7 benefits of crystals to help enhance your everday life

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7 Benefits of Crystals to Help Enhance Your Everday Life

When it comes to using crystals, many people that follow astrology, tarot, or numerology, or even have a faint interest in any of that, know that crystals are useful. But crystals seem a little too magical or mysterious to people, and it is this unknowing about crystals that prevents people from enjoying the many benefits of crystals and all they have to offer. There are so many benefits to using crystals, and most of them are indeed magical. But just because they are magical and you can not always “see” their powerful effects, doesn’t mean those effects aren’t powerful. In fact, the less you try to “see” the effects and benefits of crystals, and the more you focus on “feeling” the effects and benefits of crystals, the more of those benefits and miracles you will experience. Make sense? Maybe not, crystals are mysterious after all. But you don’t need to understand that magic to capture the true miracles and benefits of crystals. It’s easier than you think! 1. Enhancing dream life. Crystals have been known to enhance dream life for centuries, in fact dreams were one of the first reasons crystals started being used by the shamans of days gone by. They are still used by shamans today! When you use your dream crystals properly, it is truly unbelievable as to how your dream world will change. Cleansed and fully charged crystals that are put under your pillow, or kept in a bowl by your nightstand will harness the energy your crown chakra needs to enlighten your dream world in incredible ways. You can also wear crystal jewelry to bed with you if you like, and that will help as well. Amethyst in any form is the best crystal for working on your dream world, and you can get it in bracelets you want to sleep with, put some under your pillow, or keep an amethyst pendulum hanging in your room near your dream space. 2. Divination, get answers! One of the most obvious uses of crystals is their ability to aid you in divination and getting answers, and this has been one of the reasons they have been used since the beginning of time. What this means is that crystals can actually heighten your psychic abilities, or help you hone them if you aren’t sure how to do that, in order to give you answers, hunches, or psychic tips that you may seek. The reason this happens is because crystals are from the Earth, and carry a certain energy to them that is not visible to the naked eye. When you use crystals for divination or assistance in tapping into your psychic gifts, the information you will receive is incredible. And don’t ask me how you are going to get that information, for everybody it will be different. You may start getting little picture flashes of inspiration in your head more often, those are psychic visions. You may hear little words or names “magically” dropped into your ear during a random conversation. Yes it is true that crystals are capable of this, so be careful with how you use them.

Spirit quartz is the best crystal for this, and one of my own personal favorite crystals. You can get divination from crystals by conducting pendulum work, or wearing gems or having them on your person throughout the day. You can also use them during meditation for that reason as well. Pendulum work is the most common way people use crystals for divination, especially for beginners because it is a very tangible, easy to naked eyesight, method of getting answers from universe. And anyone can learn it in less than 30 seconds, it really is as simple as it sounds. 3. Increase work productivity. Crystals can and do increase work productivity, when you use the right ones and use them wisely. A standard clear quartz is a very good quartz to use if you have problems with procrastinating, or if your mind wanders. It keeps the distractive energy at bay, and helps clear your work space to help you focus on the task at hand. Topaz and citrine are also very good truth seeking gems, and help you to focus and zone in on what is really important in your day. The easiest way to start getting crystals to aid you in work productivity is to have some in or around your work station. You don’t even need to have them visible if your work space is small and already crowded with, well, work. Tucking them in your pencil drawer or even just keeping one in your pocket throughout the day will make a difference that you will really like.

4. Third Eye Activation Using crystals to activate your third eye is very similar to using crystals for divination, but this is a very specific benefit of crystals that you want to be very careful when you work with. There is a saying, be careful what you wish for, and if you use crystals to open your third eye, or create more third eye activation energy in your life, then you need to prepare yourself for the truths that you will discover. Mental note from personal experience, you won’t always like what you see. That’s why this benefit although it can be a very useful one, should be used wisely. Use it when you need it, and not to have answers all the time. Really stuck on whether or not someone is being real with you? Activate the third eye, you may find out some ugly truth but at least you will know. You will be able to see many things once you do this, and find decision making so much easier. Remember to use this wisely and always go in with the purest intent. The closer your gem is to indigo or violet the more successful you will be. Place the crystal on your third eye, the spot between your two eyes on your forehead, and lie down and meditate for as long as you have to enjoy this pleasant experience. This meditation will activate the third eye, and once you are finished, the third eye will stay open throughout the day so long as it is nurtured with love and pure intentions. Anything less? Puts that third eye right back to sleep. Use it wisely! 5. For protection. Crystals have long been known to be used for protection for centuries, again, since the beginning of time, really. So to say they do not carry these properties is preposterous. This is one of those benefits of crystals that you will not see so much as you will be able to feel. To ensure you activate the protective power of crystals what you want to do is again, always remember the pure and loving intent that goes with every use of crystals. The kind of crystals that you use in this regard are not as important as that you choose crystals that you feel good

around. Is it possible to feel “safe” around a crystal? Absolutely. When you are at the crystal store or online ordering, and there is one that catches your eye, there’s a reason for that. I always say that is my angels showing me something for a reason. If a particular stone jumps out at you while you are looking for your right protection crystal, that’s the one that your angels will use to help protect you. Again you can wear them, put it in our purse or your pocket, I have a quartz crystal angel on my rearview mirror for when we are driving. Wherever you want protection, put a crystal there and this sets the intention that this is exactly what you are asking for. 6. To attract money. Is it possible that just by putting a rock somewhere in your house, you will attract money? Absolutely. It definitely sounds ridiculous when you put it like that, but the truth is that is exactly what it is. Now all joking aside, is it possible that this can actually happen? Yes. The stones that are gold which is obviously the color of abundance are the stones that you want in your home if you are hoping to use crystals to attract money. Remembering the intentions and always keeping them pure is the only way this is going to work. So if you think that putting a pot of gold, or a pot of topaz in your living room is going to be the universe’s cue to email you the winning lotto numbers, think again. You still have to do what the universe wants you to do in order to supply your human needs, and for most humans that means working for a living. You just will find easier ways to attract the abundance you truly deserve by harnessing a little bit of extra crystal power in your life when you use crystals properly to attract money. Think this won’t work? One of my cynical friends challenged me to this last Christmas, and as cynical she is, she also has a heart of gold and never anything but the purest intent. I bought her some success stones made of topaz and critine and made two displays out of them for her to use them in in her home. She thought it was hysterical I thought she would attract money with them, but I said yes, and I wish I could make you more because you will see at least one thing from each of them. And by Easter of the following year she had received two lump sum inheritances from people that she didn’t even know she was related to. Go figure, right? In my world, nothing is a coincidence, so tuck a topaz slider into your wallet, the corners of your home, near the front door to allow the money to come in, you get the picture. 7. For consumption! This is a well known benefit of crystals that many people do not consider or even realize exists. No of course you can not eat a spirit quartz or a beautiful rose quartz, and who would want to? They are too pretty, in addition to being inedible. But what you can do to enjoy the many benefits of crystals is use them to infuse their energy into a homemade tea. You want the tea to be as clean and clear as possible when it comes to what else you put in it. I have heard some ladies refer to this as “fairy tea”, because it is created out of the materials of the Earth, and steeped to enjoy its beautiful miracles when it is ready. Here’s how you do it. Technically speaking, it really is just “rock tea” with the rocks taken out after it has percolated for some time. Use a pitcher of water, whatever kind of water you want is fine. Clear quartz crystal is the best gem to use with this, but you can use whatever crystal you want, to harness the specific properties of that crystal. Put the gems in the pitcher of water, and add some sliced fruit of your choice, and some flower petals of your choice as well. Cover and store for at least 24 hours, but not longer than 48 due to the fruit. After 24 hours, strain out everything so you just have the mineral infused water, and enjoy! And there you have it! What did you think? How are you going to use crystals in every day life? What benefits of crystals do you already experience in every day life? I can’t wait to find out!


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