Astrology Tomorrow December

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ASTROLOGY TOMORROW Volume II. Issue 012. December 2014. SPECIAL ** YEAR-END ** EDITION


Monthly Forecast: December 2014


Feature article: 2nd+Chances Progress Us To A Better Life|Jupiter Retrogrades In Leo


Choosing Your Career By Your Zodiac Sign – Leo


As The World and Stars Turn – an Ontological View of Monthly Astrology


What’s New? – Books, products, services, and concepts in Astrology


Ask Anne The Astrologist – syndicated astrology column from global Super-Psychic Phenomenon – Vol. XVI December 2014


Queen Ola Reads – Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil by Liz Greene PhD, and Robert Hand PhD


Feature article: Stir The Pot, Raise The Standard With Metaphysics|Saturn Enters Sagittarius

+BONUS FREEBIE: Astrology “magic key” to unlock each zodiac’s 2015 potential.


Monthly Forecast: December 2014

SUMMARY Read the astrology events for the month of December 2014


November wanted us to aim high. It was the time to prepare our “power bases”. Where do you draw strength and inspiration to do great things? Are you dreaming bigger? Have you optimized the choices before you by getting out and seeing what’s in the world for you now? How can you add something, build bigger, and extend your commercial reach as an entrepreneur? December is a month of “review” as a structure of closure, revelation, and new insights received. How much heart and soul have you put into to all you have achieved? Is it evident to you and the world at-large? In what ways can you come up with a budget to realize that short film, or put a TV or Film script into active development? It’s all about putting good “eye to detail” and keeping an ear low to the ground for tips, How-to-s, and groundbreaking astrology insights! They are available with all the new “hybrid” metaphysical systems in astrology, numerology, Tarot, Runes, tasseography, updated Palm-Reading, Reiki, and the new “light working” workshops. Think of how many small ideas generated into huge corporations from the tiny space of someone’s den or garage. Wal-Mart was the brainchild of Sam Walton a small town Arkansas native. Thanks to his vision Wal-Mart is one of the top 5 global retail companies. Everyone who is everyone sells wares via Wal-Mart. Over the years few

competitors have risen to beat their prices, wide variety of fresh produce, and they are known to be major financial sponsors for ABC-TV’s Extreme Weight Loss.

Wal-Mart employees who forewent large salaries in exchange for stock shares are now all multi-millionaires. What is the biggest attraction or draw to consumers? Variety, diverse products, services, and trade are transported from all over the world. Art sells but passionate art “appreciates” and is appreciated. Greater spiritual structures harvest grander visions to sell or place “products and trade”. Now as an entrepreneur say you have a pet passion project full of potential with “little or no budget”. Scenario: A lesson in changing perspective You charge universe or “surrender” the problem asking for what you want with an “open heart”. In the meantime you play the odds and meet cool people via networking events, volunteering, and entering contests. Daily you visualize being on the set. Convey passion without coming off as arrogant or narcissistic. Make the dream entirely about the “project” so you stay humble and spiritually grounded. Then see this growth spurt as part of the journey, which brought you to ________. Love to read all the trades and magazines that keep you wise to industry. So what you don’t have prior credits or expertise you do have the perfect vision. Focus on what you can bring to the table as “incentives”. Draw the right investors by offering “credits, titles, or shared creative control” without compromising artistic integrity. There is always middle ground to negotiate harmonious partnerships. All business requires a surrender and exchange so think of what you can offer without over committing what you don’t want to sacrifice. “Somewhere” a studio executive is seeking the next project to fund. Your project has relevance, materiality, and popularity appeal. Others can tell from your talent you are going places.

Are you ready for fame? Is the timing right for you? You build up confidence entering short film festivals and circuits. Then out of the blue a big time Film Director contacts you and the rest is Hollywood History. Hey! It can happen with positive thought. Never get stuck in a rut about lifestyle decisions. Make the time to self-discover with personalized astrology predictions for 2015. Prepare for success and be “thankful” for all the failures that bring you closer to dreams eventually it is your time to shine like Christmas lights. This time around you’ll be more than ready and “better off” for waiting. If you are artistic but in need of sponsorship use social media, specially timed promotions, and well-devised community sponsored events to shed “light”. Go where big corporations can get a peak or preview of your material. Accept and RSVP to mysterious invitations. Art is the vessel to “change” perception because it stimulates higher intelligence to figure out things for themselves. The world must have new ways to measure “standard and standard of quality”. Is something an alpha brand or a “knock-off” not worth your money or energy? A good corporate reputation is vital and renewing to any older corporation. It becomes the “draw” or novelty for beginning companies. No matter how much we make psychologically we’ll always spend or make extra room for those services we love especially those we consider “guilty pleasures”. Look around, stop thinking, and just take in all of your surroundings – including the Internet. Observe what people need more of? Do you have an idea yet? Is there a product you think others would benefit more from if they knew better ways to use them? Have you written these gems in a journal to develop later on? Do you set aside time say 1 day a week to creatively brainstorm? If you did you would be like those “signs” you pass on the highway or speeding along the roadside. You know the ones that end with “If you… – you’d be home by now!” Take real estate relocation out of it and put something like a “dream” in its place. If you did ___________ by now you’d be ________________ at this date. What is this called? Projecting. We do it all the time when we daydream, meditate, and pray to name a few functions our brain uses this “power” towards. When we project, brain and the universe

construct the blueprint for that “bigger thought, concept, invention, re-invention, and ideal-to-be”.

When you awaken in the morning, what is the 1st goal on the mind? What do you look forward to happening? What news would make you the happiest person on the planet? It’s good to tool such thoughts and work them up into real businesses, e-businesses, non-profits, or wellness practices that all contribute to “healing” our planet. That’s what happens when so many “power” planets play off the coming Full Moon in Gemini and New Moon in Capricorn.

Speaking of real, December wants us to figure out the real thing from a good “mock up” or facsimile. It’s the only way to know what “quality” is because you can’t find something better, right? We all feel we can “replace” things and for the most part that’s true but there are those “instances” of becoming a “brand”. Brands are “standards of quality” and a guarantee to a consumer they are getting the “best”. They feel a purchase is more of an investment rather than an “expense”. Can we tell the metaphysical from the physical? We act like we can every time we make a purchase of big-ticket items. We all want what we buy to “last” or have lasting benefits. When you are hugged can you tell when someone really means it? It’s the same in picking a favorite item, product, or service. We aren’t buying the item we are buying into what it represents as a “feeling” or emotion. We are buying into how good that particular thing makes us feel. The better something makes us feel the more refined we value it because it raises our perception. We learn to love wellness foods when they started tasting better. Look at the price difference we pay at the grocer between healthy food and junk food that is always “on sale”.

Taste dictates “buying behavior”. This is the metaphysical approach to “salesmanship”. It is our “personal tastes” which set trend. Experts get paid big $$$ to predict “trends”. How about becoming going “pro”? Back up those wishes with

actions. Really take a crack at pursuing one “big dream” and following through. Life is too short to miss out on blessings from completing life lessons. You have gifts and an uncanny knack for “calling” things before they happen every “now and then”. Wouldn’t you like to turn that “now and then” to a sure thing moneymaker? Yes it requires intense study, appreciation for the esoteric, and a keen appetite for the otherworldly. What Sagittarius does in exploring so much culture Capricorn “shields” and crystallizes this knowledge into forms of discipline, artistic ingénue, and expanded visionary potential. Inventions we need tomorrow are provided today at affordable Holiday pricings. Speaking of the holidays are you prepared with gifts? Are you prepared to entertain unexpected company or relatives? Is home well decorated to reflect the “new” you with powerful pastels, greens, and wealth-attracting Earth tones? Have you signed off on important documents that begin festive and profitable capital ventures moving into the New Year? Have you changed your mode of thinking to one of “abundance and prosperity”, good karma, and good will towards others? Have you found a new love has taken off with someone you find soul-fully familiar and twin-like? Did you make arrangements to spend lots of time together to play catch up for the last lifetimes you didn’t spend together? Are you aware of what the mission is that brought you together now? Did you dive into more books, radio, and television programming designed for spiritual self-improvement? Did you get a regular expert Astrologist to point you in the right directions and guide you on when to make “financial” moves towards emotional freedom, security, and independence? Get ready to attend to all of these “wonders” throughout December. December like March is a “3” vibration month in numerology. March is pure and purifying “3” energy in that it relates to anything related to Tarot Card Key “3” The Empress. Expectations, news of birth, spring, new life styles, new homes, employment, and creative vision all relate to “The Empress”. December is a 12/3 energy vibration making it a karmic vibration of “3” in numerology. “3” represents the Divine Goddess energy, the Moon, lunar energy, understanding, intelligence, intellectual expansion, growth, and renewal. So it only makes sense “why” Jupiter is considered a “3” energy planet and the natural ruler of Sagittarius and Pisces. Sagittarius is in December and Pisces comes in March. December is when we “learn” from all our failures to transform them into “successes”.

March is when we explore culture. December stimulates us to seek out more culture to be enriched, educated, and cosmopolitan. When you know a lot of cool things that means you have more to express, share, and distribute as “knowledge and power of it”. Yes, December extends 2nd Chances from opportunities missed in October and November. We charge universe to release our “worry” by changing what we believe. We trust Heaven knows what’s best and whatever is meant will happen in Divine Timing. This spirit of belief is embodied in Christmas and the spirit of “gift-giving”. Jupiter is the Cosmic Kris Kringle! Jupiter in fiery Leo and Regulus in Virgo guarantee whatever we charge universe for we can expect to receive with positive thoughts. Project any “positive” idea, strategize a plan, and get more organized about follow through. If you are living, thinking, breathing, and doing the “dream” it’s just a matter of time before you are “living it” as a whole truth. You make believe it into existence. Necessity is the “Mother” of invention. Remember “ideas” are populated in universe so it is up to you to devote the time to manifest them. All it requires is creating the perfect environment to stimulate and culture those ideas with Feng Shui, crystals, gems, and power birthstones. Capricorn is the 1st sign in the 4th Quadrant of being “metaphysical” about life. We use “big words” that really mean simple tasks. We have to simplify “options” by focusing just on what we want.

When you go shopping don’t you do better when you have an ideal of what you want and where it is located inside the store? Remember store clerks know this too. It’s why they set up distractions along the way with “special aisle items”. Hoping to find some

steals, and finds for sale? No problem. Horoscopes will be a huge tip off so keep an eye out or follow social media feeds for your favorite places to shop!

Entrepreneurs, your focus should be on being in the right place to meet the right people. Job fairs, business summits, and any diversity networking events are prime for super opportunities to branch out. All of this “calendar wonder” falls in the house of Capricorn. When you know important details you can arm yourself with those “in the know”. Light attracts “light”. First you need to know how to work your magic so that it shines, attracts, and blings. This comes from lunar energy and “Powers of Wishing”. Wicca is best to learn, teach, or study how to work with Full and New Moon energies. Power springs from strong “power bases” of culture, diverse passions, and working with well-driven ambitions. We are the company we keep. It’s our nature to gravitate towards what is most “like” us. When you and the person you are with believe in the same philosophies it’s a shoe-in the relationship will be “built to last”. Use this same strategy towards cooping unexpected and projected gains on any creative venture or real estate holding. The whole point of investing is to do so with the intent of capturing a return on said investment but even if you take a loss it can be minimal using personalized astrology “transit” guidance. Timing is everything and everything is a “song” to master throughout December. Work strategies as “plans of action” by pacing yourself at a comfortable “groove”. Get in the groove by selecting harmonious relationships, projecting prosperous outcomes, and inspiring those with “status”. It’s about reaching the top of one’s proverbial mountain to tap unlimited potential and financial cornucopia. It’s time to hit personal zeniths and get exactly what you want! It’s time to reap the benefits of using “heart and soul” in all you do and hope to achieve as “real effort” and sustained stamina. Let’s explore “how” this happens in December. Saturn in Scorpio cues Uranus (R) in Aries December 3rd sparks a Petri Dish of tense situations where you had to come up with new ways to make extra money - FAST. Vesta enters Capricorn. You may have ended a position abruptly. Maybe an employer was operating above budget and had to make lay-offs. For some abuse of power brought karmic reactions you didn’t see coming. So now we are required to reinvent, rebirth, and renew public interest in what you do as a “career”. It’s time to stop looking for quick fixes and figure out where you “fit” and have lots of room to “grow” financially and otherwise. The good news you didn’t see coming involves a side gig or “hustle” you’ve been doing now picks up steam! You could land a great big fat proposal for that radical idea.

Mars enters Aquarius December 4th. Be sure to act on “hunches”. They lead to incredible opportunities. Are you a writer? Expect to hear news of selling a big fish story as a new TV show or off-the-cuff Film with franchise potential. So make sure you are being seen in all the right circles like professional chat or discussion groups. Let others know what you are doing and brainstorm sharp, appealing, and couture promotions! Work with an astrologist to map the perfect dates to launch new projects, product PR & placement, or any other form of trade. Branch into foreign markets where others around the globe and benefit from using your concepts. Work on building up VIP contacts and study how to write the perfect query letter to spark interest and dare we say a “bidding war”? Running for political office? Now is not the time to get involved in anything with a whiff of “scandal”. Okay so maybe the month started out with a few “jolts” of reality. Isn’t it better to know the truth and be on the “level” with others? You want a clear understanding of what is expected of you in your dream job, a certain big business venture, or a new special someone you want to be yours exclusively. Ever thought of working with Wicca? Do so in time to celebrate and benefit fully from a Full Moon in Gemini December 6th. Lunar energy powers mindfulness. Mindfulness is what you need to become famous. The more people think about and of you the more likely they’ll remember what you will be famous for. Do you have news, insight, or powerful forms of trade? Package them with the right Public Relations and marketing campaigns based on the most favorable Good Luck dates. Love to shop? Well think about how you can be what others are shopping for as “windows”. Now imagine those windows “widening” to open new doors to bigger happy endings. Be more productive with Time Management techniques. Work less time by simplifying and getting more organized. Yes it means taking a day or two to “prepare” files for rollover. You may even “color code”. But think of all the time you could save by cutting a few extra processes and building stronger communications with those who are savvy about what you wish to accomplish. It’s all about getting results you want without expending energy or committing to timeframes that aren’t counterproductive. Work in entertainment? Want to? Seeking a real breakthrough? Do you know what careers best match personal strengths and

natural genius? Try a personal Career Astrology or numerology analysis. You won’t have to guess the best days to apply, interview, or start a new job. All you’ll have to do is follow the instructions from your transit report.

Chiron tours Pisces. Juno tours Leo – retrograding December 15th. Ceres tours Sagittarius. It’s apparent the world needs more organic alternatives to channel frustration, anger, and cope through feelings of loneliness. If you are a gifted healer now is the best to launch new e-services and e-counseling sites. Advertise in select social circles. There is an urgency to be enlightened, educated, and independent emotionally. Have you researched metaphysical book lists, “authority” websites (like ours) with resource listings, or asked a personal astrologist for referrals related to “specialized” advice? If you did you can count on receiving several surprise “blessings” and “blessings in disguise”. With so many specialists, experts, and esoteric consultants we have more ways than ever to “be calm”, healthy, and gain new ground – psychologically. Treat manicdepression with the right holistic therapy. Try new Tarot mental wellness to assess “repressed feelings”. The great part about herbs and herbal teas is how they offer long term healing with no side effects because they are “organic” to our bodies. It does require following directions and listening intently when herbal experts give the 4-1-1 about which foods create the results you wish to see in the mirror. The wellness industry is bursting with new foods that raise metabolism, keep you clear headed, and boost the immune system. Think of how much healthier you could be by devoting 1 day a week for preparing, freezing, and storing healthy dishes. Jupiter retrogrades in Leo December 8th turning direct April 8, 2015. Watch the Holiday eating habits and shop for healthy wellness snacks. Stock up with alkaline pH water or green powder drinks. There are several tasty and appealing wellness foods you can substitute in for sugary foods, drinks, cakes, and pastries. Organic sugars like “Stevia, honey, and dark brown sugar” sweeten desserts without adding inches to the waistline or trigger diabetic reactions. Get familiar with Brown Rice Flour, Flax Corn Meal, and yummy Almond Milk recipes. You’ll have more energy, a stronger sex drive, and sleep will be much better, too! Swap out caffeine drinks for Green Tea. There is a wide assortment of flavors and thanks to blogs you can match up with the best teas for your zodiac

Finances are strong for “projects” which may have been ahead of their time. You’ll find those ideas are right on time and what investors are looking for. New projects may be harder to sell so work your mojo with metaphysics, numbers, and statistics. Stress why

what you are presenting is “timely, relevant, and material”. Make presentations colorful but don’t over do things. Make and keep it simple. Venus enters Capricorn December 10th. If you want to play the lottery its best to use horoscopes, astrology, and astrology emails with “picks”. By all means strengthen personal wisdom with workshops that show you how to work “intuitive” powers, talents, and abilities. Book a session with a Financial or Solar Return Astrologist to personalize Good Luck cycles. Apply for leadership positions or try a different line of work at a new company. Hard work is rewarded and $$$ noticed. Take risks when it comes to being innovative. Redecorate your working space to inspire higher “productivity”. Expect the unexpected where promotions, bonuses, and recognition is concerned. If you were passed over 2nd chances see to it that you get another chance with a new or different Boss. Prepare, visualize, and be confident. Uranus (R) in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn December 15th. Expect sudden turns and twists as this triggers 2013’s Cardinal Grand Cross. New talent - the world soaks you up! But now you may be shopping for reputable representation. Be slow to sign or commit until you are 100% sure that what’s on the table is what you “want”. Be open to crossing over into broader markets and listen to suggestions made by interested executives but don’t “sell out” originality to be more commercial. Take advantage of Angel Networks. Mercury enters Capricorn December 16th. Leave TWEETS with links to project web pages. You never know who is watching or ready to “call a favor” in on your behalf. Think big and stay “positive”. So if you have written the next summer blockbuster, NY Times bestseller, or come up with a idea that can revolutionize how the world “thinks and feels” – it’s time to build the right support systems to get the word out about you. Many enter spiritual guru phases of life, which need to be voiced into “campaigns, non-profits, and organized activism”. But you need to define, clarify, and expand your vision “on paper”. Work with a literary or social media company to help you make the world more aware of special causes, charitable events, or global challenges. .

Break out the candles, dark chocolate fondue, and Barry White! Romance will be off the hook if you take the initiative to want to be “happy”. A happy “wife” means a happier life. So couples if you’ve been going back and forth or random events have placed a

stress in relations – intimacy building is where you start to rekindle passions. Clear the cobwebs of feelings left unsaid. Weigh what a relationship is worth? If you were to repeat vows what would you speak from the heart & soul now? Re-stimulate passions. Remember how you felt when you “first” met. Use these kinds of feelings to look at what you “can” do to make life better for everyone? Take in new sights, cultural events, or just go out for a random stroll hand-in-hand. Are there secrets or sexual fetishes you feel a need to be more aware of? Don’t let pride keep you apart. Sexual Astrology and Tarot can put you on a new road or at the least give you a good visual of potential in the relationship. Analyzing strengths and matching them with weaknesses can be the perfect way to re-stimulate “flow” of love vibes. Open your mind and be willing to devote time and space to “communicate”. Turn off the TV stop working so hard and long at work. How can you power the relationship if you aren’t available? Relations run hot-to-cold at the end of the month too, so prepare now. Singles and Twin Flames make huge moves to wed, move-in, and add on to the family. An open mind and heart will be necessary as the person you choose may have been the “last” family predicted. There couldn’t be a better time to get together for meet and greets. The most important power base of strength is how well the two of you communicate. Culture a strong understanding of where you come from and just be true to “self”, in every way. Remember when we judge we are “judged”. Twin Flames shape strong spiritual connections so you can weather any storm. More love between you means more “love” in the environment you thrive in. Take advantage of v-logs from other Twin Flames talking about their experiences and how they made “adjustments”. Sign up with Twin Flame social media groups, chat sessions, or discussions. Get feelings out using humor so you can get things out in the open, therapeutically. Keep it tasteful and be compassionate. You are the person who has to live with who you marry. Senior generations observe how the world’s climate has changed and try harder to get with the times we live in “now”. The biggest rush comes when the Sun enters Capricorn, and Uranus turns direct December 21st renewing Jupiter’s 2nd chances as 3rd-4th-and-5th opportunities elsewhere. When people say “No” you’ll prove why they should have said, “Yes!” But the “cherry on

top” will be the New Moon in Capricorn – 0 degrees. If you have any placements in Capricorn 0-6 degrees you’ll feel this New Moon most in those houses, planets, or asteroids. Check your natal astrology chart of profile for synastry and aspect details.

All you need to reinvent the wheel is “more confidence”. If you are working on a personal spiritual self-journey this will be no sweat. You are giving self the tools to succeed by building up power of Self-Belief. Get excited about being more enlightened in the world. Aim high when setting goals but build in “smaller steps” towards achieving them on a practical basis. Focus on what you want to be happy “all the time”. Think about what will make this possible or “who”. It’s all about planning and implementing all you’ll need to succeed guaranteed. Take full advantage of all the great new opportunities in places that were foreign to you. Open your mind. Explore different cultures. Taste exotic foods! Travel to paradise vacations as 2nd Honeymoons. RSVP to special functions, parties, and events to network. You could mix business with pleasure to re-meet someone destined to be in your life! Missions bring the right people together and spark creative “hotspots”. Be up for fresh challenges in the workplace. Sign up for diversity job fairs. Stop working in jobs that just pay the bills and leave you no “frills”. Determine what you want and go for the gusto! Employed but in need of a raise? Not sure how to ask? Pick up a book on creative writing, communication, or metaphysical literature. The best time to ask will be from the 19th – 23rd. You have nothing to lose because the force is with you. All you have to do is direct it to the right “stores”. Everything is “energy”. Make the best use of personal time and space with Feng Shui, Inner Feng Shui, or Corporate Feng Shui. Career, love, and finance are all lit up with activity. But it’s up to you to go all the way to the top. You have great potential to tap! Ask the right people and become a professional or expert. Shop companies that help you “incorporate”. Experts, if you specialize in “routing” or directing others to the right channels – speak up, advertise on a budget, and get the word out. Set up “free” web pages for commercial ventures, projects, or bucket list items. Entrepreneurs, ask prior customers to leave positive feedback and highlight results. Apply for funding to expand business or keep up with demand. Put facts in the right structure and add flair to “calling cards”. Send personalized pens, coffee mugs, or 2015 calendars as “calling cards” to new prospects. Share holiday cheer and call “just because”. It really shows class and how much you “care”.

Rise up the ranks with workshops, training modules, or self-expression online classes. Gifted with reading Tarot, numerology, astrology, or any other occult practice? Start a

business or build one up with savvy social media tips. Learn the tricks of the trade for keyword-driven SEO content. Promote skills and be more assertive towards freelance opportunities. Shop websites that feature your kind of talent and bridge you with the right “clients, employers, and prospects”. Learn or “teach” how to write winning job bids and proposals that attract nothing but “Yes!” People are seeking more help with literary services to make them attractive “on paper”. Maybe you need to go back to school. Don’t let a fear of having to re-take certain classes hinder you from going after what you want. See if you can “test” out as an option when enrolling. Go after careers you have natural talent or genius for so you feel “at home” doing it as a profession. Don’t be afraid to start anew. Say “good bye” to the old and “hello” to the new & improved. 2 days before Christmas, Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23rd forging a new “alliance” between Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn. Cosmos is filling in our personal “blanks”. It wants us to trust what we wish for can come true when we invoke power to believe. Reflect on all the biblical stories of “beating supernatural odds” and victories written by prophets, gurus, and visionaries of “light”. Remember October and November powered us to “dream big” using available higher psychic energies which make us more “powerfully creative”. When we say, “I can’t” universe says, “Yes you can, and here’s why, how, and when” it will manifest. Seek answers by seeking the best spiritual guidance. The divine yields understanding of hidden meanings, psychic messages, and higher awareness. It is the GPS to higher psychic realms, portals, and gateways of knowledge enhanced by Uranus’ turning direct. When you need to know – charge universe – ask for answers. Wait. What you want to know will be revealed in “Divine Timing”. Life is a giant Wheel of Fortune. Spin yours with full faith what you “want” has already been provided. Understand you are waiting for it to come to you. Pallas enters Sagittarius December 27th. Looking for a new home? You should find some real deals while driving around on errands. Friends will provide strong leads. Visualize the ideal “home”. Put up pictures and devote a set time daily to visualize living in your dream home. The best dates to move will be from the 27th – 30th. Not moving but you want the house to feel “new”? Redecorate with power Feng Shui.

The more spiritual we become the less attached to the material we’ll be. This is real freedom because you are not tied to anything you don’t want to be as “obligations, guilt, or duty”. Don’t let opinions rule your life! Listen but put nothing in stone until you are sure of what it is you want and will “settle” into. Believe and trust what is meant to be will be. Strengthen powers of intuition so you can tap them at will. It’s all about picking what’s right for you and following through with plans. When you move in whole faiths you naturally impress all the right people. Universe is on your side. Avoid getting stuck on old dogma. Embrace philosophies about “dharma” to balance karma. Practice new beliefs or let new people in inner social circles. Enlighten the mind, body, and soul to nurture a well-rounded outlook in general. Integrate stronger spiritual beliefs by reading all kinds of doctrines, therapies, and treatments. It feeds the soul and acts like soothing “Chicken Soup” in times of distress or anxiety. Just as there is the physical body so too there is the metaphysical body moving in tandem with our “auras”, emotions, and energy imprints via natural laws. Just like we study law to master “court rooms” we do the same in astrology by understanding how spiritual, natural, and universal laws “harmonize” desired conclusions. It’s key to learn how energy “flows”. Realize the Butterfly Effect in life decision-making. What may be good for you might not be good for others. If a Butterfly’s wing can alter “time” just imagine what we can do? Aim for fairness, balance, and harmony. Look for ways you can work with strong personalities. These kinds of souls are “gateways” of knowledge and they have access to “power”. Don’t you want to be more knowing and powerful at what you achieve? How about re-tooling a fitness program to deliver the results you crave to see? Plan fitness based on what you can realistically stick with. Shop “personal trainers” with proven track records and passion that matches “you”. Clarify what you want to look like and search for experts that can make it happen. Look like you spent hours in the gym after exercising for only minutes. Subscribe to blogs that teach you how to draw down lunar energy – we have several. Look for variety in “meditations”. You don’t have to do the same one every time. Each meditation achieves specific outcomes. Pick up a class that combines “yoga and dance”. Universe is playing a song and asking you to get in step. Physical harmony is the foundation of real self-confidence. When you know what you are capable of you are wise enough to tap reincarnated potential.

Relationships reach 5th dimensional awareness. Twin Flames strengthen and serve as “Guardian Angels”. Get acquainted with v-logs that show how to communicate with your Twin Flame. Counselors address higher demand for education, training, and preparation with international or national tour dates and appearances. You want to reach as many as you can. Research the difference between karmic, soul, and Twin flame relationships. Get familiar with astrology “checklists”. Bookmark favorite “Go To” sites. When you do meet “the one” you’ll know what to expect and what to do “next” to complete Chapters in your Book of Life. Saturn is the planet of karma, life lessons, and soul mates of “all kinds”. It is the Principal of the Institution of Life. It is for this reason Saturn Astrology was developed and introduced. Remember each “soul connection” is a chance to complete life lessons and spin personal Wheels of Fortune. Nothing is written until you have a “thought”. Past Life Karma astrology and Tarot are all ideal tools to get to the bottom of current life events. The more you know the faster “soul” grows. Sagittarius is about expansion of the mind into “what matters”, and Capricorn is about using what you know to materialize mindfulness. Both require devotion, dedication, passion, and a sincere interest to learn life in terms of “whole truths”. Whatever “whole truth” you embrace devote time, space, and energy towards building it UP into the right structure. It is sworn testimony of what you believe to be true from the depths of the soul. The Abyss within us that justifies, weighs, and keeps everything in balance. How can you be honest or genuine to others if you aren’t being truthful with self? Psychoanalysis shouldn’t scare you from possessing total happiness. It should inspire and drive you to it at a FASTER speed of one’s nature. Trust 1st instincts, accept no excuses, and make even fewer ones as possible. Don’t be afraid to break laws that hinder more than help emotional balance and spiritual affluence. Death is the only whole truth. By allowing what is “deadening” to you to die you emotionally let go of every thing that held you back from being a G. O. A. T. – Greatest Of All Time. Be clever about releasing toxic people, relationships, and whatever doesn’t reflect the life you want to “be”. Whatever we miss will come back but when it does be prepared to win, succeed, and prevail by being honest about where “life” stands in the present. Be mindful of creating more joy, happiness, and peace. When you do you’ll always be headed in the right

direction. Divine Timing is the compass leading you to higher ground and the greatest of destinies as “Brass Rings”. See, conquer, and finish what you began from “birth” as a right to personal paradise. Practice positive thoughts, mantras, or affirmations daily to give you the right fresh start. Make the time and set the place to write “entries of thankfulness” in your Gratitude Journal. Count every loss as a win. Experience brings closure and us “closer” to “life ideals”. It diminishes “temptation” to help us balance and regain emotional control. A soul without spirit is soul-less. Being more spiritual, gateways education to real “freedom” of self-expression. Sometimes all we need is to relax the mind so we can see “what really matters”. There are more options “out there” in the world. But it takes a hunger to search and keep searching for the right solution. Trust in the universe there is always a “right and a wrong way”. Having fun with the learning process is what motivates the “psychic process”. Phish and teach others how to be “fishers of men”. The Chalice of Life is “half-full”. Fresh perspective restores all we feel to be missing so we can invoke Divine Recovery and enter the renewing intelligence of “reconciliation”. In simple terms – we can’t get to the other side until we counter what is causing the “great divide”. We made it! Shine “on” and reconcile a New Year.

“Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?” <Court OATH >

MASTER PLANETS “SPEAK” – What are they saying? - The affects of November activity in October

November 6 – Full Moon – (5:23pm EST) – Taurus

This Moon exalts “higher callings” and getting re-motivated towards life goals. Did you find the right therapy to treat depression and boost confidence? YouTube has exploded with new v-logs! What “happy ending” did you visualize? You did get clear on what you want out of life, right? 2nd Chance Good Luck returned investments in love, finance, and business options. Did watching those TV shows and films about reincarnation hit a little too closer to “home”? Maybe you could write a few? There was no better time to enter a new career in entertainment. At the least you can be more entertaining with how you do your job and others couldn’t be more engaged with what you produce! Reading more about Twin Flames is enlightening. So many had forgotten the simple pleasure of stargazing and conversing over nostalgia. You did, didn’t you? Sensual pleasure took you to higher planes. Couples, did you consider what’s worth fighting for and “about”? Chemistry in the relationship can be adjusted with Love or Sexual Astrology compatibility. November 8 – Mercury re-enters Scorpio – 00’00” Events related to October returned for “final decisions”. Did you change your mind? Are you better off now? Our power is based on the types of decisions we take as “risks” that were right. The only way to be better is by looking deep within and muster strength. Life is a creation out of your “power” to imagine something better and having the strength to go after it full throttle. You need a system that aids you in clarifying “objectives” and resetting aims. Did you proclaim a mental “wellness” day, month, or year? Starting a new self-journey puts you back on the right track towards real goalhitting. Finances were smoking in joint ventures of all kinds provided the numbers balance. Holiday sales brought fantastic steals and special deals. December are much better for “electronics” and home appliances. November 14 – Uranus (R), Chiron (R) – Aries, Pisces Life long wishes came true! Did you start a new healing business to help others? Actors, directors, producers, writers – “to be” – did you get the news yet? A certain audition, script, or creative project got the “go ahead”! Woohoo, yippee 3 cheers for “Divine Timing! So and so left and you got the “position”. All those long hours or “smarter hours” using better shortcuts, more advanced software, and time management the bosses took notice and said something. No? December looks super hot for making more money and being sexier on the job. Yowzers! In love secrets

revealed love triangles. Did you step back and observe your mate or partner’s recent “boredom” in the bedroom? Did you read the signs or did they read them to you with

“confessions”? In December you can make all the right moves to “move on”. Believe you deserve better and you’ll get “the best”. November 16 – Neptune turns direct in Pisces Wishes made in June and September revelations came to fore. It’s karma! Hopefully you balanced yours with a Past Life reading using astrology, Tarot, or numerology. Those who don’t learn from history keep “repeating” it. Hey, did you follow up on that fascination with Sacred Geometry, Dream Analysis, or Angel Tarot? December is a great time to start. Did you try Wicca workshops or books for drawing down lunar energy or communicating with angelic beings? Love brings more huge surprises when “runners” act on strong impulses to reunite with Twin flame “chasers” throughout December. There is a real meeting of heart, soul, and “mind” over shared life missions. November 16 – Venus enters Sagittarius – 00’00” There’s still time to enroll in some new esoteric class, training workshop, or special event. Indulge a healthy appetite for knowledge. Photographic memory flashes and telepath enhanced greater “psychic awareness”. You can still pick up a book or watch a video about the Pleiades or Star Seeds and how they relate to Indigo Children. Good thing you trusted those 1st instincts, right? Good luck and good faith continue to bring you bigger reasons to smile and cheer. Expect favorable news of settlement in December. Did a pal take you couture shopping for a few poker pieces to play big dividends at some fancy red-carpet affair? Be sure to select “power colors” to Feng Shui huge returns of “energy”.

November 22 – Sun enters Sagittarius – 00’00” Wee! Many took off for “vacation” and to enjoy some serious R & R. Family came for the holidays and they could stay into the New Year. Hopefully it’s relatives you want to see. Universe hands out Golden Tickets well into December for wit and the ability to solve issues with power of intellect. The Wheel of Fortune continues to spin second chances in love, career, finance, and risky capital ventures. Turn off the phone and tune into “nature”. Take your sweetie and make it a “two-fer”.

November 22 – New Moon – (7:32am EST) – Sagittarius

Many took advantage of 2nd-3rd-and-4th chances to reconnect with old flames – Twin Flames, that is. Universe continues to pair us up with the one. This includes business ventures, capital real estates deals, and power mergers between small companies with big corporations. It’s time to get your share of the “good life”. If you missed out in November no worries December has your back! Couples did you try the new Sexual Astrology and Tarot systems? If you did you should be feeling sexually “satisfied” – again. November 23 – Chiron turns direct in Pisces – Grace covered when luck ran out. You can access “past life” information to project the right answer to resolve old and played out situations. Psychic awareness frequencies peaked but continue to prompt a need to heal, find closure, and accept whole truths. New metaphysical systems in yoga, Reiki, Tarot, runes, astrology, herbal remedies, and so much more make it easier than ever to a“get with a program” that works to put you back together. Wellness can be fun when you read the right blogs, watch “inspiring” vlogs, and test “free trial” reports sent via emails. True healing begins with Chakra alignment. Just like you straighten the spine to walk you straighten and “flex” one’s Divine Connection. Learn how with expert advice and self-motivation to get physical about metaphysical recovery. Pssst…did you read up about those dreams or visions of speaking to angelic beings? There are people who can help you interpret divine messages. Are you a Twin Flame seeking answers? Do you want to know how to get closer to the truth about “you”? Schedule some time in December with an “expert, Teacher, or guru” but be sure to check credentials and read feedback. November 27 – Saturn semi-square Pluto – Scorpio, Capricorn Do you have your eyes on a very special prize, inheritance, or reward for something you’ve been working towards passionately? You get good news of making the grade in a recent career move. It’s all about having confidence in what you do and doing it “well”. Specialist, experts, and technicians make great pay and some land whale or VIP clients. Been working hard? Well, the bosses notice and they’re super impressed with your progressive talent. Whatever you wish to accomplish you can by being more devoted towards completing it. Surrender to the process and just focus on having fun. Visualize “the desired outcome” daily and only think about what makes you happiest. This charges universe to provide it “faster”. Learn how to master “positive thinking”.

November 27 – Mercury enters Sagittarius – 00’00”

Good with your hands? Did you check into a carpentry course or program? It could be a new exciting career or business “template”. You could even design “furniture”. Who knew being adaptable could literally save your??? That’s the beauty of the “eleventh hour”. Others are moved at the last minute to make life “fair”. The world works in mysterious fashions when others believe in you or what you “stand for”. Expect more good deeds throughout December – all you need is faith and “works” to back it up. Embroiled in legalities? New insight means a re-negotiation of terms. Instinct, intuition, and wit win others over. Power deals paired VIPs with emerging talent. Power couples entered solid unions. Did you need an inspiration pick-me-up? Shop metaphysics e.g. bookstores, blogs, and anything enlightening. Feed on metaphysical literature, erotica, mystery books, or anything that keeps you mentally sharp and more soul-aware. Sexual energies are super high so watch one-night stands. We learn how to communicate and talk our way into intimacy. Have you held out for what or “who” you really want? December is a new month and more time to work on you while waiting for the one holding the master key to your heart and soul.

Earth signs – Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL Temperamental? Forgetful? Moody? Have you thought about declaring personal “mental wellness” days? You could take a nature hike. Go to the beach, or just window shop at the mall for “exercise”. Are you feeling more aware of your body? The environment? Are you experiencing more flashes of déjà vu? There is a good reason and it relates to the Twin Flames frequencies coupled with November’s “power shifts”. Life is different so shouldn’t you be as well? Get in tune with what you are intuiting. Follow up on those fascinations with past lifetimes using Astrology, Karma readings with Tarot, numerology Life Path reports, or try Higher Self therapies to reconnect. When you turn the lights on “inside” life is brighter, happier, and satisfying. Let go. Cut strings to “bad” relationships, associations, and toxic people. Sharpen intuitive powers. Tap full potential with different types of yoga. Re-invent moves by getting super creative! Practice breathing techniques to enhance meditation and plan a fitness routine you can stick with to reach New Year resolutions. Get the jump on “the unexpected” with astrology transit reports. Make life a menu of choices by adding more variety, diversity, and spontaneous activities. Universe is playing “your song”. It’s time to shine as new talent, spiritual genius, and being “an expert”. Have fun with goal setting by adding fresh perspective and culture. Stop taking the words of others as the

gospel. Check the facts, pick your battles, and devote more time, space, & energy towards spiritual growth. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Are you keeping an upbeat attitude? Are you doing the best you absolutely can to be happy – most of the time? If you do you’ll find money flows in TYPHOONS. The 1st Half requires well-calculated risks. You know those random creative thoughts for a script, book, e-book, blog, or theatrical play you received but have yet to do something with? Well it’s a hit! If you develop a Top 10 list of VIPs, mentors, and business leaders you’d love to work with. See what they like and package your idea to “match”. Need help? A great literary agency specializing in “metaphysics” or social media consultant can get you super-noticed in the right places. Do you have real estate ventures on the mind? Act on perfect opportunities to invest low and profit at “high returns”. You could get the chance to buy in to a franchise, intellectual property for a film as an “Angel Investor”, or purchase a family heirloom like “master tracks” for music empires. Remember when Michael Jackson lucked into the Beatles Catalog? Yeah, it will feel something like that. Keep an eye out for original artists and new “street” talent. They’ll have a keen eye or ear on the “beat of life” as e-motion. People love their work and you know the old adage. “Give the people what they want” – on a global basis but provide variety and guarantee “organic” materials, wellness benefits, or sponsorship of community awareness events. LOVE So has their been an undertone of melancholy to your love life? It’s normal during the 1st Half of the month. The key is to do something to jump out of the slump. What can you do to put more zip into your love zap – power? How about a makeover, new do, great threads that match and enhance the color of your eyes to give them “pop appeal”? Watch the bi-polar decisions however you know the ones that embarrass the object of your affection more than impress them? Manic depression pushes many to feel no longer in control of their actions. It’s the effect of the Eclipses and universe demanding you make that cosmic love connection with a Twin Flame. When you meet naturally “life” will calm. It’s like being a lost ship on rolling seas in the middle of a “Storm”. This is the effect of high psychic frequencies and what is causing all the hoopla – metaphysically. Working with a Love, Soul, or Karmic Astrologist who specializes in “Twin Flames” can give you the winning edge. The more prepared you are to enter the “final frontier” of love, the better. Couples, there seems to be an invisible 3rd, 4th, or 5th

in the relationship. Boredom is the main trigger of infidelity. But that isn’t the whole truth. That begins with realizing a need to be with someone you connect to spiritually. It may be great to balance with the right astrologist in Sex, Mental, or psychological astrology. You can take responsibility and account for misplaced feelings that demand to be expressed. Drop the blame games and just forgive. Agree to a “fresh start” by redefining the terms you’ll be together. Reconcile, based on what you “can” agree on. 2nd Half of the month – OVERALL If life is way too predictable make it un-predictable in a better way. Add more culture get out and socialize with others from diverse but compatible backgrounds. Don’t be afraid to talk to strangers about passions you share in the world. Get into being earthy with home décor. Add vibrant but cool “ocean blues”, themes, so every time you enter the room you “feel” something special. A stimulating environment makes for an exciting “home” that encourages more self-expression. If a pal invites you out to an “open-mic” venue put on your best “poet’s hat” and go! Take some material to perform but make sure you are covered legally in case someone VIP is there to buy it on the spot. Hey – it can happen when you think positive and get more determined to be around those who make you come to life! You love strong minds and those who know what they want out of life by going after it. Now, circulate and meet more of them by pursuing special interests, passions, and “life missions”. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Passion sells and you need to share yours to pull off huge financial coops that make the best “nest eggs”. Family recipes could be gold mines as the next big “wellness” item. Ask relatives for “stories” and publish them as poetry, short stories, or books about coping. Just make sure you get the right permission and build high-end concepts into the right structure. Should your idea be a script for TV, Film, or theatre? Do you have the right software to use? Pick up books on what you don’t know or ask those “in the know”. Become an industry leader. Invest in education, training, or apprenticeship type employment options. Start looking in the right “pools and wishing wells” like freelance sites, independent sites like Kick Starter for joint creative ventures, fundraising

“auctions” for non-profits. The one secret ingredient is to work with strong minds with “like passions”. Whatever you invest in must be something you are highly passionate about to push it through for power deals with studios, publishing companies, or any

other platform of distribution. Want to be a distributor? Get in the game by getting the right minds in the same place and on the same page about “what” to distribute and “how”. Get familiar with laws and rights processes. You need to know how to be “legal”. Work with Corporate Feng Shui experts to re-do commercial websites. Many could be about to sign big music career contracts. Ask for 2nd opinions so you get the best advice. Real estate, stocks, and 401-Ks will be on the mind as you start thinking about rainy days. Don’t just buy in to “brands” do the homework and shop for “corporate karma”, first. Anything related to “metaphysics” will be double lucky so keep an eye out, OK? LOVE It could be time to break out the big guns of romance – candles, exotic foods, chocolates, blindfolds, sex games & toys, and dare we say fuzzy handcuffs? The point is to infuse more fun in your love by living out of your imagination but living through a healthy libido. Couples if the “giddy-up-n-go” has got up and went, bring it back. Use the services of the occult, astrology, numerology, and Tarot to win your lover back in those arms – and that bed – full throttle! What is needed to add context to experience is more adventure and exclusivity. How many ways can you love a person or see them in a different light? Compatibility reports will show you. Twin Flames could be putting down roots in a new love nest, family home, or vacation getaway. Start shopping and making travel plans for impromptu departures. Take a train cross-country and make love from one end of the nation all the way to the other! Singles its time to get out of the funk and back into the party. Pals are trying to cheer you up with invitations so stop “passing” and RSVP. Dress up, glam up, and wear something “lucky”. Love is calling. This time answer things could be way different than the way it was before.

Water signs – Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL Your greatest strengths and weaknesses stem from “emotional control”. It would be wise to power up bases. Focus more on “how” you can express frustrations in some

form of art. Kick the blues away by removing “secrets”. See life in terms of whole truths. Look at what was happening around a particular emotion to understand a particular reaction. Water feels “everything”. Perhaps it’s time to be more selective with

“feelings” using metaphysics. There are several new power methods available and free to try as “trial offers” via emails, social media, and discussion groups. Think about joining Tarot discussion groups so you can get the latest information about reading “emotions” yours and others. When you know how others feel that’s when you can make sound judgments on whether something is right for you to pursue or “leave alone”. Get familiar with identifying what you are feelings based on symptoms. Sometimes we confuse “heart break” with things like “heart burn”. It’s the body’s way of “remembering” past life soul connections. It’s called “kinesics and kinesthetics”. There are expert astrologists who can provide the care you seek by answering those confidential questions. Clearing the questions clarifies the aim of any objective, goal, or dream you wish to achieve. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE OK so have you been working the same job and feeling the same way about it? Is it a good, bad, or “I don’t know” feeling? Kick the “blahs” by adding more zip to how you do the same old things by doing them in a new way. You’ll get noticed for taking the extra initiative from the bosses. Partner with coworkers to cover a diverse but well rounded “take” on things. Teamwork makes everything more productive and less counterintuitive. You’ll be first in line for “promotions” in leadership. Investing? Pat the brakes until you know the whole truth about what you are buying in to. Sometimes when there is a feel of “desperation” and you know you have a winner on the line – it’s tempting to take advantage of another’s bad luck. Wait. Try Financial Astrology or Tarot. You need to know the culture around the investment. Why is someone selling something so valuable so “cheap”? It’s like “Manager’s Specials” at the grocer. Ask questions. Get a good appraisal on things before selling. Artists find out what your “talents” are worth on the market foreign and domestic. Have a good price in mind to sell “property or real estate” of any kind. You don’t want to sell out on a growing “legacy” so consult with the right experts before signing off on contract “buy-out” deals. LOVE Singles have you met a person who seemed “perfect” and perfectly colorful to be around? Do they know how you feel about them? Have they told you? Looking at the alignments it shows you get the chance to get all those unsaid things out in the open.

This is positive, good, and healthy. It can also help you “lose weight” which may or may not be actual pounds of flesh. Maybe it feels like lots of “dead weight” you need to shed by just communicating. There are several v-logs on YouTube on how to “work” through

shyness. If you aren’t the “shy guy or gal” send the link to “who is”. Showing compassion opens the heart and shares the soul. Peace and harmony natural set in to provide ease of speaking from the heart place and acting on impulse. The person who loves you the most can talk your ear off or sit in absolute silence but either way it will feel like heaven to you – both. Focus on what you can do – stop selling “self” short because you think a person is out of your league or from a different world. So what! That makes it more exciting doesn’t it and that means it will be spiritually more fulfilling, too. Couples try “surprise” tactics to wow each other. Devote a day for both of you to communicate and commit to it weekly, monthly, and yearly. Select activities, explore culture, live events, and hold hands. Get into the therapy for couples where you learn how to “stare” into the eyes. Remember the “first time” you met to rekindle old flames and Feng Shui the “perfect” love nest. 2nd Half of the month – OVERALL Health goals are super important during the 2nd Half. Truth is we need our health to do “everything” and that includes scaling high mountains that symbolize “achievements” in new territories. Spiritual and mental health personal days can be just what the metaphysician orders to bring life back into balance. Plan activities like a specific type of yoga, meditation, or cross training technique. It’s time to shine and show off inner strengths as psychic abilities, talents, or higher understandings of “the esoteric”. What you dream or come to know super-consciously can put the world on a new page about its own health. If you have an idea or concept related to wellness, holistic healing, or creating some “hybrid” of metaphysics can improve the quality of life. Don’t look at the fame just focus on being bold, passionate, and anything that represents the “pillars” of your success. Just make sure whatever you discover – you copyright and protect your “name”. It’s your legacy and mark of genius upon the world’s commercial landscape. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Don’t allow others to take credit for your inventions, expertise, genius, or powers of persuasion. Step up with metaphysics. Find ways to make science easy to use in everyday items, activities, or services of “trade”. At the same time keep the ego in

check. Look at ways to harmonize where others can share the “limelight”. By being generous you discourage dishonesty, plagiarism, and identify theft. Be more prudent and selective about the people you work or team up with. Present the whole picture to

investors by treating them, as you’d want to be treated in similar situations. Present the facts and allow the power of what you say to sway popular vote. Help others to come to their senses by tapping “feelings”. Disclose whole truths so they are aware of what they are buying or buying “in” to. You’ll gain a popular reputation as someone to trust and become a “Star” on the rise. Psychic vibes are super-accurate when acting on hunches, instincts, or feelings about “sure things”. Play the numbers you feel closest towards for lottery picks, stocks, or real estate ventures that “fall” in your lap as inside tips. Need more confidence? Work with a reputable Financial or Sapphic Astrologist to chart you through troubled financial waters and back into “waterfalls”. There are people who are naturally gifted with “projecting” financial winners get to know more of them. LOVE Singles swing into some wild sex play and romps for mind-blowing body-on-body contact. Sensuality rules when it comes to turning up the heat and getting some crackle in the jungle of the “bedroom”. Present your new love with a “summons” to appear. Plan something with “wow” factor. Need some clairvoyant help? Tarot about how they feel about you. Try an astrology compatibility check to find out where things can balance, harmonize, and power up sexual chemistry. Twin Flames you may have to restrain powerfully strong potent urges to rip off each other’s clothes and have madmonkey sex complete with SOUND EFFECTS and PROPS. Stage the perfect getaway to some “quiet” place where you can go at each other in absolute “privacy” and without a chance of interruption. Couples need to create the right environment to make the most out of Sex Magic tricks, treats, and guilty pleasures. Shop for bed & breakfasts, swanky couture suites, or something “high rise” to make the blood boil with sensual appreciation for one another. It’s all about finding and matching “likes with passions”.

Air signs – Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra – 1st Half of the month –

OVERALL Are you getting overwhelmed with too much information? Use metaphysics! Break things down to see what pairs up or matches to make sense to you personally. Listen to what others have to say but regard them as “opinions” until you have clear facts. You can’t make a wise judgment call based on obsolete or “lacking” facts or checkpoints. This goes doubly for mental wellness & balance options in therapy. Consider journaling as a means to express pent up frustrations, things left unsaid, or out bursts of anger. You can create any kind of “journal” to work from POINT A to POINT B. Gratitude journals are proven methods used to successfully charge universe with positive energy. Whatever you “emit” has to return in “multiples” as “blessings, eleventh hour events, and elements of surprise”. The more positive you feel the better off you’ll be in the long run. When it comes to health make decisions based on how you’ll feel long term. The key to balance involves good communication. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Salesmanship is an “art”. It’s not about how fast you can sell a person on an idea but how “well” you can convey the message you are trying to get across. If a person can’t identify with what you are saying you are going nowhere. So if you work in “sales” or wish to sell any intellectual property start with “a prospect’s likes, favorite items, or passions”. That’s how you get people “involved enough to care”. When we care we buy and buy “in” to what is being sold at “market value”. Appraise the market value of crafts, hobbies, services, holistic gifts, or Tarot abilities then build the perfect business, e-business, or e-counsel web site. Avoid using scandal to create “hot lists” or to be relevant. Use class and compassion by being serious about what you want to manifest. Producers without financing – look at “why” using astrology. Perhaps it’s a matter of Divine Timing. In that case you can fix things to attract more than enough “sponsors” and corporate bids to start a “war” for the best proposal. Promote win-win techniques of matching “likes” into one big mission. It’s all about structuring. The more you clarify the stronger the force of attraction working for you and not “against”. Employment opportunities rain promotions for hard work, eye to detail, and sound judgment calls. Pick up some classes, enroll in corporate training, and make the most of what is offered to you to “self-improve” on the company dime. It makes you a worthy investment and a “Star” on the rise. You can also make a mint as a middleman, broker, or agent for new talent, real estate, and intellectual property power brokering. Build up the right platforms to make what you have to sell “hot, buzz worthy, and an exciting MUST-HAVE” based on facts, timeliness, materiality, and relevance in the public eye. Writers use pen names to power bestsellers in fiction, non-fiction, and anything related to wellness or metaphysical fashion. Make connections with VIPs in Public Relations or seek a career.

Good with communicating and building press? Start your own firm and ask friends to join as investors, employees, or consultants. It will keep the overhead low and the profits higher to “share”. Orange is not the new black, but it feels great to be in the black – financially by using the old noggin. Enroll in metaphysical writing or hire literary specialists who “know how to write with metaphysics”. It’s all about Divine Connections and Divine Timing beginning with Divine Expression of what you “want” to accomplish at any particular date of time. LOVE Do you care what your mate thinks? Most of the time – some of the time – or none of the time, control issues can create unnecessary friction, tension, and emotional blocks. Are you going off on a loved one to blow off steam or because something they really said or did angered you? Get specific. Do you believe love conquers all? Can you love a person as they are and not based on what you’d like them to be? Then embrace the philosophy of what is meant to be “will be” of its own accord. Twin Flames you could be working through this life lesson now to bring about closure and a fresh start. What’s most important to you what others think is best for you or what you think is best for you to live? Happiness is subjective but build up into being the “objective” when passions reveal how we really feel about a person. So don’t let a certain person get away because of something you are hung up on or about. Work through eccentricities and focus on being more emotionally mature. There are no cosmetics to consider when you truly love. Love accepts, tolerates, endures, and improves at a natural pace. It is patient, giving, and forgiving. If you want to receive a certain reaction you’ll need to take the right action. Enter stage door right to “Love Tarot” so you can put together the perfect environment to stage shows of true affection. Couples share gratitude for what you do in the relationship to make each other happier. Complements and praise open hearts to speak esoteric truths. Create more “comfort zones” and center things based on what “can” be done.

2nd Half of the months – OVERALL

When are you going to get to the bottom line to see the ceiling of any idea coming to light? What is it going to take to motivate you towards greatness? What inspiration can you champion as a higher cause? What is the image you wish to project in the world? What do you want to be famous for? Now flip this – what new spiritual philosophy have you learned that has added magic to “home”? This is the first place to start looking when it comes to selling a dream and making it sail as a new “ideal”. Stop labeling and just start doing more to be “happy”. Get the facts straight before going off half-cocked and practice “breathing, meditation, and clear emotional boundaries of respect”. Understand everyone is “not” on the same intelligence level or type of intelligence. Realize the soul begins as a “spirit” and concludes everything on a spiritual basis. This is why metaphysics is so perfect for you to try at everything. You do it all the time but there is no label for those random thoughts of genius, insight, and psychic awareness. Consider the culture and context of what is happening as random events or surprise endings occur. Look at what “caused or triggered” things emotionally and accept your part in them. Forgive self and others then “move on” to the “next” chapter of a new adventure. Life is a series of adventures all you need is your special Safari Hat to ferret out what you are hunting. Set the right “bait” by focusing on what you want – it’s a natural law it will attract to you at the right time. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE When coworkers ask you to “calm down” does it make you madder? Consider they are saying it out of concern for your health. That way you can start on a fresh foot in the workplace. A happy work environment is a productive one. Besides the image you project is how you’ll rise up the ranks in the office. Do you want others to see you as a smart ass with a foul mouth or the guy to trust in tight crunches that “saves the day”? You can be the “girl” to trust, too. Sentimentality is a huge boon for you to motivate sales. There are several workshops and free v-logs to teach you. Soft selling is so underrated but you can turn it into a personal weapon of “popularity appeal”. Have a hot item from a talent no one has heard of? Build them up with strategically wellplaced SEO content, original buzzwords, and anything that sheds positive publicity. Accentuate the positive and work it like a cash register at Wal-Mart to show others what you see as “beautiful”. Think big-like Oprah Winfrey-big when presenting ideas. Show enthusiasm but balance so as not to come off as “cheesy”. Select items to sell based on what is “relevant” and of benefit. Real estate deals must be transparent to would-be investors. No one likes “lemons” unless there is potential for lemonade, whiskey sours, and organic lemon treats. See the line of thinking? Follow it to create a flow to convey messages. It’s what universe does. Think positive and project positive “endings” that

can roll into fresh starts in making money from new resources, budding industries (like medicinal cannabis, wellness products, and metaphysics) – and appear “available”. People like to buy what they feel they can realistically afford, use, and benefit from. You are using the powers of reason to influence decisions in a favorable light. LOVE Singles you could be dating or engaged to one person but the mind is on another from the “past”. This is no ordinary “past love connection”. It appears to be a Twin Flame soul mate and that changes the “rules” of how you handle things or even go about them. Imagine a person who makes the heart & soul sing, anger, and become calm all at once. Think of being on a boat in the middle of a raging sea storm and you have a good ideal of how strong emotions are registering within and to “universe”. We attract what we focus on the most. If you’ve met “the one” take off the rose-colored glasses if you think meeting this person will make all the unsettling feelings go away. Just the opposite will happen unless you prepare with “Twin flame” therapies. You are being given a chance at perfect love and a reason to be on Earth. Compassion workshops will be a huge blessing! Couples the same goes for you in working through details in the relationship. If you want the relationship to work well you must communicate feelings and be honest on where you stand. Write love letters or letters in general. Avoid sending tacky “texts” to provoke difficult situations. Use astrology compatibility to strengthen or come clean about things. Don’t you deserve a GRADE A-quality fresh start?

Fire signs – Sagittarius, Leo, and Aries – 1st Half of the month – OVERALL You love to take SELFIES fire signs. Nothing boosts self-confidence faster than a good look in the mirror especially when you are pleased with what you “see”. Speaking of that are you seeing what you wish or want to see? Or, are you seeing the result of hard living, stress, emotional baggage, and unwanted feelings? One is an “upbeat” or motivating image and the other is a certified “emotional downer”. What you need is to take power of control and that means working on what is influencing the image. Redecorate the home with Love, Money, or Inner Feng Shui. It brightens the mood and that keeps emotions in balance. Intuitively you know life comes in ups and downs, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to pick “locks”. Let your inner Cat Burglar come out to pick emotional blocks within – they are the reasons you haven’t done this or

accomplished that. Find some yummy outfit that screams “confidence” and Cat on the Prowl but keep the mystery going. A makeover could perk you up big time and trigger a fresh outlook. You want to appear “available” but not easy pickings. The point is to structure DESIRE by working on “you” from inside out. Realize the only competition is “you”. How can you be at your best? How can the “best” be bested for the positive? CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE Surprises come when windfalls land in your lap! You are the favorites of the cosmos at the moment due to how you get things “in an uproar”. That fiery spicy personality inspires others to act on impulse. Take advantage of financial streams by placing what you are selling in the right places, at the right time, and to the right “audience”. For you compassion sells. Show others how you are looking out for their interests. You are doing that, right? If you do you’ll clinch sales pitches, land VIP clients, and scout the best talent. All of this means manifesting TYPHOONS of $$$. Isn’t that what you want? Maneuvering the electricity of “universe” involves a keen insight and practice of astrology synastry. Aspects relate culture, timing, and relevance. Want to be an actor, writer, director, or producer? Want to help others with their careers, businesses, or joint ventures? You have the special ability to add “shine, glimmer, and glamour” to anything. Dress up the facts without blurring the numbers so to speak. Use organic methods to win others over using metaphysics. People love to be educated, entertained, and well informed. They LOVE to win and be shown “how” to win by presenting “better choices, options, and gateways”. Having a strong likeability translates to “demand” in the world. When there is demand there must be “suppliers”. This can be the beginning of beautiful careers in public relations, foreign communications & travel, or esoteric accounting. Esoteric accounting is a product of hybrid Tarot, astrology, runes, numerology, and ancient wisdom techniques to make others look like “celebrities”. If you are gifted at any of the spiritual arts look at what’s out there and see how you can “make it better” as your own business, consultant practice, or e-counsel site. Excitement doesn’t get people excited, people with exciting personalities – DO. It’s time to clarify – ambitions and AIM higher. LOVE Hope sails when you make it float with real feelings. This is not the time to let another year go by without the one you love beside you. Declare passions and see what happens. Just don’t push or try to control by using mind games. That is a waste of time, energy, and space to move closer. You want to close the deal and this requires running your love life with more “sense of order” and propriety. Ask questions but be courteous of a person’s rights to “not answer”. Look at the fact you said what you

needed to bring closure. You can’t begin a fresh start without a clean bill of “emotional health”. Let go of ghosts that haunt the heart and keep it “unavailable”. Remember love can conquer anything when you just believe in destiny and trust universe to work for you. You love your individuality and a relationship that gives you enough space is something you can grow or thrive in. Honesty is how you operate all the time. You find it physically painful to hold back strong emotions. Writing in a journal can alleviate this. Couples share what you journal to build up intimacy. Match what you write with what is written in the stars for you via astrology compatibility. Then you can see whether you are moving closer or farther away having a real love union. 2nd Half of the month – OVERALL How can you get your temper in balance? How can you remain calm under fire? Grace is a natural emotion, blessing, and power for fire signs, Ascendants, and Moon signs. When luck runs out there is always “grace” which comes by being more compassionate. Have you tried herbal treatments to get off drugs, kick alcoholic tendencies, or stop abusive behavior? Often the origin of karma stems from being in emotional ruts and not being aware of better options. Chiron turning direct brings an end to “ignorance”. Have a fascination with an ancient civilization, psychic power, or natural genius? Pick up more reading material about “reincarnation and astrology” or book a session with a reputable Past Life or Karmic Astrologist. When you know better you’ll intuitively intend better. All you need now is more SELF-BELIEF. Look for more art forms to try like painting, drawing, social media, dance, music composition, learning a new musical instrument, or building a “collection” – all of these can put you back in the “pink”. A happy “you” co-creates a happy environment. A happy environment cultures “bliss”. Look at how you can invest creative juices in some worthy cause, recruitment drive, or exciting fundraiser that gets you NOTICED – big time. CAREER, MONEY, FINANCE People will be deeply interested in anything related to reincarnation, rebirth, Soul healing, and self-improvement education. Put “you” in the middle of all of this to make serious payola as an expert, consultant, or practitioner. Take some classes. Build up clientele with RSVPs to special social events, red-carpet affairs, and hob knobbing with the wealthy. Just remember to be “yourself”. That is the magic potion to open doors to new careers, bigger business, and commercial windfalls. Many of you are naturals at winning the lottery. You have an uncanny instinct for knowing “when” and “what” to bet on. How about using this technique in “picking stocks”? You could entertain a super

career as a major commercial Blogger for Big Business. The key is being accurate, entertaining, appealing, and appearing sensually “available”. Hey – sex does sell but it doesn’t mean you have to “put out” to step up the ladder. Focus on selling intellect and intelligent ideas, concepts, and formulas of success ahead of their time but “right on time”. Get your picture in the paper and place “ads” or write-ups about you with “promotion” campaigns. It’s all about creating the perfect “calling card” to let the world “in” on what you know they can profit or benefit from “being in the know” about. Be open for TV interviews about relevant events and start building a Feng-Shui friendly wardrobe. Put some “crystals, stones, or colorful power gems” on the office desk, on the wall, or on a table surrounded by green plants. You want to look as confident as you sound, right? Right. Good Luck on attracting the right kinds of attention – see yourselves as “love’s 1st rays of light” and that’s what you’ll be in the world. LOVE Are you afraid of being happy? Why? Has it been that long since you were – this happy? Fear of success if nothing to sneeze at so work on feelings of not being “good enough” instead, believe you are “good enough” by starting sentences with those 4 words. Structure the sentence of the one word that describes “you” as a person. What words flatter you the most? What makes you feel divine to others to be around? Can you feel this way now? Often all it takes to turn around is to see the self in the eyes of those who love you most because what they think is what matters, right? Look for mutual missions in love relationships. Couples - what can you build on? It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together there is always room for improvement, right? Share as new and exciting? What can you enlighten them about to feel they understand you and what you feel? Making love an adventure between just “two hearts” simplifies and removes the “blocks”. You can see one another in the eyes of the other and feel as each feels. The heart is now beating because there are real signs of “life” when you are with one another. Love is “all the elements” rolled into “one” – your special “one”. Define it by loving on you more to attract the other side of “you”. Everything is a “journey” waiting to be explored with the best and most colorful Safari hat you can imagine.

Transitions to Watch December 3 – Saturn, Uranus (R) – Scorpio, Aries

Events happen beyond your control so start being more controlling of “you” and what you can do on your own. Stop being a gravitational pull for frustration, manicdepressive thoughts, and see the world in terms of “lifetimes”. How many lifetimes have you lived? What or who were you in a past life? Try Past Life, Karmic, Hermetic Astrology, or Tarot some “fresh perspective”. It will renew and strengthen intelligence levels. Have you been dealing with an alpha personality? Has this person’s action come off as a bit crude or cruel in context? Cyber bullying is a newer form of a very old and negative image practice. Words hurt but you can get the best of a person using compassion. Consider what state of mind they were in or what was stressing them out. In considering the fact you don’t know the whole truth its best to reserve being judgmental. Instead kill a person with kindness or take “legal” measures to send a message the public won’t ever forget. The world loves “underdog” success stories. Share and live the courage. December 4 – Mars enters Aquarius – 00’00” Themes related to Divine Timing teem over from yesterday. You will be happily surprised by random acts of kindness from others, favors called in by VIPs, and passionate receptions from the public about ideas. Speaking of “timing” do you have a gift for calling out events for others? Start an amazing and well-received e-business to act as counsel, public relations, or inspiration to motivate others with “can-do” philosophies. Consult with a Wicca expert in time for the Full Moon in Gemini. If you’ve been having a hard go of things you can turn this around with a lunar energy rite for love, money, recognition, or spiritual powers. Give self more leverage to acquire lawfully what’s rightfully yours. Keep in mind there is our court systems and Heaven’s to be balanced. What are you focused on most of the time? Did you know this attracts what you want faster? Twin Flames you can use this power to draw your lover to you! Get informed and ask a Wicca specialist or astrologist with yogic gifts in understanding “Venus in Sagittarius” energy. You’ll need the best tools to populate “eleventh hour” type events.

December 6 – Full Moon – (7:27am EST) – Gemini

Whoa! Watch those manic-depressive tendencies. Helping or healing others heals you in return. It makes you stronger, better, and more confident to know you could touch another’s soul to “grow”. But do it without expecting anything in return. Gifts from the heart are always blessed with “blissful” endings that spark fresh starts. You want to be more aware of the choices you make when it comes to where energy is directed. Do you intuit things that need deeper understanding? Are you being honest with self more on how you really feel? Psychic awareness frequencies are high. Having issues in deciding the right one in a love triangle? Just make a decision any decision and wait for what comes back as the “solution”. Or – you can cut to the chase with some accurate Love Astrology or Tarot. Karmic Astrology is also effective. Keen a health routine that keeps you in good cheer. Maybe you are a vegan, or perhaps there is s certain type of eating life style better suited for your body type. There are specialists who can tell from blood type what foods are best to eat as a regular staple. In the long run this is the winning ticket to ride with. Good health means a sound mind for good judgment. Secure and proclaim 1 personal day for “mental wellness”. Treat self to a trip to the nail salon, barber, massage & spa, or a night of swimming. December 8 – Jupiter retrogrades in Leo – Passion sells, good karma attracts, and favors are given as acts of generosity from those in power. Have you left a TWEET on a celebrity’s social media page? You can expect a very heartwarming tweet in return. Kind words are always appreciated and we love “praise” – all of us. Besides you are a celebrity, too. Have a champagne idea on a beer budget? Ever consider trading “services” or doing a favor for a favor? Would you like to break into certain kinds of social circles? If body image is an issue take care of it. Start a program of fitness that agrees with you and which is “fun” to do without thinking about it. Soft sell is more effective. Present the facts and explain “why” what you are saying or showing is relevant to match “need” with “supply”. If you observe, “trends” get into financial streams of Good Luck with “Divine Timing”. Creative projects are funded and selected for “financial support” from those at the top. Try astrology transit reports. Prepare for success and it happens faster. Love relationships will have you taking more time to get-to-know each other better. This can be good. Try astrology compatibility reports for guaranteed results.

December 10 – Venus enters Capricorn – 00’00”

This could be one of those days where you provide what others wanted before they ask. It’s a rare but oh-so-lovable gift that makes you super popular. An older person could act as a sage adviser to you on something deeply personal. Don’t be afraid to talk to those with the experience to understand where you are coming from. Ladies and some gents you don’t have to use sex for favors. Count on using the charms of wit, intelligence, and a keen eye for detail. Be a “go to” person others can count on for consistent accurate counsel if you work in any occult or esoteric field. Be research friendly by telling people what they didn’t know to get the right kind of attention. Volunteer talents for some worthy cause. Be a champion of emotional freedom techniques. Let others know how to work astrology that taps full potential. News comes of big advancements. Fitness becomes more important but so does spiritual growth. Try different types of yoga, meditation, and any discipline of self-control. A love could decide to go slow for the moment. It may be for the best because it forces “destiny” to help you choose what’s best in the long run. December 15 – Uranus (R), Pluto – Aries, Capricorn You don’t have to lock horns to get a point across. Charm is sexy potent when it comes to exerting power to influence. Inside of you are the magic words to make any wish come true. Find them with astrology, numerology, and different types of yoga. Make it a hybrid system to success. This aspect stimulates a “turn” for 2013’s Grand Cardinal Cross and this means “life takes a huge turn” when emotions trigger big decisions and radical events. Do the best you can to stay on target with what is most important to stay focused on. Look for more ways you “can” work together. Reconsider engaging in any criminal activities. This is a day luck changes, transforms, and re-news. Karma is balanced. The only way to play the game is to up you’re “A-game”. December 16 – Mercury enters Capricorn – 00’00” Are you great with numbers? Know a person who is? Get them in your corner when it comes to writing any presentation material for big ventures. You want the right people on the team. Look for ways to reach out and extend “sociable gestures”. In love you could meet a person with brains and beauty. But, triple threat-genius isn’t unique thanks to higher frequencies of 5th Dimensional psychic awareness. Today’s hottie is tomorrow’s “Not-tie”. Get up to date on your astrology with the best horoscopes, rune scopes, or tarotscopes. Investors shop for metaphysical businesses with chops to predict shocking accuracy about “industry”. This is a super rare talent the world truly demands to know more about. Self-help astrology courses will be a huge sell! It’s where all businesses will be headed to tune up consumer traffic and client drives.

December 21 – Uranus turns direct in Aries – You are this close to making something big go off without a hitch! Go for the full goal and kick up the energy. Put heart and soul into all you do so it can guarantee success of good will. Transform negative situation with positive thinking. Stay focused on what you want to happen and accept nothing else. Put action to words by strategizing and making the right kinds of plans. Look at what others did who pioneered the trails you wish to blaze. Follow through on passions but don’t be blindsided by greed, misinformation, or malice. You want the gold but in the right way, right? Ever thought of a career in Life Coaching, Tarot expertise, teaching metaphysics, or “energy” consulting? You could be a real natural at physical therapy, fitness training, or yoga. But you have to stop sleeping through dreams, “Wake up” and live them. December 21 – Sun enters Capricorn – 00’00 Have you done something scandalous? Fess up and get it out the way if this is a relationship you want to save. Fate steps in to help you when you let honesty open the heart and engage the soul. Yes you play to win but not at “any” cost spiritually. The same goes in business dealings. It’s best not to commit if you can’t get behind an idea from the heart as something you believe “in”. This is what moves the Earth and shatters world records as being the Greatest Of All Time. Within every soul is untapped potential to be famous as the best of something. Find out what your G.O.A.T. moment will be with meditation, Tarot, astral projection with the Higher Self, and other super cool methods of mental clarity. We get better when we just focus on being better educated. When we know better we do better. Defy the universe to consummate the right unions. Step out on pure belief – that – dreams really do come true as we dreamt them to be. December 21 – New Moon – (8:36pm EST) – Capricorn Good news, good luck, and good vibrations cue important life changes, transformations, and accesses to “gateways”. When we change “stations” in life passages are opened. New people enter your life to add culture, enhance awareness, and enrich personal wisdom. All it takes is “opening the heart” and aligning the Chakras. Twin Flames did you know you can communicate by sending subconscious messages? Go online and look it up as “Love Telepathy Therapy”. Entrepreneurs, new artists, holistic “Superstars” raise the standards of what you do. Industry needs a makeover so give it 100%. Go for opportunities to branch out and work with VIPs, celebrities, or persons of influence. Use the fame you have to put on shows to fundraise for charity events. At any time you can invoke rites of Free Will with Wicca to

turn hardships around. As long as we are talking about makeovers – how about give yourself one? It stimulates favorable energies of attraction to trigger more Good Luck for you. Red is the magic color…but Crimson is absolute Prada-gold! December 23 – Saturn enters Sagittarius – 00’00 Energies go hot to cold when others simply change how they feel. It may amaze how fast they walk away. Do what you can to keep interest by reinventing perception of “others”. Belief in self translates to believability to the public. For example if you want to spokesperson something it’s imperative for you to believe in the product to sell it effectively. You can’t move others if you aren’t motivating. Passion requires compassion to spark sincere interest. People have to feel or get “you” to buy in. Work on building up a solid reputation with organic appeal, hard work, and good karma. Volunteer for big social events because it is something you support from the heart. When the cameras go “on” it will read genuine emotion that translates “a reason” to get excited to others. Want to work in entertainment? Get busy with networking and RSVP to diversity job fairs, events, or red-carpet affairs. It’s all about being seen and being seen as “genuine”. Transform the “likeable” into the “loveable”. Fax “press releases” to the right news junkets or promote via social media. Chum the waters and see “who” bites. Shoppers catch Holiday sales. Or, if you run a business secure advertise with catchy but honest phrases. Introduce new products into the right streams, markets, and expos. Twin Flames enter sacred unions and possibly marry. Great timing! Saturn is the planet of all “soul connections” and Sagittarius is “the flame” of love keeping you alive. Look for ways to identify life missions and get started on the reason that brought you together. Couples assess strengths in the relationship to weather current emotional storms. Tests bring us closer to the ideal or, “closure” of it.

How to Prepare December is about developing an expert opinion and expressing it. Where November wanted us to get outside of ourselves to explore what is “out there” December is about confirming those feelings as “fresh starts”. We all need to be either closer to what we idealize or we need to attract closure so we can move on. Whole truths are not easy – at first but they are oh-so-therapeutic. It’s not good to keep soul-deep feelings locked up inside. We all have to emotionally grow up and stop looking for others to “blame”. Psychoanalysis of deep-seated feelings stems from old karma so its up to you to remove these “emotional blocks”. You are “home” when you feel safe in the skin you are in. How close are you to the image in the 3rd Eye? Be ambitious and driven to succeed but not at dire costs to others. Start with small goals and build up into higher ones. Every time you complete or follow through you feel motivated to keep going. Fitness re-programs are perfect to “plan” so this time around you can stick with it and look as you want by December 2015. Choose workout gear you find comfortable to wear to protect the body’s hyper-awareness of surroundings. We are products of our environment. Look at what type of exercise fits you with astrology. We have several blogs on the topic. You can also have a program put together using astrology synastry. Talk to an expert about it. Financial windfalls will be super strong from all the super high sexual energy crackling personal, professional, and international bodies of “space”. Did you need that one VIP, boss, or special person of influence to sponsor you? You’ll get it so prepare now by getting familiar with what you need in regards to legal documents, proper formatting, and being “polished”. Experts have the look of “expertise” in their field – do you - have the look you need for others to take your leadership seriously? Do you know the lingo to speak? Are you aware of how to rules work to win the game of any challenge? Forgive what happened in the past and step out on a faith of the “New”. More insight, revelations, and key information come to present a whole truth perception. You’ll make better choices this time around – believe in self. Universe wants you to focus, daydream, and wish big! The more you push the more likely you’ll pull off the impossible. Anything is possible with a “can-do” attitude.

Besides, think of how great you’ll feel turning “No-s” into “I should have said Yes-s…” Bet on a sure thing when it comes to love by working towards meeting your Twin Flame. Learn what you like and look for this as “clues” to meeting the one. 9 times out of 10 Twin Flames like what you “like” and love what you “love”. Become the “good catch” you wish to attract by being true to who you are. What makes you feel safe, warm, and protected? Now focus on these feelings by projecting with astral projection techniques. Try special meditations at least 2 days prior to the Full Moon to get best results. Visualize the dream wedding and focus on the person you see “marrying”. Higher Self is giving you the image to attract. Couples get into new therapies to spice up the bedroom. See what you can do to enhance performance by asking questions. Devote more time to be together and communicate feelings. You want to build “up” intimacy. See the relationship as a journey. Release and shake “ghosts” from the past with karma cleansing via Past Life, Karmic, or Soul astrology. Tweak weaknesses by identifying strengths with astrology compatibility. Sex is a sacred union to express the divine within each of you. When there is nothing blocking feelings there is automatic flow of energy and blessings of “bliss”. Decided to go separate ways? Keep in mind whether you are better off for the “break”. At the least you are gaining higher understanding and clarity. The best way to mend broken hearts is by getting back in the saddle of loving on you. The more you do this the more you’ll understand what you need to want and want to feel “needed”. Life is balance. Stay focused on getting “balance” within. Then you are strong enough to make sound judgment calls about “anything” and “anyone”. That’s total emotional freedom, right? Power living is matching “likes” and living by them as power passions to follow. We all have Pots-at-The-End-of-The-Rainbow. Isn’t it terribly good to know how to manifest personal “pots of Good Luck” instead of Pots of Blarney? You can with all the new metaphysical “How-to” books, reading materials, and expert guides on working personal magic. Remember every dream has a “time” to manifest so when something didn’t happen in the past, it may have just been a case of “bad timing”. That doesn’t predict what will happen now. So keep trying and stay regular with transit reports. If you are busy looking forward you’ll appreciate the times you can “look back” to know better.

HEADLINE 2nd+Chances Progress Us To A Better Life Jupiter Retrogrades In Leo - Feature article

SUMMARY Have you been experiencing hardship? How there been worse than good times? Would you like to stop the momentum and roll into the good life? We can show you how! End worry streaks. Drop dead emotional weight. Autopilot “Zen” on natural genius! You deserve it. Jupiter retrogrades in Leo so let’s enable you to create the “right events” to make life perfect, again. All you need is the right tools to sculpt the ultimate future in the present state of “mind”.


On December 8th one of the biggest phenomenons of 2014 happens. What is it? Jupiter the planet of Good Luck, returns of energy, and soul growth retrogrades in Leo at 22 degrees give or take a few degrees. Jupiter won’t turn direct until July 6, 2015. As a whole truth we take an “all-perspective” perception to seeing how this will influence life as we knew it. We can expect huge “waves” and frequences of change, transition, transformation, and metamorphosis. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and when it retrogrades it means “energy” must be based on personal strengths to “push” through barricades, blockage, and any other form of “tension”.


Figure 1

The Hunter’s Moon on October 8th a type of Blood Moon “marked” something cosmically special “happening” due to a Lunar Eclipse in Aries and the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio December 23rd. On this date Venus also entered Scorpio at ground zero creating a Divine syzygy This synastry gave amazing superpowers triggered and, in some cases agitated by Uranus turning direct in Aries December 21st. Aries rules all 1st House activities and Scorpio rules all 8th House activities. Confidence, self & body image, trust, and finances are highly influenced based on “karma”. These two aspects are also about “wealth”. Being

source and what you choose as sources of “information” to create wealth, wealth of knowledge, wealth of health, wealth of well being, and much more!

Figure 2

In numerology Jupiter vibrates to “3”. In gematria and numerology the hidden meaning and esoteric value of “3” is “understanding”. Now when we multiply 3 x 3 x 3 we get the 27. When you sum the digits of 27 by adding 2 plus 7 we get the product of “9”. The hidden meaning and esoteric value of “9” is “higher understanding”. All that is requires to understand something from a higher understanding or metaphysical perception is – “communication”. Communication mirrors “self-expression” via intuitive awareness. Universe clocks existence of “soul” by vibrating to “soul-ar” energy. It’s the meta of physics. New branches and hybrids have caused many “specialists, experts, and consultants” in astrology to expand studies in Hermetic Astrology, Vedic &

Solar Return Astrology, and Soul Centered Astrology to advance our understanding of the “psyche”. The psyche is another word for “soul” and it is the name of a famous Greek goddess of the soul. Remember reading the myth about Eros and Psyche or “Heart and Soul”? Astrologists use mythology to explain esoteric values of synastry, aspects, and astral body placements. They are naming or identifying cosmic phenomena which cite “global events and airs of influence”. In universal law this is called working the universe or “charging” it to hear and manifest one’s wishes into being. The Egyptians linked the power to make things happen to “magi” and The Star of Magi known in astrology today as “Regulus” the King Maker. This one star acted as the power generating and powering the Sun of our universe. But now are no longer in the Milky Way but well inside the Andromeda Galaxy. This means we have a new “celestial” home or if we see life in terms of lifetimes we have returned to a “home” long forgotten but embedded in our psyche as real memories based on “power of awareness”. Awareness is the power to express what you feel to be whole truths. Like when you meet a person for the first time in this life but not in another “lifetime”. Déjà vu. What will this call for? New astrology calendars must “solarize” time to keep accurate awareness of time. The mind has to know where it is to concept “time” as we know it. Thus the reason for “reality checks”. SOLARIZATION – THE SOLAR FLARE PHENOM Solarizing is the same process as “accounting” for time by “mapping” astrological transits of planets, asteroids, comets, and any other form of “star” or star system. We are quite literally made from “star dust” as particles or elements of our universe. An astrologist can read everything you were born to achieve by studying universal “snapshots” of where the planets were at time of birth. So yes your future is written in the stars. Ancient Wisdom magi from Christ’s birth were well aware astronomy so they would know when to expect the “miraculous”. So in allness “Heaven” is the first broadcast, publishing, and form of communication as a TV, Radio, or giant theatre screen. To this day we are still super entertained by “stargazing”. Think of the film “Xanadu” and you are well on the way of feeling “magical”, right?

This makes us “one” with the universe. When the body is no longer the spirit ascends to return back to original “structure” to become one and be in “oneness” as “allness”. It is allness we are tapping to unearth new potential or different outcomes. It is allness we tap when we reach new perceptions and raise the standards of others to perceive.

Figure 3

Power to reason opens the heart to feel alive, connected, and “Divine” – as a process of renewing intelligence. In Ancient Egyptology “Ra” or the Sun was pictured as a scarab rolling a ball of dung only to emerge from it in “sunlight”. This process depicts the progress the soul has to make to come out of “bondage” or quite literally – one’s shit. We have to take the crap life throws at us on the daily and turn it into something beautiful and “new” in the world.

Think of all the people who turned life horrors into “happy endings”? They had to go through hardship to get to the “sunny” side of life or “the next chapter” of one’s Book of Life. How can we know what our options are until we see what’s “out there” to explore in the world? When we educate our mind we are feeding our soul with the right information of “origin”. Genesis is no longer something you read in a book but what you can feel to be real due to the cosmic co-creating process of “care” and caring. DIVINE CONNECTION & SELF-CREATION Think of how well others receive you when you care enough to learn their customs, culture, or language? When you care enough to be educated you let the sunshine “in” and allow the Moonlight to “dance in the heart”. The conscious, subconscious, unconscious, and superconscious all connect into one “Divine Connect”. DC is the God Energy or “Thetawaves” of higher brain functions. You know what NASA and a few other science programs have tried to discover?

Figure 4 om/2013/03/21/51-symptoms-of-spiritual-awakening-how-many-do-youhave/%2Bdivine+connection,+god+energy&hl=en&gbv=2&prmd=ivns&strip=1

Until we come to realizations about Ancient Wisdom and prove its use darkness prevails. We have to remove “reasonable doubt” and employ “clarity” of thought to reach real solutions and simplify problems. We need to give self more credit on how intelligent we really are by “spiritually waking up”. The mind is not getting the “sun, fresh air, and other elements” needed to grow and emotionally mature. TURNING ON THE LIGHTS By hiding and concealing key facts we sell ourselves short of potential. What we believe dictates how progressive we’ll be towards success. We progress towards the light of higher understanding. It’s that moment when all the pieces fit to reveal the whole point of “why” you went through what you went through. We can either limit or unlimit our reach by keeping a positive outlook.

Figure 5

We can stop the inner child screaming “Are we there yet?” because before we know it with the right moves – “there” has now become the “here and now”. We have to take those wild and crazy ideas and manifest “ideals”, prototypes, blueprints, and original inventions. Then we have to inform the “public eye” to put those ideals “on the map”. This is the purpose of crossing over “streams” as indicated by Aquarius and Capricorn. Eros entered Aquarius in November blending Psyche and Sapphos. Though Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Aquarius by Uranus, both are guided by Uranus’ “light” – aka “intuition” - and termed “Lightbearers”. As metaphysical powers both signs raise intelligence. How? Why metaphysics, of course! The powers of these two signs raise perception by respecting universal laws of “logic”. It’s what you can’t argue with as being real but “unseen”.

Figure 6

Nature operates on “natural laws” of physics. There are spiritual, universal, and cosmic laws in play to make all “events” happen or manifest as “ma’at”. Ma’at keeps nature in balance as a whole. Ma’at justifies and tempers karma and adjusts “dharma”. So in essence is our psychic climate control of our “home”. It is how we navigate the soul and magnetically charge celestial transits. Space is a body and it is time to respect its laws to manifest better karma output that balance “nature” – ours and the collective.

Figure 7

S E E K E R = to seek the whole truth, Sagittarius The Archer who aims into the Sky. S E K E R = the whole system of life in “cycles” or Sek-els, Sek in Egyptology is slang for “shit” or dung. S E C U R E----S E C O N D----DOESN’T THIS LOOK LIKE a clue of a“KEY”? Many? It should. Imagine---A Circle closing “in” on itself or the number “8” and 8 on its’ side as “Infinity” TA-Dah! Abracadabra --- the Ancient astrology symbol of “true power”. Scorpio rules the 8th House and as such they demand a “clean slate” that is karma+drama free, right Scorpios? See they are nodding already. One said – “You bet your sweet ass!”. Okay – so back to astrology and the extreme or bipolar picture it paints about our true natures. Ancient Wisdom was written way back “when?” but the reason its wisdom is because what is written still holds to be true or “relevant”. This explains the radical shift of thinking in both Capricorn and Cancer which create and hold “emotional flow” thus both signs control our POVs about “money and the material vs security of the spiritual”. It’s a constant Robin Hood take on how our economic systems work in theory but “really” work off the books – so to speak. In universe nothing is written until you write the thought, first and act “second”. Since there are 3 sides to every whole truth it only substantiates the phrase “3

wishes, triangle, and The Spirit”. Capricorn says we must express all those feelings Cancer is creating in our mindfulness. Our thoughts power our ability to draw knowledge or intuit. This really drives our psyche “crazy” sometimes. There is constant back and forth of these two signs and in Sexual Astrology they are sexual napalm. For all the Capricorn-Cancer couples –HUBBAHUBBA and “Thanks!” for moving the Earrth forward. Don’t get it wrong we still have the Full Moon in Gemini-past New Moon in Sagittarius-energy-pull flowing through universe, too. But all of this is what makes astrology so exciting because it has a direct influence on “you” as a whole. This is shown by all the activity you can expect throughout December. We’ll have more emotional moodswings than Octomom “off drugs”. Capricorn wants us to hope for the best but be true to what’s real about our spiritual situation. How deep or shallow can a person be? What will transform beauty back to beast? It’s attitude for no reason except to you. It could also be parasites. Parasites seek to fill what’s missing and this falls under Pisces’s influence with Chiron turning direct last month. Why do we turn to alcohol, drugs, or vices? Speaking of drugs – there is a Mother, Jugs, and Speed fascination for “experimenting” with the wild side. It is countered by the Mother Earth Gypsy seeking “global peace”. One will dominate more than the other. This is demonstrated by the North Node in Libra shifting 3 times in November. Consider how we are our celestial environment. Feelings will flip. going from the Titanic to The Love Boat as we surf through highly emotional world events and breaking news headlines. It is a shift in perception because people are speaking whole truths and we find this “shocking”. Because astrology of today will have co-signed what was written by the Ancients. What goes around has now “went” and come back again. Like Cancer, Capricorn endows us with the power to read minds and hear thoughts. Telepathy is one of the greatest ways to charge “universe”. It’s how you’ll be thinking something and out of nowhere it appears-at-the-eleventhhour-type-of-event. Once you know what its’ like to feel whole you never want to go half-on anything again. This is an all or nothing Scorpion trait. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are zodiacs known for high sexual natures. One by reputation and the other by “hard work”. Unless one is a porn star this is great for the libido, sex appeal, and athletic prowess. You aren’t wrapped too tight or acting like it because you “got sum” on the regular. If the quality is superb a

Capricorn will be your Sex-BFF! Sex calms a Capricorn and makes Leo just get started! Sex is passion and with Mars in Capricorn it’s all about the BAHs! Quality. Just ask a Capricorn “homegirl” she’ll school you.

BEAUTY & THE BEAST “GOT BIZZY” Yin and Yang symbolize “sex”, union, and being sacredly intimate. Feeling. Orgasm. It’s How you know what “real” feels like… See why there is a seeking to “pick” Capricorn drives the purest type of love – love of the soul. It is feeling so deep they can’t mouth the words you can only express it in song. Capricorns love to praise to control situations or calm things down. Humor is the first talent they’ll shop to ease tensions and pick information. It’s the gift and weapon of familiarity and it is shared directly with Cancer. In Cancer familiarity has to be royally proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Something being “true” relates to Capricorn. They are natural seekers of the whole truth about others and other people’s seedy business. They make it their personal aim to know all they can about you by taking their sweet time to do it. Sadly this strong drive can be unbalanced by an un-well sex life. This triggers a narcissistic need to be the best when all that really matters is knowing it in the 1st place. There is an invisible need to prove something to those with opinions that don’t relate or add anything of value. We all have to deal with spiritual parasite personalties but at some point it is on you to shake the system and do better. Capricorn in metaphysics are “gatekeepers or guardians”. They hold specific kinds of spiritual keys to pick the locks of others’ psyche. Like their astrocounterpart Cancer they can “feel” what truth is based on excellent eye to detail. This is a Scorpion trait to “ferret” the truth out of others with as little force as possible. It’s a highly developed technique in intelligence gathering, mocking, and shapeshifting. These talents are closely mocked off “Gemini” and it’s ability to double-talk. Saying one thing while feeling another. This is called suppressed emotion in Cancer and outright “manic depression” in Leo. You can see there this flow is headed. So we essentially “flow” into reincarnated states of being. Dreams are more vivid and lines are more blurred in who one is drawn towards. Like “goats” we are drawn to taste a bit ot “everything” life has to offer. In Tarot Card Key 15/6 is keyed to The Devil and to Capricorn in astrology. This card has gotten a

pretty bad reputation when on the flip side it is interpreted as a highly enlighened soul or personality. It represents “wisdom” when used in the positive context. If a person is who and what they “avatar” to be there is passage to wealth cornucopias, fields, acres, and oceans of true wealth the spiritual of course balanced well with the “material”. Capricorn values status of “who” a person is in life “spiritually” thus the old-souled demeanor. The wiser one is the more royal they are treated and well-respected. Capricon feels and thinks it is one’s duty to learn from “hard knocks”. But it is expected that every time you are knocked on the ass, you are expected to rise at least 3 times faster. For Capricorn life is perpetual motion of some kind of goal that really shows you off to folks. How can you up-do to blend in with the royals of society by while being inglorious. How can you transmute aura? How often can we fall to land on clean palms? Only a soulful person could answer such a question because they’d know “silence” would be the resonating recall. Thoughts have echoes like light has shadow. Thus the need to express gratitude because there is all the more reason to “praise”. Universe responds fastest to “praise” aka – “joy, mirth, and good will to all. It’s not easy to remember all those “laws” until you’ve lived them. LIVED D E V I L --- The Mirror or Whole Truth A person who knows and understands their true ancestry or “roots” as a spirit does indeed and thought possess the magic “key” to their personal akasha. But it requires we develop powers of intuition to use them properly. It’s the warning label on the cigarettes. It means what is done is a product of our own self doing or self un-doing. It’s a vicious cycle but eventually we get it right and Good Luck happens by fate & destiny, hand-in-glorious-hand. Ancient tribal civilizations as far as Kemet, Lemuria, Atlantis, and the Mayans based government laws on metaphysical laws of nature to make it easier to remember. They had figured ways and systems to autopilot karma thus keeping Earth in the proper orbital path with its Sun. Recall everything in universe comes in “pairs” but how many of those pairs have been switched thanks to “polar shifts”? Those “pairs” are mirroring each other as energy “polarities” or

Twin Flames. This was the entire issue during the creation of the Julian calendar by the Romans. Like our time they were going through Twin Flame power shifts when Regulus entered Leo. Now Jupiter is in Leo. So expect world changes in “power”. Expect transitions in government controllership. 2015 starts with huge bangs! Good ones as long as we keep positive thoughts and practice more good karma like “recycling, offering to help others, and being a listening ear” as a friend. All of these are influences relating to the synastry currently lining up throughout December. At this level of thinking the human brain operates at “supernatural” speeds because the mind is clear enough to handle “cosmic downloads”. Intuition like anything else has “levels”, portals, and passages which all lead to gateways of knowledge in the esoteric. This is what makes it so fascinating to pick information. We are seeking specific answers to specific questions to advance grand ambitions. We are born to be stars in heaven and on Earth. But it would take a “collective wake up call” to actualize the momentum of seeing life in terms of “whole truths”. Technology used now has been in “storage” since 1947. They are unearthed because “perception” is different. This is greatly due to the North Node in Libra activiites throughout November and the Sun+Moon+Venus “syzygies”. Knowledge flows but we are the ones who decide where it will flow and “how”. Redistribution of “knowledge” means the inevitable redistribution of wealth. So hotdog! Get ready to cash in on some sweet deals in December! But be wary of taking advantage off the bad luck of others. When temptation of greed tips the scales of “justice”, power will naturally be redistributed but organized. We wil have to learn how to live moderate lifestyles and respect our natural resource reserves. This can make a few people and some countries quite cranky. We have to learn how to share Earth’s resources because many of them are “tapped out”. Christmas is not the best time to divulge this kind of information. Prepare now because we will be affected in 2015. Be sure and check our yearly horoscope for more on that topic. This another reason to go “organic” a Sagittarius and Capricorn attribute. Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23rd – two days before Christmas. That day will be white-hot with “psychic energy” and angelic communications. So be sure

to “Wicca” before the New Moon in Capricorn and Winter Solstice December 21st. Many Capricorns or Capricorn Ascendants are naturally drawn to Wicca and have pronounced talents in drawing lunar energy. You could pick up classes and use what you learn to launch successful busiensses and healing practices or consultant firms. Big corporations will be looking for ways to save money using wellness, organic products, and ways to keep their employees “happier” for longer periods of time.

Figure 8

Yin and Yang. Nature must be balanced but it should be done organicly not to create more “putrid karma” for the world to bear and be purged of. World disasters induce “births” of more diseases. As you remember Jupiter just toured Cancer entering it during the Chinese Year of The Snake. The snake symbolizes wisdom, balance, and the secret systems of the occult or “hidden”. When people say they don’t understand “why” bad happens. The answer is hidden right in front of us – we let bad happen when we can easily choose “good”. This is the

meaning behind the Yin and Yang symbol, the numbers “6” and “9”, and the glyph for Cancer. We don’t have to gorge on cupcakes when there are healthy fruit alternatives. The same as we don’t have to choose to use some drugs when there are herbs which work better for the body. No one is making us return lost or stolen items which weren’t reported. It’s our nature to listen and follow our conscience. We have to live with it as “peace of mind” or chaos of soul. The latter yields a frustrated, indecisive, and counterproductive persona – a tyrant. A well balanced conscience begins with a strong “intuition”. Because then you have a good sense of spiritual or esoteric direction. You are clear and a clear channel of “light”. To be light means being worry free, confident, and secure about what the day will bring as “virtues” based on karma. Our conscience is a guide, compass, and direction to what is meant for us to achieve in any lifetime. In esoteric circlles “light” is another word for akasha. Its not cool to profit off the misery of one’s fellows and it is an indelible mark upon the soul of those involved. See its those 2 birds again. It is a fact there is what we can see going on and that which we can’t but know it is because we feel it. Metaphysically we are all connected. We write the next chapters to our own Books, Trees, and Systems of “reincarnation”. How kind we were is what dictates what “kind” of reincarnation we will be literally and figuratively. You can become the best until you are educated by the “best”. Experience is “wisdom”. At some point we were where we are “right now” but in another lifetime. Life lessons repeat until they are fulfilled. THE ALPHAS Ceres’ activity in November taught us how to get productive by being more “logical”. Metaphysics reveals how to re-apply “wisdom” to create “archs” or alphas – aka “monarchs”. Strong minded people or “alpha” personalities are what “survive”. They are driven to succeed and highly ambitious by nature. Wouldn’t you love to be this way in some areas of love, career, leadership, or business? Alphas are either strongly loved, liked, feared, or respected. Their authority is rarely questioned or usurped. They are seen as proven “wisemen” or magi about any topic. They are the “guru” personalities and the overachievers who raise the standards. So how do we become more “alpha” in

our personality makeup? Alpha personality is what bestows “natural confidence” and a can-do attitude. They rock the boat and build new ones. “Alpha or Omega” are Divine Attributes keyed in numerology to two numbers mentioned in last month’s issue. They are the gateway numbers of “8” and “9”. In psychology they are the people who gatekeep information, make all the big decisions, and call the shots. They are the “in” crowd or popular vote because they have and exert strong powers of influence. However this personality type can also swing to into “czar” mode, be territorial, dictating, controlling, manipulative, and down right pure evil when provoked, motivated, or stimulated in that direction. You are either “hot” or “cold” to these personality types. So you have to be real or really interested in what they “like” to get in. That’s how fame works. Think of Miranda Priestly in the blockbuster – “The Devil Wears Prada”. Alphas don’t fear the “unknown” they respect it by holding its secrets and hidden meanings. They’ll cash in or pursue “sure things” and they’ll only hang out with “winners” or people who “think positive” most of the time. Talk to a person born on the 8th, 17th, 26th, 9th, 18th, or 27th and you’ll see what is meant. These two numbers are also what sets the standard of “royalty” as in royalty income, royal treatment, and being a royal “pain” in the you-know-what. These numbers represent “extremes” in psychology of one’s behavior. It’s an “all or nothing” type of stance and what is needed to prevail or overcome one’s opposition or opposing energy in metaphysics. If you have any of these numbers in your astrology and numerology makeup those aspects represent “personal strengths”. They show strong synastry or “Divine Expression and Structure” of thought as “energy”. Remember before we were any “form” we existed as “thought”, first and last – and isn’t that the definition of being an “alpha” or omega? GOOD KARMA = GOOD LUCK

Figure 9 Relative Karma

The only way to harmonize, power, or control “alpha personalities” is by using a gentle hand. Anything else will make us “buck the system”. See the dynamic of working with alpha types of energy? In being educated you put self in streams to receive extreme Good Luck, Divine Timing, and greater Divine Connections. We make good luck happen faster by creating more “good karma”. Good Karma cleanses the metaphysical environment like recycling helps to clean the physical environment. Think about the “Carbon Imprint” theory and you are on the right track. All of these tap Higher Consciousness and power “Higher Consciousness” thinking of being able to see all sides to “one decision”. Being an executive type is not easy until you simplify, clarify, and get objective about what it is you aim to accomplish.

WHO HAS THE “POWER”? All levels of “power” as energy must come from dominate vibrations created by these two numbers. Both are supernatural powers of energy we give and receive to “take or be on the take”, right? Open the mind and see the bigger picture by seeing and being the whole “you” in it. SO LAR SOULAR R A = SUN or Solar Energy, Egyptian God of The Sun L U N A R = Moon or Lunar Energy, “Rays of Light” reflected in the Sun KARMA Metaphysics observes life from a “bird’s eye” view. You scale down “expansion” to see “why” things are happening as they are. You get forensic about what has been holding you back from reaching goals so you can follow through. This gives us the intelligence to make processes work better and “love” of what we are doing. We all use metaphysics from the basics of “hustling” to predictions from the world’s Top Astrologists, Numerologists, and occult specialists. Occult simply means “hidden” but real. When police want to catch a top notch their they need an “expert” of equal value and education to track them. This is the reason many criminals become experts. They are now using those special powers for higher good. Think of what inspired young Bruce Wayne to evolve into the shadows of “Batman”. Wasn’t it extreme pain of loss of those he loved most? So how can a person turn a pinkslip into being in the pink as an entrepreneur? What greatness is “hidden” within? Saturn in Scorpio, Uranus (R) in Aries, and Mars entering Aquarius December 4th populates “transformations” in culture. Life comes in highs and lows but somehow we “manage” to make it through storms. We can talk about how we feel and how something made us feel by “growing up” emotionally. We move from being a society hooked on “pills and other vices”. We seek to understand the use of herbs, herbal remedies, and speaking positive words to heal, recover, and renew. We take the time to understand “why” we feel and work on treating the “origin” of the pain by “un-causing” it via karma. We open the mind and heart to balance the whole metaphysical body of “soul”.

Bam! A Full Moon 14 degrees in Gemini puts us back in “control and in review of personal controllership” of the life we pilot. Remember in November Earth went through 3 North Node “power shifts”. Before that Mercury transitioned 3 times as a retrograde - from Scorpio to Libra - before resting again in Scorpio during November. Chiron tours Pisces attracting “closure” and bringing one closer to ideals. Self actualization causes us to see our part in psychic processes. Karma is psychoanalyzed as shown by the beginning and end month’s Moon in Pisces. We have to act as our own counsel. We must see life in terms of living lifetimes. The worst has happened and life steps back to say “OK, how will we deal with this and recover?” Cosmos wants us to select the best type of therapy, fitness, or healing we can stick to and complete to access “higher awareness” cultures influencing our world. We experience a sexual revolution, renaissance, and reconciliation of what we like, what we want, and “who” is most likely to fit the standard as one’s personal tastes, couture, and desires. There are several cases of people “feeling” ill but having no physical ailments. There are just as many cases of people experiencing “no pain” by adopting a “mind over matter” perception. We control “pain” by being more receptive to awareness using “psychic awareness” and this is the Gemini-Sagittarius connect of “whole truths”. Gemini “thinks and feels” and Sagittarius is concerned with analyzing “thoughts and intentions”. STARS ARE BORN Vesta enters Capricorn stimulating a turn with 2013’s Grand Cardinal Cross. A flame within lights up. You have an epiphany and some serious “A-ha!” moments. It’s a scientific fact the more you have of one form of wealth, the greater you attracts “forms” or structures of others. You build momentum using passion. Passion powers ambition. Ambition drives one’s wealth. Wealth autopilots “fame, glory, and Star quality”. What do investors or entertainment corporations seek most to generate, populate, and equate “VIP-dom”? Star and “Start” Quality. Star Quality powers our “personal” best and Start Quality powers us to “personalize” our best as services, systems and any trade. Enter “Zen”. Like when you are working out or doing yoga. See everything in terms of “energy” and nothing else. How are you investing personal energy? Where are you directing energy? Where would you like to direct energy? What would you like

to produce and be productive at as a lucrative and budding career? How can you turn a “pumpkin” into a Six-Horse drawn carriage with all the bells and romantic whistles? When you look at something what potential do you see can happen? You are the “Hunter” but “what” could you be on the hunt to find, secure, and prove as “real”? FLIGHT OF A LIFETIME Imagine for a moment you are on a night flight headed “home”. Where is home? What does it look like? Observe while breathing deeply – what is around you? What stands out in the vision? Now how did you get in this flight to some great place with six or seven digits in the bank? Look down what are you wearing? Is it couture? Are there coworkers or VIPs around you smiling and cheering you on about some great new financial coop? Now feel someone touch your hand. The hand on yours belongs to the ideal “love and ultimate soul mate”. Zoom in on their eyes locked in yours. How are you feeling? Bliss? This can be a real “event” especially if you had 100% heart and soul projected inside the “feeling” of the event. Now think about the risks involved in getting you to this point in life where there is nothing but ease and confidence. Now you hear a voice speak, “Can you believe it’s been 5 years since..?” This is the Higher Self and it’s available if and when you feel ready to “talk” and seek personal higher counsel you can truly trust. Intuition is a new power we have just tapped globallly via the use of charging universe with cosmic thoughts. We see the self in terms of “whole truths”. How many lifetimes we’ve lived up to this point. Can you believe we visit the self daily when we dream, daydream, wish, and feel thoughts to be true and accurate “projections” of the person we want to be based on the person we were. Now flip back in personal time to think of all the choices that led you from one point to another. Think of each of these “points of light” as events. What event triggers a huge lottery payout? What events lead up to a huge promotion on the job? What was the first moment you met and took vows with a potential Twin Flame? What was the event of the day you read something that inspired you to take a leap of faith? Psyche enters Pisces December 25th. Life is a huge Wheel to be spun not with “whole truths”. Yes truth hurts but it also “heals” - when we are honest and take responsibility for our actions, right? Did you write a story just to see someone

else take credit, fame, or genius for it? Did you find out a friend dated an “Ex”? Were you snubbed for a professional or accolade consideration? Did you see pain coming? Did you accept what you did to put that karma in transit? If you use astrology, numerology, or Tarot you did. Esoteric tools help us fill in the blanks of what we feel to be missing from “a clear understanding” of whole truth. PAIN IS AWARENESS Heartbreak and pain of any kind doesn’t feel great but it is a form of “medicine” to make the soul aware of cosmic “imprint”. Whole truths help us see how “happy” we can be with a few psychological “adjustments” in perception and perceptory abilities. There is always a 3rd Eye perspective where all sides roll into one big decision. Zero in on one big decision to kill 2 birds with 1 stone to optimize “options”. Get to the heart of any matter to conquer with “love and balance”. Psychology is a great tool that helps us clear the air so to speak. In fact the euphoria of telling the truth has been likened to the relief of “passing gas”. Let’s face the confidential facts. It’s not easy to feel sexy, confident, and appealing with whirring wind effects of “releasing”. “OOH, (PARDON ME) I HAVE GAS” Yes! Life can be one big “WHOOPEE CUSHION”. If a person feels at ease enough to let go it’s a clear sign they can also - let God. But for some this can be a deal breaker in deciding whether to stay with a person or even in a business relationship. Why? It implies level of comfort. We create “comfort zones” when we let those we care for “be true to who they are”. It is kind and loving to help others feel comfortable enough to “let go, release, and break wind” by breaking free from emotional restrictions and hang-ups. Pallas enters Sagittarius December 27th. The body lets of “toxins” when the immune system is working at its best. Toxins deprive the body of valuable “air” and overwhelm our immune system to “fight”. We do the same thing when we fail to reflect on life lessons to extract real value of learning the lesson. It is kind of the universe to guide us through our self-journeys. It may seem cruel at times based on what we experience as “pain” but in the whole it is kindness that pushes us to make changes we might not have.

Kindness means “Good Luck” and happens in 4 ways: 1. Our ability to create “events” by taking control and accepting responsibility for actions. 2. Someone does a favor for a favor coupled with “positive thinking”. 3. We focus only on what we want and “charge” universe for celestial justice. 4. Breakthroughs and lucky breaks come as rewards of hard work and wellcalculated foreplanning. Emotionally you have to prepare for success by “projecting” the right thoughts or “charging” universe. Surrender “worries” and let go. Believe in “fate being on your side” and that what is destined “will be”. Expect without placing labels on “expectations” and be more determined to just “progress”. Manic depression and financial stress keeps the body feeling bloated and unattractive. When a person feels unattractive it can be derived from “not meeting one’s goals”. This acts as a block towards “intimacy” and opening of the heart. When we motivate, inspire, and channel by tapping “Spirit” to move the right people to take the right action. Our “actions” project karma. We all have crosses to bear but the key is to bear them lightly by having more faith and practicing greater patience towards follow through. Burdens are lighter when we “clarify” what we hope to receive. Yes, this demands a great leap of faith in what you are doing “in the present” to meet the future you desire. When we get in oneness of universe we establish “trust” that it is more aware of what’s best in the long run. For some of us giving up control of our personal Wheel of Fortune can be risky. The more trust in the workings of universe the faster we receive what we want out of life. We have to prove what we believe is right by setting the example or becoming the “standard”. No matter what is going on with life you can moderate perfect outcome with stronger self-belief. Venus the planet of “attraction” and ruler of “Love” enters Capricorn December 10th. Perceive one’s ability to work magic in terms of “attraction value”. Attraction is what gets people interested enough to care. When there is “process of care” it enhances “standard of care” or due process of law in a court room. Court rooms administer the laws to make us “whole” and

feel“wholesome” or innocent. In short we go to court to clear the air and balance the scales of justice. Metaphysics is the court system, court room, judge, jury, and jurors of “life” as a whole. It seeks to give a view of what’s going on inside in time to change what manifests as “outcomes”. Wouldn’t you love to call events with accuracy before they happened? Just imagine the new powers of magic you would tap as new potential of “power”? Innocence means Zen without “sin” or blemish. When we feel clean or innocent we attract what we want – FASTER. Why? It gives us more natural confidence and we feel success if deserved instead of “entitled”. For those in power you feel motivated to give, share, or distribute when you feel well reasoned with. You don’t mind the sale if you can believe in what you are buying into. Working the public works the same if one wishes to become “famous”. A big heart attracts big love. Big love requires big sacrifices, risks, and well calculated hunches. Power of “Zen” to maneuver universe using “energy and enegy medicine”. We renew culture by stimulating a new standard of “structure”. Transform a system from “inside out”. This means having and expressing “change of heart”.

Figure 10

Feeling at Zen gives and accepts “love” as “self-expression”. What can you do to express feelings? How can you turn negative events into positive outcomes? It’s time to think and understand how we can add more “love” to all we do and want to be. It’s time to fall back in love with the process of caring. We need to give a damn to accept the “blessing”. How much do you want the public to love you? How much love can you share and distribute as wealth and wealh of caring? Many are givers first because it gives imagined perception of control of self and one’s environment as the culture of it. This is the parameter of “whole truth”.

You + Environment + Cosmic Imprint = One Whole Truth about Your Existence

There are some people who can live in “shade” and function perfectly. Some can’t imagine living out of the safety of “light and feeling enlightened”. Others have given up on ever realizing dreams romantic or otherwise. But is this wise? What if you give up too soon? We all want to feel vital, sexy, and wanted. We all want to feel “loved”, liked, and desired. This requires a culture of “ease” not disease. No one likes to feel betrayed, let down, or disappointed. No one loves to feel lonely, abandoned, or rejected. Now pause and go back to the 2 birds-with1 stone theory. How can you 1. Not feel this way again? And 2. Be clear-headed about what events led up to dissatisfaction? No we don’t want to hurt feelings by being direct, and yes – we want to protect those we love however which battle is the most important to pick and fight? How long are we willing to fight for what we want? How do we admit our part in “events” and accept what happened “as things are”? How can we reconcile a new direction, fresh start, and beginning?

HEALTH Something troubling you? Well unless you can do something about it in the “now” it’s best to let it go. Try a nature walk, yoga, or pilates. Have a cup of calming herbal tea when you can’t seem to settle down. Make sure you regularly hydrate with alkaline pH water and green drinks. Get to know what your body type is based on personal astrology. Try self-teaching astrology courses, blogs, or v—logs. Integrate “personal” or “mental” wellness days off from work. Reflect on achievements you have made towards life long goals. You could find you are closer than you thought. Research cross training techniques which save time but yield incredible results. Make it something you’ll feel like doing throughout the holiday binge. Be willing to accept your part in disagreements. We all have to release toxins and selfexpress frustration. Do you need to talk? Plan addiction recoveries as “selfjourneys”. Practice “breathing”. You want to ease into balance at a pace you can handle. Check online for credible e-counsel sites or prayer lines. Schedule time to make entries in your Gratitude Journal and speak to your personal astrologist. They can help you life plan the best route to feeling “whole”. Explore more natural ways to be happy without “vices or devices”. Meditate. It’s great to just feel sometimes.

Look to new therapies like Reiki, energy medicine, aromatherapy, chromotherapy, or workshops that teach how to power up “intuition”. Add Feng Shui to make tasks fun to complete. Self-reward! Try Time Management by doing a little on a daily basis. Re-do the home to reflect the attitude you need to be “in” to achieve goals. Have pictures hung up that motivate you. Buy more green plants to keep a naturally clean air environment. Plan to end addictions so failure won’t hinder progress. By this phase you have this done and by the next phase you have more and so forth. Don’t make promises you aren’t honestly ready to keep to self. Start 12 steps of clarity towards “everything”. Read inspirational stories by people you admire and look to as examples. We are all human and prone to making mistakes we can learn from. Keep the focus where it counts. Energy is all you have. Avoid self-harping behavior as long as you do your best that’s all anyone can ask for, including “you”. Curb manic depressive thoughts and narcissistic tendencies with hobbies, passions, and new past times. Catch a movie with friends. Write a book or compose an original song. Make self-help v-logs for social media. The more you give from the heart the more you stand to receive. If something is truly worth fighting for don’t start half-battles when you can wholeheartedly find resolutions. VIPs and those in charge are watching to see how well you handle “grace” under fire. It’s dictates how far you go from where you are “now” in life.

FINANCE & CAREER If you ran into a few snafus from October and November in getting in touch with certain people good luck brings 2nd-3rd-and-4th chances to reconnect. Delays prove to be favorable. Timing is on your side. Take big gambles in career, business, finance, and love. All you have to do is promote and support projects you can be passionate about and devoted towards completing. Writers get the go ahead on literary sales but there are few edits you’ll need to make to seal the deal. Be open minded and less attached to the “ego”. Fame comes with sacrifices. For many in entertainment or any creative profession you’ll get the “OK” to put wheels in motion on stagnated projects. Practice patience when executives or VIPs drag their feet. It’s for good reason and a plus for you because it means they are serious about sponsorship or providing financial support. Know the

lingo and get familiar with contractual terms or obligations. Be clear about what you want or expect for services or exchanges of any kind. Put things in writing as “drafts” and wait until the 12th to sign on the dotted line. Financial windfalls arrive within days of December 23rd. Yeah! Bank errors from “overcharges” and purchase rewards mean extra cash. The 1st of December well into the 13th are ideal to receive news of promotion and new assignments. Expect to be singled out by top Brass for awards or year-end bonuses. This continues into January 2015. Lottery winnings are huge around the 20th so play responsibly. Visualize and believe. Have a system and act on hunches. What’s meant to be will happen and you couldn’t be happier! Unemployed? That soon changes as many head back to work at new companies doing work unlike what you’ve done in the past. This is good because you learn new crafts and become an expert. Many step into positions of leadership. Challenges bring growth and career maturity. This makes you an asset when you can turn “buckets” into “Bugatti-s” for you employer. Having issues with a certain coworker or supervisor? Stay focused on what is expected of “you” and keep up performance quotas. Let work quality speak for you. If someone threw you “under the bus” don’t retaliate or let setbacks stir questions on being good enough. You are. Take an honest look at what could be better at and improve. Show initiative, out-of-the-box thinking, and style. You can’t control what others do, think, or feel -, but you can change “perception”. Let quality of work speak for itself. Do what you can to be available to assist others. Show “care” and raise personal standards. If you are one of those who “plug in” or zone out while working ask coworkers to give you “head’s up” so you can be well prepared. Supervisors look at how you communicate with employees. Is there something you can do better? It’s all about finding ways to harmonize and infuse productivity metabolism. Work in real estate? You’ll be in position to buy and flip huge profits with new clients around the middle of the month. All you need is the right “calling card”. Avoid “sales gimmicks”. Use metaphysics in “postings” with words and statitstics people won’t forget. Focus on the reaction you want to evoke when wording.

Not sure where to start? Pick up books on writing metaphysical literature or try a creative writing course to bone up communication skills. Study clients’ likes and zero in “why” what you have is so valuable to them “now”. Be helpful. Offer incentives and rewards for “referrals”. Word will get out and soon you’ll have too many leads. So practice being selective. Spiritually gifted? You receive special powers of analysis and “forecasting”. Ever thought of approaching big corporations with those figures you been doodling? Numerology makes a huge comeback because numbers provide values, hidden meanings, and insight of “patterns”. Your work could save BIG $$$ as timely advice for a “column, v-log, or highly commercial critic’s corner”. Find ways to look “big” on a small budget. Try social media advertising. Stimulate the economy by stimulating the world’s mind with intellectual repartee. Are you keen to metaphysics? Feng Shui offers lucrative avenues to make serious payola. Pick up training or get certified as a specialist in any “type” of it. Present fresh perspective and gift higher perception. Who wouldn’t pay to be smarter, wiser, and more glamourous? The world needs more eyes to tell it what to keep an eye out for when it comes to spotting “the best, the favorite, and the up-and-coming”. Go Hollywood! If you have the talent universe sends the right people to invest in your website, project, or new invention. Make learning fun, easy to understand, and convenient to apply. Are you a natural celebrity and gifted at relating to the public? Get in the right niche. Network in the right circles. Volunteer for special events so you can meet, greet, and connect. Create a regal style as a spokesperson for products you love. We can’t get enough of positive feedback. This is especially true if you make a living with online businesses. It’s all about structure, marketing, and packaging savvy. How you present ideas is just as important as “when”. A personal astrologist can be a gateway of information to guide you to emotional and financial freedom.

LOVE Juno and Jupiter in Leo prompt a clear picture of “who” you love and “who” to give you heart to. Key decisions are based on how many passions you share and spiritual life missions. Where you are in the present is not the person you’ll be in the near future. There is an urgency to be with the “one” who completes

you. If you already know “the one” but have yet to act on feelings December changes all of that. Best dates to make a move will be around the 1st, 6th, 7th, and near the 20th of the month. Ah “love”. Second chances situations bring past loves and soul mates back to “karmic origins”. There is a sense of urgency for heaven to bring you together one more time. Some are either in the middle of a love triangle or about to end one. That tug of war going on between heart and head finally comes to a decision. Twin Flames, you’ll know exactly what and “who” you want to spend eternity with. This person makes you feel at “home” on profound levels of comfort. Telepathy powers and communication will be strong. Singles and “displaced partners” you probably met “the one” around October or November but timing was off or just plain bad. This has changed thanks to the North Node polar shifts and Jupiter retrograding in romantic Leo. Romance could have been the missing ingredient in establishing intimacy. It’s not easy to reach out if you are shy or introverted by nature but you get the gumption and boy is it unexpected! You can make a fuss without drawing a crowd. That may be what’s best. Remove distractions and anything that stood as obstacles. Channel oneness into the relationship with astrology or sexual astrology compatibility. Take advantage of free trial email offers! It’s kismet. Couples you may have been doing an emotional tango for some time trying to re-tweak the magic. No problem. Put egos to the side and focus on what you want “more of”. Stop whining about what you want “less of”. It’s considered nagging and nitpicking. Reassign household duties so neither feels they are doing more than their fairshare. Pick your battles wisely by thinking of what you want to happen instead of what is happening. Try new therapies for couples or spiritual retreats. At the least you’ll have a clearer mind on what to do next. Be willing to devote more time towards building romance and being spontaneous. Taking your loved one a homecooked dinner or lunch does wonders to break the ice in “stalemates”. Talk about a new book you’ve been reading. Share the light you see in the world. Talk about your day and make it a point to ask how each is “feeling” before going right into taking care of business. Practice restraint sex games and “flirt” so you can stoke passions for later. Have erotic writing contests and get exotic. Be willing to re-learn anything to please

and satisfy one another equally. It takes two. If you need more space or want to discuss fetishes, alternative arrangements, or relocating for career – schedule it don’t text it as a “byline” or hashtag item. No one likes to be blindsided. Remember either you are working for or against each other when it comes to “energy”. Heated discussions can be healthy when they allow you to vent and reconcile in the throes of passion. Avoid jealousy mindgames. Be direct about what you want. Things could backfire if you don’t. Try your best to practice honesty in the relationship by using different kinds of communication. Invent a relationship to fit both of you or come to a mutual decision to “move on” in different directions. Want to renew vows? Celebrate a honeymoon by shopping for post-holiday getaway packages using “off-dates” for the best deals. It’s all about what is worth fighting for together.

DELIVERANCE! What wonder will you achieve in 2015?

CHECKLIST – Ways to Self-Create Effectively with Jupiter  1. Understand we are all living at different intelligence levels so “respect” life.  2. Stay regular with updates on personal astrology “transits”.  3. Try different kinds of metaphysics to see which fit you. Apply what you learn from self-help blogs or reading material. See what herbs work best as blood cleansers to enhance a healthier immune system. THIS PREVENTS VIRUSES. Read about power foods.  4. Take more well calculated risks by doing the research on markets you wish to work in. You need to see what’s “out there”.  5. Avoid ego battles. Be selective about what issues you choose to take a stand on and have “facts” to prove “opinion”.  6. Say what you mean and mean what you say.  7. You can say “No” and “No thank you”. Don’t be afraid to do so.  8. Be honest about personal strengths and weaknesses you can turn into “challenges”. Challenges make us stronger, better, faster, and smarter.  9. Try not to be so judgmental when others disappoint you. Be fast to give the “benefit of positive thinking”. It’s human to screw up but it’s the angel within that forgives and perfects what you produce.  10. Find ways to be famous for the right reasons. Intentions are the building blocks of “karma”.  11. Express what you feel! Holding things in only creates health complications.  12. Devote daily time towards meditation.

 13. Practice more “gratitude” with daily mantras, inspiring literature, and journaling. Create reasons to wake up and be “happier”.

Happy Holidays & Good Cheer! Be sure and tune in for January’s issue. When we discuss: The New Moon in Aquarius and more!

HEADLINE Choosing Your Career By Your Zodiac Sign – Leo

SUMMARY A huge part of getting the most out of life is doing and being what one “loves”. We use an astrological approach to finding one’s best career match based on one’s Zodiac placements.

BODY Like Love, Career placement – meaning finding the best career for you to employ can be linked directly to your Zodiac sign. But which one and where in your astrology chart can this secret best be discovered? Remember going to the Guidance Counselor and going over your test scores? Pencil in mouth, and a rather twisted facial expression conveyed a plan as to what job you are best suited for? Trouble was with this scenario most of the discussions from these assessments turned out to be WRONG. How may people have wasted their time doing jobs they utterly hate just to pay the bills? This creates hostility and “depression”. It is depressing when we are told as little children we can grow up to be whatever we want, and then others act as “hindrances” to reaching our dream or ideal state of “wellbeing”. This takes a toll on one emotionally when dreams go on unfulfilled. We can’t ignore urgings to secure truth, people. We strive, because life does. It keeps on moving. Are you striving after ideals? Are you achieving them? Or, going for the “easy ticket” to nowhere? Be willing to explore your secret garden. Some are, but sadly – most aren’t, and there are those who “just aren’t sure” of what they should be doing. All they do know is bills keep coming in and have to be paid. But what if you could do what you love and be paid well for it? What if doing what you love leads you to a whole new lifestyle?

Leo, Born (August 17, 1893 – November 22, 1980) Mary Jane “Mae” West was an American Actress, Singer, Producer, Executive Producer, Playwright, Screenwriter, A-list Vaudevillian, Silent Movies Bombshell, Comedienne, über-sex symbol, and the 1st real Queen Bee of Hollywood. Her entertainment career reigned for 70+ years.

– (Mae West) – Long before Mary Jane West began a humble career in vaudeville at the ripe old age of 5. Long before Lady Ga-Ga, Janet Jackson, Aaliyah, Jean Harlow, or Marilyn Monroe there was Mae West and the bombshell brand she created to sell “tickets”. At a very young age Mae realized the influence of the “Wow” factor. No there wasn’t a Simon Cowell to judge her but she reigned and ruled Hollywood as one of its elite for a span of more than 70 years. She coined one of the most famous phrases in history. “Why don’t you come up and see me sometime?” and who can forget – “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” Every young girl in America dreamt of either being or becoming Mae West. She turned glamour into worship from doting male fans and female admiration. By AFI standards West is the 15th greatest female star of all time. More than a triple-threat West learned the entertainment just to teach it new tricks as a trade and trade marking process. She made $$$ off being a real character and caricature of herself. She didn’t cop or steal anyone else’s bit to put chops on the table.

She was a real lady’s gal and a real guy’s dream turned worst nightmare – a dame with a body for sin, a head for business, a drop-dead coca-cola shaped figure, and more sass than a New York Drag Queen. You can see her style in more than just music stars of today. Just look at RuPaul’s hair & makeup, sashay, and divine looking face paint. It is very Mae West a dame, a Madame, and a lady mixed with lots of organic bitchiness. Mae said things that would make folks just “____________”. Yeah she did that. Even into her 90s Mae had it going on and would often be seen being in the company or escort of several young and buff studs. She channeled the raunchy side of the Goddess as a real shiksa. That’s a Hebrew slang for a woman who is loathed – mostly by her own kind. She’s the reason you grab your guy’s arm – to make sure he isn’t stolen away from you. Yes, Mae found a way to turn a personal problem and moral mark of scandal into $$$ waves and oceans of it. Her movies were box-office money mills. Her movies were the few guys didn’t mind taking their best girl, too. They could fantasize better and get away with it in the dark movie theater. She was real about our carnal and very human side of telling things like it t-i-tis. When it came to a division of the sexes expressing sexual freedoms she took exclusive pleasure putting them in their place. West knew the gossip or the “tea” that’s slang for a woman who collects secrets and uses strong Wicca abilities to manipulate and maneuver. West had a strong dominatrix side a very Leo and Virgo trait, in that department – ahem. So anyway Mae was the first businesswoman on record in Hollywood with “green light” power. This gave power and access to more power to produce passion projects. Few women in entertainment come close to having her moxy except actresses like Jane Fonda, Sophia Loren, Lucille Ball, and Marilyn Monroe when she negotiated her Fox contract with Executive Darryl F. Zanuck. Few women had any form of real power in the business side of industry. That was a strict “boy’s only club” for decades. To have be included meant a woman really earned her “stripes”. That kitten could be a real beastly jungle cat when it came to counting her duckets and buying bigger baguettes. Leos love luxury and luxurious living. They hate to have to read price tags it’s so “petty”. Leos can be shy but most are known for

having “balls” and they’ll test everyone in their pride to ensure it’s mutual. When it comes to friends or any form of substance it has to the absolute best a person can offer or the kitty will “walk”. There are known as the “crown”, Judah, and monarch of “anything”. They speak with authority and can check a person real quick when it comes to final say-so. Leo is fixed “fire” and second only Virgo in exuding a heated rage. Think Robert DeNiro in Heat and you have a good picture of the hidden side to Leonine “grace”. When they do something big they do it BIGGER and BETTER than expected which is why they usually earn “royalties” as entertainers. They are also the street gypsies and self-made moguls of some new industry. How? Leos think in terms of metaphysics. Genius of God Energy or “strength” when balanced they are inspirational to behold. Look at fellow Famous Leo and 44th U.S. President Barack H. Obama. Just as easily as they build they will destroy to rebuild “better”. Few understand the madness of Leos except other Leos or those with lots of “Leo” in their chart. Leo rules either with a kid glove or an iron fist. It’s their way or the highway and even that is up for debate should the Sun not shine when they speak. Leos bestow benevolence its what makes them so gracious, royal, and well, Kings & Queenly. Unlike a lot of Hollywood Starlets who claimed to put a stogie out in some executive’s eye – atchoo Bette Davis – Mae used intelligence over flouting her fantastic figure. Like her “act” on stage and screen she used creativity to write contracts retaining creative control on her projects. When she guessed on the shows of others they knew what they were buying and buying into. Mae was bringing “heat” and the light of a very magic wand used to manifest insane wealth. She showed with proof “why” her films should be financed. It was through West, Cary Grant would get his big break as a leading man. West used her clout to open doors and make things fair for women’s liberation and gay rights. To her we are all the same “spiritually” and that meant no one person could be seen as being more valuable than another. This showed a

profound spiritual take on “live and let live” long before Hollywood began to open up and diversify its business models. Nowadays there are more ways than

ever for any “minority” to rise to one’s personal A-game level thanks to metaphysics going mainstream. Back in Mae’s day this type of knowledge was kept secret and rarely exchanged in “open” places. Hollywood was highly superstitious – nothing like it is today – or have things changed? If Mae were alive and starting out as new talent would we buy what she was selling? Yes? You know why? Sex sells and it never goes out of style. However there must be a moderation of “class” added in. West was known for outrageous outfits that complimented that body for sin. But she wasn’t one to bring out the “big gun” unless it was for a laugh or shtick for pay. The biggest key for Leo is “staying happy”. Naturally curious you are quick to get into mischief when left to your own devices of leisure. But the good part is the satisfaction of knowing what you didn’t know before. It’s extreme pleasure when you discover you were right and the great disappointment when “wrong” or wronged. They are huge on manners, etiquette, and being on time. So the best careers would any involved with teaching, children, God, theosophy, spirituality, psychic and holistic medicine, technology, and making the learning process fun. Leos are not only Big Cats but they are Big Kids at heart because Leo rules the “heart” and is key to understanding our own. You’ll be happiest every time you follow your heart regardless of what others have planned for you. Leos are excellent planners, foreman, architects, mathematicians, executives, managers, and working in any facet of management. They’ll keep coworkers inspired, time conscious, and productive. They naturally raise the standard where they work and when ever they love what they do for a living. But Leos must be careful of being royal pains in the “atchoo” – fill in the entendre. Leos there is one simple fact about life you can’t deny. Everyone will not like you but they will love you enough to find you “likeable”. Yes, that’s a riddle within an equation but like a kitten with a favorite ball of string you’ll play with it. Then you’ll laugh because you “get it”. Remember everyone won’t “get you” or those

radical ideas you spawn and spin, until you show them with facts. Aries pioneers but Leo will fight the good fight. Working with you hands is therapeutic

and many of you make excellent landscape business owners, contractual carpenters, masons, and plumbers. When it comes to fixing up a home no one is more devoted well except maybe Capricorn. Whatever you agree to complete, follow through or don’t commit. Leos are notorious for granting pardons, which become overwhelming obligations. Never agree to things while you are “angry”, upset, or frustrated. It is a form of un-doing when you can’t reach expectations. You have a tendency to hate to let others down. But as long as you are doing your personal best that is all, which can and “will” be asked of you. Don’t allow others to use guilt or devalue what you contribute. This is a form of stealing that thunderous roar you possess. You can tackle anything with hard work and devotion to task. Put heart in all you do and give it all you’ve got to give. When you focus you concentrate and this attracts the “mountain” to you. Leos are gifted with amazing telekinetic abilities and where you have Leo means you must concentrate on what you want to “beam” it to you. Daily meditation and yoga are lifesavers! There are several easy and quick moves you can do on the job. Having a way to de-stress is also vital to your immune and life support systems. Family businesses work especially well for Leos. Again the magic ingredient for immediate success is “loving” whatever you do. Others feed off what you say and find it soothing to the soul because you speak whole truths or you won’t speak at all. Many Leos working in accounting often work for or with people of great influence. It is here you make friends in “high places”. Leos often do things on a favor for a favor basis and this is also how you successful meet goals by doing kind deeds from the heart. This gives providence when it’s your time to shine or be promoted you won’t be ignored. Others sense how genuinely you care because it shows in actions. The first thing Leos do when they make it is big is to help those who helped them – 1st. Loyalty is a huge bonus you add as an asset to any company. You expect it

in return and so does Scorpio. Leos are notorious for working with the same people or only those they are familiar with.

Entertainment a Leo-ruled “crown jewel” industry is based greatly on “who” you know and “who” owes a favor. You’ll often see Leos with eccentric genius working hand in heart with Scorpios with the capital. The bonds are soul deep and when it comes to making money both see things the same way. If you stay true to the positive or cheery side of Leo doors will always open – gladly. Who doesn’t love to be entertained by monarchy? The 5h House rules – Recreation and leisure. Entertainment and being entertained. Showmanship. Creative self-expression and communication. The whole truth. Games and gambling activities. The act of taking “risks”. God energy. Authority. Honor. Nobility. Friends in “High Places”. Favor. Courtship. Happy endings. Problem-solvers. Executives and executive decisions or orders. Competition. Exclusivity. Adultery. Idol worship. Popularity. Fame incarnate. Rage. False pride and ego trips. Management and management style. Flair. Flamboyance. Pursuit of the best Education. Ivy League. Culturing. Writing. Superior attitude or “Alpha” personalities. Royalty and Monarchy of any industry. Strength. Will and will power. Kingdom, brands, and big picture thinking. Games and gambling. Sex, pleasure, and dominatrix professions. Sex appeal. Talents and ability to “cun” and “con”. Swag Appeal. Mojo. Magi or gift of prophesy. Being childlike or “innocent”. Children. Love & Romance. Now let’s take a look at how Mae progressed and blended the spiritual into the material. Spiritual Goals/Life Purposes

Material/Physical Goals/Purposes


West didn’t coin herself “Queen Bee” of the industry for nothing. Few knew this but West often wrote her own material and often improvised to add more entertainment value to fans.

Sex appeal

All you have to do is just look at the pinups and hear the familiar “growl”. West created the brand of being a

“bombshell” and Hollywood dominatrix. Men slaves were a staple in all of her vaudeville and movie acts. Superior or “Alpha” personalities

West coined and defined what a Diva is all about. She set example and precedent. She was also extremely bossy and always “in charge”.

The truth is we are still learning what works and what doesn’t. But the best place to look in your astrology chart to determine what career works best for you is by doing the research for the following Houses. House in Astrology


1st House – What appeals to you, objective


2nd House – How you will earn your money


5th House – What you’d love to do all the time True Passion/Love

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars,

6th House – Employment/trade/health 8th House – What others will pay you to do

Mercury (Vulcan) Pluto, Sun

10th House – What you were born to do and Saturn, Sun, Mars What you will be famous for Develop those yearnings into something you can mold or make as a new concept, product, or service that can add value to society’s habits. What can you learn from infinite knowledge to access eternal wisdom that provides a good living to support yourself?

Are these the questions, which are keeping you awake at night?

The Next Phase: Imagine Doing What You Love

Next, you need to picture doing what you love after you have researched the career options of the above placements. What do you identify with most? What activity best describes your personality? Those who excel at their careers have one big matter in common: they love what they do whenever they are doing or being the ideal. What is your ideal? This is again determined by the above astral placements and configurations in your natal astral chart (astrology chart). It also means being honest with you. Remember a job is temporary, whereas a career can be for a lifetime or successions of periods of such. Meditation will help to clear and clarify the cobwebs in your mind creating those doubts. What if I fail? What if you succeed? You won’t know until you try and give it a go. Life is too short not to enjoy it. The days where Dad just went to work and waited until the weekend to be “himself” are over. Now you and Dad can build a better tomorrow by being conscious of the “present”. It is by being aware of the choices to change the present we become fully aware of how to optimize the future. In our next issue we will take a gander at Virgo. So if you are a Virgo Sun, Rising, or have a great deal of Virgo in your natal chart – you won’t want to miss our next article in this series.

HEADLINE As The World and Stars Turn – an Ontological View of Monthly Astrology

SUMMARY Providing an ontological interpretation of global December 2014 astrological events.

BODY It’s end of the year and the beginning of a new rollover. 2015 makes good on what 2014 has delivered. 2013 was the Year of The Snake, 2014 is the Year of The Horse, and 2015 is the Year of The Wood Goat (Ram, Sheep). 2015 is about deliverance out of stagnancy. Like 2014 it offers good luck, prosperity, and abundance as a result of hard work, wise investment, and devotion towards what you “love” to do as a living. What does the future hold for 2015? First we must analyze December and mirror it to December 2013’s Grand Cardinal Cross. It represented all we went through and should now grow up from as life lessons. How can we as a collective planet make life better on Earth? How can we mirror and project personal heavens? Many will come out of severe hardship and fast financial turnarounds thanks to 2nd chances from benevolent VIPs who recognize real talent. It will feel like spring in winter during this Winter Solstice and mark of the end to a new beginning and fresh start. In fact the words “fresh, organic, and homemade” are buzzwords for instant successes in new wellness products & services. In fact for new businesses 2015 will be about advancement into foreign domains and markets. Online e-businesses, v-logs, and blogging have all become exciting new careers and for some niche industries. Metaphysics has harvested an amazing crop of fresh talent in the word and soon-to-be-great

spiritual gurus who put the world on its ear with shocking revelations, higher standards, higher quality control standards, and a new “bottom line” in savings. Thanks to favor for favor or “trade systems” we’ll see big ideas hit the marketplace. New faces in business, enterprise, and hybrid e-companies provide original platforms, social media venues, and communication devices to “stay in touch”. Emotional control and self-expression allow clarity, vision, and sharper psychic powers to be employed in greater fashions. There is a fly in the ointment so to speak. Power shifts ruptured in October and carried over as “political standoffs” make terms like world peace almost possible. But wouldn’t it be great if it were all-possible. Not to use a John Lennon tune but…imagine a world where people weren’t killed off like “roaches” with viral pesticides. Yes, nature must balance but all this “extra” is it really necessary? There has been a huge onslaught of UFO and alien sightings. To be fair the term is not either of these but in the esoteric realm these foreign life forms are “angels” and in some cases Arch Angels. We were fore informed about this back in September when the “Purple Triangle” caused mass healing frequencies of higher psychic awareness. The blinds are off and the whole truth is on the table. Humanity is experiencing a celestial audit of past karma. Saturn entering Sagittarius and Jupiter retrograding in Leo are huge clues of a change in global climate. But the elements show favorable transitions to enhance harmonious ways of communicating, coming together, and thinking bigger. The world is expanding and there is a huge baby boom coming. This means “deaths” and death quotas. Other spiritual sources are predicting this shift to occur as natural world catastrophes when nothing could be further from the heavenly truth. Yes there is a mission and purpose but is also a grace and simple kind of mercy to be extended. Neptune retrogrades in June and turning direct in November was huge! It helped us come to some cold hard facts about our actions and the importance of clearing old karma from the past and for Twin Flames, past lifetimes.

Deep feelings came surging to the surface on how we handle our emotions and the effect they have on loved ones, family, employers, and business partners. More companies changed templates to a more family environment to establish intimate but professional relationships. We had to learn how to get real to be real about perceptions. Realization of other life forms stimulates higher levels of tolerance and a reason to understand what we don’t know a lot better. Psychic frequencies drove greater reception of metaphysics, the occult, and the esoteric. Chiron continues to urge us to find wellness healing systems we can stick with as lifestyle transformations. We are no longer divided by distinctions in class, status, and aristocrat thinking. Instead, we are united in securing “survival” – and exploring planetary “home” alternatives. Why? If you aren’t aware Earth is “tapped out” on certain natural resources and others are under heavy restrictions and sanctions. There is a need to “share, redistribute, and re-value” what we consider to be wealth. Health is by far the newest “commodity”. Expect changes in insurance legislature and coverage stipulations due to higher need for medical care thanks to the virus epidemics. We will need to take a different stance on “taking off the bottom” instead of the “top” mentalities. For far too long we have allowed the standard of education to turn off the lights when it comes to allowing the “financially challenged” access to pools of “better circumstances”. Cosmos switches the tables throughout December. Yes we will enter a new month of safe havens but we are also inside the Lion’s Mouth. This makes it impossible not to hear the roar of “spiritual awakenings” around the globe. With Regulus at home in Virgo, Jupiter in Leo is demanding we learn how to organize and re-organize a flow we can all live with. A new world standard is what forms the New World Order. Regulus will create power overthrows if egos are allowed to get out of balance. Watchdog organizations will be active in regulating fair trade, practice, and standardization patterns. There will no longer be “separate but equal” resources. Families learn how to get along and “humanity” + angels = One Bigger Family. We’ll adopt

more democratic and tribal hybrid governments, bureaucracies, and agency controls. Opposing elements makes the strangest bedfellows in politics. With industries like medicinal cannabis making a huge splash in generating payola it’s time to take a broader view about “standards”. The only true method to dissolving barriers is by putting our true feelings out in open forums. That’s right – forums – there has to be a method to our madness. Expression and self-expression is no exception but can become the means of establishing real “standards”. Just “imagine” if all the people in the world could sit at the table and discuss our issues over “family dinner”. What would the conversation topics be? How would we learn how to keep our cool during heated discussions? How can we come together to make a better environment to live and thrive in? Higher standards mean more variety, competitive markets, and an international acceptance of domestic issues. We have to consider the heart of a matter before pronouncing judgment. People can change because planets and stars change zodiacs. Each transit brings about a different challenge, blessing, or gift of power. We have so much to inherit from our heavenly thresholds but there is no space for greed in a period of abundance and prosperity thinking. With Leo we earn what we learn. With Virgo we care and share. Besides we can’t take it with us as reincarnation memory flashbacks remind us. Put “beefs” out in the open but find creative solutions when it comes to communicating in a way that doesn’t “offend”. Propriety, manners, and etiquette go a long way when it comes to making headway. Public awareness climbs to amazing levels of perception because we are all smarter thanks to metaphysics and metaphysical thinking. We have options to make huge strides of success at progressive measures. We can’t let things like limited natural resources keep us from regrouping and recalculating better systems. It’s time to be devoted towards “peace” and pursue more ways to just stay happy for longer durations. We have much more useful ways to use astrology in mainstream planning, understanding, and comprehension of cosmic activities influencing “this” Earth.

Remember everything comes in “pairs”. So Earth definitely has a “twin” and so does our solar system. But nothing can or will be revealed until we learn to share and try to care “more” about our own health and wellbeing and stop polluting the planet with lab-concocted diseases. Truth is we think we’re happy with half-truths but in reality once we know the whole ones – there is nothing like the real thing. It’s time to show how much we can really “love” each other and mean it. With coming to know “our true purpose” will come the peace of knowing “why” we will be delivered from our own “self-imposed” hells of “selfish behavior”. It’s time to end the “lust” of money and stop adding the word “blood” in front of it. December 3 – Saturn, Uranus (R) – Scorpio, Aries Events happen beyond our control so we start by learning how to control our own tendencies with holistic and alternative medicine. Whatever we focus on longest is what we attract fastest. What is the meaning of our life in terms of “lifetimes”? How can we be whole again? Many try Past Life, Karmic, Hermetic Astrology, or Tarot to gain “fresh perspective”. It’s time to renew and strengthen intelligence with higher standards in education and educational reform. Many step forward to publicly discourage cyber bullying and new laws are introduced for public elections. Finances will be strong and transitional thanks to new alliances formed between those with talent and those with money. Expect to experience rags to riches turnaround and “happy endings”. More workshops and teachers emerge to share wisdom about “karma cleansing”. December 4 – Mars enters Aquarius – 00’00” Themes related to Divine Timing teem over from yesterday. We are happily surprised by random acts of kindness from others, favor from VIPs, and passionate public reception. The world needs more experts and demands more psychic experts. Get on the ball with enterprise training workshops and programs. Get prepared to draw down serious lunar energy with double impact! Wicca ceremonies prepare us a potent Full Moon in Gemini. Hard luck becomes good luck stories when lucky breaks and breakthroughs manifest out of the blue. Time to think out-of-the-box when it comes to promoting real solutions. We learn it takes a team to make one dream. More efforts go into working together and harmonizing diplomatic resources. Expect to read more about “angelic” sightings and interactions. Heaven is balancing Earth. We’ll begin to adopt more live and let live policies in culture and government.

December 6 – Full Moon – (7:27am EST) – Gemini Whoa! Watch manic-depressive tendencies. Helping or healing others heals us in return. There is strength in numbers. If our planet is going to improve we’ll have to “grow up” and show others what we are made of. Indecisive mannerisms raise suspicions about leadership abilities. Expect to see new “chiefs” in charge of global communication corporations and huge FCC sanctions or notices for fair practice and higher standards. Health becomes a global concern when more viral epidemics break out. Thankfully we have wellness alternatives, which remove them “for good”. Expect to read more about people using herbal teas, parasite cleansing kits to get healthier and end Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes. It’s possible when we want it to be. Greater health awareness means more options in fitness, cross training, and learning how to live with our body types. There could be huge guffaws when VIPs make love choices no one saw coming – “from the heart”. Twin Flames mating alert! December 8 – Jupiter retrogrades in Leo – Passion sells, good karma attracts, and favors are given as acts of generosity from those in power. Headlines show celebrities responding with kind words to “every day people”. Have a champagne idea on a beer budget? We’ll find ways to make dreams come true by doing things on a “favor for favor” or trade basis. Salesmanship standards are raised and creative communication workshops are flooded with activity and “demand”. Soft selling is more effective. Good Luck arrives in Divine Timing and the miraculous takes us all by surprise. Expect to read about “eleventh hour” events and Divine Intervention. Creative projects are funded and selected for “financial support” from those at the top. Try free astrology transit reports. Prepare for success and attract it faster. Love relationships take more time as we get-to-know each other better by taking more time before “getting busy”. This can be good. Try astrology compatibility reports for guaranteed results. December 10 – Venus enters Capricorn – 00’00” Rare psychic powers allow many to “read thoughts” and provide what we want before we verbally ask for them. Intuition powers need training, focus, and direction. Workshops pop up all over the place to meet heavy demands for emotional wellness. Older persons or those with wisdom serve as “wishing wells” by offering timely advice and fresh perspective. We discover how to make opportunities happen faster by getting educated on learning universal and spiritual laws. The world welcomes new Stars in metaphysics, astrology, tarot, numerology, and runes to meet greater demand for knowledge. Fitness concerns make us more aware of self & body image. Explosions in

yoga, meditation, and self-control prepares us for the stuff dreams are made of! Life calls for better planning and bigger thinking. Love vibrations are “slow” but steadily progressing new relationships into soul commitments. Fate & destiny work hand in hand to force serendipity. December 15 – Uranus (R), Pluto – Aries, Capricorn Higher intelligence perks give us the power to “talk” through differences and come to better understandings. Life missions call many to take action towards achieving soul purpose. There is more to life and we want to know all about it. Life coaching opens doors to new careers and more customers for e-counselors. Charm is the magic word to transform wishful thinking into realized goals. The world engages in new ways to divine our fortune with updated hybrid astrology, numerology, tarot, and other forms of occult healing. Herbs and the herbal industry make huge leaps as more use organic measures to achieve inner harmony. We can’t neglect the health of our bones, teeth, and immune system. Do research on dentists. Read testimonies on their websites. Today’s aspect stimulates a “turn” for 2013’s Grand Cardinal Cross. This means “life takes a huge turn” when emotions trigger big decisions and radical events. We are growing up and crossing over into new streams to pioneer new frontiers in business, finance, and commercial success. Reconsider engaging in any criminal activities. This is a day luck changes, transforms, and re-news. Karma is balanced. The only way to play the game is to bring our “A-game”. December 16 – Mercury enters Capricorn – 00’00” Math experts get ready for real financial blasts. The world needs more experts with a knack for picking winners! Know a person who is? Working with the right people changes the world and makes it more creative! It’s okay to be picky when choosing partners for ventures. The world appreciates “good manners” and gentle persuasion to move in the right directions. In love we are more likely to choose a person with brains and beauty. We encounter and engage 5th Dimensional psychic awareness. The old is on the way out and the new has already begun. Get up to date with the best horoscopes, rune scopes, or tarot scopes. Investors shop for chops to predict shocking accuracy about “industry”. Learn how to grow your business with tips from professionals from timely business expos. This is a super rare talent the world truly demands to know more about. Self-help astrology courses will be a huge sell! December 21 – Uranus turns direct in Aries – We are this close to making something big go off without a hitch! Go all the way towards goals by being gung ho about seeing the finished line! Life coaches,

motivational speakers, yoga instructors, and spiritual gurus with proven track records are in huge demand. Transform negative situations with positive thinking and massage service. Devote personal time and space to “feel”. Staying focused on what we want to happen makes them manifest faster. Strategize risky financial moves with astrology and metaphysics to avoid being blindsided by getting more educated. Not knowing is no longer an excuse. December 21 – Sun enters Capricorn – 00’00 Uh-oh, expect to hear about major scandals hitting the headlines. Those in politics must present the package they are selling. The public will be like hungry lions to those who say one thing but get caught doing another. Public relations firms will have “field days” when news gets out and “fast spins” must be concocted to save face. Strange events of “fate” open our eyes and hearts to want to change for the better. Some make huge strides forward in career but at a cost of morals. Beware watchdog activities to bring “darkness” to light. There is greater awareness to do our part to clean up our planet. Expect an explosion of Save Mother Earth projects. Some find their G.O.A.T. moment with thrilling new forms of meditation, tarot, astral projection with the Higher Self, and mental clarity therapies. Education standards are raised in public institutions. When we know better we do better. As a collective we harness the power to achieve by believing. December 21 – New Moon – (8:36pm EST) – Capricorn Gateways of wisdom overflow “answers”. When we change “stations” in life passages are opened. New faces enter the workplace so be prepared to pitch in a helping hand for training and new assignments. Chakric Yoga becomes the hottest trend to work with universal and spiritual laws. Twin Flames, did you know you can communicate with telepathy? Go online and look up “Love Telepathy Therapy” for couples. Entrepreneurs, new artists, holistic “Superstars” raise the standards and emerge as Super Star talent with entertaining and popular How-to v-logs. Industry needs a metaphysical makeover. Go for opportunities to branch out and work with VIPs, celebrities, or persons of influence by offering out-of-the-box insight. Employees with eye-to-detail suggestions are recognized for hard work and taking companies in new directions. December 23 – Saturn enters Sagittarius – 00’00 We can’t motivate others when we aren’t motivated to set examples in “selling” ideas. Passion requires compassion to spark sincere interest. People have to feel or get “you” to buy in. Work on building with organic materials and good karma. The world is making room for greater contributions. RSVP to diversity job fairs, events, or red-carpet

affairs. It’s all being “genuine” and being seen in the right places. Astrology transits become super popular, as we all want to know what to expect from 2015. Transform the “likeable” into the “loveable”. Fax “press releases” to the right news junkets or promote via social media. The world of shopping is buzzing with everyone hoping to catch timely Holiday sales. Twin Flames enter sacred unions and possibly marry. Finally! Saturn is the planet of all “soul connections” and Sagittarius is “the flame” of love keeping us alive. Look for ways to combine the two in activities of “oneness”. Couples assess strengths with astrology reports and Love Tarot to weather current emotional storms. Tests bring us closer to the ideal or, “closure”.


HEADLINE What’s New? – Books, products, services, and concepts in Astrology

SUMMARY Check out the latest trends - in metaphysics, herbs, astrology, numerology, and spiritual gnosis. Using a 5+ star system to rate each for value. We keep you in the know! We are your ONE-STOP “go-to” for real wellness 411.

BODY Between the Gates: Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and the Body of Light in Western Esotericism Book This book contains direct experience about lucid dreaming, astral projection, and the Body of Light. Focus and practice unlock the doors of perception. From cited experiences, confidence is designed, constructed, and concentrated into effort. Uncover profound revelations on how to balance our natures using personal strength awareness.

HOW-TO *****

By Mark Stavish

Teach Yourself Astrology Catch the wave of learning more about you! Astrology has hit our mainstream and become popular again. This is a book that is easy to understand and employ on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis of fore planning. Get to know the lingo used by the professionals so you know what questions to ask. Be more familiar with zodiac powers to optimize Good Luck.

E-Z to understand! ***1/2

By Pandit Gopal Sharma and Pracharya Sewa Ram Jaipuria

Parastroy Program Have you been having headaches? Experiencing nausea or chronic fatigue? Do you move and feel zapped of energy? Dr. Oz thinks it could be parasites and he’s not alone. Many worldwide are complaining of similar symptoms affecting proper digestion and release of toxic gases related to Diabetes Type 2, obesity, cancer, and several other major ailments. **Please consult a physician prior to use.

Prevent Viruses organically! *****

By Nature’s Secret

Pau d’Arco – Herbal Tea Pau d’Arco has been used for ages as a popular blood cleansing herb and tonic. Enhance the immune system and build a perfect body with the right organic defenses. This is an excellent tea to drink after yoga and before meditation to improve clarity and mental functions. This is a great tea to daily remove toxins and lower blood sugar levels. You’ll also dramatically improve blood circulation. **Please consult a physician prior to use. KILLS PARASITES, DEEP CLEANS BLOOD *****

By Traditional Medicinals

Linda Goodman's Love Signs: A New Approach to the Human Heart Master astrologist and bestselling author Linda Goodman gives an in-depth POV of metaphysics and love astrology. Which zodiac works best with which and “why”? What is the magic ingredient to harmonize “incompatible” aspects? What is your love astrology type? Get this book and read the answers. You’ll be super glad you did because it helps you clarify what you want most in a mate.

Bestseller! *****

By Linda Goodman

HEADLINE Ask Anne The Astrologist – Vol. XVI December 2014

SUMMARY Syndicated column - global “Super-Psychic Phenomenon” astrology columnist – the fantabulous Ask Anne! “Honeychile! Let me help guide you with common sense astrology!”

BODY A-HA – HAPPY 2014 Y’ALL! Yes sirree, we made another dent in the tank with this one. Fortunately 2014 is all about more Good Fortune and serious reversals of luck as wealth is passed from one hand to the other, like bread at Mudea’s table - no, not that one. Well get the butter, honey, and hot sauce ready – good eating is in store for those who used 2013 to well prepare for “joy, prosperity, and spiritual reckonin!” If you didn’t, Chile sit down find yo’sef a good coupla books and ketchup! I’m Anne The Astrologist and I’m so glad to be a part of this wonderful magazine. Expansion of markets always means great news for those in my profession because we can share our knowledge with bigger ponds, Honeychile. I’m all about “expansion”. So a bit about me, what I do and have done in the marvelous field of astrology, darling. First, like mast of us who are born aware, I knew there was something different about me. Growing up as a child I’d play with my cousins and they would say or do something to hurt my feelings. I would think a thought and see it come to pass. At first this was scary to my cousins and to myself, and it made for a very interesting and often times lonely childhood. The good part of it all was it made me aware that we are not alone on this planet. No sirree – this place is cohabited and shared with the spiritual realms in simultaneous timing. Isn’t that cool? It’s called dimensions. Honeychile, we have plenty of time to discuss that. Now about my gifts – I am a Clair-Intelligent, telepathic, telekinesis, and an Earth Angel sent here to help bring Earth up to code spiritually. We all are, actually but we need more to step up to the line and share their light. Hopefully this segment will encourage you to do so. It’s not easy living life in a conscious mind of doing the “right” thing or action. So I’ll be sharing my letters I receive in hopes something jibes with you and gets your “motivated” in a positive way to take more control of your life. You are special, and not just because I said it – but because it’s true. You have to believe it first and this is how I can help. Storytelling is the best and oldest form of “inspiration”.

Emerald Gal, 44 – Seattle, WA writes: Happy Holidays and New Year Anne, I really have a big question and favor to ask. I was offered a dream position but it’s in another state! Is it good for me to make the move? Clueless in Seattle, – EG, Information is 4/12/70, 8:12am ST – Helena, Montana – Happy Holidays & Good Luck Emerald, Congratulations on your new opportunity Emerald Gal. 2015 promises to be a huge year for big positive changes and returns of good karma. For you this will be a life change, I s’pose? Fate and destiny catch up to you throughout December and it appears you are right on time with transits. Let’s see what to expect.

Figure 11 Emerald Gal's Profile

So let’s put on our super capes and up, up, and away to a better future for you. Asc – Gem 13.39, 4th – Leo 13.54, 5th – Vir 12.36, 6th – Lib 25.07, MH – Aqu 13.54. Reviewing all the above placements and their synastry with your Pluto, Lilith, Moon, Mercury, and Venus all show this offer is definitely fate and a new better destiny. In short this position will be a serious upgrade! Ooh Honeychile you’ll be living the good life real soon if you make the move around the first three days of December and the 15th – 17th is also highly favorable if you want to accept an offer before 2015. It appears you’ll also be gaining some serious “benefits” like relocation funds? If this position is an executive move activity in Eros, Midheaven, and Sapphos all give “green lights” to proceed as planned. There will be a few surprises to account for. That’s why the key word is “plan”. If you have to make a big move give a date you can start and take a short visit to spot a new home. You’ll luck into meeting the best people to offer a deal and who will work with you if you need certain kinds of arrangements or favors. Ask for leads or inside information on the best locations to scout from potential coworkers.

They’ll be happy to give you a few. Create a “moving” checklist of things you have to get done. It will keep you organized. Gook luck, and good cheer on the new move. God bless! – Anne Anthony, 59 – Dallas, TX writes: Dear Anne, I so love to read your column! It really makes my day to read what you advise and those southern sayins remind me o’ home. Was wondering could you help a brutha out with some sage words o’encouragement. I’ve been dealing depression and heavy mood swings. I’d like to understand why. Thank you for the love. – A. – My Information is 6/2/55, 10:52pm – Baton Rouge, LA. Hello Cher, I took a trip to Baton Rouge way back summarumma…Great to e-meet you and offer some keen words of gold. So with no par-tic-las I’ll go right in Ant-Ny. How do you like my Ebonics? LOL

Figure 12 Antony's Profile

Although I’m not a physician I do have a friend who is a “master metaphysician”. I hope you don’t mind me sharing your story Antony. With all of this ebola stuff going on they showed me how in reading transits we can see what’s really going on in our world. We are about to go through 3 major polar shifts in November but from how they explained it to me many are feeling the “effects” now. Or course there are other external factors from a “higher perspective” instigating this cosmic shift in nature. This is a huge

because there several outer planets now making major turns in our universe. Universe is the source of external influences on our planet. This past Full Moon in Taurus brought health issues related to “parasites” to the surface. This is where I’m headed in regards to your mental wellness and state of balance. You may need ot be tested for parasites and begin an herbal parasite cleanse. Check with a health care provider at the local health food or wellness store. Something like Trader Joe’s or a medically accredited metaphysician can create a package of healing systems personalized to your astrology. Asc – Cap 22.26, 6th – Gem 28.05, 12th – Sag 28.05, + Chiron and Ceres activities. Psyche in Aquarius influences direction you take to heal from karma aka repressed memories. I recommend seeing a Karmic or Past Life Astrology expert. Search for Past Life Tarot for a deeper explanation into what Psyche and Sapphos clearing Aquarius means. There is a feeling that something is running right through you to get to what it is you want and need to be whole. Experience tells me you are either about to meet your Twin Flame or they are already in orbit around you. Soul Mate and Twin Flame astrology is best for this part of the equation. Love influences us and some feel its effects to be like a virus, in a way that’s true. Twin Flames have no secrets and can read everything about each other. The 1st step towards true healing to stimulate that Ascendant, Chiron, and Ceres to be productive for you is “self-honesty” therapy. It means its time to say what you mean and mean what you say. Not doing so will be bad for health. Yes the truth, the whole truth sets us free. We are all traveling self-journeys back to “home”. The light is on for you to learn from life lessons and build a healthy self+body image so you feel confident. You’ll need it to sustain the higher frequencies which will affect the nervous and brain systems. Metaphysically we are tied to our Twin Flame and whether this person is around you in the physical or not their energy “is” and that is “wakeup call” to get prepared to meet the love of lifetimes. Expect strong feelings about the supernatural and pick up more reading material about Twin Flame and Twin Flame mating cycles in astrology. It’s absolutely fascinating! As a side note: I’d recommend setting aside 1 day weekly or biweekly as a personal “mental wellness” day where you devote an entire day towards self-healing, meditation, and anything related to getting back in touch with “feelings”. If you are running from feelings you have no real time to deal with life and this is what keeps the vicious cycle of “self+denial” on “repeat”. Stop having personal “Groundhog’s Day” moments. Act on feeling better. You can’t give what you ain’t got. Love self so you know what love is and can be to someone important to you. Bon vivant Cher! God bless – Anne

Got issues? Let me help you Honeychile! Please read my next column for more juicy and interesting “answers” – see you later for now Honeychile, thanks for reading and keep growing! --- Ask Anne

FEATURE HEADLINE Queen Ola Reads – Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil by Liz Greene PhD, and Robert Hand PhD

SUMMARY Saturn turns a new page and enters the next chapter in Sagittarius this month. It’s time to self-explore feelings so we can express them properly. For many this is a huge “backed up” process because it’s been so long since we just said what we are really think and mean as whole truths. Like a master valve the universal heart chakra is opening “ours” to communicate. We must prepare to engage with brutal honesty about our situation, this planet, and all the other life forms we share it with. Saturn…an Old Devil blows the lid off some shocking facts but we had to use astrology to see! Let’s blow our minds shall we?


ABOUT THE AUTHORS – Liz Greene, PhD – Greene is author of over 30 bestselling astrology books employing Jungian psychology and depth psychology. This wealth of information was the foundation for Psychological Astrology. She is from the UK and highly popular for her unusual observations on human nature and their relation to astrology. In 1985 Greene worked closely with Alois Treindl, founder of Astrodienst a major resource for annual ephemerides. To date she is one of Astrodienst’ most well read featured authors. Wearing many hats, she is co-founder and co-director of the Centre for

Psychological Astrology in London. Her books offer incredible insight to psychoanalyze using astrology and this is the key component to metaphysical healing.

ABOUT THE AUTHORS – Robert S. Hand PhD – Dr. Hand is an American astrologer, author, translator, and lecturer. In 2008 during the United Astrology Conference he was awarded the Regulus Award. He is considered a rare genius “wonder” in astrology and metaphysics. Hand began studying astrology in 1960 at the age of 17. Wilfred Hand, Dr. Hand’s Father shared the basics of casting astrology charts, specializing in heliocentric astrology and Cosmobiology. Wilfred successfully forecasted financial and stock market activities using “pattern identification’.

In 1972 went full-time into an astrology profession. He wrote programs for microcomputers to enhance faster, accurate calculations in astrology. Hand founded Astro-Graphics Services, which later become Astrolabe Inc. Hand founded ARHAT - Archive for the Retrieval of Historical Astrological Texts - in 1997. ARHAT translates ancient and medieval texts pertaining to the ancient/classical/medieval study of astrology. ARHAT Media Inc. and The Robert Hand Library house original texts of dozens of ancient, classical, and medieval astrologers/astronomers, philosophers, and scientists.

We are sensual beings and 100% guided by our own timing. This means what rings bells for one person doesn’t do the same for another. We have to find and establish our own comfort zones and levels of them. Where one person could be misconstrued as “lazy” the other person feels they are finally hitting their stride towards meeting goals. What’s the difference? The 2nd person feels that by performing at a pace of selfcomfort the damage that created the problem is removed completely. This leaves an opening for recovery, renewal, and resetting of the mind. When the mind is clear and the heart is open nothing is impossible! You really start to put the pieces together that gives those rare intuitive insights of genius on how to make a system work, flow, and organize faster and more productively with 100% accuracy give or take a degree. The more accurate you measure the process of destruction the

closer you come to seeing the best measure of constructive success – psychologically. We are no longer just treating the “problem” but the area influencing the “cancer”. Think of it like this say a Cancer patient needs an operation in a certain area. Opening the body cavity and cutting out the growth could stimulate growth in other directions.

Figure 13 Pgs 9-10

But by carefully looking at what was eaten, done, said, or felt when the cancer began we can safely assess how to un-do damages and make the right diagnosis. Parasites is one such instance of “ignorance” about using man-made drugs versus healing long term with nature’s herbs, plants, and flowers that naturally restore our bodily functions and renew its organs + organ systems. We are treating a whole problem on a whole basis of design. No more band-aids on “ouchies” that have gotten bigger. This is metaphysics in a nutshell. We are working from all angles to treat “one whole problem, issue, or irritation” of cancer. Cancer isn’t just a disease it’s also a metaphor about our habits that either heal or kill us. Take for instance the parasites epidemic, which is enhancing viral conditions that attack the immune system of our psyche. How are they really caused? What foods or type of foods should we avoid to prevent getting infected? How long should we use herbs to treat mis-diagnosis? It’s a maze and an amazing feat all in one.

Once we are healed and find the answers to the above questions we must act to create measures of prevention or “new laws” which prohibit certain types of behavior. We have to raise our standards by being honest then we turn the looking glass upon the world and share what we know to help others. This would eradicate diseases of all kinds if we all cared enough to share what we know and express our feelings. Epidemics are global warning shots for us to stand up and take notice of the decisions we are making and those, which seem to be mind controlled for us to make. It’s time to use the right spiritual “glasses” to assess the best tools for recovery. We need to pool belief systems so we can learn more about what’s “out there”.

Figure 14 Pg. 10

Now think of the other side of “Cancer”. Cancerous people – feed off the miseries of others for profit. They don’t care what their actions do to kill, maim, harm, and destroy the lives of others. They are about the bottom line, the fast buck, and even faster “fuck” of the mind to get control of those senses by keeping us under drugged restraints. As we head faster towards the light of a new day of thinking, higher perception, and wellness habits we can see for ourselves the life we’ve always wanted and perceive “how” we’ll get there. Healthier habits for us as “decision-making processes” entitle us to the freedoms of emotional bliss. It’s easier to be happy all the time when the body is physically and psychically fit.

2015 is the beginning of WAVES of prosperity and abundance thinking. This was the hidden reason for our Solar Flare activities, Uranus going direct, Saturn entering Sagittarius, and Jupiter retrograding. We’ll have surpluses of information to help guide, mold, and sculpt the ideal world to live, thrive, and survive in. We had to go through our worst to get to our best – if we take the right turns to establish new world sanctions which harmonize our resources instead of divvying them up as “trusts and controllerships”. No one likes to ask their big brother or sister for a roll of tissue every time you want to wipe your … but you would love the chance to earn a living to make your own money wouldn’t you? You just need a job to do that you love. You also need someone at the top of their game to reach out to you and give you a shot to make it at the big time by coaching you into the process. The biggest glue and key is “power” to believe you can achieve and knowledge at one’s access to do big things. The more we achieve the greater we believe in the impossible. This delivers us from manic depression and disbelief, disappointment, and a lack of will to live. Saturn…an Old Devil takes a deeper poke at these very topics and relate to a new but very old practice – of psychoanalysis and psychological astrology. Psychology helps us understand why we do what we do and astrology does the same with a few extra “bells and whistles”. It provides a brutally honest “mirror” of where we are in live transits or cycles and how to get out of emotional ruts. It’s like adding peanut butter and chocolate to create the perfect hybrid. It matters not how much prosperity and abundance comes if we aren’t equipped to handle the capacity of knowledge available to tap as “mindfulness”. Universe has expanded and it is looking within at “us” to pick up the baton and keep the power going. We have the “house” but we must observe the rules of the God energy and physics to keep living in the house. Earth is a “house”, home, and residence. We need to Feng Shui as a collective by getting more motivated about Mother Earth clean-up campaigns, movements, and drives to succeed. Earth needs time to heal and replenish natural resources. This means instead of killing off more people to use fewer resources we must think outside the box to redistribute wealth of money to fit and support those with wealth of knowledge and talent. The old will die and if we don’t want to be like Apple was after Steve Jobs’ passing – we must make better choices to promote new voices of genius and document processes. We have to think like Cleopatra when she invested in building the wonderful Library of Alexandria. We must remember her intention to centralize “knowledge” and establish wells of education. We have to create a home to culture higher intelligence. This is what all the cosmic activity is about a giant celestial library updating its’ catalogues of

information that either serves us better or makes us worse off from lack of proper use. When we run out of resources it does not mean we have to initiate fake wars to generate a public excuse to invade the homes of others. When your neighbor runs out of sugar do you want them to barge in or knock and ask? The same applies for political and foreign diplomacy. We are never too big to say “please” and “thank you”. It’s as simple as that when working with Saturn energies to directly tap “prosperity and abundance”. There really is enough for everyone. Even if there isn’t, there is still enough intelligence to figure out better options while respecting “life” and honoring the “live and let live” policies that keep us all “alive and well” to fulfill destinies. If we don’t slap food off the plates of our brothers & sister they won’t do the same in kind or greater to justify “theft”. In nature animals all steal but they do so for the sake of survival. Some of the biggest issues in the world would solve themselves if we just opened our hearts and allowed more diversity in “crown” industries. It’s not fair or just to say who can be “wealthy” and who can’t when you are teaching this in real life situations. When we don’t recreate the system it re-creates or destroys itself as “undoing”. In limiting resources and natural materials we also limit our potential. This is the regulation of Regulus in Virgo. We either get with the program to stir things up in a positive or there won’t be a “negative” to reconsider or reconfigure as “new options”. There will be no movement to other planets until this one is treated right, first. God energy won’t give more until what we have is appreciated, first. This too is a spiritual, universal, and natural law of nature. Nature stays in balance. We are the ones who answer for what we do and “don’t” do to make this world better. Pluto in Capricorn demands we pay closer attention and go at a pace of comfort to “financially and emotionally” recover. It really isn’t about what the world can do for us its what we can do to better the legacy we leave behind. We are earning “passes” into new realms, dimensions, and gateways of knowledge about “the whole cosmos” and how it relates to “God”. In understanding how universe works we realize how to work “our soul” better because now with organization – we have the right light to learn and read by. How can you read Books of Life when the lights are out or too dim to read? You could miss things that way. It’s our time to Jerry Maguire! It’s time to produce and count real breakthroughs in the conscience of “having a mission”. Until next time -- Namaste -Queen O.

COMING NEXT MONTH! Join us for January. We share our favorite metaphysical reading recommendations as – “Queen Ola Reads”. She puts the “fun” back in physics and there’s no weird science to her sage wellness advice. Meet well accredited Master Metaphysician – Queen Ola Move over Oprah, there’s a new Queen Bee bzzz-ing the best 411 about metaphysical reading material! Don’t miss out on the next Queen Ola Reads…Where she reveals her exclusive TOP must-reads for successful wellness living today! Get your soul growth ON!

HEADLINE Stir The Pot, Raise The Standard With Metaphysics|Saturn Enters Sagittarius – Feature article

SUMMARY Nothing is perfect until we see and perceive it as the “ideal”. But we are not the person we believe self to be when we exclude soul connections and their impact in our daily life. Saturn entering Sagittarius is the pairing of opposites. Astrology demands an honest answer, “What will complete you?” Let’s start writing that new chapter after reading this explosive article of “inspiration and optimistic outlooks”.


OVERVIEW Of all the countries in the world America is the least comfortable with being intimate and the most protective about setting “boundaries” of personal space. Notice how much room we naturally give and take to feel comfortable while speaking. However, here’s a keen observation the more comfortable we become with “self” the less uncomfortable we are in the space of others. We have to

recreate a true sense of self by being more honest with less in-your-face confrontation.


Figure 15

How can we enter new realms and crossover into new markets? It begins with embracing the culture of others. We all can express rights to live but we must respect how others live, as they like. That’s the beauty of America and its’ melting pot thinking. In a world full of competitive personalities we must progress to find balance. We must fight for what is benefiting us and be brave enough to “stop”

what isn’t. It takes big balls to push buttons, envelopes, and boundaries. How can the little guy compete with big guy mentalities and organization? We can’t take down old systems by charging the castle. We can transform system unless we use an “inside out” mentality of “winning”. We must show others why a certain business or industry is the best for patronage and support. It’s good to look out for self in financial ventures. Saturn enters Sagittarius December 23rd! Game set “match” are you prepared to free-fall into success? We are living in an age where the only sure path to successful outcomes stems from hard work, well-directed energy, and concentration of mindfulness into some “evolved” form of expression.

SHOW THE MONEY! POWER OF “EXPRESSION TO MANIFEST” Expression is how universe shows us the money! Ready to cash in those “karma” tickets? Ready or not here it comes – prosperity and abundance is no longer around the corner, we are. If you can’t go to the mountain bring it to you with metaphysics. First we must read the manual to how to drive Saturn energies and astrology placements. We have to discover what the coordinates are for our personal Big Fish Stories. Then we must trust intuition to get us there on time and in Divine Timing. How about opening the mind to try Tarot for answers? In allness there is no good or evil there just “is”. Labeling triggers karma and karmic reactions.

Figure 16

First - where are you receiving the most love from self? And what about from others? What kind of support systems are in place to make sure you succeed at goals? Do you have a solid idea of where to start life’s missions? Are you getting the love you need to satisfy passions and pursue bigger ventures? Are we getting the right education to be well informed and enlightened about life decisions and full accountability for karma? When we cook in the kitchen we have to clean up the messes we make. The world is popping fresh talent like popcorn from a violently hot skillet with NO LID. This creates the ultimate grab bag of goodies related to creative brainstorming. We have to devote time towards following through on promises, obligations, and commitments as “goals”. We must be less “selfish” and more “self-giving” & forgiving to counter past mistakes and break out of emotional ruts.

Whether it’s a lifestyle secret or closet habit, the image we project must match our life objectives. Saturn in Sagittarius “enlightens” and karmic debts are balanced. But – if you have been keeping up with personal horoscopes and being devoted towards life’s missions you are ready for the next level of karmic reward. Sagittarius makes us see life in completely new perspectives. It reminds us to keep an optimistic outlook by not tripping off the triggers that create personal disaster and un-doing. If we do the crime it’s a Yin and Yang we pay the crime. Are you planning a life based on savings for the future? Are you experiencing flashes of spiritual awakenings – aka growing a conscience? Real progress is about expressing and communicating from the heart. Can you say all you feel at one given moment curse word or plain? When we were kids we couldn’t wait to get away from adult and parental controls to express how we really felt. Funny, when we enter perceived adulthood we do our best to not say what we are really thinking because we don’t like to hurt feelings or feel rejected.

TAPPING WEALTHS OF INFORMATION THE RIGHT WAY But how will anyone ever realize and actualize the truth when they have no inkling of where to start to make it happen, first? We need more mentors, wise individuals, and sage professionals to share the wealth of knowledge. People will literally die without someone to care enough to tell the freaking truth. We have secret support groups that must take inspiring messages to light. Leadership is in demand and those in leadership now are being held accountable by celestial standards to make things balance out in the positive. We begin with finding our first loves.

Figure 17 Universal Snapshot summing up to 12/23/14

As you can clearly see above in this “whole truth” in regards to primary celestial bodies directing influencing our met-O-sphere. We had to start asking a famous Marvin Gaye tune What’s Goin On? Are you seeing what’s happening to forever change the emotional landscape of our world? If you are tapped in the Divine you have a very clear take on the next step in the right direction.

OPEN THE GATE! “Please?” & “Thank You!” Gateways of knowledge are to be respected, loved, and romanced. When a man meets a new love he has to convince her that he is the right guy for her by proving it. Are we? Proving we have the right to live on this planet? Optimistically in a perfect world yes – we are progressing. But in reality we must become more progressive about taking the right steps by defining what they are for each

person. Gateways represent and symbolize“intimacy”, pillars, and loyalties. Life comes in “parallels” either we are growing in one direction or the other.

Emotions are what clearly distinguish us for higher discernment of every day things. But on the other side of what we’d like to believe is what we can believe. That’s where we find the love. Focus on the positive and aiming for the real show of love from within is Divine Expression and this is what inspires people. You take an idea of quality and prove it by having an “all-heart” attitude. We go for broke when we love something or someone with an all-heart attitude. It’s that victorious win fans pay big bucks and reserve Sky Boxes to watch. We all love a good “fight” but it’s the odds of who’ll win out that engages the mind to follow and take leads of our own on personal battles. What if your personal battle can be shared in numbers of support? What if others see potential as you do? What if you give or do is beyond comparison because it makes others FEEL again? Feeling is that adrenaline rush of the impossible becoming the possible – again. We turn things around and flip this or that to get a clear picture of what “is” and how we fit into the universe of others? Well, you don’t. You respect the right to have a personal universe and ask for permission to enter by getting to know people.

That’s the only way to drop guards and the only way we’ll ever learn what we want to know about space, universe, and cosmic awareness. The closer we get to know whole truths about universe – ours, others, and the collective the more closure we secure to attain spiritual freedom. We are finally at a crossroads of intelligence to “be fair” about understanding each other. We drop motives, intentions, and just focus on what is wanted to be honest about it. We have to give each the right to say, “no” of “Let me think about it” by allowing time to make decisions when we are ready and not coerced. That old we are civilizing you to our standards won’t fly in today’s philosophy markets. There are way too many creative means to communicate to have so many misunderstandings about sharing “power” and expressing fear of losing it. “Why?” is a small word with huge implications because it makes us recognize what is working what “isn’t”. What works is what makes what and us “alive” doesn’t is what makes us “dead” inside. Spirit must have a soul to fulfill. Soul has to acquire wisdom to keep spirit engaged, interested, and filled with passion. Now is the time to get back up and in the game of life with fresh gear. New technology can only enhance it doesn’t do all the thinking for us. It also doesn’t reap consequences of an unbalanced conscience. Love, finances, career, and powers to manifest all depend on saying what we mean and meaning what we say. They also require full disclosure of the facts so you can make the right choice. Spiritually we have this choice before us to make as a collective. But we need the right “looking glasses” to read and disclose what is foresighted.


What we learn can bring us back to life or put us to death, and the same applies to “thoughts”. By tweaking our creative thought process like listening to different kinds of music, yoga, running, painting, or singing – we release toxins and inhale fresh perspective. We breathe life back into projects we thought were dead and dreams felt to be long gone. We suddenly have the re-motivation to follow through. Once a dream is fulfilled we should have an idea of what comes next already in mind. Do you? We have to build a love that will draw us back in to win the game and not just stay in it. Process has to be enjoyed to perfect the protocol that corrects structure. Expert positions come open in 2015 to create new crops of “all-stars” in every industry. This all ties with Saturn entering a “home” placing in Sagittarius. You see in numerology 2015 sums up to the number 26 and 26 is summed as 2 + 6 to equal “8”. Saturn is both ruled by and rules everything connected to the attributes of the number “8”. We’ll need a strong start to finish in 1st place. January 2015 is the beginning of a great fresh start if we are willing to “change”, adapt, and get deeper into releasing “old emotions” tied to past karma from lifetimes summed into this one. We must become less judgmental and stop labeling by using more “love” to understand. We can’t break barriers we must dissolve them and build new ones. This is the process of renewing passions. You un-learn to re-learn. You fall out of love to find a reason to fall back in. This is the WAVE, people – life flows in UP and Down patterns of completion. So what feelings will it take to complete who we are? What events are those feelings attached to as new memories we can create?

What new ground zeros can we rise to tap our best, our genius, and our angel within? How can we earn our wings? What can we do to put smiles on the faces of people we know, don’t know, and have yet to know? What and when will that moment come to graduate you into higher awareness? What great new invention can you add to worldly intelligence to make us think again about bad decisions? What advice can a future self offer the present self? All of these questions and so much more are brought up for rendering. Here’s a quick spotlight on what to expect if we get it right this time around and it looks like we can!

Spotlight Money, Business, Finance, Employment Some may have abruptly ended some forms of employment to quickly begin new positions at bigger companies. Expertise has to evolve by raising standards of excellence. We tweak and perfect our “best” to raise the bar so to speak and set new challenges. Saturn does the same with its rule of reincarnation. Saturn is the keeper of souls and it is from this planetary energy we receive our life lessons. Mastery at every level begins with a person’s Saturn based on the House it rules, connects to, and falls in as a far as zodiac and degrees go. We simplify answers and cut to the chase by getting right to the heart. We look at what happened to understand what could possibly be going on. Many of you are read to start businesses based on natural genius, expertise, and being gifted. After expressing “thanks” to Spirit and universe we begin to understand how our God energy is “turned on” to generate wealth, fame, purpose, and power of will. We must be willing to learn before the right teacher can appear. Perhaps you can get with a mentor or seasoned professional in your dream industry and ask the right questions to get a big project underway. This person could be so motivated and inspired they pick up the phone and call in a favor and the rest is new history. We have no idea what can trigger a turnaround that’s why it’s always good to practice good manners, grace, and a positive attitude.

The person letting you on the elevator could be the hiring supervisor for an interview you’re about to have. That person you let step in front of you at the coffee shop could be a big time celebrity or Executive Producer with clout to green light you. That policeman you spoke to and smiled at on the way to work could be the same one who lets you off with a warning later on. Serendipity works like this and so does “karma”. Saturn is the planet of both so in good-natured Sagittarius – it is only by understanding we in turn will be understood. We have to see life in terms of “the shoe being on the other foot”. We can’t ask of others what we wouldn’t do ourselves. We have to play fair by being fair-minded. Enterprise and commercial ventures must transact with transparent controls, fair trade practices, and rules everyone abides by. There can’t be an above the law attitude. That creates monopolies that remind us of characters like Citizen Kane. Do you want to live with a dictator or an angry Black Woman stereotype all the time? No? Good, you’ll succeed at whatever you reach for if you stop trying to control the resources of others and their rights to them. Real estate inheritances will be common now and especially from marriage, merging, or some form of partnership. The key is to be selective about who you “get into financial beds” with. Make sure their backyard and proverbial karma closet is clean so you aren’t paying along with them later. Check watchdog reports and make it your business to know theirs before signing any endorsements over. Ask for the right data and if you aren’t sure ask the best experts. It’s worth it to you in the long run to know what you are buying and buying into. Anything signed during this time will be on a basis of “eternity” or feeling eternal in duration. Creative? Make sure the persons you work with are people you want to work with on other projects. Chances are good they’ll be the “doors” opening to you as gateways. Don’t worry about missing exits. Jupiter in retrograde makes 2nd, 3rd, and 4th attempts to deliver “new offers, proposals, and contracts” needed to grow your business. Take advantage of events, expos, and any other forum to get educated on “How-to-s”. Experts sign up to set up shop and teach at expos, events, and diversity affairs. You want to be in the stream of making dreams happen because you are blessed with life long customers. Tell all you feel to say and hold nothing

back. There is nothing gained by keeping people in the dark or on the hook to profit from their ignorance. A clean conscience is a clean bill of health. Love, Family, Friends This will be the biggest charge felt from Saturn in Sagittarius. How unlimited can you feel about loving a person? How unconditional can you love them? How big can you open your heart without selling the soul? Are you spiritually compatible with the person in a relationship with you now? Can you be completely honest with them about every little thought and fetish? Few can answer that last question except for those at Twin Flame thresholds of understanding. Opposites attract under favorable conditions, in divine timing, and with lots of divine intervention. If you have been estranged from a loved one or Twin Flame – make the first step to restore forums to “communicate”. Neither of you can make the right decisions without understanding gained, first. Ask yourself - What is it like to be this person and how would I feel in their shoes in a similar situation? Where most seek not to get too deep Sagittarius dives in full of optimism that whatever the challenge is it will be overcome with devoted effort. Couples if you’ve been going at it for sometime on particular issues of conflict shift the focus towards what you can agree on. Start building a new foundation for the relationship in that direction. Don’t be afraid to try new methods to organize emotional clutter, blockage, and madness. Intimacy could be adjusted with a proper astrology compatibility assessment. Having it all in front of you gives you a fresh perspective when you have a person who cares about their craft to guide you towards what’s best or “who” if you are involved in any love triangles. You may need to extend thinking to look at how you please and satisfy each other. Try couple’s rewards using sex toys, games, erotica, and fun wordplay. It gets and keeps the juices flowing. Be more open-minded and swap feelings by seeing matters in role-play activities. Have fun and keep things light so you can move forward to make solid decisions. Sweeping concerns under the rug and buying “new rugs” doesn’t remove the problem it also doesn’t enhance love Feng Shui. It’s time to get ready and get real about what you want by going after it as a devoted passion. Find creative ways to

talk and be open. Stop letting excuses get in the way of bring more progressive and proactive. Do you want home to feel like home or just another personal hell?

Thank you! Be sure and tune in for January’s special feature articles! If you don’t, you could be “missing” out.

ASTRO*BONOS! - MAGIC KEYS TO UNLOCK POTENTIAL FOR 2015 As a special we are gifting you with a “magic key” to unlock each zodiac’s potential for 2015. You can get creative and use the keys in any place where that zodiac falls. We want you to tap extreme GOOD LUCK. Spoken words strengthen “wishing power”.

Enjoy! Happy Holidays, good cheer, and Happy 2015! You made it!

Astrology Today is the 1st of its kind e-zine created by Top Master Metaphysician and Expert Astrologist – “Queen Ola”. Queen Ola had an unusual childhood but shared a secret power with her Mother. It was gifts to interpret astrology, numerology, Wicca, and work the supernatural. There was more to light work Ola found, than just mapping folks’ stars and planets. It was a system of good health practices as components. It takes a whole system of organic means and herbs – to create spiritual wellness and “balance”. Ola’s Mom specialized in more than baking wellness cookies. She was an expert in iridology, creating powerful herbal remedies, and telling big time southern folklore that made folks laugh. Descended from a long line of royal spiritualists with white hair, unique eyes, and a penchant for reading “nature” – Ola was trained to become an expert Metaphysician. Metaphysics is the art of slowing things down to “study” and perfect. You know “tweak things a bit?” Now Ola shares the benefits of a lifetime’s work. All magicians have trade secrets and she is a master at creating formulas, keys, and easy to use personalized astrology for better results. Her information “un-picks” the secretly locked doors of destiny. Benefit monthly with observations that give heavenly solutions to daily problems. At last metaphysics now makes common sense by “re-thinking”. Build fresh perspectives that crop new and fun creative ideas. In addition to writing AT, Queen Ola blogs monthly to keep you - “in the know” – 1st. Subscribe to exclusive and #shocking revelations. Read keen business insights to personalize windfalls. Queen Ola is a master at reading – Lilith Astrology, Financial Astrology, Magi Astrology, Love Astrology, Soul Astrology, Sexual Astrology, Psychological Astrology, Jupiter+Saturn Astrology, Career Astrology, Quantum Physics, Strata physics, Metaphysics, genealogy, Ancient Egyptian Astrology, Advanced Numerology and expanding the realm of Shaman Astrology for commercial usage. Please feel free to leave comments about this e-zine at

**All images used are for the purpose and intent of education, enlightenment, and comparison of study. Please check with a doctor before using any herbal recommendations.

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