows down

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the metabolism and fat is created to store the acids and protect the body tissues from them. 15. Completely eliminate aspartame, MSG, fat substitutes (Olestra), and all foods labeled ―low-fat‖, ―no fat‖, ―diet‖, ―no sugar‖, ―low sugar‖ from your diet. THEY MAKE YOU FAT! No-fat and low-fat foods most certainly contain large amounts of sugar and are high in calories. No-sugar, low-sugar and diet foods and drinks contain artificial sweeteners, which are toxic, and are known to cause an excess body weight. When you get off aspartame you’ll lose an average of 15 pounds! 16. It is true that chewing sugarless gum speeds up the digestive system, burns a few more calories and kills cravings. Beware of chewing gum containing aspartame. 17. If you want to lose weight and keep off the pounds take the lighting conditions where you eat seriously. You should make sure that you keep the dining area bright -- i.e., turn on all the lights, use brighter bulbs, open the curtains or window shades, rearrange lamps so that they more brightly illuminate the eater, or even move to a more brighter lit room for eating. You're more likely to adhere to the diet if the lighting is bright. Eating in dimmer lighting, even if only slightly dimmer may increase your risk of lapsing. [277] 18. For all your ―sugary‖ needs use natural, completely safe, zero-calories Stevia. 19. Don’t drink any fluids with your meal. Drinking dilutes digestive juices, making it impossible to digest your food properly. The best practice is to do your drinking between meals, beginning no earlier than two hours after your last meal. 20. Drink mostly water. Drink a large glass of ice water 20 minutes before meals. The cold causes your stomach to shrink slightly which will make you feel full faster. Water helps to wash out by-products of metabolism; prevents accumulation of body (and drug) toxins; helps in maintaining all normal body functions such as temperature control and electrolyte balance, and prevents constipation. Ample water is also important in preventing sagging skin during fat loss. 21. Reduce your intake of caffeine. Caffeine leads to an increase of insulin in your body that retards the burning of your stored fat. Reduce your caffeine intake by 50% and see what happens. 22. Sip a hot green tea. It will help you lose weight and neutralize many toxins in your foods. A study shows that drinking 2 cups of green tea a day burn an extra 560 calories a week 23. Don't drink coffee or tea with any meal high in iron. 24. Drink herbal teas or use herbs helping in weight loss. Juniper berry helps in detoxification, peppermint leaf tea helps reduce the appetite for many people, as it is said to relax the stomach nerves. Chickweed herb, a spring green, has historically been known for reducing appetite and helping in weight loss. Bladderwrack is a type of sea vegetable; when taken with kelp, it will support thyroid function, and the high mineral levels of this herb aid general energy utilization. Garlic has also been used in weight-loss programs to help lower blood lipids and for detoxification. Consult your herbalist before taking any medicinal herbs. 25. Don’t starve yourself. Extreme diets of less than 1,100 calories carry health risks and are often followed by overeating and a return to the obese state. Such diets often have insufficient vitamins and minerals, which must then be taken as supplements. Most of the initial weight loss is in fluids. Later, fat is lost, but so is 175 of 240

muscle, which can account for more than 30% of the weight loss. No one should be on severe diets longer than 16 weeks or fast for more than two or three days. Severe dieting has unpleasant side effects, including fatigue, intolerance to cold, hair loss, gallstone formation, and menstrual irregularities. There have been rare reports of death from heart arrhythmias when liquid formulas did not have sufficient nutrients. Of note, those whose diets include a high intake of fluids and much reduced protein and sodium are at risk for hyponatremia, which can cause fatigue, confusion, dizziness, and in extreme cases, coma. 26. Avoid salt. Avoid processes food. Avoid or limit your eating of such obviously salty foods as potato chips, pretzels, crackers, salted nuts, popcorn, pickles, luncheon meats, processed soups and fast food. 27. Eating water-filled fruits and vegetables will make you feel full. It is preferable not to eat fatty foods after fruit. The small amount of insulin triggered by the fruit could lead the body to store the fats in the ham, eggs, bacon or cheese you might eat for a breakfast. As lemon has virtually no sugar, lemon juice (unsweetened) can be drunk at any time or used freely in seasoning. 28. Eat high-fiber, low-glycemic-index whole grain foods instead of white bread, potatoes, refined rice and pasta. 29. Proteins help stave off hunger. However, you should limit dairy products in your diet. Milk, in particular, is inedible. 30. Don’t eliminate all fats. It takes fat to lose fat, and the low-down on today's lowfat diet is that it actually makes you fatter and less healthy. Fats found in nuts, fish, butter, olives, flax seed and coconut protect against heart disease and help you losing weight. Forget about margarine and other trans-fatty acids. 31. Don’t use commercial meal replacements like Slim-Fast or Sweet Success. Each serving contains a significant amount of sugar, your body definitely does not need. Besides, the human body has evolved to efficiently digest whole food, not powders or pills. The process of digesting solid food every three hours actually increases your metabolic rate. This is known as the "thermic effect of food." Powders fail to take advantage of this metabolic boost. 32. Try to stay away from energy bars that imply that they will transform you into a fit person. Most of them are loaded with calories! 33. Alcohol is fattening. However, this happens in particular when it is imbibed on an empty stomach. When the stomach is already full, the alcohol is metabolized much less rapidly because it is mixed with these other foods, and so produces little stored fat. 34. Always remember that there are no fad diets, gimmicks or magic bullets that can help you lose and maintain weight safely. You can lose 30 pounds of weight in 30 days using one of those heavily advertised miraculous diet plans. It is possible‌ on a dehydrating diet! LOSING 30 POUNDS OF FAT IN 30 DAYS IS NOT POSSIBLE. PERIOD.

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FREE BONUS No. 2 30 Additional Tips for Losing Weight 1. Avoid strange fad diets -- if you can't eat that way for the rest of your life, don't waste your time or your health. 2. Limit alcohol consumption -- each serving contains 100 to150 calories. 3. Eat fruit at least twice a day. 4. Keep a food diary about your food choices, indicating how hungry you are each time you eat. Pay particular attention to your level of hunger when you snack. 5. Perform aerobic exercise a minimum of 30 minutes three times a week. Log this on your food diary. Gradually increase the length and frequency of your workouts. 6. Weigh yourself no more than twice a week. 7. Give yourself a non-food reward for every 5 pounds lost. 8. Slow down your eating speed -- make meals last at least 20 minutes. Try eating with the other hand or taking a sip of water between bites. 9. Use smaller plates. 10. Bring your lunch to work at least three times a week. 11. Start to strength train twice a week. Building muscle increases your metabolism and forces your body to use fat, not muscle, when you're cutting back on calories. 12. Have someone else put away leftovers. 13. Have a sweet treat once a week. 14. Keep healthful snacks at home and at work. 15. Substitute herbs and spices for salt. 16. Shop for food when you are not hungry, and use a shopping list. 17. Replace ground beef with ground turkey Don't skip the protein in your meals; find a leaner substitute. 18. Eat three vegetables a day. 19. Request that your family and friends respect your efforts to lose weight and get fit -- beware of loving "sabotage." 20. Take a walk when you're stressed or angry. 21. Order dressings and sauces on the side and apply them with a fork. 22. Shrink portion sizes of meats and starches, and pile on the vegetables. 23. Ask how the food is prepared when ordering in a restaurant. 24. Select clear broth- or tomato-based soups over white soups. 25. Keep the junk foods out of sight in your home and workplace. 26. Take walking shoes or a jump rope with you when you travel to keep up with your exercise. 27. If you’re getting off track, try to pre-plan your food intake for the next three days by writing it down. 28. Stretch during television commercials -- arm circles, leg lifts, head tilts, etc. 29. Learn to say "no" gracefully when a friend or relative offers you a second helping. 30. Forgive yourself when you slip -- and make the next food choice a healthy one.

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FREE BONUS No. 3 America’s Hottest Underground Diet Losing 30 pounds of fat in 30 days is not possible, but how about 48 pounds of fat in 3 months? Here is an abridged version of America’s hottest underground diet: You eat what you want for 4 days a week and diet for the remaining 3 days. Follow the plan any three days a week; days need not be consecutive. Say, you consume fewer calories on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and return to your old eating habits on Tuesday, Thursday and the weekends. On your days off eat what you like until you‘re full. On diet days stick to vegetables, fruits and lean meat. Drink water and unsweetened coffee or tea. Count calories. Your daily calorie intake should not exceed 1000. Here‘s a sample menu: Breakfast



Day 1

1 slice dry toast 2 Tbs. peanut butter ½ grapefruit or 6 oz grapefruit juice

4 oz. Water-packed tuna, drained 1 slice plain dry toast

Day 2

1 boiled egg 1 slice plain dry toast 1 banana

1 cup cottage cheese 5 crackers

Day 3

5 saltine crackers 1 oz. Cheddar cheese 1 apple

1 boiled egg 1 slice plain dry toast

4 oz. Meat, fish or poultry, broiled 1 cup green beans 1 cup carrots, steamed 1 small apple 1 cup frozen yogurt 4 oz skinless chicken breast, broiled 1 cup broccoli ½ cup carrots 1 banana ½ cup frozen yogurt 6.5 oz. Water-packed tuna, drained 1 cup carrots 1 cup cauliflower 1 cup melon ½ cup frozen yogurt

Remember that you can swap equal-calorie items from the same food group-an apple for a pear, tuna for chicken, etc. The 3-Day Miracle Diet tricks your metabolism into staying high on low-calorie days. When you cut calories consumption too drastically and for a longer period of time your body goes into starvation mode. Your body has a built in mechanism

that senses a ―lowered‖ food quantity and it kicks in a conservation mechanism. Your metabolism slows down and food storage (for survival) becomes most important. If you let your body fall into this trap, you will probably lose weight initially. However, you will get to a sticking point fast and

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won‘t be able to lose any more. In fact, you‘ll more than likely lose muscle and gain fat, which is exactly ―not‖ what you want to do. On the 3-Day Miracle Diet, however, you stay out of starvation mode by alternating between higher and lower calorie days. In effect your body maintains high rate of metabolism on days when you‘re eating less calories, and burns your body fat more quickly and efficiently.

FREE BONUS No. 4 FORGOTTEN CURE Due to FDA regulations and various state laws, no medical claims can be made for the Royal R. Rife technology. All of the information expressed herein must be considered theoretical and unproven and for experimental research only. Due to FDA regulations and various state laws, no medical claims can be made for the Royal R. Rife technology. All of the information expressed herein must be considered theoretical and unproven and for experimental research only.

There is another, more controversial, method to lose weight. It has been effectively used in hospitals, schools, corporate offices and psychological treatment programs for years. It is simple, effortless and, most importantly, FREE. To all my readers, that is. Usually, the therapists charge a fairy hefty fee for a single session. If you wanted to do it yourself, at the comfort of your home, purchasing the appropriate computer software or CD‘s with recorded sessions would be obligatory. The method I‘m talking about is called the Sound Therapy. The therapeutic link between sound and healing is an ancient one, but it was first recognized in the late 19th century by doctors researching the effects of sound of various frequencies on human health and wellness. The most famous researchers who have studied the effects of frequency, sound, light, color, and vibration are Royal Rife with his Rife Frequencies, Abhram's Multiple Wave Oscillator, Robert Monroe with audio binaural beats, Dr. Hans Jenny and Dr. Guy Manners with their work on Cymatics, Vladimir Gavreau's sonic weapons using infrasound, and Tomatis who associates learning ability with listening ability and clear hearing. The list is endless since frequency research is a fundamental to most every subject. Sound Therapy works on the premise that each organ in the physical body has a specific vibration, or a signature frequency. The organ must resonate at that certain frequency for health, balance and harmony with all other parts and within itself. When something causes an unbalance or when a certain frequency is vibrating out of tune we get sick. We can influence the functioning and health of particular organs or areas of the body by applying the correct frequencies. 179 of 240

All matter can be described by waveforms and frequencies. This includes our bodies. Studies conducted by sound therapists had shown that certain sounds can slow the breathing rate and create a feeling of overall well-being; others can slow a racing heart, even soothe a restless baby. Sound can also change skin temperature, reduce blood pressure and muscle tension, influence brain wave frequencies, regulate hormones, nutritional deficiencies, alleviate pain, re-grow cell tissue, overcome learning disabilities, improve movement and balance, endurance, strength, and stability. If you have a computer with a sound card give this method a chance. Here is what to do: 1. Click here to download NCH audio tone generator. The software is free to use for an evaluation on a single computer. 2. Locate the downloaded .exe file, click on it and install the software. 3. Open the software. In the Tone menu check Constant (continuous) and sine waveform. In the main window of NCH Tone Generator highlight the listed ―sine frequency‖ wave. Using right-mouse-click open Edit Value and input your own frequency. 4. There are two different frequencies to fight obesity: 10,000 Hz or 465 Hz. Choose the one that suits you, or both interchangeably. Never experiment with other frequencies unless you know exactly what you’re doing. 5. Initially, listen to the generated sound for 5 minutes before each meal. You may consider using headphones. 6. Experiment with number of tones, volume and length of transmission for best results. Be careful to keep the volume low when using a sound therapy device. Otherwise, you might suffer hearing loss. No other side effects are likely. Once you have received enough of a sound, the sound then starts to become irritating. If that happens just stop listening.

Good Luck!

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FREE BONUS No. 5 List of genetically modified (GM) and GM-free grocery products True Food Shopping List Baby food



Beech Nut jars

Nabisco (Phillip Morris)

   

Macaroni and Beef Vegetable and Beef Corn & Sweet Potato Country Garden Vegetable

Beech Nut ("Table Time" meals)  Turkey Stew  Macaroni & Cheese  Seashells Primavera  Chicken & Stars  Vegetable Stew w/Beef  Spaghetti Rings  Chicken Stew Earth's Best dry cereal (Hain)  Whole Mixed Grain Earth's Best jars  Pasta Dinner  Vegetable & Beef  Corn & Butternut Squash  Summer Vegetable  Spinach & Potatoes  Potato & Green Bean Earth's Best Juniors  Spring Vegetable w/Pasta  Spaghetti & Cheese  Vegetable Souffle  Tender Chicken & Stars

 Arrowroot Teething Biscuits Infant formula Carnation Infant Formulas (Nestle)  AlSoy  Good Start  Follow-Up  Follow-Up Soy Enfamil Infant Formulas (Mead Johnson)  Enfamil with Iron  Enfamil Low Iron  Enfamil A.R.  Enfamil Nutramigen  Enfamil Lacto Free  Enfamil 22  Enfamil Next step (soy and milk-based varieties)  Enfamil Pro-Soybee Isomil Infant Formulas (Abbot Labs)  Isomil Soy  Isomil Soy for Diarrhea Similac (Abbot Labs)  Similac Lactose Free

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 Vegetable Beef Pilaf  Country Potato & Vegetable  Chunk Orchard Fruit

 Similac with Iron  Similac Low Iron  Similac Alimentum

Earth's Best  Original Teething Biscuits  Wheat Free Teething Biscuits Gerber dry cereal (Novartis)  Mixed Cereal for Baby Gerber jars  Potato  Creamed Corn  Macaroni Tomato Beef  Vegetable Chicken  Vanilla Custard Gerber Graduates  Turkey Stew with Rice  Vegetable Stew with Beef  Pasta Shells with Cheese  Cheese Ravioli with Tomato Sauce  Chicken & Broccoli with Cheese Healthy Times jars  Harvest Time Vegetable  Country Vegetable  Veggie Stew Healthy Times teething cookies  Original Teddy Puffs For Toddlers  Apple Cinnamon Teddy Puffs For Toddlers  Vanilla Hugga Bear Cookies  Cinnamon Hugga Bear Cookies  Vanilla Arrowroot  Maple Arrowroot  Tretzels Original  Tretzels Organic Peanut Butter Heinz dry cereal  Mixed Cereal Heinz jars  Beef with Vegetables  Chicken with Vegetables  Mixed Vegetables 182 of 240

 Nature's Goodness Banana Apple Dessert Tender Harvest jars (Gerber organic)  Green Beans & Potatoes  Butternut Squash & Corn  Squash Corn Chicken  Vegetable Pilaf Infant formula Nature's One  Baby's Own Toddler Formula




baking mixes

baking mixes

Bob's Red Mill Pancake and Waffle Mixes

Aunt Jemima (Quaker)

             

   

10 Grain No Oil 10 Grain Buckwheat Buttermilk Cornmeal Buttermilk Biscuit Cornbread Muffin Date Nut Bran Muffin Oat Bran and Date Nut Muffin Oat Bran and Nuts Cookie Raisin Bran Muffin Spice Apple Bran Muffin Wheat Free Biscuit Cornmeal

Coombs Vermont Gourmet  Buttermilk and Maple Pancake Mix  Buckwheat and Maple Pancake Mix  Apple Cinnamon Pancake Mix

Complete Pancake & Waffle Mix Buttermilk Pancake & Waffle Mix Cornbread Mix Easy Mix Coffee Cake

Betty Crocker (General Mills) Pie Crust Mix Original Pancake Mix Complete Pancake Mix Buttermilk Complete Pancake Mix Muffin Mixes Banana Nut Lemon Poppy Seed Blueberry Wild Blueberry Chocolate Chip Apple Streusel Quick Bread Mixes     

Banana Cinnamon Streusel Lemon Poppy Seed Cranberry Orange Gingerbread

Cookie Mixes

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 Blueberry Pancake Mix

o o

Pamela's  Pancake & Baking Mix  Chocolate Brownie Mix

o o

Wanda's Nature Farm  Multigrain Pancake  Blue Corn Pancake/Waffle  Lemon Blueberry Muffins  Blue Corn Muffins  Pumpkin Spice Quick Bread baking needs Endangered Species Chocolate Chips  Milk Chocolate Chips  Dark Chocolate Chips  White Chocolate Chips Sunspire (Sunlight Foods)  Sunspire Certified Organic Dark Chocolate Chips

Chocolate Chip Double Chocolate Chunk Sugar Peanut Butter

Bisquik (Betty Crocker/General Mills)     

     

 

Original Reduced Fat Shake 'n Pour Pancake Mix Shake 'n Pour Buttermilk Pancake Mix Shake 'n Pour Blueberry Pancake Mix Duncan Hines (Aurora Foods) Muffin Mixes Kellogg's All-Bran Apple Cinnamon Kellogg's All-Bran Blueberry Blueberry Blueberry Crumb Chocolate Chip Hungry Jack (Pillsbury) Buttermilk Pancake Mix Extra Light & Fluffy Pancake Mix (all varieties)

   

Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix Blueberry Muffin Mix Raspberry Muffin Mix Pie Crust Mix

 

Mrs. Butterworths (Aurora Foods) Complete Pancake Mix Buttermilk Pancake Mix

Pepperidge Farms (Campbell's) Buttermilk Pancake Mix

184 of 240

        

Pillsbury Quick Bread & Muffin Mixes Blueberry Chocolate Chip Banana Cranberry Lemon Poppyseed Nut Hot Roll Mix Gingerbread baking needs

   

Bakers (Kraft/Phillip Morris) Unsweetened Chocolate Semi-Sweet Chocolate German Sweet Chocolate White Chocolate

  

Hershey's Semi-Sweet Baking Chips Milk Chocolate Chips Mini Kisses

    

Nestle Toll House Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips Milk Chocolate Chips White Chocolate Butterscotch Chips Semi-Sweet Chocolate Baking Bars




Alvarado Street

Holsum (Interstate Bakeries)

     

Sprouted Barley California Style Sprouted Rye Wheat Multigrain Ultimate Kids Bagels (all varieties)

    

Holsum Thin Sliced Roman Meal 12 Grain Round Top Home Pride 185 of 240

French Meadow  Sourdough French  Country White  Sprouted Whole Wheat  Summer Bread  Sunflower & Flax  Toasted Sesame  Woman's Bread  100% Rye (all varieties)  Sourdough Bagels  Sprouted Wheat Bagels (all varieties)  Sourdough Pizza Crusts  Wheat-Free Pizza Crusts Shiloh Farms  Egyptian Kamut  Seven Grain (original & no salt)  Five Grain (original & no salt)  Multi-Grain Sandwich  Ten Grain  Whole Wheat  Zesty Wheat & Rye

 Buttertop White  Buttertop Wheat Pepperidge Farms (Campbell's)  Cinnamon Swirl  Light Oatmeal  Light Wheat  100% Whole Wheat  Hearty Slices  7 Grain  9 Grain  Crunchy Oat  Whole Wheat  Light Side  Oatmeal  Wheat  7 Grain  Soft Dinner Rolls  Club Rolls  Sandwich Buns  Hoagie Rolls Thomas' (Bestfoods) English Muffins      

Original Cinnamon Raisin Honey Wheat Oat Bran Blueberry Maple French Toast

 

Toast-r-Cakes Blueberry Toast-r-Cakes Corn Muffins

         

Wonder (Interstate Bakeries) White Sandwich Bread Country Grain Buttermilk Thin Sandwich Light Wheat 100% Stoneground Wheat Fat Free Multigrain Premium Potato Beefsteak Rye Wonder Hamburger Buns

186 of 240




breakfast bars

breakfast bars

Hain Kidz


 Marshmallow Crisp Bars

 Pop Tarts (all varieties)  Pop Tarts Snack Stix (all)  Nutri-Grain Bars (all)  Nutri-Grain Fruit Filled Squares (all)  Nutri-Grain Twists (all)  Fruit-Full Squares (all)

Health Valley (Hain) Granola Bars     

Blueberry Raspberry Apple Raisin Marshmallow

Breakfast Bars   

Red Raspberry Country Apple Wild Blueberry

Lifestream Waffles     

 

8 Grain Sesame Buckwheat Wildberry Mesa Sunrise Soy Plus FlaxPlus New England Natural Bakers Cinnamon Raisin Cereal Bar Organic Raspberry Cereal Bar waffles Waffle Heaven (OroWest)

Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)  Fruit & Grain Bars (all varieties) Nature Valley (General Mills)  Oats & Honey Granola Bars  Peanut Butter Granola Bars  Cinnamon Granola Bars Pillsbury (General Mills)  Toaster Scrambles & Strudels (all varieties) Quaker  Chewy Granola Bars (all varieties)  Fruit & Oatmeal Bars (all varieties) waffles Aunt Jemima Frozen Waffles  Buttermilk

187 of 240

   

Berry Fresh Homestyle Blueberry Soy Start

  

Wild Oats Homestyle Waffles Blueberry Waffles Wheat Free Waffles

 Blueberry Eggo Frozen Waffles (Kellogg's)  Homestyle  Buttermilk  Nutri-Grain Whole Wheat  Nutri-Grain Multi Grain  Cinnamon Toast  Blueberry  Strawberry  Apple Cinnamon  Banana Bread Hungry Jack Frozen Waffles (Pillsbury/General Mills)  Homestyle  Buttermilk




365 Brand

General Mills

 Raisin Bran

                  

Arrowhead Mills (Hain/Celestial)  Maple Buckwheat Flakes  Nature O's  Puffed Corn  Multigrain Flakes  Shredded Wheat Barbara's Bakery  Shredded Oats  Shredded Wheat  Vanilla Almond Shredded Wheat  Crispy Wheats  Puffins Crunch Corn  Cinnamon Puffins  Breakfast O's  Brown Rice Crisps

Cheerios Wheaties Total Corn Chex Lucky Charms Trix Kix Golden Grahams Cinnamon Grahams Count Chocula Honey Nut Chex Frosted Cheerios Apple Cinnamon Cheerios Multi-Grain Cheerios Frosted Wheaties Brown Sugar & Oat Total Basic 4 Reeses Puffs French Toast Crunch

188 of 240

Breadshop Granolas (Hain/Celestial)  Almond Raisin  Blueberry & Cream  Raspberry & Cream  Cranberry Crunch Muesli  Gone Nuts w/Honey  Orange Almond Down to Earth (Wild Oats)  Raisin Bran  Honey Nut O's  Oat Bran O's  Honey Frosted Flakes EnviroKidz (Nature's Path)  Amazon Frosted Flakes  Gorilla Munch  Koala Crisp  Orangutan-O's  Panda Puffs Health Valley (Hain/Celestial)  Cranberry Crunch  Raisin Bran Flakes  Fiber 7 Flakes  Fiber 7 Multigrain  Honey Fiber 7 Multigrain  Golden Flax  Oat Bran Flakes  Banana Gone Nuts Lifestream (Nature's Path)  Smart Bran  Wildberry Muesli  Multigrain Honey Puffs  8 Grain Nature's Path  Corn Flakes  Crispy Rice  Heritage Flakes  Heritage O's  Heritage Muesli  Honey'd Corn Flakes  Honey'd Raisin Bran  Hot Cereal Variety Pack  Kamut Krisp Granola

Kellogg's  Frosted Flakes  Corn Flakes  Special K  Raisin Bran  Rice Krispies  Corn Pops  Product 19  Smacks  Froot Loops  Marshmallow Blasted Fruit Loops  Apple Jacks  Crispix  Smart Start  All-Bran  Complete Wheat Bran  Complete Oat Bran  Just Right Fruit & Nut  Honey Crunch Corn Flakes  Raisin Bran Crunch  Cracklin' Oat Bran  Country Inn Specialties (all varieties) Mothers Cereals (Quaker)  Toasted Oat Bran  Peanut Butter Bumpers  Groovy Grahams  Harvest Oat Flakes  Harvest Oat Flakes w/Apples & Almonds  Honey Round Ups Post (Kraft-Phillip Morris)  Raisin Bran  Bran Flakes  Grape Nut Flakes  Grape Nut O's  Fruit & Fibre date, raisin and walnut  Fruit & Fibre peach, raisin and almond  Honey Bunch of Oats  Honey Nut Shredded Wheat  Honey Comb  Golden Crisp  Waffle Crisp  Cocoa Pebbles  Cinna-Crunch Pebbles 189 of 240

 Millet Rice  Multigrain Flakes  Multigrain & Raisin  Puffed (Corn, Wheat, Rice, Kamut) Cereals  Shredded Oaty Bites  Apple Cinnamon Granola  Ginger Zing Granola  Organic Soy Plus Granola New England Natural Bakers  Cape Cod Cranberry Granola  Crispy Maple Date Cereal  Save the Rainforest Nut Granola  Outrageous Raspberry Granola  Peachy Kean Granola  Organic Muesli (Blueberry & Cranberry)  Crispy Maple Date Cereal

     

Fruity Pebbles Alpha-Bits Post Selects Cranberry Almond Post Selects Banana Nut Crunch Post Selects Blueberry Morning Post Selects Great Grains

Quaker  Life  Cinnamon Life  100% Natural Granola  Toasted Oatmeal  Toasted Oatmeal Honey Nut  Oat Bran  Cap'n Crunch  Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter Crunch  Cap'n Crunch Crunchling Berries






Endangered Species Chocolates

Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's)

                

     

Dolphin Bar Black Rhino Bar Manatee Bar Harp Seal Bar Gorilla Bar Ancient Forest Bar Yellowstone Wolf Bar Orca Bar Tiger Bar Falcon Bar Salmon Bar Polar Bar Elephant Bar Grizzly Bar Brown Pelican Bar Chimpanzee Bar Milk Chocolate Bug Bites

Mounds Almond Joy York Peppermint Patty Dairy Milk Roast Almond Fruit & Nut

Hershey's  Kit-Kat  Reese's Peanut Butter Cups  Mr. Goodbar  Special Dark  Milk Chocolate  Kisses  Symphony Kraft

190 of 240

 Dark Chocolate Bug Bites Whole Foods  Dark Chocolate  Milk Chocolate  Milk Chocolate w/Hazelnuts  Dark Chocolate w/Roasted Almonds  Hazelnut Crème  Espresso Creme drink mixes and dessert toppings Ah!laska (Cool Fruits)  Cocoa Chocolatey Chocolate Mix  Non-Dairy Chocolate Mix  Ah!some Chocolate Syrup Country Choice Naturals  Royal Chocolate  Chocolate Cinnamon Spice  Irish Chocolate Mint  Chocolate Orange Cream Ovaltine (Novartis)  Ovaltine malt  Ovaltine Chocolate  Ovaltine Rich Chocolate Whole Foods  Dark Chocolate Sauce  Creamy Caramel Sauce Whole Kids (Whole Foods)  Hot Chocolate Mix

(Kraft/Phillip Morris)  Toblerone (all varieties) Mars  M&M (all varieties)  Snickers  Three Musketeers  Milky Way  Twix Nestle  Crunch  Milk Chocolate  Chunky  Butterfinger  100 Grand drink mixes and dessert toppings Carnation (Nestle)  Hot Cocoa Mixes:  Rich Chocolate  Double Chocolate  Milk Chocolate  Marshmallow Madness  Mini Marshmallow  No Sugar Hershey's  Chocolate Syrup  Special Dark Chocolate Syrup  Strawberry Syrup Nestle  Nesquik  Strawberry Nesquik Swiss Miss (ConAgra)  Hot Cocoa Mixes:  Chocolate Sensation  Milk Chocolate  Marshmallow Lovers  Marshmallow Lovers Fat Free  No Sugar Added

191 of 240




Annie's Naturals

Del Monte (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)

 Barbecue Sauce  Smoky Maple Barbecue Sauce California Seasonings (Golden West Specialty Foods)  BBQ Sauce  Cocktail Sauce  Tartar Sauce Consorzio Marinades (Napa Valley Kitchens)  California Teriyaki  Southwestern  Tropical Grill  Roasted Garlic Balsamic  Baja Lime  Lemon Pepper Drew's All Natural  Steak Sauce "After Grill"  Caribbean Grill Sauce  Chipotle Grill Sauce  Asian Grill Sauce  Asian Marinade & Dipping Sauce Hain (Hain/Celestial)  Canola Mayonnaise  Eggless Mayonnaise Jo-B's (Drew's All Natural)  Gordasala Caribbean Habanero  Chilipaya Island Rojo Sauce  Fire Mud Hot Bean Paste  Chiliuna Dipping Sauce  Diablo Asado Smokin' Grill Muir Glen  Tomato Ketchup  Grill Chef Barbecue Sauces

 Ketchup Heinz  Ketchup (regular & no salt)  Chili Sauce  Cocktail Sauce  Heinz 57 Steak Sauce Hellman's (Bestfoods)  Real Mayonnaise  Light Mayonnaise  Low-Fat Mayonnaise Hunt's (ConAgra)  Ketchup (regular & no salt) KC Masterpiece (Clorox)  Original BBQ sauce  Garlic & Herb Marinade  Honey Teriyaki Marinade Kraft (Kraft/Phillip Morris)  Miracle Whip (all varieties)  Kraft Mayonnaise (all)  Thick & Spicy BBQ sauces (all varieties)  Char Grill BBQ sauce  Honey Hickory BBQ sauce Nabisco (Nabiso/Phillip Morris)  A-1 Steak Sauce Open Pit 192 of 240

(all varieties) Spectrum  Canola Mayonnaise  Lite Canola Mayonnaise

(Vlasic/Campbells)  BBQ sauces (all) salsa

Westbrae Naturals (Hain/Celestial)  Ketchup  Unsweetened Ketchup

Chi-Chi's (Hormel)  Fiesta Salsa (all varieties)

Whole Foods  Organic Smokey Red Ketchup  Canola Mayonnaise  Steak Sauce  Organic Hot sauce  Organic Peanut Sauce

Old El Paso (Pillsbury)  Thick & Chunky Salsa  Garden Pepper Salsa  Taco Sauce  Picante Sauce

Wild Oats  Ketchup  Korean Barbecue Sauce

Ortega (Nestle)  Taco Sauce  Salsa Prima Homestyle  Salsa Prima Roasted Garlic  Salsa Prima 3 Bell Pepper  Thick & Chunky Salsa

salsa Down to Earth (Wild Oats)  Salsa (mild, medium & hot) Green Mountain Gringo  Salsa (mild, medium & hot)  Roasted Garlic Salsa Heirazor (Golden West Foods)  Mild Salsa  Tomatillo Salsa  Caribe Salsa  Jalapeno/Serrano Salsa  Habanero Pepper Salsa

Pace (Campbells)  Chunky Salsa  Picante Sauce Tostitos Salsa (Frito-Lay/Pepsi)  All Natural  All Natural Thick & Chunky  Roasted Garlic  Restaurant Style

Muir Glen Salsa  Medium  Mild  Habanero Hot  Black Bean & Corn  Garlic Cilantro  Roasted Tomato  Chipotle Seeds of Change Salsa  Tomato & Onion  Traditional Picante  Garlic & Cilantro 193 of 240

 Black Bean & Tomato Senior Fields (Whole Foods)  Red Salsa (mild, medium & hot) Whole Foods  Salsa (Mild, Medium, Hot)  Salsa Verde  Corn Salsa  Black Bean Dip  Fire Roasted Salsa Wild Oats Salsa  Mild, medium, chipotle




Golden West Specialty Foods

Delicious Brands (Parmalat)

 Babar Cookies  Babar Animal Cookies Barbara's Bakery  Vanilla Snackimals  Crispy Shortbread Country Choice Naturals  Double Fudge Brownie  Oatmeal Chocolate Chip  Chocolate Chip Walnut  Rocky Road  Peanut Butter  Oatmeal Raisin  Ginger  Lemon Down to Earth (Wild Oats)  Cinnamon Graham Twists  Chocolate Graham Twists

          

Animal Crackers Ginger Snaps Fig Bars Oatmeal Sugar-Free Duplex Honey Grahams Cinnamon Grahams Fat Free Vanilla Wafers English Toffee Heath Cookies Butterfinger Cookies Skippy Peanut Butter Cookies

Famous Amos (Keebler/Flowers Industries)  Chocolate Chip  Oatmeal Raisin  Chocolate Sandwich  Peanut Butter Sandwich  Vanilla Sandwich  Oatmeal Macaroon Sandwich

194 of 240

Ener-G Foods  Biscotti  Ginger  Vanilla  Almond Butter  Crunchy Peanut Butter  Coconut Macaroons  Macaroon Almond  French Almond Hain (Hain/Celestial)  Honey Grahams  Vanilla Grahams  Chocolate Animal Grahams  Peanut Butter Animal Grahams Hain Kidz (Hain/Celestial)  Animal Crackers  Chocolate Animal Crackers Health Valley (Hain/Celestial)  Oatmeal Raisin  Graham Amaranth  Graham Oat  Rice Bran Pamela's  Peanut Butter  Ginger  Pecan Shortbread  Butter Short Bread  Lemon Shortbread  Shortbread Swirl  Oatmeal Raisin Walnut  Oatmeal Date Current  Almond Anise  Lemon Almond Biscotti  Chocolate Walnut Biscotti  Carob Hazelnut Wanda's Nature Farm  Apple Pie Spice  Cranberry Orange Oat  Kids Club Gingerbread  Vanilla Almond Biscotti  Lemon Poppyseed Biscotti  Cinnamon Hazelnut Biscotti  Cocoa Mocha Almond Biscotti

Frookies (Delicious Brands/Parmalat)  Peanut Butter Chunk  Chocolate Chip  Double Chocolate  Frookwich Vanilla  Frookwich Chocolate  Frookwich Peanut Butter  Frookwich Lemon  Funky Monkeys Chocolate  Ginger Snaps  Lemon Wafers Keebler (Keebler/Flowers Industries)  Chips Deluxe  Sandies  E.L. Fudge  Soft Batch Chocolate Chip  Golden Vanilla Wafers  Droxies  Vienna Fingers  Fudge Shoppe Fudge Stripes  Fudge Shoppe Double Fudge & Caramel  Fudge Shoppe Fudge Stix  Fudge Shoppe Peanut Butter Fudge Stix  Country Style Oatmeal  Graham Originals  Graham Cinnamon Crisp  Graham Chocolate  Graham Honey Low Fat  Crème Filled Wafers  Chocolate Filled Wafers Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)  Oreo (all varieties)  Chips Ahoy! (all varieties)  Fig Newtons (and all Newtons varities)  Lorna Doone  Nutter Butters  Barnum Animal Crackers  Nilla Wafers  Nilla Chocolate Wafers  Pecanz Shortbread  Family Favorites Oatmeal  Famous Wafers 195 of 240

Whole Foods  Butter Cookies  Real Ginger  Oatmeal Currant  Almond Biscotti

          

Fudge Covered Mystic Sticks Honey Maid Graham Crackers Honey Maid Cinnamon Grahams Honey Maid Chocolate Grahams Honey Maid Oatmeal Crunch Teddy Grahams Teddy Grahams Cinnamon Teddy Grahams Chocolate Teddy Grahams Chocolate Chips Café Cremes Vanilla Café Crème Cappuccino

Pepperidge Farm (Campbell's)  Milano  Mint Milano  Chessmen  Bordeaux  Brussels  Geneva  Chocolate Chip  Lemon Nut  Shortbread  Sugar  Ginger Men  Raspberry Chantilly  Strawberry Verona  Chocolate Mocha Salzburg  Chocolate Chunk Chesapeake  Chocolate Chunk Nantucket  Chocolate Chunk Sausalito  Oatmeal Raisin Soft Baked Sesame Street (Keebler)  Cookie Monster  Chocolate Chip  Chocolate Sandwich  Vanilla Sandwich  Cookie Pals  Honey Grahams  Cinnamon Grahams  Frosted Grahams Snack Wells (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)  Devil's Food  Golden Devil's Food  Mint Crème  Coconut Crème  Chocolate Sandwich  Chocolate Chip 196 of 240

 Peanut Butter Chip  Double Chocolate Chip



Appeteasers (Adrienne's)  Cheddar  Double Cheddar  Garlic and Herb Barbara's Bakery  Wheatines  Sesame Wheatines  Cracked Pepper Wheatines  Salted Top Wheatines Courtneys (Adrienne's)  Classic Flavour  Savoury Herbs  Cracked Pepper  Sun-Dried Tomato Darcia's Crostini (Adrienne's)  Original  Rosemary  Onion  Fennel Ener-G Foods  Hol-Grain Snack Thins  Hol-Grain Onion & Garlic  Melba Toast Hain  Wheatettes  Rich Crackers  Sesame Wheat Lavosh-Hawaii

GENETICALLY ENGINEERED INGREDIENTS Keebler (Keebler/Flowers Industries)  Town House  Club  Munch 'Ems (all varieties)  Wheatables  Zesta Saltines  Toasteds (Wheat, Onion, Sesame & Butter Crisps)  Snax Stix (Wheat, Cheddar & original)  Harvest Bakery (Multigrain, Butter, Corn Bread) Nabisco (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)  Ritz (all varieties)  Wheat Thins (all)  Wheatsworth  Triscuits Waverly  Sociables  Better Cheddars  Premium Saltines (all)  Ritz Snack Mix (all)  Vegetable Flavor Crisps  Swiss Cheese Flavor Crisps  Cheese Nips (all)  Uneeda Biscuits Pepperidge Farm 197 of 240

(Adrienne's)  Classic Island Crackers  Caraway Rye Crackers  Slightly Onion Crackers  Peppercorn Crackers  Rosemary & Garlic Crackers  Ten-Grain Crackers  Mini-Bite Snack Crackers Wasa (Novartis)  Whole Wheat with Oats & Fruit  Cinnamon Toast Whole Foods  Water Crackers  Cracked Pepper Water Crackers  Woven Wheats Wild Oats  Stone Ground Wheat  Wheat Weavers  Water Crackers  Wheat Wheavers  Veggie Herb  Stone Ground Wheat

(Campbell's)  Butter Thins  Hearty Wheat  Cracker Trio  Cracker Quartet  Three Cheese Snack Stix  Sesame Snack Stix  Pumpernickel Snack Stix  Goldfish (original, cheddar, parmesan, pizza, pretzel)  Goldfish Snack Mix (all) Red Oval Farms (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)  Stoned Wheat Thins (all varieties)  Crisp 'N Light Sourdough Rye  Crisp 'N Light Wheat Sunshine (Flowers Industries)  Cheeze-It (original & reduced fat)  Cheeze-It White Cheddar  Cheeze-It Party Mix  Krispy Original Saltines

Frozen dinners



365 Brand (Whole Foods)

Banquet (ConAgra)

 French Fries  Tater Tots

 Pot Pies (all varieties)  Fried Chicken  Salisbury Steak  Chicken Nugget Meal  Pepperoni Pizza Meal

Burritos   

Bean & Cheese Bean & Rice Black Bean Vegetable

Budget Gourmet (Heinz)

198 of 240


Pocket Sandwiches        

Broccoli & Cheese Cheese Pizza Mediterranean Vegetable Roasted Vegetable Veggie Pizza Spinach Feta Tamale Vegetarian Pizza

Pot Pies    

Broccoli Country Vegetable Mexican Tamale Shephard's Pie

Entrees        

Black Bean Enchilada Cheese Enchilada Cheese Lasagna Macaroni & Cheese Pasta Primavera Ravioli with Sauce Tofu Vegetable Lasagna Vegetable Lasagna

Meals     

Bean Enchilada Meal Cannelloni Meal Cheese Enchilada Meal Country Dinner Veggie Loaf Meal

Skillet Meals   

Country Cheddar Pasta & Vegetables Alfredo Teriyaki Stir Fry

Asian Meals 

Asian Noodle

    

Roast Beef Supreme Beef Stroganoff Three Cheese Lasagne Chicken Oriental & Vegeatble Fettuccini Primavera

Green Giant (Pillsbury) Rice Pilaf with Chicken Flavored Sauce Rice Medley with Beef Flavored Sauce Primavera Pasta Pasta Accents Creamy Cheddar Create-a-Meals     

Parmesan Herb Chicken Cheesy Pasta and Vegetable Beef Noodle Sweet & Sour Mushroom Wine Chicken

Healthy Choice (ConAgra)          

Stuffed Pasta Shells Chicken Parmagiana Country Breaded Chicken Roast Chicken Breast Beef Pot Roast Chicken & Corn Bread Cheese & Chicken Tortellini Lemon Pepper Fish Shrimp & Vegetable Macaroni & Cheese

      

Kid Cuisine (ConAgra) Chicken Nugget Meal Fried Chicken Taco Roll Up Corn Dog Cheese Pizza Fish Stix Macaroni & Cheese Lean Cuisine (Stouffer's/Nestle) Skillet Sensations o Chicken & Vegetable o Broccoli & Beef

199 of 240

Thai Stir Fry

o o o o o

Cascadian Farms (Small Planet/General Mills)

Homestyle Beef Teriyaki Chicken Chicken Alfredo Garlic Chicken Roast Turkey

Hearty Portions  

            

Organic Entrees Three Cheese Pasta with sweet red peppers Spaghetti Marinara with Roasted Vegetables Fettuccine Alfredo Fiesta Vegetarian Enchiladas Spinach Lasagne Meals For A Small Planet® Aztec Cajun Indian Mediterranean Moroccan Oriental Veggie Bowls™ Caribbean Veggies & Rice Garden Calzone Japanese Noodles & Vegetables Madras Curry New England Corn Chowder Cascade Veggies au Gratin Fiesta Casserole Pasta Marinara Pasta Primavera Szechuan Rice Teriyaki Rice Veggie Quickstarts™ South Indian Curry Southwest Skillet Teriyaki Veggies & Rice Thai Veggies & Rice French Fries Spud Puppies Roasted Red Potatoes

  

Whole Foods Ravioli Quattro Cheese Porcini Mushroom Roasted Vegetable

                 

o o o o

Chicken Florentine Beef Stroganoff Cheese & Spinach Manicotti Salisbury Steak

Café Classics o o o o o

Baked Fish Baked Chicken Chicken a L'Orange Chicken Parmesan Meatloaf with Whipped Potatoes

Everyday Favorites o o o o o

Chicken Fettuccini Chicken Pie Angel Hair Pasta Three Bean Chili with Rice Macaroni & Cheese

Marie Callenders (ConAgra)         

Chicken Pot Pie Lasagna & Meat Sauce Turkey & Gravy Meat Loaf & Gravy Country Fried Chicken & Gravy Fettuccini with Broccoli & Cheddar Roast Beef with Mashed Potatoes Country Fried Pork Chop with Gravy Chicken Cordon Bleu

200 of 240

   

Spinachi Spinach Basilico Pesto Roasted Red Pepper Feta Mediterranean

Wild Oats  

Oven Fries Potato Poppers

       

    

Ore-Ida Frozen Potatoes (Heinz) Fast Fries Steak fries Zesties Shoestrings Hash Browns Tater Tots Potato Wedges Crispy Crunchies Rosetto Frozen Pasta (Heinz) Cheese Ravioli Beef Ravioli Italian Sausage Ravioli Eight Cheese Stuffed Shells Eight Cheese Broccoli Stuffed Shells Stouffer's (Nestle) Family o o o o o

Style Favorites Macaroni & Cheese Stuffed Peppers Broccoli au Gratin Meat Loaf in Gravy Green Bean & Mushroom Casserole

Homestyle o o o

Meatloaf Salisbury Steak Chicken Breast in Gravy

Hearty Portions o o o o

Salisbury Steak Chicken Fettucini Meatloaf with Mashed Potatoes Chicken Pot Pie

Swanson (Vlasic/Campbells)

201 of 240

    

Meat Loaf Fish & Chips Salisbury Steak Chicken Nuggets Hungry Man o Fried Chicken o Roast Chicken o Fisherman's Platter o Pork Rib

Voila! (Bird's Eye/Agri-Link Foods)      

Chicken Voila! Alfredo Chicken Voila! Garlic Chicken Voila! Pesto Chicken Voila! Three Cheese Steak Voila! Beef Sirloin Shrimp Voila! Garlic

Weight Watchers (Heinz) Smart Ones o o o o o

Fiesta Chicken Basil Chicken Ravioli Florentine Fajita Chicken Roasted Vegetable Primavera

Dressings/salad oils


oils 365 Brand (Whole Foods)

202 of 240

 Canola Oil Down to Earth (Wild Oats)  Canola Oil  Canola Oil Spray Spectrum Naturals  Canola  Organic Shortening  Semi-Refined Soy Oil  Super Canola  Super Canola Spray salad dressings Annie's Naturals Dressings  Thousand Island  French  Tuscany Italian  Green Goddess  Balsamic  Roasted Red Pepper  Caesar  Green Garlic  Cowgirl Ranch  Low Fat Gingerly  Low Fat Raspberry  Shiitake & Sesame  Organic Sesame Ginger  Low Fat Honey Mustard  No Fat Organic Yogurt with Dill  Smokey Tomato & Porcini  Cilantro & Lime  Sesame Peanut Tofu  Garlic Parmesan Tofu Down to Earth (Wild Oats)  Caesar  Thousand Island  Sun-Dried Tomato Drew's All Natural  Rosemary Balsamic  Soy Ginger  Kalamata Olive & Capers  Lemon Tahini  Rosemary Balsamic  Shiitake Ginger  Roasted Garlic & Peppercorn  Smoked Tomato 203 of 240

   

Asian Peanut Sesame Lime Sesame Orange Mild Chipotle

Nasoya (VitaSoy)  Thousand Island  Creamy Italian  Creamy Dill  Garden Herb  Sesame Garlic Whole Foods Dressings  Caesar  Italian Vinaigrette  Roasted Garlic Vinaigrette  Orange Ginger Vinaigrette  Balsamic Vinaigrette  Lemon Tahini,  Honey Mustard

Energy bars and drinks


energy bars

energy bars

365 Brand (Whole Foods) Verve Bars

Power Bar (Nestle) Oatmeal Raisin Apple Cinnamon Peanut Butter Vanilla Crisp Chocolate Peanut Butter Mocha Banana Wild Berry Harvest Bars

  

Apple Strawberry Peanut Butter Crunch Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch Everyday Bars o Honey Peanut o Chocolate Raspberry o Chocolate Fudge

Balance Bar

    

Apple Crisp Blueberry Chocolate Fudge Brownie Strawberry Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

drink mixes

204 of 240

    

Outdoor Bars Crunchy Peanut Nut Berry Chocolate Crisp Honey Almond

     

Clif Bars Apricot Chocolate Brownie Chocolate Chip Peanut Crunch Chocolate Chip Crunchy Peanut Butter Chocolate Almond Fudge Cranberry Apple Cherry Carrot Cake Cookies 'n Cream

      

Luna Bars (Clif Bar) Nutz Over Chocolate Chocolate Pecan Pie Toasted Nuts & Cranberries Sesame Raisin Crunch Tropical Crisp Lemon Zest Chai Tea

   

Mary Janes Farm Almond Cashew Energy Bar Macadamia Nut Energy Bar Peanut Energy Bar Pumpkin Seed Energy Bar

  

Carnation Instant Breakfast Mix (Nestle)     

Creamy Milk Chocolate Classic Chocolate French Vanilla Strawberry Café Mocha

drink mixes 

GeniSoy Protein Shake Mix o Vanilla o Chocolate

Spirutein (Nature's Plus) 

Protein Shake Mix o Simply Natural o Vanilla o Chocolate o Strawberry o Banana 205 of 240

  

o Nutty Berry Burst o Peaches 'n Cream o Tropical Fruit o Cappuccino Fruitein Protein Shakes Carrot-Tein Protein Shakes Oxy Nectar Protein Shakes

Whole Foods Soy Protein Shake Mix

Heat and serve meals



Amy's Kitchen

Chef Boyardee (ConAgra)

 Chili (Medium & Spicy)  Chili with Vegetables Annie's Naturals  P'Sghetti with Tomato Sauce  All-Star Pasta with Tomato Sauce  Bernie O's Pasta with Tomato sauce Bearitos  Chili  Black Bean Chili  Spicy Chili  Baked Beans

   

Beefaroni Macaroni & Cheese Mini Ravioli ABC's & 123's

Dinty Moore (Hormel)  Beef Stew  Turkey Stew  Chicken & Dumplings Hormel  Chili with Beans  Chili No Beans  Vegetarian Chili with Beans

Ginny's Vegan Foods  Savory Soy Chili  Classic Ratatouille  Roasted Red Pepper Chili  Mexican Fiesta Stew

Kids' Kitchen (Hormel)  Spaghetti Rings with Meatballs  Macaroni & Cheese  Pizza Wedges with 3 Cheese

Grandma Millina's Kids Meals  Pasta Rings in 3 Cheese Sauce  Vegetarian Franks & Beans

Franco-American (Campbell's)  Spaghetti O's  Mini Ravioli

Health Valley

206 of 240

(Hain/Celestial)  Chili Fajita  Turkey Chili & Beans  3 Bean Chili

 Power Rangers Pasta in Sauce

Yves Veggie Cuisine  Veggie Chili  Veggie Country Stew  Veggie Macaroni  Veggie Penne

Meat and dairy alternatives



meat alternatives

meat alternatives

365 Brand (Whole Foods)

Loma Linda (Worthington/Kellogg's*)

 Original Meat Free Burger  Vegan Meat Free Burger  Garlic Meat Free Burger

 Meatless Chik Nuggest

Amy's Kitchen  All American Veggie Burger  California Veggie Burger  Chicago Veggie Burger  Texas Veggie Burger Azumaya (Vitasoy)  Tofu (extra firm, firm & silken)  Baked Tofu (all flavors) Gardenburger  Garden Vegan  Classic Greek Hearty & Natural (SunRich)  Veggies & Grain Burgers  Wild Mushroom Burgers  Mexican Red Bean Burgers  Veggie Burger Patties  Ground Veggie Burger

Morningstar (Worthington/Kellogg's*)  Harvest Burger  Better 'n Burgers  Garden Veggie Patties  Grillers Burgers  Black Bean Burger  Chicken Patties Natural Touch (Worthington/Kellogg's*)  Garden Vegetable Pattie  Black Bean Burger  Okra Pattie  Lentil Rice Loaf  Nine Bean Loaf Worthington (Worthington/Kellogg's*) Vegetarian Burger Savory Slices dairy alternatives

207 of 240

 Veggie Chik-N Lightlife (ConAgra)  Lightburger Veggie Burger  Tamari Grilles Tempeh Burgers  Lemon Grilles Tempeh Burgers  Barbecue Grilles Tempeh Burgers  Tempeh (all varieties)  Smart Deli Slices  Lean Links  Gimme Lean Sausage  Gimme Lean Beef  Seitan (all varieties)  Tofu Pups  Smart Dogs

Nutra Blend Soy Beverage (Bestfoods)  Original  Vanilla  Apple  Orange *A company letter states that they are in the process of converting to non-genetically modified "proteins" in all products.

MidWest Harvest  Tofu  Textured Soy Protein Mori-Nu  Silken Tofu (all varieties)  Lite Tofu (all varieties) Now & Zen  Savory Selections UnRibs  Savory Selections UnChicken  Savory Selections UnSteak-Out  UnTurkey Turtle Island  Tofurky  Tofurky Deli Slices  Superburgers  Smoked Superburgers  TexMex Superburgers  Soy Tempeh  Five Grain Tempeh  Wild Rice Rhapsody Tempeh  Low Fat Millet Tempeh  Indonesian Style Tempeh VitaSoy  Baked Tofu (all varities)  Tofu 208 of 240

(all varieties) White Wave Tofu (all varieties) Baked Tofu     

Italian Mexican Oriental Thai Snack'n Savory

Tempeh o Five Grain o Sea Veggie o Soy o Soy Rice o Wild Rice

Wildwood            

Original Veggie Burgers Mexican Veggie Burgers Wild West Veggie Burgers Yves Veggie Cuisine Veggie Burger Burgers Garden Vegetable Patties Black Bean & Mushroom Burgers Veggie Wieners Veggie Chili Dogs Jumbo Veggie Dogs Hot & Spicy Jumbo Veggie Dogs Tofu Wieners Veggie Breakfast Links dairy alternatives

    

EdenSoy (Eden Natural Foods) Original Vanilla Chocolate Carob Rice & Soy Blend Power Dream Energy Drink

209 of 240

    

(Imagine Foods) Chai Chocolate Coffee Raspberry Vanilla

    

Soy Dream (Imagine Foods) Original Vanilla Chocolate Carob Refrigerated Original

        

 

VitaSoy Soymilk Refrigerated Creamy Original Soymilk Refrigerated Rich Chocolate Creamy Original Vanilla Delite Rich Cocoa Carob Supreme Creamy Unsweetened White Wave Silk Soy Milk (plain, vanilla, chocolate) Silk Yogurt (all varieties) Wild Oats Nice Rice (Plain & Vanilla) Soy Joy (Plain & Vanilla)

  

Wildwood Plain Honey Vanilla Chocolate

   

Zen Don Soy Milk Vanilla Chocolate Cappuccino Plain

Meal mixes and sauce packets 210 of 240



365 Brand (Whole Foods)

Betty Crocker (General Mills) Garden Vegetable Pilaf Creamy Herb Risotto Garlic Alfredo Fettuccini Bowl Appetit

 Macaroni & Cheese  Alfredo Macaroni & Cheese Annie's Homegrown Macaroni & Cheese Mixes            

Original Family-Size Original Alfredo Mild Mexican Pizza Pasta Mild Cheddar Bunny-Shape Peace Pasta Organic Whole Wheat Organic Shells & Organic White Cheddar Organic Alfredo

Pasta o o o

Meals Cheddar & Broccoli Tomato & Basil Roasted Garlic & Parmesan o Alfredo o Four Cheese

  

Knorr (Bestfoods)           

Fantastic Foods             

Hummus Pesto Hummus Chicken Flavor Rice Pilaf Couscous Whole Wheat Couscous Falafel Tabouli Four Grain Rice Pilaf Spanish Rice Pilaf Rice & Beans Vegetarian Chili Classic Risotto Mushroom Risotto

Cheddar Broccoli Macaroni & Cheese Pasta Alfredo

Mushroom Risotto Italian Rice Broccoli au Gratin Risotto Vegetable Primavera Risotto Risotto Milanese Original Pilf Chicken Pilaf Rotini with 4 Cheese Bow Tie Pasta with Chicken & Vegetable Penne with Sun-Dried Tomato Fettuccini with Alfredo Classic Sauce Packets o Hollandaise o Béarnaise o White o Brown o Lemon Herb o Mushroom Brown o Onion o Roasted Chicken o Roasted Pork o Roasted Turkey Pasta Sauce Packets o Alfredo o Four Cheese o Carbonara o Pesto o Garlic Herb

211 of 240

         

 

Nature's Burger Frontier Co-op Vegetable Stew Mix Cream of Mushroom Soup Mix Onion Soup Mix Vegetable Soup Mix Tomato Soup Mix Chicken Gravy Mix Beef Gravy Mix Mushroom Gravy Mix Sausage Flavored Gravy Mix

         

Seeds of Change Tuscan Rice & Beans 7-Grain Pilaf Moroccan Lentil Pialf French Herb Blend Zesty Cilantro Blend

     

   

Casbah (Hain/Celestial) Gyros Mix Wheat Pilaf Mary Janes Farm Mushroom Couscous Curried Lentils & Couscous Vegetable Couscous Ren & Black Bean Couscous Pasta Meals: Instant Buttery Herb Pasta Chili Macaroni & Cheese Instant Mexican Pasta Instant Red Pesto Pasta Instant Soup Mix: Black Bean Soup Campfire chili Lentil Soup Tomato Soup Potato Soup

 

Lipton (Unilever)

Lundberg Family Farm Garlic Pesto Brown Rice Spanish Fiesta Brown Rice Vegetarian Chicken One Step o Curry, Rice &

Rice & Sauce Packets o Chicken Broccoli o Cheddar Broccoli o Beef Flavor o Spanish o Chicken Flavor o Creamy Chicken o Mushroom Sizzle & Stir Skillet Supers o Lemon Garlic Chicken & Rice o Spanish Chicken & Rice o Herb Chicken & Bowties o Cheddar Chicken & Shells

Near East (Quaker)           

      

Spicy Tomato Pasta Mix Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil Pasta Mix Falafel Mix Lentil Pilaf Couscous Tomato Lentil Parmesan Toasted Pinenut Herb Chicken Broccoli & Cheese Curry Pasta Roni (Quaker) Fettuccini Alfredo Garlic Alfredo Angel Hair Pasta with Herbs Angel Hair Pasta with Parmesan Cheese Angel Hair Pasta with Tomato Parmesan Angel Hair Pasta Primavera Garlic & Olive Oil with Vermicelli

212 of 240

o 

Lentils Basil, Rice & Lentils Chili, Rice & Lentils

      

o Risotto o Tomato Basil o Italian Herb o Garlic Primavera o Creamy Parmesan

Tamarind Tree (Annie's Homegrown)       

Alu Chole Channa Dal Masala Dhingri Mutter Navratan Korma Palak Paneer Saag Chole Vegetable Jalfrazi

Whole Kids (Whole Foods) Macaroni & Cheese

          

Rice-a-Roni (Quaker) Rice Pilaf Beef Chicken Fried Rice Chicken & Broccoli Long Grain & Wild Rice Broccoli au Gratin Uncle Ben's (Mars) Long Grain & Wild Rice (Original & with Garlic) Brown & Wild Rice Mushroom Country Inn Mexican Fiesta Country Inn Oriental Fried Rice Country Inn Chicken & Vegetable Country Inn Chicken & Broccoli Natural Select Chicken & Herb Natural Select Tomato & Basil Chef's Recipe Chicken & Vegetable Pilaf Chef's Recipe Beans & Rice Chef's Recipe Broccoli Rice

Frozen pizza



A.C. LaRocco

Celeste (Aurora Foods)

   

Garden Vegetarian Pizza Greek Sesame Pizza Cheese & Garlic Pizza Tomato Feta Pizza

American Flatbread  Cheese & Herb

     

Supreme Pepperoni Vegetable Four Cheese Deluxe Cheese 213 of 240

 Sun-Dried Tomato & Mushroom  Revolution Flatbread Amy's Kitchen  Cheese  Mushroom & Olive  Pesto with Tomato Broccoli  Roasted Vegetable  Spinach  Veggie Combo  Soy Cheese Nature's Hilights  Italian Cheese  Cheese & Vegetarian Bean  Soy Cheese & Vegetarian Bean  Soy Cheese

Tombstone (Kraft/Phillip Morris)  Pepperoni  Supreme  Sausage & Pepperoni  Extra Cheese  Stuffed Crust  Three Cheese Totino's (Pillsbury)  Crisp Crust  Pepperoni  Combination

Wild Oats  Four Cheese  Roasted Veggie  Roasted Veggie with Pesto

Snack foods



365 Brand (Whole Foods)

Act II Microwave Popcorn (ConAgra)

    

 Butter  Extreme Butter  Corn on the Cob

Veggie Chips Cheddar Puffs Cheese Curls Pretzel Sticks Pretzel Twists


214 of 240

Boulder Potato Company  Potato Chips (all varieties) Cape Cod  Potato Chips (all varieties) Ener-G Foods  Cheecha Crackles  Cheecha Salt & Vinegar  Soy Nuts  Potato Chips Garden of Eatin' (Hain/Celestial) Corn Chips Sesame Blues Black Bean Black Bean Chili Little Soy Blues Red Hot Blues Garden Grains Red Corn

Hain (Hain/Celestial) 

Mini Rice Cakes o Ranch o Honey Nut o Aple Cinnamon Popped Corn Mini Cakes o Original o Caramel o Butter o Mild Cheddar

Kettle Chips           

Tortilla Chips Yellow Corn 5 Grain Yellow Sesame with Caraway Sesame Blue Moons Blue Corn Little Dippers Brown Rice & Bean Potato Chips Original Lightly Salted

(PepsiCo)  Lays Potato Chips (all varieties)  Ruffles Potato Chips (all)  Doritos Corn Chips (all)  Tostitos Corn Chips (all)  Fritos Corn Chips (all)  Cheetos (all)  Rold Gold Pretzels (all)  Cracker Jack Popcorn Healthy Choice Microwave Popcorn (ConAgra)  Organic Corn (soy/canola oils) Mothers Corn Cakes (Quaker)  Butter Pop Orville Redenbacher Microwave Popcorn (ConAgra)  Original  Homestyle  Butter  Smart Pop  Pour Over Orville Redenbacher Popcorn Cakes  Chocolate  Caramel Orville Redenbacher Mini Popcorn Cakes  Butter  Peanut Caramel  Chocolate Peanut Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn (Betty Crocker/General Mills)  Natural  Homestyle  Jumbo Pop 215 of 240

       

Mesquite Barbecue Honey Barbecue Krinkle Cut Sea Salt & Vinegar NY Cheddar & Herb Yogurt & Green Onion Salt & Pepper Organic

Little Bear/Bearitos (Hain/Celestial)            

White Tortilla Chips Blue Tortilla Chips Yellow Tortilla Chips Reduced Fat Tortilla Chips Cheese Crunchies Lite Cheddar Puffs Baked Cheddar Puffs Buttery Popcorn White Cheddar Popcorn 50% Less Oil Popcorn No Salt/No Oil Popcorn Microwave Popcorn

  

Lundberg Family Farms Apple Cinnamon Rice Cakes Multigrain Rice Cakes Popcorn with Rice Cakes

         

Newman's Own Organics Salt & Pepper Thin Pretzels Salted Pretzel Nuggets Pretzel Rods Salted Round Pretzels Unsalted Rounds Pretzel Sticks Tortilla Chips Yellow Corn Nacho Cheese Jalapeño

 Extra Butter  Light  94% Fat Free Butter Pringles (Procter & Gamble)  Original  Low Fat  Pizza-licious  Sour Cream & Onion  Salt & Vinegar  Cheezeums Quaker Rice Cakes Peanut Butter Chocolate Crunch Cinnamon Streusel Mini Chocolate Ranch Sour Cream & Onion Apple Cinnamon Caramel Corn

Quaker Corn Cakes    

White Cheddar Caramel Corn Strawberry Crunch Caramel Chocolate Chip *Frito has informed its corn and potato suppliers that the company wishes to avoid GE crops, but acknowledges that canola or other oils and ingredients in its products may be from GE sources.

Pumpkorn (Cool Fruits) 


216 of 240

  

(tamari & garlic) Chili Curry Maple/Vanilla

  

Robert's American Gourmet Potato Chips Pretzels Dude Food Popcorn

          

Rocky Mountain Snacks Potato Chips Original Jalapeno Fiesta Salt & Vinegar Honey Bar-B-Que Dill Pickle Onion & Chive Pretzels Original Sunflower 100% Whole Wheat

RW Garcia  

     

      

Blue Tortilla Chips Black Bean Garlic Chips Santa Cruz Organics (RW Garcia) Gold Tortilla Chips Blue Tortilla Chips Picante Blue Tortilla Chips Black Bean and Garlic Tortilla Chips Chipotle Chili and Lime Tortilla Chips Mayan Red Tortilla Chips Seasons (Michael Seasons) Cheddar Cheese Puffs White Cheddar Cheese Puff Cheddar Crunchy Cheese Curls Potato Chips Original Cheddar Sour Cream 217 of 240

          

Honey BBQ Kettle Cooked Kettle Cooked Mesquite BBQ Ripple Chip Salt & Vinegar Tortilla Chips Blue Corn Sesame Blue Corn Hot & Spicy Yellow Corn Salsa Yellow Corn Mini White Corn Chips

Terra Chips (Hain/Celestal)            

Olive Oil Potato Chips Original Blue Potato Sweet Potato Trio Rosemary Lemon Garlic Cracked Pepper Red Bliss Chips Original With Fines Herbs

Whole Foods     

Popcorn Cheddar Cheese Popcorn White Corn Chips Blue Corn Chips Nacho Chips

       

Wild Oats White Corn Chips Spicy Blue Corn Chips Sesame Blue Corn Chips Garden Sticks Kettle Potato Chips Mini Pretzels Pretzel Sticks Thick Pretzel Sticks

218 of 240

Onion Rings

Soda and juice drinks





Mad River

Coca Cola

      

       

Root Beer Ginger Ale Cream Soda Black Cherry Orange Chill Raspberry Lemon Blackberry Guava

juice drinks 365 Brand (Whole Foods)  Cranberry Juice Cocktail  Cranberry Grape  Cranberry Raspberry  Cranberry Peace  Apple Cherry Cider  Ruby Red Grapefruit  Garden Vegetable Medley Down to Earth (Wild Oats)  Cranberry Blend  Cranberry Raspberry  Lemonade  Limeade  Tropical Punch  Tropical Fiesta  Morning Drink Fresh Samantha (Odwalla)  Mango Mama  Banana Strawberry  Raspberry Dream

Coca Cola Sprite Cherry Coke Barq's Root Beer Minute Maid Orange Minute Maid Grape Surge Ultra

PepsiCo  Pepsi  Slice  Wild Cherry Pepsi  Mug Root Beer  Mountain Dew Cadbury/Schweppes  7-Up  Dr. Pepper  A & W Root Beer  Sunkist Orange  Schweppes Ginger Ale juice drinks Capri Sun juices (Kraft/Phillip Morris)  Red Berry  Surfer Cooler  Splash Cooler  Wild Cherry  Strawberry Kiwi  Fruit Punch  Pacific Cooler  Strawberry

219 of 240

 Watermelon Whirler  Lulo Lemonade

 Orange  Grape

Mountain Sun  Tropical Punch  Cherry Cooler  Cherry Cranberry  Kiwi Strawberry  Papaya Peak  Cranberry Zip  Peach Nectar  Cider & Spice

Fruitopia (Coca Cola)  Grape Beyond  Berry Lemonade  Fruit Integration  Kiwiberry Ruckus  Strawberry Passion  Tremendously Tangerine

Muir Glen  Tomato Juice  100% Vegetable Juice Odwalla  Rooty Fruity  Strawberry Banana  Blackberry Fruitshake  Mango Tango  Orange Pina  Summertime Lime  Strawberry Lemonade  Pure Squeezed Lemonade Whole Foods juices  Peach Nectar  Old Fashioned Lemonade  Berry Blast  Cherry Crush  Caribbean Cooler  Cranberry Cooler

Fruit Works (PepsiCo)  Strawberry Melon  Peach Papaya  Pink Lemonade  Apple Raspberry Gatorade (Quaker)  Lemon Lime  Orange  Fruitpunch  Fierce Grape  Frost Riptide Rush Hawaiian Punch (Procter & Gamble)  Tropical Fruit  Grape Geyser  Fruit Juicy Red  Strawberry Surfin Hi-C (Coca Cola)  Pink Lemonade  Watermelon Rapids  Boppin' Berry  Tropical Punch  Smashin' Wildberry  Blue Cooler  Blue Moon Berry  Orange  Cherry Kool Aid (Kraft/Phillip Morris)  Blastin' Berry Cherry  Bluemoon Berry  Kickin' Kiwi Lime  Tropical Punch 220 of 240

 Wild Berry Tea Ocean Spray  Cranberry Juice Cocktail  Cranapple  CranGrape  CranRaspberry  CranStrawberry  CranMango Squeeze It (Betty Crocker/General Mills)  Rockin' Red Puncher  Chucklin' Cherry  Mystery 2000 Sunny Delight (Procter & Gamble)  Sunny Delight Original  Sunny Delight With Calcium Citrus Punch  Sunny Delight California Style Citrus Punch Tang juices (Kraft/Phillip Morris)  Orange Uproar  Fruit Frenzy  Berry Panic Tropicana Twisters (PepsiCo)  Grape Berry  Apple Raspberry Blackberry  Cherry Berry  Cranberry Raspberry Strawberry  Pink Grapefruit  Tropical Strawberry  Orange Cranberry  Orange Strawberry Banana V-8 (Campbells)  V8 Tomato Juices (all varieties)  Strawberry Kiwi  Strawberry Banana  Fruit Medley  Berry Blend  Citrus Blend  Apple Medley  Tropical Blend 221 of 240

 Island Blend




Amy's Kitchen

Campbell's Tomato Chicken Noodle Cream of Chicken Cream of Mushroom Cream of Celery Cream of Broccoli Cheddar Cheese Green Pea Healthy Request

     

Cream of Tomato Cream of Mushroom Black Bean Lentil Minestrone Vegetable Barley

Fantastic Foods (cup soup mixes) Garlic Herb Vegetable Barley Broccoli and Cheddar Creamy Asparagus Tomato Vegetable Noodles Chicken Free Noodles Five Bean Split Pea Country Lentil Minestrone Vegetable Barley Big Soup Noodle Bowls

   

Chicken Noodle Cream of Chicken Cream of Mushroom Cream of Celery

Campbell's Select o Roasted Chicken with Rice o Grilled Chicken with Sundried Tomatoes o Chicken Rice o Vegetable Beef Chunky o Beef with Rice o Hearty Chicken & Vegetable o Pepper Steak o Baked Potato with Steak & Cheese o New England Clam Chowder Soup to Go o Chicken Noodle o Chicken Rice o Garden Vegetable o Vegetable Beef & Rice Simply Home o Chicken Noodle o Chicken Rice o Garden Vegetable o Vegetable Beef with

   

Hot & Sour Miso w/Tofu Spicy Thai

Hain (Hain/Celestial)       

Chicken Noodle Minestrone Split Pea Wild Rice Creamy Mushroom Mushroom Barley Vegetarian Lentil

Health Valley (Hain/Celestial) Chicken Noodle

222 of 240

            

Tomato Vegetable 14 Garden Vegetable Corn & Vegetable Minestrone 5 Bean Vegetarian Lentil & Carrot Split Pea & Carrot Tomato Potato Leek Vegetable Black Bean Minestrone Soup in a Cup (mixes) o Corn Chowder o Split Pea o Creamy Potato o Black Bean

Imagine Foods         

Creamy Broccoli Creamy Butternut Squash Zesty Gazpacho Creamy Mushroom No-Chicken Broth Creamy Potato Leek Creamy Sweet Corn Creamy Tomato Vegetable Broth

            

Shari Ann's Potato & Cheddar French Lentil Cream of Tomato Split Pea Minestrone Italian White Bean French Onion Cream of Tomato Tomato with Roasted Garlic Tomato with Bell Peppers Mexican Bean Indian Black Bean Vegetable Barley

  

Walnut Acres Chicken Noodle Chicken Rice Chicken Gumbo


Healthy Choice (ConAgra)      

Country Vegetable Fiesta Chicken Bean & Pasta Chicken Noodle Chicken with Rice Minestrone

   

Pepperidge Farms (Campbell's) Corn Chowder Lobster Bisque Chicken & Wild Rice New England Clam Chowder Crab Soup

           

Progresso (Pillsbury) Tomato Basil Chicken Noodle Chicken & Wild Rice Chicken Barley Lentil New England Clam Chowder Zesty Herb Tomato Roasted Chicken with Rotini Fat Free Minestrone Fat Free Chicken Noodle Fat Free Lentil Fat Free Roast Chicken

223 of 240

            

Tomato Navy Bean Corn Chowder Manhattan Clam Chowder New England Clam Chowder Vegetarian Minestrone Vegetarian Stew Vegetable Cream of Pea Cream of Spinach Cream of Carrot Creamy Garden Vegetable Creamy Pumpkin

            

Westbrae Natural (Hain/Celestial) Old World Split Pea Louisiana Bean Mediterranean Lentil Sante Fe Vegetable Southwest Vegetable Milano Minestrone Alabama Black Bean Garden Vegetable Corn Chowder Unchicken Rice French Onion Creamy Unchicken Creamy Mushroom

Tomatoes and tomato sauces



365 Brand Tomatoes (Whole Foods)

Del Monte (Nabisco/Phillip Morris)

 Diced Tomatoes  Tomato Paste  Tomato Sauce

 Tomato Sauce

365 Brand Sauces

Five Brothers Pasta Sauces (Lipton/Unilever)  Summer Vegetable

224 of 240

(Whole Foods)  Marinara  Roasted Garlic  Roasted Red Pepper  Roasted Vegetable  Pesto Sun-Dried Tomato Amy's Kitchen Pasta Sauces  Marinara  Garlic Mushroom  Tomato Basil Annie's Naturals Pasta Sauces  Mushroom  Roasted Veggie  Vermont Cheddar Cheese Down to Earth Tomatoes (Wild Oats)  Crushed  Tomato Paste  Tomato Sauce Down to Earth (Wild Oats) Pasta Sauces  Mushroom  Roasted Garlic  Spicy Diavolo  Roasted Red Pepper  Vegetable Primavera California Spirits Pasta Sauces (Golden West Specialty Foods)  Cabernet Roasted Red Pepper  Merlot Artichoke  Zinfandel Roasted Garlic & Basil  Sun Dried Tomato, Zuccini, with Chianti Mom's Pasta Sauces (Timpones)  Garlic & Basil Spaghetti Sauce  Special Marinara  Puttanesca  Caponata Muir Glen Tomatoes (Small Planet/General Mills)  Whole Peeled  Diced  Stewed  Diced with Italian Herbs

 Five Cheese  Roasted Garlic & Onion  Tomato & Basil Healthy Choice Pasta Sauces (ConAgra)  Traditional  Garlic & Herb  Sun-Dried Tomato & Herb Hunts (ConAgra)  Traditional Spaghetti Sauce  Four Cheese Spaghetti Sauce  Tomato Sauce  Tomato Paste Prego Pasta Sauces (Campbells)  Tomato, Basil & Garlic  Fresh Mushroom  Ricotta Parmesan  Meat Flavored  Roasted Garlic & Herb  Three Cheese  Mini-Meatball  Chicken with Parmesan Ragu Sauces (Lipton/Unilever)  Old World Traditional  Old World with Meat  Old World Marinara  Old World with Mushrooms  Ragu Robusto Parmesan & Romano  Ragu Robusto Roasted Garlic  Ragu Robusto Sweet Italian Sausage  Ragu Robusto Six Cheese  Ragu Robusto Tomato, Olive Oil & Garlic  Ragu Robusto Classic Italian Meat  Chunky Garden Style Super Garlic  Chunky Garden Style Garden Combo  Chunky Garden Style Tomato, Garlic & Onion  Chunky Garden Style Tomato, Basil & Italian Cheese

225 of 240

    

Diced with Garlic & Onions Diced with Green Chilis Ground Peeled Tomato Sauce Pizza Sauce

 Pizza Quick Traditional

Muir Glen Sauces  Chunky Tomato & Herb  Cabernet Marinara  Green Olive  Mushroom Marinara  Balsamic Roasted Onion  Garlic Vegetable  Roasted Red Pepper  Tomato Basil  Italian Herb  Sun-Dried Tomato Timpones  Classic Spaghetti Sauce  Roasted Pepper Spaghetti Sauce Whole Foods Tomatoes  Pureed  Whole Peeled Whole Foods Sauces  Pasta Sauce  Fat Free Pasta Sauce  Neapoliton Marinara  Roman Puttanesca  Apulian Diavoliccino  Piedmontese Bosciaola Whole Kids (Whole Foods)  Organic Pasta Sauce Wild Oats Pasta Sauces  Puttanesca  Pesto Sun-Dried Tomato Sauce  Marinara  Wild Mushroom

Source: http://www.truefoodnow.org

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